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100 Ways to Save Electricity

Ways to Save Electricity

Are you worried about your high electric bill? The constant stress of rising energy costs can be a burden. However, By embracing various ways to save electricity, you can cut your bill by around 20-30% and get relief from financial pressure.

Ways to Save Electricity

There are various approaches that can significantly reduce electricity consumption. Implementing energy-saving measures at home and in the workplace can collectively achieve substantial energy reductions. Collaborating with family and friends can help in the adoption of these changes and increase their impact. Simple yet practical ways to conserve energy and save on your bills are as follows:

1. Employ Energy-Efficient Power Strips

power strips in solar panel: ways to conserve energy and save on your bills

They prevent power wastage when devices are turned off. Rather than plugging your computer, phone charger, printer, and television into a standard power strip, choose an energy-efficient one to immediately reduce overall energy consumption.

2. Ensure Air Vents Remain Unobstructed

Increase the efficiency of your office or living space’s air conditioning by making sure that furniture, such as bookshelves or file cabinets, does not obstruct air vents. This practice improves airflow, which contributes to a more efficient cooling system.

3. Close Doors to Prevent Energy Loss

During the colder months, wooden doors can let chilly breezes in and warm air out. Depending on your budget, consider repairing or replacing the doors to address this issue. This one-time investment will save you money on utility bills in the long run. Remind family members, particularly children, to promptly close doors after use to avoid gradual temperature changes and energy loss.

Also Read: Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency: Examples and Differences

4. Embrace Disconnected Periods

Technology is important in our lives, but it also consumes energy. To reduce energy consumption, prohibit certain devices from being used in your room for extended periods.

Set aside specific times for device use to effectively manage and monitor screen time. Additionally, practice unplugging devices such as mobile phones and televisions during downtime to benefit your health while also reducing unnecessary energy consumption.

5. Incorporate Home Assistants (Alexa/Google Home)

These devices feature an easy-to-use interface that allows for seamless transitions and voice-controlled management of multiple devices. Aside from convenience, these assistants help to save energy.

You can turn off lights, cooling systems, televisions , and other devices using a simple voice command. Use smart bulbs, plugs, or thermostats to control your home with voice commands, taking advantage of artificial intelligence’s integration into everyday life.

6. Dress Warmly to Reduce Heating Usage

One of the ways to save electricity is to adapt your clothing to the weather conditions for maximum comfort and energy efficiency.

  • Wear a thick sweater, warm pants, and socks to stay warm in the colder months, avoiding the need for heating eventually lowering your electric bill.
  • In the summer, wear light, breathable clothing to keep yourself cool.

7. Cover Pans and Turn Off Burners

Cover Pans and Turn Off Burners 1

This speeds up the cooking process and saves energy by minimizing heat loss . Additionally, turn off oven burners a few minutes before finishing the cooking process, as residual heat in the cookware will continue to cook the food without consuming additional energy.

8. Power Down During Inactivity

Turning off electronics when they are not actively in use is a simple practice. If you have trouble remembering, put them in standby mode. This action can help save energy but don’t keep it on standby for longer durations.

9. Discard the Chandeliers

These lights may improve the look of your home, but they are inefficient. They consume a lot of electricity but provide only a small amount of illumination. To save energy, consider replacing chandeliers with energy-efficient lighting alternatives.

10. Group Activities for TV Viewing

Conserve energy by arranging group TV viewing sessions with neighbors who have similar tastes. This not only promotes a sense of community but also helps to reduce individual energy consumption during shared entertainment.

11. Use Blinds to Block Sunlight

Open Blinds: ways to save electricity

Control the temperature in your home by strategically positioning blinds to either block or allow sunlight.

  • Close blinds in hot weather to prevent excess heat and thus reduce the need for air conditioning.
  • Close them during cold nights to provide an extra layer of insulation and retain heat, reducing reliance on heating systems.

12. Set Timers for Lights

Install timers that automatically turn off lights at predetermined intervals, preventing unnecessary energy consumption in unused or adequately lit rooms both during the day and at night. This low-cost solution, which is available at home improvement stores, is especially useful who have forgetful memory.

Also See: How to Tell If a Light Bulb is Energy Efficient?

13. Unplug Electronics during Office Absence

One of the most effective tips to save electricity is to unplug devices such as computers and printers before an extended weekend or vacation. This practice ensures that your office uses the least amount of energy while you are away.

14. Efficiently Manage Fridge Contents

Refrigerator: how to conserve energy at home

A refrigerator is a constantly operating appliance that can contribute to constant energy usage, especially when hampered by food clutter.

Maintain an organized refrigerator by cleaning it out regularly to cut down on energy consumption.

Ensure that all stored items are covered and well-wrapped to prevent moisture from escaping and make the compressor work harder to maintain the desired temperature.

15. Understand Rate Fluctuations and Types

It enables consumers to make informed decisions when selecting electricity providers, taking into account factors such as fixed, variable, or indexed rates.

Reduce utility costs by running home appliances like dishwashers, irons, and washing machines during off-peak hours due to cheaper electricity rates.

16. Consider Array Solar Backpacks

These products harness solar energy to charge your electronic devices. Simply expose the backpack to sunlight for a few hours, and it transforms into a portable energy source for charging smartphones, tablet PCs, or laptops.

17. Use Coloured Lampshades for Ambiance

It effectively illuminates the space. Choosing brightly colored lampshades can reduce the need for extra light bulbs, resulting in energy savings.

18. Maximize Natural Lighting

ways to conserve energy and save on your bills

Depending on the season, open the office blinds to take advantage of natural light and reduce the need for artificial lighting. This not only lowers electricity and HVAC costs but also creates a brighter and more energizing environment for employees.

Also See: 10 Features of a Sustainable House

19. Encourage Outdoor Play instead of Video Games

Encourage children to participate in outdoor activities rather than excessive video game use, to save both energy and money. It also promotes bonding time, physical activity, and the formation of healthy habits and interests.

20. Turn off Fans When Your Pet is at Home

You can power off fans as long as the temperature in your home stays between 78 and 80 degrees. It is a simple yet impactful way you can save electricity.

Consider putting crated pets in cooler areas of your home, such as the basement. Seal the windows and doors around your pet’s habitat to create a comfortable environment without wasting energy.

21. Adjust Fridge Temperature Wisely

Keep the refrigerator at 38-40 °F , and the freezer at around 5°F . A separate freezer should be kept at a temperature of about 0 degrees. Reduce the amount of time the refrigerator door is open and promptly close it after use to save energy.

22. Prioritize Microwaving Over Oven Use

microwave: ways to conserve energy and save on your bills

When preparing small meals, microwaves are preferable to conventional ovens. Microwaves not only use less energy but also prevent your home from heating up, eliminating the need for additional energy to cool the surroundings.

23. Avoid Overlighting Rooms

Use smart bulbs for living spaces. While a general guideline of 20 lumens per square foot is recommended, certain spaces, such as offices and kitchens, may require more illumination.

24. Ensure Energy Efficiency in Fish Tank Setup

Optimize the energy efficiency of your aquarium setup, as filtering fish tanks consume energy continuously. Choose LED lights , and keep the tank clean to improve overall efficiency.

25. Decorate with Energy-Saving LED Lights

LED lighting: how to save electricity

Use these lights for decoration because they are extremely energy efficient, using roughly half as much electricity as fluorescent, incandescent, or halogen alternatives. LED lights have a lifespan of 30,000-50,000 hours, far exceeding incandescent bulbs’ typical 1,000-hour lifespan.

For more details, go through these Benefits of LED Lighting on the Environment

26. Incorporate Family Walks into your Routine

It is a refreshing way to spend quality time together. Even if done briefly or infrequently, this activity provides a relaxing break while simultaneously reducing energy consumption in your home.

27. Time Your Christmas Lights Usage

This is one of the simple ways to save electricity ensuring that the lights turn on and off at the same time every day, and effectively managing electricity usage.

Additionally, decorating your home with candles provides a dual benefit by reducing light bulb usage and creating a cozy ambiance with a festive and cost-effective holiday decor option.

28. Explore Structured Insulated Panels

These panels are essential for increasing your home’s energy efficiency. When compared to traditional materials, these panels have a foam sheet layer sandwiched between plywood, which serves as insulation and significantly contributes to energy savings. While some may find their appearance unappealing, these panels can be customized by adding siding, brick, or stone.

29. Utilize Open Windows for Ventilation

JAN23 How to Conserve Heat Energy at Home 1

When your home becomes overheated during the summer, relying solely on air conditioning for cooling can result in excessive energy consumption. Rather, take advantage of cool breezes by opening windows to naturally lower the temperature in your home, especially at night. This method is a more energy-efficient alternative to using continuous air conditioning.

30. Explore Prepaid Electric Bill Plans

These plans allow a certain number of power units for your monthly consumption. By sticking to this limit, you encourage yourself to be more conscious of your energy consumption and promote savings.

By switching from a long-term contract to a prepaid service plan, you can pay only for the electricity you use , avoiding unnecessary expenses and providing insights into your energy consumption for better planning and budgeting.

31. Optimize Thermostat Settings with Programming

Resist the urge to turn up the heat and instead turn it down to save energy and money on your utility bill. A programmable thermostat allows you to set temperature schedules for the entire day without having to make manual adjustments, maximizing energy efficiency. Reduce the frequency with which the heater or air conditioner is turned on and off, as each cycle consumes more electricity and power.

32. Opt Reading Habit

It is a unique and enjoyable way to save electricity by avoiding energy-intensive activities but also helps to save money. Reading eliminates the need to power or charge devices and can be done outdoors, allowing you to reduce home lighting usage.

Take advantage of the opportunity to turn off your devices while immersing yourself in a captivating story.

33. Power down Electronics before Holiday Trips

Deactivate non-essential appliances before embarking on a long journey to save energy. Unplug all electronic devices, including televisions, dishwashers, lamps, computers, and chargers.

34. Schedule Professional HVAC Inspections

HVAC inspection

Before the winter and summer seasons, schedule professional HVAC inspections to optimize energy efficiency and perform preventative maintenance. It lowers the likelihood of future repairs.

35. Eliminate Phantom Load Expenses

One of the impactful ways to conserve energy and save on your bills is keeping track of phantom loads. Also known as vampire power , it is the amount of electricity consumed by devices that remain plugged in even after they have been turned off. While it allows for quick power-up and retains programmed settings, it can add up to 10% of your monthly energy bill.

Even when mobile phone chargers, television chargers, and computer chargers are not actively charging your devices, they consume a small amount of energy. To save energy, make it a habit to unplug these chargers from the power outlet when your devices are not in use.

36. Invest in Energy Star-certified Devices

Consider purchasing devices certified by Energy Star , a program that promotes energy-efficient products. These appliances use less energy-intensive materials and modern technology to save up to 8% more energy than standard appliances. Air conditioners and computers are among the devices that offer both cost savings and environmental benefits.

37. Embrace Green Technology for Energy Savings

It should be integrated into your home to reduce carbon emissions and utility bills. While there is an initial investment, the long-term operating costs are lower.

For example, solar panels and ground source heat pumps use free energy to provide comfort as well as energy savings.

38. Implement Smart Home Solutions

One of the modern ways to reduce the wastage of electricity is using smart home devices that turn your home into an energy-efficient space.

  • Smart lighting, heating, and cooling systems can reduce energy waste significantly.
  • Smart AC controllers for ductless air conditioners and smart thermostats for ducted HVAC systems are both reasonably priced options.
  • Using geofencing, scheduling, automation, and condition-based triggers improves comfort while reducing energy consumption.

39. Choose Appliances with High Energy Ratings

Energy Efficiency Rating

The energy consumption patterns of all appliances differ. The higher energy ratings contribute to energy savings while indicating better material quality, stringent quality controls, and superior manufacturing processes.

Also Read: 4 Disadvantages of Energy Efficient Appliances

40. Consider SEER Rating When Buying HVAC Appliances

It measures appliance efficiency, where a higher SEER rating indicates greater efficiency and energy savings. While the US Department of Energy requires a minimum SEER rating of 14 for split air conditioning systems, some appliances on the market have SEER ratings in the mid-20s, offering even greater energy savings.

41. Activate Energy-Saving Mode on Devices

Nowadays, all appliances and devices, such as air conditioners and phones, have a power-saving mode built in. For example, an AC in power-saving mode operates at lower power , with reduced fan speed and swing, striking a balance between energy efficiency and maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Smart air conditioner controls provide additional energy-saving features and scheduling options, such as dimming the backlight, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 1/3.

42. Explore Solar-Based Energy Options

Following the initial investment, solar panels are a cost-effective source of free energy with low maintenance requirements. A minor consideration is battery replacement, which is required every 3 years or more. Moreover, solar technology advances are gradually lowering initial costs, making solar panels a more appealing and energy-saving option.

43. Schedule Regular Technology Inspections

It is especially important for efficient air conditioning operations. An energy audit provides insight into energy consumption patterns and aids in the identification of necessary changes to reduce utility bills.

You can reach out to your local electric company for a professional inspection of appliances, home structure, and insulation measurements to save electricity and ensure peak performance.

44. Change Filters on Heating/Cooling Appliances Regularly

Consistent maintenance for device air conditioners includes timely filter replacement. Clogged filters obstruct air intake, forcing air conditioners to operate at higher power settings to maintain the same level of cooling.

45. Use Dehumidifiers Strategically


It can provide both comfort and significant energy savings in humid climates. High humidity frequently causes an increase in air conditioning use, which contributes to increased electricity consumption.

Using a dehumidifier strategically reduces room humidity, causing a temperature drop and eliminating the need for energy-intensive air conditioning or thermostat settings.

46. Control Thermostat Temperature for Efficiency

Set the thermostat to 73-78°F during the summer to keep your home cool. In the winter, keep the temperature at 68°F or lower, possibly even lower during sleep hours. These optimized temperatures aid in the efficient management of utility bills .

47. Use Fans for Energy-Efficient Cooling

Ceiling fans are an energy-efficient alternative to air conditioners, providing ventilation and cooling at a fraction of the cost. Ceiling fans, which require less maintenance, can be used in both winter and summer. In the winter, turning the fan clockwise helps redistribute warm air, improving comfort and reducing the need for higher thermostat settings.

If interested, take a look at our blog – Do Ceiling Fans Save Energy in Winter?

48. Monitor Energy Usage with Apps

Tracking energy consumption with apps like OpenEnergyMonitor enables you to identify appliances that are significantly contributing to your energy bills. This knowledge enables you to monitor and save electricity using real-time data.

Furthermore, Smart AC controllers provide features such as usage history tracking, which provides a timeline of actions to effectively monitor and manage energy usage patterns.

Cross-reference: Top 10 Energy Efficiency Smartphone Apps

49. Install Ductless Heat Pumps for Efficient Heating/Cooling

They are simple to install, and maintain, and extremely effective at cooling individual rooms. Smart, IoT-enabled variations will include advanced features to provide even greater energy savings.

