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Term paper vs Essay: Differences and Similarities

Writing is a continuous process if you are a high school or college student. And among the many writing pieces, your instructor may require from you are term papers and essays.

And while term papers and essays may look similar at face value, the two are different. In fact, so different are the two that if you confuse them, they may impact your grades. Therefore, a good look at them is a must if you are to avoid confusing, writing, and submitting one over the other.

But what are the differences between these two writing pieces? We look at their differences in the definition, structure, length, and other aspects.

Term paper vs Essay: Differences

Definition  .

A term paper is a longer, more in-depth piece of writing that you would typically work on over several weeks or months. Term papers are usually assigned in college courses, and they’re often written in response to questions like “How does this book relate to the course material?” or “How might this concept be applied in the real world?”  

Term papers are typically assigned at the end of a semester so that students can synthesize everything they’ve learned into one comprehensive document. The focus is on analysis, synthesis, and evaluation; thus, you must thoroughly research your topic and develop a thesis statement before you begin writing.

Also see: Hire someone to write your term paper 

Alternatively, a term paper can be assigned by a professor at the beginning of the semester so that students can begin researching their topics as soon as possible before any deadlines start approaching. Essays are usually assigned on an ongoing basis throughout the semester or year so that students can add new material whenever it becomes available or relevant to their research topic at that time in

Similarly, you can view a term paper as a much more in-depth assignment than an essay. In fact, it is often so long that it takes up most of your class time to complete. A term paper can be done on almost any subject and at any time during the semester or year.

Also, due to their comprehensiveness, term papers take considerable time and effort, so you should be extra careful when looking for a reliable source to write a paper for you.

On the other hand, an essay is a shorter piece of writing that can be written quickly. Essays are typically assigned as homework for high school classes or as a way for students to demonstrate their mastery of specific skills when applying to colleges. Essays often have an argumentative component, though not a must as you’re trying to prove something or argue against something.  

Further, an essay is usually shorter than a term paper and is meant to be completed in one sitting. Essays are typically short pieces of writing that focus on one idea or theme consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion while using specific resources such as books, magazines, or newspapers.

Structure and Length

Even though both pieces have a relatively similar structure, there are some key differences.

A term paper is a research-based assignment usually consisting of 10-20 pages, but it can go up to 30 pages in length for some classes. This assignment allows students to learn how to conduct research by themselves and present their findings in an organized way. Further, an essay is shorter than a term paper because it is written on a specific topic or idea, whereas a term paper has a broader approach.  

The structure consists of a title page, abstract, although not mandatory, table of contents, body, conclusion, references, and appendices. All these parts are detailed and may run into several paragraphs and pages.

On the other hand, an essay is short and can even be a one-pager. Essays have an introduction, body, and conclusion, all seemingly conjoined and not necessarily labeled, unlike other marked parts of a term paper.

Subject Matter

The subject matter is another key difference between the two. Generally, a term paper is broader than that of an essay. While the former refers to an academic discipline, the latter uses a specific issue or problem as the basis of its discussion.

A term paper requires more in-depth research on the part of the student because there are usually strict guidelines for how to write a term paper. The student needs to choose an appropriate topic, then find sources that will support their thesis statement. Once they have found these sources, they must evaluate them and decide which ones will support their argument.

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An essay, on the other hand, is usually written on topics that are personal or chosen by the writer. Essays should also follow specific rules regarding format, but they are not as rigid as those used in term papers because they are open-ended topics that leave room for personal opinion and creativity from the author.

A typical essay will discuss only one topic. In comparison, a regular term paper discusses more than one topic related to its field of study.

The purpose of a term paper is to help you learn more about a subject. The topic may be something you are interested in or not, but you should research thoroughly to help you understand more about the issue.  

In comparison, an essay’s purpose is to develop your writing skills and express your personal views on various topics. You don’t need to follow any format or structure while writing an essay. However, it should be clear enough for the reader to understand what you want to say. An article can be written from perspectives like first-person narration and third-person narration.

Further, the primary purpose of a term paper is to analyze an issue or topic, while an essay’s primary goal is to persuade readers to adopt your point of view. While both types of academic writing require you to do some research, a term paper should include more in-depth analysis than an essay.

Use of Resources  

With a term paper’s purpose being to help students learn how to research, gather information, and organize it into an academic writing format, resource use and citation are necessary.

You must use specific sources and resources to support your thesis statement. You must also find credible sources that back up your point of view on the topic being discussed in the paper.

In contrast, essays do not require citations. And even where your professor requires such, they are not necessarily looking for their authenticity, but if you know the different citation styles. This is because essays are not evidence-based but rather personal.

Essay vs Term paper: Similarities

Need for basic research.

Both term papers and essays require thorough research on the topic given by your teacher or professor. You must gather adequate information regarding the particular topic before you begin writing your paper or essay to write an original piece of work consisting of facts and arguments based on the research.

Similar Structure

Although not entirely similar, both pieces have a relatively similar structure. Term papers and articles have an introduction, body, and paragraph.

Key Takeaways

There are significant differences between term papers and essays, although they also have similarities. While an essay is short, more opinionated, and requires relatively less research, term papers are the exact opposite.

And now that you can distinguish the two, go forth and in the knowledge and handle them as required.

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What's the Difference Between Term Paper and Essay?

Is there really a different between a term paper and an essay?  Some often don’t think about since people tend to use each term interchangeably as if they are the same thing.  By the time you get to college, writing essays and term papers is something you are familiar with from grade school and high school.  Yet, there are differences between each that should be understood so that when you are expected to write either paper, you can produce content expected for the assignment.

Term Paper Description

A term paper may be referred to as a research paper in some cases.  They express viewpoints regarding a specific topic while allowing the writing to bring in personal ideas and insight.  They are often longer than an essay while averaging about 8 pages in length.  Term papers may require extensive research and thorough understand of the subject matter prior to writing the paper.  The writer often has the task of comparing information and then presenting their findings or results. 

