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></center></p><p>Financial Planning Case Study Examples</p><ul><li>26 April 2024 3 April 2024</li></ul><h2>Financial planning case study examples</h2><p>In the realm of financial planning, real-life case studies serve as valuable learning tools, offering insights into how individuals or businesses have navigated their financial journeys successfully. By examining these practical examples, one can gain a deeper understanding of the strategies, challenges, and outcomes associated with sound financial planning. Let’s delve into some compelling financial planning case study examples that showcase effective wealth management techniques and decision-making processes.</p><h2>Personal Finance: Retirement Planning Success Story</h2><p>Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a couple in their mid-50s, approached a financial advisor for assistance in preparing for their retirement. The advisor conducted a thorough analysis of their current financial situation, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Upon reviewing the data, the advisor developed a customized retirement plan for the Smiths, emphasizing diversification, risk management, and long-term growth.</p><p>Through strategic investment allocation and regular portfolio rebalancing, the Smiths were able to optimize their savings and maximize returns while mitigating risks. The case study demonstrates how meticulous retirement planning, coupled with professional guidance, can lead to financial security and peace of mind in one’s golden years.</p><h2>Investment Portfolio Optimization: Achieving Financial Goals</h2><p>A tech-savvy investor, Ms. Lee, sought to enhance the performance of her investment portfolio to achieve specific financial objectives, such as buying a home and funding her children’s education. By leveraging a combination of equities, bonds, and alternative investments, Ms. Lee diversified her portfolio to align with her risk tolerance and timeline.</p><p>With the assistance of a financial planner, Ms. Lee rebalanced her investment holdings periodically and capitalized on market opportunities to maximize returns. The case study underscores the importance of strategic asset allocation, regular portfolio monitoring, and goal-oriented investing in attaining long-term financial goals.</p><h2>Small Business Success: From Start-Up to Expansion</h2><p>Entrepreneurial couple, Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, embarked on a journey to establish a small business in the hospitality sector. Facing various financial challenges, including securing funding, managing cash flow, and sustaining growth, the Garcias turned to a financial consultant for guidance. The consultant devised a comprehensive financial plan that encompassed budgeting, forecasting, and risk management strategies.</p><p>By implementing the recommendations outlined in the financial plan, the Garcias were able to steer their business towards profitability and expansion. This case study highlights the pivotal role of financial planning in driving small business success and fostering sustainable growth in a competitive market landscape.</p><p>Financial planning case study examples offer valuable insights into the practical application of financial principles and strategies in diverse scenarios. Whether it be retirement planning, investment management, or entrepreneurial endeavors, these real-life cases underscore the significance of informed decision-making, proactive financial management, and expert guidance in achieving long-term financial stability and success.</p><h2>Effective strategies for long-term financial goals</h2><p>Financial planning is crucial for individuals to secure their financial future and achieve their long-term goals. One effective way to understand the importance and benefits of financial planning is through real-life case study examples. In this article, we will explore various financial planning case studies that demonstrate the significance of sound financial advice and strategic decision-making.</p><h2>Case Study 1: Retirement Planning</h2><p>Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a couple in their early 50s, approached a financial planner to discuss their retirement goals. The couple had a modest income but had saved diligently over the years. After a thorough analysis of their savings, investments, and retirement needs, the financial planner recommended a tailored retirement plan.</p><p>The financial planner suggested reallocating their investments to less risky options as they neared retirement age to protect their savings. Additionally, they were advised to maximize their contributions to retirement accounts and take advantage of employer matching programs. By following the financial planner’s recommendations, Mr. and Mrs. Smith were able to retire comfortably at the age of 65 without worrying about financial constraints.</p><h2>Case Study 2: College Education Planning</h2><p>The Garcia family had three children, and they wanted to save for their college education expenses. However, with competing financial priorities, they were unsure how to balance their savings goals. Seeking guidance, they consulted a financial advisor specializing in education planning.</p><p>After evaluating the family’s income, expenses, and existing savings, the financial advisor recommended setting up 529 college savings accounts for each child. The advisor also devised a savings plan that factored in annual education costs, inflation rates, and the desired college locations.</p><p>Through disciplined savings and investment strategies tailored to their risk tolerance, the Garcia family successfully funded their children’s college education without compromising their retirement savings or incurring substantial debt.</p><h2>Case Study 3: Estate Planning</h2><p>Ms. Johnson, a successful business owner, wanted to ensure a smooth transfer of her assets to her heirs upon her passing. Realizing the complexities of estate planning, she sought the expertise of an estate planning attorney and financial planner.</p><p>The professionals worked together to create a comprehensive estate plan that included drafting a will, establishing trusts, and minimizing estate taxes. They also updated beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and insurance policies to align with Ms. Johnson’s wishes.</p><p>As a result of careful estate planning, Ms. Johnson was able to protect her assets, provide for her heirs, and minimize potential tax liabilities, ensuring a seamless transfer of wealth to the next generation.</p><p>These financial planning case study examples illustrate the importance of seeking professional advice and developing tailored strategies to achieve long-term financial goals. By leveraging expert guidance, individuals can navigate complex financial situations, mitigate risks, and secure a stable financial future for themselves and their loved ones. Remember, each financial journey is unique, and customized financial planning is key to realizing your aspirations.</p><h2>The role of diversification in financial planning</h2><p>Diversification plays a crucial role in financial planning as it is a strategy that involves spreading investments across different asset classes to mitigate risk. This approach ensures that all eggs are not placed in one basket, reducing the impact of volatility on a particular investment. By diversifying, investors can potentially maximize returns while minimizing overall risk.</p><h2>Importance of Diversification in Financial Planning</h2><p>Diversification is essential in financial planning as it helps investors achieve a balanced portfolio. By investing in a mix of assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, individuals can reduce the impact of a decline in any single asset class. This risk management strategy is based on the premise that different types of investments react differently to market conditions, thereby offering protection during times of economic instability.</p><h2>Case Study: Diversification in Action</h2><p>For example, consider a scenario where an investor puts all their money into tech stocks. If the tech sector experiences a downturn, this concentrated investment approach could lead to significant losses. In contrast, a diversified investor who holds a mix of stocks, bonds, and real estate may see a smaller impact on their overall portfolio value during the same market downturn.</p><h2>Benefits of Diversification</h2><ul><li>Risk Mitigation : Diversification helps reduce the impact of market volatility on investment portfolios.</li><li>Potential for Higher Returns : While diversification does not guarantee profits, it can enhance the overall return potential by spreading investments across various assets.</li><li>Stability : A diversified portfolio tends to be more stable over the long term, providing a smoother investment journey.</li><li>Opportunity for Growth : By investing in different sectors and industries, investors position themselves to capitalize on growth opportunities across various segments of the economy.</li></ul><h2>Diversification Strategies</h2><p>Investors can achieve diversification through various strategies:</p><ul><li>Asset Allocation : Allocating investments across different asset classes.</li><li>Sector Diversification : Investing in companies across various industries.</li><li>Geographic Diversification : Spreading investments across different regions or countries.</li><li>Investment Vehicles : Utilizing a mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and other investment instruments.</li></ul><p>Diversification is a foundational principle in financial planning that aims to optimize risk-adjusted returns. By diversifying investments, individuals can create a resilient portfolio that is better positioned to weather market fluctuations. Implementing a well-thought-out diversification strategy is key to building long-term wealth and achieving financial goals.</p><h2>Understanding risk management in personal finance</h2><p>Risk Management in Personal Finance</p><p>Strategically managing risks is a crucial aspect of personal finance that often gets overlooked. Individuals need to understand the importance of risk management to secure their financial well-being and achieve their long-term goals effectively. In this article, we will delve into the concept of risk management in personal finance and explore key strategies to mitigate financial risks and optimize wealth growth.</p><h2>Understanding Financial Risk</h2><p>Financial risk in personal finance refers to the potential of losing money on an investment or experiencing unexpected financial setbacks. It encompasses various types of risks, including market risk, inflation risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, and longevity risk. By comprehensively analyzing these risks, individuals can make informed decisions to protect their assets and financial stability.</p><h2>Diversification: Spreading Risk</h2><p>One effective strategy to manage financial risk is diversification. By spreading investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, individuals can reduce the impact of volatility in any single investment. Diversification helps cushion against market fluctuations and minimizes the overall risk exposure in a portfolio.</p><h2>Emergency Fund: Protection Against Uncertainty</h2><p>Building an emergency fund is another vital aspect of risk management in personal finance. An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net, providing individuals with a cushion to cover unexpected expenses such as medical emergencies, job loss, or home repairs without resorting to high-interest debt or liquidating long-term investments.</p><h2>Insurance Coverage: Shielding Against Contingencies</h2><p>Insurance plays a pivotal role in mitigating financial risks by providing protection against unforeseen events. Health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and property insurance are essential instruments to safeguard against significant financial losses due to illness, disability, death, or property damage. Adequate insurance coverage offers peace of mind and financial security for individuals and their families.</p><h2>Risk Tolerance Assessment</h2><p>Understanding personal risk tolerance is fundamental in effective risk management. Risk tolerance determines an individual’s willingness to endure fluctuation in investment values and withstand market uncertainties. By assessing risk tolerance accurately, individuals can tailor their investment strategies to align with their financial goals, time horizon, and comfort level, thus optimizing risk-adjusted returns.</p><h2>Regular Review and Adjustment</h2><p>Continuous monitoring and periodic review of financial goals, investment portfolio, and risk management strategies are essential to adapt to changing market conditions and personal circumstances. Regular assessment allows individuals to realign their financial plan, rebalance their portfolio, and make necessary adjustments to enhance risk management and maintain financial resilience.</p><p>Risk management is a critical component of personal finance that requires careful consideration and proactive planning. By understanding financial risks, implementing diversification strategies, building an emergency fund, securing adequate insurance coverage, assessing risk tolerance, and regularly reviewing financial strategies, individuals can navigate uncertainties prudently and achieve long-term financial success. Prioritizing risk management empowers individuals to protect their assets, mitigate potential losses, and build a solid foundation for financial stability and growth.</p><h2>Impact of inflation on financial plans</h2><p>Inflation is a critical factor that significantly impacts financial planning strategies. Understanding how inflation affects financial plans is essential for individuals to make informed decisions to secure their financial future. Let’s explore the nuances of how inflation can influence financial plans and the importance of considering it in long-term financial planning.</p><h2>The Concept of Inflation in Financial Planning</h2><p>Inflation refers to the gradual increase in the prices of goods and services over time, resulting in the reduced purchasing power of currency. When inflation occurs, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services than before. This decrease in purchasing power can have a profound impact on an individual’s financial planning goals and objectives.</p><h2>Effects of Inflation on Savings and Investments</h2><p>One of the most significant impacts of inflation is its effect on savings and investments. Inflation erodes the real value of money over time. For example, if an individual saves a certain amount of money in a savings account with an interest rate lower than the inflation rate, the purchasing power of that money will decrease over time. Therefore, it is crucial to consider inflation when making decisions about where to save or invest money.</p><h2>Planning for Retirement in an Inflationary Environment</h2><p>Inflation can pose a significant challenge for individuals planning for retirement. When planning for retirement savings, it is essential to account for the impact of inflation on future expenses. Failure to consider inflation can result in underestimating the amount of money needed for retirement. Strategies such as investing in inflation-protected securities or diversifying investment portfolios can help mitigate the effects of inflation on retirement savings.</p><h2>Adjusting Financial Plans to Account for Inflation</h2><p>To mitigate the impact of inflation on financial plans, individuals need to regularly review and adjust their financial strategies. Periodically reassessing savings goals, investment portfolios, and retirement plans to account for inflation is essential. Additionally, considering inflation when setting financial goals and creating budgets can help individuals maintain their purchasing power over time.</p><h2>Importance of Professional Financial Advice</h2><p>Given the complexity of inflation’s impact on financial planning, seeking advice from financial professionals is crucial. Financial advisors can provide valuable insights and recommendations on how to navigate inflationary environments and adjust financial plans accordingly. Working with an experienced advisor can help individuals develop comprehensive strategies to protect their financial well-being in the face of inflation.</p><p>Understanding the impact of inflation on financial plans is essential for building a secure financial future. By recognizing how inflation affects savings, investments, retirement planning, and overall financial strategies, individuals can make informed decisions to mitigate its effects. Regularly reviewing and adjusting financial plans, seeking professional advice, and incorporating inflation considerations into financial decision-making are key steps towards achieving long-term financial security.</p><p>In an ever-changing financial landscape, successful financial planning requires a multifaceted approach that takes into account various factors and strategies. By examining real-life financial planning case study examples, individuals can gain valuable insights into effective strategies for achieving long-term financial goals. These case studies highlight the importance of diversification as a risk management tool and underscore the need to understand the impact of inflation on financial plans.</p><p>Effective strategies for long-term financial goals involve setting clear objectives, creating a detailed budget, and regularly reviewing and adjusting the financial plan. By diversifying investments across different asset classes, individuals can mitigate risk and optimize returns. Diversification spreads risk by investing in a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. This strategy helps protect against significant losses in any single investment, ultimately safeguarding long-term financial goals.</p><p>Diversification plays a crucial role in financial planning as it helps individuals manage risk and maximize returns. By spreading investments across various asset classes with different risk profiles, individuals can reduce their exposure to market volatility. This strategy ensures that the overall portfolio is not overly reliant on the performance of a single asset or market sector, thereby enhancing the resilience of the financial plan.</p><p>Understanding risk management in personal finance is essential for building a robust financial plan. Risk management involves identifying potential risks, assessing their impact, and implementing strategies to mitigate them. By diversifying investments, individuals can reduce the impact of market fluctuations on their overall portfolio. Additionally, proper asset allocation and regular portfolio rebalancing are key risk management techniques that help maintain a healthy financial plan.</p><p>The impact of inflation on financial plans cannot be overlooked. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, making it crucial for individuals to account for inflation when creating a financial plan. By investing in assets that can outpace inflation, such as equities and real estate, individuals can protect the value of their wealth and ensure that their financial goals remain achievable despite rising prices.</p><p>Successful financial planning requires a holistic approach that considers the individual’s goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. By studying real-world financial planning case studies, individuals can learn valuable lessons about effective long-term strategies, the importance of diversification, risk management techniques, and the impact of inflation on financial plans. By incorporating these insights into their own financial planning process, individuals can build a solid foundation for achieving their long-term financial goals and securing their financial future.</p><h2>Leave a Reply Cancel reply</h2><p>Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *</p><p>Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.</p><p><center><img style=

