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Four Tracks, One Program

Our faculty are drawn from 5 departments: Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Radiation Safety, Biomedical Engineering, and Physics. In addition, each faculty affiliates with one or more of the program’s four tracks.

The tracks are shown below with representative topics of research highlighting just some of the strengths of our program.

Diagnostic Imaging (DI)

  • advanced ultrasound imaging
  • artificial intelligence for diagnosis, reconstruction, etc.
  • dedicated breast CT
  • detector and display characterization
  • dual energy CT
  • functional brain MRI
  • molecular imaging
  • MR microscopy
  • MRI with hyperpolarized gas & fluorinated compounds
  • neutron stimulated emission computed tomography
  • optical interference tomography
  • x-ray digital tomosynthesis

Radiation Therapy (RT)

  • hyperthermia
  • treatment planning optimization
  • intensity modulated radiation therapy
  • 3-D dosimetry
  • oncological imaging and image analysis
  • image guided radiation therapy
  • stereotactic radiosurgery
  • biological modelling of tumor and normal tissue dose responses
  • intra-operative radiation therapy

Medical Health Physics (MHP)

  • bone marrow dosimetry
  • CT dosimetry: dual energy, hefnium filter, etc.
  • energy modulated CBCT dosimetry
  • Monte Carlo simulation in small animal and humans
  • nano-fiber optic dosimetry: brachytherapy and other applications
  • neutron environmental monitoring with TLDs
  • parathyroid imaging: 4D CT vs. Sestamibi
  • pediatric dosimetry: cath lab and head CT

Nuclear Medicine (NM)

  • statistical iterative reconstruction algorithms
  • whole body PET-CT fusion imaging
  • dedicated PET and SPECT breast imaging systems
  • novel ECT acquisition geometries

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Biophysics articles from across Nature Portfolio

Biophysics is the study of physical phenomena and physical processes in living things, on scales spanning molecules, cells, tissues and organisms. Biophysicists use the principles and methods of physics to understand biological systems. It is an interdisciplinary science, closely related to quantitative and systems biology.

health physics research topics

A multidimensional dataset for structure-based machine learning

MISATO, a dataset for structure-based drug discovery combines quantum mechanics property data and molecular dynamics simulations on ~20,000 protein–ligand structures, substantially extends the amount of data available to the community and holds potential for advancing work in drug discovery.

  • Matthew Holcomb
  • Stefano Forli

health physics research topics

Mechanical asymmetry in nucleocytoplasmic protein transport

The nuclear pore complex of eukaryotic cells senses the mechanical directionality of translocating proteins, favouring the passage of those that have a leading mechanically labile region. Adding an unstructured, mechanically weak peptide tag to a translocating protein increases its rate of nuclear import and accumulation, suggesting a biotechnological strategy to enhance the delivery of molecular cargos into the cell nucleus.

health physics research topics

Advancements in multicellular simulations

Multicellular modeling is increasingly being used to understand biological systems. SimuCell3D is a tool that allows mechanically realistic simulations, using the deformable cell model, to be developed and run.

  • Domenic P. J. Germano
  • James M. Osborne

Related Subjects

  • Bioenergetics
  • Biological fluorescence
  • Biopolymers in vivo
  • Computational biophysics
  • Endocytosis
  • Intrinsically disordered proteins
  • Membrane biophysics
  • Membrane structure and assembly
  • Molecular biophysics
  • Nanoscale biophysics
  • Permeation and transport
  • Single-molecule biophysics

Latest Research and Reviews

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Active hole formation in epithelioid tissues

Active cell contraction drives hole nucleation, fracture and crack propagation in a tissue monolayer through a process reminiscent of dewetting thin films.

  • Jian-Qing Lv
  • Peng-Cheng Chen

health physics research topics

Assessing the distribution of cancer stem cells in tumorspheres

  • Jerónimo Fotinós
  • María Paula Marks
  • Luciano Vellón

health physics research topics

Dynamin1 long- and short-tail isoforms exploit distinct recruitment and spatial patterns to form endocytic nanoclusters

Dynamins are required at nascent endosomes to promote membrane fission. Here, the authors use super-resolution microscopy to show that dynamin-1 recruitment relies on pre-existing nanoclusters and trapping of molecules laterally diffusing on the plasma membrane.

  • Anmin Jiang
  • Frédéric A. Meunier

health physics research topics

Phase separation-competent FBL promotes early pre-rRNA processing and translation in acute myeloid leukaemia

Yang et al. report that the nucleolar protein fibrillarin (FBL) affects acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cell function through biomolecular condensation-dependent regulation of early pre-rRNA processing and translation.

  • Zhaoru Zhang
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health physics research topics

Brain clearance is reduced during sleep and anesthesia

It has been widely believed that a key function of sleep is to actively clear metabolites and toxins from the brain. Miao, Luo et al. show in mice that brain clearance is markedly reduced—not increased—during sleep and anesthesia.

  • Andawei Miao
  • Tianyuan Luo
  • Nicholas P. Franks

health physics research topics

Multiscale modelling of chromatin 4D organization in SARS-CoV-2 infected cells

In this work, the authors apply polymer models to reconstruct the 3D structure of the genome during SARS-CoV-2 infection and examine how the virus impacts key mechanisms of chromatin organization.

  • Andrea M. Chiariello
  • Alex Abraham
  • Mario Nicodemi


News and Comment

health physics research topics

How Iranian students can master integration into German academia

Thousands of Iranians study at German universities every year, but many struggle with the German academic system. Here, we offer some advice.

  • Ata Makarem
  • Karel Douglas Klika

Probing single-molecule loading rates

  • Rita Strack

health physics research topics

Automated atomic modeling in cryo-EM maps

  • Arunima Singh

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health physics research topics

Medical Physics Research

The mission of physics research is to develop new techniques and investigate new methodologies to continuously improve treatment planning and evaluation methods, target localization and verification accuracy and treatment delivery precision.

Please click below to learn more about physics research.


Qiuwen Wu, Zheng (Jim) Chang, Sua Yoo  

Research Overview

Novel radiotherapy illustration

As modern radiation therapy evolves, new and novel techniques are proposed and/or established treatment modality is applied to new area. 

