Student Council Speech Ideas & Tips to Help You Win

Whether you want to be president or head up PR, we've got you covered with tips and example student council speeches.

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Getting involved in student council is an amazing way to have a little extra influence in your school, but you have to win an election to get that influence. If you want to convince people to vote for you, you'll need a great student council speech that they'll remember on election day.

Serving on your school's student council gives you a say in student activities and a voice with the school administration, and that's a pretty big deal. It also looks good on college applications. However, to make it onto the student council, you'll first need to give a speech and gather votes from the other students. We've got you covered with writing tips, examples, and ideas to give you tons of extra confidence (and hopefully that win you want).

Winning Student Council Speech Ideas

You've probably done a little (or a lot) of persuasive writing in your classes, and you can totally build on that to write a great speech. You'll also want to make your speech memorable and fun to listen to since you need these kids to think of you when it's time to vote.

  • Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You
  • Tips for a Winning Student Council Speech for Treasurer
  • Self-Introduction Speech Examples & Tips to Help You Be Confident & Calm

Use these suggestions to help you craft a speech they'll never forget. It's important that you make sure your speech suits your school and position.

Open With a Humorous Story

Start your speech with something that will make everyone laugh . That can be a joke or a hilarious anecdote — there are no wrong answers as long as you amuse people and don't offend them.

  • Funny Intro Ideas for Student Council Speeches

Tell What You've Done Already

Next, you need to establish your credibility. Why should people vote for you? Why are you awesome at this role already? Show off your leadership experience and your connections to people in the school or community.

Explain the Role You're Running For

At this point in the speech, you want to clearly state what you want people to do. Tell them what student council role you're hoping to get and that you will do well in this position.

Keep your speech short and to the point and be honest about why you'd like the position regardless of whether it's a big or smaller role. For smaller roles, such as sergeant-at-arms, auditors, or public relations, hone in on what qualifications you have and use vivid examples to keep your audience interested.

Clearly Ask for Their Vote

Finally, you need to make sure you clearly ask people to vote for you. Mention the election day specifically. It's also nice if you offer to answer any questions or chat with people one-on-one.

Make Your Student Council Speech Stand Out

While there are certain traits and promises the student body expects from every candidate's speech, they want to choose one person who stands out from the crowd. Even if you're running for a smaller position, such as a PR officer or sergeant-at-arms, you may need to make a great speech as well in order to get elected. Make your speech the most memorable one in the room.

  • Grab a thesaurus and look for synonyms of common words used to describe the position you're running for. When all the other secretarial candidates talk about their attention to detail, you can use words like "meticulous" or "assiduous" to sound different.
  • Include visuals like props, a themed outfit, or specific hand gestures to give your speech a multidimensional feel.
  • Choose a speech theme to structure your presentation like a specific social media platform, a historical event, or a particular sport. Look for a theme that relates well to the role you want.
  • Invent a catchphrase that captures the spirit of your speech to keep the student body talking about it all the way to the polls.
  • Add sound effects, song lyrics, or music to give the speech more life.

Student Council Speech Examples for Each Role

Get inspired to write the perfect speech with these examples for each major role. Whether you're hoping to be president or secretary, these samples can help you get started writing your own speech.

Sample Speech for President

Hello, my name is John Doe and I'm a junior. I'm not the type of student who will lead a senior prank or skip class with you, but that probably isn't what you want in a class president anyway. What I do offer is steadfastness, hard work, and the ability to work with others even during difficult circumstances while still keeping a sense of humor.

Last year, when the cafeteria stopped serving the salad bar, I was able to get it reinstated by starting a petition, having many of you sign it, and taking it to Principal Smith. Because we worked together, we were able to bring the salad bar back, and now it's better than ever.

During the last three years at Sample High School, I've been involved in many activities. I've played basketball, spent a short time in the school band, worked on various committees, and helped tutor students after school. Last year, I was adopted into the National Honor Society and started an after school club for airplane enthusiasts that meets once a week.

As your student council president, I vow to end all homework. Just kidding. I can't do that, but what I can do is be your voice with the school administration and work to make this the best year Sample High has ever had. I will introduce ideas for events, such as dances after high school basketball games, and we'll work together to help the community through volunteer work and showing them just how dedicated the students at Sample High are.

I would appreciate your vote for president. If elected, I will continue to fight for the things that are important to students, no matter how big or small they might be. Let's work together to make our stamp on this community and on the world.

If you're running for the highest role in your class or school, your speech really needs to stand out. This is the most competitive race, so make sure you leave people with a clear idea of who you are and what you want to do.

Vice President Speech Example

Instead of starting with my name and what I'm running for, at which point you'll tune me out and start looking at the smudge on your left shoe, I am going to tell you my favorite memory so far from high school. On my first day at Sample High School, I had no idea how to get to my classes. This school is big, and I was lost.

On top of that, I was rushing around trying to find my class and tripped and fell flat on the floor in front of the cutest guy I'd ever seen. Not only was he nice enough to help me up, but several other students rushed to help me, got me to my classroom, and made me feel better about how goofy I was. That was the moment I fell in love with Sample High School. We all help each other and you don't find that just anywhere.

One of the reasons I'm running for Vice President of the student council is that I want to give back to the high school I love so much. I want to be that friendly face for new students coming in and a defender for students already here.

During the last two years, I've prepared myself to serve as Vice President by taking on extra work organizing a fan club for our football players to cheer them on when they play at home and make sure our school is represented in the stands at every away game. I've spent time as an office aid, learning about the everyday running of the school and silently taking notes on what we as students can do to improve things and how we can work with the administration.

As your Vice President, I will stand beside your president, offering support and stepping in when she is not able to be here or asks for some extra help. I'll sit on the student council and get actively involved in planning prom , graduation, and homecoming. I will always be here to listen to your concerns or to help you off the floor should you fall flat on your face like I did.

I am asking for your vote for VP of the student council. I love this school. I want to be helpful, and I want us all to build memories we'll remember and treasure forever. Now, if I can just get off this stage without falling on my face, I'll be in good shape.

A vice presidential speech needs to be highly effective to gain student confidence. This means you need to grab their attention and keep it throughout the speech, as well as clearly telling your audience what you want to accomplish.

Secretary Election Speech Sample

Today, I want to tell you something about me that you might not know. From the time I was five years old, I've been taking guitar lessons. I don't play in a band and I don't take music classes at school, but every night when I get home, I pick up my Fender and I relieve any stress from the day by playing a few of my favorite classic rock songs.

Learning to play a musical instrument takes a lot of time and stubbornness. There are times when I just wanted to quit because my fingers were raw from trying to learn a new chord or that song just didn't sound right. However, I stuck with it until I overcame the challenge and that is exactly what I'll do as your secretary. If there is an issue that needs to be solved, I won't quit until we figure out a solution. I will bring your concerns to the other council members, and like learning a new chord, I will stick with that concern until we figure it out.

I would like your vote for secretary of the student council. You never know, I may even bring my guitar to a student council meeting or two and just set it by my side as a reminder of why we need to work hard to achieve worthwhile things.

In your secretary speech, explain why you are perfect for the role. Highlight your organizational skills, perseverance, and ability to get along with everyone.

Treasurer Election Speech Example

Those of you who already know me probably know that math is my favorite subject. I'm proud of my inner geek, and I think it makes me perfect for the job of Treasurer. The student council treasurer is in charge of keeping track of money and numbers, so this role is a perfect fit for me and I've decided to run for the position.

I've been a member of Jackson High's Mathletes for the last two years. In case you're not familiar with this group, we are a group of students who love math and go out and compete in events. We've won state twice in the last three years. I also am a member of the orchestra. We perform throughout the school year and at school basketball games.

The student council treasurer has to be good at math to keep track of all those numbers. Vote for me, and I'll make sure our numbers add up. I'll also have fun doing it because I'm just crazy enough to love numbers.

  • Example Student Council Speech for Treasurer & Tips to Write Yours

A class treasurer needs to show his or her trustworthiness and math abilities during the speech.

Example Speech for Any Student Council Role

Many of you probably know me best for tripping over my feet and falling face-first off the stage during prom. Once I got over that embarrassment, I decided I could face you here today.

From the first day I arrived at Sample High School, I knew I wanted to become more involved. From serving on the school newspaper as the Features Editor to helping plan prom last year, I consistently spend time in leadership roles and try to make this school an even better place than it already is. Many of you probably know me from my work with Key Club and the volunteer time I've spent at Sunnyvale Nursing Home and cleaning up our community park.

It probably won't surprise you that I have decided to run for student council for the role of ___________. As student council _________ (role), I will strive to continue to make improvements in the school for every student here at Sample High. The student council works side-by-side with the student body and the administration to ensure student events throughout the year are successful. As _______, I will ensure that you have a memorable year.

Today, I am asking for your vote for me on election day. Should you elect me, I will listen to your concerns and work hard for you. I'm happy to chat with anyone after this event to answer any questions you might have.