50. Enhance Insulation to Conserve Energy


Effective insulation is critical for year-round energy conservation, highlighting ways to save electricity. It helps to retain heat in the winter while also preventing heat from entering your home in the summer, resulting in lower utility bills.

The amount of insulation required varies depending on the area, such as the crawlspace, floors, walls, attic, and basement. Tools like the home energy-saver tool can provide recommendations based on the specifications of your home.

51. Seal Leaks to Prevent Energy Loss

Beginning this process entails identifying leaks, either through personal inspection or with the assistance of a professional. Once leaks have been identified, professional sealing can trap escaping air , preventing heating and cooling systems from running at full capacity and wasting energy.

52. Manage Chimneys to Regulate Energy Usage

When a fireplace is turned off, outside air can enter the house and cause heat loss. Installing a fireplace damper on top of the chimney helps to seal off the fireplace when not in use, preventing warm air from escaping and lowering room temperature unnecessarily. When not in use, keep the damper closed to avoid unwanted airflow.

53. Adjust Dampers for Energy Conservation

They regulate the flow of air into a room from the ducts of a central air conditioning system. When the air conditioner is turned off, these ducts store unheated/uncooled air, resulting in drafts that affect room temperature, especially in the winter. To save energy and mitigate this effect, keep your duct dampers closed when not in use to prevent drafts and maintain room temperature.

54. Weatherstrip the Attic for Efficiency

Extreme temperatures can be a problem in attics, where air conditioning is often unavailable. Consider weatherstripping your attic door to solve this problem and maintain a more stable indoor environment.

Properly sealing gaps and hinges helps prevent unwanted air exchange. Treating the attic door as your main entrance can help improve temperature control and reduce the risk of outside air affecting the indoor climate.

Cross-reference: Attic Air Sealing Project

55. Install an Attic Ventilator for Improved Ventilation

Attic ventilator: ways to save electricity

During the summer, it is essential to keep the attic from becoming overly hot. When attics are exposed to direct sunlight, they radiate heat to the rooms below, requiring more cooling energy. An attic ventilator circulates air , reducing the need for extra cooling and consequently saving energy.

Also Read: How to Install Solar Attic Fan – Easy Step-by-Step Guide

56. Frost Windows for Insulation

They provide dual benefits by keeping heat out in the summer and cold out in the winter, contributing towards reducing energy wastage. This low-cost measure relieves strain on heating and cooling systems, without incurring additional costs.

57. Consider the Impact of Home Colors on Energy Usage

Understanding how different paint colors affect energy efficiency is critical. Light colors reflect natural light, while dark colors absorb it. Match the color of your house to the weather; for warmer climates, choose white or pastel shades. This not only saves energy but also gives your house a new look.

58. Use Reflective Coating to Manage Sunlight

These coatings are an inexpensive way to cut energy costs. When applied to exterior surfaces, they reflect UV rays, preventing overheating in interior spaces.

59. Choose Energy-Efficient Door and Window Options

Combating winter heat loss and summer heat gain, particularly through windows, is critical for energy efficiency.

  • Using double-pane windows with gas-filled options and Low-E coatings reflects sunlight, which improves cooling in the summer and warming in the winter.
  • Steel and fiberglass energy-efficient doors help to maintain desired temperatures while minimizing air transfer.

60. Explore Roofing Options for Energy Savings

metal roof

If you are staying in a place receiving extreme rain and snowfall, you can choose a metal roof. It also reflects sunlight during summer and cools off in a short time. While the initial investment may be higher, the long-term energy savings make it a worthwhile choice.

Cross-reference: Energy Efficient Roofing

61. Promote Natural Air Flow for Cooling

Maintain optimal airflow within rooms to combat the feeling of overheating and reduce the need for air conditioning. Natural air circulation and cooling are promoted by opening doors, windows, and vents, as well as using ceiling fans.

62. Use Window Coverings to Retain Heat

Window films are an inexpensive way to cover windows, blocking heat in hotter climates and conserving energy in colder climates by preventing cold air from entering. Thick curtains also control temperature, providing a practical way to save energy.

63. Install Gaskets in Electrical Outlets

This quick and low-cost installation can result in lower energy consumption by stopping drafts and cold air.

64. Turn off Lights and Fans When Not Needed

In unoccupied areas, it is a simple energy-saving practice. Let’s say, in the office, you can develop this habit of turning off your desk light, fans, and nearby bulbs at the end of the day or when they are not in use.

Also Read: How Much CO2 Does a Light Bulb Produce Per Hour?

65. Clean Bulbs for Increased Energy Efficiency

It regularly prevents dust and dirt buildup and ensures they emit their full brightness. This maintenance practice reduces the need for additional light bulbs, which helps to save energy.

66. Reduce HVAC Usage

Maintaining a constant temperature reduces the need for its constant use. By avoiding extreme temperature changes, comfort can be achieved in moderate settings. Automate your environment based on the temperature of the room.

Implement insulation, seal leaks, and ensure ventilation to reduce energy consumption. These techniques aid in the retention of heat or cold within your home, reducing the need for extended HVAC operation. Opening doors allows air generated by your HVAC system to gradually escape your home, resulting in a gradual temperature shift.

Also, check out Ways to be More Environmentally Friendly at Home

67. Install Dimmers for Adjustable Lighting

They are a convenient way to customize lighting to specific needs, lowering power consumption and brightness when full illumination is not required.

68. Use Modern Blocks

Contemporary bricks such as AAC blocks and fly ash bricks are now preferred in construction over traditional clay bricks. These modern bricks help to keep temperatures low, which is especially beneficial in hotter climates, resulting in lower power consumption.

69. Choose Lower Wattage and Compare Lumens

It is critical to choose the appropriate wattage for your bulbs based on your specific needs. Unnecessarily high wattage should be avoided , as overly bright rooms can be both uncomfortable and energy-intensive. Consider lumens, which represent the amount of light produced by a bulb, and wattage, which represents the amount of energy consumed.

Let’s say, for your living space, you can choose a 450 lumens energy efficient bulb instead 40W bulb.

Cross-reference: Lumens and the Lighting Facts Label

70. Consider Skylights for Natural Lighting


Energy-efficient skylights can reduce heating, cooling, and lighting costs. These translucent openings in the ceiling allow natural light to heat a room, reducing the need for artificial lighting and additional heating.

71. Reduce Your Dependency on Appliances

Technology such as smart appliances can be useful, but it is best to limit its use and stick to traditional methods. Overuse of devices consumes more energy; consider using appliances such as dishwashers, hair dryers, or microwaves when necessary.

72. Use Alternative Electricity Generating Resources

Instead of relying solely on grid electricity, exploring alternative resources like solar and wind that contribute towards saving electricity.

  • Install a small solar grid on your roof to power devices that use less energy.
  • A small windmill on your property can also generate electricity for outdoor lighting and other uses.

You can also check out our blog – How Much Do Solar Panels Save On Electricity Bills?

73. Employ Digital Systems to Control Lighting

These systems can be integrated to efficiently optimize home lighting. You can use wireless lighting controls that come with advanced control systems to reduce electricity waste and offer flexibility. They can be accessed via connected mobile apps, allowing for remote control and automation.

74. Manage Floor Lamps Strategically

Floor lamps add ambience but they must be used with caution to save energy. To save energy, use LED or CFL bulbs and remember to unplug floor lamps when not in use.

75. Use Motion Sensors for Efficient Lighting

It’s common to forget to turn off lights. Consider installing motion sensors or timer switches on your lights to address this. These devices ensure that lights are not left on when a room is empty, activating them only based on motion detection. Thus it is an efficient way to conserve energy and save on your bills.

For better understanding, take a look at How to Turn Off a Motion Sensor Light Without Switch

76. Optimize Kitchen Lighting for Efficiency

This entails using energy-saving bulbs and strategically planning the lighting layout.

  • Organize the lighting scheme so that it is simple to turn off unnecessary lights, such as those above the kitchen backsplash.
  • Incorporate a variety of light sources in the kitchen, using small and overhead lights for specific tasks such as making tea or cooking.

77. Use Mirrors to Maximize Natural Light

These light reflectors distribute natural light. Mirrors, if, strategically placed near windows or skylights, can reflect and amplify natural light, reducing reliance on electrical lighting sources and contributing to energy savings.

Also Read: Can Mirrors Boost Solar Panel Output?

78. Choose Energy Star-certified CFL and LED Bulbs

Choose LED and CFL bulbs with Energy Star certification to save up to 75% on energy consumption . Using these energy-efficient alternatives instead of traditional incandescent bulbs is a practical step toward energy conservation.

79. Use Multiple Switches for Lighting Control

An effective way to save electricity is installing multiple switches in larger spaces, such as family rooms or open offices, which allows for precise control of lighting in different areas. This adaptability illuminates specific zones as needed, promoting energy efficiency.

80. Plant Trees for Natural Shade and Cooling

plant trees: ways to conserve energy and save on your bills

Strategically planting shrubs and trees can result in substantial energy cost savings. These natural elements act as shields, providing shade in summer and windbreaks in winter. Placing trees strategically, such as positioning them to the north for winter wind interception and near windows for reduced summer heat, enhances the energy efficiency of your home in an eco-friendly manner.

81. Educate Children on Energy Conservation

Instilling energy-saving practices in the younger generation can help reduce household energy consumption. Teaching children to turn off lights, close doors, and turn off electronics with gentle reminders promotes an energy-saving culture.


82. Avoid Screen Savers for Energy Efficiency

Set your computer to hibernate or sleep mode instead of using screen savers during prolonged periods of inactivity. While screen savers are visually appealing, they consume unnecessary energy to power the screen when it is not in use.

83. Arrange Furniture Thoughtfully

This can significantly reduce energy consumption. To avoid blocking natural light, keep high-back chairs away from windows.

Check that no tables or drawers are blocking air conditioning vents, allowing efficient circulation of heated or cooled air.

84. Minimize Door Opening and Closing

Reduce the time that doors are left open, as open doors allow conditioned air to escape, causing the overall room temperature to fluctuate. Keeping doors and windows closed prevents outside air from entering and contributes to energy efficiency.

85. Be Mindful of Peak Hours

The energy tariff is higher during peak hours than it is during non-peak hours. Non-critical appliances should be used during off-peak hours to save energy.

86. Preheat Food as Needed

Consider preheating frozen food before putting it in the electric oven. This method reduces the need for extended oven range use, resulting in lower energy consumption. Similarly, rather than microwaving food straight from the fridge, allow it to come to room temperature before reheating.

87. Allow Dishes to Air Dry

An eco-conscious choice in ways to save electricity is to keep your dishes for air drying on the kitchen counter rather than using a dishwasher or automatic dryer. Electric dryers use a lot of electricity, whereas air drying uses no energy.

88. Wash Clothes with Cold Water

Most clothes can be cleaned effectively with cold or lukewarm water, without the use of hot water . Using hot water for laundry uses more energy without providing any additional benefits, resulting in higher utility bills. When not in use, keep your water heater temperature as low as possible and raise it only when necessary.

89. Choose Appropriate Cookware

Cooking tasks should be performed in appropriately sized pots and pans to avoid wasting heat energy. Using large pots for small dishes, or mismatching burner sizes with pot dimensions, can lead to longer cooking times and higher energy consumption. To save energy, keep large burners reserved for large meals .

90. Wash Full Laundry Loads

To save energy when using a washing machine, make sure to load it to full capacity. Avoid washing clothes in small, separate loads to maximize efficiency and reduce machine usage.

91. Utilize Air Drying for Clothes

Laundry Drying: ways to conserve energy at home

Rather than using a dryer, air dry your clothes by hanging them in the sun. This method eliminates the need for additional energy and is especially beneficial for delicate fabrics that may be damaged in a laundry dryer.

92. Take Shorter Showers

Reduce shower duration to save water and reduce energy consumption associated with bathroom lighting. Installing newer low-flow showerheads also ensures effective water distribution while maintaining coverage, increasing efficiency, and reducing water waste.

Also See: 24 Sustainable Bathroom Upgrade Ideas

93. Compare Electric and Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers

For greater efficiency and less environmental impact, choose an electric lawn mower over a gas-powered alternative. Electric mowers powered by solar or wind turbines are a more eco-friendly alternative to gasoline-powered models.

94. Optimize Refrigerator Temperature

This should be done based on the needs of the stored items. Avoid setting the refrigerator to unnecessarily low temperatures during winters when extreme minimums are not required. Close the refrigerator door properly with airtight seals to prevent energy waste from inefficient cooling caused by items blocking the door.

95. Optimize Freezer Space

An efficient tip for saving electricity is to keep your freezer well-stocked as it allows items inside to cool faster. Cleaning the fridge regularly prevents dirt and debris accumulation, ensuring efficient cooling performance and reducing the need for extra energy to maintain optimal temperatures.

96. Strategically Use Appliances

Learn how to make the most of your appliances. For example, if the oven is on during the winter, consider leaving the oven door open briefly after cooking to distribute heat throughout the kitchen and act as a supplementary heat source.

97. Maintain Appliances Regularly

Check your appliances for routine maintenance. While they may still be functional, minor issues can arise, reducing the appliance’s efficiency. It is critical to address these inefficiencies as soon as possible because inefficient appliances consume more energy.

98. Keep Home Appliances in Good Condition

Ensure that your appliances are clean and free of dust and grime as that leads to higher energy consumption. Dirt buildup on a refrigerator’s coils, for example, may force it to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Similarly, dust in the exhaust ports of a microwave can halt its overall functionality.

99. Consider Appliance Placement

Arrange your appliances according to their usage. It is counterproductive and inefficient to place your refrigerator or freezer near a cooking range or in direct sunlight through a window.

100. Additional Tips

solar battery

  • Consider home battery systems for storing excess solar energy and reducing reliance on the grid.
  • Make behavioral changes such as using a warmer blanket and lowering the thermostat in the winter to save energy.

Ultimately, making small adjustments to your daily routine can significantly lower energy consumption and conserve valuable resources. Using LED lights and motion sensors, optimizing fridge space, and choosing energy-efficient appliances, you can save electricity and live a more sustainable life. To learn more about such useful tips, keep exploring our site.

Recommended: 100 Ways to Conserve Energy at Home


Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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Save Electricity Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save electricity.

Electricity is an essential resource for a thriving life. It runs our daily life. Life without electricity would be impossible to imagine now. We generate electricity using coal or natural gas. However, people do not realize the natural resources to do as are limited and non-renewable. We must conserve electricity so that we can conserve these resources.

Save Electricity Essay

In other words, electricity serves mankind greatly. We must stop the wastage of power. The world will lose its light if there is no electricity. Moreover, careless behavior by humans must be checked. We need to realize the importance of electricity to save ourselves from the darkness.

Need for Electricity

Electricity is needed in almost every sphere of life now. We need it to lead a comfortable life full of all amenities and services. The world will become dormant without electricity. For instance, all our health and education facilities are conditioned by electricity. If there is no electricity, the surgeon won’t be able to perform his surgery. Moreover, students won’t be able to gain practical knowledge.

