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Haaga–Helian painoalueina ja ydinosaamista ovat myynti ja markkinointi, liiketoiminnan kehittäminen ja yrittäjyys, palveluliiketoiminta – erityisesti matkailu- ja ravintola-alalla, uudistava pedagogiikka ja orastavien teknologioiden tunnistaminen.

Näihin aiheisiin liittyviä opinnäytetöitä voit selailla koulutusaloittain sivuston oikean laidan valikoiden kautta.

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Opinnäytetyöt (käyttörajattu kokoelma), uusimmat viitteet.

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Strategisen skenaariotyöskentelyn kehittäminen 

hh thesis

Strategic Alignment: Evaluating Organizational Processes through the Lens of Global Standardization 

hh thesis

Palkka-asiantuntijana kehittyminen globaaleissa projekteissa 

hh thesis

Yhteisöllisyys ja työyksinäisyys hybridityössä 

hh thesis

Local Residents’ Perceptions Regarding the Overtourism Issue in Da Lat, Viet Nam 

hh thesis

Chocolate trail in Porvoo: considering Porvoo as a chocolate tourism destination in Finland 

hh thesis

Revealing the digital transformation, uncovering hidden process dimensions of education 

Tekoälyn vaikutus asuntomarkkinoiden arvonmääritykseen suomessa .

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Ukrainan sodan vaikutukset kyberturvallisuuteen Suomen organisaatioissa 

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Johtamisen merkitys työntekijöiden työhyvinvointiin ja vaihtuvuuteen 

Assistenttiharjoittelijan arki asianajotoimistossa .

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B2C Digital Marketing in Retail in Japan and Finland: Impact of Customer Engagement 

Understanding the value of field force to company brand , pienen ry:n excel-pohjaisen kirjanpidon kehittäminen ja talousvastaavan ohjeistus .

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Brändikäsikirja Honkala Porvoo 

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Thesis templates

Here you can find our thesis templates and instructions on how to use them.

How to use the thesis template

1. download the university's template, 2. use the guide for detailed instructions, 3. fill in the front cover, 4. convert the thesis to pdf, 5. merge thesis and front cover, 6. upload your thesis in diva.

The University has an accessibility-adapted Word template that you can use when writing your thesis to make it easier for you. The template has some basic settings, but you can change the template according to your own needs.

hh thesis

If you do not use Word

If you use a text editor other than Word, you need to be careful when creating your thesis layout using the program's style sheets and paragraph styles, such as different headings and table formats. Remember that all theses written at Halmstad University must have the University's front cover as the front page, see item 3.

The ”How to create accessible documents” guide provides instructions on how to customise the accessibility of your document in Word.

Your thesis also needs a front cover with the correct information. You can use the University's template as a cover page; it is the same template regardless of your thesis or degree project level. If you already are using the University thesis template, you will find the front cover in the template.

If, on the other hand, you write your thesis in a tool other than Word, you need to download and fill in the University's official front cover, then convert the cover to pdf and finally merge it with your thesis.

When you have finished writing your thesis, you must convert it into pdf format. Information on how to do it in Word is in the guide, see item 2.

This step only applies to you who write your thesis in an other tool than Word. Make sure that both files are in pdf format. Select the files and right-click, select "Combine the files in Acrobat." Double-check that the front cover is first. Select "combine."

Once your examiner has approved your thesis for publication in DiVA you can upload it in the system yourself. You can find instructions via the link below. Please note that this step does not make your thesis visible in DiVa directly. The University administrators first have to make a final validation before publishing.

Publish in DiVA

  • Ellen Göransson

Language guidance

[email protected]

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Thesis, Master's Degree

Kuvituskuva, läppäri ja kahvia

Lead paragraph

Starting a thesis can seem challenging, even if the topic and the development of own professional competence are motivating and inspiring. However, it is not worth to make the start become an obstacle to the progress of studies.

On these pages we have compiled a description of the stages, requirements and goals of doing the thesis. It is worth reading the materials well in advance and carefully, as they provide the answer to many things. However, this is not the only support when doing a thesis.

The community of orientation, ie. studies, other students and Master seminars (prev. orientation evenings), as well as the head of specialisation support the progress from start to finish. Significant support is also provided by the advisor of the thesis.