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Ways to Add Humor to Your Speech

One of the best election speech ideas for students is to work some humor into your speech. Infusing a bit of humor into your speech can help you better connect with your audience while making your speech really stand out. You can try using silly jokes, sarcasm, or inside jokes that only those who attend your school would get. These ideas might help. 

  • Say in a serious tone, "Settle in, I've got about three hours' worth of material to get through."
  • After your speech, say, "Okay, now for my speech."
  • Use a teacher or principal as a funny example, such as, "I'm as passionate about our school as (insert teacher) and as energetic as (insert teacher) after he/she's finished his/her coffee."
  • Say, "I care about this position as much as (teacher) cares about (insert book, movie, or learning principle that teacher speaks about a lot)."
  • Say, "I was really nervous to give this speech, so I've been practicing a lot in front of my (insert pet). He/she/they said it could use some work, so I guess I'll just give this my best shot."
  • Use self-deprecating humor by saying, "My annoying need to be organized and scheduled would make me a great fit for this position."
  • 65+ "Anything But a Backpack" Day Ideas That’ll Make You a School Legend

Deliver the Speech With Confidence

Once you've prepared your speech, practicing a few times alone and in front of an audience can help you get ready to deliver your speech with confidence. Whether your speech is lighthearted and funny or serious and to the point, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Make eye contact with those you are speaking to and don't focus too heavily on one person.
  • If you make a mistake, keep going. No one knows what your speech is supposed to sound like.
  • Practice some deep breathing exercises or mindfulness beforehand to calm nerves. Remember to take deep breaths throughout your speech and speak a bit slower than you normally would, as nerves can cause you to speak more rapidly.
  • Visualize yourself doing your speech well the morning of it.

Make Your Election Speech Memorable

Whether you use one of the samples listed here or write an entirely new speech, be sure to put a personal touch on the speech. By focusing on what makes you unique, your passions, and your skills, you will show confidence in front of your classmates and let them see a side of you they may not have seen before. Whether you win or lose the election, you can hold your head high and know you gave the speech your best.


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to win a student election, by a former class president.



Hoping to be your class president? Winning the position takes a lot of work, but you can absolutely make it happen. Why should you trust me? I was my Junior Class President and Student Government President my senior year, so I know what it takes to get there. In this article, I've outlined every step you need to take to become class president: starting with just getting on student council freshman year, all the way through running in a big election as a senior. 

Why Do You Want to Be Class President?

Before I talk about how to get elected, I want you   to think about why you want to become class president. Do you want to improve school dances? Do you want to have a wider variety of school lunch options? Create a class field trip? Start a fundraiser?

All of these reasons are legitimate. You need to figure out what your own goal is. If you're having trouble, sit down and brainstorm. Think about all the events your student government plans. Which did you attend? Were there issues at these events? What could have been done better? Is it something you could change? This brainstorming should lead you to some ideas of why you want to become president of your class or school.

Why do you need a reason to want to be class president? It'll keep you motivated during your campaign, and it'll help you explain to your classmates why they should vote for you. I'll delve into this in-depth later on in this article. 

First, I'll go over the two major steps you need to follow in order to run a successful campaign.

Step 1: Start Early

If you want to be president of your class or high school some day, you need to start working towards that goal early.

Plan to join student council your freshman year, but don’t expect to be elected president.  Freshman student council elections are usually a mess. Freshman elections typically happen within a month of starting school, so no one knows each other. The person elected president is usually the person whose name other students have heard the most. It’s not usually based on competence or trust.

My recommendation for freshman student council elections: Run for one of the “smaller” offices such as secretary or treasurer.  There is usually less competition for these positions, so you’ll have a better shot of being elected.  During freshman year, your aim should just be to get on the council. Once you're on it, you’ll be able to prove your effectiveness as a leader and can start the climb towards president. I was elected Freshman Treasurer, and then Sophomore Vice President, and then Junior Class President.

But by starting early, I don’t just mean joining the council early...

Step 2: Maintain Relationships

You need to work from the start to build relationships with your classmates so that they know and trust you. This is the most important step to becoming Class President.

Students want to elect someone they like and know is competent.  Be a leader in the classroom. Participate in class discussions and get good grades, it’s how you’ll prove your competence. Don’t be the class clown or the student who’s always on their cell phone or asleep.

Interact with the students around you.  Sit with different groups at lunch. Talk to them about their concerns and what changes they’d like to see happen at the school.

If you’re not currently on student council, ask if you can attend their meetings.  Some student councils allow students who’re interested in joining to sit in on their meetings, and some host an occasional meeting (monthly, bi-monthly, annual, etc.) for students who’re not on the council to voice their concerns and ideas.

Also, if you’re not currently on student council, ask members of student council if they need help with their events.  It’s a great way to test out student council to see if it’s right for you, and it's also a great way to show you’re fit to be on student council/leading student council.


With my advice, you won't be quite so lonely!

How to Run a Winning Election

The two steps I mentioned above will start you on the path to becoming president of your class, but to run a winning election you’ll need to do more.

#1: Get Your Name Out There

To win an election, you need to market yourself.  Start by creating a slogan, even if it’s as simple as “Lauren for Junior Class President.” You want to use one slogan for your campaign that will be used on all of your marketing materials so that your name becomes recognizable. If you don't come up with one slogan and instead use multiple slogans or designs, people may get confused. You want one good slogan that you'll use across all of your material to ensure a clear, focused campaign that'll create name recognition. Think about all of the US presidential campaigns; the posters always have one design from which they never stray.  

#2: Put Up Posters With Your Slogan

The posters can be super simple; even just a print out of the slogan on normal computer paper will work. However, you should have a lot of them.  The exact number will vary proportionally to the number of students in your class (or school, if you’re running for the overall Student Government President). What I mean by that is if your class has 100 students, 10 posters may be enough, but if you have 1000 students in your class, you may want to put up 50 or more posters. Count on some posters being ripped down or disappearing. Most schools have rules against this, but it’s hard to catch someone ripping down a poster. Plan on making extras.

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#3: Create Something to Hand Out 

This can be a sticker, button, pencil, etc. You can make these super cheaply by buying labels, printing your slogan onto the labels, and handing them out as “stickers” or putting these labels onto pencils. Again, as I said for posters, the number of handouts you should make will vary based on the number of students in your class or school. If you can afford it, I’d recommend making at least one sticker/handout per student in your class.  The campaigns usually last multiple days, so try to make sure you have enough handouts to give a second sticker or pencil to other students who may misplace the first.

NOTE: You may not be able to use all of my suggestions above. Different schools have different campaign rules. For example, some schools don’t allow you to hand anything out. Check with a teacher or school administrator to make sure you know what the rules are.


What’s the Point of Marketing Yourself? 

You won’t win an election if people don’t know who you are and why you’re running. As I said before, students want to elect people they like and know are competent. Even if you’re a leader in the classroom and getting good grades, if you’re in a class of 1000, you may not know half of your classmates. You want the other half of students who don’t know you personally to know your name and to talk about you with their friends.

Posters help create name visibility.  People will start to recognize your name and will hopefully start to talk to their friends about you. 

Handouts (i.e. stickers or pencils) also help create name visibility and offer you an opportunity to meet more students you don’t know.  At lunch time, travel around your cafeteria, walk up to people you don’t know and ask if they’d like a sticker or pencil . It’s a GREAT excuse to talk to people and will give you an opportunity to convince them to vote for you. 

Make sure you tell them why you want to be president. As I mentioned earlier, whatever reason you decided to run (whether it was to improve school dances or improve the lunch menu) tell it to them! Ask them what they’d like to see happen at the school next year. Show them you’ll be a good listener as well as a good leader!

#4: Ace Your Campaign Speech

Some schools have candidates give speeches or debate.   My school did not. If your school allows you to give a speech, definitely do so!

Here are my recommended points to hit in your speech/debate.

  • Introduce yourself (It may seem obvious, but it will help students who may not know you).
  • “Hi, I’m Lauren Jones, and I’m running for Junior Class President.”
  • Say why you want to be president and why you’re qualified. Your qualifications will be  a combination of personal characteristics and past experiences and successes.
  • “I'm responsible and a good listener. I served as Sophomore Class VP and fundraised more than $1,000 for the Red Cross.”
  • State your platform (what you plan to do differently).
  • “I plan to move our school dance to the Marriott Ballroom instead of our gym.”
  • Say how you plan to accomplish your goals.
  • “I will raise the money to move our dance to the Marriott Ballroom by hosting a school-wide bake sale.”
  • End with your campaign slogan.
  • “Remember, Lauren for Junior Class President.”  

These should be the main points you hit, but I’d recommend injecting some humor into it to make it more interesting. However, your speech should not be too long (I’d recommend 2-3 minutes maximum).  Make it concise and to the point or you’ll lose your audience.

If you market yourself well along with starting early, building a solid reputation, and maintaining relationships, you'll have yourself a winning campaign!

