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Family unity: what is it, why it’s vital, and how to achieve it.

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Few would dispute that family unity is important to sustain a family enterprise over generations. There are too many examples of family conflict helping to bring a family down to dispute its importance. We would go further: we believe family unity is vital for the long-term success of a family or its enterprise. It’s true that some families that are fractured and unaligned are kept orderly —for a time—through hefty dividends, strong handed leadership, or emotional appeals to tradition. But when big decisions come up or dividends run out, the serious fractures and disputes within the family become visible and these divisions hobble and sometimes scuttle the family’s enterprise.

The effects of disunity are many. It can cause abrasive friction and slowness in group decisions and in day to day activities. Sometimes, because of disunity, a family group decides to just stand still to try to keep a peace that doesn’t really exist. Disunity generally leads to mistrust and guardedness (because the other faction doesn’t want what we want), the blocking of even simple actions that need to be taken, political maneuvering to seek advantages for one’s side, and if prolonged, to decline for the entire group. Even mild disunity can fester and grow into a serious problem and should be addressed.

Unity for any group has to do with members’ authentic agreement about what the group exists to do (its mission or purpose) and how the group will do this work and treat its stakeholders (its approach). For a family, such alignment creates a solid foundation for effective work by the family, whether in its operating business, investments, philanthropy or other activities.

Unity in a family on mission and approach doesn’t mean that family members are in lockstep on all issues or necessarily chummy. A united family can have disagreements on tactics and strategies— should we discard one management practice in favor of another, is now the right time to exit a certain line of business, etc. Some debate and challenging on strategy and tactics is actually essential to being effective as a group. Strong unity accepts that members of a group will disagree somewhat on some issues and debate strongly on others, and that some members won’t like each other. But unity means that members of the group are committed to the same fundamental ends and means. This builds trust, reduces defensiveness, and unleashes a lot of positive energy.

Agreement by members of a group on where they are going, why they are going there, and how they are supposed to do their work and treat each other (which often goes by the labels of mission, vision and values), enables decisiveness, innovation, boldness, and persistence in group efforts. Unity also motivates caring and support for one another in the group because “this individual wants the same things as I do.” A united enterprising family can better grow the assets it needs to finance its enterprise and the family. Such alignment also clarifies the kinds of family and non-family talent the family enterprise needs in order to stay successful. Growth, talent and unity are, we have found, the main ingredients of long-term sustainability for a family and its enterprise. One must conclude that family unity deserves to be celebrated and protected.

Unfortunately, unity is not the natural order of groups, including families. Without active counter measures, over time, entropy or disunity within families usually prevails. As families age and grow over time, they become diverse in many ways, and family complexity needs to be both embraced and managed. Failure to manage family complexity usually leads to fracturing of the family into smaller, more naturally coherent units. In addition, conflicts among group members can occur for many reasons and these can breed resentments and create lasting wounds that spread like a virus to involve large numbers of members. Families are particularly gifted at transmitting conflicts down through generations. Conflicts among members need to be healed or at least managed, and leadership and governance needs to be nurtured and adapted to current family circumstances. Without these and other measures, families grow apart and divide into smaller groups.

Unity around mission and approach is vital to maintain but mission and approach, themselves, need to evolve. Over time and certainly over generations, a family’s mission and approach needs to adapt to the changing interests, talents, resources and circumstances of a family. The same is true of the mission and approach of a family organization. Mission and approach needn’t change much over time for a group to stay effective, but they probably need to change some. Periodically (and more often than in previous generations), a family needs to reflect on and renew its “vows”—what do we stand for and want to achieve, and how will we do our work together and treat our stakeholders. By evolving a family’s mission and approach to be compelling to current members, the family can better maintain the focus, energy and discipline needed to work through its many challenges and sustain its success.

Building Family Unity

We have found that family unity is built through several mutually supportive ingredients:

  • A compelling and achievable family mission, vision and values
  • An engaging family enterprise organization that encourages broad family involvement and contributions
  • Family enterprise organizations and activities (family company, family investments, family philanthropy, etc.) that perform well (including representing the family well), and maintain positive momentum toward key family goals
  • Pride in one’s family and its contributions to its organizations and key activities (we have been and currently are capable, creative, decisive, brave, responsible, etc.)
  • Strong levels of trust within the family achieved through: strong family and organization performance, trustworthy leadership and governance, adequate transparency and inclusion in key discussions, fair and respectful treatment of members, and demonstrated caring for family members and key stakeholders
  • Managed expectations of owners and family members
  • Affordable rewards and earned opportunities going to family owners and family members
  • Timely conflict management
  • The ability to change the ownership group to maintain unity.

It is possible to have adequate family unity without being good at all of these ingredients, but these items are a helpful checklist to understand where a system can improve. While most of the ingredients to building unity listed above speak for themselves, some (particularly 2-4 and 9) need some elaboration.

As much as commitment to an organization inspires an individual’s contribution to it, the inverse also seems true: the more a person contributes to an organization, the greater his or her commitment to the organization grows. This principle is central to building unity in any group. If you want someone to feel committed to what a family is doing, its mission and approach, give the person opportunities to contribute to the family and the family’s enterprise.

To achieve a family’s mission, the family needs organized efforts as well as funds to support these efforts. If a family’s mission were simply to support its family company, raise good children to be responsible well-educated adults, and have family members get along well, the family would need a family company, useful parenting and family activities, perhaps an education fund, and definitely some useful mechanisms (perhaps grandparents, maybe a family council) to keep the family aligned. Some families could have the above mission plus want to contribute to society beyond having a socially responsible business, need a way to manage the family’s financial assets, and have a desire to maintain the family’s religious faith. These families would need to add organizations or activities to support their mission, such as a philanthropic foundation, perhaps a family office, etc. The point is that families need to have appropriate organizations to help support their interests and pursue their missions. Having a well-designed family enterprise organization is critical to effectively pursue the family’s mission. The right family enterprise organization also helps to build unity in a family.

Most family members want to contribute to their family and to be regarded as adding value to the family’s efforts. An important reason why some family members disengage from the family is that they feel that their contributions are not valued in their family and that the family has little commitment to their interests. The family enterprise organization needs to reflect the family’s important interests and give family members an opportunity to help the family pursue its mission. As a family grows, becomes more diverse and develops a broader set of interests, the mission of the family and the family enterprise organization should reflect the key common interests. In fact, it is rare for families to stay very united when there is only a family company to support, where only a minority of family members can contribute to the family’s mission.

Of course, family unity is strengthened when the family is proud of its organizations and activities, and even further when the family can point to its members’ contributions for this good performance. This requires that family talent is developed to be able to contribute strongly to the family enterprise.

Building family unity often requires some corrective actions in family relationships. When we see strains and fragmentation in a family, we address it, trying to move family members beyond past misunderstandings, hurts and differences, and when important, reunifying the family around a compelling mission and approach that can bind them. But we recognize that family unity can’t always be maintained with the current family members. Most family enterprises do better when the assets of the family and the talent of the family are pooled, engaged and aligned. However, when parts of an enterprising family resists reunification and it is seriously undermining the sustainability of the family, the family must consider the radical options of either dividing their assets and activities,  or buying out members that are no longer aligned — Family unity is that important for the success of a family and its enterprise. A family is more assured of success if it has a smaller asset base and a more united family, than with the converse situation. This pathway is desirable only after serious efforts at unity have been pursued.

Questions for Further Reflection

  • What is the difference between consensu s and unanimity ; why is consensus the key to family unity, not unanimity?
  • How can the family and the family enterprise system change over time in order to adapt to the changing factors that affect family unity?
  • How can you help your family understand that conflict is inevitable, that it is impossible to eliminate it, that accepting some conflict, managing it, taking advantage of it, and functioning despite conflict is the goal?
  • What would a family conflict resolution policy look like?

This article originally appeared in Wealth of Wisdom: The Top 50 Questions Wealthy Families Ask by Tom McCullough and Keith Whitaker  

Andrew hier.

Andrew Hier, CFEG

Andrew Hier is a Senior Advisor and Partner at Cambridge Advisors to Family Enterprise where he advises business families globally on issues related to shareholder relationships, ownership strategies, succession and next generation issues, and governance of the family, owners and business. He is a Fellow at Cambridge Institute for Family Enterprise where he teaches and facilitates in family business programs around the world. He is active in the Family Firm Institute, the premiere association of advisors serving families.

Professor John A. Davis

John Davis, CFEG

John A. Davis is a globally recognized pioneer and authority on family enterprise, family wealth, and the family office. He is a researcher, educator, author, architect of the field’s most impactful conceptual frameworks, and advisor to leading families around the world. He leads the family enterprise programs at MIT Sloan. To follow his writing and speaking, visit and twitter  @ProfJohnDavis .


What is family unity?

Answered by Antonio Sutton

Family unity refers to the strong bond and cohesive relationship that exists within a family unit. It is the sense of togetherness, support, and interconnectedness that family members share. Family unity is not just limited to blood relations, but can also encompass chosen or extended family members who play significant roles in one’s life.

At its core, family unity recognizes the importance of having a stable and nurturing environment where individuals can grow, develop, and thrive. It is about creating a safe space where members can rely on one another, share experiences, and create lasting memories together. This unity is often built on love, trust, and mutual respect.

