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10 Best Web Development Projects For Your Resume

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  • 10 Best Web Development Project Ideas For Beginners in 2024
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Developing something and making it accessible to everyone on the internet is possible only because of web developers. As a web developer looking for a job role, you need to have some good web development projects in your resume to highlight. When it comes to showcasing your web development skills on your resume, the projects you choose to highlight can make a big difference. 

Best Web Development Projects For Your Resume

Including strong web development projects can demonstrate your technical expertise, creativity, and problem-solving abilities to potential employers. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best web development projects to include on your resume , ranging from personal projects to freelance work and open-source contributions. These projects showcase a variety of web development skills and can help you stand out from other candidates in a competitive job market. Before that let’s understand how web development works.

How Does Web Development Work?

Web Development , in short, is the process of creating websites or web applications that people can access using the internet. 

Now, w hat forms a website?  

Front-End, Back-End , and Database collectively form a website.

Front-End (the client side) is the part where users view and interact with the website. This is called a User Interface(UI) . Unlike Front-End, Back-End (the server side) can’t be accessed by the user and it’s a program code where several changes are made as per the requirement of the website. Then comes the Database which stores all the data in an organized manner. Your resume should have web development projects, provided you’re a software guy or someone from CS/IT background.

What is a Web Development Project?

A web development project is an effort to create a website or web application, typically involving the use of programming languages such as HTML , CSS , and JavaScript . This can include building websites for businesses or individuals, creating web applications that allow users to perform specific tasks, or developing online platforms for e-commerce, social networking, or other purposes.

Web development projects can be small or large in scope, and may involve collaboration with other developers or stakeholders such as clients or project managers. 

Some examples of web development project ideas include building a blog or personal website, creating an e-commerce platform, developing a social media network, or designing an online booking system for a hotel or restaurant.

To undertake a web development project, you’ll need to have a good understanding of web programming languages and frameworks, as well as knowledge of design principles and user experience (UX) design. It’s also important to have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work well in a team, as many web development projects involve collaboration with others.

Technologies to learn to build projects: Front-End: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (libraries like React, Angular, and Vue). Back-End: Python, PHP, Java, NodeJS, Express.js, etc. Database: MongoDB, MySQL.

Web Development Projects are a good way to create an impact on the interviewer and showcase your skills, which you can discuss on during the interview. As you know that the selection of a project is very important to impress someone, and it is very important to write those projects in your resume in a meaningful manner. While adding web development projects to your resume, it’s important to provide a clear and concise description of your role in each project and the technologies you used. If you’re a fresher, focus on highlighting the projects you worked on during your education or internships. For experienced professionals, it’s important to highlight projects that demonstrate your expertise and relevant skills. 

Regardless of your experience level, make sure to highlight the impact the project had and any notable achievements or metrics. Providing a link to the project, if possible, can also help showcase your work to potential employers. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for and emphasize the projects and skills that are most relevant to the position.

Now, we will discuss the 10 Best Web Development Projects For Your Resume . So let’s get started.

1. E-Commerce

E-Commerce is something that most web developers must have tried. The application comes with multiple features like login/sign in, product lists, order summary, discount offers, profile section, cart items, creating payment gateway, search bar, and many more which is possible with features of React like React hooks for state-driven conditions without writing a class, props for passing the variables, etc. Follow a component-based structure. The application should be dynamic, interactive, and accessible on multiple platforms like laptops, tablets, and mobiles (responsiveness).

For the back end, use the event-driven architecture of NodeJS and call-back function when an event is triggered such as an order is placed for an item. The data of the products, ordered items and profile details should be stored in a structured way and must be encrypted. Any such updates to be made like adding a new feature must be done at the back end using NodeJS. You can also use Express.js which is an open-source framework for NodeJS which implements web applications more quicker and easier. 

2. Social Media

Social Media App catches the attention of almost every one of us as it has been an important part of our daily activity. Implementing this app requires very well-connected ends for various reasons like security and management. The UI part consists of chat options, feeds, notifications, and a friends list. 

You can also use windows.alert() function to create a pop-up when a new update is seen or for various other purposes. For developing a dynamic web app, Angular is the best choice. Angular works with TypeScript which makes it much easier to implement. We implement its back-end by setting up databases, servers, and APIs, and working out perfect storage solutions. 

An application that gives employment to individuals as per their qualifications. The application filters the job as per the requirement and qualifications. While applying for the job, all the details of the company like role, salary provided, location, etc. should be visible to the individual. Use of Context APIs to share data without passing it through props manually, React Redux to store, dispatch, and see the actions of the data. 

What does this application do? Suppose, if a person is a BA graduate, he/she will be able to apply for a job (like banking sales, BPO, content writing) as soon as he enters the qualification details and then applies for it after having a clear understanding of the job. A file Filter_Job can be made where code flows like checks the qualification and then describes companies and job roles.

In the back end, all the details entered like name, email, and contact no should be secured by disabling public network access to database servers and taking all the safety measures. 

4. Resume Builder

Resume Builder is a website when created will help most aspiring individuals to make an attractive and ever-wanting resume within minutes. Its feature includes personal details, educational background, skills achieved, projects undertaken, and a lot more about self. Each section has many sub-sections which could be implemented using components in React.

And then, the back end will include everything related to a person’s bio-data and keep it secure by limiting the settings. For example, coming to the web server, restricting logins to certain users or IP addresses , using automated brute force detection systems (that automatically ban offending IP addresses), or using HTTP authentication in development areas helps a lot. 

Looking to land your dream job in tech? It all starts with a killer resume, and GeeksforGeeks has got you covered! Our FREE Online Resume Builder is completely free and designed to help you showcase your technical skills in the best way possible. With easy-to-use templates and customization options, you can create a professional-grade resume in no time. So why wait? Give your career the boost it deserves and build your perfect resume with GeeksforGeeks today!

5. Healthcare App

Health is a major concern for every one of us. So, why not implement something which determines your health status and warns you to take proper care? A pop-up using windows.pop() function when your sugar level goes beyond a certain level or something unusual for physical health. This app diagnoses your physical condition as per your entries in terms of health and advises you to follow some practices at no cost. 

JSX enables the creation of a new UI feature that offers real-time results. Using event handlers, several events can be created and decide what should happen next. In certain cases, it can also advise you to consult a doctor in your comfort place. 

Just Sign in with a few of the details and filter out the specialist as per your need, book an appointment, and get yourself diagnosed thoroughly. The back-end part again stores the person’s health details and report.

6. Course Provider Platform

A platform that provides tutorials in the form of videos or paragraphs to every student same as Udemy and Coursera. You just need to have a good grip on React, React Router to navigate through pages, React Hooks to have simpler code, and the use of props to pass the values in functional components. Functional components can be used where props can be used as an argument. In Class components, we extend components and have a render function. All the sections can be made like courses, filter search, using Nav-Bar functionality.

All the student’s details like what courses they read, their detail, etc. can be stored in a database at the back end. For database management, use MongoDB. You can use NodeJS to build servers.

7. Gaming App

This application is generally for people who love gaming. This can be built using Vue.JS which provides higher customizability. It also has an overlap with Angular and React concerning their functionality like the use of components. The count feature when implemented whenever a button is pressed, the count gets incremented by 1 and passes it to another level. Also, import the router which could be used for navigating the pages like the score page, level page, etc. 

At the back-end part, you can store the player’s name, the scores they achieved, the level they passed, and the highest score or level passed. The database stores all the information. Therefore, all the details of the game can be handled by the back end.

8. Freelancing Developers

Similar to Upwork and Fiverr however this platform is only for developers. A platform where developers can easily find and connect with fellow developers and work on projects together. This could level up your skills. Using Redux, to update the state value to each input field, we add an onChange event handler. The Home Page should list all the companies which hire freelancers for collaboration. All the CRUD (Create, Remove, Update, and Delete) operations could be done using GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE . Using Axios (HTTP client library) requests to a given endpoint.

The back end should work with server-side web applications and integration the work done by front-end developers. They usually write web services and APIs which are used by front-end developers.

9. Online Code Editor

These editors are accessible via browsers and work on remote servers. The basic features include syntax highlighting, and error detection similar to complete IDEs. Using JavaScript code snippets, you can implement these features. The front end can be handled by React, Angular, or any other framework you would like to work on. 

The back end can be handled using Java and DBMS. The authentication key can be generated using MongoDB Atlas and used in the back-end code snippet for the data fetching and updating process. The styling can be implemented and made attractive using CSS. You can also publish your project on GitHub for others’ reference. 

10. A Trading App

Trading is something today that brings interest to everyone’s mind. Why not build something like Groww and UpStox? This app features available market data, trading alerts, and many more. Using React Native to implement this would be the best choice. All the dependencies and dev-dependencies which library you need to use, get installed in the project when you run the command to install them. Using the Redux feature to store data, also request to update it. The backend works with API authentication, database management system, and security issues.

Must Read: 100 Days of Web Development – A Complete Guide For Beginners Resume Building – Resources and Tips Top 10 Resume Tips For Freshers in 2023

Web Development is an ever-growing technology and an exponentially growing career as well. If you want to be a web developer you have to learn web technologies. And one of the best ways to learn technologies is to create a project which you can showcase in your resume while applying for a job. There are many frameworks and technologies which you can learn but the selection of Projects is a very critical step because it leads to your further interest in the technology and a unique and impactful project can also impress the interviewer as well. You can start with the basic web Projects and eventually move on to create scalable web applications and if you have deployed your project somewhere, then it will create a positive impact on any interviewer Above we have discussed top 10 Web development Projects that you can try.

FAQs on Web Development Projects

1. what projects can i do to learn web development.

