嘀~您收到一份卡内基梅隆Video Essay视频面试


梨公益 | 卡内基·梅隆 Video Essay

【该部分你将听到如下内容】 申请冲刺季,一只梨帮大家做了研究 结合近年来的优秀成果案例 15个CMU/1个MIT大满贯 导师团初步沟通了关于Video EssayPoints 奇葩Q&A互动问答 在各种无效信息和渲染恐慌的阶段 我们更需要业内专业人士的倾囊相授

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三种常见投递类型 拍摄Video Essay,直接给offer,视频面试

各个学校要求不太一样,有的学校要求比较奇特,对于申请的同学会有额外的要求,尤其是 顶尖院校 比如皇家艺术学院RCA,阿尔托、卡耐基梅隆CMU、UCLA。大多数院校要求拍摄Video Essay。 80%的院校 都是第一波申请完之后,它就会决定要不要你,比如米兰理工,美国的大多数院校,都是直接给offer。

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还有一些学校申请之后会给你一次 面试机会 ,比如皇家艺术学院,香港理工,他们会和申请者有一个面对面的沟通。两三个老师一起,尤其是特殊情况下,如果知道是中国学生的话,旁边还会有一个博士或者助理研究生协助沟通,希望能够全面地了解申请者的一个背景条件,情况的属实性,你现场的沟通情况。面试大概15到20分钟,再过大概一个礼拜左右发正式offer。

公益分享主题「Video Essay」的起因

今天分享的主题是Video Essay,因为梨爸Tony收到了申请CMU的同学de 诉求,或者对Video Essay主题比较感兴趣。 上述的三种投递之后的类型,除了CMU之外的话也会经历,比如奇特又苛刻的麻省理工的面试,想了解的话,可以跳转 《MIT告诉你,最不按套路出牌的面试究竟长啥样?》 ,面试要签保密协议,面试的问题都不能透露。MIT面试上来之后就问,假如你是一棵树,你怎么样去感知这个世界,你会怎么想? DDL逼近,就问你怕不怕?别慌! 梨爸Tony携手CMU导师团陈红雨导师一起拯救你的发(申)际(请)线(季)!

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Video Essay既没有标准答案,也没有标准问题 考察现场沟通能力,英语流畅程度,遇到问题坦然面对 Video Essay是比较random随机的状态, 没有标准答案,也没有标准问题 。但是红雨老师非常用心地整理一些题库过往的题库。梨CMU导师团大概的反馈就是,这些问题相对来讲都比较随机,什么都会有,有的会问你生活中的问题,问你最近在干什么事情,你读的书,你喜欢的设计师诸如此类。那么你的回答也不一定和academic相挂钩,不一定是体现专业性。 那么在回答的时候,主要还是看你们的 现场沟通,表现能力 。所以一定要放松,遇到任何的问题的话,那就坦然面对,如果说想要去了解面试的问题的话,怎么样 化被动为主动 ,参考MIT 《面试来了,莫慌!》 ,以及上次Tony指导 申请哈佛和MIT的黄晨学长 面试,有现场的一些问题解读。

所以我们主要是考虑在短时间之内 临场发挥的能力以及英语的流畅程度 。一个就是现场发挥,场控,还有就是你英语沟通的自由度。怎么样提前准备,网上可以看一些题库。 问题包括你的未来的规划,你喜欢的设计,你喜欢的设计作品,你喜欢的设计师,都有可能,所以到时候的状态就当做是你们考托福时候的练题,考雅思、托福练题的状态,把它当口语去对待。希望到时候 遇到任何问题不要慌 ,就是像我们聊天的状态。

面试,是展示能力的另一面, 是补充,是加分项,并不像硬性考试 红雨导师:面试其实就是对我们另外一个能力面的补充,并不像硬性考试一样,大家千万不要拿着压力去看待这个面试,把它就当作对方院校,想更了解你一样,类似就跟你聊聊会儿天之类的。 我以前投递院校的时候,不管是人面的还是机器面,最后 并不会说把面试作为非常严格的唯一的让你过or不过的标准 ,最多是作为一个补充。我觉得我们要换一种心态,看作附加题。就对我来说,是一道附加题,我发挥的好,那最棒;发挥的不好其实也没有关系。不要带着压力去看待。