Likewise, motor mechanics in the garages and engineers in the factory depend on electricity. Furthermore, the passengers at the railway station and the airport can travel safely due to electricity only.

In addition, various means of transportation depend on electricity only. Trams and metros carry thousands of people every day. All this is made possible due to electricity only. Electricity boosts our modern life and helps in making it civilized.

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How to Save Electricity

Firstly, all of us must understand that even a small step will go a very long way in saving electricity. For instance, if every person at each home switches on the fan when not in use, thousands of watts of electricity can be saved.

Similarly, if we use our air conditioners, heaters, ovens, refrigerators and more properly, we can successfully save large amounts of electricity.

essay how to save energy

Furthermore, try making use of natural light more. Do not keep the lights unnecessarily in the morning and afternoons. Make do with the natural light as it is enough. We must replace all our old appliances as they consume a lot of electricity. In other words, we must strive to make our homes energy efficient.

Moreover, always remember to unplug your electrical gadgets when not in use. These devices consume at least 10% of electricity even when inactive. Thus, unplug them to save electricity.

In addition, try to cut down your TV watching time. Encourage kids to read and play outside instead. Likewise, try using laptops in place of desktops. Desktops consume more energy than a laptop. You must also switch off the fans if you using your air conditioner, thereby avoiding unnecessary wastage.

Most importantly, installing solar panels can help you excessively. They are very economical and help in saving a lot of energy. The solar panels will help in consuming lesser energy that too economically. Similarly, the industries which use megawatts of electricity must install windmills. This can help in getting cheap electricity through natural means.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is Electricity important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Electricity powers all the facilities now. It helps a surgeon perform life-saving surgery. Similarly, it helps students in learning practical knowledge at school. Furthermore, people lead a comfortable life all thanks to electricity.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save electricity?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”One can adopt a number of ways to save electricity. Make sure to use natural light to the fullest and avoid turning on lights in the morning and afternoon. Moreover, always switch off fans and lights when not in use. Unplug your gadgets and install solar panels to get economic electricity.”} }] }

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Energy Conservation Essay | Essay on Energy Conservation for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Energy Conservation Essay: Conservation of energy is an essential aspect of human existence. Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future. One might wonder why conservation of energy is vital for survival. The reason lies in the renewable and non-renewable resources. All the resources of a country get utilized in the production of energy. Thus energy has various forms. The energy that is generated from tidal waves is called tidal energy. The energy that is made from wind is called wind energy.

Hydroelectricity is the electric energy that is generated at dams. Windmills are used to harness the power of winds and transform them into energy. Here we have written essays covering the topic which is beneficial for students concerning their exams and assignments.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Energy Conservation for Kids and Students in English

Here we have provided one brief long essay of 500 words, one short essay of 100-150 words, and ten important lines covering the topic.

Essay on Energy Conservation

Long Essay on Energy Conservation in English 500 words

Energy Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Since this law of conversation is held to be true, it means that it is up to humans to save energy in every possible way. All of us at a point of time in our lives must have got a scolding for leaving our room without switching off the fans and lights. At that time, it might have occurred to us that our parents scream at us because they have to pay a hefty electricity bill.

However, that is always not the case. It is also about not wasting energy unnecessarily. If the lights and the fan are kept on even if no one is in the room, then that means resources are being put to use without any purpose. That becomes a wastage of support which is something we are to avoid at all costs.

What is vital about the conservation of energy is human habits and practice. Most people do not feel it to be necessary or important to save energy for the future. It does not occur to them that reckless spending of energy can be disastrous for their children when they grow up. There are many ways in which conservation of energy can happen.

Apart from the usual, one can use air conditioners during the summers on alternate days. Those who have their cars can switch off the engine when they stop at a red light for a considerable amount of time. One can even judiciously use the geysers in his or her house.

That will not just save energy, but it will also save water. Geysers utilize a lot of current electricity because they run at a very high voltage. Switching off the geyser the right time and using it only once a day can save both water and electricity. When it comes to offices, energy can be conserved in various ways. This includes shutting down computers when not in use, not using internet facilities when they are not required and switching off unnecessary lighting. In schools and colleges, it is often seen that students forget to switch off the fans and lights when not in use or at the end of the day.

The one who is in charge of housekeeping operations usually does that during his or her shift. This causes a massive use of excess energy. Conservation of energy is not natural and takes a lot of time. This is because all the energy that is saved is not much when added up together. However, every little step that is taken towards the idea brings us an inch closer to a pollution-free word.

Conservation of energy reduces pollution because it lowers down the number of resources that are put to use. This causes less of toxins being released into the air. In the end, however, it is also to be considered that the conservation of energy is all about human behavior. If human beings choose to behave irrationally and forget about their future, then neither is conservation possible nor is the future safe for the generations that are yet to come.

Short Essay on Energy Conservation in English 150 words

Energy Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Conservation of energy is mostly related to generating awareness. Most of people are not aware of the state of the earth due to global warming and ozone layer depletion. However, with a little amount of awareness, a change in the habit of the individuals can be brought about. A change in their pattern can bring about a difference in the world. Energy conservation is related not only to behavior and practice but also to time.

People do not spend time thinking about what might happen if there are no resources left to produce electricity. The absolutely cannot fathom how essential it is to switch off a car’s engine at the red light. Switching off the car does not save energy only, but it also reduces pollution in the environment. By the law of conservation of energy we neither can add fresh energy to the environment, nor can energy die out. Therefore we should do all that we can to preserve it for the future.

10 Lines on Energy Conservation Essay in English

  • Energy is neither creation nor destruction of matter.
  • Energy can transform itself.
  • Most people do not feel it to be necessary or essential to save energy for the future.
  • Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future.
  • Conservation of energy is not natural and takes a lot of time.
  • Conservation of energy reduces pollution because it lowers down the number of resources that are put to use.
  • Energy conservation is related not only to behavior and practice but also to time.
  • Those who have their cars can switch off the engine when they stop at a red light for a considerable amount of time.
  • A change in their habit can bring about a difference in the world.
  • Conservation of energy is related to awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions on Energy Conservation Essay

Question 1. How can the conservation of energy be done in a systematic manner?

Answer: Energy is conserved in various ways in which it can be saved utilized for future use.

Question 2. How is the conservation of energy-related to pollution?

Answer: Less of energy consumption leads to the lowering of toxins in the air. This is how energy conservation can control pollution.

Question 3. Why do humans forget to conserve energy?

Answer: Humans behave irrationally when it comes to energy conservation because they have no idea of what the future has in store for them.

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Save Energy Essay in 500+ Words in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jun 13, 2024

Save Energy Essay

‘When the sun is bright, say no to tube light’. I know this sounds more like a nursery rhyme but trust me, it is the cheat code to save energy for a sustainable future. Today, the annual global energy conservation is 580 million terajoules, and do you know where we get the most of this energy? The sun and Earth’s natural resources. Governments and NGOs across the world are organising climate and energy conservation summits to raise awareness and implement sustainable energy guidelines. Today, our Save Energy essay will guide you towards this modern approach to energy conservation and how do we achieve it.

essay how to save energy

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Should We Save Energy?
  • 2 How Can We Save Energy?
  • 3 Conclusion
  • 4 Save Energy Essay 200 words

Why Should We Save Energy?

In the words of Jimmy Carter, one of the most admired former U.S. presidents, ¨Because we are now running out of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict conservation and to the use of… Permanent renewable energy sources, like solar power

The world of today needs more important resources. Among those, energy is one of the most important ones therefore it is crucial to save energy for many reasons, impacting our environment and daily lives. 

As of 2024, global energy consumption is rising continuously and is putting strain on natural resources and the issues related to the environment. As per IEA (International Energy Agency), energy demand has increased by an average of 3.4 percent annually through 2026. It should be noted there was a rise in consumption from 18 percent in 2015 to 20 percent in 2023. 

One of the primary reasons to save energy is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Efficient consumption of energy via solar PV and wind generation for the years 2021 to 2022 helped around 465 Mt of Carbon Dioxide emissions in the power sector. 

Without cleaning energy technologies which further included eclectic vehicles, and other heat pumps saving 85 Mt Carbon Dioxide would not be possible. 

Additionally, saving energy helps in leading economic benefits too. Practising energy-efficiency practices and technologies helps at ground level to save energy. Moreover, conservation of energy ensures the longer life of non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas. 

In conclusion, saving energy helps not only protect our environment but also reduce the costs of consumption which further leads to a sustainable future. Small changes in our daily activities can contribute to a greener and more energy-efficient world. 

Quick Read: Essay on Global Warming

How Can We Save Energy?

We all know that energy conservation helps not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also promote sustainable development. Now the question is, how can we save energy at ground level? So here are some simple but effective ways to save energy:

1. At Home:

  • Practice turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use.
  • Replace the more energy-consuming bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs.
  • It is advisable to adjust the temperature of the air-conditioner accordingly.
  • Do not forget to unplug the electronics and charge them when not in use. Practice using energy-efficient appliances and equipment, which also make efficient use of energy.

2. At School: 

  • Peers should be made aware of ” The Car Pooling” practice. Also, the use of public transportation should be boosted. 
  • Children should be encouraged to use energy carefully. The practice of energy-saving habits such as turning off computers and other electronic devices when not in use should be taught.
  • Regularly setting up energy-saving campaigns and competitions can also help raise awareness about saving energy.
  • Special classes should be given to promote and install solar panels or other renewable energy sources. 

Government initiatives and policies such as the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), the Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) flagship programme of the Bureau of Energy under the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE), Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) and many more are notable examples that are led by the government for the sustainability of energy. 

Saving energy is not a sole activity; instead, it is a collective responsibility that needs the active participation of individuals, communities, businesses and governments. By adopting the correct practices of saving energy in our daily lives, we can contribute to a greener way of life and a brighter future for ourselves as well as for future generations. 

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Save Energy Essay 200 words

How would it be if you had superpowers that could help your school, community, and the planet Earth? Isn’t that exactly what happens when you become an “ Energy-saving superhero? ” It might seem small, but if you trust in helping hands, tiny habits like turning off a computer and other gadgets can add up to a big difference.

As a student, the first and foremost mission to save energy begins in the classroom. Are the lights left on in empty rooms? Are fans and other electrical equipment functioning without any purpose and constantly draining energy? Become a “Detective of Power” and turn off every purposeless appliance that sucks up energy.

Next, unleash your inner “ Eco-Warrior .” To accomplish this purpose, ensure that all electronic items are switched off when everyone is leaving, as every watt saved is a miraculous victory for the planet. Shortening bathroom breaks, taking shorter showers, and using an air dryer only when needed are other super ways to save water and energy, and of course, to finally use the power of nature.

By becoming an “ Energy Superhero ,” we will not only help our school and other important places but also save money on electricity bills. Be a responsible citizen, grab your cape, and let your mission to save energy begin.

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Ans: 10 ways to save energy include the following: a) Turn off lights when leaving a room. b) Unplug chargers and electronics when not in use. c) Use energy-efficient LED bulbs. d) Set air conditioners at moderate temperatures. e) Take shorter showers to save hot water. f) Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. g) Use a clothesline instead of a dryer. h) Carpool or use public transportation. i) Properly insulate your home. j) Purchase energy-efficient appliances.

Ans: Saving energy means using less energy or consuming the energy efficiently. The saving of energy includes the necessary steps that reduce the amount of energy that we waste in our daily lives, at home, school or at work.

Ans: Energy powers our homes, schools, and workplaces. We need energy to run appliances, lights, and electronics. Energy fuels transportation like cars, buses, and trains. Industries require energy to operate machines and equipment. Energy helps us cook food and heat or cool our buildings.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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Essay on Energy Conservation

Energy is all around us, and it’s what makes our world work. From the lights in our homes to the cars on the road, energy is essential for our daily lives. However, it’s important to remember that energy is not an infinite resource. We need to use it wisely and conserve it for the future. This is where energy conservation comes into play. In this essay, I will argue that energy conservation is crucial for a sustainable and bright future.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation means using less energy to do the same tasks. It involves finding ways to reduce our energy consumption while still meeting our needs. For example, turning off lights when we leave a room, using energy-efficient appliances, and insulating our homes to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer are all ways to conserve energy. By doing these things, we can save money on our energy bills and help protect the environment.

Why is Energy Conservation Important?

Energy conservation is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps reduce our impact on the environment. When we use less energy, we produce fewer greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. By conserving energy, we can slow down the warming of the Earth and protect our planet for future generations.

Secondly, energy conservation can save us money. When we use less energy, our energy bills go down. Imagine if you could save money every month just by being more mindful of how you use energy! That extra money can be used for other important things, like education, healthcare, or fun activities with your family.

How Can We Conserve Energy?

There are many simple ways we can conserve energy in our everyday lives. One way is to use energy-efficient light bulbs. These bulbs use less electricity and last longer, which means we save money and reduce our energy consumption. Another way is to unplug electronic devices when we’re not using them, like chargers, computers, and TVs. Even when these devices are turned off, they can still use energy if they’re plugged in.

Additionally, we can save energy by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone in our cars. When we drive less, we use less gasoline, which helps reduce air pollution and save money on fuel. Moreover, we can turn off the tap while brushing our teeth to save water heating energy and make sure our homes are well-insulated to keep the heat or air conditioning inside.

The Impact of Energy Conservation

The impact of energy conservation goes beyond just saving money and protecting the environment. It also helps create a more sustainable future. Sustainable means that we can meet our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. By conserving energy, we ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future.

Imagine a world where there is not enough energy to power our homes, schools, and hospitals. It would be a challenging and uncertain place to live. But if we start conserving energy now, we can avoid that future and make sure that energy is available for everyone, now and in the years to come.

Conclusion of Essay on Energy Conservation

In conclusion, energy conservation is not just a good idea; it’s a crucial step toward a better future. It helps us reduce our impact on the environment, save money, and ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future. We can all do our part to conserve energy by making small changes in our daily lives, like using energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off devices when we’re not using them.

So, let’s work together to conserve energy and create a more sustainable and brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of energy conservation and make our world a better place for everyone.

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Essay on One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy

One step towards green and clean energy essay -.

Energy is extremely essential to life and all living organisms. We need energy to function effectively in our everyday lives. Most of the living and nonliving organisms around us need energy for sustenance. Traditional energy sources like coal,oil,and natural gas contribute to global climate change. Burning of these fuels also causes air pollution. So we should use more renewable energy sources. Here are a few sample essays on “One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy” .

Essay on One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy

100 Words Essay On One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy

Green energy is generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind or water. It often comes from renewable energy sources and includes wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and hydroelectric power .

These energy sources can help to reduce pollution and have several advantages such as minimal maintenance cost, cost savings and storage capacities. Human behavior of contaminating the earth with hazardous wastes and garbage degrades and pollutes the environment.

