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How To Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

By Whitney | Basic Photo Editing • Photo Editor Tutorials

adding speech bubbles to photos

There are some photos that are just asking for a speech bubble. The expression on someone’s face usually sets it off. You take one look and instantly think of the perfect caption, then proceed to laugh out loud at the perfectness of it all. They say pictures are worth a thousand words but some can be summed up in just a few hilariously fitting ones.

For all the photos you come across that would be made even better with a speech bubble, we’ve got a little something that will help you get the look in just a few clicks. Whatever the caption, you can add BeFunky’s Speech Bubble overlays to your photos and type away! They’re sure to help you share the fun with all of your friends, all in a matter of minutes.

Speech Bubbles Help Tell A Story  

Whether you want to turn your photo into a professional-looking comic or just want to have a little fun, any time is a good time to add a speech bubble. You can make an image hilarious by adding the right caption, or simply say exactly what you were thinking when you took that last selfie. There are many different kinds of speech bubbles that are available in BeFunky to help you tell your story. Here's a little sample of them and when to use each kind: 

when to use speech bubbles

Similar to making memes, speech bubbles can help you get the point across in a unique way. Here are some of the best cases where speech bubbles can make your photos more amusing:

Awkward Family Photos. Family photos can be a great opportunity to add a thought or speech bubble, the more awkward the better!  

how to add speech bubbles to photos

Pet Photography. Since animals can say so much with their facial expressions and nonverbal cues, you can give them a voice with a speech bubble.

adding speech bubbles to photos in BeFunky

Photos With Your Best Friend. Because you know each other well enough that you have a million inside jokes.

custom speech bubbles for photos in BeFunky

For Stating Facts And Quotes. For a school project or a website, a speech bubble can be an easy and intriguing way to make a point.

free speech bubbles for photos

How To Add A Speech Bubble In BeFunky

If you’re dying to add a speech bubble or two to your photos, BeFunky makes it incredibly easy. First, head to the Photo Editor and upload a photo.

upload your photo BeFunky speech bubbles

Under the Graphics tab, click Search Graphics and then search for Speech Bubbles. Multiple options will come up, some with pre-filled text and others that are blank for you to type your own messages.

search BeFunky speech bubbles

From here, you can click and drag the speech bubble wherever it fits best on your photo, and use the blue circles around it to resize and rotate.  If you hold down the Shift key while dragging the blue circles, you’ll be able to resize your speech bubble in freeform!

Notice that when you click on your speech bubble, a Graphic Properties toolbar appears. In this menu, you can flip the orientation of the speech bubble so it’s facing the correct direction, if need be. The Graphic Properties toolbar also presents you with tons of options to change the color, opacity, blend mode, and more!

edit your graphics BeFunky speech bubbles

When you’ve got your speech bubble exactly where you want it, it’s time for the fun part: adding some text. Click on the Text tab in the left menu and select Add Text . Select the text box that appears and start typing!

From the Text Properties toolbar that appears when your text box is selected, you can change the font, font color, paragraph orientation, and more. It’s best to start by resizing your text box to fit inside the speech bubble. That way, you’ll know exactly what the end result will look like.

add text BeFunky speech bubbles

Once you've got your text looking perfect, you're ready to save and share your photo! Using the Save button at the top of the Photo Editor, you'll be able to save your photo to your computer, Dropbox, and more.

save BeFunky speech bubbles

If you're ready to share it on social media right away, select the Share button at the top of the Photo Editor and automatically post it to your Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, or Twitter!

final image BeFunky speech bubbles

Take It To The Next Level With Cartoonizer

If you’re going for more of a comic book feel, we’ve got some really cool effects that will take your photo to the next level! Clicking on the Artsy tab will open a huge library of photo to art effects that will transform your photo into something that looks like it came from the pages of a graphic novel. One of the best effects for this is BeFunky’s Cartoonizer .

cartoonizer BeFunky speech bubbles

When you click on the Cartoonizer category, you’ll find several effects that will take you from photo to cartoon in a single click. Preview each effect on your photo until you find one you love.

cartoonizer on your photo BeFunky

Notice that each Cartoonizer effect has it’s own Settings Menu where you can control the strength of the effect, colors, and detail level. Once you're satisfied, click Save.

save cartoonizer BeFunky speech bubbles

The best part about these Photo To Art effects is that they’re completely exclusive to BeFunky - you can’t find them anywhere else. That means you’ve got yourself a photo that’s truly unique. And just look at that detail! 

Final image cartoonizer BeFunky speech bubbles

Ready to start adding speech bubbles to your photos or turning them into comics? Our Photo Editor has everything you could ever need and then some. Follow the link below to get started!

Photo Editing, Simplified.

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  • Speech balloons/text

Let’s create speech balloons! - How to use the balloon tool -



Here we will explain how to create “Speech balloons” - a unique form of expression in comics - and well will introduce the balloon tools along with some other useful tips.

