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Essentials of How To Write a Tentative Thesis in 2023

tentative thesis

Do you know that you can write your tentative thesis without stress? Here are expert directions on how you can achieve this task effortlessly.

You will need more than a tentative thesis definition, some words on a paper, and a few hours to have a quality document. Creating a substantial piece requires time, planning, dedication, and above-average writing skills.

For an excellent paper, apt students will google, ‘write my tentative thesis’ to find professional help. You must be one of those desiring top-grades, and that is why you are here. We will provide you with all information you need to know on how to create a tentative thesis that will earn you an A+.

What is a Tentative Thesis?

The statement forms the subject matter’s backbone as contained within a paper by stating something significant and relevant to the reader. The tentative thesis statement summarizes the paper’s main points and says the essay’s necessity to the readers.

The tentative claim is paramount to the essay, and without it, the paper will appear uncontrolled and inadequate. It’s like a plane that is about to land on a runway without lights and a radar. The pilot will only circumnavigate around the airport without landing on the ground.

Now that you can define tentative thesis let us proceed to the basics.

How To Write a Tentative Thesis: Outline

A tentative thesis outline will determine how much time you will invest in your paper. In other words, it will help you develop the topic, reflect on it, and write the Thesis. Since a tentative thesis states your standpoint regarding the subject, it should be clear and to the point.

Let’s look at some of the steps that you will take:

  • Select your topic

The key to cracking a tentative thesis statement is evident in the topic from the onset. A good topic should be relevant, practical, and one that contributes to solving a problem. Such a task is not easy, and thus you should be ready for an in-depth, mind-intriguing process.

  • Brainstorming on the topic

Once you have your topic set, it is now time to disintegrate it. This will prompt you into a process of brainstorming to develop ideas for your tentative Thesis. You will put on the table various ideas that come to our mind either silently or through reading other sources.

  • Developing the tentative thesis statement

It is important to note that the tentative claim is in the introduction of your paper. Since it is a single statement found at the end of the intro, you have to be strategic and approach it precisely.

Parts of a Tentative Thesis

As short as it may seem, a tentative thesis has three crucial parts that you cannot avoid at any cost. Therefore, you will have to be coherent and logical in your approach to this section. Let us look at each of these critical sections in brief:

  • Tentative Thesis Introduction

In the intro, you will give the reader a feel of the topic by summarizing the arguments you intend to bring in the body. To achieve this, you should use clear and spot-on statements to hook the reader to your paper.

The first statement that meets the eye of the reader should interest and captivate him/her. It should arouse a sense of curiosity in the reader that makes him want to read your essay more. You should also include background information to put the topic into context.

All these three culminate in the thesis statement, which is the last statement of the introduction paragraph.

  • Tentative Thesis Body

It contains statements in support of your claim, and they form the bulk of your paper. These statements should comprise of evidence and facts in support of your stance. The tentative thesis body will fortify your claims and make them viable.

The structure of the body paragraphs is this: topic sentence, explanation, and supporting statements. At the end of each section, there should be a transition sentence that ushers in the next paragraph.
  • Tentative Thesis Conclusion

In this section, you will find a summary of the key arguments and claims made in the body. The reader will have a chance to re-visit the discussions in the body in a concise way. You remind him/her of the thesis statement and the conclusions made from it.

While restating the thesis statement, do not merely repeat what you wrote in the introduction, word for word. Instead, summarize it differently while still maintain the original idea. Remember also to include your recommendations, opinion, or final thoughts on the discussion.

An impressive tentative thesis conclusion leaves a strong impression on the reader.

Writing Tips For A Top-Notch Tentative Thesis

  • It should be specific and clear – to make it easy to understand
  • The tentative thesis statement should be in the introduction (the last sentence)
  • It should communicate a single thought or idea rather than a myriad of pictures here and there.
  • Write it from scratch. A fresh and original thesis statement will attract top grades rather than a plagiarized one.
  • Write it concisely and coherently. It will keep your readers hooked.

Tentative Thesis Statement Samples

Sample 1: “The continued ignorance of people towards the coronavirus prevention guidelines is wanting. This ignorance will likely lead to a second wave of infections.” Sample 2: “Global pandemics threaten the stability of the world in different areas. There are political, social, and cultural implications.”

Tentative Thesis Writing From Profs

As a college or university student, knowing how to write a tentative thesis is crucial because it constitutes the bulk of assignments. From the discussions above, you can note that structure of a tentative thesis is vital.

Disregarding any section may cause your paper to be rejected. Since it forms the first part of your essay, ensure that it is appealing and captivating.

But don’t worry – thesisgeek.com is here to assist you with that! You can use this professional thesis writing service to help you with the topics, structure, and format of a tentative thesis. It will also enable you to have a different understanding of the subject.

Get your thesis paper written by an expert now!

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Tentative Thesis Statement

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research paper tentative thesis

In the early stages of research, writers often form tentative thesis statements to guide their exploration and inquiry. These statements, while not set in stone, provide a provisional stance on a topic, helping researchers to focus their reading and data collection. This guide delves into the intricacies of crafting, refining, and understanding the significance of tentative thesis statements , accompanied by illustrative examples and tips for effective formulation. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey.

What is a Tentative Thesis Statement?

A tentative thesis statement, also known as a working thesis, is an initial statement regarding the topic of your research or essay, indicating your perspective and direction, but remaining open to modification as you gather more evidence or shift your focus during the writing process. It provides a preliminary stand on an issue, offering direction for both research and writing, but is open to adjustments based on the information you uncover.Y ou may also be interested to browse through our other hypothesis statement and Strong thesis statement .

What is an example of a Tentative thesis statement?

“While many believe that space exploration is a wasteful expenditure, preliminary research suggests that the technological advancements and potential economic benefits derived from space missions may significantly outweigh the costs. However, further investigation into specific missions and their direct impacts is necessary.”

100 Tentative Thesis Statement Examples

Tentative Thesis Statement Examples

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Crafting a tentative thesis statement can be a challenge, especially when you’re just starting with a topic. These preliminary statements offer a guiding light, showcasing the direction your paper might take. However, remember that as you delve deeper into your research, your thesis may change based on the evidence you uncover. Here are 100 examples to inspire your own writing:

  • Although preliminary research suggests vegan diets can lead to health benefits, further studies are necessary to determine long-term impacts.
  • While some argue online learning is less effective than traditional classroom settings, initial findings indicate its potential in certain educational contexts.
  • Early studies hint at the possibility that urban green spaces can significantly affect mental well-being, but comprehensive research is still needed.
  • Renewable energy, based on initial research, seems to be a viable replacement for fossil fuels, though the feasibility of widespread adoption remains in question.
  • The tentative link between screen time and decreased attention spans in children warrants more in-depth study.
  • Preliminary studies suggest a correlation between meditation practices and reduced stress levels, but causation hasn’t been firmly established.
  • While many assume that organic foods are nutritionally superior, early research presents mixed results, necessitating further examination.
  • Initial findings indicate that corporate social responsibility initiatives might enhance brand loyalty, though concrete evidence is scant.
  • The notion that increasing minimum wage always results in reduced employment opportunities is debated, and more comprehensive data is required.
  • While many believe artificial intelligence will revolutionize industries, its potential negative impacts on the job market are still under study.
  • Preliminary data on intermittent fasting indicates potential health benefits, but long-term effects are yet to be confirmed.
  • Early research on gut health hints at its significant role in overall well-being, though more data is required to make definitive conclusions.
  • The potential relationship between a country’s cultural values and its economic growth rate is still under examination.
  • While some evidence suggests that certain video games can enhance cognitive function, a comprehensive study on various genres is still needed.
  • The initial connection between urban planning and crime rates is compelling, but more nuanced studies are necessary.
  • Although many point to globalization as a primary driver for economic disparity, its exact role is still being studied.
  • Preliminary findings suggest that flexible work hours can boost employee productivity, but the potential drawbacks need exploration.
  • While there’s some indication that regular physical activity can delay cognitive decline in the elderly, more specific research is necessary.
  • The theory that early music education enhances mathematical skills in children is intriguing, though not universally accepted.
  • Initial insights into the microplastics problem hint at its widespread impact on marine ecosystems, but quantifiable data is sparse.
  • While some early research suggests that the gig economy offers freedom for workers, further inquiry into job security and benefits is warranted.
  • Preliminary studies into augmented reality’s applications in education show promise, but a deeper dive into its practicalities and long-term implications is necessary.
  • The tentative assertion that bilingualism delays the onset of Alzheimer’s requires more comprehensive data for validation.
  • Initial indications point to telemedicine as a potential solution for healthcare disparities in rural areas, yet its effectiveness remains under examination.
  • While there’s preliminary evidence suggesting that mindfulness practices can improve academic performances, more in-depth studies are needed for a definitive stance.
  • The early hypothesis that diets high in antioxidants can slow aging processes is yet to be conclusively proven.
  • Some initial studies hint that corporate diversity leads to higher innovation, but the specific dynamics remain unclear.
  • While there’s emerging evidence that urban farming can significantly reduce food insecurity, its scalability and feasibility need further exploration.
  • Preliminary research suggests potential benefits of a four-day workweek, but its impact on overall business productivity remains under study.
  • The tentative belief that childhood exposure to multiple languages enhances creativity in adulthood needs more empirical evidence.
  • Although early studies show a correlation between green tea consumption and reduced cancer risk, this relationship requires deeper examination.
  • The initial hypothesis that social media usage intensifies feelings of loneliness and isolation, especially among teenagers, is a topic of ongoing research.
  • While preliminary data indicates potential economic benefits of universal basic income, its broader socio-economic implications remain in the realm of speculation.
  • There’s a tentative assertion that the modern open office layout fosters collaboration, but its impact on individual productivity and well-being is still debated.
  • Early indications that community involvement programs in schools can reduce youth crime rates are promising, but further validation is essential.
  • Initial research into the benefits of pets in elderly care settings suggests improvements in emotional well-being, but more comprehensive studies are required.
  • While there’s some early evidence linking forest bathing practices with improved mental health, its long-term benefits and mechanisms are still under study.
  • The preliminary idea that cryptocurrency could replace traditional banking systems in the next decade is a topic of intense debate and research.
  • There’s a tentative belief that immersive educational technologies can significantly improve learning outcomes for students with learning disabilities.
  • Early studies on the impact of climate change on migratory patterns of birds hint at significant disruptions, necessitating further research
  • The preliminary assertion that virtual reality can help treat certain phobias is intriguing, yet conclusive evidence is still pending.
  • Initial findings suggest that meditation might enhance focus and productivity in workplaces, but a broader spectrum of research is needed for validation.
  • Tentative studies propose that urban green spaces could significantly improve residents’ mental health, but the extent of these benefits remains uncertain.
  • There’s an emerging perspective that diets rich in fermented foods may improve gut health, though comprehensive studies are still underway.
  • The initial idea that digital detox weekends can enhance mental clarity and reduce anxiety is currently being explored further.
  • Preliminary research pointing to the therapeutic effects of music on Alzheimer’s patients requires more extensive clinical trials.
  • While there’s an initial buzz about the potential of electric cars reducing city pollution levels, the overall environmental impact, including production, needs in-depth analysis.
  • The tentative theory that microdosing psychedelics enhances creativity and problem-solving abilities in individuals is under rigorous investigation.
  • Early studies suggesting a correlation between screen time and sleep disturbances in teenagers necessitate more nuanced research.
  • The provisional hypothesis that urban rooftop gardens can counteract the heat island effect in cities is being evaluated.
  • Initial findings hint at the possibility that consuming dark chocolate in moderation can boost cognitive functions; however, the exact mechanisms are still being probed.
  • The emerging idea that regular nature walks can substantially reduce symptoms of depression is undergoing more rigorous research validation.
  • Tentative observations suggest that gamification in education might enhance student engagement and retention, but its long-term effects are yet to be seen.
  • Preliminary reports indicating a potential link between processed meats and certain cancers demand more detailed analysis.
  • The hypothesis that community-driven renewable energy projects can substantially reduce carbon footprints is under detailed scrutiny.
  • Early data suggesting that intergenerational interactions can combat loneliness in the elderly are promising, but wider-scale studies are essential.
  • The idea that sustainable fashion practices might reshape the fashion industry’s environmental impact in the next decade is under review.
  • Initial studies on the potential of ocean wave energy as a consistent renewable energy source are optimistic, but technical challenges are still being addressed.
  • There’s a tentative belief that AI-driven personalized learning can revolutionize education, but its broader implications are still under exploration.
  • Early research pointing to the benefits of intermittent fasting on metabolic health requires more long-term human trials for validation
  • The initial proposition that urban beekeeping could reverse the decline in bee populations is currently under review.
  • Tentative studies indicate that telemedicine might significantly reduce healthcare costs for rural areas, but implementation challenges remain.
  • There’s a growing inclination to believe that pet therapy can benefit patients with chronic illnesses, but definitive clinical trials are needed.
  • The preliminary idea that e-learning platforms might eventually replace traditional classrooms has gained traction, though long-term outcomes remain uncertain.
  • The hypothesis suggesting that incorporating art therapy in schools can enhance emotional intelligence in students is still under rigorous testing.
  • Early data hinting at vertical farming’s potential to address urban food deserts is promising, yet economic feasibility is still being assessed.
  • The emerging belief that community-based tourism might be more sustainable than mass tourism is undergoing further investigation.
  • Initial studies proposing that listening to binaural beats can improve focus and concentration during tasks demand more in-depth research.
  • The tentative theory that blue light exposure from screens might be significantly affecting circadian rhythms is under more comprehensive review.
  • Preliminary findings suggest that mindfulness techniques might reduce burnout in healthcare professionals, though larger trials are needed.
  • The proposition that blending online and offline shopping experiences can revolutionize retail is currently being evaluated.
  • The idea that augmented reality might become the primary mode of digital interaction in the next decade is being critically assessed.
  • Early studies on the potential of algae as a biofuel source show promise, but scalability remains a challenge.
  • There’s a tentative stance that urban tree planting campaigns could substantially improve air quality, but metrics for quantification are being developed.
  • The initial hypothesis suggesting that decentralized work models might become the norm post-pandemic is under analysis.
  • Studies hint at the possibility of 3D printed food revolutionizing the culinary world, but the practical and nutritional implications remain uncertain.
  • The provisional stance that probiotic supplements can improve mental well-being is undergoing more rigorous scientific validation.
  • The emerging perspective that the gig economy might reshape employment norms in the coming years is being debated.
  • Initial claims suggesting that digital currencies might replace traditional banking systems are under scrutiny, especially in terms of security and scalability.
  • Preliminary evidence that collaborative robot technologies can improve manufacturing efficiency is encouraging, but the full spectrum of implications is still being explored
  • There’s an initial belief that blockchain technology might revolutionize supply chain management, though its full implications remain to be explored.
  • The tentative idea that virtual reality (VR) could become a primary mode of education has gained some attention, but its effectiveness in the long run is still uncertain.
  • Early studies suggest that urban green spaces could have significant mental health benefits, yet quantifiable data is still being collected.
  • The proposal that vertical forests in metropolitan areas can combat air pollution is being critically reviewed in light of practical challenges.
  • Preliminary investigations indicate that autonomous vehicles might drastically reduce traffic accidents, though safety protocols and regulations are still in development.
  • The notion that advances in biotechnology might lead to personalized medicine tailored to individual genetics is currently under evaluation.
  • Tentative hypotheses suggest that nanotechnology could play a pivotal role in environmental cleanup, especially for oil spills, but field trials are still ongoing.
  • The initial stance that chatbots and AI might replace a significant portion of customer service roles is being weighed against their current limitations.
  • The provisional theory that wearable tech, like smartwatches, could aid in early disease detection is gaining traction but requires more rigorous testing.
  • The emerging perspective that urban aquaponics might address food security concerns in densely populated areas is being considered.
  • Preliminary data suggests that the integration of AI in journalism might transform news production, but ethical considerations are still being debated.
  • The notion that renewable energy storage solutions, particularly batteries, might revolutionize the energy sector is under detailed analysis.
  • Early insights hint that gamification techniques could enhance corporate training effectiveness, but scalable models are yet to be developed.
  • The tentative belief that quantum computing might render current encryption methods obsolete is driving new research in cybersecurity.
  • The idea that merging traditional farming with tech innovations can boost crop yields is being critically assessed for long-term sustainability.
  • The proposition that holographic technology might reshape live entertainment and events is being explored, especially in the wake of pandemic-induced restrictions.
  • Initial studies suggesting that exoskeletons can revolutionize physical rehabilitation for patients are promising, but more patient trials are essential.
  • The concept that integrating drones into urban transport systems can alleviate traffic congestion is gaining attention, though regulatory challenges persist.
  • Preliminary research posits that microplastics in oceans might have more profound ecosystem impacts than previously believed, driving more extensive studies.
  • The tentative stance that merging AI with traditional art forms can birth a new artistic movement is captivating the art world, awaiting more tangible outcomes.