The Master's thesis is a 30-credit research and development task (approximately 800 hours of student work). 

The thesis can be started immediately at the beginning of the studies. First, the student comes up with an idea suitable for the specialisation and sends a topic proposal to the specialisation head. In addition, the student enrols in the Applied Design Research course. NB: You don't enrol for thesis via PSP.

In the 90-credit Master's degree programme, the student starts the thesis at the beginning of the second academic year at the latest, so that the student can graduate within the target time.

Specialisation activities (studies and joint Master seminars, prev. specialisation evenings) provide support for the ideation and launching of a thesis.

1. Thesis stage 1: Planning

The thesis project begins with the choice of the topic. The student makes a topic proposal either before or at the beginning of the Applied Design Research course. Once the student has defined the topic, he/she prepares and processes the topic proposal in the manner instructed by the specialisation head. The specialisation head approves the topic proposal, and after that the student saves it in Wihi. Please ensure that the type of thesis is a Master's Thesis in Wihi. The head of specialisation appoints an advisor for the student’s thesis project. The supervision of the thesis can be individual or group supervision.

In the Applied Design Research course, the student prepares a thesis plan based on the topic proposal. The student saves the thesis plan in Wihi, after which the guidance process starts with the advisor. At the beginning of the guidance process, the student and the advisor go through the guidance contract together.

A thorough plan is a good starting point for the implementation of the thesis. The main features of the plan are as follows:

  •  Introduction: The topic of the work (problem or need) and a compact introduction of the target organisation.
  • Objectives: The expected results for the organisation.
  • Research questions: Which questions does the thesis answer?
  • Theoretical framework: What are the previous research, theories, concepts, literature and other possible material that are essential for the work?
  • Methodology: Data, methods and tools which are used in the research and development project, and data management plan, which describes how the collected data will be processed and stored.
  • Organisation: The business unit, function or project in the organisation which is the focus of the student’s research and development (in case the thesis is commissioned by an organisation).
  • Schedule: Phasing and scheduling the tasks.
  • Risk assessment: Anticipation and preparedness for problem situations.

In defining the objectives and schedule, the preparation of the plan is also supported by discussions with a representative of the organisation, ie. the commissioning party. In particular, the commissioning party can help define the goals and schedule of the thesis.

If possible, the student makes a commissioning contract with the representative of the target organisation. A contract is recommended especially when the organisation is other than the student's employer. In addition, a possible research permit must be agreed with the organisation.

Research authorization

When Haaga-Helia is the commissioning party, the contract is always made. If Haaga-Helia is the subject of the thesis or the research is conducted for Haaga-Helia students, staff or alumni, the research must be approved in accordance with research authorization guidelines. The research authorization application will be sent to the following expert  [email protected] .

When making the thesis plan, the student also familiarizes herself with research ethics (see 5. Research ethics).

Thesis topic proposal, Master's Thesis

Thesis plan, Master's Thesis

Commissioning contract, Master's Thesis

Template for Consent Form, Master's Thesis

Template for Research Announcement, Master's Thesis


Instructions for handling trade secrets and confidential information in Master Theses

2. Thesis stage 2: Implementation

After the thesis plan is accepted the student will start writing the thesis: he/she will read up on literature, plan and carry out the research and development project and write the thesis according to the reporting instructions. The writing of the thesis starts at the beginning of the work so that observations and causes and backgrounds for various choices will get noted. The student and the advisor use Wihi to track the progressing of different versions of the work. The student will participate in a Master seminar (prev. specialisation’s evening) at least two times and will present the thesis in a way agreed with the advisor.

The writing of a thesis is mainly independent work but there are several forms of support available for the student:

Thesis advisor will read different versions written by the student, comments them and gives feedback and by doing so promotes the completing of the work. The advisor and student will agree on meetings. When changes are made to the plan they have to be agreed with the advisor.

When the student is doing his/her thesis in a group the group itself offers support as well.

Master seminars (prev. spesialisation’s evenings) and specialisation’s community (including Teams platform or Moodle) offer possibility to discuss the topic and doing of the thesis with the specialization head and other students. At Master seminars topical issues are addressed and theses are presented. The student will agree about presenting of thesis at a Master seminar or by using a video recording with the advisor.  

This web page includes all the common instructions for a Master thesis.