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往年CMU面试题基本会比较像托福口语题,在申请网页里点开一个屏幕机器录制即可。面试官会收集录制视频再回去看,并不是直播面试,所以大家更不需要紧张,干脆把它当成托福考试一样。而且大家想申请CMU的话,相信大家在托福的考试中成绩肯定也不低,所以英语语言这方面对大家来说都不是太大的问题。 虽然是一个附加题,我们还是需要稍微有 针对性地准备 。CMU MIPS是设计学院、工程学院、商学院三个学院合办的项目。目前可能有些教师资源的一些调整,稍微偏向HCI一点。除了设计能力之外,整体还是会比较看重 跨专业合作能力 。

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设计能力,专业能力,学习能力,沟通能力, 跨专业合作,综合素质全面发展 通过题库你会发现,CMU更专注于了解你本身的 综合素质 ,除了设计硬件条件专业能力之外,院校还想了解比较general的点,比如你是如何和别人沟通学习的。院校想知道你的可塑性。比如入学前你的专业能力弱一点也没有关系,院校主要想知道你这个人是否好学,学习能力是他们教学产生比较重要的决定因素。 如果你的专业能力弱一点,但是你 学习能力 很好,和别人 沟通能力 很好,尤其现在不管是公司还是学校里面,大家和不同专业的人,跨团队合作的这种机会是很多的,所以如果你在面试中有实例去证明,表明你这几个方面的能力还不错的,那这道附加题你能拿到比较高的分数。

Video Essay不一定直接会影响你的最后录取结果,但 至少会是一项比较高的加分项 。做过一点研究的同学会发现题库是最近几年比较常见常用的,大家有时间可以把它当做就是以前托考托福口语的准备。之前是怎么样准备,现在也可以这样准备这类题目。

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Video Essay出题形式是给你30秒或者60秒准备,用三分钟时间去回答。以前是一分半时间回答,但是最近增加到三分钟180秒。所以在这时候,我们可以稍微加点例子把三分钟给填满。 一般两三道,也可能就问一道题,让你去作答。题目也是比较随机形式。我觉得我们可以从就是刚刚讲的标准来看一下,就几个比较常见的题目进行分析。

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Video Essay 随机题库


「STAR」项目面试阐述原则S:Situation T:Task A:Action R:Result 第一个问题What’s the most creative thing you’ve ever done?你最具有创造性的事情是什么?招聘官想了解一下你觉得自己过去做过最有具有创造性的事情是什么?拿到这个问题,我们可以运用「STAR」项目面试阐述原则来回答。 S:Situation ,解释你当时所所处在的situation是什么,你当时的处境是什么?比如我做过一个最有创造的事情是当我就遇到比较困难的设计问题就是我当时拿到的某个项目我可能觉得这确实是常见的一个痛点,或者说在平时生活中我奶奶在生活中遇到了问题,某个东西很不好用。这就是一个situation。 简单的把自己的处境稍微讲一讲。 T:Task , 这时候你在特定处境下,你要做什么任务 ,比如说我奶奶觉得,使用细筷子不太灵活。她拿着筷子吃饭的时候感觉很不舒服,手不舒服,而且很容易发酸。所以,我要resign筷子这一小项目。 A:Action ,你要 说明在这个设计里,你做的action是什么 。可能我做的action是我先去做了一些快速的竞品调研,看一下海内外东西方的就餐文化,他们对筷子或者刀叉的新设计有哪些,就是专门为老年人设计的那些东西有什么?接着我做了一个表格来梳理竞品调研。 梳理之后,我觉得A竞品可能做的比较好,但是它是一个叉子,可能A手柄的宽度、长度、手握方式对老年人来说比较友好。所以,我从那一点去入手,把idea转换到筷子里面,做了一些小模型的测试。然后拿给其他人用,再看一下用户的反馈,再重新打磨迭代一下,最后做出了一个我奶奶用着比较舒服,她也挺喜欢的老年人专用筷子。 R:Result ,要讲一下结果,我们做了这件事情之后,凡事都会有个结果。可能不单单我奶奶会比较喜欢,我也逐渐推广到她的朋友圈、附近的老年人,或者其他一些老年社区。他们也遇到了同样的问题,所以我也把设计出来的筷子慢慢推广给他们,让他们一起用。 逐渐把用户群体泛化了,于是就会有一种量化的结果。