Feasibility study, technical validations and clinical implementations are the subjects of many physics research. Quantitative evaluation of the new techniques against established standard methods are necessary to prove the clinical potential. Active areas of research in this group include but are not limited to the following:

Dynamic electron arc beam therapy with synchronized couch motion for tumors at shallow depth

Application of volumetric modulated radiation therapy (VMAT) to partial breast irradiation

Image-guided single fraction partial breast radiotherapy  

Funding Sources


Selected Publications

Jian-Jian Qiu, Zheng Chang, Q. Jackie Wu, Sua Yoo, Janet Horton, Fang-Fang Yin, Impact of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (v-MAT) Treatment Technique for Partial Breast Irradiation, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2010; 78:288-296.

Manisha Palta, Sua Yoo, Justus D. Adamson, Leonard R. Prosnitz, Janet K. Horton, Preoperative Single Fraction Partial Breast Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2012; 82:37-42.


Mark Oldham  


The lab pursues two main avenues of research. The first involves developing and applying new methods of high resolution 3D dosimetry. A range of uniquely capable state-of-the-art 3D dosimetry systems have been developed with funding support from the National Institute of Health. These systems are currently being applied to a diverse range of challenges in both the clinical (radiation therapy) and research domains. The second direction focuses on developing the new optical bio-imaging techniques of optical-computed-tomography (optical-CT), and optical-emission-computed-tomography (optical-ECT). These techniques have the potential to provide uniquely useful information on biological processes in bulk tumor and tissue samples.

Zheng (Jim) Chang, Jackie Wu  

4D radiotherapy

The management of respiratory motion in radiation oncology is one subject of important physics research. Respiratory motion affects all tumor sites in the thorax and abdomen.

Our research aims to improve the management of tumor motion via developing and evaluating novel 4D imaging techniques (4D-MRI, 4D-CBCT, 4D-PET, 4D-DTS) and 4D dose calculation methodologies, modeling and predicting lung and tumor respiratory motion, assessing treatment outcome of moving tumors, investigating correlations between internal tumor motion and external surrogate motion and clinically implementing new motion management techniques.

NIH - NCI Golfers Against Cancer (GAC) Foundation Philips Health System Varian Medical System  

Cai J, Chang Z, O’Daniel J, Yoo S, Ge H, Kelsey C, Yin FF. Investigation of Sliced Body Area (SBA) as Respiratory Surrogate. J Am Clin Med Phys 2013;14(1):71-80.

Panta RK, Segars WP, Yin FF, Cai J. Implementing 4D-XCAT Phantom for 4D Radiotherapy Research. J Can Res Ther 2012;8:565-570.

Vergalasova I, Cai J, Yin FF. A novel technique for markerless, self-sorted 4D CBCT: feasibility study. Med Phys 2012 39(3):1442-1451.

Cai J, Chang Z, Wang Z, Segars WP, Yin FF. Four-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (4D-MRI) using Body Area as Internal Respiratory Surrogate: a Feasibility Study. Med. Phys 2011 38(12):6384-6394.

Wu QJ, Thongphiew D, Wang Z, Willett C, Marks L, Yin FF, Development of a 4D dosimetry simulation system in radiotherapy, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, Nos. 2/3, 201, 230-244 2012.

Jennifer O’Daniel, Zheng (Jim) Chang, Mark Oldham, Jackie Wu, Sua Yoo  

Quality assurance (QA), both equipment-specific and patient-specific, is an essential component of safe radiotherapy treatments. 

Quality assurance illustration

Our research team is focused on (1) improving the efficiency and effectiveness of current QA techniques and (2) developing new QA methods for novel technology. Current research projects include developing 3D QA tools, determining the correlation between traditional QA analysis criteria and the accuracy of patient treatment, quantifying the accuracy of novel radiotherapy devices (ex. flattening-filter free linear accelerator for breast radiotherapy), and creating methods for the QA of adaptive radiotherapy.  

Quality assurance illustration

Scandidos, Inc.  

Dube S, O’Daniel J, and Orton C. Point/Counterpoint: TG-142 is unwarranted for IGRT QA. Med Phys 2013; 40(1): 3987.

Chang Z, Bowsher J, Cai J, Yoo S, Wang S, Adamson J, Ren L, and Yin FF. Imaging system QA of a medical accelerator, Novalis Tx, for IGRT as per TG 142: Our 1 year experience. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2012; 13:113-140.

Oldham M, Thomas A, O’Daniel J, Juang T, Ibbott G, Adamovics J, and Kirkpatrick JP. A quality assurance method that utilitzes 3D dosimetry and facilitates clinical interpretation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012; 84(2): 540-546.

O’Daniel J, Das S, Wu QJ, and Yin FF. Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy: Effective and Efficient End-to-End Patient-Specific Quality Assurance. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012; 84(5): 1567-74.

Chang Z, O’Daniel J, Yin FF. Quality assurance in adaptive radiation therapy, in Adaptive Radiation Therapy, edited by X. Allen Li. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, 2011.

Chang Z, Liu T, Cai J, Chen Q, Wang Z, and Yin FF. Evaluation of integrated respiratory gating systems on a Novalis Tx system. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2011; 12: 71-79.

Oana Craciunescu, Justus Adamson, Sheridan Meltsner, Mark Oldham  

Brachytherapy - technology

Image-guidance plays an important role in modern radiation therapy, predominantly in external beam planning and delivery. In recent years, with the advent of high/pulsed dose rate afterloading technology, advanced treatment planning systems, and CT and MRI compatible applicators, image-guided adaptive brachytherapy treatments (IGABT) are now achievable. With image guidance, the target can be delineated more precisely, resulting in delivering more controlled doses of radiation to the target while sparing surrounding healthy tissue.

Our group has been active in understand the benefits of IGARBT in general, MR-based in particular with emphasis on: applicator characterization, image registration, planning techniques in general, and the use of inverse planning in particular, role of model-based dose calculation algorithms, adaptive strategies, intrafraction variability, in-vivo dosimetry, dose summation with external beam treatments.  

Radiation Oncology Department Support  

R. McMahon, T. Zhuang, B. Steffey, H. Song, O. Craciunescu,” Commissioning of Varian Ring & Tandem HDR Applicators: Reproducibility and Inter-Observer Variability of Dwell Position Offsets”, Journal of Applied Medical Physics, vol 12, (4), 50-62, 2011.