Master thesis workshops are workshops intended for students to support the students’ use of methods and writing skills. The content and schedule of thesis workshops can be found at this thesis web page.

Library and information services (online library HH Finna ) offer guidance for information search and managing your references with Mendeley reference management program. Haaga-Helia’s LibGuides offer a lot of information and support for writing a thesis. It is recommended that the student familiarises him/herself with How to search for information guide and Referencing help at LibGuides. At LibGuide web pages you can also find tips for academic writing and research method literature.

Discussions with the commissioner at the target organisation can also support especially the writing of the practical part of the thesis.

Reporting template, Master's Thesis

Guidelines for Master's Thesis

3. Thesis stage 3: Finalising

The student agrees on the schedule of completing the thesis with the advisor so that there is enough time left for the assessment. The following tasks belong to the finalising of the thesis:

  • Presentation of the thesis
  • Maturity test
  • Thesis plagiarism review
  • Publishing the thesis

Presentation of the thesis: The student agrees on presenting the thesis with the thesis advisor and/or the teacher responsible for specialisation. For example, the student can present the thesis in the Master's seminar of the specialisation or by making video recording of it for the specialisation's platform.

Maturity test: The student writes the maturity test in the field of his/her study in his/her school language (Finnish or Swedish, otherwise English). Starting from September 1, 2023, an abstract written for the thesis will serve as the maturity test. The maturity test is evaluated on a pass/fail scale. (See instructions .) Plagiarism review: The student sends the public version of the thesis via Wihi to Ouriginal-review. Confidential parts of the thesis are not sent to Ouriginal.

Publishing the thesis: The student publishes the thesis after he/she has submitted the thesis to Wihi for evaluation, and the advisor gives a permission to publish the thesis.

If in a thesis that started before August 1, 2022, the student has agreed on the confidentiality of the material with the commissioning organisation, the student will receive instructions from the advisor to complete the work. The student publishes his/her thesis in the open collection of the national Theseus online repository of Universities of Applied Sciences. If the commissioning party does not want the thesis to be published in an open collection, the thesis will be stored in the restricted collection of Theseus. In Theseus' open collection, the thesis is available online in full pdf format. The thesis saved in the restricted collection can be read in Haaga-Helia's intranet. Thesis metadata and abstract are openly available in both Theseus collections. However, the thesis is always a public document, so anyone has the right to request that it be read. This also applies to a thesis stored in the restricted collection. You can find more information on the restricted collection on the submission page of Theseus .  As the thesis is public, make sure that the published thesis, its abstract or other metadata does not contain information that is subject to trade secret, privacy or other confidential information. NOTE! If the thesis commissioning agreement has been drawn up before 1.1.2022 and the commissioning party has refused to save the thesis in the open collection of Theseus, the student must assure the commissioning organisation that the thesis can be saved in the restricted collection of Theseus instead of previous restricted colletion HHthesis. Unlike HHthesis, the metadata and summary of theses stored in Theseus' restricted collection are openly available online. In case of doubt, you should contact the library [email protected] . Theseus submission page Theseus instructions on how to upload thesis Theseus search page for publications Please note that the publication link is activated only when the library staff has approved the thesis and published it in Theseus. This can take 1-2 work days. More information on Theseus can be obtained from Haaga-Helia libraries. If your thesis has not been published within a couple of days in Theseus, please check the email you have given when submitting your thesis. You may have received a notice of a failed submission. Please note that the confirmation message for an approved submission always comes to your Haaga-Helia email address, regardless of the address you provided during the submission.

If you have problems with publishing your thesis, you can contact Haaga-Helia library ( [email protected] ). If you need personal guidance with the publishing, library's specialists would be happy to help you also in a Teams meeting. Please tell in your message, if you wish to get guidance via Teams.

Open UAS students can't submit their thesis to Theseus. They can contact library staff, who will take care of the submission:  [email protected]

Your feedback on the thesis process

Feedback on the thesis process is included in the AVOP feedback at the end of the studies.

4. Thesis evaluation

Assessment of the thesis begins after the advisor has approved the Ouriginal analysis and the student has saved the finalised thesis to Wihi.

The thesis is assessed on a scale of 0-5, and the assessment is conducted by two assessors, the advisor together with another person appointed by Haaga-Helia (Section 13 of the Degree Regulations). The grade is determined on the basis of a joint assessment by the advisor and the second examiner. More detailed assessment criteria can be found in the file below.