A good approach will be to work to transform these wastes into biogas, which is a renewable energy source. Turning to the use of green energy is an excellent strategy to alleviate global warming and maintain a clean and healthy environment.

200 Words Essay On One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy

The world needs cleaner energy sources. ‘Go green’ is an earth-friendly approach to living. It means as an individual as well as a community in a way that is friendly to the environment and is sustainable for the earth.

Advantages Of Green Energy

Green and clean energy sources have very low or zero carbon emissions. They are environment- friendly.

Another advantage is that it is irrelevant to rely on any country to supply renewable energy resources, unlike its non-renewable counterparts.

In 2019 India also announced that it would be additionally doubling its renewable energy target from 175 GW by 2022 to 450 Giga-Watt.

Green energy is really beneficial for the environment because it does not affect nature in any way. It is one of the alternative energy sources that has received distinct attention from governments and various organizations to keep the planet clean.

Green energy can reduce the effects of greenhouse gasses produced in the atmosphere by fossil fuels and other sources.

We may utilize solar-powered stoves and other solar-powered gadgets to help us harness the sun’s energy. It will aid in the conservation of energy and be convenient in the future. Moreover, good energy resources will be obtainable in the future.

500 Words Essay On One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy

The present era is the era of industrialisation, to which energy is essential. For most of this work, traditional sources of energy are used. These traditional sources of energy have detrimental effects on the environment. Hence, a helpful alternative will be to turn to sources of green and clean energy.

Green energy can be defined as a renewable energy source because it is never exhausted. It's a sustainable energy source for generations. Wind turbines are a well-known example of green and clean energy. They generate electricity by working with the wind.

This creates zero carbon emissions. Windmills are another source of renewable energy. Geothermal energy is another example of a renewable energy resource. They are found in the earth's crust. They are extracted by drilling.

India’s Steps Towards Green And Clean Energy

Recent studies have shown that India's dominance in green and clean energy is significant. The country is trying to bring a revolutionary change in the field of generating electricity through solar energy and wind energy. The government has implemented a solar pumping programme for irrigation in the fields. Different types of solar devices save electricity and gas. They will also be used by future generations.

Fusion Energy

A recent milestone in nuclear fusion research was announced by U.S Scientists. It made a breakthrough in fusion, the process that powers the sun and stars that one day could provide a cheap source of electricity. The results are good news for advocates of nuclear energy as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.

This energy source produces no greenhouse gasses and minimal waste compared to conventional energy sources. It could produce limitless, carbon-free energy to supply electricity needs without raising global temperatures and worsening climate change. Developing this kind of technology delivers a low-carbon, sustainable source of energy that helps to protect the planet for future generations.

Ways To Save Energy

Energy conservation is most important in today’s world. By conserving energy today, we can brighten our future. Here we are going to discuss some ways to save energy in our day to day life.

Use energy efficient appliances such as energy saving bulbs or air conditioners etc.

During the day, try to rely on sunlight for light rather than turning the lights on.

Turn off and unplug all appliances when not in use to prevent unnecessary use of energy.

Old appliances usually consume more electricity than required. Hence, replacing old appliances with new ones helps in staying energy efficient.

How I Save Energy

One day there was a discussion in our classroom about how to save energy. Energy conservation is achievable by using energy more efficiently. We discussed many points in our class. I followed the following measures at home and my surroundings to save fuel. These are:

Replaced filament bulbs to CFL or LED lights in our home.

Turn off all home and office electrical equipment when not in use.

Turn off lights when not in use.

Use energy star labeled equipment everywhere.

Consider adding solar panels to our rooftops.

Public transportation is one of the important ways to save energy. So, I use more public transport than private transport.

I also made my family members and other friends aware of this. Now everyone started following this as much as they can so that we save energy as much as we can.

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Saving energy doesn't mean you have to do less or sacrifice any creature comforts. Thanks to new, more efficient (and often affordable) tech, it's easier than ever to get more out of your home while conserving electricity and other fuels, shrinking your utility bills, and reducing your environmental impact. Here are some of the lowest-hanging fruit you can start picking off in your home.

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1. Replace your light bulbs

Traditional incandescent light bulbs consume excessive electricity and don't last as long as energy-efficient alternatives. When shopping for light bulbs, look for the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, Energy Star. For reference, Energy Star-certified LED light bulbs use up to 90 percent less energy than an incandescent light bulb while providing the same amount of light. Although energy-efficient bulbs can be more expensive off the shelf, their efficient energy use and longer lifetimes mean they cost less in the long run.

2. Use smart power strips

"Phantom energy," also known as "standby energy" or "vampire energy," is the electricity used by electronics when turned off or in standby mode. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) , standby energy accounts for 5 to 10 percent of residential energy use and costs the average U.S. household as much as $100 per year. Smart power strips, also known as advanced power strips, eliminate the problem of phantom loads by shutting off the power to electronics when they are not in use. Smart power strips can turn off appliances at an assigned time, during a period of inactivity, through remote switches, or based on the status of a "master" device.

3. Install a programmable or smart thermostat

Smart thermostats can help reduce heating and cooling energy use without upgrading your HVAC system. Smart thermostats can automatically turn off or reduce heating and cooling while asleep or away and come in different models to fit your weekly schedule. 

According to ENERGY STAR , a smart thermostat could save you approximately 8 percent of your heating and cooling bills. Savings may vary based on your local climate, personal comfort preferences, how many people live in your home, and the type and age of HVAC equipment in your home. Some smart thermostats even indicate when to replace air filters or HVAC system problems to further improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. 

Learn more about smart thermostats like Google Nest and Ecobee .

4. Purchase energy-efficient appliances

When purchasing an appliance, you should pay attention to two numbers: the initial purchase price and the annual operating cost. Although energy-efficient appliances might have higher upfront purchase prices, they usually save money on your monthly utility bill.

When purchasing an energy-efficient appliance, look for the Energy Star label. Energy Star is a federal guarantee that the appliance will consume less energy than standard models. Importantly, energy savings differ based on the specific appliance. For example, Energy Star-certified clothes washers use approximately 20 percent less energy than standard models, whereas Energy Star refrigerators use 9 percent less energy.

5. Reduce your water heating expenses

Water heating significantly contributes to your total energy usage. Other than purchasing an energy-efficient water heater, there are three ways to reduce your water heating expenses: use less hot water, turn down the thermostat on your water heater, or insulate your water heater with the first six feet of hot and cold water pipes.

When shopping for efficient water heaters, consider the type of water heater that meets your needs and the fuel it will use. For example, tankless water heaters are energy efficient, but they are also a poor choice for large families as they cannot handle multiple and simultaneous uses of hot water. Heat pump water heaters are one of the most efficient ways to heat your home's water. Energy Star-certified heat pump water heaters can save a household of four people approximately $550 per year on its electric bills compared to a standard electric water heater. While heat pump water heaters usually have a higher upfront cost, tax credits and rebates are available to many homeowners looking to upgrade to a heat pump water heater.

6. Install energy-efficient windows

According to the Department of Energy (DOE) , heat gain and loss through windows account for 25 to 30 percent of most homes' heating and cooling energy. You can replace single-pane windows with double-pane products to prevent heat loss through your windows. For homes in colder regions, "low-e" storm windows are more insulating and can significantly reduce your heating expenses. In addition, low-e interior or exterior storm windows can reduce unnecessary heat loss by 10 to 30 percent. You should especially consider storm windows if your area frequently experiences extreme weather.

In warmer climates, heat gain through windows may be a problem. In addition to minimizing heat loss, low-e coatings on windows can reduce heat gain by reflecting more light and lowering the amount of thermal energy that enters your home. Energy Star breaks down the most efficient windows by climate or area of the U.S. on its website . Window shades, shutters, screens, and awnings can also provide an extra layer of insulation between your home and outside temperatures, leading to more energy conservation and better energy management. Some states and utility companies also offer incentives for replacing windows with more energy-efficient versions.

When shopping for energy-efficient windows, there are two key labels to look for:

Energy Star label: review details on this label just as you would on appliances

National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) label : helps you compare between energy-efficient windows, doors, and skylights by providing you with energy performance ratings in multiple categories.

7. Upgrade your HVAC system

An HVAC system comprises heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment. Replacing your old heating and cooling equipment with Energy Star-certified equipment can cut your annual energy bill by nearly $140 . Whether you select heat pumps or a natural gas furnace, you'll want to ensure the HVAC equipment you choose is sufficient for your climate. Heat pumps are advantageous because they efficiently heat and cool your home. Otherwise, you'll need two systems: an air conditioner to cool and a furnace or boiler to heat.

Upgrades to ventilation can also improve your energy efficiency. A ventilation system comprises a network of ducts that distribute hot and cold air throughout your home. If these ducts are not properly sealed or insulated, the resulting energy waste can add hundreds of dollars to your annual heating and cooling expenses. Proper insulation and maintenance on your ventilation system can reduce your heating and cooling expenses by up to 20 percent.

8. Weatherize your home

Weatherizing, or sealing air leaks around your home, is another way to reduce your heating and cooling expenses. The shield or "building envelope" between the inside and outside provides a barrier to weather, air, and moisture. The most common sources of air leaks into your home are vents, windows, and doors. Ensure there are no cracks or openings between the wall and vent, window, or doorframe to prevent these leaks.

You can apply caulk to seal air leaks between stationary objects, such as the wall and window frame, and weather stripping for cracks between moving objects, such as operable windows and doors. Weather stripping and caulking are simple air-sealing techniques that typically offer a return on investment in less than a year. Air leaks can also occur through openings in the wall, floor, and ceiling from plumbing, ducting, or electrical wiring.

Hot air rises and escapes through small openings, whether through ducts, light fixtures, or the attic hatch. As the natural flow of heat is from warmer to cooler areas, these small openings can make your heating bill even higher if your attic is not sufficiently insulated. Some approaches to energy efficiency, such as the Passive House standard , include a specific standard of thermal performance for the building envelope. Consider fully insulating your home to get the most out of weatherization.

9. Insulate your home

Insulation plays a crucial role in lowering your utility bills by retaining heat during the winter and keeping heat out of your home during the summer. The level of insulation you should install depends on the area of your house. Your attic, walls, floors, basement, and crawlspace are the five main areas where you should consider adding insulation. Consider receiving an energy audit to help you determine if you need to add insulation.

10. Get a home energy audit

Here's what a typical energy audit might look like in your home:

An energy auditor will look at your building from the outside. They'll examine various components, including windows, walls, and eaves, to see if they can spot any significant issues causing leaks into or out of your home.

The auditor will check out the attic (if you have one) to look at a few things. Most importantly, they'll inspect your insulation to ensure it's correctly installed and applied evenly between your walls. They'll also evaluate the holes where electrical lines run to see if they're properly sealed or could be a source of leakage.

The auditor will examine your furnace and water heater. If either is on the older side, it's likely a candidate for an upgrade. They'll also probably look at the filter in the furnace to ensure it doesn't require replacement. They'll check connections in the ducts in your basement to try and locate any possible leaks where you may be losing heat and energy. 

Most professional audits will include a blower door test. This device allows them to locate air leakage and test air quality in your home. During a blower door test, all the windows and doors are closed, and they'll use a blower door machine to depressurize the house. At that point, the auditor often uses an infrared camera to see where cold air may leak into your home and identify opportunities for air sealing.

Finally, audits usually include an inspection of the lighting in your home. 

What you pay for a professional energy audit often depends on the company and size of your property (some companies offer fixed rates, while others will charge more for a larger home). Even as a paid service, the upfront cost for an energy audit and the following energy efficiency updates are usually worth it when you save on your electricity bills down the line. In fact, by making energy efficiency upgrades in your home, you can save between 5 and 30 percent on your energy bills, according to the DOE.

Pairing solar power and energy efficiency

Combining solar power and energy efficiency can maximize your financial benefit in the long run. Your solar panel system produces renewable energy on your property, but as with any technology, it will degrade and produce less energy over time. An energy audit will help you maintain lower electricity bills as your solar panel system ages.

Some solar loan products enable you to bundle financing for your solar panel system and energy efficiency measures in one package. In many cases, these financing options offer lower interest rates, a higher maximum loan amount, or other incentives to make it easier for you to do both.

11. Wash your clothes in cold water when possible

Washing clothes is a necessary chore and part of the weekly routine of most Americans, but it's also energy-intensive. According to Energy Star , heating water uses about 90 percent of the energy to operate a clothes washer. Fortunately, some claim that washing in cold water can increase the lifespan of your clothes!

12. Clean or replace your air filters

Many home systems, like your HVAC, use filters that must be replaced or cleaned regularly. Clean filters are more efficient and put less strain on your system, but this step often gets overlooked. It's best to refer to the manufacturer's recommendations for your specific equipment, but in general, you'll want to clean them every month or two.

13. Use your toaster oven

Along with other household chores, heating food is necessary but energy-taxing. Using a toaster oven instead of a regular oven can be an energy-saver if you have smaller portions. Overall, microwaves are the most energy-efficient ways to reheat food.

14. Use natural light

Using light from the sun is an intuitive way to reduce energy consumption. North and south-facing windows allow for more glancing light that produces heat and limits harsh light in the winter. While east and west-facing windows allow for more direct sunlight, they aren't as effective at letting heat in. Trees and nearby structures can also shade a building's surfaces and block winds from different directions.

15. Dress for the weather

While it may seem obvious to bundle up when going out in the winter, doing so inside can also help save on your heating costs. If you stay warm by wearing more clothes indoors, you can reduce the energy needed to heat your home.

16. Adjust your day to day behaviors

Luckily, you don't always need to purchase new energy-efficient products to reduce energy consumption in your home. Energy conservation can be as simple as turning off lights or appliances when you're not using them! Performing household tasks manually also avoids the use of energy-intensive appliances. For example, hang-drying your clothes conserves the energy your clothes dryer would use otherwise. 

Heating and cooling costs typically impact utility bills the most, so reductions in the intensity and frequency of those activities offer the most significant savings. Energy monitors help you understand where most of your electricity is going in your home and which appliances use the most electricity daily.

Energy efficient products for your home

There are many different products you can purchase to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce your overall energy consumption. Below are some examples of ways you can leverage renewable energy sources and reduce your dependence on fossil fuels:

Solar panels

Solar panels can help you use available energy from the sun to power your home, so you can harness that energy to power your home. 

Solar batteries

You can install solar batteries when you install solar panels, allowing you to store the extra solar energy your panels generate when the sun goes down as well as other benefits like increased energy savings.

An alternative to having two different HVAC systems to heat and cool your home, air source heat pumps are a type of heating and cooling system that moves heat inside during the winter and outside during the summer.

Frequently asked questions

What wastes the most electricity in the average household?

An HVAC system uses the most energy of anything in the home. Heating and cooling use about half of your home's energy, according to the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

What is the average electric bill for a house and apartment?

The average electric bill is $198 according to data from our nationwide EnergySage marketplace. It varies greatly depending on location and home size. 

Does unplugging things save money?

