Python program to print alphabetical pattern – All

alphabetic symbol program in python assignment expert

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to print various alphabetic pattern in Python. Alphabetical (A-Z) pattern is a series of alphabet which forms a pattern or any shape like triangle, square, rhombus etc. These patterns are created with the help of nested for loop. To create the alphabetic pattern, you should know that how to convert the ASCII value into the ASCII character.

chr(): This function is used to convert the ASCII value into the ASCII character.

ASCII characters                                        ASCII value

A-Z                                                                                               [65-90] a-z                                                                                                [97-122] 0-9                                                                                                [48-57] Special symbols                                                         [0-47,58-64,91-96,123-127]          

Print Alphabetic Pattern 1: Python

  • During the first iteration of the outer loop, the i becomes 65 and it goes into the inner loop
  • The inner loop will work for the range(65,i+1) {i.e., (65,66), (65,67), (65,68), (65,69), (65, 70) for five consecutive iterations of the outer loop}
  • The inner loop will print the ASCII character of j by converting the ASCII value.
  • Print() takes the pointer in the next line.
  • The outer loop will continue until i become 69 till repeat all the above steps to print the pattern.

Print Alphabetic pattern 2: Python

This pattern is similar to the above pattern in working. The only difference is that, the inner loop is printing the ASCII character of i instead of j.

Alphabetical pattern 3:

This pattern is similar to the above pattern. The only difference is that, we are storing the value of i in a variable and printing that variable again and again by incrementing it side by side to form the pattern.

Alphabetic pattern 4:

This pattern is used when you have to print the specific string as a pattern.

  • The specific string is input in the str whose pattern is to be created.
  • Set the range of the outer and inner loop according to the string length.
  •  Print the str character as the pattern with the help of indexing using j.
  • Print() will takes the pointer in the next line. The first iteration is complete.
  • The outer loop will continue until i become 6 till repeat all the above steps to print the pattern.

Alphabetical pattern 5:

  • During the first iteration of the outer loop, then i has the value 65 and goes into the inner loop.
  • The inner loop will work for the range (i,64,-1) which means that it will work in the decrement order and print the pattern like this DCBA.
  • Print the j using chr() function to get the ASCII character.
  •  Print() will takes the pointer in the next line. The first iteration is complete.

Alphabetic pattern 6:

This pattern is called pyramid pattern. It has three inner loops.

  • Set a variable according to the white space of the left side of the pyramid.
  • The outer loop will work for the range (65,70).
  • Then it goes to the inner loop 1. This loop will print the white space. The white space will decrement line by line as the for loop range is set in negative.
  • The inner loop 2 will print the alphabetic pattern on the left side.    A AB ABC ABCD ABCDE
  • The inner loop 3 will print the pattern on the right side with the first line blank and other line has the alphabetic pattern. A AB ABC ABCD
  • By combining all the inner loops the pattern will be formed.

Alphabetical pattern 7:

  • The outer loop will continue until i become 69 untill repeat all the above steps to print the pattern.

Some more alphabetical patterns

Someone asked in a comment to print this pattern:

Here is the program:

Star(asterisk) pattern in Python

78 responses to “Python program to print alphabetical pattern – All”

pls tell me how to generate alpha pattern using any other option, not ascii values

You can generate the pattern without using Ascii values with the help of below code: from string import ascii_uppercase for i in range(1,7): print(“”. join(ascii_uppercase[:i])) The ascii_uppercase function from string package will convert the value of i into the capital alphabets. The ascii_uppercase contains the alphabets from [A-Z]. You, can also use the similar functions like ascii_lowercase that contains alphabets from [a-z]. Or ascii_letters function that contains alphabets from [a-zA-Z].