One of the fundamental aspects of family unity is the right to marry and found a family. This right, recognized by international human rights instruments, emphasizes the importance of individuals being able to choose their life partner and build a family of their own. It acknowledges that the formation of a family is a fundamental aspect of personal autonomy and self-determination.

Moreover, family unity includes the right to maintain a family life together. This means that once a family is formed, individuals have the right to live together and enjoy each other’s company without undue interference from external factors. It encompasses the right to reside in the same household, spend quality time together, and engage in activities that strengthen familial bonds.

The right to family unity is also protected by the prohibition against arbitrary interference with the family. This means that governments and other entities should not unjustifiably disrupt or undermine the family unit. Arbitrary interference may include actions such as forced separation of family members, forced adoption, or restrictions on the freedom of movement that prevent families from living together.

Family unity is crucial for the well-being and development of individuals, particularly children. It provides a sense of belonging, emotional support, and stability. When families are united, they can effectively address challenges, share responsibilities, and provide a nurturing environment for their members. This unity can also contribute to the overall social fabric, as strong families often foster stronger communities.

Personal experiences and situations can further shed light on the significance of family unity. For instance, growing up in a close-knit family where love and support were abundant can have a profound impact on one’s overall well-being and outlook on life. Similarly, witnessing the consequences of forced separation or lack of family unity can highlight the detrimental effects it can have on individuals and their sense of identity.

Family unity is the essence of a strong and supportive family unit. It encompasses the right to marry and found a family, the right to maintain a family life together, and protection against arbitrary interference. Family unity is fundamental for individuals’ well-being, personal growth, and overall social cohesion. It is a cherished value that should be upheld and protected.

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Creating Cohesion: The Foundations Of Family Unity

  • by Relationship Mag
  • August 14, 2023 May 17, 2024

Unity within a family forms the bedrock upon which all other facets of social, emotional, and psychological well-being are built. It’s not just about being in the same family tree; it’s about fostering an environment of mutual respect, open communication, shared experiences, and unwavering support. This post explores the foundations of family unity, illustrating how it can be cultivated and strengthened. Each section provides an in-depth discussion of key elements and practical implementation strategies. The objective is to provide an insightful guide to fortify the pillars of unity within every family, fostering healthier, happier, and more fulfilling familial relationships.

  • 1 Understanding Family Unity
  • 2 The Role of Communication
  • 3 Building Trust and Respect
  • 4 The Value of Shared Experiences
  • 5 Conflict Resolution Skills
  • 6 Nurturing a Positive Family Culture
  • 7 The Significance of Love and Affection
  • 8 The Bottom Line

Understanding Family Unity

Creating Cohesion

Family unity is the bond that ties a family together; the sense of support and love gives each member the confidence to face life’s challenges. This unity does not come from genetic connections or shared living spaces; it emanates from understanding, respect, shared values, and mutual support. When a family is united, it can effectively weather any storm, supporting each member in times of hardship and celebrating together in times of joy.

Understanding why family unity is essential is the first step in fostering it. It promotes emotional health, creates a supportive environment, and offers a sense of belonging. A united family can significantly impact children’s development, providing a solid foundation for emotional, cognitive, and social growth. It offers a blueprint for interacting with the world, negotiating conflicts, and forming healthy relationships. It offers adults a supportive network, mutual understanding, and a haven of comfort and love.

The Role of Communication

Creating Cohesion

Communication forms the lifeblood of any relationship, and within a family , it plays an instrumental role in fostering unity. Open and honest communication allows family members to understand each other’s thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. It paves the way for empathy and support, creating an environment where each member feels heard and valued.

However, effective communication is not a naturally occurring phenomenon in every family. It requires deliberate effort and, occasionally, the breakdown of barriers that hinder open discussions. Such barriers could range from a generational gap, language differences, or emotional barriers rooted in past conflicts or misunderstandings. Overcoming these challenges can involve establishing regular family meetings, active listening exercises, and encouraging open discussions about feelings and experiences.

Building Trust and Respect

Creating Cohesion

Trust and respect are the cornerstone of any solid relationship, and within the family unit, these elements are paramount. Trust offers safety and predictability, while respect acknowledges each member’s individuality and inherent value. They create a nurturing environment where family members can grow and flourish.

Cultivating trust and respect within a family involves honesty, reliability, and empathy. Keeping promises, acknowledging emotions, validating each other’s experiences, and demonstrating consistent behavior are practical ways to foster these elements. They build individual self-esteem and contribute to a stronger, more unified family dynamic. The interplay between trust and respect significantly impacts cohesion and overall harmony within the family.

The Value of Shared Experiences

Creating Cohesion

Shared experiences play a significant role in the construction of family unity. They are the threads that weave together the fabric of familial relationships, strengthening the bond between family members. From everyday activities like shared meals and bedtime stories to special occasions like vacations or holidays, these moments form a tapestry of memories that foster a deep sense of belonging.

Although these experiences are invaluable, they must not be grandiose or expensive. It could be as simple as a weekly game night, family cooking sessions, or watching a movie together. The critical factor is sharing time, emotions, and experiences. These create shared memories, which are a powerful bonding agent. Over time, these shared experiences foster mutual understanding, shared values, and collective identity, essential elements of family unity.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Creating Cohesion

Even in the most unified families, conflict is inevitable. Differences in opinions, miscommunications, or clashing personalities can lead to disagreements. However, managing these conflicts can significantly impact the family’s unity. Therefore, effective conflict resolution skills are essential in maintaining harmony and fostering understanding within the family.

These skills include patience, active listening, empathy, and compromise. They help family members navigate disagreements respectfully and constructively, ensuring that conflicts become opportunities for growth rather than sources of division. These skills involve acknowledging and respecting different viewpoints, expressing emotions honestly, and working towards a mutually agreeable resolution. Family members learn to understand and appreciate each other more, fostering a stronger bond and more profound unity.

Nurturing a Positive Family Culture

Creating Cohesion

A positive family culture is one where every member feels valued, loved, and accepted. It’s an environment that promotes mutual support, encourages individual growth, and nurtures positive values. This culture significantly contributes to family unity, setting the tone for interactions, influencing family dynamics, and shaping the overall family identity.

Creating such a culture may involve setting family values, fostering open communication, demonstrating love and respect, and encouraging individuality. It requires consistent effort from all members and a commitment to nurturing a supportive, loving, and positive environment. A positive family culture not only makes the family a haven of love and support but also significantly enhances the unity and cohesion of the family.

The Significance of Love and Affection

Creating Cohesion

At the heart of family unity lies love and affection. These emotions form the foundation of the family bond, creating a sense of belonging and acceptance. Expressions of love and affection—whether verbal affirmations, acts of service, quality time, or physical touch—further strengthen this bond, fostering unity within the family.

However, expressing love and affection may not always be straightforward. Sometimes, emotional barriers, busy schedules, or simply not knowing how to express these feelings can stand in the way. Overcoming these challenges requires understanding each member’s love language, setting aside dedicated time for family, and fostering an environment where expressing emotions is encouraged and valued. By doing so, love and affection become the glue that holds the family together, fostering a profound sense of unity.

The Bottom Line

Family unity is the harmonious blend of mutual respect, open communication, shared experiences, conflict resolution skills, positive culture, and love. These elements contribute to creating an environment of support, acceptance, and belonging—forming the pillars of family unity. While each family is unique, and the path to unity may differ, the foundations remain the same. Implementing these strategies and nurturing these foundations can help foster unity within every family, ultimately creating healthier, happier, and more fulfilling familial relationships. In the grand tapestry of life, family unity forms the vibrant threads that hold everything together, a testament to its enduring power and immeasurable importance.

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Importance of Family in Society Essay

The family institution has always played an essential role in forming society, civilization, and culture. The definition of family has changed throughout the history, and the reason for this was various factors: from ancient religious concepts and philosophies to modern political ideologies and economics. However, this essay provides a look at a family from a particular perspective. The family both forms and changes the worldview of parents who have taken responsibility for people close to them, and it brings up the children born in it as well. Thus, a family is two or more people united by love for each other and, most importantly, by strength and will to take responsibility for each other.

Family values, in their essence, have several elements necessary to create a strong foundation of mutual understanding and dialogue within the group. The central family values ​​include, for example, internal ones: the unity of culture and faith in the family, mutual understanding, love, and support between parents and children. Moreover, dialogue between all family members is significant because mutual understanding and communication are the essential elements of any strong relationship between people. External values are of no lesser meaning; these imply autonomy from the influence of the state and information coming from mass media. Additionally, public school education, school clubs, communities of children, and other activities imposed by the state fall into this category. The influence of these organizations alienates a person from the family, making them operators of political interests that encourage fragmentation within small communities and ideological centralization. To summarize, family values ​​comprise adherence to its firm foundation, consisting of love, shared views and dialogue within it, and autonomy from external influences outside it.