Justus Adamson, Joseph Newton, Beverly Steffey, Jing Cai, Mark Oldham, Junzo Chino, and Oana Craciunescu, “Commissioning a CT compatible LDR tandem and ovoid applicator using 3D dosimetry, Medical Physics, 39, 4515-4523, 2012.

Pierquet M, Craciunescu O, Steffey B, Song H, Oldham M, “On the Feasibility of Verification of 3D Dosimetry Near Brachytherapy Sources Using PRESAGE/Optical-CT”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 250 012091, 2010.

Chino J, Maurer J, Steffey B, Cai J, Adamson J, Craciunescu O, “IS AN MRI REQUIRED ON EACH FRACTION? AN EXPERIENCE WITH MRI GUIDED BRACHYTHERAPY FOR CERVICAL CANCER”, O. Radiotherapy and Oncology vol. 103 May, 2012. p. S107.

Craciunescu, J. Sánchez Mazón, L. Lan, J. Maurer, B. Steffey, J. Cai, J. Adamson, J. Chino, DOSIMETRIC IMPACT OF NOT CORRECTING FOR THE DISTAL SHIFT REPORTED IN VARIAN TANDEM AND RING (T&R) APPLICATORS”, J. Radiotherapy and Oncology vol. 103 May, 2012. p. S137

B. Steffey, O. Craciunescu, J. Cai, J. Adamson, J. Chino, “CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE HDR CAPRI APPLICATOR”, Radiotherapy and Oncology vol. 103 May, 2012. p. S142.

J Adamson, J Newton, B Steffey, J Cai, J Adamovics, M Oldham, J Chino, and O Craciunescu, “Commissioning a CT Compatible LDR T&O Applicator Using Analytical Calculation with ID and 3D Dosimetry”, Med. Phys. 39, 3612 (2012).

J. Cai, J. Chino, Y. Qin, T.R. De Oliveira, J. Adamson, B. Steffey, O. Craciunescu, Feasibility of MR-alone-based Brachytherapy Treatment Planning Using a Titanium Tandem and Ring Applicator for Cervical Cancer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 84, Issue 3, Supplement, 1 November 2012, Page S803.

Junzo Chino MD, Sheridan Meltsner PhD, Yun Yang PhD, Beverley Steffey MS, Jing Cai PhD, and Oana Craciunescu PhD, “Vaginal Dose in the Era of Image Guided Brachytherapy”, ABS 2013.

Oana Craciunescu PhD , Lei Ding, Jing Cai PhD, Beverley Steffey MS, Sheridan Meltsner PhD, Yun Yang PhD, Junzo Chino MD, “Intelligent Dose Summation from Multimodality Treatment of Cervical Cancer: A Case Study”, ABS 2013.

Y. Yang, S. Yan, J. Cai, B. Steffey, S. Meltsner, A. Thomas, F. Yin, O. Craciunescu, “Comprehensive Assessment Of Dose Variation Due to Ir-192 Source Position Within Varian Ring Using Monte Carlo Methods”, AAPM 2013.

Adria Vidovici et al, “Evaluation of a novel radiochromic dosimetry system for in-vivo dose verification in organs at risk in HDR intracavitary gynecological brachytherapy”, AAM 2013.  

Research and Education Symposia

Craciunescu, O, Cai, J, Kirisits, C., de Leeuw, A., “Image Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer”, AAPM, July 2012.

Craciunescu, O,Cai, J., Chino, J., “Implementing MR-Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer”, AAPM 2013.

Jackie Wu, Qiuwen Wu  

In current practice, IMRT/VMAT planning takes an experienced planner 1-6 hours, using an iterative, trial-and-error approach. Even with this effort the search for patient-specific optimal organ sparing is still strongly influenced by planner’s experience. Significant variations in plan quality have been observed at different institutions. Experienced centers are generally more capable of maximizing the dosimetric advantages of IMRT/VMAT. The knowledge and experience of an IMRT/VMAT treatment team is of great importance to realize the full benefits of this advanced technology.

This project focuses on developing knowledge models for guiding IMRTVMAT planning. The models are carefully developed from databases of high quality clinical plans, guidelines from clinical studies, as well as personal experience of expert planners. This comprehensive modeling approach with a strong focus on clinical practice is a distinguishing feature of this technology. These advanced models, will (1) capture human expert knowledge in designing high quality plans, (2) predict the optimal organ sparing that is specific to an individual patient, and (3) guide the design of the treatment plan to achieve optimal dose distribution with improved efficiency.  

NIH - NCI Varian Medical System  

Wu QJ, Li T, Wu Q, and Yin FF. Adaptive radiation therapy: technical components and clinical applications. Cancer J 17:182-9, 2011.

Li T, Thongphiew D, Zhu X, Lee WR, Vujaskovic Z, Yin FF, and Wu QJ. Adaptive prostate IGRT combining online re-optimization and re-positioning: a feasibility study. Phys. Med. Biol. 56: 1243, 2011.

Zhu X, Ge Y, Li T, Thongphiew D, Yin FF, and Wu QJ. A planning quality evaluation tool for prostate adaptive IMRT based on machine learning, Med. Phys. 38, 719: 723, 2011.

Li T, Zhu X, Thongphiew D, Lee WR, Vujaskovic Z, Wu Q, Yin FF, and Wu QJ. On-line Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART): Feasibility And Clinical Study, J Oncol., vol. 2011.

Yuan L, Ge Y, Lee WR, Yin FF, Kirkpatrick JP, Wu QJ. Quantitative analysis of the factors which affect the interpatient organ-at-risk dose sparing variation in IMRT plans. Med Phys. 2012 Nov; 39(11):6868-78.

James Bowsher  

Onboard imaging – as the patient is in position for treatment – is essential in radiation therapy. Currently onboard imaging is performed predominantly by cone-beam CT, which has limited capability for functional and molecular (F&M) imaging. Yet cancer is distinguished from surrounding healthy tissue largely by F&M characteristics. The purpose of this work is to develop single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) methods for F&M imaging onboard radiation therapy machines. These methods may also improve imaging for other tasks in which only a limited region of the full patient cross-section is of primary interest, such as in nuclear cardiology.  

NIH National Cancer Institute  

S Yan, J Bowsher, F Yin: Respiratory Sorted Imaging Using Region-Of-Interest Robotic Multi-Pinhole SPECT System. Presentation at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, August 4-8, Indianapolis, IN, 2013. Medical Physics, 2013.

