phd design schweiz

Apply now: Information event 18. Sep 2024

Phd programmes.

The FHNW Academy of Art and Design Basel offers the PhD programme MAKE/SENSE as well as two other doctoral programmes.

The Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW (HGK Basel) offers the PhD programme MAKE/SENSE , in partnership with the University of the Arts Linz and specifically supports PHDs in practice-based research.

PHD projects are supported by promoting young scientists as well as staff development.

PHD projects can be implemented within the framework of two models: " Fördermodell 1 " is a model for those interested from outside and " Fördermodell 2 " is a model for interested employees of the HGK Basel. Both models are regulated by an agreement between the HGK Basel and the PHD students.

The MAKE/SENSE PhD programme is offered in partnership with the University of the Arts Linz and is funded by swissuniversities.

PHDs in the field of practice-based research in art and design are supported. Currently, the projects focus on three future-oriented thematic fields: "Planetarity", "Materiality" and "Response-ability".

MAKE/SENSE is a "low-residency programme", residence in Basel is not required. There is no financial support for the PHD through the programme itself. However, the "Fördermodell 1" is open to PHD students. After admission to the MAKE/SENSE PhD programme, the PhD candidates are enrolled at the University of the Arts Linz, according to the admission procedure and the fee regulation of the University of the Arts Linz.

The study programme concentrates on four weeks/year (two in the spring semester and two in the autumn semester) and integrates project discussions, reading groups, workshops, and casual hangouts and events organised by the PhD candidates in collaboration with guests. The aim of the programme is to collectively explore the potentials of practice-based research in art and design for sociocultural, political and ecological transformations.

Interested persons can find further information on the MAKE/SENSE website; the current Calls for Applications are also published there.

If you have any questions about the application process, interested parties can contact the co-leads of the PhD Program MAKE/SENSE:

  • Johannes Bruder

In "Fördermodell 1", temporary new employments are made at HGK Basel to enable prospective students to pursue a PHD degree as part of a research project. Funding is provided by third-party foundations, which were raised by researchers from HGK Basel (e.g. project funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation).

The duration of the employment depends on the project duration, usually 3-4 years. The PHD is carried out in partnership with a university in Switzerland or abroad; the workplace is Basel. The degree of employment is usually 100%. Part-time employment is possible in justified cases.

Vacancies are advertised via the FHNW job portal .

If you are interested in initiating a research project and completing a PHD programme as part of this, interested persons contact the head of research of the institutes of th HGK Basel.

  • Institut Art Gender Nature (IAGN) Dr. Yvonne Volkart
  • Institut Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) Dr. Christine Schranz
  • Institut Art and Design Education (IADE) Prof. Dr. Nicolaj van der Meulen
  • Institut Experimentelles Design und Medienkulturen (IXDM) Prof. Dr. Helen Pritchard
  • Institut Digital Communication Environments (IDCE) Dr. Arno Schubbach

"Fördermodell 2" is for employees of HGK Basel who are aiming for a PHD. The prospective PHD students in "Fördermodell 2" already have a position as an assistant, research assistant or lecturer at HGK Basel.

"Fördermodell 2" (working time relief for PHD projects) is regulated in the FHNW staff development concept, the working time relief is usually 20% of the workload.

Interested employees contact their superiors. Further information is available to employees on the intranet: Inside HGK Basel (aai-Login required)

Degree Programmes

  • Art and Design

Dreispitz Basel

Studying in Switzerland

Phd Degree in Arts, Design & Architecture, Switzerland

Explore the best universities for Phd degree in Arts, Design & Architecture in Switzerland, based on their reputation and research in the field.

Degree Level

  • Certificate
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  • Admission Process for the 2024 Call

PhD Students

  • Pathways to the Doctorate
  • Preparatory Courses and Range of Programmes
  • Doctoral Students

Shaillendra Goraiya, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad


Phd programme eco-social innovation by design.

The global goals for sustainable transformation require new design strategies, new forms of cooperation and unexpected alliances. The Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art (HSLU), Switzerland, and the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India, are collaborating in a jointly supervised, transnational doctoral programme to explore the diverse landscape of eco-social innovation from the perspectives of design.

What is the Uniqueness of this PhD Cooperation?

Praveen Nahar, Director of the NID in India


This PhD programme focuses on practice-based research and is for people wishing to expand the limits of the design disciplines and to contribute to sustainable development through sustainable interventions.

Programme Timetable

The PhD candidates are enrolled with the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad and work at the Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art. They are being supervised by one guide each from either university and attend course-related events in Switzerland, in India and online.

Collecting moss, © CCIA

Admission Process 2024

We offer a maximum of three study placements per year. Candidates undergo a multi-stage online admission process. A joint jury from both universities selects the most suitable applicants.

Aquatic structures

PhD students compile their study programme from more than 100 optional courses and, through a range of event formats, build a network within the international research community.

Selfie by people in the ESI programme

The PhD programme is jointly managed by two teams from Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art and the National Institute of Design. Staff and faculty from both universities are available to answer questions. Names (left to right): Claudia Ramseier, Jacqueline Holzer, Samir More, Shilpa Das, Chris Doering

Zusammenstellung von Porträts von Doktorierenden 2024

The PhD students work independently on their dissertation and complete an individually composed study programme tailored to their needs.

Universität Bern

Degree Programs & Courses Doctorate

Doctoral degree, doctoral study at the university of bern.

phd design schweiz

You can either take the doctorate within a graduate school or as part of a doctoral degree program, or you can even take a traditional individual doctorate. Graduate schools and doctoral degree programs are arranged on an interdisciplinary and/or interuniversity basis in many cases. In addition to research-related training and intensive support, these also offer excellent opportunities for networking within the academic community.

An A-Z of doctoral subjects

  • Archaeology
  • Business Administration
  • Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Med./Nat./Vet.
  • Central Asian Studies
  • Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
  • Classical Philology (special qualification in Greek or Latin)
  • Old Catholic Theology
  • Climate Sciences
  • Cognition, Learning and Memory
  • Communication and Media Studies
  • Dental Medicine
  • German Language
  • German Language and Literature
  • German Literature
  • Digital Humanities
  • Eastern European Studies
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Economic Globalisation and Integration
  • Earth Sciences
  • Protestant Theology
  • Gender Studies
  • Geography and Sustainable Development
  • Global Studies
  • Health Sciences hum/med
  • Human Medicine
  • Computer Sciences
  • Interdiciplinary Cultural Studies ICS
  • Islamic Studies and Oriental Literature
  • Italian Linguistics and Literature
  • Social Sciences
  • Art History
  • Language and Society
  • Languages and Literatures in English
  • Linguistics
  • Linguistique/Littérature françaises
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular Life Sciences
  • Physics/Astronomy
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Religious Studies theol.
  • Science of Religion Human.
  • Slavic Languages and Literatures
  • Social Anthropology
  • Spanish Linguistics and Literature
  • Sport Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Theater and Dance Studies
  • Administrative Science
  • Veterinary Medicine

Further information

phd design schweiz

Transferable Skills - Key Qualifications for your academic and non-academic Career

Transferable skills program for doctoral students and postdocs of every discipline.

phd design schweiz

Funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs»

The University of Bern, with its funding program «UniBE Short Travel Grants for (Post)Docs», supports doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers in attending short research stays abroad, to advance their own research projects and to gain more international experience. Next application deadline: March 1, 2023

Open calls for ENLIGHT initiatives

The University of Bern and ENLIGHT support bottom-up initiatives by lecturers for challenge-based education projects in the six focus areas of ENLIGHT. Especially for early career academics, this is an opportunity to build an international network and gain interdisciplinary teaching experience.

UniBE Doc.Mobility

UniBE Doc.Mobility is granted for stays abroad which usually last twelve months. Support takes place in the form of an employment as a doctoral student, but with a place of research abroad. Application deadline: March 1/ September 1

Promotion Fund

In cooperation with the Intermediate Staff Association of the University of Bern, the Vice-Rectorate Research calls for proposals to the Fund for the Promotion of Young Researchers twice a year.

phd design schweiz

MVUB - Lunchtalks

Lunchtime events concerning academic career, working conditions and intermediate staff politics.


Innovative higher education teaching

The University of Bern's Department of 'Hochschuldidaktik & Lehrentwicklung' supports you in your teaching activities with coaching and around 50 events a year.

phd design schweiz

COMET – Coaching, Mentoring und Training

The COMET Career Programme supports female researchers in successfully pursuing their academic careers.

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Die PhD Programme sind in eines oder mehrere Departemente eingebettet und erhalten dort eine eindeutige Verankerung in Forschung, Lehre und Organisation. Je nach methodischem Zugang sind sie einer oder mehreren Schools zugeordnet. Die ZHdK-Modelle der Kooperationen mit Hochschulen im In- und Ausland sind vielfältig. Alle Doktorierenden sind in die PhD Schools eingebunden.

The laboratory at the Collegium Helveticum aims to pool and support outstanding dissertations on fundamental artistic, artistic-scientific and scientific questions in the field of aesthetics at ETH, the University of Zurich and Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and to develop joint research projects.

This includes questions concerning theory and practice in the arts and design, the relationships between art and knowledge, as well as the artistic and artistic-scientific research in various media. It encompasses works on architecture, film and film theory, literature and literary studies, artistic practices relating to images, installation and performance art, sound and composition and their connection to technology and design practice, with a particular focus on digital media. Moreover, it includes dissertations on philosophical aesthetics and the politics of the arts, as well as aesthetic elements of scientific practice and its methodology, and questions of writing about artistic-aesthetic processes.

Das Laboratorium, angesiedelt am Collegium Helveticum, setzt sich zum Ziel, hervorragende Dissertationen zu künstlerischen, künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagenfragen aus dem Bereich der Ästhetik an der ETH, der Universität Zürich und der ZHdK zu bündeln und fachbezogen zu unterstützen sowie gemeinsame Forschungsprojekte zu entwickeln.

Dies umfasst sowohl Fragen der Theorie und Praxis der Künste unter Einschluss des Designs sowie des Zusammenhangs zwischen Kunst und Wissen und der künstlerischen und künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Forschung in verschiedenen Medien. Dazu gehören Arbeiten über Architektur, Film und der Filmtheorie, Literatur und Literaturwissenschaften, zu künstlerischen Praktiken des Bildes, der Installation und Performances bis hin zu Sound und Komposition und deren Verbindung zu Technologie und Designpraxis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung digitaler Medien. Ferner gehören dazu Dissertationen der philosophischen Ästhetik und der Politik der Künste sowie umgekehrt über ästhetische Elemente in der Wissenschaftspraxis und deren Methodik und Fragen des Schreibens über künstlerisch-ästhetische Prozesse.