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Must-Have Financial Case Study Examples with Samples and Templates

Must-Have Financial Case Study Examples with Samples and Templates

Mayuri Gangwal


Case studies are valuable tools for understanding the real-world applications of financial concepts and strategies. They provide insights into practical scenarios, showcasing the decision-making processes and outcomes in various financial situations. Whether you are a student, professional, entrepreneur, having access to well-crafted financial case study templates can be immensely beneficial in developing a deeper understanding of financial principles and honing your analytical skills.

SlideTeam’s premium PPT templates help you grasp complex financial concepts like investment analysis, financial planning, risk management, etc. Each case study offers a unique scenario, presenting a problem or challenge that requires thoughtful analysis and strategic decision-making.

By using these content-ready slides, you can enhance your problem-solving abilities, learn from real-world success stories and mistakes, and gain valuable insights into the intricacies of financial decision-making. The included samples and templates are practical tools for structuring your case studies, enabling you to apply your knowledge and skills to different financial scenarios.

Whether preparing for exams, a professional seeking to broaden your financial expertise, or an entrepreneur looking to make informed business decisions, these financial case study examples, samples, and templates are indispensable resources to elevate your financial understanding and make well-informed decisions in your personal or professional life.

Financial Case Study Templates

Template 1: financial case study environment business solution problems.

Introducing our ready to use template designed to elevate your content and make you look like a presentation pro. With a wide range of PPT slides covering various topics, this deck encompasses all the core areas of your business needs.

The deck focuses on Financial Case Study Environment Business Solution Problems, offering professionally designed templates that combine suitable graphics and relevant content. With eight slides, thoughtfully crafted to enhance your message and captivate your audience.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to impress your audience with visually stunning slides and compelling content. Click the download button and access our pre-designed PPT presentation and take your presentations to the next level. We also have templates to propose a business case if you aim for a higher company turnover. 

Financial Case Study

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Template 2:  Case Study for Financial Management PowerPoint Template

Introducing our captivating case study template designed to provide an environment conducive to productive discussions and effective decision-making. This template is perfect for showcasing real-life examples and analyzing financial management scenarios visually engagingly.

