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16.1 A Brief History of Education in the United States

Learning objectives.

  • Explain why compulsory education arose during the 19th century.
  • Outline some scholars’ criticisms of the rise of compulsory education.

Education is the social institution through which a society teaches its members the skills, knowledge, norms, and values they need to learn to become good, productive members of their society. As this definition makes clear, education is an important part of socialization. Education is both formal and informal . Formal education is often referred to as schooling , and as this term implies, it occurs in schools under teachers, principals, and other specially trained professionals. Informal education may occur almost anywhere, but for young children it has traditionally occurred primarily in the home, with their parents as their instructors. Day care has become an increasingly popular venue in industrial societies for young children’s instruction, and education from the early years of life is thus more formal than it used to be.

Education in early America was hardly formal. During the colonial period, the Puritans in what is now Massachusetts required parents to teach their children to read and also required larger towns to have an elementary school, where children learned reading, writing, and religion. In general, though, schooling was not required in the colonies, and only about 10% of colonial children, usually just the wealthiest, went to school, although others became apprentices (Urban, Jennings, & Wagoner, 2008).

To help unify the nation after the Revolutionary War, textbooks were written to standardize spelling and pronunciation and to instill patriotism and religious beliefs in students. At the same time, these textbooks included negative stereotypes of Native Americans and certain immigrant groups. The children going to school continued primarily to be those from wealthy families. By the mid-1800s, a call for free, compulsory education had begun, and compulsory education became widespread by the end of the century. This was an important development, as children from all social classes could now receive a free, formal education. Compulsory education was intended to further national unity and to teach immigrants “American” values. It also arose because of industrialization, as an industrial economy demanded reading, writing, and math skills much more than an agricultural economy had.

A woman using a very old sewing machine white watching her daughter

In colonial America, only about 10% of children went to school, and these children tended to come from wealthy families. After the Revolutionary War, new textbooks helped standardize spelling and pronunciation and promote patriotism and religious beliefs, but these textbooks also included negative stereotypes of Native Americans.

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Free, compulsory education, of course, applied only to primary and secondary schools. Until the mid-1900s, very few people went to college, and those who did typically came from the fairly wealthy families. After World War II, however, college enrollments soared, and today more people are attending college than ever before, even though college attendance is still related to social class, as we shall discuss shortly.

At least two themes emerge from this brief history. One is that until very recently in the record of history, formal schooling was restricted to wealthy males. This means that boys who were not white and rich were excluded from formal schooling, as were virtually all girls, whose education was supposed to take place informally at home. Today, as we will see, race, ethnicity, social class, and, to some extent, gender continue to affect both educational achievement and the amount of learning occurring in schools.

Second, although the rise of free, compulsory education was an important development, the reasons for this development trouble some critics (Bowles & Gintis, 1976; Cole, 2008). Because compulsory schooling began in part to prevent immigrants’ values from corrupting “American” values, they see its origins as smacking of ethnocentrism. They also criticize its intention to teach workers the skills they needed for the new industrial economy. Because most workers were very poor in this economy, these critics say, compulsory education served the interests of the upper/capitalist class much more than it served the interests of workers. It was good that workers became educated, say the critics, but in the long run their education helped the owners of capital much more than it helped the workers themselves. Whose interests are served by education remains an important question addressed by sociological perspectives on education, to which we now turn.

Key Takeaways

  • Until very recently in the record of history, formal schooling was restricted to wealthy males.
  • The rise of free, compulsory education was an important development that nonetheless has been criticized for orienting workers in the 19th century to be disciplined and to obey authority.

For Your Review

  • Write a brief essay in which you summarize the benefits and disadvantages of the rise of compulsory education during the 19th century.

Bowles, S., & Gintis, H. (1976). Schooling in capitalist America: Educational reforms and the contradictions of economic life . New York, NY: Basic Books.

Cole, M. (2008). Marxism and educational theory: Origins and issues . New York, NY: Routledge.

Urban, W. J., Jennings L., & Wagoner, J. (2008). American education: A history (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Sociology Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Guest Essay

School Is for Everyone

essay writing on compulsory education

By Anya Kamenetz

Ms. Kamenetz is a longtime education reporter and the author of “The Stolen Year: How Covid Changed Children’s Lives, and Where We Go Now,” from which this essay is adapted.

For the majority of human history, most people didn’t go to school. Formal education was a privilege for the Alexander the Greats of the world, who could hire Aristotles as private tutors.

Starting in the mid-19th century, the United States began to establish truly universal, compulsory education. It was a social compact: The state provides public schools that are free and open to all. And children, for most of their childhood, are required to receive an education. Today, nine out of 10 do so in public schools.

To an astonishing degree, one person, Horace Mann, the nation’s first state secretary of education, forged this reciprocal commitment. The Constitution doesn’t mention education. In Southern colonies, rich white children had tutors or were sent overseas to learn. Teaching enslaved people to read was outlawed. Those who learned did so by luck, in defiance or in secret.

But Mann came from Massachusetts, the birthplace of the “common school” in the 1600s, where schoolmasters were paid by taking up a collection from each group of households. Mann expanded on that tradition. He crossed the state on horseback to visit every schoolhouse, finding mostly neglected, drafty old wrecks. He championed schools as the crucible of democracy — his guiding principle, following Thomas Jefferson, was that citizens cannot sustain both ignorance and freedom.

