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Essays About Your Mom: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

Some of the most important memories in our lives involve our mothers. If you need to write essays about your mom, our guide will help. 

A mother is a female parent of a child. Mothers nurture their children throughout childhood and, for many, throughout adulthood as well. The desire to support and protect our children is never ending for many mothers. 

Motherhood, however, is not always a genetic role. Many people foster or adopt children or find themselves acting in a parental role for someone else’s children. What matters is the effort you put into a motherly role; for most, the instincts are all there. 

It can safely be said that a mom is one of the most significant role models one can have in life and one whose influence continues to inspire. I once read a statement that said, ‘one day, you will realize your Mom is the best friend you will ever have.’ That is certainly true for me, and I hope for many of you.

If you are writing essays about your mom, our essay examples should prove inspiring.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. story of my mom by wilbur mckenzie, 2. an open letter to my mom, and all moms by samantha wolf , 3. my mom is a movie star by dan moore, 4. leader of my life: my mother by chelsea gonzales.

  • ​​5. Your Mom Doesn’t Hate You, She’s Just Trying to Help You by Carly Newberg

5 Writing Prompts On Essays About Your Mom

1. the best memory of your mom, 2. a lesson your mom taught you, 3. what is your mom’s best quality, 4. your mom as a role model, 5. who is your mom.

“My mother believes in me, in everything I do, and is always positive about it. Every decision, task, and every level that I concur, my mom is always there, believing in me that I will succeed. Graduating 5th grade and moving up to 6th grade was a big step, just like graduating 8th grade and moving up to 9th grade was. But my mother believed that I would still do well in school and would enjoy it a lot.”

Mckenzie writes about his mother as his greatest influence and inspiration. He reflects on how his mom always makes sure he is well and how she loves the family unconditionally. He also describes her selflessness, as she volunteers for those in need and raises money for charity. Her mother’s love, selflessness, and encouragement inspire Mckenzie to try his best in everything he does, and he is genuinely grateful for her. 

“All I can say is thank you for being an amazing mother and all I want for you is to keep doing what makes you happy and brightens your day. Keep creating and going to the beach just to look at the ocean. Keep running, even if it’s not in marathons and don’t forget how awesome of a mother you are. Keep collecting seashells and spreading your positive energy everywhere you go. I love you, Mom.”

Wolf’s essay is addressed to her own mother and is composed of different notes and letters. According to Wolf, her mother is hardworking, optimistic, and devoted, and she recalls several moments they shared. The moments she describes are heartfelt and profound experiences that many can relate to. 

“To this day, she wakes up every morning, marches into our living room, and talks with cancer patients on the phone, lending them her empathy and expertise. It’s amazing, and I wanted her to know I saw all that. I wanted her to know I knew she’s always been a badass. I wanted her to know she’s an inspiration to me, a dynamic, courageous, capable, remarkable person I admire and study every day.”

Moore discusses his mother’s life beyond her role in his life. He briefly tells her life story, then writes about her work for a colon cancer foundation. She spends most of her time consoling and caring for cancer patients; only now is Moore able to appreciate what she is doing. He is in awe at all that his mom has been able to accomplish besides being a great mother to him.

“She utilizes her wisdom by teaching me the ways of life. She rejoices as I apply her teachings in my life and she understands me. The abundance of knowledge my mother has supplied me with continuously fills my life with rare and beautiful treasures.”

In her essay, Gonzales reflects on the spiritual lessons her mom has instilled in her. Her mother is a role model of a strong, Christian woman devoted to her family and God. She is always there for her daughter, giving her advice on how to handle difficult situations. Gonzales aspires to be just like her mother in everything she does, especially when raising her own children.

​​ 5. Your Mom Doesn’t Hate You, She’s Just Trying to Help You by Carly Newberg

“I’m not a parent (yet). However, I hope that when I am, I can take what I’ve learned from the obstacles I’ve faced with my mom, to keep the generational progress moving forward. After all, that is one of the beautiful gifts we’re given on Earth; To learn from the mistakes of our loved ones, map out our route accordingly, do our best to get where we are going, and accept the detours along the way knowing those after us will use them to love harder and live wiser.”

In this essay, Newberg discusses a phenomenon we are all too familiar with: mothers arguing with us. She explains that despite their seemingly curtailing actions, mothers always want what is best for us and are even struggling with whether their decisions are correct. Newberg suggests that we should be understanding of our mothers and use these experiences as lessons for how to parent in the future. 

Essays About Your Mom: The best memory of your mom

For your essay, reflect on an experience with your mom that you treasure. Perhaps it is a birthday celebration, a trip out of town, or simply a conversation you had. Describe the events that transpired, how they made you feel, and why you treasure them as you do. Also, consider if your perception of this event has changed. Perhaps it has taught you more than you first thought.

One of a mother’s primary roles is to teach her children essential skills and lessons to prepare them for the future. Think about one or more things your mom taught you, whether life skills, values, or otherwise. You can be as general or in-depth as you want regarding what you’ve learned from your mom, but be sure to explain it adequately.

For an interesting essay topic, write about a quality of your mom’s that you seek to emulate- her patience, kindness, or fortitude. Discuss why you have chosen it, how it is essential to who your mom is, and how you hope to use it in the future. 

Essays About Your Mom: Your mom as a role model

Mothers are role models to everyone, not only their kids but also to others they interact with daily. In your essay, you can reflect on a time your mom did something truly admirable that cemented her position as your role model. As with the other essays, describe the events, what you learned, and why you chose this. You may also comment on how it has shaped you as a prospective or active parent. Discuss any aspects of parenthood you would like to emulate and those you would not!

This essay topic may seem simple, but one can learn much about a person from a simple biography and reflection. Give readers a general idea of what your mom does, her role in your life, and how she has made you who you are today; paint a picture of this fantastic woman and why she is so important. You can include something about her background and note how it has influenced her, making her the mom she is. Also, you may consider whether any of her inherited traits have been passed to you. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . For help picking your next essay topic, check out our 20 engaging essay topics about family .

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother - A Guide to Writing

descriptive essay about my mother

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Have you ever wanted to convey the depth of your feelings and appreciation for your mother through words, but felt unsure about how to do it effectively?

Crafting a descriptive essay about your mother can be a challenging task. You want to capture her essence, the love she's given you, and the incredible person she is. 

But how do you put all those emotions into words that truly do her justice?

In this blog, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a heartwarming and meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. 

We’ll also provide essay examples to assist you in crafting an enhanced paper, complemented by valuable tips and guidance.

Let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know
  • 2. How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps
  • 3. Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother
  • 4. Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that uses words to describe an object, person, experience, or place. The purpose of writing this type of essay is to provide the reader with a vivid and clear description of something. The writer must use sensory details, such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste to make the reader experience the topic.

When writing about a person such as your mother, you need to describe the characteristics that make her unique. It can include personality traits or experiences that make her special.

Reading a few essay samples will help you out! So read on to find good examples and tips.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps

Writing a heartfelt and vivid descriptive essay about your mother requires careful consideration. 

Here, we'll guide you through the process step by step, helping you express your feelings and admiration effectively:

Step 1: Choose a Focus

Decide on a specific aspect or trait of your mother that you want to describe. It could be her appearance, personality, nurturing qualities, or a particular event that showcases her character.

Step 2: Brainstorm Descriptive Words

Make a list of adjectives and descriptive words that come to mind when you think about your mother. Try to capture the essence of her being.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts by creating a descriptive essay outline . Decide on the structure, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion, and what aspects you'll cover in each section.

Step 4: Start with a Hook

Begin your essay with an engaging hook or an anecdote that draws the reader in. It can be a personal memory or a captivating description of your mother.

Step 5: Descriptive Details

In the body of your essay, use sensory details to paint a vivid picture. Describe her appearance, mannerisms, and the emotions she evokes. Incorporate the descriptive words from your brainstorming list.

Step 6: Emotions and Memories

Share your personal emotions and memories associated with your mother. How does she make you feel, and what experiences have shaped your relationship with her?

Step 7: Use Metaphors and Similes

Employ metaphors and similes to enhance your descriptions. Compare her to elements from nature, objects, or anything that can add depth to your portrayal.

Step 8: Show, Don't Tell

Instead of simply stating qualities, show them through actions, interactions, and specific examples. Let the reader experience her through your words.

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Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Exploring essay examples can provide valuable insights for crafting an essay that deeply connects with your readers. 

Below, you'll find both a descriptive essay about my mother and an analysis of its content.

Why This Descriptive Essay Works

Here are several reasons why this descriptive essay is effective:

  • Emotional Connection

The essay immediately establishes an emotional connection with the reader through its theme of a mother's love. The use of descriptive language and personal anecdotes invites the reader to empathize and relate to the feelings and experiences described.

  • Vivid Imagery

The essay employs vivid imagery to paint a clear picture of the mother and her attributes. The descriptions of her eyes, hands, voice, and smile create a sensory experience for the reader, making them feel as if they are present with the author.

The essay uses symbolism effectively to convey the depth of the mother's love. The mother's eyes, for example, symbolize her wisdom and the shared experiences with the author. The use of the mother's hands as a source of healing symbolizes her nurturing and caring nature.

  • Structure and Flow

The essay is well-structured and flows seamlessly from one descriptive element to another. 

It begins with a general introduction, moves into specific descriptions, and ends with a strong, heartfelt conclusion. This organization keeps the reader engaged and ensures a logical progression of ideas.

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  • Emotional Impact

The essay's emotional impact is profound. It not only describes the mother's physical attributes but also delves into the intangible qualities that make her special. The reader is left with a deep sense of appreciation for the role of a mother and the love she provides.

  • Relatability

The essay's theme of maternal love is universal, making it relatable to a broad audience. Most readers can connect with the feelings of love, protection, and guidance that the author describes. 

If you still find it challenging to write a descriptive essay, consider these additional examples for guidance.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother PDF

Descriptive Essay About My Mother My Hero

Descriptive Essay Example About Mother

Descriptive Essay About My Mother 200 Words

Descriptive Essay On My Mother's Kitchen

Sample Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Here is a video of another short essay example about mother:

Want to read descriptive essays on other topics as well? Here are more descriptive essay examples that will help you out!

Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Now that you’ve read the examples, let’s look at some tips that will lead you to essay writing success.

  • Start with the Basics

Begin by brainstorming ideas of what makes your mother special and why she is important to you. Think about her personality traits, accomplishments, quirks, and unique qualities. In addition, consider the ways that your mother has influenced you and shaped your life.

You can also practice your writing skills with other descriptive essay topics . So write away!

  • Create an Outline

Once you have all of your ideas written down, create an descriptive essay outline that will guide the structure of your essay. This should include sections for your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  • Capture Her Essence

Use vivid language to capture the essence of who your mother is. Utilize descriptive words and phrases that will help your reader understand who your mother is and what she means to you.

  • Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of simply telling the reader about your mother’s traits or accomplishments, use stories and examples to illustrate them. This will make your essay more interesting to readers.

  • Keep Your Tone Consistent

Maintaining a consistent tone throughout ensures a cohesive narrative without feeling disjointed or scattered. This keeps readers interested until they reach their conclusion!

  • Don’t Forget the Conclusion

Summarize the main points of your essay in your conclusion and provide a call to action for readers. Maybe you’ll leave them feeling inspired or motivated to do something special for their own mother.

  • Revise & Edit Diligently

Revision is key when putting together any written piece. Read over your work multiple times and fix any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Also improve any awkward phrasing or unclear ideas that might not be conveyed effectively enough.

To sum it up,

Writing a descriptive essay about your mother doesn't have to be difficult. With our guide and examples, you can easily write an effective essay that will make your mother proud! So get started today, and create the perfect essay for her!

By following these tips and examples, you will find it easier to write a meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. Good luck!

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15+ Inspiring Characteristics & Key Traits Of A Good Mother

A good mother loves her children unconditionally and ensures they grow into disciplined individuals.

Nancy Fagan specializes in relationship problems, couples counseling, and divorce, having done her Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. She is the founder of the Relationship Resolution Center in Plano, Texas, and is a published author w... read full bio

Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in... read full bio

Siddharth Kesiraju

Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various field... read full bio

Apoorva is a certified psychological counselor and NLP practitioner. The assistant professor-turned-writer believes that her experience as a teacher, psychologist, and researcher enables her to guide ... read full bio

Image: iStock

Motherhood consists of a number of innate traits that make her right for the job . It is a self-learned journey, and the protective and caring instincts come naturally to her and are not acquired. So if you are pondering over how you can improve as a mother, stop worrying and go with the flow. You will eventually know what your child wants and what works for them. However, if you want to adopt certain qualities that can be helpful for your child, then this post brings you key traits that reflect motherhood.

