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Kindergarten Crafts: 30 Fun Art Projects and Activities

Discover engaging and easy-to-follow crafts for kindergarteners that spark creativity and foster learning. 30 fun kindergarten crafts are a wonderful way to introduce young learners to the joys of making something with their own hands. From exploring cultural crafts that broaden their worldview to creative art and craft activities that challenge their imagination, these activities are designed to be both fun and educational.

Crafting with kindergarteners is not just about the end product but about the process of making, learning, and sharing experiences. As you dive into this guide, you’ll find ideas on how to make a safe crafting environment, choose the right projects , and make every crafting session a learning experience .

The guide also covers kindergarten crafts with special needs, ensuring every child finds joy in creation. Let’s explore how crafts can be a meaningful part of kindergarten learning and development.

30 easy crafts for kindergartens

Cultural Crafts for Kindergarten

Introducing cultural crafts to young learners is a wonderful way to broaden their horizons and teach them about the diverse world we live in. Here’s a detailed section on cultural crafts that can be both fun and educational for kindergarten students:

  • Exploring Cultures Through Craft : Begin by choosing a variety of cultures to explore through craft activities. For example, you can make paper plate masks to learn about African tribal art or make paper teepees to understand Native American dwellings. These crafts provide a hands-on experience that can be paired with stories or facts about each culture.
  • Crafts That Celebrate Diversity : Encourage children to celebrate diversity by making art that reflects different cultural backgrounds. This could include making Japanese windsocks, crafting Mexican papel picado, or designing Greek mosaics. Each craft can serve as a conversation starter about the country’s traditions and celebrations.
  • Folk Art Fun : Folk art is a great way to introduce children to the artistic expressions of various cultures. Activities like Russian matryoshka doll coloring, making Indian rangoli with colored rice, or painting with Aboriginal dot techniques can all be adapted for young children. These crafts help kids appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of different cultural art forms.
  • Global Garments : Have the children make simple representations of traditional clothing from around the world. They can make paper kimonos, felt berets, or even paper leis. This activity not only sparks creativity but also teaches about the different types of clothing worn in various countries.
  • Cultural Storytelling Through Crafts : Pair each craft activity with a story or a fact about the culture it represents. For instance, while making Chinese dragon masks, you can share legends about the Chinese New Year. This enriches the crafting experience with educational content and helps children remember what they’ve learned.
  • Crafts for Global Celebrations : Introduce crafts related to global celebrations such as Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah, and Christmas. Children can make lanterns for Diwali, crescent moon decorations for Eid, dreidels for Hanukkah, and ornaments for Christmas. This teaches children about the different ways people celebrate and the significance behind these festivals.

Incorporating cultural crafts in kindergarten promotes inclusivity and global awareness. Use simple language, ensure safety, and have fun crafting a multicultural world!

Creative Craft Techniques for Kindergarten

Crafting with young children is not only a fun activity but also an excellent way to enhance their creativity and fine motor skills. With the right techniques, kindergarten crafts can become a gateway to learning and exploration. Here are some innovative craft techniques that are perfect for kindergarten students:

  • Weaving Wonders : Weaving is a fantastic way to introduce children to patterns and textures. Start with simple materials like colorful yarn or ribbons and a cardboard loom. Children can make basic weaves, and as they grow more confident, they can experiment with adding different materials like beads or feathers to their creations.
  • Circle-Print Art : Circles are one of the first shapes children learn to recognize. Use the bottom of empty toilet paper rolls dipped in paint to make circle prints. This activity is not only fun but also helps children understand patterns and symmetry.
  • Paper Tube Sculptures : After using the tubes for circle-print art, transform them into unique sculptures. This encourages children to think about three-dimensional shapes and stability as they construct their sculptures.
  • Rolling Snails with Paper : Using simple templates, children can make adorable paper snails. This activity is great for practicing cutting and rolling skills, and it also allows for a discussion about animals and their habitats.
  • Fingerprint Trees : While technically a form of finger painting, making fingerprint trees is a sophisticated way to explore color mixing and the concept of seasons. Children can use their fingerprints to make leaves, blossoms, or autumn foliage on tree templates.
  • Hand Tracing Art : Moving beyond the classic hand turkey, children can trace their hands to make a variety of animals like cats, giraffes, and dinosaurs. This technique helps children learn about different animal features and how to represent them creatively.
  • Alphabet Paintings : Kindergarten is the perfect time to reinforce the alphabet. Have children fold paper into squares and decorate each with different colors or patterns. Then, they can paint or trace alphabet letters over the top, combining art with literacy.
  • Self-Portrait Shadow Boxes : Using old cardboard boxes, children can make shadow boxes that feature a photo of themselves. They can then decorate the transparency in front with markers, exploring self-identity and expression.

These craft techniques are fun and educational for kids to express themselves while developing skills.

How to Get Started with Kindergarten Crafts

Crafting with kindergarteners is not just a fun activity; it’s a wonderful way to stimulate creativity, fine motor skills, and cognitive development. If you’re new to this or looking for ways to make crafting an enjoyable and educational experience for your young ones, here’s a simple guide to get started. Remember, the goal is to make crafting a delightful experience for both you and the children.

Choose the Right Projects

Start with projects that match the interests and skill levels of the children. Simple crafts that don’t require intricate details are perfect. Projects like paper roll monsters, cupcake liner flowers, or paper handprint giraffes are great because they are engaging yet not overly complex.

Gather Your Materials

Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary materials. Many crafts for kindergarteners use common household items or supplies easily found at your local craft store. Essentials include construction paper, safety scissors, glue, markers, and items for decoration like stickers or glitter. Keeping a craft box handy can save time and make the setup process smoother.

Make a Safe Crafting Environment

Safety is paramount when crafting with young children. Ensure that all materials are non-toxic and appropriate for their age. Keep sharp objects out of reach and supervise the use of scissors or other tools that could pose a risk. Crafting in a spacious, well-organized area also helps prevent accidents and makes cleaning up easier.

Embrace the Mess

Crafting can be messy, but that’s part of the fun. Lay down newspapers or a tablecloth to protect surfaces and consider using washable paints and markers to make cleanup easier. Teaching children to wear aprons or old clothes during craft time can also help manage messes.

Encourage Creativity and Independence

While it might be tempting to direct every step of the craft, it’s important to let children express their creativity. Offer guidance and help when needed, but allow them the freedom to explore their ideas and make their own decisions. This fosters independence and confidence in their abilities.

Make It a Learning Experience

Incorporate educational elements into your crafting. Discuss colors, shapes, and textures. You can also tie crafts to stories, historical events, or nature. For example, making a paper plate turtle can be an opportunity to learn about different species of turtles and their habitats.

Above all, make sure crafting is enjoyable. The objective is to make positive memories and a love for creativity. If a project doesn’t go as planned, laugh it off and cherish the experience. The final product is less important than the process and the joy it brings.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to making a fun and enriching crafting experience for kindergarteners. Remember, the most successful crafts are those that spark joy and imagination.

Crafts for Children with Special Needs

Crafting can be a therapeutic and educational experience for children with special needs. It provides an opportunity for expression and can help develop fine motor skills, coordination, and concentration. Here are some craft ideas that are tailored to be both accessible and enjoyable:

  • Sensory Crafts : Sensory crafts are excellent for children who benefit from tactile experiences. Using materials like playdough, slime, or textured paper can stimulate the senses and promote exploration. For example, making worry stones or texture balloons can be both calming and engaging.
  • Fine Motor Skills : Crafts that involve threading beads, cutting shapes, or sticking items can help improve fine motor skills. Simple activities like making bracelets or keychains with large beads or buttons can be rewarding and aid in hand-eye coordination.
  • Behavior Control & Chore Charts : Visual aids like behavior charts or chore charts can help children understand expectations and routines. Crafting these charts can be a fun activity that also teaches responsibility and organization.
  • Adaptive Tools : For children who may have difficulty holding standard craft tools, adaptive tools like easy-grip scissors or stampers can be used. These tools make crafting more accessible and less frustrating.
  • Storytelling Through Crafts : Combining crafts with storytelling can enhance cognitive skills and imagination. Children can make characters or scenes from a story and then use them to retell the tale in their own words.
  • Crafts That Incorporate Movement : Crafts that involve movement, like making a simple puppet or a windsock, can be particularly beneficial. These crafts not only result in a fun product but also encourage physical activity and coordination.
  • Inclusive Group Projects : Group projects where children can contribute according to their abilities foster a sense of community and cooperation. A large mural or a collective collage are great ways for children to work together and appreciate each other’s contributions.

By implementing these ideas, you can make a positive environment for children with special needs. Remember to keep activities simple, clear, and appropriate to their abilities.

Safety Tips and Best Practices for Kindergarten Crafts

When engaging in crafts with kindergarten children, safety is paramount. Here are some essential safety tips and best practices to ensure a secure and enjoyable crafting experience:

  • Preparation is Key : Before starting any craft project, read through the instructions carefully. Ensure you have all the necessary materials and tools within reach to avoid leaving children unattended.
  • Safe Workspace : Arrange your crafting area in a way that gives each child enough space to work safely. A clutter-free, organized space prevents accidents and allows for efficient crafting.
  • Ventilation Matters : Always ensure that the room is well-ventilated, especially when working with materials that may emit fumes or dust. This helps maintain a healthy environment for everyone involved.
  • Non-Toxic Materials : Use only non-toxic materials that are safe for children. Check labels for age recommendations and any safety warnings.
  • Supervision is Essential : Never leave young children alone with crafting tools or materials that could be hazardous. Close supervision prevents mishaps and ensures that help is at hand if needed.
  • Cleanliness : Encourage children to wash their hands after crafting, especially if they’ve been handling glue, paint, or other substances. This practice promotes good hygiene and prevents the spread of germs.
  • Dress for the Mess : Provide aprons or old shirts to protect children’s clothing. This not only keeps them clean but also allows them to focus on being creative without worrying about making a mess.
  • Safe Tools : Ensure that all tools are age-appropriate and in good condition. Blunt scissors, for example, can be used for cutting paper without posing a risk to little fingers.
  • First Aid : Keep a complete, up-to-date first aid kit nearby. Knowing you’re prepared for any minor injuries can give you peace of mind.
  • Teach as You Go : Use crafting time as an opportunity to teach children about safety. Explain why certain rules are in place and the importance of following them.

By adhering to these safety tips and best practices, you can make a secure environment that fosters creativity and learning. Remember, the goal is to have fun while staying safe!

Parent-Child Collaboration in Kindergarten Crafts

Crafting together is a wonderful way for parents and children to bond and learn from each other. Here are some engaging craft ideas that encourage collaboration and are perfect for kindergarten-aged children:

  • Family Mural : Make a large mural on a roll of paper. Each family member can contribute by painting or drawing a section. This activity allows everyone to express their creativity and work together to make a cohesive piece of art.
  • Hand-in-Hand Painting : Trace each other’s hands on paper and then paint or decorate the handprints. This simple activity is a great way to celebrate the uniqueness of each family member while making a beautiful keepsake.
  • Story Stones : Collect stones and paint them together to represent different characters or elements of a story. Once dry, use the stones to tell stories, encouraging imagination and narrative skills.
  • Garden Markers : If you have a garden, work together to make plant markers. Paint sticks or stones to label what’s growing. This craft is not only practical but also teaches children about nature and responsibility.
  • Family Recipe Book : Compile a book of favorite family recipes. Have children illustrate the recipes or decorate the pages. This project can become a treasured family heirloom and a way to pass down traditions.
  • Puzzle Piece Picture Frame : Decorate a picture frame with puzzle pieces. This is a fun way to reuse old puzzles and make a unique frame for a family photo.
  • Collaborative Collage : Cut out pictures from magazines or use personal photos to make a collage that represents your family. This craft encourages discussion about family memories and what makes your family special.
  • Build a Birdhouse : Work together to build and decorate a birdhouse. This project can teach children about woodworking and the importance of caring for wildlife.

Crafting with kids creates fun, learning opportunities, and bonding.

Integrating Technology in Kindergarten Crafts

Incorporating technology into kindergarten crafts can enhance the learning experience and foster creativity. Here are some ways to integrate technology into craft projects for young learners:

  • Digital Storytelling : Use apps or software that allow children to make digital stories. They can draw or use digital stickers to craft scenes and record their voices to narrate the story. This activity combines literacy and digital skills.
  • Interactive Craft Instructions : Utilize interactive whiteboards or tablets to display craft instructions. This can include step-by-step videos or animated guides that make it easier for children to follow along.
  • Virtual Craft Galleries : Make a virtual gallery of the children’s artwork. This can be done through a simple website or blog where parents and other students can view the crafts. It’s a great way to showcase their work and encourage pride in their creations.
  • Augmented Reality Coloring : Some coloring apps use augmented reality to bring children’s coloring pages to life. After coloring a printed page, children can see their creations animate on a screen.
  • Crafting with Coding : Introduce basic coding concepts by using programmable robots or toys that can be customized with craft materials. Children can decorate their robots and then use block coding to make them move or perform actions.
  • Online Craft Resources : There are many online resources with craft ideas and templates. Use these as inspiration or print out templates for children to decorate and personalize.
  • Technology-Enhanced Materials : Use materials that interact with technology, such as conductive thread for sewing or paper circuits. These can introduce children to the basics of electronics in a fun and creative way.

By blending technology into kindergarten crafts, we enhance the educational experience for young learners.

Eco-Friendly Crafts for Kindergarten

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to teach our children about sustainability and the environment. Eco-friendly crafts are a great way to introduce these concepts to kindergarten students in a fun and engaging way. Here are some ideas for crafts that not only spark creativity but also promote environmental awareness:

  • Recycled Material Collages : Encourage children to bring in recyclable materials from home, such as cardboard, fabric scraps, or plastic lids. Use these items to make colorful collages that give new life to old materials.
  • Nature-Inspired Art : Take a walk outside and collect natural items like leaves, twigs, and stones. Back in the classroom, use these items to make nature-inspired art pieces. This activity helps children appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
  • Plantable Paper : Make homemade paper embedded with seeds that children can plant in the ground. This craft teaches the concept of recycling and the joy of watching something grow from their own creation.
  • Egg Carton Critters : Transform egg cartons into cute creatures like bugs or animals. This project is a great way to discuss the importance of reusing materials instead of throwing them away.
  • DIY Natural Dyes : Use fruits, vegetables, and spices to make natural dyes for painting or coloring. This is a safe alternative to chemical dyes and a lesson in how natural resources can be used in creative ways.
  • Upcycled Fashion Show : Have children make outfits or accessories from old clothes or fabrics. Host a fashion show to display their creations, teaching them about upcycling and the value of repurposing items.
  • Eco-Friendly Decorations : Make decorations for the classroom using eco-friendly materials. For example, make paper chains from recycled paper or ornaments from biodegradable materials.

By adding eco crafts to kindergarten, students learn environmental responsibility in a fun way. Use simple, clear instructions in a safe environment.

FAQs About Kindergarten Crafts

Discover the answers to all your questions about kindergarten crafts in this comprehensive FAQ guide. From supplies to project ideas, we’ve got you covered!

What are the benefits of crafts for kindergarteners?

Crafts help improve fine motor skills, encourage creativity, and can be used to reinforce academic concepts in a fun and engaging way. They also teach children to follow instructions and work on their hand-eye coordination.

How can I incorporate crafts into the kindergarten curriculum?

Crafts can be integrated into various subjects such as math, literacy, and science. For example, you can use counting crafts for math or alphabet crafts for literacy. They can also be tied to themes, seasons, or cultural celebrations.

What materials are safe to use for kindergarten crafts?

Always choose non-toxic, age-appropriate materials. Look for labels that indicate safety for children’s use, and avoid small parts that could be choking hazards for young children.

How can I ensure a safe crafting environment?

Keep the crafting area organized and clutter-free. Provide child-safe tools and materials, and always supervise the children closely. Make sure the room is well-ventilated if you’re using materials like glue or paint.

Can crafts be used to teach about sustainability?

Absolutely! Use recycled materials for collages or crafts that emphasize reusing and repurposing items. Discuss the importance of taking care of the environment while crafting.

How can technology be integrated into kindergarten crafts?

Technology can be used to display interactive craft instructions, make digital stories, or even incorporate coding into craft projects with programmable robots.

What are some simple craft ideas for kindergarteners?

Simple craft ideas include handprint art, paper plate masks, nature-inspired crafts using items like leaves and twigs, and crafts that involve basic threading or sticking activities.

How can I make crafts accessible for children with special needs?

Use adaptive tools like easy-grip scissors and provide clear, step-by-step instructions. Consider the individual needs of each child and modify the activities accordingly.

How can parents be involved in kindergarten crafts?

Encourage parent-child collaboration on projects like family murals or garden markers. This not only helps with bonding but also allows parents to be part of their child’s learning process.

What should I do with the crafts once they’re completed?

Displaying crafts in the classroom or making a virtual gallery online can showcase the children’s work. You can also send crafts home as keepsakes for families.

The key to successful kindergarten crafts is to keep them simple, safe, and fun, while also providing educational value.

30 Fun Crafts for Kindergarten

Discover 30 fun crafts for kindergarten! Engage young minds with exciting art projects and activities designed to spark creativity and learning.

1. DIY Paper Roll Monsters

DIY Paper Roll Monsters

Enhance your child’s cognitive growth and emotional intelligence by encouraging participation in fun and interactive kindergarten art projects. Get set for Halloween with an engaging DIY craft that kids will love – paper roll monsters! This project utilizes simple supplies, such as paper rolls, colored paper or paints, wiggly eye stickers, scissors, and glue. If you prefer, store-bought craft rolls can be used, perfect for a group activity where each child can express their creativity.

Start by decorating the paper rolls with colored paper or paint. Once dry, it’s time to transform these rolls into vibrant monsters. Craft wacky haircuts with decorative scissors, affix wiggly eyes, or even append wings, horns, or fangs. The options are limitless and a surefire way to spark the imagination.

This project is a fun Halloween activity and a wonderful way to encourage creativity in kids. Take a snapshot of your monstrous creations for a lasting memory! Don’t miss out on this uniquely entertaining Halloween craft – make your paper roll monsters today! easypeasyandfun

2. Penguin Cut and Paste Craft

Penguin Cut and Paste Craft

Entertain your little ones during the chilly winter months with a delightful penguin cut-and-paste craft! A creative outlet for preschoolers and kindergarteners, this free printable activity is a fantastic supplement to a winter-themed lesson or an exploration of winter animals. The penguin craft sparks creativity and sharpens fine motor skills as children deftly handle scissors and glue.

Begin with a downloadable template and watch as your child skillfully cuts, pastes, and constructs their paper penguin. The final result can be as amazing as the little hands that craft it – use googly eyes or cotton balls for a snowy effect.

Packed with math and literacy centers, fine motor activities, and arts and crafts templates, it aligns perfectly with preschool learning standards for an enriching experience. Don’t let the winter freeze limit your child’s creativity! taminglittlemonsters

3. Easy Crepe Paper Butterfly Craft

Easy Crepe Paper Butterfly Craft

Discover easy and affordable kindergarten art projects that can be done with everyday materials, teaching kids the joy of DIY crafts. Capture the vibrant essence of spring in your living space with an easy, kid-friendly DIY crepe paper butterfly craft. These delicate, colorful butterflies require only two essential materials: patterned crepe paper and pipe cleaners. In five minutes, you can make a flight of enchanting creatures that will add a whimsical touch to your room, gift wrapping, or greeting cards.

The steps are as easy as making a bow with strips of crepe paper and fastening them with pipe cleaners to form the butterfly’s body and antennae. Take this craft further by arranging your handmade butterflies on chart paper to depict their flight path, or attach them to cards for an extra charm.

This versatile project is not just a fun individual activity but can also be a collaborative endeavor in classrooms, resulting in a collective masterpiece. Express your creativity today with this beautiful craft! artsycraftsymom

4. Make Your Own Cupcake Liner Flowers

Make Your Own Cupcake Liner Flowers

Bring a splash of spring bloom into your home with easy-to-make and vibrant DIY cupcake liner flowers. Perfect for rainy-day crafts with kids, these flowers are as amusing to craft as they display. The vivid colors and fun process make this craft ideal for themed parties, Mother’s Day gifts, or Easter decorations.

With just a few readily available supplies, such as regular and mini cupcake liners, a green popsicle stick, a yellow sticker rhinestone, crafter’s tape, green construction paper, and scissors, you can bring these blossoms to life.

With a focus on creativity, even a simple white cupcake liner can be transformed into a stunning flower. Let your imagination bloom, and enjoy crafting these beautiful paper spring flowers! onelittleproject

5. DIY Sandcastle Sand Art

DIY Sandcastle Sand Art

Collaborate with fellow parents and teachers to exchange kindergarten art project ideas, enhancing your classroom or home education experience. Get creative with your beach souvenirs by transforming sea sand into a magnificent sandcastle sand art masterpiece. This fun-filled activity utilizes a sandcastle color-in page, glue, sand, and ocean-themed stickers to bring your coastal creation to life.

Outline the castle with glue, dust it with sand, and finish with enchanting stickers or seashells. This hands-on project provides a fantastic opportunity to refine fine motor skills, especially as you sprinkle the sand onto the picture. Unleash your creativity and immortalize your beach memories with this fun, tactile art project loved by children and adults alike. makingmama

6. Tissue Paper and Paper Plate Turtle

Tissue Paper and Paper Plate Turtle

Discover the joy of crafting with kids through this adorable DIY tissue paper and paper plate turtle craft. Based on the unique and intriguing box turtle, this fun project brings together vibrant colors and easily accessible materials such as tissue paper, paper plates, wiggly eyes, and school glue.

It even includes a free printable turtle template to facilitate the process, making it an ideal activity for home, school, daycare, or camp. This simple yet engaging craft fosters creativity and promotes an understanding and appreciation for wildlife.

Perfectly paired with related library books, this turtle craft is a tangible, fun extension of a learning experience. Enjoy crafting and nurturing a love for nature with your children today. fireflies

7. DIY Paper Bag Monster Puppets

DIY Paper Bag Monster Puppets

Join the family fun with a delightful DIY paper bag monster puppets project. This simple and engaging activity allows everyone to showcase their creativity while spending quality time together. With materials such as a paper lunch bag, acrylic paint, colored cardstock paper, markers, and scissors, you can fashion a unique monster puppet.

The process involves painting the bag, crafting the monster design with cardstock and markers, and finally bringing your creation to life in a puppet show. This project is an entertaining and imaginative way to celebrate Halloween.

The best part is the endless variations each family member can introduce, making each monster puppet one of a kind! Enjoy this wholesome activity and make lasting memories with your loved ones. iheartcrafty

8. Paper Plate Fish Craft for Kindergarteners’

Paper Plate Fish Craft for Kindergarteners

Entertain your little ones with a fun and engaging paper plate fish craft. This art project is an excellent extension of an ocean or under-the-sea preschool theme. Simple yet creative, the craft utilizes a white paper plate, blue craft paint, multi-colored cardstock paper, scissors, a glue stick, glitter, and a googly eye.

The process involves painting, cutting, and glittering – an array of activities to boost your child’s fine motor skills while sparking their imagination. With its eye-catching glittery scales, crafting this vibrant rainbow fish is an entertaining activity and a perfect hands-on educational experience.