An essential part of Mann’s vision was that public schools should be for everyone and that children of different class backgrounds should learn together. He pushed to draw wealthier students away from private schools, establish “normal schools” to train teachers (primarily women), have the state take over charitable schools and increase taxes to pay for it all.

He largely succeeded. By the early 20th century all states had free primary schools, underwritten by taxpayers, that students were required to attend.

And that’s more or less how America became the nation we recognize today. The United States soon boasted one of the world’s highest literacy rates among white people. It is hard to imagine how we could have established our industrial and scientific might, welcomed newcomers from all over the world, knit our democracy back together after the Civil War and become a wealthy nation with high living standards without schoolhouses.

The consensus on schooling has never been perfect. Private schools older than the nation continue to draw the elite. Public schools in many parts of the country were segregated by law until the mid-20th century, and they are racially and economically segregated to this day.

But Mann’s inclusive vision is under particular threat right now. Extended school closures during the coronavirus pandemic effectively broke the social compact of universal, compulsory schooling.

School closures threw our country back into the educational atomization that characterized the pre-Mann era. Wealthy parents hired tutors for their children; others opted for private and religious schools that reopened sooner; some had no choice but to leave their children alone in the house all day or send them to work for wages while the schoolhouse doors were closed.

Students left public schools at a record rate and are still leaving, particularly in the blue states and cities that kept schools closed longer. Scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (known as the Nation’s Report Card) dropped significantly this year: 9-year-olds lost ground in math for the first time since the test came out in the 1970s, and scores in reading fell by the largest margin in more than three decades. The drop in math was much worse for Black students than for their white peers. Home-schooling is on the rise, private schools have gained students, and an unknown number have dropped out altogether; Los Angeles said up to 50,000 students were absent on the first day of class this year. Teachers are experiencing intense burnout, and schools have many staff vacancies.

Meanwhile, a well-funded, decades-old movement that wants to do away with public school as we know it is in ascendance.

This movement rejects Mann’s vision that schools should be the common ground where a diverse society discovers how to live together. Instead, it believes families should educate their children however they wish, or however they can. It sees no problem with Republican schools for Republican students, Black schools for Black students, Christian schools for Christian students and so on, as long as those schools are freely chosen. Recent Supreme Court decisions open the door to both prayer in schools and public funding of religious education, breaking with Mann’s nonsectarian ideal.

If we want to renew the benefits that public schools have brought to America, we need to recommit to the vision Mann advocated. Our democracy sprouts in the nursery of public schools — where students grapple together with our messy history and learn to negotiate differences of race, class, gender and sexual orientation. Freedom of thought will wilt if schools foist religious doctrine of any kind onto students. And schools need to be enriched places, full of caring adults who have the support and resources they need to teach effectively.

Without public education delivered as a public good, the asylum seeker in detention, the teenager in jail, not to mention millions of children growing up in poverty, will have no realistic way to get the instruction they need to participate in democracy or support themselves. And students of privilege will stay confined in their bubbles. Americans will lose the most powerful social innovation that helps us construct a common reality and try, imperfectly, to understand one another.

It’s a testament to the success of our schools that it took the pandemic shutdowns for many people to see all the essential roles they play in society. The length of these closures made the United States an outlier among other wealthy nations. They forced Americans to ask themselves: What is school for?

For Melissa Henderson , a single mother of five in Georgia, school was a safe place for her kids. With schools and day cares closed in May 2020, she left her 14-year-old daughter in charge of her younger siblings. Ms. Henderson was arrested and charged with reckless conduct.

For Alexis, a 10-year-old on Maui, school was a place to be with her friends. She has a rare genetic condition and is autistic. When schools closed, she went from a “happy, bubbly, loving-life child” to “flat and empty and not really there — like a robot,” said her mother , Vanessa Ince. Alexis regressed from walking to crawling, went back to wearing diapers and stopped using a communication device.

For Osvaldo Rivas Santiago, a 15-year-old growing up in foster care in Vancouver, Wash., school was where he set goals for himself and excelled. He had trouble willing himself to stay focused with remote learning.

“It impacts your motivation,” he told me. “You tend to not really care about school at all.”

The shutdowns reminded Americans that schools provide vital services besides learning. Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, slammed “people who saw teachers as glorified babysitters” before the pandemic. But the fact is, public school is the nation’s major source of free child care for working families. Moreover, tens of millions of children depend on school for meals, safety, special education services and therapies, and English language learning.

They are also hubs of community togetherness.

I live around the corner from my daughter’s public elementary school in Brooklyn, a sprawling brick building dating to 1895. At the start of the pandemic, the cheerful daily rush of cargo bikes, scooters and children walking to school gave way to an eerie silence punctuated by the howl of ambulances.

Without the ability to meet in person regularly, some neighborly relationships curdled. Someone removed the schoolyard’s Black Lives Matter and Pride flags, and suspicions flew. Here and across the country, school board and P.T.A. meetings moved online and sometimes stretched into the wee hours of the night as parents yelled themselves hoarse over reopening protocols and varying responses to the nation’s racial upheaval.