Tentative thesis statements serve as the starting blocks for in-depth research, fostering curiosity and prompting the academic community to seek clarity. Their potential to pivot existing understanding or usher in new paradigms underscores their significance in scholarly pursuits. You may also be interested in our  final thesis statement .

How to Write a Tentative Thesis Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Understand Your Assignment : Before you begin, it’s vital to thoroughly understand the requirements of your assignment. Are you supposed to analyze, compare, discuss, or argue? The nature of the assignment will guide your tentative thesis.
  • Choose a Topic : Decide on a topic that interests you and is relevant to your assignment. A tentative thesis is more effective when you’re genuinely curious about the subject.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before settling on a tentative thesis, gather some basic information about your topic to understand its complexities and primary issues.
  • Ask a Question : Formulate a question about your topic. This helps in focusing your research and forms the basis of your tentative thesis. For instance, if you’re writing about renewable energy, your question might be, “How effective are solar panels in reducing carbon footprints?”
  • Draft a Statement : Answer the question you posed in a clear and concise statement. Using the above example, a tentative thesis could be, “Solar panels have the potential to significantly reduce carbon footprints.”
  • Stay Flexible : Remember, it’s a tentative thesis. As you conduct further research, be prepared to adjust or even change your thesis to reflect more accurate or comprehensive findings.
  • Avoid Being Too Broad or Too Narrow : Your statement should be specific enough to cover in detail but broad enough to find sufficient information. For instance, “Solar panels are good” is too broad, while “Solar panels in X town on Y street” might be too narrow.
  • Seek Feedback : Discuss your tentative thesis with peers, instructors, or mentors. They might offer a fresh perspective or point out aspects you haven’t considered.
  • Refine and Revise : As your research progresses, continually revisit and tweak your thesis. The more you learn, the better you can make your thesis.
  • Finalize : Once your research supports your tentative thesis or provides a more precise direction, solidify your thesis statement. It should now be clear, concise, and supported by the evidence you’ve gathered.

A tentative thesis acts as a compass for your research, providing direction and focus. However, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind. As new information comes to light, your thesis may evolve, leading to a more enriched and accurate conclusion. In addition, you should review our  thesis statement for research paper .

Tips for Writing a Tentative Thesis Statement

  • Start Broad, Then Narrow Down : Begin with a general topic or idea and then narrow it down based on your research findings and assignment requirements.
  • Stay Open-Minded : A tentative thesis is just that – tentative. Be willing to adjust, refine, or even entirely change your thesis as you delve deeper into your research.
  • Keep It Clear and Concise : Even though it’s a preliminary statement, clarity is crucial. Avoid jargon and ensure that your statement can be understood by someone not familiar with the topic.
  • Avoid Absolutes : Words like “always,” “never,” and “all” can be tricky in a tentative thesis. Since you’re still in the research phase, it’s wise to avoid making absolute claims.
  • Make It Arguable : A good thesis statement is not a plain statement of fact. Instead, it should present a point that others might agree or disagree with.
  • Ensure It’s Specific : While you don’t want to be too narrow, it’s essential that your thesis isn’t too broad either. It should provide a clear focus for your research.
  • Seek Feedback Early : Sharing your tentative thesis with classmates, instructors, or mentors can provide valuable insights and may highlight areas for improvement.
  • Write Multiple Versions : Don’t settle on the first thesis you draft. Write a few different versions and choose the one that best aligns with your research direction.
  • Keep Revisiting : As you research, periodically come back to your thesis. Does it still align with what you’re finding? If not, adjust as necessary.
  • Stay Organized : As you adapt your thesis, make sure to adjust your research notes and outline accordingly to maintain cohesion in your writing process.

Remember, a tentative thesis statement is a tool to help guide your research and writing process. It’s not set in stone. As you become more informed about your topic, allowing your thesis to evolve will lead to a more robust and accurate final paper.  You should also take a look at our  case study thesis statement .


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How to Formulate a Tentative Thesis: Tips and Examples

Starting your academic journey often feels like standing at the base of a mountain, looking up and wondering where to begin. One of the first hurdles you’ll face is crafting a tentative thesis. This initial statement isn’t just a random guess at what your paper might be about—it’s the foundation that will guide your research and shape your entire essay. But how do you go about formulating a tentative thesis that’s both strong and flexible enough to evolve as your understanding deepens? It might seem tricky, but with the right approach, you’ll find it much more manageable than you think. Let’s break it down into actionable steps and explore some examples to make the process clear and straightforward.

What is a Tentative Thesis?

So, what exactly is a tentative thesis ? At its core, a tentative thesis is a preliminary version of your main argument. It’s not the final word on your topic but rather a working statement that evolves as you delve deeper into your research. Think of it as the starting point of your essay’s map, offering a general direction but not yet outlining every twist and turn. This flexibility allows you to refine your thesis as you gather more evidence and develop a more nuanced understanding of your subject.

Why is a Tentative Thesis Important?

A tentative thesis isn’t just a formality; it’s a crucial part of the writing process. It helps you focus your research, ensuring that you don’t waste time on irrelevant information. More importantly, it provides your readers with a snapshot of your paper’s purpose and direction. Without a clear tentative thesis, your essay might lack coherence, leaving readers confused about your main point. In short, this initial statement is like the backbone of your essay, holding everything together and giving it structure.

Steps to Formulate a Tentative Thesis

Creating a tentative thesis might feel daunting at first, but by following a few simple steps, you can develop a solid foundation for your paper.

1. Start with a Question

The process begins with curiosity. What question are you trying to answer through your research? This question will form the basis of your tentative thesis. For example, if you’re writing about the effects of social media on mental health, you might start with a question like, “How does social media usage affect the mental health of teenagers?” This question will guide your initial research and help you formulate a focused thesis.

2. Conduct Preliminary Research

Before you can formulate your tentative thesis, you need to have a basic understanding of your topic. Start by gathering some preliminary data—skim through relevant articles, books, and credible websites. This research doesn’t have to be exhaustive, but it should give you enough information to make an educated guess about your main argument. For instance, you might find studies suggesting that excessive social media use correlates with higher rates of anxiety and depression among teens.

3. Take a Stance

Now that you have a question and some background information, it’s time to take a stance. What do you think the answer to your question is? Your tentative thesis should make a claim that you will support with evidence throughout your paper. Using our earlier example, a possible tentative thesis might be, “Social media negatively impacts teenage mental health by increasing anxiety and depression levels.”

Examples of Tentative Thesis Statements

Examples often make abstract concepts easier to grasp. Here are a few examples of tentative thesis statements across different subjects:

Literature : “ In ‘The Great Gatsby, ‘ F. Scott Fitzgerald critiques the American Dream by illustrating how it leads to moral decay and personal disillusionment.”

History : “The rapid industrialization of Japan in the late 19th century was driven more by internal political reforms than by external pressure from Western powers.”

Science : “The decline in bee populations poses a significant threat to global agriculture, as it disrupts pollination processes essential for crop production.”

Social Issues : “The increasing prevalence of remote work is reshaping urban economies by reducing demand for commercial real estate and altering local businesses’ revenue streams.”

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While formulating a tentative thesis, it’s easy to stumble into a few common traps. Here’s what to watch out for:

1. Being Too Broad

A thesis that’s too broad will leave you with an overwhelming amount of information to cover. Narrow your focus to a specific aspect of your topic. For example, instead of saying, “Climate change affects the world,” you could narrow it down to, “Climate change is exacerbating water scarcity in arid regions.”

2. Making Absolute Claims

Avoid making claims that are too definitive or absolute. These statements can shut down debate rather than invite it. For instance, rather than stating, “Video games are harmful to all children,” consider, “Video games may contribute to behavioral issues in children when not moderated.”