It offers a fantastic opportunity to discuss the aquatic world, sea creatures, colors, shapes, and more. So, let your child dive into art, creativity, and learning with this delightful paper plate fish craft. naturalbeach

9. The BFG Paper Plate Dream Catchers

The BFG Paper Plate Dream Catchers

Embrace the magic of Roald Dahl’s ‘The BFG’ by making your own BFG-inspired DIY paper plate dream catchers. Drawing inspiration from the captivating narrative, these dream catchers can be an engaging and colorful way to collect dreams, just like the BFG.

They require simple materials such as paper plates, yarn, crayons, sequins, glitter, feathers, pony beads, glue, scissors, and a hole punch. Each dream catcher can be decorated uniquely, allowing limitless creativity and imagination.

This project not only encourages artistic expression but also brings the enchanting world of Roald Dahl closer to home. It is a stress-free and enjoyable activity for kids and parents alike. thesuburbanmom

10. Egg Carton Turtle Craft for Kids

Egg Carton Turtle Craft for Kids

Explore a variety of kindergarten art projects, incorporating painting, drawing, and sculpture to boost your child’s imagination and confidence. Engage your kids in a fun, eco-friendly DIY craft activity that transforms an egg carton into adorable animal figurines – turtles, caterpillars, and frogs. This project requires egg cartons, acrylic paint, pom poms for the turtle heads, googly eyes, pipe cleaners for the turtle legs and caterpillar antennas, and green craft foam for the frog’s legs.

The simple yet exciting task involves cutting, painting, and assembly, enhancing your child’s fine motor skills. Apart from being a wonderful way to spark creativity, it’s a great opportunity to introduce the concept of recycling. The vibrantly colored creatures make for lovely play toys, adding fun to the learning process. frugalfun4boys

11. Moving Color Targets Game for Kindergarteners

Moving Color Targets Game for Kindergarteners

Engaging in arts and crafts for kindergarteners encourages creativity, improves fine motor skills, and fosters self-expression in young minds. Step into the fun and excitement of the Olympics with an interactive DIY Toddler Olympics color target game. Drawing inspiration from various Olympic throwing and target events, this engaging activity is perfect for toddlers to enhance their color recognition and hand-eye coordination while having fun.

Essential supplies include a cardboard box, styrofoam cups, scissors, permanent markers, string, clear packing tape, and a softball. Once everything is secure, it’s time to start the game! Encourage your toddler to choose a color and aim for it with the softball.

The game works on color recognition and coordination and instills the spirit of perseverance – the more they practice, the better they get! Finally, don’t forget to take a moment to enjoy this game with your little one, perhaps making it a staple activity in your family Olympics! toddlerapproved

12. Cute DIY Uber Origami Mermaid

Cute DIY Uber Origami Mermaid

Ready to add a splash of summer creativity to your craft time? Why not try making an adorable DIY origami mermaid? A perfect blend of artistic folding and imaginative play, this origami project will be a hit for those fascinated by the mystical world of mermaids.

Crafted primarily from origami paper, Sharpie markers, scissors, and tape, this mermaid is simple and fun to create. With the folds forming the mermaid’s charming face, body, and fish-like tail, every step is a part of the enchanting transformation.

This mermaid origami tutorial offers a simplified version of classic Japanese origami, making it a fun and accessible crafting activity for young ones. Dive into origami art and make your enchanting mermaid today! pinkstripeysocks

13. Easy Stamped Sheep Craft for Kids

Easy Stamped Sheep Craft for Kids

Jumpstart your spring celebrations with a fun DIY stamped sheep craft for Kids! This craft combines cute farm animals’ charm and vibrant spring colors’ beauty. This project integrates different art techniques, encouraging children to explore their creativity while learning.

Each step, from crafting the sheep’s body and head to making the tissue paper flowers, offers fun and learning. Additionally, this activity offers children a tactile experience as they engage with different textures – the smoothness of paint, the softness of cotton, and the crunch of tissue paper.

Not only does this craft help develop fine motor skills, but it also promotes imaginative play as children make their unique spring scenes. Start your springtime crafting journey with this stamped sheep craft today! buggyandbuddy

14. DIY Shark Cootie Catcher

DIY Shark Cootie Catcher

Explore a world of colorful possibilities with arts and crafts for kindergarteners, helping them develop essential cognitive and social skills. Craft a charming DIY shark cootie catcher that brings a touch of creativity and fun to your child’s playtime. Utilizing the art of paper folding, this simple origami project adds a twist to the traditional fortune teller. You can easily follow the video tutorial or step-by-step guide to transform a template into a playful sea dweller.

Crafted with materials such as print or glossy paper and a craft stick, the process involves folding, creasing, adding fins, and optional gluing for extra stability. Kids can enjoy this hands-on activity, which is perfect for sparking their imaginations. So grab your free printable shark cootie catcher template, and let your little ones dive into this engaging DIY project! easypeasyandfun

15. Paper Handprint Giraffe Kid Craft

Paper Handprint Giraffe Kid Craft

Giving these easy crafts for kindergarten aged children in educational settings promotes cognitive growth, problem-solving skills, and a love for learning through artistic expression. Venture into craft-making with this DIY giraffe handprint craft project, ideal for creative individuals, moms, educators, and, most importantly, kids! This fuss-free and engaging activity is an excellent way to spark creativity while crafting a vibrant keepsake for the whole family.

With just a handful of supplies like yellow, black, and brown cardstock paper, markers or pencils, basic craft scissors, school glue, and large wiggle eyes, you can transform a simple handprint into a charming giraffe in no time.

This project perfectly aligns with a zoo or circus-themed lesson at home or school, making it a valuable and enjoyable learning activity. Excite your artistic spirit and embark on this hands-on journey today! gluedtomycrafts

16. DIY Cupcake Liner Ice Cream Cone

DIY Cupcake Liner Ice Cream Cone

Embark on a fun summer activity with this DIY cupcake liner ice cream cone kids craft, designed to inspire creativity and provide amusement during those warm, idle days. Reminiscent of family ice cream outings, this craft utilizes commonplace supplies like cupcake liners, light blue or white cardstock paper, brown paint, a plastic fork, and an array of optional embellishments to mimic delicious ice cream flavors.

Following straightforward instructions, children can fashion charming ice cream cone representations, applying fork-painted patterns to the cone and decorating their ‘scoops’ with gems or black hole punch circles for a fun and vibrant effect.

This engaging craft enhances artistic skills and encourages imaginative play, serving as the perfect precursor to an evening ice cream treat. Craft your way to a joyful summer! iheartcraftythings

17. Avengers Bookmarks Craft for Kids

Avengers Bookmarks Craft for Kids

Entice your kids into a fun, creative, and exciting crafting world with these DIY Avengers bookmarks! This project is ideal for motivating kids to read more and show their love for their favorite Avengers superheroes. They’ll be proud to mark their pages with characters like The Hulk, Captain America, and Iron Man.

The crafting process involves using jumbo craft sticks, varied paint colors, a white paint pen, a black Sharpie, and a black ballpoint pen. A clear paintable sealer or Mod Podge gives these bookmarks a protective coating, ensuring longevity.

The simplicity of this project allows your child to tap into their imagination while freehanding these iconic characters or by following the provided pattern. So, why wait? Let your little superheroes express their artistic abilities with this interesting and rewarding project! craftsbyamanda

18. Quilled Paper Monsters Step-by-step Craft

Quilled Paper Monsters Step by step Craft

Engage little artists with colorful kindergarten art projects that develop fine motor skills and foster creativity in young minds. Burst into the vibrant and fun world of DIY quilled paper crafts with a monstrous twist that children will adore. This activity involves making playful, quilled paper monsters, which make an ideal crafting project not just for Halloween but all year round.

With quilling paper strips, craft paper, googly eyes, craft glue, and a slotted quilling tool, your kids can let their imaginations run wild, designing creatures that are as goofy, spooky, or amusing as they wish. The process is broken down into straightforward, manageable steps to guide them on their monster-making journey.

From coiling the quilling strip to adding googly eyes, every part of the process is a creative adventure. This unique, engaging craft will keep little hands busy and fuel their love for crafting. Dive into this craft project and make some paper monsters today! whispered

19. Make Your Own Watermelon Pinwheel

Make Your Own Watermelon Pinwheel

Take up the joyful spirit of summer with a creative and colorful DIY watermelon pinwheel craft. Echoing the season’s iconic fruit, this craft combines the playful charm of a classic windmill toy with a watermelon’s vibrant, juicy appeal.

Made with simple supplies like red and green craft paper, sharpie pens, and a jumbo straw, it’s a quick and delightful craft that doubles as a fun toy or a unique summer party decoration. This tutorial includes detailed instructions and illustrative video content, making the crafting process enjoyable and straightforward.

Once the pinwheel is ready, add a fun twist to your summer by trying the rainbow blowers, croaking frogs, chomping shark puppets, and rock snails craft projects. Enjoy this brilliant combination of crafting and summer fun to make lasting memories! kidscraftroom

20. DIY Paper Plate Dalmatian

DIY Paper Plate Dalmatian

Transform a simple white paper plate into an adorable Dalmatian with this fun and easy DIY craft, suitable for kids of all ages. The project requires basic supplies like scissors, a black and red crayon, tacky craft glue, a medium-sized wiggly eye, a pencil, and a black pen.

Following straightforward steps, kids cut, color, and assemble their paper plates into a cheerful, spotted Dalmatian. This activity is not just a way to keep children entertained; it also stimulates their creativity and fine motor skills.

Moreover, it can be a playful method to teach kids about community helpers and gratitude by delivering their paper plate Dalmatians, and a thank you note and cookies to the local fire station. Perfect for home, school, or daycare, this craft can make memorable moments and a playful learning experience. craftsbyamanda

21. No Sew Superhero Mask Tutorial

No Sew Superhero Mask Tutorial

Explore various crafts for kindergarten children, such as paper plate animals, handprint art, and colorful suncatchers, to stimulate their imagination. Immerse your family in the heartwarming tale of Big Hero 6 with a fun and engaging craft project! Make DIY, no-sew masks inspired by your favorite characters from the movie. These masks can be created with ease and minimal fuss using everyday supplies like various colors of regular felt, Pellon Wonder Under 805 interfacing, thin white elastic, chalk markers, scissors, and iron.

These playful masks ignite creativity and strengthen the bond between kids and their parents, perfect for a family movie night. By transforming into Baymax or Hiro, children can embrace the movie’s positive values, like the importance of helping others and the power of knowledge. Try this unique project today and enjoy a memorable movie night with your little heroes! millionmoments

22. DIY Patriotic Cupcake Liner Flowers

DIY Patriotic Cupcake Liner Flowers

Elevate your festive decor with the charming appeal of these DIY patriotic cupcake liner flowers. Thi for Memorial Day or 4th of July celebrations, these creations are a fun craft for children of all ages and serve as a delightful centerpiece when arranged in mason jars. All you need are the following:

  • Red, white, and blue cupcake liners (standard and mini).
  • Corresponding colored buttons.
  • Lime green paper straws.

The easy-to-follow steps involve:

  • Flipping the cupcake liners inside out.
  • Attaching the mini liner to the standard one.
  • Securing a button in the middle with a glue dot.

Lastly, a straw is taped onto the back of the flower. Watch your kids enjoy making this vibrant craft s craft is and add a pop of color to your festive celebrations! fireflies

23. Paper Building Blocks for Kids

Paper Building Blocks for Kids

Dive into the fun and educational world of paper engineering with these simple yet ingenious DIY paper building blocks. This tutorial demonstrates a unique approach to learning about structural design, turning a seemingly weak material like paper into robust, triangle-shaped building blocks. Witness the strength of these fascinating creations by constructing your paper structures and testing their resilience.

From a heavy metal straightedge to balancing Oreos, the challenges are unlimited. Made using thick colored paper, a paper cutter, a straightedge, a cutting mat, and tape, this project is perfect for children aged six and up under adult supervision.

The result? A captivating hands-on experience that brings out the child’s creativity and broadens their understanding of basic engineering principles. This unique papercraft proves to be more than just a fun activity – it’s a gateway to the engineering world for kids. babbledabbledo

24. Make a Kaleidoscope Without Mirrors

Make a Kaleidoscope Without Mirrors

Take part in a wonderful family activity with this DIY kaleidoscope craft that brings creativity and science into your home! Using a paper towel tube, aluminum foil, and colorful translucent beads, you can assemble a homemade kaleidoscope that, although not fully functional like a traditional one, mirrors the fascinating patterns similarly.

This project serves as a learning platform for children about colors, shapes, and reflection while offering artistic inspiration. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to repurpose those spare paper tubes.

So, prepare your materials and enter a vibrant world of kaleidoscopic patterns. This homemade kaleidoscope is a fun craft project and an educational experiment. darcyandbrian

25. Cute Paper Plate Elephant Craft

Cute Paper Plate Elephant Craft

Craft your adorable paper plate elephant with this fun and straightforward DIY project! You can transform an ordinary plate into a charming elephant with everyday household supplies, such as a paper plate, scissors, glue, white paper, a black Sharpie, and paint.

First, follow the designated design to cut out the elephant shape. Paint it with either blue or pink and wait for it to dry. Next, cut out eyes and secure them. Once cut into a narrower strip, the remaining piece of your paper plate becomes the elephant’s trunk.

If you prefer, give your creation a feminine touch by adding eyelashes and a bow. This engaging craft offers both a creative outlet and a delightful piece of art. craftymorning

26. How to Make Emoji Masks

How to Make Emoji Masks

Collaborative crafts for kindergarten classrooms, like group murals and garden projects, encourage teamwork and boost social development among young learners. Sink into a fun and creative world with this easy DIY tutorial on making homemade emoji masks. This craft will be a fabulous addition to any Halloween party or photo booth; these emoji masks are not only a hit with kids but also adults. These masks will be ready in no time and made using simple craft supplies like yellow poster board, colorful papers, scissors, glue, and large popsicle sticks.

By tracing and cutting out a large circle for the face, determining the emoji design, and attaching all elements with glue, you can bring your favorite emojis, like heart eyes, sunglasses, and the tongue-out emoji, to life!

Making these emoji masks is an enjoyable activity and a great way to unleash creativity and make any occasion special. Step up your Halloween game with these DIY emoji masks today! aliceandlois

27. Egg Carton Bee Craft for Kids

Egg Carton Bee Craft for Kids

Let your kids get creative and buzzing with this fun DIY egg carton bee craft! This simple yet endearing insect activity is fantastic for preschoolers and kindergarten students and can be a fun project during spring, summer, or even Earth Day. It’s a fantastic way to utilize waste and turn it into a cute educational project.

This project enhances fine motor skills while painting, cutting, and wrapping the yarn. Once complete, these miniature bees can serve various purposes.

They can be used for imaginative play, classroom decoration during the spring or summer, or even as hanging mobiles, adding a playful touch to any space. Make learning engaging and eco-friendly with this egg carton bee craft project. buggyandbuddy

28. Paper Flower Craft for Kindergarteners

Paper Flower Craft for Kindergarteners

Welcome the vibrant spirit of spring with this charming DIY paper flower craft. Ideal as a colorful decoration for your home or a fun, educational activity for a classroom, this craft involves constructing a radiant bouquet of paper flowers.

By following simple steps and using a handful of supplies – such as a circle paper punch, colored papers, scissors, stick glue, green paper straws, and clear tape – you can make these delightful decorations in no time.

They offer a wonderful fine motor exercise for young kids, while older ones can relish the project’s creativity. You can customize the craft for adults using unique materials like sheet music or newspaper. So why wait? Get crafting and fill your space with the warmth and cheer of handmade paper flowers! easypeasyand

29. Cute and Playful DIY Unicorn Puppets

Cute and Playful DIY Unicorn Puppets

Unveil the magic of creativity with this fun DIY project that transforms simple materials into playful unicorn puppets! To bring these enchanting creatures to life, you’ll need white and silver cardstock, a circle punch, googly eyes, multi-colored yarn, a hole punch, markers, scissors, and glue.

Begin using the provided unicorn craft template to cut out shapes from the cardstock. Punch holes for finger puppet control, then attach the head, neck, ears, and gleaming silver horn.

Adorn the puppet with vibrant yarn for the mane and tail, and finish with a googly eye and hand-drawn features. Ideal for kids’ crafts or a unique party activity, these DIY unicorn puppets are sure to spark joy and imagination. Make your herd, and let the magical play begin! iheartcrafty

30. Egg Carton Dragonfly Craft for Kindergarteners

Egg Carton Dragonfly Craft for Kindergarteners

Let your imaginations soar with this fun and easy DIY egg carton dragonfly craft! Make a vibrant, adorable craft with your kids using simple household items. With just an egg carton, paint, white card stock paper, tissue paper, glue, pipe cleaners, and scissors, you can help your little ones bring to life a colorful insect.

Start by fashioning a body from a 6-cup side of an egg carton, then let the kids paint it in their chosen shades. While waiting for the paint to dry, craft the wings from white card stock paper and tissue paper squares.

Add some character to your dragonfly by inserting pipe cleaner antennas. Once everything’s dry, attach the wings to the body. A delightful way to stimulate children’s creativity while teaching them about nature! craftymorning

31. How to Make Button Art Tree

How to Make Button Art Tree

Engaging crafts for kindergarten students foster creativity and enhance fine motor skills through hands-on artistic activities. Fetch the beauty of nature indoors with a DIY button art tree! Craft an enchanting decor piece with your children using this fun button art craft tutorial. By incorporating colorful buttons onto a painted canvas, your child can make a vibrant tree or any other engaging design that sparks their imagination.

This project offers an opportunity for artistic expression and a fantastic learning moment about sorting by size, shape, and color.

Experience the joy of making button art that radiates charm and creativity, a unique and exciting activity you and your children can relish together. Remember, a little supervision is required for younger kids around small objects. Dive into this button art craft and let your child’s creativity blossom! simplydesigning


crafts for kindergartens

In conclusion, exploring the 30 fun crafts for kindergarten offers a fantastic opportunity to engage young minds with creative, educational activities. Whether it’s delving into cultural crafts , experimenting with innovative techniques , or ensuring activities are accessible for children with special needs , there’s an endless well of possibilities to inspire and educate.

By choosing the right projects, making a safe crafting environment, and making it a fun learning experience, you can foster creativity, independence, and a love for learning in young children. So, gather your materials, and let the creativity flow with these enriching kindergarten crafts .

Related DIY Ideas to Try:

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88 Kindergarten Art Projects: Painting Ideas, Crafts, Paper Arts, Collage, And More

October 27, 2023 //  by  Suzanne Bucknam

Art is important for so many reasons. Teaching art to kids gives them the same tools of self-expression as the famous artists we all admire.

In addition to self-expression, lots of important skills are developed through art. Kindergarten art projects teach kids the following things:

  • critical thinking
  • problem-solving
  • how to follow steps in sequence
  • art concepts

Coming up with art projects for kindergarteners can be a challenge. Luckily, we’ve done some of the leg work for you. All you need to do is set the activities up and watch your students get creative.

Here are 88 kindergarten art projects students are sure to love.

Looking for fun and informative kits for kids? Check out our Favorite Subscription Boxes for Kids

1. Make a Paper Clip Painting

This art project combines math, art, and a scavenger hunt all in one. Kids dip paper clips into paint and stamp them onto paper to make creative art projects.

There’s no need to confine their creativity to paper clips, though. Send them on a scavenger hunt around the classroom to see what other items they find to use.

Learn More: Mosswood Connections

2. Make a Fizzy Baking Soda Print

Making a fizzy baking soda print is an art project that combines art with science. What kindergartener wouldn’t want to see what they could create by touching a fizzling, colored liquid to paper?

Learn More: Typically Simple

Need new ideas to liven up your Kindergarten science class? Check out our Kindergarten Science Experiments

3. Making Snowmen with Air-Dry Clay

Making snowmen with air-dry clay is a great art project for winter-themed activities. It can also be done to bring a little winter into your classroom on a hot day.

The clay can be painted or colored with markers and decorated with craft accessories.

Learn More: The Montessori-Minded Mom

4. String Painting


This is a very creative idea for an art project for kindergarteners. Using watercolor paints, water, yarn, and a tissue box, kids can create professional-looking art.

These art pieces are perfect for turning into Mother’s Day or Father’s Day cards.

Learn More: One Little Project

5. Cotton-ball Cherry Blossom Painting

Painting cherry blossoms using cotton balls is an adorable idea. This art project incorporates the use of clothespins, which is great for fine motor development.

Learn More: Projects with Kids

Introduce the wonderful world of technology to your preschool class with our Technology Activities for Pre-schoolers

6. Coffee Filter Tulip Suncatcher

This is a fun art project that combines process art and product art to make a beautiful and creative art piece.

The end result is a beautiful tulip-shaped suncatcher.

Learn More: There’s Just One Mommy

7. Thumbprint Bug Art


This is such a cute art project idea that is so simple to set up. Paper, markers, paints, and thumbs are all kindergarteners need for this one.

Making art using thumbprints is a great art project for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.

Learn More: Toot’s Mom is Tired

8. Fork Stamping Tulip Art

Have you ever noticed that forks are kind of shaped like tulips? This makes them perfect for springtime process art projects.

This activity is super fun and super easy to set up.

Learn More: Toddler at Play

9. Abstract Painted Hearts

This is such a fun and creative art project idea. This is a perfect art activity for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day.

The canvas for this project is a wooden heart, so the end result is a keepsake that will last.

Learn More: Color Made Happy

10. Painting With Circles

This art project is really fun and easy. There’s no need to limit making circles to only paper cups.

Kids can use bottle caps or any other circular item they can find.

Learn More: Mess for Less

11. Ice Cube Painting


Ice cube painting is a great kindergarten outdoor art project for the warm months. It can also be part of a winter-themed learning unit during the cold months.

Learn More: Green Kid Crafts

12. Splat Painting

Splat painting is a process art project in the truest sense of the meaning. Using paint, sponges, and a wooden spoon, kindergarteners can experience how beautiful making a “mess” can be.

Learn More: Taming Little Monsters

13. Pointillism with Q-tips

Making pointillism art using Q-tips is the perfect art project for kindergarteners. Using Q-tips to create art really helps develop a child’s fine motor skills.

This art project is also great for learning about symmetry.

Learn More: Artful Parent

14. Painting with Nature

Painting using items from nature is one of the fun art projects for kindergarteners that can be done outdoors. Teachers can also set up a nature table inside the classroom and let students choose their own painting tool.

15. Sidewalk Painting with Chalk Ice

Chalk ice is a fun sensory variation on the sidewalk chalk that kindergarteners know and love. Painting with the chalk ice is only half the fun of this art project.

Kids enjoy helping to make the chalk ice, too.

Learn More: The Best Ideas for Kids

16. Watercolor Painting on Paper Towels

Paper towels are usually used for wiping up spills made while kids are painting. They actually make great canvases, too, though!

This is an art project your kindergarten class will love.

Learn More: Gift of Curiosity

17. Blow Painting

Blow painting is a ton of fun for kindergarteners. It’s also one of those kindergarten art projects teachers can set up in a matter of minutes. Blow painting art projects can be process-based or you can assign your class to make animals, like scorpions, sea creatures, or birds.

18. Scribble Art

Kids have typically outgrown scribbling by the time they reach kindergarten. This art project is heavy on fine motor refinement and it lets kindergarteners relive their glory days of scribbling.

