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What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important?

4 Ways to Practice Self-Care

What Is Self-Care?

  • Building a Self-Care Plan

Self-care is the practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness.

While many people may view self-care as a form of selfish indulgence, the act of caring for oneself is an important part of a person's overall well-being.

Many people do not fully understand what self-care means. Read on to find out more about what self-care is, examples of practicing self-care, and why it’s important for your mental and physical health.

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), self-care is being able to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.

The WHO also mentions that self-care is a broad term and many facets of a person’s life come into play, including:

  • Hygiene (general and personal)
  • Lifestyle factors such as exercise level and leisure activities
  • Environmental factors such as a person’s living conditions or social habits
  • Socioeconomic factors such as a person’s income level or cultural beliefs
  • Self-medication and following treatment plans for current illnesses

The main goal of self-care is to prevent or control disease and preserve overall well-being through consistently taking care of various aspects of your health.

For a person to practice true self-care, they must use personal responsibility and self-reliance in a way that positively impacts their health in the current moment and the future.

Overindulgence in spending

Binge-eating your favorite but unhealthy foods

Participating in activities that provide instant gratification

Going on expensive and lavish vacations

Perfecting oneself by any means necessary

Numbing bad feelings using alcohol or illicit substances

Binge-watching television

Prioritizing one's physical and mental health

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits that can be maintained long-term

Eating a healthy diet

Finding exercise activities that you enjoy and participating in them regularly

Getting an adequate amount of good-quality sleep

Following treatment plans for existing conditions accordingly

Taking time out for yourself to participate in healthy activities you enjoy

What Types of Self-Care Are There?

Various forms of self-care involve different activities or actions. Each form is as important as the other and drives optimal health and well-being.

Physical Health

Taking care of your physical health is a form of self-care that helps improve quality of life and prevent or manage chronic conditions.

Physical self-care will be different for each person, but ways you can practice physical self-care include:

  • Getting the proper amount of exercise
  • Eating regular, well-balanced meals that are mostly whole foods and staying hydrated
  • Engaging in relaxing activities that can help manage stress
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Getting regular medical and dental care

Mental Health

Mental self-care is designed to drive a healthy mind by practicing brain-stimulating activities and healthy mental behaviors. Mental self-care can help you manage stress, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy.

While no two people are the same, these strategies can help you manage stress and stimulate your mind:

  • Use relaxation programs or apps regularly to incorporate meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises. 
  • Practice gratitude by reminding yourself daily of things you are grateful for. Write them down at night or replay them in your mind.
  • Participate in creative activities you enjoy.
  • Read a book or do a puzzle.
  • Play games such as Scrabble, crossword puzzles, or other brain teasers.
  • Try a new hobby.
  • Engage in exercise.
  • Take adult education classes.
  • Seek help from a professional as needed.


Having healthy relationships is a form of social self-care all its own. Research has shown that different forms of relationships, whether they be romantic, platonic, or familial, can all benefit overall health and well-being.

On the flip side, not having healthy relationships can be detrimental to health. When people lack platonic relationships, they are more likely to be subject to psychological distress and engage in unhealthy behaviors.  

Ways to foster relationships include:

  • Regularly scheduling get-togethers (coffee, a walk, a meal, going to the movies, or just hanging out) with friends or family members
  • Connecting with community or faith-based groups
  • Volunteering for a local organization
  • Joining a local group, such as a hiking club, knitting group, or other interest group

Not everyone has a spiritual or religious need. However, for some people nurturing their spirit allows them to connect on a deeper level with themselves and to think beyond themselves.

Spiritual self-care practices might include:

  • Hiking or spending time in nature
  • Listening to inspirational music
  • Going to church or attending virtual spiritual activities or groups
  • Talking with a spiritual advisor

Why Is Self-Care Important?

Practicing self-care regularly can bring about both short- and long-term benefits that lead to improved well-being and an improved health status.

In the short term, people who practice self-care can see positive changes such as:

  • Reduced stress levels : Putting your health and needs first along with giving yourself a bit of rest can significantly reduce stress levels.
  • Increasing self-worth : The more you take care of yourself, the better you will feel about who you are as a person. This is because more of your core needs will be met on a regular basis.
  • Feelings of belonging : A short-term benefit of spending time with others will provide feelings of belonging and love, which is good for your overall mental health.

While the short-term benefits of self-care are good, the long-term benefits are what self-care is more focused on. Some long-term benefits include:

  • Managing chronic conditions: By practicing physical and mental self-care strategies, conditions such as depression, diabetes, and heart disease can be more effectively managed.
  • Disease prevention: Implementing self-care practices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress management techniques, reduces the risk of heart attack , stroke , and obesity in the future.
  • Stress reduction: Stress affects all systems in the body. Chronic stress can lead to chronic health conditions. Practicing self-care that reduces chronic stress can help lower the risk of developing health conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders, and more.
  • Healthier relationships: When taking better care of our personal needs, we are better able to engage in healthy relationships partially due to increased self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Improved job satisfaction: A study of nurses found those who implemented intentional self-care practices had significantly higher job satisfaction. The authors suggest implementing self-care practices could improve job satisfaction and teamwork while reducing burnout.
  • Reduced burnout: Authors of a review of multiple studies concluded the solution for burnout is complex, but self-care strategies are one of several components that could be effective.
  • Improved quality of life: When self-care practices help to better manage health conditions, reduce stress, or create a greater sense of belonging, overall well-being and quality of life improve.

How to Practice Self-Care

Building your perfect self-care plan will depend on your personal health and lifestyle. To create a plan to encourage better health and well-being:

  • Determine your overall level of health: Once you know your starting point health-wise, you can begin adding or subtracting certain activities or stressors in your life to focus on improving your health.
  • Identify your stressors: Make a list of things that cause you stress in all aspects of your life. The next step is to do your best to avoid certain stressors. If they are unavoidable, teach yourself coping techniques that can help lessen your stress reaction to certain situations.
  • Identify your coping strategies: Everyone develops strategies to cope with health issues, stress, and other life problems. Make a list of your coping strategies and see which ones are healthy and which ones aren’t. The unhealthy ones that don't serve you well can be swapped out for healthier coping mechanisms.

After completing these three steps, you can begin to formulate a plan that you can commit to.

Self-Care Strategies for People With Chronic Disease

If you have a chronic disease, your self-care plan may look a little different than that of someone who does not. This is only because you will have to incorporate certain activities that will benefit you. For example, if you have diabetes , ensure that coping strategies and activities you utilize as self-care help you manage your condition while you follow your treatment plan.

Self-care is the practice of taking care of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness. It is a lifestyle that enables you to set aside time for your health to ensure your overall well-being now and for years to come.