Some Americans missed schools when they were closed, and others distanced themselves. The extended blue state closures were a failure on the part of Democrats, who have historically been the party that Americans trust over Republicans when it comes to education. That trust eroded during the pandemic, as many Democratic governors and mayors seemed unable to balance families’ needs with fears of a deadly virus. Today, the few union leaders and other educators who have impugned or outright denied the existence of learning loss are coming pretty close to arguing that public schools accomplish nothing. If being at home for a year and a half didn’t have any negative impact on children, why do we need school?

All of this emboldened a movement on the right that has for more than half a century sought to dismantle public education and the idea that Americans from diverse backgrounds should learn alongside one another.

Corey DeAngelis, a fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute, told me that “the teachers unions’ influence on keeping the schools closed for so long” opened the door to expanded alternatives. His dream is a universal voucher program, where taxpayer funds are parceled out directly to families to spend as they wish, with no public school “monopoly.” Meaning, no collectively funded infrastructure to provide education as a public good.

This dream began, more or less, in 1955, when the University of Chicago’s Milton Friedman published the first manifesto arguing for school vouchers to replace publicly administered education. James McGill Buchanan, a University of Chicago-trained economist teaching at the University of Virginia, took the argument further by seizing on the era’s post-Brown v. Board of Education segregationist fervor. As Nancy MacLean summarizes in “Democracy in Chains,” her acclaimed but polarizing 2017 intellectual history of the right in America, Buchanan intuited that if rich white people could be convinced that they were justified in no longer paying for public schools, it opened the door to resist all taxation, all public goods. And he supplied that justification. He came to argue that it was anti-liberty to force people of wealth, a minority, to ante up for goods enjoyed by the majority.

What was called “massive resistance” to integration was so strong that some places in the South chose to close public schools altogether rather than see them integrated. In the fall of 1957, President Dwight Eisenhower called in the 101st Airborne to protect the Little Rock Nine. The next year, the Arkansas Legislature and the governor tried to block desegregation by closing Little Rock’s four public high schools, Black and white, entirely. It became known as the Lost Year. In Prince Edward County, Virginia, officials went even further, closing the schools from 1959 all the way to 1964, while providing private schooling to white children.

This was an outright rejection of Mann’s ideal that Americans should be educated at public schools that serve everyone. And the mark of that rejection remains to this day. Throughout the South, white children attend private schools that began as so-called segregation academies during the civil rights era, while many Black children attend the hollowed-out public schools that white students left behind. And elsewhere the pattern is repeated — in fact, schools in the Northeast are among the most segregated in the country.

The movement Friedman and Buchanan encouraged lives on. Opposition to public education, and the promotion of alternatives like vouchers and for-profit schools, has attracted Catholics long devoted to parochial schools, evangelical Christians and other religious groups, cultural conservatives, corporate capitalists and libertarians. Today they are joined by the millionaires and billionaires who see K-12 education as another sector ripe for disruption.

In other words, the core constituencies of today’s Republican Party, otherwise seemingly so disparate, unite over this one issue. Their shared agenda is to privatize and defund schools.

This movement could have no better avatar than Betsy DeVos, who had never taught in, attended or sent her children to a public school before President Donald Trump named her secretary of education. “I personally think the Department of Education should not exist,” she said in July .

During the pandemic, Ms. DeVos diverted a disproportionate share of federal relief funds to private schools until a judge declared her actions illegal. She proposed a federal school voucher program.

And she declined to direct the Department of Education to track school reopening plans or Covid mitigation strategies, abdicating responsibility for helping districts reopen safely, even as the Trump administration called for them to reopen at any cost. Her approach signaled exactly what the agenda will be if Republicans regain control of the federal government.

And though Mr. Trump is out of office (for now), and Ms. DeVos with him, the Supreme Court justices the former president nominated have opened the door to both prayer in public schools and the public funding of religious schools . Right-wing donors , many of whom have long histories of opposing public education, have backed the activists whipping up a fervor over the treatment of race and queer and trans rights in the classroom. In the eyes of conservative activists, public education is the enemy of the people, alongside the deep state and the mainstream media, and they are working hard to make the American people believe it too.

Mann’s vision of public schools is at stake right now. Not only his vision of school as the great equalizer, the place where disadvantaged groups gain access to social and economic capital, which is important enough, but also his view of school as the place where Americans can give up ignorance in exchange for freedom.

This country has seemingly never had a harder time embracing a shared reality or believing in common values. The parents who are showing up at school boards yelling about “critical race theory” and pronouns are trying to get public schools to bend history, reality and values to their liking. I disagree with them vehemently, but I also want them to stay in the argument. It would be far worse if these parents went home and created their own schools. Because their children would then grow up with one set of unchallenged beliefs, while my children and the children of like-minded people would grow up with another — emerging as adults who have no hope of understanding one another, much less living together peacefully.

If we lose public education, flawed as it is, the foundations of our democracy will slip. Not only the shared knowledge base but also the skills of citizenship itself: communication, empathy and compromise across differences.

I grew up Jewish in the Bible Belt, studious and serious. My Christian classmates sometimes taunted me that I was going to hell.