Next, responsibility plays an essential role in the formation of a healthy family. First of all, the authority of the parents as the prominent family members is relevant to this question. Family life for many modern people seems to be a heavy burden, which is easier to quit than to continue the long and challenging building of a strong union. This view comes from numerous factors inherent in modern society, mired in infantilism, skepticism, and reckless atheism, depriving a person of any responsibility to himself and community. Parents are responsible not only for their partners or children. More importantly, parents are responsible for themselves and their will, which keeps the family together. Thus, each parent’s responsibility is to be a person who can maintain the family’s coherence.

On the other hand, children have a colossal responsibility before their families. Sometimes this responsibility is higher than the parental responsibility even. Children might not meet the parents’ expectations to a great extent but instead accept the proper care, time, and resources that have been given to them. However, children succumb to the most crucial test of their will due to childish frivolity and youthful maximalism and the strength of those convictions that their parents helped them find. Therefore, children are responsible for themselves and the proper use of the family’s opportunities, which is sometimes difficult and requires discipline.

As to the discipline, there is a misconception that it should be supported by a steady hand, violence, and emotional pressure on children and partners. This approach has shown its inconsistency throughout the entire history of civilized humankind. For example, research from Howarth et al. (272) reveals that domestic violence “is associated with a significant risk to children’s physical and psychological safety and well‐being across the lifespan.” The key to maintaining discipline without aggression and trauma is dialogue, which includes communication, joint problem solving and discussing essential family members’ life details. In brief, a key to healthy discipline is dialogue instead of punishment and other violent actions among family members.

As a result, a particular foundation is needed for conducting a dialogue and determining the moral and ethical conditions. As such, religion dominates the family and acts as a vital factor in the consolidation and direction of family members’ development. In this essay, the suggested belief system is Christianity for several reasons. The basis of religion is love and compassion; this and the simple way of explaining humanistic values and Christian life in a community imply the importance of dialogue. Faith within the family allows for a discussion within the framework of common morality and ethics, allowing each member to reveal the essence of their thoughts and ideas. Thus, religion creates a moral and ethical consensus in the family, creating a general framework for discourse and setting its vector.

It could be seen that such a perception of the institution of the family is prevalent. In this context, the words of William Bennett (par. 5) are relevant: “it is the values ​​that a child is taught that will more determine that child’s fate”. Looking at modern society, one can notice that the influence of the family is the most critical factor of the personality, both in its initial period and in later life. In his article, Bennett reveals the issue of the family from the point of view, nowadays defined as “conservative.” This is reflected in criticism of the school system and popular culture in the lives of children. In short, Bennett considers the family’s moral and ethical ideals and imperative concepts to be the family’s foundation.

In addition, Bennett also expresses ideas about what positively affects the family in general and children in particular. His ideas include a strong religious and cultural unity within the family. Furthermore, he emphasizes a responsible and humanistic approach of parents to the upbringing of their children, i.e., guidance and upbringing with love and care, instead of harsh prescription and aggression. It also describes a critical element of the family: two parents, especially a father, in the process of raising a child. This is explained by the fact that in modern society, the irresponsible approach of parents to conceiving a child and forming a family leads to the absence of paternal guidance and maternal care. It is this that most fully corresponds to the definition of family discussed in this essay. Hence, Bennett’s position insists on the fundamental factors of family formation in the face of a humanistic approach and love and the presence of fatherhood and motherhood in education.

In conclusion, the family is the foundation of society, allowing an individual to live harmoniously, develop and stick together with people close to her, based on personal responsibility, love, and mutual understanding. Family values ​​are essential since they create relationships in a group, allowing the family to conduct a dialogue and understand each other. Importantly, dialogue requires mutual support; discipline and faith are critical for the comfortable living of several individuals in a unity named family. It is generally held together by the responsibility of both parents and children and the humanism and communication of its members.

Works Cited

Bennet, William. “Remarks by William Bennet — The Forerunner.” The Forerunner . Web.

Howarth, Emma, et al. “Towards an Ecological Understanding of Readiness to Engage With Interventions for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence and Abuse: Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis of Perspectives of Children, Parents and Practitioners.” Health & Social Care in the Community , vol. 27, no. 2, 2018, pp. 271–92. Crossref . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 23). Importance of Family in Society.

"Importance of Family in Society." IvyPanda , 23 Oct. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Importance of Family in Society'. 23 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Importance of Family in Society." October 23, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Importance of Family in Society." October 23, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Importance of Family in Society." October 23, 2022.

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“Family” is a hard word to create a concrete definition for. If one were to ask three random people on the street, it is likely they will receive three completely different answers to defining a family. The textbook definition of family according to the etymology dictionary is: “Origin in early 15c. “servants of a household” from Latin familia “family servants, domestics collectively, the servants in a household.” The traditional dictionary describes family in a more narrow fashion stating, “a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not.”

Definition Of Family Essay

Family is characterized with common aspects such as parents, grandparents, and siblings but there are so many other ways to distinct family. The word family is commonly defined as a group of individuals that have the same ancestors, and gather for holidays and other special events. This particular definition is true in so many ways, but everyone goes through life with situations that are brought up that bring together or break apart families. When I think about the word family and my experiences I have gone through and I would consider family to have crazy moments, lots of laughter, and unconditional love. Family to me is getting everyone together and having a good time and acting crazy with your loved ones, making memories.

Personal Essay: What Family Means To Me?

According to, family means a group of persons who form a household under one head, including parents, children, and servants. According to Google family means, all the descendants of a common ancestor. As one can see, there are many different meanings to family. To me family means support, dysfunctional, love, and friendships. Family is the most important influence on a child’s life.

Gender Inequality In The Family

The family is viewed as an essential part of our society, it always has been and it always will be. Although the family as a unit is vital for the continuous running of our society it can no longer be known as a fixed category. The first definition of a family found online is “a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit”. This is still the only way many people can view a family. Another that deviates from this particular image is seemingly wrong or incomplete.

Speech On Influence In Life

They have always encouraged me to do my best and strive for the best, they have always supported my positive decisions, and they have always helped me when I’ve been in trouble. My family has been there for me and each other through thick and thin, and I really love them. Their advice, support, and encouragement have incited me to endeavour for the highest possible achievements. My family is my major influence as they have affected my life from the very start of my life in everything I do.

Speech About Family

Family Family is one of the greatest gift and blessing from the Lord. Without family you can not feel love, care , satisfaction and happiness. They are the most treasured blessing that no one can take away from us. It is also like a fragile thing you consider as the most precious gem in your whole life. Family is a basic unit in the society traditionally consisting of parents and children.

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Follow the 5 C's to build family unity

Last Saturday, I was blessed with the privilege and opportunity of presenting a special seminar for the Sitka Church of Christ in Milan on "How to Build Family Unity." It was inspiring to hear feedback on various participants' insightful ideas regarding the meaning and purpose of family.

Some persons felt that our families exist to provide safety and security for persons in the home. Others alluded to goals of parental nurturance, spiritual growth and personal development. However, the answer I was most impressed with was that our families' primary purpose is to point to God and bring praise to him through our godly examples.

It doesn't take us looking to far to observe the tragic reality that the traditional family is under full frontal attack in America with many powerful evil forces vying against it. Even within the church we often struggle to keep our families together and on track. The question I am seeking to answer in today's column is as follows: How can we go about building (or restoring) family unity and making our families stronger? I believe that there are at least five important keys to consider, each of which begins with the letter "C."

The first essential key to developing family unity is commitment. It seems these days that marriages and families are frequently viewed as temporary — even throwaway — conveniences. There's little to no loyalty. Selfishness and self-centeredness can easily get in the way of harmony and happiness in the home. Whether we're a spouse, parent, child, sibling or all of the above, we need to think long and hard about how committed we are to our families' basic physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. What level of sacrifice are we willing to make for the health and wholeness of our family units? Family ought to walk in when the world walks out on us.

Second is the all-important characteristic of compassion. Why is it that we often tend to hurt the ones we should love the most through our unkind words, pettiness, envy, angry outbursts and bitterness toward each other? To demonstrate compassion in the home means to develop a genuinely caring and considerate heart — one that sympathizes and empathizes with the various struggles, fears and difficulties we each possess. And it is more than just something we feel; it's what we do. We must demonstrate mercy and kindness to one another, being patient, understanding and forgiving.

Third is the concept of communication. To communicate effectively necessitates more listening than talking, more concentration than jumping to hasty conclusions, more clarification than condemnation. We must take down our defenses and open our ears and minds so we can take in what our family members are trying to get across to us. Listen with your heart and speak with honesty and humility. Reflect back to the other person what you have grasped from their words to give them the opportunity to clarify any misconceptions.

Fourth comes compromise. I'm not talking about compromising the truth or our moral values in any way. What I mean is that everything — within reason — should be open to negotiation in our families. A healthy family will be characterized by give and take. Certain spouses seem to adhere to the idea that "It's my way or the highway!" Some parents are like cantankerous ogres who never consider their children's legitimate wishes and desires. On the other hand, some children act like spoiled brats who operate with a sense of personal entitlement for whatever they want at whatever cost to their parents. We've got to strike a balance in our families so that wisdom and fairness prevails in the end.

Finally, and most importantly in our attempt to foster peace and unity within our families, there must be Christ. Jesus should be the very cornerstone of our family life, and our homes need to be built upon him as our firm foundation. Our ultimate purpose in our families ought to be to bring glory to God. Psalm 127:1 states, "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain."

