Animal Testing Thesis Statement

Animal experimentation has been a controversial topic for many years. Some people believe that it is necessary in order to advance medical research, while others argue that it is cruel and inhumane.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. On one hand, animal testing can be vital in developing new treatments and medications for diseases. Without animal testing, many life-saving drugs would not be available today. On the other hand, animal testing is often criticized because it can be cruel and inhumane. Animals in experiments are often subjected to pain and suffering, and sometimes they do not survive.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to support animal experimentation is a personal one. There are valid arguments on both sides of the issue, and it is up to each individual to decide what they believe is right.

There has been a dispute between animal rights activists and scientists about the morality of using animals in laboratory testing. It is also contentious whether utilizing animals for such research aids in the discovery of cures. If there are no other options and if it is probable that this will advance medical research, I believe that animals may be used for experimental study.

Animal testing is the use of animals in experiments and development projects to determine the toxicity, efficacy or side effects of substances such as drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, vaccines and other products. In many countries around the world animals are still suffering in laboratories with little hope for relief. According to the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), federal law regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.

The AWA does not extend to birds, rats of the genus Rattus, and mice of the genus Mus, which together account for more than 95% of all animals used in research.(1)Animal Experimentation Up 80 Percent In Last Decade) There has been an increase in the use of animals in experiments, although the number of rats and mice used has decreased slightly.

While animal rights advocates argue that people and animals are equivalent, I believe that people and animals cannot be compared; as a result, the death of an animal can never be the same as that of a person. As a result, causing animals to die for science in order to save human lives may be considered ethical to some extent if it aids scientific progress and is beneficial to humanity in general.

Animal testing has been a controversial issue for many years. Some people believe that animal testing is cruel and inhumane, and that it should be stopped immediately. Others believe that animal testing is necessary in order to continue making progress in medical research.

There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument, but I believe that the pros of animal testing outweigh the cons. The main reason I believe this is because animal testing has led to significant medical advances over the years, and has helped save countless lives.

One example of how animal testing has led to a medical breakthrough is the development of penicillin. Penicillin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, and it was first discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Fleming’s discovery of penicillin was accidental; he was studying bacteria in a petri dish when he noticed that a fungus had contaminated the dish.

Fleming observed that the bacteria were not growing near the fungus, and he realized that the fungus must be producing a substance that was inhibiting the growth of the bacteria. He isolated this substance, which we now know as penicillin, and found that it was effective at killing bacteria.

Fleming’s discovery of penicillin was a major medical breakthrough, and it would not have been possible without animal testing. In order to test whether or not penicillin was effective at treating bacterial infections, Fleming injected it into mice. He found that the mice who were injected with penicillin survived, while the mice who were not injected with penicillin died.

This experiment proved that penicillin was effective at treating bacterial infections in animals, and it paved the way for further research into the drug’s effects on humans. In 1942, penicillin was used to treat a patient with a serious bacterial infection for the first time, and it was found to be effective.

Since then, penicillin has been used to treat millions of people with bacterial infections, and has saved countless lives. Animal testing played a vital role in the development of this life-saving drug, and without it, we would not have the medical advances that we do today.

Animal testing has also played a role in the development of vaccines. Vaccines are used to prevent diseases, and they work by causing the body to develop immunity to a particular disease.

The first vaccine was developed in 1796 by Edward Jenner, and it was used to prevent smallpox. Jenner observed that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox (a mild form of smallpox) were immune to smallpox. He vaccinate people with cowpox in order to give them immunity to smallpox, and his experiment was successful.

Since then, vaccines have been developed for many other diseases, including polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox. Animal testing has played a vital role in the development of these life-saving vaccines.

For example, the polio vaccine was developed in 1952 by Jonas Salk. In order to test whether or not the vaccine was safe and effective, Salk injected it into monkeys. He found that the monkeys who were injected with the vaccine did not develop polio, while the monkeys who were not vaccinated developed the disease.

This experiment proved that the polio vaccine was safe and effective, and it paved the way for further research into the vaccine. In 1955, the polio vaccine was declared safe for use in humans, and it has since been used to vaccinate millions of people around the world.

Furthermore, animal rights advocates accuse scientists of being ” barbarous” for causing animals to die in medical research, yet they do not object to people, particularly farmers, who kill animals for food. Even though they are aware that 99 percent of deaths are caused by farmers and only 1 percent by scientists, the reason for that is that they find scientists simpler to attack and have no strategy against farmers who are organized and powerful.

Animal testing has been a controversial issue for many years. Is it necessary? Does it save lives? These are the questions that people ask when they think about animal testing. Animal testing is the use of animals in experiments and development projects usually to determine toxicity, dosing and efficacy of test drugs before proceeding to human clinical trials (1).

Approximately 26 million vertebrate animals are used for research each year around the world (2). The animals used in research vary from mice and rats, which make up 85-90% of all laboratory animals, to larger mammals such as dogs, primates and farm animals.

The United States currently uses the most animals for research, with approximately 1.2 million animals used per year. This is followed by China, Japan, the United Kingdom and Canada (3).

Animal testing has been used for centuries to test products before they are made available to the public. It is only in recent years that animal rights groups have started to question the necessity of animal testing.

Animal testing is necessary in order to ensure the safety of products before they are made available to consumers. Without animal testing, many products would be released that could potentially be harmful to humans. Animal testing allows scientists to test the safety of products before they are used on human subjects.

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Animal Testing Essay Guide + Topics

Animal testing argumentative essay guide

Whether you are taking a position for or against animal testing in your essay, here are some helpful hacks, tips, and tricks you can use to ace your paper.

Animal testing is a controversial issue of global scope. However, with pandemics and outbreaks being a common phenomenon and the rise of the cosmetics industry, many animals are used in scientific research. Also known as in-vivo, animal experimentation, or animal research, animal testing entails using animals in different levels of experiments to investigate the reactions, performance, and potency of various medications, drugs, cosmetic products, and foods.

Use in both biological, medical, and now beauty studies, animal testing has gained comprehensive coverage. When writing persuasive or argumentative essays, you are likely to be given an animal testing research topic for your essay. The interest of commercial bodies and pharmaceutical companies and the ethics surrounding everything that occurs around us makes writing an animal testing argumentative or persuasive essay interesting.

When we asked 100 students who had ordered custom persuasive or argumentative animal testing essays from our website, they confessed that writing the essay only seems easy at its face value. However, it becomes complicated as they plan, conduct research, and write animal research papers. Do not fear, though because, you can either get an argumentative essay expert to write your essay or a model essay for you. Alternatively, use this guide to write a paper that will check all the boxes that your professor or instructor supposes you cannot.

What to include in your introduction?

When writing an animal testing introduction, avoid wasting too many words. Instead, write an introduction that attracts your readers, piques their interest, and keeps them glued to the end. This means that you should have: (a) hook , (b)background statement (where you explore the problem at hand), and (c) your animal-testing thesis statement.

Most of the top essay writers on our website revealed that they usually search for animal testing essay examples online for inspiration : it helps get a general atmosphere surrounding a controversial topic. With such a background, they can develop a thesis statement that defines their stance and the scope of their animal research essay.

Here are some excellent ideas for your first sentence or the hook:

  • Statistics of animals killed annually for research
  • Facts on animals are mostly used
  • The position of the society
  • Catchy facts
  • Controversial statements on animal research
  • Shocking facts about animal testing, e.g., Surprisingly, as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal reports, almost 100 million animals are killed in just the laboratories in the U.S. for research such as biology lessons, experimentation, food, drug, and cosmetic testing. Imagine how the statistics will skew upwards if we considered the entire world's population of animals killed every hour.
  • Rhetorical questions : you use this to make the reader intrigued to read more about the topic. For example, Would you rather use a drug tested on a volunteer human or other animal-safe alternative research approaches, and one that is effective or use a drug tested on animals whose failure rate is slightly high? or Do you believe that morality should be enforced in medical research, especially when animal rights are infringed?

The background of your animal testing research paper introduction can include:

  • Definition of animal testing
  • The extent of animal testing.'
  • The historical context of animal testing
  • Breakthroughs of animal testing
  • Expert opinion over animal testing
  • Description of the problem
  • The debate surrounding animal testing

Animal Testing Essay Outline/Structure

Your outline will depend on whether you are writing pro-animal testing or against animal testing research paper. Here is a generalized example of the outline for an animal testing essay.

A well-structured animal testing essay will automatically earn you marks. In most cases, it follows the conventional five-paragraph essay format divided into the introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion are each 10% of the word count, while the main body is 80%. You have to format your paper in APA, MLA, or Harvard format as your professor requires. To understand the formatting requirements, read the prompt and rubric of the animal testing essay keenly.