3. Lacking Clarity

A vague thesis is almost as bad as no thesis at all. Your thesis should be clear and concise, leaving no room for confusion about your main point. For example, instead of saying, “Technology impacts society,” a clearer statement would be, “Advancements in technology are reducing face-to-face interactions, leading to a decline in interpersonal communication skills.”

Revising Your Tentative Thesis

As you continue researching and writing, you may find that your original thesis no longer fits your paper. That’s perfectly fine! In fact, revising your thesis is a natural part of the writing process. Here’s how to approach it:

1. Reflect on New Information

After gathering more data, take a step back and see how it fits with your original thesis. Does it support your initial claim, or does it point in a different direction? Use this reflection to adjust your thesis as needed.

2. Narrow Your Focus

Sometimes, new information might make your original thesis too broad. If you find yourself overwhelmed with data, consider narrowing your thesis to focus on a more specific aspect of your topic. This will make your argument more manageable and focused.

The Role of a Tentative Thesis in Your Writing Process

Your tentative thesis isn’t just a statement—it’s a tool that shapes your entire writing process. Here’s how it influences each stage:

1. Guiding Your Research

With a tentative thesis in hand, you can approach your research with a clear purpose. You’ll know which sources are relevant and which can be set aside, making your research process more efficient.

2. Structuring Your Argument

Your thesis also acts as the backbone of your paper. As you write, every paragraph should tie back to your thesis, ensuring that your argument remains cohesive and focused.

3. Streamlining Revisions

When revising your paper, use your thesis as a touchstone. If a paragraph doesn’t support your thesis, it may need to be reworked or removed. This approach keeps your paper tight and relevant.

Quick Tips for a Strong Tentative Thesis

Here’s a quick checklist to make sure your tentative thesis is on point:

  • Specificity : Is your thesis narrow and focused?
  • Arguability : Can someone reasonably disagree with your thesis?
  • Clarity : Is your thesis statement easy to understand?
  • Direction : Does your thesis provide a clear roadmap for your paper?
  • Flexibility : Are you prepared to revise your thesis as needed?

Moving Forward with Confidence

Remember, your tentative thesis is just the beginning. It’s your guide through the rough terrain of research and writing, but it’s also flexible enough to change as you learn more about your topic. By starting with a clear question, doing some preliminary research, and being ready to revise as necessary, you’ll be well on your way to writing a strong, focused paper. With these tools in hand, you’re ready to tackle the challenge ahead. Happy writing!

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How to Write a Tentative Thesis: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the academic waters can be daunting, especially when confronted with the colossal task of crafting a thesis. But fear not, intrepid researcher! Before diving headfirst into a final thesis statement, consider the invaluable tool of writing a tentative thesis . This roadmap of your research lays the groundwork for a well-structured and focused academic endeavor.

Let’s Get Started with How to write a tentative thesis.

What is a Tentative Thesis?

A tentative thesis is a preliminary statement outlining your central argument or claim about your chosen topic. It’s a dynamic entity, evolving as your research progresses, guiding your exploration and analysis. Unlike its final counterpart, the tentative thesis allows flexibility and revision, allowing you to refine your focus and delve deeper into the most promising avenues. Students can improve thesis writing using Grammarly writing assistant and improve the content of their thesis by removing any mistakes from it.

How To Write A Tentative Thesis: Building Blocks

Crafting a rock-solid tentative thesis requires careful consideration of several key factors:

Topic Selection: The Foundation of Your Research

The initial step in writing a Tentative Thesis is meticulously selecting a topic.

This decision not only shapes the trajectory of your academic exploration but also plays a pivotal role in sustaining your interest and aligning with your academic aspirations.

When choosing a topic, consider its ability to captivate your fascination, the availability of scholarly resources , and its seamless integration with your academic goals.

Subject Immersion: Delving Deeper into Your Chosen Topic

Once you’ve identified a compelling topic, the next phase involves subject immersion. Immerse yourself in the wealth of knowledge surrounding your chosen subject.

Consume relevant academic literature, attend lectures, and seek the guidance of experts in the field.

This immersive process is not just about gathering information but about developing a profound understanding that forms the bedrock for crafting a nuanced and well-informed central argument.

Drafting the Thesis Statement: Crafting Clarity from Complexity

Distilling the wealth of information acquired during your subject immersion, your next task is articulating a clear and concise thesis statement.

This statement is the linchpin of your entire research endeavor, encapsulating the core of your central claim.

Avoid vagueness and absolutes at this stage; strive for specificity and arguability. Your thesis statement should be a beacon guiding the direction of your research, providing a clear roadmap for both you and your readers.

Write a Draft of the Thesis Statement: A Working Blueprint

With your initial thesis statement in hand, it’s time to translate your thoughts into a working draft. This draft is not set in stone but rather a dynamic document open to refinement as your research progresses.

Be prepared to revisit and revise your thesis statement as you delve deeper into your exploration. This fluid approach ensures that your thesis statement reflects your evolving understanding of the topic.

Write the Body: Constructing a Compelling Argument

With a tentative thesis statement as your guiding light, proceed to build the body of your research.

This is where you substantiate your central argument with a meticulous presentation of evidence, insightful analysis, and consideration of counter-arguments.

Each section of the body should contribute cohesively to the overarching narrative, providing a robust foundation for your thesis.

Write the Conclusion: Reinforcing Significance and Insights

As you approach the culmination of your research, the conclusion becomes a critical element. Summarize your key findings, reiterating your tentative thesis with emphasis.

Reflect on the significance of your research within the broader academic context. A well-crafted conclusion not only reinforces the importance of your central argument but also leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

How Long is a Tentative Thesis Statement?

While there’s no set word count, aim for concise clarity. A strong tentative thesis typically ranges from one to three sentences.

What are the characteristics of a strong tentative thesis statement?


Precisely pinpoint your research focus, avoiding generalization.

Ensure your statement is readily understandable by an informed reader.


Present a claim that invites debate and analysis, not a mere fact.


Guide your research by clearly stating your intended direction.

What is a tentative thesis example?

“While many scholars attribute the success of the Roman Empire to military prowess, this paper argues that its economic and social policies played an equally crucial role in its long-term dominance.”

Example 2: 

“Despite initial skepticism, the recent surge in renewable energy production suggests that it may offer a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels, as this paper will explore through an analysis of case studies and policy initiatives.”

“This paper contends that Shakespeare’s portrayal of female characters in Hamlet subverts traditional gender roles, challenging contemporary societal expectations.”

How does a tentative thesis differ from a final thesis?

Remember, your tentative thesis is a dynamic entity. As you delve deeper into your research, your understanding of the subject may evolve, prompting revisions to your initial proposition. Embrace this fluidity! This iterative process allows you to hone your focus and develop a more nuanced argument, ultimately leading to a well-grounded and compelling final thesis.

Tentative thesis:

Broader and flexible, outlining the initial question and potential avenues of exploration. Think of it as a wide-angle lens capturing the vast landscape.

Final thesis: 

Narrower and focused, highlighting the specific conclusions drawn from your research. It’s a zoomed-in view showcasing the details and intricacies of your chosen path.

Superficial, providing a preliminary understanding of the subject. It’s like dipping your toes in the intellectual pool, testing the waters.

Final thesis:

Profound, reflecting a comprehensive analysis of your chosen topic. It’s a deep dive into the academic ocean, revealing hidden currents and fascinating creatures.

Open to change and evolution as your research progresses. Think of it as a pencil sketch, easily erased and redrawn.

Confident and conclusive, representing the culmination of your academic journey. It’s like a pen-and-ink map, fixed and final after a thorough exploration.

Guides your research, providing a direction and framework for exploration. It’s a compass, helping you navigate the vast academic territory.

Summarizes your findings, presenting your argument and supporting evidence. It’s a testament to your intellectual voyage, showcasing the knowledge and insights you’ve gleaned.

1. How specific should my tentative thesis be?

Your tentative thesis should be specific enough to guide your research but open enough to allow for new discoveries. Avoid broad statements or factual summaries. Aim for a clear claim that asserts your unique perspective on the topic. For example, instead of “Shakespeare’s plays explore human emotions,” try “Shakespeare’s character portrayals in Hamlet reveal the complex interplay between ambition and morality.”

2. What questions should I ask myself to develop a good tentative thesis?

You should ask these questions to develop a good tentative thesis:

  • What is the main topic of my research?
  • What key arguments or ideas have I encountered so far?
  • What specific aspect of the topic am I most interested in exploring?
  • What unique contribution can I make to the existing knowledge in this area?
  • Can I formulate my argument as a clear and concise statement?

3. When should I write my tentative thesis?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but the ideal time is after you’ve done some preliminary research and have a general understanding of your topic. However, don’t wait until you have everything figured out. Having a tentative thesis can actually help you direct your research and make sense of your findings.

4. What if my tentative thesis changes during my research?

That’s perfectly normal! The beauty of a tentative thesis is its flexibility. As you explore your topic, new insights and perspectives may emerge. Embrace these changes and refine your thesis to reflect your evolving understanding. Don’t be afraid to rewrite and adjust your thesis as your research progresses.

Conclusion: Final Words

The tentative thesis isn’t just a stepping stone; it’s a vital tool for shaping a powerful academic investigation. By mastering its nuances and embracing its flexibility, you equip yourself with the roadmap to navigate the complex research landscape. So, step into the academic arena with confidence, knowing that within you lies the potential to craft a groundbreaking thesis that leaves its mark on the world.

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Research Paper: A step-by-step guide: 3. Thesis Statement & Outline

  • 1. Getting Started
  • 2. Topic Ideas
  • 3. Thesis Statement & Outline
  • 4. Appropriate Sources
  • 5. Search Techniques
  • 6. Taking Notes & Documenting Sources
  • 7. Evaluating Sources
  • 8. Citations & Plagiarism
  • 9. Writing Your Research Paper


About Thesis Statements

Qualities of a thesis statement.

Thesis statements:

  • state the subject matter and main ideas of a paper.
  • appear in the first paragraph and announces what you will discuss in your paper.
  • define the scope and focus of your essay, and tells your reader what to expect.  
  • are not a simple factual statement.  It is an assertion that states your claims and that you can prove with evidence.
  • should be the product of research and your own critical thinking.
  • can be very helpful in constructing an outline for your essay; for each point you make, ask yourself whether it is relevant to the thesis.

Steps you can use to create a thesis statement

1. Start out with the main topic and focus of your essay.

youth gangs + prevention and intervention programs

2. Make a claim or argument in one sentence.  It can be helpful to start with a question which you then turn into an argument

Can prevention and intervention programs stop youth gang activities?  How?  ►►►  "Prevention and intervention programs can stop youth gang activities by giving teens something else to do."

3. Revise the sentence by using specific terms.

"Early prevention programs in schools are the most effective way to prevent youth gang involvement by giving teens good activities that offer a path to success."

4. Further revise the sentence to cover the scope of your essay and make a strong statement.

"Among various prevention and intervention efforts that have been made to deal with the rapid growth of youth gangs, early school-based prevention programs are the most effective way to prevent youth gang involvement, which they do by giving teens meaningful activities that offer pathways to achievement and success."

5. Keep your thesis statement flexible and revise it as needed. In the process of researching and writing, you may find new information or refine your understanding of the topic.

You can view this short video for more tips on how to write a clear thesis statement.

An outline is the skeleton of your essay, in which you list the arguments and subtopics in a logical order. A good outline is an important element in writing a good paper. An outline helps to target your research areas, keep you within the scope without going off-track, and it can also help to keep your argument in good order when writing the essay.  Once your outline is in good shape, it is much easier to write your paper; you've already done most of the thinking, so you just need to fill in the outline with a paragraph for each point.

To write an outline: The most common way to write an outline is the list format.  List all the major topics and subtopics with the key points that support them. Put similar topics and points together and arrange them in a logical order.    Include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. 

A list outline should arrange the main points or arguments in a hierarchical structure indicated by Roman numerals for main ideas (I, II, III...), capital letters for subtopics (A, B, C...), Arabic numerals for details (1,2,3...), and lower-case letters for fine details if needed (a,b,c...). This helps keep things organized.  