Learn More: Fireflies and Mud Pies

19. Make Coffee Filter Butterflies

This art project is great for spring-themed, summer-themed, and life-cycle learning units. The steps are fun for kindergarteners to follow and the process of coloring the butterfly wings allows for a lot of creativity.

Learn More: Organized Island

20. Jellyfish Salt Painting

Making a jellyfish salt painting is both an art project and a science project . It’s a lot of fun and kids get to be really creative when it comes time to paint it.

Learn More: I Heart Arts n Crafts

21. Rain Cloud Gravity Painting

Rain cloud gravity painting is an art project and a science project rolled together. It requires only simple materials and pairs well with books such as Thunder Cake and Down Comes the Rain.

Learn More: A Little Pinch of Perfect

22. Yarn Painting

Learn More: Picklebums

23. Crumpled Paper Art

This crumpled paper art project is inspired by the book, Ish, by Peter H. Reynolds. Not only is this a really fun kindergarten art project that yields a beautiful product – it’s a great sensory-feedback activity that can help calm an unruly classroom.

Learn More: Bug and Buddy

24. Paint with Puffy Paint

This is one of several kindergarten art projects on our list that involves a science lesson. Make some puffy paint with your class, then let them at some canvases to see what they create.

Learn More: Happy Hooligans

25. Toilet Paper Roll Stamp Flowers

This is a really cool kindergarten art project that is inexpensive (uses empty toilet paper rolls) and easy to set up. The end product is a beautiful flower painting. This art project is great for spring-themed learning units or flower life-cycle units.

26. Marbling with Oil and Food Coloring

This is decidedly the kindergarten art project on this list with the biggest mess potential. The final product is so worth it, though.

This is an easy way to marble paper and the students will be so proud of the artwork they get to bring home to their families.

27. Cardboard Rainbow Collage

Making a cardboard rainbow art collage a great art project that has endless opportunities for creativity. Kindergarteners can incorporate construction paper, tissue paper, crafting supplies – anything they can think of – into their collage.

It’s a great loose parts play activity.

Learn More: Art Bar

28. Block Painting

Block painting is a simple art project that’s easy for kids and allows for a lot of creativity. Kids just have to dip their blocks into paint and stamp them onto craft paper.

29. Flower Painting

The great thing about art projects for kindergarteners is that just about anything can be used in place of a paintbrush. Grab some inexpensive flowers, some tempera paint, and some sturdy construction paper, and see what your kindergarteners create.

Learn More: Play to Learn Preschool

30. Bubble Wrap Roller Printing

Bubble wrap roller printing is a simple and satisfying kindergarten art project that involves a great amount of fine and gross motor activity. Another wonderful thing about this project is that it encourages teamwork between classmates.

31. A Surprise Rainbow

There are 2 different ways this activity can be done, which are explained in the link below. This is a really cool activity because a lot of kindergarteners still believe in magic and this project lets them make some magic of their own.

32. Painted Plate Flowers

Making painted paper plate flowers is a very involved, but very fun, kindergarten art project. The work they put into this beautiful project is sure to make them feel very proud.

Learn More: Pink Stripey Socks

33. Straw Blown Peacock Painting

Blow painting allows for a lot of open-ended creativity. It’s also fun to challenge kindergarteners to create a specific product using this art technique.

Since peacock feathers are a work of art in and of themselves, what a great end product to work toward.

Learn More: The Pinterested Parent

34. Northern Lights Chalk Art

Making an art project that is Northern Lights-themed is a fun and creative activity that pairs well with a book about the phenomenon or a Northern Lights-themed science unit.

35. Foil Art Prints

This is a really neat art project idea that uses card stock and colored aluminum foil. After the print is made using a laminator, students can paint them or use crayons to fill in the spaces.

36. Salt Painting a Pineapple

Salt painting is always a big hit with kindergarteners. Salt painting a pineapple is an art project that also incorporates science and can introduce the concept of symmetry.

Learn More: Skip to My Lou

37. Painting with Rubber Bands

Painting with rubber bands uses a similar concept as splat painting, just on a smaller scale. It’s messy, it’s fun, and it allows kids to get really creative.

Learn More: Craftulate

38. Bell Pepper Shamrock Stamping

Have you ever looked at a cross-section of a bell pepper and thought to yourself, “That looks a lot like a 4-leaf clover”.

It does – which makes it the perfect tool for stamping shamrocks!

Learn More: Crafty Morning

39. Painting Fireworks

Painting fireworks is a fun art project that is a wonderful addition to holiday-themed learning units. Using empty toilet paper rolls, paper plates, and paint, kindergarteners can create a beautiful painting of fireworks.

Learn More: Learning 4 Kids

40. Bleeding Tissue Paper Art

This is a really fun art project for kindergarteners. The creative possibilities are endless when kids get to use spray bottles and tissue paper in their art. Bleeding tissue paper art is great for seasonal art projects – for any season!

41. Shaving Cream Painting

Painting with shaving cream is one of the kindergarten art projects that let kids get truly involved in their art via multiple senses. The activity can be set up in a deep tray or in a sensory bin.

Learn More: Fun With Mama

42. Make a Dinosaur Stomp Painting

This is a great art project that lets kids create something beautiful and play with dinosaurs at the same time. There’s no need to focus on perfection, just let the dinosaurs stomp around!

Learn More: Paper and Glue

43. Making a Self-Portrait


A self-portrait is a challenging concept for kindergarten-age children. This art project should be kept simple, fun, and without the expectation of a picture-perfect finished product.

Learn More: The Kitchen Table Classroom

44. Make a Paper Line Sculpture

Making paper line sculptures is an art project that introduces children to the concept of being able to create 3-D art. Kindergarteners aren’t limited to making their lines of paper resemble a specific object or structure. They are free to use their imaginations on this one.

Learn More: Art is Basic

45. Make a Body Flip Book

This is a fun art project every kindergartener will love. Making their own body flipbook, kids can imagine themselves in different fun clothing combinations.

How cool is that?

Learn More: My First Pallete

46. Making Stained Glass Crayons

This art project for kindergarteners also involves a science element – melting crayons. The activity is fun for kids and the end result is beautiful stained glass art.

Learn More: Education.com

47. Painting with Bubbles

Learn More: Early Learning Ideas

48. Body Tracing and Painting

Body and tracing and painting is one of the few art projects for kindergarteners that incorporates a gross motor aspect. Kids get to paint a whole-body self-portrait and have a great time in the process.

Learn More: The Artful Parent

49. Create Spin Art with a Salad Spinner

This is such a neat art project that makes use of that salad spinner you probably haven’t used in a while. Bring it to school, lay down some newspaper, and watch your class create some neat-looking art projects.

50. Make a Painted Paper Duckling

This art project has multiple steps, each one being a lot of fun. Students get to use fun brush strokes to paint paper and then use that paper to make a paper duckling. This is a great art project for springtime.

Learn More: Deep Space Sparkle

51. Create an Apple Starry Night Print

You are likely familiar with Vincent Van Gogh’s famous painting, Starry Night. Following this art activity, your child will be, too.

This activity pairs well with the book, Touch the Art: Make Van Gogh’s Bed and it can be done with items you have around your house, including an apple core.

Learn More: The Educators’ Spin on It

52. Make a Robot Puppet

Making a robot puppet is an adorable art project that any kindergartener is sure to enjoy. It gives kids the chance to show off their creative chops and, bonus points – they have a puppet to play with after the art activity is finished!

Learn More: Merri Cherry

53. Create a Paper Weave Rainbow

educational art activities for kindergarten

Your little artists are sure to love this color-blending activity. Simply provide them with colorful strips of paper and then invite them to weave their paper together to create their very own spectacular rainbows. It’s an incredible blend of artistry that will make lessons on color transitions vibrant and exciting.

Learn More: Teach Beside Me

54. Produce a Footprint Dinosaur

educational art activities for kindergarten

Invite your kiddos to walk with the dinosaurs as they create dinosaur art footprints!  Allow them to dip their feet in paint and then have them stamp down on a piece of paper. Then, provide them with art supplies that they can use to transform their footprint into a dino of their choice. 

55. Develop a Bubble Wrap Beehive

educational art activities for kindergarten

Bubble wrap isn’t just fun to pop, it can also be used as an artistic tool! Task your kiddos with dipping bubble wrap into paint before pressing it onto paper to create a pattern reminiscent of a beehive. Then, have them fill their bubble wrap beehives with paper bee cutouts. This activity makes the perfect introduction to lessons on pollination and ecosystems!

Learn More: Capturing Parenthood

56. Making Paper Plate Sunflowers

educational art activities for kindergarten

Get your kiddos in the mood for summer with this creative activity.  Invite them to grow their very own artsy sunflowers by having them use paper plates, paint, and sunflower seeds to create summer-ready artwork.

Learn More: Non-Toy Gifts

57. Construct a Fruit and Vegetable Printing Art

educational art activities for kindergarten

Embrace the mess with this juicy activity! Simply begin by cutting fruits and vegetables in half before inviting your learners to dip the halves into paint and then stamp them on paper.  Whether it’s a lesson on color combinations, shapes, or healthy eating – your learners are sure to enjoy this hands-on activity.

Learn More: FirstPalette.com

58. Make a Magic Wand

educational art activities for kindergarten

Inject some wonder into your classroom with this magical activity.  Invite your little wizards to craft their own magic wands by providing them with sticks, ribbons, and glitter.  

Learn More: Happy Family Art

59. Develop a 3D Paper Aquarium

Dive into the deep blue sea without ever leaving your classroom! Task your kiddos with cutting out fish shapes from colored paper and then place their fishies into a box to mimic an aquarium. Next, engage them in a discussion about marine biology or oceanic ecosystems to create an immersive activity that’s fun and educational for all.

Learn More: YouTube

60. Assemble a Pasta Necklace

educational art activities for kindergarten

Here’s a tasty lesson to secretly tune your little ones’ fine motor skills. Start by providing them with dry pasta to paint and thread onto string to create fabulous noodle necklaces that are worthy of a mini Met Gala! 

Learn More: Childhood Magic

61. Paint a Tree with Wine Corks

educational art activities for kindergarten

Swap those paintbrushes for wine corks in this hands-on activity.  Wine corks can be used by your little artists to make texturally rich leaves. Simply task your students with dipping wine corks into various colors of paint, before stamping them onto paper to create tree foliage.

Learn More: Juggling with Kids

62. Making a Leaf Mobile

educational art activities for kindergarten

Students today, environmentalists tomorrow – sounds appealing right? Send your kiddos outdoors to collect leaves of all shapes and sizes. Then, encourage them to use their leaves to create their very own hanging mobiles. It’s a sneaky way to introduce a lesson on leaf identification and local flora, while also sprucing up your classroom decor.

Learn More: Art Bar Blog

63. Create Sand Art Bottles

educational art activities for kindergarten

Get crafty with sand in this interactive project! Encourage your pupils to carefully plan their sandy layout, as you have them use colored sand to create a layered beach in a bottle.  

Learn More: My Frugal Adventures

64. Make a Texture Collage

educational art activities for kindergarten

Introduce your learners to different art materials with this tactile-forward activity. Invite them to glue materials such as sandpaper, feathers, and cloth onto a single piece of paper. Then, watch as they create texture-rich pieces of art.

Learn More: The Picky Apple

65. Build a Popsicle Stick Picture Frame

educational art activities for kindergarten

Get your kiddos thinking out of the box with a lesson on art perception.  Prompt a discussion on how frames can influence the artwork they house, as you have them construct their own frames with popsicle sticks, glue, and paint.

Learn More: Kids Art & Craft

66. Draw a Chalk Self-Portrait

educational art activities for kindergarten

Take art class to the great outdoors! Encourage your students to lie down on the pavement and trace each other’s outlines with chalk. As they admire their designs, use the opportunity to spark a discussion on the beauty of their uniqueness.

Learn More: Two Clever Moms

67. Create a Salt Dough Sculpture

educational art activities for kindergarten

Here’s an activity for all those budding sculptors in your class. Simply provide them with salt dough and then task them with sculpting figures, abstract shapes, or miniature landscapes. Once completed, place their figures into an oven to bake and harden. Then, invite them to paint their creations and watch as they transform them into long-lasting art pieces.

Learn More: Brandywine Conservancy and Museum of Art

68. Make Watercolor Resist Art

educational art activities for kindergarten

Your little artists are sure to enjoy this magical activity!  Engage them in using white crayons to draw secret designs on white paper.  Afterward, have them use watercolors to paint over their drawings and reveal a colorful surprise.

Learn More: kidsactivities.com

69. Assemble a Collage Using Magazine Cut-Outs

educational art activities for kindergarten

Here’s a real page-turner of an art project! Deepen your kiddos’ understanding of composition by allowing them to snip interesting images from magazines.  They can then use glue to stick their images onto blank paper. The end result is a symphony of vibrant storyboards and thematic collages.

Learn More: Arts and Bricks

70. Produce a Colored Rice Mosaic

educational art activities for kindergarten

This activity presents a golden opportunity for a lesson in color and pattern.  Task your students with dying grains of rice with food coloring and then encourage them to carefully arrange them on adhesive paper. The end result? A unique mosaic filled with intricate patterns.

Learn More: Focus on the Family

71. Pasta Mosaic Art

educational art activities for kindergarten

If you’ve run out of rice, you can also use pasta to create artful mosaics! Challenge your learners with arranging colored pasta in intricate patterns on a piece of cardboard. Once their layout is complete, you can then prompt them to use glue to set their patterns down. 

Learn More: Art Club Blog

72. Clothespin Airplane Art

educational art activities for kindergarten

Buckle up and prepare your little pilots for takeoff! Challenge them to engineer their very own airplanes using clothespins and craft sticks. To add a personal touch, invite them to use paint to decorate their aerial wonders.

Learn More: DIY Inspired

73. Ocean-In-A-Bottle

Create thriving underwater ecosystems with this imaginative activity. Simply guide your students in crafting miniature oceans by layering water, blue food coloring, oil, and tiny sea critters in a bottle. It’s a hands-on way to discuss density and why oil and water just won’t get along. 

74. Torn Paper Collage

Forget the scissors, it’s all about hands-on tearing here! Task your kiddos with ripping up colored paper to assemble landscapes, abstract designs, or even animal portraits. As they get into the rhythm of tearing and gluing, you can slide in a mini-lesson on color and contrast. 

75. Bead and Clay Wind Chimes

Introduce your learners to sounds and frequency with this whimsical wind chime project. Invite them to shape air-dry clay and then have them string their dried shapes together with vibrant beads to make a classroom decoration that sings. 

Learn More: Lil Blue Boo

76. Nature Faces

educational art activities for kindergarten

Here’s an eco-friendly activity that’s perfect for those sunny days. Take your art class on a nature walk and invite them to collect leaves, flowers, and sticks. Then, gather them back into the classroom and have them use their materials to create “nature faces” on cardboard.

77. Decorate a Birdhouse

educational art activities for kindergarten

In this activity, your little ones will decorate houses for their feathered friends. Engage them by giving them paint and decorations to personalize their little wooden birdhouses. As they work, you can use this chance to discuss different bird species and their preferred homes. 

Learn More: Mod Podge Rocks

78. Twig Weaving

educational art activities for kindergarten

Get your students keen for some textile art! Introduce them to some basic weaving techniques, then invite them to weave colorful yarn between twigs.

Learn More: Raritan Headwaters

79. Shadow Drawing

educational art activities for kindergarten

Shadows will become stencils for your learners in this memorable activity. On a sunny day, take your class outside and provide them with paper and markers. Encourage them to use objects to create shadows, that they can then trace onto their paper.

Learn More: HiMama

80. Kite Making

The sky’s the limit with this high-flying activity! Challenge your students with assembling kites using sticks, string, and lightweight fabric. Then, have them decorate their airborne creations before they take to the sky.

81. Pipe Cleaner Sculptures

educational art activities for kindergarten

No mess, no stress, just bendy fun! Let your kiddos’ imaginations run wild as you task them with creating whatever strikes their fancy, using colorful pipe cleaners. They can twist and bend their pipe cleaners as they like to create unique 3D shapes.

82. Paper Plate Animal Masks

educational art activities for kindergarten

Create a zoo right in your classroom with this adorable activity. Task your students with creating animal masks out of paper plates. Simply allow them to cut holes in their plates before they use paint to bring their animal face to life. 

Learn More: One Crazy Mom

83. Nature Impressions in Clay

educational art activities for kindergarten

Incorporate a touch of Mother Nature into your art class. Invite your little ones to press leaves and flowers into clay to create fossil-like impressions. 

Learn More: My Bright Ideas

84. Origami Creations

Get those little hands folding with this geometric activity. Start by introducing them to the basics of Origami by having them fold something simple like a boat. As their skills unfold, you can then challenge them to more complex shapes. 

85. Colorful Paper Chains

educational art activities for kindergarten

Link up your class for some colorful fun! Simply provide them with colored paper, allow them to cut it into strips, and then task them with forming chains of colorful paper that they can stick together using glue or staples.  Finally, hang their completed chains around the classroom to give your space some festive flair.

Learn More: Crayola

86. Leaf Rubbing Art

Art and science combine in this engaging activity. Task your learners with creating leaf rubbings by having them place leaves under paper, then allow them to use crayons to rub over it. As they transfer color to paper, they will reveal the detailed outlines and vein patterns of the leaves beneath their paper.

87. Paper Bag Puppets

educational art activities for kindergarten

Ready, set, action! Invite your learners to create colorful puppets out of brown paper bags. They can then draw on or cut out features to bring their puppet to life. For the main event, get their imaginations going by prompting them to put on an entertaining puppet show.

Learn More: Simple Everyday Mom

88. Pom Pom Painting

educational art activities for kindergarten

Who needs paintbrushes when you have pom-poms? Fill your classroom with mesmerizing patterns, abstract art, or representational images by allowing your learners to dip fluffy pom poms into paint before dabbing them onto paper. It’s an intuitive and tactile way to explore color theory.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you introduce art to kindergarteners.

Kindergarteners can be introduced to art in easy, low-pressure ways, such as simply supplying them with art materials and letting them create what they like.

What art should kindergarteners learn?

Kindergarteners should be introduced to art that involves a variety of canvas types, mediums, tools, and colors.

What colors attract children’s attention?

Bright, vibrant colors generally attract children’s attention more so than pastels. When setting up art projects, it’s a good idea to set out some brightly colored art materials.

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50 kindergarten art projects .

Art has long been recognized as a powerful vehicle for self-expression and cognitive development, and when it comes to young children, especially kindergartners, the benefits of engaging in art projects are manifold.

Friedrich Froebel, the founder of kindergartens in 1837, understood the importance of creative play and art in nurturing young minds.

Today, we delve deeper into the world of kindergarten art projects, exploring their profound impacts on children's development, highlighting a range of benefits, and offering a treasure trove of 50 creative art project ideas for kindergartners.

50 Kindergarten Art Projects

The Essence of Kindergarten Art Projects

Kindergarten art projects offer more than just an opportunity for children to create artwork; they serve as a gateway to creativity, self-expression, and holistic development. These seemingly simple activities hold the power to:

Improve Fine Motor Skills: Engaging in art projects, which often involve using tools like brushes, pencils, and scissors, aids in the development of hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

Promote Cognitive Growth: Art projects enable children to make decisions, solve problems, and think critically, nurturing their cognitive abilities.

Encourage Self-Expression: Through art, kindergarteners can communicate their thoughts and emotions without words, bolstering their self-confidence.

Enhance Social Skills: Collaborative art projects teach valuable lessons in sharing, taking turns, and teamwork, fostering essential social skills.

Boost Imagination and Creativity: Art projects provide children the freedom to experiment with various materials, nurturing their imaginative capabilities.

Stimulate Sensory Exploration: Art projects engage all of a child's senses, from textures and colors to smells and sounds, making for a rich sensory experience.

Furthermore, these projects contribute to overall development by fostering cultural awareness and instilling values such as patience and perseverance.

By exposing young learners to diverse art forms from around the world, educators can help them appreciate different perspectives.

educational art activities for kindergarten

Art's Impact on Academic Performance

Research conducted by Harvard University's Graduate School of Education underscores the long-term benefits of art participation in early education.

The study revealed that engaging in art activities during kindergarten fosters improved academic performance, attributed to the development of skills like creativity, problem-solving, focus, and self-discipline.

Thus, integrating art projects into kindergarten curriculums not only cultivates creativity but also equips children with vital life skills.

Benefits of Art Projects for Kindergarteners

Art projects for kindergarteners offer a host of advantages that cater to their growth and development:

Spark Creativity: Art projects encourage children to think outside the box and explore their imagination through various mediums, from drawing to sculpting.

Encourage Self-Expression: These activities provide kindergarteners with a platform to express their emotions and feelings, nurturing their sense of self and boosting self-confidence.

Strengthen Fine Motor Skills: Holding paintbrushes and using scissors during art projects aids in muscle development, enhancing dexterity, coordination, and hand-eye coordination.

Moreover, art projects offer unique benefits that further enhance kindergarteners' growth, fostering tactile experiences with different materials that boost sensory integration and cognitive abilities.