Remember to maintain a single idea per every body paragraph. That idea must reflect in the topic sentence of the paragraph to enable your audience to distinguish your major arguments.

The contents of the body paragraphs must also support the thesis. If there is a counterargument, make it known in your second last paragraph that precedes the conclusion.


  • 10% of the word count
  • Begin with a stellar hook sentence
  • Provide background to your chosen topic
  • Have an outstanding thesis statement
  • Transition to the main body of your essay
  • Comprises 80% of the word count
  • It can be three paragraphs for short essays or more for a long-form research paper
  • Provide the history of animal testing, if necessary.
  • Look at the roles of regulation and legislation in preventing animal cruelty.
  • Explore the different bodies involved in preventing or lobbying against animal testing.
  • Explore the breakthroughs of animal testing
  • Explore the different alternatives to animal testing: why they can work or why they cannot
  • Each paragraph should have its idea
  • Transition to your conclusion
  • Provide a summary of the paper
  • Highlight your significant arguments and counterarguments
  • Offer recommendations, if necessary
  • Rephrase your thesis statement and show how evidence has supported it in your essay.

Alternative Methods to Animal Testing to include in your paper

Cruelty-Free International argues that non-animal testing methods are cheaper, reliable, and more effective. You can recommend some of these alternatives in your animal testing research paper or essay, considering they elongate the discussion on this seemingly controversial topic.

  • Computer modeling
  • Cell cultures
  • Human tissues
  • Volunteer studies
  • Use of egg embryo
  • Use of unicellular organisms
  • The LAL tests
  • In vitro methods

Now, when writing an argumentative essay about animal testing, especially if you take a stance against it, listing these alternatives can strengthen your arguments. Look at this model animal testing essay and craft yours along the same line.

Tips for Concluding your Animal Testing Essay

There is no different way to end an animal testing essay, as it is the same as ending any essay. Thus, when you read our cheat sheet for ending an argumentative essay , you will understand that the main thing is to have a definitive conclusion.

The conclusion is not the place to introduce new ideas. Instead, you will summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis in a revamped version. Show your writers the connection between your main arguments and the recommendations you are making. If there is a counterstatement, explain your rationale for it.

When writing the conclusion, make it clear, concise, and coherent. For example, an excellent animal-testing essay conclusion will have the introduction sentence, the summary of the main body, and the closing sentence.

Strive to leave your reader yearning for more : you get to tickle the best grades even from that stingy professor. Weave together the concluding paragraph with appropriate sentence transitions and do not overdo it. Keep everything simple, and you will win the main marks assigned to a reasonable conclusion.

Now that we have everything explained, we can look at some of the main topics you can use as titles for animal testing papers.

Examples of Controversial and Latest Animal Testing Essay Topics

Animal testing topics

We asked our top writers to suggest some topics they think fit well for an animal testing essay. We got a total of fifty entries that you can select and write something about. If you are stuck and want an essay sample urgently, we can write such an essay for you in a few hours, thanks to our website that helps students write essays ASAP . You can choose from these animal testing essay titles:

  • Animal testing should be banned
  • Animal testing is not ethical
  • Pros and cons of animal testing
  • Alternative methods to using animals in drugs development
  • Controversy in using animal testing in medical and cosmetic research
  • Neglected interests and inhuman practices during animal testing
  • The cruelty of animal testing
  • Horrors of animal testing
  • Accidents during animal testing
  • Ethics of transporting caged animals for animal research
  • The future of animal testing, given the advancement in biotechnology
  • Medical animal testing should be banned
  • Should guinea pigs be used for lab work research?
  • New, better, and innovative treatments for humanity
  • Using animals in medical research is ethical and essential
  • Science and the murder of one hundred million animals annually
  • Importance of animals in clinical trials
  • Importance of animal testing in vaccine development
  • Is animal testing necessary for human survival?
  • Animal testing as an experimentation industry
  • Effectiveness of animal testing
  • Exploring the role of Cruelty-Free International Organization
  • Role of religious bodies in advocating for animal-testing-free society
  • The Americans for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) organization
  • Ethical issues in animal experimentation
  • How animal cruelty affects the ecosystem
  • Animal models in vaccine development
  • Defining animal cruelty
  • Treatment versus rights of animals
  • Are animal model results safe for humans?
  • Migraine Treatment and Animal testing
  • Dinitrophenol drug for overweight and Animal testing
  • Anti-arthritis Treatment and Animal Testing
  • Animal use in unmanned war drones
  • Positive and negative outcomes of animal testing
  • Role of media in influencing animal testing
  • The politics of deception in animal testing
  • Problems associated with animal testing
  • Animal testing should be controlled and not stopped
  • Licenses that are required for one to conduct animal testing
  • Role of Big Pharma in advancing animal testing.
  • Can plants be used as an alternative to animal testing?
  • Impacts of animal testing on ecology
  • How does animal testing affect the economy?
  • Can animal testing result in bioweapons?
  • Use of technology to predict diseases and outcomes rather than animal testing.
  • Are the rights and feelings of animals considered in animal experimentation?
  • Are animals used in tests free?
  • Reasons rats, rabbits, and pigs are widely used in animal testing
  • Can volunteer human beings replace animals in medical research?
  • The best approach to take care of animals used in experimentation
  • Breakthroughs after animal testing
  • Animal testing and the cosmetics industry
  • History of animal testing
  • Role of CDC in animal testing research
  • Role of WHO on animal testing authorization

Where and how to get help with your Animal Testing Essays?

In our article, we have extensively referenced our custom essay writers who can help you ace your animal testing essays. If you feel that the guide cannot help you break down the essay or are short of time, you can pay someone on our website to write one for you. When you buy an argumentative essay from our website, we assign it to a pro writer who will research, draft, and write the paper from scratch.

Our bespoke essay service ensures that every paper is done as though you would have done it. This means that the writer cites every animal testing journal article, credible website, or relevant scholarly resources as you would have done. They do this when they summarize, paraphrase, or quote from the sources.

Therefore, you are guaranteed 100% original and plagiarism-free animal testing essays. Furthermore, whether you are for or against animal testing, we have a writer who can write your argumentative essay outline, annotated bibliography, research paper, and essay.

They can take an ethical stance or argue based on what society or professionals/experts think about the issue.

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animal testing thesis statement examples

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How To Write An Animal Testing Essay?

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

animal testing thesis statement examples

Animal testing is a long-standing problem, which bothers people all around the world. It is also known as in vivo testing or animal research; it’s the use of animals in experiments to explore the reactions of their bodies and biological systems to various irritants.

From the beginning of the scientific revolution, this method was often used in medical and biological studies. However, nowadays it is also used in commercial facilities and pharmaceutical companies to test cosmetics, hygiene products, and foods before selling them to people.

Animal testing essay approaches

Basically, there are two approaches to writing essays on animal testing.

You may choose a topic that considers the historical context, as methods of testing and other aspects that don’t require your personal point of view. When writing such an essay, remember that you need to be unprejudiced and objective, to explore the topic as a scientist.

The other approach is an argumentative essay. There’s also a vast quantity of sides to choose from but you’ll need to express your point of view or compose the topic for an essay sticking to it. Here you will have to be persuasive to convince the reader in your rightness.

Position against animal testing essay

If you are an opponent to animal testing, you may want to choose the topic, that would highlight the negative sides of the issue. Here are some arguments against animal testing for you to start off:

  • Experiments on animals are inhumane and cause animal suffering.
  • There are different alternatives for testing, that can replace animals.
  • People differ from animals. Thus, the results of animal testing might be unjustified.
  • Some products that have passed animal testing were dangerous to people.
  • Alternative methods of research are cheaper than animal testing.
  • Lots of failed experiments are useless to expend of animals’ lives.
  • Religion induces us to be merciful to all living creatures including animals.

Position pro-animal testing essay

In case you support the idea of animal testing and decided to prove that it is needed in the modern world, you’d need to be very persuasive. There are thousands of people who won’t share your opinion.

Below you can find some ideas to support animal testing:

  • Animal testing produced dozens of treatments and saved millions of people’s lives.
  • There still are no equivalent alternatives to test a fully functioning organism.
  • Some animals are similar to the human organism.
  • Animal testing prevents dangerous and harmful experiments on people.
  • There’s legislation which aims to prevent animals’ mistreatment.
  • The majority of scientists endorse the practice of animal testing.
  • Some of the products must be first tested on animals to prove humans can use them.
  • Religion establishes human domination.
  • Animals’ lives is a small price for scientific and medical progress.

Ideas on animal testing essay structure

Each essay has to be well-structured and animal testing essay is not an exception. As a rule, an essay consists of three parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.

In the introduction , you present the problem and the topic of your essay. Provide your reader with some definitions and background information for a better understanding.

