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Why my dog is my therapist: how pets can reduce stress & improve mental health .

pets can reduce stress and improve mental health

We all go through periods in our life where we feel less than stellar. Whether you’ve experienced job loss, a breakup or another transition that’s impacted your mental health, it’s tough feeling unmotivated, sad, or otherwise blah . In addition to seeing your doctor, getting plenty of sleep and water and booking a therapy appointment, you can also turn to an emotional support buddy who will never let you down — your dog. While being a pet owner requires a certain level of responsibility — both financial and emotional — being a pet parent can bring you so much joy and relaxation, you may actually live a longer life . 

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Here’s a look at how pets can help reduce anxiety and loneliness, and bring so much love to our lives: 

Dogs provide much-needed cuddles 

Think about your motivation to adopt a furry pup or kitten: was it to have a creature who woke you up at 3 a.m. purring loudly or barking at the wind? Probably not. Most people look forward to cuddling with their pet, and physical touch alone is a tremendous stress reliever, explains Dr. Whitney Miller, DVM, MBA, DACVPM, the chief veterinarian at PetCo . 

As she explains, studies indicate that holding and petting an animal can stimulate oxytocin—the ‘love hormone’—which creates a calming effect that can combat anxiety by inhibiting the production of the stress hormone cortisol. “Additionally, cuddling can stimulate the release of dopamine and serotonin, which can help to combat depression,” she says. “All these benefits are a great reason to give your pet a big hug on a stressful day.”

They make you feel less alone 

There are many ways your home may suddenly feel empty: your oldest child left for college, or a relationship you thought was forever ended in separation. A dog or cat can become a much-needed and valued companion if you’re going through a period of loneliness. “Whether you’re playing with or talking to your pet, you’re creating a connection,” explains psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. When you return to your home from work (or a simple outing to the grocery store), coming home to an animal who is excited to see you will bring energy, noise and life to your space. 

Dogs provide a consistent routine 

When you’re depressed, you may struggle to open your front door. And sometimes, even leave the comfort of your bed. Though giving ourselves grace to embrace our emotions is essential for healing, so is action. Dr. Miller says that pups need 20 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise twice a day, which can encourage pet parents to get up and out and breathe some fresh air. 

“Pet parents are significantly more likely to get outside and exercise themselves—two activities that we all know are effective at reducing stress and improving mental health,” she says. “This responsibility can provide a sense of purpose for pet parents when they need an external reason to get out of bed or return home to take care of their pet,” she says. 

They make you laugh 

When our mental health is suffering, we tend to get into negative cycles of obsessive worry, fretting or anticipating the worst. This means we may feel trapped within our heads and unable to be present. One surefire way to bring you back to the moment is via your pet, whose sweet face and silly antics will always make you giggle. And as the saying goes, laughter is terrific (and free!) medicine, says Amanda Farah, a national training and behavior coordinator at Best Friends Animal Society .

“If there’s any doubt about our fascination with dogs and the funny things they do, just click around on any social media site and look at the sheer number of dog videos and how many views they have,” she continues. “Watching dogs do silly things, or clever things, or just about anything, brings us joy. Imagine how much better it is to watch it all happen to live in your own living room.”

Dogs require you to put their needs first 

When you’re struggling with your mental health, you may be hyper-fixated on the issues and problems that you’re facing. But when you adopt a pet, you’re responsible for caring for something other than yourself, says Alyssa Mairanz, LMHC, CDBT, a licensed therapist and the founder and executive director of Empower Your Mind Therapy . This can give you a confidence boost and encourage you to think beyond the confines of your brain—all positive habits to improve mental health. 

This means that in addition to daily walks, you’ll need to make sure your pet is cared for in all ways: with a comfy bed, good food, and pet insurance to make sure that you can afford the best care for them, no matter what happens in your life together. After all, what better mental health boost could there be than to know you and your sweet animal can grow old together? Consider pet insurance as just one small way to thank them for rescuing you, too. 🙂 


  • Why I Got Pet Insurance (And Why You Should Consider It, Too)
  • The Financial Checklist for Your First Dog or Cat
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How Owning a Pet Can Reduce Stress

Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

my dog is my stress reliever essay brainly

Sean is a fact-checker and researcher with experience in sociology, field research, and data analytics.

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Cavan Images / Getty Images

How Animals Provide Stress Relief

Pets vs. people, best stress relief animals, your pet can benefit, too, at a glance.

Coming home from work to a lovable pet can be a source of joy. Evidence also shows that animals can be great for stress relief and mental well-being. Some of the critical ways that animals can help with stress include:

  • Reducing work-related stress
  • Increase physical activity
  • Promoting feelings of belongingness
  • Reducing feelings of anxiety
  • Offering companionship and support
  • Providing a sense of purpose

Pets are more than friendly companions; research has shown that animals can actually help with stress relief. Getting a new best animal friend can also have many stress-relieving and health benefits.

In a recent Verywell Mind survey , we found that 47% of Americans currently in therapy say they also spend time with pets to help with their mental health. Among the most popular mental self-care activities named by respondents, this was second only to reading.

We spoke to Jenna Stregowski, Registered Vet Tech (RVT) and a Pet Health & Behavior Editor at Daily Paws for some insight into how the human and pet relationship can be mutually beneficial and promote the mental health of our furry friends as well as ourselves.

Research shows that, unless you’re someone who really dislikes animals or is absolutely too busy to care for one properly, pets can provide excellent social support, stress relief, and other health benefits—perhaps more than people.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, these effects took on an even greater importance as people became more isolated from others. "I think those of us with pets were the lucky ones," Stregowski says.

She adds that when the world changed and many found themselves with a lot more time at home, it benefited both humans and animals alike. "People had more time to provide exercise, play, and training, all of which help reinforce the human-animal bond," she says. The added time together was good for us—and good for our pets.

The following are more health benefits of pets.

Improve Mood

For those who love animals, it’s virtually impossible to stay in a bad mood when a pair of loving puppy eyes meets yours, or when a super-soft cat rubs up against your hand. In addition to the social support, stress relief, and general health benefits pets can bring, research supports the mood-enhancing benefits of pets.

A 2017 study found that those with AIDS were less likely to experience depression if they owned a pet.

Reduce Blood Pressure

Yes, it’s true. While ACE inhibiting drugs can generally reduce blood pressure, they aren’t as effective in controlling spikes in blood pressure due to stress and tension.

Research has concluded since the mid-1980's that there are positive physiological effects, especially lowered blood pressure, to petting dogs and social interaction with companion animals. Touch, the actual act of petting the dog, appeared to be the major component of the so-called pet effect.  

Encourage Exercise

Whether we walk our dogs because they need it, or are more likely to enjoy a walk when we have companionship, dog owners do spend more time walking than non-pet owners, at least if we live in an urban setting.

Most people with dogs will likely tell you that they enjoy their walks more because of the companionship of their pets, and perhaps even the feeling of being part of a community of other pet lovers.

Because exercise is good for stress management and overall health, owning a dog can be credited with increasing these benefits.

And as Stregowski notes, regular exercise is great for your pets too.

Provide Social Support

When we’re out walking, having a dog with us can make us more approachable and give people a reason to stop and talk, thereby increasing the number of people we meet, giving us an opportunity to increase our network of friends and acquaintances, which also has great stress management benefits.

Offer Company and Unconditional Love

Pets can be there for you in ways that people can’t. They can offer love and companionship, and can also enjoy comfortable silences, keep secrets, and are excellent snugglers. And they could be the best antidote to loneliness.

"I believe that pets help fulfill our human need for companionship, love, and physical touch," Stregowski says. "Animals are not burdened with the complexities of human living and offer us some respite from our worldly concerns, like work and finances."