15+ Characteristics Of A Good Mother

Here are some of the inspiring characteristics of a good mother that can guide you.

1. Role model

You brought your child into this world, and you are their first point of contact, it’s natural that they look up to you. Being a strong parent might feel difficult, but if you want your child to grow up to be a good person, you too have to practice those behaviors as they will learn from you.

2. Source of love and affection

Image: IStock

Shower them with kisses and hugs, as children who constantly get selfless affection from their parents tend to have a healthy mind and body. Studies have also shown that it helps in the proper brain development of your child ( 1 ). When you are caressing and affectionate to your children while caring and nurturing them, they will be happier and more successful as adults ( 2 ).

3. Problem solver

Kids see and learn everything that their parents do. Whenever there is a problem or if they do something wrong, make them politely understand what is right or wrong instead of scolding them. They will learn the way you deal with problems in life and adapt your wise sense of judgment.

Motherhood is a beautiful experience, but it can also be quite taxing on your emotional and physical well-being . After completing a series of chores, finding your child has spewed milk all over the floor might make you feel stressed out and frustrated. Patience is key here, understand that hurtful words will not solve the situation. Be calm and resolve the situation.

5. Forgiver

Your kids will make mistakes as they grow up, you need to understand this and forgive them. Forgiveness is not an easy task to do, even adults have a hard time forgiving. However, when your child sees your kind and forgiving nature towards them, they too will acquire the trait from you while growing up.

6. Respectable

Respect is important in any relationship, even as a parent, you should respect your child. Understand that they are growing and learning. If they have a different opinion than you, it does not mean they are wrong. You have to be understanding towards them and respect their opinions as well.

A mother is the first teacher of a child. Your children don’t know what you expect from them unless you express . Setting some ground rules right from their foundation years will make them understand their boundaries. Be consistent with your rules, changing them frequently could confuse them.

8. Optimistic

Generous positive reinforcement is the way to go whenever your child makes a mistake. Instead of criticizing them about what they have done, focus on what they should do next to correct their mistakes. It helps in disciplining their behavior.

9. Strong and resilient

Your child will look up to you for almost everything. Being their mother , you have to be strong, reliable, and resilient even when under stress. You will be the one to comfort them and the supportive pillar for them, when they are at their lowest. So if you don’t find strength in yourself, you cannot help your child.

10. Disciplined

Kids are naturally curious seekers. Losing your temper when they mess up will make them stubborn. Being their mother, understanding that instilling fear is not the answer here . Teaching them how to be disciplined is important, and that too in a non-violent manner.

The goal of motherhood is not to be their child’s friend. A mother must fulfill their duty as a parent and a caregiver first until they reach adulthood while being loving and compassionate.

12. Humility

Humility is a virtue that most people forget. Be humble, and they will learn it from you and become a good person growing up.

13. Sense of humor

People tend to look for a partner who has a good sense of humor. Now is the time to cultivate the same for your child. Instead of being serious and strict with them all the time, having a sense of humor will only strengthen the bond between you both.

14. Adjustable

If your kid is young, it might seem too early to teach them basic survival skills such as cooking, doing their own laundry, cleaning up their bedroom, and many such things. As a mother, you should teach them these skills as they grow older. They will thank you later on in life.

Mandy Law, a motherhood and parenting blogger and a mom of two, shares the essential life lessons and skills she learned from her mother. Expressing gratitude to her mom for the cooking skills she acquired, Law writes, “When I was little, she would ask me to help in the kitchen, chopping the onions, garlic, pounding the spices, and I would watch her cook every day. She believes home-cooked meals are the best and much healthier. With my culinary skills today, I enjoy cooking & baking because it’s a joy to cook for the family ( i ).”

15. Artistic

Many kids like a particular form of art or sports from a young age. When children engage in activities they enjoy, they will learn. This way, they can hone their artistic skills, and who knows, they might even turn out to be a prodigy.

16. Attentive

A good mother is always attentive to her children’s needs. Being attentive involves paying close and thoughtful attention to the child’s emotions, behaviors, and overall well-being. A good mother is attuned to her child’s cues, such as hunger, discomfort, or emotional distress, and responds promptly.

17. Complimentary

Being a good mother means saying nice things to her child and making them feel good about themselves. When they give compliments to their child, it boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Appreciating children’s good behaviors, saying they did a good job or that you are proud of them, will encourage them to repeat their deeds. Compliments make your bond stronger and create a positive home.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a mother learn to be nurturing, or is it an inherent trait?

Nurturing is a quality that is often associated with motherhood, but whether it is an inherent trait or something that can be learned is a subject of debate. While some individuals may naturally be inclined towards nurturing behaviors, these qualities can also be developed through practice and learning.

2. How can motherhood change the personal traits of a woman?

Motherhood can profoundly change a woman’s personal traits, shaping her into a more responsible, nurturing, patient, resilient, and adaptable person. It can also help her develop a deeper perspective on life.

3. Can a mother’s parenting style affect a child’s personality traits?

Yes, a mother’s parenting style can significantly influence a child’s personality traits. How a mother interacts with her child, such as by providing emotional support, setting boundaries, and offering guidance, can impact the child’s self-esteem, emotional regulation, and social skills.

4. How important is empathy in a mother’s role?

Empathy is a crucial component of a mother’s role. It allows her to connect with her children, provide emotional support, and be attuned to their developmental needs.

5. Can a mother be assertive while demonstrating compassion?

Yes, a mother can assert herself in a loving and empathetic way by considering the needs and feelings of her child while still being firm in her expectations.

6. How can a mother encourage creativity and imagination in their children?

By providing a supportive and stimulating environment, a mother can help her children develop their creative and imaginative skills, serving them well throughout their lives.

7. How can a mother demonstrate responsible decision-making to her children?

By involving her children in the decision-making process, modeling thoughtful decision-making, and teaching them to take responsibility for their choices, a mother can demonstrate responsible decision-making and help her children develop important life skills.

8. How can a mother foster a bond with her children that creates strong relationships in the future?

By consistently showing love and support and being present in their lives, a mother can help build a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling relationship with her children.

9. Can a mother’s communication style affect the emotional development of her children?

Yes, a mother’s communication style can greatly affect the emotional development of her children. How a mother communicates with her child can shape the child’s emotional responses, social skills, and overall mental health.

10. How can a mother balance being a role model and a friend to her children?

To achieve this balance, a mother can actively engage in activities that promote both roles. For example, she can demonstrate positive behaviors, such as being kind and respectful to others, while being approachable and open to listening to her children’s problems.

These inspiring traits of a mother help us realize how important a role mothers play in their child’s lives. They support us during all our hardships and mold us to become better people with all the required good qualities. Therefore, you must appreciate all your mother does for you and ensure you express your love and gratitude for her. Further, playing the role of a mother can be emotionally and mentally taxing at times. Thus, it is also vital that mothers take some time out for themselves and indulge in self-care.

Infographic: Characteristics Of A Good Mother

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • A mother is a role model for her kids and is always their first love.
  • Patience, respect, unconditional love are a few of the many attributes of a good mother.
  • Along with taking care of her children and family, a mother needs to take care of herself as well.

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Are you feeling like your mother puts her needs before yours? Check out this video to learn 10 signs that you may have a narcissistic mother.

Personal Experience: Source

MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.

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Nancy Fagan Marriage Mediator, LMFT

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Essay on Mother’s Day: 100, 200 and 500 Words 

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  • Updated on  
  • May 11, 2024

Essay on Mother's Day

The most important person in the life of any individual is their mother. She does so much for her children regardless of her health. She takes care of us, provides us with food, and supports us all through the tough situations of our lives. Mothers’ love is unconditional and eternal. And for all the things she does for us, we should celebrate her, and especially on Mother’s Day, make her feel special. Hence, keeping in mind the importance of mothers, we have provided samples of essay on Mother’s Day. let’s go ahead and explore them now! 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Mother’s Day in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Mother’s Day in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Mother’s Day in 500 words
  • 4 Short Essay on Mother´s Day

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Ans. The most memorable and extremely happy day of the year for every child or student is Mother’s Day. It is a special day that is dedicated to all mothers and is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. On this day, we celebrate our mothers, give them gifts and make them feel special. Children express their feelings towards their mother in the form of songs or dance, etc and show her how much she means to them. They even arrange special dishes for her. What we should keep in mind is that we should celebrate our mothers all through the year for their selflessness towards us.

Ans. Our mother gives birth to us. She brings us unconditional love and support throughout her life. Our mother is our primary caregiver, offers emotional support, plays the role of a role model, helps us with our education, and provides security from external threats.

Ans. Anna Jarvis invented Mother’s Day. 

Click to discover more fascinating topics about Mother’s Day in Hindi

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7 Mother’s Day Essays For Children And Students

By  Shannon McLaughlin   | Updated On  February 3, 2024

  • Medically reviewed by 

a table with books at the lake side

This collection of heartfelt essays celebrates the profound love and dedication of mothers, honoring their sacrifices and the joyous essence of Mother’s Day across cultures and generations.

Table of Contents

Essay 1: 100 words

Motherhood is an unconditional journey of love and sacrifice. On this special day for moms, we celebrate the second Sunday of May to honor the heart and soul mothers pour into nurturing every child. This occasion is a time to acknowledge the love and care that mothers bestow upon us, from carrying a child in her belly for nine months to taking care of everything without getting tired. It’s a day to make our mothers feel special, to thank our mothers for all they’ve done, and to commemorate the irreplaceable role they play in our lives.

Essay 2: 150 words

Mother’s Day is a day observed annually to celebrate motherhood and the selfless things mothers do for us. It’s a day when kids and students become very happy, preparing gifts for their mothers to show their love and gratitude. A mother always wants to see her children grow with good manners and guide them on the right path in life, teaching us the importance of love, care, and respect.

This day is not enough to appreciate all that mothers do for us, but it motivates us to make every day special for them. We celebrate this day to pamper our mothers, to spend quality time with them, and to thank them for their undying love and the countless duties and responsibilities they fulfill unconditionally.

Essay 3: 200 words

Every year, on the second Sunday of May, we celebrate Mom’s Day with great pomp and joy. It’s a day to celebrate the mother who shapes our lives, who loves her children unconditionally, and who cares for her children with all her heart. From the moment a mother carries her child in the belly, through the growth and development of her children, a mother’s love never wanes. This day is a time to recognize the unwavering love and care that every mother bestows upon her children since birth.

Children create handmade cards and write essays to express their heartfelt emotions. Schools also participate in this celebration, allowing children to showcase their love through various performances. Mothers are invited to children’s schools, where students prepare songs and dances to acknowledge them. This day is a special opportunity for family members to gather and celebrate the women who have dedicated their lives to their families. It’s a day to convey to our mothers that we cherish everything they’ve made and every lesson they’ve taught us.

Essay 4: 250 words

Mom’s Day is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of every May, and it’s a day that children recognize with heart and soul. This day became a tradition to give tribute to the undying love that mothers have for their children. A mother takes care of everything in one’s life, from the very first heartbeat in the womb to raising and guiding us on our path in life. This day is a special tribute to the women who care, encourage, and love us without expecting anything in return.

On this day, mothers are given the honor they deserve. It’s a day to make our mothers feel acknowledged, to shower them with love, and to thank them for the endless nights they’ve spent caring for us. The significance of this day is profound, as it pays tribute to the essence of being a mother and the incredible efforts mothers make. Children prepare special performances, and members of the family usually spend this day giving gifts, spending quality time together, and expressing their gratitude and love.

In India, this special occasion is celebrated with the same fervor, with children creating surprises and families going out of their way to make the day memorable. The celebration is a reminder that one day is not enough to recognize the immense contributions of our mothers; we should make every day special for them. Mom’s Day is a day to show our mothers how much we appreciate everything they’ve done for us, from the immense duties to the daily acts of love.

Essay 5: 300 words

Mother’s Day is observed on the second Sunday in the month of May as a tribute to the tireless love and efforts of every mother. It’s a day when children pay tribute to their mothers with small gestures and grand celebrations alike. This special day is not just about the gifts or the festivities; it’s about acknowledging the lifelong commitment and nurture a mother provides. From the moment a mother carries her child in her belly, through the late nights and early mornings, she takes care of her children with a love that knows no bounds.

On this day, mothers are invited to children’s schools, where students prepare performances that rhyme with the joy of being a mom. Every child celebrates by expressing their love through poems, essays, and songs, making the day a memorable event. It’s a day to express to our mothers the love and gratefulness we carry in our hearts for their endless support and guidance.