In the main body , you represent all the information, ideas and statements for your topic. Don’t forget to structure the text and break it into paragraphs, this will make your essay more readable. Ideally, you write each idea or statement in the new paragraph.

The conclusion is put at the very end when everything is already said. Here you make an inference of the whole essay without adding any new information.

Here is an example of the outline for a pro-animal testing research paper:


  • Hook sentence.
  • Thesis statement.
  • Transition to Main Body.
  • History of the animal testing practice.
  • The role of legislation in preventing mistreatment.
  • Great discoveries, which would be impossible without animal testing.
  • Why alternatives to animal testing won’t work?
  • Transition to Conclusion.
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument.
  • Food for thought.

Writing an animal testing essay introduction

To write a successful introduction, and the whole essay as well, you need to be aware of the topic. So first of all, you need to do a lot of research work for a good start.

Searching for some animal testing essay examples might appear to be a great idea. Once you gain some background you will surely get to know what is needed to be said.

Here are some hints on what to include in your introduction:

  • Definition of animal testing.
  • Statistics.
  • Description of the problem.
  • Experts’ point of view.
  • Society’s position.
  • Some catchy facts.
  • Thesis statement – the main idea of your essay.

Best animal testing essay titles

Lack of ideas for a good title? Here’s a list of topics for the essay on animal testing.

Choose any. Each of them is catchy.

  • Pros and cons of animal testing.
  • Animal testing in cosmetics.
  • Great discoveries of animal testing.
  • Alternatives to animal testing.
  • Animal testing in your country.
  • The ethical side of animal testing.
  • Positive and negative outcomes of animal testing.
  • Horrors of animal testing.
  • Future of animal testing.
  • Animal testing and animal rights.

Crafting an animal testing essay hook

When it comes to writing, the introduction is almost a half of success. If you manage to write a good beginning, the reader will surely have a more positive vision of the whole work.

… How to grab the reader’s attention and compose a catchy beginning?

These two basic techniques are often used by speakers, but can also be applied when writing:

  • Rhetorical question. Make the reader think, ask something ambiguous or nippy, like: “Is morality valuable when it comes to medical progress and saving lives?” or “Would you kill an animal with your own hands?”
  • Shocking fact. Something like: “More than 100 million animals are abused and killed in the US yearly” or “88% of Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine involved animal testing.

All in all, animal testing is newsworthy and up to date topic to discover and highlight. There are many aspects of the problem to explore and what is important – you can’t be right or wrong with your point of view.

This coin has two sides and it is for you to decide which one to stick to. Remember that your essay will benefit from honesty with yourself and the reader.

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animal testing thesis statement examples

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How to Write an Animal Testing Essay: Tips for Argumentative & Persuasive Papers

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📜 Animal Testing Argumentative Essay

🗣️ animal testing persuasive essay.

  • ⚖️ Animal Testing For & Against Arguments
  • 🦥 Animal testing Essay Sample
  • 🐾 15 Awesome Titles for Animal Testing Essay

🦮 Animal Rights Essay Writing Guide

Here’s an introduction to animal testing essay writing. This topic is full of controversies and nuances that you need to know.

1. Animal Testing Essay Challenges

It might seem complicated to stay professional while writing about a sensitive topic. What should you consider before you start to write an animal testing essay?

Be ready to:

  • Provide trustworthy facts and numbers. As this topic is debatable, you need to choose scientific data sources. All the evidence that supports your thesis should be credible and accurate.
  • Keep your writing ethical. Avoid using biased information, overly emotional language, and stereotypes. Instead, use inclusive language without ambiguous interpretations.
  • Regard an opposite opinion. It is essential to understand the issue from different perspectives. Include an opposing point of view to show your competence and the depth of your research.
  • Overcome a moral dilemma. There is a lot to debate about animal testing, and you might not find a perfect solution. Therefore, be prepared to find the middle ground.
  • Keep up with the scientific progress. As so much research constantly updates, you need to be aware of the last changes. It will help you to include only relevant data in your paper.

2. Animal Testing Essay Tips

Here are some tips to make your writing experience easier:

  • Use academic research databases to look for evidence.
  • Study the background and the development of the issue.
  • Don’t hesitate to verify your data using other publications.
  • Be objective when providing your arguments and evidence.
  • Create an outline before writing your first draft.
  • Create several versions of your essay to select the best one.
  • Read papers that cover the same topic.
  • Study the opposite point of view.
  • Spend some extra time on proofreading and editing.

The picture provides the statistics about the number of animals being killed in the U.S.

3. Animal Testing Essay Strategies: Argumentative Vs. Persuasive

Argumentative and persuasive essays on animal testing might seem somewhat similar. Here, we will describe the differences between these two types.

Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay’s primary purpose is to convince the audience that your position is valid and worth attention.

  • It requires profound research. You need to study the terminology and updates while exploring the issue.
  • Its main bases are logic and evidence. Avoid emotional appeals even if they make your arguments sound stronger.
  • It implies research of both sides. You will need to include an opposing argument and show its relevance.

Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay convinces its audience using both facts and emotional response of the readers to prove one’s opinion.

  • It is less formal. The tone is more relaxed. Choose facts that instantly appeal to your audience.
  • Its primary basis is opinion. You will rely on the choice of words and strong arguments rather than on evidence.
  • It focuses on one perspective. You have to convince readers that your way of thinking is the only option. Reviewing other positions is optional.

Now that you know the differences, we will look at each type. Here, we will explain how to prepare for writing and create an animal-testing argumentative essay outline.

What Is Animal Testing Argumentative Essay About?

An animal testing argumentative essay discusses the pros and cons of animal testing giving preference to one of the sides. You should state whether animal testing is necessary in your thesis and provide at least two arguments to support your claim. Then you will need to include at least one counterargument to show another perspective.

Animal Testing Argumentative Essay Outline

There are several types of organization for an argumentative essay: classical, Rogerian, and Toulmin. Rogerian is the most suitable one for this topic. This type of organization requires drawing attention to different opinions while promoting your arguments.

3 Tips for Animal Testing Argumentative Essay

Follow these tips to make your essay better:

  • Choose an arguable topic. Something that is not obvious. It should puzzle your readers and make them interested in what you say.
  • Stick to your thesis. It is the basis of your paper. You need to support every word of your thesis in body paragraphs.
  • Think about your audience. Knowing who your readers are will help you choose the writing tone. It also determines the need for more or fewer explanations and background information.

Here is another pattern for developing your animal rights essay . Read the paragraph below to figure out how to write an excellent animal testing persuasive essay.

What Is Animal Testing Persuasive Essay About?

An animal testing persuasive essay is focused on one side of the issue. Here, you choose if you are for or against animal testing and prove your opinion. Appealing to conscience, sense of intelligence, or your readers’ emotions is your best instrument. You need to sound convincing to make your audience accept your perspective.

Animal Testing Persuasive Essay Outline

In this case, you need to focus on solid arguments supporting your viewpoint. It will determine the way your audience reacts to your writing.

3 Tips for Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

What do you need to do to write a better persuasive essay?

  • Show your empathy. It will affect your readers’ experiences and create an emotional bond between you.
  • Repeat yourself. Work with paraphrasing and figures of speech. Strategic repetition is an effective tool to remind your readers about the message you are trying to convey.
  • Use rhetorical questions. Puzzle your audience by asking them something controversial. At the same time, your argumentation should promote your position as an answer.

The picture provides information about the number of rats used in Great Britain for different purposes.

⚖️ Animal Testing Essay: For & Against

Here, you will find the pros and cons of animal testing . You can use these arguments in argumentative and persuasive essays.

I. Arguments FOR Animal Testing

Here is why animal testing should be allowed:

  • Many life-saving medicines rely on animal testing . According to the California Biomedical Association, animal research helped almost every medical breakthrough in the last century . Millions of human lives depend on animal testing. It helps treat breast cancer, tuberculosis, leukemia, and many others.
  • There is no alternative to testing vaccines . Scientists needed animal testing to ensure that a vaccine doesn’t make a virus more dangerous. During the global pandemic of 2020, researchers used genetically modified mice to develop vaccines. There was no other way to ensure people’s safety.
  • Animal testing prevents risking lives of human volunteers . If we test medicine or cosmetical products on toxicity, we can’t use people. Human trials also possess risks of side effects, but it could be worse without animal testing.
  • It ensures the safety of the products we use . China does not even allow to put cosmetical products on the market before animal testing. We use more and more cosmetical products every day. There are more and more of them on the market. That is why we need to ensure that every product we use is safe for us.
  • We need animal testing to make drugs for animals as well . Scientists use animal testing to develop medicines, vaccines, and medical devices.

