9705 D&T coursework examples

Topic outline.

A range of coursework submissions (for both components) for this Syllabus have been included here along with a breakdown of the marks awarded, and a moderator commentary explaining how the marks were decided. You should always refer to the syllabus for specific details about the requirements for and assessment of coursework. Additionally, the Cambridge Handbook sets out the process and requirements for submitting coursework for moderation by Cambridge International.

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GCSE Design and Technology

  • Specification
  • Planning resources
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  • Assessment resources
  • Introduction
  • Specification at a glance
  • 3.1 Core technical principles
  • 3.2 Specialist technical principles
  • 3.3 Designing and making principles
  • Scheme of assessment

Non-exam assessment administration

  • General administration
  • Appendix 1: Links to maths and science

 Non-exam assessment administration

The non-exam assessment (NEA) for this specification is made up of a single design and make task .

Visit aqa.org.uk/8552 for detailed information about all aspects of NEA administration.

The head of the school or college is responsible for making sure that NEA is conducted in line with our instructions and Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) instructions.

Supervising and authenticating

To meet Ofqual’s qualification and subject criteria:

  • students must sign the Candidate record form (CRF) to confirm that the work submitted is their own
  • all teachers who have marked a student’s work must sign the declaration of authentication on the CRF (this is to confirm that the work is solely that of the student concerned and was conducted under the conditions laid down by this specification)
  • teachers must ensure that a CRF is attached to each student’s work.

All practical work that is submitted for assessment must be completed under direct supervision. If a student needs to undertake some work that cannot be completed in school/college no credit can be given for the work undertaken off site. You must ensure that you are familiar with the prototype before it is taken off site and also verify it after any off site work has been completed to ensure that the only work that has been completed off site is what has been discussed beforehand.

Students must have sufficient direct supervision for the written element to ensure that the work submitted can be confidently authenticated as their own. If a student receives additional assistance and this is acceptable within the guidelines for this specification, you should award a mark that represents the student’s unaided achievement. Please make a note of the support the student received on the CRF and sign the authentication statement. If the statement is not signed, we cannot accept the student’s work for assessment.

Avoiding malpractice

Please inform your students of the AQA regulations concerning malpractice. They must not:

  • submit work that is not their own
  • lend work to other students
  • allow other students access to, or use of, their own independently sourced source material (they may lend their books to another student, but they must not plagiarise other students’ research)
  • include work copied directly from books, the internet or other sources without acknowledgement
  • submit work that is word-processed by a third person without acknowledgement
  • include inappropriate, offensive or obscene material.

These actions constitute malpractice and a penalty will be given (for example, disqualification).

If you identify malpractice before the student signs the declaration of authentication, you don’t need to report it to us. Please deal with it in accordance with your school or college’s internal procedures. We expect schools and colleges to treat such cases very seriously.

If you identify malpractice after the student has signed the declaration of authentication, the head of your school or college must submit full details of the case to us at the earliest opportunity. Please complete the form JCQ/M1, available from the JCQ website at jcq.org.uk

You must record details of any work which is not the student’s own on the CRF or another appropriate place.

Consult your exams officer about these procedures.

Teacher standardisation

We'll provide support for using the marking criteria and developing appropriate tasks through teacher standardisation.

Example material and guidance will be available at teacher standardisation to help schools and colleges understand the quality of the work associated with the different mark bands and how to apply the assessment criteria.

For further information about teacher standardisation visit our website at aqa.org.uk/8552

In the following situations teacher standardisation is essential. We will send you an invitation to complete teacher standardisation if:

  • moderation from the previous year indicates a serious misinterpretation of the requirements
  • a significant adjustment was made to the marks in the previous year
  • your school or college is new to this specification.

Your school or college will be assigned an NEA appointed adviser who will be able to assist you in matters relating to the NEA.

For further support and advice email your subject team at [email protected]

Internal standardisation

You must ensure that you have consistent marking standards for all students. One person must manage this process and they must sign the Centre declaration sheet to confirm that internal standardisation has taken place.

Internal standardisation may involve:

  • all teachers marking sample pieces of work to identify differences in marking standards
  • discussing any differences in marking at a training meeting for all teachers involved
  • referring to reference and archive material such as previous work or examples from our teacher standardisation.