50 Kindergarten Art Project Ideas

Are you searching for creative projects to engage your kindergartners in artful learning? Look no further! We've curated a list of 50 captivating and educational art activities tailored for kindergartners, such as:

  • Finger Painting: Let children explore colors and textures using their fingers to paint.
  • Collage Creations: Provide magazines, colored paper, and glue for children to create collages.
  • Playdough Sculptures: Encourage sculpting with playdough to build shapes, animals, and more.
  • Paper Plate Masks: Decorate paper plates with paints, markers, and craft materials to make masks.
  • Nature Rubbings: Use crayons to make rubbings of leaves, bark, and other textures found outdoors.
  • Sponge Stamp Art: Cut sponges into shapes and dip them in paint to create stamped patterns.
  • Popsicle Stick Puppets: Decorate popsicle sticks and use them to create puppets for storytelling.
  • Bubble Wrap Printing: Dip bubble wrap in paint and press onto paper to create textured prints.
  • Sandpaper Art: Draw on sandpaper with crayons or pastels to create unique textures and designs.
  • String Art: Wrap colorful string around nails hammered into a board to create geometric patterns.
  • Spin Art: Use a spinning device and paint to create swirling patterns on paper.
  • Rainbow Rice Sensory Bins: Dye rice with food coloring and let children explore and create with it.
  • Watercolor Resist Painting: Use crayons to draw designs on paper, then paint over them with watercolors.
  • Leaf Collage: Collect leaves and glue them onto paper to create nature-inspired collages.
  • Salt Dough Creations: Mix salt, flour, and water to make dough for sculpting and baking.
  • Tissue Paper Stained Glass: Arrange colorful tissue paper squares between two sheets of contact paper to create "stained glass" art.
  • Vegetable Prints: Cut vegetables like potatoes and bell peppers to create stamps for printing.
  • Clay Coil Pots: Roll clay into coils and stack them to create small pots or sculptures.
  • Yarn Wrapped Letters: Trace letters on paper and wrap yarn around them to create textured designs.
  • Recycled Material Robots: Use recycled materials like cardboard tubes and bottle caps to create robots.
  • Bubble Painting: Mix paint with dish soap and water, then blow bubbles onto paper for a unique effect.
  • Salt Painting: Use liquid watercolors and salt to create textured and colorful paintings.
  • Egg Carton Caterpillars: Cut and decorate egg cartons to create caterpillars with googly eyes.
  • Fabric Collage: Cut and glue fabric scraps onto paper to create textured collage art.
  • Sponge Watercolor Art: Dip sponges in watercolor paint and press onto paper for a soft and blended effect.
  • Crayon Resist Art: Draw designs with crayons on paper, then paint over them with watercolors for a resist effect.
  • Cupcake Liner Flowers: Flatten and layer cupcake liners to create colorful flower shapes.
  • Foil Embossing: Press aluminum foil onto textured surfaces to create embossed designs.
  • Recycled Magazine Bowls: Roll magazine pages into tubes and glue them together to create bowls.
  • Handprint Animals: Use handprints to create animals like lions, elephants, and fish.
  • Melted Crayon Art: Arrange crayons on canvas and melt them with a hairdryer for a colorful masterpiece.
  • Paper Bag Puppets: Decorate paper bags with markers and craft materials to make puppets for imaginative play.
  • Bubble Wrap Bubble Wrap Crocodile: Use bubble wrap as a base for creating a crocodile by painting the bumps for texture.
  • Shoebox Dioramas: Create miniature scenes inside shoeboxes using toys, figurines, and craft materials.
  • Paper Plate Aquarium: Decorate paper plates with sea creatures and seaweed to create an underwater scene.
  • Fruit and Vegetable Prints: Slice fruits and vegetables to create stamps for printing.
  • Coffee Filter Butterflies: Decorate coffee filters with markers, then spray them with water to create colorful butterflies.
  • Fingerprint Bugs: Use fingerprints as the bodies of bugs and add details with markers.
  • Pinecone Painting: Dip pinecones in paint and roll them on paper to create textured patterns.
  • Paper Chain Snakes: Cut strips of paper and link them together to create paper chain snakes.
  • Pasta Necklaces: String pasta shapes onto yarn or string to create colorful necklaces.
  • Bubble Wrap Bubble Wrap Starfish: Use bubble wrap as a base for creating a starfish by painting the bumps for texture.
  • Paper Plate Clocks: Decorate paper plates with numbers and clock hands to create clocks for learning to tell time.
  • Rainbow Scratch Art: Scratch colorful designs onto black paper to reveal vibrant rainbow colors underneath.
  • Ice Cube Painting: Freeze colored water in ice cube trays, then use them as "paints" on paper.
  • Torn Paper Landscapes: Tear colored paper and glue it onto paper to create textured landscapes.
  • Paper Plate Tambourines: Decorate paper plates and add bells or beans inside to create tambourines for music-making.
  • Chalk Paintings: Draw with chalk on dark paper to create vibrant chalk paintings.
  • Pom-Pom Painting: Dip pom-poms in paint and use them to stamp designs onto paper.
  • Nature Collage: Gather leaves, flowers, and other natural items to create beautiful arrangements.

These 50 Kindergarten Art Project Ideas are sure to inspire creativity and imagination in young learners while providing valuable opportunities for sensory exploration and fine motor skill development.  Whether exploring textures with salt dough or creating colorful masterpieces with paint, these art activities are perfect for engaging children in hands-on learning and self-expression

educational art activities for kindergarten

Tips for Encouraging Artistic Exploration in Kindergartners

Nurturing artistic exploration in kindergartners requires a thoughtful approach. Here are some tips to help you inspire creativity:

Provide Art Materials: Equip children with art materials and tools that encourage experimentation.

Encourage Open-Ended Projects: Let children explore without rigid guidelines, focusing on the joy of creation rather than achieving perfection.

Display Artwork: Showcase their creations to celebrate their achievements and boost their confidence.

Integrate Art: Seamlessly weave art into other subjects like storytelling and science activities to enhance learning.

A Timeless Celebration of Creativity

Art's profound impact on human expression dates back to ancient civilizations. From prehistoric cave paintings to Renaissance masterpieces, art has always been integral to nurturing creativity in young minds.

In today's society, we continue to celebrate art's power in shaping unique perspectives and fostering creative potential in kindergartners.

The 50 Kindergarten Art Projects presented here provide young children with a canvas to explore their artistic abilities and express themselves. Beyond artistry, these projects contribute to fine motor skill development, ignite creativity and imagination, and cultivate a lifelong love for art.

Encourage your child to embark on this incredible learning journey, unlocking the joy of creating masterpieces.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are some easy art projects for Kindergarten students?

A1: Some easy art projects for Kindergarten students include finger painting, creating collages with various materials, crafting handprint animals, making paper bag puppets, fashioning tissue paper stained glass windows, and drawing self-portraits.

Q2: How can I encourage creativity in Kindergarten art projects?

A2: To stimulate creativity in Kindergarten art projects, provide open-ended materials and allow children to explore and experiment.

Encourage them to use their imagination, make choices, and express themselves freely. Focus on the process rather than the final outcome.

Q3: What art supplies would be suitable for Kindergarten art projects?

A3: Suitable art supplies for Kindergarten art projects include washable paints, crayons, markers, colored pencils, construction paper, glue sticks, safety scissors, stickers, googly eyes, and various craft materials like feathers, pom-poms, and sequins.

Q4: How can I incorporate learning into Kindergarten art projects?

A4: You can incorporate learning into Kindergarten art projects by selecting themes or topics related to what children are learning in other subjects.

For instance, have them create art inspired by nature, animals, shapes, letters, or numbers. Encourage them to discuss their art to stimulate critical thinking skills.

Q5: Are there any art projects that promote sensory exploration in Kindergarten?

A5: Yes, several art projects promote sensory exploration in Kindergarten, including finger painting with various textures, creating tactile collages with different textured materials, or crafting art with clay, playdough, or other molding materials.

Q6: How can I display Kindergarten art projects?

A6: Display Kindergarten art projects by dedicating a wall or bulletin board for showcasing their artworks. You can rotate and exhibit different pieces periodically.

Encourage children to take their art home to share with their families or organize an art exhibition for the school community to appreciate their creations.

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23 Easy Art Projects for Kindergarten Kids

Art is a magical gateway for young minds to express their creativity, explore their imaginations, and develop essential skills.

For kindergarteners, art projects serve as a colorful canvas that nurtures their cognitive, emotional, and physical growth.

We will embark on a colorful journey through Easy Art Projects for Kindergarten.

These projects are designed to captivate their attention, promote self-expression, and inspire a sense of accomplishment.

Bubble Wrap Printing:

20 Easy Art Projects for Kindergarten

Bubble wrap printing is a simple yet captivating art project that introduces kindergarteners to the world of texture and color. Start by covering a table with newspaper or a protective plastic sheet. Provide each child with a sheet of white paper, a variety of colorful paints, and a small piece of bubble wrap. Instruct them to dip the bubble wrap into the paint and then press it onto the paper, creating unique patterns and textures. The popping sound of the bubble wrap adds an element of excitement to the activity, making it even more enjoyable for the little artists. Once the prints are dry, encourage them to embellish their creations with additional drawings or stickers.

Nature Collage:

educational art activities for kindergarten

A nature collage is a wonderful way to combine outdoor exploration with art. Take the kindergarteners on a nature walk around the schoolyard or a nearby park, encouraging them to collect leaves, twigs, flowers, and other interesting natural materials. Back in the classroom, provide each child with a large sheet of paper and a glue stick. Let their imaginations run wild as they arrange and glue the collected items onto the paper, creating a vibrant collage that showcases the beauty of the outdoors. This activity not only allows children to appreciate nature but also enhances their fine motor skills as they handle delicate materials.

Related: 20 Exciting All About Me Preschool Activities

Paper Plate Masks:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Paper plate masks are a fantastic way to encourage imaginative play and self-expression in kindergarteners. Provide each child with a paper plate, scissors, and a variety of art supplies like markers, paints, feathers, and googly eyes. Instruct them to transform the paper plate into a unique mask by decorating it with colors, patterns, and other decorative elements. Encourage them to think about the character they want to portray and how they can express it through their mask. Once the masks are complete, organize a mini-mask parade, where each child can proudly show off their creation while pretending to be their chosen character.

Rainbow Salt Art:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Rainbow salt art is a mesmerizing project that introduces kindergarteners to the concept of color blending and sensory exploration. Begin by providing each child with a sheet of black construction paper, a shallow tray, and small containers filled with salt dyed in different colors using food coloring or powdered paint. Instruct them to use their fingers or a spoon to sprinkle the colored salt onto the black paper, creating a vibrant and textured rainbow effect. As they work, they can observe how the colors mix and blend, creating new shades. This activity not only stimulates their creativity but also enhances their sensory development and fine motor skills.

Related: 15 Social and Emotional Activities for Preschoolers

Shape Collage:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Shape collage is a versatile and educational art project that allows kindergarteners to explore various shapes and their combinations. Provide each child with a variety of colored construction paper, safety scissors, and a glue stick. Instruct them to cut out different shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles, from the colored paper. They can then arrange and glue the shapes onto a larger sheet of paper, creating a unique and visually appealing collage. Encourage them to experiment with different arrangements, colors, and sizes, fostering their spatial awareness and understanding of basic geometry concepts.

Handprint Animals:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Handprint animals are a delightful way for kindergarteners to explore shapes and create adorable creatures. Provide each child with a blank piece of paper and non-toxic washable paints in various colors. Instruct them to dip their hands in the paint and press their handprints onto the paper. After the handprints have dried, encourage them to transform their handprints into animals by adding details with markers or crayons. They can turn a handprint into a lion, a fish, a butterfly, or any other animal that sparks their imagination. This activity not only promotes creativity but also develops their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Torn Paper Collage:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Torn paper collage is a tactile and engaging art project that allows kindergarteners to explore different textures and create unique compositions. Provide each child with a variety of colored construction paper, safety scissors, and glue sticks. Instruct them to tear the paper into different shapes and sizes, and then glue the torn pieces onto a larger sheet of paper. Encourage them to experiment with overlapping, layering, and arranging the torn paper to create interesting patterns and images. This activity fosters their fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and creativity.

Nature Printmaking:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Nature printmaking is a fascinating art project that combines the beauty of nature with the technique of printmaking. Take the kindergarteners on a nature walk to collect leaves, flowers, and other flat objects with interesting textures. Back in the classroom, provide each child with a piece of paper and washable tempera paints. Instruct them to dip their nature items into the paint and press them onto the paper, creating unique prints. Encourage them to explore different color combinations and experiment with overlapping prints. This activity not only introduces them to printmaking techniques but also allows them to appreciate the intricate patterns found in nature.

Yarn Painting:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Yarn painting is a hands-on and sensory-rich art project that sparks creativity and imagination. Provide each child with a sheet of paper, a variety of colorful yarns, and non-toxic washable paints. Instruct them to dip a length of yarn into the paint and then use it to create designs, patterns, or pictures on their paper. They can loop, twist, or swirl the yarn to add texture and movement to their artwork. This activity promotes fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and color exploration while allowing kindergarteners to express themselves through the medium of yarn.

Paper Tube Sculptures:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Paper tube sculptures offer a three-dimensional art experience for kindergarteners, encouraging them to think in terms of form and structure. Collect cardboard paper tubes of various sizes and provide each child with a variety of art supplies like markers, paint, and glue. Instruct them to cut, paint, and decorate the paper tubes as they wish. They can then arrange and connect the tubes to create sculptures, such as robots, animals, or abstract designs. This activity fosters their spatial reasoning, creativity, and problem-solving skills as they explore the possibilities of turning simple tubes into unique works of art.

Sponge Painting:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Sponge painting is a fun and mess-free art project that introduces kindergarteners to different textures and techniques. Provide each child with a variety of sponges cut into different shapes, non-toxic washable paints, and sheets of paper. Instruct them to dip the sponges into the paint and then press them onto the paper to create colorful patterns and designs. They can experiment with layering different sponge shapes and colors to create unique compositions. This activity not only stimulates their creativity but also enhances their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Paper Bag Puppets:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Paper bag puppets are a fantastic way for kindergarteners to combine art and storytelling. Provide each child with a paper lunch bag, markers, crayons, googly eyes, and other craft materials. Instruct them to decorate the paper bag to transform it into a character of their choice. They can draw faces, add colorful features, and use additional materials to bring their puppets to life. Once their puppets are complete, encourage them to use their creations to tell stories, perform puppet shows, or engage in imaginative play. This activity enhances their artistic skills, and storytelling abilities, and fosters creativity.

Dot Sticker Art:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Dot sticker art is a simple yet engaging art project that allows kindergarteners to create vibrant and visually appealing compositions. Provide each child with a sheet of paper and a variety of dot stickers in different colors. Instruct them to use the dot stickers to create patterns, shapes, or even larger images on their paper. They can experiment with color combinations, spacing, and placement to create their desired designs. This activity enhances their fine motor skills, and color recognition, and encourages them to explore patterns and repetition.

Recycled Material Sculptures:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Recycled material sculptures provide kindergarteners with a unique opportunity to create art while promoting environmental awareness. Collect a variety of clean and safe recyclable materials such as cardboard tubes, bottle caps, plastic containers, and egg cartons. Provide each child with glue, scissors, and art supplies for decorating. Instruct them to use recycled materials to construct sculptures, animals, or abstract designs. Encourage them to think about form, balance, and how they can combine different materials to create their sculptures. This activity nurtures their creativity, and problem-solving skills, and promotes a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Nature Weaving:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Nature weaving combines art and the natural world, encouraging kindergarteners to create beautiful and unique woven compositions using natural materials. Take the children on a nature walk to collect items such as small twigs, leaves, grass, and flowers. Back in the classroom, provide each child with a sturdy piece of cardboard or paper plate with evenly spaced slits along the edges. Instruct them to weave the collected natural materials through the slits, creating a woven pattern. They can experiment with different textures, colors, and arrangements to create visually interesting compositions. This activity promotes fine motor skills, creativity, and an appreciation for the beauty of nature.

Tissue Paper Collage:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Tissue paper collage is a vibrant and versatile art project that allows kindergarteners to experiment with color mixing and create unique textured artwork. Provide each child with sheets of white paper, a variety of colorful tissue paper cut into small pieces and glue sticks. Instruct them to apply glue to the paper and then layer and arrange the tissue paper pieces on top, creating colorful collages. They can overlap the tissue paper to create new colors and textures. Encourage them to explore different patterns, shapes, and designs using tissue paper. This activity promotes fine motor skills, color recognition, and artistic expression.

Salt Dough Sculptures:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Salt dough sculptures provide a hands-on experience where kindergarteners can mold and shape their own creations. Help them make salt dough by mixing equal parts salt, flour, and water. Provide each child with a small ball of salt dough and instruct them to sculpt it into their desired shape using their hands or child-safe sculpting tools. Once they have created their sculptures, they can let them air dry or bake them according to the salt dough recipe instructions. Afterward, they can paint and decorate their dried sculptures with acrylic paints or markers. This activity fosters fine motor skills, sensory exploration, and imaginative play.

Shadow Tracing:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Shadow Tracing is a simple yet captivating art project that combines nature and creativity. Take the kindergarteners outside on a sunny day and provide them with large sheets of paper and drawing materials such as markers or crayons. Instruct them to place objects such as leaves, flowers, or toys on the paper to cast interesting shadows. They can then trace the outline of the shadows on the paper and fill in the traced shapes with colors or patterns. Encourage them to experiment with different objects and arrangements to create unique shadow artworks. This activity promotes observation skills, hand-eye coordination, and appreciation for light and shadows.

Stamped Art:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Stamped art is an exciting project that allows kindergarteners to explore different textures and patterns using stamps. Provide each child with a variety of stamping tools such as rubber stamps, foam shapes, or even household objects with interesting textures (e.g., sponge, bottle cap, cut vegetable). Pair the stamps with washable paints or stamp pads. Instruct them to dip the stamps into the paint or ink and press them onto paper, creating colorful patterns and designs. They can experiment with different combinations of stamps and colors to create unique artwork. This activity enhances fine motor skills, and creativity, and introduces the concept of repetition and patterns.

Vegetable Printing:

educational art activities for kindergarten

Vegetable printing is a delightful art project that introduces kindergarteners to the world of natural materials and textures. Provide each child with various vegetables cut in half (e.g., bell peppers, celery, carrots, apples) and washable paints. Instruct them to dip the cut side of the vegetables into the paint and press them onto the paper, creating interesting prints and patterns. They can experiment with different vegetable shapes, sizes, and colors to create unique compositions. Encourage them to observe the textures and patterns created by each vegetable. This activity fosters creativity, sensory exploration, and appreciation for the natural world.


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educational art activities for kindergarten

Zohra Waqas

Zohra Waqas is a renowned Ed Tech Specialist known for innovative contributions at the intersection of education and technology. With a background in computer science and a BSc in Ed Tech from IOBM , she has 5+ years of experience in teaching and developing engaging online educational tools, preparing children for the digital age.

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37 of Our Favorite Easy Art Projects for Kids

Get their creative juices flowing.

East art projects for kids, including dictionary drawing of the word ignorant and a woven paper rainbow fish.

The stress of tests and social dynamics can prove challenging for students, and for this reason, they need an opportunity to express themselves freely. Art provides a powerful outlet for creative expression while also proving therapeutic. Plus, a good art project can be particularly effective at getting kids to unplug from their devices. A simple art project can even fill some of downtime during the day for early finishers. Regardless of whether you teach preschool or high school, there is an art project for everyone. So gather some art supplies and try one of these easy art projects for kids!

Easy Art Projects for Pre-K Students

1. paper bag jelly fish.

Text at the top says Paper Bag Jellyfish. Four paper bags have been painted with googly eyes glued on them. The bottom of the bags have been shredded with scissors.

As far as easy art projects for kids go, this one is perfect for preschoolers since it works on their hand-eye coordination and their cutting skills in particular. In addition to paper bags and scissors or pinking shears, you will need some paints, paintbrushes, googly eyes, and glue. If you’re really feeling ambitious, you can grab some sparkles too!

Learn more: Paper Bag Jelly Fish at No Time for Flash Cards

2. Tissue Paper Apple

A piece of paper has two apples on it that are created from little squares of red and green tissue paper that have been glued onto the apple outlines.

Since everyone associates apples with fall and the start of school, this will be the perfect craft to start the school year off on the right foot. Simply draw an apple outline on a piece of paper and have small red and green tissue paper squares ready to be crumpled and glued by tiny hands.

Learn more: Tissue Paper Apple at Burlap + Blue

3. Fork Print Tulips

Several pieces of paper have tulips that are made from different colored paints dipped in the top part of forks to make the flower head. green stems and leaves are painted underneath.

This project is both cute and simple, requiring only a fork, some heavyweight paper, and some paints. This project would be especially perfect for a Mother’s Day gift.

Learn more: Fork Tulip at Toddler at Play

4. Paper Bag Monster

Three paper bags are transformed into brightly colored monsters.

First, paint the bag any color you want. Once dry, cut out shapes from card stock and assemble your monster!

Learn more: Paper Bag Monster Puppets at I Heart Crafty Things

5. Paper Plate Lion

This easy art project for kids shows a paper plate that is painted orange with simple eyes, mouth, and nose painted on in black. The edges of the plate have been cut with slits to look like a mane.

All you need to re-create this adorable lion is orange and black paint, paintbrushes, paper plates, and scissors. Grab some Popsicle sticks to glue to the back and you’ll have a ferocious puppet show on your hands in no time!

Learn more: Paper Plate Lion at My Bored Toddler

6. Popsicle Stick Rainbow

This easy art project for kids shows white circles glued to a piece of light blue construction paper as clouds. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple popsicle sticks are coming out of the clouds as a rainbow.

Grab some blue card stock, cotton circles, and Popsicle sticks and have your students work on their gluing skills. This craft will prove effective at teaching little ones their colors. Choose either colored Popsicle sticks or have kids color them themselves.

Learn more: Popsicle Stick Rainbow at My Bored Toddler

7. Paper Plate Octopus

An orange and a blue octopus are made from paper plates painted with faces on them and the octopus legs are made from strips of construction paper.

Kids love octopuses, especially adorable ones like these! This craft would be perfect for little ones still learning to count since they have a whopping eight legs to make.

Learn more: Paper Plate Octopus at Simple Every Day Mom

8. Macaroni Necklace

This image of an easy art project for kids shows 5 multi-colored macaroni necklaces made from painted macaroni, string, and some beads.

A staple of many of our childhoods, macaroni necklaces work on the dexterity of little fingers while also making perfect gifts. Add in some large beads as well for variety.

Learn more: DIY Macaroni Necklaces at Made To Be a Mama

Easy Art Projects for Elementary School Students

9. paper plate snake.

A paper plate is cut into a spiral and painted with watercolor paints. Googly eyes havebeen glued on.

Have your students paint a paper plate with watercolors and then once dry, help them cut it in a swirl shape. Finally, add some googly eyes.

Learn more: Colorful Paper Plate Snakes at Pink Stripey Socks

10. Paper Roll Koala

This easy art project for kids shows a cute koala made from a paper roll, construction paper, and pom-poms.

This super-cute koala would make an adorable desk buddy since it stands up on its own. Kids will enjoy personalizing their koala’s face!

Learn more: Paper Roll Koala at Arty Crafty Kids

11. Leaf Pattern Drawing

The outline of a leaf is divided into different sections in this easy art project for kids. Each section is brightly colored with a different pattern in it.

We just love art projects that fill the entire page, and this one certainly fits the bill. The combination of crayon and watercolor paint create this multi-dimensional leaf print.

Learn more: Leaf Pattern at Art Projects for Kids

12. Woven Rainbow Fish

An image on the top shows a white cutout of a fish with a stack of strips of brightly colored paper. The bottom image shows the final product with the strips woven inside the fish.

This project is perfect for working on students’ hand-eye coordination while being a cursory introduction to sewing. It’s challenging enough for even upper elementary school students while still being relatively simple.

Learn more: Rainbow Fish at Crafty Morning

13. Thumbprint Bugs

This easy art project for kids shows three steps to making green thumbprints turn into a caterpillar.

These thumbprint doodles are just so sweet and would perfectly complement a science lesson all about bugs. After having students try their hand at some of the thumbprint examples, let them use their imagination to see what other ideas they can cook up. You can even have them create bug jars out of card stock to put their new friends in!

Learn more: Thumbprint Bugs via Toot’s Mom Is Tired

14. Umbrella With Rain

A rainbow umbrella is constructed from a half of a paper plate.

Another fun art project that is really affordable to create since you only need paper plates, some paints, a roll of string, and some blue beads. We just love this clever approach to creating raindrops!

Learn more: Umbrella With Rain at Easy Peasy and Fun

15. Popsicle Stick Pencil

A pencil is made from construction paper and yellow popsicle sticks.

Nothing says back to school more than a cute pencil-themed craft. Have students add their names to them and then use them to decorate a September bulletin board in your classroom.

Learn more: Popsicle Stick Pencil at Crafty Morning

16. Craft Stick Airplane

Two small airplanes are shown made from a clothespin, different size popsicle sticks, and a wooden bead. They are painted.

Kids will unquestionably go crazy over these clothespin-and-Popsicle-stick airplanes. Regardless of whether they choose paint or permanent markers, students will enjoy personalizing their tiny flying machines.

Learn more: Craft Stick Airplane at Making Life Blissful

17. Pom-Pom Caterpillars

Two caterpillars are made from pom poms and sit on construction paper leaves.

