1. Tourism Multiplier Effect- Made SIMPLE

    The tourism multiplier effect is an example of a positive economic impact of tourism, i.e. it is a good thing (most of the time, at least)! The tourism multiplier effect demonstrates that the economic consequences of a single action (i.e. a tourist going on holiday) can have a greater impact economically on the local and global economy.

  2. Multiplier effect, tourism

    A multiplier in economics is a ratio that measures how much a dependent variable changes in response to a change in the independent variable. Tourism multiplier effect, in simple terms, refers to how many times money spent by a tourist can circulate in a country's economy. Tourism can directly contribute to the development of the economy by bringing in income and generating new employment ...

  3. PDF Multiplier Effect in Tourism

    This is known as the multiplier effect. In simple terms, the tourism multiplier effect refers to how many times money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy (Archer 1982). There are three types of multiplier effects: direct, indirect, and induced impacts. Direct effects refer to the first-round effect of spending by ...

  4. Tourism and its economic impact: A literature review using bibliometric

    Topics such as the relationship between tourism and economic impact, its potential benefits and negative externalities are characterized by both vastness and heterogeneity of contents. ... The multiplier effect: Singapore's hospitality industry. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 36(1): 64-69. Crossref. Google Scholar ...

  5. PDF The Expansions of the Essays on Tourism Multiplier Model

    multiplier theory (model 1 and 2), and finally, my essays on tourism (income) multiplier theory according to Archer-Ozawa's tourism income multiplier model. On that occasion, I divide importation (import) into producer goods and consumer goods as for the model 1; then separate

  6. Multiplier Effect in Tourism

    This is known as the multiplier effect. In simple terms, the tourism multiplier effect refers to how many times money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy (Archer 1982 ). There are three types of multiplier effects: direct, indirect, and induced impacts. Direct effects refer to the first-round effect of spending by ...

  7. (PDF) Tourism multiplier effect

    ArticlePDF Available. Tourism multiplier effect. June 2011. Journal of Economics and Business Research XVII (1) Authors: Sergiu Rusu. Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad. Ottilia György. Citations (48)

  8. (PDF) Tourism multiplier effect

    Tourism multiplier effect. Sergiu Rusu. Journal of Economics and Business Research, ISSN: 2068-3537, E-ISSN (online) 2069-9476, ISSN-L=2068-3537 Year XVII, No.1, 2011, pp.70-76. Determination of the multiplier effect of tourism is a key element in the economic field. The multiplier measures the impact of extra expenditure introduced ...

  9. Tourism recovery and the economic impact: A panel assessment

    Tourist receipts having a stronger effect on growth, relative to tourism specialization, relates to the multiplier effect of tourism spending on the overall economy as indicated by Jucan and Jucan, 2013, Ghartey, 2013, Zhang and Cheng, 2019. That is, the economic impact of tourist receipts captures the direct, indirect and induced effects.

  10. Tourism Multiplier » Concept, Types, Limitations, Importance

    Concept of Tourism Multiplier: Tourism being a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary industry has a great potential in generating income and employment (direct and indirect).Tourism, being one of the largest industries for many countries, has a high multiplier effect.The inflow of money from Tourist Generating Region to Tourist Destination Region through various sectors of the economy is very ...

  11. Tourism Multiplier Effect

    Tourism Multiplier Effect. Tourism not only creates jobs in the tertiary sector, it also encourages growth in the primary and secondary sectors of industry. This is known as the multiplier effect which in its simplest form is how many times money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy. Money spent in a hotel helps to create ...

  12. The tourism multiplier effect.

    This chapter explains the concept of tourism multiplier effect and how it is calculated. Tourism multiplier effects calculated for 17 Latin American countries are presented as an illustration. Get full access to this article. View all available purchase options and get full access to this chapter.

  13. The Impact of COVID-19 on the US Economy: The Multiplier Effects of Tourism

    This article explores the multiplier effects on domestic product, employment, and the external sector of the US economy due to the decline of tourism activities during the pandemic. For this purpose, we use an input-output model and the latest available input-output data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD's) database. It was found that for every USD million ...

  14. Tourism and Multiplier Effect Essay

    The term multiplier effect refers to the resulting effect of a service or amenity creating further wealth or positive effects in an area. For example, tourism in an area will create jobs in an area, therefore the employees of the tourism industry will have some extra money to spend on other services, and therefore improving these other services ...

  15. PDF Multiplier effect, tourism

    A multiplier in economics is a ratio that mea-sures how much a dependent variable changes in response to a change in the independent variable. Tourism multiplier effect, in simple terms, refers to how many times money spent by a tourist can circulate in a country's economy. Tourism can directly contribute to the development of

  16. Southern African tourism: the 'multiplier' effect

    This is the finding of Dr Sue Snyman, a tourism analyst and economist associated with UCT's Environmental Policy Research Unit (EPRU), in the Faculty of Commerce. "This is the multiplier effect of tourism in remote regions of the subcontinent," explains Snyman, who has published several papers in the past year on the basis of the findings ...

  17. Tourism multiplier effect

    Conclusion: Tourism multiplier effect. In conclusion, the tourism multiplier effect is a powerful force that can drive economic growth and promote community development. By understanding its various components and adopting sustainable practices, the tourism industry can unlock its full potential and create a better future for all. ...

  18. The relationship between tourism and economic growth ...

    Tourism has become the world's third-largest export industry after fuels and chemicals, and ahead of food and automotive products. From last few years, there has been a great surge in international tourism, culminates to 7% share of World's total exports in 2016. To this end, the study attempts to examine the relationship between inbound tourism, financial development and economic growth ...

  19. 10 Economic impacts of tourism + explanations + examples

    Source: UNWTO. Here are a few facts about the economic importance of the tourism industry globally: The tourism economy represents 5 percent of world GDP. Tourism contributes to 6-7 percent of total employment. International tourism ranks fourth (after fuels, chemicals and automotive products) in global exports.


    tourist income multiplier, which is the ratio of total regional income generated to an average unit of tourist expenditure. Several studies have been carried out to estimate the tourist multiplier for a given site. A cross-sectional comparison of the various outcomes reveals a range of different values of the tourist multiplier.

  21. African tourism: the 'multiplier' effect

    African tourism: the 'multiplier' effect. For every one person employed by certain high-end tourism lodges in southern Africa, seven people benefit from the downstream flow of that income. Meanwhile, staff employed in these sorts of ventures help grow the local economy by spending their wages at community stores where they do their grocery ...

  22. What is meant by the term multiplier effect in tourism?

    The term multiplier effect refers to the resulting effect of a service or amenity creating further wealth or positive effects in an area. For example, tourism in an area will create jobs in an area, therefore the employees of the tourism industry will have some extra money to spend on other services, and therefore improving these other services ...

  23. The title of Cassie's essay is 'Tourism's Multiplicr Effect on

    Final answer: Cassie's essay is likely about the economic impact of tourism, specifically the multiplier effect, where tourist spending stimulates broader economic growth with positive and negative outcomes such as profit repatriation and environmental damage.