How to print this pattern ABCDE 1234 ABC 12 A

n=5 st=n for i in range(n): print(‘ ‘*(n-1-i),end=’ ‘) for j in range (st): if i%2==0: print(chr(65+j),end=’ ‘) else: print(j+1,end=’ ‘) st-=1 print()

user=int(input(“Enter the string: “)) ascii_value=65 for i in range(user): for j in range(user-i): print(chr(ascii_value+j),end=” “) print() for k in range(user-i): print(k+1,end=” “) print()

size = 5 for i in range(size): for j in range(1, size – i): print(” “, end=””) for k in range(i + 1): print(chr(65 + k), end=””) print()

Hey, How do you print this pattern?


for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if(i<j): print(chr(65+14+j), end=" ") else : print(chr(65+j), end=" ") print()

for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if(i<j): print(chr(65+14+j), end=" ") else: print(chr(65+j), end=" ") print(

plz print this pattern A BAB CBABC DCBABCD EDCBABCDE

for i in range(65,70): for j in range(i,64,-1): print(chr(j),end=” “) for n in range(66,i+1): print(chr(n),end=” “) print()

You can use this code to produce the above pattern: m=5 for i in range (65,70):     m=m-1     for j in range(m, 0,-1):         print(” “, end=””)     for k in range(i, 65, -1):         print(chr(k),end=””)     for n in range(65,i+1):         print(chr(n), end=””)     print()

U can use this code also n=5 For u in range(n): p=65 for j in range(i+1): print(chr(p+i), end=(” “)) p=66 for k in range(i) : print(chr(p), end=(” “)) p+=1 print()

How to generate this pattern ? ——–e——– ——e-d-e—— —-e-d-c-d-e—- –e-d-c-b-c-d-e– e-d-c-b-a-b-c-d-e –e-d-c-b-c-d-e– —-e-d-c-d-e—- ——e-d-e—— ——–e——–

1 1 D 1 D O 1 D O D 1 D O D O

can anyone help me in printing this pattern?

l=[1,’D’,’O’,’D’,’O’] for i in range(0,5): for j in l[0:i+1]: print (j,end=” “) print() Output:- 1 1 D 1 D O 1 D O D 1 D O D O

Help me to print this pattern a b c d e f g h i j

a=97 for i in range(4,0,-1): for j in range(97,97+i): print(chr(a),end=” “) a=a+1 print() Output:- a b c d e f g h i j

Input=2 B B B B A B B B B program for this?

Below Code will give you the required output x = int(input(“Enter Number Between 2 and 26 : “)) d = {} ch = 65 for i in range(1,27): d[i] = chr(ch) ch+=1 for i in range(1,4): for j in range(1,4): if i == 2 and j == 2: print(d[x-1],end=””) else: print(d[x],end=””) print()

for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if (i & j)==1: print(chr(65),end=””) else: print(chr(65+1),end=””) print () Output:- BBB BAB BBB

How do I encode A BC DEF GHIJ GHIJ DEF BC A in python

Below code will print above pattern: for i in range(0,4): for j in range(0,i+1): print(chr(k),end=””) k+=1 print() for i in range(4,0,-1): for j in range(i): print(chr(l),end=””) l+=1 print() l-=t t-=2

——–e——– ——e-d-e—— —-e-d-c-d-e—- –e-d-c-b-c-d-e– e-d-c-b-a-b-c-d-e –e-d-c-b-c-d-e– —-e-d-c-d-e—- ——e-d-e—— ——–e——–

n=int(input()) if n==0: print() elif n==1: print(‘a’) else: s=’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’ a=s[0:n][::-1] l=[] for i in range(n): b=a[0:i+1] c=list(b) c=’-‘.join(c) l.append(c) x=s[1:n][::-1] l1=[] for i in range(n): d=x[0:i][::-1] d=list(d) t=’-‘.join(d) t=’-‘+t l1.append(t) for i in range(n): print(l[i].rjust((n*2)-1,’-‘),end=”) print(l1[i].ljust((n * 2) – 2, ‘-‘)) l.reverse() l.remove(l[0]) l1.reverse() l1.remove(l1[0]) for i in range(n-1): print(l[i].rjust((n*2)-1,’-‘),end=”) print(l1[i].ljust((n * 2) – 2, ‘-‘))

If the output is: a Bc DeF gHiJ kLmNo Then the program is ?

a=65 for i in range(1,6): for j in range(0,i): print(chr(a),end=” “) a=a+1 print()

Arnab be like – kuch bhii… Today is my cs exam, so wanted to see patterns, very nice content.