I can only imagine how I would have felt if my teachers had openly agreed. If my textbooks were full of conspiracy theories about “globalists” and Jewish space lasers. If I and my friends who were Jain or Buddhist had to choose between attending a school that conformed to the majority of our neighbors’ religious beliefs and staying home.

As it was, it was hard to be singled out. But that experience of difference helped me connect with Creole children, and those whose families came from Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Taiwan, India, Nigeria — brought to the land of football and po’ boys by the oil industry and jobs at Louisiana State University. And some of my closest friends were from white, churchgoing families too. We did the Cajun two-step, lined up for the geography bee and learned to be together, imperfectly, in this ever-various country.

Anya Kamenetz ( @anya1anya ) is a longtime education reporter and the author of “The Stolen Year: How Covid Changed Children’s Lives, and Where We Go Now,” from which this essay is adapted.

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Essay on Education for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on education.

Education is an important tool which is very useful in everybody’s life. Education is what differentiates us from other living beings on earth. It makes man the smartest creature on earth. It empowers humans and gets them ready to face challenges of life efficiently. With that being said, education still remains a luxury and not a necessity in our country. Educational awareness needs to be spread through the country to make education accessible. But, this remains incomplete without first analyzing the importance of education. Only when the people realize what significance it holds, can they consider it a necessity for a good life. In this essay on Education, we will see the importance of education and how it is a doorway to success.

essay on education

Importance of Education

Education is the most significant tool in eliminating poverty and unemployment . Moreover, it enhances the commercial scenario and benefits the country overall. So, the higher the level of education in a country, the better the chances of development are.

In addition, this education also benefits an individual in various ways. It helps a person take a better and informed decision with the use of their knowledge. This increases the success rate of a person in life.

Subsequently, education is also responsible for providing with an enhanced lifestyle. It gives you career opportunities that can increase your quality of life.

Similarly, education also helps in making a person independent. When one is educated enough, they won’t have to depend on anyone else for their livelihood. They will be self-sufficient to earn for themselves and lead a good life.

Above all, education also enhances the self-confidence of a person and makes them certain of things in life. When we talk from the countries viewpoint, even then education plays a significant role. Educated people vote for the better candidate of the country. This ensures the development and growth of a nation.

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Doorway to Success

To say that education is your doorway to success would be an understatement. It serves as the key which will unlock numerous doors that will lead to success. This will, in turn, help you build a better life for yourself.

An educated person has a lot of job opportunities waiting for them on the other side of the door. They can choose from a variety of options and not be obligated to do something they dislike. Most importantly, education impacts our perception positively. It helps us choose the right path and look at things from various viewpoints rather than just one.

essay writing on compulsory education

With education, you can enhance your productivity and complete a task better in comparison to an uneducated person. However, one must always ensure that education solely does not ensure success.

It is a doorway to success which requires hard work, dedication and more after which can you open it successfully. All of these things together will make you successful in life.

In conclusion, education makes you a better person and teaches you various skills. It enhances your intellect and the ability to make rational decisions. It enhances the individual growth of a person.

Education also improves the economic growth of a country . Above all, it aids in building a better society for the citizens of a country. It helps to destroy the darkness of ignorance and bring light to the world.

essay writing on compulsory education

FAQs on Education

Q.1 Why is Education Important?

A.1 Education is important because it is responsible for the overall development of a person. It helps you acquire skills which are necessary for becoming successful in life.

Q.2 How does Education serve as a Doorway to Success?

A.2 Education is a doorway to success because it offers you job opportunities. Furthermore, it changes our perception of life and makes it better.

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Compulsory Education - Essay Example

Compulsory Education

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  • Author: shawnmueller

Extract of sample "Compulsory Education"

8 September, Compulsory Education What function does compulsory education serve in the United States?Compulsory education, as the name indicates, is the term used for the government’s obligation upon people to educate their children in one of the several types of schools including private schools, public schools and even home schools. “Today, every state and territory requires children to enroll in public or private education or to be home-schooled. More than half—32 states—require students to begin their education by age 6” (NCSL).

Compulsory education has played a very important role in US. According to the results of a report prepared in the year 2010, the act of increasing the age for compulsory education by the 6 US states including Indiana, Nevada, South Dakota, Illinois, Nebraska and New Hampshire in the 6 years from 2002 to 2008 resulted in a manifold increase in the graduation rates of students in 2 of the 6 states, namely South Dakota and Illinois, while only 1 state i.e. Nevada experienced a slight decline in the graduation rates (NCSL).

The rest of the three states generally sustained the same graduation rates as they were before the year 2002. Leadership comes with power. Power comes with resources. Resources come with technology, technology comes with research and research makes use of existing knowledge. Compulsory education has spread this knowledge, and has thus, made America able to lead the world. Besides, the concept of home schooling is not very common in other countries of the world, but since the government obliges all parents to get their children educated in all cases, people in US not willing to send their children out of the home for any kind of reason have found the solution of their problem in home schooling.