Unplugging unused devices around your home can be an easy way to save 5-10% on your electricity bill, according the the U.S. Department of Energy.

How can I save energy while at work?

Installing a smart thermometer, insulating your home, and upgrading your HVAC system are all ways to save energy while you’re at work.

Which month has the highest energy consumption?

Electricity usage is typically highest during the summer months when homes and offices use air conditioning to stay cool.

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Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

Students are often asked to write an essay on Save Energy For Bright Future in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

Conserve energy for a sustainable future:.

Energy conservation is crucial for securing a brighter future. Utilizing energy efficiently helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels, which contribute to environmental degradation. Conserving energy also minimizes greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change impacts.

Efficient Energy Use:

Adopting energy-efficient practices in our daily lives can make a significant difference. Turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronics when not needed, and using energy-efficient appliances can reduce energy consumption. Additionally, using public transportation, walking, or biking instead of driving whenever possible also contributes to energy conservation.

Renewable Energy Sources:

Investing in renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower is essential for a sustainable energy future. These sources produce clean energy without emitting greenhouse gases, reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Promoting the use of renewable energy technologies can help create a cleaner and greener world.

250 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

Why saving energy is important.

Saving energy is like saving money. When we use less electricity or fuel, we pay less on our bills. But it’s not just about saving money. Using less energy helps our planet too. The more energy we use, the more we harm our environment. This is because most of the energy we use comes from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. This burning releases gases that make the Earth warmer, which is not good for us or animals and plants.

Simple Ways to Save Energy

The future depends on us.

By saving energy, we’re helping to make sure there’s enough for everyone in the future. It also means we’re doing our part to keep the air and water clean. If we all do small things to save energy, it adds up to a big difference. This way, we can help make sure our planet is a good place to live for us and for future generations. Saving energy is not just good for our wallets, it’s good for the Earth too.

500 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

In today’s world, energy plays a crucial role in our daily lives. We use energy to power our homes, schools, offices, and transportation. However, the way we produce energy often comes at a cost to our environment. By saving energy, we can help reduce our impact on the environment and create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

Energy and the Environment

The production of energy, especially from fossil fuels like coal and oil, releases harmful pollutants into the air and water. These pollutants contribute to climate change, which leads to rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, and other devastating consequences. By saving energy, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Save Energy Today

There are many ways to save energy in our daily lives. Here are a few simple tips:

Benefits of Saving Energy

Saving energy not only helps the environment but also has several benefits for you and your family:

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Home Essay Samples Environment Energy Efficiency

How to Save Energy at Home: Taking Steps Toward Energy Efficiency

Table of contents, efficient lighting, smart thermostat use, proper insulation, energy-efficient appliances, mindful consumption habits.

  • U.S. Department of Energy. (n.d.). Energy Saver: Tips on Saving Money and Energy at Home. Retrieved from https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/tips-saving-money-and-energy-home
  • ENERGY STAR. (n.d.). What is ENERGY STAR? Retrieved from https://www.energystar.gov/about/
  • Lutzenhiser, L. (2010). Home energy manual: A guide to saving energy, money, and the planet. Cool Spring Press.
  • Harvey, L. D. (2018). Practical Green Remodeling: Down-to-Earth Solutions for Everyday Homes. The Taunton Press.
  • Pigram, J. J., & Geurts, B. (2016). Building Ecology: First Principles for a Sustainable Built Environment. Taylor & Francis.

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essay how to save energy

Saving Energy

Things you can do to use less energy and cut your bills

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Today's energy shortages and high prices makes it more important than ever to use energy wisely

With today’s global energy crisis resulting in high prices and shortages that are hurting consumers, businesses and entire economies, it has never been more important to use energy more wisely. We can do this through simple changes in behaviour and habits to consume less energy in our daily activities. We can also save energy by investing in more energy efficient products that reduce both our energy bills and our environmental footprint.  

Energy Saving Tips

7 ways you can save energy.

Learn more on how to save energy

1. heating: turn it down.

Lower your thermostat by just 1°C to save around 7% of your heating energy and cut an average bill by EUR 50-70 a year. Always set your thermostat as low as feels comfortable, and wear warm clothes indoors. Use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature to 15°C while you sleep and 10°C when the house is unoccupied. This cuts up to 10% a year off heating bills. Try to only heat the room you’re in or the rooms you use regularly.

The same idea applies in hot weather. Turn off air-conditioning when you’re out. Set the overall temperature 1 °C warmer to cut bills by up to 10%. And only cool the room you’re in.

2. Boiler: adjust the settings

Default boiler settings are often higher than you need. Lower the hot water temperature to save 8% of your heating energy and cut EUR 100 off an average bill.  You may have to have the plumber come once if you have a complex modern combi boiler and can’t figure out the manual. Make sure you follow local recommendations or consult your boiler manual. Swap a bath for a shower to spend less energy heating water. And if you already use a shower, take a shorter one. Hot water tanks and pipes should be insulated to stop heat escaping. Clean wood- and pellet-burning heaters regularly with a wire brush to keep them working efficiently.

3. Warm air: seal it in

Close windows and doors, insulate pipes and draught-proof around windows, chimneys and other gaps to keep the warm air inside. Unless your home is very new, you will lose heat through draughty doors and windows, gaps in the floor, or up the chimney. Draught-proof these gaps with sealant or weather stripping to save up to EUR 100 a year. Install tight-fitting curtains or shades on windows to retain even more heat. Close fireplace and chimney openings (unless a fire is burning) to stop warm air escaping straight up the chimney. And if you never use your fireplace, seal the chimney to stop heat escaping.

4. Lightbulbs: swap them out

Replace old lightbulbs with new LED ones, and only keep on the lights you need. LED bulbs are more efficient than incandescent and halogen lights, they burn out less frequently, and save around EUR 10 a year per bulb. Check the energy label when buying bulbs, and aim for A (the most efficient) rather than G (the least efficient). The simplest and easiest way to save energy is to turn lights off when you leave a room.

5. Grab a bike

Walking or cycling are great alternatives to driving for short journeys, and they help save money, cut emissions and reduce congestion. If you can, leave your car at home for shorter journeys; especially if it’s a larger car. Share your ride with neighbours, friends and colleagues to save energy and money. You’ll also see big savings and health benefits if you travel by bike. Many governments also offer incentives for electric bikes.

6. Use public transport

For longer distances where walking or cycling is impractical, public transport still reduces energy use, congestion and air pollution. i f you’re going on a longer trip, consider leaving your car at home and taking the train. Buy a season ticket to save money over time. Your workplace or local government might also offer incentives for travel passes. Plan your trip in advance to save on tickets and find the best route.

7. Drive smarter

Optimise your driving style to reduce fuel consumption: drive smoothly and at lower speeds on motorways, close windows at high speeds and make sure your tires are properly inflated. Try to take routes that avoid heavy traffic and turn off the engine when you’re not moving. Drive 10 km/h slower on motorways to cut your fuel bill by around EUR 60 per year. Driving steadily between 50-90 km/h can also save fuel. When driving faster than 80 km/h, it’s more efficient to use A/C, rather than opening your windows. And service your engine regularly to maintain energy efficiency.

Global Energy Crisis Energy Tips Infographic

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Save Energy at School | Teacher and Children

Changing a school’s energy use requires enthusiasm for energy conservation — the more people on board, the more successful the project. A focused, comprehensive plan will help make sure everyone is on the same page.  

Here are some recommended steps:  

  • Be committed: Choose a project leader with a passion for saving energy and the ability to organize.  
  • Assess: Perform an energy audit for the entire school, from overall energy usage by month to the age and efficiency of electrical items.  
  • Targets: Create manageable energy efficiency goals and help create goodwill and satisfaction at completing aims.  
  • Action plan: Work out how to reach your targets with detailed, step-by-step projects.  
  • Let’s go: Planning is over — implementing begins and it’s time to put everything into action.  
  • Reassess: Evaluating your progress is vital to see what’s worked, what needs improving, and what jobs are still outstanding.  
  • Congratulate: Celebrate achievements throughout the school, so everyone knows their efforts are worth it.  

Sounds like too much? Energy Star has a 20-page booklet to help kickstart your thinking.  

What Should Schools Cover In an Energy Audit?  

The person in charge of a school’s energy-saving project may need to call on an expert to help until they have learned enough to run it themselves.  

A great target is to achieve Energy Star certification for the school building. Energy Star can help grade an existing structure as well as help set targets.  

Areas to cover in a school audit include:  

  • Current energy use throughout the entire school.  
  • Review of light fixtures, light bulb types , sensors, and natural light available.  
  • Thermostats: Are they programmable thermostats? What are the current heating and cooling temperature settings?  
  • Maintenance of HVAC systems, current condition, age, and need to replace.  
  • Check the insulation of all school buildings for potential air leaks from windows, doors, etc.  
  • List of ways to educate students about energy-saving behaviors.  
  • Check energy efficiency of electrical equipment.  
  • Investigate possible upgrades to energy-efficient appliances from the kitchen to the classroom.  
  • Consider working with an energy services provider to help manage energy efficiency.  
  • Install electricity monitoring equipment to track electricity use in real-time.  

An energy expert may also advise on the viability of installing renewable energy sources like solar panels or small wind turbines. More extensive, longer-term projects, such as new buildings, also need assessing for energy efficiency.  

There may be funding available to help with the costs, too — check with your education district.  

What Are the Best Ways to Save Energy at School?  

Save Energy at School | Thumbs up from Class

The most potent and uniting force at any school is the pupils. To achieve your goals, students must be on board to use less energy.  

A sound way to encourage participation at the ground level is to appoint a representative to work as an energy monitor in each classroom. These students can act as bridges between their peers, staff, and the overall project coordinator.  

Contact your school district, too. They may have other schools on board and offer support, all of which can help motivate kids.  

How Can Schools Save on Space Heating Costs?  

Space heating is a typical school’s most significant energy drain, with space cooling the fourth highest.  

Let’s look at space heating first. There are several approaches to help keep a school warmer while maximizing energy savings.  

  • Keep external doors and classroom doors closed to keep warmed air in the building.  
  • Use programmable thermostats, so heating systems work during school hours only and only in required rooms.  
  • Undertake regular checks of ducts and HVAC systems to ensure they work efficiently.  
  • Seal any air leaks.  
  • Upgrade to energy-efficient boilers or heating systems.  
  • Check if the school can turn down the water heating thermostat. Overheating water can lose a lot of energy and send bills spiraling. Students who use shower facilities (such as those in high school sports or physical education) may waste a lot of water while mixing overly hot water with cold — see how low the water thermostat can go without compromising comfort.  

Natural light is also a great way to warm a building in the cooler months. By ensuring classrooms are taking advantage of the sun’s rays to warm spaces, the thermostat could be turned down a little more. Natural sunlight also decreases reliance on artificial lighting. A school will easily save electricity with fewer lights turned on.  

What’s more, a study showed that children exposed to natural light during the school day performed up to 20% better at math than peers in rooms with less sunlight.  

And if it’s a nice day, why not take a class outside in the fresh air?  

How Can Schools Save on Air Conditioning Costs?  

Cooling costs and cooling systems are other areas to target at schools that wish to save energy. As with heating, make sure your air conditioner units are regularly checked by a professional. Consider upgrading to new, energy-efficient HVAC systems if needs be. Keeping doors closed and fixing leaks will help keep cool air in too.   

Installing ceiling fans or using fans to work alongside air conditioning can also help. Ceiling fans work very well in conjunction with cooling air conditioning. Fans — which use a lot less electricity than air conditioning units — create a cool breeze and make a room feel fresher. Using fans and air conditioning together means schools can set air conditioning to a slightly higher temperature, saving energy. In summer, be sure to rotate the ceiling fan counterclockwise.  

How Can Schools Save on Lighting Costs?  

Schools Save on Lighting Costs Energy | Student in Lower Light

Making the most of natural light is a considerable energy efficiency measure for schools to implement, as is the type and use of lighting.  

Lighting is a very visual and practical way to teach students how to save energy at school. The first rule to teach children: Always turn off the lights when they’re the last person to leave a room. It’s good practice during school hours and at home.  

If the light-switching doesn’t work, consider installing light sensors to activate lighting when someone enters a room. The sensors will also turn lights off when no movement is detected. Sensors are great for seldom-used rooms as well as those frequently occupied.  

Your energy audit of all light fixtures should reveal what light bulbs the school deploys. There are many types of light bulbs, and all have different lifespans and running costs*:  

  • A traditional 60W halogen incandescent bulb: 1,000-hour lifespan, with a $4.80 annual running cost.  
  • A light-emitting diode light bulb (LED): 25,000-hour lifespan, $1 annual cost, uses 75-80% less energy.  
  • A compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb: 10,000-hour lifespan, $1.20 annual cost, uses 75% less energy.  

* Comparing equivalent bulbs, based on 2 hours daily usage and an electricity cost of 11 cents per kilowatt-hour.  

LED lighting is more expensive to buy than a halogen bulb, but LEDs use less energy and last three to 25 times longer than halogens.  

Think about projects that involve kids as well. For example, Earth Hour is an annual, global lighting switch-off that lasts an hour to raise awareness of environmental issues.  

What Are Some Day-to-Day Energy Saving Tips for Schools?  

Schools use a lot of energy in their day-to-day running, from burning natural gas in science experiments to researching online via computers and laptops.  

While no school can do without energy-hungry learning tools, there are many simple ways to save energy. An excellent first step is to put up “Save Energy” signs around the school, alongside “Turn off lights” messages for the last person to leave a room.  

Encourage pupils to recycle by setting up recycling areas. While not strictly energy saving, recycling will reconfirm a school’s culture of conservation and make youngsters think about energy consumption in a broader sense.  

Ensure computer screens, laptops, and all learning gadgets have a sleep mode or screen saver that activates when the machine is not in use.  

Projectors should be turned off when not required.   

Where possible, plug multiple electrical items into a power strip. The strip can be turned off at the end of the day, cutting power to several appliances at once, preventing electricity from being wasted by appliances on standby mode.  

Set printers’ default setting to print on both sides, called duplex printing. This reduces paper waste.  

Water conservation is also vital to reducing a school’s energy use; fix leaks in a timely manner.  

Replace any non-LED or flat-screen TVs with more energy-efficient models.  

What Could a Class Energy Monitor Do?  

Class Energy Monitor Idea School Team Meeting

A student class energy monitor can help your energy-saving project in many ways. They will be an essential link between students and staff and help get their peers on board with your goals.  

Tasks for a class energy monitor could include:  

  • Verifying that power strips and lights are turned off in one classroom at the end of the day by delegating the task to different pupils each week.  
  • Encouraging classmates to save energy around school, fostering a culture of awareness and conservation.  
  • Relate monthly figures about energy savings, including targets and asking for more energy-saving ideas from students.  
  • Show peers how energy savings have brought rewards to the school, such as less absenteeism or new basketballs bought with the savings.  

