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Prezi  - What is Prezi?

Prezi  -, what is prezi, prezi what is prezi.

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Prezi: What is Prezi?

Lesson 1: what is prezi.

Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It's similar to other presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. In recent years, it has become popular in schools and businesses. If you're looking to create a presentation that's a bit more eye-catching and engaging, Prezi may be for you.

How does a prezi work?

Most types of presentation software use a slide-based approach, where you move back and forth between individual slides, kind of like pages in a book. Prezi, however, uses a canvas-based approach. Instead of using slides, Prezi has one very large canvas that your presentation moves around on, zooming in and out to view various frames .

This concept is much easier to describe with a visual aid, so we've embedded a sample prezi below. Simply select Start Prezi , then use the arrows at the bottom to navigate through the presentation.

Why use Prezi?

You might be wondering what makes Prezi different from other presentation software, like PowerPoint or Keynote . For one thing, Prezi is completely free to use. There are upgrades you can pay for to unlock additional features, but everything you need to create and share a dynamic prezi is available free of cost.

Another great reason to use Prezi is that it is run entirely through your web browser, meaning there will be fewer compatibility issues than with other programs like PowerPoint. Your prezi will always look the same , no matter what computer you're viewing it on.

Because of its unique presentation style, Prezi can use movement and metaphor to help communicate a point you're trying to make. If you want your audience to really feel a sense of space and distance between locations, you could use a map template , like in the prezi below.

Or maybe you want to illustrate how there's more to a certain topic or viewpoint than there appears to be. In this case, perhaps an iceberg template would be more effective.

In the next lesson, we'll show you how to create and edit prezis of your own!



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Mastering online training: a useful guide and Prezi’s impact

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera August 31, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, where technology connects people across the globe, the traditional methods of learning and training have evolved. Online training has emerged as a powerful tool, offering individuals and businesses the flexibility to learn and teach from anywhere. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of online training, explore its nuances, and uncover the best practices to make your online training sessions truly impactful. Moreover, we’ll explore how Prezi is transforming the online training landscape.

Businessman sitting at his desk smiling during an online training in office. Young man on a video conference meeting at office.

What is online training?

Online training, also known as e-learning, is an educational format that leverages digital technology to deliver educational content to learners remotely. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online training allows participants to access courses, lessons, and materials through the Internet, providing the flexibility to learn at their own pace and convenience. This virtual approach to education has gained immense popularity due to its accessibility and effectiveness.

Benefits of online training

  • Flexibility: Learners can access training materials at their convenience, eliminating geographical constraints and time barriers.
  • Cost-efficiency: Online training eliminates the need for travel and physical resources, making it a cost-effective solution for individuals and organizations.
  • Personalization: Tailored learning paths cater to individual needs, ensuring a more engaging and effective learning experience.
  • Progress tracking: Advanced learning management systems enable tracking of individual progress and performance, allowing trainers to provide targeted support.

Student woman during online training on laptop at home

How to conduct effective online training

Content creation.

In the realm of online training, content creation stands as the foundation upon which the entire learning experience is built. Creating content that captures learners’ attention, sustains their interest, and facilitates understanding is paramount to the success of any online training endeavor.

Developing engaging content

When designing your online training materials, consider the needs and preferences of your target audience. Craft content that is not only informative but also engaging and relatable. Utilize real-world examples, case studies, and anecdotes to illustrate concepts and make them resonate with learners.  To illustrate what engaging content looks like, here’s a Prezi presentation example:

Alignment with learning objectives

Every piece of content you create should align seamlessly with the learning objectives of your course or training program. Start by clearly defining these objectives and then tailor your content to meet them. This alignment ensures that every piece of information contributes directly to the learners’ overall understanding and skill development. 

Harnessing multimedia elements

Gone are the days when training materials consisted solely of text. Today’s learners expect a dynamic and multimedia-rich experience. Incorporate various multimedia elements to cater to different learning styles. Integrate short videos that explain complex concepts visually, interactive quizzes that test understanding in real-time, and infographics that distill complex information into digestible visual snippets. Explore a Prezi presentation that scores in engaging multimedia elements:

Interactivity and engagement

Interactive elements, such as quizzes, polls, and interactive simulations, not only enhance engagement but also reinforce learning. Encourage learners to actively participate and apply what they’ve learned in a practical context. This approach transforms passive learning into an immersive experience that sticks in the memory.

