1. Organizers

    chinese politics research in progress

  2. Journal of Chinese Political Science

    chinese politics research in progress

  3. Journal of Chinese Political Science

    chinese politics research in progress

  4. Reflections on the 20th Party Congress and the Future of Chinese

    chinese politics research in progress

  5. The Historical Dynamics of Chinese Politics

    chinese politics research in progress

  6. Chinese politics, economy, and rule of law

    chinese politics research in progress


  1. China Focus

  2. 习近平十年大变,清洗高官隐秘进行;消失的党内大员都去哪儿了?三中全会如何给秦刚画上句号;习近平的政治高压锅与经济慢性病:六度解析 20240626

  3. The EU and China: The Balance Sheet -- Professor David S G Goodman, University of Sydney

  4. Why is China winning? It’s not technology nor the economy: it’s human rights

  5. China's 'weakness' provides opportunity to 'stand-up to its geopolitical bullying'

  6. Does wealth and a Western education change Chinese‘ CCP perspectives?