[1] Speech balloons in CLIP STUDIO PAINT

Speech balloon consists of a vector outline and an inner fill part (painted white in the figure below). The color and the opacity of the inner fill can be adjusted freely, and you can also hide or tone it. Furthermore, there are other ways to create balloons by freely drawing curves and going about it free hand all-together. In the example shown below, the outline is selected with the [Object] tool.

There are roughly 3 different ways to create speech balloon in CLIP STUDIO PAINT: [■1. Balloon (Creating with a tool)], [■2. Balloon (Material)], and [■3. Flash].

■1. How to make a speech balloon using the balloon tools.

The following will explain how to make a speech balloon using the [Ellipse balloon] sub tool.

① Entering characters (texts)

Enter text using the [Text] tool.

② Creating a balloon

Create the balloon’s body using the [Ellipse balloon] tool. The created balloon will be drawn on a [Balloon] layer.

  • The [Ellipse balloon] sub tool is stored under [Balloon] in the [Balloon] tool palette in the initial settings.

③ Creating a balloon tail

Create the “tail” part sticking out of the balloon with the [Balloon tail] tool.

  • The [Balloon tail] sub tool is stored under [Balloon] in the [Balloon] tool palette in the initial settings.

The order of creating balloons or text does not matter.

It does not matter, which is created first. A layer for the balloon or the text will be created regardless. By adding text or a balloon on the same layer, both can be managed collectively on the same layer.

④ Adjusting the balloon

After creating the balloon, clicking on it with the [Object] tool will display the handles. You can change the size and aspect ratio by adjusting the individual handles.

The settings can be adjusted in the [Tool Property] and [Sub Tool Detail] palettes before using the [Balloon] tool, or when selecting a balloon with the [Object] tool.

For details on the settings of the balloon tools, please refer to [2] “How to use balloon tools.”

■2. Speech balloons from balloon materials

Apart from using tools, speech balloons can also be created with default balloon materials, which can be selected from the [Material] palette under [Manga material] → [Balloon], and pasted onto the canvas.

The operations after pasting the balloons onto the canvas are the same as for the balloons created with the balloon tool.

■3. Balloon flash

Flash speech balloons consist of vector effect lines and an inner fill (painted white in the figure below). Like balloons, the color and opacity of the inner fill can be set freely, and be hidden or toned.

Flashes are stored under [Balloon] in the [Tool] palette, but they are also very similar to the [Saturated line] tool functionally.

  • The [Flash] sub tool is contained in the [Flash] group under the [Balloon] tool in the initial settings.

The first two procedures when creating flashes are identical to normal speech balloons. However, as newly created flashes are drawn on a “saturated line” layer, operations differ from speech balloons created with balloon tools.

① Creating a flash

Use [Flash] from the [Sub Tool] palette to create a flash.

② Entering text

Enter text (characters) using the [Text] tool. Unlike the [Balloon] tool, the [Flash] tool does not combine as a text layer, but is operated separately.

③ Adjusting the flash

After creating the flash, click and select it with the [Object] tool to display the control handles. Change the size or aspect ratio by adjusting the individual handles.

Settings, such as the length of effect lines or the density of lines can be adjusted in the [Tool Property] and [Sub Tool Detail] palettes when using the [Flash] tool before creating the flash, or selecting the created flash with the [Object] tool. These can be used in the same way as the [Saturated line] tool.

[2] How to use balloon tools

The following will introduce how to create speech balloons using the [Balloon] sub tools.

■1. Ellipse balloon

Drag to select the start and end point of the ellipse, and determine the aspect ratio and size of it. Pressing the [Shift] key while dragging the balloon will draw a perfect circle.

This is the [Tool Property] of the [Ellipse balloon] sub tool.

① [Line color] and [Fill color]

Change the color of the line art and the balloon fill. Be aware that when making a new balloon, the colors may be limited to gray or monochrome depending on the canvas settings. Confirm or change this using the [Edit] menu → [Canvas properties] or [Page Management] → [Change basic page settings].

② [How to add]

If a text layer is already selected, selecting [Add to selected layer] will add a balloon to the same layer.

Turn [Layer effect] → [Toning] ON when applying a tone based on the color set by [① Fill color] to the created balloon. Set ⑥ Anti-aliasing to [None] when toning.

Select a balloon shape. Even if the figure changes, it can be created with the same steps.

⑤ [Brush Size]

Adjust the line width with this.

⑥ [Anti-aliasing]

Set whether or not to add anti-aliasing.

⑦ Brush shape

Select the shape of the brush tip.

The following are examples of [Pen], [Dotted line] and [Waved line] brush shapes.

■2. Curve balloon

Create a free shaped balloon by making curves. The method to create it changes with the selected ① [Curve].