It’s Time to Show Students How to Save Energy at School  

Youngsters are generally bursting with energy and a natural curiosity about the world around them. Yet they have inherited a planet with the shadow of global warming looming over it. 

Teaching them how to save energy at school is the first in many steps today’s youth must take to drive down greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. Energy conservation will help save schools money and show children how to care for the precious energy resources here on Earth. Use some of the tips outlined in this guide and get started on a greener, brighter path for teachers, students, and the planet.  

Brought to you by energysavings.com

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Energy Conservation

From childhood, we have been taught the principle of turning off devices or appliances when not in use. Usually, we turn off the fan, light, AC, refrigerator when we move out of home or when not in use. We adopt these practices not only to save money but also to reduce the consumption of energy. Appropriate behavior and habits can help in energy conservation. In this article, let us know the techniques of energy conservation in detail.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation is the act of reducing the usage and wastage of energy. Switching off the AC, light, etc., when nobody is in the room are a few practices that help in energy conservation. We know energy is a broad term and is the fundamental source of living. Energy is classified into various types depending on its nature. Energy conservation is the means of reducing the consumption of energy. 

To reduce the environmental impact on society, energy conservation measures are being imparted. Remember, by saving energy, you are protecting the environment directly. We know that energy is precious. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another. 

The best examples to demonstrate energy transformation from one form to another are:

  • The microphone is a device to convert sound energy into electrical energy.
  • The solar panel is used to convert sunlight to electrical energy.
  • Shafts in the windmill rotate to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Note: Energy conservation day has been celebrated on December 14 every year since 1991.

Read more: Energy and Classification of Energy

Best Ways to Conserve Energy in Daily Life

  • Adjust your day-to-day behaviours to turn off devices and appliances when not in use. Purchase devices and appliances which consume less energy.
  • Adapt smart power strips: Do you know power or energy is consumed when the appliances are not in use. Yes, appliances draw power from outlets and are referred to as phantom loads. These smart power strips will help to cut down on phantom-load costs and save energy.
  • Refrigerators are one of the main appliances that consume power. Keep the setting of the refrigerator low to save energy.
  • Using CFL and LED bulbs to save energy. Regular incandescent bulbs consume more energy than CFL and LED.
  • Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Air conditioners (AC) and heaters consume more energy than other appliances. Cleaning or replacing air filters improves efficiency and consumes less energy.
  • Operate dishwasher and washing machines in a full load. To get the most energy-saving use from each run cycle.
  • Using a laptop instead of desktop computers can save considerable energy.
  • Install water-saver showerheads to help with conserving hot water and save power.
  • Use a slow cooker, toaster oven, or microwave oven over a conventional oven. Also, use utensils made of ceramic and glass.
  • Cycling is the best way to save fuel.
  • Walking instead of driving also saves energy.
  • Skip the dryer on a breezy day and dry clothes on the clothesline.

Benefits of Conservation of Energy

Energy conservation helps in :

  • Saves the cost and lowers your utility bills.
  • Prolongs the existence of fossil fuels.
  • Protects the environment.
  • Reduces pollution.

Energy conservation day is celebrated on the 14th of December every year.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Do cfl and led help in energy conservation.

Yes, CFL and LED consume less power than traditional fluorescent lamps and help in energy saving.

State law of conservation of energy

The law of conservation of energy states that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be converted from one form to another”

Give an example to explain energy transformation from one form to another.

Energy transformation is seen in solar panels, where sunlight is converted into electrical energy.

Explain two ways in which energy can be saved in day-to-day life.

  • Adapting smart power strips helps to reduce the loss of energy.
  • Operating a washing machine or dishwasher in full load helps to consume less energy than operating in half-load.

What are the ways in which energy can be transferred?

  • Mechanically – By the action of force
  • Electrically – Electrically
  • By Radiation – By Light waves or Sound waves
  • By Heating – By conduction, convection, or radiation

What is energy conservation?

Energy conservation is the means of reducing the consumption of energy.

What are the benefits of energy conservation?

The following are the benefits of energy conservation:

  • Saves the cost and lowers your utility bills

Watch the video and find out conservation measures we can take to save the natural resources depleting at an alarming rate.

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Energy Conservation Essay in English for Students

January 29, 2022 by Sandeep

Essay on Energy Conservation: Efforts and measures that we take to limit energy consumption are called energy conservation. Renewable energy sources can be replenished back in nature, and Non-renewable sources are not available for unlimited time, and they take millions of years to be regenerated. Our aim should be to reduce, reuse, and recycle available resources. Alternate energy sources like tidal energy, wind energy, and solar energy should be used to conserve energy.

Essay on Energy Conservation in 500 Words

Below we have provided Energy Conservation Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed. – Mahatma Gandhi

Energy conservation is the act of making an effort to reduce energy consumption. It can be done by either using the power in lesser quantities or using the said energy in more efficient ways. National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated by people all over India on the 14th of December each year. Every year, the world consumes two percent more energy than utilized in the previous year. We are using up more resources than we discover. In India, the domestic sector consumes twenty percent of the energy, whereas the commercial division utilises eighty percent. Around eight percent of the energy is wasted because of the structure and design of the equipment.

Importance of Energy Conservation

Fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, natural gas, and minerals, and metals like iron, silver, gold, copper, etc., are minimal on the earth and exhaustible. Hence, it becomes our social duty to conserve and preserve them. There is a great risk of depletion of non-renewable and limited resources lurking in our heads. Countries like the United States, China, India, etc., heavily depend on oil-producing nations. The stock of oil in these countries is restricted and may come to an end very soon with how people are utilizing it carelessly.

The demand is always more than the supply, and hence, that is why we have to pay such high amounts for this resource. Therefore, it becomes necessary to conserve it and utilize it judiciously until its alternative can be found or discovered. Fossil fuels are a significant contributor to the rise of global warming , and these fuels emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the environment, thus causing the greenhouse effect. The results of global warming are quite evident in how we have been facing rising sea levels, hotter temperatures, and the increase of deadly diseases like cancer.

Hence, conservation of energy is required to reduce the effect of global warming on the planet. Activities like coal mining and building nuclear power plants have caused a lot of forest destruction. This has affected the flora and fauna of those regions in a very negative way. Sometimes, even humans are forcefully displaced from those places. These sites lead to a lot of air pollution and related spills. The only way that we won’t require more of these plants is if we conserve energy wholeheartedly.

Conserving energy can also lead to domestic savings, and it helps us be less dependent on finite resources and use other methods or ways to get things done. For example, one can always use a bicycle to travel to nearby places rather than take their car even to buy groceries from the store at the corner. By conserving energy, we also help in providing better health for ourselves and all other human beings on earth.

Ways and Techniques of Energy Conservation

Some ways of conserving energy are of utmost simple to follow and can be carried out by each individual. You can always make sure that you use electricity only when needed and not waste it. Switch off the lights and fans when not in use. Make it a point to turn off the television if no one is watching it. You can leave curtains open for the direct sunlight to enter during the daytime rather than switching on tube lights. Please turn on your air conditioner for three to four hours at a stretch and then close it during the summers. Please do not keep it running for the whole day or night.

Try doing more tasks manually, rather than taking the help of technology. For example, instead of using the dishwasher, wash dishes with your own hands. Replace the traditional light bulbs in your house with compact fluorescent lights, CFLs, or any other energy-efficient bulbs. These alternatives use twenty-five to eighty percent less electricity than your traditional ones. These can be a little more expensive when you purchase them, but you save a lot on your electricity bills, and they even last at least three times longer.

Certain countries like Singapore, France, Denmark, etc., have started levying an energy tax. This encourages people to use less of it and use it cautiously, forcing them to turn on to less expensive alternatives and inexhaustible. Many institutions, including airports and hotels, have started installing solar panels on their roofs to reduce electricity consumption and channelise the sun’s energy in a way that doesn’t burn a hole in their pockets.


Paragraph on Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation is the agenda of saving energy for mother earth. As a part of this natural environment, we all are obliged to save energy. The portion of the energy we are sharing for our use need not be wasted. For focusing on the energy conservation topic, we have created some important paragraphs. Kindly read it as per your need.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Energy Conservation

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Energy Conservation includes the conservation of electricity, fuels, natural gases, coal, etc. Energy sources are scarce and easily exhaustible. It is important to use it in a very efficient way. The world is blessed with energy naturally provided by the earth.

Sources of Energy are the backbone of science and technology. From the normal light bulb to the engines of vehicles everywhere, energy is involved. For preserving energy, it is important to reduce the consumption of energy. Conservation of energy is important; they are making our life easy. In our normal day to day life, we can include the habit of conserving energy.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

Energy conservation is a hot topic for the world. There are various forms of energy available on earth. For mankind, it is important to know the importance of energies available. Electricity, fuels, nuclear power plants, windmills, etc are the forms of energy sources for common use. The wise use of these forms of energy is necessary. The cutting down of energy consumption is beneficial for all of us. Let’s focus on the need for energy conservation:

  • Energy Conservation is necessary for coping with the expenses spent on energy services.
  • Energy Conservation is necessary for reducing air pollution.
  • For preserving the natural resources for future generations energy conservation is necessary.
  • For availing the natural scarce resources to rural to urban areas its conservation is necessary.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Energy conservation is a common phenomenon for the world of the growing population. In real sense, energy is the service that the world is using on a daily basis. The growing population demands more and more energy to be consumed. This can create a misbalance between the energy available for society and the energy which is continuously spending.

For financial security and nation wise social security conserving the energy services are necessary. Worldwide securing the energy is a common phenomenon. There are various methodologies and simple steps that we can include in our day-to-day life for saving energy. What are we using today; we have to secure it for the future.

By keeping this thing in mind, energy saving can be done on a mass level. Refrigerators and Air Conditioners are said to the appliances that consume electricity on a large basis. The gases produced by these coolers are harmful to the environment. Thus, simple habits like the installation of stabilizers for maintaining the voltage can consume less electricity.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Energy Conservation is the preventive measures for conserving the naturally available energy. It involves the maximum utilization of energy in an efficient way. There are various ways that can be counted as energy conservation methods. These are as follows:

  • Using LED and CFL Light Bulbs instead of traditional light bulbs.
  • Using appliances that are energy efficient.
  • Installation of Power strips as they will provide an option of using various appliances’ switches at the same time.
  • Turning off the T.V., Radio, Microwave, PC, etc appliances after using it.
  • Switching to Thermostat based devices form the traditional appliances of maintaining the temperature.
  • Using water heaters of lower voltage.
  • Changing our day-to-day behavior of using Energy services.
  • Using the Upgraded method of the HVAC system in households.
  • Keeping a check on water uses.
  • While using Washing Machines, the laundry part should be done carefully.
  • Fossil fuels or Fuels should be used in an efficient way.
  • On the Red signals of road, turning off the vehicle engines can be a smart move for saving the fuels.
  • Energy audits at home can be a move for saving energy.
  • Installation of Solar Panels, Rain Water harvesting system can contribute to conserving energy.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Energy Conservation is the method of conserving the naturally available energy sources and energy services for the world. There are various methods of conserving the energy but question is that why there is a need for conserving it? The main motto of energy conservation is to fulfill the demands of the future generations.

The government has implemented a tax policy for energy services. This taxation policy involves a tax on electricity, water, gas available for households. This policy is implemented by the motive of less-consumption of energy services by households. This is also a contribution towards the poor and rural people for availing of the energy services.

The wastage of energy sources can be lower down due to the fear of heavy tax implemented on its use. Energy Conservation can also be termed as energy–efficiency. Electricity, Fossil Fuels, Water, Heat, and Natural Gases are naturally found and processed form of energy which we are using in our daily life.

In the United States, energy-efficiency methods are announced by the government itself. The use of HVAC constructed buildings is also one of the architectural plans. Various campaigns and NGOs are working for the Energy Conservation. In India, Power-Cut is a nationwide issue. This is because of the scarcity of Energy sources. One of the reasons behind less consumption of energy is forgery and fraud of electricity while distributing it. Rural India is still not much boon by electricity. For resolving all these social issues Conservation of Energy is necessary.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Conventional Sources of energy are those in which fuel is naturally available.

Ans. Non-conventional sources include the sources which are newly recognized.

Ans. The development that doesn’t affect the nature is sustainable development.

Ans. We can save energy by using the fuels in limited quantity and following non conventional methods of energy.

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How to do IELTS

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Personal Energy Consumption (Real IELTS Test)

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Personal Energy Consumption (Real IELTS Test)

This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 sample answer on the topic of personal energy consumption from the real IELTS exam.

The environment comes up on the test all the time so it is very good for you to get some practice with environmental questions.

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Writing Task 1 Sample Answers

Writing Task 2 Sample Answers

General Training Sample Answers

Scientists have been warning for many years about environmental protection and how important it is to limit our personal energy consumption. What are the causes of the over-consumption of electricity? How can people be encouraged to use less energy?

For decades, warnings of incoming climate catastrophe have grown louder and many today are making concerted efforts to limit their carbon footprint. In my opinion, the main cause of over-consumption of electricity is the development of technology and people can be taught to limit their energy usage through strict governmental regulations.

People today use more electricity because technology has pervaded every aspect of life. Several decades ago, electricity was mainly used to power a limited number of household items including lights, televisions and washing machines. It still powers those devices but now there are phones to charge and computers that use electricity throughout the day. People tend to spend more time at home, online with their devices thus using more power. Even the large servers and generators required to power the internet add to the collective electric toll of modern technology.

The best way to cultivate good energy habits is to impose regulations. Government regulations have been a proven remedy in curbing human excess in terms of using plastic bags (bans) and smoking (taxes). This would also work when it comes to energy. One simple solution would be to tax energy use, though this step would have socioeconomic bias built into it. A better approach might be to regulate the energy efficiency of household items. This would target a high percentage of people across all classes and have an easily quantifiable, manageable outcome.

In conclusion, outsized energy consumption is down to technology and governments can regulate to minimise it moving forward. The more effort put into reducing energy use, the more dividends future generations will reap from today’s reforms.

IELTS Sample Answer Analysis

1. For decades, warnings of incoming climate catastrophe have grown louder and many today are making concerted efforts to limit their carbon footprint. 2. In my opinion, the main cause of over-consumption of electricity is the development of technology and people can be taught to limit their energy usage through strict governmental regulations.

  • Paraphrase the topic of the essay for your first sentence.
  • Give your opinion – clearly.

1. People today use more electricity because technology has pervaded every aspect of life. 2. Several decades ago, electricity was mainly used to power a limited number of household items including lights, televisions and washing machines. 3. It still powers those devices but now there are phones to charge and computers that use electricity throughout the day. 4. People tend to spend more time at home, online with their devices thus using more power. 5. Even the large servers and generators required to power the internet add to the collective electric toll of modern technology.

  • Your topic sentence should clearly state your main idea for the whole paragraph.
  • Develop your main idea with specific detail.
  • Continue to develop. Don’t switch main ideas.
  • The more specific, the better!
  • Conclude your paragraph with more development or a result.