Since kids love pom-poms and caterpillars, this will be the perfect craft to grab their attention. Make sure to supply them with a fun variety of pom-poms and googly eyes.

Learn more: Pom-Pom Caterpillar at Easy Peasy and Fun

Easy Art Projects for Middle School Students

18. chalk christmas lights.

A string of Christmas lights is shown on a black backdrop. The lights are created from chalk smudges in blue, yellow, pink, green, and purple.

This is the perfect easy art project to do around the holiday season. You’ll need to create a stencil from card stock so you can create your light shapes. Once that is done, you can begin creating “light” with some chalk pastels. A silver Sharpie can be used to create your light string since it will show up nicely against the black paper.

Learn more: Christmas Light Chalk Stencil Art at Buggy and Buddy

19. Gratitude Journal

The front of a journal is shown with an abstract painting on the cover of this easy art project for kids.

This project doubles as an art and writing activity since students can use their finished journals for writing prompts. These personalized journals beat store-bought ones any day!

Learn more: Handmade Gratitude Journal at Kids Activities Blog

20. Textured Hot-Air Balloon

Two hot air balloons are constructed from a variety of different materials.

This project is the perfect excuse to use up all your crafty odds and ends like feathers, glitter, and sequins. We love how unique each creation will be once they’re done.

Learn more: Textured Hot-Air Balloon at Artsy Momma

21. Layer Cakes

Four multi layer cakes are shown cut into. They are drawn using oil pastels.

Regardless of students’ experience with oil pastels, this project will be a good introduction to the medium. Have students follow a step-by-step tutorial for drawing the outline of the layer cake, then let them use the pastels to bring their drawings to life.

Learn more: Cakes at Little Yeti

22. Chalk Planets

Four different planets are shown drawn on black backgrounds in this easy art project for kids.

This is an inexpensive way to enhance a science unit on space while still getting creative. It’s inexpensive too since all you will need is some black paper and chalk.

Learn more: 18 Awesome Art Projects for Your Classroom at Teach Junkie

23. Back-to-School Rocks

Eight rocks are painted as various back-to-school items including a purple crayon, a pink eraser, and a pencil.

Kids love painting rocks so why not make it school-themed? Show students some of these examples to copy or let them come up with some of their own, then spread them around the school’s grounds.

Learn more: Painted Rock Ideas at Color Made Happy

24. Dictionary Page Drawing

A dictionary page is the backdrop to a drawing of the word Ignorant. A strange looking cartoon man is shown.

Easy art projects for kids that also double as vocabulary lessons? Yes, please! This project will prove especially educational as students are tasked with illustrating a word on an old dictionary page.

25. Paper Collage Painting

A green coffee mug with steam coming out of it is sitting on a pink surface with a yellow background. This easy art project for kids is made from pieces of different colored paper.

Students will enjoy creating their collages from a variety of materials. Even better—this project is a great way to encourage recycling since old cereal boxes and other food labels can be ripped into strips and repurposed.

Learn more: Painting With Paper at Megan Coyle Artist & Illustrator

26. Crayon Resist Art

This easy art project for kids shows multiple pieces of paper with different doodles and words in white crayon with paint surrounding it. An actual white crayon and watercolor paints are on top of the paintings.

This simple project can be done without a lot of instruction and will work for students of any age. This project runs on the same idea as some Easter egg–decorating kits in that the paint or dye sticks to the areas not covered in wax, or in this case, crayon.

Learn more: Fun Watercolor Resist Art at Kids Activities Blog

27. Number Art

An image shows several number stencils layered upon one another and the sections are colored in many different colors in this easy art project for kids.

If you have some math whizzes in your class, they will likely enjoy this number-themed art project. Grab some large number stencils and paints and you’ll be ready for this low-setup project.

Learn more: 5th Grade Number Project at Art Room Blog

28. Woven Baby Turtle

Several turtles are made from popsicle sticks with brightly colored yarn wrapped around them. Faces are drawn on them with sharpie.

Select three mini Popsicle sticks, paint them, and then glue them together to form your turtle’s body. Finally, select your yarn and weave it around your turtle. Be sure to have a lot of fun colors to choose from!

Learn more: Weaving Cute Baby Turtles at Pink Stripey Socks

Easy Art Projects for High School Students

29. yarn-wrapped letter.

A letter M made of cardboard is wrapped with different colored yarn. Several rows of yarn are in the background.

All you will need to create this craft is some leftover cardboard, a bunch of different yarns, and some scissors. Teens especially will enjoy this project as the end result can be used as decoration in their bedrooms and eventually their dorm rooms!

Learn more: 14 Crafts for Teens and Tweens at Art Bar Blog

30. Elevated Macaroni Necklace

Two macaroni necklaces are shown. One is teal and the other is pink and both are on actual chains.

Some easy art projects for kids and teens can even double as fashion! Despite their association with preschool, these are definitely not your little brother’s or sister’s macaroni necklaces. Swapping out twine with an actual chain makes these necklaces look surprisingly high-end.

Learn more: 12 Pasta Necklaces We Need Right Now at Mum’s Grapevine

31. Neuro Doodle Design

Black squiggles on a white paper form different size shapes, some of which are colored in purple and green in this easy art project for kids.

This is a simple and mindful art project that can be enjoyed by students regardless of their art experience. This art process was invented by Russian psychologist and architect Pavel Piskarev in 2014.

Learn more: Simple Mindful Art Project at Inside Out Art Teacher

32. Crepe Paper Flowers

A glass plate has a variety of flowers on it which are made from crepe paper.

This is the perfect project for early finishers to do since each flower only takes 5 minutes to create. In addition to being a fun project, these flowers would also make for beautiful classroom decor.

Learn more: Easy Crepe Paper Flowers at DIY Candy

33. CD Fish

Two fish are made from CDs with eyes and tissue paper fins added.

Easy art projects for kids that utilize outdated technology? Why not? Although this project could work for any age group, older kids will be able to personalize their fish using a variety of add-on materials. Be prepared to explain to your students what CDs are since they were born long after their demise!

Learn more: Make Your Own Fish Aquarium at Super Simple

34. Pencil Sculpture

A sculpture is made from 72 pencils that have been arranged in a dome shape.

While this project can get complicated, simpler structures can be completed using fewer pencils. The preparation is minimal, requiring just a bunch of pencils and elastics, but the reward will be big when you see what your students create!

Learn more: Geometric Sculpture From 72 Pencils at Instructables

35. Ribbon Garland

A garland is made from pastel ribbon pieces tied together.

This project is another good time-filler since it can be worked on and then picked up again later and continued. It’s also a good lesson in recycling since you can ask students to bring in any fabric or ribbons that may be sitting around their houses unused.

Learn more: Easy DIY Fabric Garland at Project Nursery

36. Origami

Hands are shown holding an orange origami fish and a neon yellow origami fish in this easy art project for kids.

Origami paper is inexpensive and can be bought in bulk, making this an affordable and low-preparation art project. Additionally, it is perfect for high school students who are better equipped to follow along with an instructional video.

Learn more: 12 Origami Projects for Kids at Mom Loves Best

37. Layered Landscape

A landscape is created by layering different scraps of brightly colored paper.

Keep those cereal boxes and old magazines since they’re perfect for ripping up to create layered art! We especially love how much room there is in this project for individual creativity.

Learn more: Layered Landscape at Art Camp Studio

What are your favorite easy art projects to do in the classroom? Come and share your ideas in our  We Are Teachers HELPLINE group  on Facebook.

Plus,  get ideas for great auction art projects .

Art provides a creative outlet for kids while also reducing stress. Try incorporating one of these easy art projects for kids into your day!

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Examples of kindergarten art projects, including a rainbow finger painted heart in a plastic bag and snails made from rolled up paper.

78 Kindergarten Art Projects To Spark Early Creativity

Don't limit yourself to finger paints! Continue Reading

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15 Arts and Crafts Projects for Kindergartners

educational art activities for kindergarten

Craft time not only exercises kindergartners' creativity and imagination but helps them sharpen motor skills and critical thinking as well. Here's a bank of great go-tos for when your little ones need a bit of guidance with their making.


Little Family Fun

Teach kids shapes while building cute dinosaurs out of craft foam and glue sticks. Vary your colors and add more advanced geometry for the second round of prehistoric creatures.

Shape-Osaurus from Little Family Fun

Paper Bag Jellyfish

No Time for Flash Cards

Venture under the sea with your little one to inspire this brown paper bag craft. Have kids paint the bag (the more color and interest the better), then cut tentacles using decorative scissors. Add googly eyes to bring jellyfish to life.

Paper Bag Jellyfish from No Time for Flash Cards

Paper Feathers

A Little Pinch of Perfect​

Kindergartners can work on motor skills by using scissors to make tight cuts into the sides of feather shapes. The final product mimics the texture of a real feather, and is a great stand-alone make-believe prop, or can be combined into a number of other art projects.

Paper Feather from A Little Pinch of Perfect​

Cardboard Roll Scribbler

The Craft Train

Tape washable markers to an old toilet paper roll to make one awesome mega-marker. Kids will love creating abstract masterpieces with their new multicolored media. Design color schemes around specific projects, or go rainbow for full-on technicolor drawings.

Cardboard Roll Scribbler from The Craft Train

DIY Fake Snow

@nadydelarosaphotography / Instagram

Bring the pure joy of a Snow Day inside where it's warm with this recipe for faux snow. Baking soda and shaving cream get the glitter treatment and become a mold-able alternative to slushy ice.

DIY Fake Snow from The Spruce

Fruit and Veggie Stamps

A Beautiful Mess

Experiment with a variety of produce to halve and press, as well as surfaces to pattern. This project is a great alternative to the trash bin as well—mealy apples still stamp well, as do celery hearts and partially-eaten corn cobs.

Fruit and Veggie Stamps from A Beautiful Mess

Rainbow Slime

Little Bins for Little Hands

Baking soda, glue, and saline make a super-stretchy and super-safe slime that's perfect for kindergartners. Kids can create slime in a bunch of different colors, then squish around for hours relieving some built-up kinetic energy.

Rainbow Slime from Little Bins for Little Hands

Egg Carton Flowers

Where Imagination Grows

Sprout a DIY indoor garden using recycled egg cartons . Kids practice using scissors, paint, and glue to create this 3D art project. This one's great for celebrating springtime or breaking cabin fever.

Egg Carton Flowers from The Spruce

A Happy Wanderer

Spare cardboard and a little creativity bring the arcade home with this project. With some adult help, kids can structure a series of ramps to send a ball cruising down to the finish line.

Ball Maze from A Happy Wanderer

Artsy Momma​

Upcycle used K-Cups into cute little animals, like frogs on lily pads. Add googly eyes and foam legs and let kids' imaginations run wild: ladybugs, kitties, and dragons are all possible with clean K-Cups, construction paper, and colorful paint.

K-Cup Frog from Artsy Momma​

Popsicle Stick Animals


Refresh tired Popsicle stick crafts with a menagerie challenge! Feathers, foam, pipe cleaners, and pom-poms give kids endless options to create their own personal petting zoos. Add a friendly Popsicle stick cactus or tree for the atmosphere.

Popsicle Stick Animals from Craftionary

Indoor Bulb Garden

Fun at Home with Kids

Little ones can get nice and dirty helping plant bulbs in clear containers—all in the name of science. Clear plastic gives children front row seats to sprouting plants and will help engage them in daily watering and plant care.

Indoor Bulb Garden from Fun at Home with Kids

Coffee Filter Monsters

ABC's of Literacy

With a little magic (a spray bottle full of water), kindergartners can watch marker-ed coffee filters turn tie-dye in seconds. Decorate with construction paper and coffee filters become monsters (or peacocks, or insects, or flowers).

Coffee Filter Monsters from ABC's of Literacy

Rainbow on a Stick

Kindergarten Lifestyle

Combine snack time with craft time for a cute, edible project that little ones will love to construct and then devour. Kids can practice their colors using Froot Loops, and then enjoy a sweet reward for an activity well done.

Rainbow on a Stick from Kindergarten Lifestyle

Homemade Playdough

Living Well Mom

Save money with DIY playdough , and don't stress when little ones leave their sculptures out to harden. Kids can get in on the dough-making by helping knead and stir (supervised, of course).

Homemade Play Dough from Living Well Mom

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  • 14 Arts and Crafts Projects for Toddlers
  • 25 Recycled Egg Carton Art Projects for Kids
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Stay At Home Educator

intentional teaching for purposeful learning

Free Art Preschool Lesson Plans

February 14, 2024 by Sarah Punkoney, MAT Leave a Comment

Get ready to explore a treasure trove of preschool art ideas that will add a splash of color and creativity to your art-themed preschool curriculum. We’ve compiled all these brilliant ideas into a comprehensive bundle of free preschool art lesson plans .

With a focus on engaging books, sensory-based art experiences, and fun-filled math and science activities, our aim is to inspire young minds to embrace their inner Picasso. So let’s gear up to sprinkle some artistic magic in our preschool classrooms!

Check out our comprehensive collection of preschool lesson plans with over 60+ themes!

art lesson plans | preschool art lessons | art lesson plans for kindergarten | preschool art lessons | how to teach art to preschoolers | process art | Learn at Home preschool lesson plans art theme

Art Activities for Preschoolers with Aer Lesson Plans

Do you have a budding artist in your midst? If your preschoolers are anything like mine, all they have to do is see fun art materials out on the table, and they are ready to dive right in!

Why not infuse that excitement and interest into a whole theme! An art theme for preschool is perfect any time of the year and can be extensive or as simple as you need it to be! Incorporate learning about famous artists , different art techniques , and/or process art.

We’ve also put together the ultimate guide to process art so you can help your preschoolers focus on oral language and art skills in a completely individual and unique way!

The Ultimate Guide To Process Art

Preschool Lesson Plans Themes

These lesson plans for preschoolers are just one theme in a set of over 40 that will become a part of my free Learn At Home Preschool Lesson Plans.

Grab the whole bundle which includes over 46 different learn at home preschool lesson plan themes, all wrapped up in a convenient bundle!

* Learn At Home Preschool Lesson Plans Bundle

Preschool Activities for an Art Theme

We’ve chosen engaging art activities that cover academic areas and invite preschoolers to experiment with different mediums, read about art, and practice colors too! Children learn fine motor skills, build their attention span, and develop creativity with every piece of art.

Literacy Activities for an Art Preschool Theme

Tape Resist Art with Letters or Names – Staple a few pieces of black construction paper together to make a booklet. You want twice as many front to back pages in the booklet as the name of your preschooler. Draw out the letters of the child’s name on contact paper. Be sure to draw out the letters in big blocks, on the  paper side  of the contact paper (so, not on the actual plastic sticky side). Next, cut the letters out and place them like giant stickers in the booklet. Invite your preschooler to paint, use oil pastels, or bright crayons to color over the page. Once the paint is dry, you can peel off the contact paper to show the letter resist !

Learn Colors with Elmer – Go to YouTube and read Elmer by David McKee. After reading, invite your preschooler to stamp their own Elmer using sponges cut into squares and dipped into colorful paint. Your preschooler will love making their own Elmer art!

Art Themed Picture Books!

One of the best ways to teach preschoolers about any theme is by hand-selecting the highest quality picture books! This is a book list for our best-loved picture books for an art theme.

The Met Claude Monet: He Saw the World in Brilliant...

  • Hardcover Book
  • Guglielmo, Amy (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

Meet Claude Monet (Meet the Artist)

  • Meet the Artist pairs gorgeous art with first-person narration and astonishing details to spark a…
  • You’ll learn how to think like an artist and capture beauty on paper.
  • Creative activity prompts equip you to follow in their footsteps.

The Artist

  • Vere, Ed (Author)

Meet Wassily Kandinsky

  • Read With You Center for Excellence in STEAM Education (Author)
  • 36 Pages – 05/03/2022 (Publication Date) – Read With You Publishing (Publisher)

The Met Faith Ringgold: Narrating the World in Pattern...

  • Jackson, Sharna (Author)

Frida Kahlo: The Artist who Painted Herself (Smart...

  • Frith, Margaret (Author)
  • 32 Pages – 08/11/2003 (Publication Date) – Grosset & Dunlap (Publisher)

Math and Science Activities for an Art Theme in Preschool

Shape Art – Grab some kraft paper or large construction paper and draw shapes all over. Invite your preschoolers to paint, color, or stamp the shapes to create their own unique shape art masterpieces.

Ice Cream Cone Fingerprint Counting – How many colorful flavors would you like? Draw cones on a piece of construction paper and invite your preschooler to add fingerprint ‘scoops’ on top and count how many fingerprints they made. Write that number on the cone. Use different colors for different flavors!

Oil and Water Science Art – Using liquid watercolor and vegetable oil, this art technique uses science to see how the two liquids resist each other and end up creating a marbling effect on paper!

art lesson plans | preschool art lessons | art lesson plans for kindergarten | preschool art lessons | how to teach art to preschoolers | process art | Learn at Home preschool lesson plans art theme

Playful Preschool Learning Activities for an Art Theme

Playdough Sculpting – Grab (or make) some playdough and practice making a 3D animal or object. Invite your preschooler to come up with an idea and work together to sculpt and create!

DIY Nature Crown – Head outside and find some natural art! Invite your preschooler to gather some favorite nature/art materials and add them to your nature crown . You can use liquid glue, contact paper, or the adult can use hot glue to add the items.

Doodle Art – Using wavy or straight lines, doodle all over a piece of paper. Make sure to cross over some lines to create shapes within the picture. Invite your preschooler to try and then color the different sections different colors! This process art activity leads to beautiful and unique art!

Social-Emotional Activities for an Art Preschool Theme

Mistakes Can Be Beautiful – Go to YouTube and read the story, Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg. Invite your preschooler to make predictions about each page and discuss how something that went “wrong” turned into something quite lovely. Share about a time when something didn’t go as planned in your own life. Was there a way to look at that event in a different way? Sometimes it’s all a matter of perspective.

Emotion Puppets – Create emotion puppets using craft foam, googly eyes, and popsicle sticks. After making different faces to model different emotions, hold up a popsicle puppet and ask your preschooler what emotion each puppet is feeling. Can your preschooler make the same face to show the emotion? Grab a mirror and have fun making faces together to show each emotion – make sure to exaggerate each expression for even more fun! Read the story, The Emotions Book by Liz Fletcher and use your emotion puppets to find the various feelings in the story.

Just Plain Fun Art Activities for Preschoolers

Balloon Painting – Inflate colored balloons (think rainbow) just enough for little hands to hold onto. Draw a rainbow on a piece of paper and put some rainbow colored paints on a plate. Dip the balloons in the paint and make rainbows !

Salty Rainbows – Using liquid watercolors and water droppers, your preschooler can create a colorful art project with an unusual medium – salt! Simply lay out the salt and squeeze the colored dye over top and watch the colors spread out.

Pulled String Art – With household supplies like a book, paper, string, and paint, you can create abstract and unique string art .

art lesson plans | preschool art lessons | art lesson plans for kindergarten | preschool art lessons | how to teach art to preschoolers | process art | Learn at Home preschool lesson plans art theme

Get Online Activities for an Art Theme

Online Story – Go to YouTube and listen to the book, Maybe Makes an Artist by Carr Fullager. After reading, invite your preschooler to find their own ‘maybe’. Invite them to come up with a list of ‘maybe’ art ideas. No idea is a bad idea! Using any arts and craft materials they like, create an art session based on creativity and fun!

Primary Colors Song – Learn the three primary colors , red, yellow, and blue with this song and video and watch how mixing the primary colors make new colors!

We Call it Art Song – Get up and moving with this fun art song about kids painting and being creative!

Preschool Art Materials

Sometimes (not always), what turns a great preschool theme into an exceptional one is having some extra special materials specific to that theme. These are some of the __ toys and activity kits I like to use with my preschoolers.

100 Sheets of Practice Watercolor Paper (9' x 12') -...

  • 100 LOOSE SHEETS OF PRACTICE WATERCOLOR PAPER – Don’t Settle for 20, 40 or even 60 Sheets. This…
  • SPECIFICATIONS: Each Sheet is 9″x12″, 190 GSM White Color with a Hint of Blue/Grey Tint; Acid Free,…
  • VERSATILE DOUBLE SIDED PAPER – One Side is Smooth and the other with a Wonderful Subtle Texture, The…

READY 2 LEARN Textured Art Tools - Set of 4 - Jumbo...

  • 4 TEXTURES FOR LITTLE PICASSOS — These paint texture tools feature grippy, plastic handles with 4…
  • JUMBO SIZE = BETTER GRIP — At approximately 5.5″ long and with a tapered handle diameter of up to…
  • CREATE ARTISTIC EFFECTS — Doodle, swirl, dot and twirl! Children love to add exciting patterns and…

Craftzilla Colored Masking Tape – 6 Color Masking...

  • Cooler Crafts – Broaden your creative palette with 330 exciting, colorful yards of masking tape….
  • Bigger and Brighter – Worried about running out of tape before you’re finished? 990 feet of…
  • A Full Palette of Uses – Get creative with where you put your colored painters tape every day! Use…

U.S. Art Supply 10 Piece Children's No Spill Paint Cups...

  • Prevent spills and messes with these dual-lid multi-colored No Spill Paint Cups
  • Pour paint in and snap on the outer air tight lid to keep paint fresh in between art sessions
  • Brightly color coordinated colored lids allow you to easily identify the color of the paint inside

TBC The Best Crafts Paint Sticks,12 Classic Colors,...

  • Vibrant And Bright – Our 12 basic colors paint sticks is washable, can be overlapped and mixed, with…
  • Easy Drawing And Quick-drying – The solid paint sticks contain beeswax that makes glide as smooth as…
  • Convenient And No Messy – Can be out of the core easily by rotating, telescopic design is more…

Cinvo 3000 Pcs Tissue Paper Squares 2 Inch x 2 inch...

  • 30 ASSORTED COLORS- this vibrantly colored mosaic square tissue set comes with 30 wide range of…
  • PRE-CUT SQUARE TISSUE- each square tissue paper was pre-cut into 2inch*2inch/5.08cm*5.08cm. They are…
  • HIGH-QUALITY MATERIAL- these colored mosaic square shapes are made from soft tissue paper, easy to…

Get Your Free Art Lesson Plans Here

Want to include these art activities in your lesson plans? Ready to grab your free printable lesson plans with all these art theme activities for preschoolers?! No problem. I’ve made a printable for you. Just fill out the form below and it will be sent to your inbox.

We’ve put together a perfect convenience bundle with over 45+ learn at home plans with themes ranging from apples to arctic animals and everything in between. Grab the learn at home preschool lesson plans bundle today!

educational art activities for kindergarten

I’m Sarah, an educator turned stay-at-home-mama of five! I’m the owner and creator of Stay At Home Educator, a website about intentional teaching and purposeful learning in the early childhood years. I’ve taught a range of levels, from preschool to college and a little bit of everything in between. Right now my focus is teaching my children and running a preschool from my home. Credentials include: Bachelors in Art, Masters in Curriculum and Instruction.

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educational art activities for kindergarten

educational art activities for kindergarten

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Kindergarten Crafts

The Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids to Boost Creativity: From A to Z

educational art activities for kindergarten

Are you looking for the Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids? If so you came to the righ place! We will take you through a wide range of craft ideas that are perfect for kindergarten-aged children.

