Essay on My Garden for Students and Children

500+ words  essay on my garden.

Essay on My Garden – A Garden is the best place in the house according to me. As it is the only place where a person can get relief from a busy life. Moreover having a garden in the house welcomes many health benefits. For instance, a garden has many plants that give oxygen.

Essay on My Garden

Furthermore, the smell of the flowers can refresh a person’s mind in the morning. However, in this era, people are not able to build a garden, because of the lack of space. And also some think that it is a waste of space. So the gardens are no more present in the house. On the other hand gardens in the houses are necessary. In order to lead a peaceful life, a garden plays a major role.

My garden contains different types of plants. For instance, it has different flowers such as roses, sunflowers, Lilies, daisies. These flowers are the easiest to grow and flourish the environment with their beautiful smells. Moreover, the colors of these flowers make a garden look beautiful.

Further, my garden has different vegetables growing in them. For example vegetables like tomato, carrots, sweet potato, cauliflower, bell pepper, etc. These are the easiest to grow. Apart from this, they have various health benefits. Furthermore, this ensures that the vegetables are fresh and free from any chemicals.

The garden has grass all over the area. As a result, this makes it the best place for any exercise. Furthermore, it has a soft ground where children can play different sports.

This ensures that they do not get hurt even if they fall down while playing. Further, my garden has a swing too which is my favorite. Because I can spend hours swinging on it and do not get bored. Sometimes I spend my entire day in the garden completing all my tasks there. But this is only possible whenever I have a holiday.

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The Gardener

As he loves taking care of the garden. Moreover, he is the only person who has set up the entire. My father is a nature lover. Therefore he takes out time from his busy schedule and takes care of the garden. He always tries new things in the garden. For instance last week he brought some new varieties of flowers. Some of them were climbers, bulbs, and perennials.

dream garden essay

As a result, my garden is now full of flowers and is the brightest of all. Apart from my father, there is another person whom my father has appointed to take care of the garden. Because he has to stay away from the house so the gardener comes at that time. Furthermore, the work of grooming and cutting the plants is the duty of the gardener.

Birds in My Garden

Every day in the morning I can hear the chirping of many birds. Birds like sparrow, pigeon and Indian myna come to wake us up in the morning. Moreover, the peacock also comes occasionally in the garden. At that time the whole family gathers together to have a look at the beautiful feathers. In conclusion, the time spent in my garden is the most beautiful garden in the entire day.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name any two flowers that grow in a garden.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The two flowers that grow in a garden are roses and sunflowers. Moreover, these flowers are the easiest to grow. Therefore they are found mostly in gardens.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are the benefits of having a garden in the house?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”The benefits of having a garden in the house are- the person gets fresh air in the environment of the benefits. Moreover, it enhances the look of the house and makes it beautiful.”} }] }

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Gardening for the People.

You grow girl, grow write guild #2: dream garden.


“ Memory is a gardeners real palette; memory as it summons up the past, memory as it shapes the present, memory as it dictates the future. ” – from My Garden (Book) by Jamaica Kincaid

Hello writers. Our first writing prompt was meant to jog memory and take us back to our beginnings (or somewhere nearish), back to where we have come from as gardeners. Memory and past experiences have a place of distinction in our gardens. It doesn’t always dictate the outcome, but memory (conscious and unconscious) folds into our gardening practice, building a basis for why and sometimes how we garden, and infecting the many choices that we make.

I considered guiding us further down this path, but in the end decided that it makes more sense to come back to the past intermittently rather than sinking into it all at once.

Instead, with the winter behind our backs (or very nearly in some cases), it is time to look to the future, or at least, the fantasy future that we desire. I don’t know about you, but I’ve just spent several months dreaming about my garden. What will I grow? What changes will I make? Where will this growing season take me? Lately, I’ve been marking up the calendar with plant sale dates and anticipating all of the new plants I will be bringing home in the next few months. I have enough springtimes behind me now to know how it will play out. Some plants will be planned for, but others will be the product of pure impulse and spontaneous desire. I think of these as Id plants. “ OH, I must have that! ”

Sometimes these Id plants come home and take me and my garden in new directions. Other times they are a disaster (and a predictable one) because they are in direct conflict with the practicalities of the real garden that I have. But sometimes in these spontaneous choices lies the key to something that I need. Something that I have not brought into conscious thought.

Grow Write Guild Prompt #2: Describe your fantasy garden.

We all have fantasy gardens that play somewhere in our thoughts, but how often do we stop and put that fantasy to paper? I don’t. Sure, there have been times when I have visited a garden that made me sit up and take note. There have been times when I have walked into a space and felt like I could move in and be happy there forever. But when it comes to the realities of gardening there are always so many limitations and practicalities to consider… the climate, the size of the space, the environment, the food that I need to grow, the amount of work that I can reasonably take on, other uses for what is already limited space, and of course, always, always, always at the foreground: the impairment of a very limited budget.

Perhaps, too, there is something else that gets in the way of fully imagining what my own personal Versailles might be. I wonder if there is also in there somewhere the fear that imagining something so unattainable will lead to an unbearable sense of disappointment and dissatisfaction with my very real garden?

“ I shall never have the garden I have in mind, but that for me is the joy of it; certain things can never be realized and so all the more reason to attempt them. A garden, no matter how good it is, must never completely satisfy. ” – from My Garden (Book) by Jamaica Kincaid

And then I found these lines and it made me realize that we gardeners are always striving for that fantasy, whether we are conscious of it or not. So why not wonder aloud? Maybe it will help us come to interesting choices this gardening season and we will find ourselves taking new and surprising directions.

Further Questions & Notes:

I tried to write further questions and notes this time around, but ultimately found that they all, in some way, introduced practicalities into the equation. This prompt isn’t about the practical at all, although you are free to bring that into it if you want. Instead, when it comes to imagining your fantasy garden, try not to hold back or limit yourself. This exercise has nothing to do with how much money you have, where you live now, or real life. It’s pure fantasy. This is the garden that you would make if you could do ANYTHING.

The Grow Write Guild is a creative writing club for people who love to garden. Everyone is welcome to participate! Click over to the Grow Write Guild FAQ to learn more about it.

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Loved this topic and really thought I would have a dream garden idea. Funny, I guess I am at that stage in life where I am content with what I have and just lucky to have it.

What an AWESOME topic Gayla! I felt like a kid in a candy store writing about this, and it is kind of inspiring me to do a few things this year that I’ve always wanted to!

I love your dream garden and everything in it! I’m trying to make a cool herb garden myself, but haven’t got it to awesome yet. Tons of birdhouses and bees. The bees will love the wisteria! Nice pictures to help illustrate! You’ve really got me dreaming now!


After believing I’d been able to fool myself that because I plant other vegs besides tomatoes that my obsessiveness for them has been successfully obfuscated and doesn’t really show … I hesitate because I torally know now where this assignment (as in private investigative report back) is going to go … down a PRETTY + SMELLY [in a good way] rabbit hole of flowers – I’ve been holding the lid down on this pandora’s box. A real fantasy garden won’t just be able to be limited to petals of the edible variety – GAH! SoOo – we have between 2 weeks and forever on this one if I read you correctly – right!

nOt torally know now – AUTOCORRECT … I totally know now …

This should be cathartic. Love it.

Now this is a very timely prompt because I’m mulling over a question posed by @emmathgardener about what I would do if money were no object and I’ve already been constructing the fantasy garden in my mind as a result. This all

Sorry – something weird was happening with trying to comment back there.

This allows me to answer your prompt and Emma’s question in one go – result! I’ll put something up next week :)

I love this topic, because right now, my garden is ONLY fantasy! Here’s my post.

The Spy Garden fantasy vegetable/flower/herb garden: Lots of good bugs but no squash bugs or other destructive pests. No deer. Last frost date March 1. Rain barrels with drip irrigation. A three-tiered fountain/birdbath. At least 3 “fort” areas for kids: a bean teepee, some type of tunnel and then maybe a mini lookout tower with a little ladder: all 3 forts completely covered and overgrown with beans, peas and other edibles. A comfortable sitting area in the shade. Lots of berries and fruit trees. Pure black dirt. Paper lanterns and other whimsical type lighting so you could enjoy the garden at night. Separately, a huge glass greenhouse that was more like a sun room attached to the house with lemon trees in gigantic pots. Gardening is already pretty fantastic so the dreams are definitely within (eventual) reach (except the frost date, bugs and deer!) Harder than the first for me. Ack, you made me think! hehe

So fun to fantasize aloud, especially this close to spring. Thanks!

Excellent prompt; most thought-provoking. Thanks; I needed this.

I’ve been creating dream gardens in my head for as long as I can remember. They change as I change (which is what a garden should do, I suppose) but add to the equation that money is no object and I can’t pass on writing down my ideas! It’s supposed to rain here the next few days and I was going to catch up on housework but instead I shall plan my ultimate dream garden! Thanks for this great idea, Gayla!

It was great writing these dreams down! We’ve gone from the past to the future and it’s so exciting to see how far we’ve come, even if some of it is only a dream! Here’s my story:

What an excellent exercise, Gayla! My dream garden is here:

This topic proved to be more challenging than I expected.

Hi Gayla Here is my Dream Garden post – hope you like it

Great prompt. Allowing myself to dream really big really helped me to get some perspective on what’s really important to me in my gardens.

I’ve been day dreaming about my dream garden for years, most of that time living in tiny apartments. We moved into our house last year and now the dream is Starting to become a reality!

In some ways it is almost harder to put your dreams down in words than your past memories, but I am glad I did.

this was hard, but fun!

I got a kick out of your line: “with the winter behind our backs”! You sure aren’t in Alberta – as I sit here writing the outline of my next gardening ebook – April 7th & another 15cm of new snow. Will this stuff ever go away & let me get out and get my hands dirty?

Why I said “very nearly” in parenthesis!

My dream garden is an urban backyard that challenges me with it’s limitations:

Just thinking this prompt through brought me to a much different post than I’d first thought.

This is much more difficult than I thought it would be, after all, a dream garden should be fairly easy as we are always trying to visualise our dream garden as we work in our garden and think about the next thing we will plant there. I like my gardens to be Eco friendly so there would be no mowed lawn and there would be tanks for the rainwater, you would move through the garden along narrow paths made from old stones or bricks, nothing too modern or perfect. The kitchen garden would have herbs and greens and tomatoes and would be near he back door, nothing too lined up or orderly. A few flowers and rose bushes would add some interest and attract bees to the garden too. Beyond that would be a hedge or perhaps grevilleas or proteas. I always like to grow them and they do well here in Australia. Through the hedge you could catch glimpses of the garden beyond which would be a rainforest garden with lots of orchids and elkhorns clinging to the trees (which would be a mix of eucalypts and palms.) there would have to be a pond in there too, I love to keep fish and grow various water plants. Somewhere in all this chaos I would have to have a paved area with a seat under an arbor covered in wisteria, and a cactus garden, but I don’t know how it would all fit together. See, I said it was hard to imagine this dream garden.