S Yan, J Bowsher, S Yoo, F Yin: On-Board Robotic Multi-Pinhole SPECT System for Prone Breast Imaging. Presentation at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, August 4-8, Indianapolis, IN, 2013. Medical Physics, 2013.

J Bowsher, S Yan, F Yin: Robotic Multi-Pinhole Scenarios for SPECT Molecular and Functional Imaging Onboard and in Other Applications. Presentation at the 55th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, August 4-8, Indianapolis, IN, 2013. Medical Physics, 2013.

S Yan, J Bowsher, F Yin: Functional and Molecular Imaging of the Axilla as the Patient Is in Position for Radiation Therapy Using a Robotic Multi-pinhole SPECT System. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 84(3) S247-S8, 2012.

S Yan, J Bowsher, W Giles, F Yin: A Line-Source Method for Aligning Onboard-Robotic-Pinhole and Other SPECT-Pinhole Systems. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, July 29 - Aug 2, Charlotte, NC, 2012. Medical Physics 39(6) 4011, 2012.

J Bowsher, S Yan, J Roper, W Giles, F Yin: A Robotic Multi-Pinhole SPECT System for Onboard and Other Region-Of-Interest Imaging. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, July 29 - Aug 2, Charlotte, NC, 2012. Medical Physics 39(6) 3887, 2012.

JE Bowsher, S Yan, JR Roper, WM Giles, F Yin: SPECT Imaging Onboard Radiation Therapy Machines. Invited Talk at SPIE Optics and Photonics: Optical Engineering and Applications: Medical Applications of Radiation Detectors, August 21-25, 2011, San Diego, CA.

Justus Adamson, William Giles  

The radiosurgery research group is focused on improving treatment planning techniques and quality assurance methods for linear accelerator based radiosurgery.  

Conformal Arc Informed Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (CAVMAT) One current direction includes developing and refining a novel approach to stereotactic radiosurgery treatment planning for multiple brain metastases called Conformal Arc Informed VMAT (CAVMAT). When treating brain metastases there are several techniques that may be used, such as dynamic conformal arcs and VMAT. While effective and intuitive, dynamic conformal arcs suffer from a lack of modulation flexibility and extended treatment times. Conversely, VMAT is highly flexible and conformal, but may produce overly modulated and unintuitive MLC trajectories. In multi-target cases these unintuitive trajectories can lead to dose bridging between targets and irregular shaped isodose distributions. 

CAVMAT is a hybrid technique, combining the intuitive MLC motions of dynamic conformal arc plans with the flexibility of VMAT inverse optimization. CAVMAT produces more intuitive dose distributions, reduces dose bridging and substantially spares healthy tissue without compromising plan quality.

Whereas VMAT may partially block targets or create unnecessary MLC openings, CAVMAT divides targets into subgroups, prioritizing effective collimation. The subgroups serve as a starting point for inverse optimization.

VMAT dose bridging

Fast and Comprehensive Verification of Radiation and Imaging Isocenter We are also working on developing a fast and comprehensive method to directly measure radiation isocenter uncertainty and coincidence with the kV-CBCT imaging system using 3D polymer gel dosimetry. We utilize novel N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) gel dosimeters which have the unique characteristic of manifesting delivered dose as a change in density, and can thus be read out using CT and on-board CBCT.  For comprehensive isocenter verification, a NIPAM dosimeter is irradiated at eight unique couch/gantry combinations, CBCT images are immediately acquired, radiation profile is detected per beam and the displacement from the imaging isocenter is quantified using MATLAB analysis. Setup, irradiation and CBCT readout can be performed within a typical QA slot.    

Image of NIPAM gel dosimeter immediately after irradiation

Jim Chang, Justus Adamson  

Stereotactic radiosurgery

Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) requires treatment with high precision. It's always a challenge during SRS planning, localization and delivery to ensure the required high accuracy. This work aims to use advanced technologies such as image guidance and high definition MLC to develop techniques for precise and efficient SRS treatment.

Brainlab AG Varian Medical System  

Z. Wang, J. Kirkpatrick, Z. Chang, J. O’Daniel, C. Willett, F-F. Yin. RapidArc for Treatment of Intracranial Multi-Focal Stereotactic Radiosurgery. ISRS 2009 Z. Wang, J. Nelson, S. Yoo, Q. J. Wu, J. Kirkpatrick, L. B. Marks, F-F Yin.

Refinement of Treatment set up and Target Localization Accuracy Using 3D Cone Beam CT for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 73(2), p.571-7, (2009).

F-F. Yin, Z. Wang, S. Yoo, Q. J. Wu, J. Kirkpatrick, N. Larrier, J. Meyer, C. G. Willett, L. B. Marks, Integration of Cone-Beam CT in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Tech. Cancer Res. Treat. 7 (2), p.133-140, (2008).

Wang Z, Thomas A, Newton J, Ibbott G, Deasy J, Oldham M. Dose Verification of Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia with Presage 3D Dosimetry System. J Phys Conf Ser. 2010 Dec 7;250(1). pii: 012058.

Z. Wang, Q. J. Wu, L. B. Marks, N. Larrier, and F-F. Yin. Cone-Beam CT Localization of Internal Target Volumes for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Lung Lesions. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 69(5), p.1618-24, (2007).

Zheng Chang, Qiuwen Wu, Sua Yoo  

Recent developments in image-guidance and immobilization enable target localization with increased accuracy, in order to deliver radiation more precisely to the tumor while sparing adjacent healthy tissue. With such improvements in imaging techniques, image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) has been widely adopted into clinical practice. Current active research projects includes 6 degree-of-freedom image guided SRS/SBRT, deformable registration for breast SBRT and 3D surface imaging for head and neck cancer radiotherapy.           

Jinli Ma, Zheng Chang, Q. Jackie Wu , Zhiheng Wang, John P. Kirkpatrick, Fang-Fang Yin, ExacTrac X-ray 6 Degree-of-Freedom Image Guidance for Intracranial Noninvasive Stereotactic Radiotherapy: Comparison with kilo-voltage Cone-beam CT, Radiotherapy and Oncology 2009; 93:602–608.

