Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

ISSN: 1022-386X (PRINT)

ISSN: 1681-7168 (ONLINE)

Q: Does the journal also print “Instruction to Authors” guidelines?

A: Yes, in every issue of the journal each month.

Q: What is the limit on the number of authors for an original research article, a case report, and a review article?

A: There is no limit on the number of authors but JCPSP prefers to have not more than six authors from similar discipline/in a single centered study. Moreover, number of authors involved in the study and the number of authors mentioned in the IRB approval letter must be same in case of original research article.

Q: What are the word limits for Original Research Articles, Case reports, Review articles, Short Communication and Letters to the Editor. Would the editor refuse to entertain an article if it exceed the words limit allowed for a particular category of article. What does the word count include?

A: Following is the word limits for the above mentioned respective category of articles:

Original article; 2000-2500 words excluding the structured abstract of 250 words with 20-25 references, review article; 2500-3000 words excluding non-structured abstract of 150 words with 40 to 60 references, Case reports; 1200-1500 words excluding non-structured abstract of 100-150 words and 10 references, Short communication; up to 800-1000 words with non-structured abstract of 100 words with 6-8 references. All the category of manuscripts should provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 key words as per mesh (medical subject headings) under the abstracts.

The journal shall not entertain manuscripts far in excess of the word limit.

The word count includes all information from Introduction through Discussion/ Conclusion and does not include the abstract, figures, legends, or table notes.

Q: Does JCPSP published Dissertation/Thesis based articles? What is the requirement for research papers for publication in lieu of dissertation for first & second fellowship examinations?

A: An article, based on dissertation, approved by REU [Research Evaluation Unit] of CPSP, which was submitted as part of the requirement for a Fellowship examination of the CPSP, can be sent for publication provided the data is not more than three years old. copies of approval letters of dissertation obtained from REU and review board of the study centre must be submitted with the research paper. Approval on articles' topic from REU is required for two research articles submitted for publication in JCPSP from candidates opting to write and publish articles in lieu of dissertation for appearing in first Fellowship examination of CPSP. Approval on article's topic is not required for an article submitted for publication for second fellowship examination in lieu of dissertation. Dissertation based articles should be re-written in accordance with the journal's instructions to the author guidelines. Article shall undergo routine editorial processing including external peer-review based upon which final decision shall be made for publication. Such articles, if approved, shall be published under the disclosure by author that 'it is a dissertation based article'.

Q: How many figures and tables are allowed in a manuscript?

A: An original research articles should not have more than 5 figures and tables (total) one figure consisting of panels A and B, and four tables.

Q: Does the journal accept manuscript written in language other than English?

A: No, the journal would accept manuscripts written in English only

Q: Once authors' certification proforma is submitted to the journal, which is mandatory before the manuscript is processed, can authors change the authorship sequence/addition/deletion while the manuscript is under processing?

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Journal of the College of Physicians & Surgeons Pakistan

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How does CPSP analyzes the Dissertations? Following are the list of criterias used by CPSP before approving a Research Dissertation. All the criteria's are fulfilled properly before approval.

  • For subject specialist
  • For RTMC use
  • For Assessors use
  • For Research Evaluation unit






26 If required, P values and 95% confidence intervals stated      




Rules for submission of papers in lieu of a dissertation for FCPS in CPSP

Read Details about the Steps Involved and How UPMED Can Help

A trainee can submit two papers published in indexed journals, as first or second author, instead of a dissertation for FCPS in CPSP. See the list of accepted Journals in CPSP .

The trainee should submit the following documents on this link :

  • Covering letter (Duly signed and stamped by supervisor & trainee)
  • Non-duplication certificate (The study not being duplicated in the same institute certificate duly signed and stamped by supervisor)
  • Receipt of article topics submission fee (Article topics fee paid challan/bank draft/pay order: Fee of 1000)

The trainee should proceed with the research work only after the approval of these topics.

In case of unavoidable delay, it should be submitted at least 6 months before the call of applications for the FCPS-II examination the trainee desires to take.

CPSP realizes that publication in international journals may take longer than in national journals. So if the article(s) has (have) been submitted to an international journal, a letter of acceptance will suffice.