Projects are one of the best ways to learn web development. Below are some of the Web Development Projects you can do to learn Web Development: 1. To-do List 2. User Activity Tracker 3. Online voting system 4. E-commerce 5. Quora for college

2. What kind of projects should I put on my resume for web development?

You can put these web development projects in your resume: Personal projects: If you’ve worked on personal web development projects, such as building a portfolio website, a blog or an e-commerce website , include them on your resume to show that you’re proactive and passionate about web development. Team projects: Collaborating on a team project, such as building a content management system or a social media platform , demonstrates your ability to work in a team and communicate effectively. Open-source projects: Contributing to open-source projects on platforms like GitHub can demonstrate your ability to work with others and showcase your code contributions. School or academic projects: Projects you completed as part of your coursework or during hackathons can also be included on your resume to showcase your technical skills and problem-solving abilities. Freelance or client projects: If you’ve worked on web development projects for clients or as a freelancer , be sure to include them on your resume to demonstrate your ability to work on real-world projects and meet client requirements. When including projects on your resume, make sure to describe your role in the project, the technologies you used, and any notable achievements or impacts. Be sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for and focus on the projects and skills that are most relevant to the position.

3. What are the 3 skills for web development?

Here are the 3 important skills for web development: Proficiency in programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge and experience with popular web development frameworks and tools such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, and Git. Strong problem-solving and analytical thinking skills to tackle complex and challenging problems that arise during web development. Other important skills for web developers include creativity, attention to detail, communication, and teamwork. It’s also essential to stay up-to-date with the latest web development trends and technologies. 

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14 Web Developer Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

With an increasingly digital world, web development is one of the fastest growing fields to get into - and a finely-crafted resume is a key tool for opening the door. learn how to make your skillset stand out with five examples of web developer resumes and industry-based best practices in this guide..

Hiring Manager for Web Developer Roles

A product or brand’s website is its digital footprint in the cloud, and the staggering rise in e-commerce means that companies aren’t willing to take their web presence lightly. That’s where web developers come in. Offering a range of abilities that can improve the consumer experience and the company’s conversion rate, web developers can be viewed as a golden asset for businesses and individuals alike. It’s no surprise that the ever-expanding internet is in constant need of web developers. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates that the field is growing “much faster” than most occupations, with an increase of 8 percent in the number of jobs between 2019-2029. The median pay is $77,200, making it a solid career choice. While there are numerous positions opening up for web developers, the relatively small amount of formal education that’s expected (with an associate’s degree being the standard) means there is significant competition for quality roles. This guide will help you understand what hiring managers are looking for, and give you an idea of what template your web developer resume should be based on. To start with, keep in mind that the web developer category is fairly broad. A company looking for a web developer may need someone skilled in front-end work (such as user interfaces), back-end work (such as server optimization), or specific technologies (such as mobile app development). Ideally, your resume should be tailored to the position you’re applying for, with appropriate skills and experiences highlighted to match the role you’re applying for. The job description itself should provide hints as to what the position requires most.

Web Developer Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Web Developer
  • Front End Web Developer
  • Entry Level Web Developer
  • Freelance Web Developer
  • Senior Web Developer
  • Junior Web Developer
  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • PHP Developer

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Web Developer Resumes

Web Developer Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Web Developer Resumes
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Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 14: Web Developer Resume Example

As a Web Developer, you are responsible for designing, coding, and modifying websites according to a client's specifications. Your resume plays a critical role in showcasing your technical expertise and relevant experience in this dynamic field. With the rise of advanced frameworks, responsive design, and the growing demand for applications that work seamlessly on different devices, companies are getting more selective in their hiring processes. Showcasing a well-structured resume can help you stand out from the competition and prove you have the specific skills needed for the job. In a highly competitive industry like web development, your resume is crucial to not only demonstrate your knowledge of the latest technologies, but also showcase your ability to adapt to new trends. Companies are looking for Web Developers who can deliver high-quality solutions, understand client needs, and work collaboratively in fast-paced environments. A well-crafted resume can make a significant impact on your candidacy and help you land that dream role.

Web Developer resume with technical skills and projects highlighted

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Web Developer resume in 2024

   highlight relevant technical skills.

In the "Skills" section, list the programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools you're proficient in. Focus on those most relevant to the job you're applying for and make sure to mention any recent industry trends you're familiar with, such as JavaScript frameworks (e.g. React, Angular, or Vue) or server-side languages (e.g. Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or Django).

Highlight relevant technical skills - Web Developer Resume

   Showcase your portfolio and projects

Include links to your online portfolio, GitHub profile, or selected projects to give employers concrete examples of your work. Be sure to provide context for each project, such as a brief description, technologies used, and your contributions. This will help showcase your skills and demonstrate your ability to solve real-world problems as a Web Developer.

Showcase your portfolio and projects - Web Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your Web Developer resume

Template 2 of 14: web developer resume example.

Progressive experience is the key theme in this resume template, which is best suited to web developers who have grounded experience in the field backed by a roster of skills and relevant education. If you have a similar background that involves increasing responsibilities and accomplishments, you can highlight it with this direct, succinct format.

Experienced web developers with a background in user experience can emphasize that with a well organized, easy-to-follow resume.

   Emphasis on relevant accomplishments

This web developer does well at focusing the reader on accomplishments that are relevant to their field. Each of their key performance indicators (such as increasing customer purchases, site visits, and customer satisfaction rate) stands out quickly through the use of bullet points that start with appropriate action verbs.

Emphasis on relevant accomplishments - Web Developer Resume

   The skills match the experience

With five years of experience in the field ranging from security improvement to increasing site visits to information architecture, the skills list contains technical hard skills that are an appropriate bedrock worth including.

The skills match the experience - Web Developer Resume

Template 3 of 14: Front End Web Developer Resume Example

As a Front End Web Developer, you play a crucial role in creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. With recent trends focusing on responsive design, user experience, and mobile compatibility, companies are looking for skilled developers who can bring their ideas to life. Your resume is your ticket to showcasing your expertise in this competitive field, making it vital to create a strong impression by highlighting your relevant skills and experience. In the tech industry, your resume must stand out from the crowd. Employers are very selective when it comes to hiring front-end developers since the quality of their work directly impacts the company's online presence. To make a lasting impression, emphasize your unique coding abilities and your understanding of the latest industry trends.

Sample resume screenshot for a Front End Web Developer

Tips to help you write your Front End Web Developer resume in 2024

   showcase your projects.

Since practical experience is highly valued in this field, make sure you prominently display your most impressive projects in your resume. Include a brief description of your role, technologies used, and the outcomes achieved. Ideally, you should provide links to your GitHub or portfolio for easy access to your work samples.

Showcase your projects - Front End Web Developer Resume

   Emphasize technical skills

In your skills section, highlight the programming languages, frameworks, and tools you're proficient in. Be specific and focus on the technologies most relevant to the job you're applying for. For example, showcase your expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, or Angular, as well as tools like Git, Webpack, or Gulp.

Emphasize technical skills - Front End Web Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your Front End Web Developer resume

Template 4 of 14: front end web developer resume example.

Front end web developers should aim to encompass each aspect of familiarity that experts in front end experiences are expected to have, from increasing user time on page, designing landing pages, improving conversion rates, and reducing customer complaints. This can be a lot to cover, but breaking it up into digestible bullet points is a good way to tackle it.

Know what the hiring manager is looking for in front end web developers (including essential accomplishments and added value skills) and make it easy to find on your resume.

   Show teamwork on your front end resume

This resume portrays a front end web developer with a well-rounded background in technical skills; beyond that, however, it emphasizes the developer is capable of channeling their technical understanding into added value through a strong relationship with data science and junior team members. Furthermore, their contribution to the in-house UI library is an above-and-beyond example of commitment to company growth.

Show teamwork on your front end resume - Front End Web Developer Resume

   Use bullet points instead of paragraphs

With a host of potential experiences that front end web developers can showcase, it’s helpful to know what hiring managers are looking for and how to put them front-and-center. This resume does it well by breaking up numerous past positions into a list of essential accomplishments, many of which are relevant to front end work.

Use bullet points instead of paragraphs - Front End Web Developer Resume

Template 5 of 14: Entry Level Web Developer Resume Example

Even without significant experience working for companies as a web developer, you can convey your capacity for the job by highlighting your skills and demonstrating how well you can put those skills to use. This can be done by including the relevant, skills-associated experience you have, either with companies, during your time in college, or with personal ventures.

Entry level web developers can demonstrate their proficiency with relevant technical skills by including examples of how those skills were put to use for a variety of purposes.

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Web Developer resume in 2024

   demonstrate relevant web-development skills.

While lacking in long term experience, this resume still shines by indicating the web developer's practical familiarity with relevant technical skills. Not only are these skills listed (at their proficiency level) at the bottom of the resume, but the work experience suitably highlights how these skills were used.

Demonstrate relevant web-development skills - Entry Level Web Developer Resume

   Inclusion of strong, relevant university projects which use web technologies

Not having significant work experience isn’t a dealbreaker for hiring managers looking to take on new web developers, particularly when the educational background involved includes relevant, winning projects that earned substantial recognition. Don’t be shy about highlighting your web development and technical project successes as a student.

Inclusion of strong, relevant university projects which use web technologies - Entry Level Web Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Web Developer resume

Template 6 of 14: freelance web developer resume example.

Being a Freelance Web Developer is like being an artist; crafting a masterpiece requires nuanced skills, creativity, and a lot of commitment to stay current in a swiftly evolving world. Recently, recruiters have been keener on freelancers who display a blend of programming expertise and a deep understanding of user experience design. When writing your resume, remember that this document is your biggest show window. It needs to reflect not just technologically sound knowledge, but also your proactive endeavors to keep yourself updated and versatile in a rapidly morphing digital landscape.

A well-structured Freelance Web Developer resume highlighting project portfolio and diverse tech expertise.

Tips to help you write your Freelance Web Developer resume in 2024

   showcase your project portfolio.

Be purposeful when showcasing your project portfolio. Hiring managers are keen on seeing real-life results, so be explicit about what you've accomplished. Include visuals if possible, and emphasize successful projects you’ve concluded.

Showcase your project portfolio - Freelance Web Developer Resume

   Highlight your diverse tech expertise

Demonstrating your competence in diverse languages, libraries, and frameworks is crucial. However, don't just list them out. Include how you've used them in previous projects to deliver tangible results. Hiring managers are interested in practical application rather than just a list of competencies.