Write a python program to print the following pattern: A B C D E F G H I J

Pls help me with this program A B C D E F G H I J

# Python3 code for triangular # patterns of alphabets if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

n = 5; for i in range(1, n + 1): for j in range(1, i + 1): print(chr(ord(‘A’) + j – 1), end = ” “);


# This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

pls help me for this pattern A B B C C D D E E D D C C B B A

Maam please help me in this pattern program. P P Y P Y T P Y T H P Y T H O P Y T H O N

str=[‘p’,’y’,’t’,’h’,’o’,’n’] for i in range(7): for j in range(0,i+1): print(str[j],end=” “) print()

val = “PYTHON” for i in range ( len ( val) ): print( val [: i+1]) print()

string=”PYTHON” i=0 for x in range(len(string)+1): print(string[i:x])

I know how to write a code for this pattern using for loop

string=”PYTHON” k=0 for x in range(len(string)+1): print(string[k:x])

str=[‘p’,’y’,’t’,’h’,’o’,’n’] for i in range(6): for j in range(0,i+1): print(str[j],end=” “) print()

how to reverse the alphabetic pattern no. 6 A ABA ABCAB ABCDABC ABCDEABCD in reverse piramid

n = 6 String(‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’) Output: A A B ABC ABCA ABCAB ABCABC

What is the code for this n = 6 String = [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’] OUTPUT: A AB ABC ABCA ABCAB ABCABC

For pattern like A B B C C D D E E D D C C B B A

mam plz help me to print this pattern A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

How do you print this – A B B C C C D D D D E E E E E

plzz print this pattern A AB ABC ABCD ABCDE using def function

how to print this

1 12A 123BA 1234CBA for 10 rows like this

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z How to get this pattern

a=96 for i in range(0,7): for j in range(0,4): a=a+1 if (a==123)or (a==124): continue print (chr(a),end=” “) print(”)

Plzz print this d ade gadee agadees jagadeesh

Do help in printing this pattern A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U

a= 65 for i in range(0, 7): for j in range(0, i + 1): char= chr(a) print(char, end=’ ‘) alfa+= 1 print(” “)

for i in range(0,6): for j in range(0,i+1): print(chr(a),end=” “) a = a+1 print()

A A&B A&B&C A&B&C&D A&B&C&D&E python code for this pattern

Help to print A A&B A&B&C A&B&C&D

P R O G R A M P R 0 G R A M P R 0 G R A M P R 0 G R A M

please print this in python H H H H H H H

Right down mirror alpha Pattern: ABCDE ABCD ABC AB A


alphabets=’a,b,c,d,e,f’ string_list = alphabets.split(‘,’) for i in range(0,6): print(string_list[i:])

K N K E I N K E S R I N K E S H Plz solve it !!

Please teach me how to do this code: ABCD DEFG GHIJ JKLM

x=65 for i in range (4): for j in range (x, x+4): print (chr(j), end=””) print () x+=3



a=’a,b,c,d,e’ s=a.split(‘,’) for i in range(0,6): print(s[i:]) ANSWER:——- [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’] [‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’] [‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’] [‘d’, ‘e’] [‘e’] []

Hey, how do we print this


From number 3 question to print: APQR ABQR ABCR ABCD for i in range(4): for j in range(4): if i < j: print(chr(65 + 14 + j), end=" ") else: print(chr(65+j), end=" ") print()

how to get this program in python using a for loop i cant get it to be A one the first line and then BC on the second and so fourth i keep getting A, AB, ABC instead A BC DEF GHIJ python3?

How to print the pattern W XW YYX ZZZY

I Need A Program To Print Text In Rows And Cols Based On Occurance Of Character This Is The Give Word “pppppeeeeaabbbxxxxxk” The Expcted OutPut Is k aa bbb eeee ppppp xxxxxx

Write a program to print the below Pyramid Input: 4 W XW YYX ZZZY Input: 5 V WV XXW YYYX ZZZZY

A B C D E F G H I F G D E B C A Try to write a code to print this pattern using python

I have updated the blog and solve your alphabetical pattern. Check it.


Can u pls write a code to print this pattern using python

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P how do you print this pattern?

—-A —B-C –D–E -F—G HIJKLMNO how do you print this?

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Alphabet Pattern Programs in Python

  • Post author: Shailendra Bramhvanshi
  • Post published: 12/07/2021
  • Post category: Learn Python Programming / Programming Language

Alphabet pattern programs are very important in logical building programs for Python developers. These projects improve the thinking power of the learner developers to tackle a given issue. A pattern program consists of patterns of numbers, letters, and symbols in a particular form. In the programming language, the loop condition is considered important for printing patterns. In this article, you will learn Alphabet pattern programs using Python.