Dr. Ryan Fraser is an assistant professor of counseling at Freed-Hardeman University. Visit his website at or blog at

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  • Family Life

How to Create Family Unity

Last Updated: July 23, 2022

This article was co-authored by Elizabeth Weiss, PsyD . Dr. Elizabeth Weiss is a licensed clinical psychologist in Palo Alto, California. She received her Psy.D. in 2009 at Palo Alto University's PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium. She specializes in trauma, grief, and resilience, and helps people reconnect with their full self after difficult and traumatic experiences. This article has been viewed 97,758 times.

Sometimes it can feel like every family member is off in their own personal world, or nobody is really in sync with each other. It doesn't help that nowadays there are so many things distracting us all and keeping us busy. The good news is that it’s still totally possible to bring your family together and feel closer and more united. It just takes making some changes at home (some big, some small, and some really fun!) and working together as a family, and we're here to show you how to get started.

Communicating as a Family

Step 1 Use effective communication...

  • For example, if your family usually plans on watching a movie together on Wednesday nights and you can’t do it that night, then you might say, "I know we said Wednesday night would be movie night, but I'm so stressed out about this test tomorrow. Can we move it to another night this week?"

Step 2 Listen intently...

  • Give your full attention to your family members when they are talking, such as by putting away all distractions (cell phone, computer, etc.) and looking them in the eye.
  • Ask questions to show that you are interested, such as “What happened next?” “How do you feel about that?” and “What do you plan to do about it?”
  • Show you are paying attention by nodding and making neutral statements, such as “yes,” “uh-huh” and “I see.”

Step 3 Show appreciation for each other.

  • Traditions such as going around the table at Thanksgiving and saying what each person is thankful for is a good way of showing this appreciation.

Step 4 Agree to disagree.

  • When a conflict arises, use good communication skills and empathy to solve the problem . For example, instead of shouting at each other, allow everyone a chance to talk without being interrupted. While each person is talking, have the rest of the family listen closely and try to understand what the person is saying.

Step 5 Give and accept apologies.

  • Remember to compromise to avoid arguments and resolve them. Also, remember that perfect unity will not exist all the time in any family.

Sharing Responsibilities

Step 1 Make family routines.

  • You can also create longer running routines, such as weekly grass mowing or a monthly road trip.

Step 2 Assign each person chores.

  • With children and teens, it can be helpful to rotate the chores. This way, everyone learns to cook, do laundry, etc. This eliminates any feelings of unevenness in the chore disbursement, and teaches all children to be relatively self-sufficient.

Step 3 Share other household responsibilities evenly.

  • Once the responsibilities are finished, the whole family can reap the benefits and enjoy your time together.

Coming Together as a Family

Step 1 Put the family first.

  • Avoid putting work before family plans. Don’t cancel family outings and other family plans if you can help it. This can be difficult, especially if you have a demanding job, but if you frequently cancel on your family to work late or pick up an extra shift, then this can affect your family’s sense of unity.
  • Making your family aware that they are your main priority. Your family might not know how much they matter to you. To ensure that they know, try mentioning it. For example, you might start a conversation about values over dinner one night and say something like, “I think the thing that I value the most is my family.”
  • Limiting individual outings. Having too many things going on outside of your home may also interfere with your ability to form a strong family unit. This means that you may have to be pickier about what sort of extracurricular activities or hobbies you and your family members engage in. For example, instead of having your kids do three or four different extracurriculars, have them just pick one or two that they really like.

Step 2 Adopt family traditions.

  • An example of a tradition is cooking Easter salmon every year at a family gathering.
  • You can also have weekly traditions, such as Taco Tuesday, family game night on Thursdays, or Saturday morning walks.

Step 3 Take family adventures.

  • For example, you could sit down to eat dinner and talk with your family on three or four nights of every week. Or, you could plan on playing board games together once per week, such as on a Friday or Saturday evening. Try to identify something that will fit into your routine and allow you to enjoy each other’s company.

Step 5 Lean on each other.

Expert Q&A

Elizabeth Weiss, PsyD

  • Don't stress, everyone has family issues. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • It's not always your fault if things between your family aren't working out, other people play a part in this. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Have patience!! Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0

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  • Do not smother your family members. Over-scheduling gatherings can make them a chore rather than a delight. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ Elizabeth Weiss, PsyD. Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 26 July 2019.

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When parents can't agree on how to raise their children or run a household, there is little chance that the family environment will be one of harmony and peace. In order for children to learn teamwork and togetherness, their parents must first learn to function as a unified team. As you put into practice the following suggestions, you will make significant strides toward having a family that works together to create a happy, healthy home.

1. Communicate

Regular communication with your spouse and children is vital to a healthy family. Have weekly family meetings where all family members can express themselves freely and openly without the fear of criticism. Talk to your children about future plans or problems and explain to them why you do certain things they may find unfair. By allowing your children to take an active part in family business, they will be more likely to want to help with any problem that needs to be solved.

2. Listen to each other

Try to consider the other person's perspective. When you are listening, don't think about what response you are going to give. Instead, ask yourself why your spouse or child feels the way he or she does. Listening is one of the most powerful ways you can show you care about the other person. Children, especially, need to know that they are important, and this can be shown through active listening.

3. Share household responsibilities

Explain that if your family is, indeed, a team they must all do their part in the family. Discuss with your spouse what you should expect from each child, then tell the children what you would like and what you expect. If you present a unified front when you propose this idea to your children you are more likely to get a positive reaction.

4. Assign specific chores

This will teach your children to have pride in their work and learn responsibility. Teach them that they are all accountable for certain chores and that the whole family must work together in order to make your home a clean, orderly and functional place to live.

5. Establish routines

Routines help children to feel safe. Maintain a consistent schedule that is realistic for your family. For example, try to serve dinner at the same time each evening and expect everyone to attend whenever possible. Establish set bedtimes, especially for younger children, and make sure your children adhere to them. Having a schedule allows both parents and kids to know what to expect and when.

6. Seek spiritual experiences

Attending a church, temple or mosque as a family helps you all realize that no one goes at it alone. Read spiritual works that reinforce your family's belief system and inspire your family to be better. By reinforcing a value system that your family can share, you create a family culture that gives your children the sense of being part of a greater whole.

7. Have fun together

At least once a month, go on a family outing. These outings can be inexpensive and simple. Consider going on a trip to the woods, the museum or the zoo. Having fun together as a family reinforces to your children that teamwork also means playing together. Remember that a family that works together and plays together - stays together.

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Family Fun, Favorites, Food, and Faith

March 12, 2017 by Adelle Belnap

The Stories That Bind Us – Creating Family Unity (she: Adelle)

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Do you know your family history? Try sharing stories with your kids to bring past and present generations together! Here’s a Family Night lesson to get you started.

What makes a family strong, resilient, and happy? It is something we all desire. There are many articles and books written on this topic. One of my favorite is an article published in the New York Times written by Bruce Feiler. It is titled, “The Stories That Bind Us.” (Link Here) I like this particular essay because the principles taught make sense, it feels right, and it is easy to implement.

This article teaches a simple principle that draws the generations of a family tree together and makes the overall family resiliency strong. It is all about stories. What is your family story? Talk about it tonight with this fun Family Night Lesson.

The stories that bind us are often left untold! Share some family history with this family night lesson prepared by Adelle. Get all the info at today!

Lesson: I recommend reading the article in advance to teaching this lesson. Or, read it together as a group. It will only take a few minutes and it will help you understand the lesson better!

First, define what family means. There are two parts to the common definition. The first is, “A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.” Obviously, this ideal isn’t always the case, and that is ok!

The second part of the definition is, “All the descendants of a common ancestor.” Adding this part of the definition to the world family is important for this lesson. We are part of something bigger than just our single family unit.

Talk about who your family is. What is Grandma’s name? Who is Aunt Susan? Where did they come from? Where do they live? Pull out a scrapbook and show your children pictures of your extended family. I love to look at physical similarities. Do your kids have Great Grandpa’s nose? Did they inherit Uncle Billy’s curly hair? Is there a trait that is consistent through the generations? The grandkids in my family are really lucky when they get my father’s bright blue eyes. My siblings and I all secretly hope our kids will be born with them, because they are the most vibrant beautiful blue eyes a person could have.

The stories that bind us are often left untold! Share some family history with this family night lesson prepared by Adelle. Get all the info at today!

Why is it important for your children to know about their ancestors? In the article Dr. Duke said, “that children who have the most self-confidence have what he and Dr. Fivush call a strong intergenerational self. Meaning, they know they belong to something bigger than themselves.” Their research points to a direct correlation between a child’s ability to cope with stress (general happiness and resiliency) and the child’s sense of being part of a larger family. When a child knows that they are a link in a strong chain of people, it makes life easier to handle. Each person is not battling life alone, but as part of a greater whole.

Isn’t that an amazing gift? We are all part of a family that is bonded together through trials and success. The more you know and your children know about your ancestors, the stronger the family bond can be.