The assessment of Master's Theses will change from August 1, 2022, so that the weighting factor for the results of theses will be removed. Theses started before August 1, 2022 will be assessed with an emphasis on results until July 31, 2023. After that, all theses are assessed without a weighting factor.

The evaluation statement is a public document that can be viewed by anyone in Haaga-Helia's library.

To assessment, the student requests also feedback from the possible commissioning party.

Rectifying procedure

The approved grade of the thesis cannot be raised by improving the thesis after the assessment. However, a correction request can be made for the assessment of the thesis (see Norms to be observed and appeal proceedings ).

If you feel that the assessment criteria have been incorrectly applied in the assessment of your thesis, you have the possibility to request a third assessor. In this procedure, a third assessor will re-assess your thesis. You will then still have the opportunity to request a correction from the examination board, which will not re-evaluate your thesis, but will examine whether the assessment process and criteria have been followed.

Assessment form, Master's Thesis

Evaluation criteria, Master's Thesis

Commissioner's feedback form Master's Thesis

5. Research ethics

In accordance with Haaga-Helia's values, we take responsibility into account in all our operations. We are committed to good scientific practice and to conducting research and development in accordance with the principles of research ethics (see Responsible Conduct of Research by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK ). In addition, we follow the ethical guidelines of The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene .

The following are the functions and processes related to Haaga-Helia's research ethics principles, especially from the students' point of view.

The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity divides research misconduct into four subcategories, namely, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification and misappropriation:

  • Unacknowledged borrowing, that is, plagiarism , refers to presenting material produced by someone else as one’s own.
  • Fabrication refers to presenting invented observations or results.
  • Falsification refers to the modification of original observations in such a way that the results are distorted, or that essential information is omitted.
  • Misappropriation means that results, an idea or a plan by someone else is presented as one’s own.

Ouriginal, plagiarism tracking program

All theses are reviewed with the Ouriginal application. The use of Ouriginal increases the awareness of plagiarism and its prevention. Its introduction indicates that plagiarism is not acceptable and that our university has both the desire and the means to address the issue.

The Ouriginal review of the thesis is done through Wihi. The thesis advisor approves the Ouriginal report in Wihi if there is no indication of plagiarism in the report, and the thesis can proceed to evaluation. If there is reason to suspect plagiarism, a preliminary investigation will be started, in which the student will also be heard.

The program can be used to find out if there is possible plagiarism in thesis or other learning assignments. The program compares the content of the document to three different source types:

  • Material published on the internet
  • Publisher material (eg. e-books and e-magazines)
  • Student-generated materials previously stored in the Ouriginal database.

The result of the comparison is an analysis report, which shows the similarities found. Based on this report, the advisor can determine if there is a suspicion of plagiarism.

The student's report is stored in a database, which will reveal possible plagiarism of the student's work in the future. If the student does not want the work to be the source material for plagiarism comparisons with other Ouriginal users, he / she should click on the link at the end of the confirmation message: "Follow this link if you want to prohibit the use of your document as described above."

Thesis Ethics Committee

Suspicions of plagiarism in theses are reviewed by Haaga-Helia’s Thesis Ethics Committee.

Haaga-Helia’s Degree Regulations 27 §, Personal Conduct at Haaga-Helia: “Cheating in examinations and plagiarism of assignments, thesis reports or other existing materials are strictly forbidden. If a student is found guilty of cheating, he or she is will be removed from the exam session or learning assignment and the course exam or other performance is failed. Plagiarism will result in failure of the course in question. Proved cheating will be entered into the study register. The punitive measures for the above-mentioned violations are governed by Section 38 of the Polytechnics Act (932/2014).”

6. Master seminars and thesis workshops

Students get support for their thesis work either in the specialisation’s Master seminars or the general thesis workshops. In the seminars, topics for theses are brainstormed, and in addition, the graduating students present their thesis.

Master seminars take place on the following Mondays in the autumn 2024:

  • September 9th in Finnish
  • October 28th in English
  • November 25th in Finnish from 17.00 to 19.30.

The teachers responsible for specialisations inform the students separately about the seminar agenda and place.