If you do adopt the right techniques to care for yourself, you will be able to reap the benefits, such as better physical and mental health, the prevention or better management of disease, and better personal and workplace relationships.

World Health Organization. What do we mean by self-care?

National Institute of Mental Health. Caring for your mental health .

Holt-Lunstad J. Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors: The Power of Social Connection in Prevention . Am J Lifestyle Med. 2021 May 6;15(5):567-573. doi: 10.1177/15598276211009454

Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Wilson SJ. Lovesick: How Couples' Relationships Influence Health. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2017 May 8;13:421-443. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032816-045111

David D, Dalton J, Magny-Normilus C, Brain MM, Linster T, Lee SJ. The Quality of Family Relationships, Diabetes Self-Care, and Health Outcomes in Older Adults. Diabetes Spectr. 2019 May;32(2):132-138. doi:10.2337/ds18-0039

Amati V, Meggiolaro S, Rivellini G, Zaccarin S. Social relations and life satisfaction: the role of friends. Genus. 2018;74(1):7. doi:10.1186/s41118-018-0032-z

Riegel B, Moser DK, Buck HG, et al. American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; and Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Self-Care for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: A Scientific Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Aug 31;6(9):e006997. doi:10.1161/JAHA.117.006997

American Psychological Association. Stress effects on the body .

Monroe C, Loresto F, Horton-Deutsch S, et al. The value of intentional self-care practices: The effects of mindfulness on improving job satisfaction, teamwork, and workplace environments . Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 2021 Apr;35(2):189-194. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2020.10.003

Adnan NBB, Dafny HA, Baldwin C, Jakimowitz S, et al. What are the solutions for well-being and burn-out for healthcare professionals? An umbrella realist review of learnings of individual-focused interventions for critical care . BMJ Open. 2022 Sep 8;12(9):e060973. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-060973

California State University Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling. How to Create an Individualized Self-Care Plan.

By Angelica Bottaro Bottaro has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and an Advanced Diploma in Journalism. She is based in Canada.

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What Is Self-Care, and Why Is It So Important for Your Health?

Moira Lawler

Let’s clear up one common misconception from the get-go: Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.

Paula Gill Lopez, PhD , an associate professor in the department of psychological and educational consultation at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut, says the need for self-care is obvious. “We have an epidemic of anxiety and depression,” she says. “Everybody feels it.”

Self-care is part of the answer to how we can all better cope with daily stressors, explains Kelsey Patel , a Los Angeles-based wellness expert . It’s work stress. It’s the stress of trying to keep up with the pace of daily life, which technology has hastened more than ever (just think how many emails come flooding into your inbox each day). “People are feeling lonelier and less able to unwind and slow down, which makes them feel more anxious and overwhelmed by even the simplest tasks,” Patel says.

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At Everyday Health, self-care is taking steps to tend to your physical and emotional health needs to the best of your ability.

Here, we explore the trend, where the definition of self-care comes from, and what it can do for your long-term health.

What Is Self-Care, and Why Is It Critical for Your Well-Being?

According to this definition, self-care includes everything related to staying physically healthy — including hygiene, nutrition, and seeking medical care when needed. It’s all the steps an individual can take to manage stressors in his or her life and take care of his or her own health and well-being.

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Self-care is anything you do to take care of yourself so you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally well. Its benefits are better physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being. Research suggests self-care promotes positive health outcomes, such as fostering resilience, living longer, and becoming better equipped to manage stress.

Common examples of self-care include: maintaining a regular sleeping routine, eating healthy, spending time in nature, doing a hobby you enjoy, and expressing gratitude. Self-care can look different for everyone, but to count as self-care, the behavior should promote health and happiness for you.

To get into a routine of regularly practicing self-care, experts recommend starting small rather than tackling the most challenging thing first. Choose one practice each week to weave into your daily routine. Note any positive changes, and add in more practices when you feel ready.

As self-care has become more mainstream, the definitions have started to become more about general wellbeing and tend to focus on tuning in to one’s needs and meeting those needs. “Self-care is anything that you do for yourself that feels nourishing,” says Marni Amsellem, PhD , a licensed psychologist based in the greater New York metropolitan area.

“That can be something that’s relaxing or calming, or it can be something that is intellectual or spiritual or physical or practical or something you need to get done,” she says.

Self-care requires checking in with yourself and asking yourself how you’re doing physically, mentally, and emotionally. Some people use it to deal with difficult news stories, while others practice self-care just to maintain their happiness day to day . Self-care does not mean the same thing for everyone. Different people will adopt different self-care practices, and even your own definition might change over time. “What is self-care for one person will likely differ from someone else, and what’s self-care for you one day might not feel like self-care another day,” Dr. Amsellem says.

Engaging in self-care regularly could help you put your best foot forward. “When we are regularly taking care of ourselves, we are better able to react to the things that go on in our lives,” Amsellem says. “It’s something we do to maintain positive well-being.”

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Types of Self-Care

“It could be anything that floats your boat — anything that puts a smile on your face,” Dr. Gill Lopez says. “Anything that makes you feel cared for, even if it’s you caring for yourself.”

There are a few different categories of self-care:

  • Emotional self-care , such as self-talk , weekly bubble baths, saying “no” to things that cause unnecessary stress, giving yourself permission to take a pause, or setting up a weekly coffee date with a friend
  • Physical self-care , such as prioritizing sleep, adopting an exercise routine you can stick with, or choosing healthy and nourishing foods over highly processed ones
  • Spiritual self-care , such as attending a religious service, spending time in nature, meditating , incorporating regular acts of kindness into your day, or keeping a gratitude journal

Additionally, Gill Lopez puts self-care into two further categories: temporary and enduring.

What Counts as Self-Care, and What Doesn’t

There’s no way to say exactly what counts as self-care because everyone’s definition is their own and unique.

The underlying rule is that it’s something that brings you sustained joy in the long run, Courtney says. And though there are plenty of examples of self-care that seem to tread a fine line between a health-enhancing behavior and self-indulgence, self-care doesn’t have to be about padding your calendar with luxurious experiences or activities that cost money (though it certainly can).

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Consider a manicure or a massage or any other pampering activity. It might seem indulgent, but if the activity helps you de-stress and carve out time for yourself, it counts as self-care, Amsellem says. If weekly manicures or monthly spa days are beyond your means, they will likely add stress to your life in the long run, so there are plenty of other self-care practices you can adopt.

“Self-care does not have to cost anything — it’s just doing things you enjoy. And a lot of the things we enjoy or feel fulfilled from cost nothing,” Amsellem says. “Stepping outside and taking a deep breath, for example, might be the greatest act of self-care.”