Zheng Chang, Zhiheng Wang, Jinli Ma, Jennifer C. O’Daniel, John Kirkpatrick, and Fang-Fang Yin, 6D Image Guidance for Spinal Noninvasive Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: comparison between Exactrac X-ray 6D with Kilo-voltage Cone Beam CT, Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2010; 95: 116–121.

Olga Gopan, Qiuwen Wu, Evaluation of the accuracy of a 3D surface imaging system for patient setup in head and neck cancer radiotherapy.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012;84(2):547-52.

Devon Godfrey, Zheng Chang, Jackie Wu, Sua Yoo, James Bowsher  

IGRT has been widely applied in radiation therapy to use various imaging tools to improve the localization accuracy of the treatment. With the development of flat panel detectors, cone-beam CT (CBCT) has become a key imaging tool in IGRT, which is able to provide volumetric information about the patient for 3D or 4D target localization. MRI is another valuable tool under intensive study which is useful for target delineation and treatment assessment. Our group’s focus is to develop novel image acquisition and reconstruction techniques to improve the image quality and reduce imaging dose for various imaging modalities in IGRT.

health physics research topics

Specifically we are focusing on the following directions:

  • Imaging dose reduction using digital tomosynthesis (DTS). DTS only uses limited angle projections to reconstruct quasi-3D images; therefore it has much lower imaging dose than CBCT. This project is to evaluate the efficacy of DTS image guidance for different anatomic sites, including head-and-neck, prostate, breast, liver and lung.
  • Development of clinical platform for DTS application. This project focuses on accelerating reconstruction using graphics card and developing user-friendly GUI interface for clinical use.
  • Image reconstruction using prior knowledge and deformation models. A new method is developed to reconstruct full 3D images from limited-angle projections using patient prior knowledge and deformation models. Different deformation models, including PCA based motion models (MM) and free-form deformation (FD) model, are explored to improve the accuracy and efficiency.
  • CBCT scatter correction. A synchronized moving grid (SMOG) system is being developed to correct for scatter, image lag and gantry flex of the flat panel detector based cone-beam CT (CBCT) system.
  • Dual source CBCT. A dual source CBCT system has been built and its performance is being characterized. Virtual monochromatic (VM) and linearly mixed (LM) CBCTs are also developed to investigate their potential applications in metal artifact reduction and contrast enhancement in IGRT.
  • Marker-less self-sorted 4D-CBCT. To develop an automatic projection sorting algorithm based on Fourier transformation of the projections.
  • Fast reconstruction and processing of MR water-fat imaging, angiography, and quantitative functional imaging such as diffusion and perfusion imaging along with its clinical applications.  

NIH-NCI Varian Medical System  

D. J. Godfrey, F. F. Yin, M. Oldham, S. Yoo, C. Willett, “Digital tomosynthesis using an on-board kV imaging device,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 65(1), 8-15 (2006).

Q. J. Wu, D. J. Godfrey, Z. Wang, J. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. You, D. Brizel, F. Yin, ”On-board patient positioning for head and neck IMRT: comparing digital tomosynthesis to kV radiography and cone-beam CT.” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 69(2), 598-606 (2007).

D. J. Godfrey, L. Ren, H. Yan, Q. Wu, S. Yoo, M. Oldham, F. Yin, “Evaluation of three types of reference image data for external beam radiotherapy target localization using digital tomosynthesis (DTS).” Med. Phys. 34(8) 3374-3384 (2007).

H. Yan, L. Ren, D. J. Godfrey, F. Yin, “Accelerating reconstruction of reference digital tomosynthesis using graphics hardware.” Med. Phys. 34(10), 3768-3776 (2007).

L. Ren, D. J. Godfrey, H. Yan, Q. J. Wu, F. Yin, “Automatic registration between reference and on-board digital tomosynthesis images for positioning verification.” Med. Phys. 35, 664 (2008).

H. Yan, D. J. Godfrey, F. Yin, “Fast reconstruction of digital tomosynthesis using on-board images.” Med. Phys. 35, 2162 (2008).

L. Ren, J. Zhang, D. Thongphiew, D. J. Godfrey, Z. Wang, F. Yin, “A novel digital tomosynthesis (DTS) reconstruction method using a deformation field map.” Med. Phys. 35, 3110 (2008).

J. Maurer, D. J. Godfrey, Z. Wang, F. Yin, “On-board four-dimensional digital tomosynthesis: First experimental results.” Med. Phys. 35, 3574 (2008).

S. Yoo, Q. J. Wu, D. J. Godfrey, H. Yan, L. Ren, S. Das, W. R. Lee, F. Yin, “Clinical evaluation of positioning verification using digital tomosynthesis (DTS) based on bony anatomy and soft tissues for prostate image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT).” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 73(1):296-305 (2009).

J. Zhang, Q. J. Wu, D. J. Godfrey, T. Fatunase, L. B. Marks, F. Yin, “Comparing digital tomosynthesis to cone-beam CT for position verification in patients undergoing partial breast irradiation,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 73(3):952-957 (2009).

Z. Chang, Q. Xiang, J. Ji, and F.F. Yin, “Efficient Multiple Acquisitions by Skipped Phase Encoding and Edge Deghosting (SPEED) Using Shared Spatial Information,” Magn. Reson. Med. 61:229–233 (2009).

Z. Chang, Q. Xiang, H. Shen, and F.F. Yin, “Accelerating Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography with Inflow Inversion Recovery Imaging by Skipped Phase Encoding and Edge Deghosting (SPEED),” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31:757-765 (2010).

J Maurer, T Pan, F Yin, “Slow gantry rotation acquisition technique for on-board four-dimensional tomosynthesis.” Med Phys 37:921-933 (2010).

J. Jin, L. Ren, Q. Liu, J. Kim, N. Wen, H. Guan, B. Movsas, I. Chetty, “Combining scatter reduction and correction to improve image quality in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)”, Med. Phys. 37, 5634-5644, (2010).

Q. J. Wu, J. Meyer, J. Fuller, D. Godfrey, Z. Wang, J. Zhang, F. Yin, “Digital tomosynthesis for respiratory gated liver treatment: Clinical feasibility for daily image guidance,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys.79(1):289-296 (2011).

I. Vergalasova, J. Cai, F.F. Yin, “A novel technique for markerless, self-sorted 4D CBCT: feasibility study,” Med Phys 39(3):1442-1451 (2012).