To meet Ofqual’s qualification and subject criteria, you must show clearly how marks have been awarded against the marking criteria in this specification.

Your comments will help the moderator see, as precisely as possible, where you think the students have met the marking criteria.

You must record your comments on the CRF.

Submitting marks

You must check that the correct marks are written on the CRF and that the total is correct.

The deadline for submitting the total mark for each student is given at aqa.org.uk/keydates

Factors affecting individual students

For advice and guidance about arrangements for any of your students, please email us as early as possible at [email protected]

Occasional absence: you should be able to accept the occasional absence of students by making sure they have the chance to make up what they have missed. You may organise an alternative supervised session for students who were absent at the time you originally arranged.

Lost work: if work is lost you must tell us how and when it was lost and who was responsible, using our special consideration online service at aqa.org.uk/eaqa

Extra help: where students need extra help which goes beyond normal learning support, please use the CRF to tell us so that this help can be taken into account during moderation.

  • If it happens early in the course, the new school or college should be responsible for the work.
  • If it happens late in the course, it may be possible to arrange for the moderator to assess the work as a student who was ‘educated elsewhere’.

Keeping students' work

Students’ work must be kept under secure conditions from the time that it is marked, with CRFs attached. After the moderation period and the deadline for Enquiries about Results (or once any enquiry is resolved) you may return the work to students.

You must send all your students’ marks to us by the date given at aqa.org.uk/deadlines . You will be asked to send a sample of your students’ NEA evidence to your moderator.

You must show clearly how marks have been awarded against the assessment criteria in this specification. Your comments must help the moderator see, as precisely as possible, where you think the students have met the assessment criteria. You must:

  • record your comments on the Candidate Record Form (CRF)
  • check that the correct marks are written on the CRF and that the total is correct.

The moderator re-marks a sample of the evidence and compares this with the marks you have provided to check whether any changes are needed to bring the marking in line with our agreed standards. Any changes to marks will normally keep your rank order but, where major inconsistencies are found, we reserve the right to change the rank order.

School and college consortia

If you're in a consortium of schools or colleges with joint teaching arrangements (where students from different schools and colleges have been taught together but entered through the school or college at which they are on roll), you must let us know by:

  • filling in the Application for Centre Consortium Arrangements for centre-assessed work , which is available from the JCQ website jcq.org.uk
  • appointing a consortium coordinator who can speak to us on behalf of all schools and colleges in the consortium. If there are different coordinators for different specifications, a copy of the form must be sent in for each specification.

We'll allocate the same moderator to all schools and colleges in the consortium and treat the students as a single group for moderation.

After moderation

We will return your students' work to you after the exams. You'll also receive a report when the results are issued, which will give feedback on the appropriateness of the tasks set, interpretation of the marking criteria and how students performed in general.

We'll give you the final marks when the results are issued.

To meet Ofqual requirements, as well as for awarding, archiving or standardising purposes, we may need to keep some of your students' work. We'll let you know if we need to do this.


Contextual Challenge

Learning objectives.

  • Describe and demonstrate how to explore a design context using a context map.
  • Know and practise how to write a challenging and relevant design brief.
  • a. Identify and use a range of techniques for generating design ideas.
  • Know how to evaluate a design proposal.

Lesson Description

This Design & Technology (D&T) resource has been produced to give students the opportunity to practice a contextual challenge task ahead of their GCSE NEA in a real-life and exciting context of the British America’s Cup team. It has been designed to lead students through a single cycle of the iterative design process. The D&T contextual challenges cover three sections: Explore, Create and Evaluate. All activities and timings are suggested; the resource can be used flexibly by you in class, as a project or in an after-school club.

nea d&t coursework examples

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nea d&t coursework examples

This film introduces the iterative design process, using the real-life example of the British America’s cup steering wheel for the 35th America’s Cup. It explains how you go through the explore, create and evaluate cycle before starting all over again to refine designs and make them fit for purpose.

D&T Contextual Challenge Presentation


EXPLORE: THE TEAM ENGLAND Content of Principles – OCR. 1. Identifying requirements. 1.1 How can exploring the context a design solution is intended for inform decisions and outcomes?

NEA Content – OCR 1. Identify requirements. a. Understand that all design and technological practice takes place within contexts that inform outcomes, learners should be able to identify and prioritise problems and opportunities .that are relevant to their chosen context. These issues should be reflected on throughout their project.