Visual storytelling

Utilize the power of visual storytelling to convey your message effectively. Incorporate relevant images, videos, and charts that complement your content. Visual aids not only break up the text but also provide a graphical representation of abstract ideas, aiding in comprehension. Here’s a Prezi presentation example that’s rich in visual storytelling:

In the realm of online virtual training, engagement holds the key to making the learning experience not only informative but also enjoyable and memorable. Creating an environment that encourages learners to actively participate and interact with the content and with each other is crucial for achieving these goals.

Discussion forums

Discussion forums are digital spaces where learners can engage in thoughtful conversations about course topics. These platforms allow learners to ask questions, share insights, and learn from their peers’ perspectives. Trainers can seed discussions with thought-provoking questions, prompt learners to analyze real-world scenarios and encourage them to offer solutions. This collaborative approach transforms the virtual training session from a one-way transmission of information to a dynamic exchange of ideas.

Virtual classrooms

Virtual classrooms offer a space for real-time interactions akin to a physical classroom setting. Utilizing web conferencing tools, trainers can conduct live sessions where learners participate in lectures, presentations, and group discussions. The ability to ask questions in real time and receive immediate responses enhances engagement and provides clarity on complex topics. Moreover, virtual classrooms foster a sense of community among learners, as they can see and interact with their fellow participants, bridging the gap between physical separation. Discover what a virtual classroom presentation could look like when designed at Prezi:

Live Q&A sessions

Live question-and-answer sessions provide an avenue for learners to seek clarification on concepts they find challenging. These sessions can be conducted periodically, allowing learners to submit their questions in advance or ask them spontaneously during the session. Addressing learners’ queries demonstrates the trainer’s commitment to their understanding and success. It also encourages a supportive learning environment where learners feel valued and empowered to actively participate.

Active participation

Encouraging learners to actively engage with the material is vital for retention. Integrate interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and scenario-based activities that prompt learners to apply their knowledge in practical situations. Gamification techniques, where learners earn points or rewards for completing tasks, can also boost engagement by adding an element of competition and achievement.

Peer-to-peer learning

Promote peer-to-peer learning by assigning group projects or collaborative assignments. Working together on projects encourages learners to leverage each other’s strengths, share diverse perspectives, and develop problem-solving skills. The peer feedback and discussions offer alternative viewpoints and promote critical thinking.

Clear navigation

In the realm of online training, the design of the learning platform and the structure of the course content play a pivotal role in shaping the overall learning experience. A user-friendly interface and a well-organized course structure are essential components that guide learners seamlessly through their educational journey.

Young man working

Intuitive navigation

The online training platform should be designed with user-friendliness in mind. Learners should be able to navigate effortlessly, finding their way to different sections, lessons, and resources without confusion. Clearly labeled menus, intuitive icons, and straightforward navigation paths contribute to a frustration-free experience. A platform that is easy to navigate allows learners to focus on the content itself rather than struggling with the platform’s interface.

Course roadmap

Providing learners with a clear course roadmap or syllabus gives them a sense of direction and purpose. They can understand the overall structure of the course, the topics covered, and the progression of learning. This roadmap sets expectations and helps learners plan their study schedules effectively, ensuring they are prepared for each phase of the course.

Modular organization

Breaking down the course content into manageable modules or units aids comprehension and retention. Each module can focus on a specific topic or skill, making it easier for learners to digest information in smaller, more focused portions. This modular approach also enables learners to revisit specific sections for review or clarification as needed.

Consistent layout

Maintain a consistent layout throughout the course to establish familiarity. Using the same format for lessons, quizzes, and assignments creates a sense of coherence. Learners can quickly grasp how to approach each segment of the course, which reduces cognitive load and enhances the learning flow.

Visual hierarchy

Incorporate a clear visual hierarchy in the course design to highlight important information and guide learners’ attention. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up text and emphasize key points. Visual cues help learners quickly scan and absorb essential content.