Hi! So I want to be a part of this but don’t have a website! How can I post my stories without one? Thanks! Tiff

You can post stories that are just a few lines in the comments here, but for longer stories that you want to make public, I would suggest somewhere like a Facebook page, Tumbler, etc.

Hi Gayla, sorry I wrote my whole response on here, I only did it as my website is not about gardening so t didn’t seem appropriate to post there. I really enjoy this series, thank you!

This one made me put in words what I think about constantly!

this is a great prompt that really quickly took me in a completely different direction altogether, as any great prompt will do.

grow write guild #2

Good one, it gave me an even harder time than the first!

I just wanted to pop in and say that I love this topic, and have been dreaming up gardens for ages. I have completed the writing assignment, but haven’t figured out how (or if I want) to share it publicly. However, I did want to note my participation here, and say that I’m enjoying this new feature on the blog, and I’m looking forward to more topics!

Took a little different direction with the prompt, and described more of my dream garden project idea that wouldn’t just benefit me, but entire neighborhoods. It’s basically what I’d do if I won the lottery.

Wahoot! I forgot about the first one, but remembered to join in this time- thanks for this, such a GREAT idea!

Well, I’m a little late to the party, but here’s my response. My dream garden is a little muddled right now, as I’m working through some research about owning property/agricultural systems and it’s impact on society, and wondering if a garden all to myself is what I really need.

And here’s the link. I can’t believe I forgot to include it. *blush*

Here’s mine…

Can’t wait to read about all of the other dream gardens!!

I finally have good computer access to write my post. :)

I’ll just say I envy my distant Europeans relatives…

I’m a little behind as I saw prompt 3 today, but here’s my #2.

late to this one, alas:

I wanted to draw a picture, but I had to choose between that and finishing a paper for school. Stupid priorities.

I am a little behind the times but finally put to words my dream garden, here:

I can’t believe how many people have taken up the challenge and hope to read their posts over the next few days.

Love this idea! It really did challenge me as I concentrated on writing as opposed to using visuals. Thanks, Gayla!

Seeing challenge #3 was motivating enough to finally get get #2 posted! My dream is food and medicine, for me and mine.

What a challenge & a joy to reflect on…even if the result is a bit delayed!!

completely late on this but finally got back to it. :)

now off to read others!

Very excited to join your Grow Write Guild Gayla! Here is my first contribution. Thanks very much!

Had a lot of fun with this one! Finally caught up and posted my response to prompt #2 in this post:

My dream garden combines traditional gardening principles from my Aboriginal heritage and the basics of permaculture. This was fun to dream up — wonder if I’ll ever be able to turn it into reality! Thanks for the prompt — gave me some insight into new aspirations.

(I’m not sure I put the link to my post in the right spot –I commented on your response, Gayla — so I hope it’s ok if I also put it here.)

Finally done. So easy to dream. So hard to write. Perhaps because I wanted this little essay to be “perfect” — after all, it’s about my dream garden.

It may not be perfect but it is true — every revision (and there were a few) contained the same list of elements I deem essential.

Comments are closed.

Dream Garden

By Kim Sajet

Dream Garden , a glass mosaic designed by Maxfield Parrish (1870–1966) measuring fifteen feet in height and forty-nine feet in length, caused a public sensation twice in Philadelphia’s history. The first time was in 1916 when it was installed in the foyer of the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, six months after a national debut at the Tiffany Studios in Corona, New York, where over seven thousand admirers had come to marvel at its creation. The second was between 1998 and 2001 when its threatened sale and removal to a casino in Las Vegas led the Philadelphia Historical Commission to designate the work of art as a “historic object,” and the Philadelphia Inquirer to suggest that taking it away was akin to “tearing out the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for the highest bidder.” With the support of a sustained public protest by preservationists and citizens alike, the Pew Charitable Trust purchased the work of art in-situ and transferred final ownership to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts so that it could benefit future generations.

A black and white photograph of Maxfield Parrish

Located in the foyer of the former home of the Curtis Publishing Company at 601–46 Walnut Street (built in 1910), Dream Garden was designed by Parrish , a Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts alumnus, and constructed by the Tiffany Studios in New York. Experts have noted that what makes it so unique—and impossible to remove without damage—is its manufacture. The mosaic is comprised of over one hundred thousand pieces of glass tesserae called “favrile,” a derivation of the Old Saxon word for “handmade.” Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848–1933) believed he had invented a wholly new art form using glass exposed to the fumes of molten metals to develop an iridescent appearance. The mosaic took an estimated thirty craftspeople over a year to blow, cut, and assemble; the traditional method of patterning tiles of uniform size was reinvented in favor of painstakingly hand cutting each piece to approximate the free-flowing brushwork. In some cases, the glass artisans hand-painted the tiles and backed them with gold leaf to add additional shimmer. Under the supervision of artistic director Joseph Briggs (1873–1937), Dream Garden was constructed of twenty-four separate panels and is thought to weigh upwards of seven and a half tons.

Appearing as an idyllic landscape presented behind a faux stone balustrade, Dream Garden apparently resulted from a genuine dream experienced by Parrish. When failing to acknowledge any deeper symbolic meaning to an appreciative public, he noted with irritation: “It doesn’t mean an earthly thing, not even a ghost of an allegory . . . the endeavor is to present a painting which will give pleasure without trying intellect—something beautiful to look upon . . . nothing more.”

Despite his heated denials, however, it is attractive to think that Parrish was both referencing his own perennial garden, located in the Cornish Art Colony in New Hampshire, and paying silent tribute to his New Hampshire neighbor, the renowned American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848–1907). In 1905 Parrish and friends had fêted the ailing Saint-Gaudens with an outdoor play upon a stage resembling a classical temple featuring the same masks in The Dream Garden . The water crashing over huge rocky boulders to the right in the mosaic calls to mind the raw marble Saint-Gaudens used to create his sculptures, while the snow-capped mountains in the background seem to reference Aspet, the ancestral home of Saint-Gaudens at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountains in France.

A black and white photograph of Edward Bok, seated with his legs crossed.

Before critics hailed  Dream Garden as a “veritable masterpiece,” however, Edward Bok (1863–1930), the editor of The Ladies Home Journal who had been given the task of finding a monumental work to grace the entrance of his company’s new headquarters, faced a protracted seven-year period of frustration. Bok had initially paid Edwin Austin Abbey (1852–1911) to create a giant painting on the theme of The Grove of Academe , before the artist suddenly died in 1911. This led to a succession of ten artists over a period of four years, two of whom died (Howard Pyle [1853–1911] and Bernard Boutet de Monvel [1881–1949]), two declined to submit ideas ( John Singer Sargent [1856–1925] and George de Forest Brush [1855–1941]), and the rest—including Louis Comfort Tiffany himself—submitted designs that Bok rejected. It took a visit to Mexico City and the sight of the magnificent Tiffany curtain for the National Theater in Mexico City to inspire Bok to persuade Parrish to design, and the Tiffany Studios to make, Dream Garden .

The relationship between Parrish and Tiffany, however, was not harmonious. Parrish felt that the 260 colors used in the glass mosaic were not sufficient to lend his design the natural realism he wanted. Blaming Bok for not understanding his aesthetic sensibilities, he refused to attend the unveiling. Tiffany, in a subtle put-down of Parrish’s criticisms, wrote publicly that without his favrile glass it would have been impossible to achieve the desired effect.

a color photograph of Dream Garden emphasizing white patches used to stabilize cracks

In many ways the tensions between Parrish, a classically trained fine artist who nevertheless made a living through commercial illustration, and Louis Comfort Tiffany, the impresario of fashionable décor who wished to be taken seriously as an artist, reflected how aesthetic divisions between art and craft were beginning to wane at the beginning of the twentieth century. Dream Garden is a work of art manufactured at the behest of a businessman to create a moment of mental respite for workers of the machine age in the foyer of a commercial company reliant on advertising. As a patron, Edward Bok was a vocal advocate for the arts and crafts movement and what he termed “domestic architecture, which would provide a new class of urban workers respite from their labors by creating intimate and soothing places of quiet contemplation. Made of glass that could be easily cleaned and suitably ahistorical and apolitical by design, Dream Garden reflected the uneasy coming together of art and industrialization for workers of the Machine Age.

Kim Sajet is director of the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery. Prior to joining the Smithsonian, she was president and CEO of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. She has also held leadership positions with the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. ( Author information current at time of publication. )

Copyright 2017, Rutgers University

dream garden essay

Wikimedia Commons

The Dream Garden mosaic was designed by Maxfield Parrish and executed in over one hundred thousand pieces of favrile glass produced by Tiffany Studios. It was installed in the foyer of the Curtis Publishing Building in 1916. In 1999, plans were made to remove and sell the piece to an unnamed collector, later revealed to be casino mogul Steve Wynn. Public outcry and official city resistance led to ownership of the piece being transferred to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.

dream garden essay

Visit Philadelphia

The Dream Garden mosaic was designed by Maxfield Parrish and executed in over one hundred thousand pieces of favrile glass produced by Tiffany Studios. It was installed in the foyer of the Curtis Publishing Building in 1916. In 1999, plans were made to remove and sell the piece to an unnamed collector, later revealed to be casino mogul Steve Wynn. Public outcry and official city resistance led to ownership of the piece being transferred to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. (Photograph by G. Widman)

dream garden essay

Curtis Publishing Building

Library of Congress Dream Garden was installed in the Curtis Publishing Company’s headquarters at 601-46 Walnut Street in 1916. Curtis published some of the most popular periodicals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including Ladies Home Journal and The Saturday Evening Post.

dream garden essay

Maxfield Parrish

Library of Commerce

Maxfield Parrish designed Dream Garden at the request of Edward Bok. Parrish said his inspiration for Dream Garden came from a dream, and he insisted there was no deeper earthly meaning, that it was simply meant to be a beautiful object for viewers to enjoy. Born in Philadelphia to a wealthy Quaker family, Parrish was educated at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and the Drexel Institute of Art. Parrish came to national attention when he illustrated the cover of Harper’s Bazaar in 1895. This success led to several other commercial works including illustrations for Frank L. Baum’s Mother Goose in Prose in 1897. During this period Parrish moved to the Cornish Arts Colony in New Hampshire, where his own garden is speculated to have been an inspiration for Dream Garden . Parrish became attached to the Dream Garden project after a series of other artists submitted designs that were rejected by Bok. Despite friction between Parrish and Louis Comfort Tiffany over the design and the color palette used in the installation, it was well-received by the public.

dream garden essay

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Edward Bok commissioned Dream Garden for the lobby of the Curtis Publishing Building. Bok was born in the Netherlands and emigrated to the United States in 1870. By age twenty, he was writing for and publishing magazines. He was hired by Cyrus H. K. Curtis to edit his ladies’ magazine, The Ladies’ Home Journal, in 1889 and under his direction it became one of the most popular women’s publications of the era. He left the magazine in 1919 and began writing his autobiography, The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After , which won the Pulitzer Prize when it was published in 1921.