EXPLORE: THE ITERATIVE DESIGN PROCESS Content of Principles – OCR 7. Manufacturing processes and techniques. 7.1 How can materials and processes be used to make iterative models?

NEA Content – OCR 2d. Non-exam assessment content- Iterative Design Challenge. Explore (AO1), Create (AO2), Evaluate (AO3). (Note: these principles underpin the whole resource).

EXPLORE: THE DESIGN CONTEXT Content of Principles – OCR 1. Identifying requirements. 1.1 How can exploring the context a design solution is intended for inform decisions and outcomes? 1.2 Why is usability important when designing prototypes? 3. Implications of wider issues. 3.1 What are the impacts of new and emerging technologies when developing design solutions? 3.2 How do designers choose appropriate sources of energy to make products and power systems? 3.3 What wider implications can have an influence on the processes of designing and making?

NEA Content – OCR 3. Implications of wider issues. a. Investigate factors, such as environmental, social and economic challenges, in order to identify opportunities and constraints that might influence the process of iterative designing and making, such as taking into consideration the ecological and social footprint of materials.

EXPLORE: YOUR DESIGN BRIEF Content of Principles – OCR 1 Identifying requirements. 1.1 How can exploring the context a design solution is intended for inform decisions and outcomes? NEA Content – OCR 1 Identify requirements. b. Be able to write a design brief in response to a contextual challenge that considers stakeholders to identify and understand the requirements for designing through collecting, analysing ad presenting their findings from primary and secondary data. 4. Design thinking and communication. a. Demonstrate an ability to formulate appropriate technical and non-technical specifications reflecting on their own investigations and considering stakeholder requirements. b. Be able to use different design strategies and approaches such as collaboration, user-centred design and systems thinking when generating and developing innovative design ideas that avoid design fixation.

CREATE: COLLABORATIVE IDEAS Content of Principles – OCR 4. Design thinking and communication. 4.2 How do designers source information and thinking when problem solving? NEA Content – OCR 4. Design thinking and communication. b. Be able to use different design strategies and approaches such as collaboration, user-centred design and systems thinking when generating and developing innovative design ideas that avoid design fixation.

CREATE: DEVELOPING IDEAS Content of Principles – OCR 4. Design thinking and communication. 4.2 How do designers source information and thinking when problem solving? NEA Content – OCR 4. Design thinking and communication. d. Apply techniques in order to communicate and record design ideas suitable to the stage of development in order to justify their own thinking and present their thinking and intentions to a third party…

CREATE: SKETCH MODELLING/PROTOTYPING Content of Principles – OCR 4. Design thinking and communication. 4.1 How can design solutions be communicated to demonstrate their suitability to a third party? 4.2 How do designers source information and thinking when problem solving?

NEA Content – OCR 4. Design thinking and communication d. as above plus;

Informal 2D and 3D sketching and modelling to communicate initial ideas. System and schematic diagrams, annotated sketches, exploded diagrams, models and written notes, to communicate development iterations. Audio and visual recordings to share thinking, explorations and the functionality of ideas. Formal 2D and 3D working drawings to outline specification requirements; 3D illustrations, mathematical modelling and computer based tools to present final solutions; schedules and Flow charts to deliver planning. Presentations and real-time evidence to communicate throughout project.

EVALUATE: PRESENTING YOUR DESIGN Content of Principles – OCR 8. Viability of design solutions. 8.1 How can cost and availability of specific and/or system components affect their selection when designing?

NEA Content – OCR 8. Viability of design solutions a. Be able to test, critically analyse and evaluate their design solutions against the identified stakeholder requirements, design opportunities and constraints in order to refine and improve future iterations. b. Be able to make informed and reasoned decisions throughout the iterative design process, responding to feedback as appropriate to identify the potential next-steps of further development. c. Be able to respond to feedback given by others about their prototypes in order to identify the potential for further development and suggest how modifications could be made through design optimisation.

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Gcse d&t 1-9 nea coursework student work booklet.