II. Arguments AGAINST Animal Testing

The reasons why animal testing should be stopped:

  • Not all of the testing results apply to people . Many anatomic, cellular, and metabolic differences make animals poor models for us. So some drugs that pass animal testing can eventually fail on people.
  • There are alternative testing methods . Skin-producing technologies such as tissue bioprinting and human skin cells growth can replace animal testing. Of course, it is not possible for all the products, but these technologies can significantly reduce the use of animals.
  • It does not guarantee 100% safety . Human bodies might react differently to the same ingredients. When drugs do not show any side effects or harmful consequences on animals, they still might be dangerous for humans.
  • The demand for cruelty-free products increases . People know about the inhumanity of animal testing and choose to buy cruelty-free products. Politicians are also concerned and take measures against animal testing. European Union, Australia, and South Korea banned cosmetics tested on animals. That is why cosmetical brands give up animal testing and switch to other options.
  • Inhumane treatment and bad conditions . Animals suffer from food and water deprivation, inflicted burns and other wounds, and CO2 asphyxiation. Also, many of them have their eyes open for hours to test cosmetic products. Animals deserve ethical treatment as they cannot protect themselves from humans.

🦥 Animal Testing Essay Sample

Read an animal testing argumentative essay example below. You can use it as a reference to your writing.

Should Animal Testing Be Banned Essay

As technological progress moves on, we need to move on too. Some practices that were considered normal should be reviewed in the 21st century. We need to choose animal welfare and moral standards over inhumanity. Animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, expensive, and inefficient.

Animals suffer when scientists use them as test models. Some live in small cages and do not have enough space for motion. Others are forced to eat or drink something unnatural for them. It is common for animals to experience pain because of skin and eye burns, itching, or other side effects in the worst cases. For example, during the Draize test, researchers put chemicals into rabbits' eyes to see the reaction.

Keeping and breeding animals need money. It implies costs for space, food, and other maintenance expenses. As animal tests are not always reliable and need several attempts, the price for developing a successful drug can exceed one billion dollars. Every time you buy a pill or a cosmetic product tested on animals, you pay for animal testing.

Animal testing does not guarantee identical results for humans in most cases. The failure rate for animal testing is higher than 95%. There are also many controversies because the reactions of animals and people to certain ingredients can be opposite. For example, penicillin can kill guinea pigs but helps people. Aspirin is dangerous for pets but relieves human headaches.

To put it all together, animal testing is immoral in the 21st century. It is inhuman, not accurate, and pricey to the companies. It would be better if they invested the money in new technologies to replace animal experimentation. All in all, we pay for these products as customers. We have a right to choose whether or not we want them to be tested on animals.

🐾 Titles for Animal Testing Essay

Last but not least. Below we’ve collected some of our best animal testing essay examples. Use them for inspiration, or try our free research title generator .

  • Is Animal Testing Really Needed?
  • Animals in Research, Education, and Teaching.
  • Animal Experiments: Benefits, Ethics, and Defenders.
  • Animal Experimentation: Justification Arguments.
  • Animal Testing Ban: Counterargument and Rebuttal.
  • Genetically Modified Animals and Implications.
  • Animal Research, Its Ineffectiveness, and Amorality.
  • Equal Consideration of Interests to Animals.
  • The Ethics of Animal Use in Scientific Research.
  • Debates of Using Animals in Scientific Analysis.
  • Animal Testing in Scientific Experiments.
  • Cosmetic and Medical Animal Testing.
  • Pavlov’s Dog Experiment.
  • Animal Testing for Medical Purposes .
  • Duties to Non-Human Animals .
  • Animal Testing in Biomedical Research .
  • Animal-Based Therapy Overview and Analysis .
  • Qualities That Humans and Animals Share .
  • Effects of Animal Companions in Psychotherapy .
  • Red Fluorescent Protein Transgenic Dogs Experiment .
  • The Use of Animals for Research .
  • Human and Animal Experiments in Psychology Studies: Implications for Society .
  • Animal Studies: The Role in Behaviorism Development .

🔗 References

  • Suggestions for Developing Argumentative Essays
  • 8 Persuasive Writing Tips and Techniques
  • Animal Testing – Pros & Cons –
  • The Debate on Animal Experimentation – Sather Health
  • Importance of Animals in Human Lives | Sciencing
  • Are There Any Benefits to Animal Testing? Get the Facts | PETA

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Essays on animal testing – write them like a pro.

animal testing essay

Animal testing essays are often required by instructors due to the controversial nature of the topic. Over the years there has been a long-standing debate about animal testing. One camp thinks that animal testing is inhumane while another camp suggests that it is essential for the advancement of research. If you’ve been asked to write animal testing essays for the first time, you may be conflicted about the topic. While you can always seek out a professional to write an animal testing essay for you, some tips can help you write it yourself. Keep reading to find out more.

Top Tips For Writing Perfect Animal Testing Essays

  • Understand The Requirements Of Your Animal Testing Essay

First of all, you need to understand the requirements. This is the only way you can figure out what you’re expected to write. What is animal testing? Animal testing involves using animals for experiments. It could involve injecting them with harmful substances and observing how their body reacts. They may also inject these animals with antidotes while trying to find the cure to diseases. Irrespective of how you feel about it, you need to do the animal testing research paper according to the requirements. If you’ve been asked to write a descriptive essay, your job will be to describe what the subject is without being against animal testing or for animal testing. If it an expository essay, you need to state the facts. If it’s a persuasive essay, you need to convince the reader of what your opinion is on animal testing. If you’ve been asked to write an argumentative essay on animal testing, speak for or against. Make sure you know what you’ve been asked to do and stick to it.

  • Research The Topic

When you’re asked to write an animal testing research paper, you need to do your homework to make sure that the content you provide is accurate. Your research should come from credible sources only. Thanks to the Internet, you don’t need to go to a library when you want to work on your animal testing thesis. There are many online libraries with detailed information about the subject. You can also check reliable news archives online to get statistics when necessary. Make sure that the information you use is up to date and verifiable.

  • Prepare Your Animal Testing Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is an important part of your essay. It should come just before the animal testing essay introduction. You can also make it part of the introduction. It should be one or two sentences that serve as a premise for your essay. By reading the thesis statement on essays on animal testing, your reader should be able to know what type of essay you’ve been asked to write and what direction you’re leaning towards.

  • Stick To The Topic And Type Of Essay

Whether some animal research topics are assigned to you or you pick a topic yourself, make sure that you stick to the topic from the beginning to the end. If you’ve been asked to write a particular kind of essay, make sure you stick to it. For example, if you’ve been asked to write a why animal testing should be banned essay, this means that you’re writing an against animal testing essay. In this case, you need to give animal testing facts and examples that will persuade the reader that animal testing is not a good idea and it should be banned. You can offer alternatives to animal testing in your essay. You can search for an animal rights research paper to get an insight into the subject. If you’re asked to write an essay that supports animal testing, make sure you use facts to convince your audience. You can state how animal testing has been used to produce treatment for several illnesses over the years.  

  • Stay Objective From Start To Finish

Remaining objective when you’re writing your animal rights research paper might be challenging if you have a soft spot for animals. You need to do everything you can to remain objective. Providing emotional writing when you’re working on animal experimentation essays is only going to irritate your reader. This is especially so when there are no facts included. When you want to appeal to emotions, make sure you use facts and examples to get the reader’s attention.

Expert Help Is Always Here For You

Writing an animal testing essay is like writing any other essay. Make sure that you follow the basic principles of essay writing, stick to the facts. Apart from sticking to the facts, make sure your content is free of grammatical and typographical errors. Your content also has to be free of plagiarism. You can use premium tools to verify that the content is ideal for submission. However, you can ask a professional writer to proofread the content for you. These experts can give your essay a professional touch. Better still, they can write an essay for you from the beginning to the end.

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Writing Animal Testing Argumentative Essay & Thesis Statement

writing animal testing essay

writing animal testing essay

Animal testing is a global debate, not only in science but also in the ethical concerns of the general public. Understanding this is important in writing an animal testing argumentative essay and formulating the appropriate thesis statements and arguments.

Animal testing is the practice of using animals to conduct tests and experiments to control variables affecting both the behavior and the biological system being studied.

It is also known as Vivo testing or animal experiment and is a problem that has bothered people worldwide.

animal testing thesis statement examples

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How to Write an Animal Testing Essay?

When writing essays on animal testing, there are specific approaches that you need to consider. These approaches are:

1. Consider the Historical Context

history matters

In this approach, what you write about in your essay does not require your own point of view.

Methods of testing and other aspects of the experiment can be borrowed from different sources.

In order to write a good essay in this approach, you need not have a prior opinion or judgment before knowing the facts involved in the experiment.

You should have objectives when searching for relevant information and explore animal testing as a scientist.