Mom’s Day is celebrated in different cultures around the world, each adding their unique traditions to celebrate the women who gave them life. In India, the day is marked with great enthusiasm as children and adults alike take the opportunity to care for their mothers with gifts and attention. The importance of this day lies in its universal appeal—it’s a day that cuts across all differences to celebrate the universal bond of love between a mother and her child.

As we recognize this occasion, let us remember to cherish and acknowledge our mothers not just on this day, but every day. Let us make a pledge to show our appreciation for the love our mothers have shown us throughout our lives. It’s a day to remind ourselves of the hardships they have encountered and to make an effort to give back.

Essay 6: 400 words

Mom’s Day is celebrated annually to honor the incredible women who have embraced the role of being a mom with all their heart and soul. This day became an official celebration thanks to Anna Jarvis, who wanted to commemorate her mother and the efforts all mothers make for their children. It’s a day that every mother looks forward to, as it’s a time when her children and the other members of the family come together to show their gratefulness and love.

The significance of this day is manifold. It’s a day to celebrate the mother who shapes our lives, who teaches us good manners, and who guides us on our path in life. A mother’s love is the first and most enduring love we experience. From the moment she carries her child in her womb for nine whole months to the lifelong journey of growth and development, a mother’s dedication is unparalleled. She loves her children unconditionally, cares about us, and takes care of everything without getting tired.

On Mom’s Day, children’s schools host special events where mothers are invited to be honored by their children. Students prepare songs, and dances, and recite essays to celebrate the day, expressing their love and appreciation. It’s also a day when children and adults alike take the opportunity to treat their mothers, to make them feel special, and to thank them for all that they’ve done.

In many cultures, Mom’s Day is celebrated with great pomp and ceremony. In India, for instance, the day is observed with a blend of cultural traditions and modern practices. Children prepare surprises and write heartfelt essays, and families go out of their way to make the day memorable. It’s a day when the importance of mother in one’s life is at the forefront, and we take the time to reflect on the countless ways our mothers have shaped us.

This special day is a reminder that we should not forget the sacrifices our mothers have made for us. It’s a day to show our love and gratefulness, to spend quality time with our mothers, and to make them feel appreciated. It’s also a day to celebrate being a mom, to recognize the role mothers play in the growth and development of their children, and to acknowledge the selfless love they provide. As we celebrate this special occasion, let us remember to praise our mothers not just on the second Sunday of May, but every day, for their love and hard work are the cornerstones of our lives.

Essay 7: 500 words

Celebrating Mom’s Day is a revered tradition that takes place in May of each year. It’s a day dedicated to honoring the essence of being a mom, the unconditional love, and the countless sacrifices that every mom makes for the well-being of her children. The role that mothers play in the lives of their children is monumental. From the very moment a child is conceived, a mother begins her journey of unconditional love.

She carries her child in her belly for nine months, providing nourishment and protection even before the child takes their first breath. The celebration of this special occasion is an opportunity to recognize her selfless dedication—a time to reflect on the unwavering support and guidance that every mom provides. It is not just a day to shower our mothers with gifts and affection; it’s a day to acknowledge the profound impact they have on our lives. It’s a day to celebrate the mother who shapes our character, who teaches us valuable life lessons, and who manages everything in our lives, often without getting tired or asking for anything in return.

A mother’s love is the foundation upon which we build our lives, and this special occasion is a testament to that enduring love. On this day, schools and communities come together to celebrate mothers. Children prepare poems, essays, and artwork to present to their mothers as tokens of their appreciation. Mothers are invited to special events, often hosted by children’s schools, where the joy and pride of being moms are celebrated with performances, speeches, and communal activities.

It’s a day when the hard work and dedication of mothers are recognized by all members of the family and society at large. In India, Mom’s Day is observed with equal enthusiasm. The day is celebrated in different ways across the country, with children and adults finding unique and heartfelt methods to acknowledge their mothers. It’s a day when the entire family comes together to pamper the matriarch, to make her feel special, and to thank her for her enduring love and care.

However, the true essence of the day goes beyond the celebrations and the fanfare. It’s a day that reminds us that one day is not enough to appreciate all that mothers do for us. It encourages us to make every day special for our mothers, to show them love and gratitude not just on the second Sunday of May but throughout the year. Mom’s Day is a call to action—a day to show our mothers that we appreciate every lesson they’ve taught us, every smile they’ve shared with us, and every sacrifice they’ve made for us.

As we celebrate the day, let us also take a moment to give tribute to those who have taken on the role of a mother in any capacity. The aunts, grandmothers, sisters, teachers, and friends who have cared, motivated, and loved us. This is a celebration of the universal spirit of motherhood, a day to recognize every woman who has made a positive impact on our lives.

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By   Shannon McLaughlin

Shannon is a mother of two boys and one girl. She's hoping her experience with parenting and everything in between can help other moms navigate the complex world of motherhood.

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Organized Motherhood

21 Characteristics of a Good Mom

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These 10 characteristics of good moms aren't hard to learn. You can be a great mom (and you can learn to have these traits, even if parenting is a struggle or you feel overwhelmed).

Parenting is tough work! We’re expected to do all. the. things. And do them well! But what are the characteristics of a good mom ? And how do you get those qualities?

It’s not easy being a mom, especially if you’re feeling insecure as a parent , but I’ve noticed that there are certain things that exceptional moms do well.

And for the rest of us? Luckily, these are good characteristics of a person that we can ALL learn, practice, and improve on. 😉

good mother essay

Before you get totally overwhelmed, thinking that there’s no way you can do one more thing, note that these characteristics of a good mother are learned behaviors. They’re character traits that, if you’re not already doing, you can easily add with a little practice.

For each of these, I included a resource or tip to help you get there!

And, if you’re looking for inspiration (or pretty reminders to place on your desk), get theses printable characteristics in the Organized Motherhood Shop .

One of the first things new moms learn (aside from the importance of sleep) is patience.

Newborns cry, toddlers get into everything, and older kids try to test your limits. But it’s difficult for young children to learn patience, especially when adults struggle to model it.

Even on the most difficult days, like when your toddler clearly isn’t patient, staying patient as a mom is important. Not only will it help you model “good behavior” for your child, but it’ll also help you respond to your children with a level head.

Learning to have patience takes practice.

Just like you try to teach a toddler patience (waiting to turn the pages in a book, taking turns with toys, not eating a snack five minutes before dinner, etc.), moms need reminders, too.

Self-care goes a long way in staying patient, but if you’ve been struggling with finding time for self-care, or even if you feel guilty making the time, stop!

Here are some tips to make time for self-care so that you can be a good example of patience (and calm) around your kids.

Consistency is one of the easiest ways to make your child feel secure, yet it’s one of the most difficult things to do as a parent.

We want to be the good parent. The fun parent. The understanding parent.

But the consistent parent? That’s not fun!

parenting manual course - a training for good parents

The lesson on being consistent was one of my favorite sections of the Parenting Manual 1 01 course.

I struggle with giving in when my kids want to stay outside for 10 more minutes. I also make excuses, like when they don’t eat all their dinner and want a cookie (oh, I gave them too much food).

But we’re not doing our kids any favors when we give in.

Instead of teaching them that I’m a reasonable parent, I’m teaching my kids that they should whine when they don’t get their way.

When they go to school, do I really want them whining to their teacher because they would rather have recess instead of a math lesson? No!

By being consistent, you’ll show your kids boundaries. They’ll learn what’s acceptable, and they’ll feel more confident in their own decision-making.

Learning to be consistent, as with most parenting principles, is a difficult lesson. But once you learn how to be consistent, you’ll be amazed at the difference in your kids.

Get the Parenting Manual 101 HERE for the best ways to raise your kids well while keeping your cool.

From a former teacher, this course is filled with practical tips and ideas to be consistent while disciplining in an effective way.

Parenting with Love and Logic

Kids make mistakes. So do parents.

Good moms forgive their kids. Really good moms forgive their kids while helping them learn a lesson.

One of my favorite parenting books, Parenting with Love and Logic , shares tips to teach your kids lessons naturally.

Your child didn’t eat his lunch? Dinner will be delicious.

It takes the pressure off parents to discipline because kids will learn consequences naturally (obviously, it’s still the parent’s job to keep kids safe, so letting your child run in the street probably isn’t recommended as a natural consequence).

It’s ok to be upset when the kids break your favorite coffee mug, and Love and Logic helps you to see when it’s appropriate to show anger and when the kids need to learn from their mistakes.

But whether your kids do something to you or to someone else, forgiveness and lessons learned help them grow into a good person.

If forgiving children is one of the qualities of a good mother, then staying calm is also a requirement.

Motherhood is an emotional experience, and sometimes it’s hard to control your temper, even if you’ve never had a “temper problem” before.

When your patience is low, you’re tired, and you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to lose your temper.

I’ll be the first to admit that I lose my temper more than I’d like to admit. The best thing that’s been helping me keep my temper in check is the anger management section of The Parenting Manual 101 . It’s perfect for both parents and kids. 😉

Learning to reframe my frustration so that I can stay calm instead of screaming or taking it out on my kids has been life-changing.

I’ll admit – I have days when this is more of a struggle than others, but I love the refreshingly honest way that this course helps you to control your temper and get the kids to manage their frustrations in healthy ways.

Organization isn’t just about keeping the toys and clutter minimized. Staying organized can also mean time management, something many moms struggle with.

If you struggle with organization, especially when it comes to handling your kids’ school papers, projects, activities, and everything else, start by writing everything down. I keep track of my meal plan, kids’ activities, cleaning schedule, and more in the Organized Motherhood Home Binder each week.

good mother essay

Once you’ve gotten everything written down in one place, try applying the “touch it once” principle to everything you can.

When you bring in the mail or go through your kids’ papers, file, trash, or do something with them immediately. Your kitchen counters (and your kids’ teachers) will thank you.

You love your kids, but in the daily hustle, remembering to show unconditional love in little ways can be difficult.

When you’re throwing last night’s leftovers in a thermos for your son’s lunch or frantically trying to find your daughter’s shoes in the morning, love is probably the last thing you’re projecting.

Spending a couple extra seconds to hug your child as he runs out the door, make a “good day note” for his lunch box, or snuggle while reading an extra book at nap time is all it takes.

Get the Kids’ Letter Bundle for more “love note” ideas and ways to create special moments for your kids.

Your kids need you to be a good friend. Not to them, but to their friends’ moms. Despite the isolation of 2020, and even if you’re a single mother, parenting isn’t a solo act.

Being a parent forced me to step outside my comfort zone.

On one hand, it was nice to have other moms to commiserate with, but it was also a challenge. I had to talk to that mom on the sideline of my son’s baseball game instead of just snuggling into the couch with a good book, which is what I would’ve done pre-kids.

If you’re struggling to find or maintain friendships in motherhood, or even if you just want to be able to make conversation and exhibit good social skills by relating to the moms in your kids’ classes, I loved the wise advice in Never Unfriended by Lisa-Jo Baker.

Never Unfriended is an awesome book to read if you have toxic relationships or want to avoid them.

Fierce mamas wear their Mama Bear apparel with pride!

There’s a time and place to be fierce, but when it’s necessary, you need to know the best way to pull out the claws.

One time when being fierce is important is during times of medical emergencies or when you need to protect your child.

My kids have food allergies, so I’ve struggled to find a balance with being fierce.

While I have to protect my kids from potentially life-threatening foods, I struggle with being too forceful and offending family members. However, after several situations when people didn’t heed my polite reminders, I’ve realized that it’s ok to be fierce in order to protect my children.

On the other hand, there are times when you should not be fierce, like when you’re working   with your child’s teacher to correct behavior issues.

If it’s not a life-threatening issue, advice from trusted family members, friends, and teachers should be welcome.

Most people have your child’s best interests at heart. Even if you disagree with their opinion, in most situations, it’s best to take a balanced approach!


Siri is my best friend. For all my kids’ odd questions (how deep is the ocean? where do hippos live?), I ask my phone.

Chances are, you don’t know everything that your kids will ask. A knowledgeable mom doesn’t know everything, either (and if she did, I don’t think I’d want to be friends with her).

But a knowledgeable mom knows where to find answers to her kids’ questions (yes, Siri counts).

A knowledgeable mom also instills a hunger for learning in her kids. By having interesting conversations, asking questions, and listening to your kids, you can be a knowledgeable mom, even if you don’t know everything.

In addition to Siri, I love these conversation starter cards for kids . I get tired of asking my son, “What did you do in school today,” and I’m pretty sure he’s tired of answering the same question.