Kindergarten is a crucial time for children to explore their creativity through various art projects and crafts.

Engaging in crafts not only enhances their motor skills but also fosters their imagination and self-expression.

Keep reading to find out the Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids, from flower crafts to printable projects, we have got you covered!

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What are Kindergarten Crafts?

Kindergarten crafts are hands-on art and creative projects tailored for children in kindergarten, typically designed to be fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate.

Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

15 Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

Welcome to the realm of wonder and creativity, where every paper and glue stick holds a promise of adventure!

Discover the ’15 Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids’ and let the little hands weave tales of imagination and love.

1. Paper Plate Portraits

Dive into the world of kindergarten art projects with paper plate portraits. Let students’ imaginations run wild as they create self-portraits or imaginative faces using paint, yarn, and googly eyes.

2. Nature Collages

You’ve got the perfect opportunity to blend art with nature. Collect leaves, twigs, and flowers and let kids arrange them on paper to create their unique masterpieces.

3. Finger Painting Fun

A classic pre-k activity, finger painting allows young artists to explore textures and colors while developing their fine motor skills.

4. Craft Stick Puppets

Using craft sticks, felt, googly eyes, and yarn, kids can create their own characters. These are perfect for imaginative play and storytelling.

5. Bubble Wrap Prints

Dip bubble wrap in paint and press onto paper. The result? A fun and textured print that students will love.

6. First Grade Ready Handprints

As they transition from kindergarten, have kids make handprint art. It’s a sentimental craft that captures their growth.

7. Famous Artists Coloring Pages

Introduce them to famous artists like Van Gogh or Picasso with coloring pages inspired by their iconic works.

8. Tissue Paper Flowers

Using colorful tissue paper, kids can craft beautiful flowers. This project is great for developing fine motor skills as they scrunch and shape the paper.

9. Animal Masks

Using paper plates and craft supplies, kids can design masks of their favorite animals. It’s a fun way to discuss different species and their characteristics.

10. String Art

With some cardboard, string, and pins, kids can create geometric designs or simple images, introducing them to the world of patterns.

11. Clay Creations

Moldable clay offers endless possibilities. From animals to abstract shapes, it’s a tactile experience that kids adore.

12. Storybook Crafts

After reading a favorite story, have kids create a craft related to the book. It’s a wonderful way to reinforce comprehension and celebrate literature.

13. Sensory Bags

Fill zip-lock bags with paint, glitter, and other materials. Kids can squish and move the contents around, creating abstract art while engaging their senses.

14. Collage Self Portraits

Provide magazines, fabric scraps, and other materials for kids to cut out and assemble into a self-portrait collage, showcasing their unique personalities.

15. Footprint Art

Much like handprints, footprints can be turned into various designs, from animals to scenes. It’s a delightful and memorable craft for young kids.

Remember, the goal of these crafts isn’t just to produce art, but to foster creativity, develop skills, and most importantly, have fun!

Best Kindergarten Craft Kits

Best Kindergarten Craft Kits

Embark on a delightful journey of hands-on creativity and joy! Unveiling the ’10 Best Kindergarten Craft Kits’ that promise endless hours of fun and cherished memories for your little artist.

Headband Making Kit for Girls - Make Your Own Fashion Headbands for Kids -...

  • The Greatest Headband-making Kit:: Tap into your inner fashionista and design ten beautiful headbands to match…
  • Unleash & Spark Your Creativity: Mix and match colors, accessories, ribbons, trims, flowers, and more to put your…
  • Complete 50+ Piece Craft Kit – Includes Everything You Need:: 10 satin headbands, 2 wide ribbons, 2 wide mesh…
  • A Fun Gift For All Ages: It fascinates children as soon as they pull it out of the box and is a perfect project…

Paint Your Own Wooden Kids Heart Treasure Box Kit - Art Kits for Toddler...

  • Personalize Your Own Treasure Chest: Add a touch of creativity to your room with the heart-shaped wooden treasure…
  • Endless Design Options: The kit comes with four paints (in pink, teal, yellow, and blue), purple glitter glue,…
  • Sparkle And Shine: The kit includes purple glitter glue and assorted gem stickers to add bling to your design….
  • Perfect Gift Idea: A great gift for young girls who love to express themselves creatively. Whether for a…

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  • INCLUDES: 100+ Foam Stickers, 100 Colorful Foil Sheets, 10 Picture Canvases, Googly Eyes and an Instruction…
  • EASY TO USE: Select a picture canvas, apply sparkly foil sheets using the included stickers, and watch the…
  • AWARD-WINNING TOY: Skillmatics Foil Fun has received The Toy Insider’s Top Summer Toy 2023 award and is also a…

4M Green Creativity Pressed Flower Art Kit, Recycle Flowers Art & Crafts...

  • The kit’s 4-inch flower press will make attractive cards, bookmarks, trinket boxes, and more.
  • The kit includes a flower press, glue, brush and double-sided tape.
  • Detailed instructions for use and care are included.
  • Perfect for children interested in arts and crafts.

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Spirograph Jr., Grade PK+ (SME1023Z)

  • Sold as 1 Kit.
  • Spirograph Jr. Kit. Inspired by the original 1965 Spirograph!.
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Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

What are some Craft Ideas for Kindergarten?

Craft ideas for kindergarten include creating paper plate animals, painting with watercolors, making handprint art, and crafting simple nature collages using leaves and flowers.

1. Flower Craft

  • One of the most popular craft ideas for kindergarteners is creating beautiful flower crafts.
  • These crafts not only teach them about different types of flowers but also allow them to experiment with colors and textures.
  • With simple materials like colorful paper, pipe cleaners, and glue, children can create their own vibrant flowers that will surely brighten up any space.

2. Printable Craft

  • Printable crafts are a great way to engage children in a creative activity without much hassle.
  • There are numerous websites and resources that provide free printable templates for kindergarten crafts.
  • From animals to vehicles and even seasonal themes, you can find a wide range of options to choose from.
  • These crafts can be easily printed, cut, and assembled, giving children a sense of accomplishment.

3. Preschool Craft

  • Preschool crafts are specifically designed for young children to enhance their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • These crafts typically involve simple cutting, pasting, and coloring activities that are suitable for kindergarten-aged children.
  • It could be a paper plate dinosaur or a handprint art project – the options are endless.
  • Not only will these crafts keep children engaged, but they will also help develop their cognitive abilities.

Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

What are Some Easy Spring Crafts for Kids?

Easy spring crafts for kids include making paper flowers, crafting butterflies using colorful coffee filters, creating rainbows with cotton balls, and painting egg carton tulips.

1. Shaving Cream Art

  • Spring is the perfect time to engage children in messy yet fun art activities.
  • Shaving cream art is a popular craft idea that involves spreading shaving cream on a tray and then dropping liquid watercolors or food coloring on top of it.
  • Children can then swirl the colors using a stick or toothpick to create beautiful abstract designs.

2. Bubble Wrap Painting

  • Another easy spring craft idea is bubble wrap painting.
  • Children can create their own bubble wrap stamps by cutting small pieces of bubble wrap and attaching them to wooden blocks or cardboard.
  • They can then dip the bubble wrap stamps in paint and press them onto paper or canvas to create unique patterns and textures.

3. Glitter Rainbow Craft

  • Nothing screams spring more than rainbows!
  • Children can create their own glitter rainbow crafts using colorful construction paper, glue, and lots of glitter.
  • They can cut out cloud and rainbow shapes from the construction paper and then decorate them with glitter to make them shine.
  • This craft is not only fun to make but also a great way to teach children about colors and weather.

Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

What are Some Fine Motor Skills Crafts for Kindergartners?

Fine motor skills crafts for kindergartners involve activities like threading beads, using safety scissors to cut patterns, molding shapes with playdough, and creating art with tweezers and pom-poms.

1. Pipe Cleaners Butterflies

  • Butterflies are always a favorite among children.
  • Making pipe cleaner butterflies is a fantastic craft that helps develop fine motor skills.
  • Children can shape colorful pipe cleaners into butterfly wings and then attach them to a clothespin or popsicle stick.
  • They can also add googly eyes and decorate the wings with paint or stickers to give them a personalized touch.

2. Paper Plate Jellyfish

  • Creating paper plate jellyfish is a fun and engaging craft that allows children to explore their creativity.
  • They can paint the underside of a paper plate with vibrant colors and then attach colorful streamers or ribbons to create jellyfish tentacles.
  • This craft not only strengthens fine motor skills but also teaches children about different sea creatures.

3. Straw Painting

  • Straw painting is a simple yet effective craft idea for kindergartners.
  • Children can dip a straw into paint and blow on it to create unique and abstract designs on paper.
  • They can experiment with different colors and blowing techniques to create stunning artwork.
  • This craft not only encourages creativity but also improves hand-eye coordination.

Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

What are some Letter Crafts for Kindergarten?

Letter crafts for kindergarten often involve creating each letter of the alphabet using materials like construction paper, felt, or fabric, or associating each letter with an object or animal, such as “A is for Apple” crafted art.

1. Paper Bag Kitty

  • Letter crafts are a great way to introduce children to the alphabet while engaging in a creative activity.
  • Creating a paper bag kitty is an excellent craft idea for the letter “K”.
  • Children can cut out ears, eyes, a nose, and whiskers from construction paper and then glue them onto a paper bag.
  • This craft not only teaches them about the letter “K” but also introduces them to basic shapes and spatial awareness.

2. Watercolor Letter Art

  • Watercolor letter art is a fascinating craft that allows children to combine their artistic skills with letter recognition.
  • They can draw or print out large letters of the alphabet on watercolor paper and then use watercolors to paint beautiful designs inside the letters.
  • This craft is not only educational but also encourages children to think creatively.

3. Straw Letter Puppets

  • Straw letter puppets are an interactive craft idea that engages children in imaginative play and letter recognition.
  • Children can cut out letters from construction paper and attach them to the end of a straw or popsicle stick.
  • They can then use these letter puppets to spell words, create stories, or even put on a puppet show.
  • This craft is not only fun but also enhances letter recognition and language skills.

What are some kindergarten crafts that incorporate the alphabet?

Incorporating the alphabet into arts and crafts is a great way to make learning fun. Kindergarten on Instagram showcases lots of easy and fun craft ideas, like using coffee filters and washable markers to create colorful letters. These hands-on activities ensure students will love learning their ABCs.

How can you create a scribbler art project?

A scribbler art project is all about letting kids experiment with a variety of materials. Using craft foam, q-tips, and even decorative scissors, students can create multicolored masterpieces.

It’s a fun idea that young kids especially enjoy.

How do you make a kindergarten art flower craft?

For a fun spring flower craft, kids can use coffee filters, washable markers, and a little water to create beautiful blossoms.

This hands-on activity is not only adorable but also offers fine motor practice for little ones.

What are the best printable resources for preschool?

There are many printable resources for preschool, especially around themes like Earth Day or Father’s Day.

Look for mega bundles that offer a variety of learning ideas, ensuring students will enjoy the hands-on experience.

What are some fun craft projects suitable for kindergarteners?

Kindergarteners love arts and crafts that allow them to be hands-on. Craft sticks, brown paper, and q-tips are just a few materials that can be used.

From creating kid-made Father’s Day cards to fun spring crafts, the possibilities are endless.

Do you have any craft ideas for kids using watercolor?

Yes, watercolor crafts are lots of fun for kids. One idea is to let kids paint coffee filters with watercolors and then use them to craft Earth Day globes or springtime flowers.

It’s a simple yet effective way to teach kids about colors and blending.

How can you craft with pipe cleaners and paper plates?

Pipe cleaners and paper plates offer endless fun craft ideas. For instance, students can create adorable craft animals or flowers for springtime. These crafts are not only engaging but also help improve fine motor skills.

What are some popular kindergarten craft ideas for spring?

Spring brings lots of easy and fun ideas for kindergarten arts and crafts. From crafting flowers using multicolored craft foam to creating rainbows with q-tips, students will love these hands-on projects.

How can you incorporate bubble wrap and glitter into crafts?

Bubble wrap and glitter can be used to create textured and sparkly art pieces. It’s a great way to help young kids experiment with different textures and shine, making their crafts stand out.

What are some fun crafts for kindergartners that involve rainbows?

Rainbows are always a hit with kindergarteners. Using washable markers, craft sticks, and even coffee filters, kids can create vibrant rainbow crafts. These projects are not only colorful but also offer a chance for fine motor practice.

What year crafts can you make using straws?

Straws are versatile and can be used to craft items related to any theme, be it Earth Day, springtime, or even Father’s Day. They’re especially useful for first-grade students looking for a simple and hands-on crafting experience.

How do you create a paper bag jellyfish kitty craft?

Combining a paper bag with craft foam and decorative scissors, students can craft a unique jellyfish kitty. It’s an adorable craft idea that kids love and can be straight to your inbox if you’re subscribed to arts and crafts newsletters.

Where can I find a freebie peacock craft template?

Many online resources, especially kindergarten arts and crafts blogs, offer freebie templates. Look for ones that provide hands-on learning ideas, ensuring that students will enjoy the crafting process.

How can you make a masterpiece chick craft?

Using craft sticks, multicolored craft foam, and q-tips, students can create a chick masterpiece. It’s a fun and hands-on activity that’s perfect for springtime and is sure to be a hit with the little ones.

What are some rainbow craft ideas suitable for preschoolers?

Preschoolers love colorful projects, and rainbows are no exception. Using materials like washable markers, craft foam, and even bubble wrap, young kids can create vibrant rainbow crafts that they’ll be proud to show off.

Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids. Get some quick answers to everything you need to know.

What should kindergarteners learn in art?

Kindergarteners in art should learn basic elements like colors, shapes, and lines, as well as develop fine motor skills through activities like cutting, pasting, and drawing, all while expressing their creativity and emotions.

What is a fun craft for kids?

A fun craft for kids is creating handprint or footprint art, where they can dip their hands or feet in paint and stamp them onto paper, later turning them into animals, flowers, or other imaginative designs.

Why arts and crafts are important in kindergarten?

Arts and crafts in kindergarten foster creativity, enhance fine motor skills, promote self-expression, and help children understand and connect with the world around them.

What are good crafts for 3 year olds?

Good crafts for 3-year-olds include finger painting, creating collages with pre-cut shapes, stringing large beads, and molding shapes with playdough.

What easy things can a 5 year old draw?

A 5-year-old can easily draw basic shapes, simple animals like fish or birds, sun, moon, trees, and stick figures representing people and animals.

What should my 5 year old be drawing?

A 5-year-old should be drawing more detailed and recognizable pictures, such as basic human figures with distinct body parts, simple scenes like a house with a yard, and more intricate shapes and patterns.

Wrapping Up the Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids

Navigating the world of kindergarten art projects can be a colorful journey, and with the masterpieces you’ve got in your students’ portfolios, they’re on their way from pre-k prodigies to first-grade famous artists.

So, before you close the book (or the footer) on this creative chapter, remember: the best is yet to be crafted!

If you enjoyed this article the Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids and would like to learn more, please leave a comment below.

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22 Winter-Themed Activities for the Kindergarten Classroom

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When it’s time to come back from winter break or Christmas break – it’s time to hit the ground running in kindergarten. There is explosive growth that happens from now until the spring in both reading and math.

Let’s capitalize on that learning-growth spurt and plan some great winter kindergarten activities .

educational art activities for kindergarten

Here are winter-themed math, science, and literacy-based activities, along with some art projects, crafts, and a set of free worksheets that I have found.

I hope they can be helpful to you as you make your January and February lesson plans.

Math activities

Here are two math resources that help you pick up where you left off in December and grow your learners.

Winter bump

free Wintertime adding bump game for kindergarten with 2 dice

Grab this free winter-themed math addition game for kindergarten. Your kinders will play “bump” using dice and linking cubes (or another manipulative) and work on adding numbers.

You’ll love that this game includes multiple levels so it’s already differentiated for you.

Frozen composing teens

Practice composing numbers 11-19 with this fun, Frozen-themed game . Students play on a printable game board, moving characters like Sven and Olaf after they make numbers using groups of tens and ones.

First one to the snow-capped village wins!

If you have a class that loves Frozen movies, you may just want to use this entire Frozen unit for the month of January.

Winter estimation

Winter estimation activity for kindergarten - cotton balls on polar bear outline

As students are learning larger numbers in the second semester, capitalize on seeing such numbers with this simple estimation activity .

All you need are fingerprints and cotton balls! So fun and perfect for winter.

I think it’d be a great tie in to using ten frames to predict how many and record their findings.

If you want to differentiate – just use the polar bear template laminated and use marshmallows to estimate. [Use mini-marshmallows for students who can count up to 100, regular-sized marshmallows for students working with numbers to 30, and jumbo marshmallows for students who can count to 20.]

Science activities

Let’s dig into science with simple, standards-based activities.

Expanding snowman

Ziploc bag full of snow with hand-drawn snowman face

When the snow hits your area (or grab a bag of ice at Sonic or ice cubes and grind them in a blender) then you’re ready to make an expanding snowman .

You can easily make this as a class, or the supplies are cheap enough for everyone to do the activity. Use brand-name freezer storage bags for best results.

Students watch Alka-seltzer interact with snow and you can observe and discuss what changes take place.

Did you know you could make this?

Penguin toy on top of white slime mountain

I think this super-strong snow slime recipe would make for the coolest writing springboard…

Let each kinder have a turn to create a scene – snap a photo and print it out for them to use as a book front cover or writing prompt illustration.

Go from science to writing in one awesome afternoon.

Here is a great alternative snow slime recipe that doesn’t require hard-to-find ingredients.

Igloo STEM challenge

Igloo made from mini-marshmallows on styrofoam plate

Students plan and design how to make an igloo in small groups using simple supplies. Then they test out their plan by using the simple materials.

Grab some marshmallows, frosting, and use the empty frosting container – this could be fun!

Turn this into an individual STEM challenge by substituting mini marshmallows and a condiment cup or styrofoam cup as a base.

How do penguins stay dry experiment

Water droplets form on a crayon-resist colored penguin

Explore how penguin feathers help them to stay dry in the Antarctic waters.

I like this idea since it is really simple and uses materials that are easy to produce in the classroom. Each student can do this activity.

Another good activity that explores how arctic animals (including some penguins) stay warm is to make a blubber mitt . We did this every year as a whole group experience.

An alternative idea is to crease the paper down the middle and only color on one half of the penguin. That way students can see what would happen if the oily residue didn’t exist on the penguins feathers.

Literacy-based activities

Let’s connect reading skills to all things winter.

The Mitten easy reader

Open The Mitten emergent reader

This is a free printable emergent reader that comes in four different levels. You can make a set to keep in your classroom or make one for students to take home.

This is based on the popular book, The Mitten.

Here are a few more resources and activities you my like based on The Mitten for kindergarten:

  • 50-page free “The Mitten” unit
  • Retell “The Mitten” to ‘The Farmer in the Dell’
  • Symmetrical mitten art project

Sneezy the Snowman

5 Clever Sneezy the Snowman Activities for kindergarten

Enjoy exploring these 5 clever Sneezy the Snowman kindergarten activities – they are awesome!

This story is hot on most kindergarten teachers’ lists. It’s a cute read aloud and these activities make it super simple to extend the story.

January kindergarten read-alouds

educational art activities for kindergarten

Read books! January is a great time to fit in extra read-alouds.

Here is a list of great read-alouds for January to go along with the winter theme (and many of these resources on this list).

Art activities

These art activities turn out beautiful. Each project focuses on the creative process and each kinder’s creation turns out unique.

Winter mittens art – warm and cold colors

Warm and cold colors mitten art project

These tissue paper mittens turn out beautiful. The warm and cold color contrast turns makes these stand out as a beautiful display.

Here’s how to make it:

  • Cut warm colors of tissue paper and glue it onto a mitten outline . Cover it completely and past the edges.
  • Cover it with Modge Podge to make it shiny and everything lay flat.
  • While it’s drying, paint a background piece of paper by dabbing on blue and white paint – mixing the colors with a sponge.
  • Add white snowflakes (maybe stickers, stamps, confetti or die cuts) on the blue background.
  • Cut out the dry mitten.
  • When everything is dry, glue (or hot-glue) a clothespin on to hang the mitten in front.

Pull-off polar bear paint project

Polar bear imprint left behind with paint around

Oh my goodness. I love this pull-off painting project with winter colors ! Although – you could totally do it with any shape if you didn’t want to do a polar bear…

Use a combination of strong fingerpaint paper, tempera paints in blue and white, and an artic animal cut from a piece of newsprint paper.

The process is rather simple, a little messy and the final product turns out awesome.

Oil pastel and watercolor snowflakes

Kindergartner painting with watercolors around a snowflake

We did this and I loved it! {okay, my students loved it too}

Investigate how the shapes of snowflakes are unique (using your favorite books and videos) and then create a snowflake masterpiece .

Students will draw a snowflake using a pattern, outline it with white or gray oil pastels. Then by painting a background in shades of blue and purple watercolors, the final product is just as unique as each snowflake!

Snow crafts

Here are some snow-related crafts that are just right for the kindergarten classroom.

Snowman craft

educational art activities for kindergarten

Cut some simple shapes to make this snowman craft . The perspective of the snowman looking up to the sky is what makes this uber-cute.

You’ll need construction paper, scissors and crayons or markers to make this one happen.

Planning for a sub this month? Stash this project away for them to work on with your class.

Snowman directed drawing

Row of kid-drawn snowmen

This turns out so sweet! A snowman directed drawing art activity with step by step directions so everyone can do it

Sponge-painted snowflakes

Blue snowflake with glitter cutout

Cut a large, simple snowflake shape from blue construction paper to make these sponge-painted snowflakes .

Make splotches of blue and white paint and then dab to begin blending the colors together. Finish off with some glitter. Beautiful!

Other winter resources

Here are a few more worthwhile-mentions of winter-themed resources I didn’t want you to leave without seeing.

Paper plate snowman

Kid behind paper plate snowman cutout

Snap a quick cute photo with this easy paper plate snowman craft . You can also skip the popsicle stick and print an enlarged photo of your students face in the hole.

This would make a great display piece to accompany a writing prompt of “if I were a snowman.”

Winter worksheets

educational art activities for kindergarten

Oh man, you know that I loathe worksheets , right? But, I also know that a time comes when you need to pull one out or find one you like and want to use it in your centers as a rinse-off overhead .

So, if you need some worksheets to stash in your substitute folder for January – this printable worksheet set is just right for kindergarten standards.

Let’s wrap it up

There you have it – winter activities for a kindergarten classroom that are fun and hands-on.

I hope these can help you save time as you plan your lessons.

Need more for January? You might like these  17 Kindergarten Videos for January – Read, Move and Learn!

educational art activities for kindergarten

Woah, wait. Are you about to hit the 100th day of school? So many schools have their 100th day of school fall in January and February.

You may just want to read How to Plan a Not-So-Crazy 100th Day of School (or Any Minor Holiday) so you can use the daily classroom routine you’ve built to your advantage.

And here are 13 Free 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities for Kindergarten so you can pull off a fun, themed day with learning at the forefront.

More Themed Activities for Kindergarten

  • 73 Cool Pete the Cat Freebies and Teaching Resources
  • 51 Groovy Pete the Cat Lesson Plans and Freebies
  • 12 Free Dr. Seuss Activities for Kindergarten
  • 14 St. Patrick’s Day Freebies for Kindergarten

If you like what I do here on KindergartenWorks, then be sure to subscribe today. I look forward to sharing ideas with you weekly.