Select a method to create a line.

・[Straight line]

Each time a point is clicked, a straight line between points will be drawn. Double click the final point to confirm.

A curve is drawn by clicking different points. Double click the final point (or press the Enter key) to confirm.

・[Quadratic Bezier] and [Cubic Bezier]

Create a balloon using a quadratic bezier or a cubic bezier.

Making ② pointed

If there are any corners on the line, they may become round when scaling up, due to the shape of the brush being used. Choose whether to sharpen these lines at the corners or not.

Items other than ① and ② in the [Tool Property] are the same as those in the [Ellipse balloon] tool.

■3. Balloon Pen

Create a balloon as if you are drawing with the [Pen] tool. This also supports pen pressure, therefore, speech bubbles with uneven strokes can be created.

In the settings, the thickness of the line can be adjusted so that the pen pressure works just like the [Pen] tool.

① Brush size

In the same way as the [Pen] tool, the line width can be changed by adjusting the brush size.

② Control brush size

Click on the icon to adjust the elements that affect the brush size. To apply pen pressure similarly to the [Pen] tool, check the [Pen pressure] and set it to ON. To prevent the pen pressure from being applied, turn all check marks OFF.

③ Post correction

This feature corrects lines to make them smoother.

■4. Settings when creating balloons: Other

In the [Sub Tool Detail] palette of the [Balloon] tool, there are items that are not displayed in the [Tool Property] palette. These special settings are as follows.

① [Line/Fill]

Select whether to display the balloon’s lines and fills. Increasing the transparency of the inside of the balloon, and adding edges when characters and images are superimposed will make it easier to read.

・ Create new layer

・ Add to selected layer

When creating a balloon near an existing balloon or text, select whether to create the balloon on a new layer or on the same one.

③ Combine with the text in the drawing area

Creating a balloon above inputted text will group the elements on the same text layer. Multiple text/balloon layers can also be combined into one layer afterwards.

[3] How to create balloon tails

Here we will show how to create a tail for a speech balloon. From [How to bend], choose a drawing type out of [Straight line], [Polyline] or [Spline].

[How to bend]

Choose between [Straight line], [Polyline] or [Spline].

A [Straight line] Creates a straight tail. Dragging between the start point 1 and the end point 2 creates a straight tail.

B [Polyline] Creates a tail with corners. Click to create corner parts starting from point 1, and keep clicking further to create more points. Confirm by double clicking at the last point.

C [Spline] Creates a curved tail. Start clicking the point 1to start, click in further to add more points, and confirm by double clicking at the last point.

[4] How to use the flash tool

Depending on the registered sub tool settings, the drawn content will change drastically.

To create a flash, set the size by dragging from the start point to the end point in the same way as the [Ellipse balloon].

■1. Creating a flash

Use the sub tool [Sea urchin flash] to create a flash.

■2. Adjusting the flash

We will adjust the created flash. In this example, the situation is that the lines are “too long”, “too thick” and “not blank inside” as compared to what is intended.

Selecting the [Object] tool will display the path of the flash sheech balloon.

■3. Adjusting the line width and density

Adjust the flash with the [Tool Property] palette.

・Make the lines thinner by adjusting the [Brush Size].

・Adjust the line density using [Gap of line (distance)].

This process is executed as thinner lines create wider gaps between lines.

■4. Adjusting the line length

・Shorten the [Length].

■Adjusting the “Rough edges”

Click the [+] mark on the left side of [Make the reference position jags] to access further settings. Lowering the value of [Height] and shortening the rough edges makes it more like a sea urchin flash.

■6. Adjusting the flash size

Using the handle displayed on the path of the flash, adjust the size of the flash so that it matches the text.

[5] Advanced use of Balloon/Flash

■1. Combining multiple balloons (* only speech balloons)

The overlapping parts will combine when multiple balloons are gathered on one layer. Keep the balloons on separate layers to display them separately, and create them on one layer to combine them.

To gather multiple existing balloon layers, select the layers to gather and use [Layer] menu → [Merge with layer below] or [Combine selected layer].

■2. Fitting a balloon in a frame border - advanced use of layer masks

Each balloon and flash created will be managed on its own layer. Drawing tools such as [Pen] and [Eraser] are unavailable on these layers. When erasing a section, use a mask. Furthermore, by rasterizing the layer with the [Layer] menu → [Rasterize], you can directly draw and erase the balloon. However, you will not be able to make any further edits to the contents.

When using balloons and flash tools, it may overlap with frame borders. A [Mask] can be useful in that case.

  • For more functional details on layer masks, please refer to “How to master the layer mask 1”.

① Specify the display area

Mask so that the speech bubble does not overlap with the frame border or the characters. Select the area using tools such as the [Auto select] tool.

Using the [Selection Area] menu → [Quick Mask] is beneficial as the area can be selected using the [Fill] tools or other drawing tools, etc.