Alphabet pattern programs need an ASCII code to print letters. Like, chr(65) function will return the letter ‘A’, chr(66) function will return letter ‘B’ and so on. Here, we have used nested loop conditions in alphabet patterns and shape-building programs.

In Python, a for loop is used to print the various patterns. 

  • The outer loop prints the number of rows.
  • The inner loops print the number of columns.
  • The variable is to print white space according to the required place in Python.

For all the practice Videos and Explanations on Python, please click over here. Python Practice Series.

Table of Contents

Video Explanation of Alphabet pattern in Python

Program to Print Alphabet pattern in Python

Method 1: alphabet pyramid pattern i, source code:, code explanation method 1: alphabet pyramid pattern i.

The above program is pretty straightforward. We have used the chr function to print the alphabet. chr(): This function is used to convert the ASCII value into the ASCII character.

ASCII Characters & ASCII Value

A-Z –> [65-90]

a-z –> [97-122]

0-9 –> [48-57]

Special symbols –>  [0-47,58-64,91-96,123-127]

In this for loop, we have i as the counter of the loop, and this loop will run from 65 to 70. Inside of the for loop, we have another for loop, the outer loop is worked for rows of the pyramid, and this loop is responsible for printing alphabets. During the first iteration of the outer loop, i becomes 65, and it goes into the inner loop.

The inner loop will work for the range(65,i+1). i.e., range(65,66), range(65,67), range(65,68), range(65,69), range(65, 70) for five consecutive iterations of the outer loop. The inner loop will print the ASCII character of j by converting the ASCII value. And we have used end statements to keep on printing on the same line.

Print() takes the pointer in the next line. The outer loop will continue until I become 69 till I repeat all the above steps to print the pattern.

Method 2: Alphabet Pyramid Pattern I I

Source code:, code explanation method 2: alphabet pyramid pattern i i.

This pattern is similar to the above pattern in working. The only difference is that the inner loop is printing the ASCII character of i instead of j. In this for loop, we have i as the counter of the loop, and this loop will run from 65 to 70. This loop is responsible for printing rows. Inside for loop, we have another for loop which will print alphabets with the help of the chr function of python.

So the inner loop has j as a counter, and this loop will also start from 65 to i+1, because if we have defined a range from 1 to 5 then the loop will run from only 4 times as the range function opt-out the last number.

If you see, we want to print the same alphabet on a single line like A on first, on second line B for 2 times, and so on. To handle this, we will make a change in a print statement instead of j we will print i, so for the first iteration program will print A. The second program will print BB and so on.

Method 3: Alphabet Pyramid Pattern I II

Code explanation method 3: alphabet pyramid pattern i i i.

In this program, we will take user input and store it into an str variable. In the next line, we have a for loop which is responsible for printing rows, and it will start from 0 and run till the length of the str, for we have used the len() function of the python. Inside for loop, we have another for loop which will print the single letter on a single line, and keep on increasing as per the new row.

This for loop will run from 0 to i+1, and inside for loop, we have a print statement that will print the jth index of str. In the case of the first iteration, the inner loop will run from 0 to 1 hence N will be printed. Then at the time of the second iteration loop will run from 0 to 2, so Ne will print and so on.

Method 4: Alphabet Pyramid Pattern I V

Code explanation method 4: alphabet pyramid pattern i v.

Let’s understand how this program works; as you see, we have two for loops in every program. One is used for printing rows, and another is used for printing columns or the alphabet. The outer loop will run 5 times as its range is specified from 65 to 70. This means the loop will run till i is less than 70.

Inside of this for loop, we have another for loop which has j as counter and in range; if you see, we have 3 parameters first is initialization, second is condition, and 3rd is steps or increment or decrement. In all the above programs, we have an incrementing loop, but in this, we have used a decrementing loop just because we have to print reverse alphabets.

So this loop will start from the value of i it will run till j value is greater than 64, and the print statement is used to print the string. During the first iteration of the outer loop, then i have the value 65 and go into the inner loop.