Resource accessibility

Ensure that supplementary resources, such as readings, videos, and external links, are easily accessible. A centralized repository for additional materials allows learners to explore topics in greater depth and at their own pace.

Prezi’s impact on online training

Prezi, a leading presentation platform, offers a range of functionalities designed to enhance the online training experience. Prezi enables trainers to create visually captivating presentations that capture learners’ attention. With its unique zooming interface, Prezi provides a fluid and engaging way to present information. Plus, Prezi Video allows you to combine your content with a live or recorded video of yourself. This added feature enables trainers to maintain a personal connection with learners, just like in a traditional classroom setting. Whether it’s online employee training or offline business training, Prezi creates an immersive experience that enhances the impact of your training sessions. Additionally, Prezi’s visually appealing templates and layouts enable trainers to craft presentations that resonate with learners, making the learning experience more memorable.

Prezi Video templates for online training

How can Prezi enhance your online learning experience

In the realm of online training, engagement, and connection are key components that can make or break the learning experience. Prezi is a standout tool that addresses these aspects head-on. It takes the concept of online learning to an entirely new level by seamlessly blending content delivery with a personal touch. Let’s take a closer look.

Forging meaningful connections

Online learning, while incredibly convenient, can sometimes feel disconnected. Learners may miss the personal interaction and dynamic communication that traditional classrooms offer. Here, the added Prezi Video functionality serves as a bridge between the virtual world and the real world, allowing trainers to inject their personality and expertise directly into their presentations.

Imagine being able to see the instructor’s expressions, gestures, and enthusiasm while they explain complex concepts. With Prezi, learners gain a more complete understanding of the material as they pick up on visual cues that enhance comprehension. This human connection can strengthen a deeper sense of engagement and motivation, turning passive viewers into active participants.

online presentation prezi

Elevating engagement

In traditional online presentations, the focus often remains fixed on static slides, risking a drop in learners’ attention spans. Prezi, however, transforms the presentation into a dynamic and interactive experience. The presenter becomes an integral part of the content, sharing the screen with relevant visuals, data, and diagrams.

This immersive approach captivates learners’ attention, as the instructor guides them through the content using engaging visuals and clear explanations. The dual-channel format — where the presenter appears alongside the content — ensures that learners stay focused on both the subject matter and the instructor’s insights.

Young woman teaching online from her living room. Young woman wearing headphones while having a online training at home.

Empowering learning with Prezi

Whether it’s online employee training, business courses, or academic subjects, Prezi empowers trainers to deliver content in a way that resonates deeply with learners.

As the world of online learning continues to evolve, Prezi sets a new standard for engagement, personal connection, and effective communication. By embracing this innovative tool, trainers can revolutionize their online training sessions, making them not only informative but also memorable and impactful.

If you’re interested in learning about how you can create an online course, watch the following video.

Revolutionizing online learning

As the world embraces digital transformation, virtual online training has become a cornerstone of education and skill development. Its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and personalized approach make it a preferred choice for learners and organizations alike.

By following the best practices outlined in this article and leveraging tools like Prezi, trainers can elevate their online training sessions to new heights of impact. Prezi’s innovative features bring a human touch to virtual training, ensuring that learners remain engaged and inspired throughout their learning journey. Embrace the world of great online training and use Prezi to unlock the full potential of remote learning.

online presentation prezi

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What is Prezi and How Can it Be Used to Teach? Tips & Tricks

Prezi is a powerful presentation system that uses lots of media types making it very versatile as a teaching tool


Prezi is a presentation tool that uses different media types to help make whatever is being shown as engaging as possible. This is specifically targeted at education, as well as business users.

The free version offers lots of functionality, but there are more features on the education-specific tiered payment options. 

Everything is made with easy-to-use guidance and templates so it can be utilized both by educators and students alike. This is a helpful way to learn design but also acts as a useful online tool for sharing with students wherever they are, in or out of the class.

So is Prezi the right tool for you?

What is Prezi?

Prezi  is a multimedia presentation tool that is based online and works across most devices with a browser window. That makes this very minimal in terms of strain on the device but also on the user, who should find everything clear to understand.


Prezi is made up of three basic sections: Prezi Video, Prezi Design, and Prezi Present. 