② Creating a layer mask

After creating the selection area, select [Layer] menu → [Layer Mask] → [Mask Outside Selection] to create a layer mask. To hide the selected area, choose [Mask Selection]. The created mask can be checked via the thumbnail displayed in the [Layer] palette.

Display the mask from the [Layer] menu → [Layer Mask] → [Show Mask Area].

The mask can be toggled ON/OFF with the following operations.

・Color of the masked sections: [Alt] + thumbnail mask click

・Toggling ON/OFF of the mask itself: Click [Shift] + thumbnail mask

③ The completed masked flash

The flash is completed if the created flash is partially masked and hidden. Further adjustments are possible as long as the layer of the flash is not rasterized (by combining images etc.).

・Masking multiple flashes

For balloons created with the [Balloon] tool, multiple balloons can be registered on a single special layer, but for flashes created using the [Flash] tool, one flash occupies one layer.

To use the same mask on multiple flashes, make a folder containing multiple flash layers and apply a mask to the folder.

It is useful to use [Divide frame folder] when creating frame borders, as a mask is created on each frame. By creating a balloon or flash inside the frame border folder, the mask will hide the part sticking out of the frame border.

  • In the initial settings, the [Divide frame folder] sub tool is stored under [Cut frame border] of the [Frame border] tool.

This concludes the lesson on how to use the balloon tool. When creating a balloons, please also have a look as “How to use text tools”.

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How to Easily Add Speech Bubble in Canva: A Step-by-Step Guide

Home » Blog » How to Easily Add Speech Bubble in Canva: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Easily Add Speech Bubble in Canva: A Step-by-Step Guide

Founder of & Professional Graphic Designer

Jake Tucker

Canva Templates is reader supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

Canva is a popular graphic design platform that offers a wide range of tools and features to help users create stunning designs for various purposes. One of the most sought-after features of Canva is its speech bubble maker, which allows users to add speech bubbles to their photos and designs with ease. Whether you’re creating a comic strip or a social media post, adding a speech bubble can help convey the message more effectively.

To add a speech bubble to your design in Canva, you can choose from a variety of pre-made speech bubble shapes and styles. You can also customize the size, color, and font of the text inside the bubble to match your design. Canva’s speech bubble maker is easy to use, even for beginners, and offers a range of options to suit different design needs.

Accessing Speech Bubble in Canva

how do i make speech bubbles

Canva is a popular graphic design tool that offers a wide range of features, including speech bubbles. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access speech bubbles in Canva:

Step 1: Open Canva

To get started, open Canva and sign in to your account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one for free. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to the Canva homepage.

How to Easily Add a Speech Bubble in Canva

Step 2: Select Speech Bubble

Next, navigate to the search bar at the top of the page and type in “speech bubble.” This will bring up a list of speech bubble templates that you can choose from. Simply select the speech bubble template that you want to use by clicking on it.

Alternatively, you can also create your own speech bubble by using the “shapes” tool. To do this, click on the “Elements” tab and then select the “Shapes” category. From here, choose the “Bubbles” sub-category and then select the speech bubble shape you want to use. With your speech bubble selected, click on the “Text” tab and enter the text you want to display inside the bubble.

How to Use Canva Templates for Facebook Marketing

Once you have selected or created your speech bubble, you can customize it by changing the color, font, and size of the text. You can also add additional elements to your design, such as images and icons, to make it more visually appealing.

Customizing Speech Bubble

how do i make speech bubbles

Customizing the speech bubble in Canva is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 3: Choose Speech Bubble Style

The first step is to choose the speech bubble style that best suits your design. To do this, click on the “Elements” tab on the left-hand side of the screen and then select the “Shapes” category.

How to Easily Add a Speech Bubble in Canva

From here, choose the “Bubbles” sub-category and then select the speech bubble shape you want to use. Canva provides a range of speech bubble styles to choose from, including rectangular, rounded, and cloud-shaped.

Step 4: Edit Speech Bubble Text

After you have selected the speech bubble style, the next step is to edit the text inside the bubble. To do this, simply click on the speech bubble and then click on the “Text” tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

How to Easily Add a Speech Bubble in Canva

Here, you can enter the text you want to display inside the speech bubble. You can also change the font, font size, and font color of the text to match your design.

Step 5: Adjust Speech Bubble Size and Position

Once you have customized the text inside the speech bubble, the final step is to adjust the size and position of the bubble. To do this, click on the speech bubble and then use the resizing handles to adjust the size of the bubble. You can also drag the bubble to a new position on the canvas by clicking and dragging it to a new location.

How to Easily Add a Speech Bubble in Canva

If you need to adjust the placement of the bubble more precisely, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the bubble into the desired position.