Here is a shortened example of an outline:

Introduction: background and thesis statement

I. First topic

1. Supporting evidence 2. Supporting evidence

II. Second Topic

III. Third Topic

I. Summarize the main points of your paper II. Restate your thesis in different words III. Make a strong final statement

You can see examples of a few different kinds of outlines and get more help at the Purdue OWL .

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Developing a Tentative Thesis

The thesis statement of an essay is to your argument paper what the topic sentence is to the paragraph: a guide, a control--a single promise. It indicates the subject, the approach, and the limitations of your topic. It also suggests your position, your attitude, and a commitment to the subject. It conveys the sense that your subject matters, that you have a stake in it. Rather than say, "Advertisers often use sexist ads," tell us something we don't know. Perhaps you could shed new light on an old subject: "Although long criticized for their sexist portrayal of women in TV commercials, the auto industry is just as often guilty of stereotyping men as brainless idiots unable to make a decision." The first statement stimulates "Ho hum," the other "Oh, yeah? I'd like to know more about that."

The thesis statement is your promise to the reader and to yourself.

For today's assignment, please focus a tentative thesis by first deciding on a specific audience and a specific purpose.

Your specific audience: Your specific purpose: Your tentative thesis:

research paper tentative thesis


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Developing a Tentative Thesis

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Tentative Thesis Guide

check Tentative Thesis Guide

At some time during their academic careers, every student is faced with the challenge of writing a thesis. And this is why it is important for students to learn how to write a thesis. But there are lots of things that go into writing a thesis. You have to understand topic selection, thesis statement construction, and never lose sight of your audience.  

To get a captivating tentative thesis topic and mold it into a captivating tentative thesis, it is important to first clarify what a tentative thesis is. In this article, you will learn what a tentative thesis is and how to write a superior tentative thesis. Keep reading to see all you need to know about writing a tentative thesis and check out the tentative thesis example!

What Is a Tentative Thesis?

A tentative thesis is a strong provisional idea that keeps the writer’s attention on the paper. It reveals the author’s strategy, clarifies the subject, and emphasizes the key concepts that will be explored throughout the piece.

A tentative thesis describes what you will be arguing in your paper. It is also often referred to as a working hypothesis. It is the first draft (short version) of your paper, meant to give you an idea of what your final thesis will look like.

With the tentative thesis, you can think about your topic, figure out how to approach it, and think about what kind of writing style you want in your final thesis. The tentative thesis is not supposed to be perfect; it’s just an outline of the ideas that will go into your final paper and a way to test your ideas and see how they hold up.

You should write down your tentative thesis before you start writing your paper, so that you can see how your ideas are developing and how they relate to one another.

Tentative Thesis Statement Examples

One of the most important parts of a tentative thesis is a tentative thesis statement. This statement is always placed towards the conclusion of the introduction paragraph in a typical tentative thesis example.

A strong tentative thesis statement will be helpful while looking for additional facts to include in the article. You must have a firm understanding of the subject and the issues that will be covered in the thesis before drafting a tentative thesis statement.

Here are some tentative thesis statement examples to give you a clearer understanding of what a tentative thesis statement looks like.

“It is disappointing that people continue to disregard the recommendations for preventing coronavirus. A second wave of illnesses will probably result from this ignorance.”
“Trade issues between the US and China have significantly decreased sales of Apple products in China. In China, a market with close to 2 billion people, Huawei smartphones have gradually gained popularity, leaving Apple devices in that region of Asia playing catch-up.”
“Financing women’s businesses helps release them from tight economic yokes. It creates additional chances for them in the predominantly male workforce.”

Example 4:  

“Global pandemics present many threats to world stability. They can threaten the political, social, and cultural ramifications that exist.”

How to Write a Tentative Thesis

You need a strong tentative thesis to steer your arguments regardless of whether you are writing a research paper or just an ordinary assignment that does not involve much research. Here are some steps about how to write a tentative thesis.

Choose a topic

Any tentative thesis should have a good topic that is expressed as clearly as possible. So, you should be clear on the subject or the issue before you start to frame a tentative thesis. Here are a few tips for choosing your topic.

  • The topic must provide the answer to a tentative thesis statement right away.
  • A good topic should be timely and help resolve an issue.
  • Your chosen topic must be useful and capable of contributing to knowledge in your research area.
  • You should be familiar with the topic and at least have basic knowledge about it.

After choosing a topic, you should expand your knowledge about it. To organize what you know about a potential thesis topic, brainstorm and write down the ideas or information that come to mind.

Discuss the subject

After you have chosen your topic, you should expound on it and generate ideas for your tentative thesis. During the brainstorming session, you should note as many concepts that occur to you while thinking aloud or reading other sources.

Write a draft of the thesis statement

It’s important to remember that your paper’s introduction should have a tentative thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be bold as it is a single remark that provides a more in-depth explanation of the thesis. A thesis statement should be thorough, precise and unambiguous, reflect the true nature of the topic, and be supported by facts.

Write the body

The main body of a tentative thesis contains the argument in the thesis. This section is typically divided into sentences that reflect the subject, sentences that provide evidence for it, and summing statements. Your sentences and paragraphs in this section should be logical, cohesive, and supported by facts and evidence.

Write the conclusion

The final component of a tentative thesis is the conclusion. The conclusion should contain a summary of the argument in the main paragraph of the tentative thesis. Usually, this will follow the format of the introduction paragraph closely. It should also include an overview of the article’s main concepts and points.

Important Tentative Thesis Parts

A tentative thesis comprises three important parts that must not be omitted. You must include all parts to ensure your paper is logical and coherent. Let’s take a quick look at each of these crucial sections:

  • The Introduction
  • The Conclusion

Tentative Thesis Writing Help

While you may know how to write a tentative, you may not have all the time in the world to do the necessary research and put down all your thoughts. For example, you may have lots of extracurricular activities that you have no time to brainstorm the right topic or what your tentative thesis statement should be. If this is the case, it’s only logical to get someone to help you write your tentative thesis for you.

Also, if you have gone through this article but you’re still unsure about how to write a tentative thesis, you can always seek help from tentative thesis writing help websites. You absolutely don’t have to wing it and end up with a bad score. So, get a reliable tentative thesis help today to help you write the perfect tentative thesis!

There you have it! Here’s all you need to know about writing a superior tentative thesis. With this guide, you should now know how to write a tentative thesis statement by taking cues from the tentative thesis statement examples. If you follow all these steps, you’ll be able to write a better thesis paper.

If you’re not sure whether you can write a tentative thesis or you need some help with your tentative thesis for one reason or another, seek help from expert thesis writers!

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Richard Ginger is a dissertation writer and freelance columnist with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the writing industry. He handles every project he works on with precision while keeping attention to details and ensuring that every work he does is unique.

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Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements

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Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement

1. Determine what kind of paper you are writing:

  • An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.
  • An expository (explanatory) paper explains something to the audience.
  • An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. The claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. The goal of the argumentative paper is to convince the audience that the claim is true based on the evidence provided.

If you are writing a text that does not fall under these three categories (e.g., a narrative), a thesis statement somewhere in the first paragraph could still be helpful to your reader.

2. Your thesis statement should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence.

3. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper.

4. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper.

Thesis Statement Examples

Example of an analytical thesis statement:

The paper that follows should:

  • Explain the analysis of the college admission process
  • Explain the challenge facing admissions counselors

Example of an expository (explanatory) thesis statement:

  • Explain how students spend their time studying, attending class, and socializing with peers

Example of an argumentative thesis statement:

  • Present an argument and give evidence to support the claim that students should pursue community projects before entering college

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While writing academic essays or papers, you have to pay microscopic attention to your train of thought. Whether it’s a college essay or a research paper, a strong thesis statement can either make or break your document. But how to write a thesis statement that best represents your work? 

In this article, we’ll answer this and other questions related to a thesis statement for essays, papers, or longer documents. We will discuss all aspects of a thesis, its importance, and its types. We’ll also provide a few thesis statement examples so you understand how to write a strong thesis.

Before we begin, we should have clarity on one question: What is a thesis statement?

What is a thesis statement?  

A thesis statement sums up the central point of your paper or essay in the span of a few sentences. It is usually placed near the end of your introduction. The rest of your essay builds upon the thesis statement by addressing different aspects of it.

The opening thesis statement serves as an assertion that the rest of your essay can validate and align with. Further, it serves as a roadmap to the entire essay. As such, it should heavily draw upon your unique understanding of the subject.

Since the thesis statement is placed at the end of the introduction, take your time introducing the subject. Structuring an introduction that conveniently leads to your thesis statement is a good practice.

A strong thesis statement:

  • introduces the subject,
  • makes an assertion, and
  • provides reasoning for it.

Take a look.

Let’s go through some guidelines to help you come up with a strong thesis for your essay.

How to write a thesis statement 

Here are some basic guidelines for writing a thesis statement:

  • Present your point of view in two sentences.  
  • Clearly indicate the logical progression of your research.
  • Always take a case-by-case approach. Based on your research, you may also opt for a 3-part thesis statement.
  • Clearly dictate your assertion on the topic. 
  • Create a thesis statement that is debatable, but can be proven with evidence and reasoning. 
  • Place your thesis statement as a conclusion to the Introduction section of your paper.  

We can only give you some tips on how to write a thesis statement, but a strong thesis only comes out of strong research and reading. So, make sure to read your sources carefully before you begin to write your essay.

Follow these tips to write a strong thesis statement:

#1 Formulate your research question. 

Filtering your line of research is the first step while writing a strong thesis. Conduct targeted research in your area of interest to formulate your research question. Be as specific as possible here, since it adds to the credibility of your research. Your research question should display the amount of research you’ve undertaken. 

As a continuation of the climate change thesis statement example we’ve cited above, a pertinent research question would be along these lines: “ How does climate change affect different countries in the world? “

#2 Create a tentative thesis statement.

Answer your research question and shape it into a broad statement that sums up your topic. This should give you the first draft of the thesis statement outline wherein multiple changes will definitely be in order. 

A lot of effort goes into drafting your tentative thesis statement. You need to locate a general your area of interest and then conduct precise research activities. Revisit your tentative thesis statement and revise it as you invest more time, research, and resources in the project.

If your assignment requires you to argue a certain take on the subject, you’ll have to sharpen your tentative thesis with the help of evidence. Here’s such a thesis statement example for an argumentative essay: “The proletarian movie, The Grapes of Wrath , perfectly captures the psyche of the American labor class during the Great Depression.”

#3 Supplement reasoning with evidence.

Your tentative thesis serves as a dependable guide to entering the next critical phase of thesis writing. This phase demands the most attention since it requires you to critically engage with already-established literature. You must gather enough relevant information as evidence so you can support your ideas and arguments. 

The more exhaustive the research process is, the more prepared you will be. This is of substantial importance since your academic expertise will come in handy during the viva in which you will be required to firmly defend your arguments. 

So, pursue your research extensively and work hard to make your thesis foolproof. After all, academic work is worth nothing without sound evidence! 

#4 Anticipate counterarguments.

Counterarguments serve a significant purpose: They help you prepare stronger arguments. Anticipating counterarguments is a window into the broader scope of your research and how it fits into the larger discourse.

Counterarguments from your peers, cohort, supervisor, and others provide a learning curve for you as a scholar. You can always filter what aligns with your interest, but having a non-expert colleague can help you better prepare for your presentations and defense. 

Types of thesis statements

Every essay or paper is built upon two essential elements: a topic and an angle. The topic is the subject matter you’re writing about and the angle is your primary idea or opinion on the subject. Based on these, your essay falls under one of three types: expository essay, descriptive essay, or argumentative essay.

Your thesis statement varies depending on the type of essay you’re writing. There are three main types of thesis statements, so let’s go through them one by one. 

#1 Expository thesis

Also known as the explanatory thesis, this type of thesis statement requires you to explain a given opinion, idea, or concept. As the name indicates, this type of thesis applies to expository essays in which you are not required to provide your unique opinion on the matter.  

Thesis structure for expository essays

  • Introduce the topic.
  • Explain the categories that best represent the topic.
  • Determine the order of the categories to present the topic as it is.

Thesis statement example for expository essays

This essay looks closely at Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the reasons why it increases the incidence frequencies of fibrillation and cardiac stroke.

#2 Analytical thesis

The analytical thesis statement requires you to break down a larger idea into its basic components. You can further analyze the individual components to present the final assessment to your readers.