Thesis workshops

The thesis workshops support the planning and implementation of the Master's thesis and are intended for all Master's students. Participating in the workshops is voluntary and does not accumulate study points, but according to the feedback, they are useful at every stage of the thesis.

Monday's theme workshops and Tuesday's method workshops are organised online. For Monday's theme workshop, one must enrol no later than the previous Sunday evening, in order to receive a link to the Haaga-Helia email address before the workshop starts. Kindly notify master(at)haaga-helia.fi if you cancel your enrolment. 

Enrol for autumn 2024 thesis workshops here .

Master seminars and theme workshops on Mondays from 17.00 to 19.00

  • 16.9. Mindfulness opinnäytetyössä
  • 9.9. Master-seminaari suomeksi
  • 23.9. Opinnäytetyön rakenne ja rajaaminen
  • 30.9. Framing and structuring the thesis
  • 7.10. Tiedonhaku ja vinkit hyvien lähteiden äärelle
  • 21.10. Information search and tips for finding relevant sources
  • 28.10. Master seminar in English
  • 4.11. Kriittinen kirjoittaminen ja teoreettisen viitekehyksen rakentaminen
  • 4.11. Critical writing and building of theoretical framework Huom! Sama päivä – opiskelija valitsee kielen ilmoittautuessaan. NB! Same day, student chooses language version when enrolling to the workshop
  • 11.11. Tiedon havainnollistaminen
  • Data visualisation workshop is available as a recording . See also PowerPoint presentation .
  • 25.11. Master-seminaari suomeksi

Method workshops on Tuesdays from 18.00 to 20.30

For Tuesday’s method workshops, one must book a personal meeting time by email no later than the night before. The email addresses are in the following form: [email protected]

  • Quantitative methods (e.g. surveys) > Principal Lecturer Pirjo Saaranen
  • Qualitative methods (e.g. interviews, content analysis) > Principal Lecturer Juha Lindstedt

Extra method evenings on 10.9. and 24.9. from 18.00 to 20.30

Extra method evenings will be held in Finnish in the autumn.

  • 10.9. Haastattelut ja sisältöanalyysi. Tiedon luotettavuuden ja oikeellisuuden arvioiminen. Yliopettaja Juha Lindstedt.
  • 24.9. Kyselylomakkeen luominen ja Webropolin käyttö tiedonkeruussa. Kvantitatiivisen datan kerääminen ja esittäminen. Yliopettaja Pirjo Saaranen 

Assessment form Master's Thesis

Types of thesis

The research and development objectives, results and outputs can be very different. Respectively, working on the thesis can proceed in many different ways, and therefore, one general model cannot be given. However, theses have always in common that the student gets acquainted with previous research, collects and analyses one's own data or plans and implements one's own development project, and finally, describes and evaluates the results.

The master's thesis always begins with the definition of the objectives of research and development. The whole process is described in a thesis report and there can also be other outputs depending on the nature of the thesis. The progress of the work between these start and end points can then take different directions. The following orientations serve as examples.

The development-oriented thesis progresses from getting acquainted with previous research on the topic to the analysis of the current situation of the target organization and to the planned development and evaluation of the validity of the results. In addition to the thesis report, other outputs can be, for example, a new operating model, an operating manual for the organisation or operating instructions for an ICT system. In a development-oriented thesis, a separate output can also be developed and implemented, which can be, for example, a concept plan, product, a new service or piece of work.

Another common form of thesis is a research-oriented thesis , which also meets the development needs of the organisation. In this case, the thesis progresses from getting acquainted with previous research to collecting and analysing one's own research data, which serves as the basis for development proposals. Development proposals based on research must also be validated, for example, with feedback from the experts of the target organisation.