The the PhD programme Fachdidaktik Art and Design, which is the first of its kind in the German-speaking area, is offered by Zurich University of the Arts in cooperation with the Zurich University of Teacher Education, the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, and the Freiburg University of Education.

The programme is based on an understanding of Fachdidaktik Art and Design as an educational, communicative and practice-oriented science. It takes a disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to researching and developing its core subject: the teaching of art and design. As an educational science, it examines subject-specific methods, concepts and situations. It also establishes productive references to and connections between artistic and design practice, specialist theory and pedagogy. As a communicative and practice-oriented science, it is dedicated to practice-related teaching research. It gains insights into art and design education from working closely with educational and cultural practitioners. It tests its findings and theorising in practice, be it through interaction with practitioners or through conveying, applying and testing didactics research in teaching.

Its pool of supervisors enables the programme to cover the entire range of school types and levels existing in Switzerland, as well as a broad spectrum of research topics and methods. All four participating universities focus on qualitative-empirical teaching research. Depending on the university and supervisor, this expertise is supplemented or concretised by the methods of action research / practice research and / or by artistic-aesthetic research approaches. It is possible and desirable that PhD projects will build on the research areas, projects and infrastructure existing at the four participating universities (which all maintain a well-developed network of partner schools (primary, secondary and high schools).

The programme is funded by swissuniversities .

Zurich University of the Arts Pfingstweidstrasse 96 P.O.Box CH-8031 Zurich

Das im deutschsprachigen Raum einmalige Doktoratsprogramm Fachdidaktik Art & Design wird von der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Kooperation mit der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zürich, der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart und der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg i.Br. angeboten. Leitend für das Programm ist ein Grundverständnis von Fachdidaktik als Vermitt­lungs- und Handlungswissenschaft, die ihren Kerngegenstand, nämlich die Unterrichts- und Vermittlungspraxis, durch praxisbezogene Forschung weiterentwickelt. Mit diesem Grundverständnis verbinden sich eine gegenstands­orientierte Offenheit hinsichtlich der Methoden, Methodologien und theoretischen Bezugnahmen sowie der Anspruch einer nachhaltigen Verknüpfung von Forschungs- und Vermittlungspraxis in den im Rahmen des Programms verfolgten PhD-Projekten.

Durch die breite Abstützung des Programms auf die vier Partnerhochschulen und den sich daraus generierenden Pool qualifizierter Betreuungspersonen deckt das Programm die gesamte Band­breite der in der Schweiz und in Deutschland gängigen Schulformen und Schulstufen und ein breites Spektrum an Forschungsthemen und -methoden ab. Das Programm unterstützt gezielt bei der Entwicklung spezifisch kunstpädagogischer Forschungsmethoden und bezieht sozialwissenschaftliche, kulturtheoretische, künstlerische oder medienpädagogische Perspektiven mit ein.

Das Programm wird durch swissuniversities  gefördert.

E-Mail Zürcher Hochschule der Künste Geschäftsstelle Forschung Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96 Postfach CH-8031 Zürich

The Transdisciplinary Artistic PhD Programme supports third-cycle education for artists and designers by distinctive artistic means. It advocates a collaborative approach between the artistic disciplines at Zurich University of the Arts, as well as between their specific research approaches and aesthetic practices. The programme is run by a multidisciplinary team from all five departments of ZHdK (Cultural Analysis, Fine Arts, Design, Music, Performing Arts & Film).

The programme has three main objectives with regard to the institutional development of artistic PhD profiles: (1) To enhance PhD-level research in artistic disciplines for the benefit of the community of artists and designers as peers (cui bono principle). (2) To develop artistic PhD profiles for artists or designers that allow them to qualify for future professorships at art universities (career development). (3) To train artistic and design researchers to engage in scholarly fields and social contexts within and beyond the bounds of the field of art (social relevance).

Das «Transdisciplinary Artistic PhD»-Programm ermöglicht PhD-Ausbildungen für Künstler:innen und Designer:innen mit spezifisch künstlerischen Mitteln. Es fördert die Zusammenarbeit der verschiedenen Künste, insbesondere an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste sowie deren jeweiligen Forschungsansätze und ästhetischen Praktiken. Das Programm steht unter der Leitung eines multidisziplinären Teams aller fünf Departemente der ZHdK (Kulturanalysen und Vermittlung, Fine Arts, Design, Musik, Darstellende Künste und Film).

Das Programm verfolgt drei Ziele innerhalb der Institutionalisierung künstlerischer PhDs: (1) die Verbesserung einer Forschung auf PhD-Stufe als Beitrag zum künstlerischen Feld und im Interesse von Künstler:innen und Designer:innen als Peers (Cui-bono-Prinzip); (2) das Erarbeiten von künstlerischen PhD-Profilen, die Künstler:innen oder Designer:innen für zukünftige Professuren an Kunstuniversitäten qualifizieren (Laufbahnentwicklung); (3) das Ausbilden von Kunst- und Designforschenden, die sich mit ihrer Forschung sowohl in akademischen als auch sozialen Kontexten innerhalb und ausserhalb des Kunstbereichs bewegen (Bedeutung für die Gesellschaft).

More specific information on the organization and activities of the focus groups:

Einzelheiten zu Organisation und Aktivitäten der Fokusgruppen:

Promotionen sind grundsätzlich in allen Disziplinen der ZHdK möglich. Die folgenden Doktorate sind Individualpromotionen, die unabhängig von den Programmen durchgeführt werden.

Am Departement Design (DDE) sind zur Zeit individuelle Doktorate im Themenfeld des Designs möglich. Unterstützt und begleitet durch Professor:innen und Dozierende des DDE können nach individueller Absprache, die Betreuung von Dissertationsprojekten in Kooperation mit anderen Hochschulen und Universitäten übernommen werden. Voraussetzung für eine Doktoratsbetreuung ist ein thematischer Bezug zu den Forschungsthemen am Departement Design.

Ein fachrichtungsübergreifendes PhD Programm befindet sich im Aufbau und ist am Institut für Designforschung (IDE) verortet.

  • Design Research ZHdK

At the Department of Design (DDE), individual doctorates in the field of design are currently possible. With the support and under guidance of professors and lecturers from the DDE, supervision of dissertation projects in cooperation with other colleges and universities can be arranged on an individual basis. A prerequisite for doctoral supervision is a thematic connection to the research topics at the Department of Design.

A cross-disciplinary PhD programme is currently being set up and is anchored at the Institute for Design Research (IDE).

Im Rahmen des Forschungsauftrags der ZHdK begleitet und fördert das Kernteam des Forschungsschwerpunkts Kulturanalyse in den Künsten (fsp-k) wissenschaftliche und wissenschaftlich-künstlerische Dissertationen. Nach individuellen Absprachen können die Professorinnen und Dozierenden des fsp-k die Betreuung von Dissertationsprojekten in Kooperation mit anderen Hochschulen und Universitäten übernehmen. Voraussetzung für eine Doktoratsbetreuung am fsp-k ist ein thematischer Bezug zu den von ihnen vertretenen Kompetenzfeldern und Forschungsthemen. 

Ein künstlerisch-/wissenschaftiches Doktoratsprogramm «Cultural Critique» in Kooperation mit der Kunstuniversität Linz ist in Entwicklung. Das Vorhaben gründet in der für Kunsthochschulen spezifischen Verschränkung von Theorie und Praxis und knüpft an macht- und identitätskritische Perspektiven der Cultural Studies, an die Repräsentationskritik der Gender- und Postcolonial Studies, kritische Film- und Medientheorien sowie an kunst- und kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte an. Eingebunden in ein kulturanalytisches Forschungsprofil im Kunsthochschulkontext, wird nach (selbst-)kritischen, produktiven Verschränkungen von künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Formen des Analysierens und Differenzierens gesucht. In einer künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Praxis gewinnen Modi sinnlicher und affektiver Aktivierungen sowie materielle, körperliche, institutionelle und sozio-politische Bedingungen an Gewicht. Deren Analysen in einschlägigen Promotionsvorhaben versprechen kritische Beiträge zu neuen Wissensformen und -kulturen.


  • Sigrid Adorf  
  • Elke Bippus  
  • Ines Kleesattel

Please contact:

Pre-PhD Programme vermitteln ein tieferes Verständnis für die Anforderungen im akademischen Bereich und bereiten Teilnehmende auf ein Promotionsvorhaben vor. Pre-PhD Programme dauern ein Jahr.

The Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ( ICST ) at ZHdK offers a one-year program for emerging artists aiming to engage in practice-based research in areas related to sound and technology. The goal of the program is to conduct a practice-based pilot project, to develop a postgraduate research plan and finally to prepare an application to one of ZHdK’s artistic PhD cooperation (or other) programs.

Das Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology ( ICST ) der ZHdK bietet ein einjähriges Programm für Nachwuchskünstler:innen an, die sich für praxisbezogene Forschung mit Bezug zu Sound und Sound-Technologien interessieren. Ziele des Programms sind die Realisierung eines praxisbezogenen Pilotprojekts, die Ausarbeitung eines Forschungsplans für ein PhD-Studium und schliesslich die Vorbereitung einer Bewerbung für ein künstlerisches PhD-Kooperationsprogramm der ZHdK (oder andere).

Responsable teacher

Hauptverantwortliche Lehrperson

Associate researcher

After a successful first edition, the Department of Fine Arts (DFA) continues its predoctoral programme Transforming Environments. The one-year programme enables emerging artists, curators, artistic researchers to conceive and engage in a practice-based PhD project. The aim of the programme is for participants to gain a deeper understanding of the requirements in the academic field, to conceptualize their own approach to artistic research and to elaborate a solid research plan.

Nach einer erfolgreichen ersten Durchführung setzt das Departement Fine Arts (DFA) sein Doktorandenprogramm Transforming Environments fort. Das einjährige Programm ermöglicht es aufstrebenden Künstler:innen, Kurator:innen sowie Kunstwissenschaftler:innen, ein praxisbasiertes Promotionsprojekt zu konzipieren und anzugehen. Ziel des Programms ist es, dass die Teilnehmenden ein tieferes Verständnis für die Anforderungen im akademischen Bereich entwickeln, ihren eigene Herangehensweise für die künstlerische Forschung konzeptualisieren und einen soliden Forschungsplan erarbeiten.