So, how to you make this link solid? By telling stories! Take a few minutes to share a few stories about your ancestors that are interesting, funny, inspirational, or educational. You don’t have to go very far up the family tree if you don’t want to. You can talk about your parents or your siblings. Tell your kids about how your parents met. Talk about what they did to earn a living. Is there a time when you were impressed by a hard decision your parents had to make when you were a kid? Share it. This is story time. And these are the stories that will bind your family together.

This might be a fun time to call a grandma or grandpa on the phone to ask them questions! Ask them about where they served a Church mission. Ask what they liked to learn about in school. What is their favorite vacation? Find out what trial was the hardest in their life and how they overcame it. Make a list of questions on a piece of paper before you call to help guide the conversation. This little interview will help you get to know them better.

A few months ago, while preparing dinner, I took two minutes to tell my kids a story about their Great Great Great Great Grandpa Dan Jones. This is what I said in a nutshell: Dan Jones was a Mormon Pioneer. He was with his good friend Joseph Smith the night before the prophet was martyred. Dan Jones got lost heading home that night. It was a lucky mistake, because there was a mob of people waiting to kill him on the correct road to his home. The Lord was watching out for Dan. He knew him and He knew there was still so much good work for Dan to do on Earth. He was a very special man. You kids are so lucky to have a brave hero as a Grandpa.

That was it! I wasn’t even sure if my kids were listening. Then, a few weeks after I told the story, my family and I were at Disneyland. We walked past the Indiana Jones ride in Adventureland. My little six year old boy’s eyes lit up and he got so excited. He exclaimed, “Mom! It’s the Dan Jones ride! We know him!” After I laughed, my heart swelled up. Because, he remembered the story and he was proud to be related to Mr. Jones. Even if it was the wrong hero. His sense of self was elevated because of his connection to his Great Grandpa Jones.

Kids really do feel a bond with their ancestors when they learn about them through the stories we tell.

Cut paper into strips that are about 1 inch thick. Give each person a single strip of paper and have them write their own name onto it. H0ld the paper in a circle. (Don’t staple it yet) Tell each child that this link represents you.

family unity essay

Link the pieces of your chain together so that the links that represent your immediate family are all together.

family unity essay

Then, start writing down the names of your extended family onto the extra paper strips.

family unity essay

When you write the name it would be good to say a quick thing about that person. For example, “Great Grandma Mary-she made the best orange rolls every Thanksgiving dinner. My siblings and I would get stuffed eating as many as we could. I got my recipe from her!” Take turns hooking the extended family chain pieces to your own family chain.

family unity essay

When you are finished you will have one giant family chain that has been bonded together. This giant chain is much more impressive than the individual links you started with. Hang the chain up so that you can see it throughout the week as a reminder that you are all part of a family bond.

The stories that bind us are often left untold! Share some family history with this family night lesson prepared by Adelle. Get all the info at today!

Sharing stories about your family should become a consistent dialog in your home. The article in the New York Times gave the suggestion to utilize times when you are already together to talk about family stories. Stories can be told and bonds can be built during family dinner time, while riding in the car, waiting at the dentist office, walking home from school, after a hard loss at a sporting event, before a big date, or during young children’s bath time.

Hopefully, you are already spending time together. (That is the first big step!) Now, you just need to remember to use that time to create a sense of family belonging in the hearts of your children. It is amazing how knowing who they are and what their family has accomplished over time really does make a child feel more important, strong, better adjusted, and happier than those who are living life without that bond of love and belonging.

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Family as a Unit of Society

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Published: Sep 20, 2018

Words: 2496 | Pages: 5 | 13 min read

Works Cited

  • Agarwal, V. (2005). Joint Family vs. Nuclear Family - What's your choice?
  • Nimkoff, F. M., & Middleton, R. (1960). The Concept of Family. In Community Organization (pp. 305-317). Columbia University Press.
  • United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Family Definition.
  • Murdock, G. P. (1949). Social Structure. The Free Press.
  • Allan, G., & Crow, G. (2001). Families, households, and society. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cheal, D. (2002). Family: Critical concepts in sociology. Routledge.
  • Popenoe, D. (2003). American family decline, 1960–1990: A review and appraisal. Journal of Marriage and Family, 55(3), 527-555.
  • Bianchi, S. M. (2014). Changing families, changing workplaces. Oxford University Press.
  • Cherlin, A. J. (2010). Demographic trends in the United States: A review of research in the 2000s. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(3), 403-419.
  • Thornton, A., & Young-DeMarco, L. (2001). Four decades of trends in attitudes toward family issues in the United States: The 1960s through the 1990s. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63(4), 1009-1037.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Essay on Importance of Unity in Life

January 7, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

We live in a cosmopolitan society where people vary in their opinions, judgments, view points, outlooks, perspectives and beliefs. It is quite often said that no two people can think and act in the same way.

People look at things in a certain way and create opinions of their own, based on their knowledge, circumstances, upbringing, culture, mind sets, etc. Based on these factors and many more, they vary in their perspectives and decision making abilities.

A new hoarding put up across the road side drew different opinions from different people. Some saw it as a sheer waste of space and utility, some smiled at the model displayed in the hoarding, some thought of having a second look at the hoarding, some passed it off as just another thing.

So we can see that basically people have different views over different things and issues. Nobody can think and act similarly and in the same fashion.

Table of Contents

Unity within the Family

So in what context does the term ‘unity’ relate to? Let’s explore more. Suppose a five member family is planning a vacation for their holidays. The children prefer going to an amusement park. Their parents like visiting a cool hill station.

The elders of the house consider religious spots as their favorites. So how then the vacation should be planned. If three different batches set out on three different trips, the whole concept of enjoying the vacation is ruined. Enjoyment comes when all three sets of people agree to go to a common place and spend time together.

But disagreements over deciding the place are bound to be there. So, in that case, with mutual understanding within the family, it is possible for the entire family to plan a trip to travel together and have fun in the vacation. The feeling of mutual understanding brings about closeness to the topic of unity.

When there was unity in planning the trip, it was actually worked out and probably executed successfully. If there was no unity in planning for the trip, it would have become a miserable disagreement.

Perspective of Unity

So where does unity lie, within the people, in their jobs or in their minds, let us look into it now. Unity is a feeling that springs out of mutual respect and mutual understanding between a group of people, in order to bring about goodwill and a feeling of mutual agreement with all the parties involved.

Large families existed in olden days, because there was unity among the family members and they had the feeling of preserving the unity for the next generations. In these days, people are hell bent on disagreements; nobody seems to have a mutual consent over matters related to the house.

This leaves a gap in their thinking and leaves no room for co-operation and integration of the full family. Hence, we find many broken families these days. Every person stands in a hurry to bring out and glorify his opinions over others and seems totally impatient to lend an ear to what others also have to say.

There is hardly any room for a unified thinking approach here. Families can sit together, discuss openly and sort out issues before it’s too late. That way, the concept of staying together as a big unit with the feeling of unity in everybody’s hearts and not anywhere else, can be certainly achieved.

Unity in Diversity

In our country, we often hear what has been followed since ages and that is ‘ Unity in diversity ’. How that is achieved in our country lies the big question. Unity in big terms here means co-operation and harmony among all citizens though they preach and practice different religions of their choice.

In a multi –cultural and multi-linguistic society as ours, the amount of differences that can crop up between any two groups of people can never be imagined. In a big country like ours, we find politicians debating every other day about issues that seem smaller to some, major for a few others and critical to the ones affected by them.

Execution of schemes depends on various political parameters and crossing various voices of dissent. If there was a shout of consent in every legitimate scheme brought up by the government, our nation would have become a super power by now.

But differences within various political groups, dissuasion’s within persons belonging to the same political party, using politics for their personal gains and the endless blame-games have thrown apart the concept of unity. Political leaders no longer work with unity to see the country progress and achieve its dream of becoming a super power nation.

When something new is launched, instead of showing unity in executing and achieving its goal, people start protesting against it and draw voices of dissent over them. This leads to the situation breaking down unnecessarily.

With no signs of unity or support anywhere, things get delayed in execution since they have to cross many a hurdles along their path. Hence, the country becomes sluggish in its development and progress naturally takes a back seat.

Japan is a super power nation that was devastated by nuclear bomb blasts, not once but twice over. But the people who suffered and survived the explosions did not sit back watching destiny to show them the path. They started working in unity; they formed groups of their own.

Their only goal was to bring back the prestigious position that the nation once held and they were really very successful in doing so. They rose from the shackles; it was not a one man’s decision, but a collective and united decision that worked in their favor.

They were determined to prove themselves to the world and did not stretch their arms for help. Instead, they started building ideas together and reconstructing their own nation with their own hands.

The results are there for us to see. Not only did the nation emerge as one of the super power countries of the world, but also stood as a great inspiration to many other nations to stand up and show unity to achieve the desired result.

When a dance troupe performs on stage, the success of the dance is directly dependent on every person’s right moves. With one wrong move thrown awkwardly by any dancer, the whole troupe would suffer setbacks. Here comes the show of unity.

When every person performs with perfect synchronization with the rest of the team, the show is bound to be a success. Success here cannot be credited to just one person, but it’s the collective effort of the entire team. The unity and uniformity shown by all the team members certainly puts up a great show.