Bok persuaded Maxfield Parrish to design Dream Garden after visiting Mexico City, where he saw the Tiffany-designed National Theater curtain. But the relationship between Tiffany and Parrish was strained. Parrish felt his work could not be properly executed in the 260 colors Tiffany’s glass provided and blamed Bok for not understanding his vision. Parrish refused to attend the unveiling of his creation.

dream garden essay

Louis Comfort Tiffany

Library of Congress

Louis Comfort Tiffany, son of Tiffany & Company founder Charles Lewis Tiffany, worked in many mediums including leaded glass, pottery, and metalwork. His glassworks studio produced over one hundred thousand pieces of “favrile” glass in 260 colors for Dream Garden.

dream garden essay

Damage to the Mosaic

Scattered patches mark places on the Dream Garden in need of restoration work after vibrations from construction elsewhere in the Curtis Building, known in 2017 as the Curtis Center, caused damage to the mosaic’s tiles. This picture is from December 2016, a few months after the damage was detected while office space in upper floors was being converted to apartments. (Photograph by Donald D. Groff for The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia )

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Related Reading

Bok, Edward. The Americanization of Edward Bok: The Autobiography of a Dutch Boy Fifty Years After . New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922.

Gilbert, Alma. Maxfield Parrish: The Masterworks . Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press, 1992.

Jacobsen, Jack W. Maxfield Parrish: The Man behind the Make-Believe . N.p., 1995.

Sajet, Kim. “From Grove to Garden: The Making of The Dream Garden Mosaic.” In Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1805–2005: 200 Years of Excellence , 23–51. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2005.

Related Collections

  • Papers of Maxfield Parrish Rauner Special Collections Library 6065 Webster Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.

Related Places

  • The Dream Garden


Connecting Headlines with History

  • A rude awakening for 'Dream Garden' as Curtis renovation damages historic mural (WHYY, July 12, 2016)
  • Holding fast to 'Dream Garden' with protective wall during construction (WHYY, July 21, 2016)
  • Maxfield Parrish (National Museum of American Illustration)
  • Cornish Colony Museum Blog
  • Tiffany Studios (Morse Museum of Art)
  • Curtis Publishing Company (PDF, Historical Society of Pennsylvania)

Connecting the Past with the Present, Building Community, Creating a Legacy

Paragraph Buzz

Short Paragraph on My Dream Garden for Kids and Students

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Paragraph on My Dream Garden in 200 Words

Different people have different types of hobbies . I have got a very interesting hobby. And it is gardening . I already have a garden in front of my reading room . I can see the garden view from my window. It is in the backyard of my house. I am planning to make this garden even bigger.

I have a dream garden scene in my head. A few months ago, I visited my cousin due to summer vacation . I saw a very beautiful garden in her home. It impressed me a lot and I wanted to make a similar garden. And that’s why I have started the initiative.

I have been pretty succeeding within the last four months. But I have to go so far. Still, now I have planted almost 20 flower plants in the garden. Luckily all of them have grown properly. Now it looks so beautiful. I want to make this one as my dream garden.

In my dream garden, there will be more than 100 flower plants and lots of vegetables. I want to make sure some natural food from my garden that I saw in my cousin’s place. My parents and my sister is helping me a lot in this. I hope I will be able to make the garden.

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dream garden essay

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  • Class 1 My Garden Essay

My Garden Essay For Class 1

A garden is a planned plot of land adjoining a house that is used for cultivating new plants, flowers and fruits in trees and other forms of nature. The garden consists of both natural and man-made materials. Many people pursue gardening as a hobby as this gives them an opportunity to refresh their minds and be amidst natural beauty like trees, birds, etc.

In this article, we bring you “My Garden Paragraph for Class 1” kids. We hope this essay will give them an idea of the points that a child should mention while drafting an essay on my garden for Class 1.

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My Garden Paragraph for Class 1

My Garden Essay for Class 1

  • I have a small beautiful garden in front of my house.
  • There are many beautiful flowers like roses, orchids, sunflowers and lilies in my garden.
  • My grandfather loves gardening and tends to our garden every day.
  • He taught me how to water the plants daily.
  • I play with my pet dog, Jimmy in the garden every evening.
  • Whenever I go for a vacation with my family, we visit the nurseries in the neighbourhood and collect more plant saplings for our garden.
  • My favourite flower is an orchid and we have different varieties in our garden.
  • Every day the sun shines bright on the plants and beautiful butterflies hover above the flowers.
  • There is an apple tree in my garden which bears sweet fruits.
  • Gardening is my favourite hobby and I love to spend time in my garden.

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Essays on my dream garden

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Exotic Gardening

Describing The Garden

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The top photo shows baby birds. The bottom photo shows and old fashion peachy pink rose in bloom.

Although I truly love sharing with you what my senses perceive when I am in the garden,  describing the garden  is not easy because descriptive writing is not my forte.

Bringing the smells, the sights and the sounds alive on paper is – in fact – very difficult.

How do you accurately describe the wonderful, translucent way a rose looks and the changes in color that take effect when the sun is shining through the petals in a way that makes them glow? 

In this article, I hope to share with you how to describe a garden using a combination of senses such as sight, sound and smell as well as words often used to accurately describe a garden.

dream garden essay

Table of Contents

How To Describe A Garden

The best way to learn how to describe a garden is to think about what your words convey to the person reading them.

A good description needs to convey what something looks like, what sounds you hear, smells you notice, things you taste if applicable, as well as what things you touch actually feel like.

Dill weed growing in my garden.

When it comes to describing a garden, it is possible to describe the taste of certain plants or even what they feel like.

For example, the photo above is dill weed.

Dill weed has a slightly tangy taste often associated with pickles and the plant itself is very soft to the touch sort of like a feather, but you will notice the hardness of the stem running through the center of the plant.

The more common descriptions however are going to be how the garden looks, what sounds you hear while you are in the garden as well as any scents you notice.

The key is to show your reader through the details of sight, smell, taste, texture and sound exactly what you are experiencing, instead of simply telling them about your experience.

dream garden essay

Ways To Describe A Garden

There are many ways to describe a garden using a combination of vivid adjectives, metaphors and similes.

Describing a garden requires more of the writer than just these things though.

Sharing your thoughts and emotions help give the reader a real sense of what the garden is actually like and this is not necessarily easy.

Often we are taught to stick to the facts, be concise and objective, however when it comes to descriptive writing, these rules must be bent.

While it is important to be observe and report the details in a concise manner, adding in vivid adjectives, metaphors and similes are an important part of descriptive writing.

dream garden essay

Words To Describe A Garden

There are so many words to describe a garden that honestly that could be a post all of its own.

However, here is a short list of some popular words to describe a garden.

  • magnificent

Descriptive Writing On A Garden

Sensory details are essential to descriptive writing on a garden.

The reader must get a vivd sense of what you are describing.

Ideally the words you use should paint a picture in their mind of what you see and possibly even invoke feelings of what it is like to be in the garden, as if they were standing right beside you.

This is why it is important to select the right details to share.

You want your reader to see what you see, feel what you feel and experience exactly what you are experiencing as you walk through the garden.

Using precise language is important because if the words you choose are too vague the description of the garden will not be clear enough to the reader and that will impact their ability to fully immerse themselves in the article or essay.

dream garden essay

Description Of A Garden

Below is my attempt at describing my garden. 

I can see it with my eyes when I am gardening or even walking through the garden, but I can’t quite capture the effect with a photo – then again, I am not a photographer.

These days, even though I have a Canon EOS Rebel T3i digital camera, it is my iPhone that I take most pictures with, after all, it is always with me and you can’t get more convienent than that.

Add in the delightful smells that waft through the summer air , the sound of birds and the tinkling of wind chimes and you will begin to understand that my garden is truly a delightful mix of fragrance that is brought alive by the sounds of nature and enhanced with colors that only Mother Nature herself can create.

Stargazer lilies in bloom.

What My Garden Smells Like

From the beginning I knew I wanted a highly fragrant garden .

It’s been nine years in the making, but I can say this year has made it all worth it. 

This year is a time when I wish there was a scratch and sniff button on my website so you could smell the flowers as I begin describing the garden scents.

The fragrance from the garden gently drifts through the open doors and windows creating an array of heady, floral scents in my house that changes as often as the wind does.

The smell of honeysuckle rules most of the time – it’s heavy, overpowering fragrance conquers all the other scents in the garden – except the old fashion mock orange whose citrus notes compete and at times, overpower or combine so well with the honeysuckle that it’s hard to tell which is which.

Roses abound in my garden , as those of you who look at the photos know.

Each one of the roses has a different scent – and this was a deliberate choice.

Some smell like pure old fashion roses , some have citrus notes, some are not scented at all and to confuse the nose even more, the sweet briar rose has apple scented leaves that adds its own dimension of fragrance to the garden.

Combine these fragrances with the dame’s rocket, peonies, sweet shrub, lilies plus some of the other scented plants that are flowering at this time (the plants change from day to day) and you truly have the makings of a highly fragrant floral perfume.

dream garden essay

What My Garden Sounds Like

I love the sound of tinkling wind chimes, birds, burbling waterfalls and plants gently rustling in the wind.

When these sounds combine, it’s really amazing.

Throughout the garden there are wind chimes of different sizes and shapes.

Every one makes a different tinkling sound.

Some are barely noticeable, others are very loud with more of a noisy clanging than a gentle tinkling – but it generally takes a pretty strong wind to get the larger chimes to move.

Sometimes a chipmunk or squirrel set them off, but not very often.

When the squirrels come across them, you hear a chirping sound followed by a high pitched barking before they scramble up a tree.

I add new windchimes every year.

I tend to choose cheaper ones because they don’t last.

I don’t bring them in when summer is over.

They are bought for the garden and that is where they remain until the fall apart.

I then collect the pieces of the wind chimes and hope someday to put them back together.

Baby birds in a nest in my garden.

This year my garden is filled with the sounds of birds chirping.

It wasn’t always like this.

In fact, in the beginning, the bird feeders would sit for days untouched.

Sometimes I would have to toss the bird seed because it rained and ruint it. 

Those days are long gone.

This year there are bird nests – filled with baby birds – all over the property.

I have lots of bird houses, but some birds choose to build their nests in trees, shrubs or among the plants.

All types of birds are welcome here and I absolutely love the sound of birds chirping.

Nothing says good morning quite like the cheery sound of happy birds.

The other thing that I am noticing for the first time this year is the gentle rustle of the plants – specifically some of the ornamental grasses .

The sounds of the plants rustling are not prominent, but when you walk past an area – or are sitting in an area – where the wind is gently moving the plants, you do notice.

The rustling is soothing in a way – not harsh or irritating.

In fact, were it not for the occassional vehicle driving by or sound of voices, I could easily forget I was right at the edge of the city.

A pond and waterfall in my garden.

My other love is the sound of moving water – which may seem strange given the fact that I am afraid of water.

I have always been afraid of water since I was a young child, but when my ex-husband tried to drown me in the bathtub, that fear became greater.

There are three ponds currently on the property and there are plans to add a fourth one.