Just by going the extra step of talking to your kids and taking an interest in their activities, you’ll be able to show your love.

You’re loved more than you know. You’re braver than you even imagine. – Lisa-Jo Baker

Being a mom requires a bravery that you probably didn’t know you had.

Just making it through birth takes bravery.

But even after birth, you’ll need to be brave as you kiss your kids’ boo-boos. Brave as you send them off to preschool, then kindergarten, and then college. Brave as you raise them to be the people you always knew they would be.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally get healthy? Whether you want to lose weight or eat healthier, these 5 steps will help you create a plan you can stick with.

One of the characteristics of a good mom is to be healthy. This can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise and diet.

Being a mom is hard and it can get even harder if you don’t take care of your health. You are the role model for your kids and you want to set a good example.

So, what can you do to be a healthy mom?

First of all, stop being lazy! Make time for exercise and make sure that you have a balanced diet. You need to make sure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, so try to include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

It’s also important for moms to have a healthy lifestyle because it makes them more productive. Exercise helps moms maintain their weight, stay energized, and sleep better. Diet is important because it helps moms avoid health risks such as diabetes and heart disease.

We should not think about this as an obligation but instead as an investment in ourselves and our families. It will not only help us live longer, but also help us live healthier lives with the people we love most: our children.

Related reading:

  • How to Stop Being Lazy and Exercise
  • Characteristics of a Healthy Family
  • How to Create a Healthy Living Plan
  • Healthy Meal Planner to Crush Your Diet and Fitness Goals
  • Best Way to Track Health and Fitness Goals
  • The 6 Best Tips to Stay Healthy

Good Sense of Humor

Having a good sense of humour is an important part of parenting. It can help ease the stress of a difficult day and it can help your children learn to laugh at themselves.

But sometimes you might feel like you don’t have any funny material to work with, or that your jokes are stale.

Luckily, there are some great sources of humor that you can turn to for inspiration.

Here are some sources of humor that you might want to try:

  • Watching a comedy show or movie, both with and without your kids (depending on the appropriateness of the movie)
  • Reading a joke book (again, use your discretion, but there are some great kids’ joke books available)
  • Watching a comedian’s stand up routine on YouTube or a funny podcast (you can also make a girls’ night out of going to see a comedian)
  • Sharing funny notes in your kids’ lunches or putting them next to their beds or toothbrushes so they see them as soon as they wake up

Hard Working

Showing your kids hard work (and expecting hard work out of your kids) is necessary to build your kids’ work ethic and prepare them for the future.

Teach your kids how to have a sense of responsibility.

  • Characteristics of responsible parenthood: How To Raise A Responsible Child
  • 5 Ways to Raise Kids With a Good Work Ethic
  • Chore Ideas for Kids: An Age Appropriate List From Toddlers to Teens
  • Chore Chart Ideas for Kids

Meet your kids where they are. If they enjoy playing video games and board games, spend some quality time doing their favorite activities.

Spending family time together doing fun activities is a great way to build a good relationship with your kids. You’ll be able to talk to them more and find out what’s going on in your child’s life, which is especially important to do with older kids.

Keep the Kids Busy!

Get a FREE printable summer bucket list with fun activities to entertain the whole family.

While older kids may be busy with school activities and spending time with their best friends, it’s still important to show them that they have a loving parent available whenever they need.

Being a good mom means being available when your kids need you.

This is not always easy to do, especially if you are juggling a career and taking care of your family. But if you want to be the best mom for your children, then it is important that you find the time for them.

Plan scheduled time for fun activities, but also make sure you’re available to talk before and after school.

Another great idea is to set up a code word for older children. If they need help or are in a compromising position and need to get picked up, give them a code phrase that they can text or call and you will be available to get them – no questions asked.

We all know that being a mom is a tough job. It’s not easy to be positive all the time, but it is something that we should strive to do.

We should take care of ourselves and try to always be happy. We need to remember that our children are watching us and will learn from us, so we need to set a good example for them.

If we are not happy, then we can’t expect them to be either. A good mom is one who is always positive and looks on the bright side of things. This doesn’t mean that she is always happy, but she can find something good in every situation.

A good mom is not just the one who cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids. She is someone who can provide emotional support, listen attentively, and even make jokes with her kids.

Being a good mom also means being supportive of your children’s dreams and goals. It also means being open-minded to new ideas, different cultures, and lifestyles. It also means being a great listener.

A good mother is someone who is nurturing, caring, and takes care of her children, her family, and her friends. A good mom wants to make the world a better place for everyone in it.

A nurturing parent is also responsible for the child’s well-being and safety.

There are many ways in which a mother can be nurturing. For example, she can provide emotional support for her children and make them feel loved and accepted. She can also provide guidance to the children when they need it.

What Are the Qualities of a Nurturing Parent?

Good Role Model

The term “role model” is a descriptive term for someone who is seen as an example to others of how they should behave or what they should do.

A great mom is a good role model for her children. But she can teach them simple things by example, like teaching them to make their bed in the morning, clean their room, and brush their teeth before bedtime.

Many parents are not perfect, but they still want to be a good role model for their children. This can be difficult when you are struggling with your own issues. It is important to remember that the most important thing is to be the best you can be and provide an example of how to deal with life’s challenges.

When it comes down to it, the most important thing about being a good mom is showing your kids how to deal with life’s challenges.

A welcoming mom is always ready to help with whatever the child needs. She will not give up on them when they are struggling with something or when they are feeling down.

A welcoming mom will also take care of the child’s needs before her own and make sure that the child has everything they need in order to grow up into a healthy adult.

This characteristic is an important one because it helps to make sure that the children feel comfortable and at ease.

A good mom also creates a welcoming environment at home by creating a happy, comfortable home that both her own family and their friends enjoy visiting.

simple tips to create an inviting home

No one is a perfect mom, and it can be helpful to share some of your own mistakes to show how you persevered. This is a great way to share life lessons that had a tremendous impact on your personal growth with your kids.

Provide your children with a sense of security by establishing healthy boundaries.

Establishing healthy boundaries is important for both children and parents. Parents should establish these boundaries in a way that is consistent with the child.

The most important thing to remember is that children are not just small adults. They have different needs, desires, and personalities. This means that they will have different boundaries than an adult would. A boundary could be limiting screen time or establishing what they are allowed to eat or drink. These boundaries should be set up so they can feel secure while still being able to explore their own individuality and interests.

It is important for parents and children to have mutual understanding about what the boundaries are. The boundaries should be reasonable and should not be too rigid or too loose. Having clear boundaries will help the child feel more secure as they will know what is expected from them and what they can expect from others.

Boundaries With Kids by Henry Cloud

What to do if you’re struggling as a mom

If you’re struggling with one of these 21 characteristics of a good mom, help is available!

Start by enrolling in the Parenting Manual 101 , create your own mommy group , or join a support group.

Toddler time at your local library and kids’ sports are excellent places to meet like-minded moms.

Parenting is a tough road full of stressful situations, but it’s worth it to watch your kids grow into amazing people. Even if you feel like you’re struggling through this parenting journey, know that you’re not alone. You can do this, mama!

Related reading on Organized Motherhood:

  • How to Make Time for Self-Care (Without Neglecting Your Kids)
  • Let Go of Perfectionism
  • Time Management Resources for Busy Moms

Being Raised By a Single Mother Compared To a Single Father? – Child Development in Context

Monday 26th of April 2021

[…] position as partnered fathers because of the necessity of doing tasks generally associated with mothering (Dufur, Howell, Downey, Ainsworth, Lapray […]

Nicole Smith

Wednesday 23rd of August 2017

I am so happy I read this post tonight. Today was a very trying day with my little 5 years old love and 2 month old baby. And it was very refreshing to see all these kind reminders. I love how you linked to the resources too! Awesome post girl :)

Alison Lange

Sunday 27th of August 2017

Thanks, Nicole!

Crystal Green

Friday 18th of August 2017

These are some traits I strive to have. I love how you recommended so many awesome resources in this post too. You're right the first thing we learn is patience, but when the kids get older we seem to lose that skill along the way.

So true! It's hard to keep our expectations realistic as they get older, too.

Lisa (mummascribbles)

This is a fab list- I can relate to so much of This! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

Gentle Joy Photography

Wednesday 16th of August 2017

Great points... and yes, all are needed as a Mom..... and as a wife. :)

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Essay on Good Mother for Children and Students in English

good mother essay

Table of Contents

No love can come even close to the love mother feels for the child. Most women are naturally good mothers. Mothers share the bond of unconditional love and affection with their children. Mothers always take care that their children are happy, safe and healthy throughout their lives. Mothers are meant to be the mentors for their children. Children get highly influenced by their mother’s behaviour.

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Target Exam ---

Also Check: Essay on My Mother

Long and Short Essay on Good Mother in English

Here are essays on Good Mother of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any Good Mother essay as per your interest and requirement:

Short Essay on Good Mother in 200 words

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”. I truly believe in this quote by Rudyard Kipling. We don’t even need to ask her for anything, she is just always there. There is nothing better than the mother’s love and affection. Her happiness lies in our laughter and smiles.

The reason why every Mother is special is that her heart is full of unconditional love for her child. There is no other special bond in the world like a bond shared between a child and a mother. For nine months she nurtures a child in her womb and smiles at the first glimpse of her child. From the day we are born she protects us in her arms. The comfort that we get in her arms is the most loving and soothing feeling in the world. It is priceless. There is no other feeling so precious in life. She feeds us and spends sleepless nights to sing us lullabies so that we can have a sound sleep. Every moment she loves and cares for us.

As a child, we often trouble her but she never complains about it. She gives us more priority than her own self. As we grow, we may have disagreements with our mother but the bond is so strong that the disagreements turn in to agreements. We develop a new relation of friendship with her and share every aspect of our lives with her. She understands and supports us in every aspect of our lives.

There is no comparison to the role that mother plays in our life. She is always the most special person in her child’s life.

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Essay on Good Motherhood in 300 words

A woman enters motherhood by giving birth to a child, raising him, feeding him and nurturing him with love and care. Mothers have been valued all through human history. However, it is not necessary for a woman to give birth to a child in order to experience motherhood. In fact, motherhood is much more than just giving birth to a child.

Motherhood refers to the art of loving and nurturing a child with deep care from the heart without any expectations. There are mothers who have not physically given birth to the child but have proved to be the most loving and caring mothers. And there are also mothers who have left their children after giving birth to them. Motherhood refers to the role that she plays as a mother. A mother loves, protects, nurtures and supports her child. Motherhood is the strong bond between a child and a mother.

She is the strength and courage of her child. We should stop attributing motherhood to selflessness and sacrifice. She has enough strength, patience, and love for the child that gives her the pleasure to play the role of mother. By God’s grace every woman has the ability to foster a life. Motherhood gives her joy and it’s a privilege for her to raise her child. Everything about her child appeals to her. Mother has the Godly characteristics to nurture and love the child that no one else can match. The value and importance of a mother in life cannot be described in words. Their role is priceless.

There is a nursery rhyme we all are aware of ‘Gods love is so wonderful’, I am sorry but it should have been ‘Mothers Love is so wonderful’. We have never seen God, but from the moment we open our eyes we feel and experience the strong bond with mother. Her love for the child is greater than anything else in the world.

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Essay on Qualities of a Good Mother in 400 words

Mothers play an influential role in our life. Life may seem incomplete without her love and strength. She guides and supports us at every step of life. She teaches us the most valuable lessons of life. We share the most special bond with her from the day we are born.

Qualities of a Good Mother

  • Express Love: The first thing a child wants from a mother is love, unconditional love. A tight hug, kisses, caressing, pulling cheeks and a lot more makes us feel so lovable and special. We just need lots of love and care from her.
  • Support: We always need our parents to support us for whatever we wish to do in life. No matter whether we join a hobby class or plan to go for a summer camp – we always need motivation and support from them. Their support gives us a new kind of energy and confidence to get going.
  • More Attention: We need attention from parents all the time. We just need our mother when we are upset, happy, annoyed or irritated. A good mother always gives her children the first priority and attention.
  • Have patience: It takes time for children to learn something new so it’s always good that our parents are calm and composed while dealing with us. A good mother always listens and understands her child with patience and smile on face.
  • Share experiences: We love to know about life experiences of parents. Parents should share with us interesting experiences and adventures of their life. Talk to us about anything but just talk to us is what we want. A good mother shares her experiences with her children.
  • Guide Us: A good mother teaches moral values and leads us to the right path in life. We always need our mother to help and guide us in everything we do. She forgives us for the mistakes and blunders we make in life and guide us in the right direction.
  • Be a Friend: A good mother spends more time with her child and participates in fun activities with them. She plays games, shares stories, plans picnics, indulges in hobbies and a lot more. We love and enjoy spending time with our parents. Good mothers treat their kids like friends and make their children feel comfortable.