In fact, one study found that nursing home residents reported less loneliness when visited by dogs alone than when they spent time with dogs and other people.  All these benefits can reduce the amount of stress people experience in response to feelings of social isolation and lack of social support from people.

Press Play for Advice On Dealing With Loneliness

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast , featuring singer/songwriter Grace Gaustad, shares how to deal with feelings of loneliness. Click below to listen now.

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While we all know the power of talking about your problems with a good friend who’s also a good listener , research shows that spending time with a pet may be even better.

One study showed that, when conducting a task that’s stressful, people actually experienced less stress when their pets were with them than when a supportive friend or even their spouse was present.   This may be partially due to the fact that pets don’t judge us; they just love us.

While dogs and cats are obviously the most popular house pet, Stregowski says she has seen all kinds of pets that enrich the lives of their people, including reptiles and even rats.

"Even looking at fish in an aquarium can be a type of meditation," she says.

Jenna Stregowski, RVT

In general, I believe that bonding with animals can provide humans a connection to nature and an overall sense of peace.

So even if your pet friends aren't exactly as furry or as Instagram-friendly as cats and dogs, you can still reap the benefits of caring for an animal.

With the rise in remote or flexible work in the wake of the pandemic, many people will continue to have extra time with their pets that they didn't have before. This should allow for continued engagement that can keep a pet happy and healthy.

But for essential workers or those who are back in an office setting more regularly, Stregowski says it's important to set and stick to a routine through what may be a difficult time for your pet.

"Include daily time for exercise, play, and snuggle time if that's something your pet enjoys," she says. "Plan a few brief training sessions a week to keep your pet sharp. You might also consider leaving interactive or treat-dispensing toys behind for your pets."

Stregowski says mental health is just as important for our pets as it is for us.

Our pets may not have the same complex thoughts and emotions, but they can easily experience anxiety and depression.

Because most animals aren't traditionally suited for a sedentary lifestyle, it's on us to make sure they don't get bored or frustrated.

Her solution—"Play games your pet enjoys in order to provide mental and physical activity. It will be fun for you too."

What This Means For You

It’s important to realize that owning a pet isn’t for everyone. Pets do come with additional work and responsibility, which can bring its own stress. However, for most people, the benefits of having a pet outweigh the drawbacks. Having a furry best friend can reduce stress in your life and bring you support when times get tough.

American Heart Association. 5 ways pets help with stress and mental health .

Friedman E, Krause-Parello CA. Companion animals and human health: benefits, challenges, and the road ahead for human-animal interaction . Rev Sci Tech. 2018 Apr;37(1):71-82. doi: 10.20506/rst.37.1.2741

Muldoon AL, Kuhns LM, Supple J, Jacobson KC, Garofalo R. A Web-Based Study of Dog Ownership and Depression Among People Living With HIV . JMIR Ment Health . 2017;4(4):e53. doi:10.2196/mental.8180

Schreiner PJ. Emerging Cardiovascular Risk Research: Impact of Pets on Cardiovascular Risk Prevention . Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep . 2016;10(2):8. doi:10.1007/s12170-016-0489-2

Cherniack EP, Cherniack AR. The benefit of pets and animal-assisted therapy to the health of older individuals .  Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res . 2014;2014:623203. doi:10.1155/2014/623203

Banks MR, Banks WA. The Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Loneliness in an Elderly Population in Long-Term Care Facilities . J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2002;57(7):M428-32. doi:10.1093/gerona/57.7.m428

Allen K, Blascovich J, Mendes WB. Cardiovascular reactivity and the presence of pets, friends, and spouses: The truth about cats and dogs . Psychosomatic Medicine. 2002;64(5):727-739.  doi:10.1097/01.psy.0000024236.11538.41

National Institutes of Health. The power of pets . NIH News in Health.

Beetz A, Uvnäs-Moberg K, Julius H, Kotrschal K. Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: the possible role of oxytocin .  Front Psychol . 2012;3:234. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00234

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.


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How dogs relieve stress


Any pet owner can probably attest to how having a pet impacts your mental wellbeing. It’s widely known that pets can ease anxiety and stress , but it’s not as simple as just being happy because you’re cuddling with your dog. There’s real science to back it up, and the idea is no longer just speculation among animal lovers.

What is stress?

We often talk about stress, but what is it, exactly? In simple terms, stress is what we feel when we’re in danger ― a useful emotion, right? The thing is, though, that things aren’t quite as dangerous these days as they used to be. We’re not being chased by predators on a regular basis, for instance, and finding shelter and food is rarely an issue. But that doesn’t mean those responses and instincts go away. Instead, we react with stress to things like running late for the bus, not knowing what to cook tonight, or falling behind on work. In comparison, these troubles can seem rather trivial ― but our brains don’t know that. So, our brains will react the same way.

“Stress” is basically a pretty overarching term for mental health issues commonly seen today, but some are a little more specific. Anxiety is essentially the brain thinking harmless things are dangerous, whether concrete or abstract, which in turn puts the person on high-alert at all times. Depression creates a sense of apathy, lack of motivation, and can lead to deep spirals of feelings like hopelessness, failure, and sadness. Paranoia, compulsive thoughts and behaviors ― the list goes on. All of these conditions increase stress levels significantly, and people with existing mental health issues will be more susceptible to its effects than others. Especially when the world at large is going through big, troubling things, even the most unbothered people can get stressed and anxious. It can be quite exhausting.

When we are stressed , the hormone known as cortisol is released. Too much of it, and over longer periods of time, can lead to high blood pressure, which in turn can lead to high cholesterol and hypertension. This is where the magic of pets comes in.

Dog-human cooperation and evolution

An interesting thing about dogs in particular is their relationship with humans. Dogs are genetically predisposed to work with humans, to like us and trust us, and this is the result of millennia of evolution and breeding . They are unique in this way; dogs want to work with humans, specifically, more so than any other animal. It’s no wonder that they’re always there for us, always listening and paying attention, always ready to step in and offer whatever comfort or help we might need. And they do a great job, too.

Dogs are highly attuned to humans, due to our shared evolution and long history. We’ve all had moments when we’ve been sad or upset, and it’s like our dogs just know . They’ll make every effort to comfort and support, and it always somehow, magically, works. Whether it’s work, hunting, or just companionship, dogs offer a unique kind of relationship and easing of stress.

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How does it work?

So, how do dogs ease stress, and its related emotions? Well, there is the psychological aspect of it ― we just naturally like animals, and especially dogs. We work well with them, and enjoy focusing on them and their behavior. Many studies have shown a significant drop in blood pressure when cuddling with a dog, both in the moment and in the long term; just three months of fostering a dog can change things for the better. One study in particular divided participants into three groups; one group had a pet close by, another was asked to think about a pet, and the third had no involvement with pets at all. The first two groups fared significantly better in terms of blood pressure and confidence. The conclusion was that having a pet nearby can make a marked difference in one’s wellbeing. Even just thinking about your pet can do the trick.

Aside from the psychological side of it, there’s the matter of healthy habits. A dog not only requires us to go outside a few times a day, but makes us want to. A dog is dependent on their human making sure they stay fed and watered, happy and entertained, and that they get their regular dose of exercise and tree-sniffing. Going outside means that we get exercise, too, as well as fresh air and some sunlight. This, in turn, also improves our cardiovascular health , which in turn improves our mental health.

Emotional support and stability

The term “ emotional support animal ” has become widely used in the past few years, and the designation is pretty self-explanatory. An ESA ― in this case, dogs in particular ― provides a sense of stability and support. Sometimes, just having an anchor in the form of a dog, and their unconditional love and patience, can be enough to keep someone from spiraling into anxiety and obsessive thoughts. In times of crisis, this is more important than ever.