The new pond is going to be large enough to raise catfish in – the other three are strictly ornamental ponds that goldfish and water lilies thrive in.

I have an array of fountains, waterfalls, colored lights and even a fogger in the ponds.

I truly find the burbling sound of falling water soothing.

The birds, butterflies, bees and other small animals are also attracted to the sounds of water and every year there are numerous frogs and toads that come here to live.

I love seeing tiny frogs and toads in and around the pond areas.

A butterfly, a rose and lilies in bloom in my garden.

What My Garden Looks Like

Oh – the lovely sights of the garden – are truly a sight to behold.

There is color everywhere – bright color, subtle color – pinks, reds, yellows, oranges, purples, greens – you name it.

I have contrasting colors and harmonizing colors side by side.

Red and purple.

Green and red.

Pink and red.

Grey and yellow-green.

Orange and purple.

The garden is simply a riot of color – and the colors change on a regular basis as some flowers on certain plants fade and new plants with different colored flowers burst into bloom.

The grouping that spoke to me today was a mix of a ground cover with yellow-green flowers that was planted in between a vibrant red rose and a patch of soft, grey lamb’s ears.

The three colors together look really good.

Describing The Garden

The lamb’s ears beckoned to me to gently caress them.

Their leaves are so soft – they remind me of petting a small kitten.

The red rose towered above the yellow-green flowers of the groundcover really brought the other two plants together and made the red of the roses stand out even more.

There are numerous groupings like this all along the garden path.

Some just seem to stand out more than others on different days possibly because of how the sunlight plays off the petals and leaves of the plants at different times of the day.

So, I hope you have enjoyed my attempt at describing the garden.

It has not been an easy task.

The good news is there are lots of videos on my YouTube Channel of the garden if you wish to see parts of the garden for yourself.

dream garden essay

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Tuesday 22nd of June 2021

it helped for my creative writing bye

Kathleen Anderson

Tuesday 15th of December 2020

This is just wonderful. And you do have an interesting and beautiful talent for descrdiption.

Sheri Ann Richerson

Thursday 31st of December 2020

Thank you very much!

Jenny Coffman

Tuesday 30th of April 2019

Hi Sheri, Your use of the English ;language to write the feelings, thoughts and sounds of your garden are very inspiring. One of my collections is of flowers, so when creating my website, I found yours to describe flowers. I was so inspired by you, that I even linked my clients to your page in my description. I hope you are ok with me using your words. Feel free to take a peek at how I used them here: And if your quote was not represented well, please let me know! Thanks! Jenny Coffman Digital Illustrator Artski & Hush

Saturday 31st of March 2018

Nice I loved it it helped me for my English assignment

Sunday 13th of May 2018

Really nice descriptions! Your garden sounds truly beautiful.

Tuesday 8th of May 2018

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dream garden essay


Paragraph on my dream garden

Gardening is an interesting hobby. You can see your garden from your window. L

I have a dream garden scene. My cousin has a beautiful garden. I want to create a similar garden. So I started an initiative.

In my dream garden, there should be more than 100 flowers and lots of vegetables. My parents and my sisters help me a lot with this project. I hope I will succeed in making the garden.

A garden is a place where you can relax and enjoy nature. You can go out into your garden and sit down under a tree and read a book. You can also go out into your garden to pick flowers. Flowers make beautiful decorations for your house. There are many different kinds of flowers. Some flowers smell nice when you touch them. Others do not smell very good.

Paragraph On My Dream Garden 2

Four key elements to create an inspiring landscape: daydreaming about your garden is a great way to get through the final few weeks of winter. It’s free and anything goes. But planning a real space you love takes more thought, since it involves a lot more than simply choosing the flowers you like!

  • A garden or landscape should be visually appealing but also make you feel something. Your garden should surprise you and delight you.
  • A garden should be designed with both harmony and contrast. A garden should show the relationship between different elements such as plants, flowers, and structures. Each element must work together and complement each other.
  • Gardens are places where people go to relax and enjoy themselves. A garden room needs to be designed well, and it needs to be beautiful.
  •  A garden room needs proper proportions and scale. Plants should be placed in the right areas, and there should be a feeling of order and beauty.

Here are the keys to an inspired garden.

Paragraph On My Dream Garden 3

Trees are important to the landscape. They provide shade, stature, and silhouette. They also give us beautiful flowers, interesting branches, and great fall colors. Their bark flakes off as they age.

Fruit trees and shrubs that grow berries such as Winterberry (Ilex verticillata), attract birds and provide winter colors. Evergreen trees such as Juniper, Dwarf Spruces, Arborvitae and Boxwoods are the most resistant.

Plants that bloom at different times of the year make a beautiful garden. You can choose plants that bloom in autumn, winter, spring, summer and even fall. Combining plants that bloom at different times makes a great garden.

Selecting architectural elements such as pergolas, fences, walkways, patios and stone work can organize the space and connect it with the house. High quality durable materials are used to create the bones of the garden.

My husband and I created a private oasis by adding a bluestone walkway and fencing. We used these elements to make our garden more enclosed. We needed a place to put our plants, so we laid out the beds. Our garden room gives us privacy from the street and neighbors. It helps us figure out what kind of plants to buy.

Good planting design carefully balances form and texture. When properly done, composition will be breathtakingly gorgeous without ever being overpowering.

Landscaping can make a space seem larger or smaller depending on how you place things. Containers and sculptures can make a space feel more intimate. Lighting and pools can give a space a feeling of movement. Artwork adds personality to a space.

Native plants are a mainstay of her designs. She plants these plants to attract birds, bees, and other pollinators to help keep the space alive and interesting. Her main goal is to get people outside, away from the city, and into the garden. Being outside lowers stress and adds to mental wellness.

Kathy Kepler says that when you’re trying to make something look good, stick to one main idea. Even if your project doesn’t work out, you’ll be happy knowing you tried to do something different.

Stone walls are great for gardens because they are easy to work with and they can be used as an accent piece. They can also be used to create interesting shapes and textures.

Stone walls are used by gardeners as a barrier to protect plants from pests and other threats.

Susan Palomaki grows flowers in her greenhouse. She collects them from around the world. Her plants include new Hibiscus, Little Zin, Pop Art, White and Red Zinnias, and Blood Orange Nemesia Sunsatia.

Container gardening is an art form. You can use containers to make your garden pop out. They can be used to create architectural features. They can also be used to define entrances. Container gardens can be used to attract attention and make your garden pop out!

Westcott believes in creating unique combination and seasonal interest, so we like to pull from a wide range of plantings: evergreen, perennial, annual, grasses, tropicals, houseplants, tree, shrub, herb, succulents and bulb. Using a diverse plant palate, we can “color echo” different elements in our garden. What is both challenging and remarkable is how a garden is never finished.

A garden is a living entity that requires maintenance. You should be able to see what you’re doing through the window.

Anything that makes your space work well for you is the right choice.

Plants that grow in your yard or garden are called weeds. Weeds are usually unwanted plants that grow in your yard. Sometimes weeds are useful plants that help you out. For example, some weeds help you make compost. You can use them as fertilizer. Some weeds help you get rid of pests. And some weeds help you attract butterflies and other insects.

Paragraph On My Dream Garden 4

Gardening is hard work. You have to think about everything you want to grow, and you have to plan ahead. Gardening takes time and money. You have to make sure your plants get enough water and sunlight. Gardening requires planning. Gardening is expensive. Gardening is hard work!

Gardening is a great hobby because you get to grow your own food. You can eat what you grow! But if you want to be successful, you need to know how to plant seeds correctly.

A garden filled with flowers, fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, and other plants.

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  • My Dream House Essay in English for Students


Read My Dream House Essay on Vedantu

English is one of the leading languages ​​in the world. Since English is the language of international trade, English is a basic requirement for everyone. Not only that, you can also interact with people from all over the world. Today, fluency in English is one of the basic requirements for a trouble-free life. To be perfect in any language, you must be able to write, read, and speak. These skills include understanding the grammatical aspects of English, writing letters, essays, etc.

Essay-writing is a fun activity for every kid. Kids enjoy writing essays as it gives them creative freedom and allows them to express their thoughts. Essay writing has many benefits: it improves students’ command over the language, allows them to learn sentence formation, etc. Kids can get free essays on several topics on Vedantu’s site. 

My Dream House- An Essay 

I always imagine how my future house will be. A home is a place surrounded by the people one loves. A house is not made beautiful by its furniture or decor, but by the people that live inside it. My dream house should be a house that I can share with my family when I grow old. I always dream of a wooden house in the hilly areas. My dream house should be the one facing a small river. Through the windows, I could see the sun setting and disappearing into the mountains. My dream house would have a small garden where I will grow my own vegetables and fruits. 

The house that I fancy would be considerably big with four rooms and a spacious common area. My dream house should be comfortable for my parents, grandparents and siblings. The house should be equipped with all the modern amenities. It should have a big TV with a home theatre system and a Playstation attached to it. The walls of the house will have light colours that will make it appear bright. There will be sufficient light bulbs and lamps in every room. I also dream of a chandelier in the guest room and a big sofa where everyone will sit and enjoy watching TV together. My grandparents love reading. I wish that my dream house will have a reading space with lots of books.

I have a 3-year old pet dog called Tiger. I also want to have a small yet cosy space in my house for Tiger where he can sleep and relax when he grows old. The house will have beautiful interiors and will have all the facilities like a modern kitchen, three bathrooms, a staircase leading to the terrace, ACs, etc. My dream home should be the one where we all can live happily and comfortably.  


FAQs on My Dream House Essay in English for Students

1. Why should students write essays about My Dream House?

Essay writing is loved by all ages. When writing an essay on any topic, they can describe their chain of thoughts and ideas. Children must be able to understand the importance of home. Home is a symbol of togetherness and love. Writing an essay about my dream house gives students the opportunity to express their feelings about the dream house in simple words. My dream house essay tries to introduce children to the most important aspects of a home that they can include in their essay. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the perfect home. With this article, the experts try to write what a children's dream house looks like. Writing a short essay about my dream house encourages children to gather their thoughts and develop their own ideas about the subject. It develops better language skills and increases self-confidence. Therefore, writing essays has been a part of the curriculum since the formation years of children. 

2. What is a dream house?

Home is the dream of many people because it is one of the few things that give happiness and comfort to everyone. Dream homes can have designs that vary from person to person and this has led to many beautiful dream homes. A dream home should be a place where the person finds comfort, no matter where they go, they will find peace at that one place. A dream house is a place that a person dreams and each day wishes to be in that place. There are many essays on dream homes that can easily be found on the Vedantu website for the students to refer to. 

3. Why should students be encouraged to write essays?

An essay is written to convince someone about a certain topic or just to inform the reader. In order to convince or properly inform the reader, the essay must include several elements that are important to be convincing and logical. Essay writing is a very important part of the English curriculum because it understands how to describe something in words or how to express your point of view without losing its meaning. Essays are the most important way to understand the structure of writing and present it to the reader.