L. Ren, I. Chetty, J. Zhang, J. Jin, Q.J. Wu, H. Yan, D.M. Brizel, W.R. Lee, B. Movsas, F. Yin, “Development and clinical evaluation of a three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography estimation method using a deformation field map,” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 82(5): 1584-93 (2012).

L. Ren, F. Yin, I. Chetty, D. Jaffray, and J. Jin, “Feasibility study of a synchronized-moving-grid (SMOG) system to improve image quality in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)”, Med. Phys., 39(8), 5099-5110, (2012).

H. Li, W. Giles, L. Ren, J. Bowsher and F.F. Yin, “Implementation of Dual-Energy Technique for Virtual Monochromatic and Linearly Mixed CBCTs”, Med. Phys. 39(10), 6056-64, 2012.

Z. Chang, Q. Xiang, H. Shen, J. Ji and F.F. Yin, "Accelerating Phase Contrast MR Angiography by Simplified Skipped Phase Encoding and Edge Deghosting with Array Coil Enhancement,” Med. Phys., 39:1247-1252 (2012).

H. Li, W. Giles, J. Bowsher and F.F. Yin, “A Dual Cone-Beam CT System for Image Guided Radiotherapy: Initial Performance Characterization”, Med. Phys. 40(2), 021912, 2013.


10-step guide

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Radiation Therapy

Treatment planning, biological modelling , image guided radiotherapy.

Multi-centre/international comparisons

Clinical trials outcomes

At UWA, Medical Physics research is strongly aligned with improving treatment and diagnostic precision using localized and minimally invasive techniques that are aimed to improve patient outco mes.

Studying Medical Physics at UWA provides an exceptional opportunity to learn in a department with strong commitment to research. The research component of this programme allows students to develop valuable skills for practising and interpreting research.

Research opportunities are available for students. To submit an expression of interest for a research opportunity, fill out our form

Radiation Therapy (RT)

Biological modelling of tumour and normal tissue dose responses

Modelling the interaction of radiotherapy and immunotherapy

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

3D printing application in radiation therapy

Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy (IORT)

Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)

Modelling, Simulation, and Prototyping

Development of monitoring devices

Assessment of impact of inaccuracy

Treatment planning optimization

Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)

Tracking patient/organ motion

Treatment delivery accuracy

QA on treatment equipment

Small-animal radiotherapy

Robotics applications

Pre-clinical studies


3-D dosimetry

Drug studies


Nuclear Medicine (NM)

Implementation of a SPECT quality phantom QA regime in a nuclear medicine department

Creation of semi-automated image analysis tools for PET processing

Image analysis, dosimetry and theranostics radiopharmaceuticals

Radiation Biology (RB)

Bio-guided radiotherapy planning

Simulation of cancer tissue

Simulation of treatment effect

Optimisation of treatment

Patient-specific simulation

Radiation Protection (RP) and Medical Health Physics (MHP)

Identification and Quantification of Radioisotopes with a HPGe Gamma Spectrometer

Diagnostic Imaging (DI)

Realistic breast models for optimising electromagnetic gradiometric measurements

Molecular imaging

Bio-imaging with magnetic gradiometry

Other themes


3D data processing

Machine learning methods

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Health Physics Topics

The Health Physics portion of the qualification exam is meant to test the student’s knowledge of both the policy and technical aspect of this specialty in the nuclear engineering department. Courses that will help prepare the student for this qualification exam include:

  • NUEN 604 Radiation Interactions and Shielding
  • NUEN 605 Radiation Detection and Nuclear Materials Measurement
  • NUEN 612 Radiological Safety and Hazards Evaluation
  • NUEN 613 Principles of Radiological Safety

The following outline describes the material covered by the exam:

  • Independent events
  • Poisson statistics
  • Theoretical resolution of energy deposition
  • Deviation from Poisson statistics – Fano factor
  • Field descriptions
  • Interaction of radiation with matter and interaction rates
  • Half-life, mean life, decay constant, activity
  • Simple decay
  • Composite decay
  • Serial decay
  • Activation /decay relations
  • Nuclear decay schemes
  • Shielding and radiation attenuation
  • Types and sources
  • Characteristics
  • Field quantities
  • Ionization, excitation, W-value
  • Range, CSDA range, density thickness, mean-free path
  • Stopping power, linear energy transfer, lineal energy transfer
  • Attenuation coefficients
  • Rayleigh scattering
  • Photonuclear interactions
  • Absorbed dose
  • Gas-filled detectors
  • Scintillation detectors
  • Semiconductor detectors
  • Special detectors
  • Fundamentals and concepts
  • Bragg-Gray theory
  • Spencer cavity theory
  • Burlin cavity theory
  • Fano theorem
  • Other cavity theories
  • Radiation equilibrium
  • Distributed sources
  • Indirectly ionizing radiation
  • Failure of CPE
  • Transient charged particle equilibrium
  • Active and passive dosimeters
  • Mixed field measurements
  • Calibration
  • Quality factor (radiation weighting factor)
  • Tissue weighting factors
  • Dose equivalent (equivalent dose)
  • Effective dose equivalent (effective dose)
  • Relative biological effectiveness
  • Cell type and radiation sensitivity
  • Direct action
  • Indirect action
  • Oxygen effect
  • Repair and misrepair
  • Single hit models
  • Multi-hit models
  • Multi-target models
  • Survival curves
  • Influence of radiation quality
  • Stochastic effects
  • Deterministic effects
  • Relative and absolute risk models
  • Weaknesses and uncertainties
  • pdf's and cdf’s
  • binomial, Poisson, Gaussian
  • error propagation
  • pdf transforms – Monte Carlo
  • linked ODE’s – Laplace transforms, STELLA, et al.
  • special functions – Bessel, F1s, E1, E2, etc.; Method of Forbenius
  • Routes of entry into the body
  • Routes of elimination from the body
  • Biological half-times
  • Systemic and metabolic models
  • Bioaccumulation
  • Electronics
  • Plastic scintillators
  • Proportional counters
  • Geiger-Mueller counters
  • Gas-flow counters
  • Alpha spectrometers
  • NaI(Tl) detectors and spectrometers
  • HPGe and spectrometers
  • Pulse shape discrimination
  • Thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD)
  • Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
  • Ion chambers
  • Portable survey instruments
  • Quality factors (radiation weighting factors)
  • Effective dose
  • Ambient dose equivalent
  • Foundations for recommendations
  • Risk-based recommendations
  • Detriment and aggregated detriment
  • 10CFR20 and 10CFR835 regulations
  • ALARA considerations
  • Radiation exposure limits
  • Quality vs. energy and type – RBE review
  • TEDE and other concepts
  • Special definitions: Skin, lens of eye, planned special exposures, declared pregnant female, etc.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies
  • Stochastic and deterministic radiation effects
  • ICRP Publication 30
  • ICRP Publication 60
  • Calculation of organ-averaged absorbed dose
  • Calculation of committed dose equivalent
  • ICRP Publication 66
  • Model for the gastrointestinal tract
  • Model for the skeleton
  • Submersion in a noble gas cloud
  • Metabolic models for elements
  • Dose to the embryo/fetus
  • Reference Man
  • Limitations of approach
  • Practical applications in controlling the workplace
  • Practical applications in evaluating intakes
  • Selection and training of staff
  • Responsibilities
  • Radiation safety committee
  • Training of users
  • Occupationally exposed workers
  • Special exposure groups
  • Impactors, how they operate, and how to interpret their data
  • General particle monitoring, collection by filtration
  • Radiation surveys
  • Contamination surveys
  • Area monitoring
  • Bioassay program
  • Respiratory protection
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Accident monitoring
  • Criticality monitoring
  • Record-keeping
  • Waste disposal
  • Emergency planning and response
  • Interpretation of aerosol properties as they apply to respiratory penetration
  • Size dependence of aerosol transport properties and implications for environmental removal or transport
  • Use and limitations of Sutton’s equations
  • Inferring source strength from remotely measured decay product and vice versa via Sutton’s equation
  • Shielding design
  • Neutron dosimetry
  • Space radiation
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Natural background
  • X-ray machines and accelerators
  • Food irradiation
  • Neutron radiography
  • Radiological terrorism