Prezi Video allows educators to present streamed video to the class from wherever they are. This, with Present, is more than just a video as you can add in images, graphs, documents, and more to be overlaid on the screen as you talk.

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Prezi Design is a template-based slideshow-style presentation builder. This lets you create a slideshow with rich media such as images, video, graphs, and more.

Prezi Present is a bit like a combination of the above two, letting you create video-based presentations that combine slides, PowerPoints, videos, and more.

How does Prezi work?

Prezi is easy to sign up to with just your email and name needed to start an account. You can be in the system and building your own presentation within a minute or two. You're then given all the options on a clear home page that features the sub sections mentioned above, all listed on the left menu bar.


Jump into the Prezi Design section, for example, and as you can see in the above image, you're met with an intuitive slideshow design template that you can edit to suit your needs.

Usefully, in the Present section, you can upload a PowerPoint you've already created and use that in your presentation, adding your own video as needed or editing the presentation itself. Similarly, in the Design section you can upload your own PDF and DOC files to convert and use in your presentation.

A wide range of templates is available and makes starting very easy, and can be a helpful way to make sure the learning curve isn't too steep for younger students using this tool.

What are the best Prezi features?

Prezi is graphically very inviting as everything is spaced out without too much clutter or information, making it very intuitive even if it's your first time with this or any presentation tool.


Videos are easy to record immediately from within the website, allowing teachers and students to upload directly from their smartphones or laptops. The ability to layer more information in these videos, effectively combining a slideshow presentation and a video presentation, is a super appealing feature here.

The library feature offers lots of different projects, including pre-recorded videos, that can be used freely. There are more options in the paid versions, and you can be pestered to upgrade as you use the system, however generally, the free versions can be enough for teaching.

How much does Prezi cost?

Prezi is free to use the Basic plan, which is limited to five projects, however, there are also paid options specifically for educators.

There is a Plus version for educators, priced at $5 per month , which gets you unlimited projects, importing of PowerPoints, PDF export, video download, the desktop app, and offline access.

The Pro version, at $10 per month , has all the above plus analytics, training, and support.

The EDU Teams plan is available for scaling up, and is offered on a quotation basis.

Prezi best tips and tricks

Turn in Have students turn in projects using Prezi to teach them how to design and layout work in a more engaging way, which for example, could be useful in future jobs.

Be timeless Create a presentation lesson and save it so you can use it again the following year, or share with other teachers that may find it helpful.

Flip the class Build a lesson presentation and have students work through it before coming to class, then use what they've learned to hold a debate in the room to see how well the content has been understood.

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Luke Edwards is a freelance writer and editor with more than two decades of experience covering tech, science, and health. He writes for many publications covering health tech, software and apps, digital teaching tools, VPNs, TV, audio, smart home, antivirus, broadband, smartphones, cars and much more.


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5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

I f you're looking to create a compelling presentation to showcase a new idea or persuade others, Google Slides may be the first option that comes to mind. But with few built-in templates, basic themes, and a limited graphics collection, you'll likely have a hard time making your presentation stand out against others.

If you want to make your presentation truly stand out, there are several alternatives to Google Slides that offer extra perks and features to give your presentations an edge. While Google focuses on integrating Slides with its other work-based apps like Sheets and Docs, other presentation apps focus more on design elements, transitions, and themes to help you convey your brand or personal image throughout your presentation.

We've tested these Google Slide alternatives to give you an idea of other available options to deliver impactful presentations. If you're looking for a way to make boring information more fun and engaging, here are the best presentation apps to replace Google Slides.

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Microsoft PowerPoint

There's a reason so many businesses around the globe use Microsoft PowerPoint. Building its reputation as the go-to option for delivering high-quality presentations, the software generated $100 million in annual sales only three years after its initial release in 1990.

Microsoft PowerPoint may be Google Slides' largest competitor, but there are plenty of unique features that can add an extra flourish to your slides. PowerPoint excels in its impressive library of custom animations and slide transitions, which are fairly limited in Google Slides. Another unique feature is its AI-powered Designer tool. This provides professional design schemes that mirror the words used in your slides. For instance, if your title slide is named "Basketball Team 2024," Designer will automatically suggest pictures and slide layouts associated with basketball.