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  • Item Details

A complete coursework template for the GCSE D&T 1-9. The document contains templates for all sections of the non examined assessment, complete with some example pages and a student guidance booklet to be used by students alongside the template document, to check off pages as and when completed. Written using the OCR specification as guidance, although can be used for all exam boards assessing D&T non examined assessment through grades 1-9. Can be used for RM, Product Design or Textiles specialisms.

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DT Teacher- Support for GCSE & A Level NEA Students

Gcse nea support resources.

The following resources are designed to support you with completing your GCSE NEA project. Please select the relevant resource and follow the guidance.

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A Level NEA Support Resources

The following resources are designed to support you with completing your A Level NEA project. Please select the relevant resource and follow the guidance.

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Gcse design and technology (9-1) - j310.

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Full assessment teaching materials, including secure assessment materials, are now only available on Teach Cambridge. Examples are shown below.

Question papers, mark schemes and reports

2023 - june series.

  • Question paper - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Principles of design and technology insert J310/01 - PDF 8MB
  • Mark scheme - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 626KB
  • Examiners' report - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Moderators' report - Iterative design challenge J310/02/03 - PDF 506KB
  • Modified papers J310 - ZIP 40MB

2022 - June series

  • Question paper - Principles of design and technology insert J310/01 - PDF 4MB
  • Mark scheme - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 490KB
  • Moderators' report - Iterative design challenge J310/02/03 - PDF 430KB
  • Modified papers J310 - ZIP 13MB

2021 - November series

  • Question paper - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - Principles of design and technology insert J310/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Mark scheme - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 509KB
  • Modified papers J310/01 - ZIP 26MB

2020 - November series

  • Mark scheme - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 440KB
  • Modified papers J310/01 - ZIP 9MB

2019 - June series

  • Question paper - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Insert - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 4MB
  • Mark scheme - Principles of design and technology J310/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Moderators' report - Iterative design challenge J310/02/03 - PDF 356KB
  • Modified papers J310 - ZIP 39MB

Sample assessment materials

Marking instructions are included at the beginning of specimen assessment material mark schemes and were accurate at the time of publication. Marking instructions may be revised in live papers as appropriate during the lifetime of the qualification.

We're currently revising our SAMs to update third-party copyright agreements. For question examples see our question papers, marks schemes and reports.

  • Iterative design challenge J310/02/03 - Sample non-examined assessment (NEA) task. PDF 771KB
  • Principles of design and technology J310/01 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 620KB
  • Principles of design and technology insert J310/01 - PDF 1MB

Practice papers and mark schemes

  • J310/01 practice papers J310/01 - interchange login required

Non-exam assessment (NEA)

  • Student guide – Getting ready to start your NEA - Video J310/02/03 - This video gives an overview of the structure and process for the NEA, showing an example NEA folder.
  • Student guide – The 2021 contextual challenges - Video J310/02/03 - This video gives an overview of the 2021 contextual challenges for the NEA.

NEA support for teachers

For free online courses to support marking and moderation sign into My Cambridge and click OCR Train. If you need a login, ask your exams officer.

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GCSE DT NEA AQA Guide to Section D – Developing Design Ideas - NEW & IMPROVED!

GCSE DT NEA AQA Guide to Section D – Developing Design Ideas - NEW & IMPROVED!

Subject: Design, engineering and technology

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Visual aid/Display

Creative Classroom Resources

Last updated

18 June 2024

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nea d&t coursework examples

Section D - A Teacher’s/student’s guide to the NEW DT GCSE AQA NEA themes for 2019-2020. STUNNING PRESENTATION AND DRAWINGS Resources includes: 60+ Slides Includes Examiners 2018 report break down Section D Introduction Student help and Prompt cards for Section D 6 Development STARTERS Developing ideas Foam modeling CArd Board Modeling Mathematical Modeling Manufacturing Specification Time Plan and Gantt Charts Cutting lists Parts Lists Orthographic Drawing CAD modeling Material Justifications Section D Summary

ALSO: Teacher Tips Student Prompt Cards Marking Ladders Copyright proof material Differentiated Tasks Stunning Presentation Easy to follow Student Examples Objectives Starters Plenaries Exam/student Speak