Skills you can include on your Freelance Web Developer resume

Template 7 of 14: freelance web developer resume example.

Freelancers will want their web developer resumes to reflect their commitment to client satisfaction. Being able to recognize, meet, and exceed a client's needs with consistency is a solid method of demonstrating your prowess to new clients. This resume doesn't simply impart their client's satisfaction with fluff; instead, quantifiable improvements are included to illustrate measurable gains.

Freelance web developers should demonstrate their past experiences with applying their skills in ways that result in client satisfaction.

   Use of technical action words

Each portion of this resume is broken down into bulleted lists beginning with an action word. In fact, most of them begin with one word: "Developed". While this may seem simplistic, keeping your hiring manager focused on your ability to develop websites will help them understand that, even as a freelancer, your role as a web developer is well-established.

Use of technical action words - Freelance Web Developer Resume

   Emphasis on breadth of web development skills

Hiring managers will want to know what technical skills and technologies you are familiar with, and, if you have a diverse background working with a range of software, you can showcase your application of these skills in a similar fashion as this web developer did in the "Selected Project Experience" section.

Emphasis on breadth of web development skills - Freelance Web Developer Resume

Template 8 of 14: Senior Web Developer Resume Example

As a Senior Web Developer, you're an expert in coding, creating, and maintaining websites and web applications, playing a vital role in driving a company's online presence and performance. In recent years, there's been a surge in demand for skilled developers who can work with various frameworks and programming languages. A strong resume is crucial in showcasing your expertise, versatility, and breadth of knowledge, helping you stand out in this competitive industry. Companies looking for Senior Web Developers want not only technical proficiency but also a proven ability to manage projects and lead teams. Your resume should effectively communicate your capacity for leadership in addition to your technical skills, making it clear that you're the right fit for their needs.

Senior Web Developer resume showcasing technical skills and leadership experience.

Tips to help you write your Senior Web Developer resume in 2024

   highlight key technical skills.

In your resume, emphasize your proficiency in key programming languages, frameworks, and tools specific to web development (e.g., JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Angular). Providing examples of projects where you've used these skills will demonstrate your expertise and experience as a Senior Web Developer.

Highlight key technical skills - Senior Web Developer Resume

   Showcase leadership and project management

As a Senior Web Developer, you're expected to lead and mentor junior developers and oversee projects. Showcase your experience in project management, team collaboration, and mentorship by including specific accomplishments and results that demonstrate your ability to guide a team and deliver successful projects.

Showcase leadership and project management - Senior Web Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior Web Developer resume

Template 9 of 14: senior web developer resume example.

Senior web developers will want to impart their ability to lead. In the case of this web developer, they incorporate their work leading internal teams, as well as their capacity to work with external partners, both of which speak to strong personal skills. Pairing leadership with a background rooted in technical skills illustrates that you have the understanding and the willingness to encourage company growth.

Senior web developers should emphasize their leadership ability through their experience while including their indicated proficiency at a variety of technical skills.

   Variety of accomplishments

With a long career in web development, it's possible to have accrued a similarly broad list of accomplishments. Rather than emphasizing a few portions of those accomplishments (such as increasing click rate), this resume touches on a variety of accomplishments, such as improving efficiency, increasing revenue, and reducing turnaround time.

Variety of accomplishments - Senior Web Developer Resume

   Focus on experience

As a senior web developer, hiring managers will want to know your field experience first and foremost. This resume appropriately focuses on job experience, leaving small windows to emphasize their significant educational background and then their skills. If you've been working as a web developer long enough, after all, your skills should be well illustrated by your accomplishments.

Focus on experience - Senior Web Developer Resume

Template 10 of 14: Junior Web Developer Resume Example

A junior web developer works under more senior developers and performs tasks in all stages of the website development cycle. You may assist in coding, testing, and review of websites. Your technical toolset will be very important to recruiters, as will your educational background. A strong IT background and tools list that includes all industry-standard software will be essential. Take a look at this well-structured resume sample.

A junior web developer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and skill set.

Tips to help you write your Junior Web Developer resume in 2024

   get developer certification..

Most applicants will have the same industry-standard qualifications listed in their skills section. To stand out from the crowd, get web developer certification. It will show recruiters your dedication to the profession and give them confidence that you are highly skilled in web development.

Get developer certification. - Junior Web Developer Resume

   Work on expanding your tools list.

Having an expansive tools list can be a strong positive for recruiters. So as you apply for positions, take time to learn a new software language or tool. It will increase your value to your eventual employer.

Work on expanding your tools list. - Junior Web Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Web Developer resume

Template 11 of 14: full stack web developer resume example.

Put simply, a full-stack developer can develop both the front-end and back-end of a website. You must be especially skilled and agile to switch between the two. Recruiters need to see a strong educational background and an even stronger skills list that shows your capability to excel at both front-end and back-end development. Beyond your qualifications. Recruiters will want to see your range of experience and how successful you have been in previous positions. Here is an example of a strong full-stack web developer.

A full-stack web developer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s front-end and back-end qualifications.

Tips to help you write your Full Stack Web Developer resume in 2024

   create a balanced front-end and back-end resume..

Because a full-stack developer needs to be skilled at both, make sure your resume is balanced and shows the experience and the skill set needed for each.

   Use web development keywords.

Web development is a highly technical job with very specific language used. Using web development keywords shows recruiters that you are knowledgeable and experienced in the area. It may also benefit you if recruiters are using any ATS filters.

Use web development keywords. - Full Stack Web Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your Full Stack Web Developer resume

Template 12 of 14: full stack web developer resume example.

While full stack developers are a true jack of all trades for software development, a full stack web developer primarily focuses on website development and design rather than mobile apps. You’ll want to show how you excel in developing websites that boost companies’ traffic, how you saved the company money by continuously reviewing your code, and how much revenue your new web designs brought in.

A full stack web developer resume that focuses on website developer experience, relevant education in computer engineering, and technical skills.

   Specify your work in web development

Since this position is specifically all about web development, you’ll want to highlight your experience with building websites and web apps. Talk about how websites that you developed helped to improve user experience, what techniques you used, and the impact on visitor numbers. Detail what programming languages you used and don’t forget to mention relevant technical skills.

   Show how you impacted the company’s financials

An online presence is necessary for companies to survive, and a professional website helps to capture customers’ attention. If your website development contributed to a boost in sales or revenue, make sure to detail specific numbers. If you saved the company money through your development (e.g. by driving efficiencies), mention it too.

Show how you impacted the company’s financials - Full Stack Web Developer Resume

Template 13 of 14: PHP Developer Resume Example

A PHP developer is someone who develops scripts to build webpages, programs, and applications. A PHP developer is someone who is well-versed in using PHP, a common scripting language, to code web based applications and websites. These developers are responsible for implementing, monitoring, and testing and troubleshooting their code to ensure it all works as it should. An ideal candidate for this role will have strong technical skills. A four-year degree in computer science or data entry is preferable, but any four-year degree could be considered if you have taken follow-up education and certifications in web development. Hiring managers will be looking for a candidate who has experience in software development and/or coding, is fluent in common coding languages, and has superb attention to detail.

A resume for a PHP developer with a bachelors degree in IT and experience as a Java software engineer and programmer.

Tips to help you write your PHP Developer resume in 2024

   become proficient in php.

Generally, hiring managers will be looking for a candidate who is already fluent in PHP before taking the job. Taking a training course in PHP is a great resume booster and a good way to master the basics of PHP before applying for the job. These courses allow you to experiment with the PHP language and learn the ins and outs of coding with it.

   Obtain experience relevant to the PHP developer role

Previous work experience as a junior software developer or web UI developer will show hiring managers you have hands-on experience with concepts of web development and coding. You can also use PHP code on your own time to create examples of your work. You can also use freelancing platforms to pick up jobs for clients needing PHP programming. These projects can be put into a portfolio and given to hiring managers alongside your resume.

Obtain experience relevant to the PHP developer role - PHP Developer Resume

Skills you can include on your PHP Developer resume

Template 14 of 14: php developer resume example.

A PHP developer is a subset of the software development profession. They are responsible for developing interactive websites with the scripting programming language PHP. These developers also maintain, update, and troubleshoot the website when necessary. This is a profession that requires resilience and logical thinking to resolve issues along the way. That’s why you should highlight your problem-solving skills in your resume.

A PHP developer resume template that highlights achievements.

   Demonstrate your ability to write clean code.

This is usually ignored by many candidates, but it can be a decisive reason for recruiters to choose you. It’s ok to be creative and write functional code that only you understand when you are working alone. However, if you’ll work in a development team, it’s important to write clean code so other team members can understand your work. It ensures productivity and communication.

   Include additional programming languages and PHP tools in your resume.

Of course, the most important programming language to highlight in your resume is PHP. However, PHP developers also work with other coding languages and tools, especially if they are full-stack developers. You can boost your resume by adding all the skills and tools that could make your PHP development process better.

Include additional programming languages and PHP tools in your resume. - PHP Developer Resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited web developers at top companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, I've reviewed hundreds of resumes. In this article, I'll share insider tips on how to make your web developer resume stand out. These tips come from my firsthand experience and will help you showcase your skills and experience in the most effective way.

   Highlight your technical skills

Employers want to see the specific technologies and programming languages you've worked with. Instead of simply listing them, provide examples of how you used each one.

  • Developed responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React
  • Implemented server-side functionality with Node.js and Express
  • Utilized MongoDB for data storage and retrieval in a full-stack project

Avoid being too generic or vague about your technical abilities. For instance:

  • Familiar with web technologies
  • Knowledge of programming languages

Bullet Point Samples for Web Developer

Hiring managers love to see the projects you've worked on, especially if they're relevant to the job you're applying for. Include a brief description of each project, the technologies used, and your specific role.

  • E-commerce website - Developed a full-stack e-commerce platform using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). Implemented features like user authentication, shopping cart, and payment integration. Contributed to both front-end and back-end development.