This thesis statement requires you to present various topics in the order in which your essay discusses them. So, it can apply to both persuasive and descriptive essays.

Analytical thesis structure

  • Introduce the core element(s) you are analyzing. 
  • Deconstruct the topic into its constituent categories.
  • Determine the order of the categories to best represent your findings.

Example of an analytical thesis 

John Steinback’s classic, The Grapes of Wrath , captures the Westward migration of the labor class to the promised land of California during the Great Depression. This paper attempts to revisit the proletarian novel through the political lens of new working conditions, poverty, and social change.

#3 Argumentative thesis

In this type of thesis statement, you make a claim and provide evidence to back it up. These are some common types of claims that you can make in an argumentative thesis statement:

  • Comprehension
  • Cause-and-effect solutions

Naturally, this type of thesis works best for an argumentative essay, where you take a position on your topic and then reason it with substantial evidence.

Thesis structure for argumentative essays

  • Make your claim.
  • Present your reasons or pieces of evidence to support the claim.
  • Determine the order of the categories to best represent your claim.

Thesis statement example for an argumentative essay

The execution of proper legislation that will regulate gun ownership can substantially reduce gun violence in America. Such laws can re-establish the core democratic ideal that freedom is subject to accountability in the purview of public interest. This can significantly reduce the fatality rate as a result of open mass shootings, suicides, and domestic abuse.

Examples of a strong thesis statement

As academic editors , the most common type of queries we come across are in essays about global warming and climate change. So, we’ll demonstrate how you can write a strong thesis statement on these topics.

In the table below, you’ll find some examples of strong thesis statements compared to weak ones. Compare the two to understand how to write a thesis statement that perfectly sums up your take on the subject.

To sum up: place the thesis statement toward the end of your introduction, state your angle on the topic, and provide your reasoning with evidence. Since you only get 20–50 words to work with, make sure to use them wisely!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a thesis statement , where is the thesis statement located , can a thesis statement be two sentences, how to make a good thesis statement , can a thesis statement be a question.

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25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze


Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great research paper or argumentative essay. The thesis statement is where you make a claim that will guide you through your entire paper. If you find yourself struggling to make sense of your paper or your topic, then it's likely due to a weak thesis statement.

Let's take a minute to first understand what makes a solid thesis statement, and what key components you need to write one of your own.

Perfecting Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement always goes at the beginning of the paper. It will typically be in the first couple of paragraphs of the paper so that it can introduce the body paragraphs, which are the supporting evidence for your thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should clearly identify an argument. You need to have a statement that is not only easy to understand, but one that is debatable. What that means is that you can't just put any statement of fact and have it be your thesis. For example, everyone knows that puppies are cute . An ineffective thesis statement would be, "Puppies are adorable and everyone knows it." This isn't really something that's a debatable topic.

Something that would be more debatable would be, "A puppy's cuteness is derived from its floppy ears, small body, and playfulness." These are three things that can be debated on. Some people might think that the cutest thing about puppies is the fact that they follow you around or that they're really soft and fuzzy.

All cuteness aside, you want to make sure that your thesis statement is not only debatable, but that it also actually thoroughly answers the research question that was posed. You always want to make sure that your evidence is supporting a claim that you made (and not the other way around). This is why it's crucial to read and research about a topic first and come to a conclusion later. If you try to get your research to fit your thesis statement, then it may not work out as neatly as you think. As you learn more, you discover more (and the outcome may not be what you originally thought).

Additionally, your thesis statement shouldn't be too big or too grand. It'll be hard to cover everything in a thesis statement like, "The federal government should act now on climate change." The topic is just too large to actually say something new and meaningful. Instead, a more effective thesis statement might be, "Local governments can combat climate change by providing citizens with larger recycling bins and offering local classes about composting and conservation." This is easier to work with because it's a smaller idea, but you can also discuss the overall topic that you might be interested in, which is climate change.

So, now that we know what makes a good, solid thesis statement, you can start to write your own. If you find that you're getting stuck or you are the type of person who needs to look at examples before you start something, then check out our list of thesis statement examples below.

Thesis statement examples

A quick note that these thesis statements have not been fully researched. These are merely examples to show you what a thesis statement might look like and how you can implement your own ideas into one that you think of independently. As such, you should not use these thesis statements for your own research paper purposes. They are meant to be used as examples only.

  • Vaccinations Because many children are unable to vaccinate due to illness, we must require that all healthy and able children be vaccinated in order to have herd immunity.
  • Educational Resources for Low-Income Students Schools should provide educational resources for low-income students during the summers so that they don't forget what they've learned throughout the school year.
  • School Uniforms School uniforms may be an upfront cost for families, but they eradicate the visual differences in income between students and provide a more egalitarian atmosphere at school.
  • Populism The rise in populism on the 2016 political stage was in reaction to increasing globalization, the decline of manufacturing jobs, and the Syrian refugee crisis.
  • Public Libraries Libraries are essential resources for communities and should be funded more heavily by local municipalities.
  • Cyber Bullying With more and more teens using smartphones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Cyber bullying puts a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Parents should limit the usage of smart phones, monitor their children's online activity, and report any cyber bullying to school officials in order to combat this problem.
  • Medical Marijuana for Veterans Studies have shown that the use of medicinal marijuana has been helpful to veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Medicinal marijuana prescriptions should be legal in all states and provided to these veterans. Additional medical or therapy services should also be researched and implemented in order to help them re-integrate back into civilian life.
  • Work-Life Balance Corporations should provide more work from home opportunities and six-hour workdays so that office workers have a better work-life balance and are more likely to be productive when they are in the office.
  • Teaching Youths about Consensual Sex Although sex education that includes a discussion of consensual sex would likely lead to less sexual assault, parents need to teach their children the meaning of consent from a young age with age appropriate lessons.
  • Whether or Not to Attend University A degree from a university provides invaluable lessons on life and a future career, but not every high school student should be encouraged to attend a university directly after graduation. Some students may benefit from a trade school or a "gap year" where they can think more intensely about what it is they want to do for a career and how they can accomplish this.
  • Studying Abroad Studying abroad is one of the most culturally valuable experiences you can have in college. It is the only way to get completely immersed in another language and learn how other cultures and countries are different from your own.
  • Women's Body Image Magazines have done a lot in the last five years to include a more diverse group of models, but there is still a long way to go to promote a healthy woman's body image collectively as a culture.
  • Cigarette Tax Heavily taxing and increasing the price of cigarettes is essentially a tax on the poorest Americans, and it doesn't deter them from purchasing. Instead, the state and federal governments should target those economically disenfranchised with early education about the dangers of smoking.
  • Veganism A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, indicates a position of privilege. It also limits you to other cultural food experiences if you travel around the world.
  • University Athletes Should be Compensated University athletes should be compensated for their service to the university, as it is difficult for these students to procure and hold a job with busy academic and athletic schedules. Many student athletes on scholarship also come from low-income neighborhoods and it is a struggle to make ends meet when they are participating in athletics.
  • Women in the Workforce Sheryl Sandberg makes a lot of interesting points in her best-selling book, Lean In , but she only addressed the very privileged working woman and failed to speak to those in lower-skilled, lower-wage jobs.
  • Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide should be legal and doctors should have the ability to make sure their patients have the end-of-life care that they want to receive.
  • Celebrity and Political Activism Although Taylor Swift's lyrics are indicative of a feminist perspective, she should be more politically active and vocal to use her position of power for the betterment of society.
  • The Civil War The insistence from many Southerners that the South seceded from the Union for states' rights versus the fact that they seceded for the purposes of continuing slavery is a harmful myth that still affects race relations today.
  • Blue Collar Workers Coal miners and other blue-collar workers whose jobs are slowly disappearing from the workforce should be re-trained in jobs in the technology sector or in renewable energy. A program to re-train these workers would not only improve local economies where jobs have been displaced, but would also lead to lower unemployment nationally.
  • Diversity in the Workforce Having a diverse group of people in an office setting leads to richer ideas, more cooperation, and more empathy between people with different skin colors or backgrounds.
  • Re-Imagining the Nuclear Family The nuclear family was traditionally defined as one mother, one father, and 2.5 children. This outdated depiction of family life doesn't quite fit with modern society. The definition of normal family life shouldn't be limited to two-parent households.
  • Digital Literacy Skills With more information readily available than ever before, it's crucial that students are prepared to examine the material they're reading and determine whether or not it's a good source or if it has misleading information. Teaching students digital literacy and helping them to understand the difference between opinion or propaganda from legitimate, real information is integral.
  • Beauty Pageants Beauty pageants are presented with the angle that they empower women. However, putting women in a swimsuit on a stage while simultaneously judging them on how well they answer an impossible question in a short period of time is cruel and purely for the amusement of men. Therefore, we should stop televising beauty pageants.
  • Supporting More Women to Run for a Political Position In order to get more women into political positions, more women must run for office. There must be a grassroots effort to educate women on how to run for office, who among them should run, and support for a future candidate for getting started on a political career.

Still stuck? Need some help with your thesis statement?

If you are still uncertain about how to write a thesis statement or what a good thesis statement is, be sure to consult with your teacher or professor to make sure you're on the right track. It's always a good idea to check in and make sure that your thesis statement is making a solid argument and that it can be supported by your research.

After you're done writing, it's important to have someone take a second look at your paper so that you can ensure there are no mistakes or errors. It's difficult to spot your own mistakes, which is why it's always recommended to have someone help you with the revision process, whether that's a teacher, the writing center at school, or a professional editor such as one from ServiceScape .

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The Craft of Writing a Strong Hypothesis

Deeptanshu D

Table of Contents

Writing a hypothesis is one of the essential elements of a scientific research paper. It needs to be to the point, clearly communicating what your research is trying to accomplish. A blurry, drawn-out, or complexly-structured hypothesis can confuse your readers. Or worse, the editor and peer reviewers.

A captivating hypothesis is not too intricate. This blog will take you through the process so that, by the end of it, you have a better idea of how to convey your research paper's intent in just one sentence.

What is a Hypothesis?

The first step in your scientific endeavor, a hypothesis, is a strong, concise statement that forms the basis of your research. It is not the same as a thesis statement , which is a brief summary of your research paper .

The sole purpose of a hypothesis is to predict your paper's findings, data, and conclusion. It comes from a place of curiosity and intuition . When you write a hypothesis, you're essentially making an educated guess based on scientific prejudices and evidence, which is further proven or disproven through the scientific method.

The reason for undertaking research is to observe a specific phenomenon. A hypothesis, therefore, lays out what the said phenomenon is. And it does so through two variables, an independent and dependent variable.

The independent variable is the cause behind the observation, while the dependent variable is the effect of the cause. A good example of this is “mixing red and blue forms purple.” In this hypothesis, mixing red and blue is the independent variable as you're combining the two colors at your own will. The formation of purple is the dependent variable as, in this case, it is conditional to the independent variable.

Different Types of Hypotheses‌


Types of hypotheses

Some would stand by the notion that there are only two types of hypotheses: a Null hypothesis and an Alternative hypothesis. While that may have some truth to it, it would be better to fully distinguish the most common forms as these terms come up so often, which might leave you out of context.

Apart from Null and Alternative, there are Complex, Simple, Directional, Non-Directional, Statistical, and Associative and casual hypotheses. They don't necessarily have to be exclusive, as one hypothesis can tick many boxes, but knowing the distinctions between them will make it easier for you to construct your own.

1. Null hypothesis

A null hypothesis proposes no relationship between two variables. Denoted by H 0 , it is a negative statement like “Attending physiotherapy sessions does not affect athletes' on-field performance.” Here, the author claims physiotherapy sessions have no effect on on-field performances. Even if there is, it's only a coincidence.

2. Alternative hypothesis

Considered to be the opposite of a null hypothesis, an alternative hypothesis is donated as H1 or Ha. It explicitly states that the dependent variable affects the independent variable. A good  alternative hypothesis example is “Attending physiotherapy sessions improves athletes' on-field performance.” or “Water evaporates at 100 °C. ” The alternative hypothesis further branches into directional and non-directional.

  • Directional hypothesis: A hypothesis that states the result would be either positive or negative is called directional hypothesis. It accompanies H1 with either the ‘<' or ‘>' sign.
  • Non-directional hypothesis: A non-directional hypothesis only claims an effect on the dependent variable. It does not clarify whether the result would be positive or negative. The sign for a non-directional hypothesis is ‘≠.'