2. Take one side of the Argumentative Debate

In this approach, you need to make your own point of view known and convince the reader to be in line with your essay. You can also come up with your own topic on animal testing and stick to it.

When writing an animal testing essay, there are several sides concerning animal testing that you may wish to write on. These may include;

Arguments that can be made in an essay on animal testing

This can be done by writing essays that strongly oppose animal testing. You have to choose an argument showing the bad side of animal testing.

These arguments may include the following.

  • Not all testing requires the use of animals.
  • Killing animals for unsuccessful experiments is inhumane.
  • Products made or approved by animal testing are harmful to human beings.
  • This experiment method is far more expensive than the natural one.
  • Most of the testing causes animal suffering.
  • Most religions are for the notion that we should take care of our animals.
  • You can also support animal testing in your essay by being persuasive in your arguments that the modern-day world needs animal testing. You can choose to support your views by:
  • Arguing that animal experiments prevent people from going through the experiment.
  • It shows that using an animal with similar organisms to humans is preferable to the human himself.
  • Arguing that successful animal testing has saved a lot of people by providing the needed treatment.
  •  Proving that testing products new to humans are more dangerous than using animals.
  • Arguing that scientists prefer animals in doing tests and that humans have complete authority over animals.
  • You can argue that scientist sees medical progression as more important than the life of a mere animal.
  • Arguing that it is very hard to find other ways of testing an organism that is fully functioning.

3. Formulate a Thesis Statement

You will need to formulate and write a good thesis statement that will present your main idea. This statement is your stand and is what will guide the writing of the animal testing essay introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusions.

How to Write an Animal Testing Thesis Statement

The sentence(s) capturing the main point or central message, in this case concerning the animal experiment topic, is a thesis statement. In order to write a good thesis statement on animal testing, you have to consider the following:

how to write Animal testing essay and ethics

  • Be specific

You need to be very specific when writing a thesis statement in your animal testing essay. Focus on the main points of discussion. Your thesis statement should not be too general.

  • Announce the topic

This is a very critical aspect of a thesis statement.

This is where you should present your view and position of the animal testing issue you are writing about.

  • Be original

Make sure that the thesis statement is your real work. A thesis statement plays a huge part on the reader of your text.

Do not rely on or quote the thesis statements of other peoples’ animal testing essays because the reader is likely to get uninterested.

Write a thesis statement in a language that the reader can easily understand. Avoid vague and abstract words to give the reader a clear meaning of the animal testing topic you have written about.

4. Write a Good Introduction to Animal Testing

In the introductory part of an animal testing essay, you define the topic of your essay and give any further background information related to the topic to make the reader understand better.

Apart from the definitions, you can provide statistics, describe a problem, talk about some important relative facts, and include the thesis statement, the position of the society, and the views from experts in the introduction of the animal testing essay.

A hook sentence and a sentence linking the introduction to the main body must also be in the introduction. You can check a comprehensive essay guide on writing introduction paragraphs for your essays.

5. Write Proper Body Paragraphs with Points on Animal Testing

This is where you present all the ideas and information on the topic, with each idea in its own paragraph. Ideas and information on animal testing topics may include:

  • Great discoveries on the topic of study.
  • What is the historical background of the animal testing topic?
  • What are the effects and benefits of animal testing in detail?
  • Intensive explanation of ethics that govern animal testing.

After writing down several paragraphs, make sure you include a statement that will link the body to the conclusion. This is the main part of the essay, which gives people problems.

6. Write a Good Conclusion on Animal Testing Points

This is the part where you draw deductions on the content of the essay without suggesting anything new that has not been talked about in the introduction and the body.

In this part, you write a brief summary of your work that can include a final argument, an unexpected twist related to the work written, and anything that warrants serious consideration.

Writing good conclusions is one of the challenges in writing essays , and you can check how to solve it in that article.

Once a good conclusion is done, you will be safe to proofread your paper and submit it confidently to get a good grade. Read more tips on how to write good essays on any topic in our more general guide.

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35 Topics for Writing an Animal Testing Essay

Animal testing is a broad area of study. The following are some of the 15 best topics that one can write animal testing essays about:

animal testing methods and topics for your essay

  • The history of animal testing.
  • Ethics that guide animal experiments.
  • Alternatives to animal testing.
  • How to take care of and use animals in animal testing?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of animal testing.
  • What are the best discoveries of animal testing?
  • The practice of animal testing in your country.
  • Comparison of animal testing in your country with neighboring countries and the world.
  • The rights of animals in the context of animal testing.
  • Changes in animal testing with the recent advancement of technology.
  • What does the future of animal testing hold?
  • Good and bad outcomes of animal testing.
  • Horrors associated with animal testing.
  • Relation of animal testing with cosmetics.
  • Contribution of research in animal testing.

Other Good Topics for Animal Testing Essays Include

  • Why animal testing should be stopped.
  • Human diseases and animal testing.
  • Is animal testing free from external control?
  • Which animals, between vertebrates and invertebrates, are suitable for animal testing?
  • The truth about animal testing.
  • Should scientific reasons be the reasons for animal testing?
  • What role does the media play in spreading the message about animal experimentation?
  • Problems associated with animal testing.
  • Do animals really have feelings?
  • Can testing on plants be an alternative for animal testing?
  • How can animal testing be made more animal-friendly?
  • Why are rabbits and rats the most used animals in animal testing?
  • Should we stop taking medicines to save animals from animal testing?
  • Do scientists have an obligation to respect the animals they are experimenting on?
  • How can we improve the lives of the animals that experiments are done?
  • Impact of animal testing on the economy.
  • What are the side effects of testing on animals?
  • Is animal testing the leading creation of human viruses?
  • Are there better alternatives to animal testing than animals?
  • How can scientists use technology to reduce the impact of animal testing?

Check some of the recent debates and news regarding animal testing, experimenting with monkeys

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With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our managing editor and is in charge of the writing operations at Grade Bees.

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The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives

This essay about the legal and ethical considerations of animal testing discusses the conflicting perspectives on its necessity for medical progress versus its impact on animal welfare. It examines the global cultural differences, legislative changes, and advances in alternative research methods that may reduce reliance on animal testing. The essay highlights both the ongoing challenges and potential for more humane scientific practices, advocating for a balanced approach to research that respects both human health advancements and animal rights.

How it works

In the intricate interplay between ethical responsibilities and scientific advancement, few topics evoke as much deliberation and introspection as the legal framework surrounding animal testing. This contentious issue serves as an arena where the noble endeavor of promoting human health clashes with the moral obligation to safeguard animal well-being. Exploring the legal frameworks, ethical considerations, and global viewpoints enveloping this intricate subject unveils a diverse tapestry of conflicting perspectives and evolving attitudes.

At the heart of the debate lies the perpetual struggle between utilitarian arguments and animal rights activism.

Proponents of animal testing extol its indispensable role in propelling medical knowledge and innovation forward. They assert that without the ability to examine diseases, evaluate potential treatments, and ensure the safety of pharmaceuticals through animal models, medical progress would stagnate, endangering countless lives. From the creation of vaccines to the honing of surgical methods, the significance of animal testing in advancing human health cannot be overstated.

Conversely, opponents denounce the practice as ethically untenable, decrying the suffering inflicted upon sentient beings endowed with their own inherent rights to life and freedom from harm. They argue that the ends do not justify the means and advocate for the exploration of alternative research methods that are both scientifically rigorous and ethically defensible. From sophisticated computer simulations to organoids cultivated in laboratories, a plethora of non-animal alternatives present promising avenues for advancing scientific understanding without resorting to animal experimentation.

Adding layers of complexity to the discourse are the cultural and regional intricacies that mold attitudes toward animal testing on a global scale. In Western societies, where concepts of animal rights and ethical treatment hold sway, there has been a mounting push for stricter regulations and oversight of animal research. Legislative endeavors like the European Union’s Directive 2010/63/EU aim to minimize animal suffering while fostering the development and adoption of alternative approaches. However, in other parts of the world where cultural norms and regulatory frameworks diverge, the ethical considerations surrounding animal testing may take on a different hue.

Moreover, the economic dynamics of globalization exert a significant influence on shaping the legal framework of animal testing. In an increasingly interconnected world, pharmaceutical companies may exploit regulatory disparities between nations to conduct research in jurisdictions with less stringent animal welfare standards. This phenomenon, termed “regulatory arbitrage,” raises concerns about the consistency of ethical norms and the welfare of animals involved in research.

Despite the ethical intricacies and regulatory hurdles, there are grounds for optimism on the horizon. The rapid pace of technological progress has given rise to a plethora of alternative methods that hold the promise of revolutionizing biomedical research. From microfluidic devices mimicking human organ systems to advanced computational models simulating biological processes, these state-of-the-art technologies offer novel avenues for scientific discovery that are both ethically sound and scientifically robust.

