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If you’re considering applying to university to study Fashion, this Fashion personal statement example can provide helpful inspiration for your UCAS application.

Fashion Personal Statement

I have always been fascinated by the way fashion can serve as a medium of artistic expression and personal identity. From the bold and pioneering designs of Coco Chanel and Diane von Furstenburg to the contemporary creations of today’s leading designers, fashion has the unique ability to reflect and shape the cultural landscape. In addition to its aesthetic value, I also appreciate the practical aspects of the fashion industry, such as the need for efficient management and marketing to bring a designer’s vision to fruition.

My interest in fashion has been nurtured by my experiences and studies. As a summer intern at Xun Image Management in Hangzhou, China, I had the opportunity to work closely with the head of the company and learn about the role of the professional image consultant. I assisted with projects related to fashion styling, the psychology of colour, and client management. In addition, I have completed a number of courses at the London College of Fashion, including the “Essential Guide to Fashion Business” and the “Fashion Marketing Intensive”. These courses have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry, from its history and key players to the practicalities of retailing, buying, and manufacturing. My studies in art history and photography, as well as my interest in reading fashion magazines and books, have also contributed to my creative development and knowledge of the industry.

My ambition is to use my passion for fashion and my understanding of the industry to make a meaningful contribution. I hope to begin my career as a fashion editor, where I can gain valuable experience and insight into current trends and developments. In the long term, I aspire to run my own personal image consultancy in China, offering my clients the best possible service, including full-image makeovers, style consultations, and advice on colour analysis, makeup, and etiquette. I believe that the LCF course, with its focus on IT, communications, and cultural studies within the context of fashion, would provide me with the ideal foundation for achieving my goals. I am academically capable, enthusiastic, and full of creative ideas, and I am confident in my ability to succeed in the fashion industry. I hope you will consider my application.

My goal is to work as a fashion editor to gain experience and knowledge and eventually establish my own personal image consultancy in China. I am confident in my abilities and eager to pursue a career in fashion.

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Fashion Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

For me, fashion enables you to define yourself without even having to open your mouth. Your own unique style can tell a complete stranger everything they need to know about you and your personality, and the even bigger benefit is that you can change your style to suit your mood or the occasion.

I feel that clothing allows you to change the way you are perceived by society more easily than anything else you could change about yourself. By being a true style chameleon you can be anything you want to be. Designers that really encompass this feeling for me are Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, and in recent years, Victoria Beckham.

At school I excelled in Textiles and completed a complicated formal dress, involving an inner corset, for my final year project. This course allowed me to develop the practical skills needed to truly understand the fashion industry and my independent research gave me an insight in to textile manufacturing and development.

To help develop my own personal sense of style I worked part-time in High Street fashion store River Island during my time at college. Whilst there I learnt a lot about how to combine individual items to create whole outfits, as well as the business side of fashion such as staff management, deliveries, and visual merchandising.

Outside of my education I enjoy travelling as I feel this helps to inspire my future fashion choices and shows me how different cultures and climates have affected the way people dress. For me, part of the fun of travelling is bringing back clothing or accessories to remind you of your holiday at home.

I also enjoy being involved in social media, and run several of my own ‘blogs’. I hope that in the future my writing experience will enable me to gain work experience in a fashion journalism or editorial role.

I hope that my time at university will allow me to learn more about the manufacturing and designing side of the fashion industry so that I can begin to develop my own range of home ware textiles. 

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Fashion Personal Statement example

I have always been fascinated by the ability of certain colours and items of clothing to change moods or express emotions. Growing up, I enjoyed experimenting with styles to create my own unique look, but during my study of Textiles with Art at GCSE and A-Level I developed a real passion for working with different textures and materials and creating new designs and considered making a career out of my creative skills. I recently visited the New Designers Exhibition to explore the possibilities of a practical fashion design course and was excited to learn of initiatives such as Fashion East, which gives students the chance to launch their careers at London Fashion Week; I would be very excited to have the chance to benefit from these in future. Studying fashion and design skills in practice followed by gaining experience working for an established company would give me the tools to start my own business as a fashion designer in future.

I am an avid observer of trends and their interpretations in different countries. The 2011 spring catwalk shows were full of bold neon colours such as amber and tangerine, and I loved the contrasts presented at the Gucci and Prada shows making use of bright colours in contrasting styles and fabrics to create explosive looks. I believe that clothing and accessories can transform a person into a walking piece of art, and catwalk shows and models are becoming more abstract and artistic to reflect the boldness of high fashion. I recently looked at both Parisian Vogue and British Vogue to investigate their similarities and differences: the quirkiness of designers such as Burberry and Vivienne Westwood contrasts with the understated elegance of Lanvin and Chanel, but both represent ideals of beauty and glamour. In the course of my research, I have also noticed the lack of beautiful yet supportive footwear available. I would like to try and create a range of footwear that offers similar support to a running shoe, yet in a design that is more fashionable and wearable; this would be a project I could pursue with the skills gained from my course, and would be a great outlet for my ideas.