A topic or subject is chosen and research is completed about it.  Analytical, cause & effect and argumentative types of papers are prime examples.  The writer also evaluates and compiles research data.  The information is restructured to provide a unique viewpoint of the writer.  Citations are included to note where data came from used to provide supporting evidence.

Essay Paper Description

With an essay you detail your point of view with less information.  Essays are usually shorter in length with an average of 5 paragraphs.  Some may find them easier to write since you don’t need a complete understanding of the subject matter.  These assignments are often given to students to help develop personal writing skills.  Thoughts are presented in a logical manner.  There are different essay types including narrative, academic and philosophical.  College level essays are usually academic and may be based on something they read or specific literature.  In this case, the writer evaluates what they read buy summarizing details and providing clarity on the subject.  Personal thoughts of the writer and perceptions of the reading audience may be included.  Overall, the paper is organized well with appropriate examples and factual information.

How Understanding the Difference Can Help Improve Your Paper

You know what to expect when it comes time to complete research.  You can get appropriate help when needed and know what sources may be best depending on what you are writing about.

Start writing with brainstorming. Any essay or research paper start with creating an interesting and unique topic. Most students find it hard to make up a topic that would interest the professor. The easiest solution is check the available college paper examples available online for free use. Read the topics, write down the ones you like, conduct a research and give birth to a great topic of your own. The alternative way is to read a newspapers, watch a television program and write about any current issue going on in the world.

Proofread and edit your draft. Make sure to check your final draft before submitting it to your school. Most students are so happy they've finally finished writing their essay or research paper, they forget to spell-check and search for grammar and punctuation mistakes. Most professional writers even use the help of editors (and actually pay them for their services) to ensure the paper is coherent, well-structured and flows well.

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Difference Between an Essay & a Paper

Jennifer brozak.

Research papers are more in depth pieces of writing than essays.

Whether you’re in middle school, high school or toiling away at college, paper writing is a fundamental facet of schooling. While essays and other forms of creative writing are common in English classes, you’ll also need to understand how to write informative pieces, such as research or term papers. By understanding the difference between the various types of writing styles, you’ll be able to draft compelling prose that is appropriate for any given assignment.

Explore this article

  • What Is an Essay?
  • What Is a Research Paper?
  • What Is the Difference Between a Research Paper and Term Paper?
  • Avoid Getting a Free Essay Writer

1 What Is an Essay?

One of the most common forms of writing is the essay. Starting in your later elementary school years and into middle school, you’ll likely be exposed to the five-paragraph essay, which is a fundamental starting point for creating longer-length writing assignments as you move upward through the higher grades. While they’re typically shorter pieces of writing (often under 1,000 words), they allow teachers to evaluate students on different writing, reading and analysis skills, including the art of persuasion and exposition.

Essays can take on many forms: They can be narrative, or tell a story; expository, or require investigation and evidential support; descriptive, in which a student is required to describe, creatively, a person, place or object; and finally, persuasive, in which a student is asked to argue a specific position on a particular topic.

As a whole, paper essay writing typically allows for more creativity than more formal writing styles, such as research papers.

2 What Is a Research Paper?

The phrase “research paper” can conjure anxiety in even the most adequate student writers. However, this need not be the case. In fact, it’s helpful to think of a research paper as an inflated essay. The structure will basically be the same, but you’ll need a thesis statement (which is not required in some forms of essay writing), significant research and evidence to support your ideas. You’ll also be required to include several credible sources in your paper, which will be listed on a reference page. And consider this: If you choose a subject you’re interested in researching, writing an informative paper can actually be quite a rewarding experience.

3 What Is the Difference Between a Research Paper and Term Paper?

Teachers, especially college professors, sometimes refer to longer research papers as “term papers,” which are similar in their structure and format. They’re expanded essays that will require evidence and credible sources to support your ideas. The difference lies in the subject matter. Research papers may allow you to cover a topic outside of the general subject matter (such as writing a persuasive research paper about global warming in an English class), while term papers will focus solely on the subject matter discussed in the course. High-quality research and term paper examples can be found on numerous sites, such as the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.

4 Avoid Getting a Free Essay Writer

A note of caution about submitting any writing assignment: While the Internet abounds with sources to help you in your quest to write the perfect paper, avoid using “essay generators” or hiring a free essay writer or buying papers from a database. Even if you’re procrastinating and panicking about finishing your assignment, it’s always better to turn in your own work. Not only do many teachers utilize online plagiarism checkers, but they also learn to recognize a student’s specific writing style over the course of an academic year. While it’s perfectly fine to use a term paper example as a guideline, it’s always better to submit your own paper or essay with minor errors than to attempt to pass off someone else’s writing as your own.

  • 1 SUNY Empire State College: Research Writing: Elements and Steps
  • 2 Enago Academy: How to Avoid Plagiarism in Research Papers (Part1 )

About the Author

Jennifer Brozak earned her state teaching certificate in Secondary English and Communications from St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa., and her bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Pittsburgh. A former high school English teacher, Jennifer enjoys writing articles about parenting and education and has contributed to Reader's Digest, Mamapedia, Shmoop and more.

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What Is the Difference Between a Term Paper and an Essay?

What Is the Difference Between a Term Paper and an Essay?

Are you a complete rookie in the academic writing realm? What is the difference between a term paper and an essay? Would you like to find out? Then make some time for a detailed discovery and stick with us. 

We understand that academic papers are confusing, and you might have some issues at the stage of defining the distinguishing features of each paper type. But you’ve got to worry no more as we’ll lay down the difference between the research paper and essay in simple words.

Why Is It Vital to Know the Difference Between Essay and Research Paper?

It might look obvious, and you do not question yourself much about the reasons you would like to discover this subject matter. But there are many benefits for understanding what unites several academic papers and sets them apart. So, here is the good side of knowing more about a term paper and essay:

  • increase awareness and general knowledge;
  • know what exactly the teacher wants you to deliver;
  • write faster and more effectively;
  • maintain your performance.

Understanding the Nitty-Gritty

We can’t figure out the difference between an article and an essay or term paper without grasping their core concepts. So, let’s see what these papers mean.