Also Check: Speech on My Mother

Mothers are always very special and have the first place in our hearts. We want them in every aspect of our life. We want them to encourage, support and motivate us in whatever we do in life. We feel more protected and safe with a mother’s love and support in life. Mothers always mean the world to us.

Essay on Importance of Good Mother in 500 words

The role of a mother is the most beautiful privilege assigned to women. Mothers play the most influential role in the life of a child. They shape the character, qualities and personality of the child. The overall child’s growth and development is influenced by a mother. Mother’s life revolves around the child’s life and every need of the child is met by a mother. Children are always dependent on mother for their needs. She teaches us how to walk, speak, read, learn, and write and so on. There is a never ending list of what a mother does for the child.

Importance of a Good Mother

  • Unconditional Love: Mother shares the closest bond with us from the day we are born. The connection and the bond that we feel with a mother have a deep impact on our lives. Her love is unconditional and `even when there are disagreements, she never stops loving and praying for us.
  • Timeless Teacher: Mothers are the first and foremost teachers in our life. They are the most influential mentors in our life. They bestow to us enduring wisdom, the legacy so valuable and priceless. They play the most vital role in our overall growth and development. They always guide us to the right path in life. They instruct, support and encourage us to achieve what we want in life. Mother fosters our understanding and intelligence to the full potential.
  • She is the Giver: We are all dependent on mother for our needs whether it is to tie our ponytails or to serve us food. She is always concerned about our needs more than her own. She does so much for us but never complains a bit or expects anything. She keeps smiling in spite of the pressure of responsibilities of the whole family on her.
  • Family Bond: A mother always teaches us the importance of family. She is the one who holds everyone in the family together. She teaches us to respect the elders and care for the younger ones in the family.
  • Hard Work: Mother inspires us to work hard in life. We see her working for the whole day without complaining. It is the endless love for the family that gives her the pleasure and satisfaction at the end of the day.
  • Keep us Safe: Our safety is the first priority in her life. Mother sets the limits for us to keep us safe. She protects us from any kind of harm and constantly makes efforts for our well-being.
  • She is Always there: Mothers are always there for their children in every situation of life. No matter how wrong or right we are our mothers will always be there for us and guide us to the right path.

We should all love and respect our mothers for everything that she does and sacrifices for us. We should try to never hurt her or let her down in life. We should never forget how dependent we have always been on her. She is the one who loves and nurtures us throughout life with all her heart.

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Long Essay on Good Mother in 600 words

Mothers play an influential role in the life of their child that has a lifelong impact on the child’s values, beliefs and behaviour in life. A mother loves and cares for her children unconditionally. Since mother is the closest and most important person in the life of a child, she should set a good and positive example in front of her child.

A Good Mother has following Characteristics:

  • Love and Affection: A good mother loves her child the most in life. Mothers love and affection could not be matched with any other love in the world. The comfort we get in her arms or with her tender caressing cannot be matched by any other comfort. Her affection is enough for the child to feel loved, protected and safe.
  • Have Patience: Children are always demanding and fussy. It’s likely for a mother to get annoyed easily but a good mother keeps her cool and has patience with them. She treats her children with love, care and affection. She always keeps calm and has gentle attitude to mellow them down.
  • Support her Child: A child needs his mother’s support for almost everything. A good mother will always be there to offer all the help, love and support to her child. Of course, parents support their children financially as much as they can but there are other needs that should not be neglected. A good mother will always be there to provide emotional support to the child like caressing her child to sleep, a kiss on an injury or a hug while crying and small love gestures that make her child feel good.
  • Help to Socialize: Some children have less developed social skills and ability. They have difficulty communicating and mixing with other children. A good mother always reaches out for help and seeks appropriate playmates for the child. She can arrange a party at home for the children or structure fun activities for them where children enjoy playing and feel comfortable.
  • Take Responsibility: Motherhood is a full time responsibility. A good mother celebrates motherhood with pride. She happily takes the responsibility of a child and never complaints about it. She cares and encourages the child all the time. She is always approachable when her child needs her.
  • Never Neglects them: When a mother doesn’t pay attention that the child seeks and their emotional needs are not met they tend to show discontent through their behavior and attitude. It is hard for children to accept the feeling of being ignored. They start behaving in an aggressive manner. A good mother always values them and appreciates them for their efforts, applauses them for even their smallest achievements and lets them know how special and important they are.
  • Understand the Child: A good mother spends more time with her child and understands him/her well. She takes interest in her child’s interest and encourages him/her to try new things. She knows their strengths and weaknesses and helps them overcome their weaknesses and develop their skills.
  • Get Involved: A good mother thinks of new and innovative ideas to channelize her child’s energy and participates whole-heartedly in their activities. She steps out for the outdoor games with children or takes them to the parks for playtime. She plans and challenges them with activities that best suit their potential.
  • Good Food: Children are most of the time fussy eaters. A good mother always prepares new, healthy and tasty meals for her children and serves them with love.

The privilege of being a mother is only bestowed to women. A good mother is whole-heartedly active for the child all the time. There is no love in this world so pure, devoted, selfless, strong and lasting than mother’s love. Mother is Godly figure for children. Children look up to their mothers for everything.

The role of mother is most important to shape the child’s behaviour and code of conduct. A good mother teaches her children to deal with various situations in life. She sets a good example in front of her children by acting in the most positive and responsible manner.

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Essay on Mothers Love for Students and Teacher

500+ words essay on mothers love.

There is nothing that can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Women are inherently good mothers. Till birth women carry their young and then continue their love & affection throughout their childhood and even into adulthood. Every Mother always makes sure that their children are safe and happy throughout their childhood. It is the love for their child that a mother feels that drives these feelings. No one can describe in words the feeling that a mother has towards her children. In fact, most people do not understand unless they become a mother themselves. Love always encourages us in any falls which come in life. She is the only person who has no demands except our best future.

essay on mothers love

Mother as a Caretaker

A Mother always wants best for her child and never compromise on anything related to her child. Parents protect their child from any difficult situation and provide him all comfort that they can afford. Mothers love is not only about pampering her child but also about letting her child know the moral and cultural values.

A good upbringing makes the better future of a person and a mother does an excellent job to give the best future for her child. She converts a house into a home; she works as a superwoman because to keep managing household works and to fulfill all family members’ requirement on time is no easy task at all.

If we talk about working ladies than we can’t even imagine how she would manage all things together. I am proud of my mother who has nurtured me along with doing a job and also managing home properly.

Read 500 Words Essay on Mother here

Mother as a Best Friend

After birth, a child finds his mom as the first friend who plays with him along with extra care and nourishment. She interacts with her child as a friend and keeps watching all her child’s activities.

A mother never feels tired while playing with her child and always fulfills all his demands without thinking of her. A mother is like an angel for her child.

Mother as a Mentor

Without any expectation, a mother keeps on working for the betterment of her child. She plays all roles including mom like a mentor, a teacher, a friend, a caretaker.

She loves her child more than any other thing in this world but sometimes she becomes little strict towards her child for making him capable to fight with different circumstances comes in life. Mother gives us that power with which we become able to accept them and get success.

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Mother – A Special Person of Our Life

When a child born; it is the mother who easily understands the feelings or requirements of her child. She spends every second around her child for fulfilling his all needs. Since childhood, our mother keeps telling us what is wrong and what is right in a manner to build us as a good human being and also encourage us to do good things in life.

She loves and cares us without any personal greed. The fragrance of a mother can easily be recognized by her newborn child. Since birth, a child is being observed by his mother. For providing a child all comforts she does all needful.

All mothers are pure by heart and want all the best things in their child’s life whether it is any toy, clothing, education and the values. Motherhood is the best part of life a lady can have. It is a full-time job without any salary but it worth’s a lot for a child. Mother’s love is something that can feel, mothers love is like a blessing by God, mothers love is everything. People who escape from the love of their mothers are really very unfortunate.

We as a child always take our mother for granted but without her our life becomes worthless. Mother is a precious gift by God which we need to keep with love and care. She does her job of motherhood with a pure heart and complete devotion. The first teacher is a mother for any child and if he keeps learning life’s lessons under her guidance nothing can stop him in achieving the heights of success.

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  • Mother’s Day Essay


Essay on Mother’s Day

A mother is the first teacher and the first friend of her children. She carries her child in her womb for nine months and nurtures her little one with all her heart and soul. She can decipher every gesture of her children since the time they are born. She loves her children unconditionally and guides them on the right path in life. She takes care of her children and ensures their safety in every way. We celebrate Mother's Day to thank our mothers, expressing our love and gratitude for them.

Origin of Mother’s Day 

The celebration of Mother's Day first started in the country of Greece, and now it is celebrated in every part of the world. Every mother is devoted to her child throughout her life. Measuring the depth of a mother's sacrifice is not possible for anyone nor can we repay the priceless favors and love of our mothers. It is our duty to take care of our mothers and to respect and love them. Mother's day is celebrated to make our mothers feel special and shower all our love on her. Though it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, every year, yet, we should celebrate every day as Mother's Day to make our mothers feel special.

Methods of Celebration 

Every child wants to celebrate Mother’s Day in a special way. Some bring gifts for their mothers, some cook for them, some cut cakes. Some people celebrate it at home, some go out and celebrate it. Of all the expensive things, handmade gifts always hold a special place in the hearts of our mothers. Some people take their mothers for a day-out and spend quality time with their mothers.

Mother is the first person that a child seeks for on returning home. She takes care of her children from their birth until her last breath. We cannot even count their innumerable contributions to our lives or all that they do from morning to night. Mothers continue to perform all their duties and responsibilities, throughout the day, even if they are tired. They never expect anything in return for all the love they shower upon us and the way they pamper us. However, we can say a big thank you to our mothers for all that she does for us. 

We should obey our mothers and treat them with respect. It is a mother who shapes the character and personality of her children. All mothers play an important role in the growth and development of their children. She takes care of everything that her child needs. A mother is the first teacher of her children. She loves her children dearly, and in every difficulty, she stands by her children and guides them through thick and thin. It is a mother who stops her children from wrongdoing and dissuades them when they tend to go on the wrong path. She scolds them and guides them onto the right path, that’s why a mother is referred to as the first teacher of any child.

For a mother, her whole world is around her children. It is our duty to take care of our mothers, to never let them be unhappy, to never disrespect them, and no matter what to not leave them when they are hard on us. A mother always motivates her children, encourages them to move ahead and work harder in life. A mother's happiness always depends on her children, if her child is unhappy she can never be happy.

No matter how old a child is, when he comes home, he wants to see his mother first. When a child is in trouble, he runs to his mother for help. She forgets her desires while fulfilling the wishes of others. She feeds her children by preparing their favorite dishes, she narrates new stories to her children. She also helps in preparing her children's school projects, she also helps them with their studies. Mothers teach their children good manners, equity, morality, and humanity. In fact, for every child, his mother is the most precious gift of his life.

Celebration in School 

Mother's day is celebrated with great pomp in many schools. Mothers are invited to their children’s schools on this day. On this day children adopt different methods to make their mother feel special, some children prepare essays for their mother, write a speech for them so that they can tell them how special their mothers are to them. Some children prepare cards for their mothers, some sing songs, while some get their mothers her favorite things. On this day, many games are played in schools in which mothers participate with their children.

Mother’s Day Celebrations in Different Countries

Mothers are respected in every culture of the world. They are considered the ultimate symbol of sacrifice. They are known for their love and affection throughout the world. Every country celebrates Mother's day in a different way.

Australia has a long history of celebrating Mother’s Day filled with different customs. Mothers are given flowers and a visit to the church is customary. The mothers that lost their children during the war were honored by other members of the society.  

Celebrating Mother’s Day was not a part of the tradition of Bangladesh. It was introduced to the people due to the increasing influence of western customs. It is still not celebrated in many parts, however, people from urban areas usually celebrate it with a cake or some gifts.   

In Brazil, Mother’s Day was initially promoted by the Catholic Church. However today it is celebrated with families by exchanging gifts like a western holiday. It has not been declared as an official holiday. 

Mother’s Day has not been declared a holiday by the government of Canada. It is a private function held with families. Mothers and grandmothers receive gifts from their families.

Initially, it was seen as a US holiday. However, the government permitted its citizens to celebrate Mother’s Day. It is justified on the grounds that the holiday falls in line with the ethics and traditions of the Chinese people.