4. How does Vedantu help students write essays?

Writing an essay takes a little guidance and a lot of practice. To understand this, Vedantu offers students various essays on various topics to understand the proper way to write an essay. Students can refer to these essays and reproduce them in their own style to get a better test. On the Vedantu website, there are complete guidelines on how to write an essay and its types. These tips and ample examples available on the website are the perfect guide for any student to write an essay.

5. What perspectives should students keep in mind when writing an essay entitled My Dream House?

Home is a completely safe place to live with our family. We live with our parents, grandparents, and siblings and it is a place that gives us love and warmth. In this article, we'll review the essay ook, "My Dream Home," and understand the importance of a dream home from a toddler's perspective. When I write "My Dream home", the child needs to understand the importance of the dream house in his life. In addition, children should see the house as a symbol of human togetherness, a place where everyone learns the first steps in his life.


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Dream Garden

From dramawiki.

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  • 3 User/Viewer Ratings
  • 5 Production Credits
  • 6 External Links
  • Title: 沉睡花园 / Chen Shui Hua Yuan
  • English title: Dream Garden
  • Genre: Romance, psychological, suspense
  • Episodes: 16
  • Broadcast network: Hunan TV, Mango TV
  • Broadcast period: 2021-Dec-13
  • Original Soundtrack: Dream Garden OST

Xiao Xiao, the blogger of the self-media emotional public account, and Lin Shen, a professional psychological counselor, had a grievance in a love variety show because of their differences in concepts. By coincidence, Xiao Xiao applied to become Lin Shen's assistant. She hopes to enhance the emotional analysis expertise of her official account by learning professional psychology knowledge. In working and living together, the two solved several psychological cases and the crises that lay around them, such as fan delusions in love, online leverage, emotional attachment damage, and so on. The closer their hearts were to each other. Xiao Xiao's enthusiasm and vitality have infected Lin Shen, who has a cold personality, and Lin Shen taught Xiao Xiao how to become an excellent professional psychological counselor. But the crisis ambushing them gradually emerged. After the two experienced conflicts and crises, they finally discovered that love is a kind of hypnosis, making each other a better self.

User/Viewer Ratings

  • Gong Jun as Lin Shen
  • Qiao Xin as Xiao Xiao
  • Zhang Luo Qi as Fan Qi (young)
  • Sun Yi as Yan Luo
  • Wang Si Yi as Li Yi Xin
  • Wang Ze Xuan as Sun Ke Le
  • Zhang Duo as Shao Ning
  • Shen Tai as Huang Yuan
  • Zhou Zi Han as Xiao Rui
  • Zhou Qi Qi as Zuo Yan
  • Liu Chang as Wang Su
  • Ma Meng Wei as Zhang Shan Shan
  • Zhou Shi Yuan as Zhou Ran
  • Wu Yang as Chai Qian
  • An Ge as Huo Lang
  • Jiang Bing as Sun Dong
  • Cao Yan Yan as Qi Fang
  • Lin Zi Lu as Xiao Jia
  • Fu Da Yong as Yan Luo's father
  • Hu Qing Yun (胡青云) as Yan Luo's mother
  • Mu Li Yan as Zuo Yan's mother
  • Liu Xiu as Shan Shan's father
  • Li Jia Wei as Shan Shan's mother
  • Zhang Zi Xuan as Sun Rui
  • Wang Zhu Yue as Secretary Zhang
  • Yan Ke Xin as Wei Wei
  • Leng Hai Ming as Lu Yan
  • Zhang Yu Huo (张雨霍) as Fang Lin
  • Chen Chao Jie (陈超杰) as Chen Zi Ran
  • Zhang Xin Yue as Xiao Xue
  • Yang Zhi Ying as Sun Dong's mother
  • Yang Zi Ping (杨子平) as Sun Dong's father
  • Chen Ping as Sun Dong's wife
  • Chen Rui Han (陈瑞晗) as Sun Dong's daughter
  • Jing Lu as Aunt Li
  • Guo Xiao Ming (郭小明) as Zhou Rui
  • Zhao Zi Qi as Yan Xiao Feng
  • Yi Cheng (易成) as host
  • Wang Ming Shuai as Assistant Xiao Qi
  • Zhu Ting Bei as Peng Xu
  • Dou Zhi as Wang Ming
  • Fan Meng Jiao (范梦娇) as homeowner
  • Ma Zi Han (马子涵) as nurse
  • Wu Shu Yi (吴舒易) as girl

Production Credits

  • Director: Zang Xi Chuan
  • Screenwriter: Lan Bai Se
  • Producer: Tang Fan , Zhang Zhuo
  • Company: Huace Media, Mango TV

External Links

  • Baidu Baike
  • Psychological
  • Huace Media

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C-Drama Love

Dream Garden Chinese Drama

Dream Garden Chinese Drama Poster

Drama Info :

Title : Dream Garden (沉睡花园) Chen Shui Hua Yuan Episodes : 16 Release Date : December 13, 2021 Film Location : Xiamen Summary : The Chinese drama follows the love story between Xiao Xiao, a self-media romance blogger, and Lin Shen, a psychological counsellor, as they slowly make each other better.

Plot Synopsis:

Xiao Xiao, the blogger of the self-media romance public account, and Lin Shen, a psychological counsellor, have a disagreement with each other on a love variety show. By coincidence, Xiao Xiao applies to become Lin Shen’s assistant. She hopes to enhance the sentimental analysis expertise of her official account by learning psychology. In working and living together, the two resolve a number of psychological cases together, and also resolve the crises that lie around them, such as fan delusions in love, online leverage, emotional attachment damage, etc. In the process the two also fall in love. Xiao Xiao’s enthusiasm and vitality infects Lin Shen, who has a cold personality, and Lin Shen teaches Xiao Xiao how to become an excellent psychological counsellor. But the crisis ambushing them gradually emerges. After the two experience conflicts and crises, they finally discover that love is actually a kind of hypnosis, making each other a better self.

Cast & Characters :

Gong Jun

Gong Jun 龚俊 as Lin Shen 林深 An “academic”, with excellent professional ability and a rigorous attitude, which also causes him to have doubts and precautions involuntarily when he first meets Xiao Xiao, the “wild emotional blogger”.

Qiao Xin

Qiao Xin 乔欣 as Xiao Xiao 肖潇 The self-made media romance blogger, she has a cheerful personality and a meticulous mind. Although she is an experienced romance blogger, she is also single. In order to operate her official account well, she applies to become Lin Shen’s assistant. She hopes to enhance the sentimental analysis expertise of her official account by learning professional psychology.

Supporting Characters

Jing Chao

Jing Chao 经超 as Fan Qi 范齐 CEO of an investment group acts he decisively and does everything that is profitable. He is delicate and good at disguising. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter his heart as he has his guard up. Although he seems indifferent, in fact, there is a trace of warmth in his heart, but it is generally rare.

Sun Yi

Sun Yi 孙铱 as Yan Luo 颜洛 An innocent cartoonist with a romantic heart. Her cartoons are liked by many fans. Every time a new work is released, it turns out to be a hot product. A big reason for her personality comes from the influence of her original family. She was not loved and valued, so she always hopes that she grows up quickly, and then through her own efforts obtain the happiness she wants.

Drama Posters:

Dream Garden Chinese Drama Still 1

Airing Schedule :

Start: December 13, 2021 Frequency: 1 episode every Tuesday and Wednesday End: February 9, 2022

Dream Garden Chinese Drama Airing Calendar

OST Playlist

Tan Xin Zhe 探心者 by Mao Bu Yi 毛不易

dream garden essay

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dream garden essay

Dream About Garden

Dreams about a garden can be interesting and powerful. They can symbolize significant changes, reaching full potential, and many other things.

Depending on the details of the dream, the meaning can be interpreted differently.

If you want to delve deeper into the meaning of your dream, continue reading my article and discover these powerful interpretations.

Table Of Contents

1. A Significant Change in Your Life

When you have a dream about a garden, it might suggest a big shift approaching in your life. Just as a garden goes through seasons and changes, your life too can experience similar cycles.

Picture this – you have a routine job that has been going smoothly, but then suddenly, a job offer from another city comes along.

This could be the significant change your garden dream is hinting at, a transformative experience that can shift the course of your life.

The garden dream meaning, in this context, is to prepare and embrace the change. It’s a reminder that change isn’t always bad – often it’s a doorway to something more fulfilling, more rewarding.

The dream could be a sign that you’re about to turn a corner in your life, moving on from the familiar to embrace new experiences and possibilities.

2. A Positive Transition Phase

Dreams of gardens often signify a positive transition. Think about it – gardens are all about growth, renewal, and beauty.

So, when you dream about a garden, it might be hinting at a new phase in your life that will bring about joy and contentment.

Let’s consider you’re about to graduate and start your first job, or perhaps, you’re about to become a parent. These significant life transitions can be reflected in your garden dream.

Transitions can be nerve-wracking, but the garden in your dream is a gentle reassurance of the positive outcomes. The garden dream meaning, in this case, is a bright and promising future awaiting you.

So, when you dream of a garden blooming with flowers, it’s likely indicating that you’re on the cusp of a gratifying phase of your life.

3. Reaching Your Full Potential

Dreaming about a well-tended, thriving garden can be a sign that you’re about to reach your full potential in a certain aspect of your life.

Imagine you’re working on a project at work that’s getting recognition, or you’ve been training for a marathon and your performance is improving.

This dream about a garden might be hinting at you about to reach the pinnacle of these efforts.

The beauty of a garden lies in the perfect bloom, just as your potential is fully realized when your skills and abilities shine brightest.

So, the dream of garden with flourishing plants could mean that you’re about to reach a significant milestone, accomplishing something that showcases your true potential.

4. Deepening of Relationships

Gardens are often symbols of intimacy and connection. If you dream about a garden, it could imply that your relationships might take a deeper, more meaningful turn in the future.

For instance, if you have been dating someone for a while, this might be the time you both decide to take it to the next level, like moving in together, or even an engagement.

In the same way, a friendship could transform into a lifelong bond, or you might find a new level of understanding with your parents or siblings.

So, the dream about a garden can be a reflection of these deepening relationships in your life, hinting at stronger bonds and enduring connections.

5. Gaining New Perspectives

A dream of a garden can also suggest you’re about to gain fresh perspectives in life. Gardens are rich with diversity, from different plants to varying patterns of growth, they offer a plethora of views.

This could translate into your life as a significant realization, or a new way of looking at things. Say you’ve been tackling a challenge at work the same way without success – your garden dream could indicate you finding a fresh, innovative approach to resolve it.

This new perspective doesn’t necessarily have to be about problem-solving. It could also be about understanding people better, empathizing with their experiences, or simply appreciating the

6. Realizing a Hidden Talent

Dreaming about a garden can also signify the unearthing of a hidden talent. Picture a seed in a garden, quietly nurturing its potential until it bursts forth into a flourishing plant.

Similarly, you might have been nurturing an unseen talent. Perhaps you have a knack for public speaking, but your regular desk job has never provided the chance to showcase it.

A dream about a garden might indicate a future event where this talent comes to light, like being asked to present a project at an important meeting.