An essay stands for a short written piece that describes the author’s viewpoint on a given subject. Of course, the definition is vague as there are different essay types, but in general terms, it is characterized by a condensed form and the delivery of your point of view without providing much information from external sources. Of course, the essay can rely on published materials or other sources, but it should focus on the writer’s ideas and interpretation.

An essay is frequently around 500-1000 words long, so it doesn’t require much effort from the student’s side. 

A term paper is an academic assignment that relies on the deep research of the trusted sources and interpretation of the findings by a student within one term. This is a time-consuming task and can take several months for a student to complete.

It involves synthesizing information from different sources on a given topic and then interpreting them from the student’s perspective. Thus, it introduces new ideas or insights on the subject matter from a scientific viewpoint in around 5000 words.

What’s the Gap Between a Term Paper and Essay?

You already have some basic comprehension about the essay vs paper, but let us clear things up for you so that not a single hesitation is left.

The goal of an essay is to give a space for discussing the topic and sharing the student’s ideas. It also assesses the student’s understanding of a narrow topic or writing skills.

A term paper enables the learner to get a close look at the topic of interest and learn it in more detail through thorough research of sources.

Even though there are different types of essays and some of them are obliged to have references to other reputable sources, most of them rely on the student’s vision, experience, ideas, feelings, or emotions. 

A research paper, in its turn, has no place for sentiments, and it is written based on extensive research that enables a young scholar to interpret the findings and sum them up.

Depth of Understanding

When it comes to the extent of understanding of the subject matter, the essay allows the student to have some background knowledge to talk about it. You don’t have to go deep and study the topic from different angles. Basic facts are enough to create a stunning essay filled with your own ideas and attitudes.

However, that won’t work for a term paper. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate a thorough examination of the topic from various angles and sources. Thus, you really immerse yourself into the subject and get to know it really well.

There are differences in the topics the student is given for a term paper and essay. Since an essay is short, it usually has a very narrow aspect for the discussion. 

A term paper has more words, so you are free to study multiple topics united under a core theme. It means that the topic range is wider when you are writing a term paper.

An essay usually comprises three parts: an intro, body, and the final part. It’s written on a single or several pieces of paper without chapters, sections, or additional headings.

A term paper has a more complicated outline. It starts with a title page followed by an abstract with the basic information on the project. Then you should add an introduction, which explains why the topic is important and contains a statement. The body of the term paper has several chapters that reveal the subject from different perspectives. Finally, there is a conclusion that sums everything up. A reference list is a mandatory part of the term paper, while the appendix is optional. It contains images, tables, charts, or other materials that might distract the reader’s attention.


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Paper vs. essay: what is the difference?

I study humanities, and I do not know if it is discipline related, but when we assign a writing assignment (analytical or argumentative style), we usually call it a paper. "Please write a short paper on xxx," "our next paper is due...," "We will finish a term paper..." but I find many students, especially undergraduate students, seem to refer to the same kind of work as "essay."

They obviously have different meanings in dictionaries. But in the context of course assignments, are they basically the same? Does it depend on conventions in different disciplines?

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What’s The Difference Between An Article, A Paper, And An Essay? (Detailed Analysis)

School and college life revolves around different types of writing, including opinion articles, review articles, research papers, and essays. Each of these has a different length, structure, and level of research.

You can write articles on various topics and niches if you gather enough information. It is possible to format an interview into an article so that it can be published in a magazine or online publication.

A paper, on the other hand, is longer than an essay or article, and one must follow a specific sequence. There is an abstract at the beginning, followed by a paragraph, a conclusion, and citations at the end. 

There are a few paragraphs in the essay, all of which should be transitioned smoothly. The purpose of the essay is to persuade the reader through your logic and ideas. Different types of essays require different thoughts and writing processes. 

This article is all about differentiating between an article, paper, and essay, so if it interests you, stick around while we explore these topics.   Let’s get into it .

Page Contents

What Is An Article?

Articles are read by thousands of people around the globe and are generally written to educate people about something they’re unaware of. They are either published on an online website, magazine, or newspaper.

In the article, the writer expresses his or her perspective on a certain topic. The articles, mainly, are written to make people aware of a particular topic. 

What is an article?

Instructional articles include “how-to topics”. Interestingly, Google is crowded with this type of content. Look at these examples: 
The objective of this type of article is to convince the reader. 
Educating the reader is the main reason for generating these articles. These types of articles mostly help readers solve a specific problem. 
The components of a review article are similar to the research paper. Both start with an abstract, and an introduction and are always winded up on a conclusion. 

What Is A Paper? 

The purpose of writing a research paper is to fill the gaps other authors left while writing on a similar topic.

There’s a structure that one must follow while writing a paper . Before writing a paper, make sure you’ve read the relevant papers.

Another important step is knowing your audience. It’s worth noting that the papers have a different outline of the paper than the essay or article. 

What is a research paper?

Structure of the Paper 

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • References 

Steps To Write A Paper 

  • First of all, you need to pick a topic that you’re interested in. Choosing a topic you’re not interested in is never a good idea. 
  • Read at least five relevant papers. There’s no need to read the papers thoroughly; you should only go through the abstract part, the introduction paragraph, and the conclusion.
  • Write down the findings and gaps that you can work on. Most of your writing covers areas that other papers do not cover. 
  • The paper always starts with an introduction. Your thesis statement also goes here. 
  • Since the body part of a paper is almost 8 to 12 pages, you can add as many paragraphs as you want. 
  • In the end, you conclude your findings and give references to the sources. 

What Is An Essay?

The word essay originates from the Latin word ‘exagium’ which refers to the presentation of the case .

An essay is all about giving a verdict on the issue after looking at all sides of the topic with an open mind. However, you need to consider all the evidence . 

Essay writing comes with tremendous benefits. It builds a habit of looking at topics from various angles. Additionally, you get an opportunity to express your opinion after thorough research. 

There are three parts to the essay: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. 


One has to catch the reader’s attention from the first line of the introduction. The purpose of this is to arouse curiosity, which then leads your readers to read more.