“A homeschooling movement is sweeping the nation – with 1.5 million children now learning at home, an increase of 75 percent since 1999” (Schilling). What are the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory education?Advantages1. The compulsory education has not only boosted the literacy rate in many states of US i.e. about 97 per cent in 2005 (Data360), but it has also resulted into an increase in the quality of all types of schools.2. Compulsory education has promoted home schooling in America.3. Compulsory education is one of the primary reasons why America today is the leading country of the whole world.4. Compulsory education has been found to increase the graduation rate in many states of US while the number of states where they have declined is minimal.

Disadvantages1. Although a lot of research has recently gone into exploring ways to make home schooling come at par with the other types of schoolings, yet the difference is too much to completely eliminate, and hence, all children under the compulsory education have not been able to receive the same quality of education.2. On the other hand, some parents don’t like the idea of sending their children to public or private schools because of their fear of physical and verbal abuse, violence, and racism that is quite common in these schools. 3. Opponents of the compulsory school education are of the view that forcing students into schools may make them disruptive which can destroy the peace and discipline of the class. 4. Compulsory education calls for a need to invest more money into education by the government because of increased load on schools.

Works CitedData360. “Literacy Rate by Country.” 2005. Web. 8 Aug. 2011. .National Conference for State Legislatures. “Compulsory Education.” 2011. Web. 8 Aug. 2011. .Schilling, Chelsea. “Homeschooling goes boom in America 74 percent increase in number of families teaching own children.” 2011. Web. 8 September 2011. .

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essay writing on compulsory education



Compulsory educational attendance laws essay.

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Compulsory education requires by law that all children receive some form of schooling. Compulsory education is largely seen as being a universal good for the child, as well as the society in which he or she lives. Less often, it is considered to be a means by which the state can exercise control and influence over its citizens. This entry looks at the history of this practice, relevant court rulings, and critiques.

Historical Background

The first compulsory education law was passed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1642. The law removed control of education from the clergy and placed it under the direction of citizens or “selectmen” of the colony. It required parents and craftsmen or masters to make sure that their children were able to read. In 1647 a general school law, known as “The Old Deluder Satan Act,” was passed requiring towns in the colony to establish schools. The law took its name from its first line, which made reference to Satan. It was based on the belief that children had to be able to read the Bible and other religious texts in order to overcome his influence.

The first state in the United States to enact a compulsory education law was Massachusetts in 1852. Extremely limited in scope, the law required that children under fifteen years of age could only be employed if they had received a minimum of three months of schooling prior to their employment. Compulsory education laws were proposed in Illinois as early as 1838, but were only first enacted in 1883. The last state to require compulsory education was Mississippi in 1918.

Compulsory education at the high school level became widespread throughout the United States during the Great Depression. The shortage of jobs available to youth made schools a good place for them to be instead of out on the streets where they would compete with adults for scarce jobs and potentially become unruly. In this context, schools took on a greater custodial function—one that they still maintain to a large degree today.

Court Rulings

Whether or not the state has the right to compel students to attend only public schools was decided by the Supreme Court in the case of Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925). In 1922, Oregon passed a law requiring all children between the ages of eight and sixteen to attend public schools. The idea was to provide all children with a uniform education subject to state control. It was argued that Oregon had an interest in making sure that its future citizens were educated sufficiently to hold jobs, to vote, and to understand and appreciate “American values.” The law had the effect of closing down all private education—in particular, Oregon’s Catholic schools.

It was eventually overturned on the basis that it interfered with the rights of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their own children. The decision did not interfere with the state’s right to regulate, in terms of minimal standards, the teaching and content of the curriculum. Thus, it could require that teachers in a private school have a certain minimal level of education and that even a private school curriculum include subjects such as civics and American history.

In the 1972 Supreme Court case of Yoder v. Wisconsin, the issue of family rights and compulsory education was addressed once again. In the action, Amish parents maintained that the attendance of their children in schools beyond the eighth-grade level threatened their survival as a religious group. This was based on the Amish belief that knowledge received from books represents a distraction from the message God provides in the Bible and that attendance at school beyond a certain point would divert Amish children from the beliefs of their community.

The Court maintained that both the beliefs of the child and the parents needed to be taken into account, and various accommodations were set in place that allowed the Amish to continue to follow their religious beliefs. School attendance beyond eighth grade would not be required—thus contradicting the general rule that children attend school until the age of sixteen. In this context, the decision of the court took into account basic principles of religious freedom—specifically the rights guaranteed under the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

The idea of universal and compulsory education for all children was reinforced on an international basis when in 1948 the United Nations issued the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in which it called for compulsory elementary education for all children. In April 2000, 1,100 delegates from 164 countries reaffirmed this principle at the UNESCO sponsored World Education Forum in Dakar by adopting the Dakar Framework for Action, which established the goal of free compulsory and high-quality education for all children by the year 2015.

There have been a number of useful systematic critiques of compulsory schooling since the 1960s, including Paul Goodman’s Compulsory Mis-Education (1962), which argued that public schools represented a “compulsory trap”; Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society (1970), which called for the elimination of traditional schools through a process of deschooling; and John Holt’s Escape from Childhood: The Needs and Rights of Children (1974), which declared that children should have the same rights as adults and not be compelled to attend institutions such as schools if they did not wish to do so.