Thus, the garden dream meaning here could be hinting at you discovering your skills, revealing your hidden talents.

Much like a bud that blossoms into a flower in a garden, your abilities too might find a platform to bloom in the near future.

7. An Upcoming Adventure

Dreaming of a garden can often be a hint of an upcoming adventure. Just like a garden brimming with diverse plants and colors, life can offer a plethora of experiences, turning everyday routine into an exhilarating journey.

So, imagine you’ve been living a regular, predictable life, and then one day, you get an opportunity to travel abroad for work or pleasure. Your garden dream might be a sign of this unexpected turn of events.

In this context, the dream of a garden can be a sign of exciting times ahead, offering a break from monotony.

A change of scenery, meeting new people, exploring different cultures – your garden dream could be indicating that all these exciting prospects might soon be part of your reality.

8. Unleashing Your True Self

A garden in dream can be an indicator of you embracing your true self. Consider this, a garden is an open space, full of authenticity and life.

Likewise, you might have been trying to conform to societal expectations, neglecting your true desires and aspirations.

A dream about a garden could signal a future scenario where you find the courage to express your genuine self, be it a career choice, a lifestyle change, or personal preferences.

Therefore, a dream about a garden in this context is about authenticity. It might hint at you embracing your individuality, revealing your true persona to the world.

9. Finding Peace Within

A dream about a garden often signifies peace and tranquility. Gardens, with their quiet charm and serene vibes, can be seen as a symbol of inner peace.

Suppose you’ve been dealing with a stressful situation, be it at work or home. Dreaming of a garden could indicate that you’re about to find a resolution, bringing a sense of calm and peace to your mind.

In the garden dream meaning here, the lush green space signifies tranquility. Just like finding a quiet spot in a garden where you can breathe and unwind, you might soon find a resolution to your worries, leading to inner peace.

10. A Significant Breakthrough

Lastly, dreaming about a garden can also hint at a significant breakthrough in your life. Gardens are a symbol of growth and fruition.

For example, you might have been working on a complex problem at work for months. A dream about a garden might signify that you’re close to finding a solution, a breakthrough that could bring you recognition and success.

The dream of a garden here is a metaphor for your efforts coming to fruition. Like a gardener patiently nurturing a seed into a blossoming plant, you too might soon witness your hard work paying off, leading to significant outcomes.

💎 Important Questions

1. What season was it in your garden dream?

If it was spring, it might signify new beginnings, like starting a new project at work.

If it was summer, it could represent a period of abundance and success, perhaps a promotion or recognition at work is on the horizon.

Autumn might suggest a phase of completion, similar to finishing a big task successfully.

And winter in the dream garden could be interpreted as a period of rest and reflection, maybe an upcoming vacation or a relaxed phase at work.

2. What types of flowers did you see in your dream garden?

Seeing roses might suggest upcoming romantic experiences, maybe you’re about to meet someone special or rekindle an old romance.

Spotting daisies could indicate simplicity and serenity, perhaps you’re about to enjoy some peaceful moments in your life.

If you saw sunflowers, it might hint at positivity and happiness in the near future.

3. Was the garden well maintained or wild?

A well-maintained garden in your dream could hint at order and control in your life, maybe you’ll soon organize your workspace or declutter your home.

On the other hand, a wild garden might signify embracing the unexpected, like being open to new experiences or opportunities that come your way.

4. What was the size of the garden in your dream?

A large garden could signify great potential for growth, like expanding your business or learning new skills at work.

A smaller garden might suggest a focus on minute details, perhaps you’re about to undertake a project requiring meticulous attention.

5. Was there any water feature in the garden, like a fountain or a pond?

A fountain could represent a continuous flow of ideas, maybe you’re about to contribute significantly in a brainstorming session at work.

A pond might suggest depth, perhaps you’ll soon engage in deep and meaningful conversations with a colleague or a friend.

6. Did you notice any animals or insects in your dream garden?

Seeing butterflies could indicate transformation and change, maybe a shift in your role or responsibilities at work.

Spotting birds might hint at freedom and exploration, like taking up a travel opportunity or pursuing a hobby that you always wanted to.

7. Were there any fruits or vegetables in the garden?

Seeing ripe fruits or vegetables might indicate a fruitful phase ahead, such as completing a project successfully or achieving a desired goal.

Unripe or budding ones could suggest that you’re still in the process of reaching your goals, but you’re on the right path.

8. Were you alone in the garden or was there someone with you?

If you were alone, it might signify self-reliance and independence, like taking up a project all by yourself and accomplishing it.

If there was someone with you, it could indicate teamwork or collaboration, perhaps an upcoming group project or partnership at work.

🧬 Related Dreams

Dream about garden being destroyed.

It’s indeed troubling to see a dream about a garden being destroyed, but hold on, it’s not as bad as it sounds.

This dream might point towards future challenges that could arise at your workplace or in your personal projects.

It doesn’t mean that you’ll fail, but rather it indicates you’re about to face obstacles that will test your resilience. You might encounter a challenging project or a tough client at work.

But just like a gardener works to restore a damaged garden, you too will successfully overcome these challenges and learn from the experience, emerging stronger and wiser.

Dream About Garden of Flowers

Seeing a garden of flowers in your dream is indeed a beautiful sight. This dream suggests a period of joy, satisfaction, and success in your future.

Just like flowers bloom, you too might find yourself blossoming in various aspects of your life. It could be a significant accomplishment at work, like leading a successful project or gaining recognition for your efforts.

The variety of flowers could symbolize the diverse opportunities that lie ahead. So, it seems like you’ll soon have a lot to celebrate!

Dream of Clean Yard

A clean yard in a dream can be interpreted as a reflection of order and organization. In the upcoming times, you might find yourself effectively managing your tasks, be it at home or work.

You could be preparing a detailed work plan or decluttering your workspace for better productivity.

The dream signifies that your future actions will bring you a sense of peace and satisfaction, just as a clean yard is pleasing to the eyes.

Dream About Being in Garden

Dreaming about being in a garden might suggest a phase of tranquility and contentment approaching in your life. Just like a garden is a place of peace and beauty, you too might find yourself in situations that bring you happiness and peace.

This could mean having a harmonious relationship with your colleagues or enjoying your work, which in turn would boost your performance.

So, you could look forward to a phase where you will be content with your professional or personal life.

Dream About Storm in Garden

A storm in a garden in your dream can symbolize upcoming changes. Just as a storm can alter a garden’s landscape, these changes could transform your work environment or your role within it.

But remember, just like a storm can also bring a much-needed rain, these changes could bring about positive results.

You might have to adapt to a new role at work or adjust to a new policy, but eventually, these changes will stimulate your growth and development.

Dream About Secret Garden

Having a dream about a secret garden opens up intriguing possibilities about your future. Imagine coming across a hidden gem in the form of an unexpected project or assignment at work, which may be what this dream signifies.

This unexpected responsibility might come as a surprise but will showcase your ability to handle unplanned tasks and situations, reinforcing your reliability and adaptability.

A secret garden is filled with surprises, and similarly, this new responsibility will unravel surprises in terms of your potential and capabilities.

Dream About Snakes in My Garden

Let’s look at the snake in your garden dream meaning. It’s not as sinister as it seems.

On the contrary, this dream suggests you may soon face some competition, just as a snake might compete for space or food in a garden.

But don’t worry, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Competition often brings out the best in people, and in this case, it could lead to you pushing your boundaries and exceeding expectations at work.

So, while the snakes may seem daunting, they might actually represent a catalyst for your future success.

Dream About a Garden with Fruit Trees

When you dream about a garden brimming with fruit trees, it might indicate a fruitful phase is on the horizon. Think about how rewarding it is to see trees you’ve planted bear fruit.

Similarly, your dream might be hinting that your hard work will pay off soon. This could mean successfully completing a challenging project or meeting an ambitious target.

The different kinds of fruits in your dream could symbolize the varied rewards waiting for you. So, expect a season of plentiful returns!

Dream About Planting in a Garden

Planting in a garden in your dream can be seen as a signal of laying the groundwork for future success.

Just like planting seeds in a garden, you might soon be setting the foundations for a major project or goal in your life.

This could be a new initiative at work or a long-term personal goal. Remember, the more carefully you plant your seeds, the better the garden grows.

Similarly, the effort and dedication you put into your work now will reap rich rewards in the future.

Dream of Garden Full of Weeds

A garden full of weeds in your dream might seem unsettling, but it’s actually an indication of an important lesson you’ll learn in the future.

Dream About a Garden Maze

A garden maze in your dream signifies that you might soon encounter complex situations that will require problem-solving skills.

Think about how solving a maze requires patience, strategy, and perseverance. In your professional life, you might be tasked with resolving a complex issue or leading a challenging project.

Just like finding the way out of a maze, you will find innovative solutions and successfully navigate through the complexities. This dream is a testament to your problem-solving skills that will be put to use in the future.

Dream About A Garden Covered in Frost

When you dream about a garden covered in frost, consider it as a sign of unexpected changes in your work or personal life.

Just as frost can appear suddenly and alter the landscape, you might soon encounter unexpected developments that alter your current situation.

Despite the initial shock, these changes will create a new and exciting dynamic for you. The transformation of the garden under frost mirrors the transformative effects of these future changes.

Dream About Watering a Garden

Picture yourself watering a garden in your dream. This act of nurturing and care points towards a future where you will be a key source of support for someone close to you.

This could be a friend, a colleague, or a family member who may need your guidance or help in navigating a difficult situation.

Just as water brings life and growth to a garden, your support and advice will be instrumental in helping this person overcome their challenges.

Dream About A Garden Overrun by Pests

Now let’s consider a dream where your garden is overrun by pests. While pests are generally a bad sign, they also represent challenges that strengthen us.

In the future, you may face unforeseen difficulties, akin to pests invading a garden.

But remember, just like how dealing with pests can make you a better gardener, tackling these difficulties will enhance your problem-solving skills and make you more resilient.

Dream About Garden Tools

Seeing garden tools in your dream signifies future opportunities that will allow you to showcase your skills and talents.

Garden tools are used to cultivate and maintain a garden, just like how our skills and talents help us to excel in our work and personal life.

In the future, you may be given a project or task that perfectly matches your skill set. This dream suggests that your abilities will be recognized and appreciated.

Dream About Garden Full of Butterflies

A garden full of butterflies in your dream is a beautiful sight, and it suggests that you will soon encounter joyful and uplifting experiences.

Butterflies are symbols of happiness and positivity, and their presence in your dream garden indicates that your future is going to be filled with moments that bring you immense joy and satisfaction.

This could be a major success at work or a significant achievement in your personal life.

Dream About Walking Through a Garden

Lastly, if you dream about walking through a garden, it’s a good sign. The act of walking implies progress and moving forward.

As such, this dream might be hinting that you will make significant progress in your professional or personal goals in the future. The beauty and tranquility of the garden suggest that this journey will be satisfying and full of positive experiences.

Just as a garden walk can be relaxing and enriching, the progress you will make will be rewarding.

💬 Reader’s Dreams

Dream of rain in the garden.