In the introduction section, you give a little bit of an overview of the topic you’re writing about. It gives readers an insight into what’s coming next .

This would prevent most people from reading the bottom of your essay. Therefore, it’s really important to keep your audience hooked and curious.

Starting the introduction with some statistics or research findings is the best way to accomplish this. The most important thing to write in the introduction is the thesis statement. 

When writing a paragraph in the body section, it’s important to keep sentences linked with each other. They must be coherent.

There should also be backing to your ideas from some relevant studies or sources. The best way to do this is by citing quotations, statistics, and research papers.

Additionally, you should never include irrelevant data in your essay. 

The conclusion part includes a summary of the whole essay. You also write your findings or main points in this section of the essay. 

Is the Article Different From The Essay? 

There is always a thesis statement in an essay, along with reliable sources supporting the argument whereas an article solely represents your idea or opinion.

You’ll see very few articles that are written to persuade someone, while essays are only meant to persuade the readers. 

Is Article Different From The Essay? 

The tone and the structure of the article are indeed different from the essay. The articles are written in simple English, so users of all ages will be able to understand them.

The length of both pieces of writing also differs. There is no limit to the word count when writing an article. An essay can be as long as a page or as short as a paragraph.

It is recommended that an essay be between 1500 and 2000 words in length. 

Articles, Papers, and Essays: Differences and Similarities

 It can be as short as a paragraph and as long as an essay.The length of a paper is between 8 to 15 pages. The word count of an essay falls between 1500 to 2000 words. 
 The tone of the article depends on the niche you’re writing in. It can either be formal or informal. The tone of the paper is scholarly. Like other academic writings, the tone of the essay is formal unless you’re writing with humor.
  • Articles, papers, and essays have different purposes in academic and professional writing.
  • Articles inform readers on diverse topics. They engagingly present the author’s viewpoint. They’re often found in magazines or online platforms.
  • Research papers have sections like abstracts, introductions, reviews, methodologies, findings, and conclusions. They aim to fill gaps in the literature .
  • Essays look at different sides of a topic. They give a conclusion backed by facts and careful thinking.
  • Articles can be long or short and can be written in many different ways. Papers need a lot of research and must sound serious and smart. Essays use smart arguments to convince people.
  • These are different types of writing with different lengths, tones, and reasons for writing. Essays try to convince people of something. Papers are written to share information. Articles give people information that’s easy to understand.
  • Knowing these differences is crucial. It helps you communicate well especially when you’re doing school or college work.
  • There are different types of academic writing. Each type has its purpose. They each have different ways to make things easy to understand.
  • When you get the little details of these types of writing, it makes it easier to understand how they work. This helps both in school and at work.

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Term Paper vs. Thesis — What's the Difference?

difference between a term paper and essay

Difference Between Term Paper and Thesis

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Difference between a research paper, dissertation & thesis

When it comes to writing academic papers, students should have the right skills if they must succeed. Whether it is doing a weekly essay assignment, crafting a term paper, or doing research, the best learners are those who have mastered the art of literary composition. You should also note that understanding how each school paper differs from the other puts you ahead of the pack. Most of the schools, universities and institutions require you to undertake research at some point or another in form of coursework .

Differences based on the definition

Definitive differences between academic papers simplify things for a college newbie yet to write his or her academic paper. Now, on defining the thesis, research and dissertation, the following are worth noting:

Length of paper and methodology

Differences based on knowledge inference and hypothesis.

A hypothesis is an educated guess. Before you conduct a study, assumptions have to be made that something will turn out in some way. Most importantly, how the outcome will impact a population informs the construction of a hypothesis/thesis statement. In research and dissertation writing, students must exhibit a rigorous understanding of a subject based on a study. It is on this premise that they must come up with/infer a meaningful conclusion. However, when writing thesis papers, the formulation of a hypothesis comes after researching and writing on a subject.

Differences based on the approach

Mode of publication and utilization, differences based on the level of academia.

While students can write research papers at any level, they are most common at the undergraduate level. Completion of a research paper often leads to the conferment of an undergraduate degree. And when it comes to writing dissertation papers, the bargain is qualifying for a master’s degree, thusly; postgraduate, Mphil or MBA.  It means if you are not writing a dissertation to obtain a postgraduate degree, you do so as a means of enrolling in a postgraduate program. Thesis papers lead to the conferment of a Ph.D. degree or a doctorate as some scholars call it. Students who write thesis papers do so within the last two years of their academic life.

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Term Paper vs. Research Paper: What are the Differences?

Stefani H.

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Difference between Paper and Article for scientific writings

As I know, in most of situations (in scientific context) these two terms are used to point to same thing and even they are used interchangeably.

For example,

Theory of value with public goods: A survey article
A survey paper on cloud computing

Are there any major differences between them? and can we use them interchangeably in any context?

  • differences

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

  • 1 See also: article vs paper –  Martin Thoma Commented Nov 24, 2019 at 11:46

3 Answers 3

The following extract helps understand the difference between a research article and a research paper :

Research paper and research articles are pieces of writing that require critical analysis, inquiry, insight, and demonstration of some special skills from students and scientists. It is really overwhelming for students when their teachers ask them to write a research paper as a form of assignment. Students remain confused between a research paper and a research article because of their similarities. This article attempts to find out if the two terms are synonymous or there is any difference between the two.

Research Article

What do you do when you are a scientist or a scholar and have arrived at a solution to a problem or have made a discovery that you want to share with the world? Well, one of the best ways to let the world know about your piece of wisdom or knowledge is through a research article. This is a piece of writing that contains an original research idea with the relevant data and findings Research article is published in renowned scientific journals that are involved with works in the area to which the paper pertains. A research article is a paper or writing that informs people of a path breaking research or a finding with clinical data to support the finding.

Research Paper

Research is an activity that is given much importance in academics, and this is why assignments requiring research and technical writing start early in the school. Students are asked to submit a research paper as early as in High School, and they become used to the concept when they are pursuing higher studies in colleges. However, a research paper is not just these assignment papers written by students as those written by scholars and scientists and published in journals are also referred to as research papers.
  • What is the difference between Research Article and Research Paper?
• There is no difference as such between a research article and a research paper and both involve original research with findings. • There is a trend to refer to term papers and academic papers written by students in colleges as research papers whereas articles submitted by scholars and scientists with their groundbreaking research are termed as research articles. • Research articles are published in renowned scientific journals whereas papers written by students do not go to journals.