Therefore, Mother’s Day is celebrated in China to show respect and honor to the mothers. People usually buy flowers for their mothers. Lilies and carnations are the most popular choice here.

Celebrating Mother’s Day became a common practice in Egypt and Arabic countries only in the latter half of the last century. It is done by playing songs and showing respect and gratitude to mothers .

The idea of celebrating Mother’s Day became popular in France during World War I due to US soldiers posted there. The government of France started awarding mothers with large families. However, today it has become a commercial holiday and is celebrated by giving gifts and cards. 

In Germany, the celebration of Mother’s Day began to promote the idea of motherhood. Initially, the holiday was not about recognizing the individuality of the mother. Rather it was an attempt of the nation to increase its population. It was declared as an official holiday and awards were given to mothers that had a large number of children.

Initially, Mother’s Day was not celebrated in Mexico as it was seen as a capitalist holiday of the US. However, in modern times, it is celebrated with great enthusiasm to honor mothers. The day usually begins with a special song for the mother and the rest of the day families spend time with their loved ones. 

In Nepal, Mother’s Day is celebrated either with the entire family or by performing a pilgrimage. The whole purpose of the day is to recognize the sacrifices and hard work of mothers and to honor them with gifts and love. 

The pilgrimage is performed by visiting a pond that is considered holy. It is done with the purpose of bringing peace to the soul of the mother. It is celebrated according to the position of the moon in the atmosphere.

Russia commemorates the selfless and heroic qualities of women. It is common to celebrate women’s day and Mother’s Day together in Russia. 8th March marks the contribution of women and is declared as a holiday by the government. 

In Spain, Mother’s Day is celebrated not only by the children but by the entire family. Gifts are given to mothers by every member of the family. Children usually prepare the presents themselves or with the help of their class teachers. 

In Spain, the month of May is attributed to Mother Mary. Mother’s Day is therefore celebrated on the first Sunday of May.

In the United States of America, mothers are honored with flowers. It has become a tradition to celebrate Mother’s Day by buying coloured carnations, cards, etc. People who have lost their mothers usually buy white carnations. It is also popular to visit a church on Mother’s Day. 

The bond of a mother and her child is so special that it is cherished forever, by children and their mothers. One day is not enough to celebrate motherhood and we should make every day as special as Mother’s Day to shower our love upon our mothers. We should acknowledge all the little things that our mothers do for us every day. No other gift can be more special to a mother than her children’s love and respect. So let us pledge to make every day special for our mothers and fill her days with warmth and joy.


FAQs on Mother’s Day Essay

1. Where Was Mother's Day Celebrated for the First Time?

The celebration of Mother's Day was first started in Greece.

2. When is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, every year.

3. How Can We Celebrate Mother’s Day?

Some bring gifts for their mothers, some cook the favourite dishes of their mothers, while some bake cakes for them. Some people celebrate this day at home, some go out and celebrate it. In many schools, the mother’s day is celebrated and every student’s mother is invited to be a part of the celebration. On this day, some children prepare essays for their mothers, write a speech for them so that they can tell them how important and special their mothers are to them. Some children prepare greetings cards for their mothers, some sing songs, while some dedicate dance performances to their mothers. On this day, many games are played in schools in which mothers take part with their children.

4. How is Mother’s Day celebrated in India?

Mother’s Day is celebrated on Sunday. It is celebrated in different ways by every family. Some people give flowers to mothers while others like to give handmade gifts. Some people cook for their mothers. All these are methods of showing love and respect to all that the mothers have done for their families. 

5. Is Mother's Day a Western holiday?

The tradition of designating a particular day to mothers originated in the West. However, every culture honors mothers. Mothers are respected throughout the world for their sacrifice. Even though the concept of this holiday has been borrowed from the West, the feeling of gratitude towards the mothers is universal.

Lovely Momhood

10 Important Qualities of a Good Mother!

I am certain that during your motherhood journey, you have asked yourself, “Do I have the qualities of a good mother?”

qualities of a good mom, mother

It is a normal part of the process to question your motherhood qualities, compare yourself with other moms, question your abilities, and even feel guilty at times.

Does that sound familiar?

I can tell you by experience that I have felt all types of ways during my motherhood journey. Often I think I am the most fantastic mom on the planet, and other times I feel like a total failure.

There are a lot of expectations that come along with motherhood. After all, we are raising tiny humans.

No, pressure, right?

There is no job like the job of a mother. There is no responsibility alike.

So, how exactly do we tackle that responsibility, and what qualities can help us become the best mom we can be? Well…

So, what makes a good mother?

So, what exactly makes a good mother?

Well, one that always looks put together, cooks gourmet organic dishes, speaks softly, and keeps her home shiny, tidy, and smelling fabulous… all… the… time!

Not so much! Unrealistic expectations of what makes a good mother only feed into the ridiculous idea that we, somehow, are a flawless machine!

The reality is that some days, we only want to use the toilet without a naked toddler singing the ABCs, standing on a step stool in front of the sink. Is that too much to ask?

So, it all comes down to the basics and common sense. It is finding a healthy balance of motherhood attributes that we naturally possess, acquire along the way, and constantly work to improve daily.

What are the Qualities Of A Good Mother?

important qualities of a good mom

As you read through these “qualities of a good mother,” the goal isn’t to achieve perfection. Or to feel guilty about not excelling at a particular quality.

Instead, the goal is to create awareness of these characteristics of motherhood that we should be working on. Remember, motherhood isn’t a destination; it is a journey. And every day, we are given a fresh start to try again.

So, if you have been wondering what are the characteristics of a good mother and what we can work to improve on, here are 1o Important Qualities of a Good Mother …

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1. Loving 

Out of all the qualities of a good mother, I believe being a loving mom is number one!

With love, all other characteristics can be worked on and improved on.

Love is the one critical ingredient. Loving our children doesn’t mean we always live in a love bubble, skipping in a field of flowers and butterflies.

Love is in the little moments of our everyday. Love is in the sacrifices, the messes; love is in the ordinary.

Love bears all and conquers all. Love is the reason we strive every day to provide for our children because we love them.

Tips for being a Loving Mom:

Although mothers show their love for their children in different ways worldwide, some acts of love towards our children are universal.

  • encouraging words
  • practicing present parenting
  • taking an interest in their day
  • engaging in loving conversations
  • being supportive

These are all just simple examples of how to be a loving mother.

Part of being a good mom involves being patient and calm.

This motherhood quality is a BIG one and one that I feel is a constant work in progress—at least for me.

There is so much going on that being patient with our children is something we aren’t always ready and willing to be.

Characteristics of a patient mom include:

  • Letting our children express their thoughts without interrupting them.
  • Not losing our temper so quickly.
  • Allowing them to finish chores and activities at their pace.

In essence, learning to take a deep breath, cool down, and return to the situation at hand will help us work on this important “good motherhood quality.”

3. Role Model 

good mom qualities, mom role model

One of the best qualities of a good mother is teaching by example.

Being a good role model for our children is the best lesson we can ever teach. The “do as I say, not as I do” approach isn’t effective.

Our children will learn much more from what they see us do than from what we tell them to do.

So, every day, we should make a bigger effort to model behaviors and attitudes we want our children to adopt.

Examples of being a good role model include:

  • eating healthy
  • being kind to others
  • being honest

These are just a few simple examples of things kids learn by watching us do.

4. Consistent 

Consistency isn’t only a good motherhood quality but a necessary one to raise emotionally stable children.

Studies have shown consistency in parenting behaviors has important implications for a kid’s adjustment. From a social learning perspective, predictable responses to our children’s behavior may promote learning, as kids are given consistent expectations about their environment. Additionally, according to attachment theory, youth may form secure attachments to their parents when parental behavior is consistently responsive to their needs.

To put things into perspective, imagine that your boss was completely unpredictable. One day he was nice; the other day, he was an ogre. How would that impact your behavior around him? Wouldn’t that make you act a bit more guarded when he was around?

The same happens with our children but on a larger scale. That is because we are supposed to be their constant, and when we aren’t, that can create emotional and psychological chaos.

In essence, when we are consistent in how we interact with our children, discipline them, and set expectations, the more stable they become.

Consistency creates expectancy, which reduces stress, anxiety, and emotional swings.

5. Organized 

Okay, let’s face it. Some days are just all over the place. Despite how much we plan for things to go a certain way.

With that said, it isn’t a secret that being organized and having a plan helps us function better.

Kids, work, cooking, cleaning, errands, pets, bills, appointments, home maintenance projects, kid’s sports, fitness… I mean! I’m amazed that we find time to shower these days.

A game plan will help us put a routine in place and create a schedule. In turn, allowing us to give our children stability, consistency, and predictability—all of which help reduce anxiety and irritability.

If you need help in this area (and who doesn’t?), I highly recommend you check out the Printable Home Management Binder !

This little gem will help you manage and keep track of every single aspect of motherhood and your home life on a day-to-day basis, including:

  • Planner and Calendars
  • Personal Goals
  • All Things Kids
  • Medical Record
  • Health and Fitness
  • Cleaning and Organizing
  • Household Projects
  • Birthdays and Holidays
  • … and Extras!

Home Management Binder Printables, category images

6. Respectful 

When discussing the qualities of a good mother, being respectful is very important.

Because we are their mothers and “gave birth to them” doesn’t give us the right to overstep some boundaries.

It is important to remember that our children are their people, with their personalities, opinions, and limitations.

This is especially important to remember as our kids grow and develop their independence—a.k.a, teenage years.

It is our nature as moms to want to do what is best for them, even if it sometimes means stepping over some boundaries.

Examples of being a respectful mom:

Being a respectful mother can mean many things, but here are a few examples that can put this attribute of motherhood into perspective:

  • Never yell in your child’s face.
  • Treating them (and others) with respect.
  • Don’t call them names or use derogatory terms towards them.
  • Don’t talk down to your kids.
  • Allow them to have a say whenever possible.
  • Allow them to express their feelings.
  • When reprimanding younger children, kneel to their level and make eye contact.

You get the point. Treat your child with the same respect you expect in return.

7. Supportive and Encouraging

Another important quality of a good mother is being supportive!

You can look back at your childhood and remember times when your parents were encouraging and supportive. I know I do!

Encouragement is something we all need! It creates a sense of pride and makes us push forward and work harder.

Children, in particular, need to hear from their parents that we support them. We stand behind them and will stand by them every step of the way. Behind every supportive mother stands a confident child—make no mistake!

8. Forgiving 

good mother essay

Ohhhh….. forgiveness!

This is a tough quality for anyone to master. It takes practice, patience, and humility.

When it comes to our children, forgiveness is crucial to help our children thrive.

Because our children constantly learn and mistakes are bound to happen, opting to be forgiving and flexible is key. Perfecting this quality is one of the most valuable things we should hope to obtain—not only as a mother but as a person.

Being quick to anger, holding a grudge, and being slow to forgive are poisonous to ourselves and our children.

By being forgiving mothers, we also model such behavior, thus indirectly instilling it in our children and leading by example.

Another point is that as mothers, we constantly tell our children to ask for forgiveness when they do something wrong. However, we must also remember that this also applies to us.

Forgiving ourselves is just as important as we are by far perfect!

When we forgive (our children or others), we free ourselves and other people.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ; God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

9. Acknowledges Flaws

Acknowledging your flags is one of the most important qualities of a good mother.

You see… being a good mother does mean you are perfect. And our children must understand that.

When we acknowledge our flaws and choose to work on them, we teach our kids that perfection is unattainable. Instead, what we should focus on, is to work on being the best version of ourselves.

10. Flexible 

If one thing we know about motherhood is that every day is different! And because of that, being flexible is key to keeping our sanity.

As a checklist lover and to-do list enthusiast freak of nature, I can tell you that flexibility has been a work in progress. I function best with structure and a plan, and God knows that motherhood can be anything but structured or predictable.

It isn’t always about how we think things should be done and how we think things should go. We should always leave room for discussions and change of plans and allow our kids to make decisions.

Flexibility allows us to handle things as they come when they come—which helps us stay sane!

Tips for Improving

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So, do you possess all of the qualities of a good mother?

Probably not… and that is totally fine.

All we can do is aspire to do better and to be better.

One day at a time, one victory, and one mistake at a time. Leaving room for forgiving ourselves when things don’t go as planned and giving ourselves credit when we accomplish something great.

After it is all set and done, loving our children and trying to be the best version of ourselves are the best motherhood qualities we could ever possess.

The rest will find its way.

What should we add to this “qualities of a good mother” list?