Research Topic Directory Health Physics

ERHS in Health Physics Section

Alexander Brandl

[email protected]

(970) 491-2292

Thomas Johnson

[email protected]

(970) 491-0563

[email protected]

(970) 297-5114

Ralf Sudowe

[email protected]

(970) 491-0219

  • Epidemiology
  • Health Physics
  • Industrial Hygiene
  • Radiation Cancer Biology and Oncology
  • Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
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  • May 27 University Holiday - University Offices Closed - No Classes Monday, May 27, 2024
  • June 3 Felicia Keesing- Keynote and Reception Title- Biodiversity and infectious diseases: principles for prediction Monday, June 3, 2024, 5 - 7pm Felicia Keesing is a biologist who studies the consequences of interactions among species, particularly as biodiversity declines. Her recent work focuses on how biodiversity influences the probability that humans and other animals will be exposed to infectious diseases. She has worked in Kenya since 1995 studying how the disappearance of elephants, giraffes, and other large mammals influences the way African savannas function. Keesing has published more than 100 papers, with grant support from the National Geographic Society, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. Her work has been covered by the New York Times, The New Yorker, NPR, and The Guardian, among other media outlets. In 2020, she and her work were featured in the BBC’s Extinction, with Sir David Attenborough. Keesing served on the steering committee for the Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education conferences, and was the director of a project on science literacy funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. In 2000, she received a United States Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Clinton. She is an elected Fellow of both the Ecological Society of America and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2022, she received the International Cosmos Prize, and in 2023, she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship.
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Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Healthcare

100+ Healthcare Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Healthcare-related research topics and ideas

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a healthcare-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of healthcare-related research ideas and topic thought-starters across a range of healthcare fields, including allopathic and alternative medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, optometry, pharmacology and public health.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the healthcare domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic.

Overview: Healthcare Research Topics

  • Allopathic medicine
  • Alternative /complementary medicine
  • Veterinary medicine
  • Physical therapy/ rehab
  • Optometry and ophthalmology
  • Pharmacy and pharmacology
  • Public health
  • Examples of healthcare-related dissertations

Allopathic (Conventional) Medicine

  • The effectiveness of telemedicine in remote elderly patient care
  • The impact of stress on the immune system of cancer patients
  • The effects of a plant-based diet on chronic diseases such as diabetes
  • The use of AI in early cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • The role of the gut microbiome in mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety
  • The efficacy of mindfulness meditation in reducing chronic pain: A systematic review
  • The benefits and drawbacks of electronic health records in a developing country
  • The effects of environmental pollution on breast milk quality
  • The use of personalized medicine in treating genetic disorders
  • The impact of social determinants of health on chronic diseases in Asia
  • The role of high-intensity interval training in improving cardiovascular health
  • The efficacy of using probiotics for gut health in pregnant women
  • The impact of poor sleep on the treatment of chronic illnesses
  • The role of inflammation in the development of chronic diseases such as lupus
  • The effectiveness of physiotherapy in pain control post-surgery

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Alternative Medicine

  • The benefits of herbal medicine in treating young asthma patients
  • The use of acupuncture in treating infertility in women over 40 years of age
  • The effectiveness of homoeopathy in treating mental health disorders: A systematic review
  • The role of aromatherapy in reducing stress and anxiety post-surgery
  • The impact of mindfulness meditation on reducing high blood pressure
  • The use of chiropractic therapy in treating back pain of pregnant women
  • The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine such as Shun-Qi-Tong-Xie (SQTX) in treating digestive disorders in China
  • The impact of yoga on physical and mental health in adolescents
  • The benefits of hydrotherapy in treating musculoskeletal disorders such as tendinitis
  • The role of Reiki in promoting healing and relaxation post birth
  • The effectiveness of naturopathy in treating skin conditions such as eczema
  • The use of deep tissue massage therapy in reducing chronic pain in amputees
  • The impact of tai chi on the treatment of anxiety and depression
  • The benefits of reflexology in treating stress, anxiety and chronic fatigue
  • The role of acupuncture in the prophylactic management of headaches and migraines