PEERS is a new pre-PhD programme of the Department of Performing Arts and Film at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Its main aim is to support emerging artistic researchers who are interested in pursuing a doctorate in the arts, foremost yet not exclusively in the performing arts and film. For a period of one year, starting in March, participants get the opportunity to benefit from an intensive mentoring and training programme. They become part of the vibrant research environment at ZHdK (such as lab-practice, colloquia, symposia, research academy), and gain access to the University’s outstanding infrastructure and relevant professional networks. Participants also benefit from peer-to-peer learning in the Junior Research Group and receive tailored support aimed at promoting their individual development. They are assisted in developing their individual research plan, as well as in searching and applying for artistic PhD programmes at ZHdK and beyond.

PEERS ist ein 2020 gestartetes Pre-PhD Programm des Departements Darstellende Künste und Film der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK). Das Programm soll künstlerische Nachwuchsforscher:innen unterstützen, die an einem Doktorat in den Künsten interessiert sind – insbesondere, aber nicht ausschliesslich, im Bereich Darstellende Künste (Tanz, Theater, Performance) und Film. Das intensive Mentoring- und Weiterbildungsprogramm beginnt jeweils im März und dauert ein Jahr. Die Teilnehmenden werden dabei in das lebendige Forschungsumfeld der ZHdK eingebunden (zum Beispiel durch Kolloquien, Symposien oder die Research Academy). Sie erhalten Zugang zur hervorragenden Infrastruktur der Kunsthochschule und zu wichtigen professionellen Netzwerken in der künstlerischen Forschung. Ausserdem profitieren die Teilnehmenden vom Peer-to-Peer Learning und erhalten massgeschneiderte Unterstützung, um ihre individuelle Entwicklung zu fördern. Schliesslich werden sie auch bei der Entwicklung ihres individuellen Forschungsplans unterstützt sowie bei der Suche und Bewerbung für künstlerische PhD Programme an der ZHdK oder anderen Institutionen.

If you have any further questions, please e-mail .

Haben Sie weitere Fragen? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns bitte via E-Mail .

Im PhD Centre laufen die inhaltlichen und organisatorischen Entwicklungen der drei PhD Schools zusammen. Die drei PhD Schools verfolgen je einen anderen methodischen Zugang: künstlerisch, künstlerisch-wissenschaftlich und wissenschaftlich. Die Schools bieten eine Ausbildung im dritten Zyklus in verschiedenen PhD Programmen und Gruppen an. 

Im PhD Centre laufen die organisatorischen Entwicklungen der verschiedenen PhD Aktivitäten aus den Departementen zusammen. Das PhD Centre dient als Anlaufstelle für Fragen und Anliegen von Doktorierenden, PhD Interessierten sowie von PhD Programmleitenden und Betreuenden. Es verantwortet operative Tätigkeiten und ist für die hochschulweite organisatorische Entwicklung im Bereich PhD verantwortlich.

Die Aufgaben des PhD Centres umfassen insbesondere:

  • Beratung von Doktorierenden, PhD Interessierten und Betreuenden
  • Monitoring; Reporting und Verwaltung der Doktorierenden
  • Koordination und Monitoring mit Partnerinstitutionen
  • Unterstützung und Koordination der PhD Programme
  • Ausbau der überfachlichen Angebote (transferable skills) für Doktorierende
  • Aufbau des Angebotes für PhD Betreuende (inkl. Peer-Mentoring)
  • Hochschulweite Qualitätssicherung und Entwicklung im Bereich PhD
  • Geschäftsführung der PhD Kommission

The organisational and content-related developments of the various departmental PhD activities converge in the PhD Centre. It is the point of contact for questions and issues of PhD candidates, those interested in undertaking a PhD as well as heads of PhD programmes and PhD supervisors. The PhD Centre is responsible for operative activities and for ZHdK-wide organisational development in the PhD area.

The PhD Centre’s main tasks include:

  • Advising PhD candidates, those interested in taking a PhD, and PhD supervisors
  • Monitoring, reporting and management of PhD candidates
  • Coordinating and monitoring with partner institutions
  • Supporting  the PhD programmes by coordinating activities
  • Expanding transdisciplinary offers (transferable skills) for PhD candidates
  • Establishing the offer for PhD supervisors (incl. peer mentoring)
  • Institution-wide quality control and development in the PhD area
  • Managing of the PhD Commission

The PhD activities will be made visible in three methodological and content-related PhD Schools: artistic, artistic-scientific and scientific research.

These new PhD Schools are intended to be virtual spaces. They are meant as an exchange platform for PhD candidates and enable connections between various peer groups.

Die PhD Aktivitäten sollen zukünftig in drei methodisch-inhaltlichen PhD Schools sichtbar gemacht werden: künstlerische, künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Forschung.

Diese zukünftigen PhD Schools verstehen sich als virtuelle Räume. Sie sollen als Austauschplattform für Doktorierende dienen und die Verbindung von diversen Peer-Groups ermöglichen.

Die PhD Kommission setzt sich aus den sechs PhD Programmleitenden aus aktuell laufenden, von swissuniversities geförderten PhD Programmen, einer PhD Vertretung der Departemente ohne eigenes Programm, zwei Vertretungen der Doktorierenden und der Leiterin Geschäftsstelle Forschung zusammen. Die Koordination und die Geschäftsführung der PhD Kommission werden von der PhD Centre Leitung verantwortet.

Die Mitglieder der PhD Kommission sind: 

  • PhD Programmleitende aus aktuell laufenden, von swissuniversities geförderten PhD Programmen: Marcel Bleuler , Florian Dombois , Jörn-Peter Hiekel , Ilse van Rijn ​​​​​​​, Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel , Judith Siegmund
  • PhD Vertretung der Departemente ohne eigenes Programm:  Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken
  • Vertretung der Doktorierenden: Mirjam Loertscher , Laura von Niederhäusern
  • Leiterin Geschäftsstelle Forschung: Beate Böckem
  • Ständiger Gast: Sigrid Adorf
  • Geschäftsführung: Véronique Planchamp

The PhD Commission consists of 6 heads of programme from current PhD programmes funded by swissuniversities, a PhD representative of the departments without their own programme, 2 PhD candidates representatives, and the Head of the Research Office. The Head of the PhD Centre is responsible for the coordination and management of the PhD Commission.

The members of the PhD Commission include: 

  • Heads of current PhD programmes funded by swissuniversities: Marcel Bleuler , Florian Dombois , Jörn-Peter Hiekel , Ilse van Rijn , Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel , Judith Siegmund
  • PhD representatives of departments without their own programme: Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken
  • PhD candidates representatives: Mirjam Loertscher , Laura von Niederhäusern
  • Head of the Research Affairs Office: Beate Böckem
  • Permanent Guest: Sigrid Adorf
  • Management: Véronique Planchamp
  • Develop quality standards in the PhD area
  • Prepare institution-wide PhD policies and recommendations on PhD issues to the attention of the University Board
  • Develop and implement the PhD School rules of procedures
  • Entwicklung von Qualitätsstandards im Bereich PhD
  • Erarbeitung von hochschulweiten Policies zum PhD und Vorschläge zu Beschlussfassungen z. H. der Hochschulleitung
  • Entwicklung und Umsetzung der PhD School Geschäftsordnungen

Der Ausbau des Bereichs PhD und des dritten Zyklus an der ZHdK ist als Teil der Strategie ZHdK 2019-23 festgehalten. Ziel im Bereich Nachwuchs ist es unter anderem, einen strukturellen Rahmen zu schaffen, Qualitätsstandards zu bestimmen, Forschungskompetenzen zu stärken und die Durchlässigkeit von Lehre und Forschung zu verbessern. Dementsprechend wurde bereits 2019 eine Doktoratsstrategie entwickelt und darauf aufbauend ein Konzept für die neue PhD Organisationsstruktur, die am 08.07.2020 von der Hochschulleitung genehmigt wurde.

Das PhD Centre wurde etabliert und mit dem Aufbau der neuen Struktur, Prozesse und hochschulweiten Angebote beauftragt. Aktuell werden mehrere Konzepte entwickelt, die dem Aufbau von PhD-Rahmenbedingungen dienen. Diese werden in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der PhD Kommission erarbeitet.

Die Doktoratsaktivitäten folgen den Qualitätsstandards der « Florence Principles on the Doctorate in the Arts » sowie der « Salzburg Declaration – Towards more inclusive learning environments in Europe ».

Development of the PhD area and the third cycle at ZHdK is an integral part of the ZHdK Strategy 2019–23. In the area of early stage researchers promotion, the goal is to create a structural framework, define quality standards, consolidate research skills, and improve synergies between teaching and research. To this end, a doctoral strategy was developed in 2019 and, building on this, a concept for a new PhD organisational structure, which was approved by the University Board on 8.7.2020.

The PhD Centre was established and mandated with setting up the new structure, processes and institution-wide offers. Currently, several concepts are being developed to define PhD framework conditions in close collaboration with the PhD Commission.

The doctorate activities follow the quality standards of the « Florence Principles on the Doctorate in the Arts » and the « Salzburg Declaration – Towards more inclusive learning environments in Europe ».

Yes. Like all Swiss art academies, the Zurich University of the Arts does not have its own right to award doctorates. However, in order to enable its graduates and international students to obtain a doctorate, the ZHdK has entered into cooperation agreements with universities in Switzerland and abroad. These are geared towards either artistic, scientific or artistic-scientific doctorates.

Ja. Zwar verfügt die Zürcher Hochschule der Künste wie alle schweizerischen Kunsthochschulen über kein eigenes Promotionsrecht. Um aber sowohl ihren Absolventen und Absolventinnen wie auch internationalen Studierenden eine Promotion zu ermöglichen, hat die ZHdK Kooperationen mit Hochschulen im In- und Ausland geschlossen. Die Kooperationen sind entweder auf künstlerische, wissenschaftliche oder künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Promotionen hin ausgerichtet.