Avoid simply listing project names without context:

  • Personal blog
  • Group project

   Demonstrate your impact

Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to show the impact you made in previous roles. Use metrics to highlight how you contributed to the success of projects or the company.

  • Optimized website performance, reducing page load time by 25% and increasing user engagement by 15%
  • Collaborated with a team of 5 developers to deliver a large-scale web application within a tight deadline, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction

Avoid making claims without supporting evidence:

  • Improved website speed
  • Worked on successful projects

   Tailor your resume to the job

Customize your resume for each job application by highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position. Use the job description as a guide to understand what the employer is looking for.

For example, if the job emphasizes expertise in a specific framework like Angular, make sure to showcase your Angular projects and skills prominently. If the company values strong collaboration skills, highlight your experiences working in a team environment.

Web Developer with 3+ years of experience in developing responsive and scalable web applications using Angular and Node.js. Strong collaboration skills, having worked in agile teams to deliver high-quality projects on time. Passionate about creating user-friendly and performant web experiences.

Avoid using a generic resume summary that could apply to any web developer role:

Web Developer with experience in creating websites and applications. Skilled in multiple programming languages and frameworks. Looking for an opportunity to apply my skills in a challenging environment.

   Include relevant certifications and courses

If you have completed any relevant certifications or online courses, include them in your resume. This shows your commitment to learning and staying up-to-date with the latest web development trends and technologies.

  • AWS Certified Developer - Associate
  • Completed 'Advanced React Patterns' course on Udemy
  • Google Mobile Web Specialist Certification

However, avoid listing irrelevant or outdated certifications that do not add value to your application:

  • Microsoft Office Specialist
  • Outdated technology certifications (e.g., Flash)

   Showcase your soft skills

While technical skills are crucial for web developers, soft skills are equally important. Highlight your ability to communicate effectively, work in a team, and problem-solve.

You can demonstrate these skills through your project descriptions or by including a separate section for relevant soft skills. For example:

  • Strong problem-solving skills, able to debug complex issues and find efficient solutions
  • Excellent communicator, capable of explaining technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders
  • Collaborative team player, enjoys working with designers and other developers to create the best user experience

Avoid using generic or cliché soft skill descriptions:

  • Good communication skills
  • Team player
  • Detail-oriented

To recap on what we’ve covered thus far, you’ll want to start planning your position-specific resume by first identifying what type of web developer the position is looking for (by reviewing the job posting). Once you’ve done that, you can match your background to it by selecting a template similar to the ones we reviewed above.

  Making Your Experience Stand Out

If your background follows a similar pattern to the first resume we looked at (with five years of chronological experience in the field), you can replicate the template by listing the positions you’ve held and ending on your most recent (or current) position. If you have limited experience working with a company, include a separate Projects section (as in the example of the freelance web developer who listed “Selected Project Experience”, or the entry level web developer, who included their “University Projects”). This could include independent projects you’ve completed, such as building a popular Google Chrome extension or developing a mobile app.

  Adding industry-specific words to your web developer resume

Since web developers can come from varied backgrounds, try to incorporate industry-specific words into your resume that reflect the type of position you’re applying for. Front end web developers, for example, should aim to include accomplishments related to user engagement and customer satisfaction, while back end web developers will want to include examples of increased efficiencies or reduced costs. Including industry-specific terms not only demonstrates that you have a solid idea of what the hiring manager is looking for, it also improves your chances at scoring higher with hiring algorithms that companies may be using. When crafting your bullet points, keep in mind that they will be most effective if they include quantifiable, numerical values that are most relevant to web development. Hiring managers want to read things like “increased website revenue by 60%” and “increased the company’s conversion rate by 220%”. While you don’t need to have numerical data in every bullet point, try to keep it at a high ratio to the qualitative accomplishments you’re including.

Writing Your Web Developer Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name front and center.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, typically using a larger font than the rest of your resume. Put it on its own line.

Examples of how to format your name:

  • John H. Doe

Avoid nicknames or unprofessional email addresses like:

  • [email protected]

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, add your key contact details:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (city, state)
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • Personal website or portfolio URL (optional)

You can put these details on one line, separated by vertical bars, bullets, or other dividers. For example:

[email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY | linkedin.com/in/johndoe | johndoe.com

There's no need to include your full mailing address. Your city and state will suffice.

3. Consider adding your job title

As a web developer, you can optionally include your specific job title or area of specialization in your resume header. This quickly communicates your professional identity to hiring managers. For example:

  • John Doe Front End Web Developer
  • John Doe Full Stack Web Developer | React Specialist

However, avoid cramming your header with too many keywords or buzzwords. Keep it concise and impactful.

If you're unsure if your header makes the right first impression, try the Score My Resume tool. It provides instant feedback on 30+ key criteria hiring managers look for, so you can optimize every section of your web developer resume.


As a web developer, your resume summary is a chance to showcase your key skills, experience, and career highlights that are most relevant to the role you're targeting. While a summary is optional, it can be a useful way to provide context about your background, especially if you're a career changer or have a lot of experience. Remember, your resume is already a summary of your qualifications, so avoid repeating information that's already covered in other sections.

When writing your web developer resume summary, focus on your technical skills, programming languages, and key accomplishments. Avoid using generic soft skills or buzzwords like "hardworking" or "team player." Instead, let your experience and achievements speak for themselves. Keep your summary concise, no more than a few sentences or a short paragraph.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Web Developer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Web Developer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Web Developer Resume Summary Examples , or Web Developer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your technical skills and experience

Your summary should showcase your most relevant technical skills and experience as a web developer. Mention the programming languages, frameworks, and tools you specialize in, especially those that are listed in the job description.

Here's an example of a resume summary that effectively highlights technical skills:

Full stack web developer with 5+ years of experience building responsive web applications using JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB. Skilled in developing and maintaining scalable, high-performance web services. Experienced in Agile development methodologies and collaborating with cross-functional teams.

In contrast, avoid generic statements that don't provide specific details about your skills or experience, like:

  • Web developer looking for a challenging role
  • Hardworking and dedicated professional

2. Quantify your achievements and impact

When possible, include specific metrics or achievements in your summary to demonstrate the impact you've had in previous roles. Quantifying your successes helps hiring managers understand the value you can bring to their team.

For example:

  • Developed and launched an e-commerce platform that increased online sales by 30% in the first quarter
  • Optimized website performance, reducing page load times by 50% and improving user engagement metrics

Avoid making vague claims without supporting evidence, such as:

Proven track record of delivering successful web projects


The work experience section is critical to show hiring managers how you've applied your technical skills to real-world projects and made an impact. It's also the best place to show your career progression and promotions you've earned.

In this section, we'll cover exactly what you should include and how to write about your experiences in a compelling way.

1. Highlight the programming languages, frameworks, and tools used

As a web developer, you've likely used a variety of programming languages, frameworks, and tools in your past roles. Be sure to specifically call out the ones you used in each role, and include the ones that are most relevant to the job you're applying for.

Compare this:

  • Developed and maintained company website
  • Developed and maintained company website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React
  • Used Git for version control and collaborated with team using Agile methodology

The second example gives the hiring manager a much clearer picture of your technical capabilities and experience.

2. Show the impact you made with specific examples and metrics

It's one thing to say you developed a website or app - but hiring managers want to know the impact of your work. Where you can, include specific metrics or examples that demonstrate the results you achieved.

Here are some examples:

  • Developed new mobile app that was downloaded 50,000+ times and had a 4.5-star rating in the App Store
  • Improved website load time by 40%, resulting in a 20% increase in conversions
  • Built internal dashboard tool for sales team that saved 10 hours per week in manual reporting

If you don't have specific metrics, you can still provide details on the scope and results of your work, like the scale of the website, how many users it had, or positive feedback you received.

3. Tailor your bullet points to the job description

One mistake many job seekers make is using the same generic bullet points for every job they apply to. Instead, you should tailor your work experience to the specific role, highlighting the most relevant responsibilities and accomplishments.

Before writing your bullet points, carefully review the job description and note the key skills and qualifications they're looking for. Then, think about how your past experience aligns with those requirements.

For example, if a job description emphasizes experience with React, you could highlight that in your bullet points:

  • Led development of new React component library, resulting in 30% faster development times across all projects

If it mentions collaborating with cross-functional teams, you could say:

  • Partnered with product and design teams to implement new features based on user feedback and business requirements

Tailoring your resume for each job takes extra time, but it's worth it to stand out to recruiters. Our Score My Resume tool can analyze your bullet points and tell you how well your resume matches the job description.

4. Highlight your career progression and promotions

Hiring managers love to see candidates who have progressively taken on more responsibilities and grown in their roles. If you've been promoted or taken on leadership roles, make sure that's clear in your work experience section.

One way to do this is to list your different positions separately, like this:

Senior Web Developer, ABC Company (2018-Present) - Led development of new e-commerce platform that increased revenue by 30% - Managed team of 5 junior developers and provided mentoring and code reviews Web Developer, ABC Company (2016-2018) - Developed and maintained company website using WordPress and PHP - Collaborated with marketing team to implement SEO best practices, increasing organic traffic 40%

This format makes it easy for hiring managers to see your progression and the increasing scope of your responsibilities.

If you weren't officially promoted but took on new challenges or leadership roles, you can still highlight that in your bullet points.


Your education section shows hiring managers that you have the necessary training and knowledge for the web developer role. It also gives them a sense of your career trajectory and growth. Here are some key tips to make your education section effective:

How To Write An Education Section - Web Developer Roles

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated within the last few years and have limited work experience, put your education section above your work history. This highlights your most relevant qualification first.

  • Name of school
  • Location of school
  • Degree obtained
  • Graduation year
  • Relevant coursework, projects, or achievements

Here's an example:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Graduated: May 2022 Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Database Systems Senior Project: Developed an e-commerce website using React, Node.js, and MongoDB

2. Keep education concise if you're experienced

If you have several years of work experience, your education section should be brief. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments. You can simply list your degree, school, and graduation year.