So why is that we consider unity as such an important factor in our lives though we know each one of us are different in our own ways. When a mother prepares food for the family, she keeps in view the food choices of the entire family.

She makes sure to tend to every person’s taste buds and not disappoint any member of the family, especially children. The reason she does that is to see her family sit together and have lunch happily. There is show of unity, balance and harmony between the family members of the house.

In case, she prepared food that was only liked by her, then probably the rest of the house members would complain about her food choices and may prefer to eat something else. Here, we can find the disintegration of the family.

Values are another important aspect of bringing about unity within family. There should be a desire in people’s minds to lead a harmonious life by co-operating with each other. Sometimes, compromises in life are essential to set the situation right.

It’s perfectly alright to set back for a while and allow others to take the front seat if that is going to bring in a happy cheer on the family members. Unity is not allowing one’s opinions to be subdued or not letting oneself to shut down her voice to falsely push oneself to buy somebody else’s belief.

It’s a kind of feeling that arises out of mutual respect for each other and leads one in the way of happiness and contentment.

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“Striving for Family Unity,” Ensign, Sept. 2007, 9–13

Lessons from the New Testament

Striving for Family Unity

By Elder Donald L. Staheli

Served as a member of the Seventy from 1997 to 2006

It has been said that if you think you know a perfect family, you don’t know the family very well!

This suggests that all of us have periodic challenges in establishing and maintaining love and unity within our families. Yet, in large measure, our challenge to teach and nurture our children in a way that will qualify us as eternal families defines our mission here on earth.

In his epistle to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul emphasized the importance of “perfecting … the saints” and reaching a “unity of the faith” ( Ephesians 4:12–13 ). With this “unity,” Paul counseled that the Saints would “be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” ( Ephesians 4:14 ). What a magnificent promise—especially for parents!

Love of families and fellow men was the keystone of the Savior’s ministry. To His disciples, He said, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” ( John 15:12 ). Less than a year following the organization of the restored Church, the Lord told the Saints in Fayette, New York, “I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine” ( D&C 38:27 ).

The teachings of living prophets and apostles as summarized in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” make clear our responsibilities to our families:

“Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another. … Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.” 1

Amid all the counsel we have been given about nurturing our children in love and unity, as parents we must decide how we can best accomplish this challenging but eternally compelling task. Some of the following principles and ideas may provide help in uniting our families in love and truth.

Unity of Parents

Unity in the family begins with a loving parental relationship that sets an example for the family and extends in a personal way to each child.

President David O. McKay often credited his father and mother for the love and unity experienced in their family. He said: “Most gratefully and humbly I cherish the remembrance that never once as a lad in the home of my youth did I ever see one instance of discord between father and mother, and that goodwill and mutual understanding has been the uniting bond that has held together a fortunate group of brothers and sisters. Unity, harmony, goodwill are virtues to be fostered and cherished in every home.” 2

Loving, Trusting Relationships

Studies have shown that in most families, children’s self-confidence and sense of personal worth are directly related to the quality of their relationships with their parents 3 and how parents have taught and lived basic principles of the gospel.

As our children become teenagers, they frequently rely on things that will endear them to their peers. Unless a strong bond of love and trust has been established between parents and children, supported by a strong spiritual environment in the home, children’s loyalties tend to move to peers as they become teenagers. As children develop confidence in themselves and strong testimonies of the Savior, they add a special spirit of unity and happiness to their families and have strength to resist the pressures of the world.

President Gordon B. Hinckley has counseled: “I would like to see greater love in our homes. … You parents who are fathers and mothers of children, treasure your children. Look to them with love. Lead them … with love. … They will follow after you if you do that. And I make you a promise that if you do so, the time will come when you will feel so grateful that you have done so, that you will get on your knees and thank the Lord for the precious children who have come to you and grown up under your direction.” 4

Frequent expressions of love are a key to building trusting and loving relationships, but equally important is the consistent demonstration of that love. How we act often speaks louder than what we say and how we say it. It is important that we consistently and genuinely show our children our love for them as well as tell them of that love.

Following his father’s death, one young man felt he could take little comfort from his mother’s assurance that his father loved him and was proud of him.

“While a doctor was verifying death, I was leaning against the wall in the far corner of the room, crying softly. A nurse came over to me and put a comforting arm around me. I couldn’t talk through my tears. I wanted to tell her:

“‘I’m not crying because my father is dead. I’m crying because my father never told me that he was proud of me. He never told me that he loved me. Of course, I was expected to know these things. I was expected to know the great part I played in his life and the great part I occupied of his heart, but he never told me. ’” 5

Perhaps there was a greater message than most of us realize when God our Father announced His Son by saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ” ( Matthew 3:17 ; emphasis added).

Children thrive on loving relationships that make them feel special. Encouragement and love are important, especially when things may not be going well.

Listening to our children and respecting their views builds trust and opens communication. Understanding and agreeing on expectations with each member of the family adds to the unity and good feelings for each other. Periodic one-on-one time is a superb way to build lasting relationships and trust. In fact, personal time with each child is an essential building block to genuine lasting relationships of love and unity.

As children replace selfishness and envy with kindness and service to each other, unity grows within the family. And as the family serves together to assist others, a bond of unity and love becomes the hallmark of the family. Unity in the family will not always free parents from problems and challenges with their children, but it does enable families to cohesively focus on solutions.

Personal Spiritual Experiences for Children

Living in accordance with our strong personal testimonies becomes the foundation for unwavering love and unity within a family. Testimonies also provide the bulwark against Satan and the things of the world that he uses to bring contention into families.

One of our key responsibilities as parents is to help our children prepare for and have spiritual experiences in their youth that will develop strong testimonies of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. These experiences come as a result of prayer, study, and living gospel principles. They come from family home evenings and scripture study. They result from personal experiences and feelings from association with Church leaders and spiritually strong friends. Frequently, they come in a very personal way as the Spirit touches and confirms the truth and testimony of the living Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Savior and Redeemer of the world.

I will be forever grateful for my faithful parents who, in their humble way, used the priesthood and the power of prayer to bless their children with the Lord’s healing power. On several occasions during my youth, the Lord responded with His tender mercies in a way that was miraculous. For me those experiences formed the basic foundation on which I have developed an undeniable testimony of the Lord and His love for each of us.

Unified Families Minimize Contention

The Lord’s challenge to raise our families in unity and righteousness is not a simple one. Our youth live in exciting yet challenging times. Their lives are filled with responsibilities and activities of various kinds. They have access to many things, including media and music that do not always fit within the standards of the home and the principles of the Church. As a result, almost every family at one time or another experiences disagreements on certain issues, both large and small. This creates contention.

The Lord made clear His feelings on contention when He said to the Nephites, “He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil” ( 3 Nephi 11:29 ).

Our challenge as parents is to keep misunderstandings and disagreements to a minimum and to resolve differences quickly and amicably. The more we and our children are committed to living gospel principles, the greater the opportunity for the spirit of unity and love to reside in our homes. A clear understanding of gospel-centered guidelines and expectations in the home will significantly reduce periodic issues that precipitate contention.

Consistent Family and Personal Prayer

Some of the most effective teaching in our homes comes from the family’s kneeling together and feeling the spirit of what is said in daily family prayer. Asking the Lord for forgiveness, while also petitioning His help in unifying the family in love and righteous purposes, can have a lasting influence on our children as they grow together in the family. Sincere prayers soften contentious thoughts.

It is absolutely imperative that we teach and encourage our children to be consistent and sincere in offering their personal prayers. As children pray daily, they will feel the Lord’s personal direction in their lives. As they learn to seek His blessings and guidance, the family will find the joy and happiness that come from striving to be a righteous family.

In His great Intercessory Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Savior pleaded with the Father five separate times for unity—“that they may be one, even as we are one” and “that they may be made perfect in one” (see John 17:11, 22–23 ). Unity is the outcome of a family engaging in righteous principles.

May we as parents pray for and live worthy of the Lord’s blessings so that our families may be one on earth and in the eternities to come.

Helps for Home Evening

To help family members visualize family unity, consider weaving a placemat from strips of paper. Write the name of a different family member on each strip. As they are woven together, discuss how this process represents the process of creating family unity. Use Elder Staheli’s article to discuss ways the family can build unity.

Consider having family members draw a picture of five people holding hands. Label each person with one of the headings from Elder Staheli’s article. Point out strengths that your family has in each of these areas. Using the suggestions in the article, plan an activity that will strengthen your family.

Photograph by Frank Helmrich

Photograph by Welden C. Andersen

Photograph by Robert Casey

Photograph by Matthew Reier

Photograph by Craig Dimond

Unity in Diversity Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unity in diversity.

Unity in Diversity is a concept that signifies unity among individuals who have certain differences among them. These differences can be on the basis of culture, language, ideology, religion , sect, class, ethnicity, etc. Furthermore, the existence of this concept has been since time immemorial. Since then, it has been used by a variety of political and social organizations to symbolize unity among various persons or communities. People from many cultures, religious beliefs, and social statuses coexisting in peace and love is a prime illustration of “Unity in Diversity.” People have consistently shown this praiseworthy behaviour almost everywhere on Earth . The concept has certainly resulted in the ethical and moral evolution of humanity.