Adding Speech Bubble to Your Design

how do i make speech bubbles

Here are the steps to add a speech bubble to your design:

Step 6: Drag and Drop Speech Bubble

The first step to adding a speech bubble to your design is to drag and drop the speech bubble element onto your canvas. To do this, click on the “Elements” tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Next, select “Shapes” and then choose “Bubbles”. From here, you can select the speech bubble shape that you want to use. Once you have selected your speech bubble, simply drag and drop it onto your canvas.

How to Easily Add a Speech Bubble in Canva

Step 7: Place Speech Bubble in Your Design

Once you have added the speech bubble to your canvas, you can place it wherever you want in your design. To move the speech bubble, simply click on it and drag it to the desired location. You can also resize the speech bubble by clicking on the corner of the element and dragging it to the desired size. If you want to add text to your speech bubble, simply click on the text box and enter your desired text.

Adding a speech bubble to your design is a simple process that can help to elevate your design and make it more engaging for your audience. By following these simple steps, you can add a speech bubble to your Canva design in no time.

Adding speech bubbles to your designs in Canva is a simple and fun way to make your photos and graphics more engaging. With the wide range of customization options and pre-made templates available, you can create exactly the look that you’re after, whether it’s for an important message or just for fun.

I hope you found this guide covering how to easily add a speech bubble in Canva, useful! Be sure to check out our blog for more article covering the essential tips, tricks, and advice for Canva! Also, if you haven’t already tried CanvaPro, you can try it for free for 30 days !

Kapwing Resources

How to Add a Speech or Thought Bubble to a Photo or Video

Put a speech or thought bubble into your video using this free online tool. Make your subjects think or say something by adding a sticker and adding text. Perfect for making comics, animations, memes, and more.

How to Add a Speech or Thought Bubble to a Photo or Video

A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes, adding words to a picture adds context or humor that would otherwise be missed. A thought bubble or speech bubble is a bubble of text ascribed to a certain individual in the scene that derives from comic books.

You can use a thought bubble to show what someone is really thinking, without them having to verbalize it in video or having to use captions.

Here’s how to add a speech or thought bubble to your photo or video in 3 steps:

  • Choose your photo/video
  • Add your speech/thought bubble(s)
  • Finish and share

Step 1: Choose your photo/video

Upload your content to Kapwing’s Video Collage Creator .

Using the resize tool, change your photo or video dimensions as desired. 1:1 format is best for Instagram. 9:16 is portrait mode dimensions. 16:9 is the standard landscape mode dimensions. There are also special dimensions for social media available, or create your own custom dimensions!

how do i make speech bubbles

Step 2: Add your speech/thought bubble(s)

There's many different ways to add a speech bubble inside of the Kapwing Studio:

  • Image Search : Go to the "Images" tool in the main toolbar and search for “speech bubble” or “thought bubble” to find those images. Make sure the image is transparent or use the " Erase " tool to remove the background from the sticker. You can also add the keywords “transparent,” “png,” or “svg” to find more transparent images.
  • Emoji : Add a speech or thought emoji by clicking "Images" and the "Emoji" tab. Kapwing has the full library of Apple iOS emojis built in. Then, scroll down to find the thought bubble emoji and add it to your picture or video.
  • Upload : Find a speech bubble PNG that you want to use on Google Image search or anywhere else online and upload that file to Kapwing. You can also copy/paste the image from your clipboard.
  • Shapes : Kapwing has a speech bubble shape in the "Shapes" tab. You can add the speech bubble and change the fill and outline color.

Blank image in studio

After you add the speech or thought bubble, click on your image overlay to resize and position it on the image or video.

Once you are happy with your bubble, click “Add Text” to add its contents. Add anything or everything you are thinking or feeling to your image. Then, style and resize the text so that it fits within the speech bubble.

text layer overlay in studio

If you are adding bubbles to a video, check out the timeline feature in the bottom panel to time your bubbles to appear and disappear as the video plays. You can use the "Timeline" button in the main toolbar. In the example below, I added a speech bubble for a short part of the video using Timeline.

Timeline view

Step 3: Finish and share

Once you are happy with your image or video, click Export in the top corner of the screen. After a few moments of processing, Kapwing will return the file that you can save to your computer or phone. Download or share the Kapwing link with your friends!

final video page

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Share your work with us by tagging us Instagram or Twitter @kapwingapp, we would love to see it! Let us know if you have any thoughts or feedback in the comments.

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Speech Bubbles: 10 Astonishing Templates for Presentations

Free Speech Bubbles Templates for Powerpoint and Google Slides

If you want to get your message across loud and clear, why not use speech bubbles in your presentations? This tool, so common in comic books, can be used in many ways and for many purposes. Moreover, it will bring a fun, lively, and modern touch to your presentations. So enjoy our selection of 10 free speech bubbles templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides! They will undoubtedly leave your audience speechless!