Furthermore, there is a growing recognition among scientists, policymakers, and the public of the imperative to embrace a more compassionate and ethical approach to research. Initiatives aimed at fostering the development and adoption of alternative methods, coupled with heightened transparency and accountability in animal research practices, signify a shifting tide toward a more humane and responsible approach to scientific inquiry.

In conclusion, the legal status of animal testing is a multifaceted issue defying simple classification. It is a terrain fraught with ethical quandaries, cultural nuances, and economic considerations. Yet, amid the moral ambiguities and regulatory challenges, there exists an opportunity for dialogue, innovation, and progress. By embracing a comprehensive approach that balances the pursuit of scientific advancement with reverence for animal welfare, society can navigate a path toward a future where medical progress is achieved through means that are both ethically defensible and scientifically rigorous.


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The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from

"The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives." , 21 May 2024, (2024). The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 26 May. 2024]

"The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives.", May 21, 2024. Accessed May 26, 2024.

"The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives," , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-May-2024] (2024). The Legal Status of Animal Testing: Ethical Considerations and Global Perspectives . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 26-May-2024]

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January 26, 2004

Public Speaking 220

Katherine E. Oleson

Title: “The importance of understanding the controversy around animal testing”

Topic: animal testing

General Purpose: to inform

Specific Purpose: to inform the audience about what animal testing is, and explain the alternative practices to it

Thesis Statement: Animal testing is a highly controversial topic that has divided people into group that either support animal testing or oppose it altogether, and another one that advocates the use of alternatives.

Organizational plan: Categorical

I. Introduction

  • Attention getter: How many of you use here use razors to shave? How many of you wear makeup? How many of you have been on antibiotics at some time in your life? If you raised your hand or answered “yes” in your head to any of these questions, then this speech concerns you. Animal testing has been used as a mechanism in the advancement of medicine, household products, and the cosmetic industry in the United State s for nearly 60 years. With between 17 and 70 million animals killed each year in U.S. laboratories, the growth in animal experimentation has sparked much debate.
  • Thesis: Animal testing is a high controversial topic that has divided people into groups that support animal experimentation, oppose it altogether, or advocate the use of available alternatives.
  • Preview: Today I am going to tell you about some of the main ideas that are involved in the debate surrounding animal experimentation. Along with providing you a background about animal testing, I will educate you with information about both the benefits of animal testing and the disadvantages of animal testing.

<Transition> I will start out by illustrating the historical background of and the legislative reasons behind its use.

  • While there is a law in effect that regulates the condition of animals used in experiments, the legality of these tests is not enforced.
  • The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is the federal law that governs the humane care, handling, treatment, and transportation of animals used in laboratories (PETA, 2004).
  • No law requires animal testing for cosmetics and household products, and both the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Food and Drug Administration does not require any particular product test.

<Transition> Even though there is not strict regulation that can force companies into using animals as their means of testing, proponents of animal testing support its use for the efficiency it offers that other types of testing do not.

  • Supporters of animal testing feel that because the animals are handled in a civilized manner, their use in making medical breakthroughs and guaranteeing product safety justifies animal testing.
  • Various medical advances have been made thanks to animal testing that would otherwise have not been achieved.

a.        Barbara Davies, deputy director of the Research Defense Society, reports that “All you have to do is think of any major medical advances of the last 100 years to see the benefit of animal testing,” (Morrison, 2001).

b.       Because of animal research we have anesthesia, hip replacement, kidney dialysis, and a vaccine for acute Hepatitis B, and without animal testing doctors would not have the chemotherapy to save 70% of children who now survive acute lymphatic leukemia (Americans for Medical Progress Educational Alliance, 2002).

  • Advocates of animal experimentation argue that laboratory testing is not as common or cruel as it is conveyed by the common public.

a.        Of all the areas in animal use, including agriculture, pet, sports, and animal research, the standards of welfare and veterinary care laid down are the highest for animals kept in labs for research (Haugen, 2000).

b.       In 1999, 57 percent of vertebrate animals in labs covered by the Animal Welfare Act experienced no pain or distress, and of those that do undergo moderate to severe pain, 34 percent were relieved by anesthesia or analgesia, and only 9 percent tested suffered from unrelieved pain or stress. (The Center for Laboratory Animal Welfare, 2004).

3. Product testing is crucal to guaranteeing consumers that they can securely use everyday products without experiencing side effects.

a. Scientists defend testing on animals because they are conducted in the name of protecting consumers, while manufacturers rely on animal testing to verify the safety of the product and protect them from lawsuits (McCoy, 1993).

b.  Researchers call attention to the fact that only 20 percent of animals used in laboratories are used to evaluate the safety of consumer products (The Center for Laboratory Animal Welfare, 2004).

c. If no testing is performed on a product, the producer is legally responsible to print a warning on the product label reading: THE SAFETY OF THIS PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED, which may turn away potential buyers and in a snowball effect the manufacturers, scientists, and researchers are left without jobs (McCoy, 1993).

<Transition> Although I have presented several reasons in support of animal experimentation, there are also a number of strong arguments that oppose it.

  • Those against the current means of animal testing undermine it as a malicious procedure of yielding inaccurate results that could be more effective and scientific with the use of alternatives.
  • Opponents allege testing on animals leads to unreliable and unscientific findings that harm or kill humans 61% of the time after being deemed safe (Americans for Medical Progress Educational Alliance, 2003).

a.        Plavix, which is taken by more than three million patients, passed all required animal tests and was considered safe for humans. Now it is causing bleeding, anemia, and kidney failure in some clients (Cohen, 2001).

b.       Medications such as aspirin kill cats, and penicillin kills guinea pigs, yet guinea pigs can safely eat strychnine, one of the deadliest poisons for humans that is safe for monkeys to consume (Haugen, 2000).

  • Animal testing is a vicious process that inflicts stress and physical pain that can very well be avoided.

a.        The Eye Irritancy Test involves immobilizing rabbits from stocks where only their heads project and dropping different substances into their eyes usually with no anesthesia to test the damage to the eye tissue over a course of generally 72 hours (PETA, 2004).

b.       With the Acute Toxicity Test a substance is usually forced by tube into the animals stomachs or through holes cut into their throats to determine the amount of a substance that will kill a percentage, even up to 100 percent, of a group of test animals (PETA, 2004).

  • Challengers of animal testing say alternatives are the future, and that since they are available they should be persued.

a.        A study by the American Medical Association found that 75 percent of Americans are against using animals to test cosmetics (Haugen, 2000).

b.       While the expansion and recognition of using alternatives is slowly growing, over 500 companies have already shunned animal testing (PETA, 2004).

i.                      Colgate-Palmolive is one of the largest companies that’s reduced its use of animal testing and their research facility has reduced the use of animals for experimentation by as much as 90 percent (McCoy, 1993).

c.        Through epidemiology (population research), in vitro experimentation, and clinical studies we have discovered our most valuable information about the origins of cancer, the efficiency of treatments, and the prevention of cancer (Cohen, 2001).

<Transition> Both sides of this debate have valuable arguments that should be taken into consideration when shaping your opinion and when deciding the future of animal testing.

III. Conclusion

  • Signal: Considering how detailed and supported the statements of the challengers and advocates of animal testing are, the outlook of animal testing will take much time and deliberation to make an educated decision. It is important that we the public stay informed and active as we are the consumers of these products.
  • Summary/Review: As you have seen, those who agree with animal testing cite the medical breakthroughs, the necessity of animal testing in determining safety, and the humane treatment of animals as reasons to support their position. In contrast, those who disagree with animal experimentation see it as unreliable and unscientific, cruel physical harm, and want alternative practices to be more widely used.
  • Closure: Billions of dollars are funded each year in the animal testing industry, so next time you go to the store to buy makeup, medication, or even toothpaste, make a well-informed decision about whether or not you support animal experimentation.

Americans for Medical Progress Educational Alliance. (2003). Animal Research . Retrieved

January 25, 2004, from Americans for Medical Progress Educational Alliance Web site:

Cohen, M. (2001 April). Human lives not saved by lab animals . Seattle Post-Intelligencer . A19.

Retrieved January 22, 2003, from UMI Proquest Direct.

Haugen, D.M. (2000). Animal experimentation . San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

McCoy, J.J. (1993). Animals in research, issues, and conflicts . United States: Impact.