Dogs also just make us feel less lonely; even if your companion can’t hold a conversation with you, it’s a lot nicer to have their company than to sit alone. Humans are social beings, and loneliness is actually a very common source of stress. Dogs, like other pets, help remedy this, which in turn can inspire us to be more social and open toward other humans, too. They satisfy some of our need for physical touch and closeness, which is a huge component in relieving stress and feeling joy. This is especially important for those who live alone. Lastly, pets make us laugh ― your life will definitely be fuller if you spend your time laughing at all the ridiculous stuff your dog gets up to.

Some dogs are better suited for this kind of thing ― i.e. calmer, less demanding breeds, generally speaking. Breeds like the American Staffordshire Terrier , the Golden Retriever, and the Maltese are all excellent in their own ways when it comes to providing some soothing stability. Their friendly natures and social personalities make them ideal for cuddling on the couch when you’re having a hard time, but they’ll also gently prompt you to provide some exercise and entertainment when needed.

A natural stress-reliever

All pets have the power to make us feel things, for better or worse. But most of the time, they make us feel calmer, less lonely, more motivated to get things done, and they do genuinely care about our wellbeing. Just like any animal can provide this kind of support, any dog breed can as well, though some are better suited than others. Regardless, your dog will do anything they can to make you smile, especially when times are tough.

Dogs Love Us More

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Do Dogs Reduce Stress?

Dr. Ragen T.S. McGowan, PhD

If you’ve ever felt relaxed in the presence of a dog, you might have wondered, “Do dogs reduce stress?”  

In fact, yes, dogs can reduce stress in humans due to their impact on a hormone called cortisol in our bodies. This may come as no surprise to pet owners. From companionship to improved health, decreased stress is just one of the health benefits of dogs. 

It doesn’t take much to feel relaxed in the presence of a canine companion, either. Whether you’re petting, cuddling, feeding the occasional treat , or perhaps playing fetch in the park, they can affect our moods from the most basic interactions.  

Read on to learn more about how dogs can decrease our stress levels. 

How Dogs Reduce Stress

If you’re wondering how dogs reduce stress, the explanation may seem simple: Spending time with a pet makes you feel better. There is actually an interesting scientific reason, however.  

When we’re stressed out, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can have negative effects on our health.  

Cortisol is often related to heightened blood pressure and over time it can lead to hypertension. In excess, the hormone can also suppress your body’s immune system, which makes you more vulnerable to illness. 

Research shows our cortisol levels go down when we’re in the presence of a dog, even just for a few minutes. Whether it’s petting them or simply reading in their proximity*, dogs have a calming effect on our bodies.  

This might be because canines are a non-judgmental audience. Blood pressure and heart rate normally become elevated during conversations with other people, but they can decrease when we’re around dogs.*  

Dogs & Mental Health

Canines’ ability to help us feel less stressed is one reason why people have their pets classified as emotional support dogs . These animals can also assist people as they cope with anxiety, pain and depression. 

Therapy dogs play a similar role; although unlike emotional support canines, these animals receive formal training to provide comfort and support. Typically, therapy dogs are brought to locations such as hospitals or assisted-living facilities to calmly interact with patients. 

What are the Benefits of Having a Dog?

In addition to stress relief, there are many benefits of having a dog . Here are a few of them: 

  • Companionship. Whether it’s from playing, cuddling or just hanging out together, many pet owners form strong bonds with their dogs.
  • Decreased loneliness. Having a dog to care for can reduce depression and feelings of isolation.**
  • Improved mood. Interacting with a canine can raise levels of oxytocin , a hormone associated with love, bonding and positive feelings.
  • ​​​​​More social connections. From walking your pet through the neighborhood a couple times a day to taking them to the dog park, dogs provide opportunities for us to meet people. Strong social ties are linked to improved health.         

The Health Benefits of Dogs

Dogs may have a meaningful impact on your physical health. Some of the ways they can help include: 

  • Physical activity. Dogs need exercise to stay healthy. Just taking them on regular walks every day can improve your fitness as well. (Some of them also make good running and hiking buddies.)
  • Decreased blood pressure. Simple interactions with a dog can lower your blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Lower triglyceride levels . When elevated, triglycerides can be associated with increased chances of heart disease and stroke. Interacting with a dog can reduce them to normal levels.
  • ​​​​Less vulnerability to chronic disease. By caring for a dog, people may become less lonely, which can strengthen their health and reduce chances of chronic illness.**      

For those wondering, “Do dogs reduce stress?”, remember that canines can have positive effects on our anxiety levels, mood and overall health.  

If you’re thinking about getting a pet, check out our guide to adopting a dog . You can also visit our Pet Expertise page for tips from our experts .   

*Case, L. P. (2005). Sharing Our Lives with Dogs. In The Dog: Its Behavior, Nutrition & Health (Second edition, pp. 117). Blackwell Publishing.  

**Case, L. P. (2005). The Human-Dog Bond. In The Dog: Its Behavior, Nutrition & Health (Second edition, pp. 113-120). Blackwell Publishing. 

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How Pets Help Relieve Stress

Apr 10, 2020 | Cat , Dog

Stress Relief Animals: The Pawsome Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

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Pet stress relief. Is this really a thing? Yes! As a source of companionship and unconditional love, pets give us an abundance of opportunities to laugh, connect with others, and create funny YouTube videos. While regular trips to the vet are vital for keeping your pet healthy and happy, did you ever stop to thank your pet for the health benefits they provide for you?

Chronic stress is a gateway to all sorts of health problems. Without a doubt, having pets has a strong correlation to stress relief. OK, maybe not so much during the puppy and kitten stage when they can be like miniature weapons of mass destruction, but with a little patience and training, it’s well worth the effort.

Numerous studies show that pets are not only good for our minds but also good for our bodies. Here are just a few of the ways that animals and pets help reduce stress and improve our health.

Pets have an uncanny ability to make us laugh. Doctors always say that laughter is the best medicine, and in many ways, it’s true! According to the Mayo Clinic , laughing activates and relieves the body’s stress response, soothes tension, relaxes tense muscles, and stimulates circulation. In addition:

“ Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain .” – Mayo Clinic –

You might be wondering, how does petting animals reduce stress? Humans have an innate need for touch. Physical touch not only builds trust, but also reduces stress and gives the immune system a boost. For instance, just the simple act of petting a dog or cat can lower your blood pressure several points. People can reap the benefits of touch by petting a dog or cat, but it’s especially important for people who are elderly or live alone. Having a pet can improve overall mood and health, and help reduce fearfulness and feelings of worry and isolation, which are contributors to stress.

Dogs relieve stress in humans in a variety of ways. While many of us hate the thought of getting up and going to the gym, we’re not quite so reluctant to get up, get outside and take a walk with the dog. Not only do we get the benefit of exercise and fresh air, walking the dog can even help us meet new friends or even potential partners – another mood booster!

Can cats help reduce stress? Yes, for all the same reasons that dogs do. Stress can compromise our immune system, so stress relief is an important part of maintaining your overall health. You might be surprised to learn that cats and dogs also help boost our immune systems. Studies show that children in homes with pets are less likely to develop allergies, so disregard all the old wives’ tales. Early exposure to pets and pet dander – this especially applies to cats – can reduce a child’s risk for developing allergies by up to 80 percent! Click here to learn more . In even more recent studies, pets – specifically dogs – are credited with boosting the immune system of children. Click here to learn more .