Important: On the official Website of CPSP (Link) at Question No. 11, it is mentioned that the trainee must submit a separate synopsis for each paper. The format of these synopses will be similar to those submitted for the dissertation. But practically it is not done.

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Chicago/Turabian/SBL Style Guide (Notes-Bibliography)

  • Format for Paper
  • Citation Placement
  • Reference (encyclopedias, dictionaries, or lexicons)
  • Books / eBooks
  • Citing a Thesis or Dissertation
  • Format for A Thesis or Dissertation

Margins, Fonts, and Indents - Turabian 9, A.1 General Format Requirements

Spacing - Turabian 9, A.1 General Format Requirements

Title Page Format - Turabian 9, A.2.1.2

Abstract - Turabian 9, A.2.1.4 Abstract

Block Quotations - Turabian 9, 25.2.2 Block Quotations

Page Number Placement - Turabian 9, A.1.4.2 Placement

Levels of Headings - Turabian 9, A.2.2.4 Sections and Subsections

  • Government Documents
  • Other Resources
  • Format of the Reference Page
  • Grad Ministry
  • Contact the Library

1" margins on all sides.

Exceptions (in instructions by professor)

  • 1.5" left margin and .5" right margin - used for binding a document.
  • 2" margin on one side - for instructor comments on a rough draft
  • An easily readable typeface (Times New Romans or Arial)
  • At least ten-point Arial or twelve-point Times New Roman
  • Same font and size throughout paper, unless specified by instructor

1/2" indentation used at beginning of paragraph, use <Tab>

Double space. No extra line between paragraphs.

Exceptions are: block quotations, table titles and figure captions, and lists in appendixes

Single space, with one blank line between entries

Single space quotation

Follow any model provided by your department.

In general any title page should include the following. Place the title a third of the way down, centered. If the paper has a main title and subtitle, place main title on one line, followed by a colon, and put the subtitle on a new line. Several lines below the title place your name, along with any information requested by the instructor (often course title, department name and number, and the date).

  • Abstracts that summarize the content of the thesis or disseration are often required
  • First page of the Abstract should be page iii (i is Title page, II is the Copyright page)
  • Leave two blank lines between title and first line of text
  • Double-space the abstract
  • Five or more lines create a block quotation
  • Single-space a block quotation
  • leave a blank line before and after quotation
  • No quotation marks at either end of the block quotations, but keep any original quotation marks
  • indent the entire block the same 1/2 inch as the first line of a paragraph
  • If you cite the source in a footnote, place the note as a superscript at the end of the block quotation, after the punctuation

Page numbers are placed in one of four places. The important thing is to be consistent and follow your instructions.

  • Centered in the footer
  • Flush right in the footer
  • Centered in the header
  • Flush right in the header

In all cases, at least 1/2 inch from the edge of the page.

Levels of Headings - Levels of Headings - Turabian 9, A.2.2.4 Sections and Subsections

First Level: C entered, Boldface or Italics, Capitalize Each Word (Title Case)

Second Level: Centered, Regular Type, Capitalize Each Word (Title Case)

Third Level: Flush Left, Boldface or Italics, Capitalize Each Word (Title Case)

Fourth Level: Flush left, regular type, sentence-style capitalization

Fifth Level: run in at the beginning of paragraph (no blank line after), boldface or italics, sentence-style capitalization, terminal period [think of this as an intro sentence to the paragraph that just happens to be in boldface or italics].

  • << Previous: Citing a Thesis or Dissertation
  • Next: Government Documents >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 18, 2023 11:09 AM
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dissertation format cpsp

Training Guidelines

Queries related to synopsis & dissertations.

Please note the trainees are requested to attend workshop on Research Methodology, Biostatics and dissertation writing before under taking synopsis / research work.

Following are the frequently asked questions related to Synopsis and Dissertation. Candidates are advised to review them and if there are any further questions they may fill out the query form and they will be responded at the earliest.

Q1 : Why should I write synopsis or dissertation?

Q2 : when should i submit my synopsis.

Synopsis should be submitted within:

SIX months commencement of training in main specialty.

Six months commencement of sub-specialty training.

In all cases it should be submitted during 1st year of training in specialty or six months of starting the subspecialty training.

Q3 : When should I submit my Dissertation?