In his book Horace’s Compromise (1984), Theodore Sizer argued that society has made schools much more difficult places in which to teach and learn by compelling unwilling students to attend them. More recently, John Taylor Gatto in The Underground History of American Education (2003) has argued that the schools are part of a larger social and cultural system intended to suppress personal freedom and keep power in the hands of a political and social elite. In order to do so, mandatory or compulsory education is a requirement.


  • Gatto, J. T. (2003). The underground history of American education. New York: Oxford Village Press.
  • Goodman, P. (1964). Compulsory mis-education. New York: Horizon Press.
  • Holt, J. (1974). Escape from childhood: The needs and rights of children. New York: Penguin.
  • Illich, I. (1970). Deschooling society. New York: Harper & Row. Sizer, T. (1984). Horace’s compromise: The dilemma of the American high school. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Dakar Framework for Action: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001211/121147e.pdf
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights:http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html

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Compulsory Education Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Law , Learning , Education , Policy , Students , Family , Children , Reforms

Words: 1900

Published: 12/08/2019


The education policy history of the United States has come a long way from its early beginnings. Fostering education has been a state function from the conception of the first constitution and is referred to as compulsory attendance. In order to fully implement the law on compulsory education, different laws have also been penned down with the purpose of finding solutions to fully implement the education law taking into consideration the background and economic status of the students. Bilingual laws, homeschooling, and ensuring access to public schools are just some strategies that have been implemented to ensure that all have access to education. However, despite all the efforts the government has been trying to do to increase its literacy levels, Americans are slowly being watered down in favor of countries such as China and India who also have been embracing compulsory education for their citizens. Therefore, the citizens from such nations are giving the US labor force a run for their money. This is not only linked to their skills in doing routine work but also their capability of analyzing and coming up with critical solutions to the challenges facing the globe in this century of information and technological advancement. The big question that is in the lips of most people is what is happening to the wits the American people once possessed. Could it be laxity in our education system? As a measure, the compulsory education system and its implementation needs to be further checked with regards to the way it is implemented or its curriculum. This when checked, is an effective multiplier to human development for subsequent generations and national growth. Compulsory education refers to a government policy that is used almost all countries requiring citizens falling within a certain age brackets to attend some formal system of education. Most governments have been adopting the system in order to eliminate illiteracy levels in their nations. It is a policy, which developed countries have been using to ensure that their citizens remain ahead of the pack as regards to the ability of critically thinking and innovativeness. However, this idea has not been received entirely positively by everyone. There are individuals who are really skeptic about the whole idea of forcing students to attend school even when their hearts are not there. On the other hand, some individuals have enough reasons as to why non-school going children are a threat to the society. There are individuals who believe that forcing a student to attend formal education will be infringing their rights of free choice. Furthermore, such students may not take the whole idea with passion and as such will gain little from the whole process. One particular individual who is not for the idea of compulsory education is Paul Goodman. In his article “Two Simple Proposals,” he argues that all ways of perception are ways of learning. He suggests that student do not have to be in the jurisdiction of formal systems in order to learn but instead they can learn through interactions with the general society (Goodman, 1964). Adoption of compulsory education has many advantages. First, most people would prefer doing other things other than studying. This is so because education is a rigorous activity and human nature dictates that such engagements should be avoided at all costs. However, repercussions of not attending schools will be grave as one may not develop analytical and technical skills and may therefore be unable to secure employment in the formal sector. As such, education is important as it creates a large pool of qualified and innovative citizens. In addition, mandatory education keeps children who would have otherwise been juvenile busy thus saving the society from vices such as theft, drug trafficking and many others. Furthermore, it is advantageous to the economy as reduced illiteracy levels could easily transform to higher rates of innovativeness. Finally, it facilitates equity in the social aspect, which is an indication of development. There is a No Child Left Behind Act of 2001(NCLB) which is committed to offering quality educational services to all children regardless of their race, ethnicity, disability, migrant status, economic status, or English proficiency (Adams & Rubel, 2010, p.76). The compulsory education has its own misgivings despite the many positive advantages. It may act as a hindrance to the development of individual talents and skills and instead try to impart something else on the students. Paul Goodman says, “It seems to me that a primary duty of the university is to deprive them of their props, their dependence on extrinsic valuation and motivation, and to force them to confront the difficult enterprise itself and finally lose themselves in it.” This is true as some systems do not and parents do not give their children enough room to explore their talents and pursue areas of specialization where they derive interest (Goodman, 1964). Our education system needs to undergo some reforms if the effectiveness of the system is to be realized. However, this has to be tackled from the roots. Therefore, there is a dire need for the early childhood education to be given much attention and consideration for the realization of this goal. The first commission has appropriately taken the proposed reforms by its intents to increase the funding of the early childhood education so that children can have proper guidelines right from the onset (Compulsory Education.” National Conference of State Legislatures.1July2008.Web. 15May2011). As mandated by the Compulsory School Attendance laws, every state and its territories require that all children under their jurisdiction should attend school from the time they reach the age of 6. Some state requires a minimum age of 5 years old and other at a maximum of 8 years old. There are states that requires a child to be enrolled and stay in school until they have completed at least a full of curriculum or in some cases until they reached the age of 17. In Arizona, Vermont, Wyoming and Montana, children are only required to be in school in a specified grade. Under certain circumstances, the majority of all states also allow parents to submit petition to their local school principals and board member to waive these requirements. There are existing debates as far as age limit is concerns when it comes to kindergarten admission. Some experts believed that policy makers should have a concrete standard of policies that will determine the right age for the child to go to school. When a cutoff limit is in place there should also be an initiative to create readiness program to prepare children on what they can expect in school, because the program will also determine the success rate of each student. This idea on the other hand is being contradicted by some experts in belief that age should not be an indicator in measuring how the child will succeed in school. Starting up early in school does not prove the fact they can be a better student than those who started late. Another argument about requiring children to go to school at a very young age is the possibility of increase in the number of enrollees every school year. Given a situation when an overwhelming number of enrollees sign up in a year, there would be a greater chance of scarcity on district school budgets among other essentials such as school facilities and available educators. Although the bottom line is to educate children at the early years of their life, there are still a lot of things to be considered in order to achieve a positive goal of eradicating illiteracy in the country. It is already established that starting up early in school would help the children to grow more interested to learn and to be educated; there are still questions whether or not the government has the resources to accommodate everyone. This is the main reason as to why legislators should also focus on not only to encourage compulsory education but also to pass policies that will support the children during their school years. Among the most important things are, increased budget allocated for education. More schools and better facilities, more teachers, competitive learning structures and ratified conditions regarding admission should be taken into consideration. There is a clear advantage on compulsory education because this the child’s early years in school will shape them for be more engaged in the higher learning environment that they will soon to experience. Starting up late in school calls for not just culture shock but also entails emotional dilemma for the child. The kid might get intimidated by younger classmates who are more advance them him in terms of knowledge and that situation would make an impact to the child in the long run. Reform and policy change is necessary in order to keep up with the ever growing demand for better education and legislators should begin to undermine the current of education system would create a less inspiring future not only for the citizens but for the country as a whole. Several private institutions realize the problems with the current educational system of the country. These institutions offer free suggestions on what other activities can be done by the schools to enhance the teaching and learning process inside and outside the schools. One online institution, Thirteen ed online suggests concepts that could be implemented in the classrooms that could enhance the teaching – learning process. Some of these strategies include improving the afterschool activities of the students, curriculum and assessment revisions, making an learning environment which enforces collaborative and interdisciplinary learning and tapping of multiple intelligences of students (Thirteen.org, 31Jan2012). In conclusion, compulsory education bears so many advantages ranging from reduced illiteracy levels to steering the countries development through the innovativeness of its literate population. As such, it is a wakeup call for the education stakeholders to move in expeditiously and reform the system from the lowest level of education so that we as a nation can reap the benefits of compulsory education.