3. Simple hypothesis

A simple hypothesis is a statement made to reflect the relation between exactly two variables. One independent and one dependent. Consider the example, “Smoking is a prominent cause of lung cancer." The dependent variable, lung cancer, is dependent on the independent variable, smoking.

4. Complex hypothesis

In contrast to a simple hypothesis, a complex hypothesis implies the relationship between multiple independent and dependent variables. For instance, “Individuals who eat more fruits tend to have higher immunity, lesser cholesterol, and high metabolism.” The independent variable is eating more fruits, while the dependent variables are higher immunity, lesser cholesterol, and high metabolism.

5. Associative and casual hypothesis

Associative and casual hypotheses don't exhibit how many variables there will be. They define the relationship between the variables. In an associative hypothesis, changing any one variable, dependent or independent, affects others. In a casual hypothesis, the independent variable directly affects the dependent.

6. Empirical hypothesis

Also referred to as the working hypothesis, an empirical hypothesis claims a theory's validation via experiments and observation. This way, the statement appears justifiable and different from a wild guess.

Say, the hypothesis is “Women who take iron tablets face a lesser risk of anemia than those who take vitamin B12.” This is an example of an empirical hypothesis where the researcher  the statement after assessing a group of women who take iron tablets and charting the findings.

7. Statistical hypothesis

The point of a statistical hypothesis is to test an already existing hypothesis by studying a population sample. Hypothesis like “44% of the Indian population belong in the age group of 22-27.” leverage evidence to prove or disprove a particular statement.

Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis

Writing a hypothesis is essential as it can make or break your research for you. That includes your chances of getting published in a journal. So when you're designing one, keep an eye out for these pointers:

  • A research hypothesis has to be simple yet clear to look justifiable enough.
  • It has to be testable — your research would be rendered pointless if too far-fetched into reality or limited by technology.
  • It has to be precise about the results —what you are trying to do and achieve through it should come out in your hypothesis.
  • A research hypothesis should be self-explanatory, leaving no doubt in the reader's mind.
  • If you are developing a relational hypothesis, you need to include the variables and establish an appropriate relationship among them.
  • A hypothesis must keep and reflect the scope for further investigations and experiments.

Separating a Hypothesis from a Prediction

Outside of academia, hypothesis and prediction are often used interchangeably. In research writing, this is not only confusing but also incorrect. And although a hypothesis and prediction are guesses at their core, there are many differences between them.

A hypothesis is an educated guess or even a testable prediction validated through research. It aims to analyze the gathered evidence and facts to define a relationship between variables and put forth a logical explanation behind the nature of events.

Predictions are assumptions or expected outcomes made without any backing evidence. They are more fictionally inclined regardless of where they originate from.

For this reason, a hypothesis holds much more weight than a prediction. It sticks to the scientific method rather than pure guesswork. "Planets revolve around the Sun." is an example of a hypothesis as it is previous knowledge and observed trends. Additionally, we can test it through the scientific method.

Whereas "COVID-19 will be eradicated by 2030." is a prediction. Even though it results from past trends, we can't prove or disprove it. So, the only way this gets validated is to wait and watch if COVID-19 cases end by 2030.

Finally, How to Write a Hypothesis


Quick tips on writing a hypothesis

1.  Be clear about your research question

A hypothesis should instantly address the research question or the problem statement. To do so, you need to ask a question. Understand the constraints of your undertaken research topic and then formulate a simple and topic-centric problem. Only after that can you develop a hypothesis and further test for evidence.

2. Carry out a recce

Once you have your research's foundation laid out, it would be best to conduct preliminary research. Go through previous theories, academic papers, data, and experiments before you start curating your research hypothesis. It will give you an idea of your hypothesis's viability or originality.

Making use of references from relevant research papers helps draft a good research hypothesis. SciSpace Discover offers a repository of over 270 million research papers to browse through and gain a deeper understanding of related studies on a particular topic. Additionally, you can use SciSpace Copilot , your AI research assistant, for reading any lengthy research paper and getting a more summarized context of it. A hypothesis can be formed after evaluating many such summarized research papers. Copilot also offers explanations for theories and equations, explains paper in simplified version, allows you to highlight any text in the paper or clip math equations and tables and provides a deeper, clear understanding of what is being said. This can improve the hypothesis by helping you identify potential research gaps.

3. Create a 3-dimensional hypothesis

Variables are an essential part of any reasonable hypothesis. So, identify your independent and dependent variable(s) and form a correlation between them. The ideal way to do this is to write the hypothetical assumption in the ‘if-then' form. If you use this form, make sure that you state the predefined relationship between the variables.

In another way, you can choose to present your hypothesis as a comparison between two variables. Here, you must specify the difference you expect to observe in the results.

4. Write the first draft

Now that everything is in place, it's time to write your hypothesis. For starters, create the first draft. In this version, write what you expect to find from your research.

Clearly separate your independent and dependent variables and the link between them. Don't fixate on syntax at this stage. The goal is to ensure your hypothesis addresses the issue.

5. Proof your hypothesis

After preparing the first draft of your hypothesis, you need to inspect it thoroughly. It should tick all the boxes, like being concise, straightforward, relevant, and accurate. Your final hypothesis has to be well-structured as well.

Research projects are an exciting and crucial part of being a scholar. And once you have your research question, you need a great hypothesis to begin conducting research. Thus, knowing how to write a hypothesis is very important.

Now that you have a firmer grasp on what a good hypothesis constitutes, the different kinds there are, and what process to follow, you will find it much easier to write your hypothesis, which ultimately helps your research.

Now it's easier than ever to streamline your research workflow with SciSpace Discover . Its integrated, comprehensive end-to-end platform for research allows scholars to easily discover, write and publish their research and fosters collaboration.

It includes everything you need, including a repository of over 270 million research papers across disciplines, SEO-optimized summaries and public profiles to show your expertise and experience.

If you found these tips on writing a research hypothesis useful, head over to our blog on Statistical Hypothesis Testing to learn about the top researchers, papers, and institutions in this domain.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what is the definition of hypothesis.

According to the Oxford dictionary, a hypothesis is defined as “An idea or explanation of something that is based on a few known facts, but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct”.

2. What is an example of hypothesis?

The hypothesis is a statement that proposes a relationship between two or more variables. An example: "If we increase the number of new users who join our platform by 25%, then we will see an increase in revenue."

3. What is an example of null hypothesis?

A null hypothesis is a statement that there is no relationship between two variables. The null hypothesis is written as H0. The null hypothesis states that there is no effect. For example, if you're studying whether or not a particular type of exercise increases strength, your null hypothesis will be "there is no difference in strength between people who exercise and people who don't."

4. What are the types of research?

• Fundamental research

• Applied research

• Qualitative research

• Quantitative research

• Mixed research

• Exploratory research

• Longitudinal research

• Cross-sectional research

• Field research

• Laboratory research

• Fixed research

• Flexible research

• Action research

• Policy research

• Classification research

• Comparative research

• Causal research

• Inductive research

• Deductive research

5. How to write a hypothesis?

• Your hypothesis should be able to predict the relationship and outcome.

• Avoid wordiness by keeping it simple and brief.

• Your hypothesis should contain observable and testable outcomes.

• Your hypothesis should be relevant to the research question.

6. What are the 2 types of hypothesis?

• Null hypotheses are used to test the claim that "there is no difference between two groups of data".

• Alternative hypotheses test the claim that "there is a difference between two data groups".

7. Difference between research question and research hypothesis?

A research question is a broad, open-ended question you will try to answer through your research. A hypothesis is a statement based on prior research or theory that you expect to be true due to your study. Example - Research question: What are the factors that influence the adoption of the new technology? Research hypothesis: There is a positive relationship between age, education and income level with the adoption of the new technology.

8. What is plural for hypothesis?

The plural of hypothesis is hypotheses. Here's an example of how it would be used in a statement, "Numerous well-considered hypotheses are presented in this part, and they are supported by tables and figures that are well-illustrated."

9. What is the red queen hypothesis?

The red queen hypothesis in evolutionary biology states that species must constantly evolve to avoid extinction because if they don't, they will be outcompeted by other species that are evolving. Leigh Van Valen first proposed it in 1973; since then, it has been tested and substantiated many times.

10. Who is known as the father of null hypothesis?

The father of the null hypothesis is Sir Ronald Fisher. He published a paper in 1925 that introduced the concept of null hypothesis testing, and he was also the first to use the term itself.

11. When to reject null hypothesis?

You need to find a significant difference between your two populations to reject the null hypothesis. You can determine that by running statistical tests such as an independent sample t-test or a dependent sample t-test. You should reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than 0.05.

research paper tentative thesis

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  • 10 Research Question Examples to Guide Your Research Project

10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project

Published on October 30, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on October 19, 2023.

The research question is one of the most important parts of your research paper , thesis or dissertation . It’s important to spend some time assessing and refining your question before you get started.

The exact form of your question will depend on a few things, such as the length of your project, the type of research you’re conducting, the topic , and the research problem . However, all research questions should be focused, specific, and relevant to a timely social or scholarly issue.

Once you’ve read our guide on how to write a research question , you can use these examples to craft your own.

Research question Explanation
The first question is not enough. The second question is more , using .
Starting with “why” often means that your question is not enough: there are too many possible answers. By targeting just one aspect of the problem, the second question offers a clear path for research.
The first question is too broad and subjective: there’s no clear criteria for what counts as “better.” The second question is much more . It uses clearly defined terms and narrows its focus to a specific population.
It is generally not for academic research to answer broad normative questions. The second question is more specific, aiming to gain an understanding of possible solutions in order to make informed recommendations.
The first question is too simple: it can be answered with a simple yes or no. The second question is , requiring in-depth investigation and the development of an original argument.
The first question is too broad and not very . The second question identifies an underexplored aspect of the topic that requires investigation of various  to answer.
The first question is not enough: it tries to address two different (the quality of sexual health services and LGBT support services). Even though the two issues are related, it’s not clear how the research will bring them together. The second integrates the two problems into one focused, specific question.
The first question is too simple, asking for a straightforward fact that can be easily found online. The second is a more question that requires and detailed discussion to answer.
? dealt with the theme of racism through casting, staging, and allusion to contemporary events? The first question is not  — it would be very difficult to contribute anything new. The second question takes a specific angle to make an original argument, and has more relevance to current social concerns and debates.
The first question asks for a ready-made solution, and is not . The second question is a clearer comparative question, but note that it may not be practically . For a smaller research project or thesis, it could be narrowed down further to focus on the effectiveness of drunk driving laws in just one or two countries.

Note that the design of your research question can depend on what method you are pursuing. Here are a few options for qualitative, quantitative, and statistical research questions.

Type of research Example question
Qualitative research question
Quantitative research question
Statistical research question

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  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

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McCombes, S. (2023, October 19). 10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project. Scribbr. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/research-question-examples/

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How To Write An Incredible Tentative Thesis (Simply)

Tentative thesis

If asked, any scholar would tell you how crucial and essential a thesis is to their research life at campus or college. Elaborate research comes with years and months of intense data collection. The researcher gives his all from the selection of the research topic, methodologies, and final findings. However, challenges may arise on the way forcing the researcher to realign some aspects of the project. Does it mean that all the previous work will be rendered futile?

There is light at the end of the tunnel. And what is this light? A tentative thesis. So, what is the definition of a tentative thesis?

Working Definition Of Tentative Thesis

Now, let’s picture the Eiffel Tower in Paris standing on its own without pillars to support it. Will it be able to stand? I guess it collapsed the second you started picturing it. What’s my point here?

A tentative thesis can is similar to the pillars that support all the weight of the article. In other words, it is like the skeleton of the material without which the flesh would come crumbling down any minute.

One can also define a tentative thesis as the pilot of the research paper whose main argument is solely the responsibility of you, the writer. The writer should, therefore, articulate it in an organized manner that is analyzed and reviewed befitting the related topic.

Many students find it hard to intertwine between the objectives of the tentative thesis to the purpose of the research paper. It thus explains why they opt for the tentative thesis examples to act as their guiding principle.

Steps to Writing a Tentative Thesis

As a newbie in the kitchen, I found it hard when it came to boiling rice. I would first place the dry rice in the cooking pan and wait for some minutes before adding in the water. You see, I would end up with burnt rice because of following the wrong steps.