Speech bubbles , also called speech balloons, is a quite recent graphic invention. However, there is no doubt it is here to stay. Indeed, what better way is there to report the exact words or thoughts of a person? Dialogue balloons are also very effective to transcribe dialogues in a conversation.

In this selection of 10 astonishing speech bubble templates , you will realize their uses are manifold. You will indeed find word balloons for quotes, ideas, and thoughts but also circular and linear process diagrams, radial converging charts, and other specialized slides. Choose the speech balloon template that best fits the needs of your next presentation and download it for free. Remember the bubbles when you are going to give your next speech!

1. Brainstorm and Ideas

Free Brainstorm and Ideas for powerpoint and google slides

A light bulb inside your brain: the perfect metaphor for brilliant ideas! This is exactly what this free Brainstorm and Ideas template for Google Slides and PowerPoint illustrates. The head silhouette in the center allows you to highlight the cleverness of your thoughts. But how can you express and share them? Thanks to speech bubbles, of course! The head is indeed surrounded by four colorful speech balloons. Besides, there is another text placeholder to describe the main idea of your brainstorming .

2. Speech Bubble Collection

Free Speech Bubbles Collection for powerpoint and google slides

Do you need a speech bubble with a specific shape, size, or color? You will probably find it in our Speech Bubble Collection. Indeed, this free slide for Google Slides and PowerPoint contains a set of seven speech bubble illustrations. You will find round, square, rectangular, and oval word balloons. Of course, you can adjust the size and change the colors if you wish. These speech balloons are ideal to display verbatims, quotes, thoughts, and ideas.

3. Doodle Speech Bubbles

Free Doodle Speech Bubbles for powerpoint and google slides

Do you need speech bubbles that look personalized and handcrafted? This Doodle Speech Bubbles template can actually fit a lot of purposes. This illustration with three horizontally-aligned speech balloons can be used to present quotes but also grouped lists of information. You will also find arrows that connect each bubble to the one on the right in order to emphasize their relationship. You can therefore employ this free diagram as a process or workflow chart. So, if you want to give a fun and informal touch to your presentation, download this free template now!

4. Speech Balloon Process

Free Speech Balloon Process for powerpoint and google slides

One idea always leads to another! This is the concept this speech balloon diagram will convey to your audience. You can indeed find 4-word balloons aligned horizontally and linked to each other thanks to the tails of each speech bubble. That is why this slide is perfect to showcase the connections and conversions from one step or idea to the next in your tasks, processes, or projects. Moreover, you can include absolutely anything inside each bubble: text, titles, icons, or numbers. So let your ideas speak for themselves with this free Speech Balloon Process slide template!

5. Cycle and Speech Bubbles

Free Cycle and Speech Bubbles for powerpoint and google slides

Even your cycle matrix diagram will benefit from a few speech bubbles, 4 to be exact! Indeed, you will be able to present the 4 options (stages, tasks, or steps) of your process or project thanks to the colorful circle in the center. Each stage is represented by an icon and a color that appears again in the 4 speech bubbles located around the circle. Not only can you write your main title at the center of the  cycle matrix but you can also use the  speech bubbles  on the side to describe your stages in detail.

6. Speech Bubble Converging Radial

Free Speech Bubble Converging Radial for PowerPoint and Google Slides

All your ideas communicate with each other. In this free Converging Radial diagram, 6 speech bubbles face the central circle that represents your main concept or idea. Around it, you can find these 6 colorful speech balloons for you to express your thoughts and their relationship with the central idea or objective. This original way to present your thoughts, data, or projects will mesmerize your audience. You just have to choose the right icons and a brief title and text for each idea, and the convincing job is done!

7. Man and Woman Quotes

Free Man and Woman Quotes for powerpoint and google slides

This amazing and unique design is an ingenious tool for you to display two quotes that you want to relate, compare or contrast. One will be a woman’s quote and the other will be a man’s words. Indeed, the negative space design technique used here represents a man and a woman’s head silhouette inside a speech bubble shape. The characters face different directions, thus emphasizing the dichotomy between the man and the woman’s quotes or thoughts. That is why this diagram is also ideal to compare the male and the female population, their opinions and perspectives.

8. Speech Bubble Grid

Free Speech Bubble Grid for powerpoint and google slides

It’s time for everyone to speak up! Well, maybe not everyone but at least 6 people. You can indeed find 6 options in this free speech bubble grid for PowerPoint and Google Slides template. The most important part will be the messages, quotes, ideas, or thoughts that you can include clearly in the colorful speech balloons. You can also add a number and most importantly, an icon beneath each speech bubble to symbolize the intellectual author of the idea. Let everyone enjoy their freedom of speech!