The inner loop will work for the range (i,64,-1), which means that it will work in the decrement order and print the pattern like this DCBA. Print the j using chr() function to get the ASCII character. Print() will take the pointer in the next line. The first iteration is complete. The outer loop will continue until I become 69 till I repeat all the above steps to print the pattern.

About The Author

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Shailendra Bramhvanshi

Shailendra Bramhvanshi, Founder at Techaroha Solutions Private Limited and CEO at Newtum Solutions Private Limited. BlockChain Experts with 12 years of IT Experience in of all aspects of running Organization and Project Management. I have created different coins to help the business to bring more trust. Recently deployed a stable coin in India TrueINR and working on few cryptocurrency exchanges. My Team is being rated as a top 10 blockchain service provider in India by Silicon India

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Alphabet pattern programs in Python

In this post, you will learn how to print various alphabetic patterns using the Python programming language.

An alphabetical pattern is a series of alphabet (A-Z) that form a pattern or any shape like a pyramid, triangle, square, rhombus, etc. The alphabet pattern programs are very important for new developers. It improves thinking power and logical building ability in computer programming.

A pattern program consists of patterns of numbers, letters, and symbols in a particular form. In the programming language, the loop condition is considered important for printing patterns. Generally, nested loops may be used in alphabet patterns and shape printing programs.

The alphabet pattern programs need an ASCII code to print a letter. Like, the chr(65) function will return the letter 'A', the chr(66) function will return the letter 'B', and so on. Here, we have used nested loop conditions in the alphabet pattern and shape-building programs.

Alphabet Pattern Program 1

Suppose someone asks you to print the following pattern using the Python for loop.

The solution is as follows. In this alphabetic pattern program, we have used two nested for loops. As we know, 65 is the ASCII code of the letter 'A' and 69 is the ASCII code of the letter 'E'. The outer for loop works in the range(65,70) to print only 5 lines of alphabet. The inner for loop is responsible for printing the alphabets in each row. In the first iteration, it will print the value of chr(j) where j is 65, thus the letter 'A' is printed, and similarly, it will print the whole pattern.

Alphabet Pattern Program 2

Suppose we have to print repeated alphabet patterns of up to five rows, as shown below.

The Python programming solution to the above pattern is as follows. This alphabetic pattern program uses nested for loops. The inner for loop prints chr(i) . As a result, only ' A ' is printed in the first row, and chr(i) prints ' B ' twice in the second row, and so on.

Alphabet pattern program 3

The alphabet pattern program of the given pattern is-

Alphabet pattern program 4

The alphabet pyramid pattern program is -

Alphabet pattern program 5

The alphabet pattern program in shape of right reverse triangle -

Alphabet pattern program 6

Suppose, someone asks you to print an alphabet pattern program in the reverse shape of 'M' as shown below.

The code will be as follows -

Alphabet pattern program 7

Suppose someone asks you to print a diamond alphabet pattern made up of 'A' up to a specified number of lines, like this-

The code will be as follows-

Alphabet pattern program 8

Suppose someone asks you to print an alphabet pattern program as shown below.

Alphabet pattern program 9

Alphabet pattern program 10, alphabet pattern program 11, alphabet pattern program 12.

Suppose someone asks you to print an alphabet pattern program in a triangle shape, as shown below.

Alphabet pattern program 13

Suppose someone asks you to print an alphabet square pattern program as shown below.

Alphabet pattern program 14

Suppose someone asks you to print an alphabet diamond pattern program as shown below.

Alphabet pattern program 15

Suppose someone asks you to print the specific string 'PRISKA' as a pattern.

Alphabet pattern program 16

Suppose someone asks you to print the pattern in decreasing order like this-

Alphabet pattern program 17

Suppose someone asks you to print an alphabet pattern program in reverse triangle shape as shown below.

Alphabet pattern program 18

Suppose someone asks you to print a hollow triangle alphabet pattern as shown below.

Alphabet pattern program 19

Suppose someone asks you to print hourglass pattern as shown below.

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Alphabet Pattern Programs In Python

From the last article, we know about pattern programs and star pattern programs. Now in this article, we are going to see alphabet pattern programs in python with code and explanations.