There is no definitive distinction between papers and articles that can be applied to all scientific disciplines. Usage varies between disciplines. and within disciplines it can vary depending on context.

Both the examples quoted refer to ‘writings’ that are surveys (in other areas often termed reviews) — one in the field of a social science (economics) and the other in a numerical science (computing). However the term science is also (and perhaps more) associated with the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry and biology), where the types of ‘writings’ are different and where different words are used to distinguish them.

Articles and papers in the Experimental Sciences

Let me illustrate this for the Biomolecular Sciences (biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics and the like). As a practitioner in this area, when I hear these terms, e.g. talking to colleagues, I understand:

Paper : A report of a piece of experimental research work in which the original data presented by the authors was central to interpretation and conclusions regarding advancement of knowledge and understanding of the field. Article : A review or commentary in which the author was discussing the previously published work of others (perhaps including his own) in attempting to provide a perspective of the field or to present a new theory/model/interpretation by integrating such work.

However, despite this professional conversational use of the terms, if I go to any specific journal — here the US heavyweight, Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) — I would find a somewhat different usage:

JBC publishes several types of articles but only two of those can be submitted as an unsolicited manuscript: regular papers and accelerated communications.

Thus, JBC regards all the ‘writings’ it publishes as ‘articles’, in common with other journals such as The Journal of Biophysics , and this is consistent with general non-scientific usage — “I read an article in the Financial Times yesterday…”

The way JBC uses ‘regular paper’, is consistent with my specialist conversational definition (above), and although it doesn’t actually say what types of ‘article’ are unsolicited, but if you look at a table of contents of the journal , you would conclude that for this journal it is ‘minireviews’ and historical appraisals of the work of individual scientists.

The Journal of Biophysics only uses the term ‘paper’ in describing only one of its categories of ‘article’:

Comments to the Editor | Short commentaries on a paper published earlier in BJ.

Again using ‘paper’ rather in the sense I defined above.

To conclude, in the extended sense used by peer-reviewed journals in the experimental sciences, all published ‘papers’ can be referred to as articles, but not all articles would be referred to as ‘papers’. (One wouldn’t use ‘paper’ for an editorial, a news item and generally not for a review.) This is exactly the opposite conclusion reached by @1006a from his reading of the OED.

Conflict with the OED and non-experimental sciences

How can one resolve the conflict with the OED, mentioned above? I think the OED describes more traditional usage in the non-experimental sciences and the arts. It is pertinent, in this respect, to consider the phrase “reading a paper” .

As far as my area of science goes, this is just a rather outdated term for presenting one’s results orally at a conference. The talk in itself is transitory, the abstract unreviewed, and the information conveyed will most probably be published elsewhere.

However for colleagues in computing science the talk is likely to be based on a ‘paper’ that has been submitted to the conference organisers, selected after peer-review, and will be published as conference proceedings or in a journal associated with the conference. This is more in line with traditional non-scientific academic presentations, although in this case the ‘paper’ might never have been published.

The difference would seem to derive in part from whether the field of science is one in which original work is in the form of ideas or in the form of measurements and their interpretation.

The distinction I would make is that an article is formally published, generally in some kind of periodical. The relevant definition, from Oxford Dictionaries:

A piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.

Scholarly/scientific/research articles are thus "pieces of writing included with others in" an appropriate publication, most often an academic journal (see Wikipedia).

A paper , on the other hand, may or may not be published anywhere; and if it is published, may be in some alternate venue like conference proceedings (though it can be published in a scholarly journal). Again from Oxford:

An essay or dissertation, especially one read at an academic lecture or seminar or published in an academic journal.

So you can generally call any scientific (research) article a paper, but not all papers are articles.

Edited to clarify the last sentence, to which I also added the parenthetical (research):

Of course, not all articles are scientific (or research ) articles; that distinction generally means that the article presents original research, and as I am using it, that it has met certain standards of whichever field it represents (usually some form of peer review) so that it can be published in a scientific/scholarly journal. A scientific (research) paper meets the first of these criteria, but not necessarily the second (it presents original research, but may or may not be published). There are other kinds of articles/papers, which would ordinarily get a different modifier, like review or meta-review (or newspaper/magazine etc. for articles), or might commonly go by other terms altogether, like essay .

By this definition, not all articles are papers, and not all papers are articles, but all scientific (research) articles are also scientific (research) papers.

1006a's user avatar

  • Just to mention that in my consideration of experimental sciences I present the opposite conclusion from that you draw from the OED. Please don't think I am saying you are wrong, but as I explain, that your assertions only hold for certain areas of science. –  David Commented Jul 15, 2017 at 22:27
  • @David The key distinction I make is that articles are published . That would, indeed, include things like (literature) review articles, commentary, and possibly book reviews. It does not exclude original research in any field of which I am aware (which includes "experimental science"). It is certainly possible that certain disciplines or specific journals have non-standard usages, but I don't believe it breaks down along "experimental" and "non-experimental" lines. –  1006a Commented Jul 16, 2017 at 16:38
  • I agree about there being a difference in relation to publication. The whole background of "reading a paper" implies it can exist without being published, and even in the experimental sciences one might say "I wrote a paper about 'whatever' and sent it to such-and-such a Journal, but they rejected it because the referees were too stupid to understand it". You might feasibly say that about an article (I once had a solicited mini-review rejected because it was thought to be in bad taste) but it would be unusual. But a very popular program for storing PDFs of publications is called... "Papers". –  David Commented Jul 16, 2017 at 16:53

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Differences between term papers and research papers

While you might think they are the same, the term paper and the research paper are really two different things. The two share similar features. They may even be related. But there are differences to consider.