Don’t forget to pin this for later…

qualities of a good mother

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I’ve been looking for the good qualities of a mom because I struggle. Your post is the first one that lists loving as the most important. I loved your post and that it was filled with grace. At the end, you acknowledged that each of us probably didn’t completely “pass the test” but we can strive to work harder each day. Thank you!

My pleasure Amber. Thank you so much for reading. I am so humbled this was helpful to you!:)

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Good Mother Essay

No love can come even close to the love mother feels for the child. Most women are naturally good mothers. Mothers share the bond of unconditional love and affection with their children. Mothers always take care that their children are happy, safe and healthy throughout their lives. Mothers are meant to be the mentors for their children. Children get highly influenced by their mother’s behaviour.

Long and Short Essay on Good Mother in English

Here are essays on Good Mother of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any Good Mother essay as per your interest and requirement:

Short Essay on Good Mother – Essay 1 (200 words)

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”. I truly believe in this quote by Rudyard Kipling. We don’t even need to ask her for anything, she is just always there. There is nothing better than the mother’s love and affection. Her happiness lies in our laughter and smiles.

The reason why every Mother is special is that her heart is full of unconditional love for her child. There is no other special bond in the world like a bond shared between a child and a mother. For nine months she nurtures a child in her womb and smiles at the first glimpse of her child. From the day we are born she protects us in her arms. The comfort that we get in her arms is the most loving and soothing feeling in the world. It is priceless. There is no other feeling so precious in life. She feeds us and spends sleepless nights to sing us lullabies so that we can have a sound sleep. Every moment she loves and cares for us.

As a child, we often trouble her but she never complains about it. She gives us more priority than her own self. As we grow, we may have disagreements with our mother but the bond is so strong that the disagreements turn in to agreements. We develop a new relation of friendship with her and share every aspect of our lives with her. She understands and supports us in every aspect of our lives.

There is no comparison to the role that mother plays in our life. She is always the most special person in her child’s life.

Essay on Good Motherhood – Essay 2 (300 words)

A woman enters motherhood by giving birth to a child, raising him, feeding him and nurturing him with love and care. Mothers have been valued all through human history. However, it is not necessary for a woman to give birth to a child in order to experience motherhood. In fact, motherhood is much more than just giving birth to a child.

Motherhood refers to the art of loving and nurturing a child with deep care from the heart without any expectations. There are mothers who have not physically given birth to the child but have proved to be the most loving and caring mothers. And there are also mothers who have left their children after giving birth to them. Motherhood refers to the role that she plays as a mother. A mother loves, protects, nurtures and supports her child. Motherhood is the strong bond between a child and a mother.

She is the strength and courage of her child. We should stop attributing motherhood to selflessness and sacrifice. She has enough strength, patience, and love for the child that gives her the pleasure to play the role of mother. By God’s grace every woman has the ability to foster a life. Motherhood gives her joy and it’s a privilege for her to raise her child. Everything about her child appeals to her. Mother has the Godly characteristics to nurture and love the child that no one else can match. The value and importance of a mother in life cannot be described in words. Their role is priceless.

There is a nursery rhyme we all are aware of ‘Gods love is so wonderful’, I am sorry but it should have been ‘Mothers Love is so wonderful’. We have never seen God, but from the moment we open our eyes we feel and experience the strong bond with mother. Her love for the child is greater than anything else in the world.

Essay on Qualities of a Good Mother – Essay 3 (400 words)


Mothers play an influential role in our life. Life may seem incomplete without her love and strength. She guides and supports us at every step of life. She teaches us the most valuable lessons of life. We share the most special bond with her from the day we are born.

Qualities of a Good Mother

  • Express Love: The first thing a child wants from a mother is love, unconditional love. A tight hug, kisses, caressing, pulling cheeks and a lot more makes us feel so lovable and special. We just need lots of love and care from her.
  • Support: We always need our parents to support us for whatever we wish to do in life. No matter whether we join a hobby class or plan to go for a summer camp – we always need motivation and support from them. Their support gives us a new kind of energy and confidence to get going.
  • More Attention: We need attention from parents all the time. We just need our mother when we are upset, happy, annoyed or irritated. A good mother always gives her children the first priority and attention.
  • Have patience: It takes time for children to learn something new so it’s always good that our parents are calm and composed while dealing with us. A good mother always listens and understands her child with patience and smile on face.
  • Share experiences: We love to know about life experiences of parents. Parents should share with us interesting experiences and adventures of their life. Talk to us about anything but just talk to us is what we want. A good mother shares her experiences with her children.
  • Guide Us: A good mother teaches moral values and leads us to the right path in life. We always need our mother to help and guide us in everything we do. She forgives us for the mistakes and blunders we make in life and guide us in the right direction.
  • Be a Friend: A good mother spends more time with her child and participates in fun activities with them. She plays games, shares stories, plans picnics, indulges in hobbies and a lot more. We love and enjoy spending time with our parents. Good mothers treat their kids like friends and make their children feel comfortable.

Mothers are always very special and have the first place in our hearts. We want them in every aspect of our life. We want them to encourage, support and motivate us in whatever we do in life. We feel more protected and safe with a mother’s love and support in life. Mothers always mean the world to us.

Essay on Importance of Good Mother – Essay 4 (500 words)

The role of a mother is the most beautiful privilege assigned to women. Mothers play the most influential role in the life of a child. They shape the character, qualities and personality of the child. The overall child’s growth and development is influenced by a mother. Mother’s life revolves around the child’s life and every need of the child is met by a mother. Children are always dependent on mother for their needs. She teaches us how to walk, speak, read, learn, and write and so on. There is a never ending list of what a mother does for the child.

Importance of a Good Mother

  • Unconditional Love: Mother shares the closest bond with us from the day we are born. The connection and the bond that we feel with a mother have a deep impact on our lives. Her love is unconditional and `even when there are disagreements, she never stops loving and praying for us.
  • Timeless Teacher: Mothers are the first and foremost teachers in our life. They are the most influential mentors in our life. They bestow to us enduring wisdom, the legacy so valuable and priceless. They play the most vital role in our overall growth and development. They always guide us to the right path in life. They instruct, support and encourage us to achieve what we want in life. Mother fosters our understanding and intelligence to the full potential.
  • She is the Giver: We are all dependent on mother for our needs whether it is to tie our ponytails or to serve us food. She is always concerned about our needs more than her own. She does so much for us but never complains a bit or expects anything. She keeps smiling in spite of the pressure of responsibilities of the whole family on her.
  • Family Bond: A mother always teaches us the importance of family. She is the one who holds everyone in the family together. She teaches us to respect the elders and care for the younger ones in the family.
  • Hard Work: Mother inspires us to work hard in life. We see her working for the whole day without complaining. It is the endless love for the family that gives her the pleasure and satisfaction at the end of the day.
  • Keep us Safe: Our safety is the first priority in her life. Mother sets the limits for us to keep us safe. She protects us from any kind of harm and constantly makes efforts for our well-being.
  • She is Always there: Mothers are always there for their children in every situation of life. No matter how wrong or right we are our mothers will always be there for us and guide us to the right path.

We should all love and respect our mothers for everything that she does and sacrifices for us. We should try to never hurt her or let her down in life. We should never forget how dependent we have always been on her. She is the one who loves and nurtures us throughout life with all her heart.

Long Essay on Good Mother – Essay 5 (600 words)

Mothers play an influential role in the life of their child that has a lifelong impact on the child’s values, beliefs and behaviour in life. A mother loves and cares for her children unconditionally. Since mother is the closest and most important person in the life of a child, she should set a good and positive example in front of her child.

A Good Mother has following Characteristics:

  • Love and Affection: A good mother loves her child the most in life. Mothers love and affection could not be matched with any other love in the world. The comfort we get in her arms or with her tender caressing cannot be matched by any other comfort. Her affection is enough for the child to feel loved, protected and safe.
  • Have Patience: Children are always demanding and fussy. It’s likely for a mother to get annoyed easily but a good mother keeps her cool and has patience with them. She treats her children with love, care and affection. She always keeps calm and has gentle attitude to mellow them down.
  • Support her Child: A child needs his mother’s support for almost everything. A good mother will always be there to offer all the help, love and support to her child. Of course, parents support their children financially as much as they can but there are other needs that should not be neglected. A good mother will always be there to provide emotional support to the child like caressing her child to sleep, a kiss on an injury or a hug while crying and small love gestures that make her child feel good.
  • Help to Socialize: Some children have less developed social skills and ability. They have difficulty communicating and mixing with other children. A good mother always reaches out for help and seeks appropriate playmates for the child. She can arrange a party at home for the children or structure fun activities for them where children enjoy playing and feel comfortable.
  • Take Responsibility: Motherhood is a full time responsibility. A good mother celebrates motherhood with pride. She happily takes the responsibility of a child and never complaints about it. She cares and encourages the child all the time. She is always approachable when her child needs her.
  • Never Neglects them: When a mother doesn’t pay attention that the child seeks and their emotional needs are not met they tend to show discontent through their behavior and attitude. It is hard for children to accept the feeling of being ignored. They start behaving in an aggressive manner. A good mother always values them and appreciates them for their efforts, applauses them for even their smallest achievements and lets them know how special and important they are.
  • Understand the Child: A good mother spends more time with her child and understands him/her well. She takes interest in her child’s interest and encourages him/her to try new things. She knows their strengths and weaknesses and helps them overcome their weaknesses and develop their skills.
  • Get Involved: A good mother thinks of new and innovative ideas to channelize her child’s energy and participates whole-heartedly in their activities. She steps out for the outdoor games with children or takes them to the parks for playtime. She plans and challenges them with activities that best suit their potential.
  • Good Food: Children are most of the time fussy eaters. A good mother always prepares new, healthy and tasty meals for her children and serves them with love.

The privilege of being a mother is only bestowed to women. A good mother is whole-heartedly active for the child all the time. There is no love in this world so pure, devoted, selfless, strong and lasting than mother’s love. Mother is Godly figure for children. Children look up to their mothers for everything.

The role of mother is most important to shape the child’s behaviour and code of conduct. A good mother teaches her children to deal with various situations in life. She sets a good example in front of her children by acting in the most positive and responsible manner.

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Pamela Paul

Watch Out for the Better Mother

between two small white mugs that say world’s best mom is a much taller one that says world’s number on best most amazing mom.

By Pamela Paul

Opinion Columnist

Sometimes, particularly in a public parenting setting, I will play the Better Mother. This is the mother who stands attentively outside a music audition, serenely listening to the notes emanating from within. She realizes the parent next to her said “Haydn,” not “Biden.” When her child emerges, the Better Mother isn’t sprawled on the floor playing Spelling Bee but instead greets him with encouraging commentary on the second movement. Also, she has brought a snack.

The Better Mother understands the lacrosse match (game?), cheering at appropriate moments in ways that hearten rather than humiliate. She knows the coach and chats amiably with team parents about various maneuverings on the field, nimbly expanding the conversation to school committees and after-school events. She did not bring a book.

The Better Mother ensures her kids have dress shoes that aren’t two sizes too small. She bakes. She reads official emails from school and camp from beginning to end. She knows which teachers your kids are supposed to get and whom to email if they aren’t gotten. She always brings a water bottle.

She is not the mother who didn’t know there was a school concert and has to sneak in as the lights go down. She knows which side of the field her child is playing on and possibly which position. She never texts at a stoplight with her child in the car.

She is empathic but not overbearing, affectionate but not treacly, wise but not smug, concerned but not anxious. She is the mother who knows danger but never checks in on a child for the wrong reason.

The Better Mother is, by definition, a better mother than I am.

She can be a total stranger spotted at the museum or a familiar face at a birthday party. Either way, she is a natural star in the play for which you haven’t quite memorized your lines.

Most mothers — and fathers — probably have a personal vision of their own competition, depending on one’s skill set or lack thereof. For me, it depends on the context, my mood, the child in question and the spectrum of parental figures in the vicinity, even sometimes on which TV show I last watched or what book I’m reading.

For a period, I decided that a better mother than I was Mary-Kay Wilmers , a former editor of The London Review of Books, a woman I’ve never met but read about in “ Love, Nina ,” a memoir by Nina Stibbe, who served as a nanny to Wilmers’s two precocious sons. Wilmers surrounded her children with clever British eminences like the playwright and novelist Alan Bennett and the biographer Claire Tomalin, as well as the critic John Lahr. Raised among brilliance, her boys became sharp wits themselves, biting and slightly wicked in their humor.