With its three-stage process, this template simplifies complex concepts and guides your audience through the essential components of a comprehensive business case study. It enables you to present your findings, solutions, and recommendations.

Whether you are analyzing past financial performances, identifying challenges , or proposing solutions, this template provides a flexible framework for organizing and presenting your ideas. You can also elevate your financial management presentations with our marketing Case Study for Financial Management PowerPoint Template . Download it now and unlock a wealth of possibilities to engage your audience, foster integration, and showcase your expertise in financial management.

Case Study

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Financial case studies are invaluable tools for understanding real-world financial scenarios and developing practical solutions. By examining concrete examples, individuals and organizations can gain insights into financial challenges, apply analytical techniques, and make informed decisions. 

This article has highlighted the importance of collecting financial case study examples and accompanying samples and templates as valuable resources for learning and applying financial principles in various contexts. These resources can serve as guides for conducting comprehensive analyses, formulating recommendations, and ultimately achieving financial success.

FAQs on Financial Case Study

What is a case study in finance.

A case study in finance is an in-depth analysis of a specific financial situation, company, investment, or financial strategy. It involves examining real-world scenarios, often based on actual events, to understand and evaluate the financial implications, decision-making processes, and outcomes.

In finance, case studies are commonly used as a teaching and learning tool to assess and explore complex financial issues in academic and professional settings. They provide a practical approach to understanding financial theories, concepts, and practices by applying them to real-life situations.

A finance case study typically involves the following elements:

  • Background: The case study begins by presenting relevant information about the company, industry, or financial situation under examination. This includes details about the organization's financial statements, market conditions, competitive landscape, and other pertinent background information.
  • Problem or Challenge: The case study outlines the specific financial problem or challenge that needs to be addressed. This could be related to financial analysis, investment decisions, capital budgeting, risk management, financial restructuring, or any other financial aspect of the organization.
  • Data Analysis: The case study analyzes financial data, such as income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and key financial ratios. Various financial analysis tools and techniques, such as ratio analysis, discounted cash flow analysis, or valuation models, may be used to evaluate the situation.
  • Alternatives and Solutions: Based on the analysis, different alternatives or solutions are identified to address the financial problem or challenge. These could include recommendations for financial strategies, investment decisions, capital allocation, cost reduction measures, or other relevant actions.
  • Decision-Making and Implementation: The case study explores the decision-making process, considering risk, return, financial feasibility, and strategic considerations. It also discusses the potential implementation of the recommended solution and the expected outcomes.
  • Lessons Learned: The case study concludes by discussing the lessons learned from the financial situation or decision-making process. This may involve reflections on successful strategies, potential pitfalls, and broader implications for financial management and decision-making in similar contexts.

How do you write a financial case study?

Writing a financial case study involves analyzing a real or hypothetical financial situation or problem and presenting a detailed examination of the facts, analysis, and potential solutions. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write a financial case study:

  • Identify the purpose and scope: Clearly define the purpose of the case study and the specific financial issue you want to address. Determine the scope of the study, including the period, entities involved, and relevant financial data.
  • Gather information: Collect all relevant financial data and supporting documents related to the case. This may include financial statements, transaction records, market data, industry reports, and any other information necessary for the analysis.
  • Describe the background: Provide an overview of the company or individual involved in the case study. Include relevant details such as the company's history, industry , size, key stakeholders, and any recent events or developments that may have a financial impact.
  • State the problem or objective: Clearly define the financial problem or objective that needs to be addressed. Identify the key challenges or issues the company or individual faces and explain why they are essential.
  • Conduct financial analysis: Analyze the financial data and apply appropriate financial analysis techniques to evaluate the situation. This may involve calculating financial ratios, conducting trend analysis, performing a discounted cash flow analysis, or any other relevant method to gain insights into the financial performance and position of the entity.
  • Present findings: Summarize the results of the financial analysis clearly and concisely. Highlight key findings, trends, and any significant financial situation factors. Use graphs, charts, or tables to present data effectively.
  • Discuss alternative solutions: Propose different options or strategies to address the financial problem or achieve the objective. Determine the advantages and drawbacks of each solution and provide supporting evidence or calculations to justify your recommendations.
  • Make recommendations: Make clear and actionable recommendations based on analyzing and evaluating the alternative solutions. Support your recommendations with logical reasoning and explain how they can improve the financial situation or achieve the desired outcome.
  • Provide a conclusion: Summarize the main points of the case study and restate the recommendations. Highlight any potential risks or challenges associated with implementing the proposed solutions.
  • Include references and citations: If you have used external sources or references, provide proper citations to give credit to the authors and avoid duplicity or redundancy.
  • Edit and proofread: Review the case study for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Check for any grammatical or spelling errors. Ensure that the document is well-structured and easy to understand.

What is finance study?

Finance study refers to the field of knowledge and an academic discipline that focuses on managing, creating, and allocating financial resources. It involves studying various aspects of financial systems, instruments, markets, and institutions. Finance encompasses the theory and practice of managing money, investments, and financial decision-making.

The study of finance covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Corporate Finance: This area focuses on financial decisions and strategies within corporations. It includes capital budgeting, investment analysis, financial planning, risk management, and corporate valuation.
  • Investments: This field examines allocating money to different financial assets including, stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and other derivatives. It involves analyzing risk and return, portfolio management, asset pricing models, and investment strategies.
  • Financial Institutions and Markets: This area explores the functioning of financial institutions (such as banks, insurance companies, and investment firms) and financial markets (such as stock markets, bond markets, and foreign exchange markets). It involves studying the role of these institutions and markets in facilitating the flow of funds, managing risks, and pricing financial assets.
  • International Finance: This branch focuses on financial transactions and relationships between countries and across borders. It covers foreign exchange rates, international investment, multinational corporations, and global financial markets.
  • Personal Finance: This area focuses on individual or household financial management. It involves budgeting, saving, investing, retirement planning, taxation, and managing personal debt.

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  • Downloadable Forms

Bustamante Financial Services

  • Financial Solutions
  • Graduates and Young Adults
  • Young Couples and Parents with Children
  • Middle Age and Approaching Retirement
  • People Experiencing Life Changes
  • The Financial Planning Process
  • Defining Goals and Assembling Financials
  • Financial Diagnostics
  • Recommendations
  • Implementation and Exectution
  • Monitoring and Adjustments
  • Young Married Couple with Children (Planning their Future)
  • Single Professional (Managing Debt)
  • Married Couple (Preparing for Retirement)
  • Married Couple (Managing Proceeds of a Sale)
  • Single Individual

Case Studies and Results

Young family - planning their future, single professional - managing debt, married couple - planning for retirement, married couple - managing proceeds from a sale, single individual - pursuing an mba.

Young Married Couple with Children (Planning their Future)

David was recently promoted earlier this year as Director of Engineering for a very large oil and gas exploration firm in Farmington, NM.   His salary is $150,000 per year plus substantial bonus opportunities and equity share of the firm.   Tiffany is a graduate of an East Coast liberal arts college specializing in health care issues.   She has worked as a consultant and now she is a full-time mom.   They are devoted to their family and live well within their means.  They have accumulated a substantial balance in their checking account.   As a family they enjoy camping in the mountains in Southwest Colorado. 

Step 1: What is important to David and Tiffany?

Step 2: financial diagnostics.

Tax Bracket: 33%  

Anticipated taxes $63,250

Contributions to 401(k) plan: $150 per pay period or $3,600 per year.    Contributions are primarily in an international fund. 