9. Brain Quote Diagram

Free Brain Quote Diagram for powerpoint and google slides

Where do your ideas and words come from? Obviously from your brain! We have therefore created an original design that represents a human brain looking like a speech bubble. The resemblance between both shapes is indeed uncanny. In addition, the brain is divided into 4 colorful parts in order to show 4 ideas, or thoughts. It can also be used as a matrix or to illustrate the concepts of brainstorming, mind, and creativity.

10. Businessman with 4 ideas

Free Businessman with 4 Ideas for powerpoint and google slides

This businessman is never short of ideas! He actually has 4 at the same time. Thanks to this free Businessman with 4 ideas template slide for PowerPoint and Google Slides, he can express all of them at the same time! Around the businessman silhouette, you will indeed find 4 speech bubbles, ideal to illustrate 4 ideas, concepts, or projects. So unleash the leader inside you and share your brilliant ideas with the world!

We hope you like our selection of the 10 Astonishing Templates with Speech Bubbles for Presentations .

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  1. How to Create a Speech Bubble in Premiere Pro and Photoshop

    how do i make speech bubbles

  2. How to Draw a Speech Bubble in Adobe Illustrator

    how do i make speech bubbles

  3. How To Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

    how do i make speech bubbles

  4. How to Create Speech Bubbles in Photoshop

    how do i make speech bubbles

  5. How To Make Speech Bubbles Using CSS

    how do i make speech bubbles

  6. How To Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

    how do i make speech bubbles


  1. How to make speech bubbles turn 3D in Scratch

  2. Speech Bubbles

  3. Speech Bubbles

  4. Speech Bubbles

  5. how to create bubbles speech Custom Shapes in Photoshop gd alfaj

  6. How to make the text in a speech bubble appear over time in Scratch


  1. Speech Bubble Maker: Add One To Your Photos!

    Customize your speech bubble's colors to accent your photos. Harmonize your design by customizing the colors of your speech bubble. Select the bubble and click on the colored circles to choose new colors from the color palette, or get the exact right hue from the color wheel. For example, if your friends are perched among autumn foliage ...

  2. How To Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

    First, head to the Photo Editor and upload a photo. Under the Graphics tab, click Search Graphics and then search for Speech Bubbles. Multiple options will come up, some with pre-filled text and others that are blank for you to type your own messages. From here, you can click and drag the speech bubble wherever it fits best on your photo, and ...

  3. Let's create speech balloons!

    Mask so that the speech bubble does not overlap with the frame border or the characters. Select the area using tools such as the [Auto select] tool. Using the [Selection Area] menu → [Quick Mask] is beneficial as the area can be selected using the [Fill] tools or other drawing tools, etc.

  4. Make a Speech Bubble: Add Speech Bubble to Video, GIF, and Photo

    Step 2 Choose the Bubble Template for Your Video/Pics. Next, go to the Text option, browse through the text effects, and find the Speech Bubbles or Comic Bubbles. Here are various text bubble animation templates that you can use for free, just pick your desired text bubble effect freely. FlexClip Add Speech Bubbles - Select.

  5. How to Easily Add Speech Bubble in Canva: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 6: Drag and Drop Speech Bubble. The first step to adding a speech bubble to your design is to drag and drop the speech bubble element onto your canvas. To do this, click on the "Elements" tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Next, select "Shapes" and then choose "Bubbles". From here, you can select the speech bubble shape ...

  6. Online Speech Bubble Maker

    Phrase.It is a simple and free speech bubble photo generator. Add speech bubbles to photos and create your own comic strips online within seconds. Great looking results guaranteed, completely free, no sign-up required. To get started, choose one of the two options below. You can create a speech bubble image with your own photo or choose a ...

  7. How to Add a Speech or Thought Bubble to a Photo or Video

    After you add the speech or thought bubble, click on your image overlay to resize and position it on the image or video. Once you are happy with your bubble, click "Add Text" to add its contents. Add anything or everything you are thinking or feeling to your image. Then, style and resize the text so that it fits within the speech bubble.

  8. How to Add a Speech Bubble to Your Photo?

    3. Choose the Speech Bubble and Add your Text. Finally, go into the "Stickers" tab and search " Speech Bubble  .". For this flyer, I want one of the more hand-drawn speech bubble designs as I want things to feel light and cute. Once you see a speech bubble that you like, drag and drop it onto the canvas.

  9. Online Speech Bubble Maker

    Choose from hundreds of speech bubbles. Click Graphics → Icons or Vectors → then search "speech bubble" or "thought bubble" to reveal hundreds of choices. You'll find speech bubbles that are round and rectangular, some that are shaped like clouds and other oddly shaped text bubbles, and some that are filled in with a color and ...

  10. Make a Pixel Speech Bubble

    Make fun and creative pixel speech bubbles with this easy online tool. Add text, spikes, animations and more to your bubble.