1. The best way to cultivate good energy habits is to impose regulations. 2. Government regulations have been a proven remedy in curbing human excess in terms of using plastic bags (bans) and smoking (taxes). 3. This would also work when it comes to energy. 4. One simple solution would be to tax energy use, though this step would have socioeconomic bias built into it. 5. A better approach might be to regulate the energy efficiency of household items. 6. This would target a high percentage of people across all classes and have an easily quantifiable, manageable outcome.

  • A new main idea for the second question.
  • Again, be as specific as possible developing the main idea.
  • Here I compare regulations in other industries to electricity.
  • I give my first solution here.
  • I conclude that there is an even better, related solution.
  • Conclude the paragraph again detailing why it is a good solution.

1. In conclusion, outsized energy consumption is down to technology and governments can regulate to minimise it moving forward. 2. The more effort put into reducing energy use, the more dividends future generations will reap from today’s reforms.

  • Repeat your opinion.
  • Add a final thought/extra detail at the end.

IELTS Vocabulary

For decades, warnings of incoming climate catastrophe have grown louder and many today are making concerted efforts to limit their carbon footprint . In my opinion, the main cause of over-consumption of electricity is the development of technology and people can be taught to limit their energy usage through strict governmental regulations .

People today use more electricity because technology has pervaded every aspect of life . Several decades ago, electricity was mainly used to power a limited number of household items including lights, televisions and washing machines. It still powers those devices but now there are phones to charge and computers that use electricity throughout the day. People tend to spend more time at home, online with their devices thus using more power. Even the large servers and generators required to power the internet add to the collective electric toll of modern technology.

The best way to cultivate good energy habits is to impose regulations . Government regulations have been a proven remedy in curbing human excess in terms of plastic bags ( bans ) and smoking (taxes). This would also work when it comes to energy. One simple solution would be to tax energy use, though this step would have socioeconomic bias built into it . A better approach might be to regulate the energy efficiency of household items. This would target a high percentage of people across all classes and have an easily quantifiable , manageable outcome .

In conclusion, outsized energy consumption is down to technology and governments can regulate to minimise it moving forward. The more effort put into reducing energy use, the more dividends future generations will reap from today’s reforms .

warnings predictions

incoming climate catastrophe weather problems in the future

grown louder become more pressing

concerted efforts focused attempts

limit control

carbon footprint the amount of pollution your produce

over-consumption too much use

strict governmental regulations governments making laws to limit

pervaded throughout

aspect of life part of like

limited number not a lot

devices appliances

thus consequently

large servers computers that support the internet

generators produces electricity

collective electric toll altogether how much electricity it takes up

cultivate good energy habits make people more energy conscious

impose regulations make laws

proven remedy clear solution

curbing human excess limiting use

bans not allow/get rid of

socioeconomic bias favours rich people

built into it part of it

energy efficiency uses little electricity

target focus on

across all classes rich and poor

easily quantifiable can be counted

manageable outcome possible to control

outsized energy consumption using too much energy

minimise make less

effort put into endeavored to

dividends surplus

reforms changes


ˈwɔːnɪŋz   ˈɪnˌkʌmɪŋ ˈklaɪmɪt kəˈtæstrəfi   grəʊn ˈlaʊdə   kənˈsɜːtɪd ˈɛfəts   ˈlɪmɪt   ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt ˈəʊvə-kənˈsʌm(p)ʃən   strɪkt ˌgʌvənˈmɛntl ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃənz pɜːˈveɪdɪd   ˈæspɛkt ɒv laɪf ˈlɪmɪtɪd ˈnʌmbə   dɪˈvaɪsɪz   ðʌs   lɑːʤ ˈsɜːvəz   ˈʤɛnəreɪtəz   kɒˈlɛktɪv ɪˈlɛktrɪk təʊl   ˈkʌltɪveɪt gʊd ˈɛnəʤi ˈhæbɪts   ɪmˈpəʊz ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃənz ˈpruːvən ˈrɛmɪdi   ˈkɜːbɪŋ ˈhjuːmən ɪkˈsɛs   bænz ˌsəʊsɪəʊˌɛkəˈnɒmɪk ˈbaɪəs   bɪlt ˈɪntuː ɪt ˈɛnəʤi ɪˈfɪʃənsi   ˈtɑːgɪt   əˈkrɒs ɔːl ˈklɑːsɪz ˈiːzɪli ˈkwɒntɪfaɪəbl ˈmænɪʤəbl ˈaʊtkʌm ˈaʊtsaɪzd ˈɛnəʤi kənˈsʌm(p)ʃən ˈmɪnɪmaɪz   ˈɛfət pʊt ˈɪntuː   ˈdɪvɪdɛndz   riːp   ˌriːˈfɔːmz

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the gaps:

For decades, _______________ of _______________ have _______________ and many today are making _______________ to _______________ their _______________ . In my opinion, the main cause of _______________ of electricity is the development of technology and people can be taught to limit their energy usage through _______________ .

People today use more electricity because technology has _______________ every _______________ . Several decades ago, electricity was mainly used to power a _______________ of household items including lights, televisions and washing machines. It still powers those _______________ but now there are phones to charge and computers that use electricity throughout the day. People tend to spend more time at home, online with their devices _______________ using more power. Even the _______________ and _______________ required to power the internet add to the _______________ of modern technology.

The best way to _______________ is to _______________ . Government regulations have been a _______________ in _______________ in terms of plastic bags ( _______________ ) and smoking (taxes). This would also work when it comes to energy. One simple solution would be to tax energy use, though this step would have _______________ _______________ . A better approach might be to regulate the _______________ of household items. This would _______________ a high percentage of people _______________ and have an _______________ , _______________ .

In conclusion, _______________ is down to technology and governments can regulate to _______________ it moving forward. The more _______________ reducing energy use, the more _______________ future generations will _______________ from today’s _______________ .

Listening Practice

Watch the video to review the sample answer above:

Student Sample Corrections

Environmentalists have been voicing their concern for some time now [G1]   . They have pointed out pointing out that individuals should curb their use of energy, which has been rising at an alarming rate. While the main causes of this problem lie [G2]  in our over-reliance on technology, offering energy-efficient goods at a more affordable price can be is a simple [G3]  solution. 

The technology has invaded [G4]  not just our workplaces, but also our homes. [G5]  Nearly all the office jobs have relied heavily relied on computers for decades, but now people use technology at home too for various purposes ranging from domestic chores to entertainment. A typical household in a developing economy, for example, owns at least half a dozen of appliances that run on electricity, not to mention our personal computers, tablets and smartphones. [G6]  The figures are even more staggering in Europe and North America. As a result, energy consumption per head on a global scale has risen substantially, placing a serious strain on the environment. Moreover, electricity has become far more affordable, mainly due to improvements in living standards, thus making people less energy-consci ous ence .  [G7]  

Encouraging people to limit their use of technology is highly likely to prove futile. This leaves us with just a few viable solutions, one of which is making energy-efficient goods more affordable. At present, our markets are filled with goods that are cheap but use more substantial amounts of energy. Obviously, the average person is typically more concerned about price than the environmental benefits of any product he they want s to buy. If we could offer environmentally-friendly alternatives at a cheaper price, people would instantly switch, thus effectively reducing their daily energy consumption. For instance, more than half of the homes in my country have yet to switch to energy-saving light bulbs just for economic reasons. Another simpler, yet more attainable, solution is to show how much energy one person can save by making small changes such as not leaving their phones on charg ing e all night long or turning the lights off when nobody is in the room.  [G8]  

In conclusion, it is easy to blame technology for environmental problems. Although it has indeed resulted in energy being used at unprecedented levels, we can make positive changes by lowering the prices for energy-efficient products and informing the public about how they can save energy by making small adjustments to their daily habits.  [G9]  

  [G1] About what? This sentence is technically not a fragment but in reality we always say what they have been voicing it about.

  [G2] Good vocab!

  [G3] Could be more specific with your vocabulary

  [G4] Too strong

  [G5] Good topic sentence

  [G6] Could be much more specific about the appliances!

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It is indeed true that human beings have constantly been warned by scientists regarding the degradation of Mother Nature and importance to preserve her. There are several reasons why electricity is being over-consumed; however, given the worst situations of the environment, the government should motivate people to use it less. People overuse electricity due to numerous reasons. Firstly, owing to fast paced life, people want everything right away. For example, people these days use big machines to produce a lot of products at one time, use microwaves to quickly heat up the food and air conditioners to instantly cool down the room. Although people know how much devastation these appliances cause to nature, they use them to save time and for the sake of comfort. Another major cause is the unlimited access of electricity to every house. In that case, people use electricity according to their affordability and budget instead of their need. It is generally seen that, the richer the person, the bigger the electricity bill. Nevertheless, the governing bodies ought to take some steps to check this alarming issue. First and foremost, the government should make people aware by involving environmentalists and renowned personalities and companies to ensure the impactful spread of the word. For instance, as people take the messages of their favorite celebrities seriously, they will implement their advice to their day to day life. Moreover, the government should fix the upper limit for electricity consumption. In this way, people would start considering electricity a vital asset and use it according to their requirement. In conclusion, I restate that environment has been deteriorating at an alarming rate because of availability of excess of electricity and people’s fast paced life. However, the government had better address this issue by taking certain steps.


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Home energy bill concerns are growing nationwide 

Most americans are struggling to pay rising energy bills, expert tips for saving money on your energy bills, how to save on energy efficient upgrades, experts share their best energy-saving tips in reaction to cnet’s latest survey.

78% of US adults are worried about rising energy costs, the survey finds. Here's how experts say you can lower your energy bills this summer.

Dashia Milden

Dashia Milden

Dashia is a staff editor for CNET Money who covers all angles of personal finance, including credit cards and banking. From reviews to news coverage, she aims to help readers make more informed decisions about their money. Dashia was previously a staff writer at NextAdvisor, where she covered credit cards, taxes, banking B2B payments. She has also written about safety, home automation, technology and fintech.

Courtney Johnston

Senior Editor

Courtney Johnston is a senior editor leading the CNET Money team. Passionate about financial literacy and inclusion, she has a decade of experience as a freelance journalist covering policy, financial news, real estate and investing. A New Jersey native, she graduated with an M.A. in English Literature and Professional Writing from the University of Indianapolis, where she also worked as a graduate writing instructor.

Katie Collins

Managing Editor

Katie Collins is a managing editor for CNET overseeing coverage for home energy, utilities, renewable energy, solar energy, climate issues, electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, EV charging infrastructure, energy deregulation, home electrification, personal finance, mortgages, home equity, banking, savings, credit building, credit cards, taxes, identity theft, retirement, and investing.

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This summer’s heat is already breaking records , and Americans are feeling the burn from their rising energy costs.

An exclusive CNET Money survey found that more than three-quarters of US adults are concerned about their home energy bills, and an alarming 32% are turning to financing options, like credit cards , loans or payment plans to get by. 

I’m not surprised by the data. Last month, I reported that 93% of Americans are worried about inflation , and 41% said high utility bills had the biggest sticker shock.

Yes, energy costs are high. Even though my energy bill has remained the same (thanks to energy-efficient upgrades), my mother, who lives in a smaller but older home in the same state, pays nearly twice as much for her energy bill in the summer. 

Daniella Flores , a personal finance expert and CNET Money Expert Review Board member, also isn’t shocked by the survey results, and has heard people are worried their energy bills will get even more expensive. Despite small dips in average energy costs over the past two months, the latest Consumer Price Index report shows that energy costs have risen 4.7% since May 2023. When energy company costs go up, so do ours, said Flores. Concerns about the direction of the economy still linger, including increases in everyday costs and energy use on a planet that’s warming. It may seem like expensive energy bills are here to stay and there’s not much you can do to lower the cost. But there are steps you can take. Here’s a breakdown of what CNET uncovered in our latest survey and expert tips on how to save energy and money.

What to know

  • Rising energy costs have affected the finances of most US adults, mainly in the South and Northeast. 
  • Of those whose finances have been impacted, nearly 3 in 4  plan to take (or have taken) some sort of action to help lower energy costs. The majority are cutting back on essential and nonessential spending. 21% are relying on borrowing, while 19% are using payment plans or payment assistance programs. 
  • 35% of US adults in the Northeast are more concerned about their home energy costs this summer compared to last summer.
  • 32% of US adults are concerned about the cost of energy-efficiency projects, such as upgrading the HVAC system or installing solar panels.

CNET survey data reveals home energy costs are affecting household finances. Interestingly, we found there isn’t much variance by region. “Concerns about energy costs aren’t limited to one part of the country or to a few expensive states. These concerns are being felt similarly all across the country,” said CNET Senior Editor Jon Reed , a home energy and renewables expert. 

CNET ranked the top 10 states with the highest electricity bills and found a similar trend that energy costs -- specifically electricity -- aren’t a regional issue. The top 10 states with the highest average electricity bills are Connecticut , Hawaii, Massachusetts , Rhode Island, Maryland , Tennessee, West Virginia, Alabama, Alaska and Maine . The top 10’s average monthly electric bills range from $160 to $202 -- well above the national average of $135 . 

Even more interesting, only six out of the top 10 are also states with the highest electricity rates. California, New York , New Hampshire, Vermont and Michigan have some of the highest electric rates in the US, but not the highest electric bills. 

As energy costs rise, fitting this unpredictable expense into your budget can be difficult. Most US adults have a plan to tackle high energy bills, but an alarming 32% of US adults are leaning on borrowing, payment plans or assistance programs to afford their energy bills, according to this survey. Similarly, 24% of participants said they are cutting back on essential purchases to find room in their budgets for energy bills.

Others are cutting back on nonessential spending (39%), dipping into savings (15%) and increasing their income (13%).

Using credit cards may seem like the next best solution if you can’t afford to pay your energy bill. But paying for your energy bills with a credit card can be costly in different ways. Not only can this lead to interest and debt if you can’t pay the balance back in full, but some energy companies charge a processing fee when you use a credit card to pay your bill. 

Options if you're struggling to afford your energy bill

Options if you’re struggling to afford your energy bill

Utility-approved payment plan: If you can’t afford your monthly energy bill without leaning on credit, Flores and Kanj both recommend contacting your utility companies to see if you qualify for a payment plan. A utility-approved payment plan can help you pay off your balance in installments over a set period of time. While payment plans help if you are behind on paying off your bill, it won’t solve the long-term problem of affordable energy costs.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program : You may also qualify for LIHEAP, a federally funded utility bill assistance program. LIHEAP may ease the burden of heating and cooling costs with bill pay assistance, home weatherization repairs or energy crisis help. For more information, you can visit the Office of Community Services website , brochure , email the National Energy Assistance Referral service at [email protected] or call 1-866-NRG-NEAR.