Group Life Insurance: $150,000

Existing Mortgage Interest Rate: 6.125%, Current Rate: 2.85% (Rate as of February 2013)

Step 3: Goals Based Recommendation

  • Establish a will or trust and name a guardian for the children.
  • David: Purchase a $500,000 10 year term life insurance and a $1,000,000 20 year term.
  • Tiffany: Purchase a $250,000 10 year term life insurance and a $500,000 20 year term.
  • Refinance Mortgage to lower payments and save interest and pay off auto loan
  • Maximize 401(K) contribution and reallocate retirement investments
  • Establish Educational 529 plans for children, reserve a fund for David’s MBA
  • Provide tax clarity to prepare David and Tiffany for the higher tax situation

Step 4: Implementation and Execution of Recommendation

  • Set up an appointment with attorney to prepare an estate plans, including preparing documents.
  • Meet with independent life insurance agent to compare and select term life insurance policies
  • Meet with mortgage lender to refinance.   Auto loan was paid off.
  • Meet with human resource representative to increase 401(k) contribution and reallocate retirement investments.
  • Meet with accountant to determine an prepare for higher income taxes and affirm tax saving practices
  • Meet with an Investment Advisor to fund 529 plans and begin an investment savings program

Funding Retirement produced a tax deferred savings of $4,644 annually.   The projected retirement and investment savings is estimated to have a balance of $750,000 in 10 years and well over $1,500,000 in 20 years.  Based on that number it was determined that effective use of term life insurance will provide the protection gap until those balances are reached.  The staggered term resulted in a total of $2,250,000 of insurance at a minimal cost of $750 annually.  The mortgage refinance provided monthly savings of $283.  Overall the saving and investment programs more than offset the cost of annual life insurance policies and the one-time expense of preparing an estate plan.

The information provided   here is intended to be educational and should not be considered or construed as legal, accounting (tax), or financial planning advice. The strategies described may not be suitable for all individuals. Examples are provided for illustrative purposes only, and no representation is made that a person acting on these examples will achieve the results shown.

Although every effort has   been made to assure the integrity of this material (including the reliability of websites referred to in the text), no representation or warranty is given as to accuracy or completeness. We encourage you to consult with legal and accounting professionals (as appropriate) before applying any of the strategies discussed to your particular circumstances.  

Single Professional (Managing Debt)

Kathy, age 44, is a radiologist in Taos who purchased a home in 2006 prior to the mortgage crises.  Her home was in need of repairs and obtained a second mortgage and third mortgage, one was for a new roof and the other was to upgrade the electrical.   In addition she had to borrow from her retirement plan in order to make other renovations.   She also has credit card debt, student loans and a car loan.   The burden of debt is overwhelming especially since she estimates that she purchased her home at the top of the market and the home value is less than the total outstanding mortgage debt.   Her salary is $67,000 per year and that does not include the rent she receives from her roommate.  Kathy is a hard worker and has worked extra hours to cover her debt.  She does some travel to visit her family in another state.   She also has been involved in business ventures.   She is savvy and knows that she needs to deal with her financial issues.  She does maintain a 403(b) fund and contributes to receive the maximum matching employer contribution.   Her cash flow is restricted because of the amount of debt she carries.

Step 1: What is important to Kathy?

Tax Bracket: 25%

Anticipated taxes: $6,770

Contributions to 401(k) plan: $100 per pay period or $3,600 per year.    Retirement contributions are allocated to a well defined structured investment program.

Group Life Insurance: $65.000 and a universal life policy $13,000

Existing Mortgage Interest Rate: 6.0%, Current Rate: 4.5% (Home Affordable Refinance Program)

  • Refinance first mortgage and pay off credit card debt. Upon payment of credit card debt,apply those payments to principal on second mortgage.
  • Half of the $205 savings on the mortgage payment should be applied to the retirement plan.
  • Upon the 403(b) loan payoff in two years, apply the 200 per monthly payments as retirement contributions.
  • Make an appointment with an attorney to establish an estate plan.

Step 4: Implementation and Execution

  • Set up an appointment with mortgage lender to refinance first mortgage.  Increased principal payments to pay off credit card debt. Further principal reductions on other loans will continue as each debt is paid off.
  • Increased initial contributions to retirement plan.
  • Opted to defer an appointment with an attorney.   Kathy will use the health care power forms provided by her employer.
  • Will continue to set aside money for emergency saving.

Refinancing the mortgage provided $2,400 saving to Kathy’s mortgage payments, the term length did not change.  Kathy will have no debt by the time she retires.  Concurrently, Kathy will add to her retirement plan.   It is projected that upon retirement she will have accumulated $469,000 by the time she retires based on an assumed 5% annual return.  The first two years the cash flow will be tight, however, as debt is paid off, there should be ample surplus in her cash flow to provide more leisure spending.

The information provided  here is intended to be educational and should not be considered or construed as legal, accounting (tax), or financial planning advice. The strategies described may not be suitable for all individuals. Examples are provided for illustrative purposes only, and no representation is made that a person acting on these examples will achieve the results shown.

Although every effort has  been made to assure the integrity of this material (including the reliability of websites referred to in the text), no representation or warranty is given as to accuracy or completeness. We encourage you to consult with legal and accounting professionals (as appropriate) before applying any of the strategies discussed to your particular circumstances. 

Married Couple (Preparing for Retirement)

Albert , age 73 and Anne, age 67 live in Las Cruces.  Albert is a painting contractor and Cynthia teaches part-time at NM State University.   Because of their transitional life from one college to another they have rented rather than purchased a home.  Home ownership did not occur until the past five years.   They were dedicated to providing for their daughter’s education.   Now they are approaching retirement and drawing on Social Security even though both are still employed.  Albert sees that, although he enjoys his profession, he finds that he is less physically able to continue painting.   Cynthia would like to retire in two years and both would love to pursue art studies and literature.    Their primary concern is a stronger retirement and to pay off debt.   They live a modest lifestyle.   Albert prepares the household tax returns.   

Step 1: What is important to Albert and Cynthia?

Tax Bracket: 15% Federal and 4.9% New Mexico

Itemize:  They cannot itemize deductions

Other tax issues: They are receiving Social Security Benefits and 85% of the benefits are taxable.    Anticipated taxes: $8,044

Contributions to 403(b) plan: $200 per pay period or $3,600 per year.    Retirement contributions are allocated to 50% cash and 50% equities.   Tax savings comparison was calculated.

Met with an owner of a national tax preparation firm and ran tax scenarios on their tax software.  This determined the impact of maximizing 403(b) contributions.   In addition the tax preparer provided tax advice on Albert’s business.

  • It was determined that Cynthia should maximize her contribution from $200 per pay period to 846 per pay period.  In addition their retirement asset allocation was reviewed and recommended alignment to a strategy appropriate for their stage in life.  Retirement projections were prepared and determined that Cynthia and Albert could retire in two years based on their current living standards and if she maximize her retirement contributions.
  • That they prepare for the meeting with an attorney.
  • That they have their financial plan available for their daughter in the event she needs to assist.
  • That they utilize a tax preparation professional.
  • Their budget and goals for education, travel, hobby and charity are doable.

Step 4: Implementation and Execution of Recommendations

  • Cynthia increased her retirement contribution from $200 to $846 per pay period.  She also further diversified her cash position to several diversified bond strategies.   Her equities were reallocated to represent large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, international developed and emerging market funds.  In addition a real estate trust and a commodity index fund were represented in the retirement portfolio.
  • An appointment was made with a local attorney to draft their estate plan.
  • Two sets of plans were provided; one for Albert and Cynthia and the other for their daughter.
  • Albert will consider the tax preparer’s advice and engage their services the following tax year.
  • The projects, travel, charity and seminars are budgeted.

Maximizing the 403(b) contribution will enable Cynthia and Albert to save $4,380 in taxes.  In addition, the 403(b) contributions will add $44,000 of principal to their retirement balance over the next two years.  The advice of the tax preparer will also save them an additional $1,000 in taxes.   Their attorney completed the estate plan.   Also they are preparing for their trip to France and they have completed the garden arbor.  Finally, they know that their budget will allow for charity and seminars.   

The information provided here is intended to be educational and should not be considered or construed as legal, accounting (tax), or financial planning advice. The strategies described may not be suitable for all individuals. Examples are provided for illustrative purposes only, and no representation is made that a person acting on these examples will achieve the results shown.

Although every effort has been made to assure the integrity of this material (including the reliability of websites referred to in the text), no representation or warranty is given as to accuracy or completeness. We encourage you to consult with legal and accounting professionals (as appropriate) before applying any of the strategies discussed to your particular circumstances.  

Married Couple (Managing Proceeds of a Sale)

Michael , age 61 and Anne, age 58 live in Albuquerque.  Michael works at a major laboratory and Anne teaches music part-time at a local high school.  Anne’s family large owns a large concrete company in San Diego of which she owned a partial interest.   Her siblings purchased her share which amounted to around $7,000,000 and she has kept part of the money in cash.    Since the housing market in California has severely declined, Anne wants to make set aside ample reserves to help her family’s business weather through the difficult time.   One of the concerns is that monies have been spread to various banks in Albuquerque and much of it is uninsured.  In addition there is not a structure to provide for bond investments.  Michael and Anne are self-sufficient from their employment salary and do not rely on either the income or principal of the family business proceeds.  Preservation of the business proceeds is important; however they appreciate the need for equity investments to provide diversification and to stay ahead of inflation.  They hold no debt and are able to cover the educational expenses of their sons.