“In my dream, I was standing on the porch of my house, watching the garden being gently washed by a soft, soothing rain.

I noticed how the raindrops were bringing out the vivid colors of the flowers and making the leaves glisten. The entire scene was so calming and beautiful”.

Meaning : This dream suggests that you will soon experience a period of renewal. The gentle rain in your garden symbolizes the emotional support that you will receive in the future, which will help you heal from any past hurts or disappointments.

Like the rain that revitalizes the garden, this support will bring a sense of peace and calm into your life, helping you to move forward with renewed optimism and confidence.

Dream of a Garden Party

“I found myself at a lively garden party. Friends, family, and some unfamiliar faces were all present, chatting, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. The garden was beautifully decorated”.

Meaning : Dreaming about a garden party indicates that you will soon find yourself surrounded by a supportive community.

Much like the guests enjoying the party in your dream, you will be in the company of people who genuinely care about you.

You may form new friendships or strengthen existing relationships. This social connection will provide you with a sense of belonging and comfort.

Dream of Reading a Book in the Garden

“In the dream, I was sitting in a quiet corner of a lovely garden, engrossed in reading a book. The soft rustling of leaves and the peaceful atmosphere provided the perfect backdrop for my reading”.

Meaning : This dream suggests that you are about to embark on a journey of intellectual discovery.

Just as you were absorbed in the book in the garden, you may soon find yourself deeply engaged in learning about a new topic or skill that fascinates you.

This learning journey will bring you personal satisfaction and could potentially open up new opportunities for growth and advancement in your professional life.

Dream of Planting Flowers in the Garden

“My dream involved me planting vibrant flowers in the garden. I felt a sense of contentment and purpose as I carefully placed each plant in the soil and lovingly tended to them”.

Meaning : The act of planting flowers in your dream represents the efforts you will be putting into a significant project or goal in your future.

Just as planting a flower requires care and attention, your upcoming project will require your commitment and dedication.

As you tend to your goals, like the flowers in the garden, you’ll see them flourish and bring you a deep sense of accomplishment.

I hope my post helped you understand the meaning of your dream about garden. If you have any questions- feel free to comment below. Thank you for reading!

Meet Betty Brown - the heart and soul behind BettyDreams. At 67 years young, Betty has a special talent - the gift to interpret dreams and spiritual events.

If you have a dream that has been haunting you, or a strange experience that you can't explain, Betty is the person to turn to.

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Global Granary

Dream garden (chinese drama review & summary).

Chinese Drama 2021

Dream Garden (Chinese Drama Review & Summary)

dream garden essay

Dream Garden poster

  • Genre: Modern Romance, Psychology of Love
  • Release Date: 13 December 2021
  • Origin: China
  • Cdrama: 16 Episodes
  • Bridgette Xiao as Xiao Xiao
  • Gong Jun as Lin Shen
  • Jing Chao as Fang Qin
  • Sun Yi as Yan Luo
  • Wang Si Yi as Li Si Yin

Quick Precis

  • 23 June 2021 : It is a wrap.
  • 9 November 2021 : Rumour of broadcast date as 13 December 2021.  Title is Sleeping Garden.
  • 3 December 2021 : Sleeping Garden was issued licence today for 16 Episodes.  It is good to go.

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  • Dream Children

Read our complete study guide on the essay “Dream Children” by Charles Lamb. Our study guide covers Dream Children by Charles Lamb summary and analysis.

Dream Children by Charles Lamb Summary

Lamb opens the essay “Dream Children” by the narrating the story of his grandmother, Mrs. Field to his children, Alice and John. Lamb’s grandmother, his children’s great-grandmother, lived in a ‘great house in Norfolk’. This house was a hundred times bigger than the house they are living presently.

Lamb narrates to his children the story of the tragic scene that had been carved out in the wood upon chimney-piece of the great hall in the great house of his grandmother, however, this wood chimney was then replaced by a marble chimney by the owner. Mrs. Filed, Lamb’s grandmother, was not the real owner of the house, however, due to her kind and humble behavior and her great religious devotion had turned everybody to respect her. The owner of the house hired her as the caretaker and handed over it to her while he himself lived in another house. Mrs. Field lived in the great-house as if it was her own. Later on, the precious ornaments of the great-house were shifted to the real owner’s house, however, they didn’t suit the modern house.

Furthermore, Lamb tells his children about his grandmother’s death and funeral that was attended by a large number of people, both poor and rich. Even people from many miles around had come to express their condolences and respect toward her. Mrs. Field was very humble and pious women who knew Psalms and a great part of Testament by heart.

Lamb then starts telling his children about their grandmother’s youth. She was tall, upright with a graceful personality. She was the best dancer in the country until cancer attacked her and deprived her of her skill, however, this disease couldn’t take her good spirits. Furthermore, Lamb tells Alice and John of how his grandmother used to sleep alone in an isolated chamber of the house. Also, she believed that she saw two infant ghosts in the midnight, however, she was also sure that these were decent mortals that wouldn’t hurt her. Although his maid slept with him, Lamb was quite frightened of the ghosts as he was not as religious as his grandmother.

Furthermore, Lamb told his children about their great-grandmother’s love and affection towards her grandchildren. Lamb, along with his siblings and cousins, visited his grandmother in holidays where they, particularly he, spend most of the hours gazing around the old sculptors of the Emperors of Rome.

He would gaze them as much as the sculptures would appear to him living or else he would turn marble; moreover, he would roam around in the mansion without getting tired. He would use to be alone while roaming around in the empty rooms, worn-out tapering etc. unless a lonely gardener would cross him. He would also roam about the gardens, scrutinizing at the vegetation and flowers. He was more satisfied in spending his holidays like this and preferred it over the usual habits of children and sweet aromas of peaches and nectarines.

Lamb, now, tells his children about their uncle John Lamb. Lamb’s grandmother would love her all grandchildren, however, she had a special affection for John. John was a brave, handsome, and spirited man. He had a unique sort of personality. For instance, others like Charles Lamb would corner themselves, whereas John would use to mount on horses, tour around the village, and would merge with hunters. John, with the passage of time, being brave, earned respect and admiration of almost everyone in the family and out of the family as well.

John was a few years elder than Charles Lamb. John would carry Lamb, who was lame-footed, on his back for many miles when he was unable to walk. However, John, in the afterlife, became lame-footed. Lamb still dreads that he had not been sympathetic enough to endure the intolerant discomforts of John or even to recall his youth when he was supported by John. However, when John passed away, Lamb would miss him so much. He reminisced his gentleness and his pettiness and desired him to be alive again. He wanted him to alive again so that he could fight with him again. Lamb felt as uneasy without him as the poor John felt when the doctor took off his limb.

The children at this point start mourning for their deceased uncle and demand Lamb to proceed by narrating something about their dead mother. Then he started narrating them how for the period long seven years he (Lamb) uncomplainingly dated the beautiful Alice Winterton. When Lamb was narrating his experiences with his wife, he suddenly realizes that the old Alice is communicating with him through the eyes of little Alice sitting in front of him. As Lamb sustain to stare it appears that his children, John and Alice, are disappearing from him.

Finally, the two desolate structures are left out of them saying him that they are neither of Alice nor of you, they are not children at all. The children of Alice calls Bartram father. Hence, they are merely dreams. Suddenly, Lamb wakes up and finds himself in the bachelor arm-chair where he has fallen asleep with the loyal Bridget by his side.

Dream Children by Charles Lamb Literary Analysis

Charles Lamb, the shining star in the sky of essay writing, was born on February 10, 1775. He is the world predominant a renown English poet, essayist and antiquarian. His essays are considered to be the finest among the English prose work. He is appreciated for his genial humor, humanity, wisdom and profound pathos that is reflected in his writings.  Essays of Elia  was the first volume of his essays that was published in 1828 while the second volume of his essays, named,  The Last Essays of Elia  was published in 1833. His essays have a unique combination of wit, reflection, anecdote, and fancy. He died on December 27, 1834.

The essay “ Dream Children”  is a narrative essay in which the author, Charles Lamb narrates the story of his dream that he had. In this dream, he came across his dream children that diminish at the end of the dream.

This essay exhibits the subjects of pain and guilt of getting deprived of the people whom we loved from the core of our heart. In this essay, the author is brought in a dream world to reveal the sweet recollections of the past days. The essay, being enhanced with despair, clarifies the worth and necessity of childhood and the loved ones for an individual, without whom the life appears to be dark and suffocating for the individual.

The reaction and response the children in the essay reflect the effect of the story on their mind and turns the essay dramatic. Moreover, their actions were proof that the story that has been narrated to then have a great influence on them and were moved by their father’s description.

There is a shift in the tone of the essay at various points. The shifts in the tone, from humorous to tragic, occurred when the author describes the scene of his grandmother and beloved brother death. Lamb appears to be nostalgic throughout the essay and longed for his loved ones. He is depressed at the death of his beloved Alice and feels guilty for not marrying her.

Towards the end of the essay, a twist in the essay comes when all the events in the story turn out to be a dream. This adds suspense to the essay along with an open end.

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Dreams happen during a special part of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During REM sleep, our brains are very active, almost as if we’re awake. That’s when dreams occur. They can be like magical journeys, taking us to far-off places or letting us meet people we’ve never seen before.

Dreams can be all sorts of things. Sometimes they’re happy and exciting, like flying high above the clouds or meeting a friendly dinosaur. Other times, they can be scary, like being chased by a monster or getting lost in a dark forest. But don’t worry! Even scary dreams are just our imagination playing tricks on us. They can’t hurt us. Have you ever tried to remember a dream? It’s like trying to catch a butterfly – sometimes they slip away before we can hold onto them. But if you keep a dream journal by your bed, you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. That way, you won’t forget them!

In this article, we will provide you with an essay on my dream.

500+ Word Essay on My Dream

Since I was a young child, I have been fascinated by the built environment surrounding me. Whenever I walked through cities or towns, I found myself in awe of the structures crafted by human hands. From soaring skyscrapers to cosy cottages, I marvelled at how these buildings were able to merge forms and functions in remarkable ways. Little did I know then that this youthful sense of wonder would eventually inspire a lifelong dream to become an architect myself.

Architecture has been a calling that has steadily risen to the forefront as I’ve grown older. Beyond just admiring edifices aesthetically, I’ve come to understand the deeper complexities and considerations involved in architectural design. Architects must strike a careful balance between form and function, art and pragmatism, expression and live ability. This powerful duality is part of what draws me so strongly to this profession. On one level, architecture is a masterful creative endeavor akin to sculptural art. Architects envision bold, iconic structures that make a statement and capture the imagination. They have a mind’s eye for blending flourishes of style and innovative design elements into buildings that are genuinely awe-inspiring. Dreaming up these symbolic landmarks that will endure long into the future is an incredible legacy to leave behind.

Yet architecture is so much more than just an artistic pursuit. It is a rigorous technical discipline grounded in scientific and engineering principles. Architects must meticulously map out and test the feasibility of their grandest visions to ensure they comply with structural realities, material requirements, environmental standards, codes and regulations. Transforming an abstract concept into a constructible and sustainable reality is an immense challenge requiring analytical skills and practical knowledge.