Morrison, N. (2001, February). Animal rights and wrongs. Northern Echo . 08. Retrieved January

21, 2004, from UMI Proquest Direct database.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). (2004). Factsheets . Retrieved January 21,

2004, from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Web site:


The Center for Laboratory Animal Welfare. (2004). Laboratory Animal Welfare . Retrieved

January 21, 2004, from the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Web site:

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Animal Rights — Persuasive Speech On Animal Testing


Persuasive Speech on Animal Testing

  • Categories: Animal Rights Ethics

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Words: 691 |

Published: Mar 13, 2024

Words: 691 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Proponents of animal testing, opponents of animal testing, alternatives to animal testing, scientific arguments against animal testing.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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animal testing thesis statement examples

Cosmetic Testing on Animals Essay

Introduction, necessity of cosmetic testing on animals, current problems in preventing cosmetic testing on animals, works cited.

Cosmetics have become a multi-billion dollar industry with millions of consumers around the world. Items such as lipsticks, lip gloss, eye shadow, concealers, moisturizers, skin whiteners, blush, and an assortment of other products are bought on a daily basis by female consumers in order conform to the current societal view of beauty.

However, the procedures utilized in ensuring that the products that are sold conform to a certain level of safety and allergenicity are done through the use of animal testing procedures (Abbott, 144-146). On average, nearly 14 million animals are utilized by cosmetic companies around the world to test particular types of cosmetics during product creation as well as prior to export to various countries.

Of those 14 million animals, nearly 1 million of them are comprised of animals such as cats, dogs, guinea pigs, various types of hamsters and even small primates (Abbott, 144-146). The reason why animal testing in the cosmetics industry often involves the use of animals such as rabbits, mice, rats and other types of animals is to ensure that certain types of cosmetics can be applied onto the surface of the skin or near the eye without causing significant allergic reactions.

The surface of the skin or near the eyes of such animals is meant to simulate that of the average human and, as such, is one of easiest methods of determining whether are particular type of chemical compound, when applied over a prolonged period of time, could cause significant levels of irritation or could result in possible chemical poisoning (Abbott, 144-146).

Unfortunately, such methods of testing can often result in severe discomfort or even serious pain in the case of some testing procedures since some cosmetic ingredients are often applied directly onto the mucous membranes of the lab animal. Areas such as the nose, mouth, or eye are often subjected to an assortment of chemicals and procedures which cause mild to severe irritations.

In fact, some studies show that a percentage of these tests could be classified as a form of torture given the severe and prolonged amount of pain that some testing procedures inflict upon the animals being tested. Another area of ethical concern is the way in which some animals are not treated after the testing has been accomplished. Instead, they are disposed of through euthanasia while another batch of animals are brought in for further testing.

Nearly 50 percent of all animals that are utilized in cosmetic testing procedures die within 3 weeks due to the various chemical compounds they are exposed to as well as their possible side-effects.

Given that cosmetic testing procedures subject animals to prolonged and painful testing which can last from hours to days with, it must be questioned whether the continued usage of animals in cosmetic testing procedures is acceptable since there is little actual benefit to humanity aside from improving an individual’s artificial aesthetic appeal.

The concept of consumer protection is at the forefront of the debate involving animal testing given that it is necessary to implement some measure of ensuring that products that are sold and applied on the human body do not create any adverse effects. Arguments such as those presented by Kolar (2006) illustrates this point by explaining that the requirements behind human testing procedures are complex to the point that it would delay the production of new types of cosmetic products.

Not only that, there are an assortment of procedural requirements and limitations on the types of tests that can be applied to the point that very little data can actually be obtained before government regulations involving the degree of harm to humans come into play to prevent the testing procedure from progressing (Kolar, 111-122).

While the European Union may have banned the importation of cosmetics where animal testing has occurred, the fact remains that countries such as the U.S., Japan, and various other major consumer centers mandate the use of animals in cosmetic testing to ensure that they can be utilized by local consumers (Europe Enacts Full Ban On Animal Testing For Cosmetics, 14).

It is due to this mandate that cosmetic testing goes unabated within such countries. In order to better understand the justifications behind the necessity of animal testing the concept of rhetoric will be examined to determine how the argument behind cosmetic testing on animals has been formulated.

Rhetoric can be described as the use of language in order to achieve a persuasive effect on people in other words it is a form of delivery that entails being able to convince people of the validity of the argument being given. On the other hand under Aristotle’s treatise on rhetoric the concept of ethos is thus defined as credibility of a speaker in which through this credibility they are able to convince people that he/ she is believable in what he/she is saying.

In the case of the ethos behind cosmetic testing on animals, the projected principles that define it, namely: ensuring the distribution of a safe product, ensuring the health and well-being of their customers as well as valuing their business were in effect created in order to create an image that would justify their actions.

Cosmetic companies are trying to justify their actions by stating that through their own experiences in this current field of interest they know what works as an effective means of ensuring progressive attitudes in development of their products. What must be taken into consideration is the fact that upon examination the ethos of cosmetic testing on animals does indeed promote a distinct degree of health and well-being for the general public.

If Aristotle’s treatise on rhetoric is to be used then it can be said that the position the cosmetic companies are taking in trying to be persuasive in their message is one based on the concept of ethos in which they justify their request based on their expertise in their field.

What must be understood though is that while such a method of argument is in fact rather effective in the case of the cosmetic industry, one cannot help but think their ethos is rather self-serving in terms of allowing them to justify their future actions in terms of what they believe is right especially when taking into consideration the apparently unethical nature of their testing procedures.

Lack of Sufficient Protection for certain Animal Species

An examination of the various rules and regulations involving animal testing procedures shows that certain types of rodents (i.e. rats, mice, rabbits etc.) reptiles and avian species are actually not protected under the USDA Animal Welfare Act.

As such, it does come as much of a surprise that a vast majority of animals that are utilized in cosmetic testing at the present are comprised of such animals. While animal rights groups such as PETA and Greenpeace have lobbied for the implementation of the abolishment of animal testing in not only the U.S. but in other countries as well, the fact remains that the safety of products for human consumptions trumps that of the lives of what are now known as “lesser species”.

The main problem when it comes to erecting proper legislative mechanisms for the protection of animals during product testing procedures it that present day laws lack a sufficient method of discrimination between animal testing that has beneficial effects on human health and welfare and those that are merely for aesthetic purposes (Kolar, 111-122).

Animal testing procedures that lead to breakthroughs that save human lives are worlds apart from testing that is merely utilized for corporate profits and aesthetic appeal. Cosmetic testing does not save human lives and is merely a method creating a method of aesthetic appeal.

When balancing the millions of animals that are needlessly tortured on a yearly basis with the need to create types of makeup to make a person merely look better, it is obvious that lives take precedence over simply “looking good”. Unfortunately such a distinction is not present within present day methods of legislation.

Animal testing has become a generalized concept instead of being thought of as a scientific process that is comprised of a myriad of variations. In fact, Davis (2001) explains that this lack of distinction is actually a result of legislative efforts by cosmetic companies to ensure that their research facilities in particular countries are not adversely impacted by the development of legislation that would outright ban their type of animal testing (Davis, 60).

By creating a generalized conceptualization instead of a more specific means of addressing the issue of animal testing, present day legislators ensure that millions of animals each year continue to suffer at the hands of pharmaceutical companies.

Transferability of Testing Labs from One International Location to another

While the use of animals in cosmetic testing has effectively been banned in the E.U. and the U.K., this has merely resulted in the testing labs that used to be in such countries to merely be moved to other locations where such legislation does not exist (Ulmer, 28).

At the present, there is no broad spectrum ban against the use of animals to test out various types of makeup and, as such, even if several prominent countries were to ban the practice it would take less than a month for a new research lab to be established in another location.

Studies have shown that there are literally hundreds of cosmetic research labs in the U.S., China, Japan, Australia and other such countries that deal extensively with ensuring that new types of cosmetic products are safe for human use (Ulmer, 28).

High Demand for Effective Cosmetics among the General Public

At the present, there is a considerable level of demand by women around for cosmetics. Our culture is obsessed with the idea of perfect beauty; flawless skin, blemish free features, thin waistlines, striking eyes, perfect noses and not a pimple in sight, yet, such an obsession has been fueled by what is considered as a socially “acceptable” presentation of the concept of beauty.

As it can be seen in the case of the U.K. and European print media industry, “color” plays as much a factor as the overall appearance of a model. This evidenced by the sheer amount of toning and whitening products that are either meant to whiten a person’s appearance or created a “tanned look” to make them seem like that they have been under the sun.

What must be understood is that the present day definition of beauty is not part of a set standard (aside from considering symmetry to be beautiful), rather, throughout the years there have been various definitions of beauty ranging from hour glass figures, full figured women and even those who by today’s standards can be considered fat.

All of these standards of beauty have been in one way or another influenced by the predominate popular culture at the time. Popular culture plays an important role in defining what is beautiful and what is not, unfortunately it so happens that the present day definition is one akin to considering individuals that are white and pale as being beautiful.