Step 1: What is important to Michael and Anne?

Tax Bracket: 33% Anticipated taxes: $40,000

Contributions to 401(k) plan: $100 per pay period or $3,600 per year.    Retirement contributions are allocated to a conservative fixed income program. 

  • It was determined that $2,000,000 should be set aside to either lend or invest in the family concrete business.
  • Invest the remaining proceeds in an asset allocation strategy
  • Make an appointment with an attorney to establish an estate plan.
  • Increase the contribution to their company retirement plan.
  • Of the $2,000,000 set aside as an emergency reserve for the family business, Michael and Anne felt it would be best to establish a mini bond ladder that did not extend beyond a three year term.
  • Michael and Anne met with their investment advisors to implement a coordinated asset allocation strategy.   Therefore they divided up the assets to provided a combined  50% bond/50% equity split.   This consisted of municipals, cds, on a bond ladder that does not exceed 12 years.   The equities were managed among large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, international developed and emerging markets.  Other positions included real estate trusts and a commodity index.
  • They met with an attorney specializing in estate planning.  This attorney established irrevocable life insurance trust to provide for estate taxes.
  • Michael met with the human resources to increase his contribution to his retirement plan.

Restructuring the investment program increased their investment income from $50,000 to $200,000.  Much of the income was from tax free municipal bonds and reduced taxes on qualified dividends.  They did realize an increase in their tax bracket, but that was manageable.   The estate plan is now in place and they are prepared for the various tax changes that could come about.

Single Individual

Miguel, age 28, is a research analyst for an American company that has an office in Madrid, Spain.  He is single and no dependents.  Miguel desires to obtain his MBA at a top-tier business school.  His educational endeavor will be a major expense.  Although Miguel is an American citizen, he pays both US and Spanish taxes and participates in the Spanish health care and retirement programs.  Miguel monitors his income and spending.  He also sets aside savings for investments as well as contributes to his retirement plans.

Step 1: What is important to Miguel?

Bracket: 29.7% (Foreign Tax Bracket)   Anticipated taxes: $13,283

Contributions to retirement plan: $308 per pay period or $7,380 per year.    Retirement contributions are allocated to a well defined structured investment program.

  • Miguel has saving in the amount of $46,000
  • Miguel has retirement savings with a provision that he can draw without penalty provided it is used to fund education
  • Miguel will still need to rely on student loan ranging from 6.8% to 7.9% interest rates.  However the above savings will reduce the reliance on such loans.
  • Funding Source and Outlay – A plan was made to determine on when and how to draw on the mentioned resources to reduce the tax impact and the amount of loans necessary to finance his MBA.
  • Loan Balance and Monthly Payment – A projection was made to determine what his student loan payment obligations will be after he obtains his MBA
  • Miguel worked with his accountant to run a mock tax preparation to make sure there were no tax surprises in both foreign and US taxes. This plan was submitted as part of his application to one of the above MBA programs on how he intends to finance his education.

Miguel was accepted to the MBA of his choice and will be beginning the program in the Fall of 2014.

Although every effort has been made to assure the integrity of this material (including the reliability of websites referred to in the text), no representation or warranty is given as to accuracy or completeness. We encourage you to consult with legal and accounting professionals (as appropriate) before applying any of the strategies discussed to your particular circumstances.

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Contact Information

Thomas Bustamante [email protected] (505) 231-4607

Bustamante Financial Planning LLC is a registered investment advisor with the state of New Mexico. As such, it is registered to transact business with and provide investment advice to New Mexico residents. Only general information on available services is available through this website. In addition, it adheres to the de minimis requirements of other states for out-of-state clients.

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September 8, 2017

Financial plan with solutions of a real life case study.

financial plan case study example

Sadique Neelgund

Note – This case study is published in Steven Fernandes book There is always a financial solution …  published by Bestsellers18 which is a compilation of different case studies. Sharing here with permission of author.

Name  – Abhishek Goel (30)

Family – Father (67), Mother (63)

Resides in – Delhi

Occupation : Service

Job Details : Works as Chief Manager Claims for a Private General insurance company.


Abhishek is single and stays with his parents in his father’s house in Delhi. He has an elder brother who works abroad. Abhishek remembers that at an early age he got a first-hand experience on savings when his parents encouraged both the brothers to open a children’s bank account which was being operated from the school premises. Both brothers started saving Rs. 5 per month and this money was utilised in the next academic year to purchase some books, stationery, etc. His father used to work in an engineering firm while his mother was a teacher. When he was in the first standard, his father’s company faced lockout and for nearly 2 years the family survived on his mother’s income. His father got an opportunity to work in the gulf later and for some time the family’s finances were on track.

Again, tragedy struck when his mother had to give up her job due to health reasons. After working for a couple of years abroad, his father’s firm closed down and he had to come back. His mother started taking tuitions at home to make ends meet. Since the convent school where the siblings were studying were aided by the government, they did not have to pay any fees for their secondary school education. Abhishek’s mother ensured that every expense was monitored and followed a strict budget. Both the brothers understood the family’s grim financial situation and consciously supressed their desires for story books/ toys etc. The difficult financial situation made the brothers realise that good education and qualification was the single most path to getting a good job and ensure financial stability. With the generous help from charitable donors Abhishek and his brother got interest free loans to complete their higher education. Abhishek completed his BE in Automobile engineering while his brother did is Hotel management.

Even during his first few years of college, Abhishek had started earning by giving tuitions. Part of this money was deposited in his bank and rest was given to his mother to manage the family’s expenses. Abhishek has had a very good rise in his career in the last 9 years since he has been working and presently he is in a very good position with a well-known General insurance company. Since he has been only exposed to traditional investment options like Insurance, Post office and FD schemes, Abhishek started his investment journey from 2007 with these products. To save tax he purchased traditional insurance policies and invested the rest in Fixed deposits. Even then he has been able to create a good investment basket because he has kept his expenses to the minimum and tried to save as much as he could.

Last year he booked an under construction flat worth Rs. 62 lakhs for which he paid the down-payment of 10% from his own savings. He is expected to get possession of the flat by December 2018. So far, he has taken a loan of Rs. 18.50 lakhs and he intends to try and pay as much as he can from his own sources in the next 2 years before possession.

Savings habit: In almost all cases with a few exceptions, our parents are the initiators into the world of savings and investments. Abhishek too understood the importance of savings through his parents who encouraged him right from his school day. He had never looked back ever since. Most of us lose our way once we get caught up in our work and other family responsibilities. Abhishek continues this habit till today and now savings has become an integral part of his responsibilities.  He only needs guidance on how/ where to invest the savings.

Insurance as an investment: Most people buy insurance as an investment product or rather it is sold that way to make it attractive for the buyer. Investment oriented insurance policies are of two types – Traditional and Unit linked. Traditional policies typically invest in government bonds, approved securities and instruments which provide fixed income while Unit linked policies invest in instruments varying from government bonds to equities as per the fund chosen by the investor.

Traditional insurance policies typically don’t provide more than 5-6% returns over the long term while equity oriented funds in unit linked policies can fare better than traditional policies in the long run. Therefore, traditional insurance policies don’t serve as a good investment for the long term. How can a product which cannot beat inflation help you to reach your long-term goals? Abhishek made an early start but due to lack of knowledge and with a view of saving tax, he invested in traditional insurance policies, allocating a good amount of premium.

What is the present situation?

Basic Numbers

Monthly Income: Rs 90000

Monthly surplus: Rs. 32522

Networth Statement


Emergency fund: Apart from the savings account, the fixed deposits provide a decent back up In case of any emergency.

Life insurance : Abhishek is covered for Rs. 1.09 crores through 1 term pan of 1 crore and two traditional plans. He also has a traditional pension plan for which his monthly contribution is Rs. 8145 and the maturity is in 2041. He has a limited premium traditional policy where the last payment is to be done next year. The last policy is an endowment policy which will mature in 2028.

Health Insurance : Abhishek is covered for Rs. 5 lakhs through his employer group insurance policy. His parents are covered for Rs. 2 lakhs each through a separate policy. He also has a separate health cover of Rs. 15 lakhs through a combination of mediclaim and top up policy.