这三分钟讲下来有了 situation,有了你的task,也有你在中间所做的一些行为action,以及最后的结果 ,那这个三分钟的话,其实会讲的东西会比较饱满,对方也会能够根据你的实际例子, 了解你做事的方式以及对创新的态度是什么样的 。按照这样回答下来的话,其实我相信不管是什么题目给到大家,其实都是可以比较容易地去回答的,而且回答应该还是不错的结果。

剩下的一些题目,我觉得大家也不需要一个一个剖析,也可以用类似的一个方法去想一想,如果是你,你应该怎么去回答。还有一个技巧,用同一个例子去套,所以大家在想的时候先去想好一个之前用过的一个例子。 如果我用回之前那个例子,这个题目可不可以套进去?如果可行的话,会减少很多准备成本,我们不需要准备那么多的例子,而是尽量准备一个比较万能的例子。但是这个比较讨巧的方式,对时间紧的同学来说会节省很多时间成本。

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Q&A互动环节,犀利奇葩问题来袭 面试时长、着装、背景、光线,思维逻辑...... 及时回复邮件,经常查看邮箱,包括垃圾邮箱

  • Q:TL都由哪些角色担任?

红雨导师:有同学问Technical leader,TL,我知道你这个名词是从哪儿要用在哪个地方,比方我们在公司里面有一个strong team。一个strong team,有一个TL就是technical leader,它一般是developer software engineer出身,然后他会作为一个leader的角色去分配每个队员的工作任务。 TL应该是根据公司的不同而不同 。大部分公司会让developer来当,也有公司会让designer,甚至是copywriter来当TL。

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  • Q2:一个问题已经说了三分钟了,怎么办,会限时吗?

红雨导师: 每个问题三分钟 ,就跟你考托福分开录音一样,VE也是分开录屏。一个问题结束之后,才会问你下一个问题。 讲的时候尽量保持顺畅 。比方说什么时候突然卡住了,讲不出来的时候,大家就尽量不要emmm嗯嗯啊啊。你可以就不说话,就停顿一下,反而对方可能会觉得你在做一些思考。 或者一些比较常见的那种话,就是帮助你思考,你就可以说This is really a good question. Let me think about this one.为自己争取几秒钟的时间做调整。大家可以拿着题目,自己尝试着开始录好之后再看一遍,你会很容易地发现,如果你一直在嗯嗯啊啊的话会比较尴尬,反而暂停一下不说话的节奏会OK一点。 Tony导师:我补充一点,你拿到一个问题之后,其实你可以有10~20秒的思考时间, 主要是在脑袋里面先过一遍回答问题的逻辑 。不要一拿到问题就开始回答,比方说你面试完之后自己都不知道回答成什么样子,所以一定是先知道这个问题想了解哪几个点,比方说最基础的话,你可以把它分成两三个点去介绍。 遇到一些稍微比较特殊情况的话,你可以在脑子里面过一下,我主要是想讲什么东西。不要把它当成一次面试,而是把它当成一个朋友间的交流,就是一个朋友问你最近在干什么,跟你寒暄的状态,你大概有 明确的表达思路 。 红雨导师:对,而且video essay可控变量,不像真人面试,不太好把握,因为每个面试官都有不一样的mind-set,或者可能同一个面试官,他在每天不同时间段跟你面,他的情绪态度都会不太一样。但是机器帮你录制的时候,你受外界因素影响比较小。所以 大家都处在一种比较公平的状态 。 现在有些学校会节省一些面试资源,也会采用VE面试模式。对大家来说,有好也有坏,好的是大家都处在一个比较公平统一的标准。不好是大家觉得机器没啥情感。但是总的来说,只要大家针对性回答,以及把自己的意图表达清晰的话,其实对方会觉得你在认真对待,好好去看一下,听一下你所讲的内容。

  • Q:面试VS的时候,我的时间是可以选择的吗?我是不是可以选择我状态比较好的时候?还是提前预约时间?