What’s Next?

If you’re interested in becoming class president in part to put it on your college application, you should learn about what makes an amazing extracurricular activity for your college applications . Also, you should learn  how many extracurricular activities you need for college.

Interested in learning about other great extracurricular opportunities? Learn more about job shadowing , community service , and volunteer abroad programs.

Aiming to get into Harvard and the Ivy League? Read our  How to Get Into Harvard guide  for everything you need to know to get accepted.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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Class President Speech

how to write a speech to run for class president

Outline for Class President Speech

  • Warm and friendly welcome to classmates and teachers.
  • Introduction of self as the candidate for Class President.
  • Expressing the intention to run for Class President.
  • Outlining specific goals and initiatives planned for the class.
  • Emphasizing the importance of working together as a class.
  • Pledge to listen to and represent the interests of all classmates.
  • Urging classmates to get involved in class activities and decisions.
  • Summarizing key points and expressing enthusiasm for the potential to lead.

Content for Class President Speech

“Hello everyone, teachers, and my dear classmates! I’m Emma Johnson, and today, I’m thrilled to announce my candidacy for the position of Class President.

Running for Class President is more than just a desire for a title; it’s a commitment to serve each one of you. My goal is to create an environment where we all can succeed and enjoy our time together in this school year.

I have several initiatives in mind that I believe will benefit our class. These include organizing better study groups, creating a class bulletin for news and updates, and planning fun and inclusive social events that bring us all together.

Collaboration is key. I want our class to be a place where everyone’s ideas are heard and valued. My role will be to ensure that we work together harmoniously and productively, making our class a model for others in our school.

I promise to be a Class President who listens. Your concerns, your hopes, and your suggestions are what will drive our class forward. I want to be your voice and ensure that our collective needs and interests are always represented.

I also want to encourage every one of you to participate actively in our class activities. Your involvement is what makes our class unique and vibrant.

In conclusion, I am genuinely excited about the possibility of serving as your Class President. I believe that together, we can make this school year one of our best yet. Thank you for considering me for this role, and let’s make this year unforgettable!”


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The Ultimate Go-To Guide to Prepare for Your Student Council Speech

Hrideep barot.

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Empower voices, spark change! Together, let's shape our school's future. I'm committed to listening and acting for all. Thank you for your trust

Delivering a compelling student council speech is a crucial opportunity for students to make their voices heard and leave a lasting impact on their school community. The role of the student council is not only to represent the interests of fellow students but also to initiate positive change and contribute towards the overall development of the school.

Crafting an effective student council speech requires careful thought, preparation, and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. In this section, we will explore the importance of a student council speech and provide valuable insights on how to make a lasting impression that captures the attention and support of your peers.

Whether you are running for class president, vice president, treasurer, or any other position within the student council, your speech serves as an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills, articulate your vision for improvement, and inspire others to rally behind you. It is not just about winning votes but about demonstrating your dedication to serving the needs and aspirations of your fellow students.

Throughout this section, we will delve into strategies that can help you deliver a powerful student council speech that stands out from the rest. From crafting a strong opening statement to highlighting relevant experiences and outlining actionable plans for change, we will guide you through each step of the process.

Remember that every word you speak has the potential to influence opinions and shape perceptions. By mastering the art of delivering an impactful student council speech, you can become an agent of positive change within your school community. So let’s dive in and discover how you can make a lasting impact through your words!

  • 1. Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals
  • 2. Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly
  • 3. Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone
  • 4. Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details
  • 5. Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence
  • 6. Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

Step 1: Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals

In order to deliver an impactful student council speech, it is crucial to first understand the role of the student council and identify your goals. By doing so, you can effectively communicate your vision and aspirations to your fellow students.

The student council plays a vital role in representing the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. It is a platform where students can voice their concerns, propose ideas for improvement, and contribute to the overall development of the school community.

When preparing your speech, take some time to reflect on what you hope to achieve as a member of the student council. Identify specific goals that align with your values and address issues that are important to your peers. This could range from improving school facilities and promoting extracurricular activities- to fostering inclusivity and enhancing communication between students and faculty.

By clearly defining your goals, you will be able to convey a sense of purpose and passion in your speech. Your fellow students will be more likely to connect with your message if they see that you have a genuine desire to make positive changes within the school community.

Remember, being part of the student council is not just about holding a position or gaining recognition – it is about making a difference. So take this opportunity to inspire others with your ideas, motivate them with your enthusiasm, and demonstrate how you can contribute positively towards creating an inclusive and thriving school environment.

Step 2: Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly

When preparing a student council speech, it is crucial to understand your audience and tailor your message accordingly. By conducting thorough research on the interests, concerns, and aspirations of your fellow students, you can create a speech that resonates with them and effectively communicates your ideas and goals.

Understanding your audience allows you to speak directly to their needs and desires. Are they looking for more extracurricular activities? Do they want improvements in school facilities or policies? By delving into these questions, you can craft a message that addresses their specific concerns, making it more compelling and persuasive.

Additionally, tailoring your speech to the interests of your audience helps establish a connection with them. When students feel that you genuinely understand their challenges and aspirations, they are more likely to trust you as a candidate and support your ideas.

Researching the audience also enables you to anticipate any potential objections or counterarguments. By addressing these concerns proactively in your speech, you show that you have taken the time to consider different perspectives and are prepared to address them thoughtfully.

In conclusion, researching the audience is an essential step in crafting an impactful student council speech. By understanding their needs, tailoring your message accordingly, and addressing potential objections, you can deliver a compelling speech that resonates with your fellow students and increases your chances of success.

Step 3: Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone

The opening of your student council speech is your chance to capture your audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation. A strong and compelling opening will make a lasting impression and encourage your listeners to pay attention to what you have to say.

Consider starting with a captivating anecdote or a thought-provoking question that relates to the issues you will address in your speech. This will immediately grab your audience’s attention and pique their curiosity. You can also use a powerful quote or statistic to emphasize the importance of your campaign and the changes you hope to bring about.

In addition to capturing attention, the opening of your speech should also establish a rapport with your audience. Share a personal story or experience that demonstrates your understanding of their concerns and shows them that you are genuinely invested in making a difference. This will help create a connection between you and your listeners, making them more receptive to your message.

Step 4: Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details

A well-structured speech is essential for conveying your ideas effectively and ensuring that your audience can follow your train of thought. To achieve this, it is crucial to organize your speech into clear main points and support them with relevant details and examples.

Start by outlining the main ideas or goals you want to communicate in your speech. These could be specific initiatives you plan to implement or broader themes you want to address. Once you have identified your main points, arrange them in a logical order that allows for a smooth flow of information.

For each main point, provide supporting details that substantiate your claims and add credibility to your speech. These could be statistics, personal anecdotes , or expert opinions that illustrate the importance and feasibility of your proposals. Remember to present this information in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to your audience.

Additionally, consider using visual aids such as graphs, charts, or images to enhance your presentation. Visuals can help reinforce your main points and make complex information more digestible for your audience. However, use them sparingly and ensure they complement rather than distract from your speech.

Step 5: Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence

Persuasion is a key element of any successful student council speech. To persuade your audience effectively, you need to develop persuasive arguments and present them with confidence and conviction.

When developing your arguments, consider the needs and concerns of your audience. What solutions can you offer to address these issues? How will your ideas benefit the student body as a whole? By focusing on the needs of your audience and presenting practical and achievable solutions, you can make a compelling case for your candidacy.

To present your arguments with confidence, it is essential to practice your speech thoroughly. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with friends and family, paying attention to your body language, tone of voice, and overall delivery. This will help build your confidence and ensure that you come across as poised and prepared on the day of your speech.

Remember to maintain eye contact with your audience and speak clearly and audibly. Use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize key points and show enthusiasm for your ideas. By exuding confidence and passion, you will inspire trust and captivate your listeners, increasing your chances of winning their support.

Step 6: Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

No matter how well-prepared you are, delivering a student council speech can be nerve-wracking. However, practicing your speech can help alleviate anxiety and build the confidence you need to deliver a compelling and impactful presentation.

Start by memorizing the key points of your speech. This will allow you to maintain a natural flow of information and engage with your audience more effectively. However, avoid memorizing your speech word-for-word, as this can make you sound robotic and less authentic.

Instead, focus on understanding the overall structure and flow of your speech. Practice delivering it in a conversational manner, using your notes as a reference rather than a script. This will help you adapt to different situations and respond to audience reactions, making your speech more dynamic and engaging.

Additionally, consider recording yourself during practice sessions. This will allow you to evaluate your delivery, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. Pay attention to your pacing, intonation, and body language, and make conscious efforts to improve these aspects.

Lastly, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers or mentors, who can provide constructive criticism and help you refine your speech. Incorporate their suggestions and continue to practice until you feel confident and well-prepared.