As I didn’t have any storied literary figures lighting up my dinner table, I simply let loose all my own most caustic comments, the kinds of uncharitable thoughts you usually reserve for like-minded adults. Alas, without elegant British companions, I was merely encouraging a rude sarcasm. My error was highlighted in the presence of another Better Mother, my friend Robin, whose children looked strangers in the eye upon meeting, shook hands firmly and managed civilized niceties.

No one is suggesting you have to be the Better Mother — merely that you can play her in public at your discretion. When you’re surrounded by a bunch of slacker parents or all-out bad moms or you’ve had a busy week and need an extra boost, you can simply slip on the role, ideally in public, for a Sunday afternoon. Yes, I am saying you can fake it.

Mother’s Day brings forth the Better Mothers in droves, when they accept all due adulation. On such occasions, regardless of what kind of mother you are in reality, you can damn well play the part.

And who’s going to be the wiser? The ones we think of as Better Mothers could be big fakers themselves, women who shove unevenly microwaved Trader Joe’s items before their kids for dinner and call it a night. They could be the ones who post about their teenagers on TikTok or slap their toddlers in Target when an iPhone camera isn’t in the vicinity.

Or they could just be like most parents, occasionally too tired to read aloud, not hugely interested in seventh-grade algebra or simply not in the mood to play.

It is possible the Better Mothers are no better than the rest of us. Only our children know the truth.

Source photograph by Red Sky/Getty Images.

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An earlier version of this article misstated the nationality of John Lahr. He is American, not British.

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Pamela Paul is an Opinion columnist at The Times, writing about culture, politics, ideas and the way we live now.

Paragraph Buzz

  • Essay on My Mother: 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words Essays

There is no doubt that the mother is the most important person in our life. Here are a few short and long essays on my mother. These are for almost every class. These essays are very easy to learn. You can find the suitable one for you.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Mother: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 1, 2, 3

My mother’s name is Rokeya Khatun and she is a housewife. She is 40 years old. As a housewife, she stays almost every time in the house. She is the best mother in the world. I love her very much. She worked as a school teacher but because of taking care of me and other siblings, she has left the job.

We respect her dedication to us and for the family. She is the best cook. She can cook really amazing and tasty foods. Even my neighbors are also really loved eating her cooked food. Lots of my friends come to my house to eat her cooked food. My mother loves them as she does me.

She is a woman with a broad mind. She is talented and wise. She is always busy with making our future bright. She does her best to try to make us happy. I love my mom very much; I know we can’t repay what she is doing for us. I think she is the best mother to exist in this world.

My Mother: Essay (300 Words) for Class 4, 5

Introduction: The most important person for someone in life is his mother. We have seen this world and born because of our mother. So it is really important to know more about mother and love them. Mothers are really amazing, they are selfless.

They never think about themselves. They are thinking about their kids only. They try to do the best for their kids. My mom is also not different from others. She loves me a lot and today I will tell you about my mother.  

My Mother: My mother name is Sahana Ahmed. She is a doctor. She works in the nearest government hospital. As a doctor, she has a busy working life, but after all of these, she takes care of me a lot. She is forty years old, but she looks younger than her age.

She is a kind woman and she helps people a lot. She keeps good relations with all of our relatives and neighbors . She knows how to behave very well with everyone. She can cook really well. I love to eat her cooking. In her leisure time, she cooks for the whole family.  

Importance of Mother in Life: It is not possible to explain properly how important it is to have a mother. In our life, we need the love of a mother to understand everything. Mother is our first teacher, who teaches us to speak, walk. She sacrifices so much in her life to make our life better. There are no selfless people in this world as like mother. They never think about themselves, they only care about their kids.  

Conclusion: I love my mother very much. I think she is the most amazing mother in the world. I wish a long life for her because I want to stay with her forever.    

My Mother: Essay (400 Words) for Class 6, 7

Introduction: Mother is the most important person in the world for everyone. She loves her kids more than anyone. We all should love and respect our mother. They do so many things for us. Giving birth is the hardest thing in this world. They tolerate this pain just because of their kids. They forget every pain when they see our face. Mothers are the best gift for God. We should take care of our mother properly.  

My Mother: My mother name is Rekha Sen. She is forty years old and a housewife. I think she is the most beautiful woman in this world. I love her very much. My mom is really hardworking; she does almost every work in the home. She gets up early in the morning and goes to bed late.

All-day long, she works for the family . I am my sister sometimes help her, but most of the work she does alone. She is a great cook; she can cook really tasty food. There are a few friends of mine, who are a fan of my mother cooking.  

What She Does for Family: My mom is doing her best for the family. She has sacrificed so much for our family. My father is a school teacher and he stays in school most of his time. But the mother has to control the family, that’s why she has to work always.

She tolerates so much in her life because of our better future. She always wants the best for us. Even she washes our clothes, cleans our rooms, and does so many things.  

My Mother as a Teacher: I think my mom is the best teacher in my life. She has taught me so many important and realistic lessons that help me to live a better life. When I was a kid, she used to teach me the letters. She taught me almost everything.

Still, now she helps me a lot to do my homework. I think she is the first teacher in my life and her teaching has taught so many important things.  

Conclusion : Mothers are the most important person in the world. We need to take care of our mothers. I love my mom a lot. Everyone should love their mother because the mother loves us most. There is none in this world who can love us more than our mother.  

My Mother: Essay (500 Words) for Class 8

Essay on My Mother - 500 Words

Introduction: Every mother loves her child more than anything in the world. We all have mothers and we should love and respect our mothers. Today I am going to share lots of things about my mother. A mother raises her kid with her best effort financially, physically and emotionally.

Sometimes they do extra work to make our life better, but they never feel bad for this. Mothers are selfless and non-complaint, they never complain about their life. It’s the most important thing about a mother. They know how to take responsibilities and fulfill them. Mother is the person; because of her, we are seeing this world. We shouldn’t ever let them down. We should love and respect them.  

Bonding of Mother and Child: Bonding between a mother and a child is really amazing. Mothers are the most important thing for every child and kids are the first priority for mothers. This relation is the purest relation in the world.

The mother does everything for her kids without any expectations. They just want a better life for her kids. So bonding between mother and child is strong and any force can’t break this bonding.  

My Mother: My mother’s name is Ruksana Ahmed, and she is a housewife. She is forty years old. She plays the most important role in our family . Her day starts very early in the morning; she wakes up and cooks food for all of us. Then she cleans the entire house and takes us to school.

After coming back from school, cook food again, and feed us. I think she is the best cook ever. She makes really delicious food. My mother is my biggest supporter. Whatever I do, she inspires and stands behind me as a guide. In my last science project, she helped me most and I came first in the competition. When I get succeed anything, she is the happiest person in that time.  

How Much She Loves Me: There is no limitation or I can’t measure the love of her for me. I know she loves me most and I also love her really too much. Home is called ‘HOME’ because of her only. She is my best friend and guide. She teaches me how to survive in the world.

She is the one who never gets tired loving us more and more. Love of a mother is different, unique and it’s not possible to replace by any other person. We won’t find any love in the entire world that can be compared with the love of a mother.  

Mother as a Guide: She has a crucial role in my life as a guide. Whatever I do, she guides me on the right path. Sometimes, we make mistakes and they show us the right thing as guardian. She is the one who brings us on light and removes all darkness from life.  

Conclusion I love my mom so much. I think she is the best person in the world. She is my life; I wish her a long life with us. People who don’t have someone to call ‘mother’, they understand the value and importance of a mother. So we just need to appreciate her presence in our life.  

My Mother: Essay (600 Words) for Class 9, 10

Essay on My Mother - 600 Words

Introduction: Every mother in this world is really amazing for their kids. Today I am going to share something about my own mother. I think everyone should love and respect their mother because she is the one who gave us birth and let us see this beautiful world. She has tolerated so many pain and problems because of raising us in a good way.  

My Mother: My mother name is Sunita Sharma. I think she is the most significant person in the world. She is the strongest woman I have seen ever. She has faced so many problems and obstacle in life and solved everyone wisely. She is a housewife and forty years old.

She is really hardworking and her hardworking nature had made our life really better and comfortable. She gives her best effort to make the family better. She is the first riser in the family in the early morning. Including cooking and washing clothes, she does almost every household works alone.

Because of her dedication and sacrifice, we as a family are really happy. My father doesn’t need to take so much pressure about housekeeping. She is the one who handles almost everything. She takes us into social functions like marriage, birthday parties.

She is a friendly character. She has so many friends and they often visit our home. We also go to their place sometimes. She is keeping a really good relationship with neighbours   and our relatives. The most important thing about her is, she is never-complaint.

She doesn’t regret and complain about her life. She is busy with us, making our life better. I think anybody can’t be so much selfless for you except a mother. Mother is the most important person right after God, that’s why I respect and love my mom most.  

Mother as a Teacher: Mothers are always the first teacher of everyone life. In my life, she was the first one who taught me speaking, walking and knowing the letters. I can’t remember the days but can realize that she is an incredible woman. She taught me the first poem in my life. Still, now she is an amazing teacher in my life. She always assists me to do my homework. And sometimes she helps me with my projects.  

Importance of Mother in Life: We have nothing in our life except our mom when we are an infant or little kids. In that time we need mother most. They play an important role in our life to grow up as a proper human. They teach us as our first teacher in life. They show us how to walk, speak, eat and everything. It’s the best place to get rest.  

Qualities of a Mother: There are so many qualities in a good mother. I think every mother is a good mother. Let’s see some qualities of a good mother.

Selfless – Selflessness is the biggest quality in a mother. They never think about their own.  They sacrifice so much for their kids.  

Hard Working – They are hard working. They work really hard for the family. They work to make our future better.  

Caring – All mothers are caring. They love to take care of us and the whole family. They set a bonding with us.

Loving – They love us so much. There is no love that could be comparable with the love of a mother.

Conclusion : Ultimately she is the person who is most important in my life. I love her so much and respect her. I wish to stay with her forever in my life. She is really amazing.

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good mother essay

good mother essay

This Mother's Day, share a heartfelt message with these 30 quotes about mothers

good mother essay

Celebrating mothers and motherhood has been a tradition for centuries, even before Mother's Day was officially created. It dates back to  the ancient Greeks and Romans who held festivals for Rhea and Cybele, the mother goddesses, the History Channel reports. Today, the holiday continues to honor mothers and mother figures.

While you might think that you show your mother love for everything she does throughout the year, the second Sunday in May serves as another chance to do so. And how you display your gratitude could vary depending on your love language .

If you're a fan of words of affirmation, here are some quotes to share – or write on a card – this Mother's Day.

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Mother's Day, motherhood quotes

  • "I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know." – Mitch Albom , "For One More Day"
  • "Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love." – Stevie Wonder
  • "A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend." – Amit Kalantri , "Wealth of Words"
  • "Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved." – Erich Fromm
  • "Mother is a verb. It's something you do. Not just who you are." – Cheryl Lacey Donovan , "The Ministry of Motherhood"
  • "Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me." – Lady Gaga
  • "A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking." – Helen Rice
  • "A mother's love is more beautiful than any fresh flower." – Debasish Mridha
  • "When your mother asks, 'Do you want a piece of advice?' it's a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway." – Erma Bombeck
  • "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." – President Abraham Lincoln
  • "I wondered if my smile was as big as hers. Maybe as big. But not as beautiful." – Benjamin Alire Sáenz , "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe"
  • "Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws." – Barbara Kingsolver , "Homeland and Other Stories"
  • "A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." – Gaspard Mermillod
  • "I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood." –   Lance Conrad , "The Price of Creation"
  • "To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow." – Maya Angelou
  • "A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's." – Princess Diana
  • "My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind." – Michael Jordan
  • "There's no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one." – Jill Churchill
  • "Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation." – Robert A. Heinlein , "Have Space Suit—Will Travel"
  • "Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There's no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving." – Gail Tsukiyama , "Dreaming Water"
  • "When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. You are connected to your child and to all those who touch your lives. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child." – Sophia Loren
  • "Once you’re a mom, you’re always a mom. It’s like riding a bike, you never forget." – Taraji P. Henson
  • "The world, we'd discovered, doesn't love you like your family loves you." – Louis Zamperini
  • "The woman who is my best friend, my teacher, my everything: Mom." – Sandra Vischer , "Unliving the Dream"
  • "Mothers possess a power beyond that of a king on his throne." – Mabel Hale
  • "The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation." – James E. Faust
  • "But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begins." – Mitch Albom , "For One More Day"
  • "My mother sacrificed her dreams so I could dream." – Rupi Kaur
  • "Mother's arms are made of tenderness, and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies within." – Victor Hugo
  • "No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love." – Edwin Hubbel Chapin

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