Even if you can’t spend lots of time and money, Gill Lopez says you can still practice self-care several times a week by turning things you do every day into self-care practices.

Maybe you try being more mindful of your thoughts on your commute, or maybe you find ways to make daily tasks, like showering, more enjoyable. Pick a soap with a scent that you love, and focus on the physical sensations of the shower. Gill Lopez says: What does your shower smell like? What does it sound like? How does the warm water feel on your skin? “For about 10 minutes in the shower, which I have to do anyway, instead of letting my monkey brain run wild, I’m right there,” she says.

Daily chores like making your bed in the morning are also examples of self-care — or can be. “This is where that individuality comes into play, because for some people there is no way making a bed feels like self-care — it may just feel like a chore,” Amsellem says. But if it helps you claim your day and gives you a sense of accomplishment early on, you’ll have that with you even if the rest of the day gets derailed, Amsellem says.

The simple act of making your bed in the morning likely isn’t sufficient to account for all your self-care, she says. You may need to routinely devote time and energy to other self-care practices, she adds. “But if there are some days when you feel out of control, on those days, starting the day off doing what you wanted to do for yourself might be one of the biggest forms of self-care you engage in that day.”

And sometimes when all of our other self-care plans get thrown out of whack (you worked through your yoga class, your friend canceled your coffee date — we’ve all been there), it’s those small practices of self-care that provide just enough calm to help us get through the day and wake up in a better mood tomorrow.

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The Effects: How Self-Care Benefits Your Health and Well-Being

Many common self-care practices have been linked to longevity and other positive health outcomes, says  Ellen K. Baker, PhD , a psychologist based in Washington, DC. There’s a lot of research, for example, showing that things like exercise, yoga, and mindfulness are supportive of mental and physical health, she says.

The following self-care practices have been well-researched and linked to a longer life:

The clinical evidence documenting the long-term health benefits of specifically taking a self-care approach to health (over other approaches) is less robust, but it is building.

How to Start a Self-Care Routine

To get started with a self-care routine:

  • Determine which activities bring you joy, replenish your energy, and restore your balance.
  • Start small by choosing one behavior you’d like to incorporate into your routine in the next week.
  • Build up to practicing that behavior every day for one week.
  • Reflect on how you feel.
  • Add more practices when ready.
  • Get support through sharing practices from loved ones, a coach, a licensed professional (like a therapist or dietitian), or through your healthcare plan, community, or workplace.

Practicing self-care doesn’t need to be a heavy lift right out of the gate. Here are a few ideas to ease you into your self-care journey:

  • Start each day by paying attention to your breath for five minutes and setting intentions for the day.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Reflect on what you’re grateful for each night.
  • Put your phone on airplane mode for a half hour before bed each night to release yourself from the flurry of notifications.
  • Call a friend just to say hello.
  • Take up a relaxing hobby.
  • Pick a bedtime, and stick to it.

Note: If you read this and feel a sense of demoralization or sadness from the challenges of mounting or establishing a self-care practice, it’s best to get help and support. There may be barriers to caring for yourself from past trauma, mental health issues, or family situations that may be making it more challenging to get started. Seek support from trusted counselors and behavioral health providers (like a therapist), a trusted primary care doctor, or a close friend.

The bottom line: Self-care can have a positive effect on your health and outlook, but it requires a commitment or intention to invest in your well-being.

Learn More About How to Start a Self-Care Routine

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy . We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.

  • Self-Care. Google Trends.
  • Self-Care Interventions for Health. World Health Organization.
  • The Experience of Self-Care: A Systematic Review. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews.
  • Exploring the Meaning and Practice of Self-Care Among Palliative Care Nurses and Doctors: A Qualitative Study. BMC Palliative Care.
  • Self Care Interventions to Advance Health and Wellbeing: A Conceptual Framework to Inform Normative Guidance. BMJ.
  • What Is Self-Care? International Self-Care Foundation.
  • A Prescription for Longevity in the 21st Century: Renewing Purpose, Building and Sustaining Social Engagement, and Embracing a Positive Lifestyle. JAMA.
  • Association of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Across the Adult Life Course With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality. JAMA Network Open.
  • Association Between Life Purpose and Mortality Among US Adults Older Than 50 Years. JAMA Network Open.
  • Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Mortality From All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. BMJ.
  • Relationship of Sleep Duration With All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Journal of the American Heart Association.
  • Green Spaces and Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies. The Lancet Planetary Health.
  • Is Patient Activation Associated With Outcomes of Care for Adults With Chronic Conditions? Journal of Ambulatory Care Management.
  • Self-Care. Google Trends .
  • Self-Care Interventions for Health. World Health Organization .
  • Godfrey CM, Harrison MB, Lysaght R, et al. The Experience of Self-Care: A Systematic Review. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews .  2010.
  • Mills J, Wand T, Fraser JA. Exploring the Meaning and Practice of Self-Care Among Palliative Care Nurses and Doctors: A Qualitative Study. BMC Palliative Care . April 18, 2018.
  • Holzel BK, Carmody J, Vangel M, et al. Mindfulness Practice Leads to Increases in Regional Brain Gray Matter Density. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging . January 30, 2011.
  • Pizzo PA. A Prescription for Longevity in the 21st Century: Renewing Purpose, Building and Sustaining Social Engagement, and Embracing a Positive Lifestyle. JAMA . January 9, 2020.
  • Saint-Maurice PF, Coughlan D, Kelly SP, et al. Association of Leisure-Time Physical Activity Across the Adult Life Course With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality. JAMA Network Open . March 8, 2019.
  • Alimujiang A, Wiensch A, Boss J, et al. Association Between Life Purpose and Mortality Among US Adults Older Than 50 Years. JAMA Network Open . May 24, 2019.
  • Wang X, Ouyang Y, Liu J, et al. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Mortality From All Causes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. BMJ . September 13, 2014.
  • Yin J, Jin X, Shan Z, et al. Relationship of Sleep Duration With All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Journal of the American Heart Association . September 9, 2017.
  • Rojas-Rueda D, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Gascon M, et al. Green Spaces and Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies. The Lancet Planetary Health . August 11, 2021.
  • What Is Self-Care? International Self-Care Foundation .
  • Narasimhan M, Allotey P, Hardon A. Self Care Interventions to Advance Health and Wellbeing: A Conceptual Framework to Inform Normative Guidance. BMJ . April 1, 2019 .
  • Mosen DM, Schmittdiel J, Hibbard J, et al. Is Patient Activation Associated With Outcomes of Care for Adults With Chronic Conditions? Journal of Ambulatory Care Management . January 2007.

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What is Self-Care and Why is it Important For You?

A woman on her deck, practicing self-care by journaling.