红雨导师:他会发你邮件一个link一个时间段发给你比方几天内录完。具体的时间点,你可以在那几天内选择任意一个时间点,只要在deadline之前。具体要求还是看邮件,比方在那几天里面,你只要觉得你OK了,准备好了,你就打开去面试就行了。一旦你点了”开始测试“,就不能结束了。 Tony导师:大家可以去找一个 更好的时间段、好的网络环境。 如果说自己不是特别确定,可以把你的问题梳理成文字,或者说我们测试rehearsal都是没问题的。所有的面试一般来讲的话,一只梨的面试都是由我把控过的,大家不用怕,担心时间怎么样。只要你们给我留言,我看到之后,会给大家一些回复和反馈的。 红雨导师:我补充一点,大家在测试的时候先可以看一下摄像头。如果你的脸都是黑的话,对方肯定在看的时候,可能多多少少you know。最好找比较暖一点的,光线好一点的地方,至少让别人看得清你。不要一直都是脸处在阴影状态下。反正要 测试之前,先看一下自己在镜头里面长啥样 。

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Tony导师:面试CMU其他专业方向,我去年都帮他们把关包括你在镜头里面的是仰视还是俯视。头部在你的电脑里面是大概一个拳头的位置,比方说你面试的时候,在你的笔记本的屏幕里面的高度头发大概是一个拳头的位置,比较舒服,不要仰视,也不要俯视。 另外光线包括背景避免一些倾斜的背景,比方说你 背景 是一个斜的地方,看起来会影响注意力,背景也不要太复杂。 光线 稍微暖色调一点的话更舒服一些, 着装 可以不要太正式,可以稍微正式和放松的状态,大概就是在现场面试的时候的着装和条件要求。红雨导师:VE一般都发你邮件一个link,所以大家在收到的时候要接收一下就OK了,具体操作直接follow link里的要求做前期准备。因为每年都不一样,一般是不需要你去预约,但是大家也最好邮件点接收,然后看一看,如果只是直接开始面试的按钮,大家可以先就不用管,到最后挑一个时间点去”开始面试“就OK了。 如果有其他信息需要你填写的话,可以先填好,然后等到一个合适的时间段再去开始录制。大家可以先去拿题库练一练,我觉得大家不单单是竞争对手也是一个互助形式。所以大家有什么信息都互相去分享。说不定之后都成了同学。 Tony导师:我指导你们每个同学面试的时候,不是说每个人都回答一样, 一定是针对自己的个人特点 ,所以基本上来说都是全部录取,未来的话你们一起去美帝,一起去国外顶级院校,你们可以一起去认识,有的学校选课还是有互通的。所以大家可以放开心思,不要有一定是竞争关系的顾虑。

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  • Q:之前康奈尔information science面试也有VE,当时我看到面经,你点进去之后题目在你提交之前,你点stopped或者录音倒计时之前是可以刷新的。CMU会有这样子的?其实相当于就是有个bug,假设你表现不好也可以及时刷掉,但是CMU我就不知道,虽然这比较投机取巧,但是我觉得想了解一下有没有这种情况?


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  • Q:申请程序里有一个VE,邮箱里面又发了一封要聊五分钟的邮件,这两个都是需要及时回复的吗?

红雨导师:如果发给你邮件的话,尽量要 及时回复 。因为毕竟是在申请的时候,就是任意的一些邮件,你都其实在这个时期都要多多注意一下。不管什么,你都可以去点进去先看一看。有时候可能需要你去book时间或者填写一些信息,让你补交,都是有可能的。所以你在这个时间段的话,其实要多多关注于他们发给你的每一份邮件。 Tony导师: 经常查看邮箱,包括垃圾邮箱 ,有很多消息及时回复,遇到任何问题随时沟通。如果遇到一些特殊情况,比方说网断了,地震了,网崩了(苦笑)。遇到了极端情况,不要慌,到时候再发一封邮件再解释一下,所以当时的状态。不要太担心。今天,特别谢谢红雨老师给我们信心,其实就是 信息的知道和不知道之间的状态会影响我们极大的坚定度,肯定度和自信心 。

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所以今天我们给各位带来一种托底的方案,所以无论你们在准备之前,包括其他学校的任何的面试,发来的信息,都随时告知班主任,告知Tony,告知我们所有的大牛导师,咱们有100多位顶尖的导师团。你们有什么问题,我就会及时反馈给他们,我知道的我就是第一时间告诉你们,不知道的我就会请教一些了解这方面的专家老师,还有咱们过往的学员,让他们帮助我们去获取信息。预祝大家今年offer满满,Offer手软。 音频 | 陈红雨/Tony 整理 | Joy图片 | 一只梨/网络 作品及图片版权归设计师本人和所服务企业所有, 未经允许转载挪用,将追究法律责任。

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of engineering, ms in software engineering.