Animal therapy for stress is becoming more common every day. Pets reduce anxiety and help relieve the symptoms of depression and feelings of loneliness, which is why more hospitals, nursing homes, schools, rehabilitation centers, and even prisons are incorporating animal-assisted therapy programs into their organizations. For instance, the beloved local nonprofit, Gabriel’s Angels , brings the healing magic of pets to help abused, at-risk, and neglected children learn to develop trust, respect, empathy for others, and other important life skills.

While you might think that all of these positive health benefits are limited to connections made with our furry friends, you’d be wrong! Many scientific studies show that interacting with fish, birds, horses, dolphins and many other animals can also help relieve stress. Whether they’re furry, feathered, or scaled, remember to thank your pet for all the health benefits they give to you by taking care of their health. Regular wellness visits to the vet, annual vaccinations, and consistent dental care can help keep your pet well, happy, and with you for many years to come.

[DISCLAIMER] Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.

Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.

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People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress


People often deliberate on complicated techniques of reducing stress such as practicing yoga, meditation or sports activities. These are great techniques, but the issue of having a pet as a best friend is unique and one of the recently discovered best practices of relieving work-related strains or stress. Human friends are good and unique social beings compared to pets, since they provide a variety of social-economic benefits including stress reliefs. This paper will however form an analysis of the social benefits of owning or caring for a pet particularly benefits that relate of stress reliefs.

  • Dogs and cats are furry and fun to play with. Does interaction with these animals provide stress-relieving benefits?
  • The paper will analyze some of the health benefits that a person can get through interaction. It will also check on benefits of providing care for pets such as dogs or cats among others.

According to Heath and Schofield (429), research indicates that persons who are able to cater for pets get some extra unique benefits linkable to excellent social supports. Arguably, the social interaction between humans and animals is more beneficial in terms of health gains and stress relief, than just mare friendship or pattern of living.

Control of mood

Living with a pet provides a chance to adjust the frame of mind, since pets have some loving touch and caring looks, which make owner to adjust from any bad moods automatically (Lundy and Janes724). Various scientific explorations support a range of benefits that relate to keeping a pet, especially for someone with a chronic illness. The animals’ mood-enhancing techniques are unique discoveries of solving stress or moodiness.

Exercising is one of the main ways to control work-related pressure or stress. The process of finding and sticking to a daily exercise routine is not easy, since it requires good discipline. Pets are a good means of encouraging an exercise or a routine. Pets also follow a certain routine such as engaging in a morning or else evening stroll, walk or run. Such routines have to be accompanied by the pet owners, who provide the companionship.

Analysis of the daily walk routines indicates that the pet owners will engage a constant procedure or working-out, without notice of any form of fatigue. This routine is more applicable for owners who live in urban settings (Robino, 32). Exercise is generally a good, health and important means of managing stress. Owning a pet therefore means engagement in such a practice, thus increasing the daily health benefits. Pets will therefore encourage owner to engaging daily working-out schedules.

Social support

Taking a pet for a walk around the park provides people the opportunity approach and talk to the owner. It creates an opportunity for others to comment, thus making the owner to be more socially approachable. The pets also present a starting point for a social talk therefore providing opportunity to increase the number of new friends.

The owner has increased chances of expanding his/her social network through such daily meeting with new friends, particularly during the walks. According to Evenson and Simon (1), social friends and acquaintances that one is able to meet may turn out to be very resourceful in providing great stress management benefits.

One of the main sources of stress is loneliness since a person suffers from redundant form of thinking, that mainly focus on personal weaknesses. Pets therefore provide a unique companionship and love, whereby one is able to enjoy by sharing the solitude. The excellent, special and reserved snuggles of the pet often accompany the loneliness. “Pets would therefore be the best antidotes for any form of stress that relating to loneliness” (Brock and Grady, 57).

This is evident with people in special homes or care centres. They suffer less lonely times when there have pets to care for, than even when they spend time with human beings. The stress reduction mechanism in this case has direct relation to pet ownership. The animals provide ways of reducing the strenuous feelings of isolation and low social sustenance from people.

Considering the home-care example, the aged people may suffer from isolation since they receive very short visits. Even the long-shift visits are incomparable to the pet’s un-interactive but full-time companionship visits.

Stress Reduction by Humans Compared to Pets

Talking to a good friend and a keen listener is very critical. We often share our life experiences and strenuous problems. Researches indicate that times spend sharing the stressful or strenuous feelings with a pet are much better than meditation (Brock and Grady, 57).

Sharing is therefore less stressful when the pet provides the support compared to getting support from friend or family members (Brock and Grady, 57). The presence of a family member or spouse tends to compromise the sharing session due to feeling that one may judge the expressed feelings. Pets on the other hand have no ability to judge, and therefore provide the loving support regardless of the situation or feeling.

Therapeutic care

Pets have a special attraction to their caregivers. Dog has affection and care for the owner thus the reason they are man’s best friend. It shows this affection wholly during play and thus is able to assist one to achieve and maintain happiness in numerous interesting field activities. There is a very extensive link between pets and their ability to relieve stress. Pets also assist in gaining other health-related benefits that are essential in relieving stress.

Historically, pets provided good therapeutic care for the owner, through address of various beneficial jobs. The pet’s playfulness and joy during performance of duties is amazing and encouraging particularly for a broken character. Dogs therefore undergo various therapies and training programs in the aim of ensuring that they are in a position to provide assistance in time of need.

A good use of the rehabilitation program is provision of assistance and other forms of beneficial care, such as comforting the elderly in health or day-care settings. The pet therapists assist in controlling grievances such as losses and other traumatizing situations. Distinctive pets such as horses can assist in physical activities for instance movement.

They also assist those who have physical strains or challenges. Research is currently trying to find the truthfulness of implication that dog pets can assist children learn to improve their reading skills (Brock and Grady, 58). The therapeutic pet therefore seem an excellent means of assisting human beings overcome complicated issues that can cause stress, and generally they assist one to achieve their wellbeing.

Pet are domesticated animals that fit in to all types of families (super-rich, poor or middle class). The need to own a pet depends on personal choices, since some people have the inevitable eagerness to own one due to their love for specific spices. Most pet owners feel relaxed and happy to own a pet of their choice.

Owning a pet therefore cause a close relationship with this pet of choice. Pets offer people a comforting, happy and friendship feeling, which is rare to find from other sources. Old people in particular have fear that comes in with age and they often feel insecure. Young people who should be giving them attention, affection and security seem not to be concern of these needs. They fail to pay attention to the elderly when they are actually in dire need for the attention or consideration.

Pets such as cats or dogs on the other hand provide this critical care by being by the sides of these aged people, who can then touch and feel their warmth. The pets always reciprocate the pampering by rubbing their bodies against people or by trying to feel them back.

Pets provide the elderly some opportunity to experience how good it feels to pamper someone even when the caretakers provide very little time or attention. They also share some activities with the pets such as walking around. These healthy activities ensure people remain in shape as well as ease them deep and stressful thoughts.

The pet acts as a stress eliminator in many unique ways such as taking cover of many activities that requires sharing. Indoor pets are often affectionate and friendly and thus provide comfort by ensuring the caregiver is not lonely or bored. Cats are predominantly playful and appear to tease someone who is in a meditational state.

They therefore know how to bring back the attention of someone who seems to be worrying. Their playfulness eases stress when the caregiver or the elderly person participates in their initiated activities, such as running or playing around the house.

Relieving Emotional Stress

Most pets are very interactive; cats particularly appear to be good listeners. This means that one can share with them some of their deeper emotions, particularly in view of the fact that they cannot share or broadcast the information, they provide an opportunity to share secretive information that would otherwise be hard to disclose to fellow human beings.