Investments: Investments are very well diversified into debt and equity with debt comprising 55% of the allocation and equity at 45%. Property has been excluded as its for self-consumption.

Liabilities: Presently there is only 1 loan which is a home loan taken on the under-construction property.

Abhishek has opted for EMI payments (instead of only pre EMI interest) as it enables him to claim tax benefits on both principal and interest payments as well as loan outstanding keeps reducing with each EMI payment.

Risk Profile: Moderate


Emergency fund: Abhishek needs to maintain an emergency fund of Rs. 1.75 lakhs, which should take care of nearly 3 months of expenses. Presently he has maintained Rs. 1.05 lakhs in savings account which can be maintained as it is and additionally he should move Rs. 70000 from his FDs into a liquid fund.

Accident Insurance: Abhishek should take a personal accident comprehensive policy which will cover for accidental death, permanent and partial disability including weekly/monthly compensation for loss of work due to total temporary disability. A PA cover of Rs. 50 lakhs with a TTD cover of Rs. 15 lakhs are suggested. The premium for this will be approximately Rs. 7000

Life Insurance: Considering the financial goals and outstanding liabilities, Abhishek’s cover is adequate. He needs to stop the traditional pension policy as well as the endowment policy which matures in 2028. The yield on these policies are less than 6% and hence coming out of those will make sense now rather than continue them till maturity which is more than 12 years to 20 years from now. Surrender of the 2 policies will fetch him approximately Rs. 3 lakhs. He should revisit the cover post marriage.

Health Insurance: The present cover is adequate as per his age. He should include his wife’s name when he gets married next year.

Debt Management: Even though the actual loan approval amount is Rs. 50 lakhs, Abhishek should not take the full disbursement. He should try and use his own sources to pay for the property and keep the loan to less than Rs. 30 lakhs. A higher loan and EMI can hamper future goals. He can use the Rs. 3 lakhs from insurance surrender to pay for slab wise payments. The policy surrender will also enable the increase in surplus amount every month.

Financial Goals:

1. Marriage (2017)

Current value: Rs 4 lakh

Future Value: Rs. 4.36 lakh

Status of goal 1:

Abhishek does not want to spend too much on marriage and considering the fact that the marriage expenses will be shared with his spouse, he would not like to exceed Rs. 4 lakhs. A part of the Fixed deposits can be used for this goal.

Returns expected in fixed deposits: 6% post tax.

 2. Buying a car (2018)

Future Value: Rs. 4.66 lakhs

Status of goal 2:

He needs to start Sip of Rs. 18500 in ultrashort debt funds for a period of 24 months to achieve this goal.

Returns expected in Ultrashort debt funds: 6% post tax over the required time horizon.

3.   Educational funding for 1 child (2036 – 2041 )

Current value: Rs. 32 lakhs

Future Value: Rs. 2.42 crores

Status of goal 3:

Considering the long-term nature of this goal, Abhishek needs to invest Rs. 14000 per month for 25 years in a combination of largecap and balanced funds. Due to the present surplus, he can easily invest for this goal.

Returns expected in the mutual funds portfolio: 13% over the required time horizon.

4.   Retirement Planning (2041)

Present Annual expense (Excluding children’s expenses and EMI’s) –Rs. 3.60 lakhs

Future Annual Expense – Rs. 19.53 lakhs

Corpus required – Rs. 4.53 crores.

(Inflation considered: 7%, Returns on corpus during retirement 9%, Expected life expectancy at 85 years)

Status of retirement goal – One principle which Abhishek has followed when he left his last organisation in 2014 is to transfer his EPF to the new employer rather than withdraw which most people do. With compounding and regular contribution, the EPF turns out to be a good amount during retirement. Considering a 5% increase in basic year on year his EPF in the year 20141 should be worth Rs. 1.93 crores. The mutual funds and equity shares if maintained that long can fetch him Rs. 1.45 crore and Rs. 1.56 crore respectively. These 3 assets are sufficient to create a good retirement corpus as per today’s needs.

Most of us plan retirement when there are either 10 or less years for one to retire. That leaves very little time to enable compounding of your investment and the savings and investments required in the short time will also be huge.

Taxation: Abhishek’s EPF and life insurance premiums of 2 policies (Term and 1 traditional) exceed the limit of Rs. 1.5 lakhs provided under 80C.  He is also utilizing the 80D deduction up to Rs. 25000 due to health insurance premium of self and parents. He can avail the home loan interest benefit on under construction property in 5 equal instalments from the year of completion of his flat.

Conclusion – It’s truly said, “Experience is the best teacher”. Abhishek’s life is a live example of how his childhood period of financial turmoil has moulded him to be a better saver and investor. At his age, he had done a fairly good job of creating a good investment basket. There are several like him who have an opportunity to choose what is right. Many of his age, having similar salary may not have accumulated as much as he has. In this age of uncertainty, it’s very critical that the younger generation focuses on saving and building up a good corpus right from the first salary. Else there will always be regrets and “I should have done that” sighs when you evaluate your life in your 40s and 50s.

Note – This case study is published in Steven Fernandes book  There is always a financial solution …  published by Bestsellers18 which is a compilation of different case studies. Sharing here with permission of author.

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FP&A Challenges and 4 FP&A Case Study Examples to ...

FP&A Challenges and 4 FP&A Case Study Examples to Follow

FP&A Challenges and 4 FP&A Case Study Examples to Follow

Businesses are taking longer than ever to complete their financial planning and analysis activities. These teams are being asked to do more with less - less time, fewer resources, lower budget. But that is achievable - with the right tool. To that end, we’ve compiled a list of FP&A case study examples with companies who solved time-consuming FP&A, saving hundreds of hours.  

We’ll go over some FP&A best practices and how, with the right FP&A solutions and techniques, you can improve the speed, accuracy, and functionality of your financial planning and analysis tasks.

FP&A Challenge: Budgeting Takes Too Long

As mentioned above, businesses are spending more and more time on FP&A activities – especially budgeting and reporting, leaving no time to forecast. 

While you would think that advances in technology would actually make these tasks faster, the wrong tools can in fact actually slow down your process.

Excel, for instance, is a great FP&A tool . . . at first. When you run a small business with only a single or handful of departments, revenue streams, and budgets, Excel, well, excels at helping you keep your financial data organized.

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But as an organization grows in size, this FP&A process grows in complexity.

One or two teams balloon into a dozen different teams, each with different budgets and reporting processes. Add in additional revenue streams and you only further complicate the matter. 

Let’s jump into our FP&A case study examples so we can better illustrate how the right FP&A software can solve your legacy financial planning and analysis issues. 

FP&A Case Study #1: Communication Services for the Deaf

The non-profit Communication Services for the Deaf found that its team was spending an enormous amount of time tracking down data, scrolling through thousands of Excel rows, and using its finance team’s valuable time to perform repetitive tasks which could all be better completed by an algorithm.

And with the right FP&A solution, they were able to reduce the time it took to complete their annual budgeting process in half.

They accomplished this through automating the process with FP&A software – read more here .

FP&A Challenge: Insufficient Planning and Forecasting Capabilities

When using your financial data to plan and forecast, as your organization transitions from a smaller outfit to a larger company, Excel again becomes unsustainable due to the frequent need to copy data over and over again across multiple what-if scenarios and other forecasting efforts.

In order to leverage financial data, in other words, to gain valuable insights that can then translate into effective and accurate forecasting models, what’s needed is a centralized deposit of all the relevant data that displays information in real-time – which is one of the FP&A challenges that is impossible to overcome without the right solution.

FP&A Case Study #2: MedVet

MedVet has a number of emergency and specialty veterinary hospitals designed to keep pets feeling healthy. During the pandemic, even with a difficult economic climate, MedVet was able to add dozens of more hospitals. And this growth was helped by their FP&A software platform , which cut budgeting cycles in half, made their FP&A activities scalable, and were able to leverage long-term planning and forecasting using accurate, real-time data.

MedVet was so impressed with their FP&A solution, they chose to give a webinar detailing their experience with their FP&A software, Limelight, which you can watch here . Read more here .

FP&A Challenge: Lack of Automation Capabilities 

Many FP&A teams – experts in finance with troves of knowledge on how to take financial data and turn it into actionable insights that increase ROI - spend far too much time sifting through spreadsheets and wrangling teams to send in their data. 