While there is no unit of measurement for self-care, I personally like to compare it to calories, which are literally units of energy. That is, one calorie equals one unit of energy. Here, I see one unit of self-care as a unit of personal fulfillment. The more units of fulfillment one has, the higher their life satisfaction. Subsequently, individuals may find themselves more motivated, energized and purposed in their endeavors.

Though calories do give you energy, those alone are not enough to provide the type of fulfillment you're seeking. You must take time to not only appreciate your life but the positive impact you have on others. Regardless of intention, you cannot possibly keep going without having a strong foundation, which is built upon self-care. And, yes, healthy eating — which includes nutritious caloric consumption — is also part of this.

First, What Does Self-Care Mean?

A white outline of a hand holding a yellow heart

Although prioritizing self-care may sound like common sense, especially if you’re considering longevity, it’s often the first thing to go when you find yourself in challenging situations, whether because of bad health, a financial crisis, job loss, divorce or another significant life event. This is why it is important to keep it top of mind and not an after-thought, especially in challenging times.

Why is Self-Care Important?

An icon of a person pushing a ball up a hill

Burning the candle at both ends, so-to-speak, comes with significant consequences, which may include but are not limited to burnout, depression, anxiety, resentment and a whole host of other negative implications.

Engaging in a self-care routine has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy and more. From a physical health perspective, it has also been clinically proven to reduce heart disease, stroke and cancer. Spiritually, it may help keep us in tune with our higher power as well as realize our meaning in life.

▸ What are the Benefits of Self-Care?

An icon outline of a person walking outdoors, toward two trees.

Self-care offers numerous benefits for your overall well-being. Here are some key benefits:

  • Improved physical health: Engaging in activities like regular exercise, getting enough sleep and eating nutritious meals can enhance your physical health, boost your energy levels and strengthen your immune system.
  • Enhanced mental and emotional well-being : There are many reasons why mental health is important , and practicing self-care can help reduce stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. It promotes better mental health by providing an opportunity to relax, recharge and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
  • Increased productivity and focus: Taking care of yourself allows you to recharge and rejuvenate, leading to increased productivity, improved concentration and better problem-solving abilities. When you prioritize your well-being, you have more energy and mental clarity to tackle daily tasks.
  • Better relationships: When you prioritize caring for yourself, you have more emotional resources to invest in your relationships. Taking time for yourself helps prevent burnout and enables you to show up as your best self in your interactions with others.
  • Increased self-esteem and self-worth: Personal care practices can boost your self-esteem and self-worth. By prioritizing your needs and engaging in activities that make you feel good, you send a message to yourself that you deserve care and attention.
  • Prevention of burnout: Regular self-care can help prevent burnout, which is a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. By taking proactive steps to care for yourself, you can replenish your energy and prevent the negative consequences of burnout. This can be especially important for those working in the helping professions .

Self-care is vitally important. Without appropriate nutrition, physical activity, sleep and otherwise, you may be able to get by for a while but will ultimately burnout. This is not a matter of if but when.

How to Practice Self-Care

An icon of a person meditating with their hands up.

Perhaps the single most common reason people give for not participating in self-care is due to a lack of time. While many of us have a lot going on, it’s imperative that we take time out every day for ourselves, even if minimally. And it doesn't have to cost a thing. You can even accomplish it in the convenience of your own home. 

Even if you only have 5-minute increments spread throughout the day to engage in self-care, that is certainly better than nothing. Over time, you may significantly enhance your overall health and well-being. Even if you are just beginning, there are results that may be realized almost immediately.

▸ What are Examples of Self-Care?

Examples of self-care do differ, even if minimally from person-to-person, but generally satisfy one or multiple of the national Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) eight dimensions of wellness ( SAMHSA pdf source ).

Though developed by substance use professionals, these dimensions conceptualize the domains of wellness that make all of us whole. 

Here are some suggestions to consider among each of the eight domains. Feel free to modify, replace, or consider your own as you go along. Remember, this is about you.

  • Emotional: Talk to someone, reflect, journal, read, do something artistic, listen to music, work out, take a walk, watch something that suits the mood (or does the opposite and changes it), cry it out, hug someone, cuddle, laugh, take a nap.
  • Environmental: Take a walk somewhere nice, breathe in fresh air, enjoy the sun, enjoy the night sky, avoid littering, pick up litter, reduce waste, use reusable products, recycle, clean your house, redesign a room.
  • Financial: Develop a practical financial plan, open a savings account, start saving (even if $1 per day), try saving even more if you are already saving, invest, cut back on unnecessary purchases, consider where you can cut corners, avoid credit cards, ask for a raise.
  • Intellectual: Read, listen to audiobooks, watch documentaries, complete puzzles, be mindful of the world around you, become curious, try something new, tap into your creative/artistic side, take a class, complete a program, graduate.
  • Occupational: Learn a trade, get your degree, train for a promotion, accept the promotion, put together your resume, polish your resume, apply for your dream job, take on a task you enjoy, open your own business.
  • Physical: Work out daily, take a walk, eat healthy, get your annual checkup, see the dentist, take medications as prescribed, avoid drugs and alcohol, get 7-9 hours of sleep , see the physician when you do not feel well.
  • Social: Meet up with friends and family, keep in contact with old friends, volunteer, go out, have fun, engage in healthy social media use, stay positive , utilize technology when distance is a factor, have a big laugh.
  • Spiritual: Meditate, pray, reflect, engage in yoga, visit a meaningful site, do right by others, practice mindfulness , consider your higher purpose and meaning, look to your higher power for support, love one another, help those in need.

Self-care is an important activity to do every day. Doing so will lead toward a better balance among your dimensions of wellness and lead toward improved overall health and wellness. Life is precious, and it is meant to be enjoyed.

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The student news site of Southern Lehigh High School

The Spotlight

Mind, body, and soul: the importance of self care.

Sarah Jacobson , Editor-in-Chief | January 31, 2019


Sarah Jacobson

Some options for self care include journaling, taking a bath, reading, or exercise.

The busy schedules of many high school students inevitably lead to one thing: stress. We often spend so much of our day completing homework, writing essays, and studying for tests that we forget to spend time on ourselves. One of the best things we can do for our mental health is set aside a little bit of time everyday to assess how we feel mentally, and then address any negative emotions.

Oxford Dictionaries defines self-care as, “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” Self-care is any activity that helps improve a person’s mental health. This activity is completely up to the individual, and can be anything, from running to reading. In order for the activity to constitute as an act of self-care, it only needs to positively impact your mental state.

“[Self care is] taking care of yourself and making sure… that you’re staying healthy and that you put yourself first sometimes because that’s really important,” sophomore Michelle Li said.