So, to avoid having a “burnt” tentative thesis like my rice, here are some simple steps you can follow:

1. Identify gaps

Almost all topics have been researched, and some scholarly articles or books written on the same. But the fact is there is no monopoly of ideas, and some niches are not adequately covered as they should.

You can only come to such a conclusion by reading publications already at hand. Group discussions can also enable you to brainstorm on various topics that you can cover in your research.

Yes, you read that right. It represents the question that you intend to tackle in your research project. From the first step, you will be able to identify a specific niche of the problem that you will be able to handle and present solutions to it.

Your thesis answers the question. Remember to create an item that you will be able to cover efficiently, not one that will leave you hanging on the way like a bounced date.

3. Answer the What

Let every detail that will be useful in answering the question be presented clearly and concisely. The reader should be able to see a connection between your items and the answers you present.

The answer should be as loud and clear as the “I do” in a wedding ceremony in the presence of many witnesses.

Crucial Elements of a Good Tentative Thesis

Even though a tentative thesis is not the final document, there is a need for it to be clear and precise. It will save you a great deal when writing the final dissertation.

A good tentative thesis should, therefore:

  • Be as short as possible
  • Follow the right writing style such as APA, MLA, and Chicago
  • Be in the introduction paragraph
  • Relate with the evidence provided
  • Have originality

A good tentative thesis should, therefore, be one that handles the question in a well-articulated, easy to follow manner.

Outline of a Tentative Thesis

After you have done your homework well according to the discussions above, it is now time to put it down in writing. A tentative outline is crucial in ensuring that your ideas e presented in the required format.

The structure of a tentative thesis is as follows:


It should be appealing and adequately cover the purpose of the assignment at hand. The background and thesis statements should appear in the presentation.

The body contains the main points and supporting ideas. Ensure that the evidence sufficiently explains or covers the questions raised.

A lot of caution is necessary when writing the body as it determines whether the reader will be convinced or not.

The conclusion refers to the thesis statement in the introduction. The writer gives a summary of the discussions made in the body without bringing in any new ideas.

Like all other essays, a writer can give his or her final comments in this section.

Writing Tentative Thesis Or Getting Help With It?

The tentative thesis mirrors the last thesis statement. Hence, you should ensure a strong foundation by having an interim concrete dissertation that will be able to withstand the storms on the way. Remember, we said it could take years to write a thesis.

Begin your adventure towards improving your tentative thesis writing skills today!

We offer cheap writing assistance through our professional team of essay gurus. Contact us today!

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113 Great Research Paper Topics

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General Education


One of the hardest parts of writing a research paper can be just finding a good topic to write about. Fortunately we've done the hard work for you and have compiled a list of 113 interesting research paper topics. They've been organized into ten categories and cover a wide range of subjects so you can easily find the best topic for you.

In addition to the list of good research topics, we've included advice on what makes a good research paper topic and how you can use your topic to start writing a great paper.

What Makes a Good Research Paper Topic?

Not all research paper topics are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose a great topic before you start writing. Below are the three most important factors to consider to make sure you choose the best research paper topics.

#1: It's Something You're Interested In

A paper is always easier to write if you're interested in the topic, and you'll be more motivated to do in-depth research and write a paper that really covers the entire subject. Even if a certain research paper topic is getting a lot of buzz right now or other people seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic unless you genuinely have some sort of interest in it as well.

#2: There's Enough Information to Write a Paper

Even if you come up with the absolute best research paper topic and you're so excited to write about it, you won't be able to produce a good paper if there isn't enough research about the topic. This can happen for very specific or specialized topics, as well as topics that are too new to have enough research done on them at the moment. Easy research paper topics will always be topics with enough information to write a full-length paper.

Trying to write a research paper on a topic that doesn't have much research on it is incredibly hard, so before you decide on a topic, do a bit of preliminary searching and make sure you'll have all the information you need to write your paper.

#3: It Fits Your Teacher's Guidelines

Don't get so carried away looking at lists of research paper topics that you forget any requirements or restrictions your teacher may have put on research topic ideas. If you're writing a research paper on a health-related topic, deciding to write about the impact of rap on the music scene probably won't be allowed, but there may be some sort of leeway. For example, if you're really interested in current events but your teacher wants you to write a research paper on a history topic, you may be able to choose a topic that fits both categories, like exploring the relationship between the US and North Korea. No matter what, always get your research paper topic approved by your teacher first before you begin writing.

113 Good Research Paper Topics

Below are 113 good research topics to help you get you started on your paper. We've organized them into ten categories to make it easier to find the type of research paper topics you're looking for.


  • Discuss the main differences in art from the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance .
  • Analyze the impact a famous artist had on the world.
  • How is sexism portrayed in different types of media (music, film, video games, etc.)? Has the amount/type of sexism changed over the years?
  • How has the music of slaves brought over from Africa shaped modern American music?
  • How has rap music evolved in the past decade?
  • How has the portrayal of minorities in the media changed?


Current Events

  • What have been the impacts of China's one child policy?
  • How have the goals of feminists changed over the decades?
  • How has the Trump presidency changed international relations?
  • Analyze the history of the relationship between the United States and North Korea.
  • What factors contributed to the current decline in the rate of unemployment?
  • What have been the impacts of states which have increased their minimum wage?
  • How do US immigration laws compare to immigration laws of other countries?
  • How have the US's immigration laws changed in the past few years/decades?
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement affected discussions and view about racism in the US?
  • What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the UK deciding to leave the EU (Brexit)?
  • What factors contributed to China becoming an economic power?
  • Discuss the history of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies  (some of which tokenize the S&P 500 Index on the blockchain) .
  • Do students in schools that eliminate grades do better in college and their careers?
  • Do students from wealthier backgrounds score higher on standardized tests?
  • Do students who receive free meals at school get higher grades compared to when they weren't receiving a free meal?
  • Do students who attend charter schools score higher on standardized tests than students in public schools?
  • Do students learn better in same-sex classrooms?
  • How does giving each student access to an iPad or laptop affect their studies?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Montessori Method ?
  • Do children who attend preschool do better in school later on?
  • What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind act?
  • How does the US education system compare to education systems in other countries?
  • What impact does mandatory physical education classes have on students' health?
  • Which methods are most effective at reducing bullying in schools?
  • Do homeschoolers who attend college do as well as students who attended traditional schools?
  • Does offering tenure increase or decrease quality of teaching?
  • How does college debt affect future life choices of students?
  • Should graduate students be able to form unions?


  • What are different ways to lower gun-related deaths in the US?
  • How and why have divorce rates changed over time?
  • Is affirmative action still necessary in education and/or the workplace?
  • Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?
  • How has stem cell research impacted the medical field?
  • How can human trafficking be reduced in the United States/world?
  • Should people be able to donate organs in exchange for money?
  • Which types of juvenile punishment have proven most effective at preventing future crimes?
  • Has the increase in US airport security made passengers safer?
  • Analyze the immigration policies of certain countries and how they are similar and different from one another.
  • Several states have legalized recreational marijuana. What positive and negative impacts have they experienced as a result?
  • Do tariffs increase the number of domestic jobs?
  • Which prison reforms have proven most effective?
  • Should governments be able to censor certain information on the internet?
  • Which methods/programs have been most effective at reducing teen pregnancy?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Keto diet?
  • How effective are different exercise regimes for losing weight and maintaining weight loss?
  • How do the healthcare plans of various countries differ from each other?
  • What are the most effective ways to treat depression ?
  • What are the pros and cons of genetically modified foods?
  • Which methods are most effective for improving memory?
  • What can be done to lower healthcare costs in the US?
  • What factors contributed to the current opioid crisis?
  • Analyze the history and impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic .
  • Are low-carbohydrate or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • How much exercise should the average adult be getting each week?
  • Which methods are most effective to get parents to vaccinate their children?
  • What are the pros and cons of clean needle programs?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • Discuss the history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
  • What were the causes and effects of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • Who was responsible for the Iran-Contra situation?
  • How has New Orleans and the government's response to natural disasters changed since Hurricane Katrina?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of British rule in India ?
  • Was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary?
  • What were the successes and failures of the women's suffrage movement in the United States?
  • What were the causes of the Civil War?
  • How did Abraham Lincoln's assassination impact the country and reconstruction after the Civil War?
  • Which factors contributed to the colonies winning the American Revolution?
  • What caused Hitler's rise to power?
  • Discuss how a specific invention impacted history.
  • What led to Cleopatra's fall as ruler of Egypt?
  • How has Japan changed and evolved over the centuries?
  • What were the causes of the Rwandan genocide ?


  • Why did Martin Luther decide to split with the Catholic Church?
  • Analyze the history and impact of a well-known cult (Jonestown, Manson family, etc.)
  • How did the sexual abuse scandal impact how people view the Catholic Church?
  • How has the Catholic church's power changed over the past decades/centuries?
  • What are the causes behind the rise in atheism/ agnosticism in the United States?
  • What were the influences in Siddhartha's life resulted in him becoming the Buddha?
  • How has media portrayal of Islam/Muslims changed since September 11th?


  • How has the earth's climate changed in the past few decades?
  • How has the use and elimination of DDT affected bird populations in the US?
  • Analyze how the number and severity of natural disasters have increased in the past few decades.
  • Analyze deforestation rates in a certain area or globally over a period of time.
  • How have past oil spills changed regulations and cleanup methods?
  • How has the Flint water crisis changed water regulation safety?
  • What are the pros and cons of fracking?
  • What impact has the Paris Climate Agreement had so far?
  • What have NASA's biggest successes and failures been?
  • How can we improve access to clean water around the world?
  • Does ecotourism actually have a positive impact on the environment?
  • Should the US rely on nuclear energy more?
  • What can be done to save amphibian species currently at risk of extinction?
  • What impact has climate change had on coral reefs?
  • How are black holes created?
  • Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?
  • How will the loss of net neutrality affect internet users?
  • Analyze the history and progress of self-driving vehicles.
  • How has the use of drones changed surveillance and warfare methods?
  • Has social media made people more or less connected?
  • What progress has currently been made with artificial intelligence ?
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease workplace productivity?
  • What are the most effective ways to use technology in the classroom?
  • How is Google search affecting our intelligence?
  • When is the best age for a child to begin owning a smartphone?
  • Has frequent texting reduced teen literacy rates?


How to Write a Great Research Paper

Even great research paper topics won't give you a great research paper if you don't hone your topic before and during the writing process. Follow these three tips to turn good research paper topics into great papers.

#1: Figure Out Your Thesis Early

Before you start writing a single word of your paper, you first need to know what your thesis will be. Your thesis is a statement that explains what you intend to prove/show in your paper. Every sentence in your research paper will relate back to your thesis, so you don't want to start writing without it!

As some examples, if you're writing a research paper on if students learn better in same-sex classrooms, your thesis might be "Research has shown that elementary-age students in same-sex classrooms score higher on standardized tests and report feeling more comfortable in the classroom."

If you're writing a paper on the causes of the Civil War, your thesis might be "While the dispute between the North and South over slavery is the most well-known cause of the Civil War, other key causes include differences in the economies of the North and South, states' rights, and territorial expansion."

#2: Back Every Statement Up With Research

Remember, this is a research paper you're writing, so you'll need to use lots of research to make your points. Every statement you give must be backed up with research, properly cited the way your teacher requested. You're allowed to include opinions of your own, but they must also be supported by the research you give.

#3: Do Your Research Before You Begin Writing

You don't want to start writing your research paper and then learn that there isn't enough research to back up the points you're making, or, even worse, that the research contradicts the points you're trying to make!

Get most of your research on your good research topics done before you begin writing. Then use the research you've collected to create a rough outline of what your paper will cover and the key points you're going to make. This will help keep your paper clear and organized, and it'll ensure you have enough research to produce a strong paper.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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Thesis Statement Generator: Free & Fast Tool

3 hours!