At the present, “natural beauty” (i.e. beauty without makeup) is actually not viewed as being beautiful at all. Women are only considered beautiful if they have applied the correct kind of foundation, utilized their eyeliners properly and have glamorized their looks to a considerable level.

With this obsession over improving one’s beauty comes the equally obsessive desire to look unique. This has given rise to the development of newer types of cosmetic products which promise to create a deeper level of red, to create a more efficient method of applying a foundation and to create deeper and better looking lashes. This has made cosmetics a multi-billion dollar industry and, as a result, encourages continued cosmetic testing on animals in order to create a new “look” for customers.

Lack of Sufficient Awareness among the General Public Regarding the Cruelty of Cosmetic Testing on Animals

Studies such as those seen in the article “Cosmetic Solutions Covering Up Reality” (2002) indicate that an insufficient level of public awareness towards the processes that go into cosmetics leads to the continued proliferation of animal testing practices in the industry (Cosmetic Solutions Covering Up Reality, 18).

For example, the article “Animal Testing and the Issues It Raises” (2006) points to various survey based methods of examination where consumers were showed pictures and informed of the practices of various types of cosmetics.

Afterwards, they were asked whether such practices encouraged them to purchase a particular cosmetic brand since it was safe due to meticulous testing procedures or if they were more likely to avoid the brand given its connection with inhumane methods of testing and examination (Animal Testing and the Issues It Raises, 1).

Those that were examined unanimously agreed that they would not have bought that particular brand of cosmetic if they had known that inhumane animal testing practices were being utilized.

On the other hand, it was noted that while consumers stated that they would not buy a brand which they knew subjected animals to such cruelty, they themselves stated that they were unaware that such practices were going on nor did they know which company or brand is responsible for the various animal testing practices at the present.

This shows that the general public does not know any better regarding what really goes on in the cosmetics industry and whether the products they patronize have been developed utilizing unethical methods of production through animal cruelty.

The Ethical Dilemma of Performing Cosmetic Testing on Animals

The problem with utilizing animals in cosmetic testing procedures at the present is the questionable gain that is derived from their usage (Uncage Them, 17). In medical testing procedures animals are subject to a variety of tests and procedures with the end goal of developing a process that would help to save human lives in the future.

New surgical techniques, a variety of vaccines, new types of medication and other such benefits that originate from animal testing for medical knowledge helps to justify their use in such procedures especially when taking into consideration the potentially adverse effects such chemicals or procedures could have on human volunteers for experimentation.

However, when examining the potentially beneficial effects of cosmetic testing on animals there is little that can help to justify the significant loss of animal life (PCRM Asks Cosmetics Companies to Come Clean about Animal Testing, 14). For one thing, cosmetic testing does not create any beneficial medical effect on humans to the extent that it can either save or prolong a human life.

Studies have even shown that the prolonged use of cosmetics can actually be detrimental toward an individual’s face due to blocked pores and long term exposure to a variety of chemicals.

Animals that are part of such procedures are normally exposed to a variety of chemicals and solvents to the extent that investigations into the procedures utilized showed that it was common for severe bleeding to occur, for eyes to literally swell and pop out of their sockets, for the skin to inflame, crack and bleed into the surrounding fur and other similar instances that result in significant pain and discomfort for the animals.

Further compounding the ethical ramifications of the issue is the fact that these animals are not subject to any form of pain relief such as anesthesia or even tranquilizers to keep them unaware of what is happening to them.

The reasoning behind such actions is the fact that the implementation of cosmetic testing procedures on animals is not legally mandated to provide methods of pain relief and, as such, the practice of utilizing pain killers or tranquilizers is not utilized given the added cost of utilizing them as well as the necessity of ensuring that the test subjects move in a “normal” fashion.

Animals that are subjected to these procedures are left in pain for days or weeks at a time as scientists examine the progression of irritation or bleeding which enables them to determine the correct type of dosage to use at a later date (Uncage Them, 17). Some animals are in fact reused extensively with one half of the animal being subject to one test at a time until such a point that sufficient scientific data has been derived from the tests.

It is only at this point that they are promptly disposed of and the next batch of test subjects are subjected to the same type of horrendous treatment. Unfortunately, some of the test subjects fail to reach the point where they are disposed of after days or weeks or agonized testing (Uctas, 38).

Given the diverse array of toxicology characterizations evident into some of the products that are tested on the animals what occurs is usually a prolonged and violent death due to chemical poisoning or the body simply giving up as a result of the severe pain and bleeding that at times occurs.

After analyzing the various circumstances that animals that are subject to cosmetic testing undergo, it becomes clear that what is occurring is a clear and brutal form of prolonged torture. Actions where researchers knowingly subject animals to dangerous and painful procedures with no actual benefit than aesthetics for a select few people that can afford makeup is ethically questionable (Uctas, 38).

The most damning aspect of cosmetic testing procedures it that despite the sheer amount of testing that does occur, nearly 97 percent of all cases of testing fail to reach the market since the effect of testing the same product on humans yields different results than in animals.

The mere fact that 97 percent of all tests can be considered useless procedures where animals were needlessly tortured and killed for nothing showcases how cosmetic testing at the present is not only ethically irresponsible but is also abhorrent in that it is needlessly torturing animals for results that turn out to be useless.

While such testing could have been understandable during the 16th to 18th century where scientific methods of analysis were still in their infancy and lacked the modern technical knowledge that we possess today, the fact remains that since the technology and capability exists in the present then such processes should be implemented instead of needlessly torturing animals.

Present Day Alternatives to Cosmetic Testing on Animals

It should be noted that there are actually a variety of alternatives to present day animal testing procedures such as the Agarose Diffusion Method, cell tissue testing using transepithelial electrical resistance as well as the Critical Micelle Concentration Test (Hunter, 26).

These alternatives can help to determine allergenicity towards particular chemical compounds just as well if not better than traditional animal testing procedures. The only problem really is that these have yet to become industry standards due to the level of uncertainty behind their usage as well as the inherent cost involved in shifting from one method of testing to another.

Abbott, Alison. “Animal Testing: More Than A Cosmetic Change.” Nature 438.7065 (2005): 144-146. Academic Search Premier . Web.

“Animal Testing And The Issues It Raises.” Animal Testing & The Issues It Raises (2006): 1. Science Reference Center . Web.

“Cosmetic Solutions Covering Up Reality.” Ecologist 32.2 (2002): 18. Academic Search Premier . Web.

Davis, Don. “Small Gleam Of Sanity.” Global Cosmetic Industry 168.2 (2001): 60. Business Source Premier . Web.

“Europe Enacts Full Ban On Animal Testing For Cosmetics.” Dermatology Times 34.4 (2013): 14. MasterFILE Premier . Web.

Hunter, Beatrice Trum. “New Alternatives In Safety Testing.” Consumers’ Research Magazine 83.5 (2000): 26. MasterFILE Premier . Web.

Kolar, Roman. “Animal Experimentation.” Science & Engineering Ethics 12.1 (2006): 111-122. Academic Search Premier . Web.

“PCRM Asks Cosmetics Companies To Come Clean About Animal Testing.” Good Medicine 21.4 (2012): 14. MasterFILE Premier . Web.

Uctas, Rachel. “Testing Times.” ICIS Chemical Business 273.14 (2008): 38. MasterFILE Premier . Web.

Ulmer, Rich. “The Future of Safety Testing Labs.” Global Cosmetic Industry Aug. 2007: 28. Vocational and Career Collection . Web.

“Uncage Them!.” Ecologist 31.2 (2001): 17. Academic Search Premier . Web.

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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2019, April 13). Cosmetic Testing on Animals.

"Cosmetic Testing on Animals." IvyPanda , 13 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Cosmetic Testing on Animals'. 13 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Cosmetic Testing on Animals." April 13, 2019.

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Facts about FDA and Animal Welfare, Testing & Research 

A research scientist observes a research animal.

Medical and veterinary products save lives every day in the U.S. FDA-regulated products like blood pressure medicine, chemotherapy, and MRI machines help people and animals live longer and healthier. The FDA regulates human and animal medical products to ensure they are safe and effective. 

Products undergo different types of testing to determine their safety and effectiveness. These tests may include animal testing, and almost always include other types of tests. Here are some facts about animal testing of FDA-regulated medical products and alternatives to animal testing.     

Fact: The FDA encourages and accepts scientifically valid alternatives to animal testing. However, validated alternatives to animal testing are not available yet for many medical products.

  • Laboratory tests in a petri dish or test tube, which may include tests with human or animal cells and tissues. 
  • Computer modeling. 
  • Animal testing. 

Fact: The FDA supports the development of alternatives to animal testing.  

Fact: federal laws regulate the treatment of test or research animals. .

  • The Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Act Regulations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • The Public Health Service Policy of Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals from the National Institutes of Health Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW).
  • The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals from the National Research Council.


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