Unity in Diversity Essay

Unity in Diversity

The phrase “Unity in Diversity” refers to harmony and peace. It is employed among various groups to ensure that tolerance is uniform. Caste, creed, race, and nationality are all examples of diversity. Physical, cultural, linguistic, and political differences are also included in unity in diversity.

It educates all humans and living beings to unify and find methods to bond with one another despite their differences. This will create an environment in which individuals can coexist harmoniously. “Unity in Diversity” is a long-standing concept that may be traced back to Western and Eastern traditions.

Unity in Diversity in India

The existence of oneness despite numerous distinctions is the meaning of unity in variety. India is one of the excellent examples one can learn to understand the concept of Unity in diversity. We can clearly observe that people of all religions, creeds, castes, dialects, cultures, lifestyles, dressing sense, faith in God, rituals of worship, and so on coexist peacefully under one roof, i.e. in one country of India. We can never forget the liberation movements led by Indians of all faiths, religions and castes to establish India as an independent country. In India, the struggle for freedom is a magnificent example of unity in diversity.

India is the world’s largest and most populous country, home to people of various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, and Parsees, all of which believe in the same Dharma and Karma doctrine. The Indian society is god-fearing by nature, believing in soul purification, reincarnation, salvation, heaven’s luxury, and hell’s punishments. People here celebrate their religious holidays (Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Good Friday, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti, Ganesh Chaturthi and so on) in a very peaceful manner, without causing harm to other religious people.

In India, Hindi is the mother tongue, but many other dialects and languages are spoken by people of various religions and regions (such as English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Bihari, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Odiya, Gujarati, Malayali, Kashmiri, and so on); however, everyone is proud to be a citizen of great India.

The story of India’s unity amid variety is remarkable because it conveys a clear message that the country is more powerful than any religion or community in particular. Around 1.3 billion people live in harmony and contentment. With the world’s second-largest population of numerous ethnic and religious groupings, India is now the most important secular country, with a distinct character of unity in diversity.

Advantages of Unity in Diversity

First of all, following Unity in Diversity implies an interaction between many types of individuals. These individuals will probably have certain differences among them. This would occur also in workplaces, schools, public places, etc. Most noteworthy, working with diverse people provides an opportunity for exposure. Furthermore, this interaction would build up a tolerance in people. Hence, people would respect the opinion of others.

Unity in Diversity certainly enhances the quality of teamwork. This is because of the development of trust and bonding among people. As such the coordination and cooperation becomes very efficient. Consequently, the rate of completion of projects significantly increases.

In the world of business, a new principle is being followed. This principle is to think global and act locally. The reason for using this principle by companies is different social and cultural traditions. This principle is certainly a victory for the concept of Unity in Diversity. Also, more and more companies are doing business in different regions of the World.

The concept of Unity in Diversity is effective in solving various social problems . This is possible as diverse people tend to know each other. Consequently, this increases mutual respect among the people.

Unity in Diversity is very useful for a diverse country. Above all, the concept allows people of different religions, cultures, castes, to live together peacefully. The belief in Unity in Diversity certainly reduces the chances of riots and disturbances.

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Unity in Diversity in Politics

The phrase Unity in Diversity has become a symbol of Canadian multiculturalism. Adélard Godbout, Premier of Quebec, first used this phrase in Canada. Canada certainly is an excellent example of Unity in Diversity. Above all, there is very low racism in Canada. Furthermore, the people of Canada are warm and friendly. They are very welcoming of foreigners in Canada. There are almost no incidents of hate speech and discrimination against foreigners in Canada.

The European Union, in 2000, adopted Unity in Diversity as its official motto. Above all, this was in reference to many diverse Nations of the European Union. This diversity of European Union member states was due to differences in culture. Furthermore, the adoption of Unity in Diversity as a motto shows unity. It shows Europeans have come together irrespective of differences.

India is another brilliant example of Unity in Diversity . In India, people of diverse religions, cultures, castes, sects, etc. have been living together. Furthermore, they have been living together for many centuries. This certainly shows the intense tolerance and unity of the Indian people. Hence, India is a country that perfectly demonstrates Unity in Diversity.

In conclusion, Unity in Diversity is an integral part of ethics and morality. The concept is certainly essential for the future progress of human society. People must display faith in this concept. Above all, they must keep aside feelings of racism , discrimination, and oppression. Without Unity in Diversity, the demise of humanity will certainly happen.

FAQs on Unity in Diversity Essay

Q1 How Unity in Diversity enhances the quality of teamwork?

A1 Unity in Diversity certainly enhances the quality of teamwork. This is because Unity in Diversity causes the development of trust and bonding among people. This ultimately results in significantly increasing the rate of completion of projects.

Q2 Why India is a brilliant example of Unity in Diversity?

A2 India is certainly a brilliant example of Unity in Diversity. This is because India has people of diverse religions, cultures, castes, sects, etc. Above all, these people have been living together peacefully for many centuries.  Within a kilometer, you can discover mosques, temples, churches, and other religious buildings.

Q3. How can one sustain unity in the presence of diversity?

A3 . To keep unity in the variety by accepting other people’s choices, letting others express their opinions, and continually interacting with others without questioning their religion, caste, or financial strength. Unity in diversity can also be preserved by raising knowledge about the value of unity in diversity and incorporating the notion into primary education. Also, through instilling tolerance in all people, regardless of their culture, traditions, or values.

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Unity in what?

There can be no bracketing of moral issues in a genuine dialogue about recomposing Christian unity.

May 15, 2024 George Weigel Essay , Features 16 Print

family unity essay

Among the many urgent questions raised by the Synods on the Family in 2014 and 2015 and the current Synod on Synodality – questions that will inevitably bear on the next papal conclave – is that of unity: in what, precisely, does the unity of the Church consist?

What is the content of the “one” in the Creed’s affirmation of “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church?”

The Synods on the Family grappled with this in their debates on worthiness to receive Holy Communion: Could those in canonically irregular marriages, who were not living in unity with the settled teaching and pastoral practice of the Church, participate fully in the sacrament of unity, the Eucharist? Or ought they refrain from receiving Holy Communion while still joining the community in offering true worship to the Father?

The ambiguities in  Amoris Laetitia , the post-synodal apostolic exhortation that followed those Synods, did not resolve that question. Rather, it deepened the concern that fault lines were opening in the Church, with some local Church interpreting  Amoris Laetitia  according to the line they had taken at the Synods (i.e., those in irregular marriages could receive Holy Communion) and other local churches interpreting the apostolic exhortation differently (those in irregular marriages should refrain from receiving Holy Communion). Those fault lines were deep indeed. For how could it be that a source of sanctifying grace in Germany was a grave sin ten miles away, on the Polish side of the German-Polish border?

This, by the way, was a concern the Group of Thirteen Cardinals (now infamous in some circles) considered raising in their letter to the Pope at the outset of Synod-2015. In that letter, the cardinals politely requested a revision of the Synod procedures so that there would be a more robust synodal debate, and a voting process in which the Synod fathers rendered their judgments on specific propositions.

An early draft of that letter warned against the possibility of the Catholic Church coming to resemble the local-option Anglican Communion, in which some constituent national churches believed and practiced in one way, and other constituent churches believed and practiced the opposite: that, it was suggested, was the path to true schism. At the end, the cardinals decided to focus on synodal procedures only and this yellow caution flag was not included in the letter’s final text.

Yet the concern remained. And it has been intensified since, not least because of diverse reactions to the December 2023 declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on the possibility of blessing those in same-sex unions and relationships. The churches of Belgium and Germany applauded (and continued to do what they had already been doing) and the churches of Africa registered a firm “No, thank you.”

These fault lines, and others, will help define the debate – and let us pray that it will be a real debate, not some ersatz and manipulated “Conversation in the Spirit” – at the Synod in October 2024.

The question of the content of the Church’s unity was clarified by Pope John Paul II during his first pastoral pilgrimage to the United States in October 1979. Prior to the Pope’s visit, U.S.-based ecumenical dialogues had focused on core doctrinal issues, “bracketing” moral questions on which there was deep disagreement between Catholics and their Protestant dialogue partners. John Paul had a different view.

After greeting the ecumenical congregation gathered in the chapel of Washington’s Trinity College as “beloved Christian brethren and fellow disciples of the Lord Jesus,” the Pope celebrated their common proclamation that “there is one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus [1 Tim. 2.5]” and noted with satisfaction their common love for “Sacred Scripture, which we recognize as the inspired word of God.” The Pope also cited with regret “the deep division” between Christian communities “which still exists over moral and ethical matters.”

And then, in one sentence, he shut down the ecumenical cafeteria: “The moral life and the life of faith are so deeply united that it is impossible to divide them.” Message: There can be no bracketing of moral issues in a genuine dialogue about recomposing Christian unity.

If that is true for ecumenism, it is certainly true for the unity of the Catholic Church. The content of the “one” in the Nicene affirmation of “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church” is a unity in faith: a unity in the truths we know from revelation and reason. Local-option Catholicism is not Catholicism. National Catholicism is not Catholicism. The truths of faith – which include the moral truths that facilitate human flourishing and beatitude – are universal.