The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MS in SE) is a unique program offered exclusively at CMU’s Silicon Valley campus. It emphasizes a rigorous foundation in the core disciplines of software engineering. The program offers students fundamental knowledge, skills, and first-hand experience in software engineering by balancing theory and practice, engaging students in active learning, and encouraging collaboration on projects drawn from real-world contexts.

Our students enter the program with a strong foundation in computer science. They leave the program with a deep knowledge of software engineering.


> What is Software Engineering? > Core Software Engineering Courses > Research Opportunities >  Networking and Career Opportunities > Teaching Assistantships > Program Expectations > Application Guidelines > Further Information

What is Software Engineering?

Despite overlaps, software engineering is not the same as computer science. Computer science focuses on the foundations of computing (e.g., algorithms, computer architecture, compilers, programming languages, operating systems, databases, machine learning, discrete mathematics). Software engineering focuses on the technical and organizational methods, practices, and tools necessary to develop complex software systems in teams.

Software engineering is about solving real-world problems through effective engineering practices spanning software requirements, interaction design, architecture, technical design, implementation, quality assurance, and delivery. Since the work is done in teams, software engineering is also deeply concerned with effective collaboration and work organization.

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Core Software Engineering Courses

The MS in SE program does offer the possibility of taking courses in a variety of computing fields, including computer science, cyberphysical systems, mobile computing,  security and privacy, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, but   its main orientation is software engineering . The following are core software engineering courses:

  • 18-652 Foundations of Software Engineering
  • 18-653 Software Architecture and Design
  • 18-654 Software Verification and Testing
  • 18-656  Functional Programming in Practice
  • 18-657 Decision Analysis and Engineering Economics for Software Engineers
  • 18-658 Software Requirements and Interaction Design
  • 18-659 Software Engineering Methods
  • 18-664 Software Refactoring
  • 18-668 Data Science for Software Engineering
  • 18-671 Foundations of Database Design

Check the program requirements for more information about which and how many of the above courses you need to take to obtain an MS in SE.

Research Opportunities

ECE’s MS in SE faculty conduct research in core software engineering topics as well as complementary areas where software’s role is pivotal. MS in SE students contribute to a variety of projects pursued by the MS in SE faculty and other ECE faculty across both Pittsburgh and Silicon Valley campuses to hone and apply their skills and gain experience in a research context. MS in SE students are able to participate in research activities either for pay as graduate research assistants or for credit by enrolling in ECE’s MS Graduate Project course.

Networking and Career Opportunities

CMU’s Silicon Valley campus is located at the heart of a unique and rich ecosystem with the world’s highest concentration of technology organizations. From startups to giants, software is a central component of these organizations’ business models, delivery systems, and operations. Students have ample opportunities to participate in this ecosystem and Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurial culture via internships, tech talks, meetups, hackathons, and other on- and off-campus career development experiences. These experiences help our graduates build a career path with lifelong networking skills. Our graduates are competitively recruited by small and large companies alike, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, VMWare, Amazon, IBM, Salesforce, Yahoo, SAP, PayPal, LinkedIn, Coursera, Cisco, NVidia, Tesla, Docker, and many others in the San Francisco Bay Area and high-technology centers elsewhere. Some of our students choose to develop their own business acumen through elective courses, and become entrepreneurs themselves upon graduation.

Visit the Silicon Valley career services page for professional development activities available to students. For job placement statistics, visit the Postgraduate Outcomes dashboard at the CMU Career & Professional Development Center .

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching assistantships are available to high-performing and interested  MS-SE students on a paid basis, typically after their first semester. Being a Teaching Assistant is a great way for students to improve their mentoring, communication, and leadership skills. Students invariably characterize their experience as Teaching Assistants as rewarding and an invaluable addition to their resumes.

Program Expectations

Computing background and experience .

We expect most applicants to have an undergraduate degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related computing field with a sufficient number of foundational courses in computer science and focusing on software (listed below). These foundational topics are not taught in the program: we assume all incoming students have the required knowledge. While we occasionally accept exceptional applicants whose undergraduate is in a non-computing field, this is rare. If your undergraduate is from a non-computing field, we look for (1) evidence of having completed qualifying foundational courses at the college- or university-level in relevant topics (listed below), (2) evidence of significant work experience related to software development, and (3) evidence of strong interest and self-learning to fill in any gaps. Satisfaction of these expectations guarantee that the applicant, if accepted, has a fairly high chance of succeeding in the MS in SE program. It is desirable for the qualifying foundational courses to have been taken for credit as part of another degree (for example, a minor in a computing subject), but we will also accept non-credit courses taken in an extension or bridge program at an accredited higher-level education institution. Transcripts are required showing a numerical or letter grade in either case. Courses with a pass/fail grade do not qualify. 