Generally speaking, one writes a term paper to indicate that he or she has learned or acquired the knowledge of a particular subject. The term paper is given at the end of the term and counts as a significant percentage of the final exam. A term paper typically runs between 3,000 and 5,000 words. Term papers allow for a critical examination of current topics and usually allow for the writer’s opinion. The term paper contains arguments and/or persuasions that must be supported with facts taken from a variety of reliable sources, such as academic papers, scholarly magazines or textbooks.

On the other hand, a research paper is typically an academic study carried out with regards to answering theoretical questions. The student is required to interpret the information given and turn it into a significant, noteworthy paper. A research paper can consist of up to 5,000 words. It is up to your instructor to indicate the length of the research paper…

In each instance, topics are chosen by the instructor and/or the student. In each instance, research and reference materials are required. In each instance, it is helpful to develop an outline before attempting to write the final drafts. In fact, the term paper and the research paper share a lot of the same qualities.

The real difference between a term paper and a research paper is that a research paper can be assigned at any time, whereas, a term paper is typically assigned at the end of the term...

Writing term papers or research papers may seem like a waste of good time; yet, both are designed to help you better communicate your knowledge and understanding of a specific topic. Both are designed to help you understand the methodologies involved in note-taking, referencing and research.

One final note: As you endeavor to write each of these papers respectively, acknowledge and incorporate what you have learned from previous writing assignments. And, always utilize your writing as an opportunity to communicate in interesting and creative ways. Make an argument. State your case. And be sure to back up what you say with sound, reliable evidence. The best writers will give one-hundred percent, regardless of what the assignment entails.

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Difference Between a Term Paper and a Research Paper

As a college student, you are largely conversant with writing a research paper. It is a prerequisite requirement most instructors enforce on their students. But what about its less-known relative, the term paper?

What Is a Term Paper?

Moreover, depending on the instructor’s instructions, it can come in different forms. For example, your instructor might decide whether it’s peer-reviewed, a report, or an essay.

Types of Term Papers


These analytical tasks refer to assignments that involve thorough examination, evaluation, and interpretation of a specific topic or subject matter. The essence of this analysis is breaking down topics into individualized parts while drawing meaningful conclusions based on the analysis.

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"Essay" and "paper" can be used interchangeably. "Term paper" is Usually lengthier and something that is done at the end of a "term" or semester and is Usually worth more for your final grade. A thesis is a body of work done over an even longer period of time, sometimes years. a Doctoral Thesis is a research project and paper encompassing years of work that determines if you become a "doctor" of a field of study.

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What is the difference between essay and paper?

As nouns the difference between essay and paper, as verbs the difference between essay and paper, as a adjective paper is, derived terms, related terms.

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The difference between an essay and a term paper.

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Many students, when they come to university and receive their first essay writing assignment, begin to deliberately confuse this work with a term project. Today, we are going to tell you what the difference is between a term paper and an essay, so that students can avoid a number of mistakes writes 99papers review .

First, let's take a detailed look at what an essay is and what characteristic features this work has.

Specifics of writing an essay

Essay literally deciphered as an opus or essay, and there are also opinions that an essay is in fact a small essay. And this essay has a free character. It conveys the author's opinion on this or that issue, while a term paper describes specific facts or research, but the author sums up these studies. That is, it is safe to say that a term paper has a more scientific character than an essay. It refers more to essays written in school, but at university, there are much more requirements for essays.

An essay can be constructed according to pre-planned features:

The essay addresses a specific problem or topic. If the research is supposed to be about a broad concept, it will no longer be an essay, but rather a term paper.

While writing an essay, the author approaches an issue from an individual point of view. He expresses his opinion. There may even be a certain principle of emotionality. If we talk about the term paper, here absolutely no emotions are welcomed. Only facts, results and conclusions.

The essay may have a pronounced philosophical character, or a description from the point of view of historical or journalistic science.

The main evaluation of the essay is considered to be the author's transmission of his thoughts, feelings and even often experiences.  In a term paper, this fact is completely overridden by scientific statements, summarizing, and consideration of this or that topic.

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The Key Differences Between A Term Paper and A Research Paper

difference between a term paper and essay

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  • When is a term paper a research paper?
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Although there are different types of written projects, they tend to have overlapping aspects. For example, most written projects regardless of type include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Many written projects also require reading about the topics. So it is not surprising if students call an essay a research paper, a thesis a dissertation, a reaction paper, or a journal entry.

The terms research paper and term paper, in particular, are considered by many as the same. These terms are also used interchangeably. But, strictly speaking, a research paper and a term paper are two different items. Though a term paper can be a research paper and a research paper can serve as a term paper, this is not always the case. Are you confused now? This post explains the difference between the two.

Research Paper 

In order to explain the difference between a research paper and a term paper, we need to first define these two. In this section, we describe what a research paper is, explain the different types of research papers, and discuss when a research paper is required. This section should help you get a good idea about the research paper as a written project.

What is a research paper? 

A research paper, as the term suggests, is a written project that involves the research of a specific topic and the analysis of the information. This definition may seem broad, and indeed it is. That is because a research paper is a general type of paper. As we will see later, the information collected from various sources can be analyzed in different ways to support arguments and generate conclusions.

Although a research paper can be written using different approaches to analyzing information, there are also features common to all research papers. Such features are what professors look for when they read a research paper. It is important to remember that a research paper should contain these features, which are the following:

  • Thesis statement.  A research paper needs a thesis statement. The thesis is the main idea or main claim of your paper. In other words, the thesis is the specific idea your paper attempts to convey. The thesis can be thought of as the backbone of your paper since everything else in the paper supports the thesis one way or another. The thesis is usually presented at the end of the introduction. Because of its importance, it is vital for every student to learn how to write a good thesis statement.
  • Evidence from research. A research paper has to present information from sources. Thus, writing a research paper requires you to look for and read published material related to your topic. The information you acquire from the materials will be used as evidence to prove, support, or defend your thesis. For example, a paper about climate change should present data from studies and insights from experts in the field.
  • Original discussions.  A research paper needs to present your own discussions. It should not rely on the repetition of information alone; rather, it should analyze information to come up with assertions or conclusions. At the least, a research paper should synthesize information. Synthesis means taking information from various sources and combining them into a coherent whole.