Duration: 5 Topic Inputs: 5-6 lessons WARNING This selection of PowerPoints are for Teacher guidance and student prompting only. DO NOT use these resources as direct template for students. DO NOT use these resources as a ONE FITS ALL solution to the NEA. Please follow the NEA guidance from your exam board. Images provided by Google Images royalty free commercial use no licence ©Copyright Creative Classroom Resources 2019 Mark scheme acknowledgement DT GCSE AQA (information free to the public) Other Resources to come: Section C, D, E, F Have you looked at Section A? https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-dt-nea-aqa-guide-to-context-and-section-a-new-and-improved-12139213


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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

2024-2025 GCSE DT NEA AQA Guide Bundle: Sections A,B,C,D,E and F

A Teacher’s/student’s BUNDLE guide to the NEW DT GCSE AQA NEA themes for 2024-2025. Uploaded June 2024. Resources include: Section A - Investigating the design context (new contexts) Section B - Design Brief and specification Section C - Generating design ideas Section D - Developing design ideas Section E - Realising design ideas Section F - Analysing & Evaluating ALSO: Teacher Tips Student Prompt Cards Marking Ladders Copyright proof material Differentiated Tasks Stunning Presentation Easy to follow Student Examples Objectives Starters Plenaries Exam/student Speak Duration: 7 Topic Inputs: 9-11 lessons WARNING This material is for teachers only. Only to be used for the NEA teaching. Not to be shared publicly or with others unless a school license has been purchased. This information is not to be passed outside of your school or on the school website. When you release the NEA controlled assessment themes to your students is at your discretion. This information should not be shared across social media sites. This is in line with the JCQ secure materials guidance. This selection of PowerPoints are for Teacher guidance and student prompting only. DO NOT use these resources as direct template for students. DO NOT use these resources as a ONE FITS ALL solution to the NEA. Please follow the NEA guidance from your exam board. Images provided by Google Images royalty free commercial use no licence ©Copyright Creative Classroom Resources 2024-2025 Mark scheme acknowledgement DT GCSE AQA (information free to the public)

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  1. GCSE DT Coursework Exemplar

    nea d&t coursework examples

  2. GCSE DT Coursework Exemplar

    nea d&t coursework examples

  3. DT NEA Guide and Tracker (AQA GCSE)

    nea d&t coursework examples

  4. AQA GCSE Design And Technology NEA Coursework Grade 9 Example

    nea d&t coursework examples

  5. 2021 AQA DT GCSE NEA Guide to Section F

    nea d&t coursework examples

  6. 2021 AQA DT GCSE NEA Guide to Section C & D

    nea d&t coursework examples


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  1. 9705 D&T coursework examples

    Coursework Handbook - Example coursework. A range of coursework submissions (for both components) for this Syllabus have been included here along with a breakdown of the marks awarded, and a moderator commentary explaining how the marks were decided.

  2. YEAR 10 GCSE DT NEA Exemplar

    GCSE DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY (8552) NEA Example response 1 with commentary Contemporary Home. Version 1 May 2018. NEA EXAMPLE RESPONSE. ANALYSIS OF PROBLEM: SUMMARY: I need to research the Boarding House including customer, environment and requirements as my product will be place in the Boarding House.

  3. GCSE D&T NEA walkthrough sheet 3 Identifying and ...

    In this 3rd clip covering the GCSE D&T NEA coursework sheets I look at starting to focus on designs or features of designs that might meet the needs of the ...


    Download NEA Guide PDF File. GCSE Task Analysis. GCSE Research Plan. GCSE Product Analysis. GCSE Mood Board. GCSE Product Disassembly. GCSE Critical Dimensions. GCSE Client Profile. GCSE Client Interview. GCSE Research Analysis. GCSE Design Brief. GCSE Specification. GCSE Initial Ideas. GCSE Idea Development.

  5. A Level NEA

    Please watch the guidance video blow that briefly explains why each step of the NEA is required. This will help you to understand their purpose and how they influence the sequence of your project. Sections A&B (30 marks): Identify, investigate & outline design possibilities. Areas of interest. Situations. Problem areas.

  6. Design and Technology

    Non-exam assessment administration. The non-exam assessment (NEA) for this specification is made up of a single design and make task. Visit aqa.org.uk/8552 for detailed information about all aspects of NEA administration. The head of the school or college is responsible for making sure that NEA is conducted in line with our instructions and ...