Sample Speech:

“Good morning everyone! I am absolutely thrilled to be standing before you today as a candidate for the student council. This is an incredible opportunity to make a difference in our school, and I am excited to share my vision with all of you. As a student, I have always been passionate about creating a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. I believe that the student council plays a crucial role in representing the voice of the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. Through my involvement in various extracurricular activities and my dedication to academic excellence, I have developed the skills necessary to be an effective leader in this role.

One of my main goals as a member of the student council is to promote student engagement and participation. I want to ensure that every student’s voice is heard and that they feel empowered to contribute their ideas and opinions. By organizing regular town hall meetings and creating platforms for open dialogue, we can foster a sense of unity and collaboration within our school community.

Together, we can work towards making our school an even better place for everyone.”

Another area that I am very passionate about is enhancing the overall student experience. I believe that education goes beyond the classroom, and it is important to provide students with opportunities for personal growth and development. Through organizing workshops, seminars, and events that focus on various aspects of personal development, such as leadership, communication skills, and mental health, we can empower our fellow students to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, I am truly excited about the possibility of representing you all on the student council. With your support, I am confident that we can create a more inclusive, engaging, and supportive environment for every student in our school. Let’s work together to make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Preparing for your student council speech is a crucial step in your campaign journey. By understanding the importance of your speech, tailoring your message to your audience, crafting a compelling opening, structuring your speech effectively, developing persuasive arguments, and practicing your delivery, you can increase your chances of delivering a memorable and impactful presentation.

Remember, your student council speech is not only an opportunity to showcase your leadership qualities but also a chance to connect with your peers and inspire change. By following these steps and putting in the necessary effort, you can confidently deliver a speech that resonates with your audience and convinces them to vote for you. Check out our communication coaching for more tips!

Now, it’s time to put your preparation into action. Take a deep breath, step onto the stage, and deliver a speech that will make a lasting impression on your fellow students. Good luck!

Hrideep Barot

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Jupiterimages/ Images

More than just a popularity contest, running for class president requires a candidate to connect with every student, regardless of their social status or clique. Winning over the student body with an effective, original and compelling class president speech could determine whether you get elected. A good speech will allow you to directly connect with your audience, while both informing the students of why you'd be a good president and entertaining them.

Campaign Promises

side profile of a school girl (8-10) reading from a podium in the library

Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

In most schools, the class president's duties include organizing pep rallies, planning school dances and fund raising for class trips. Examine how these activities were received by the student body in past years. Identify what the students enjoy most about last year's prom and promise to bring those elements back to the dance this year, while pledging to change those things that the students did not enjoy. Outline some new pep rally activities that will help to generate more excitement about school spirit. Capture your audience's attention by informing students about what you will do for them that your opponent will not.

Football Player and Cheerleaders in Van

Fuse/Fuse/Getty Images

If your school has a hated rival in sports, debate or other activities, play up that rivalry in your presidential speech. Attack your school's rival by making good-natured jokes at your rival's expense. Making fun of your rival's mascot, school colors, sport teams and campus could help engender support for you as a candidate. Tout how your school excels in comparison to your rival, and point out how your election to school president would further your school's dominance over its rival.

Class Clown

Group Of Teenage Girls Watching Film In Cinema

Monkey Business Images Ltd/Monkey Business/Getty Images

Resist the urge to take your speech too seriously, and make yourself the butt of a few self-deprecating jokes. Let your audience know that you can take a joke by pointing out a few of your lesser moments. If you missed a game-winning shot, or dropped a sure touchdown pass in a game, mention those moments with a good-natured joke about how you could have done better. If you are involved in theater or band, make a joke about the ridiculous costumes or uniforms you have worn. A speech that laughs about these moments could help you to connect with students anxious over their own inadequacies.

School Spirit

Girl (5-7) practicing lines on stage

Adam Taylor/Photodisc/Getty Images

Write a speech that takes advantage of the student body's school spirit. Discuss all the things that make your school better than any other school in the district. If one of your school's sports teams just won state, bring up how much the victory meant to you and the student body. If the students have a favorite teacher, a person every student is excited by when they get a chance to take her class, mention that teacher by name and state how fortunate your school is to have her teaching there. Try winning over your audience by talking about how much the school means to you, and how, if elected, you will do everything you can to ensure it remains great.

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Timothy Lemke has worked as a freelance writer since 2009 and has been published with such websites as Ask The College Guy. Lemke graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and possesses a Bachelor of Arts in European history.

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Student Council Speeches

By:  Susan Dugdale  

How to write a winning speech: a template, guidelines, plus example speeches

Student Council Speeches mark the end of an election campaign.

Will yours be successful?

The final answer is in the hands of your fellow students. It's entirely their decision.

However, up until they mark their voting papers 'yes' or 'no' you have the potential to make their choice of candidate for the upcoming year 'you'.

How to write a great student council speech 

Use the quick links below to find what you need to write a great student council speech, whether it's the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer role you're after.

Image - colored hands waving in affirmation. The word "YES" superimposed over image.

  • the primary purpose of your speech
  • a template that includes all the necessary elements of a good Student Council speech
  • points to consider carefully before you write
  • an example Student Council President speech
  • an example Student Council Vice President speech
  • an example Student Council Secretary speech
  • an example Student Council Treasurer speech
  • a printable speech planner and outline to download
  • vital tips for rehearsal . These make the difference between looking and sounding polished and bumbling.
  • a link to a collection of videoed student council speeches
  • how to manage anxiety about speaking in front of others

Understanding your speech purpose

Understanding the nature or purpose of your speech could make all the difference between winning and losing.

Student Council speeches are persuasive speeches . Their ultimate goal is to get you the YES vote.

To help you achieve that use the template, (framework or pattern), below to cover all the essential elements you need to pull together.

In addition, it will structure your speech logically, and effectively, from its opening through to its close.

(I've turned the template into a printable enabling you to plan and outline your speech efficiently and easily. You can download it from the link further down the page.)

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Student Council speeches template

Round button - colored hands waving in affirmation - YES.

  • Greeting - Attention Getter - The Hook You'll need an opening statement or rhetorical  question to sit your audience up with open ears and minds. For more see: How to write a speech introduction: 12 of the best ways to start.  
  • Who you are - your name, your place or grade in the school, and maybe, your hobbies or interests, and the clubs or teams you're a member of. For example, Amnesty International, the speech and debate club, cross-country and basketball. And if you've used a campaign slogan work it in. It'll jog people's memories. 'Ah, yes, that person!', they'll think. Being known and familiar gives you a head start.
  • What you want - the role you are campaigning for: President, Vice President,  Treasurer, Secretary, Historian...
  • What you are going to do for the audience - benefits to them in exchange for their vote. (Brief summary -you will expand this in the body of your speech.)
  • Credibility - your qualification or expertise establishing your fitness for the role you want. (Brief summary - you will expand this in the body of your speech.)
  • Transition leading to...
  • Your Main Idea 1 - For example: your goal for the role, what you want to achieve, how you plan to do it, the benefits to your audience - what painful problem(s) will you solve for them, your fitness for the job, transition to...
  • Main Idea 2 - Supporting ideas - details and examples - transition to...
  • Main Idea 3 - Supporting ideas - details and examples - transition to...

NB. Only include a second and third idea if you have time to expand on them. If not, move through to the conclusion.

  • Summary of main points
  • Re-statement of what you want - to be elected to the role you're running for
  • Re-statement of the benefits to the audience
  • Closer, clincher, call for action

Points to consider BEFORE you write your speech

Image: various colored hands waving. Text: - vote me.

You'll make a better job of completing the printable student council speech template if you  take the time to go through the points below.

And then, read the student council speech examples, before you start to write.

Research the role

Think about your audience, what tone or choice of vocabulary is best suited to them.

Avoid trying to impress with either 'big' words or use of slang. Both are traps! Be yourself. Authentic. Real.

Keep your language conversational rather than overly formal and use smaller rather than large sentences.

Try using active rather than passive words. These convey enthusiasm. For examples, see this page on using action verbs . You'll discover how to go from boring bla bla bland to dynamic excitement.

What 'hook' will you use to get them to listen? Humor? Humor is good if it is relevant and inclusive rather than exclusive. (No 'in' jokes!).

Your goal in the role you want

Avoid setting up expectations that you will deliver beyond your capability. :-)

It might be very tempting, but can you really reduce school hours, increase academic standards, introduce a range of exciting new extracurricular activities, as well as have a 'green day' and a movie night every month? Please keep it real!

Your credibility or qualifications

Now is not the time either to be shy or arrogantly big-headed! Let the audience know how right you are for the role you want.

Set yourself apart from other candidates by sharing compelling personal stories or anecdotes that both support your pitch, and show you understand the key issues that matter to your fellow students.

Your school's requirements

If your speech does not meet pre- established criteria in any way you may find it is returned to you edited. It's safer to find out what those criteria are BEFORE writing to avoid having to re-write or worse, being disqualified entirely.