This duality of creativity and pragmatism is something that naturally fits my personal strengths and passions. I possess a combination of logical, quantitative intelligence and three-dimensional spatial reasoning abilities. At the same time, I have a profound appreciation for aesthetics, design and self-expression through imagery and physical objects. My educational path towards realizing this dream has involved balancing architectural curricula including drafting, modeling, physics and materials sciences alongside studio art, sculpture and computer-aided design. Bridging these intersecting domains is deeply fulfilling. Beyond the inherent intellectual rewards of this field, a driving factor that solidified my desire to become an architect is the meaningful impact the profession has on communities and the human experience. The spaces architects craft shape our daily lives in both seen and unseen ways. We feel the energy and ambiance crafted by thoughtful architectural decisions – even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. Everything from natural lighting to flow and layout exerts a powerful effect on our moods, interactions and quality of life.

Architects also fundamentally shape how humanity co-exists and behaves within our cities, neighborhoods and civic spheres. Well-designed buildings and infrastructure foster community integration and engagement. Compelling public spaces encourage human congregation and connection. Even mundane structural features like sidewalks and green spaces influence activity levels and social habits. This incredible power to influence society at such a root level through physical design is both empowering and humbling. Within this vast architectural scope, my dream is to eventually apply these principles towards sustainable urban planning and transformative civic projects to improve quality of life and community connectivity. I am particularly passionate about creating dynamic mixed-use developments that artfully combine residential, commercial and recreational elements into thriving pedestrian-friendly environments. This interdisciplinary challenge spans designing individual buildings to choreographing the flow and interaction between adjoining structures and public realms.

Another sub-specialty that ignites my passion is re-adaptive architectural design – the innovative practice of repurposing and reinvigorating aging buildings and infrastructure to meet evolving modern needs. Instead of letting dilapidated or obsolete structures go to waste, architects can reimagine these diamonds in the rough with sustainable renovations and creative redesigns to usher in new eras of functionality and public use. From breathing new life into historic edifices to greening dated office complexes, this architectural renaissance is an extraordinary way to merge preservation with progress.

In the bigger picture, the imminent challenges posed by climate change, urbanization and population growth have made environmental stewardship and resourceful architectural resilience an essential priority. Pioneering sustainable designs, materials and processes represents one of the most pivotal responsibilities of our times. Crafting energy-efficient buildings, LEED-certified infrastructure and resilient civic foundations hardy enough to withstand worsening natural disasters has become a pressing moral mission for the architects of our era. I dream of driving this mission full speed ahead.

800+ Word Essay on My Dream

From a young age, I have been fascinated by the power of the internet and websites. Even as a child, I marveled at how we could access any information in the world just by typing on a computer. Whenever I visited a new website, I was filled with a sense of wonder about how such incredible digital realms were constructed. Little did I know then that my childhood curiosity would eventually blossom into a full-fledged dream career: becoming a web developer.

As I grew older and my passion for technology deepened, I became intrigued by the intricacies of how websites function. These dynamic platforms are not just static online pages, but complex coding environments bringing together diverse elements like text, images, audio, video, databases, and user interactions. Websites are true feats of digital architecture and design. The prospect of being able to build these vast virtual worlds from the ground up was immensely appealing.

Pursuing this dream profession aligns seamlessly with my personal strengths and interests. I have always excelled at subjects requiring a logical, structured way of thinking. Mathematics, computer science, problem-solving – these are the scholastic areas where I consistently thrived. Coding and programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript feel like natural extensions of this skills trajectory. They involve breaking down complex objectives into clear step-by-step components and processes.

Beyond the intellectual appeal, a career in web development would allow me to merge my analytical capabilities with my creativity and eye for design. I have a passion for art and visually representing information in a clean, polished manner. The coding aspect would enable me to construct the robust infrastructure and functionality of a website, while the design portion would let me craft elegant user experiences and aesthetically-pleasing interfaces. Achieving this harmonious blend of structure and style is incredibly motivating.

One aspect that has firmed my resolve to pursue web development as a calling is the sheer vast scope for innovation and growth within the field. The internet and the avenues for connectivity are constantly evolving at lightning speeds. Each year brings new disruptive technologies, languages, frameworks, and frontiers to explore. This volatility ensures that no two projects or challenges will ever be the same for a web developer. We must remain nimble, ceaselessly adapting and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the online world. This infinite learning curve is energizing rather than daunting. The future of web development includes some of the most bleeding-edge and transformative digital breakthroughs on the horizon like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Being a web developer will undoubtedly place me at the forefront of sculpting these revolutionary user experiences and technologies. The potential to creativity shape how we interact and integrate the digital domain into our daily lives is tremendously exciting.

From a pragmatic perspective, web development represents a lucrative, future-proof field with rising demand for skilled professionals. Every company from small local businesses to globe-spanning enterprises requires a robust online presence to conduct marketing, sales, operations, and customer service. Developers who can concept and construct dynamic websites and applications to drive these digital strategies will always enjoy superb career prospects and opportunities.

Within this vast ocean of web development, my goal is to become a Frontend Developer specializing in user experience and interfacing. This specialized role would allow me to focus on the structure, design, interactivity and performance of the visible and outward-facing components that humans directly see and utilize. I could employ languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript along with frameworks like React or Angular to blend code and artistry into immersive websites and web applications. Crafting the precise look, feel and behavior that facilitates intuitive interactions between humans and digital products is the raison d’etre of this profession.

Beyond just coding customer-facing websites and apps, I aspire to work on exciting virtual reality or mixed reality projects as the scope of web development expands into these visionary new territories. These innovative experiences will require frontier frameworks and paradigms yet to be pioneered. Helping define that frontier is an incredible motivating force.

The path towards realizing this dream involves relentlessly cultivating my skills in coding, programming, UI/UX design, database management, and digital product lifecycles. Academic study supplemented by self-guided online tutorials, virtual trainings, personal projects and coding boot camps will be critical. But the reward for these efforts of becoming a master of the digital craft is immense: the ability to breathe life into the vast Internet cosmos and shape how humanity navigates the boundless online frontier. That is the intoxicating promise of web development that has captured my imagination and drives me to make this dream a reality through tireless work and dedication.

In summary, my aspiration to become a web developer marries my core strengths and interests in logic, coding, digital design, and imagination into a captivating career path overflowing with possibility. The future of the internet and web is an endlessly expanding new universe awaiting exploration and construction. As a web developer – and specifically a Frontend Developer crafting immersive user experiences – I can play an integral role in this defining quest to bridge the physical and digital realms. Relentlessly striving to turn this dream into reality represents the ultimate blend of passion and profession

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Essay on My Dream- FAQs

What are dreams.

Dreams are imaginative experiences that occur during sleep. They often involve vivid images, sounds, and emotions that our minds create while we rest.

Why do we dream?

While scientists are still exploring the exact reasons, dreams may help process emotions, memories, and experiences from our daily lives. They may also serve as a way for our brains to problem-solve and make sense of information.

Can dreams predict the future?

While some people believe in the idea of prophetic dreams, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Dreams are more likely to reflect our thoughts, feelings, and subconscious desires.

Why do we sometimes remember dreams and other times not?

The ability to recall dreams varies from person to person and can be influenced by factors such as sleep cycles, stress levels, and overall health. Dreams are often forgotten quickly upon waking if they are not rehearsed or written down.

Are recurring dreams significant?

Recurring dreams may indicate unresolved issues or emotions in our waking lives. Paying attention to recurring themes or symbols in dreams can offer insight into underlying concerns or patterns that may need addressing.

Can external factors influence dreams?

Yes, external factors such as environmental stimuli (like noise or light), medications, and substances (like alcohol or caffeine) can influence the content and intensity of dreams.

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dream garden essay

40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 10 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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magFlags XL Flag Elektrostal Moscow oblast | landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft - 100% Made in Germany - long lasting outdoor flag

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XL Flag Elektrostal Moscow oblast | landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft - 100% Made in Germany - long lasting outdoor flag

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • 100% Made in Germany » ... because the first impression last, quality flag for representative purposes *****
  • State-of-the-art High-Tech Outdoor Fabric » One air-permeable 110 GSM Polyester to keep wind forces low and lifetime high
  • Mirrored Back » Image printed on the front, mirrored image 100% visible on the rear side
  • Landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft
  • Show your pride for your hometown with the Elektrostal flag! Made with quality materials and vibrant colors, this flag is the perfect way to display your patriotism and love for your city. Fly it proudly at home, at events, or even in your car. Get yours today and show your Elektrostal pride!
  • The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, is a striking combination of Old Glory red, representing strength and courage at 81%, complemented by a subtle touch of light grey at 5% for balance and harmony. The bold black stripe at 3% adds a touch of sophistication, while the shimmering gold stripes at 3% each symbolize prosperity and success. The flag is completed with a touch of very dark grey at 1%, representing the city s resilience and
  • Elektrostal Moscow oblast

Product information

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Flag: Elektrostal Moscow oblast landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft Elektrostal Moscow oblast Elektrostal obwód moskiewski , flaga ???????????? ?????????? ??????? Since we know how important your external presentation is, we print our Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag for your representative appearance using the most modern machines in Germany. To ensure your maximum flexibility, we have equipped the flags with quality metal eyelets, to let you simply attach these flags to any flagpole. To let you use the flags for a long time, we have strengthened the flag using double safety seams and a tear proof strap at the side of the pole. Due to the quality of this business flag, you show a particular degree of the closeness to Elektrostal Moscow oblast. Details about this flag This landscape Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag is a quality product Made in Germany made of 110g/m² gloss polyester. This Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag is wind- and weather-resistant and highly durable. The flag colors are intensive and UV-resistant. This flag is specially made for outer space. This Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag will be delivered with a double safety-seam as well as with 2 metal eyelets to hoist at the flag pole. The metal eyelets give you great flexibility for placing this flag on any flagstaff. The mast side is reinforced with a white hem. The quality flag material and the metal eyelets will take care of a long endurance of this Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag. If required, the flag can be washed at 60 degrees Celsius. Recommended height of flag pole Elektrostal Moscow oblast flags of 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft look best with flagpoles of around 6m | 18ft height. Need a bigger size or an other configuration? We can provide bigger sizes, other configurations, exclusive indoor ...

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    The essay " Dream Children" is a narrative essay in which the author, Charles Lamb narrates the story of his dream that he had. In this dream, he came across his dream children that diminish at the end of the dream. This essay exhibits the subjects of pain and guilt of getting deprived of the people whom we loved from the core of our heart.

  19. 800+ Words Essay on My Dream For Students

    800+ Words Essay on My Dream For Students. Dreams happen during a special part of sleep called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During REM sleep, our brains are very active, almost as if we're awake. That's when dreams occur. They can be like magical journeys, taking us to far-off places or letting us meet people we've never seen before.

  20. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal , lit: Electric and Сталь , lit: Steel) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ...

  21. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  22. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

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