This is an inefficient use of their time, leading to productivity losses at your organization; this is one of the biggest FP&A challenges, in fact. 

FP&A Case Study #3: Triple Crown Sports

Triple Crown Sports had its finance team sifting through spreadsheet after spreadsheet to ensure data integrity and consolidate all the information - taking them away from higher ROI FP&A activities. 

But with FP&A software, they were able to consolidate over one hundred spreadsheets into a single, cohesive, easily accessible FP&A platform and workspace. 

By automating data consolidation, collection, and updating, Triple Crown Sports created a connected workspace that restores your experts’ time, allowing them to take on and complete more productive FP&A activities. 

This led to a minimization of manual tasks and restored hundreds of hours to their teams. Read more here . 

FP&A Challenge: Dozens of Budget Reviews

Reviewing budgets can be a time-consuming, unnecessary process. One of the main reasons for this is that these spreadsheets are disjointed or incomplete caused by many teams inputting data at different times and creating different budget versions. This then necessitates data integrity verification, which in turn calls for multiple budget reviews. And every time a discrepancy is discovered, this can impact multiple figures, thus resulting in further budget reviews after the initial one is complete to ensure the changes didn’t impact the overall numbers. 

FP&A Case Study #4: GSW Manufacturing

GSW Manufacturing often faced nearly 30 budget reviews when preparing its budgets. Now, however, the company only has to create a single budget. As you’d imagine, this reduces frustration and saves the valuable time of its FP&A team.

When calculating intercompany eliminations and roll-ups, the corporate team would review the budget several times during a cycle to verify data integrity. 

By implementing the right FP&A solution, it was able to ensure both data integrity and accuracy, and make smarter business decisions with its financial data. Through that process, the company was able to uncover over $400,000 in hidden costs . Read more here .

Solve Your FP&A Challenge with Limelight FP&A Software

FP&A challenges can be time-consuming and frustrating - but you don’t have to suffer through them. Instead, you can leverage Limelight cloud FP&A software to totally eliminate legacy issues that have plagued your FP&A teams. 

Work with an FP&A platform that supports your budgeting, forecasting, planning, and analysis activities so they are carried out faster - and more accurately - than ever. With our sophisticated FP&A platform supporting your business, you can reduce budgeting and reporting times by 50% while uncovering hundreds of thousands in hidden costs, reduce budget reviews, and give your team its time back. 

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Writing A Case Study

Case Study Examples

Barbara P

Brilliant Case Study Examples and Templates For Your Help

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Case Study Examples

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It’s no surprise that writing a case study is one of the most challenging academic tasks for students. You’re definitely not alone here!

Most people don't realize that there are specific guidelines to follow when writing a case study. If you don't know where to start, it's easy to get overwhelmed and give up before you even begin.

Don't worry! Let us help you out!

We've collected over 25 free case study examples with solutions just for you. These samples with solutions will help you win over your panel and score high marks on your case studies.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive in and learn the secrets to writing a successful case study.

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  • 1. An Overview of Case Studies
  • 2. Case Study Examples for Students
  • 3. Business Case Study Examples
  • 4. Medical Case Study Examples
  • 5. Psychology Case Study Examples 
  • 6. Sales Case Study Examples
  • 7. Interview Case Study Examples
  • 8. Marketing Case Study Examples
  • 9. Tips to Write a Good Case Study

An Overview of Case Studies

A case study is a research method used to study a particular individual, group, or situation in depth. It involves analyzing and interpreting data from a variety of sources to gain insight into the subject being studied. 

Case studies are often used in psychology, business, and education to explore complicated problems and find solutions. They usually have detailed descriptions of the subject, background info, and an analysis of the main issues.

The goal of a case study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Typically, case studies can be divided into three parts, challenges, solutions, and results. 

Here is a case study sample PDF so you can have a clearer understanding of what a case study actually is:

Case Study Sample PDF

How to Write a Case Study Examples

Learn how to write a case study with the help of our comprehensive case study guide.

Case Study Examples for Students

Quite often, students are asked to present case studies in their academic journeys. The reason instructors assign case studies is for students to sharpen their critical analysis skills, understand how companies make profits, etc.

Below are some case study examples in research, suitable for students:

Case Study Example in Software Engineering

Qualitative Research Case Study Sample

Software Quality Assurance Case Study

Social Work Case Study Example

Ethical Case Study

Case Study Example PDF

These examples can guide you on how to structure and format your own case studies.

Struggling with formatting your case study? Check this case study format guide and perfect your document’s structure today.

Business Case Study Examples

A business case study examines a business’s specific challenge or goal and how it should be solved. Business case studies usually focus on several details related to the initial challenge and proposed solution. 

To help you out, here are some samples so you can create case studies that are related to businesses: 

Here are some more business case study examples:

Business Case Studies PDF

Business Case Studies Example

Typically, a business case study discovers one of your customer's stories and how you solved a problem for them. It allows your prospects to see how your solutions address their needs. 

Medical Case Study Examples

Medical case studies are an essential part of medical education. They help students to understand how to diagnose and treat patients. 

Here are some medical case study examples to help you.

Medical Case Study Example

Nursing Case Study Example

Want to understand the various types of case studies? Check out our types of case study blog to select the perfect type.

Psychology Case Study Examples 

Case studies are a great way of investigating individuals with psychological abnormalities. This is why it is a very common assignment in psychology courses. 

By examining all the aspects of your subject’s life, you discover the possible causes of exhibiting such behavior. 

For your help, here are some interesting psychology case study examples:

Psychology Case Study Example

Mental Health Case Study Example

Sales Case Study Examples

Case studies are important tools for sales teams’ performance improvement. By examining sales successes, teams can gain insights into effective strategies and create action plans to employ similar tactics.

By researching case studies of successful sales campaigns, sales teams can more accurately identify challenges and develop solutions.

Sales Case Study Example

Interview Case Study Examples

Interview case studies provide businesses with invaluable information. This data allows them to make informed decisions related to certain markets or subjects.

Interview Case Study Example

Marketing Case Study Examples

Marketing case studies are real-life stories that showcase how a business solves a problem. They typically discuss how a business achieves a goal using a specific marketing strategy or tactic.

They typically describe a challenge faced by a business, the solution implemented, and the results achieved.

This is a short sample marketing case study for you to get an idea of what an actual marketing case study looks like.

 Here are some more popular marketing studies that show how companies use case studies as a means of marketing and promotion:

“Chevrolet Discover the Unexpected” by Carol H. Williams

This case study explores Chevrolet's “ DTU Journalism Fellows ” program. The case study uses the initials “DTU” to generate interest and encourage readers to learn more. 

Multiple types of media, such as images and videos, are used to explain the challenges faced. The case study concludes with an overview of the achievements that were met.

Key points from the case study include:

  • Using a well-known brand name in the title can create interest.
  • Combining different media types, such as headings, images, and videos, can help engage readers and make the content more memorable.
  • Providing a summary of the key achievements at the end of the case study can help readers better understand the project's impact.

“The Met” by Fantasy

“ The Met ” by Fantasy is a fictional redesign of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, created by the design studio Fantasy. The case study clearly and simply showcases the museum's website redesign.

The Met emphasizes the website’s features and interface by showcasing each section of the interface individually, allowing the readers to concentrate on the significant elements.

For those who prefer text, each feature includes an objective description. The case study also includes a “Contact Us” call-to-action at the bottom of the page, inviting visitors to contact the company.

Key points from this “The Met” include:

  • Keeping the case study simple and clean can help readers focus on the most important aspects.
  • Presenting the features and solutions with a visual showcase can be more effective than writing a lot of text.
  • Including a clear call-to-action at the end of the case study can encourage visitors to contact the company for more information.

“Better Experiences for All” by Herman Miller

Herman Miller's minimalist approach to furniture design translates to their case study, “ Better Experiences for All ”, for a Dubai hospital. The page features a captivating video with closed-captioning and expandable text for accessibility.

The case study presents a wealth of information in a concise format, enabling users to grasp the complexities of the strategy with ease. It concludes with a client testimonial and a list of furniture items purchased from the brand.

Key points from the “Better Experiences” include:

  • Make sure your case study is user-friendly by including accessibility features like closed captioning and expandable text.
  • Include a list of products that were used in the project to guide potential customers.