To better illustrate how these features come together, consider this example of a research paper with a topic on the Black Death. Suppose that your thesis is this:

“While the Black Death claimed up to a third of Europe’s population and left the continent in shambles, it also paved the way for the rise of the Renaissance Period by reconfiguring dominant hierarchies and power structures.”

As you can see from this example, the thesis has a definite claim. It asserts that the Black Death played a role in the emergence of the Renaissance Period. The thesis is also specific since it focuses the discussion on the plague’s effect on social hierarchies and power structures. Always remember that a thesis should not be too broad or too general; a good thesis needs to have a narrow focus.

The thesis statement alone cannot be taken as true. This is why you need evidence to defend or prove the thesis. This is where the information from your research comes in. For this topic, your sources would likely include both primary and secondary material. For example, you can cite information from the works of historians.

Finally, remember that your paper should have an original discussion. You need to present an analysis of the information rather than just recite them. A good research paper goes beyond simply repeating what the sources say. A research paper should explain, interpret, or synthesize information. For example, you can explain how a piece of information supports your thesis statement.

A research paper is a general type of written project and therefore has various types. You need to know what kind of research paper you are writing since the type of the paper usually determines its purpose, goals, style, and content. For example, an argumentative research paper is different from a persuasive research paper. Some of the more common types of research papers include the following:

  • Argumentative: The argumentative research paper, more commonly known as the argumentative essay, is one of the most common written projects. This paper requires the presentation of a claim and then backing it with facts and reasoning. In an argumentative research paper, the main goal is to make your reader consider the validity of your argument.
  • Compare and Contrast: This type of research paper discusses similarities and differences between two or more subjects. To learn how to write a compare and contrast paper, you need to take note of where the subjects of your paper diverge so that you can contrast them and where they overlap so that you can compare them.
  • Cause and Effect: This type of research paper discusses how specific factors eventually lead to specific consequences. This research paper is usually composed of three elements: the topic itself, its causes, and its effects. For instance, if your topic is climate change, you need to discuss what causes climate change and what its effects are. Learning how to write a cause-and-effect paper requires arranging the discussion in a logical manner.
  • Definition: This type of research paper involves providing an extended definition of a given topic by synthesizing the various definitions available. For example, writing a definition paper for friendship should not be limited to presenting its dictionary definition; instead, you need to consider its definitions in other contexts including your personal perspective.
  • Interpretive: Another common type of research paper is the interpretive essay. This type is quite similar to the argumentative research paper in that it also advances a specific claim. As the word itself suggests, this research paper usually involves the interpretation of a written work such as a novel, a short story, a poem, or an essay.

There are many other types of research papers and these vary depending on the area of study. For example, a paper for a health class asking you to discuss a cardiovascular disease can be a research paper. Meanwhile, a proposal for a business model based on business concepts can also be a research paper. These two have different requirements, but both can be called research papers. Also, the complexity and length of a research paper depending on the instructions.

A research paper is required anytime during the term. A research paper is a common requirement. A student may encounter this project at any moment during the term or semester: early in the term, in the middle, or before it ends. A research paper may also be a minor requirement or a major one. For example, a short research paper detailing the causes of smoking may serve as homework for the week. By contrast, a long research paper on the impact of the French Revolution may serve as a final requirement.

In the previous section, we discuss what a research paper is, what it usually features, and when it is required. As the discussion shows, a research paper is a type of written project that presents a thesis and analysis of sources. Note that a research paper can be required anytime during the term, and so it can be a minor requirement or a major one. In this section, we now look at the term paper.

A term paper is a class requirement usually submitted at the end or towards the end of a term (or semester). The main purpose of a term paper is to show the student’s overall achievement over the course of the term. In other words, the term paper is designed to test if the student has acquired enough learning in the given course.

A term paper can come in various forms. For example, a term paper may require you to choose one prompt from a list and then use a number of class readings for your sources. Another example of a term paper would be if the professor required you to write a specific number of short essays corresponding with specific topics covered in class.

Note that the term paper is also a general term. Thus, the type of term paper you submit depends on the instructions. It can be an essay, a research paper, a journal, a reaction paper, a reflection paper, a lab report, or even a specific project.

A term paper is required towards the end of the term. Students are often asked to submit a term paper towards the end of the term since the goal is to show the students’ progress over the course of the term. However, there are also times when a term paper is assigned more than once and in the middle of the term. For instance, a single course may have two or three term papers, which are assigned at regular intervals. Overall, a term paper is a requirement that serves as a milestone to mark your progress.

At this point, the difference between a research paper and a term paper should be clear. A research paper is a specific type of written project that can be assigned at any moment in class. It can be anything from a minor assignment like the week’s homework to a major requirement like a final paper. On the other hand, a term paper is a type of class requirement used to evaluate a student’s progress.

You may be asking, can a research paper be a term paper? The answer is yes. If the research paper serves as the final or one of the final requirements and is intended to show overall achievement in a given term or part of a term, then it is a term paper. For example, your professor might ask you to write a research paper on the conservation of lions for your term paper. In this instance, the term paper is a research paper.

A research paper is not a term paper if it is not called as such. In other words, it is not a term paper if it serves as a regular requirement, such as a research paper for a class topic, or for the week, or for the month. For example, your professor may ask you to write a research paper in response to the week’s reading. Unless your professor calls it a term paper, then it should not be treated as such.

A term paper is a research paper if the instructions spell out that the project is a research paper. As stated earlier, a term paper can be an essay, a reaction paper, a journal entry, or even a lab report. So if the professor assigns a term paper and states that it should be a research paper, then it is a research paper that serves as your term paper.

A term paper is not a research paper if the instructions make it clear that it is a different type of written project. For example, the instructions may say that the project is a journal, a personal reflection essay, or a special project (such as a script for a creative writing course or a manifesto for a rhetoric course). Thus, you need to pay careful attention to the type of written project your term paper is supposed to be.