  • Time period between approval of synopsis and submission of dissertation must be at least six months or duration of study.

Dissertation must be submitted as soon as possible during the training period. It should be submitted early in order to facilitate due processing.

Q4 : When should I start research work?

Research work (data collection) should be started after the approval of synopsis on selected topic. Data collection must be after the approval of synopsis during the training period of the candidate. Dissertation based on retrospective studies (data collection) is not acceptable.

Q5 : I am a FCPS Part-II trainee, I want to know that can I submit papers in lieu of dissertation?

A trainee may submit two papers published in indexed journals (Index Medicus), as first or second author, in lieu of the dissertation. The trainee must submit a separate synopsis for each paper. The format of these synopses will be similar to those submitted for dissertation. The copies of published papers, if published in national journal or letter of acceptance if submitted to international journals must be submitted to REU & Examinations at least three months before the date of examination.

Q6 : When should a trainee, select a supervisor?

Supervisor is a qualified postgraduate medical teacher under whose guidance the trainee conducts the research work & Training.

The first important step a trainee is expected to take immediately after passing the FCPS part I examination is to select a competent supervisor who is approved as a supervisor in the specialty by CPSP. It is mandatory for a trainee to submit a photocopy of the supervisors certificate from CPSP also mention the present status of trainees under his supervisor.

The supervisor should be carefully selected by the trainee, since he/she will need constant guidance, supervision and support at all stages of training and writing the Dissertation.

Q7 : How should a trainee select a topic of synopsis?

The topic must be selected, in consultation with the supervisor and the topics of dissertation synopsis posted on the web site making sure that the topic has not been over studied or research on the same aspect repeatedly done or being duplicated by some other trainee in the institute.

Q8 : Is there any training/workshop on dissertation writing?

It is mandatory that the trainee attented the 'Research Methodology, Biostatistics & Dissertation Writing (RMBDW)' workshop before writing a synopsis.

Q9 : Is retrospective data collection allowed?

Retrospective data collection (data collected prior to the approval of synopsis) is not allowed. Data collection must be after the approval of synopsis, during the training period of the candidate. Dissertation based on retrospective studies (data collection) will be rejected.

Q10 : Can two trainees in the same institute conduct study on the same topic?

Study on the same topic with the same objectives cannot be conducted by any other trainee in the same institute similarly frequently used topics are to avoided unless a completely difficult aspect is being observed.

Q11 : What are the rules for submission of papers in lieu of dissertation?

A trainee may submit two papers published in indexed journal (Index Medicus), as first or second author, in lieu of the dissertation. The trainee must submit a separate synopsis for each paper. The format of these synopses will be similar to those submitted for dissertation. As soon as possible during the training period. In case of unavoidable delay it should be submitted at least 6 months prior to the call of applications for FCPS-II examination the trainee desires to take.

The trainee should proceed with the research work only after the approval of these synopses.

CPSP realizes that the publication in international journal may take longer than in national journals. Therefore if the articles(s) has (have) been submitted to an international journal, a letter of acceptance will suffice.

Q12 : How should a trainee, plans research work for his/her dissertation?

  • The research work or study must be started after receiving the approval of synopsis/research protocol from the REU, CPSP.
  • The research work or study must be planned in such a way that the entire study, including dissertation writing, is completed during the training period.
  • Dissertation must be submitted at least six months before the end of training period which is duly registered with the REU. Strict compliance to this rule is essential.
  • Retrospective data collection is not allowed. The entire study should be conducted during the training period of the candidate.
  • The topic and research methodology must be the same as laid down in the synopsis/research protocol approved by the RMTC, CPSP.

Q13 : What should be the language of dissertation writing?

  • The writing of dissertation must be planned in such a way that continuity of the theme is maintained.
  • It must be written in trainee’s own words and style. The language must be simple, direct and precise. Verbosity must be avoided.
  • Direct quotations must be minimally used. If quoted, these must be given within inverted commas with full acknowledgment.
  • The statements, other than trainee’s own, must be supported with reference citation.
  • The trainee, who plagiarizes or copies someone else’s Dissertation, will be liable for a punitive action by CPSP, which may include debarring him/her from appearing in FCPS examination for lifetime.
  • Each table must be typed or computer-printed with double space, on a separate page. It must be numbered consecutively, in order of citation and inserted at the appropriate place in the text. Symbols and abbreviations, if used, must be explained in the footnote of each table.