  7. PDF Year 10/11 GCSE coursework pack

    Year 10/11 GCSE coursework pack Key tips Use the VLE. Exemplar folders and other useful resources are being put on there all the time (including this pack). It is under Design Technology - DT GCSE - Year 10 Resistant Materials - Enrolment key: material Email me your coursework pages or questions for advice on improving it or

  8. GCSE DT Coursework Exemplar

    Resource includes powerpoint of GCSE Design Technology Coursework NEA component.. Project received a grade 9/ A* for GCSE DT, with the NEA Coursework as a key component. This prompt was part of the 2019/2020 choice of NEA, which was 'Working towards a Sustainable Future'. This resource would be fantastic as an exemplar coursework for anyone studying/ teaching GCSE DT.

  9. GCSE D&T 1-9 NEA Coursework Student Work Booklet

    GCSE D&T 1-9 NEA Coursework Student Work Booklet. A complete coursework template for the GCSE D&T 1-9. The document contains templates for all sections of the non examined assessment, complete with some example pages and a student guidance booklet to be used by students alongside the template document, to check off pages as and when completed.

  10. GCSE D&T NEA walkthrough sheet 1 Initial Task Analysis

    This is a walkthrough of the GCSE D&T NEA coursework sheets that you need to produce. This Clip Features sheet 1 Initial Task Analysis. This looks at the ge...

  11. Contextual challenges

    Lesson Description. This Design & Technology (D&T) resource has been produced to give students the opportunity to practice a contextual challenge task ahead of their GCSE NEA in a real-life and exciting context of the British America's Cup team. It has been designed to lead students through a single cycle of the iterative design process.

  12. GCSE D&T NEA walkthrough sheet 2 Client Interview

    This is a look at the second sheet in your D&T Nea Coursework, in this clip I look at 3 examples from the exam board of client interviews and compare them to...

  13. GCSE NEA Introduction

    Once you have watched the introductory tutorial video you can see more examples of the mind map you need to create by clicking this link: ... Once you have completed choosing your NEA project and you have had it checked by your teacher you will need to continue with your project. Click this link to go to the support index page.

  14. GCSE D&T 1-9 NEA Coursework Student Work Booklet

    Support. A complete coursework template for the GCSE D&T 1-9. The document contains templates for all sections of the non examined assessment, complete with some example pages and a student guidance booklet to be used by students alongside the template document, to check off pages as and when completed. Written using the OCR specification as ...

  15. Exemplar D&T NEA Examples (Product Design/ Textiles/ Resistant

    pdf, 6.71 MB. pdf, 8.05 MB. Exemplar D&T NEA Examples (Product Design/ Mixed Materials) Both are fresh examples of the Iterative Design Process. Context 1: Design for Nature. Personal Brief: Create a range of products inspired by nature that are aimed to encourage users to think about nature and the affect their behaviour has on the environment.

  16. GCSE D&T NEA walkthrough development Gantt Chart

    This is a quick clip to with an explanation of how to create a Gantt chart to demonstrate planning for your GCSE D&T coursework. this Could be done before y...

  17. HOME

    A Level NEA Support Resources The following resources are designed to support you with completing your A Level NEA project. Please select the relevant resource and follow the guidance.

  18. GCSE

    For question examples see our question papers, marks schemes and reports. Iterative design challenge J310/02/03 - Sample non-examined assessment (NEA) task. PDF 771KB. Principles of design and technology J310/01 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 620KB.

  19. GCSE D&T NEA walkthrough

    This clip show how to complete another GCSE D&T and product design sheet. This one explains how to quickly create a coursework sheet that will add marks to ...

  20. GCSE D&T Pupil NEA guide 2019-2020

    pdf, 6.41 MB. Originally designed to support lower ability pupils in their production of the new D&T GCSE NEA (Edexcel Spec). This guide aim is to break the NEA down into easy chunks with visual examples and language that lower-ability and AEN pupils can more easily digest. Creative Commons "Sharealike". Jobs.

  21. GCSE DT NEA AQA Guide to Section D

    Section D Introduction Student help and Prompt cards for Section D 6 Development STARTERS Developing ideas Foam modeling CArd Board Modeling Mathematical Modeling Manufacturing Specification Time Plan and Gantt Charts Cutting lists Parts Lists Orthographic Drawing CAD modeling Material Justifications Section D Summary. ALSO: Teacher Tips ...