The mental health benefits of self-care are extensive. The whole purpose is to provide yourself with a mental break from your day-to-day stress. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness , stress can cause headaches, low energy, gastrointestinal issues, and insomnia. In addition, chronic stress can lead to mental illness, and is an overall negative component of a person’s life.

Taking regular breaks from stressful situations is important. To reduce the chances that your stress will lead to mental illness, you should plan some breaks throughout the school or work day, so that you can practice meditation, read, or do something that takes your mind off of your troubles.

“I value self care,” senior Alyssa Kovacs said, “because just like you would care of yourself when your body is physically sick, you should take care of your body when you’re not feeling well mentally.”

The physical health benefits of self care are not quite as plentiful, but they do go beyond just reducing the physical symptoms of stress. While self-care doesn’t always directly affect any particular aspect of your body, you benefit from a phenomenon called the relaxation response. Mosby’s Medical Dictionary describes the relaxation response as a protective mechanism against stress that can cause decreased heart rate, lower metabolism, and decreased respiratory rate. This response can be triggered through activities like yoga and meditation.

Self-care can be positive for physical health in more ways than just initiating the relaxation response. For example, if you rarely do stretches for physical therapy, then taking some time out of your day to do those stretches will not only provide a mental break but also some positive physical benefits.

“I practice mindfulness which means to grow an awareness of how our body communicates. I have learned to recognize what anxiety feels like in my body or what anger feels like in my body,” said science teacher Mr. David Dougherty, who advises the “Finding Peace Within” club during Spartan period. “When I recognize the experience, I stop and simply notice my breathing and focus on breathing and relaxing. It is a wonderful practice.”

When life gets stressful, sometimes the things we should be doing, like laundry, gets pushed aside in favor of work. Taking the time to make sure that your personal affairs are in order is just as much an act of self-care as doing a facemask. For some people, doing some chores or taking care of one’s physical health is more relaxing and beneficial.

“I make sure to take a few breaks between studying, and read a book or something to ease my mind, so I don’t have to think so much about everything that I’m stressed about,” Li said. “I make sure that I have specific routines during the evening to make sure that I’m not stressed out.”

Many people are often skeptical of self-care because they view it as selfish. This raises the question of whether or not it is selfish to put yourself first in some situations. In my opinion, it is absolutely not selfish. Sometimes you need a break from the fast-paced world around you, and it’s okay to recognize that and act upon it. In fact, self-care can, in some ways, be seen as a selfless act; if you’re not putting 100 percent into all that you do, then you are doing those around you a disservice.

Self-care is wonderful for everyone’s mental and physical wellbeing. Taking a break and making the time to assess and manage your mental health helps ensure that you are able to put your best foot forward no matter what life brings.

  • Alyssa Kovacs
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A reflection on the importance of self-care

A statue is reflected in a green pond.

By Cecilia Vorfeld

This piece was originally a Voices column in The Johns Hopkins News-Letter .

Amongst all this chaos and high stress as the year kicks off, we should never forget to take care of ourselves first. No matter how important exams feel, your health is vital. It's no wonder the freshman plague coincides with midterm season every fall. You can hear the symphony of coughs and sneezes in large lecture halls, especially while everyone is furiously scribbling away during an exam.

I myself got incredibly sick before one of my Brain, Behavior and Cognition midterms freshman year. Needless to say, I completely bombed that exam as I felt so awful that I could barely read the questions. Thank goodness I could drop a midterm. This plague I was suffering was more down to stupidity, but it was also part of learning what it means to go to college and to find balance here at Hopkins.

I had decided to do a 24-hour sci-fi movie marathon, from 8 a.m. on Saturday to 8 a.m. on Sunday, with six new friends in my small Sylvester AMR I double (still hands down the best place to live freshman year, despite this horrific event — just saying).

As you can imagine, it did not end well. Seven people in one dark, small room, watching around 12 films one after the other, with only a few breaks and chips to sustain us —it was a recipe for disaster. Unsurprisingly I felt awful on Monday. I was dead. An absolute zombie. And yet I had a midterm on Tuesday morning which I needed to do. If only I had taken better care of myself.

Twenty four hours with no fresh air. That is a death sentence for sure. My freshman year self did not see how that was rather unhealthy of me, and so I want to encourage you all to learn from my mistakes.

Right now, the weather continues to be so beautiful. Soon enough fall will come with its rain and then the nights will get longer and winter will approach with its cold winds. Enjoy the sunshine while you can my friends! You could do this by getting coffee with a friend outside, reading on a quad or even working out — go for a run or walk around campus.

Personally, I try to exercise regularly, but when I don't manage my time well, it's the first thing that goes out the window. But when I do, it's always so worth it. It's a great way to process through whatever is stressing you out, feel those endorphins pumping and take a break from everything that is going on around you. I'll usually go first thing in the morning because at that point I am not even fully awake yet so I don't have time to think about what I need to get done.

By the evenings, my plate is so full, I can't seem to find time to make my way over to the Rec Center. Again, whatever works for you and your schedule is best, but if you haven't tried it out yet, I'd recommend it.

My second recommendation to you all, no matter how long you've been here, would be to get enough sleep. As an RA this year, I certainly witness residents staying up late into the night and I myself this past week have not been getting the sleep I need. It never ends well. Everything just seems so much harder when you're tired. I know I am a lot more irritable when I haven't had enough shuteye and any little thing that may never have annoyed me on a regular day, makes me want to burst into tears.

Of course, some people can function on less sleep than others, but I would encourage you all to make sure that you don't lose sleep because you left everything last minute.

Managing your time can really help make things better in the long run. I believe in taking time to relax and do things you enjoy, but don't do that in order to delay your work. Fit those treat-yourself-moments into your schedule.

I often will work with a friend so they can encourage me to get the worst over with, the assignment I keep putting off, the email I don't want to write. You've just got to rip off that band-aid. Then it's done. Leave it, and it becomes almost too late to the point that you have to sacrifice your sleep and get all stressed. People will say that there are not enough hours in the day, but there are exactly 24 hours each day for each of us, and I believe that we have total control over how we spend those hours.

Maybe I come from a very privileged perspective, but I think that if a class is too much, or a club you're in, or a job you work or the research you do, you have the power to change that. Very few things are absolutely necessary.

And if they are, then the stress you go through must be worth it or why do it at all. Know that you can always ask for help or alterations to create more balance in your life. As a senior, I feel that the more help I ask for, the more questions I ask, the more I use the resources available to us here at Hopkins, the happier I am and the more balance I have in my life.

I only have one more year here so I definitely want to max out on everything that is available to me, such as the extracurriculars I do. They are things that I get a huge amount of pleasure from and thoroughly enjoy. However sometimes I have to recognize that I need to set boundaries. I need to take care of myself first. There is nothing wrong with that. People are understanding.