A research-oriented thesis can also focus on a current topic or challenge in working life or business. The student may not have an organisation or company as a commissioning party. Haaga-Helia, for example, can act as a client on the basis of its RDI needs. Even then, the thesis progresses from getting acquainted with previous research to collecting and analysing one's own research data. The result can be, for example, development suggestions, a new operating model for business, a blueprint or other recommendations.

hh thesis

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  • Social Analysis and Communication, 180 credits
  • Social Change and Social Sustainability, 180 credits
  • Social Work Programme, 210 credits
  • Specialist Nursing - Ophthalmic Nursing, 60 credits
  • Specialist Nursing - Pediatric Nursing, 60 credits
  • Specialist Nursing - Psychiatric Care, 60 credits
  • Sport Science - Sport and Exercise Psychology, 180 credits (Closed down 2021-06-01)
  • Study Programme in Business and Economics, 240 credits
  • Subject Teacher Education for Secondary School
  • Sustainable Energy Engineer, 180 credits
  • The International Marketing Programme, 180 credits
  • The Language Studies Programme - Processing and Editing Texts, 180 credits
  • Work and Welfare, 180 credits
  • Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)
  • Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
  • Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree)
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)
  • Student paper first term
  • Student paper second term
  • Student paper other
  • Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts))
  • Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year))
  • Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years))
  • Artistic works only
  • Exclude artistic work
  • External cooperation only
  • Exclude external cooperation
  • School of Business, Innovation and Sustainability
  • School of Education, Humanities and Social Science
  • School of Health and Welfare
  • Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR)
  • Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Agricultural Science
  • Fish and Aquacultural Science
  • Food Science
  • Forest Science
  • Horticulture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Soil Science
  • Wood Science
  • Animal and Dairy Science
  • Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
  • Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
  • Fish and Wildlife Management
  • Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
  • Renewable Bioenergy Research
  • Clinical Science
  • Medical Bioscience
  • Other Veterinary Science
  • Pathobiology
  • Chemical Process Engineering
  • Corrosion Engineering
  • Other Chemical Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Polymer Technologies
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Building Technologies
  • Construction Management
  • Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Infrastructure Engineering
  • Other Civil Engineering
  • Transport Systems and Logistics
  • Water Engineering
  • Communication Systems
  • Computer Systems
  • Control Engineering
  • Embedded Systems
  • Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
  • Signal Processing
  • Telecommunications
  • Bioremediation
  • Diagnostic Biotechnology
  • Other Environmental Biotechnology
  • Water Treatment
  • Energy Systems
  • Environmental Management
  • Geophysical Engineering
  • Marine Engineering
  • Mineral and Mine Engineering
  • Ocean and River Engineering
  • Other Environmental Engineering
  • Remote Sensing
  • Bio Materials
  • Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
  • Biochemicals
  • Bioengineering Equipment
  • Bioprocess Technology
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Other Industrial Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Composite Science and Engineering
  • Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
  • Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
  • Other Materials Engineering
  • Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
  • Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Energy Engineering
  • Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
  • Other Mechanical Engineering
  • Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
  • Reliability and Maintenance
  • Tribology (Interacting Surfaces including Friction, Lubrication and Wear)
  • Vehicle Engineering
  • Medical Equipment Engineering
  • Medical Ergonomics
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies
  • Medical Materials
  • Other Medical Engineering
  • Nano Technology
  • Food Engineering
  • Interaction Technologies
  • Media Engineering
  • Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
  • Architecture
  • Literary Composition
  • Performing Art Studies
  • Performing Arts
  • Studies on Film
  • Visual Arts
  • Archaeology
  • History of Technology
  • General Language Studies and Linguistics
  • General Literature Studies
  • Specific Languages
  • Specific Literatures
  • Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
  • Cultural Studies
  • Other Humanities not elsewhere specified
  • History of Ideas
  • History of Religions
  • Religious Studies
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Immunology in the medical area
  • Medical Genetics
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Microbiology in the medical area
  • Neurosciences
  • Other Basic Medicine
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Social and Clinical Pharmacy
  • Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Cancer and Oncology
  • Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
  • Clinical Laboratory Medicine
  • Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
  • Endocrinology and Diabetes
  • Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • General Practice
  • Infectious Medicine
  • Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Other Clinical Medicine
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
  • Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
  • Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
  • Urology and Nephrology
  • Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
  • Medical Ethics
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Occupational Health and Environmental Health
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Other Health Sciences
  • Physiotherapy
  • Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
  • Sport and Fitness Sciences
  • Substance Abuse
  • Biomaterials Science
  • Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
  • Medical Biotechnology (with a focus on Cell Biology (including Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy)
  • Other Medical Biotechnology
  • Forensic Science
  • Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences
  • Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
  • Behavioral Sciences Biology
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
  • Biological Systematics
  • Cell Biology
  • Developmental Biology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Other Biological Topics
  • Structural Biology
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Materials Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Other Chemistry Topics
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Theoretical Chemistry
  • Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Sciences
  • Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Information Systems
  • Language Technology (Computational Linguistics)
  • Media and Communication Technology
  • Other Computer and Information Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Climate Research
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geochemistry
  • Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
  • Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
  • Other Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
  • Physical Geography
  • Algebra and Logic
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Other Mathematics
  • Probability Theory and Statistics
  • Other Natural Sciences
  • Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
  • Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
  • Other Physics Topics
  • Subatomic Physics
  • Business Administration
  • Economic History
  • Pedagogical Work
  • Law (excluding Law and Society)
  • Law and Society
  • Communication Studies
  • Human Aspects of ICT
  • Information Studies
  • Information Systems, Social aspects
  • Media Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • International Migration and Ethnic Relations
  • Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
  • Work Sciences
  • Globalisation Studies
  • Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalisation Studies)
  • Public Administration Studies
  • Applied Psychology
  • Psychology (excluding Applied Psychology)
  • Economic Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Social Anthropology
  • Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)