They also form a reliable outlet for the emotions and this make the person sharing information to relax, even when there is a huge probability that the pet will take no action to address the issue. Sharing enables one to feel relieved, even when solutions are not viable. Today various pets such as dogs or cats are trained to perform certain tasks such as guiding the blind. The visually impaired would therefore not need to worry about finding their way. Pets also learn various tricks or ways of entertaining people.

Different pets provide dissimilar optimistic feelings for instance, birds and fish attract attention due to their movements and beauty. Watching them for a while makes one feel peaceful and relaxed. There is a great peace of mind developed when one is keenly admiring different fishes swim in a fishpond or an aquarium.

A relaxed mind means stress-free time, therefore these pets are able to build back a stable and focused mind for better concentration over other development projects. Animals are a great source of rumour, which is known as a main source of stress reliever (Evenson and Simon, 1). The playful nature of pets provides the owner with a free show that causes great fun. Their acts are animated and natural; therefore, they present a funny, yet a safe show.

Psychological gains

The overall mood of a person is greatly improved when a furry friend such as a cat is involved. Unlike human beings, animals do not determine if a person is moody before engaging an activity. They innocently provide a warm welcome to people or try to incite an amusement form them, despite the bad temper.

It is impossible for any disgruntled person to remain in such as sombre mood after such a warm welcome. Pets therefore have unique ways of destructing people especially diverting their caregivers from stressful activities by introducing entertaining performances (Case, 104).

Their unconditional affection changes the bad or stressful moods to better feelings. They also offer companion to lonely people and ensure that the loneliness is disrupted. The pet is also non-judgemental and sharing feelings or day’s event with them eliminates chances of bad feelings or solitude that can lead to stress.

Economic Advantage

Pets provide the owners with a relief from stress recovery procedure that is better than hospital or psychiatric therapy. The relief is cheap and fully available through companionship. The elderly homes do not need entertainment programs to keep the spirit alive, introduction of a pet lightens up the place.

Other than therapy equipments, day care homes for the elderly and for those recovering from illnesses are fit with fish aquariums where they can watch the fish glide around and the amusement eases pressure related illnesses (Heath and Schofield, 429).

There are huge feelings of affections and fulfilment in caring for a pet such as by feeding, cuddling, grooming or giving general care. The nurturing instincts provide relaxed and stress-free feeling.

Having a pet makes the owner or caregiver to act naturally from instincts as opposed to following some defined lifestyle or arranged style of soothing stress. Many doctors have various ways of helping people relieve stress including use of strong medication, but people should know that natural ways like keeping a pet assists in curing such common conditions.

Although pets come with extra caring needs, the weight between benefits of owning a pet outweighs the shortcomings. Their support in times of stress is more essential and critical especially during tough times, when the furry touch provides the required lovely feeling. The unconditional love is hard to find among humans beings, but the pets love their owners unreservedly and thus the reason cuddling or snuggling them provides a relief.

They also have a comic nature due to their animal character or ability to perform ridiculous acts, which keep life lively. Comic lifestyle relieves stress and makes one forget lifestyle troubles. Dogs require walks that increase a person’s level of exercising. Such physical activities have been proven as main stress relievers. When one has a dog pet, the aggressive nature makes them feel safe.

Various pet have unique ways of alerting the owner over possible attacks or dangers such as fire or smoke, and the maintenance of such peace reduces chances of ailing as well as increasing stress-related worries. It is important to fuss over one’s pet because scientist have proven this as a major way of relieving stress that relates to blood pressure, cardiovascular illness or stress-related conditions.

Works Cited

Brock, Barbara. and Grady Marilyn. “Avoiding burnout: a principal’s guide to keeping the fire alive”. California, CA: Corwin Press, 2002. Print.

The book mainly covers the concept of stress for instance issues concern with tolerance of stress (including use of pets), common sources of this stress, normal and burn-out syndromes and ways of avoiding depression or stress-related problems.

Case, Linda. “The cat: its behaviour, nutrition, & health ” . Iowa, IA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2003. Print.

The author mainly concentrates on cat’s reactions and relations with their caregivers. The book also portrays ways of understanding the cat’s behaviours especially companionship and how the relationship assists in managing human stress.

Evenson, Ranae. and Simon Robin. “Clarifying the Relationship Between Parenthood and Depression ” . Journal of Health and Social Behaviour. 2005. 1-12. Print.

The journal provides an overview of daily family routines that may assist in management of health issues and stress. The authors also emphasis the issue of stress management and it benefits to pet owners.

Heath, Hazel. and Schofield Irene. “Healthy ageing: nursing older people ” . Trento, Italy: Harcourt Publishers Limited, 1999. Print.

The book touches on various perspectives of aging and lifestyles of older people. The framework has a clear theoretical and biographical approach of addressing various challenges that elderly people face. It also presents ways of understanding, integrating and overcoming the challenges, including the use of pets.

Lundy, Karen S. and Janes Sharyn. “Community health nursing: caring for the public’s health ” . Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Print.

This book is a critical analysis of needs for health of people, and how the community or surroundings cater for these needs. It particularly analyzes how the community or social setting shapes people’s lifestyles.

Rubino, Leonard. “Success & Happiness One Day at a Time; an instructional manual for your life ”. Florida, FL: Phoenix Publications Inc, 2006. Print.

This book emphasizes on the issue of relieving stress or moodiness through use of pets. It also addresses various ethical concerns on the religious setting mainly focusing on love, happiness, attraction, faith, stress, mood, ambition, mind, success an immorality.

Siegel, Jeremy. et al. “AIDS diagnosis and depression in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study: the ameliorating impact of pet ownership ”, AIDS Care. April 1999. Print.

The article touches on pet ownership among people suffering from HIV/AIDS and particularly analysis of their lifestyles. It compares the amount of stress or depression different victims face depending on whether they own a pet or not.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 22). People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress. https://ivypanda.com/essays/people-should-consider-owning-a-pet-because-doing-so-can-relieve-stress/

"People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress." IvyPanda , 22 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/people-should-consider-owning-a-pet-because-doing-so-can-relieve-stress/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress'. 22 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress." November 22, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/people-should-consider-owning-a-pet-because-doing-so-can-relieve-stress/.

1. IvyPanda . "People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress." November 22, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/people-should-consider-owning-a-pet-because-doing-so-can-relieve-stress/.


IvyPanda . "People Should Consider Owning a Pet Because Doing So Can Relieve Stress." November 22, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/people-should-consider-owning-a-pet-because-doing-so-can-relieve-stress/.

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5 ways pets can ease your stress

Pets can improve health

A pet prescription can remedy all sorts of problems, says animal expert Arden Moore. Spending time around animals, such as going bird watching, enjoying the company of a therapy dog, or even playing with your pet spider can be beneficial to your well-being. "There's something about the animal kingdom that possesses the ability for us to enjoy life a little better," says Moore, author of more than 20 pet books and radio host of Oh Behave, an online Pet Life Radio show. Read on for five reasons to include some animal time in your day.

7 Eco-Friendly Pet Products

1. They relax you

Petting your cat or dog may be noticeably enjoyable for them, but the act can relax you, as well. Moore suggests petting with a purpose to increase the release of feel-good hormones in animals and humans. "Give your dog or cat a head-to-tail therapeutic massage by running hand over hand through the body," she says. Your touch relaxes the animal and releases feel-good endorphins in you, reducing your heart rate. A therapeutic pet massage can also be used to regularly check animals for fleas or suspicious bumps, or to relieve muscle knots, says Moore.

2. They may reduce blood pressure

Communicating with animals may lower your blood pressure and improve your overall health. Moore suggests engaging animals in "happy talk," or speaking in an upbeat tone. "Happy talk or laughter around animals releases hormones in humans that lower blood pressure, and make animals feel better too," she says. Thinking happy thoughts when talking to your pet or speaking to birds and squirrels in your backyard may seem silly, but the conversation can put you at ease (even if it's one-sided).