Works Cited

“Compulsory Education.”. ncsl.org. National Conference of State Legislatures. 1 July 2008. Web.15 May 2011. Adams, C, and J Rubel. Compliance Issues Raised By The United States' Ratification And Implementation Of The Education Articles Of The Convention On The Rights Of The Child."Child Welfare 89.5 (2010): 73-90. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2010. Web. 22 Jan. 2012 Goodman, Paul. Compulsory Mis-education and the Community of Scholars. New York: Horizon Press, 1964. Print. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. National Center on Education and the Economy. Tough Choices or Tough Times; the Report of the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce. Washington, DC: Jossey Bass. 2007. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. Thirteen.org. Concepts to Classroom. Thirteen.org. Thirteen ed online. N.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2012.


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The (AI) sky isn’t falling

Students using generative AI to write their essays is a problem, but it isn’t a crisis, writes Christopher Hallenbrook. We have the tools to tackle the issue of artificial intelligence

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.css-1txxx8u{overflow:hidden;max-height:81px;text-indent:0px;} Rather than restrict the use of AI, embrace the challenge

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In January, the literary world was rocked by the news that novelist Rie Qudan had used ChatGPT to write 5 per cent of her novel that won Japan’s prestigious Akutagawa Prize. The consternation over this revelation mirrored the conversations that have been taking place in academia since ChatGPT was launched in late 2022. Discussions and academic essays since that time have consistently spoken of a new wave of cheating on campus, one we are powerless to prevent. 

While this reaction is understandable, I disagree with it. Students using AI to write their essays is a problem, but it isn’t a crisis. We have the tools to tackle the issue.

AI is easy to spot

In most cases AI writing can be easily recognised. If you ask multipart questions, as I do, ChatGPT defaults to using section headings for each component. When I grade a paper that has six section headings in a three- to five-page paper (something I have experienced), I see a red flag. ChatGPT’s vocabulary reinforces this impression. Its word choice does not align with how most undergraduates write. I’ve never seen a student call Publius a “collective pseudonym” in a paper about The Federalist Papers , but ChatGPT frequently does. AI is quick to discuss the “ethical foundations of governance”, “intrinsic equilibrium” and other terms that are rare in undergraduate writing if you haven’t used the terms in class. Certainly, some students do use such vocabulary. 

One must be careful and know one’s students. In-class discussions and short response papers can help you get a feel for how your students talk and write. Worst-case scenario, a one-to-one discussion of the paper with the student goes a long way. I’ve asked students to explain what they meant by a certain term. The answer “I don’t know” tells you what you need to know about whether or not they used AI. 