Budget billing: If it’s predictability you seek, many utility companies offer budget billing plans . Also known as level billing or average billing, depending on your utility company, budget billing will even out your monthly energy bill versus a fluctuating one based on your seasonal consumption patterns. If enrolled, your utility will use your previous energy usage profile and predict your next 12 months of billing and divide it by 12 months. Under budget billing, your monthly bill will be the same amount each month. If you go over the expected amount at the end of your agreement, you’ll pay the difference. But if you pay for more energy than you use, you’ll see a credit.

“If you have an older home, your electricity bill might be a lot more expensive in the summer than it is for the winter,” said Kanj. “These plans can even out your bill over the full 12 months so that you have a more predictable monthly payment.”

The majority of survey respondents (70%) said they are making an effort to be energy efficient. Most are incorporating energy-efficient products , but a smaller percentage are taking on more expensive projects such as upgrading their HVAC system to a more efficient one or installing solar panels . 

Here’s what homeowners and renters say they are doing to reduce energy costs, and expert advice to lower your bill even more.

Shop for energy-efficient products

According to the survey, 44% of participants use energy-efficient products such as smart light bulbs , plugs and thermostats. 

Switching to smart products like these can be effective, said Wael Kanj, a senior research associate at Rewiring America , a nonprofit that supports electrification efforts. Energy-efficient products can help lower your energy bill and improve your heating and cooling system’s efficiency. They’re small upgrades that can be less daunting to take on than major renovations, said Kanj. 

Flores and their wife live in Washington state and have made energy upgrades, like installing a more efficient air conditioning unit in their home. To save even more money, Flores turns the unit off or raises the temperature setting when they can. They also run ceiling fans to help circulate the air. Despite their best efforts, even the cost of maintaining efficient appliances is getting more expensive. 

“The largest part of our energy bill seems to be our heating and cooling,” said Flores. “Our AC bill is going up summer to summer, year over year because it’s getting hotter and drier every summer.” 

Monitor your thermostat temperature 

If you rent or can’t afford smart home tech upgrades right now, Kanj says there are other small steps you can take to lower your energy bills. If a smart thermostat isn’t in the cards right now, try adjusting your thermostat before you leave home to lower costs. 78 degrees is the ideal temperature to set your thermostat to during the summer to save money, according to Energy Star, a program of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy . During the winter, the federal program recommends setting your thermostat to 68 degrees.

Participate in a virtual power plant

A virtual power plant is a new power distribution model where an energy operation -- like a utility -- can control how you use your energy or tap into your stored energy. VPP programs in the US are voluntary and aim to relieve the power grid at times of peak demand. Only 3% of survey respondents say they participate in a virtual power plant program. Reed said that number should rise quickly as more utility companies experiment with ways consumers can help the power grid -- and find more incentives for these programs. 

The benefit of VPP participation is the bill credits in exchange for allowing your utility company -- or another third party -- to leverage your home’s energy technology when the electric grid is overwhelmed. A few common examples are solar batteries , backup battery storage or smart thermostats . When the grid is stressed and by allowing your utility access to your thermostat, for example, it can remotely adjust your home’s temperature in exchange for bill credits.

Insulate and weatherize windows and doors

Only 16% of US adults are insulating their home to improve energy efficiency, the survey reveals. But it’s the one tip Kanj recommends the most. 

Insulating your home is a good first step. If your home isn’t well-insulated, you’ll likely spend more on your heating and cooling bills because you’re sending your energy (and money) out the door, he added. 

How can you tell if the insulation around your windows and doors is working? Check to see if you can feel air escaping through cracks. You can pick up insulation kits and weather stripping at your local hardware store to seal up areas around your home where air is leaking. If you already have insulation installed, make sure it’s still intact and not worn out. To further boost your efforts, add insulated window treatments , such as blinds and curtains, to keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Check to see if you live in a deregulated area

If your energy provider’s costs have skyrocketed, you may be able to shop around for a new company or energy plan, depending on where you live. First, check if you live in a deregulated state -- also known as an energy choice market. If so, you can compare electricity rates , plans and providers to see if you could be saving money. You might also choose a fixed-rate energy plan , which can provide you with stability and predictability for your gas or electric bills.

It’s not always easy to figure out how much you’re paying, so make sure you understand how to read your energy bill and contact your provider if you have any questions.

Consider a solar panel investment

A solar panel investment can help offset some or all of your electricity costs. But it usually comes with a hefty upfront investment in the ballpark of $15,000 to $50,000 based on factors like how many panels you need and where you live. Experts agree, though, that solar panels do eventually pay for themselves. The average payback period is about six to 12 years, CNET contributor Mike De Socio reported last year . After the payback period, all the energy solar panels produce is essentially free. 

Adding a solar battery is another expensive option that can cost around another $10,000. But a solar battery can store excess energy from your panels at night when they aren’t producing energy. It can even sell stored energy back to your utility company for bill credits, if your provider has a generous net metering program . 

If your home isn’t a good candidate for solar panels because of shade or cost, see if community solar is an option in your area. Community solar programs let you buy into a power plan that’s connected to a solar farm in your area, Kanj added. 

Read more: 7 Questions to Ask an Energy Provider Before Signing Up

Despite most US adults trying to be energy efficient, they’re also concerned about the costs. According to the survey, 32% of US adults worry about the expense of energy efficiency projects, while 29% question whether making changes will actually help them save money.

Kanj acknowledges that cost is a big factor for many people, but says that upgrading your HVAC system or replacing it with a heat pump -- a big home renovation 14% of our survey participants said they were tackling -- can make a big difference in your bill for decades to come.

Reed, who also reports on heat pumps for CNET and witnessed first-hand how they operate at CES, said they can serve a dual purpose -- working as an all-electric and energy-efficient alternative to a furnace and an air conditioner.

“The Inflation Reduction Act created like an electric bank account for every household where they have access to money that they can use to make these upgrades and bring the cost of these electrical appliances down,” said Kanj. 

If you’re considering making energy efficient upgrades to your home, make sure you look into the tax credits and rebates you’re eligible for, such as the residential clean energy credit and the energy efficient home improvement credit . Many states offer their own credits, too.

Rewiring America also has a savings calculator you can use to find out how much you could save with eligible tax credits and state-level rebates after you enter some household information. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start, Kanj recommends scheduling a home energy audit , which is an in-person walk-through of your home with a contractor who will show you more energy-efficient solutions you could make to cut costs. That way, you’ll have a plan of options and can choose what fits in your long- and short-term goals, added Kanj.

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How To Save Energy At Home? Lower Your Bills With These Easy Tips

Claire S. Allen

There are two major reasons why you might be looking for easy ways to conserve energy at home.

Either your energy bills are shooting up, and you do not have the capacity to pay them, or you are passionate about saving the environment.

Whatever the reason is, it is a thoughtful initiative to make your home energy efficient because it will not only benefit you but also the environment in the long run.

We have collected some actionable and effective tips and tricks to lower your energy bills significantly by conserving energy.

1. Do not leave appliances on standby

It is necessary to unplug electronic devices like TVs, game consoles, printers, speakers, air conditioners, chargers, and computers when not in use. Leaving them on standby sucks electricity that goes to waste and adds up the bills.

2. Install energy-saving LED bulbs

If you have incandescent bulbs at home, it’s time to replace them with smart, energy-efficient LED bulbs . They not only have a long life but generate a sufficient amount of light as well, with minimum or no heat. Since they are not as hot as ordinary bulbs, they are not as flammable.

3. Upgrade old electronic appliances

Every appliance you use in your home must be upgraded with time because companies always innovate new technology to make their electronics more energy-efficient. There is a strong chance that your outdated machine is consuming more electricity than its upgraded version.

Buying a new appliance can be expensive, but it is an investment that will benefit you in the long run by reducing your energy bills.

4. Improve home insulation

Adding efficient insulation in your home is a long-term solution to lower your energy bills. Following are some ways to make your home warm in extreme weather:

  • Repair any leaking pipes to ensure that the heating system works properly.
  • Replace the curtains and blinds with thicker ones to keep the room warm
  • Use a kerosene heater as it is inexpensive, efficient, and can work for up to 10 years if properly maintained.
  • Fill any cracks in walls or windows to prevent air leakage.
  • Modern insulation materials used in the construction of energy-efficient doors limit heat transmission.

These steps will make your home more energy-efficient and comfortable and reduce the energy bill.

5. Install double-glazed windows

Choosing the right windows, blinds, and curtains is a major step that will save electricity. These windows have argon or krypton gas between two glass panes, serving as an insulating layer between them.

As a result, it traps the heat inside the room. Hence, your heater consumes less energy to warm up the space, lowering the energy bill at the end of the month.

You can save on your electricity bills by reducing energy wastage. Additionally, upgrading to more efficient appliances and using energy-saving LED lights can significantly decrease electricity consumption, resulting in considerable savings over time.

The key is to develop energy-efficient habits and leverage available technologies to ensure that your finances and environment do not get damaged by excessive electricity consumption.

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    10 Lines on Energy Conservation Essay in English. Energy is neither creation nor destruction of matter. Energy can transform itself. Most people do not feel it to be necessary or essential to save energy for the future. Without conserving energy, there is no way in which can survive in the future.

  7. Save Electricity Essay: Format & Samples

    Take a look at the following pointers that focus on the 300-350 word essay format: Introduction (50-60 words) Students must present or provide an outline of the given subject in the introduction, i.e. highlighting and adding recent instances and questions related to electricity saving. Body (100-150 words)

  8. Essay on Save Energy 500+ Words

    Essay on Save Energy 500+ Words. Saving energy is a topic that holds immense importance for our world today. As fifth-grade students, we may wonder why it's crucial to save energy and how our small actions can make a big difference. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why we should all strive to save energy, providing evidence and ...

  9. Save Energy Essay in 500+ Words in English

    Ans: 10 ways to save energy include the following: a) Turn off lights when leaving a room. b) Unplug chargers and electronics when not in use. c) Use energy-efficient LED bulbs. d) Set air conditioners at moderate temperatures. e) Take shorter showers to save hot water. f) Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible.

  10. Empowering Change: How to Save Electricity

    As our energy needs continue to grow, so does the urgency to adopt sustainable practices to save electricity. This essay explores the importance of conserving electricity, examines various strategies to achieve energy efficiency, and emphasizes the role of individuals in making a positive impact on the environment. The Need for Energy Conservation

  11. Essay on Energy Conservation

    Energy conservation is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps reduce our impact on the environment. When we use less energy, we produce fewer greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. By conserving energy, we can slow down the warming of the Earth and protect our planet for future generations.

  12. Essay on One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy

    100 Words Essay On One Step Towards Green And Clean Energy. Green energy is generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind or water. It often comes from renewable energy sources and includes wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy and hydroelectric power.. These energy sources can help to reduce pollution and have several advantages such as minimal maintenance cost, cost savings ...

  13. How to Conserve Energy: 16 Tips to Save Electricity

    Unbiased Energy Advisors ready to help. 1. Replace your light bulbs. Traditional incandescent light bulbs consume excessive electricity and don't last as long as energy-efficient alternatives. When shopping for light bulbs, look for the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, Energy Star.

  14. Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future

    500 Words Essay on Save Energy For Bright Future. In today's world, energy plays a crucial role in our daily lives. We use energy to power our homes, schools, offices, and transportation. However, the way we produce energy often comes at a cost to our environment. By saving energy, we can help reduce our impact on the environment and create a ...

  15. How to Save Energy at Home: Taking Steps Toward Energy Efficiency

    With increasing concerns about climate change and energy consumption, adopting energy-saving practices is essential. In this essay, we will explore practical ways how to save energy at home, including efficient lighting, smart thermostat use, proper insulation, energy-efficient appliances, and mindful consumption habits. Efficient Lighting

  16. Saving Energy

    Things you can do to use less energy and cut your bills. Topics. Saving Energy. Saving Energy. Energy Saving Tips Learn more on how to save energy. English. 7 Ways to Save Energy Amid the Global Energy Crisis. Watch on. Explore analysis, reports, news and events about Saving Energy.

  17. How to Save Energy at School: The ABCs of Energy Savings

    Almost half of the energy resources used by schools go on space heating, around a quarter on water heating, and just under a quarter on lighting. A typical 100,000-square-foot school building can reduce energy costs by $10,000-16,000 annually through energy efficiency measures. Changing behaviors and operations can bring energy bills down 25%.

  18. Energy Conservation

    Install water-saver showerheads to help with conserving hot water and save power. Use a slow cooker, toaster oven, or microwave oven over a conventional oven. Also, use utensils made of ceramic and glass. Cycling is the best way to save fuel. Walking instead of driving also saves energy.

  19. Essay on Energy Conservation for Students in English

    Energy conservation is the act of making an effort to reduce energy consumption. It can be done by either using the power in lesser quantities or using the said energy in more efficient ways. National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated by people all over India on the 14th of December each year. Every year, the world consumes two percent more ...

  20. How Can We Conserve Energy Essay

    Essay On Nonrenewable Resources 1427 Words | 6 Pages. There is a quote by President Barack Obama saying, "To truly transform our economy, protect our security, and save our planet from the ravages of climate change, we need to ultimately make clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy," ("151 Inspiring Environmental Quotes").

  21. Paragraph on Energy Conservation

    Paragraph 1 - 100 Words. Energy Conservation includes the conservation of electricity, fuels, natural gases, coal, etc. Energy sources are scarce and easily exhaustible. It is important to use it in a very efficient way. The world is blessed with energy naturally provided by the earth. Sources of Energy are the backbone of science and ...

  22. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Personal Energy ...

    2. In my opinion, the main cause of over-consumption of electricity is the development of technology and people can be taught to limit their energy usage through strict governmental regulations. Paraphrase the topic of the essay for your first sentence. Give your opinion - clearly. 1.

  23. Essay

    A Conservative Farm Town Went Green Without Really Trying Tiny Morris, Minn., adopted wind turbines, solar panels and composting to save money, not the planet—and now it has become a model for ...

  24. Experts Share Their Best Energy-Saving Tips In Reaction to CNET's

    How to save on energy efficient upgrades. Despite most US adults trying to be energy efficient, they're also concerned about the costs. According to the survey, 32% of US adults worry about the ...

  25. Short and sweet: balancing energy savings and cleaning performance to

    Optimizing the energy efficiency of household appliances is crucial to appliance manufacturers, energy suppliers, governments and, almost importantly, consumers. For the reliable cleaning of normally soiled dishes, consumers can save energy by using Eco-programs instead of Intensive- or Auto-programs, but this means that they have to accept cleaning times of up to 4 h.

  26. How To Save Energy At Home? Lower Your Bills With These Easy Tips

    As a result, it traps the heat inside the room. Hence, your heater consumes less energy to warm up the space, lowering the energy bill at the end of the month. Conclusion. You can save on your electricity bills by cutting down on the wastage of energy. Plus, upgrading appliances and using energy-saving LED lights can effectively save much ...

  27. Write a short essay on Save Energy

    #saveenergy #energy #preparestudies #handwriting #english Write a short essay on Save EnergyWrite a short essay on Respect : https://youtu.be/ct-q-Hh8PXIWrit...