Avoid this:

Master of Science in Information Technology New York University, New York, NY Graduated: May 2012 Relevant Coursework: Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Software Engineering GPA: 3.7

Instead, do this:

Master of Science in Information Technology, New York University, 2012 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Rutgers University, 2010

3. Include relevant certifications

In the fast-evolving field of web development, certifications demonstrate that your skills are up-to-date. If you have completed any substantial certifications, include them in your education section.

  • Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE Web Component Developer
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): App Builder

If you have several certifications, you may want to create a separate "Certifications" section to avoid cluttering your education section.

Action Verbs For Web Developer Resumes

Action verbs are critical for making your resume feel relevant and keeping it flowing. On the left, we’ve compiled a list of action verbs that should be included in web developer resumes based on our research. These action verbs can be integrated throughout the text, such as in a short summary like the one present on the first web developer resume we reviewed. In that example, they have experience “managing” and “developing” projects to “maintain” cohesive websites, all of which speak favorably to their capabilities. Every bullet point should begin with an action verb, as we discussed above. “Designed”, “developed”, and “created” are all important fundamentals for the web developer trade, while “revamped”, “brainstormed”, and “collaborated” indicate your ability to go above and beyond.

Action Verbs for Web Developer

  • Conceptualized
  • Architected
  • Restructured
  • Troubleshooted

For more related action verbs, visit Software Engineering Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Web Developer Resumes

Skills for web developer resumes.

Perhaps more than most occupations, web development is a skills-based field. Having familiarity with particular software platforms and hardware setups can be a real asset for web developers applying to new positions, and your resume should reflect that. On the left, we’ve provided a list of the top skills that hiring managers are looking for on web developer resumes. You can incorporate these in two primary ways: by adding a succinct section on your resume that lists the skills that are most relevant to the type of web developer role you’re applying for, and by including your accomplishments related to these skills under each position you’ve held. Remember to keep the focus on web development in terms of hard skills, but don’t be shy about including relevant soft skills, either. A well-rounded web developer may exceed most at critical thinking, as in the first resume template we looked at above.

  • CodeIgniter
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Web Development
  • PHP Frameworks
  • Symfony Framework
  • Docker Products

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Web Developer Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Web Developer Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Web Developer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Web Developer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Web Developer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from web developer resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Web Developer resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Accelerated goal to increase digital sales by improving e-commerce experience on existing website and adding new storefronts on Amazon and eBay; analyzed consumer data to ensure accurate targeting by segment; resulting in 300% increase in online orders in the following year.

Conducted evaluative testing with 10+ participants using InVision and UserTesting.com; synthesized and designed against findings which reduced bounce rate for primary user flow by 30%

Developed an iPhone app to help medical professionals measure the insulin needs of patients with diabetes

Revamped website flows and navigation menus, reducing the frequency of misdirected customer service queries by 30% and increasing traffic to previously neglected pages

Conducted 25+ user-testing focus groups leading to 3 new product features in 6 months

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Other Engineering Resumes

An Oracle PL/SQL developer resume template that includes contact info, a brief description, and work history

SharePoint Developer

A senior SharePoint developer resume template that includes skills, education, and relevant experience.

Software Developer

Backend Developer resume with technical skills and database experience highlighted.

  • Software Engineer Resume Guide
  • Software Developer Resume Guide

Web Developer Resume Guide

  • Programmer Resume Guide
  • Front End Developer Resume Guide
  • DevOps Resume Guide
  • Full Stack Developer Resume Guide
  • Java Developer Resume Guide
  • Python Developer Resume Guide
  • IT Manager Resume Guide
  • Cyber Security Resume Guide
  • Salesforce Resume Guide
  • Quality Assurance Resume Guide
  • Quality Engineer Resume Guide
  • Electrical Engineer Resume Guide
  • System Administrator Resume Guide
  • Scrum Master Resume Guide
  • Civil Engineer Resume Guide
  • Network Administrator Resume Guide
  • Mechanical Engineer Resume Guide
  • Manufacturing Engineer Resume Guide
  • Network Engineer Resume Guide
  • Node.js Resume Guide
  • SQL Developer Resume Guide
  • Integration Architect Resume Guide
  • Engineering Manager Resume Guide
  • Software Tester Resume Guide
  • Service Technician Resume Guide
  • Platform Engineer Resume Guide
  • Automation Engineer Resume Guide
  • C, C++, and C# Developer Resume Guide
  • Technical Support Resume Guide
  • Project Engineer Resume Guide
  • Security Manager Resume Guide
  • Electronic Technician Resume Guide
  • System Engineer Resume Guide
  • IT Specialist Resume Guide
  • Packaging Engineer Resume Guide
  • Oracle Resume Guide
  • Planning Engineer Resume Guide
  • Blockchain Resume Guide
  • Cloud Developer Resume Guide
  • ETL Developer Resume Guide
  • SharePoint Developer Resume Guide
  • Kafka Resume Guide
  • Audio Engineer Resume Guide
  • HVAC Resume Guide
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  • Maintenance Technician Resume Guide
  • Solutions Architect Resume Guide
  • Implementation Specialist Resume Guide
  • Software Architect Resume Guide
  • PHP Developer Resume Guide
  • Biomedical Engineer Resume Guide
  • Robotics Resume Guide
  • Chief Digital Officer Resume Guide
  • Innovation Resume Guide
  • Security Analyst Resume Guide
  • IT Auditor Resume Guide
  • Director of Software Engineering Resume Guide
  • Environmental Engineer Resume Guide
  • Technology Director Resume Guide
  • Director of Information Technology Resume Guide
  • AWS Resume Guide
  • Director of Engineering Resume Guide
  • Materials Engineer Resume Guide
  • UAT Tester Resume Guide
  • Web Developer Resume Example
  • Front End Web Developer Resume Example
  • Entry Level Web Developer Resume Example
  • Freelance Web Developer Resume Example
  • Senior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Junior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Full Stack Web Developer Resume Example
  • PHP Developer Resume Example
  • Tips for Web Developer Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Web Developer CV Examples
  • Web Developer Cover Letter
  • Web Developer Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Web Developer Resume for 2024 - Guide & Examples

Background Image

It’s no secret that web developers are in high demand.

Highly skilled developers shouldn’t have too many problems.

Securing a role at a top company is no easy task.

You see, you’re competing with hundreds of other skilled developers.

With so much competition, you need a resume that works.

You’re in luck! This guide takes you through a simple step-by-step process of creating a web developer resume.

  • An example of a finished web developer resume that works
  • How to write a web developer resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your web developer resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Before we get into the details, here’s a web developer example, created with our very own free resume builder :

web developer resume sample

Applying for a different job position in the computer science field? Go ahead and check out one of our related resume examples below:

  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Data Entry Resume
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer Resume
  • Engineering Resume

How to Format a Web Developer Resume

Before you can reveal your coding expertise, you need pick the best format.

Doing so will allow your skills and experiences to be seen clearly. It will also be easier for the recruiter to read, which is always good. 

The most common resume format is “reverse-chronological”, and it’s for good reason. Essentially, it allows the hiring managers to immediately see how you can benefit the company. We recommend web developers start with this format ( tech resume template ):

web developer resume

The following resume formats can also work well:

  • Functional Resume – If your developer skills are stronger than your work experience, this format is recommended. It’s ideal for graduates who don’t have a lot of work experience or have gaps in their employment history.
  • Combination Resume – As the name suggests, this format combines both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats. It focuses on skills AND work experience, so is ideal for developers who have some work experience.

With your format sorted, it’s time to arrange your resume layout .

Just like your web development, you need to create the best user experience possible.

For a professional web developer resume, we recommend:

  • Margins - One-inch margins on every side
  • Font - Pick a unique font that remains professional 
  • Font Size - Use a font size of 11-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Keep your resume to one page. For guidance, view our one-page resume templates .

Use a Web Developer Resume Template

As a web developer, you’re well-versed in producing clean code that has no bugs.

Similarly, you need your resume to be built in a way that can’t break.

The best way to do this is via a web developer resume template .

Use a text editor, and your entire resume layout may fall apart with just a small alteration!

What to Include in a Web Developer Resume

The main sections in a web developer resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

Want to go a step further? You can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

So, those are the sections to use, but what should you write for each of them? 

Read on to find out!

Want to know more about resume sections? View our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

You may be able to develop some slick websites, but your creativity is not needed for this section.

The only requirement is factually-correct information.

The contact information section must include:

  • Professional Title – Align this to the exact role you’re applying for, which is “Web Developer”
  • Phone Number – Check this for errors
  • Email Address – Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not your childhood email ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location and that you are willing to relocate or work remotely.
  • Joe Paul - Web Developer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Joe Paul - Web Development King. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

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How to Write a Web Developer Resume Summary or Objective

Put yourself in the mind of the recruiter:

You’re in your office with 100+ resumes piled up in front of you.

Are you going to read each resume thoroughly or are you going to skim read?

The truth is, we have only a few seconds to hook the reader

The best way to do this is with a resume summary or objective .

These are short paragraphs found at the top of a resume, just under your contact information.

But what is the difference between these two sections?

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements.

  • Experienced web developer with a strong background in developing award-winning applications for a diverse clientele. 5+ years of industry experience includes programming, debugging, and wireframes. Received 80%+ experience scores on every web application built for SoftwareX. 

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.

  • Motivated junior web developer looking for a role as full-stack web developer at SoftwareX. Passionate about building first-class web applications. Developed an e-commerce website for a local fashion retailer while at University X. Relevant skills include DNS Management, Database, Debugging, and more.

Summary or objective – who is the winner?

Generally, we recommend web developers to use a summary.

How to Make Your Web Developer Work Experience Stand Out

Not much can beat a candidate with a wealth of relevant work experience .

As such, make sure you spend time making this section perfect. 

Here’s the best way to structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Web Developer 


03/2016 - 04/2020

  • Increased UX scores by 40%.
  • Accelerated load time by 22%.
  • Contributed to mobile app development for a 27% increase in eCommerce sales.
  • Trained over 20 staff members in internal website functions.