Self-love is not selfish. You can't pour from an empty cup. Please remember that in the coming weeks and months here at Hopkins and make sure to put your own health and happiness first. You will make others around you healthier and happier too.

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Konstantin Lukin Ph.D.

Coronavirus Disease 2019

Reflections on self-development and self-care, how to distinguish between two similar but different concepts..

Posted June 3, 2020 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

In the age of COVID-19, self-isolation, and inevitable uncertainty, the topics of self-development and self-care have come up for my patients more than they might have in “normal life.” (What’s even normal anymore?)

While we are all staying home, we may have fewer obligations or more time to fill. Simultaneously, we may be attempting to distract ourselves from all the bad news surrounding us, easing our inevitable anxiety , or trying to use this time to better ourselves in some way. These goals all hold some importance on a case-to-case basis, but it's important to accurately distinguish between two similar but different ideas here: self-development and self-care.

Self-care is just that — doing something to take care of yourself. It may include a relaxing activity like yoga, a bath, reading a book, or something that helps someone else clear their mind, like going for a walk outside.

Self-care is a practice that aims to help self-soothe but may look different for every person. For example, someone may consider watching a favorite TV show to be self-care, while for someone else, this might not feel like self-care, and more so represent them falling off of their self-care regimen that includes showering, making a cup of coffee, and chatting with a spouse. There is no blanket example of self-care, but there are certain goals it should ideally fulfill.

Self-care should be deliberate. It should be something you plan to do for the sole goal of taking care of yourself, and nothing else. At the same time, self-care should hopefully make you feel a little bit better during or afterward. Self-care should aim to improve your emotional well-being, and therefore elicit positive emotions rather than negative ones. If you try something as a practice of self-care and it doesn’t feel good, try something else!


Self-development, on the other hand, is defined as doing something to improve yourself. For example, learning a new language, or getting in better physical shape are examples of self-development, as is enrolling in an online course or training that is relevant to your profession. Self-development aims to improve a skill or introduce a new area of expertise that might make you feel empowered, emotionally, physically, or intellectually. Self-development is inherently a form of productivity .

Both self-care and self-development are important activities, but serve very different purposes, especially in the current state of the world. Some people may be able to use this time to improve or develop a new skill, and that’s wonderful, but for others, it just might not be the right time to embark on a new learning or physical endeavor.

For some people, managing their new day-to-day life, balancing caring for kids, trying to keep working from home, while also trying to process the immense loss of the world may be overwhelming, and therefore leave little cognitive, emotional, or literal space for self-development. Deciding what works best for you right now is a complicated process, but worth investigating through self-reflection.

For example, for me personally, I know that I am feeling more down than usual as death rates filter onto my phone, and even a little bit angry as I envision with uncertainty what my professional life will look like when the world is no longer in crisis. For me, taking time for self-care is more effective in maintaining my mental health for the time being, over finally refreshing my Spanish skills.

My partner, however, does better psychologically when their mind is busy and is currently taking an online course that includes lectures and work outside of class. To be honest, to me that sounds entirely miserable, but for them, it is a healthy coping mechanism.

Another important aspect of this distinction to remember is that comparing yourself with how someone else is using this time probably won’t help you. Everyone is handling the current state of the world differently, and if you’re being intentional about it, and self-aware of what you need on a daily basis, there is nothing wrong with that.

The word “unprecedented” is starting to become triggering for me given the hundreds (maybe thousands?) of articles I’ve read about COVID-19 and how each of them starts with the phrase “unprecedented times.” Putting that aside (as much as I can), I am also forced to remember that it is accurate; this time period is truly unique. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to deal with what’s happening in our world right now. It is terrifying, disorienting, and objectively bad. Do what works for you, and cut yourself some slack. Take time for yourself right now, however you can, and in whatever form suits you best.

essay about importance of self care

Stay Emotionally Focused,

Konstantin Lukin Ph.D.

Konstantin Lukin, Ph.D. , is a psychologist in private practice who specializes in helping men and couples achieve their therapeutic goals.

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How to Take Care of Yourself: The Importance of Self Care

How to Take Care of Yourself: The Importance of Self Care

Start Taking Care Of Yourself

Self care is an important part of staying physically and mentally healthy. For many people learning to take care of yourself is a process that can be challenging. Often when people are growing up they are taught to put the needs of their work, their families, and other people ahead of their own needs.

But it’s okay to focus on yourself. In fact, it’s the only way that you’re going to have the energy and strength to look after other people. Bettering yourself through self care will make you healthier and happier.

What Is Self Care?

Self care at the simplest level is making sure that you are doing the things that you need to do in order to stay healthy physically and mentally. Caring for yourself is an active choice that you need to make everyday that prioritizes your own health and happiness.

That sounds simple, but most people struggle to incorporate self care into their daily routines because they think it seems selfish. Self care isn’t selfish, but it can feel that way when you’re used to putting everyone else first. When you first start taking care of yourself some of your friends and family members might resent that you no longer put them first. That’s ok. Keep practicing self care.

Physical Self Care

Physical self care is something that a lot of people struggle with because there never seems to be enough time or energy to do the things that you know you should do like exercise daily or eat healthy. It’s common for people to have the best intentions to get up early and workout or make a healthy dinner but then to sleep in and hit the drive thru for dinner because they are overwhelmed, stressed out, and exhausted from their day filled with handling problems and catering to everyone else.

There are a lot of significant health benefits that come from making physical self care a priority. Regular exercise will help you keep your muscles strong. It also helps reduce stress. It can help with weight management. And according to medical studies taking the time for regular exercise can have any or all of these effects on your physical health:

  • Better sleep
  • Lower risk of heart attack
  • Lower stress levels
  • Stronger bones
  • Better cardiovascular health
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Reduce risk of some kinds of cancer
  • Lower risk of diabetes and insulin resistance
  • Better circulation
  • Better mood

When you see all the benefits that you can get from just 30 minutes of regular exercise each day it makes it a little easier to prioritize regular exercise.

Mental Self Care

Mental self care means giving yourself a break from the worries and stresses that you have to deal with all day long so that you can relax, clear your mind, and focus. Taking regular mental health breaks for self care can help you manage the symptoms of conditions like depression and anxiety and for some people can get rid of those symptoms entirely. Meditation, journaling, making art, and pursuing hobbies are all things that you can do to practice mental self care.

Making time For Self Care

The number one reason that people neglect self care is that they say they don’t have the time. But how many hours have you spent on social media today? How many minutes have you spent mindlessly scrolling through the news? There is enough time in the day to make time for self care if you are aware of your time and choose how you spend it. You have to make an active choice to make self care a priority instead of other things like spending time on social media.