Mockery and personal insults are not clever. They boomerang back on you, letting your audience know you're not to be trusted and neither are you ready for leadership.

Readily acknowledging the skill and expertise of your fellow candidates sincerely in a way that doesn't demean yourself, or them, shows an open mind and maturity.

Aim to have your speech ready BEFORE the deadline.

Give yourself time to prepare thoroughly, including time to review of your opponents' campaigns. That can be very useful for seeing their strengths as well as their weaknesses, which you can then respond to in your own material.

Student Council President speech example 

Here's a sample student council speech. I've written it from the perspective of someone running for President.

As you read it, imagine it said aloud. That will help you get the rhythm and flow of language. The speech is between 3 - 4 minutes long, depending on how quickly you speak.

Vote Sophia Clarke for Student Council President

Image: multi-colored hands waving. Text: YES! Sophia Clarke for President Student Council.

"I’ve got a question for you. I’m not asking you to shout your answer out, or raise your hand. All I’m asking is that you give it room in your mind. Let it sit for a bit, and have a think about it.

My question is – do you believe like I do, that all of us deserve the opportunity to make the best of ourselves? Not second best, 3 rd , or even, highly commended. The BEST.

I’m Sophia Clarke. I’m in the 12 th  grade, and I’m running for president. My vision is that each student is enabled to develop the skills and confidence to become the bigger, better version of themselves. The best they can be.  Regardless of who they are, and what they need to achieve that.

It’s an audacious goal. Some would say an idealistic, rather than a realistic, one.

However I say it’s awesome. And that you’re intelligent people who realize that reaching any goal starts with taking the first step.

So let me remind you why choosing me, Sophia Clarke, for president, is also choosing a better chance for yourself, and everyone else to grow.

I know you, and I know your needs well. I’ve served on your behalf in multiple roles through my years here; secretary, auditor, public relations officer, and have successfully taken on multiple issues. You’ll know some of those through directly benefiting from them.

It was me who was behind the push to get a regular anti-bullying program running throughout the school. That was two years ago, and now the  Teens Against Bullying  message underpins what we expect and strive for in our every day dealings with each other.

We know incidents of bullying are far fewer as a result. As our orange tee shirts say we ‘choose kindness, acceptance and inclusion’ for each other, and our selves.

Who has been involved in our mentoring-homework program? Either as a buddy-tutor or as a student getting a helping hand? And who, like me, is passionate about making sure that everybody gets a fair go?

In the past year, under my watch that program has escalated. We have over 50% more tutors across more subject areas and more students taking up the offer of help. That is a fabulous outcome for everybody. Truly win-win.

A tick in the box alongside my name is a tick for the continued growth of those programs. Their value is proven. They allow each of us to grow and experience the strength and confidence that comes from knowing that we can make a positive difference in other people’s lives as well as our own.

When you vote me for President you get my capacity to organize, to liaise, to listen and to speak, working for the benefit of everybody.

A 'yes' for me is a 'yes' for appreciating and celebrating diversity.

A 'yes' for me, Sophia Clarke for President, is 'yes' to a better you.

And together that is a 'yes' to a better life, and a better school, for all of us."

Student Council Vice President speech example

Like the speech above, this one runs to approximately 4 minutes when said aloud. Try it and see.

Image: poster for student council election. Text: YES! Jason Hull for Vice President, Student Council

Nod your head if you've heard of the phrase '2nd fiddle' or '2IC'.

What about 'sidekick'?

Not booting a ball in from a sideline but a trusty partner to whoever it is who has the leading role. Like Robin is for Batman.

Or like, {name of your country's Vice President or Prime Minister} is for {name of country's President or Prime Minister} or {name of your school's Vice Principal} is for {name of your school's Principal}!

Well, that's what I aspire to - to become the trusty, tried and true sidekick to the President on our student council.

My name is Jason Hull. I'm in Grade 12 and proudly standing in front of you today as a candidate for the role of Vice President. Yes, I am asking you to give me something of immense value - your vote.

I know what the issues, here at {name of school} are. As part of my campaign, I've interviewed you, and listened. I promise your ideas will be acted on.

Afterall I've trained for this role, put in the time. You know, I know how to get things done.

Last year I served as Secretary and the year before that I was a representative for the committee - proof that I'm committed to bettering our school environment not just for you, but for everybody!

With your support, I'll be your go-to guy when you want to make sure that your opinions and feedback reach the decision-makers.

One of my main goals as your Vice President is to champion your initiatives: amongst others, that's the library extensions you told me about, the desire for healthier food choices in our cafeteria, and the urgent need to increase and diversify the workforce and out-reach opportunities that so many of you mentioned.

Whether you're passionate about improving our school facilities, or enhancing our community involvement, I'll be there to guide and help you. 

In the role of Vice President, I will work alongside the President fulfilling my duties to the best of my ability. 

Together, we'll make sure that your concerns, and hopes are not just heard but actively pursued. Not 'I' will make sure, but 'we'.

There is no 'I' in we, and that too, is a prerequisite of the Vice President's position: the capacity to put aside ego and to work productively for the good of all.

Because together, we, the Vice President, the President and the other council members, are stronger and can achieve more.

The Vice President role may be a support act but it's a vital one.  To succeed in it, collaboration is key. I promise to work hand in hand not only with the President but also with the entire student council team, our teachers, and our administration on your behalf.

Unity is strength. More than ever, we need to nurture understanding, kindness and respect for each other. Regardless of your grade, interests, or background, I want every one of you to feel valued and heard.

That's a goal many would say is impossible.

However, I say, we need to be the difference we want to see in the world. And to borrow those famous words of Helen Keller's: "Alone we can do so little. Together we can so much."

It would be an honor to be your voice, your eyes and your ears as Vice President.

So, I ask you, will you trust me to have your best interests at heart? Will you enable me to work on your behalf?

And are you willing to give me, Jason Hull, your vote for best sidekick, aka. Vice President?

I'll take those smiles, as a 'Yes'.

Example Student Council speeches for Secretary and Treasurer

Click the link to read an:

  • example Student Council speech for the role of Secretary . Plus, an overview of the Secretary's main tasks and responsibilities.
  • example Student Council speech for the role of Treasurer . Plus, an overview of the Secretary's main tasks and responsibilities.

(This page was getting far too long to include them both here. ☺)

Get the printable student council speech outline

Click on the image below to open a downloadable printable student council speech planner and outline pdf. (Please note it will open in a new window.)

Image: a row of multicolored hands waving. Text: Click to download a printable student council speech outline.

Your completed outline will provide both the structure and the content you need to efficiently write your speech.  

After you've finished writing your speech

Now that you've finished writing, you're ready to begin work on your delivery: how you present the speech to your audience.

The first step in that process is making sure your speech fits comfortably into whatever time you've been allocated.

After that comes rehearsal. The information you need for both steps is below.

Timing and word count

Student Council Speeches are generally brief: around 1-4 minutes long which isn't a lot of time! That's between approximately 150 - 600 words at an average speaking rate of 150 words per minute.

To be safe say your speech out loud as if you were delivering it for real and time it. In some schools going overtime can result in being disqualified.

Going faster to fit everything in

Please do not be tempted to say it faster to get everything you planned said. As a strategy it doesn't work. You'll end up gabbling: speaking far too quickly and people won't be able to understand what you're saying.

Cutting out extra material

If you have got too much material for the time limit, cut it. Choose the least important ideas to let go of first. Then move on to rephrasing to reduce the number of words used to express a point.

When you think it's done, repeat the test. Say it out loud as if you were actually giving it, and time it.

If you're now within the allotted time, you are ready for rehearsal.

For more about word count see: how many words per minute in a speech

How to rehearse your speech

Round button -multi-colored hands waving in affirmation - the word "rehearse" across image.

Please, please  rehearse your speech ! Do not be tempted to wing it. The more you rehearse the easier it will be to deliver it well.

Remember it is only 1 to 4 minutes long! In that time your goal is to have your audience ready to vote for you.

You can help them make that decision by being confident and prepared. You will show that through:

  • your speaking style  - natural, sincere, fluent, understandable (clear and able to be heard without straining)
  • your body language  - relaxed, open gestures, good eye contact and smiling
  • your personal grooming or presentation  because how you look 'speaks' too. Make sure that your clothing and general grooming supports your speech because, like it or not, you will be judged on both!

Go to: how to rehearse a speech properly .

Image: cross legged girl with large pair of wings, levitating. Text: How to rehearse a speech properly and do so much more than wing it.

 Videoed Student Council speech examples  

How do other people handle a Student Council speech? What's their content and delivery like?

Are they funny? Formal? Too hurried? Confident? Familiar with the audience?

It can help to look at what others have done. Even if it's only to decide their way will not be your way!

Image: Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, PA. USA, candidates for Student Council 2018

Click the link to access a collection ten videoed student council campaign speeches from the 2018 student council executive board candidates for Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA. 

At the foot of the article you'll find links to the videos of the school's 2015, 2016 and 2017 student council campaign speeches.