  11. How To Add a Speech Bubble to Photos

    Tap on the bottom toolbar of your screen to bring up a new text box, where you can type in what you want to say or write. 3. Choose "Text Bubble" from "Text". After choosing the photo you want to add speech bubbles to, slide the menu to the right to find "Text" and tap "Text Bubble" to add speech bubbles to your photo.

  12. LunaPic

    Speech Bubbles Edit, adjust & create stunning photos with LunaPic, the free online photo editor. No signup, login or installation needed. Try it now!

  13. How To Make Speech Bubbles Using The Custom Shape Tool In Photoshop

    Click on the Shape drop down box and choose the Talk Bubble. 3. Drag out the shape in your image window. Hold down Shift as you drag to constrain the proportions of the bubble, otherwise, it will look stretched and distorted. When you've dragged the speech bubble to the size you want, release the mouse.

  14. Make A Speech Bubble In Word

    To get the following speech bubble, drag the yellow handle on the right upwards and to the right. Do the same with the yellow handle on the left. The curve looks fine as it leaves the bottom point, but it soon goes awry further up. We can fix that by selecting the point (click on it) and then by dragging the leftmost yellow handle to the right.

  15. How to Create Speech Bubbles in Photoshop

    In this video, you'll learn how to how to create a speech bubbles in Photoshop, how to stylize them, and how to add them to a nice illustration from Envato E...

  16. Speech Bubbles: 10 Astonishing Templates for Presentations

    Remember the bubbles when you are going to give your next speech! 1. Brainstorm and Ideas. A light bulb inside your brain: the perfect metaphor for brilliant ideas! This is exactly what this free Brainstorm and Ideas template for Google Slides and PowerPoint illustrates.

  17. How to Create Speech Bubbles in Photoshop

    Add a Fill to the Speech Bubble Path. First, click the Create a New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. Then double-click on the layer name and change it to Fill. Next, select either the Path Selection Tool (A) or Direct Selection Tool (A), right-click on the canvas, and choose Fill Path. In the Fill Path dialog, select Foreground Color.

  18. Text bubbles: a big guide

    A text bubble, also called a speech bubble, speech balloon, or dialogue balloon is a rounded or irregularly shaped outline filled with text and features a tail pointing toward the speaker. The concept is well-known thanks to Superman, Batman, and Disney characters who spoke through speech bubbles. In comics, they express the words, thoughts, or ...

  19. Manga Tutorial for Beginners 08 Let's draw frames and speech bubbles

    2. Speech Bubbles. There are various styles of speech bubbles as shown below. Before drawing the bubbles, create a layer for speech bubbles. Select "Add / 1 Bit" from the Layer tab and change the name to "Speech Bubbles" etc. After creating the layer, begin drawing the speech bubbles. Let's start off with the standard oval bubble ...

  20. how do i make speech bubbles in google docs ?

    In this video we will learn that how do i make speech bubbles in google docs? Google docs basic learning:

  21. Speech Bubble Meme Maker

    Why did you make this? I made this tool because I often found content on Discord and other social media platforms that needed to be turned into a speech bubble meme. However, when I tried to find a reliable speech bubble meme generator on Google, I couldn't find any suitable websites.

  22. Add Speech Bubble to Photo Online (Free Stickers & Icons)

    To add a speech bubble on pictures, upload your photo or drag n drop it to the editor. Next, click on the 'Elements' tab at the left sidebar and select "Speech Bubbles" from the dropdown submenu. Select any speech bubble object and add it to your image along with your caption. After you're done, download the image in multiple file ...

  23. javascript

    1. If you want to draw a speech bubble on the canvas in response to a mouse click/hover, you have to capture the mouse x and y relative to the canvas position on the page, then determine if the part of the canvas that holds that circle was clicked/hovered. Personally I would create an object for each clickable region, give it x/y/width/height ...

  24. This is How You Remember It by Catherine Prasifka, review: an internet

    This is a coming-of-age story written with the oppressive propulsion of a thriller. Slow it down, though, and the clichés come into focus. "The computer has become an extension of yourself.

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    Each pollen variety has a season, starting and ending around the same time each year. However, these can vary based on temperature, rainfall, wind and sunlight, notes Yolanda Clewlow, the Met ...

  26. Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard's Salaries, Revealed

    The image displays the logo of Bravo, consisting of a gradient from blue to purple speech bubble with the word "bravo" in white lowercase letters.

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    I try to do what I think is right and I thought the boys who came on did really well. I don't even know who started the last game. Cody [Gakpo] didn't start the last game.

  28. Brittany's Money "Hurt Jax''s Ego" After Vanderpump Rules

    The image displays the logo of Bravo, consisting of a gradient from blue to purple speech bubble with the word "bravo" in white lowercase letters.

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    Protein in general, as a nutrient, we do know that it's helpful in a weight loss context, because it's a really complex thing to digest and absorb. So it tends to make people feel fuller for ...