Most smartphones these days have an app that will track how long you spend on social media each day. Check the app every day for a week. You may be shocked to see how many hours each day you waste mindlessly on social media. Swap 30 minutes of exercise and 30 minutes of art for just one hour spend on social media and you’ll be shocked at how much that will change your physical and mental health.

Self Care Ideas

Self care tips are usually not that easy to apply to real life. It’s all well and good for celebrities or gurus to talk about meditating for hours when they don’t have a job, kids, and other obligations. Here are some easy to follow self care ideas that anyone can do to start a regular self care routine no matter how busy they are:

  • Set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than usual. When you get up reach for a notebook and pen instead of your cell phone and write three pages. Just write whatever comes into your mind. This will help you get rid of worries and stress and focus on the day ahead.
  • Make breakfast the night before. If your mornings are very hectic start preparing a healthy breakfast the night before so that you can still eat a healthy meal in the morning. You can put prepared oats and fruit in a paper cup and put it in the fridge so you can grab it on the way out. Or mix up a smoothie quickly in the morning. But make time for a healthy breakfast.
  • Spend one evening each week on a hobby. You can join a class or just spend an hour in the tub reading a book. Whatever kind of hobby appeals to you is fine. But spend at least one hour once a week doing something just for the fun of it.

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The Clerestory Podcast S 1 E 25

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Issue No. 6 Food

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Issue No. 5 History

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Issue No. 4 Ecology

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Issue No. 3 Therapy

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Issue No. 2 Community

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Issue No. 1 Faith

Issue no. 3 therapy.

Jen Ashley is a writer living in Charleston, South Carolina who seeks to find the humor and humanity in all things. Yes, Ashley is her last name.

Taking Care of Ourselves

By jen ashley.

essay about importance of self care

This essay has an associated podcast episode. Listen now .

My friends know me as ‘Jen’, but marketing agencies know me as ‘a mid-20s American woman.’ I am the target demographic for those shilling self-care products, and I am bombarded with ads for them constantly. If they knew me a little better, though, they might realize that no essential oil diffuser in the world could calm these ever-fraught nerves, and even if it could, I wouldn’t be able to afford it.

The term ‘self-care’ took off in the late 2010s as a means to combat the growing trend of burnout. At the heart of the concept was self preservation . It wasn’t about fixing your problems, it was about coping with them: “Your life sucks. Treat yourself to 10 minutes of meditation, or a manicure!”

Newsletters and blogs devoted to self-care started springing up. The faces of stylish, beautiful women in the bylines tell us in gentle, feminine tones that we should buy that sponsored eucalyptus candle or vegan yoga mat as if that will satisfy our growing desperation for peace.

Search the hashtag #selfcare on Instagram, for instance. In between pastel graphics featuring inspirational quotes, you’re bound to find numerous product posts: alternative medicine, moisturizers, crystals, throw pillows, detoxifying teas and low-calorie ice creams. “We can make you feel a little better,” the brands promise, “ for a price. ”

After a year filled with fear, loss, sickness, change, and uncertainty, the need to address my own physical and mental wellbeing reached an all-time high. I wasn’t happy, and I could no longer believe the lie, “If I can just get through this week , my schedule will start clearing up.” I realized I too had a need for self-care, but the online discussion around it felt less like a resource and more like a marketplace oversaturated with overpriced hokum.

Self-care may have started out as a good faith movement for combating burnout, but it has grown into a $450 billion industry that preys upon those who are burnt out. But if life is so hard for so many people, imagine how much harder it must be for those who can’t afford to pamper ourselves with $100 facials? Aren’t they, too, deserving of self-care? And if so, where does it leave them?

Maybe we shouldn’t be listening to the marketers who tell us that we are too old, too ugly, or too imperfect, and that we need to be fixed. Maybe we should listen to ourselves instead.

Should we purchase blue light glasses to protect our eyes from the excessive screen time, or should we quit scrolling our timelines? Should we download a freemium meditation app, or should we take a walk outside? Are we practicing self-care, or have we lost our sense of self?

One evening recently, I was feeling particularly exhausted. All I wanted to do was sit on my sofa and pretend that I did not exist. When I, shoeless, stepped on a spill on the floor, I seriously considered returning to the couch with dirty bare feet. Instead, I forced myself to go to the tub and wash them. It sounds odd, but the quiet and solitary act of washing my own feet felt incredibly therapeutic. It occurred to me that maybe what I was doing was, technically, self-care.

When reflecting more on the concept, I realized I’d been framing it the wrong way – starting with the very term. I began to put intention not into ‘self-care’, but ‘taking care of myself.’ Simply by making it an active phrase rather than an ambiguous term, it instantly became less like an impulsive purchase or an elitist indulgence and more like a necessity.

It is a mantra. When I feel a sense of dread sweeping over me at the thought of doing the laundry, or flossing my teeth, or responding to an email, I now think: “By doing this, I am taking care of myself.” It doesn’t necessarily make these tasks enjoyable, but it does give me a sense of mindfulness.

While self-care is a reactionary measure, taking care of myself is a lifestyle. I no longer make to-do lists for the day, where work deadlines are prioritized above all else. Instead, I make a schedule that incorporates an even mixture of chores, work and self. Lunch breaks are just as important as a mandatory Zoom call. My career will not end if I opt to take a 20-minute walk over a doom-scroll through my inbox – and if that was actually a possibility, would I really want that career?

I challenge you to stop thinking that life is inevitably stressful and that your only option is to take the occasional vacation or book a quarterly massage to patch up your feelings of burnout. You can still book that yoga retreat or buy that candle if you can afford it, but you should think of those purchases as treats, not band-aids. Your wellbeing is not a commodity. Take care of yourself.

essay about importance of self care

A tall Victorian at the end of the line for the J-Church streetcar was home to The Integral Counseling Center. I caught the streetcar a block from my apartment on that most rare of things in San Francisco, flat ground, and rode the car as it lurched around the curves up a very steep grade.

essay about importance of self care

There is no magic deeper than re-telling a story, for you are giving yourself agency to assign meaning and (most importantly) to assign usefulness to time and events. When fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote, “Our lives are fairytales written by God’s fingers,” it was not just a cute ditty— it was a magic healing spell. 

Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating Essay

Self-care is an essential aspect of both personal and career goals. To support self-care, I intend to start eating healthy. This will ensure that I am physically fit to undertake my work tasks. I have also been doing light physical exercises as part of my self-care routine. It is important to note that being time conscious has also contributed to my overall wellbeing. Time management ensures that everything is done perfectly without rush and lowers the chances of being stressed.