Student projects/Master thesis instructions

  • 1 Example Thesis
  • 2.1 Inofficial LaTex templates
  • 3 Interaction with your Supervisor
  • 4.1 Knowledge and understanding
  • 4.2 Skills and ability
  • 4.3 Values and attitude
  • 5.1 Immigration office and extended stay issues
  • 5.2.1 General advice
  • 5.2.2 Section by section breakdown of thesis

Example Thesis

Old example of a thesis , before the new templates below. It gives a good idea of the amount and outline of a thesis report, but NOT style and appearance (see below for templates).

Thesis Templates

We currently have one official Template for word. Some are engaged in making an official LaTex template as well, but until then we gather here LaTex templates that have been circulating. At the moment, only one is gathered.

Official MS Word template (English preferred)

MS Word template swedish (not preferred)

Inofficial LaTex templates

KTH based template

To use LaTex Templates that are not official, visually inspect the word template above. You will want them to look as similar as possible. For the front page (and possibly other pages) you can convert the correct looking word pages to pdf documents and use a merging tool with the pdfs that come from LaTex (there are free online tools available ).

Interaction with your Supervisor

The usage of titles and honorifics in Sweden is not common. No swedish supervisor will be insulted if you use his/her name directly. No supervisor will be insulted if you use honorifics either, but most prefer their first names being used. If it makes a student feel at ease to huse honorifics, it will not be looked down upon or in any way hinder the work.

Requirements for Masters degree

To achieve a Masters degree in Sweden it is required that a student: (this is an inofficial translation from Swedish government directions)

Knowledge and understanding

- Demonstrates knowledge and understanding in his/her main field of study, including both broad knowledge in the field and substantially deeper knowledge of certain parts of the area and a deeper insight into current research and development, and

- Demonstrate deeper methodological knowledge in his/her main field of study.

Skills and ability

- Demonstrate an ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and to analyze, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, even with limited information,

- Demonstrate an ability to critically, independently and creatively identify and formulate issues and to plan and to carry them out within specified time frames , thereby contributing to the development of knowledge and to evaluate this work;

- Demonstrate an ability to both nationally and internationally, orally and in writing, clearly present and discuss his/her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments behind them, in dialogue with different groups, and

- Demonstrate the skills required to participate in research and development work or to work independently in other advanced contexts.

Values and attitude

- Demonstrate an ability in the main field of study to make judgments with regard to relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects, and demonstrate an awareness of ethical aspects of research and development,

- Demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of science, its role in society and the responsibility for its use, and

- Demonstrate an ability to identify the need for further knowledge and to take responsibility for their knowledge .

Most of these aspects should be demonstrated in the master thesis report (including the oral presentation and defense at the end of the thesis work). In bold face are aspects that definitely should be demonstrated (and documented) during the course of the thesis work.

Immigration office and extended stay issues

How to succesfully write a thesis, general advice, section by section breakdown of thesis, navigation menu.

  • View source

Personal tools

  • Research Areas
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  • This page has been accessed 491 times.
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Library and information services for staff: Theses

  • Great variety of materials
  • Acquiring material
  • Assistance in information searching
  • Teaching information searching to students
  • Opas suomeksi

Theses are always public

According to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, theses are public documents. In accordance with instructions given by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Data Protection Ombudsman, theses may not be proclaimed secret. In other words, all theses completed at Haaga-Helia are public .