To separate your application from the competition, you should focus on your best achievements instead of your daily tasks. This will allow the recruiter to see the obvious benefits in hiring you.

Instead of saying:

“Developed mobile apps”

“Contributed to mobile app development for a 27% increase in eCommerce sales”

So, what’s the difference between the two examples?

To put it simply, the first example shows that you developed apps, but it doesn’t show the results of your work. 

The second example shows that your work had a direct benefit to the company you were working for. Hard numbers that prove your skills – yes please!

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a graduate looking for your first developer job?

Whatever the reason for your lack of work experience, a recruiter will want a web developer that can do the job. 

The best way to do this is to create a portfolio of work that shows your skills.

Here are several ways you can create a rich portfolio (and even get paid for it):

  • Start freelancing
  • Ask your social circle if they need the help of a web developer 
  • If the above doesn’t work, you can become your own client! Show your skills by building your own website or app.

Are you recent web dev graduate? Make sure to check out our student resume guide !

Use Action Words to Make Your Web Developer Resume POP!

…are all common words that the recruiter sees time and time again.

However, you don’t want your resume to read like every other resume on the recruiter’s desk. The solution is to use power words to make your achievements stand out:

  • Conceptualized

How to Correctly List your Education

Once the experience section is the best it can be, it’s time to talk about your educational history to date.

Just like your code, keep this section clean and reduce bloat. 

Simply enter your education history in the following format:

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

B.A. in Computer Science

Boston State University

  • Relevant Courses: Algorithms, Compilers, Principles of Programming, Logic and Database Theory, Systems Engineering, Computer Systems

Now, you may still have questions on this section. If so, here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

What if I haven’t completed education yet?

  • Regardless of whether you’re a marketing graduate or still studying, you should still mention every year of education to date

Should I include my high school education?

  • The general rule is to only include your highest education. So, include your high school education if you don’t have a relevant degree for marketing.

What do I put first, my education or experience?

  • Experiences are the priority, so those go first. If you’re a recent graduate, you will likely need to start with education

Need further guidance? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Web Developer Resume

Most applications will have the same skills sections: a long list of programming languages. 

While this shows their skills, the hiring manager has seen this A LOT.

Yours should do two things:

  • Include the correct keywords to pass the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • List a mix of hard skills and soft skills that are targeted to the job description

Here are some of the most common web developer skills:

Languages for a Web Developer:

Hard skills for a web developer:.

  • Programming
  • DNS Management

Soft Skills for a Web Developer:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability

Generally, soft skills are really important, but, you see, any CS graduate can say they’re a team leader, but not many have an advanced knowledge of DNS management.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 150+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include in Your Web Developer Resume?

That’s the essentials sorted – time to call it a day!

But wait, does your resume stand out?

Covering the essentials should be enough to get you shortlisted, but the following sections could be the deciding factor in whether you’re hired for the role or not.

Awards & Certifications

Have you won an award for your web development?

Have you completed any courses to improve your development skills?

Include any notable achievements in this section of your resume. 

Here’s an example:

Awards & Certificates

  • “Web Applications for Everbody” – Coursera Certificate
  • “Full-Stack Web Development with Stack” – Coursera Certificate
  • “Critical Thinking Masterclass” – MadeUpUniversity

Want to really impress the hiring manager?

Show that you live and breathe web development.

Showing off your own personal project is one of best ways to show how passionate you are about your craft.

For web development and programming, this is usually in the form of side hustles. Showing a website that you built with your coding knowledge will be impressive for all hiring managers.

Here are a few projects that you could mention:

  • Create a website from scratch
  • Create your own audio and video player with javascript
  • Create an online FTP client 

Here is what the projects section can look like on your resume…

As a web developer, you know many coding languages. 

However, here we are talking about vocal languages.

Those able to speak multiple languages may want to add a small languages section. 

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you may be wondering, “why does my rock climbing hobby matter?”

Well, your interests and hobbies reveal more of who you are. 

A few sentences about yourself is a great way to add instant personality to your resume. 

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention .

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

While some recruiters don’t need cover letters, others see them as essential.

And as you want the best chance of landing the job, we recommend writing one.

As well as great for creating interest in your resume, cover letters show that you have a desire to work for this specific company, instead of sending out a generic resume.

Here’s how to create a winning cover letter:

cover letter for web developer resume

You should complete the following sections:

Personal Contact Information

Your full name, profession, email, phone number, location, and website (or GitHub / Stack Overflow).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email, phone number.

Opening Paragraph

As the recruiter will be skimming through your application, you need to hook them with the first few sentences. Use concise language to mention:

  • The exact position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Once you have the recruiter interested, you can get deeper into the following specifics...

  • Why you chose this specific company
  • What you know about the company
  • How are your top skills relevant for the job
  • Which similar industries or positions have you worked in before

Closing Paragraph

Don’t just end the letter in an abrupt manner, you should:

  • Conclude the points made in the body paragraph
  • Thank the recruiter for the opportunity
  • Finish with a call to action to ignite a conversation. A simple “At your earliest opportunity, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help company X” will work.

Formal Salutations

End the letter with professionalism. We recommend something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely”.

For more inspiration, read our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

You now have everything you need to build a professional web development resume that really gets results.

Let’s quickly go over the most important points:

  • Format your web developer resume correctly. Prioritize the reverse-chronological format, and then follow the best practices on content layout
  • Use a resume summary or objective to catch the recruiter’s attention
  • Highlight your top achievements in your work experience section
  • Think about making a portfolio that shows your best work
  • Include a convincing cover letter with your resume 

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method [9+ Examples]
  • How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”
  • What You Can Learn from Satya Nadella’s Rise to CEO

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  • • Managed multiple large-scale projects, delivering all on time and within budget
  • • Used WordPress, Elementor, WPBakery, and other plugins to build and edit custom themes, improving website performance by 30%
  • • Collaborated with a team of developers, contributing to a 20% increase in team productivity
  • • Worked on multiple projects per week, all of which were delivered on time
  • • Used WordPress, Elementor, WPBakery, and other plugins to build and edit custom themes, contributing to a 20% increase in website performance
  • • Collaborated with a team of developers, contributing to a 15% increase in team productivity
  • • Developed and maintained code for 10 client websites primarily using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python
  • • Collaborated with a team of 4 developers, gaining valuable teamwork experience
  • • Worked on API integration and developed functionality for systems using APIs.

24 Web Developer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your web developer resume must highlight your technical skill set. Include proficiency in languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular or React. Showcase your experience with responsive design and cross-platform compatibility. Also, emphasize your ability to work with version control systems like Git.

All resume examples in this guide

web developer resume projects

Junior Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Senior Oracle Developer

web developer resume projects

Senior Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Entry-Level Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Angular Developer

web developer resume projects

Asp.Net Developer

web developer resume projects

C Developer

web developer resume projects

Drupal Developer

web developer resume projects

Golang Developer

web developer resume projects

Hadoop Developer

web developer resume projects

Node JS Developer

web developer resume projects

Ruby On Rails Developer

web developer resume projects

SAP Abap Developer

web developer resume projects

Snowflake Developer

web developer resume projects

Splunk Developer

web developer resume projects

Web Application Developer

web developer resume projects

Wordpress Developer

web developer resume projects

Freelance Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Front-End Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Back-End Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Web Application Developer (Programmer)

web developer resume projects

PHP Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Full-Stack Web Developer

web developer resume projects

Experienced Full Stack Web Developer resume example

Resume Guide

Web developer resume example.

Formatting your resume

Writing your experience section

Listing hard skills and soft skills

Listing certifications and education

Writing a summary or objective

Additional sections for your web developer resume

Key takeaways

By Experience

Web Developer resume example

Creating and maintaining websites is no small task. Whether you’re loyal to HTML/CSS or are navigating new technologies, you know the importance of keeping your programming skills sharp.

Those skills are evident in the impressive projects in your GitHub portfolio. Now you’re shifting your focus to developing something else.

Your web developer resume.

You’re a coding pro but don’t rely on your front-end skills to land you the job. Your web development resume needs to show recruiters that you have what it takes to identify problems, debug code, and develop a user-friendly site.

Our guide will show you how to do all of that and make a great first impression on your next potential employer with an outstanding web developer resume.

Read below to learn:

  • How to use web developer resume examples to find the best fit for your target job
  • How to impress hiring managers with your experience section by using quantifiable metrics
  • The skills recruiters look for that show your commitment to the job and industry specific knowledge
  • What other sections to add to your web developer resume that will make you stand out from other candidates

Additional job-specific developer resume examples that might be helpful to you:

  • Senior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Junior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Freelance Developer Resume Example
  • Front-End Web Developer Resume Example
  • Back-End Web Developer Resume Example
  • Web Application Developer (Programmer) Resume Example
  • PHP Web Developer Resume Example
  • Full-Stack Web Developer Resume Example

Experienced Full Stack Web Developer resume example

What makes this web developer resume example great:

How to format a web developer resume

The format of your web developer resume is just as important as the content. It is the first thing recruiters will notice when your resume comes across their desk.

Web development requires strong technical skills and clear organization. Show potential employers you’re the right candidate with a clean and professional design.

A few points to keep in mind when writing your web development resume are:

  • Use a reverse chronological order layout
  • Give a good first impression with a strong header and professional contact info
  • Highlight technical skills and quantifiable achievements that are valuable for web developers
  • Keep your web developer resume to one page and in PDF format

A reverse chronological resume is the most commonly recognized resume formats . As the name suggests, it lists work history in reverse chronological order and makes the experience section the main focus.

This is the ideal format for web developers with at least a few years of experience in the industry, especially upper-level positions like senior full-stack developer.

If you are just breaking into the field or have recently graduated from school, consider following a functional resume format. This puts the focus on skills rather than lack of experience.

After putting so much time and effort into perfecting the design of your resume, the last thing you want to happen is to lose the format by choosing the wrong file type.

For file type, choose PDF over doc. PDF files have more security and less compatibility issues across devices.

Send your PDF resume and rest assured that it will look exactly the same when opened on the other end.