A word of warning

Ps. panic not.

Round button - Image -multi-colored hands waving in affirmation with the word "Help" superimposed on top.

If you find yourself getting anxious over the thought of delivering your speech, please check this page for help.

  • How to deal with acute public speaking anxiety: 14 ways that will help

Yellow banner. Text: You're most welcome to use this content in your online learning program. Please make it a do follow link.

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How To Write A Presidential Speech

Katie Clower

The Importance of a Presidential Speech

Presidential speeches have been a prevalent and important part of our country’s society and culture since Washington’s inauguration in April of 1789 in which the first inaugural address, and presidential speech in general, was delivered. Since then, we as a country have beared witness to countless presidential and political speeches. Some have been moving, some inspirational and motivating, some heartbreaking and tear-jerking. Others have made us cringe out of anger, fear, or disappointment. Some have simply fallen flat, having been described as boring or awkward or unsettling.

Many presidential speeches are remembered and regarded to this day, despite how many decades or centuries ago they were delivered. Often, we remember and reflect on those which were the most special and important. But, in some cases the horribly written or delivered ones stick out in our minds, too. This writing guide is designed, in part, for those presidential or politician candidates and hopefuls to use as a tool to ensure their own speeches will be remembered and reflected on for years to come, for their positive messages and audience responses, not the opposite.

If you are not or do not plan to be a politician or president, do not stop reading! This guide is also written with the average person, even one with little to no political ties or aspirations, in mind. Public speech is a large aspect and topic of discussion in our society, one that has become critical to the presidential process. As such, many of us may be fascinated by and curious about the process of constructing and delivering a successful presidential speech. This guide will convey all of this information via data and analyses of previous both renowned and failed presidential speeches, deductions of what it was that made them so great or so catastrophic, syntheses of expert research and findings on the topic, and more. It does so in a casual, easy-to-follow tone, further making it a read for all.

Another reason this guide is applicable to everyone is because the speech-making tips and techniques shared throughout the text are true for not just political speech, but any form. Everyone has to deliver pitches, speeches, or presentations at some point in their lives or careers. The conclusion section emphasizes how the information and advice shared in this guide can apply to and help with all other forms of speech writing and delivering. With all of this in mind, this guide is meant for truly anyone who wants to take the time to read and be informed.

Goals of the Speech

Presidential speeches have become increasingly important over time as a means to connect with and appeal to the people in order to articulate and drive forward presidential goals, deliver or reflect on tragic or positive news, and more. As Teten put it in his study, “speeches are the core of the modern presidency” (334). He finds that while “in the past, speechmaking, as well as public appeal in the content of speeches, was not only infrequent but discouraged due to precedent and technology,” today it is one of the most important and most frequently utilized presidential tools (Teten, 334). Allison Mcnearney states that “even in an age of Twitter, the formal, spoken word from the White House carries great weight and can move, anger or inspire at home and around the world.” These findings make perfecting this method of communication with the people even more crucial to master. One part of doing so requires keeping in mind what the main, general goals of these speeches are.

Connection to Audience

While presidents and politicians deliver many different types of speeches which often have contrasting tones and messages depending on the occasion, there is always an exigence for politicians to make efforts to connect with their audience. This in turn results in a more positive audience perception and reaction to both the president and his speech. Later in the guide, specific rhetorical and linguistic strategies and moves will be discussed which have proven effective in fostering a connection with audience members through speech.

This overall notion of establishing connection works to break down barriers and make the audience feel more comfortable with and trusting of the speech giver. McNearney points to FDR as a president who successfully connected with the people, largely, she claims, through his fireside chats. The fireside chats exemplified a president making use of the media for the first time “to present a very carefully crafted message that was unfiltered and unchallenged by the press” (McNearney). Today, we often see our presidents use Twitter as a media avenue to connect and present their “unfiltered” version of a policy or goal.

Lasting Message

Another central and overarching goal presidents and politicians should keep in mind when writing and delivering a speech is to make it lasting and memorable. It is challenging to predict what exactly will resonate with people in a way that makes a speech long remembered. Many of the various rhetorical and linguistic techniques outlined in section III have helped former presidents deliver speeches that have become known as some of “the greats.”

Sometimes it is a matter of taking risks with a speech. Martin Luther King and Barack Obama are among some of the most powerful speech-givers our country has seen. Both men took risks in many of their speeches. Mcnearney points to Obama’s “A More Perfect Union” speech as being “risky” in its focus and discussion on racial tensions in the country, an often avoided or untouched conversation. But, the speech was well-received and well-remembered, proving this risk was worth it.

What to Do: Rhetorical and Linguistic Moves

A conjunction of previous findings from various scholars and my own research make up this section to portray the effective rhetorical and linguistic strategies that have been employed in successful presidential speech.

Emotive Language

In section II one of the central goals discussed in a presidential speech is to appeal to one’s audience . An effective way to do so is through emotive language and general emotional appeal. In their study, Erisen et al. note the value of “strik[ing] an emotional chord with the public” as a means to gain public support, increase public awareness, and overall aid presidents in pursuing their political agendas (469). They work to prove the effectiveness of this strategy through an analysis of an Obama speech, delivered during a time of growing economic crisis in the country.

Erisen et al. identify Obama’s implementation of both emotional and optimistic tones as rhetorical moves to connect with and appeal to his audience of constituents. The success of his use of emotionally-related rhetorical strategies are evident findings that came out of a survey that “reported that 68% of speech-watchers had a ‘positive reaction’ and that 85% felt ‘more optimistic’ about the direction the country was heading” (Erisen et al., 470). Stewart et al. also find that “more emotionally evocative messages… lead to higher levels of affective response by viewers” (125). This clear data indicates the power connecting with an audience through emotion can have on their response and future outlook.

Optimistic Tone

Along with Obama’s “optimistic tone” described above, others have employed what has been described as both hopeful and reassuring tones as rhetorical moves to appeal to an audience. Two of the ten “most important modern presidential speeches,” as selected by the nonpartisan affiliated scholars of the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, are JFK’s address on the space effort and FDR’s first inaugural address (McNearney). JFK’s address was successful and well-received because of the hopeful tone he employs when discussing the goal to land a man on the moon. He gave the people an optimistic perspective on this lofty goal, making “Americans feel like there was nothing we couldn’t do” (McNearney). In his inaugural address, Roosevelt too pairs bold claims with optimism and reassurance to his audience.

Inclusive Language

Another found strategy utilized by presidents to appeal to their audience through speech is the use of inclusive language. In Teten’s study, he looks at the use of the words “we” and “our”, specifically, in presidential State of the Union Addressesses over time. His findings revealed a steady increase in these words within the speeches over time. The usage of these “public address and inclusion words” create an appeal with presidents’ audiences because they help presidents in creating “an imagined community in which the president and his listeners coexist on a level plane (Teten, 339-342). These findings illustrate the importance of not presenting oneself as an omnipotent power and leader, but rather a normal citizen of the country like all of those watching. Identifying oneself with the audience this way breaks down any barriers present.

Persuasive Language

Persuasion is another often-used rhetorical strategy, especially during presidential campaigns. In their study about “language intensity,” Clementson et al. look at the use of “persuasive language” as a strategy presidential candidates employ during their campaigns. They assert that “candidates seem to vary their language as they try to persuade audiences to perceive them favorably” (Clementson et al., 592). In referring to this persuasive rhetorical strategy, they utilize the term “problem-solution structure” as one which is often well-received by an audience. People appreciate hearing exactly how a president or presidential candidate plans to fix a problem at hand.

What Not to Do

  As stated earlier, while there are many speeches that are excellently written and delivered, there, too, are many speeches that flop. Alexander Meddings wrote an article which spotlights a number of political speeches which he deems some of the “worst” in modern history. In comparing what makes a good versus a bad speech he asserts that “a bad speech must, by definition, be flat, garbled and publicly damaging either for the speaker or for the cause they’re seeking to promote” (Meddings). In looking at some of the characteristics that make up some of the “worst” speeches, this section will highlight what not to do in the process of working to compose and deliver a successful speech.

The research demonstrates that length of speech actually proves very important. In Teten’s study, in addition to looking at inclusive language over time in presidential State of the Union Addresses, he also graphically measured the length, specifically number of words, of the addresses across time. His results proved interesting. There was a rise in length of these speeches from the first one delivered to those delivered in the early 1900s and then there was a sudden and far drop. There was a movement around the time of the drop to make speeches more concise, and it is clear, since they have remained much shorter as time has gone on, this choice was well-received.

Meddings alludes to this in his piece, describing both William Henry Harrison’s presidential inaugural address and Andrew Johnson’s vice-presidential inaugural address as some of the worst speeches, largely because of how dragged out they were. A very important aspect of speech-giving is capturing the audience’s attention, and this cannot be accomplished through a lengthy, uninteresting oration.