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Leslie is the teacher behind KindergartenWorks . She believes in teaching kinders how to be pretty incredible along with teaching them to read, write and think for themselves. She enjoys drinking hot tea, making mud pies with her four kids and sharing what she's learned with teachers.

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Early Childhood Education Zone

The Top 10 Educational Art Activities for Preschoolers

educational art activities for kindergarten

Art is one of the best ways for your preschooler to express themselves. While it may look like they are just making a mess they can actually be learning important motor skills or even something as simple as just letting things go if they make a mistake. Art will also teach your preschooler how to make a decision when they are picking out colors or what supplies to use.

In order to make the following crafts on this list your children will have to use their listening skills to follow along step by step. This is a skill your children will use throughout their life so why not let them learn it in a fun way?

The following craft ideas are pretty simple and fun to make. Most of the items used can be found around the house or they are very inexpensive if you have to buy them.  Don’t be afraid to let your kids use their own imaginations and make these ideas their own and most importantly have fun!

10. Paper Plate Instruments

educational art activities for kindergarten

  Make tambourines and other musical instruments from paper plates and simple decorative items! This perfect noise maker is made from basic materials and provides your preschooler with their very own musical instrument crafted from their own artistic hands!


  • Paper plates
  • Beads or dried beans
  • Markers, glitter, glue, stickers, other embellishments

9. Painting with ice

educational art activities for kindergarten

Create paintings and other works of art with ice! This opportunity enables kids to swirl paints over assorted papers to create beautifully unique designs.​

Materials: ​

  • Craft sticks or popsicle sticks
  • Assorted papers
  • Ice cube trays
  • Liquid child-friendly paints

8. Hanging CD Ornament

educational art activities for kindergarten

Use old CDs and clean up unwanted clutter by saving this item from the trash bin and letting young children make their own sparkly works of art from it!

This fun recycling project helps kids to learn the value of recycling and provides them with a fun and entertaining experience at little to no cost.​


  • Sparkly craft items like beads and sequins
  • Fishing line or beading wire
  • Child-safe scissors
  • Craft-style glue
  • Newspaper and other papers

7. Sparkle Bottles

educational art activities for kindergarten

This activity lets children make their own glittery water bottle full of sparkles and fun! Within the bottle are alphabet letters jumbled up to provide immense  fun for toddlers  who are trying to learn their letters.

  • Alphabet beads or shapes
  • Empty water or soda bottle
  • Assorted glitter colors
  • Sequins and other decorations
  • Water and corn syrup
  • Paper sheets
  • Highlighter marker

6. Blown art

This activity provides an innovative and fun new way for your toddler to perfect their artistic and painting skills. Blow painting will have your toddler giggling as he creates unique splotches and shapes in an array of vivid hues.​

  • Watered-down paint for a sheer effect
  • Plain paper
  • Bending straws
  • Container with sides to hold liquid in

5. Sensory Dough

educational art activities for kindergarten

Much like homemade play-dough, this recipe makes use of common household items like baby oil or cooking oils. For the ultimate in cheap and entertaining play opportunities, sensory dough will have your toddler safely entertained while they pull and squish joyfully through this non-toxic and all natural dough.

  • Baby oil – 1 cup
  • Flour – 8 cups
  • Plastic container
  • Food colorings (assorted)

4. Colorful Rainsticks

educational art activities for kindergarten

Rainsticks are instruments that feature a hollow core and that are filled with small objects like rocks or beads to produce a variety of interesting noises and effects. Rainsticks make special noises when they are turned side to side and upside down and will have your child engrossed with the different effects they can produce with their changing hand motions.

  • Colored markers
  • Cardboard tube (from empty paper towel roll)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Small objects like dried beans or rocks
  • Masking tape

3. Waxed paper art

educational art activities for kindergarten

All children love to color, whether it be on paper, books, or even on walls! Rarely are kids presented with opportunities to draw on alternative sources such as wax paper that offers impressively different results from coloring on regular paper.

Have your toddler-aged children cut out shapes and give them markers and crayons to decorate the shapes to their heart’s content. As they watch nearby, you or another adult can carefully iron the art to create a seamless melding of bright cheery colors that you can hang up in your child’s room or elsewhere.

  • Iron (for adults)
  • Pencil sharpener

2. Clothespin Caterpillars

educational art activities for kindergarten

This arts and crafts project enables your child to create their very own vibrantly hued caterpillar bug. Complete with small accessory eyes and pipe cleaner antennae, this lovable and whimsical caterpillar toy will be your young one’s favorite toy as he lovingly carries from room to room.

Assisting in promoting color recognition, and strengthening fine motor skills, this art project is both entertaining and educational.

  • Elmers-style white glue
  • Colored pom-poms in a variety of sizes and colors
  • Pipe cleaners for antennae
  • Googly eye decorations
  • Clothespins

1. Melted Crayons  

educational art activities for kindergarten

This art project lets your kids pick out their favorite colors of crayons and lay them out in a way that looks good to them. Then they will learn about heat and how it melts the wax crayons. This project will strenthen their decision making ability as well as their fine motor skills. This is a fun craft that also looks good and is very simple to make.

Additional ideas for awesome arts and crafts activities for your toddler-aged child!

  • Tape-resistant art  – Place pieces of tape on paper while children color over the paper and tape. Peel off the tape to expose uncolored areas that create a cool collage effect
  • Color mixing activities  – Free paint into paint-cubes within ice tray compartments and bring them outside on a hot day to see the paint streak and run and create drippy works of art that will have children enthralled
  • Sponge art  – Simply cut sponges into familiar shapes like circles, hearts, stars, and squares and have children dip sponges into their favorite colors and dab away to create their own sponge paint masterpiece
  • Add sensory touches  to any arts and crafts projects to provide a multi-sensory experience that ups the educational ante. Anything with texture (such as grains of salt and sugar, tissue paper, and flour) are great sensory additions to art work
  • Shave crayons  and melt them with your hairdryer as your little ones look on at awe while your crayons melt into a seamless rainbow of hues
  • Try very simple cooking  or preparation idea with your little ones, by letting them do simple tasks like stirring batters and carrying utensils to the sink

There are so many fun art projects for preschoolers to create and they will have so much fun that they won’t even notice that they are learning. Through the use of color,  imagination, blocks, shapes, and ample opportunities for self-expression preschool is a time where a child’s brain is exposed to many of the important components of the world around them. Children can learn so much through art, self-expression, and creativity. ​

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Parent Resources for Learning > Creativity > 6 Free Creativity-Building Preschool Art Activities

6 Free Creativity-Building Preschool Art Activities

by Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos | Feb 16, 2024 | Creativity

Preschoolers engaged in colorful art activities to boost creativity

Preschoolers are creative superheroes. From age 3 to age 4, a kid’s artistic abilities explode  (sometimes literally, if they’re dropping paint or a bucket of crayons!).

Their drawings become more recognizable, they may start to play pretend and invent friends or characters, and some kids start expressing themselves with clothes or makeup.

Kids’ natural Creativity  (one of the 5 C’s  that helps them thrive in school and life) is a wonderful thing.

It helps them innovate and adapt to change, and if they can maintain it as they get older, it’s one of the most in-demand skills in adulthood.

Most kids’ creativity starts to fade after preschool as their brains change and school becomes more academic and focused on finding the right answers.

Encouraging their creativity when they’re young can help them keep that magic through their school years and beyond!

Wondering how you can help? We’ve got your back with 5 DIY art activities preschoolers (and their parents!) love.

The Short Cut

  • Art games and activities help preschoolers maintain their natural creativity
  • The best art activities for 3- and 4-year-olds are open-ended and allow them to experiment and express themselves
  • Many simple preschool art activities can be done at home for free with a few common materials
  • Digital and hands-on creative art activities like the ones in Begin’s learning membership strengthen kids’ creativity and support other learning

1. Finger Painting

Preschooler finger painting with vibrant colors on a large canvas

What You Need

  • Plastic, newspaper, or other covering
  • Kid-safe finger paint
  • Washable tray or small bowls
  • Sheets of white or black paper
  • String (optional)
  • Clothespins (optional)
  • Paper cups (optional)
  • Place plastic, newspaper, or another covering over the kids’ work area to prevent staining if they spill paint (which they likely will).
  • Put each color of finger paint into the tray or bowls.
  • Give each kid a sheet of paper.
  • Show the kids how to dip their fingers into the paint and spread it around on their paper to make a design.
  • Let them paint!
  • When the kids are finished with their designs, the paint will need to dry before the pieces are finished.
  • Dress kids in old clothes or use aprons to keep their clothes clean—most brands of kid-safe finger paint are washable, but they’re not always completely stain free.
  • If you have white and black paper, encourage kids to experiment with each type to see how the colors look on different backgrounds.
  • Keep the kids at their work area while they’re painting, and don’t forget they’ll need to wash their hands right away after finishing.
  • You can let the art dry in place or line-dry it by hanging a string where the kids can see it and clipping the paper to it with clothespins (handy if you need to use the space for something else).
  • Try going 3-D! If you have paper cups in the house, it can be fun to give the kids a chance to paint one of those as well.

2. Ping-Pong Ball Painting

educational art activities for kindergarten

  • Ping-pong balls
  • Nontoxic acrylic paint (3–6 colors)
  • Empty egg carton
  • White paper
  • One cardboard box per child (should be around the same size as the paper)
  • Masking tape
  • Craft supplies, markers, and pencils (optional)
  • Picture frame (optional)
  • Pour one color of paint (about a tablespoon) into each of the egg carton’s holes. Dilute each color of paint with several drops of water, then stir it until it’s well mixed.
  • Put a sheet of white paper at the bottom of each cardboard box. Tape down the edges to keep the paper secure.
  • Have each kid put a ping-pong ball into one of the holes in the egg carton (it should float), and gently spin the ball to coat it. Repeat the process until you have a paint-covered ball for each of your colors. Wash the kids’ hands between colors if you want to keep them from mixing.
  • After the balls are covered in paint, add them to the box containing the paper and close it.
  • Tape the box shut (otherwise the next step may make a mess).
  • Make some art! Tell the kids to shake their boxes—as they do, the ping-pong balls will bounce around, making fun designs on the paper. Let the kids shake as long as you’d like, then open the box and check out their masterpieces!

3. Paper Bag Puppets

Materials to make paper bag puppets on a table

  • Paper lunch bags, 1 per child
  • Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
  • Colorful construction paper
  • Kid-safe scissors
  • Yarn, googly eyes, and other decorations (optional)
  • Give each child a paper lunch bag.
  • Leaving the bag folded, encourage the kids to draw a basic face on the bottom of the bag—two eyes, a nose, and a mouth is pretty good for this age group! To make the best puppet, half the mouth should be on the bottom of the bag, and half should be on the main part of the bag.
  • Let the kids experiment with cutting out small pieces of construction paper, then help them glue the pieces of paper to the bags to decorate. You’ll probably end up with a hodgepodge of shapes, and that’s OK!
  • If you want to, let the kids add yarn to the top of the bag’s “face” for hair, or glue googly eyes onto the bag. Let them be creative—it’s okay if they put them in the “wrong” place!
  • To make the bag into a puppet, show the kids how to put their hand inside, then lift up the bottom of the bag partway so the puppet’s mouth opens and it appears to “talk.”
  • Once the puppets are finished, use them to tell stories together. Start with a simple prompt like “Once upon a time there was a very brave ____” or “Let’s tell a silly story about a ____. One day the ___ was…” See if the kids can act out the story with the puppet as you tell it!
  • This activity is easier for kids to understand if they have a model. Try making your own puppet ahead of time, or make a quick one while they watch to demonstrate what they’re aiming for.
  • Preschoolers often won’t put the mouth on the right part of the bag to make it open. That’s OK! Most kids at this age aren’t master puppeteers anyway. The puppet can still nod, shake its head, and jump up and down or wiggle when excited. The puppet doesn’t need a working mouth for the kids to enjoy playing pretend. So focus on having fun!

4. Bubble Glazing

educational art activities for kindergarten

  • White cardstock
  • Tempera paint (washable and nontoxic)
  • 1 small plastic cup for each color of paint
  • 1 plastic straw for each color of paint (it can help to have a few extras on hand)
  • Cover your work area with plastic, newspaper, or another covering—there’s a high chance of preschoolers spilling paint bubbles over the top of their cups during this activity.
  • Set out a cup for each color of paint you want to use.
  • In each cup, mix together ½ cup of water, a teaspoon of paint, and a big squirt of dish soap.
  • Repeat until you have a cup for each of your colors.
  • Let the kids stick a straw into a colored paint mixture, then blow into the straw. Bubbles should form pretty quickly.
  • Have the kids keep blowing until the bubbles rise above the top edge of the cup.
  • Ask each kid to put a sheet of paper on top of a cup, then pull it off. You should see a cool, colorful pattern created by the bubbles!
  • Encourage the kids to try different ways of making bubble art—what happens if they use lots of different colors on one sheet of paper? What happens if they use the same color over and over again? This extra step helps kids develop the skill of scientific thinking. You can even introduce the term “hypothesis” as the kids make predictions about what will happen.

5. Sticker Collage

educational art activities for kindergarten

  • Kid-favorite stencils (animals, magical creatures, vehicles, etc.)
  • Construction paper
  • Paper clips
  • Lots of stickers

Before You Start

  • Lay a stencil your kid will like (an animal, unicorn, spaceship, etc.) over the top of a piece of cardstock.
  • Cut around the edges of the stencil, leaving an open space in the shape of the stencil in the cardstock. An adult should do this step (3- and 4-year-olds usually aren’t precise enough with scissors yet).
  • Repeat with several stencils so the kids have options to choose from.

With Your Kids

  • Have the kids pick out a piece of construction paper in a color they like.
  • Show the kids the cardstock blanks you prepared earlier and let them pick one to use.
  • Help the kids lay their blanks over their construction paper so that the paper shows through the open space in the cardstock, then anchor the blank in place with paper clips so it doesn’t move around as the kids work.
  • Let the kids put as many stickers as they want on the construction paper through the cardstock blank.
  • Remove the cardstock blank—now the kids have a sticker collage in the shape of one of their favorite things!
  • Encourage the kids to get creative. What happens if they use multiple stencils on the same piece of paper? Can they still see the designs? Does it turn into a hodgepodge of stickers? Do they get a half-horse, half-bulldozer? What can they make?

6. Nature Collage

educational art activities for kindergarten

  • Outdoor space to hunt for materials (or materials pre-collected by an adult)
  • Pouches or containers for kids to store their materials in
  • Contact paper
  • Scissors, hole punch, string (optional)
  • Explain to the kids that you’re making art collages out of natural materials. It can help to show them an example.
  • Take the kids outside to hunt for materials.
  • As the kids collect, have them put their materials into their pouches or containers.
  • Head back inside and give each kid a piece of contact paper. Help them lay it face down and peel the backing off.
  • Show the kids how to place their materials onto the sticky side of the contact paper.
  • When the kids are finished placing their materials, help them lay a second piece of contact paper over the top, sticky side down, to seal their collage in place.
  • Help them find somewhere to display their work!
  • You may need to give some guidance on which materials work well (flowers, grass, leaves, and other small, flat, and light materials) and which don’t (rocks, sticks, and other large, round, or heavy materials).
  • If you’re short on time or don’t have a good outdoor space, you can collect materials for the kids to work with ahead of time and explain where you found them.
  • If you want, let the kids trim their collage into a unique shape once it’s finished, or punch a hole in it and thread a string through so that it can be hung as a decoration.

Other Ways to Get Creative with Begin

Photo illustration showing photos of kids using the Begin brands: Little Passports, HOMER, Learn with Sesame Street, and codeSpark

At Begin, we know supporting Creativity makes a huge difference in kids’ lives . We believe in it so much that we build opportunities for creative play into every stage of our comprehensive learning membership for kids 2–10 .

Whether kids are making collages and painting pictures in HOMER , exploring world art or making crafts in a Little Passports kit , or building their own video game levels in codeSpark , they’ll have plenty of research-backed, expert-designed chances to let their creativity flourish in every membership.

Take our quiz and find the right match for your child today !

Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Jody has a Ph.D. in Developmental Science and more than a decade of experience in the children’s media and early learning space.

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Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Dr. Jody Sherman LeVos

Chief Learning Officer at Begin

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10 Creative Art Activities for Preschoolers

Art Projects Preschoolers Resources 22 Comments

Art activities get much more intricate and focused when toddlers become preschoolers. Check out these 10 fun creative art activities for preschoolers!

Its amazing what a year means in these young ages!

educational art activities for kindergarten

Since Henry has been a preschooler, he has become a little more focused (believe it or not…). Which means the art projects, as well as other creative activities, we do can also be a little more focused.

And George is right behind him. Almost in the preschoolers category himself, he’ll be doing these art activities in no time!

Note: Big Art creative activities are great for toddlers and preschoolers that can’t or don’t want to sit still to create.

How is art different with a preschooler?

When they get a tad older, (think older preschooler age) everything changes. Fine motor skills improve, along with attention span and the ability to focus on the project at hand.

Of course, the age in which a child can do this will vary. So take a look at your toddler or preschooler and see where their own skills are at.

These are 10 activities that we’ve done that take just that tad bit more focus and understanding to do. I think they are perfect art activities for preschoolers.

Of course, there is usually a way to incorporate a toddler into the mix. I had both a preschooler (soon a kindergartner!) and a toddler myself.

Here’s some of our art activities that are perfect for preschoolers:

Art activities get much more intricate and focused when toddlers become preschoolers. Check out these 10 fun creative art activities for preschoolers!

  • Learn about mixing colors. Perfect for a hot day. Freeze some cubes of paint (in 2 or 3 of the primary colors) and take it outside in the sun to melt as they paint. When they run together see what colors it makes!
  • Copy a masterpiece. Print out a masterpiece (such as Starry Night) and set it beside them to try to draw themselves. It’s quite impressive what they’ll find in the piece of art as they study it themselves to draw.
  • Amp up tape resist art. Instead of just chunks of tape around on a piece of paper, or you doing it, have them tear a piece of tape to create a picture! Add details to the finished tape resist art.
  • Add sensory to art.  We used sand, but really anything can be used in its place. Flour, salt, sugar, dirt, rice, tissue paper.
  • Try pulling string to create art.  This one takes a little patience, understanding and coordination. But nothing preschoolers can’t handle in art activities. Its kind of magical to see what designs will happen!
  • Rainbow sponge art.  Yes, toddlers can do this. But preschoolers can take the care it needs to actually make this a rainbow!
  • Add special touches around the house.  Preschoolers are just getting into drawing. So design or draw a wrapping for everyday items such as a tissue box. What else can your little preschoolers spruce up with these art activities?
  • Shave crayons and melt them!  It’s great for fine motor skills to make the crayon shavings. And the designs they make can be so cool (ahem, learn a little about color mixing in the process)!
  • Use multiple painting techniques together  to create a piece of art. Preschoolers will have to follow directions to make it right. Along with having the patience to put it all together. But it’s really simple!
  • Tie dye something together!  A t-shirt, a pillowcase, a sheet! They’ll love a special touch to wear or use that they can say they made! Try different tie-dye effects too. It’s all about the rubber-bands !

What’s your favorite art activity to do with your preschooler?

Art activities get much more intricate and focused when toddlers become preschoolers. Check out these 10 fun creative art activities for preschoolers!


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About Jamie Reimer

Jamie learned to be a hands on mom by creating activities, crafts and art projects for her three boys to do. Jamie needed the creative outlet that activities provided to get through the early years of parenting with a smile! Follow Jamie on Pinterest and Instagram !

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Reader Interactions


September 20, 2019 at 1:59 pm

Thank you sooooooo very much for your ideas that I hope I can soon say they are mine. This is my first year as a Pre-K Teacher and I’m so nerveous about what I’m doing. I know that it’s the process and not the product,, but having help really goes a long way. Thank you, Teacher Cherry

Morris says

September 14, 2018 at 12:17 am

Hi Jamie! such an amazing work was done by you! It’s not about art activity but also helps to develop a child’s mind.

Diana Morgan says

May 15, 2018 at 11:11 pm

I take the crayon shavings and sprinkle them on a sheet of wax paper, then lay a second sheet of wax paper on top. Then with a medium warm iron I run the iron over the wax paper long enough to melt the crayons, blending them together. After the wax paper is cooled I have the children cut a shape out of the center of 2 pieces of construction paper (such as a heart or butterfly) to form a window. Place the wax paper between the 2 pieces of construction paper showing the blended colors and glue together. You can put a magnet on the back or hang them in the window like a suncatcher.

Rachel says

May 17, 2018 at 4:44 am

What a creative idea! It sounds so pretty too! Thank you for sharing

Esther says

March 21, 2017 at 10:58 am

Hello Jamie, How are you and family doing? Thank you for all the activities you have been sending to us. God bless you and give you more wisdom and understanding. I have done some of the activities you sent to us. My child loves it. Will send you some of the pictures. Loves, Esther Thank you.

October 13, 2016 at 1:44 am

The interactive collage isn’t working for me. All I can do is pin it to Pinterest. Am I doing something wrong??

February 8, 2016 at 3:22 pm

I apcrapiete you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.

August 1, 2013 at 8:47 am

The interactive collage is great. There are some really fun activities included here. I would like to try the Painted String activity with our playgroup of nearly four year olds, Looks like creative, messy fun!

Jamie Reimer says

August 11, 2013 at 9:36 am

Thanks Amie! :) I’d love to see how it goes with a group.

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educational art activities for kindergarten

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educational art activities for kindergarten

200+ Free Kindergarten Activities and Printables

These kindergarten activities and printable activities for kindergarten will make learning fun and effective. Plus, they are easy to prep and will save you so much time!

Fun kindergarten activities. Sight words, letter sounds, number sense, math facts, phonics and more!

Kindergarten Activities for Hands-On Learning

I know what's like to be a busy teacher who is short on time. Planning differentiated learning activities for your kindergarten students can be a daunting task.

I want to help. That's why I create engaging and effective printable activities for kindergarten that are differentiated, but also easy to prep.

If you are looking for kindergarten activities that are going to cover the skills you need to teach while also engaging your students with hands-on practice, then this list is for you!

Printable Activities for Kindergarten

This page contains hundreds of free kindergarten printables and activities for you to use right now! Isn't that awesome?

My hope is that you find lots of helpful resources that will save you time and make learning fun for your students!

Bookmark this page and come back as needed because I am always adding new resources to the page.

Kindergarten Activities for Literacy and Math Instruction

Everything from alphabet activities to sight word activities to number sense activities, addition activities , CVC word work , phonics instruction , and more!

I have put them all here for you so that you can quickly find what you need and then go have some time to yourself!

I even have lots of free digital resources for kindergarten that your students can use on both Google Slides and Seesaw.

Doesn't that sound amazing! 🙂

Keep scrolling to find all of the free kindergarten activities!

Free kindergarten printable and digital resources for teaching.

Differentiated Kindergarten Printables and Activities

Check out this huge list of fun, differentiated and effective activities for kindergarteners!

I am constantly adding new resources to the page, so bookmark it and come back as needed to find new and engaging printables to utilize in your classroom.

Many of them are editable and most are super easy to prep, so not only will you save time finding activities, you will also be able to differentiate them with great ease.