  • Even though the passage of the Affordable Care Act led to significant improvements in the situation, there are still issues, that negatively affect the quality of medical care in the United States, leading to inequality because medical insurance is too expensive for low-income families or unemployed individuals, cost of medical care in the US is also too high making it almost impossible to get the treatment without insurance, and moreover, people living in rural areas do not have an opportunity to receive the same level of medical care as those living in urban areas.
  • Whereas the passage of the Affordable Care Act led to significant improvements in the situation, there are still issues, that negatively affect the quality of medical care in the United States, leading to inequality given that medical insurance is too expensive for low-income families or unemployed individuals, cost of medical care in the US is also too high making it almost impossible to get the treatment without insurance, and moreover, people living in rural areas do not have an opportunity to receive the same level of medical care as those living in urban areas.
  • There are still issues, that negatively affect the quality of medical care in the United States, leading to inequality because medical insurance is too expensive for low-income families or unemployed individuals, cost of medical care in the US is also too high making it almost impossible to get the treatment without insurance, and moreover, people living in rural areas do not have an opportunity to receive the same level of medical care as those living in urban areas.
  • Since medical insurance is too expensive for low-income families or unemployed individuals, cost of medical care in the US is also too high making it almost impossible to get the treatment without insurance, and moreover, people living in rural areas do not have an opportunity to receive the same level of medical care as those living in urban areas, there are still issues, that negatively affect the quality of medical care in the United States, leading to inequality.

You've found an excellent topic for your essay but are unsure about the thesis? We've got you covered! Our free thesis generator is here to kickstart your ideas. You can use it for any type of academic writing: research papers, essays, and even dissertations.

In this article you will find:

  • a free thesis statement generator;
  • everything about thesis statements;
  • plus bonus examples!

Thesis Generator: Free & Fast Online Tool.

👍 Thesis Generator Benefits

✅ how to use the thesis statement generator, 🖊️ what is a thesis in writing, 💪 how to make a thesis statement strong, 💡 thesis statement examples, 🔀 5 tips to restate your thesis statement, 🔗 references.

The most essential benefits of this thesis statement generator are listed below.

🚅 Very fast 100% online, no registration required.
🌈 Intuitive Follow the prompts & look at the examples.
🎯 Customizable The tool will make a thesis according to your data.
🤑 No payments The thesis statement generator is 100% free.

Our tool uses the information you enter and creates a unique thesis. What’s even better, you can use it as a research question generator. Just follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Type in your main idea . This is the center of your thesis. Use general information without punctuation marks.
  • Now, you provide the main arguments that support your claim. You can add up to three arguments.
  • In the last step, the thesis builder requests an argument that backs up the opposing position. It would help make your essay more credible.
  • Choose the thesis you like best.

That's it! You've crafted a sophisticated thesis with our thesis statement maker.

Want another thesis? Feel free to use our generator as many times as you wish!

The thesis is the core claim of your paper. Its key function is to give the reader and the writer a sense of direction. A strong thesis statement consists of three parts:

Briefly say what your essay will be about.

State your position in a precise and on-point manner. Strong verbs and adverbs are a good way to bring your opinion across.

This part introduces your evidence. For a typical five-paragraph APA style essay, you need three supporting arguments.

On top of that, your thesis can be either direct or indirect.

  • A direct thesis presents your arguments clearly.
  • An indirect thesis grabs your reader’s attention by merely hinting at what you will discuss in your paper.

Keep reading if you want to know how to write a brilliant thesis statement.

We’ve talked about the basic structure you can use to formulate your thesis statements. But how do you make them truly great? The best thesis statements are compelling, concise, and supported by evidence.

If you already have a general outline for your essay, save yourself some time, and use our free statement builder!

🖊️ Essay Thesis Statement

With these step-by-step guidelines, you can practice formulating a brilliant thesis statement for all types of essays:

  • Check your sources and gather plenty of information.
  • Write a tentative thesis . It is a first draft that helps you organize your thoughts in a logical pattern. You use it as a base for your final statement.
  • Locate the thesis towards the end of your introduction paragraph.
  • Including counterclaims adds credibility to your statement.

Now let’s have a look at the types of essay thesis statements:

  • Evaluative theses are used in compare and contrast essays. They define one thing as better/worse than another thing.
  • A synthesis statement presents a new idea that stems from the summary of two or more sources.
  • A thesis for a literary analysis breaks down a piece of dramatic, prosaic, or poetic literature. You can focus on elements such as plot, characters, or tone.
  • Rhetorical analysis and its statement should concentrate on how words are used to persuade the audience.

Choose the type of thesis that corresponds to your assignment!

🔬 Research Paper Thesis Statement

Research papers dig deeper than essays. Therefore, the thesis has to reflect this quality. Here is how it’s done:

  • An analytical thesis statement highlights your topic’s individual components.
  • In an argumentative thesis , you state a claim and support it with evidence. It can contain your position or a suggestion.
  • An informative thesis sums up your topic in one concise definition.
  • Collect all the necessary information before you start working on your thesis.
  • Remember to keep your thesis precise.
  • Just like with essays, your statement belongs at the end of the introduction.
  • It’s normal to shift your perspective while writing. Be sure to rephrase your thesis accordingly.

🔊 Speech Thesis Statement

Speeches, too, need thesis statements. The crafting process differs from that of research papers and essays.

  • Decide whether your speech will persuade or inform the audience. Thus, you choose either a persuasive or an informative speech thesis statement.
  • The general purpose statement identifies your goal. Speeches can convince, inform, or entertain.
  • The specific purpose statement connects your topic with your objectives.
  • Due to the apparent health and environmental benefits and reduced production costs, the school should adopt an all-vegetarian lunch policy.

Now, let’s take a look at some samples. Here’s a thesis for a persuasive essay on racism and psychology:

Through its storytelling, music, and outstanding acting, Tony Kaye’s film American History X illustrates what draws young adults towards white supremacism. It can, therefore, be used to educate students on the subject.

This statement presents its arguments: storytelling, music, and performance. It also displays the author’s position and goal.

The next example is a thesis for a reflective essay for APUSH.

Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement, I can now attend university.

Since you’re talking about yourself, there are no wrong conclusions. Still, this is not a very good thesis example. It doesn’t establish a general direction and doesn’t provide enough information. Let’s try rephrasing it:

The success of the Civil Rights Movement has directly influenced my opportunities to receive a quality education as a black student in the US.

Much better! This thesis introduces the struggle for equality as a topic. Besides, it links personal benefits to historical events.

Finally, compare these two statements for a narrative essay on marriage:

  • Getting married was better than I expected.
  • I always thought marriage was an outdated institution, but I learned some valuable life lessons about responsibility once I got engaged.

For all its shortness, the first statement wouldn’t even make an exciting title. The second one indicates an exciting change and invites the reader to continue.

We hope this article was useful to you. And don’t forget: you can always use our thesis maker to give your creativity a boost.

The thesis is necessary for your paper's introduction and conclusion. Aim to preserve the meaning while changing the wording.

Below you'll find 5 helpful tips to restate your thesis statement.

  • Paraphrase the main idea . What is the key concept in your thesis? Start by rephrasing it.
  • Make it short . Avoid adding brand-new information or expanding the argument.
  • Don't lose the original meaning . Make sure to keep the clarity and focus of the original thesis.
  • Use transitional words . Adding some new transitions to make the thesis look different is a good idea.
  • Try the tool on this page . Use this thesis statement generator to restate your thesis.

📌 How Do You Find an Article’s Thesis?

📌 what is an open thesis, 📌 how do you restate a thesis, 📌 what is a claim in an essay.

Updated: Apr 5th, 2024

  • How to Write a Thesis Statement: Indiana University Bloomington
  • Developing a Thesis: Harvard College Writing Center
  • How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay: Bucks Community College
  • Informative Speeches: University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements: Purdue University

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  4. Kerala set general paper tentative answer key|kerala set paper 1 answer key 2024

  5. Best Lecture for writing Research, Thesis, Technical, or Term Paper by Prof. Dr. K. Mahbub Hassan

  6. ADRE Question Paper (Tentative)


  1. Tentative Thesis: Example, Definition, Step-By-Step Guide

    The tentative thesis statement summarizes the paper's main points and says the essay's necessity to the readers. The tentative claim is paramount to the essay, and without it, the paper will appear uncontrolled and inadequate. It's like a plane that is about to land on a runway without lights and a radar.

  2. How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper in 2024: Steps and

    How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Research Paper ...

  3. Tentative Thesis Statement

    In addition, you should review our thesis statement for research paper. Tips for Writing a Tentative Thesis Statement. Start Broad, Then Narrow Down: Begin with a general topic or idea and then narrow it down based on your research findings and assignment requirements. Stay Open-Minded: A tentative thesis is just that - tentative. Be willing ...

  4. How to Formulate a Tentative Thesis: Tips and Examples

    1. Guiding Your Research. With a tentative thesis in hand, you can approach your research with a clear purpose. You'll know which sources are relevant and which can be set aside, making your research process more efficient. 2. Structuring Your Argument. Your thesis also acts as the backbone of your paper.

  5. What is a Tentative Thesis and How to Write One? A Step-by-Step ...

    What Is a Tentative Thesis? A tentative thesis is a lengthy paper that involves a person's research paper written for a university degree, as Oxford Languages states. It is called a tentative thesis because the initial thesis statement is always unsure and may change upon further study. The idea of developing a tentative thesis statement is ...

  6. How to Write a Tentative Thesis: A Comprehensive Guide

    Write the Conclusion: Reinforcing Significance and Insights. As you approach the culmination of your research, the conclusion becomes a critical element. Summarize your key findings, reiterating your tentative thesis with emphasis. Reflect on the significance of your research within the broader academic context.

  7. Research Paper: A step-by-step guide: 3. Thesis Statement & Outline

    3. Thesis Statement & Outline - Research Paper: A step-by ...

  8. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

  9. Developing a Tentative Thesis

    Developing a Tentative Thesis. Developing a Tentative Thesis. The thesis statement of an essay is to your argument paper what the topic sentence is to the paragraph: a guide, a control--a single promise. It indicates the subject, the approach, and the limitations of your topic. It also suggests your position, your attitude, and a commitment to ...

  10. Developing a Thesis Statement

    A tentative thesis or hypothesis is more specific than the preliminary or open thesis, and it is particularly important for a research paper. After you have brainstormed, written a list of questions, arrived at an open thesis, and begun your research and reading, you will be prepared to write a focused question and then a tentative answer to ...

  11. PDF Ten Steps for Writing Research Papers

    TEN STEPS FOR WRITING RESEARCH PAPERS. There are ten steps involved in writing a research paper: Step 1: Select a subject Step 2: Narrow the topic Step 3: State the tentative objective (or thesis) Step 4: Form a preliminary bibliography Step 5: Prepare a working outline Step 6: Start taking notes Step 7: Outline the paper Step 8: Write a rough ...

  12. Developing a Tentative Thesis

    Developing a Tentative Thesis. The thesis statement of an essay is to your argument paper what the topic sentence is to the paragraph: a guide, a control--a single promise. It indicates the subject, the approach, and the limitations of your topic. It also suggests your position, your attitude, and a commitment to the subject.

  13. Tentative Thesis Guide (With Examples)

    Tentative Thesis Guide (With Examples)

  14. Creating a Thesis Statement, Thesis Statement Tips

    Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements - Purdue OWL

  15. How to Write a Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips

    Here are some basic guidelines for writing a thesis statement: Present your point of view in two sentences. Clearly indicate the logical progression of your research. Always take a case-by-case approach. Based on your research, you may also opt for a 3-part thesis statement. Clearly dictate your assertion on the topic.

  16. 25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze

    25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make ...

  17. Research Hypothesis: Definition, Types, Examples and Quick Tips

    Research Hypothesis: Definition, Types, Examples and ...

  18. 10 Research Question Examples to Guide your Research Project

    10 Research Question Examples to Guide your ...

  19. 15 Thesis Statement Examples for Research Papers to Inspire You

    15 Thesis Statement Examples for Research Papers. The examples I've included here are thesis statements for research papers. Because such papers are essentially informative and objective, the thesis statements are too. They don't necessarily take a stance or attempt to argue a position, but they can. I've also added a few links to example ...

  20. Tentative Thesis

    One can also define a tentative thesis as the pilot of the research paper whose main argument is solely the responsibility of you, the writer. The writer should, therefore, articulate it in an organized manner that is analyzed and reviewed befitting the related topic. Many students find it hard to intertwine between the objectives of the ...

  21. Thesis Generator

    Thesis Generator

  22. 113 Great Research Paper Topics

    113 Great Research Paper Topics

  23. Thesis Statement Generator: Free & Fast Tool

    Thesis Statement Generator: Free & Fast Online Tool