How to Exercise with Your Dog

3. They're therapeutic

Animals from dogs to rabbits are often used for therapy in hospitals and nursing homes. "I've taken my dog to a few hospitals and schools, and it's amazing how people are reluctant to talk to people but will open up to an animal," Moore says. There's something rejuvenating, renewing about coming home to a friendly animal that greets you like a rock star," she says. Moore suggests that the strong human-to-animal bond could be related to fond childhood memories. Even if it's a just a spider, people often feel more comfortable being themselves around animals, says Moore. (Though admittedly, spiders aren't for everyone.)

5 Ways Cats Make You Healthier

4. They can improve human nutrition

Eating alongside bad company may decrease your appetite, but eating in the company of an animal may improve your eating habits. "In nursing homes, if there's a fish tank where people are eating, seeing those fish actually motivates some residents to eat," says Moore. In some cases, the companionship of animals has helped the nutritional habits of their humans. For example, she says, research has shown that recipients of the Meals on Wheels program who were allowed to eat near their pets improved some of their eating patterns.

5. They improve your relationships

A good relationship with your animal friends may spill over into better relations with humans. An animal doesn't care who you are or what outfit you're wearing; they want to play and be around you, says Moore. This carefree, playful attitude, she says, has made many animal-lovers more prone to live in the moment. According to a 1997 study at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, observing animals in nature can teach valuable characteristics like patience, and help restore mental energy. Taking care of an animal can also teach responsibility and stimulate feelings of trust, openness, and companionship.

How to Keep Your Dog's Weight Under Control

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clock This article was published more than  7 years ago

Your dog can make you feel better, and here’s why

W ayne Pacelle has a demanding job as president and chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States. This is one of the reasons he brings Lily, his beagle mix, to work with him. He is convinced that animals "are a necessary ingredient in our emotional well-being,'' he says. "I deal with many stressful issues, and I see terrible cruelty,'' he adds. "But when Lily puts her head on my lap, it calms me.''

Pacelle can’t scientifically document the positive effects he gains from his connection with Lily (and Zoe, his cat.) But his experience supports what researchers who study human/animal interaction have concluded: Pets, especially dogs, seem to be good for our health.

“Dogs make people feel good,’’ says Brian Hare, an associate professor of cognitive neuroscience at Duke University, who points out that dogs are found now in some courtrooms, exam study halls, hospitals, nursing homes, hospice-care settings, classrooms, airports and elsewhere, “and their only job is to help people in stressful situations feel better. Many people seem to respond to dogs in a positive way.’’

The death of a dog can hurt as much as the death of a relative

Scientists believe that the major source of people’s positive reactions to pets comes from oxytocin, a hormone whose many functions include stimulating social bonding, relaxation and trust, and easing stress.

Research has shown that when humans interact with dogs, oxytocin levels increase in both species. "When parents look at their baby and their baby stares into their eyes, even though the baby can't talk, parents get an oxytocin boost just by eye contact,'' Hare says. "Dogs have somehow hijacked this oxytocin bonding pathway, so that just by making eye contact, or [by] playing and hugging our dog, the oxytocin in both us and our dog goes up. This is why dogs are wonderful in any kind of stressful situation.''

Miho Nagasawa, a post­doctoral fellow at Jichi Medical University in Shimotsuke, Japan, has found that mutual gazing between humans and their dogs increases the owners’ oxytocin levels. This helps decrease anxiety and arousal levels, and slow the heart rate. “The positive interaction between humans and dogs via mutual gazing may reduce stress activity for each other,’’ she says.

Historical support

About 43 million American households have dogs and about 36 million households have cats, according to the 2012 U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook, a publication of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

These therapy dogs help college students cope

History provides numerous stories — some of them probably apocryphal — of the therapeutic benefits of dogs, both physical and psychological. In ancient Egypt, for example, people believed that a dog's lick could heal sores or lesions (there may be a basis in fact for this, because dogs' saliva contains antibacterial and antiviral substances, as well as growth factors); in 19th-century mental institutions in England, pets were used to calm residents; in 1880, former Civil War nurse Florence Nightingale wrote that a small pet "is often an excellent companion for the sick, for long chronic cases especially.''

In modern times, science has stepped in to provide a clearer link. A 1980 study found that more heart-attack victims with pets survived beyond the one-year mark than those without, a finding that was reproduced 15 years later.

Other studies have shown that pet ownership seems to decrease coronary-disease risk factors involving blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, among other things.

A 2009 study , for example, looked at 4,435 people, more than half of them with cats, and found a significantly lower risk of heart-attack deaths for the cat owners.

Another study , which looked at 240 married couples, found lower heart rates and blood pressure among those with pets than among those without. The pet owners also experienced milder stress responses and a faster recovery from stress when they were with their pets rather than with a spouse or friend.

As for staying healthy in general, it’s no surprise that having a dog can help you stay more active. One study involving more than 2,000 adults found that dog owners who regularly walked their dogs were more physically active and less likely to be obese than those who didn’t own or walk a dog.

Another, which looked at more than 2,500 people ages 71 to 82, found that regular dog walkers tended to walk faster and for longer periods each week than those who did not have dogs to walk. They also showed greater mobility inside their homes.

Some research suggests that childhood exposure to dogs and cats can protect against developing allergies and asthma later in life, possibly because the contact with pet microbes occurs while the immune system is still developing.

Canine caregivers

Denise Harris of Columbia, Md., has had rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years; when she’s feeling ill, she often naps with her Irish wolfhounds, Carrick and Fearghus. She says Fearghus mothers her when she’s getting sick, sensing what’s coming before she does and herding her to the bed or sofa. “Sure enough, a couple of hours later, I’m running a fever,” she says. “He then literally watches over me till the fever breaks.”

She calls Carrick her crutch. “When I fell in the blizzard last winter, he ran to my side, stood over me until I could sit up, let me use him to pull myself up, then supported me, letting me lean against him all the way into the house and to the sofa.”

Of course the hounds are good for her health, she says. For one thing, she takes long walks with them. “And I can always count on Fearghus for a hug when I’m feeling down,” she says.

Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health are interested in the potential health value of having pets: NIH first raised the human/pet connection nearly 30 years ago, recommending that scientists take pets into account when conducting health research, and the agency has funded a number of studies into the impact of pet ownership.

Lori Kogan, an associate professor of clinical sciences at the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and the editor of the Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, says that pets can be especially helpful for people facing emotional difficulties. “Dogs have a positive impact on depression and anxiety,’’ Kogan says. “When someone loses a spouse or partner, for example, having a dog provides a reason to get up and be social,’’ she says. For many older people, “it’s the only relationship they have.’’

Loneliness can be depressing, but it may have helped humans survive

In one study, researchers concluded that women living alone were “significantly more lonely” than those who were living with pets, and noted that having a pet might “compensate for the absence of human companionship.”

This may explain the value many people find in therapy dogs, which are trained to help people deal with worry, unhappiness and anxiety, and have been found to even reduce the perception of pain.

While dogs are most frequently used for therapy purposes, says Mary Margaret Callahan of Pet Partners, the group’s registry of available therapy animals also includes cats, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, llamas, potbellied pigs, birds and domesticated rats.

Therapy dogs are widely used to help veterans cope with post-traumatic stress disorder and have been used to help calm autistic children. In June, therapy dogs were brought in to relax swimmers competing in the U.S. Olympic trials in Omaha suffering from pre-race jitters.