Subject area:  Cultural Analysis in the Arts Cooperation partner: University of Art and Design Linz/Austria Contact at ZHdK: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Adorf

Subject area: Design Cooperation partners: University of Art and Design Linz/Austria Contact at ZHdK:  Design Research ZHdK

Subject area: Didactics of Art and Design Cooperation partners: University of Education Zurich, University of Education Freiburg, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design Contact at ZHdK: Prof. Dr. Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel

Subject area: Epistemologies of Aesthetic Practices Cooperation partners: ETH Zurich and University of Zurich (UZH) Contacts at ZHdK: Prof. Dr. Judith Siegmund ,  Dominique Raemy

Subject area:  Fine Arts Cooperation partner: University of Art and Design Linz/Austria Contact at ZHdK: Dr. Marcel Bleuler

Subject area: Music Cooperation partner: University of Music and Performing Arts Graz/Austria Contact at ZHdK: Prof. Dr. Jörn Peter Hiekel

Subject area: Transdisciplinary Artistic Cooperation partner: University of Art and Design Linz/Austria Contact at ZHdK:  Prof. Dr. Florian Dombois ,  Dr. Marcel Bleuler

Subject area: Performing Arts and Film Cooperation partners: Stockholm University of Arts/Sweden, Fimuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF/Germany, University of Art and Design Linz/Austria Contact at ZHdK: Dr. Ilse van Rijn

Doctoral studies are usually possible in all disciplines at ZHdK. Please contact the respective professor in the discipline you are interested in to ask about the possibility of doing a doctorate. An overview of the various disciplines and departments at ZHdK can be found under Degree Programmes ZHdK .

Bereich: Darstellende Künste und Film Kooperationspartnerinnen: Stockholm University of Arts/Schweden, Fimuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF/Deutschland, Kunstuniversität Graz/Österreich Kontaktperson an der ZHdK: Dr. Ilse van Rijn

Bereich: Design Kooperationspartnerin: Kunstuniversität Linz/Österreich Kontaktpersonen an der ZHdK: Design Research ZHdK

Bereich: Epistemologien ästhetischer Praktiken Kooperationspartnerinnen: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) und Universität Zürich (UZH) Kontaktpersonen an der ZHdK:  Prof. Dr. Judith Siegmund ,  Dominique Raemy

Bereich: Fachdidaktik in Kunst und Design Kooperationspartnerinnen: Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg i.Br., Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart Kontaktperson an der ZHdK: Prof. Dr. Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel

Bereich: Fine Arts Kooperationspartnerin: Kunstuniversität Linz/Österreich Kontaktperson an der ZHdK:  Dr. Marcel Bleuler

Bereich: Kulturanalyse in den Künsten Kooperationspartnerin: Kunstuniversität Linz/Österreich Kontaktperson an der ZHdK:  Prof. Dr. Sigrid Adorf

Bereich: Musik Kooperationspartnerin: Kunstuniversität Graz/Österreich Kontaktperson an der ZHdK:  Prof. Dr. Jörn Peter Hiekel

Bereich: Transdisciplinary Artistic Kooperationspartnerin: Kunstuniversität Linz/Österreich Kontaktperson an der ZHdK:  Prof. Dr. Florian Dombois ,  Dr. Marcel Bleuler

Promotionen sind grundsätzlich in allen Disziplinen der ZHdK möglich. Bitte erkundigen Sie sich beim jeweiligen Professor oder der jeweiligen Professorin Ihrer Wunschdisziplin nach der Möglichkeit einer Promotion. Alle Fachbereiche und die vielfältigen Disziplinen der ZHdK finden Sie unter  Studium ZHdK .

The requirements are:

  • A completed four-semester Master’s programme (120 ECTS credits) in one of the corresponding disciplines. In the case of a three-semester Master’s programme (90 ECTS credits), 30 ECTS credits can be earned in one part of the cooperation programmes in order to achieve the equivalent of a four-semester Master’s programme.
  • Master’s degree with a grade of at least “Good” or “B”.
  • As a rule, several years of artistic practice and proof of an artistic oeuvre are also required for artistic doctorates.
  • Depending on the doctoral programme, additional accomplishments may be required.

Die Voraussetzungen sind:

  • ein abgeschlossenes viersemestriges Masterstudium (120 ECTS-Punkte) in einer der entsprechenden Disziplinen. Im Falle eines dreisemestrigen Masters (90 ECTS-Punkte) können in einem Teil der Kooperationsprogramme 30 ECTS-Punkte nachgeholt werden, um das Äquivalent eines viersemestrigen Masters zu erreichen.
  • Masterabschluss mit der Mindestnote «Gut» bzw. «B».
  • Im Falle von künstlerischen Promotionen ist zudem in der Regel eine mehrjährige künstlerische Praxis und der Nachweis eines künstlerischen Œuvres erforderlich.
  • Je nach Promotionsprogramm können zusätzliche Leistungen erforderlich sein.

The application procedures in the individual programs vary. Please refer to the relevant programme pages or contact the person responsible.

Die Bewerbungsprozedere in den einzelnen Programmen sind sehr unterschiedlich. Bitte informieren Sie sich auf den entsprechenden Programmseiten oder wenden Sie sich an die jeweiligen Kontaktpersonen.

The major part of the degree programme takes place at the ZHdK, the smaller part at the partner university. The regulations vary depending on the programme. Information can be obtained from the respective contact persons.

Das Studium erfolgt zum grösseren Teil an der ZHdK, zum kleineren Teil an der Partnerhochschule. Die Regelungen sind je nach Programm unterschiedlich. Auskunft erteilen die jeweiligen Kontaktpersonen.

The proportion of the compulsory programme varies depending on the programme, as do the parts to be taken at the ZHdK and the parts to be taken at the partner university. Information can be obtained from the respective contact persons.

Der Anteil des Pflichtprogramms ist je nach Programm unterschiedlich, ebenso welche Teile davon an der ZHdK zu leisten sind und welche an der Partnerhochschule. Auskunft erteilen die jeweiligen Kontaktpersonen. 

The ZHdK does not award scholarships.

Die ZHdK vergibt keine Stipendien.

The following financing options are available:

  • A position in a larger research project within the framework of funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Innosuisse or other third-party donors; see advertised positions at the ZHdK .
  • An employment of up to 50% as a teaching assistant at the ZHdK, see advertised positions at the ZHdK for teaching assistants.
  • Cantonal and municipal loans
  • Financial grants from swissuniversities for doctorates based on a cooperation agreement between ZHdK and a partner university abroad (Europe and Israel). 
  • Self-financing. \tYour employer may be able to offer you support. Otherwise, it is of course possible to work while doing a doctorate. This will, of course, result in time and financial restrictions. Please note that a doctoral thesis requires your regular attention so that it can be completed in a reasonable time that is generally accepted internationally (four to five years).
  • FundingZ – the research-oriented funding finder of ZHdK \tFundingZ, the funding finder of ZHdK, offers straightforward, structured access to research funding opportunities in Switzerland and abroad. With the help of the web-based tool, interested researchers can filter out those which meet their needs and plans from a pool of more than 80 funding programmes and calls. 

Es bestehen folgende Möglichkeiten der Finanzierung:

  • Eine Anstellung innerhalb eines grösseren Forschungsprojekts im Rahmen einer Förderung durch den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds, Innosuisse oder sonstigen Drittmittelgebern; siehe ausgeschriebene Stellen an der ZHdK .
  • Eine Anstellung bis 50 % als Unterrichtsassistenz an der ZHdK, siehe ausgeschriebene Stellen an der ZHdK .
  • Kantonale und Städtische Darlehen
  • Finanzielle Zuschüsse von swissuniversities für Doktorate, die auf einem Kooperationsvertrag zwischen der ZHdK und einer Partnerhochschule im Ausland (Europa und Israel) basieren.
  • Selbstfinanzierung. \tEventuell kann Ihnen Ihre Arbeitgeberin oder Ihr Arbeitgeber Unterstützung anbieten. Andernfalls ist es natürlich möglich, neben dem Promotionsstudium zu arbeiten. Naturgemäss ergeben sich dadurch zeitliche und finanzielle Einschränkungen. Sie sollten beachten, dass die Doktorarbeit Ihre regelmässige Aufmerksamkeit beansprucht, damit sie innerhalb eines angemessenen, international üblichen Zeitraums (vier bis fünf Jahre) abgeschlossen werden kann.
  • FundingZ – Der forschungsorientierte Funding Finder der ZHdK \tFundingZ bietet einen einfachen und strukturierten Zugang zu Forschungsfördermöglichkeiten in der Schweiz und darüber hinaus. Aus einem Pool von über 80 Förderprogrammen und Calls können Sie genau diese herausfiltern, die auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse und Pläne passen.

The title (Dr. or PhD) is awarded by the partner university entitled to award doctorates.

Der Titel (Dr. oder PhD) wird von der promotionsberechtigten Partnerhochschule vergeben.

Yes. You must have a ZHdK supervisor to register at ZHdK.

Ja. Eine ZHdK Betreuung ist für die Anmeldung an der ZHdK erforderlich.

Building on my previous work addressing geologic bodies and time scales, \"Meteolore: Air Stones, Ground Holes (or how meteorites flow in our bodies)\" focuses on three meteorite falling sites and their imprint onto landscapes and human perception. I will investigate the ecological, mythological, scientific and speculative affects these meteorites and their craters carry through field work, conversations, (more-than-human and human) participant observation, performative actions, material experimentation and audio-visual techniques. It is relevant to bring attention to the unique, yet changing identities of island communities who live close to these meteorite sites, engage with what is still there and give voice to the human and more-than-human stories from these peripheral areas in Eastern Europe.

In this PhD project, three sites in Estonia are chosen as departure points for my research - Kaali, Kärdla, Neugrund -, each providing different points of access, methodology of research, and artistic approachability. My artistic practice around the communication with the more-than-human is shaped within the frameworks of more-than-human theories, environmental poetry, speculative writing, folklore studies and somatic practices. Exchange and collaboration with other practitioners close to my field artists is equally relevant for this research project.

In parallel and with the knowledge gathered during the three case studies, I will create a methodological toolbox which will grow out of the field work done during this research adventure. The instructive toolbox will become a guide for my own artistic practice, but it could be used by artists, biologists and landscape architects working with landscapes and senses. Hopefully, my research will also affect the social environment in Estonia, attempting to show an expanded and more playful view on seemingly fixed identities of people and places. I want to contribute to a perspective of the world that is not so strictly divided into human and more-than-human, but instead that of a space which is more inclusive and less anthropocentric. My research will be relevant to many fields standing with the urgency of committing to studying these phenomena (humanities, arts, sciences). Meteorites themselves would be carriers of this desire - alien bodies that make their homes and landing sites on Earth, bringing both destructive and creative powers with them.

Strategic decision-making in organizations, especially in healthcare, faces increasingly complex challenges in the face of rapid technological, demographic, and societal changes. Understanding and anticipating possible futures is crucial to keep organizations resilient and adaptable. While the concept of diegetic prototypes within design fictions has helped to discuss and visualize complex future issues in other fields, their application in the context of ageing and particularly from the perspective of a health insurer is largely unexplored. Tangible future scenarios enable decision-makers to experience potential challenges and opportunities not only intellectually, but also emotionally and practically. In the context of ageing, where demographic changes will have significant implications for healthcare and society at large, the need to make possible scenarios tangible is even more critical. This research has the potential to provide insights into the ways in which speculative design, particularly diegetic prototypes, can enhance strategic decision-making. This is relevant for health insurance executives and boards of directors, as they face the twin challenges of both meeting the current needs of their customers and anticipating and responding to future developments.