“NetApp” by Evisort 

Evisort's case study on “ NetApp ” stands out for its informative and compelling approach. The study begins with a client-centric overview of NetApp, strategically directing attention to the client rather than the company or team involved.

The case study incorporates client quotes and explores NetApp’s challenges during COVID-19. Evisort showcases its value as a client partner by showing how its services supported NetApp through difficult times. 

  • Provide an overview of the company in the client’s words, and put focus on the customer. 
  • Highlight how your services can help clients during challenging times.
  • Make your case study accessible by providing it in various formats.

“Red Sox Season Campaign,” by CTP Boston

The “ Red Sox Season Campaign ” showcases a perfect blend of different media, such as video, text, and images. Upon visiting the page, the video plays automatically, there are videos of Red Sox players, their images, and print ads that can be enlarged with a click.

The page features an intuitive design and invites viewers to appreciate CTP's well-rounded campaign for Boston's beloved baseball team. There’s also a CTA that prompts viewers to learn how CTP can create a similar campaign for their brand.

Some key points to take away from the “Red Sox Season Campaign”: 

  • Including a variety of media such as video, images, and text can make your case study more engaging and compelling.
  • Include a call-to-action at the end of your study that encourages viewers to take the next step towards becoming a customer or prospect.

“Airbnb + Zendesk” by Zendesk

The case study by Zendesk, titled “ Airbnb + Zendesk : Building a powerful solution together,” showcases a true partnership between Airbnb and Zendesk. 

The article begins with an intriguing opening statement, “Halfway around the globe is a place to stay with your name on it. At least for a weekend,” and uses stunning images of beautiful Airbnb locations to captivate readers.

Instead of solely highlighting Zendesk's product, the case study is crafted to tell a good story and highlight Airbnb's service in detail. This strategy makes the case study more authentic and relatable.

Some key points to take away from this case study are:

  • Use client's offerings' images rather than just screenshots of your own product or service.
  • To begin the case study, it is recommended to include a distinct CTA. For instance, Zendesk presents two alternatives, namely to initiate a trial or seek a solution.

“Influencer Marketing” by Trend and WarbyParker

The case study "Influencer Marketing" by Trend and Warby Parker highlights the potential of influencer content marketing, even when working with a limited budget. 

The “Wearing Warby” campaign involved influencers wearing Warby Parker glasses during their daily activities, providing a glimpse of the brand's products in use. 

This strategy enhanced the brand's relatability with influencers' followers. While not detailing specific tactics, the case study effectively illustrates the impact of third-person case studies in showcasing campaign results.

Key points to take away from this case study are:

  • Influencer marketing can be effective even with a limited budget.
  • Showcasing products being used in everyday life can make a brand more approachable and relatable.
  • Third-person case studies can be useful in highlighting the success of a campaign.

Marketing Case Study Example

Marketing Case Study Template

Now that you have read multiple case study examples, hop on to our tips.

Tips to Write a Good Case Study

Here are some note-worthy tips to craft a winning case study 

  • Define the purpose of the case study This will help you to focus on the most important aspects of the case. The case study objective helps to ensure that your finished product is concise and to the point.
  • Choose a real-life example. One of the best ways to write a successful case study is to choose a real-life example. This will give your readers a chance to see how the concepts apply in a real-world setting.
  • Keep it brief. This means that you should only include information that is directly relevant to your topic and avoid adding unnecessary details.
  • Use strong evidence. To make your case study convincing, you will need to use strong evidence. This can include statistics, data from research studies, or quotes from experts in the field.
  • Edit and proofread your work. Before you submit your case study, be sure to edit and proofread your work carefully. This will help to ensure that there are no errors and that your paper is clear and concise.

There you go!

We’re sure that now you have secrets to writing a great case study at your fingertips! This blog teaches the key guidelines of various case studies with samples. So grab your pen and start crafting a winning case study right away!

Having said that, we do understand that some of you might be having a hard time writing compelling case studies.

But worry not! Our expert case study writing service is here to take all your case-writing blues away! 

With 100% thorough research guaranteed, our online essay service can craft an amazing case study within 24 hours! 

So why delay? Let us help you shine in the eyes of your instructor!

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Case Study

As a financial planner, I give my clients 4 tips to make their money last a lifetime

Paid non-client promotion: Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate investing products to write unbiased product reviews.

  • I'm a financial planner, and I remind clients to look at a long timespan and plan for the worst.
  • There's no easy answer to earning more money, but it's important to not ignore that factor.
  • I encourage my clients to focus less on frugality and more on how they'll invest in the future.

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As a certified financial planner , my goal is to help self-made professionals build wealth that they can enjoy throughout their lives. To do that, we have to make sure their money will last throughout their lifetimes.

But we also need to make sure that clients actually have opportunities to use their money now  while they're young, healthy, and able to fully experience life.

Here's the process we use to build long-term financial plans that work, including what your investment strategy should consider and why living frugally is a poor strategy for getting rich.

1. Plan for change

Your goals for retirement planning will probably evolve over time. The person you are today will not be the same person who retires in 10, 20, or 30 years.

A long-term financial plan that works accounts for inevitable shifts in goals, values, priorities, and circumstances. Although you might not know exactly what will change, you can still plan for an evolving life.

First, save more than you think you need to when you can. If you find you have excess cash flow, don't default to spending it or upgrading your lifestyle. Direct that money to investments instead so you can grow wealth.

Avoid unrealistic assumptions about future income and expenses. For my own planning, I assume a lower-than-expected growth in income and a higher-than-expected run rate for my cost of living.

When making decisions, opt for choices that allow you to walk away at a low cost. This makes it possible to change or adjust course as needed. Be cautious about decisions that demand fixed commitments (like buying a house) that are difficult to reverse.

2. Look for ways to earn more

Personally, I've shifted from "retire as soon as possible" to a more balanced approach to my financial goals.

I save less money now because I want to use some of my income for important experiences throughout life. I don't want to save everything for use on a distant (and unreliable!) "someday" in the future.

My financial plan can accommodate this choice for two main reasons:

First, I saved aggressively when I could for almost a decade. I've saved at least 30% to 40% of my income . The fact I did so in the past gives me increased flexibility now.

I also put a lot of time and energy into earning more money through growing my business.

If you want to grow wealth, increasing your income will fast-track your efforts. Too many people who want to throw out money tips ignore this reality.

I understand why no one wants to talk about it. Earning more is not easy to do, and there's no one piece of prescriptive advice to give that will help everyone.

But we cannot ignore the importance of making more money if our goal is to create more wealth. There are many avenues that can get you to a higher income, so you don't need one right answer. You need to select and stick with a strategy that makes sense for you.

3. Remember, frugality will only get you so far

No matter what you want to do, you'll need money to afford your chosen lifestyle in the future. And you won't be able to work to earn an income forever. By choice or by circumstance, you will eventually need another way to pay for your needs other than your own work.

This means we must recognize the necessity of saving money and investing . There's no disputing that. The question is how .

Living frugally to get wealthy is possible; it's a simple fact that the lower your expenses are, the more you can save.

But it's an inefficient path to building wealth. There are only so many costs you can cut. And only saving money misses out on opportunities to create assets that increase in value over time.

4. Develop an investment strategy

If you want to grow wealth without pinching pennies, you have to invest — and you have to do that wisely.

A sound investment strategy needs to consider:

  • What investment vehicles to use
  • The right asset allocation based on your goals and your time horizons
  • The expenses associated with your chosen investments and how that may impact your returns
  • How to leverage diversification across your portfolio as well as across the specific  brokerage accounts  or assets you invest into
  • The tax implications of your choices
  • Mistakes to avoid, including speculating, market timing, and taking on too much (or the wrong type) of risk

That just scratches the surface of comprehensive investment management here. But in general, if you want to build an investment strategy that will help you grow wealth, you want to look for:

  • Long-term time horizons : The longer your money can be invested, the better your odds of a successful outcome where you see growth of your assets.
  • Risk-adjusted strategies : You want to take on enough risk to see a return, but not more than you can actually afford to realize (or more than you need to meet your goals).
  • Globally diversified portfolios : Remember that there is a literal world of financial markets out there. Throwing your money into one to three index funds that are all US large-cap stocks or US bonds is not a good example of true diversification.

One final key to keep in mind: You're better off sticking with a decent strategy that works over time than constantly hopping from one thing to another in search of the best strategy ever. Consistency is an underrated element on the road to building wealth.

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