Therapy golden retrievers from Lutheran Church Charities were sent to Orlando in June to comfort survivors as well as those who lost loved ones in the Pulse nightclub shooting that left dozens dead. A New York funeral home provides mourners with a dog that even “prays’’ with them. [See sidebar.]

A recently released study found that therapy pets can help first-year university students suffering from homesickness and possibly help in lowering college dropout rates.

Of course, there are times when the emotional interaction with pets can be difficult. When they misbehave or are sick (or worse), we feel it.

“Dogs are just like kids: They can be the sources of enormous joy and enormous worry,” says Hare, who has two children and two dogs. “But overall, despite the worry and pain, most dog owners I know, including me, would say that there is overwhelming benefit.”

Read more: There’s a dog at this funeral home, ready to pray with you

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How To Calm A Stressed Dog: Signs Of Stress & Relief Tips

Why is my dog stressed, and how can I help him? You're certainly not alone if you want help answering these questions. Many dogs can become stressed for a wide variety of reasons — out of boredom or frustration or because they're scared or anxious about a situation. We'll help you spot the signs of stress and give you some tips on calming your stressed dog. And we'll also help you know when your dog's stress and anxiety become a long-term problem for his health.


Last Updated: June 30, 2023 | 5 min read | Leave a Comment

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Why is my dog stressed, and how can I help him? You’re certainly not alone if you want help answering these questions. Many dogs can become stressed for a wide variety of reasons — out of boredom or frustration or because they’re scared or anxious about a situation. We’ll help you spot the signs of stress and give you some tips on calming your stressed dog. Learn how to identify when your dog’s stress and anxiety become a long-term problem for his health (and what to do about it).

Signs Of Stress In Dogs

A stressed dog can exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms that vary in intensity and length of time. Some dogs only have sudden bouts of stress, while others have ongoing anxiety issues leading to longer-term health concerns.

Stressed Dog Body Language & Other Signs

Some behavioral warning signs that your dog may show when stressed include:

  • Excessive pacing
  • Biting and/or chewing skin, paws, or tail
  • Barking or crying when left alone
  • Shivering or shaking
  • Panting for no noticeable reason
  • Yawning or drooling
  • Change in posture, e.g., hunched over
  • Flattened or alert ears
  • Dilated pupils
  • Tucked tail
  • Hiding/isolation
  • Aggression toward other dogs or people
  • Increased shedding

Critical Signs Of Stress In A Dog

In cases of chronic (prolonged) or severe stress, dogs can also exhibit the following symptoms :

  • Decrease or loss of appetite
  • Increased urination
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Skin problems (resulting from excessive biting or licking)
  • Compromised immune system

See our FAQ section below for some more detailed questions and answers about dog stress symptoms.

What Is Stress Colitis In Dogs?

You may be wondering, can dogs get diarrhea from stress? Yes, mental or physical stress and anxiety can cause acute colitis or stress colitis in dogs. Symptoms include small volumes of liquid or semi-formed feces, mucous or blood in the stool, straining to defecate, and needing to defecate more frequently.

Treatment of colitis depends on the cause and may include fasting for 24 to 48 hours, a bland diet, fluids, or medications. If you suspect your dog may have stress colitis, seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Stress Relief For Dogs: 6 Tips

There are many ways you can help alleviate your dog’s stress and anxiety. The most obvious is to remove your dog from what’s disturbing him . But that’s not always possible. So, here are some tips on how to de-stress your dog in different situations.

If your dog’s stress is ongoing and long-term, we encourage you to see your vet to determine the possible causes and best approach to help your pup. This could involve anxiety medication, or your vet may refer you to a dog trainer or behavioral therapist. Each dog’s needs are different, and your vet can help you take the most appropriate course of action.

1. Exercise & Mental Stimulation

If your dog is stressed from boredom, it’s beneficial to take him on more walks and play with him. Many dogs need physical and mental stimulation — and time with you. This can help relieve a dog’s need for companionship and physical activity.

2. Establish A Safe Place In Your Home

If your dog is exhibiting negative behavior or aggression or just feeling stressed, it can help to have an area in your home where he can isolate, feel safe and secure, and calm down. Making his crate a safe space is a good approach. And having a stress-relief dog bed can also help soothe him.

3. Use A Dog Stress Vest Or Jacket

Stress jackets, vests, and “ thundershirts ” are designed to ease dogs’ anxiety by enveloping their torso in mild pressure to make them feel secure — it’s the same concept as swaddling a baby. These dog stress vests are most helpful in cases of anxiety from noise (e.g., thunder or fireworks), travel, strangers, and separation anxiety.

4. Try Natural Remedies For Stressed Dogs

Some all-natural remedies, such as CBD oil ,  CBD treats ,  melatonin , essential oils , or Adaptil stress relief tablets for dogs , may help ease your dog’s anxiety. But be sure to talk to your vet before you give your dog any supplements to make sure they’re safe for your pup.

5. Play Music

Research shows that listening to calming music can benefit your dog in various settings, just as it does with humans. Music can also help reduce noise sensitivity by blocking out scary noises that cause anxiety in some dogs.

6. Give Them Massage

Yes, dogs can also benefit from massage to help them calm down. A brief massage session from you gives your pup soothing physical contact, helping to reduce his stress during situations when he’s fearful or anxious. In a quiet part of your house, use flat palms to press lightly on your dog’s skin. Start at the neck and move your hands down your dog’s body with long strokes.

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Frequently asked questions.

Here are some questions our readers often ask about stress in dogs.

What Do I Do If My Older Dog Is Stressed By A New Puppy?

If you bring a new furry friend into your home, your older dog could be stressed by a new puppy. After all, it’s your dog’s territorial place. Take the introduction of your new puppy slowly into your home.

Your older dog could try to teach your new puppy the lay of the land in your house and exhibit some dominant behavior. If things don’t go well after a couple of weeks, you may want to seek help from a trainer to help them get along. You have the option of finding an in-person dog trainer or an online dog training class . We recommend Doggy Dan’s Calming Code Method as a good place to start.

How Stressful Is Flying For Dogs?

Think about how stressful airplane travel is for many humans. If your pup can fly with you in the cabin, it can be stressful for them too.

Do Dogs Yawn When Stressed?

Dogs yawn when they’re tired or bored, but they also yawn when they’re stressed. A stressful yawn can last longer and be more pronounced than a sleepy or bored yawn. Dogs often exhibit frequent, excessive yawning when they’re stressed.

Do Dogs Shed More When Stressed?

Yes. Excessive shedding can be a sign of stress in dogs — and it can happen fairly quickly. The theory from experts is that when some dogs get stressed, their bodies produce a lot of adrenaline, which causes immediate hair loss.

Can Dogs Throw Up From Stress?

As dog owners, we know dogs vomit for many reasons, but stress can cause a dog to vomit in severe cases of anxiety. Why? When a dog is majorly stressed, his muscles can tense up, causing vomiting in some cases.

Can Stress Cause A UTI In Dogs?

In dogs who are predisposed to urinary tract infections (UTIs), stress is a factor that can bring them on. UTIs can also be common in dogs who suffer from chronic stress and anxiety. If you’re wondering if the blood in your dog’s urine is from stress, it could be if your dog has a UTI.

Can Stress Cause Pancreatitis In Dogs?

It’s highly unlikely that mental stress alone causes pancreatitis in dogs . The major causes include a high-fat diet (even one fatty meal can trigger the condition), obesity, diabetes, some medications, and physical trauma to the body. Also, some breeds are at a higher risk of developing pancreatitis, including Miniature Schnauzers and some smaller terriers and toy breeds.

Can Stress Cause Seizures In Dogs?