The list of relevant foundational courses for applicants with a degree in a computing field and relevant qualifying courses for applicants with a degree in a non-computing field are as follows:

  • Algorithms and complexity
  • Data structures
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Introductory probability or statistics  
  • Computer architecture
  • Operating systems
  • Web programming
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Programming languages
  • Courses that focus on or teach modern programming languages

Note that the last topic above emphasizes our expectation that the applicant is sufficiently familiar with multiple programming languages and paradigms. If some of the above topics are missing, the applicant should convincingly demonstrate how the gaps are filled through experience, self-learning, and extracurricular activities, addressing the gaps in detail in the essays submitted. In addition to the above, we assume that the applicant possesses (1) undergraduate-level mathematics, engineering, and science background depending on their particular field of undergraduate study; (2) comprehension skills to understand and appreciate the contexts in which complex engineering problems are solved; and (3) analytical, critical, and abstract thinking skills consistent with an engineering orientation at the graduate level.  

Applicants with Job Experience in Software Development or in a Software-Intensive Field

The MS in SE program maintains a strong practical focus without neglecting theoretical foundations. While relevant job experience is not a requirement, applicants who possess a certain level of job experience in software development, either through internships or through post-graduation employment, maximally benefit from the program. Even students with several years of post-graduate job experience benefit greatly. We emphasize that the curriculum is rigorous, and accordingly, we expect all applicants to be willing to (1) learn new skills and concepts, (2) be interested in both theory and practice to acquire a deep level of understanding in the topics taught, and (3) experiment with new ways of working that might potentially be different from what they have been exposed to during their careers.  If you are an experienced applicant who is unsure about the program’s rigor expectations, please contact the program lead. 

Application Guidelines

Please review the graduate applications guidelines page for recommendations on how best to prepare your application package. Please also view the following guidelines specific to the MS-SE program. Following this additional guidance is central to increasing your chances of admission to the MS-SE program:

When listing the courses you definitely want to take:  During the application process, you will be asked to list the courses that you definitely want to take and that you are interested in taking (each applicant can list up to a total of 10 courses). The MS-SE admissions committee specifically looks at this list to determine an applicant's fit to the program. If you are applying to the MS-SE program as your first choice, the courses that you definitely want to take  must all be   selected from the list of  Core Software Engineering Courses  given above to meet the MS-SE program requirements, and must include the mandatory course 18-652. The courses that you are interested in taking can be selected from among the  Core Software Engineering Courses  or they can be any other eligible CMU course.

In your statement of purpose (SoP): Make sure to demonstrate an understanding of what software engineering is, your familiarity with the specific goals of the program, and your interest in the program’s content. I f your main interest is in a specific application domain (e.g., machine learning, data science, cyber-physical systems, security, natural language processing, e-health, autonomous computing, computer vision) or in a computing field other than software engineering, discuss why the MS in SE is the right program for you. You should also explain how your main interests can benefit from a degree with core skills in software engineering. Show awareness of the differences between software engineering and other computing fields in which you have an interest.

In your curriculum vitae or resume:   List software development technologies with which you are familiar, together with level of familiarity ( beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert ), including programming languages, frameworks, tools, main libraries, methods, development practices, and standards.  Provide evidence of skills from courses or certifications taken, from research or academic projects completed, or from previous internships or jobs.

Further Information

If you have questions about the MS in SE program’s goals and content and to find out whether this program is right for you, contact the Program Lead, Prof. Hakan Erdogmus, at  [email protected] with information on your background and interests (you may add your resume to your enquiry).

For questions about the application process and administrative issues, please first explore these pages:

  • Graduate Application Instructions 
  • Graduate Application FAQ (deadlines, application process, required materials, staff contact email for further questions)
  • Tuition and Fees
  • MS in SE Program Requirement s and Variations

Additional information about the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) can be found  here .

Helpful links

To apply, select  Master's  or  Doctoral  from the dropdown, then select  Electrical and Computer Engineering . The list of available programs will then display. You may select up to three programs for which to be considered.

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