Potential employers will expect that a web developer has the technical skills to make their resume file easily accessible. Don’t miss an opportunity by submitting a file that HR can’t open.

Select one of our ready-to-use web developer resume templates to easily add your own information and download it in PDF format.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The top sections on a web developer resume

What recruiters want to see on your resume, how to write your web developer resume experience section.

A good resume experience section lists your previous relevant work roles along with 3-4 bullets highlighting quantifiable achievements that are tailored to your target job.

Potential employers want to see how you will impact success at their company and your level of expertise in their current tech stack.

Let’s look at an example of a web developer experience section.

  • • Monitored website traffic and expanded reach to new users
  • • Fixed errors in back end code
  • • Wrote a new program to track sales in product department

What’s wrong with this example:

  • Does not include any measurable results
  • Unclear about whether initiatives were successful or not
  • No mention of specific technical skills or programming languages

A common mistake that candidates make on resumes is simply listing job duties without any achievements associated with them.

Don’t just tell potential employers what you did every day. Show them how you have achieved success in the role.

It’s important to always quantify your achievements. Don’t expect hiring managers to assume you reached excellent results just by writing “expanded reach”.

More on that later.

Now let’s look at an improved version of the same example.

  • • Increased website traffic by 42% and expanded reach to 1200 new users in Q1
  • • Located errors and debugged back end, improved customer satisfaction by 25%
  • • Wrote a new program using HTML/CSS that resulted in an additional $50K in sales

What works in this example:

  • Specific numbers and data quantify impact
  • Shows debugging and problem-solving skills that lead to success
  • Describes the use of HTML/CSS in target job tech stack

This improved web developer experience section is much more effective. It shows real data and measurable results. Evidence of industry-specific skills is provided.

Always tailor your resume to fit your target job and show hiring managers why you’re the right candidate for the role.

How to quantify impact on your resume

As mentioned above, it is crucial to quantify impact on your resume with measurable results.

Claims of “launching a successful app” or “reaching a wide audience” don’t really mean anything without evidence to back them up. This leaves too much open to interpretation and trusts the reader to take your word for it.

Cite accomplishments with specific goals using real numbers and metrics. Sharing hard data like “developed a website that generated $85K in revenue” shows exactly what you’re capable of.

Here are a few examples of quantifiable metrics that will strengthen your web developer resume:

  • Number of users using the web app you were responsible for
  • Increased profit/revenue through improved conversion
  • Increased web traffic on a page you updated
  • Increasing conversion rate on the website by X%
  • User experience improvement
  • Number of projects/pages/apps managed
  • Number of people led on a team
  • Increased productivity
  • Programming stack

Go through your previous work roles and use these metrics to quantify impact in your experience section.

How do I write a web developer resume with no experience

Writing a web developer resume with no experience is a common challenge. Whether you’re starting your first job or transitioning careers after finishing a coding bootcamp, everyone starts somewhere!

To write a web developer resume with no experience that gets callbacks, follow these steps:

  • Instead of using the reverse-chronological layout we mentioned above, choose a functional resume layout that focuses on skills instead of experience
  • Highlight transferable skills from relevant past experiences
  • Include additional resume sections where you learned relevant skills like projects, hobbies, and volunteer work

A functional resume allows you to showcase your relevant skills with less emphasis on work history. Come up with a list of transferable skills that apply to your target job.

For example, if you were an administrative assistant at your local library, you know how to “monitor customer metrics and improve productivity by 22%” and “debug errors in the inventorying program and increase customer satisfaction by 22%”.

Or, if you created the website for your college chess club, you can “increase conversion rate on an HTML website by 45%” and “increase customer engagement by 25% by launching a mobile app”.

Choose a functional layout for your web developer resume from our collection of resume examples to help you get started.

How to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume

Resume skills can be divided into two major categories - hard skills and soft skills.

Simply put, hard skills are the software, programs, and other technical tasks required to perform the role. Soft skills are the interpersonal communication and behavioral skills necessary for the job.

For a web developer, technical skills are crucial. Being proficient in the relevant tech stack is absolutely necessary to perform essential job functions.

Depending on your target role and your skill set, you might want to divide your hard skills into separate categories.

Here is an example of hard skills on a web developer resume categorized by front end and back end.

If you have been in the industry for over a decade and have a long list of tech skills to choose from, focus on the ones most relevant to the target job.

Select the technical skills that you’re most confident in and leave out any irrelevant information.

20 top hard skills for your web developer resume in 2024

Soft skills often require a bit more explanation as they can be applied and interpreted in different ways.

For your web developer resume, a good way to do this is to choose your top strengths and provide specific examples.

Let’s look at an example of soft skills on a web developer resume with supporting evidence.

Here is a list of some of the best soft skills hiring managers will look for on your web developer resume.

20 of the best soft skills for your web developer resume in 2024

How to list your certifications and education on your resume.

The typical education level for a web developer is a bachelor’s degree in computer science, web development, or similar programs.

A college degree is not always required for a web developer position. Education level requirements in job listings can range from a high school diploma to a bachelor’s degree.

Let’s take a look at a basic education section on a web developer resume.

Your web developer resume education section will be pretty basic. It should include the following:

  • Name of degree
  • Name of school
  • Years attended

There is no need to include additional information like GPA unless specifically requested in the job application.

If you are just breaking into the field and do not have a college degree or a relevant major, earning a certificate is a great way to enhance your resume.

This shows your commitment to the job and willingness to continuously develop new skills. Your web development certification section will be similarly basic.

Only the name of the certificate and issuing institution is fine. Completing a certification program is a great way to increase your value and employability.

Here is a list of certification programs to consider as a web developer.

10 of the best certifications for your web developer resume in 2024

How to write your web developer resume summary or objective.

Including a summary or objective at the top of your web developer resume is a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers.

A resume summary has been described as a brief overview of your best achievements and skills, where an objective is more focused on future goals.

However, today they are often used interchangeably. Both serve the same goal - to introduce yourself and your value as a candidate to potential employers.

Let’s look at an example of a web developer resume summary.

The example above is missing a few key elements. It uses blanket words like “passionate” and “skilled” without any quantifiable metrics.

It does not provide any evidence of key achievements, and there is no mention of forward-looking goals.

Let’s make a few changes and look at the updated summary.

This version is much better. It states a specific title of Full Stack Web Developer and includes the number of years of experience.

It shows evidence of success with an industry award and mentions the shared goals of the candidate and target company.

Research your target company and find out what issues they have. Show them how you will provide solutions in your web developer resume summary.

Additional sections for a web developer resume

Careers in web development often have different paths for different people. Your experience is unique and your resume should reflect what makes you stand out.

Consider including additional sections to your resume that show relevant experience outside the usual work history or education.

Some of the best additional sections for a web developer resume are projects , awards , and hobbies .

How to put a projects section on a resume

Projects are a great way to boost your web developer resume. If you worked on a school assignment, local project, or any other relevant project, include a section for it.

Similar to your experience section, list the name of the project, a brief description, and 3-4 bullets highlighting your top achievements.

  • • Increased foot traffic for 80% of shops on app
  • • Improved customer satisfaction rating by an average of 35% on top 5 ranking shops
  • • Voted Best Community App in Austin Magazine in 2022

How to put an awards section on a resume

An awards section is a great way to highlight achievements as a web developer.

If you’ve received awards from industry publications or other relevant entities, showcase them for potential employers.

Here is an example of how to highlight an award on your web developer resume.

How to put a hobbies section on a resume

A hobbies section on your resume may seem unusual, but there is a place for it if your interests are examples of relevant skills and achievements.

This is a good way to show your knowledge of relevant niche topics. For example, if the web developer role you’re applying for is at a travel agency.

Key takeaways for creating an effective web developer resume

Format your web developer resume in reverse chronological order to show steady career growth and commitment to the industry.

Quantify impact by showing measurable results and real data from past accomplishments.

Separate your skills section by hard skills and soft skills to show that you have the right technical knowledge to do the job.

Include additional sections on your web developer resume to show potential employers your unique skills and achievements.

Web Developer resume examples

Explore additional web developer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Junior Web Developer Resume Example

An Angular Developer needs to demonstrate proficiency in Angular and TypeScript. Showcase your projects where Angular was used to create responsive and efficient applications. Mention familiarity with RESTful APIs, and state management with tools like RxJS. Highlight problem-solving skills.

Asp.Net Developer Resume Example

Looking to build your own Web Developer resume?

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  • Resume Examples

How To Improve Your Resume in Under 30 Minutes

How to answer 'what was your greatest accomplishment' in an interview, how to write about your career for an effective resume, the one time seth godin got it wrong, top reasons to take a personal day off and recharge your batteries, the best resume formats you need to consider (5+ examples included).

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  • Top 10 Full Stack Project Ideas in 2024 (With Source Code)
  • Web Development

Top 10 Full Stack Project Ideas in 2024 (With Source Code)

Want to build projects that aren’t just impressive but make a real-world difference? Look no further! 

In this blog, we will discuss a few popular full-stack projects for 2024 that will help you create powerful web applications and level up your coding. These practical full-stack projects are perfect for both practicing and boosting your resume. That being said, let’s begin!

full stack course

Table of Contents

About Full Stack Development Project

Full-stack development projects are web applications that use many development technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Developers use multiple tools and techniques when working on full-stack development projects, including an IDE, programming languages , GitHub, image editors, and development frameworks.

The full-stack projects are perfect for newbies who want to excel in web development and basic front-end and back-end knowledge to compete for skill and experience. You can join the best course for full-stack development to learn more about the concept. Further, you must be familiar with all technologies needed to build applications to gain experience in full-stack development .

Upskill Yourself With Live Training (Book Free Class)

Best Full Stack Projects Ideas for Beginners

Let’s explore some interesting full-stack web development project ideas for beginners that help create a standout portfolio:

1. To-do List App

to-do list app

An excellent project for freshers, primarily due to the full-stack development project’s simplicity. But it is nonetheless complicated enough to require a deeper comprehension of the language. 