The practice-based research project «Mobilis in mobili – Drifting with/in planktonic seas» (WT) (supervised by Dr. Kirschner, ZHdK and Prof. Dr. Harrasser, University of the Arts Linz) delves into the intricate realm of phytoplanktonic entities, unraveling their significance as keystone species within planetary cycles. Focused on Phytoplankton (greek φυτόν [phytó], ‚plant‘; πλαγκτός [planktos],‚drifter‘) as a vital part of an intricately balanced system, the project is indicating effects of climate change and ocean acidification to foster a connected ” plant-thinking“ (Marder, 2013). Through amplifying the importance of these species and its connection to global ecological networks, Oestreicher’s practice of spatial installations including converted oceanographic devices (e.g. plankton dragging nets and microsopes as tools, diving regulators as exchange interfaces, „Mesokosmen“ as observators) makes invisible processes perceptible.

By attuning and witnessing processes in wet labs, which include both open water environments and traditional biology laboratories, the project seeks to comprehend how assemblages around breathing and becoming-with can point out the effects of oceanic and global changes. This interdisciplinary initiative prompts us to reconsider the intersection of scientific and artistic methods and to develop practices of “care” (de la Bellacasa 2017) —a mindset crucial for navigating precarious times. With immersive, multi-sensorial translations of marine biologists’ tools, the role of the human is transformed from thinking about to thinking and designing with these plant drifters in mobility.

The PhD project is part of the practice-based research cooperation \"Interfacing the Ocean\" between University of the Arts Zürich in first supervision of  Dr. Roman Kirschner (Design, Zhdk) and Prof. Dr. Karin Harrasser (Cultural Studies, Kunstuniversität Linz). The research team further includes Karmen Franinović (PI), Rasa Weber (PhD) and Antoine Bertin (PhD).

The artistic practice-based PhD project APPROACHING DEATH: transforming our conversations around fear of dying will develop an integrated and active language for discussing fear of death. This will happen through the production of a mixed mediainstallation, workshops, a podcast, a leaflet and a website. A fundamental ambition of this PhD project is to create a space, within both physical and virtual realms, to allow people to approach death and engage with their related fears from new perspectives. 

As a visual artist I question the role and effect images have on our perceptions and emotions when discussing death. Here I see a necessity of studying new possible forms of communication around dying. With this PhD project I therefore wish to question which images can be used for examining death without making it fearful, but at the same time not making it remote. I furthermore wish to question which images can come close to the actual experience of dying. Within this PhD project it is specifically the connection to the moving image and sound that I wish to study. It is my intention to utilise the moving image as a medium to explore the connection between the human engagement with our own mortality and our phenomenological and temporal experience of a video installation.

The PhD project is predominantly empirically oriented, and the research will therefore enfold through interviews and field recordings in hospices and in private homes with dying people. These studies will investigate the fear of what will happen in the moment of dying, and the fear of what will happen after the moment of dying. Throughout this process I plan to collect an extensive record of interviews, data, images and audio. These will be used as the material from which I will create an artistic installation containing moving image and sound. Here I will explore if the aesthetic and physical experience of the installation can have a transformative effect on a viewer, through which they are lead towards discussing death in a less fearful way, and with a more active language.

Fear of death is a widely researched and extremely broad subject matter. I believe that as an artistic researcher there is a potential to approach the subject matter with an subjective-essayistic practice informed by critical thought on representation that will contribute to the fields of other disciplines.

While the approach of this project is primarily an artistic one, it also aspires to work within the often conflicting fields of medical/scientific and the religious/spiritual in conversations around death, aiming to examine disagreements and contradictions in their respective understanding of the process of dying, and ultimately look to highlight overlaps and connections in their operations. Along this, through my working practice and methodologies, the project will have strong connections to Antropological and Sociological departments, while also contributing to the contemporary discourse around video art installations.

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste Geschäftsstelle Forschung Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96 Postfach CH-8031 Zürich

Für allgemeine Anfragen: E-Mail

Zurich University of the Arts Research Affairs Office Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96 P.O.Box CH-8031 Zurich

For general queries: Email

Head of PhD Centre Dr. Véronique Planchamp

Email +41 43 446 20 42

Project Office PhD Centre Nina Debrunner

Email +41 43 446 20 41

Leitung PhD Centre Dr. Véronique Planchamp

E-Mail +41 43 446 20 42

Projekt Office PhD Centre Nina Debrunner

E-Mail +41 43 446 20 41

The PhD programmes are embedded into one or more departments, and are thus anchored in research, teaching and organization. Depending on the methodological approach, they are linked to one or more Schools. The ZHdK cooperation models with universities in Switzerland and abroad are diverse. All doctoral candidates are registered in one the PhD Schools.

Doctoral studies are usually possible in all disciplines at ZHdK. Besides of the PhD programmes, individual doctorates can be undertaken in the following fields.

Pre-PhD programmes provide a deeper understanding of the requirements in the academic field and prepare participants for a PhD project. Pre-PhD programmes last one year.

The content and organizational developments of the three PhD Schools converge in the PhD Centre. The three PhD Schools each focus on a separate methodological approach: artistic, artistic-scientific or scientific. The Schools offer educational curricula at PhD level through various PhD programmes and groups.

PhD at ZHdK

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Doctoral programs

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Prospective doctoral students

The Doctoral School supervises 22 doctoral programs covering together all EPFL fields of research. Each programs is responsible for recruiting doctoral students, organizing their supervision and monitoring their progress. The doctoral programs also organize an offer of advanced level courses and create a community based in their scientific domain.

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Advanced Manufacturing

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Architecture and Sciences of the City

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Biotechnology and Bioengineering

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Computational and Quantitative Biology

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Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

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Digital Humanities

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Electrical Engineering

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Computer and Communication Sciences

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Microsystems and Microelectronics

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Molecular Life Sciences

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Management of Technology

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Materials Science and Engineering

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Robotics, Control and Intelligent Systems

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Learning Sciences

Executive Education

  • en German English
  • Engaged community
  • Great career opportunities
  • Superb study programmes
  • Costs of an HSG degree

Exchange programmes

  • Incoming Guest Students
  • Outgoing HSG Students

Get in touch

  • Campus tours
  • Offers for schools
  • Services for businesses
  • Admission Bachelor
  • Admission Master
  • Admission Ph.D.
  • Additional Qualification Programmes
  • Recognition of degrees
  • Application deadlines
  • Rematriculation

Starting your studies

  • Checklist for your start
  • Course choice and timetable
  • Arrival in St.Gallen
  • Advice and support
  • Semester dates

Research at HSG

  • Scientific Integrity & Research Ethics
  • Research Support
  • Research Services
  • GSERM - Global School in Empirical Research Methods
  • Prizes and Awards
  • Open Faculty Positions
  • Resources for current and future faculty
  • Faculty Development

Early Career Programme

  • All HSG Faculty

Research units

  • Institutes and research units
  • Global Centres
  • Strategic research collaboration
  • PhD Programme in Management (PMA)
  • Graduate Programme in Economics and Finance (GPEF)
  • Computer Science (DCS)
  • Organization Studies and Cultural Theory (DOK)
  • International Affairs and Political Economy (DIA)

Research in Focus

  • Elite Quality Index
  • Circular Lab
  • Executive Programmes
  • Board Programmes
  • Custom Programmes
  • Executive MBA
  • Educational Consultation
  • Special Topic on the Future of Universities
  • Special Topic HSG Startups
  • Special Topic Artificial Intelligence
  • Special Topic Ukraine
  • Special Topic Sustainability
  • Media releases
  • Event calendar
  • Public Lectures
  • Dies academicus
  • HSG Graduation Days
  • Promotionsfeier
  • St.Gallen Symposium
  • START Summit


  • Research Platform Alexandria

Video series

  • Impact Awards
  • Knowledge Bank
  • Art interviews
  • Academic GIFts
  • Little Green Bags
  • HSG Research Insight
  • Innovations in Sustainable Finance
  • Machines That Fail Us
  • Meet the CFO
  • HSG Student Podcast
  • Vision and values
  • Organisation
  • Rankings and accreditations
  • Quality development
  • Art at the HSG
  • Advisory offices
  • Student engagement
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Responsibility and Sustainability
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Regional impact
  • HSG Foundation

Offers for the public

  • Presidential Lunch
  • Children’s University
  • Experiencing the HSG
  • Info Desk and contact
  • Search and Use
  • Research and publishing
  • Visiting and Studying
  • Contact and Consultation
  • School of Computer Science
  • School of Economics and Political Science
  • School of Finance
  • School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • School of Management

Working at HSG

  • Working in administration
  • Working in Academia
  • Apprenticeships at HSG
  • Life in Switzerland
  • Entry from abroad: First steps

Ph.D. Programmes at the University of St.Gallen

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  • Research Studying Research Executive Education News University
  • Ph.D. Research at HSG Faculty Research units Ph.D. Research in Focus Alexandria

The University of St.Gallen combines insight and impact in the fields of business, law, international affairs and computer science. Currently we offer six doctoral programmes which are completed with a traditional or cumulative thesis. You will be supervised by a professor of the University of St.Gallen as well as one further member of faculty as a co-supervisor, and further experts. Our doctoral programmes combine research excellence with high societal relevance.

Our Programmes

Graduate ph.d. programme in economics and finance (gpef), ph.d. in computer science (dcs), ph.d. in law (dls), ph.d. in organization studies and cultural theory (dok), ph.d. in management (pma), ph.d. in international affairs and political economy (dia).

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Ph.D. in a nutshell

View brochure online here

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Ph.D Brochure


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Information on Ph.D. Studies

Uni HSG St.Gallen 11.09.2022

General Information

Things to know before your studies begin, course catalogue.


Summer School GSERM

Mentoring programme, ph.d. office, ph.d. degree award ceremony.

Fiorella Schmucki

Fiorella Schmucki

Head PhD-Office

Anna Schlegel

Anna Schlegel

Programme Manager

Nicole Köppel

Nicole Köppel

Edda Pante

Web Content Management/Back Office

Sabrina Helmer

Sabrina Helmer

Wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung

Desk opening hours Ph.D. Office: Mo - Fr from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (Tellstrasse 2) or on request during the office hours.