Lying And/or Contradiction

Though it should be fairly obvious that one should not lie in a speech, for the consequences will be great, there have been a number of presidents and politicians who have done so. Regan, Clinton, and Trump are all among the presidents and politicians who have made false statements or promises within speeches. Though it is understandable that a politician would want to speak towards what he or she knows will resonate and appeal to the audience, doing so in a false or manipulative way is not commendable and will lead to much greater backlash than just being honest.

Word Choice

Some politicians have been caught lying in speeches when trying to cover up a controversy or scandal. Though one should try to avoid any sort of controversy, a president or person in power has to expect to have to talk on some difficult or delicate topics. This is where careful word choice becomes vital. Often the way to ensure a speech is written eloquently, carefully, and inoffensively is through various rounds of editing from a number of different eyes.

Applications to All Forms of Speech-Giving

This guide should prove helpful for not only those looking to run for office, but for everyone. The various strategies and techniques given within this guide are, for the most part, broad enough that they can be applied to any form of speech-giving or presenting. We will all have to give a speech, a toast, a presentation, and countless other forms of written or oral works in our lives. Refer to this guide when doing so.

In terms of political or presidential speech specifically, though, in a sense there is not a clear formula for how to write and deliver them. In studies looking at various different successful presidential speeches, orators, and speechwriters, it is clear they all have their own unique style and form that works for them. But, the tips provided in this guide will certainly work to help to create a proficient and successful political speech writer and orator.

Works Cited

Clementson, David E., Paola Pascual-Ferr, and Michael J. Beatty. “When does a Presidential Candidate seem Presidential and Trustworthy? Campaign Messages through the Lens of Language Expectancy Theory.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 46.3 (2016): 592-617.  ProQuest. Web. 10 Dec. 2019.

Erisen, Cengiz, and José D. Villalotbos. “Exploring the Invocation of Emotion in Presidential Speeches.” Contemporary Politics , vol. 20, no. 4, 2014, pp. 469–488., doi:10.1080/13569775.2014.968472.

McNearney, Allison. “10 Modern Presidential Speeches Every American Should Know.” , A&E Television Networks, 16 Feb. 2018,

Meddings, Alexander. “The 8 Worst Speeches in Modern Political History.” , 9 Nov. 2018,

Stewart, Patrick A., Bridget M. Waller, and James N. Schubert. “Presidential Speechmaking

Style: Emotional Response to Micro-Expressions of Facial Affect.” Motivation and Emotion 33.2 (2009): 125-35. ProQuest. Web. 1 Oct. 2019.

Teten, Ryan. “Evolution of the Modern Rhetorical Presidency: Presidential Presentation and

Development of the State of the Union Address.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 33.2 (2003): 333-46. ProQuest. Web. 30 Sep. 2019.

Writing Guides for (Almost) Every Occasion Copyright © 2020 by Katie Clower is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Senior Class President Duties

Dr. Kelly S. Meier

How Can I Contribute to the National Honor Society?

Serving as the senior class president is a prestigious honor. After all, your classmates chose you to serve as their role model and a leader. Senior class president duties are varied but are primarily focused on the best interests of the senior class. You’ll need to be prepared to coordinate with other student leadership and the administration as you plan events for the year.

Senior Class President Speech

Expect to give a class president speech several times during your term. This position requires that you speak to the entire class about special activities, goals and even problems that need to be resolved.

Visibility is key as a leader of the class. Your classmates are your constituents, and they need to know that you’re there for them. If you lead by example, you’ll be remembered as an outstanding role model for others.

Guide Goal Setting for the Student Class

Get ready to share senior class president ideas with the students that serve on your student council. If you begin the year by setting goals, you’re more likely to make a positive impact during your time in office. Be collaborative and encourage participation in the goal-setting process, and you’ll build a strong student following that will ensure a successful year.

Run the Meetings

Presiding over meetings is one of the important class president duties that you’ll encounter in your role. In addition to setting the agenda for class meetings, you’ll also need to be prepared to keep the meeting on task. You may need to learn parliamentary procedure or determine the ground rules for shared governance. It’s important to keep the meetings fun and help your classmates feel that their opinions are valued.

Communicate With Administration

As the senior class president, you’ll be the main contact for administration about class issues. You can expect to have regular meetings with your adviser and even the principal.

If your class has concerns, you’ll be the main leader who will bring forth new ideas or problems that need to be solved. Similarly, if the administration needs your help with an incident that happens at the school, you’ll need to be ready to talk to your class to help with a resolution.

Serve as a Role Model

Serving as a model student and leader is one of the most important class president duties in your position description. In addition to being involved, you’ll need to maintain a solid academic performance and follow the rules. Your class will look to you as a role model and someone whom they can count on to be a leader.

Facilitate and Encourage Student Involvement

Be ready to bring senior class president ideas to the table that will encourage students to be involved in extracurricular activities. You’ll have the opportunity to propose activities and social events and even help make them happen. Attending events, performances and athletic contests will show your support for other students and inspire student engagement.

Create Committees for Special Initiatives

Be ready to learn how to delegate leadership responsibilities to other students. When your class thinks of new programs, you’ll need to figure out how to make them happen. You may start off the year with established committees, or you can create pop-up committees when new ideas are brought to the table.

Advantages of Serving as the Senior Class President

In addition to adding to your extracurricular resume, you’ll learn a lot about leadership as the senior class president. Working with teachers and administrators will help you build communication skills and gain valuable contacts for the future. You’ll also learn about public speaking when you give your class president speech.

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Dr. Kelly Meier earned her doctorate from Minnesota State Mankato in Educational Leadership. She is the author and co-author of 12 books and serves as a consultant in K-12 and higher education. Dr. Meier is is a regular contributor for The Equity Network and has worked in education for more than 30 years.

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Biden to give commencement speech at West Point graduation

As vice president in 2016, Joe Biden stands with Army Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen, then the superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., at the school’s commencement. Biden will give commencement speech at the Class of 2024 graduation next month.

As vice president in 2016, Joe Biden stands with Army Lt. Gen. Robert Caslen, then the superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., at the school’s commencement. Biden will give commencement speech at the Class of 2024 graduation next month. (U.S. Army)

President Joe Biden will give the commencement speech next month to the Class of 2024 at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., according to a White House official.

The White House is expected to make the formal announcement Tuesday afternoon, according to the official who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. The West Point graduation is scheduled for May 25 at Michie Stadium with roughly 1,000 cadets graduating and commissioning into the Army as second lieutenants.

As vice president, Biden twice addressed a graduating class of cadets at the academy in upstate New York, but this will be his first time to do so as president. Donald Trump was the last president to speak at West Point commencement in 2020.

The speech typically rotates among the president, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, vice president and defense secretary, according to the university’s historical list of commencement speakers. Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to the West Point Class of 2023.

Biden will give the commencement speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Ga., the week prior, according to the White House official.

The decision has caused some concern among the historically Black university’s faculty, according to NBC News. Morehouse and many other college campuses have been fraught with protests over the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

While it is unknown what Biden will speak about during his commencement speeches, he typically includes references to current events. Speaking to graduates at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado last year, Biden referenced Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and growing global instability caused by food insecurity and natural disasters.

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Trump trial gets 'catch and kill' class on burying negative press

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A colorful former tabloid publisher took the witness stand Tuesday at Donald Trump 's "hush money" trial and testified how he suppressed negative stories about the real estate tycoon, a practice known as "catch and kill."

Trump, 77, the first former US president to face criminal charges, is accused of falsifying business records to buy the silence of porn star Stormy Daniels over a 2006 sexual encounter that could have damaged his 2016 presidential bid.

Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen allegedly arranged a $130,000 hush money payment to the adult film actress on the eve of the 2016 election between Trump and Hillary Clinton.

David Pecker, 72, former publisher of the National Enquirer, was the first witness called to testify by prosecutors at Trump's high-stakes trial, which comes less than seven months ahead of his expected White House rematch against President Joe Biden.

Pecker took the stand after a nearly 90-minute hearing during which Judge Juan Merchan was asked by prosecutors to hold Trump in contempt of court for violating a partial gag order preventing him from intimidating witnesses.

Merchan, who imposed the gag order on April 1, heard arguments from prosecutors and defense attorneys but did not issue an immediate ruling.

Pecker said he has known Trump since 1989 and described him as a friend -- "I would call him Donald."

He said National Enquirer readers "loved" Trump, who starred in the hit reality television series "The Apprentice" before going into politics in 2015.

"They followed him religiously," Pecker said, and a poll conducted by the tabloid found that "80 percent' of the readership would vote for Trump for president.

"I passed that information on to Mr Trump," he said.

- 'Help the campaign' -

Pecker said he agreed at an August 2015 meeting at Trump Tower with Trump, Cohen and Trump's personal assistant Hope Hicks to help his friend's nascent campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

"They asked me what can I do and what my magazines can do to help the campaign," he said.