Fundamental Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB

Possible Features: You can effectively create a to-do list by adding items. After finishing the task, you can also offer the functionality to remove content from the list.

Examples: Google Tasks, Microsoft To-Do List, etc.

The to-do list app’s primary functions are to show tasks, allow users to add new tasks, and remove tasks once they finish.

Source Code: To-Do List – GitHub

Also Read: Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus 2024: Fees, Duration, Eligibility, Details

2. Portfolio Website


Making a website for your portfolio is another perfect full-stack development project idea. 

Fundamental Skills: Programming languages, database management systems, servers, etc.

Possible Features: By adding information about your school background, projects you worked on, accomplishments, skills, interests, etc., an applicant can develop a portfolio that employers may use to consider hiring them. 

Outline the main elements of your portfolio, including the introduction, projects, talents, and contact details. Then, decide on the portfolio’s goal and target audience. 

Example: Yasio, Square Me, etc.

Required Framework Knowledge:

  • Back-end frameworks like Django or Node.js for dynamic functionality
  • Front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Build an aesthetically pleasing and responsive user interface that showcases your work and facilitates easy navigation for visitors. Incorporate safe contact forms to facilitate user communication and set up a content management system (CMS) to simplify content additions to the portfolio. After deployment, ongoing refining based on individual and industry trends ensures that the portfolio stays a dynamic representation of your skills. Continuous testing assures a perfect user experience.

Source Code: Portfolio Website

3. Chat Application and Website

Chat Application

Chatting programs have become essential to our lives since everyone uses them regularly to communicate with friends and family. One of the most fabulous full-stack web development project ideas for final-year students is a chat app. You can develop a chat program or website to facilitate one-on-one or group discussions over networks. 

Possible Features: User registration and login, media file sharing, end-to-end encryption, private and group chat features, and message notifications must be implemented. 

Examples: WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.

Source Code: Chat Application and Website

Best Full Stack Project Ideas for Advanced Developers

Now, we explore some challenging and valuable full-stack development project ideas for advanced-level developers that will help enhance your portfolio in 2024.

1. E-Commerce Website

amazon clone app

Another concept for a full-stack development project is building an online commerce application or website. E-commerce websites necessitate nearly all aspects of full-stack development, encompassing front-end and back-end development; therefore, beginning your career with this project can significantly enhance your skill set.

Fundamental Skills to Acquire: Database Systems, Programming languages, and Web development basics. 

Possible Features: When incorporated into this project, features like a search option, add to cart, order history, and so forth increase its value. 

Examples: Flipkart, Amazon, and others.

  • For front-end development, proficiency with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required. 
  • For back-end development, NodeJS is needed.

Practical experience throughout implementing the technologies and learning them thoroughly by developing this project. Enhance your skills with our full-stack developer course and upsurge your chances of getting hired by top companies. 

Source Code: E-Commerce Website

Also Read: Full Stack Developer Salary in India 2024 (By Location & Company)

2. Social Media Platform

Instagram Clone

Another simple yet entertaining full-stack development project is building a social media platform. Databases are used for effective data archiving and retrieval, and alerting systems are incorporated for real-time changes. Before launching the platform with a dependable hosting provider, thorough testing and iteration guarantee a flawless user experience.

Fundamental Skills to Acquire: Programming languages, frameworks like React or Angular, and database management systems.

Possible Features: Creating profiles, adding pictures to your profile, connecting with friends, etc. Provide an intuitive user interface with interactive elements, timeline feeds, and user profiles, among other features. Implement secure user authentication to enable users to create accounts, interact with others, and share content.

Examples: Facebook, Instagram, Threads, etc.

Since social media is the most popular platform, developing an application for it will help you comprehend all its features. 

Source Code: Social Media Platform

web development online course

3. Project Management Tool

This is one of the most difficult full-stack project ideas, so be ready to tackle a significant amount of back-end and front-end coding. 

  • Any front-end technology that provides the best user-friendly interfaces with dashboards and reports.
  • Any backend technology that works well with data management, API interactions, geo-mapping, etc.

The project’s structure ought to resemble a primary social media network where users can communicate with one another. Like on social networking, users should be able to create group projects and tasks inside them, assign jobs, and comment on each other’s work.

Source Code: Project Management Tool

Interview Questions for You to Prepare for Jobs

4. Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) can help businesses organize and manage content more effectively. This project is more complicated and best suited for those with experience. It entails role-based administration, content creation and editing, performance analysis of content, and upholding security standards.

Using the full-stack development items and other drag-and-drop interfaces, you can create a web page that assists you in adding text, photographs, videos, and other elements needed to construct a blog.

Example: WordPress

Source Code: Content Management System

5. Video Conferencing Website and Application

As an advanced project, you should also work on the video conferencing website and application. This project requires you to use various skills to ensure that your website or application covers various features such as sharing a screen, sharing files, whiteboards for writing or drawing, video conversations involving several people, data encryption and user authentication, and video capture. It gives you experience with various tools and libraries and insight into popular frameworks.

Source Code: Video Conferencing Website and Application

6. Online Learning App/ Website

Making an online learning application is the next great full-stack development project concept. Putting this application together can help you make your resume stand out.

Establish the platform’s goals first, then choose a frontend and backend development tech stack that works well for you, and create a solid database architecture to hold user information and course materials.

Possible Features: Course enrollment, access to learning resources, instructor interaction, etc.

Fundamental Skills to Acquire: Databases, Frameworks, and Programming Languages.

Examples: Udemy, Coursera, etc

  • Frontend HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to enable user communication and course administration, build an intuitive interface, and implement safe user authentication. If your classes are paid for, incorporate a secure payment gateway.

Completing this project will help you land a decent job because employers will be looking for candidates for full-stack development roles who can handle developing intricate websites like this. To understand the interface, you might refer to online learning environments. 

Source Code: Online Learning App/ Website

Also Read: How to Become Full-stack Developer With No Experience? 2024 Roadmap

7. Gaming App

Working on a full-stack project while creating a game app can be enjoyable. 

Possible Features: Leaderboards, virtual currency, in-game chat, multiplayer capabilities, and registration and login. 

Fundamental Skills: Creating the back-end technology and creating the game’s flow are crucial to this project.

Examples: Candy Crush, Free Fire, Angry Birds, etc.

Source Code: Ga ming Cod e

Skills Required for Full Stack Development Projects

To be a successful full-stack developer, you must have a robust front-end and back-end development foundation. Here are some essential skills required for full-stack development projects:

  • Proficiency in front-end languages and frameworks: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • Familiarity with back-end frameworks: Node.js, Django, and Ruby on Rails.
  • Experience with databases: MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL.
  • Understanding server-side languages: JavaScript (NodeJS), Python, PHP, and Ruby.
  • Knowledge of web servers: Apache and Nginx.
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git.
  • Knowledge of web security and leading practices for secure coding.
  • A firm grasp of DevOps tools and processes for deployment and automation.
  • Strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

These skills provide a strong foundation for any full-stack development project. To get clear insights about the career in full-stack development, read our blog on Is Full-Stack Developer a Good Career ?

Tips For Effective Full Stack Project Implementation

Below are a few effective tips to follow during implementing a full-stack web development project:

  • Define the scope of your project.
  • List the resources required as per project requirements.
  • Figure out full-stack frameworks, database tools, and in-demand full-stack languages for the project.
  • Work on full-stack project planning.
  • Follow the plan for effective execution.
  • Work on the front-end part first; it will tell you how the back-end code should be written.
  • Follow the back-end process according to the front-end part.
  • Use necessary tools and frameworks for autoconfiguration.
  • Use effective testing tools to identify flaws.
  • Track your progress and create checkpoints to test and move forward with your project.
  • Confirm the final testing of your project and make it available on open-source platforms.

FAQs on Full Stack Developer Projects

E-commerce sites, food and grocery delivery apps, blog sites, project management tools, etc., are a few best full-stack projects.    

You can start a full-stack development project by creating the front-end and back-end points, HTTP requests, and app deployment to the web.

Best practices for full-stack project ideas include writing clean and maintainable code, using version control, writing tests, conducting code reviews,  and following security best practices. Plus, adopting an agile development methodology can be advantageous.

To get involved in open-source full-stack projects, you can contribute to existing projects on platforms like GitHub or by starting your open-source project. With this, you can gain experience and collaborate with other developers.

Full stack development requires knowledge of front-end development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end frameworks , as well as back-end development technologies such as databases, server-side programming languages, and back-end frameworks. 

Some popular full-stack development frameworks include Node.js, AngularJS, ReactJS, Django, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel.

1. Front-end programming languages : HTML, CSS, JavaCcript, etc 2. Front-end frameworks: Angularjs, Reactjs, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, Foundation, Semantic-UI, Materialize, Express.js, Backbone.js, Ember.js, etc. 3. Back-end programming languages : PHP, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, Nodejs 4. Back-end frameworks: Django, Express, Laravel, Rails, Spring, etc 5. Database: Oracle, MongoDB, MySQL

Free Courses for You

There’s a wealth of full-stack web development projects readily available for students and advanced professional developers. These projects come with their source codes, making them accessible tools to learn and acquire additional skills during your tenure.

Full-stack jobs are experiencing a huge demand as they work on both sides of an application to deliver effective solutions faster. For this reason, full-stack is an ideal domain for students seeking a flourishing career. As every journey starts with working on the basics, beginners must work on the essential parts of the full-stack development technology to build effective software and web applications. 

Read more blogs:

  • Types of Web Development in 2024: Full Guide
  • Top 15 High-Income Skills to Learn in 2024 (Full Guide)
  • How to Become a Flutter Developer? Full Roadmap 2024
  • Top 20 Frontend Web Development Technologies (2024 List)

Puja Sutar

Puja Sutar is a proficient Content Writer at WsCube Tech. She holds B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication, and M.Tech. in VLSI Design. Her passion for technology and communication is evident in her insightful articles that simplify complex concepts for readers. Puja's writing is a valuable resource for tech enthusiasts and learners alike.

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