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Even when you can’t identify AI writing so readily, you will likely fail the paper on its merits anyway. I’ve found ChatGPT will frequently engage with the topic but will write around the question. The answer is related to what I asked about but doesn’t answer my question. By missing the question, making its points in brief and not using the textual evidence that I instruct students to include (but I don’t put that instruction in the question itself), ChatGPT produces an essay that omits the most essential elements that I grade on. So even if I miss that the essay was AI generated, I’m still going to give it a poor grade.

The summary is ‘dead and buried’

Careful consideration and structuring of essay prompts also reduce the risk of students getting AI-written work past you. A simple summary of concepts is easy for ChatGPT. Even deep questions of political theory have enough written on them for ChatGPT to rapidly produce a quality summary. Summaries were never the most pedagogically sound take-home essay assignment; now they are dead and buried. 

Creativity in how we ask students to analyse and apply concepts makes it much harder for ChatGPT to answer our questions. When I was an undergraduate student, my mentor framed all his questions as “in what manner and to what extent” can something be said to be true. That framework invites nuance, forces students to define their terms and can be used to create less-written-about topics. 

Similarly, when responding to prompts asking about theories of democratic representation, ChatGPT can effectively summarise the beliefs of Publius, the anti-federalist Brutus or Malcolm X on the nature of representation, but it struggles to answer: “Can Professor Hallenbrook properly represent Carson? Why or why not? Draw on the ideas of thinkers we have read in class to justify your answer.” In fact, it doesn’t always recognise that by “Carson”, I am referring to the city where I teach, not a person. By not specifying which thinkers, ChatGPT has to pick its own and in my practice runs with this prompt, it used almost exclusively thinkers I had not taught in my American political thought class.

Ask ChatGPT first, then set the essay topic

I select my phrasing after putting different versions of the question through ChatGPT. Running your prompt through ChatGPT before you assign it will both let you know if you’ve successfully created a question that the generative AI will struggle with and give you a feel for the tells in its approach that will let you know if a student tries to use it. I’d recommend running the prompt multiple times to see different versions of an AI answer and make note of the tells. It is a touch more prep time but totally worth it. After all, we should be continually re-examining our prompts anyway.

So, yes, ChatGPT is a potential problem. But it is not insurmountable. As with plagiarism, some uses may escape our detection. But through attention to detail and careful design of our assignments, we can make it harder for students to use ChatGPT to write their papers effectively and easier to spot it when they do.

Christopher R. Hallenbrook is assistant professor of political science and chair of the general education committee at California State University, Dominguez Hills.

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    Compulsory education has promoted home schooling in America.3. Compulsory education is one of the primary reasons why America today is the leading country of the whole world.4. Compulsory education has been found to increase the graduation rate in many states of US while the number of states where they have declined is minimal.

  10. Essay On Compulsory Education

    The major reform that the first commission intends to do is to increase the funding of the early childhood education so that children can have proper guidelines right from the onset. In summary, the authors of this article termed as "Tough Choices in tough times" have endeavored in explaining some of these aspects of compulsory education.

  11. Compulsory Education In United States Essay

    There have been debates on whether education should be made mandatory in the United States of America or not. A hard reality has hit the Americans that their lead role in terms of literacy levels is slowly being watered down in favor of countries such as China and India that have really embraced compulsory education for their citizens.

  12. Compulsory Educational Attendance Laws Essay

    Compulsory education is largely seen as being a universal good for the child, as well as the society in which he or she lives. Less often, it is considered to be a means by which the state can exercise control and influence over its citizens. This entry looks at the history of this practice, relevant court rulings, and critiques.

  13. Compulsory Education Essay Example

    For example, Malala Yousafzai made a difference in her country Pakistan by standing among many other children and speak her rights about having education in her life. Malala wanted compulsory education and equal right for all girls and boy. Malala has been in many difficulties situation like getting shot in on her left side of her forehead and ...

  14. Education: a Compulsory Right? a Fundamental Tension Within a

    First, education contributes to the well-being of the interested party, therefore there is sufficient reason to substantiate a right to education. Second, the right to education imposes, upon the parents or the state, the duty to provide education to the right-bearer. And third, this right can be legally enforced. 6.

  15. The Role of University Education: A Comprehensive Analysis

    Views. 12599. Competitions are ubiquitous in modern cities, and the significance of university education in shaping the working environment is undeniable. This essay critically examines the proposition of making university education compulsory for all students, exploring the potential repercussions on individual aspirations, societal dynamics ...

  16. Why Do We Need to Make Education Compulsory

    Type of paper: Essays Subject: Education, Personal Words: 281. "We don't need no education…",- everyone knows that Pink Floyd song. Basically it tells us about how education system ruins you personality. However, let's not be so radical first and think about good sides of education. First of all, it actually educates us.

  17. IELTS Essay # 1403

    Write at least 250 words. Model Answer: Physical education and sports play a pivotal role in shaping the physical and mental well-being of children and teenagers. It is widely acknowledged that exercise is beneficial for the youth in various ways, including promoting physical health, fostering social skills, and enhancing cognitive development ...

  18. What Is A Compulsory Education Essay

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