I have found working backstage on several school productions has helped develop my artistic side, as I have assisted with costumes, set and hair & make up. Theatrical makeup and hair is dramatic and bold, and appeals to my love of fashion as art: I would be very interested in gaining further work experience in the costume department of a theatre. I also feel this has made me a more effective team player, as I worked closely with both the backstage crew and performers; a successful project completed as part of a team always feels more rewarding than one completed on your own. This has been apparent in the course of my four years on the school Athletics team, during which I achieved Commitment, Half-colour, and Outstanding awards, as well as team accolades. I also learned the importance of commitment and pushing myself to succeed; I was scouted for Harrow Athletics Club for shot-putt and discus, and participated in the team for several events prior to an unfortunate knee injury which caused me to withdraw. I turned this situation into a positive, however, by going on to mentor young athletes during lunch hours and after school – a rewarding role which allowed me to inspire others with my passion. I also really enjoy practising my sewing in my spare time and have studied various fashion and textiles books, ranging from fashion drawing to sewing techniques.

I undertook work experience at a local theatre last year where I gained an understanding of the many roles involved in running a theatre; I really enjoyed learning different new skills, as well as interacting with members of the public and overcoming challenges. Although I am the first person in my family to apply to university, I feel it would be the ideal place for me to grow as a person, while developing the necessary skills to succeed in an industry I am passionate about.

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Fashion designer is drawing a fashion sketch for autumn-winter season

How to write a personal statement for fashion

Fashion courses at university are incredibly competitive, so how do you make your personal statement stand out? Be original, think business, and don’t quote Chanel

"F ashion is not simply a matter of clothes; fashion is in the air, born upon the wind; one intuits it." That's a quote from Coco Chanel – and it's how not to start a personal statement for a fashion degree.

When applying for a university fashion course, your personal statement won't even be read though if your portfolio is not good enough.

Willie Walters, programme director for fashion at Central St Martins, said the personal statement is "secondary" to portfolio work.

"I don't even read the statements unless the work looks interesting," she says.

Walters advises applicants to make their portfolio work as clear as possible, and to include research and sketchbook work, as well as photographs of design pieces. "We look for originality and something fresh."

When it comes to the written statement, saying you have a "passion for fashion" is an immediate no-no, says Josephine Collins, course leader for fashion journalism at the London College of Fashion.

"It's easy to do and sounds great but we've seen it so many times before," she warns. Similarly, admissions tutors cringe when confronted with yet another tired quote from a fashion icon.

Fashion related courses are notoriously competitive, so avoiding clichés is an important way to make your application stand out, says Andrew Groves, course director for fashion design at the University of Westminster.

"Put yourself in my shoes," says Groves, who reads over 1,000 personal statements each year. "How would you make yours different from all those other applications?"

Although mentioning your favourite designer is a good idea, you should think carefully about who you cite, says Mal Burkinshaw, programme director of fashion at Edinburgh University.

"We always have the same designers quoted. Every now and then someone says they are interested in a more conceptual designer and it makes them stand out. You can tell they are engaging more deeply."

Evidence of engagement with fashion is essential, agree tutors, but make sure you are thinking about it as a serious industry.

"Fashion is the third largest industry in the UK," says Jane Gottelier, programme leader of the fashion department at Falmouth University.

"I steer clear of students who talk mainly about celebrity fashion and TV programmes in their personal statements because it makes me think that they see fashion as something rather fluffy," she says.

As well as explaining why you want to study fashion and listing any relevant work experience, it's also important to show interests outside of fashion, say tutors.

"Some of our fashion courses are really business-orientated," says Liz Barnes, senior lecturer in fashion at Manchester University, "so demonstrating a commercial mind is key."

Outside interests show an engagement with general society that is important for a fashion student, and key to fashion admissions tutors.

It's important to be up to date on current news, to prove an academic interest and to show curiosity about the world and an inquisitive mind. If you have an unusual hobby don't be afraid to mention it as it might help yourself get noticed.

"I've had ice skaters, an Olympic-standard gymnast and stick insect collectors," says Anne Chaisty, principal lecturer in fashion studies at the Arts University Bournemouth.

Fashion may be portrayed as a cut-throat industry, but people who are interested in giving something back interest Chaisty.

"We look for students who want to make a positive difference through what they do as a designer," she says.

Accuracy and a good flow are things all tutors agree on when it comes to a good personal statement, but Barnes says you should also be in tune with the specifics of your course.

"There are lots of courses that are called fashion marketing, for example, but the content of those courses will vary enormously," Barnes explained.

"Understand the course you are applying for and tailor the personal statement to match."

For courses where a portfolio carries a heavier weighting than the personal statement, it is still important to express personality in your written statement.

Tutors say individuality and character are perhaps the most important things to convey.

"Don't contrive something for the sake of it," advises Chaisty, "just be honest, be natural and be yourself."

Just don't quote Coco Chanel.

This article was amended on 19 September to correct an error, changing Willie Walters' job title from course leader to programme director of fashion at Central St Martin's.

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