As PowerPoint has been in development longer than Google Slides, it naturally offers more nuanced features if you're looking for something specific. For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to speed up your workflow. Moreover, PowerPoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams with its PowerPoint Live function, allowing you to easily share your presentation with your co-workers.

Prezi offers an innovative approach to showing presentations with its unique canvas feature. Unlike traditional presentation software, Prezi lets you zoom and pan around a flexible canvas. The canvas may feel distant to something of a presentation program, but there is still some linear order provided thanks to the Timeline view.

Finding ways to visualize data is one of the biggest challenges when dealing with presentation software. Prezi resolves this struggle with the help of its Story Blocks: a series of infographics available in multiple designs to visually represent data. You can easily edit infographics and even add animations to individual shapes. This can help add a story to your presentation and help you emphasize key points.

To further enhance your presentation visually, Prezi offers several topic path settings, which let you change how Prezi transitions from one topic to another. These options include subtopics, which are super helpful for breaking large chunks of information down. If you're looking for a unique, modern approach to presenting information, Prezi is a top pick.

If you're looking to create a professional presentation to convince potential clients about your business idea, Slidebean is a popular choice among professionals with plenty of customization options. One of the issues with Google Slides is its fairly limited template library, which is filled mostly with basic designs. Slidebean offers a better alternative with a broad selection of innovative templates split into categories for convenience.

The app's user interface is easy to navigate so that you can create slides in less time. Each slide has a dedicated Design and Outline tab. You can use the Outline tab to quickly edit the information on each slide without being distracted by all the visual elements. Another productivity-enhancing feature is the ability to generate a presentation theme from your website. Simply enter your URL, and Slidebean will automatically apply the theming to your presentation.

Slidebean is another presentation app to take advantage of AI. Using the Auto-Design feature, you can generate recommended slide layouts based on your existing content. It also features AI text suggestions designed to suit different industries. Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides.

Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable of making stunning presentations. The app also has mobile editions, so you can easily create and edit presentations on your Android phone , iOS device, or tablet. As long as you have an internet connection, you can modify your designs wherever you are.

To get started, head to Canva's online presentation maker . Canva offers a vast range of templates categorized by topic, which easily surpasses the simple templates in Google Slides . While some of the templates are only available to Canva Pro members, there is an ample amount of free templates to help you get started. You'll also find a large selection of stock photos, shapes, and illustrations to create beautiful customized slides.

Because Canva is built for graphic designers, you can access several features to give your presentation consistent theming. These include color palettes, font sets, and even a brand kit that allows you to add your company's fonts (available to Pro members only). One time-saving feature is Canva's Uploads tab, which lets you access recently uploaded media files. This offers a convenient way to copy content between different presentations.

Visme is a powerful visual design tool able to create videos, infographics, and presentations. One of the perks of using Visme is the company's free educational content, which offers advice on how to create impactful content to boost your brand. After signing up, the company also asks whether you're using Visme for your business, education purposes, or personal use to offer personalized tips.

In terms of charts and graphs, Visme offers some of the most impressive features we've seen from a presentation app, so you can effortlessly convey important statistics. From the Data tab, you can access dozens of graph styles to visually represent your data. Then, simply double-click a chart inside your presentation to edit the values instantly in a simple table format.

Another area that Visme excels in is collaboration. You can either generate a link to publish your presentation on the web or share your presentation privately with others. For each team member, you can choose who can view, edit, and comment slides for a seamless workflow. There's also a Slack integration that lets you receive messages whenever changes are made to your presentation. Visme is free for all users, with limited features available in its premium plans.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

Work presentation on laptop and smartboard


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    In traditional online presentations, the focus often remains fixed on static slides, risking a drop in learners' attention spans. Prezi, however, transforms the presentation into a dynamic and interactive experience. The presenter becomes an integral part of the content, sharing the screen with relevant visuals, data, and diagrams.

  19. What is Prezi and How Can it Be Used to Teach? Tips & Tricks

    Prezi is a powerful presentation system that uses lots of media types making it very versatile as a teaching tool. (Image credit: Prezi) Prezi is a presentation tool that uses different media types to help make whatever is being shown as engaging as possible. This is specifically targeted at education, as well as business users.

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