Which is to say, catholic and Catholic.

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family unity essay


Divisions are meant to convince us about our (original) sin and the true unity is only possible amidst saints and that is why in Paradise alone the one true (triumphant) catholic Church exist.

The worldly/militant church can never be fully unified as God gently hints us by the 6000 years of history, yet our longing to make a paradise here without freeing from sin not only idolises doctrines and laws originated from purported saints which is used to guide us to the fullness of the Truth in God’s grand scheme but often foolishly proselyte as if mere obedience to it may somehow save us, that too often ignoring the fact that without God (individualy) given Faith (upon His pleasing) none are saved from their eternal death nor God offered everlasting joy (Hope) the prerequisite to fetch it.

Bergoglioism’s efforts to transform the Catholic Church into a liberal Protestant Ecclesial Community provides no hope of Catholic Unity but ever greater disunity, as the Bergoglio German Synodal Disaster has proven already.

Cancel Culture needs reverse driving, pulling the plug on the Novos Ordo McCarrick Legacy Band

Mr Cracked Nut, heart full for love of Christ Jesus, “Liberal Protestant Ecclesial Community”. Bergoglio is much more; he wants to replace the Truth and holy Commandments with his evil desires. The council did ardently strive for Christian unity. The Papal Palace is vacant while Bergoglio stays at the guest house. My problem with Trads is that you throw the Holy Mass Novus Ordo together with McCarrick, the political cancel culture and liberal derailment. They are different things. No Rite in the Holy Apostolic Church should claim all truth for themselves while loathing another. “THIS IS MY COMMANDMENT LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I LOVE YOU” John 16. Love one another is His Commandment! “God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him” (1 John 4:11); without love we will not remain in Him. Not sentimental but straight from the Heart of God. I do enjoy your comments. Jesus loves you and I do too!

Who denies validity of the NO? Lawler’s commentary reasons that the majority of those who attend the NO form of the Mass overwhelmingly deny the validity of the NO Mass! How so? Over 70% of NO attendees deny the Sacramental and Real Presence of Jesus in the Body and Blood in the Mass. Therefore, which group finds any Mass more valid? NO Mass attendees or TLM attendees?

Why does illogic persist in positing that those who love the TLM consider the NO Mass to be invalid? I am wondering and waiting for a logical answer….

The current papacy seems to care only about unity in raw numbers translating to the collection plate. Do whatever you want, but be enrolled, and most importantly, GIVE.

Anything else is just a distraction from that mission. Meanwhile, it cannot even generate enough priests to man the parishes it has.

Typical corporate behavior, whatever they are doing is not working, so that means just do even more of the same, and then it surely will work.

“Union with God? What’s that? We HAVE communion, and that’s all the union they need!”

But the emptying parishes say differently.

As one form of engagement in the world, ST. PAUL at the Areopagus noticed that among the pagan idols an altar to “the Unknown God.” He accompanied—but most of the gathering synodally “walked together” and away….So, next in Corinth St. Paul then centered his very non-polyhedral message, preaching only “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor 2:1-2). The Scandal of the Cross…

The PARALLEL today is external and valuaable-but-amorphous “fraternity” coupled with (!) internal divisiveness—the separation between supposedly “abstract” dogmatic affirmations and “concrete” and contradictory exemptions. Witness now the bizarre “unity” of blessed Fiducia Supplicans, incoherently positioned in front of Dignitas Infinita…

Dignitas Infinita, which appeals more to modern history’s Areopagus—the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights than to the Natural Law as elevated by the very Word of God. How to BOTH walk with AND robustly evangelize a distracted, incendiary, and fallen world? How to not replace the apostolic Second Vatican Council with a semi-synodal plebiscite?

The contrived “unity” of Esperanto and footloose Forwardism isn’t enough.

The Holy Ghost Is The Source Of Unity In Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic Church , and thus The Holy Ghost must proceed from both The Father and The Son, (Filioque).

“This picture of the Spirit as the mutual love between the Father and Son goes back to Augustine who wrote: “And the Holy Spirit, according to the Holy Scriptures, is neither of the Father alone, nor of the Son alone, but of both; and so intimates to us a mutual love, wherewith the Father and the Son reciprocally love …”

And thus we can know through both Faith and Reason, that “It is not possible to have Sacramental Communion without Ecclesiastical Communion “, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, for to deny The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is To Deny The Divinity Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, which is apostasy.

Our unity of faith and doctrine is essential for several reasons. It ensures that we all worship the same God and follow the path laid out by Christ. It fosters a sense of community and belonging, where we can learn and grow from each other. Additionally, a unified voice of the Church carries greater weight when addressing the world on matters of faith and morality. This is vital to fulfill the Great Commission. However, we must acknowledge that the journey of faith is a personal one. Not everyone grasps complex doctrines immediately. Doubts and questions often arise, and achieving a full understanding of the faith can take time. The Church, as a loving mother, recognizes this. We are all at different stages on our spiritual path. Therefore, though it is paramount that the Church demonstrates unity in core teachings, the Church must also encourage open and respectful dialogue about personal faith. Through study, prayer, and discussion, our understanding deepens. The Holy Spirit guides us on this journey, illuminating our minds and hearts to the truths of the Gospel. Let us pray for one another: let us pray that God grants us all a deeper understanding of his will and the strength to live according to his teachings. let us engage in respectful dialogue. Let us show patience and understanding and be supportive and encouraging towards those who are struggling. This is a synodal way that can be appreciated. Ultimately, unity does not mean individual uniformity, but it does mean the Church must speak about Tradition, Doctrine, and Dogma with a single voice.

First, I am a fan of George Weigel. Our unity of faith and doctrine is essential for several reasons. It ensures that we all worship the same God and follow the path laid out by Christ. It fosters a sense of community and belonging, where we can learn and grow from each other. Additionally, a unified voice of the Church carries greater weight when addressing the world on matters of faith and morality. This is vital to fulfill the Great Commission. However, we must acknowledge that the journey of faith is a personal one. Not everyone grasps complex doctrines immediately. Doubts and questions often arise, and achieving a full understanding of the faith can take time. The Church, as a loving mother, recognizes this. We are all at different stages on our spiritual path. Therefore, though it is paramount that the Church demonstrates unity in core teachings, the Church must also encourage open and respectful dialogue about personal faith. Through study, prayer, and discussion, our understanding deepens. The Holy Spirit guides us on this journey, illuminating our minds and hearts to the truths of the Gospel. Let us pray for one another: let us pray that God grants us all a deeper understanding of his will and the strength to live according to his teachings. let us engage in respectful dialogue. Let us show patience and understanding and be supportive and encouraging towards those who are struggling. This is a synodal way that can be appreciated. Ultimately, unity does not mean individual uniformity, but it does mean the Church must speak about Tradition, Doctrine, and Dogma with a single voice.

The last paragraph in the article sums up the issue very well.

I do question the phrase “The ambiguity of Amoris Laetitia” and different Churches interpreting it differently, as though it is not clear. There were bishops who questioned Pope Francis whether it meant that communion could be given to those in “irregular” marriages, and Pope Francis answered that there was no other way to interpret it. At least that is what I read.

There is a somewhat frequent effort to interpret Pope Francis statements as being in line with previous Church teachings. A sometimes difficult task I would say.

That should read:

“This picture of the Spirit as the mutual love between the Father and Son goes back to Augustine who wrote: “And the Holy Spirit, according to the Holy Scriptures, is neither of the Father alone, nor of the Son alone, but of both; and so intimates to us a mutual love, wherewith the Father and the Son reciprocally love …”

And thus we can know through both Faith and Reason, that “It is not possible to have Sacramental Communion without Ecclesiastical Communion “, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, it Is “Through, With, And In Christ, In The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque), that Holy Mother Church, outside of which, there is no Salvation , due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque) exists.

That the cardinals did not raise the ‘yellow flag’ on the disparity rather than unanimity on moral doctrine, well discussed by Weigel, indicates the absence of leadership backbone throughout the Church. We hear instead an occasional murmur. Murmurs are not faith inspired conviction. Lacking committed leadership the Church has become divided, Weigel cites the German Polish sin here virtue there result, two churches within the Church. We [that is some] may sing the praises of Pope Francis although however lusty his ecclesial philosophy is largely the reason. We lack the fire and knowledge of the two great Alexandrian patriarchs Athanasius and Cyril.

The Church has gone into survival mode. Hogs are feasting on the abundant acorns from our ancient tree. But they cannot eat all of them!

The future Pope BXVI (Ratzinger) said in 1969: “From the crisis of today the Church of tomorrow will emerge — a Church that has lost much. She will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning … As the number of her adherents diminishes, so it will lose many of her social privileges. In contrast to an earlier age, it will be seen much more as a voluntary society, entered only by free decision. As a small society, it will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members. But in all of the changes at which one might guess, the Church will find her essence afresh and with full conviction in that which was always at her center: faith in the triune God, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, in the presence of the Spirit until the end of the world. … The Church will be a more spiritual Church, not presuming upon a political mandate, flirting as little with the Left as with the Right. It will be hard going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek. The process will be all the more arduous, for sectarian narrow-mindedness as well as pompous self-will will have to be shed.”

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