Q14 : How should a trainee submit his/her Synopsis?

A copy of synopsis/ topic for article writing in PDF format has to be uploaded on e-portal along with covering letter duly signed and stamped by supervisor, non-duplicate of topic certificate and a copy of REU certificate. However to be submitted as usual.

Please note that date of submission of synopsis/topics for article along with uploading of complete documents on e-portal will be considered as the date of submission of synopsis/ topics for article

Q15 : How should a trainee submit his/her dissertation?

Submission of dissertation as a partial fulfilment of FCPS II examination, a soft copy of dissertation in the form of CD is no more required rather it has to be uploaded on e-portal in PDF format along with an application form for dissertation submission, dissertation check list, A copy of approved synopsis, supervisor certificate/covering letter for dissertation, experience certificates, experience proforma and data sheet. However on hard copy of dissertation along with original bank draft/fee challan has to be submitted as usual.

Please note that date of submission of hard copy along with uploading of complete documents on e-portal will be considered as the date of submission of dissertation

Related Links

Useful links.

  • CPSP History
  • The Council
  • Council Members
  • Office Bearers
  • Scholarship Program
  • Advanced Skill Department
  • National Residency Program
  • CME/CDP System
  • D.M.E & WHO Collaborating Centre
  • HSE-Scholarship Program
  • Examination
  • Department of IT

Other Links

  • Accredited Institutes FCPS
  • Online Exam Demo
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms & Conditions
  • 7th Central Street, DHA Phase-II, Karachi - 75500, Pakistan.
  • 021-111-606-606
  • [email protected]

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    FORMAT OF DISSERTATION The different sections in the part I and II of the dissertation are formatted as per description given below. 1) Sections In Part I. i. Title Page It is the very first page of dissertation. The title is a concise statement identifying actual variables or theoretical issues under investigation and the relation between them.

  2. PDF dissertation

    Dissertation is a detailed discourse on a subject especially submitted for a higher degree in a University (Oxford Dictionary). The CPSP dissertation is a document that contains relevant details of the research work conducted by the fellowship trainee relating to the problem selected. The objective of writing a dissertation is to develop skills ...

  3. :::College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

    The College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan was established in mid-1962 with the objectives of maintaining high principles of medical profession, promotion of specialists' medical practice and arrangement of postgraduate medical training in hospitals. It is the only postgraduate medical institution in the country that has established a system of effective and consistent up-gradation of ...

  4. JCPSP

    Fee for submitting a manuscript to JCPSP is payable when the manuscript is found suitable to be within the scope of the Journal and of adequate quality to be sent for further processing & peer review. Manuscript from Pakistan - Rs. 5000/= (A 50% discount will be granted for the corresponding author who is a CPSP fellow in good standing).

  5. PDF Instructions to Authors

    An article, based on dissertation, approved by REU [Research Evaluation Unit] of CPSP, which was submitted as part of the requirement for a Fellowship examination of the CPSP, can be sent for publication provided the data is not more than four years old. A copy of approval letters of synopsis and dissertation obtained from REU must be submitted ...

  6. CPSP Dissertation Format

    Cpsp Dissertation Format - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the stringent requirements of the CPSP (College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan) dissertation format. Mastering the CPSP format takes significant time and effort due to its meticulous guidelines and specific structure.

  7. PakMediNet

    Format of Dissertation Click here for CPSP Synopsis Checklist Click here to see how CPSP analyze and review Dissertations? FORMAT OF SYNOPSIS Before starting to work on Dissertation/Article, the FCPS trainee has to send a Synopsis to RTMC and get it approved. The synopsis is a brief out line (about four A-4 size pages or 1000 words is the ...

  8. JCPSP

    A: An article, based on dissertation, approved by REU [Research Evaluation Unit] of CPSP, which was submitted as part of the requirement for a Fellowship examination of the CPSP, can be sent for publication provided the data is not more than three years old. copies of approval letters of dissertation obtained from REU and review board of the ...