Alphabet Pattern

An alphabet pattern is a pattern made up of alphabets (A-Z or a-z). The pattern made from the alphabet can be geometrical shapes like square, triangle, pyramid, diamond, etc, or non-geometrical shapes like heart, star, etc.

Let us see some examples of alphabet patterns in python.

alphabet pattern example

Apart from the patterns shown in the above image, there can be other countless alphabet patterns programs. All you need is a little imagination.

Print A to Z in Python using for loop

Before we go further in creating the patterns first let's see how to loop through the alphabet in python.

As you know every character has an ASCII value. For example, A has an ASCII value of 65 and Z has an ASCII value of 90.

We are going to use these values and loop from 65 to 90, then convert the number value to the character and print it. To convert the ASCII value to the character we can use the chr() function.

Let us see an example in action.

Now we know how to loop through the alphabet in python. Let's now create patterns.

1. Square Alphabet Pattern in Python

Alphabet patterns with the same shape can have different types of character filling. Like for square pattern we can have every next character changing, character changing only in a row, character changing only in a column, etc. See the image below.

types of alphabet pattern

Let us create all of the above square patterns one by one.

# Square pattern 1

In the above pattern, we have 5 rows and 5 columns and the character is changing every next time.

To create this simply create 2 nested for loops where the outer loop repeats a row and the internal loop prints the character in a column.

To change the character in every iteration you can set a counter and increment it by 1 every time in the inner loop.

# Square pattern 2

This pattern is the same as the pattern discussed above but the character is not changing every next time but changing only in a new row.

To achieve this you can use the iterator value of external loop (i) and add it to 65 and convert it to the character. Since the iterator value of the external loop changes only in a new row, so we can use it here.

# Square pattern 3

You can see in this pattern character is changing throughout the row but reset to A after every row.

This can be achieved by using the iterator value of the internal loop and adding it to 65 and convert it to the character.

2. Left Triangle Alphabet Pattern in Python

The left triangle pattern is a pattern in the shape of a triangle created using alphabets.

To create this pattern we need to use nested for loop and print the character in a row.

Here is the complete code.

3. Right triangle Pattern

You can see above how the right triangle alphabet pattern looks like.

You can see there is a space at the beginning of every row. So we will have to deal with spaces too.

Create 2 nested loops where the external loop will run an internal loop for the size of the pattern. There will be 2 internal loops first one will print spaces and the other will print the character.

4. Hollow triangle alphabet Pattern

The hollow triangle pattern is a bit complex to create because of the spaces in the pattern.

To create this you can create 2 nested loops where the internal loop will check if it is the first and the last position of the row then print character else print spaces and if it is the last row then print only characters.

The complete code for this is given below.

5. Pyramid Alphabet Pattern in Python

The pyramid pattern is quite a famous pattern you will see this even in programming challenges.

You can see the pattern above has an odd number of alphabets in each row 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.

There will be 2 loops where the first loop will print spaces and the second loop will print the 2n + 1 alphabets.

6. Hollow pyramid pattern

The hollow pyramid pattern is a little bit tricky to create.

See the code below the first internal loop prints spaces and the second loop checks if it is the first or last position of the row then prints the character and if its the last row then prints only characters.

7. Reverse pyramid pattern

The reverse pyramid pattern is equivalent to a pyramid pattern but upside down. See the pattern up there.

This is very simple to create see the complete code below.

8. Diamond pattern

The diamond pattern when observed carefully you will see is made up of 2 parts, the first part is the same as the pyramid pattern and the second part is the same as the reverse pyramid pattern.

So to create this you can run 2 sets of loops that print the upward and downward parts of the pattern.

Here is the complete code to create this pattern.

9. Hourglass pattern in python

The hourglass pattern is the shape of an hourglass. You can replicate the pattern by cutting the diamond pattern in half and then mirroring it.

So code is quite similar with just a few tricky changes.

10. Right pascal triangle pattern

You can see the right pascal triangle pattern shown here. Studying all the above patterns you can recognize the structure pattern and how to create it.

Here is the complete code for this pattern.

11. Heart pattern in python

The heart pattern can be created using alphabets and spaces. It is a bit complex to create this pattern.

You can see the complete code of heart pattern below.

You have learned to create many different types of alphabet patterns in python. Based on the experience now you can create your own patterns.