  • Mainnavigation

Find a PhD Position

To ensure you are prepared to tackle your dissertation, you need a supervisor who is prepared to supervise your dissertation. It is common to use your master’s thesis, research idea or exposé to submit a proposal directly in your desired area of research. You will probably have the opportunity to come into contact directly with the person of your choice at an international conference, colloquium or through direct inquiry.

PhD opportunities usually involve a paid position, e.g., as part of a project or assistant post. If this is not the case, i.e. if there is no opportunity to integrate you into the particular field, the issue of financing your PhD must be discussed and resolved in advance.

Domestic PhD job offers

  • Swiss universities
  • Doctoral positions at ETH Zurich
  • PhD job offers «»
  • Job offers «»

Abroad PhD job offers

  • Job portal «»
  • Job offers «»
  • International job portal «FindAPhd»
  • Job portal for PhDs
  • Euraxess - European Job Portal
  • DAAD-Funding database
  • Further funding databases
  • Funding for PhDs

General job offers

  • Job portal «»
  • Job portal of the Career Service Center

Further information

  • Research Fund Junior Researchers
  • Mobility Grants
  • Travel Fund
  • Academic Editing
  • Printing Cost Contribution for Publication of Dissertations
  • get on track

Official Swiss Italian: a minority language with major recognition

Uni Research / 02 Sep 2024 Official Swiss Italian: a minority language with major recognition

Uni Info / 27 Aug 2024 Three new professorships and one promotion

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52 PhD jobs in Switzerland

Find PhD jobs in Switzerland here. To have jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

  • PhD positions in Zurich (21)
  • PhD positions in Basel (21)
  • PhD positions in Lausanne (2)
  • PhD positions in Dübendorf (2)
  • PhD positions in St. Gallen (2)
  • PhD positions in Bern (1)
  • PhD positions in Fribourg (1)
  • PhD positions in Lugano (1)
  • PhD positions in Villigen PSI (1)
  • PhD positions in Courroux (1)

Other countries

  • PhD positions in Belgium (110)
  • PhD positions in The Netherlands (106)
  • PhD positions in Germany (62)
  • PhD positions in Finland (46)
  • PhD positions in Sweden (31)
  • PhD positions in Luxembourg (25)
  • PhD positions in Austria (20)
  • PhD positions in Norway (14)
  • PhD positions in France (12)
  • PhD positions in Israel (4)

Search results (52)


PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI),...

PhD position on quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli (P2403) 100%

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemi...


Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information ...

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information Tec...

PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli.

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry a...

PhD Position in Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles for Enhanced Catalysis

PhD Position in Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles for Enhanced CatalysisHave you ever dreamed of controlling chemical reactions using magnetic fields? With magnetoelectric composite nanoparticles actin...

PhD position on Practical AI Planning with Ontologies 100%

The Artificial Intelligence ( research group at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, is seeking a PhD candidate for a collaborative pro...

PhD and Post-doc positions in the field of Optimization and Deep Learning Theory (Prof. A. Lucchi)

The Optimization of Machine Learning Systems Group (Prof. A. Lucchi) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Basel is looking for several PhD students and post-do...

PhD Position in Biofabrication and 3D BioPrinting

PhD Position in Biofabrication and 3D BioPrintingInjuries to the musculoskeletal system are widespread and can impact quality of life. The field of tissue engineering and bioprinting is constantly ...

Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Winter Call 2024/25

The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its fundamental research embraces a wide range of topics such as biochemistry, biophysics, phy...

PhD position: Spin waves get a twist! (P2402) 100 %

We are looking for a PhD student for a joint research project of the Quantum Sensing Lab at the University of Basel led by Prof. P. Maletinsky ( and Mesosco...


Doctoral student SNSF in Information Systems and Management

IntroductionUNIL is a leading international teaching and research institution, with over 5,000 employees and 17,000 students split between its Dorigny campus, CHUV and Epalinges. As an employer, UNIL encourages excellence, individual recognition a...

PhD position (100%, Start from October 2024)

The Department of Biomedicine is a joint effort between the University of Basel and the University Hospitals Basel. It unites basic and clinical scientists to advance our understanding of health an...

PhD position on novel mRNA nanotherapeutics against antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections (P2405)

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel invites highly motivated scientists to apply for the SNI PhD program in Nanoscience.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global healt...

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on the Southwestern Pacific

Phd student position in optical spectroscopy of tunable van der waals quantum materials.

The newly-established “Quantum Opto-Electronics" research group of Prof. Tomasz Smoleński at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland (, is looking for ...


International Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Life Sciences in Switzerland

*New application deadlines for two open calls per year: November 1 and May 1!Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, the Life Science Zurich ...

PhD student in Structural Biology by NMR 100%

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. ...


Ph.D. Student in Machine Learning for Biosignal Processing

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) has opened a full time (100%) position for a Ph.D. Student in student in Machine Learning for Biosignal Processing at the Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI) locat...

PhD and Postdoc positions in cold molecules/cold chemistry at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, Switzerland. The successful candidate will participate in ongoing experiments and new developments to study interactions, collisions and chemical ...

PhD position in molecular-ion quantum technologies at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

A PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy.Project descri...


PhD student for Ni-based model catalysts for dry methane reforming

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of future technologies, ene...

PhD Position: Tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling in snow-dominated ecosystems

PhD Position: Tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling in snow-dominated ecosystemsThe Hydrology Group at the Institute of Environmental Engineering invites applications for a PhD position on isotope...

PhD FELLOWSHIPS & POSITIONS in Life Sciences starting April 2025

Want to start a PhD?The University of Lausanne, Switzerland, offers:PHD FELLOWSHIPS & POSITIONSin Life SciencesStarting April 2025Talented and motivated candidates who have or will have obtained their Master degree (or equivalent) in a relevant fi...

Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon Emissions

Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon EmissionsJoin the Global Health Engineering group at ETH Zürich Th...


PhD on Occupant-centric flexibility quantification and dispatch

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa's around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. ...

PhD student position – Infection Biology

One phd scholarship (for 1 year) within the department of ancient civilizations at the university of basel.

The PhD program of the Department of Ancient Civilizations at the University of Basel announces a one-year scholarship à CHF 30'000 (two tranches with evaluation) starting at the 01.04.2025.The gra...

PhD Position in Nonprofit Management

Within a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) supported project, the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) of the University of Basel is searching for a PhD Student. The CEPS is directed by Pr...

Starter scholarships of the Basel Graduate School of History

The Basel Graduate School of History (BGSH) is offering two 1-year starter scholarships (Start date: 1 April 2025).The purpose of the scholarships is to support you during the starting phase of you...

Jobs by field

  • Programming Languages 183
  • Electrical Engineering 180
  • Machine Learning 172
  • Artificial Intelligence 171
  • Molecular Biology 144
  • Electronics 131
  • Materials Engineering 130
  • Computational Sciences 128
  • Cell Biology 128
  • Materials Chemistry 109

Jobs by type

  • Postdoc 312
  • Assistant / Associate Professor 147
  • Researcher 126
  • Professor 93
  • Engineer 64
  • Management / Leadership 60
  • Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 51
  • Research assistant 50
  • Tenure Track 37

Jobs by country

  • Belgium 224
  • The Netherlands 175
  • Morocco 127
  • Germany 126
  • Finland 108
  • Switzerland 96
  • Luxembourg 76

Jobs by employer

  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 131
  • KU Leuven 94
  • University of Luxembourg 74
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 72
  • Ghent University 41
  • ETH Zürich 35
  • Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) 30
  • KTH Royal Institute of Techno... 30
  • University of Twente 29

phd design schweiz

Erhalten Sie Job-Alerts, die Ihren Präferenzen entsprechen.

519 PhD-Positionen

Finden Sie offene Stellen für Doktoranden, Programme und Stipendien hier. Für die neusten Vakanzen registrieren Sie sich für die Job-Alerts.

Sortieren nach:

  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Belgien (110)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Niederlande (106)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Deutschland (73)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Schweiz (63)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Finnland (46)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Schweden (31)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Österreich (30)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Luxemburg (26)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Norwegen (14)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Frankreich (13)

Main fields

  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Ingenieurwissenschaften (259)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Computerwissenschaften (172)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Physik (145)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Biologie (127)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Chemie (126)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Mathematik (69)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Medizin (69)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Wirtschaft (36)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Sozialwissenschaften (34)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Agrarwissenschaften (24)

Suchergebnisse (519)


PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI),...

PhD position on quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli (P2403) 100%

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemi...


Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information ...


Doctoral student in Political Science

Sapere Aude—dare to be wise—is our motto. Our students and employees develop knowledge and expertise that enrich both people and the world around them. Our academic environment is characterised by ...

Doctoral student in Political Science (psychological defense and disinfo.)



A pre-doctoral position in the context of a KU Leuven competitive 4-year C1 funding project entitled ‘Is the cerebroprotective function of Prdm16 during ischemic stroke mediated by controlling the ...

MSCA Doctoral Network DEMINE – Openings for doctoral candidates

The Media Culture & Policy Lab at KU Leuven explores the dynamic intersections of media culture, technology, citizens, and society, fostering positive social change through transdisciplinary collab...

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information Tec...


PhD Student on the topic "Audiovisual perception, interaction and cognition in real-world and eXtended Reality Environments" (f/m/d)

In the Audiovisual Technology Group, Ilmenau Interactive Immersive Technologies Center ( at the Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany) is a vacancy for aPhD Student on the topic "Audiovisual perception, interaction and cog...

Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in / Doktorand/Doktorandin im Themenbereich „Audiovisuelle Wahrnehmung, Interaktion und Kognition in realen und eXtended Reality (XR) Umgebungen“ (w/m/d)

Im Fachgebiet Audiovisuelle Technik (, Ilmenau Interactive Immersive Technologies Center (I3TC, der Technischen Universität Ilmenau ist ab sofort eine Stelle alsWissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in / ...

PhD in Health Monitoring of Aircraft Structures and Systems

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship. This PhD is situated in a joint project between the Departments of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of the KU Leuven - Campus Ghent, to fully cove...

PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli.

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry a...

PhD/Researcher position: Privacy Engineering through Source Code Analysis

DistriNet is a leading research group specializing in secure and distributed software, embedded in the KU Leuven Department of Computer Science. With over 100 researchers, including 15 full-time pr...


Doctoral candidates in Statistics and Probability

The University | About us...The MATHCODA Doctoral Training Unit is a doctoral program covering a coherent set of themes around the ideation and study of novel mathematical tools for dealing with hi...