  9. CPSP Dissertation Data Sheet

    Cpsp Dissertation Data Sheet - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a dissertation, specifically completing the CPSP Dissertation Data Sheet. It states that navigating the requirements of this data sheet can be daunting, especially when already feeling overwhelmed by the dissertation writing process.

  10. PakMediNet

    How does CPSP analyzes the Dissertations? Following are the list of criterias used by CPSP before approving a Research Dissertation. All the criteria's are fulfilled properly before approval. ... Structured according to the CPSP recommended format : 12: Accurately reflects the contents : 13: Contains upto 250 words : 14:

  11. PDF College of Physicians Dissertation Data Sheet and Sur.geons Pakistan

    Title of Dissertation in Name of Candidate: Specialty: Date of approval of Synopsis: (FOR WARD/WPAT/ENTS ONLY) RTMC Reg. Date of Passing FCPS l. Date of submission of Dissertation: Page -1 DISSERTATION DATA SHEET REMARKS WARD REG. NO. SEX MIF AGE DIAGNOSIS Signature of Candidate: Details of Ward/lnpatients* (Exact Name, and Institution)'

  12. Rules for submission of papers in lieu of a dissertation for FCPS in CPSP

    A trainee can submit two papers published in indexed journals, as first or second author, instead of a dissertation for FCPS in CPSP. See the list of accepted Journals in CPSP. The trainee should submit the following documents on this link: The trainee should proceed with the research work only after the approval of these topics. In case of ...

  13. 14. How to write Synopsis PART 2

    This video is about how to write #synopsis for College of physician and surgeons pakistan. #CPSP #fcpshow to write synopsis for medical dissertationhow to wr...

  14. Dissertation Format CPSP

    Dissertation Format Cpsp - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  15. 15. How to write a Synopsis PART 3

    this video is a guide to #synopsis writing for #FCPS residents of college of physicians and surgeons pakistan. this video covers How to write hypothesis how ...


    DISSERTATION DATA SHEET (FOR OUTPATIENT DEPT. ONLY) RTMC Reg. Date of Passing FCPS I, Date of submission of Dissertation: REMARKS DATE OF REG. Exact source i.e. the name and number of OPD should be given. If name of the patient is not given provide valid reason. OPD REG. NO. SEX MIF AGE

  17. Format for A Thesis or Dissertation

    Theses and Dissertations. Citing a Thesis or Dissertation ; Format for A Thesis or Dissertation ; Margins, Fonts, and Indents - Turabian 9, A.1 General Format Requirements; Spacing - Turabian 9, A.1 General Format Requirements; Title Page Format - Turabian 9, A.2.1.2; Abstract - Turabian 9, A.2.1.4 Abstract; Block Quotations - Turabian 9, 25.2. ...

  18. 13. How to write a synopsis PART 1

    this video is a guide to #synopsis writing for #FCPS residents of college of physicians and surgeons pakistan. in this video requirements or prerequisites ...

  19. CPSP Dissertation Submission Form

    Cpsp Dissertation Submission Form - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of completing a dissertation, including selecting a topic, conducting research, organizing data, and meeting formatting requirements. It states that many students seek professional assistance to navigate the dissertation writing process ...

  20. :::College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

    The dissertation must be submitted along with the paid bank challan or a bank draft/pay order of Rs.10000/- (subject to revision) issued in the name of CPSP, on account of Dissertation fee and binding charges. Once the dissertation is submitted to CPSP, it must not be submitted to any other institution for a postgraduate diploma or degree.

  21. :::College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan

    Submission of synopsis / Protocol on a chosen topic, its approval from REU Department, CPSP, and preparing a dissertation, acceptable to the College, is mandatory for all candidates aspiring to appear in the FCPS-II theory, clinical and oral examination. ... The format of these synopses will be similar to those submitted for dissertation. As ...

  22. CPSP Dissertation List

    Cpsp Dissertation List - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses seeking assistance for struggling with a CPSP (College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan) dissertation. It notes that crafting a dissertation is a challenging academic task that requires extensive research, analysis, and attention to detail.

  23. CPSP Dissertation Topics List

    Cpsp Dissertation Topics List - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses choosing a dissertation topic and getting assistance with writing a dissertation. It states that crafting a dissertation is a daunting task that leaves students feeling overwhelmed. It then explains that the company understands the difficulties ...