In the end, a research paper is a type of written project that involves research on the topic. On the other hand, a term paper is a type of class requirement that usually serves as a final requirement that shows overall progress for the term. While they have different definitions, they are often used interchangeably, and this is acceptable considering how they are often used in the same context. Though many consider term paper and research paper the same, it is still important for a student to know the difference.

If you are confused about the type and purpose of your assignment, you may ask your professor for more clarification. Additionally, you may ask for help from experts at CustomEssayMeister. They have the know-how necessary to complete any written project you need. With over a decade of experience writing papers for customers around the world, CustomEssayMeister can write a great paper for you whether you need a research paper or a term paper, or any other kind of paper. Order your paper now!

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The Fundamental Differences between Reduction and Oxidation

This essay is about the fundamental concepts of reduction and oxidation in chemistry, known collectively as redox reactions. It explains that oxidation involves the loss of electrons while reduction involves the gain of electrons, highlighting their interconnected nature. The essay discusses the importance of redox reactions in various processes, such as cellular respiration, metal extraction, and battery operation. It also explores their role in everyday life, industrial applications, and environmental impact. Through examples like rusting iron, photosynthesis, and nitrogen cycles, the essay illustrates how redox reactions sustain life, power technologies, and influence ecological balance. Ultimately, it underscores the significance of understanding redox reactions in both natural and human-made systems.

How it works

In the world of chemistry, few things pack as much punch as reduction and oxidation. These two heavyweights, known together as redox reactions, drive a whole bunch of natural and industrial processes. They’re the key to understanding how electrons call the shots in chemical reactions, energy shifts, and even life itself.

Reduction and oxidation are like two sides of a coin—they’re linked by the way electrons move. Oxidation strips electrons from molecules, atoms, or ions, while reduction grabs them.

This electron swap isn’t just a fancy idea—it’s something you can see every day. When iron rusts, it’s getting oxidized as it loses electrons to oxygen in the air. But in photosynthesis, plants do the opposite—they reduce carbon dioxide, snagging electrons and storing energy in sweet, sweet glucose.

One of the best examples of redox reactions is in cellular respiration. This bio magic happens when glucose gets oxidized, losing electrons that eventually end up in oxygen. This gives us water and releases energy packed into ATP (that’s like the cell’s fuel). ATP keeps everything in our bodies running smoothly, from muscles to our brainwaves. So, these redox reactions aren’t just cool science—they’re the stuff that keeps us alive and kicking.

Industrially, redox reactions are like superpowers. Making metals from ores usually involves reduction. Take iron ore (hematite) and carbon monoxide in a blast furnace—boom, you get molten iron and carbon dioxide. This trick is a big deal in making steel and has shaped how we build our world. On the flip side, oxidation steps up in energy games like batteries. Think of a lithium-ion battery—moving lithium ions between its parts sets off redox reactions that churn out electricity for our gadgets and electric rides.

While reduction and oxidation are about electron gymnastics, they also play big roles in real-life stuff. In car engines, for example, oxidation burns up fuel hydrocarbons to give us the push we need, while reducing oxygen in the exhaust helps keep the air cleaner. It’s a two-in-one deal that shows how versatile these reactions are.

Redox reactions aren’t just about making things go—they’re crucial in nature, too. Take the nitrogen cycle, where bacteria reduce atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia for plants, and then others oxidize ammonia back to nitrogen gas. These cycles keep nature’s balance in check, feeding the planet’s life.

And when it comes to cleaning up our messes, redox reactions are superhero handy. Bioremediation uses tiny superheroes (microbes) to reduce or oxidize pollutants into less harmful stuff. Some bacteria, for instance, can turn toxic chromium(VI) into safer chromium(III), helping clean up places tainted by pollution. It’s a practical way we use redox chemistry to tackle big environmental problems.

To sum it up, reduction and oxidation aren’t just lab terms—they’re the engines driving chemistry forward. They power up our bodies, fuel our industries, and keep our planet ticking. By digging into how these reactions work, we uncover the secrets behind how stuff changes and energy flows. So next time you see a redox reaction in action, remember—it’s not just science; it’s the heartbeat of chemistry.


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The Fundamental Differences Between Reduction and Oxidation. (2024, Jul 16). Retrieved from

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"The Fundamental Differences Between Reduction and Oxidation.", Jul 16, 2024. Accessed July 23, 2024.

"The Fundamental Differences Between Reduction and Oxidation," , 16-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 23-Jul-2024] (2024). The Fundamental Differences Between Reduction and Oxidation . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 23-Jul-2024]

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Pierrakis, Y., & Saridakis, G. (2017). Do Publicly Backed Venture Capital Investments Promote Innovation? Differences between Privately and Publicly Backed Funds in the UK Venture Capital Market. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 7, 55-64.

has been cited by the following article:

TITLE: The Ghana Venture Capital Trust Fund: A Comprehensive Analysis of Financial Health, Growth, and Sustainability from 2016 to 2022

KEYWORDS: Venture Capital Fund , Financial Viability , Sustainability , Investment , Economic Development

JOURNAL NAME: Technology and Investment , Vol.15 No.3 , July 23, 2024

ABSTRACT: The Ghana Venture Capital Trust Fund (VCTF), a government-sponsored initiative, is pivotal in providing patient capital to foster entrepreneurship and spur economic development, particularly in emerging markets where traditional funding avenues may be limited. This study aims to comprehensively assess the VCTF’s financial robustness, growth trajectory, and sustainability spanning seven years from 2016 to 2022. We scrutinize the fund’s financial health, investment strategies, and capacity to bolster the Ghanaian entrepreneurial ecosystem by examining critical financial metrics, growth indicators, and sustainability benchmarks. The analysis reveals nuanced insights into the VCTF’s financial performance over the study period. Despite encountering challenges such as negative net profit margins and subdued asset turnover ratios in previous years, the fund showcases resilience and sustainability, particularly evidenced by notable improvements in 2022. These findings affect the management, policymakers, and various stakeholders within the Ghanaian venture capital landscape, offering valuable insights to inform strategic decision-making and policy formulation.

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