Check them all out below!

Digraph worksheets for practice with phonics skills.

Digraph Sounds Sort Cut & Paste

Ending blend missing sounds task cards for phonics practice.

Ending Blend Missing Sounds Cards

Earth Day alphabet activity for kids to learn letters and letter sounds.

Earth Day Find and Cover the Letter Mats

Blend words CCVC phonics activity for kids.

Beginning Blends Missing Sounds Cards

Ladybug cvc clip cards for kids to practice reading CVC words.

Ladybug CVC Clip Cards for Spring

Insect theme decomposing numbers math activity for kids to build number sense this spring.

Insect Decomposing Numbers Mat

Caterpillar find and color the letter mats for alphabet letter recognition practice for kids.

Spring Caterpillar Find and Color the Letter Sheets

Free printable spring letter tracing activity for kids.

Spring Letter Tracing Task Cards

Spring science activities and STEAM investigations for preschool and elementary. These spring science experiments are sure to be a blast!

Simple Spring Science and STEAM Activities

CVC missing final sound CVC word mat for developing phonemic awareness.

Missing Final Sound CVC Word Mats Free Printable

Flower theme phonic board games for reading practice.

Spring Flower Phonics Board Games

Easter addition and subtraction activity for hands-on practice with adding and subtracting numbers.

Easter Addition and Subtraction Mats

Build phonemic awareness with these CVC word worksheets for kids.

CVC Missing Letter Worksheets for Phonics Practice

Flower phoneme segmentation mats for kids to build phonological awareness.

Spring Flower Phoneme Segmentation Mats

Flower theme missing sounds task cards for developing phonics skills and phonemic awareness.

Flower Missing Sounds Task Cards

St. Patrick's Day find and cover the letter alphabet activity for kids in pre-k and kindergarten.

Four Leaf Clover Find & Cover the Letter for St. Patrick’s Day

Digraph phonics activity for kids.

Digraph Clip Cards for Kindergarten and First Grade

Rainbow theme CVC words board games for learning to read CVC words in kindergarten.

Rainbow CVC Board Game Task Cards

Rainbow alphabet activity for kids to learn letters and letter sounds.

St. Patrick’s Day Rainbow Find and Color the Letter Sheets

Teach students to add phonemes to simple CVC words and build phonemic awareness and phonics skills.

Missing Middle Sound CVC Word Mats Free Printable

Free printable number sense find and trace worksheets for learning numbers in kindergarten.

Number Sense Search and Find Worksheets

Heart theme CVC words phonics activity for kids.

Free Printable Heart CVC Clip Cards

Cut and paste CVC words worksheets for reading practice in kindergarten.

CVC Word Sorting Worksheets

Valentine's Day alphabet board game task cards for kids.

Heart Alphabet Game Task Cards

Short vowel sounds CVC clip cards for literacy centers in kindergarten.

CVC Short Vowel Sounds Clip Cards

Free printable letter tracing alphabet task cards for learning letters and letter formation.

Letter Tracing Alphabet Task Cards

Number recognition and number formation worksheets for kids to learn numbers and build number sense.

Number Find and Cover Worksheets

Alphabet find and cover the letter worksheets for kids to learn letters in a fun, hands-on way.

Alphabet Find and Cover the Letter Worksheets

Snowman find and color the letter alphabet activity for kids.

Exciting Snowman Find and Color the Letter Mats Freebie

Winter rhyming activity for kids to develop phonological awareness.

Snowball Rhyming Clip Strips

educational art activities for kindergarten

New Year’s Eve Color By Number Coloring Sheets

Snowman adding beginning sounds task cards for phonemic awareness practice.

Snowman Adding Beginning Sounds Task Cards for Phonemic Awareness

Snow globe addition and subtraction math activity for kids.

Snow Globe Addition and Subtraction Mats

Winter phonemic awareness activity mats for kids.

Winter Snow Globe Phoneme Segmentation Cards

Snow globe CVC clip cards winter phonics activity for kids.

Snow Globe CVC Words Clip Cards Free Printable

educational art activities for kindergarten

Christmas Color by Number Printable Worksheets

Snowman letter tracing task cards activity for practice with letter formation.

Snowman Alphabet Letter Tracing Task Cards

Gingerbread theme math activity for kids.

Gingerbread Making Ten Math Activity

Gingerbread theme CVC segment and blend phonics activity for kids.

Gingerbread CVC Word Building Cards

Gingerbread alphabet letter recognition task cards for kids to learn letters.

Gingerbread Alphabet Letter Recognition Task Cards

Gingerbread beginning sounds clip cards alphabet activity for kids.

Gingerbread Alphabet Beginning Sounds Task Cards

educational art activities for kindergarten

Phonological Awareness Activities and Printables

Alphabet worksheets for learning letters in preschool, pre-k or kindergarten.

Alphabet Letter Worksheets – Alphabet Activity Pages

Gingerbread theme phonemic awareness activity for kids to practice phoneme segmentation.

Gingerbread Phoneme Segmentation Mats for Phonemic Awareness

Number sense board games for kids to learn numbers, counting and more.

Numbers Four in a Row Board Game

educational art activities for kindergarten

Alphabet Worksheets

Alphabet four in a row board game for kids to learn letters and letter sounds.

Alphabet Four in a Row Board Game – Beginning Sounds Game

Fall rhyming activity for developing phonological awareness.

Fall Leaf Rhyming Task Cards

Alphabet beginning sounds sorting worksheets for kids to learn phonics skills.

Alphabet Beginning Sounds Sorting Worksheets

Fall theme number order math activity for kindergarten.

Fall Leaf Missing Numbers Clip Cards Math Activity

Fall leaf alphabet beginning sounds task cards for kindergarten.

Fall Leaf Beginning Sounds Task Cards

educational art activities for kindergarten

Colorful Crayon Rhyming Puzzles

Alphabet beginning sounds phonics activity for kids who are learning letters and letter sounds.

Super Fun Alphabet Beginning Sounds Clip Strips for Kids

Pumpkin theme alphabet board game task cards for learning letters and letter sounds.

Pumpkin Alphabet Board Game Task Cards

Candy corn fall alphabet activity for kids.

Beginning Sounds Clip Cards with a Fall Candy Corn Theme!

Free printable pumpkin theme editable bingo game for reading practice in kindergarten and first grade.

Editable Pumpkin Theme BINGO Game

Free printable candy corn find and cover the letter alphabet activity for fall literacy centers.

Candy Corn Find and Cover the Letter Mats for Kids

Pumpkin counting math activity for kids in pre-k and kindergarten.

Pumpkin Counting Task Cards – Show the Number Math Activity

Free printable alphabet find and trace the letter worksheets.

Alphabet Find and Trace the Letter Worksheets

Pumpkin phoneme segmentation mats for developing phonemic awareness in kindergarten and first grade.

Pumpkin Phoneme Segmentation Mats for Phonemic Awareness

Pumpkin alphabet activity for kids who are learning letters and sounds.

Pumpkin Beginning Sounds Alphabet Task Cards

Fall alphabet activities for kids.

Fall Alphabet Activities

Fun ways to learn shapes in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

30 Fun Shape Activities For Kids to Learn Shapes

Pumpkin theme rhyming activity for developing phonological awareness.

Fun Fall Pumpkin Rhyming Clip Strips

Play dough number task cards for learning numbers.

Number Play Dough Task Cards for Numbers 0-20

Alphabet letter tracing task cards for learning letters and letter formation.

Alphabet Letter Tracing Task Cards

Find and trace number worksheets for kids to learn numbers and counting.

Search and Trace Number Worksheets 0-20 Free Printable

Apple theme beginning sounds task cards for letter learning in kindergarten.

Apple Theme Beginning Sounds Task Cards Alphabet Find and Cover

Free printable apple theme alphabet task cards.

Apple Theme Letter Recognition Task Cards – Alphabet Find and Cover

Salt painting STEAM art activity that combines science and art for kids.

Salt Painting Activity for Kids

Pre-writing fine motor tracing strips for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

School Theme Tracing Strips for Pre-Writing Practice

Editable apple theme bingo game for teaching phonics skills and reading fluency.

Editable Apple Theme Bingo Game

Alphabet letter tracing letter formation worksheets for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Alphabet Letter Tracing Worksheets to Learn Letter Formation

Alphabet letter recognition activity for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Alphabet Letter Recognition Clip Strips

Alphabet letter recognition mats for kids to learn letters.

Alphabet Stew Letter Recognition Mats

Free printable all about me name worksheets for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

All About Me Name Worksheets – Letters in My Name

Number worksheets for learning numbers 0-20 in pre-k and kindergarten.

Dot the Number Worksheets

educational art activities for kindergarten

Syllable Counting Clip Cards Free Printable

Alphabet play dough cards for kids to learn letters in preschool and kindergarten.

Alphabet Play Dough Cards Activity

Free printable compound words phonological awareness activity for kids.

Compound Word Clip Cards Free Printable

Number sense activity strips for kids to build number sense and learn numbers in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Number Activity Strips Free Printable

A hands-on phonics activity for adding missing sounds to CVC words.

Missing Beginning Sound CVC Word Mats Free Printable

Free printable phoneme substitution phonics activity for kids who are learning to read.

Printable Middle Sounds Phoneme Substitution Cards

Free printable sun theme CVC phoneme segmentation phonics and phonemic awareness activity.

Sun CVC Word Building Strips Free Printable

Free printable ice cream theme alphabet activity for kids in pre-k and kindergarten.

Ice Cream Beginning Sounds Clip Cards Free Printable

Kindergarten centers for math and literacy stations in your kindergarten classroom.

160+ Kindergarten Centers for the Whole Year

Free printable phonemic awareness letter sound isolation mats for your phonics centers in kindergarten and first grade.

Beach Letter Sound Isolation Mats Free Printable

Ocean fish CVC word cards CVC activity for kids.

Fish CVC Word Building Cards Free Printable

Fish rhyming activity for kids to develop phonological awareness.

Ocean Fish Rhyming Clip Strips Free Printable

Ocean CVC word activity mats for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Ocean CVC Word Mats – Roll, Build, & Write Printable

Free printable caterpillar word work mats for spring literacy centers in kindergarten and first grade.

Editable Caterpillar Word Work Mats Free Printable

Number mats for kids to learn numbers 0-10.

Dot Number Activity Mats Free Printable

Free printable alphabet mats for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Dot Letter Alphabet Mats Free Printable

Caterpillar comparing sets clip cards for kids in kindergarten.

Caterpillar Comparing Sets Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable spring bee math activity for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Spring Bee Roll and Cover Number Mats Free Printable

Butterfly alphabet activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Butterfly Beginning Sounds Alphabet Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable frog theme CVC words phonics activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Frog CVC Word Building Strips Free Printable

Flower comparing numbers math activity for kids in kindergarten.

Flower Comparing Sets Math Activity

A fun flower CVC word activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Flower CVC Word Building Cards Free Printable

educational art activities for kindergarten

Fizzy Rainbow Science Experiment

Flower alphabet activity for kids in pre-k and kindergarten.

Flower Alphabet Mats – Roll, Build and Write

Easter egg math activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Easter Egg Roll and Cover the Number Free Printable

Spring theme resources for teaching preschool and kindergarten.

Spring Theme Activities for Kids

Easter bunny editable word work mats for kids who are learning to read and write in kindergarten and first grade.

Editable Easter Bunny Word Work Mats

Make 10 math activity for kindergarten. Learn friends of ten and combinations of ten in a fun way!

Make Ten Math Activity Free Printable

A free printable rainbow CVC activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Rainbow CVC Activity Roll, Build, Write Mats Free Printable

Editable name tracing and spelling printables. Type each name once and all of the pages are filled in for you! Perfect for preschool name learning.

Free Editable Name Tracing Printable Worksheets for Name Practice

Rainbow rhyming clip strips literacy activity for kids.

Rainbow Rhyming Clip Strips Free Printable

Alphabet Printables Feature

Free Alphabet Printables

Free printable teen numbers clip cards for kids in kindergarten.

Teen Number Matching Clip Cards Free Printable

A fun 2D shapes math activity for learning shapes in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

2D Shapes Clip Cards Free Printable

Word search CVC worksheets for kids to learn to read and write CVC words.

Word Search CVC Worksheets Free Printable

Free printable Valentine's Day roll and cover the numbers math activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Valentine’s Day Roll and Cover the Number Free Printable

A fun Valentine's Day beginning sounds alphabet activity for kids in preschool, kindergarten and first grade.

Valentine’s Day Beginning Sounds Alphabet Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable number sense activity for kids to practice composing numbers in kindergarten and first grade.

Number Tower Mats Free Printable

A free printable CVC phonics activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

CVC Words Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable number matching clip cards for kids to build number sense in preschool and kindergarten.

Free Printable Number Matching Clip Cards

Free printable penguin comparing groups math activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Penguin Comparing Sets Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable snow theme CVC word activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Snowflake CVC Word Building Strips for Kindergarten

Snowman number sense math activity for kids in preschool, kindergarten and first grade.

Snowman Number Spin & Build Mats Free Printable

Free printable snowman alphabet activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Free Printable Snowman Beginning Sounds Mats

Christmas 100 chart and 120 chart number sense activity for kids.

Gingerbread 100 and 120 Chart Find and Cover the Number Game

Free printable Christmas beginning sounds alphabet activity for kids.

Christmas Cookie Beginning Sounds Clip Cards Free Printable

educational art activities for kindergarten

Christmas Tree Roll and Cover Number Printable Mats

Free printable gingerbread roll and cover the number mats for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Gingerbread Roll and Cover the Number Mats Free Printable

Free printable fall theme CVC words reading activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Fall Leaves CVC Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable fall leaves comparing numbers math activity for kids.

Fall Leaf Comparing Sets Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable phonics activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Printable Ending Sounds Phoneme Substitution Cards

Free printable beginning sounds alphabet activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Beginning Sounds Matching Clip Cards Free Printable

Free printable math activity for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Free Printable Number Cover Up Mats

Free printable spider literacy center activity for learning letters, CVC words, phonics skills and high frequency words.

Free Printable Spider Word Work Mats

Pumpkin theme numbers and counting mats for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Pumpkin Numbers Spin & Build Mats Free Printable

Pumpkin CVC word work activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

Pumpkin CVC Words Spin & Build Mats Free Printable

Free printable apple 100 chart and 120 chart math activity for kids.

Apple 100 and 120 Chart Find and Cover the Number Game

Pumpkin theme number math activity for kids in preschool, pre-k and kindergarten.

Pumpkin Roll and Cover Number Mats Free Printable

Free printable apple theme word work activity for kids.

Editable Apple Spin & Build Mats

Free printable apple math activity for kids.

Free Printable Apple Roll and Cover Number Mats

Free printable number formation math and handwriting activity for kids.

Number Formation Cards Free Printable

Apple theme pre-writing tracing strips for fine motor skills with kids in preschool.

Free Printable Apple Fine Motor Tracing Strips for Pre-Writing Practice

Back to school word work activity for kids.

Free Printable Back to School Spin and Build Word Work Mats

Back to school four in a row game for kids who are learning letters, numbers, sight words, phonics skill and more!

Editable Back to School Four in a Row Printable Game


  1. 78 Kindergarten Art Projects To Spark Early Creativity

    Harold and the Purple Crayon is a perennial children's favorite, so this kindergarten art project is sure to be a big hit. Make sculptures by dipping yarn in glue and attaching a paper purple crayon to the end. Get tutorial: Yarn Art. The Pinterested Parent. 15. Use straw painting to make dreamy peacocks.

  2. The Best Kindergarten Art Projects: Teacher Approved Art Lessons

    Kindergarten Art Projects - Art Lessons. Art is an essential part of kindergarten education, and with the right art activities and supplies, it can be a fun and engaging experience for kindergarteners.. From watercolor and crayon to tempera paint and printable art projects, there are endless possibilities to spark creativity and develop fine motor skills.

  3. Kindergarten Crafts: 30 Fun Art Projects and Activities

    Discover engaging and easy-to-follow crafts for kindergarteners that spark creativity and foster learning. 30 fun kindergarten crafts are a wonderful way to introduce young learners to the joys of making something with their own hands. From exploring cultural crafts that broaden their worldview to creative art and craft activities that challenge their imagination, these activities are designed ...

  4. 88 Kindergarten Art Projects: Painting Ideas, Crafts, Paper Arts

    Art is important for so many reasons. Teaching art to kids gives them the same tools of self-expression as the famous artists we all admire. In addition to self-expression, lots of important skills are developed through art. Kindergarten art projects teach kids the following things: Coming up with art projects for kindergarteners can be a …

  5. 75+ LOTS of EASY Kindergarten Crafts and Art Project Ideas

    kids safe scissors and glue. paper - cardstock paper and construction. paper hole punch. google eyes. yarn in assorted colors. tissue paper assortment. white paper plates - the cheap kind. sharpies (with adult supervision) foil, plastic spoons, egg cartons, shaving cream pasta, etc.

  6. 50 Kindergarten Art Projects

    We've curated a list of 50 captivating and educational art activities tailored for kindergartners, such as: Finger Painting: Let children explore colors and textures using their fingers to paint. Collage Creations: Provide magazines, colored paper, and glue for children to create collages.

  7. 23 Easy Art Projects for Kindergarten Kids

    23 Easy Art Projects for Kindergarten Kids. December 29, 2023 by Zohra Waqas. Art is a magical gateway for young minds to express their creativity, explore their imaginations, and develop essential skills. For kindergarteners, art projects serve as a colorful canvas that nurtures their cognitive, emotional, and physical growth.

  8. 58 Free Directed Drawing Activities for Kids

    Learn more: Man Drawing at I Heart Crafty Things. 10. Llama. Llamas are as popular as ever, so they make the perfect choice for directed drawing. 11. Penguin. Natalie Lynn Kindergarten/Penguin Activities via natalielynnkindergarten.com. The free printable worksheet makes drawing this chubby penguin pal a snap.

  9. Art Projects for Kids to Make All Year

    80+ of the best art projects for kids in preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary. Holiday, seasonal, and evergreen art activities. Fun-A-Day! fun & meaningful learning every day. ... My name is Mary Catherine, and I love to share meaningful {and fun} learning activities for kiddos! Feel free to browse and stay awhile!

  10. 30 Art Projects for Kindergarten

    Cow Hand-print Art - Grab the white and black paint and some googly eyes for a fun hand-print art project. Hand Print Heart Craft - This hand-print art project is perfect for Valentine's Day. A to Z Fingerprint Crafts - Fingerprint painting can help kids learn the alphabet, from A to Z. Heart Thumbprint Art - Use a cutout and ...

  11. 37 Easy Art Projects for Kids of All Ages

    Easy Art Projects for Elementary School Students. 9. Paper Plate Snake. Pink Stripey Socks/Easy and Colorful Paper Plate Snakes via pinkstripeysocks.com. Have your students paint a paper plate with watercolors and then once dry, help them cut it in a swirl shape. Finally, add some googly eyes.

  12. 15 Arts and Crafts Projects for Kindergartners

    Little Bins for Little Hands. Baking soda, glue, and saline make a super-stretchy and super-safe slime that's perfect for kindergartners. Kids can create slime in a bunch of different colors, then squish around for hours relieving some built-up kinetic energy. Rainbow Slime from Little Bins for Little Hands. 08 of 15.

  13. Kindergarten Arts & Crafts Activities for Kids

    Kindergarten arts and crafts are perfect for the crafty five- or six-year-old in your life. Try these fun kindergarten arts and crafts with your child. ... Kindergarten arts and crafts activities can include both indoor and outdoor fun, and teach anything from biology to art. ... Fun educational games for kids. SpanishDictionary.com. Spanish ...

  14. 50 Easy Preschool Art Projects

    Here are a few ideas to support learning through art activities. Provide a diverse range of supplies. Firstly, gather a wide range of materials for your child to use like paint, colored pencils, chalk, play dough, markers, crayons, oil pastels, scissors, and stamps. See our helpful supply list below. Encourage, but don't lead.

  15. Free Art Preschool Lesson Plans

    Literacy Activities for an Art Preschool Theme. Tape Resist Art with Letters or Names - Staple a few pieces of black construction paper together to make a booklet. You want twice as many front to back pages in the booklet as the name of your preschooler. Draw out the letters of the child's name on contact paper.

  16. The Best Kindergarten Crafts for Kids to Boost ...

    1. Paper Bag Kitty. Letter crafts are a great way to introduce children to the alphabet while engaging in a creative activity. Creating a paper bag kitty is an excellent craft idea for the letter "K". Children can cut out ears, eyes, a nose, and whiskers from construction paper and then glue them onto a paper bag.

  17. Teaching Preschool Art Lessons

    More Learning Levels Preschool Kindergarten to Grade 2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 (Middle School) Grades 9-12 (High School and Adults) Teaching art to Preschoolers Preschool aged children (aged 2, 3, ... Ideal Arts Activities for Preschoolers: Young children love to play with dough. They can squish and pound it and form it into fascinating shapes.

  18. 22 Winter-Themed Activities for the Kindergarten Classroom

    And here are 13 Free 100th Day of School Ideas and Activities for Kindergarten so you can pull off a fun, themed day with learning at the forefront. More Themed Activities for Kindergarten. 73 Cool Pete the Cat Freebies and Teaching Resources; 51 Groovy Pete the Cat Lesson Plans and Freebies; 12 Free Dr. Seuss Activities for Kindergarten

  19. Arts Games

    Create your own game! Hop on a video call to play games like Follow the Leader, Freeze Dance, and What's Missing! Paint and play with Peg and Cat! Explore the Alaskan wilderness with Molly, her mom, and Nina. Take photos of amazing animals and record what you find in your notebook. Interact with and learn about foods, music, art and culture ...

  20. 25+ Kindergarten Activities (Hands-On & Playful)

    Shape Art Activity - A fun painting activity with overlapping shapes. DIY Board Game - Let your child make their own board game. Kindergarten Activities are so important - our kids need them. Moving away from worksheets and screen-based learning is CRUCIAL for this age group. Don't let the toddlers and preschoolers have all the hands-on ...

  21. 10 Creative & Educational Art Activities for Preschoolers

    Water and corn syrup. Paper sheets. Highlighter marker. 6. Blown art. This activity provides an innovative and fun new way for your toddler to perfect their artistic and painting skills. Blow painting will have your toddler giggling as he creates unique splotches and shapes in an array of vivid hues. Materials: .

  22. Art Activities for Preschoolers [6 Parent-Favorite DIY Games]

    Many simple preschool art activities can be done at home for free with a few common materials; Digital and hands-on creative art activities like the ones in Begin's learning membership strengthen kids' creativity and support other learning; 1. Finger Painting What You Need. Plastic, newspaper, or other covering; Kid-safe finger paint

  23. 10 Creative Art Activities for Preschoolers

    Amp up tape resist art. Instead of just chunks of tape around on a piece of paper, or you doing it, have them tear a piece of tape to create a picture! Add details to the finished tape resist art. Add sensory to art. We used sand, but really anything can be used in its place. Flour, salt, sugar, dirt, rice, tissue paper.

  24. 200+ Free Kindergarten Activities and Printables

    200+ Free Kindergarten Activities and Printables. October 23, 2023. These kindergarten activities and printable activities for kindergarten will make learning fun and effective. Plus, they are easy to prep and will save you so much time!