Relaxation and stress reduction activities also contribute to my wellbeing. The mentioned activities will be useful when working in the field as well. Overall, being healthy ensures that the body builds resilience. Due to the nature of animals, especially wounded ones, it is important that I be resilient. There are cases of animals that reacted aggressively due to treatment or interaction with a vet. Body strength and muscle resilience can help lower the chances of getting hurt while in the field.

Burnout and compassion fatigue are interrelated. Working as a veterinary technician exposes one to different work stressors. Low income is one significant aspect that would contribute to my burnout. A poor working environment will also largely contribute to my fatigue. It is important to note that any type of stress that can be avoided contributes to overall fatigue at the workplace. In turn, productivity levels might be negatively affected. Interaction with abused, tortured, and even terminally ill pets will have a significant impact on my compassion fatigue. There are owners who mistreat their pets, and this can be very emotional for me. I used to lash out at clients due to negligence, but now I can manage my emotions.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 31). Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-self-care-healthy-eating/

"Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating." IvyPanda , 31 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-self-care-healthy-eating/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating'. 31 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating." October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-self-care-healthy-eating/.

1. IvyPanda . "Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating." October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-self-care-healthy-eating/.


IvyPanda . "Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating." October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-self-care-healthy-eating/.

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  1. What Is Self-Care and Why is It Important?

    Types. Benefits. Building a Self-Care Plan. Self-care is the practice of taking care of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your life to promote health and wellness. While many people may view self-care as a form of selfish indulgence, the act of caring for oneself is an important part of a person's overall well-being.

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    The World Health Organization defines self-care as: "the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and ...

  3. Why is Self-Care Important?

    Enhanced mental and emotional well-being: There are many reasons why mental health is important, and practicing self-care can help reduce stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. It promotes better mental health by providing an opportunity to relax, recharge and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

  4. Self-care has never been more important

    Be sure to add self-care to your schedule, she adds. "In stressful times, self-care can seem frivolous or selfish," she says. "But committing to self-care will preserve your ability to rise to the challenge of this time." Pivot, if necessary. For researchers, university shutdowns don't have to mean that work grinds to a halt.

  5. Importance Of Self Care: [Essay Example], 526 words

    In the fast-paced, demanding environment of the 21st century, the importance of self-care cannot be overstated. Self-care, defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's well-being and happiness, is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. This essay explores the specific aspect of self-care's role in preventing ...

  6. The Connection Between Self-Care and Mental Health

    Key points. Self-care is linked to improved mental health, self-esteem, self-worth, and optimism. Self-care involves valuing ourselves enough to make our health, well-being, and happiness a ...

  7. The ethical imperative of self-care

    Rather than a reactive strategy, self-care should be seen as a comprehensive method of ensuring you—and your clients, staff, or students—thrive. "How you define self-care is important," she says. "It's not just about being OK, but about flourishing, which requires de-stressing from everyday problems before they become serious."

  8. Importance of Self-Care: Rhetoric and Persuasion Essay

    Self-care is a wide range of actions that people do to improve their well-being and cope with stress. Self-care is important for managing stress and maintaining a reasonable work-life balance. Moreover, many diseases, weakening of the body and other troubles can be prevented (Jiang 126).

  9. The importance of self-care

    The one thing all humans have in common is that each of us wants to be happy, says Brother David Steindl-Rast, a monk and interfaith scholar. And happiness, he suggests, is born from gratitude. An inspiring lesson in slowing down, looking where you're going, and above all, being grateful. 50:00. Priya Parker.

  10. Mind, Body, and Soul: The Importance of Self Care

    Oxford Dictionaries defines self-care as, "the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.". Self-care is any activity that helps improve a person's mental health. This activity is completely up to the individual, and can be anything, from running to reading.

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    Self-care is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is the practice of taking care of one's own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In today's fast-paced and stressful world, self-care is often overlooked, but it is crucial for overall health and happiness. In this essay, I will reflect on the importance ...

  12. The Importance of Self Care

    Allowing yourself these moments also gives you a sense of freedom, which produces a better emotional and mental state. Start by giving yourself a 60 second break three times a day. I know you'll ...

  13. Self-Care: Physical and Mental Health

    Introduction. There is no doubt that self-care remains one of the most important notions connected to the spheres of social work and healthcare. Speaking about self-care, it is necessary to say that the notion includes anything related to physical and mental health that can be controlled by the person. Therefore, the significance of self-care ...

  14. Why Self Care Is So Important

    Self care actually helps you make progress faster for a few reasons: Self care prevents "overload burnout": We've all been there: you push yourself to the point that you can't take anymore ...

  15. A reflection on the importance of self-care

    A reflection on the importance of self-care. Cecilia Vorfeld. / Oct 10, 2019. This piece was originally a Voices column in The Johns Hopkins News-Letter. Amongst all this chaos and high stress as the year kicks off, we should never forget to take care of ourselves first. No matter how important exams feel, your health is vital.

  16. Reflections on Self-Development and Self-Care

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  17. Self-Care and Wellness: [Essay Example], 653 words

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  18. Self-care for health and well-being

    The WHO living guideline on self-care interventions for health and well-being includes recommendations on safe and effective interventions that should be used within a supportive enabling environment. The current recommendations cover interventions for. sexual and reproductive health and rights, including self-care options for improving antenatal, delivery, postpartum and newborn care;

  19. How to Take Care of Yourself: The Importance of Self Care

    Set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than usual. When you get up reach for a notebook and pen instead of your cell phone and write three pages. Just write whatever comes into your mind. This will help you get rid of worries and stress and focus on the day ahead. Make breakfast the night before.

  20. 2. Caring for ourselves so we can care for others

    In this second of three papers, we explain how nurses, midwives and students can better care for themselves (e.g., self-care strategies such as kind self-talk; emotion regulation) so they can better care for others during the Covid-19 pandemic, and beyond. ... As nurses, we understand the importance of self-care strategies (e.g., adequate sleep ...

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    Objectives. There is extensive literature from various disciplines on self-care, an important aspect of nursing intervention via evaluation and education, but its meaning remains unprecise due to the difficulty integrating the diverse definitions developed over time across disciplines.Therefore, it is vital to clarify the meaning of self-care and formulate the defining attributes, antecedents ...

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    The term 'self-care' took off in the late 2010s as a means to combat the growing trend of burnout. At the heart of the concept was self preservation. It wasn't about fixing your problems, it was about coping with them: "Your life sucks. Treat yourself to 10 minutes of meditation, or a manicure!".

  23. Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating

    Self-care is an essential aspect of both personal and career goals. To support self-care, I intend to start eating healthy. This will ensure that I am physically fit to undertake my work tasks. I have also been doing light physical exercises as part of my self-care routine. It is important to note that being time conscious has also contributed ...