Instructions on handling trade and professional secrets can be found in

  • Thesis, Bachelor's degree page
  • Thesis, Master's degree page

Publication process

Students publish their theses in the open collection of Theseus repository. If the commissioner prohibits publication in the open collection, the thesis is saved to the restricted collection of Theseus.

The group of thesis coordinators is responsible for the publication process of a thesis.

Library provides help with publishing in Theseus

If a student has problems publishing their thesis, they can contact the library at [email protected] . If the student wants assistance in a Teams meeting, they can tell that in their email.

Open UAS students can't submit their thesis to Theseus. They can contact the library and the staff will take care of the submission

  • Student instructions for uploading a thesis in Theseus

Information search training for students

Library offer students training in information searching

  • Thesis - Help! Information search training for students working on their thesis
  • Personal guidance sessions online
  • Sessions in thesis seminars

More information on training

  • << Previous: Publishing
  • Next: Opas suomeksi >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 14, 2024 10:20 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.haaga-helia.fi/library_and_information_services_for_staff

Saavutettavuusseloste / Accessibility Statement


  1. How To Write a Thesis Statement (with Useful Steps and Tips) • 7ESL

    hh thesis

  2. How to Write a Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips

    hh thesis

  3. GitHub

    hh thesis

  4. How to Write a Thesis Statement: Thesis Writing

    hh thesis

  5. How to Write a Thesis or Dissertation Proposal & Examples

    hh thesis

  6. 25 Thesis Statement Examples (2024)

    hh thesis


  1. "AW, RATS" by Samantha Smeal

  2. EdD Brown Bag Series: What is the Effect of Charter Schools on African American and Latino Students?

  3. [Archive] Jelly Hoshiumi OffKai 2023 Performance

  4. Trial by Jury

  5. "The legend of the rock Zhumbaktas"

  6. Phd Defence of Beate Krieger


  1. Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu - Theseus

    This research thesis presents key elements of and suggests improvements to customers’ experiences of transfer passengers at Helsinki Airport (HEL). This thesis is written by two students who have a long history of working ...

  2. Thesis, Bachelor's degree - Haaga-Helia

    Thesis is an independent study project that forms part of your studies and is a proof of your skills. The aim of the thesis is to develop your ability to apply the skills, knowledge and critical thinking acquired in education and training in practice.

  3. Theses - Haaga-Helia

    Haaga-Helia provides the thesis student with an expert in the field and metholodogy to guide the development, research, and reporting. In addition, the student will be supported by information specialists in library and information services.

  4. Thesis information for students at School of Information ... - HH

    Thesis information for students at School of Information Technology. In this section you can find information about the thesis process as well as relevant documents to successfully plan, write and publish your thesis. The thesis work is often an entrance to the first employment as engineer or researcher or continued studies after graduation and ...

  5. Thesis templates | hh.se

    The University has an accessibility-adapted Word template that you can use when writing your thesis to make it easier for you. The template has some basic settings, but you can change the template according to your own needs.

  6. Thesis, Master's Degree - Haaga-Helia

    The Master's thesis is a 30-credit research and development task (approximately 800 hours of student work). The thesis can be started immediately at the beginning of the studies. First, the student comes up with an idea suitable for the specialisation and sends a topic proposal to the specialisation head.

  7. How to search for information: Research and theses - Haaga-Helia

    / Haaga-Helia's internal thesis database, which is accessible to Haaga-Helia students and staff. Other patrons can use database at Haaga-Helia's campus libraries. Theses from years 2014-2021.

  8. Student theses - DiVA portal

    Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)) Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree) Student paper first term; Student paper second term; Student paper other; Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts)) Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)

  9. Student projects/Master thesis instructions - CERES - wiki.hh.se

    Most of these aspects should be demonstrated in the master thesis report (including the oral presentation and defense at the end of the thesis work). In bold face are aspects that definitely should be demonstrated (and documented) during the course of the thesis work.

  10. Library and information services for staff: Theses - Haaga-Helia

    Students publish their theses in the open collection of Theseus repository. If the commissioner prohibits publication in the open collection, the thesis is saved to the restricted collection of Theseus. The group of thesis coordinators is responsible for the publication process of a thesis.