PhD Position in Craft-Inspired Robotic Fabrication

The research groups Research[x]Design at the Department of Architecture, and Robotics at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, are offering a fully-funded, 4-year PhD position at KU Leuven univ...

PhD/Researcher position: Decentralized Data Sharing Middleware for Data Spaces


PhD in 3 years: Doctoral Researcher in Nanomedicine Based Cancer Therapy

The University of Oulu is a multidisciplinary, international research university, with about 3,600 employees who produce new knowledge based on high-standards research and provide research based ed...

New sensing methods for intra-operative monitoring of bone drilling

Research of the Department of Mechanical Engineering addresses the most important societal challenges including sustainable energy supply, mobility, healthcare and industrial innovation. The Depart...

PhD Position Additive Manufacturing and Concrete Modeling

The Faculty of Engineering Technology, located on Campus De Nayer (Sint-Katelijne-Waver), and the Department of Civil Engineering of the Science Engineering and Technology Group of KU Leuven, invit...

PhD Position in Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles for Enhanced Catalysis

PhD Position in Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles for Enhanced CatalysisHave you ever dreamed of controlling chemical reactions using magnetic fields? With magnetoelectric composite nanoparticles actin...


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Bereich Photovoltaische Energiesysteme (m/w/d)

Willkommen an der Hochschule Anhalt, einer der forschungsstärksten Hochschulen des Landes. Im Herzen Mitteldeutschlands bieten wir als eine der Innovativen Hochschulen Forschung und Lehre auf internationalem Niveau sowie beste Studien- und Lebensq...

PhD: Automated Testing of Autonomous Satellite

About the SnTSnT is a leading international research and innovation centre in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT systems and services. We play an instrumental role in Luxembourg by fueling innova...


Doctoral Researcher, Memory Politics

 The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä is seeking to recruit:A Doctoral Researcher in Memory Politics for a fixed term of 3 years, starting on January 2nd 202...


PhD Reconfigurable metasurfaces for Radar Cross Section (RCS) control

PhD Research Project "Reconfigurable metasurfaces for Radar Cross Section (RCS) control" Promoter: Prof. dr. G. Gerini (TU/e Electromagnetics Group – TNO Optics Department)Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Electrical Engin...


PhD Thesis Student (f/m) on ID06-LVP in the Matter at Extremes Group

The European Synchrotron, the ESRF, is an international research centre based in Grenoble, France.Through its innovative engineering, pioneering scientific vision and a strong commitment from its 700 staff members, the ESRF is recognised as one of...

PhD position in Human-Centric Optimization for Supply Chain Excellence

Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Industrial Engineering and Innovation SciencesFTE 1,0Date off 08/09/2024Reference number V39.7650Job descriptionThe labor shortage in the Netherlands has become a critical issue, affecting...

PhD Student on the topic "Audiovisual scene analysis and cognitive performance for speech perception in multi-person scenarios in eXtended Reality (XR)" (f/m/d)

In the Audiovisual Technology Group, Ilmenau Interactive Immersive Technologies Center ( at the Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany) is a vacancy for aPhD Student on the topic "Audiovisual scene analysis and cognitive pe...


PhD student Exploring spatial (re)presentations and imaginations through image-making

BackgroundArcK is the research group of the Faculty of Architecture and Arts that focuses on research in architecture and interior architecture. We conduct fundamental and applied research on the b...

Promotionsstelle am Seminar für Medienwissenschaft der Universität Basel

Forschungsgruppe »Bureaugraphies. Administration After the Age of Bureaucracy«Im Rahmen der vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und...

PhD position on Practical AI Planning with Ontologies 100%

The Artificial Intelligence ( research group at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, is seeking a PhD candidate for a collaborative pro...

Jobs nach Fachgebiet

  • Elektrotechnik 205
  • Programmiersprachen 204
  • Künstliche Intelligenz 194
  • Maschinelles Lernen 185
  • Molekularbiologie 154
  • Elektronik 144
  • Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 138
  • Zellbiologie 135
  • Werkstofftechnik 134
  • Management 118

Jobs nach Stellenart

  • PhD/ Doktorand/in 519
  • Post Doc 325
  • Dozent/in 225
  • Assistenzprofessur 169
  • Forscher/in 159
  • Professur 154
  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeit... 84
  • Leitungsstelle 79
  • Ingenieur/in 75
  • Sonstiges 48

Jobs nach Land

  • Deutschland 375
  • Belgien 230
  • Niederlande 175
  • Marokko 130
  • Schweiz 113
  • Finnland 108
  • Österreich 86
  • Frankreich 84
  • Luxemburg 78
  • Schweden 59

Jobs nach Arbeitgeber

  • IU International University o... 219
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 134
  • KU Leuven 94
  • University of Luxembourg 76
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 72
  • Free University of Bozen - Bo... 50
  • University of Basel 41
  • Ghent University 41
  • University of Cologne 38

phd design schweiz

Erhalten Sie Job-Alerts, die Ihren Präferenzen entsprechen.

63 PhD/ Doktorand/in Positionen in Schweiz

Finden Sie PhD/ Doktorand/in Positionen in Schweiz hier. Für die neusten Vakanzen registrieren Sie sich für die Job-Alerts.

Sortieren nach:

  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Basel (31)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Zürich (21)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Lausanne (2)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Dübendorf (2)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in St. Gallen (2)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Bern (1)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Neuenburg (1)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Freiburg (1)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Lugano (1)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Villigen PSI (1)

Andere Länder

  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Belgien (110)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Niederlande (106)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Deutschland (73)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Finnland (46)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Schweden (31)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Österreich (30)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Luxemburg (25)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Norwegen (14)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Frankreich (12)
  • PhD/ Doktorand/in positions in Israel (4)

Suchergebnisse (63)


PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on South America

The Department of History at the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in a global history project led by Prof. Dr. Marie Muschalek (principal investigator, PI),...

PhD position on quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli (P2403) 100%

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI), we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemi...


Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information ...

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices

Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devicesThe Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems (HPE) at the Department of Information Tec...

PhD student position: quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli.

For the prestigious PhD school of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute, we solicit applications for a paid 4-year PhD student position in the Biomolecular Nano-Dynamics group at the Dept. of Chemistry a...

PhD Position in Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles for Enhanced Catalysis

PhD Position in Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles for Enhanced CatalysisHave you ever dreamed of controlling chemical reactions using magnetic fields? With magnetoelectric composite nanoparticles actin...

Promotionsstelle am Seminar für Medienwissenschaft der Universität Basel

Forschungsgruppe »Bureaugraphies. Administration After the Age of Bureaucracy«Im Rahmen der vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und...

PhD position on Practical AI Planning with Ontologies 100%

The Artificial Intelligence ( research group at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel, is seeking a PhD candidate for a collaborative pro...

PhD and Post-doc positions in the field of Optimization and Deep Learning Theory (Prof. A. Lucchi)

The Optimization of Machine Learning Systems Group (Prof. A. Lucchi) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Basel is looking for several PhD students and post-do...

PhD Position in Biofabrication and 3D BioPrinting

PhD Position in Biofabrication and 3D BioPrintingInjuries to the musculoskeletal system are widespread and can impact quality of life. The field of tissue engineering and bioprinting is constantly ...

Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Winter Call 2024/25

The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. Its fundamental research embraces a wide range of topics such as biochemistry, biophysics, phy...

PhD position: Spin waves get a twist! (P2402) 100 %

We are looking for a PhD student for a joint research project of the Quantum Sensing Lab at the University of Basel led by Prof. P. Maletinsky ( and Mesosco...


Doctoral student SNSF in Information Systems and Management

IntroductionUNIL is a leading international teaching and research institution, with over 5,000 employees and 17,000 students split between its Dorigny campus, CHUV and Epalinges. As an employer, UNIL encourages excellence, individual recognition a...

Doktorand*in am Center for Philanthropy Studies

Das Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) ist ein interdisziplinäres Universitätsinstitut für Philanthropie und Stiftungswesen der Universität Basel. Das CEPS wurde 2008 gegründet und verbindet in...

PhD position (100%, Start from October 2024)

The Department of Biomedicine is a joint effort between the University of Basel and the University Hospitals Basel. It unites basic and clinical scientists to advance our understanding of health an...

PhD position on novel mRNA nanotherapeutics against antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections (P2405)

The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) at the University of Basel invites highly motivated scientists to apply for the SNI PhD program in Nanoscience.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global healt...

PhD position: Global History/Violence Studies with a regional focus on the Southwestern Pacific

Phd student position in optical spectroscopy of tunable van der waals quantum materials.

The newly-established “Quantum Opto-Electronics" research group of Prof. Tomasz Smoleński at the Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland (, is looking for ...


International Fully Funded PhD Positions in the Life Sciences in Switzerland

*New application deadlines for two open calls per year: November 1 and May 1!Life Science Zurich Graduate School offers more than 100 funded PhD positions. With around 500 research groups and more than 1600 Ph.D. students, the Life Science Zurich ...

PhD student in Structural Biology by NMR 100%

How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. ...


Ph.D. Student in Machine Learning for Biosignal Processing

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) has opened a full time (100%) position for a Ph.D. Student in student in Machine Learning for Biosignal Processing at the Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI) locat...

PhD and Postdoc positions in cold molecules/cold chemistry at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, Switzerland. The successful candidate will participate in ongoing experiments and new developments to study interactions, collisions and chemical ...

PhD position in molecular-ion quantum technologies at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

A PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy.Project descri...


Assistenzstelle (Doc-Stelle, 100%) in Deutscher Sprachwissenschaft

Stellenantritt:1. Februar 2025Ihre Aufgaben:Zu den Aufgaben der Assistenz gehört die eigene wissenschaftliche Qualifikation durch eine Dissertation, die akademische Lehre im Umfang von 2 Semesterwochenstunden sowie die Mitwirkung in der akademisch...


PhD student for Ni-based model catalysts for dry methane reforming

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of future technologies, ene...

PhD Position: Tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling in snow-dominated ecosystems

PhD Position: Tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling in snow-dominated ecosystemsThe Hydrology Group at the Institute of Environmental Engineering invites applications for a PhD position on isotope...

PhD FELLOWSHIPS & POSITIONS in Life Sciences starting April 2025

Want to start a PhD?The University of Lausanne, Switzerland, offers:PHD FELLOWSHIPS & POSITIONSin Life SciencesStarting April 2025Talented and motivated candidates who have or will have obtained their Master degree (or equivalent) in a relevant fi...

Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon Emissions

Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon EmissionsJoin the Global Health Engineering group at ETH Zürich Th...