In some cases, severe stress can cause seizures in normally healthy dogs. However, stress is one of the major triggers of seizures for dogs with epilepsy. Stressors can include changes in your dog’s environment or routine, loud noises, bright, flashing lights, car rides, etc.

Can A Dog Die From Stress?

No, there’s no evidence that stress alone can cause a dog to die. But if your dog has an underlying major health problem, stress could exacerbate the condition.

Common Causes Of Stress In Dogs (& Relief Tips)

While the video below focuses on the Pekingese breed, many of the causes of stress and relief strategies apply to many other breeds that suffer from stress and anxiety.

Need More Help With Your Anxious Animal

Learn about the causes and types of dog anxiety . Remember, each case is different, and your canine has specific needs. If you’d like help determining a plan for your pup’s condition, contact your vet and a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB) or a board-certified veterinary behaviorist .

The information provided through this website should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease; it is not intended to offer any legal opinion or advice or a substitute for professional safety advice or professional care. Please consult your health care provider, attorney, or product manual for professional advice. Products and services reviewed are provided by third parties; we are not responsible in any way for them, nor do we guarantee their functionality, utility, safety, or reliability. Our content is for educational purposes only.

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Essay on My Pet Dog for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on My Pet Dog

Pets are a great blessing in anyone’s life. They are the only ones who love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet’s life is to make their owner happy. Nowadays, even the term ‘owner’ is changing. People prefer their pets as kids and to themselves as parents. This is how the relationship between pets is evolving. People treat them no less than humans. For instance, they celebrate their birthdays; get those matching outfits and more.

In my opinion, I feel the pets rightly deserve it. The most common pet you can find at anyone’s place is dogs. A man’s best friend and the most faithful animal, a dog. I also have a pet dog that I love to bits. We got him when he was a little baby and have watched him grow into a beautiful dog. All my family members love him with all their heart. We love his silly antics and cannot imagine our lives without him. We named him Sasha.

Sasha – My Pet Dog

My father adopted Sasha when he was a little baby. His friend had given birth to puppies and they decided to put the puppies up for adoption. We convinced our father to get one for us. Considering they knew our family well, they immediately agreed. Little did we know that our lives would change forever after his entrance.

Essay on My Pet Dog

Sasha came in like a blessing for our family. He belongs to the breed of Labrador. Sasha was black in colour, pure coal black. He came in as a puppy with his cute little paws and eyes. We couldn’t stop gushing over this beauty. My siblings used to fight with each other as to who will get the maximum time to play with Sasha.

Read 500 Words Essay on Dog here

As and when Sasha grew up, he learned various tricks. We trained him to follow our instructions and he even learned a few tricks. We loved showing him off to our colony friends and relatives. I always took Sasha out with me as he loved taking a walk on the road.

Furthermore, my siblings and I took on the responsibility of keeping Sasha clean. Every week, we took turns to bathe him and brush him nicely. I remember I even got a bow for him from my pocket money. Sasha loved it and wagged his tail in excitement. Sasha has been with us through thick and thin and we will forever be indebted to him for his loyalty.

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A Changed Life

Before having a pet dog, we didn’t know what all we would experience. After Sasha came into our lives, he changed it forever. Sasha changed the meaning of loyalty for us. We learned how this faithful animal always worked for our happiness and safety.

Certainly, Sasha made us better human beings. We are now more compassionate towards animals. There was one instance where the stray dogs were going to harm a kitten, and to our surprise, Sasha saved that little kitten and got her home.

In other words, we have learned a lot of things from Sasha. He protected us when we slept at night. He tried to cheer us up whenever anyone of us was sad. Sasha’s obedience inspired me a lot to be kind to my parents. Therefore, all the credit for changing our lives goes to Sasha.

Q.1 What are some common pet animals?

A.1 Some of the most common pet animals are dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, rabbits, turtles and more.

Q.2 Why should one own a pet dog?

A.2 We can learn a great deal from our pet dogs. They teach us loyalty, compassion, courage, and obedience.

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My Dog is My Stress Reliever and My Partner in Crime

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    Read on for five reasons to include some animal time in your day. 7 Eco-Friendly Pet Products. 1. They relax you. Petting your cat or dog may be noticeably enjoyable for them, but the act can ...

  12. Your dog can make you feel better, and here's why

    U.S. Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle pets his dog Lily at work in Washington, D.C. Studies show that having pets can make you more emotionally and physically healthy. (Linda Davidson/The ...

  13. How To Calm A Stressed Dog: Signs Of Stress & Relief Tips

    6. Give Them Massage. Yes, dogs can also benefit from massage to help them calm down. A brief massage session from you gives your pup soothing physical contact, helping to reduce his stress during situations when he's fearful or anxious. In a quiet part of your house, use flat palms to press lightly on your dog's skin.

  14. Essay on My Pet Dog for Students and Children

    We got him when he was a little baby and have watched him grow into a beautiful dog. All my family members love him with all their heart. We love his silly antics and cannot imagine our lives without him. We named him Sasha. Sasha - My Pet Dog. My father adopted Sasha when he was a little baby. His friend had given birth to puppies and they ...

  15. The Living Stress-Reliever

    I'm a dog person. I mean I like cats but I'm allergic to them. I've had a dog my whole life. My dog is a living stress-reliever. You come home to see him wagging his tail and happy to see you every day. It doesn't matter what you look like or who you are friends with. Dogs are truly man's best friend.

  16. Is Your Dog Stressing You Out?

    People living with dogs who have ongoing medical conditions, or behavioral challenges including reactivity and anxiety, often experience ongoing stress trying to keep their pet comfortable and ...

  17. How it helps the dog to survive?

    Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for an animal can help children grow up more secure and active. Pets also provide valuable companionship for older adults.

  18. essay for my pet dog

    In my opinion, I feel the pets rightly deserve it. The most common pet you can find at anyone's place is dogs. A man's best friend and the most faithful animal, a dog. I also have a pet dog that I love to bits. We got him when he was a little baby and have watched him grow into a beautiful dog. All my family members love him with all their ...

  19. PDF Stress Management And Pet Therapy

    Adds years to life: Pets, thus, add years to the life of their owners by inducing them to exercise regularly and provides them with other social and mental relief. Lifestyle Balance: Adopting healthy lifestyle changes can play an important role in easing symptoms of depression, stress, bipolar disorder and anxiety.

  20. My Dog is My Stress Reliever and My Partner in Crime

    For me that's the case. In my life my company is no other than my dog, Halo. Also, my dog is my stress reliever. I want ot begin this essay with a phrase: "a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself" stated by Josh Billings. It's true that no one in the world can't bring me so much happiness and relief as ...

  21. My Dog Is My Stress Reliever Essay

    Life can get overwhelming at times, and in those moments, I turn to my faithful companion for solace and comfort. My dog is not just a pet; he is my stress reliever. There is something incredibly therapeutic about spending time with my dog. His wagging tail and unconditional love have a way of instantly melting

  22. Write a persuasive essay on what you believe are the three best stress

    Stress Relief #2 + data - Warrant 4. Stress Relief #3 + data + warrant 5. Conclusion Remember: Use in-text citations to cite your evidence. -E.g.: According to "Relaxation Techniques for Stress," the best way to relieve stress is to... -E.g.: One of the best stress relievers is meditation, which "involves focusing your attention to help you ...

  23. how my dog was killed. essay

    The day my dog died was the most unforgettable day in my life! I got this dog when I was eight years old, I took my dog on walk like every day nothing special.It was when we reached an intersection and was crossing a pedestrian line when a car turning left immediately rushed to turn after I passed him and suddenly I heard my dog crying so loud, I ran to him so fast sadly my dog got run over by ...