If you want to learn more about creating patterns you can see pattern programs in python .

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Assignment Operators in Python

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Operators are used to perform operations on values and variables. These are the special symbols that carry out arithmetic, logical, bitwise computations. The value the operator operates on is known as Operand .

Here, we will cover Assignment Operators in Python. So, Assignment Operators are used to assigning values to variables. 

Now Let’s see each Assignment Operator one by one.

1) Assign: This operator is used to assign the value of the right side of the expression to the left side operand.

2) Add and Assign: This operator is used to add the right side operand with the left side operand and then assigning the result to the left operand.


3) Subtract and Assign: This operator is used to subtract the right operand from the left operand and then assigning the result to the left operand.

Example –

 4) Multiply and Assign: This operator is used to multiply the right operand with the left operand and then assigning the result to the left operand.

 5) Divide and Assign: This operator is used to divide the left operand with the right operand and then assigning the result to the left operand.

 6) Modulus and Assign: This operator is used to take the modulus using the left and the right operands and then assigning the result to the left operand.

7) Divide (floor) and Assign: This operator is used to divide the left operand with the right operand and then assigning the result(floor) to the left operand.

 8) Exponent and Assign: This operator is used to calculate the exponent(raise power) value using operands and then assigning the result to the left operand.

9) Bitwise AND and Assign: This operator is used to perform Bitwise AND on both operands and then assigning the result to the left operand.

10) Bitwise OR and Assign: This operator is used to perform Bitwise OR on the operands and then assigning result to the left operand.

11) Bitwise XOR and Assign:  This operator is used to perform Bitwise XOR on the operands and then assigning result to the left operand.

12) Bitwise Right Shift and Assign: This operator is used to perform Bitwise right shift on the operands and then assigning result to the left operand.

 13) Bitwise Left Shift and Assign:  This operator is used to perform Bitwise left shift on the operands and then assigning result to the left operand.

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How to generate a hollow diamond pattern using letters in Python

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This shot will discuss how to generate a hollow diamond pattern using letters of the alphabet in Python.

Numerous patterns can be printed using Python once we have a firm grip over the loops concepts. Here we will be using simple for loops to generate a hollow diamond pattern using letters of the alphabet in Python.


To execute a diamond pattern using Python programming, we will be using 2 outer for loops, one for the upper triangle and the other for the lower triangle, and 4 nested loops to print the pattern.

Let’s have a look at the code.


In line 2, we take the input for the number of rows (i.e., the length of one side of the diamond).

In lines 5-14, we create a for loop to generate the upper triangle.

In line 5, we create a for loop to handle the number of rows.

In lines 6-7, we create a for loop to handle the number of spaces.

In lines 8 to 14, we create a for loop to print the patterns.

  • ch is used to create letters from numbers by using the iterative value of i and the concept of ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange conversion. The starting value 64 + (i=1) has been used as ASCII value of A (starting the diamond is 65).
  • j==1 creates the left arm of the triangle.
  • j==2*i-1 creates the right arm of the triangle.
  • The end statement is used to stay on the same line.
  • The print() statement is used to move to the next line.

In lines 17-26, we create a for loop to generate the lower triangle.

In line 17, we create a for loop to handle the number of rows.

In lines 18-19, we create a for loop to handle the number of spaces.

In lines 20-26, we create a for loop to print the patterns.

  • ch is used to create letters from numbers by using the iterative value of i and the concept of ASCII conversion. The starting value 64 + (i=1) , has been used as ASCII value of A (starting the diamond is 65).



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Answer to Question #176600 in Python for adhi chinna

Sandglass Star

Given an integer N, write a program to print the sandglass star pattern, similar to the pattern shown below.

The input will be a single line containing a positive integer (N).Output

The output should contain the asterisk(*) characters in the sandglass star pattern.

Note: There is a space after each asterisk(*) character.Explanation

For example, if the given number is 5, the pattern should contain 9 rows and 9 columns as shown below.

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Dear Navya post a new task

please help in solving below programs. 1.Alphabetic Symbol Write a program to print the right alphabetic triangle up to the given N rows. Input The input will be a single line containing a positive integer (N). Output The output should be N rows with letters. Note: There is a space after each letter. Explanation For example, if the given number of rows is 4, your code should print the following pattern.

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