"I said what I would do is, I would run or publish positive stories about Mr Trump and I would publish negative stories about his opponents."

He said he would reach out to Cohen to warn him about potential negative stories about Trump.

"When I notified Michael Cohen of a story that was a negative story, he would try to vet it himself, see if the story was true or not," Pecker said. "And he would go to the individual publication to make sure the story wasn't published and get it killed."

Although Pecker was not personally involved in the payment to Daniels, prosecutors are seeking with his testimony to demonstrate that the "catch and kill" practice was one commonly used by Trump and his "fixer" Cohen.

- Trump slams judge -

Before Pecker took the stand, prosecutors accused Trump of brazenly violating the gag order imposed by the judge.

Trump's "willful" and "intentional" attacks on witnesses "clearly violate" the gag order, prosecutor Chris Conroy said, urging the judge to fine him $1,000 per violation.

"We are not yet seeking an incarceratory penalty," Conroy said, but the court should "remind him that incarceration is an option should it be necessary."

Jailing Trump could potentially set up a conflict with the Secret Service, which is charged with protecting former and current presidents.

Trump lashed out at the judge following the contempt hearing, saying he "has taken away my constitutional right to free speech."

"Everybody is allowed to talk and lie about me, but I am not allowed to defend myself," Trump complained on his Truth Social platform. "This is a kangaroo court, and the judge should recuse himself!"

Daniels and Cohen are both expected to appear as prosecution witnesses at the trial.

Trump has repeatedly attacked them on Truth Social, calling them, for example, "sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our country dearly."

Trump has repeatedly denounced the case as a "witch hunt" designed to keep him off the campaign trail ahead of the November election.

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How to Run for Class President in the 3rd Grade

Erin schreiner.

Take a leadership role by becoming class president.

Securing the job of class president can be a great way to take a leadership role at your school. In many elementary schools, students have the opportunity to run for class office. Those elected to the role of president, vice present or treasurer work closely with school staff to carry out the wishes of the student body and make the school a better place for all pupils to learn. If you think that you are the right person for the job of third grade class president, throw your hat into the ring and convince your classmates to vote for you come election day.

You may need to get your name on the ballot

Secure a nomination. In some schools, a student interested in running for class president will need to apply to get her name on the ballot. In others, classmates nominate potential candidates. If you are required to apply, ask a teacher how to go about doing this. If you need a classmate to nominate you, express your desire to become president to some of your friends, and ask them to nominate you for the job.

A president needs to show he/she can be a leader

Act like a leader. If you want to be president, you have to make it clear that you are a leader. Be responsible and helpful. Do your best to be a good role model to your peers and act appropriately at all times so that others can see that you deserve to be president.

Listen to government advisers for what to do

Listen to the advice the student government advisers give you. Once you have been nominated, you will likely meet with the teachers in charge of the student government program. They will inform you of what you need to do and when you need to do it. Listen carefully to these advisers as they may inform you of rules that you need to follow as you campaign.

Posters are an effective way to get attention

Create posters to promote yourself. A well-made poster can be highly effective in prompting peers to vote for you. Create colorful, attention getting posters that prominently feature your name. Do not clutter your posters with words, but do include a brief statement that explains why you would make a good president, such as “Vote Sarah: A responsible president!”

Speeches will show others why to vote for you

Compose a speech aimed at convincing your peers that you are right for the job. Include a detailed explanation of why your peers should vote for you. While you want to convince voters, you shouldn't make promises that you can't keep. Don't, for example, tell you classmates that if you win they will get free ice cream every day, as you clearly cannot follow through on this promise.

Remind people to vote before election day

Hand out last-minute reminders the day before the elections. If your school rules allow it, you can sway last minute voters by handing out a small token, such as a sucker, with a message reminding them to vote for you on election day.

Election win or loss, be proud of yourself

Prepare yourself for victory or loss. Regardless of whether you win or lose, be proud of yourself and confident in your abilities. Even if you don't win, it doesn't mean that people don't like you or that you wouldn't be a good leader. You can always run again in future years and, perhaps, eventually take the president's seat.

About the Author

Erin Schreiner is a freelance writer and teacher who holds a bachelor's degree from Bowling Green State University. She has been actively freelancing since 2008. Schreiner previously worked for a London-based freelance firm. Her work appears on eHow, and RedEnvelope. She currently teaches writing to middle school students in Ohio and works on her writing craft regularly.

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How to Write a Speech to Get You Elected

Last Updated: February 28, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 461,198 times.

If you possess leadership skills and want to make a change, you may want to run for office.To become an elected official, you must convince voters that you’re the best option by delivering a message that will win them over. Regardless of whether your goal is a seat in Congress or a position as school president, the basic principles remain the same when making an election speech.

Structuring Your Points into a Speech

Step 1 Use a conversational tone in your speech.

  • You should write the speech with phrases and words that you normally use when talking to people.
  • For example, don’t write something like, “Voters and citizens, the abhorrent nature of my opponent while he assumed the position as treasurer saw that governmental coffers were drained to their lowest point in a decade!”
  • Instead, write something like, “Can you really trust my opponent? When he was treasurer so much money went missing that we’re now at the lowest level in 10 years!”

Step 2 Write an introduction.

  • If you’re running for school president you can say something like, “Hey everyone. Today I’ll be talking about the important things that everyone here cares about, like the quality of our lunch, access to sports, and lack of programs and what faculty can do to fix it.”
  • If you're running for city council or mayor, you can say something like, “Thank you to everyone who decided to come. Today I’ll be talking about how essential educational investment is and what we can do about bringing jobs and industry back to our town.”

Step 3 Create a paragraph for each point you want to make.

  • If you're running for school president your paragraph could start something like "We all know that school lunch is bad, but would it surprise you to find out it's actually unhealthy? I have a plan to work with facility to improve the quality of our lunches."
  • If you're running for a federal office, you could write "There are many issues that face us today, but one of the most important things right now is access to healthcare. My plan for a single-payer system will ensure that everyone, regardless of income, will be able to afford high-quality health services in our state. I believe that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege."
  • Jumping from point to point will only confuse the listeners.
  • You don’t always have to stick to this structure but it's what usually works best and will keep your speech organized.

Step 4 Use an anecdotal experience to tell a story.

  • For instance, if you are running for school president you could say something like, "Everyone knows Jeremy is an amazing basketball player. We've all seen the videos online and we know how dedicated he is to getting better. But we don't have a team here. And that needs to change!"
  • For instance, if you’re talking about increasing the minimum wage, you could say something like, “I know a girl in my district named Gabby who is a single mother without her high school diploma. She’s one of the hardest workers and most genuine people I have ever met, but she is on government assistance because the only job she can get will only pay $8 an hour. This is just not an income that can sustain any sort of family, and it’s up to us to make sure that corporations reward workers who put in the effort and do the right thing. That’s why I’m proposing a major increase of the minimum wage over the next 5 years to $15 per hour.”

Step 5 Be as concise as possible.

  • For example, if you’re mainly campaigning on environmental justice and immigration reform, don’t talk about foreign relations or prison justice reform in your speech because it will make the speech long-winded and off topic.

Step 6 End the speech with a conclusion and a call to action.

  • If you're running for office in school, you could say something like "We've talked about the lack of resources, unhealthy lunch food, and lack of decorations at the dances. And I've also layed out every way we can solve these problems together. If you want to do better for Freemondt Highschool, vote for me on November 8th!"
  • For instance, you could say, “And if you vote for my opponent, nothing will change! That’s why on November 5th, you should vote for me.

Step 7 Proofread the speech.

  • If you’re talking about a foreign country or including the names of people in your speech, make sure you know how to pronounce them correctly.

Delivering the Message

Step 1 Practice delivering the speech before you give it.

  • You can ask your friend whether they thought the speech was moving or powerful, if they were bored, or if there was anything they didn’t understand.
  • You can also memorize the speech so that you don’t have to read it when you’re delivering it. If you practice enough, you many naturally memorize parts of the speech.

Step 2 Stand up straight and convey confident body language.

  • Often, people will think that they are speaking much quicker than they really are.
  • Former U.S. President Barack Obama used pauses to emphasize points in his speeches frequently.

Creating a Platform

Step 1 Determine who your potential voters are.

  • Information about your voters can also be gained by reviewing polling information, past voter data, or by considering the location where you're giving the speech.
  • If you're delivering the speech at a university, there's a high likelihood most of the audience will be college-aged people.
  • Stay away from saying anything that may offend or upset your potential supporters.

Step 2 Identify problems or issues facing your voters.

  • For instance, voters could be concerned about corruption or a lack of jobs.
  • You can also ask people about their biggest concerns on social media.

Step 3 Create solutions to the problems you identified.

  • If there are not enough programs at your school, you could talk to the administration and the student body to develop new programs in your school.
  • For instance, if there is a lack of jobs in your town, you could propose a plan to lower the corporate tax rate in your area to bring in new business.

Expert Q&A

Patrick Muñoz

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