PhD on Occupant-centric flexibility quantification and dispatch

Materials science and technology are our passion. With our cutting-edge research, Empa's around 1,100 employees make essential contributions to the well-being of society for a future worth living. ...

PhD student position – Infection Biology

Jobs nach fachgebiet.

  • Programmiersprachen 198
  • Elektrotechnik 198
  • Künstliche Intelligenz 182
  • Maschinelles Lernen 177
  • Molekularbiologie 150
  • Elektronik 136
  • Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 134
  • Zellbiologie 134
  • Werkstofftechnik 132
  • Management 111

Jobs nach Stellenart

  • PhD/ Doktorand/in 517
  • Post Doc 315
  • Dozent/in 219
  • Assistenzprofessur 152
  • Professur 151
  • Forscher/in 146
  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeit... 76
  • Leitungsstelle 74
  • Ingenieur/in 65
  • Sonstiges 47

Jobs nach Land

  • Deutschland 375
  • Belgien 224
  • Niederlande 175
  • Marokko 127
  • Schweiz 111
  • Finnland 108
  • Österreich 86
  • Luxemburg 76
  • Schweden 59
  • Frankreich 50

Jobs nach Arbeitgeber

  • IU International University o... 219
  • Mohammed VI Polytechnic Unive... 131
  • KU Leuven 94
  • University of Luxembourg 74
  • Eindhoven University of Techn... 72
  • University of Basel 41
  • Ghent University 41
  • University of Cologne 38
  • ETH Zürich 36

phd design schweiz

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Swiss Nanoscience Institute

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 Doktorierende in der SNI-Doktorandenschule kommen aus der ganzen Welt.

The SNI PhD School is highly interdisciplinary and international.

The sni phd school.

In 2012, the Swiss Nanoscience Institute founded a PhD School to promote the education of young researchers in the nanosciences. The research activities address the cutting edge scientific and interdisciplinary approach of nanoscience and technology and root in disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and engineering.

Each doctoral student is supervised by two scientists from the interdisciplinary SNI network and belongs to the successful SNI PhD School. Within this network, scientific exchange and networking is of great importance. All PhD student participate in these meetings of the network as well as in their Winter School and several courses that are specifically designed to meet the requirements of the doctoral students.

The PhD School is highly international. Currently, PhD students from 15 different countries are enrolled.

There are still vacancies from last year's PhD projects. You can immediately apply directly to the PIs.

P2202  Search for 2D ferromagnetism at room temperature ( Monica Ciomaga Hatnean (PSI) and  Michel Kenzelmann (PSI/ University of Basel)

P2303  Vertical Quantum Dots in Coupled Ge Quantum Wells Andrea Hofman (University of Basel) and Ilaria Zardo (University of Basel)

PhD School projects starting in 2025


Induced quantum dot microscopy of germanium and graphene quantum devices

(University of Basel)

Martino Poggio (University of Basel)


Spin waves get a twist! ( )


Patrick Maletinsky (University of Basel)


Live recording of functional stimuli in single protein molecules using NV-ODMR ( )

(University of Basel)

Patrick Maletinsky (University of Basel)


Recruiting synthetic metal oxo nanoclusters as enzyme cofactors

 (University of Basel)

Jonathan De Roo (University of Basel)


Novel mRNA nanotherapeutics against antibiotic-resistant pulmonary infections ( )

Oya Tagit (FHNW)

Scott McNeil (University of Basel)


Artificial Photosynthesis at Sub-zero Temperatures within Cryo-protective Lipidic Mesophase Nanoconfinement

(University of Basel)

Fanni Juranyi (PSI)

Timeline 2024/2025

30 April 2024

Deadline for project proposal submission to 

May - June

Review process

Late June

Information about project acceptance

July - December

Search for candidates, interviews and hiring, online application tool open
(A PhD student can be accepted at any point during this period)

1 January 2025

Earliest project start

1 July 2025Latest project start

Upcoming events

Annual Event 2024: 4-6 September 2024

SNI Start-up Workshop (by invitation, participation once while being an SNI PhD student) 16-17 October 2024

NanoTec Apéro 2024 with industry partners 30 October 2024

Annual Event 2025: 10-12 September 2025

Dr. Thomas Mortelmans

"I can recommen d the SNI PhD School to everybody who is interested in interdisciplinary science."

Dr. Thomas Mortelmans, former doctoral student at the SNI

Video with Thomas Mortelmans

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PhD in Health Sciences

For doctoral studies, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine offers a flexible and intensively supervised doctoral program.


Before you can register for the PhD Program, you need the approval of a supervisor from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine . Please contact a potential supervisor first.

For students to the University of Lucerne, it is necessary to use the online registration . If you are starting a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne directly after completing your Master's degree at the University of Lucerne, please register by e-mail to the student services team .  If you are not starting your PhD in the following semester, you must register online.

The following deadlines apply to doctoral registrations: August 31 for the coming fall semester January 31 for the coming spring semester

The admission to the PhD Program is regulated by the study and examination committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. The admission requirements can be found in the PhD Regulations . The admission decision will be communicated by email.

Language skills: You should have a very good knowledge of English; knowledge of German is not required.


The first supervisor is responsible for the academic supervision. This person must be chosen from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine . Without a written supervision agreement , which is co-authored and signed by a first supervisor, the admission to the PhD Program is not possible. The second supervisor  must be a person with a doctorate degree or higher from another faculty or different university.

Study requirements

The doctoral performance to be achieved consists of the academic performance (at least 18 ECTS credits), the thesis, the defense and the publication of the thesis.

Course selection All courses (see Course program ) offer ECTS credits and contribute to the 18 ECTS credit requirement. External courses can also be attended after consultation with the supervisor.

Course program

Courses University Lucerne

External Course program Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) Course program SGGÖ Course program Campus Luzern Course program SSPH+ Course program Graduate Academy Meet to Write (Uni Basel) ​​​​​​​

Evaluation report

The supervisor meets with the PhD student at least once a year to evaluate the progress of the dissertation. In particular, the development of the research work and the earned course credits are evaluated based on the goals set for current year. Goals for the following year are also established.

Leave of absence

A leave of absence from the doctoral study is generally possible. Applications must be submitted in written form to the Study Center ( phd_health remove-this. @ remove-this. ) by September 15 (for the fall semester) and February 15 (for the spring semester).

Please note the following: - A leave of absence is granted for a maximum of two semesters. - During this time there are no matriculation fees. - No academic achievements can be earned. - It is not possible to participate in courses. - No applications for financial support from the faculty can be made. - No applications for the opening of the doctoral procedure can be made.

ECTS credits For all courses with earned ECTS credits, written documentation is required to ensure that the requirements according to § 4, number 1 of the Guide to PhD Regulations are fulfilled. The minimum number of credits to be earned during the doctoral studies is 18 ECTS credits (according to § 7, number 1 of the Guide to PhD Regulations). Usually these credits consist of participation in elective modules (in the amount of at least 6 ECTS) and in elective modules, which are announced at the beginning of each semester.

Application for the opening of the doctoral procedure The doctoral procedure is opened at the candidate's request. The application must be submitted in writing to the head of the faculty and submitted to the Study Center by email to phd_health remove-this. @ remove-this. .

The following documents (as pdf-files) must be enclosed with the application:

  • a declaration by the candidate that he or she has independently written the submitted dissertation, that he or she has only used the specified aids when writing the dissertation and that he or she has marked passages that have been adopted either literally or in content as such a statement as to whether the dissertation has already been submitted to a university in the current or another version
  • proof of academic achievements of at least 18 ECTS credits
  • proof of matriculation for the duration of the doctoral studies (can be requested from Study Services )

Title After the successfully contested defense, a temporary certificate is issued. After publication of the dissertation, the PhD Student is awarded as Doctor of Science (Dr. sc.). A certificate and diploma will be issued for the doctoral work.

  • PhD regulations (in German)
  • Guide to the PhD regulations (in German)
  • Supervision Agreement

FAQ for the PhD Program

Questions about the doctoral program.

I am interested in the PhD Program in Health Sciences. From the admission guidelines it can be seen that with a Master of Science degree from a university of applied sciences (90 ECTS) additional ECTS must be shown. How and at what time can these be acquired?

The doctoral regulations distinguish between admission with conditions (achievements to be made before entry) and admission with conditions (achievements to be made during the doctorate) - see also § 5, para. 5:

For a Master's degree with 90 ECTS, an additional 30 ECTS must be completed. If ECTS have already been acquired at a Swiss or foreign university, the study center will check this and, if necessary, also count these ECTS.

What costs can I expect during the doctoral program?

The Study Services of the University of Lucerne have prepared an overview: Application and Admission - University of Lucerne (

And the Student Advisory Service of the University of Lucerne provides more info on general financial questions at the following link: Financial and Budgeting Advice - University of Lucerne (

Dr. med. Christian Schirlo, MME Director Study Center

Colette Lenherr Administrative Coordinator PhD in Health Sciences

phd_health remove-this. @ remove-this.

Liaison PhD Students:

The PhD Liaisons represent doctoral researchers, ensuring their concerns and needs are communicated to the faculty administration. We gather and respond to student feedback and provide networking and capacity-building opportunities for doctoral candidates. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email any of us.

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    PhD Office 58-420 Tellstrasse 2 9000 St. Gallen Tel: +41 71 224 3938 Write e-mail Details Tel: +41 71 224 2588 Write e-mail Sabrina Helmer. Wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung. Tel: +41 71 224 2588 Write e-mail Desk opening hours Ph.D. Office: Mo - Fr from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (Tellstrasse 2) or on request during the office hours. ...

  17. Find a PhD Position

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    English Linguistics. University of Zurich. Zürich, Switzerland. More interesting programmes for you. Find the best PhD programmes from top universities in Switzerland. Check all 0 programmes.

  21. 50 PhD/ Doktorand/in Positionen in Schweiz

    1. 2. ›. Finden Sie PhD/ Doktorand/in Positionen in Schweiz hier. Für die neusten Vakanzen registrieren Sie sich für die Job-Alerts.

  22. PhD program

    The SNI PhD School. In 2012, the Swiss Nanoscience Institute founded a PhD School to promote the education of young researchers in the nanosciences. The research activities address the cutting edge scientific and interdisciplinary approach of nanoscience and technology and root in disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and ...

  23. PhD in Health Sciences

    Before you can register for the PhD Program, you need the approval of a supervisor from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine.Please contact a potential supervisor first. For students to the University of Lucerne, it is necessary to use the online registration. If you are starting a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne directly after completing your ...