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Dentistry

  • The impact of sugar consumption on the oral health of infants
  • The use of digital dentistry in improving patient care: A systematic review
  • The efficacy of orthodontic treatments in correcting bite problems in adults
  • The role of dental hygiene in preventing gum disease in patients with dental bridges
  • The impact of smoking on oral health and tobacco cessation support from UK dentists
  • The benefits of dental implants in restoring missing teeth in adolescents
  • The use of lasers in dental procedures such as root canals
  • The efficacy of root canal treatment using high-frequency electric pulses in saving infected teeth
  • The role of fluoride in promoting remineralization and slowing down demineralization
  • The impact of stress-induced reflux on oral health
  • The benefits of dental crowns in restoring damaged teeth in elderly patients
  • The use of sedation dentistry in managing dental anxiety in children
  • The efficacy of teeth whitening treatments in improving dental aesthetics in patients with braces
  • The role of orthodontic appliances in improving well-being
  • The impact of periodontal disease on overall health and chronic illnesses

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Tops & Ideas: Veterinary Medicine

  • The impact of nutrition on broiler chicken production
  • The role of vaccines in disease prevention in horses
  • The importance of parasite control in animal health in piggeries
  • The impact of animal behaviour on welfare in the dairy industry
  • The effects of environmental pollution on the health of cattle
  • The role of veterinary technology such as MRI in animal care
  • The importance of pain management in post-surgery health outcomes
  • The impact of genetics on animal health and disease in layer chickens
  • The effectiveness of alternative therapies in veterinary medicine: A systematic review
  • The role of veterinary medicine in public health: A case study of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The impact of climate change on animal health and infectious diseases in animals
  • The importance of animal welfare in veterinary medicine and sustainable agriculture
  • The effects of the human-animal bond on canine health
  • The role of veterinary medicine in conservation efforts: A case study of Rhinoceros poaching in Africa
  • The impact of veterinary research of new vaccines on animal health

Topics & Ideas: Physical Therapy/Rehab

  • The efficacy of aquatic therapy in improving joint mobility and strength in polio patients
  • The impact of telerehabilitation on patient outcomes in Germany
  • The effect of kinesiotaping on reducing knee pain and improving function in individuals with chronic pain
  • A comparison of manual therapy and yoga exercise therapy in the management of low back pain
  • The use of wearable technology in physical rehabilitation and the impact on patient adherence to a rehabilitation plan
  • The impact of mindfulness-based interventions in physical therapy in adolescents
  • The effects of resistance training on individuals with Parkinson’s disease
  • The role of hydrotherapy in the management of fibromyalgia
  • The impact of cognitive-behavioural therapy in physical rehabilitation for individuals with chronic pain
  • The use of virtual reality in physical rehabilitation of sports injuries
  • The effects of electrical stimulation on muscle function and strength in athletes
  • The role of physical therapy in the management of stroke recovery: A systematic review
  • The impact of pilates on mental health in individuals with depression
  • The use of thermal modalities in physical therapy and its effectiveness in reducing pain and inflammation
  • The effect of strength training on balance and gait in elderly patients

Topics & Ideas: Optometry & Opthalmology

  • The impact of screen time on the vision and ocular health of children under the age of 5
  • The effects of blue light exposure from digital devices on ocular health
  • The role of dietary interventions, such as the intake of whole grains, in the management of age-related macular degeneration
  • The use of telemedicine in optometry and ophthalmology in the UK
  • The impact of myopia control interventions on African American children’s vision
  • The use of contact lenses in the management of dry eye syndrome: different treatment options
  • The effects of visual rehabilitation in individuals with traumatic brain injury
  • The role of low vision rehabilitation in individuals with age-related vision loss: challenges and solutions
  • The impact of environmental air pollution on ocular health
  • The effectiveness of orthokeratology in myopia control compared to contact lenses
  • The role of dietary supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, in ocular health
  • The effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure from tanning beds on ocular health
  • The impact of computer vision syndrome on long-term visual function
  • The use of novel diagnostic tools in optometry and ophthalmology in developing countries
  • The effects of virtual reality on visual perception and ocular health: an examination of dry eye syndrome and neurologic symptoms

Topics & Ideas: Pharmacy & Pharmacology

  • The impact of medication adherence on patient outcomes in cystic fibrosis
  • The use of personalized medicine in the management of chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • The effects of pharmacogenomics on drug response and toxicity in cancer patients
  • The role of pharmacists in the management of chronic pain in primary care
  • The impact of drug-drug interactions on patient mental health outcomes
  • The use of telepharmacy in healthcare: Present status and future potential
  • The effects of herbal and dietary supplements on drug efficacy and toxicity
  • The role of pharmacists in the management of type 1 diabetes
  • The impact of medication errors on patient outcomes and satisfaction
  • The use of technology in medication management in the USA
  • The effects of smoking on drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics: A case study of clozapine
  • Leveraging the role of pharmacists in preventing and managing opioid use disorder
  • The impact of the opioid epidemic on public health in a developing country
  • The use of biosimilars in the management of the skin condition psoriasis
  • The effects of the Affordable Care Act on medication utilization and patient outcomes in African Americans

Topics & Ideas: Public Health

  • The impact of the built environment and urbanisation on physical activity and obesity
  • The effects of food insecurity on health outcomes in Zimbabwe
  • The role of community-based participatory research in addressing health disparities
  • The impact of social determinants of health, such as racism, on population health
  • The effects of heat waves on public health
  • The role of telehealth in addressing healthcare access and equity in South America
  • The impact of gun violence on public health in South Africa
  • The effects of chlorofluorocarbons air pollution on respiratory health
  • The role of public health interventions in reducing health disparities in the USA
  • The impact of the United States Affordable Care Act on access to healthcare and health outcomes
  • The effects of water insecurity on health outcomes in the Middle East
  • The role of community health workers in addressing healthcare access and equity in low-income countries
  • The impact of mass incarceration on public health and behavioural health of a community
  • The effects of floods on public health and healthcare systems
  • The role of social media in public health communication and behaviour change in adolescents

Examples: Healthcare Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a healthcare-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various healthcare-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Improving Follow-Up Care for Homeless Populations in North County San Diego (Sanchez, 2021)
  • On the Incentives of Medicare’s Hospital Reimbursement and an Examination of Exchangeability (Elzinga, 2016)
  • Managing the healthcare crisis: the career narratives of nurses (Krueger, 2021)
  • Methods for preventing central line-associated bloodstream infection in pediatric haematology-oncology patients: A systematic literature review (Balkan, 2020)
  • Farms in Healthcare: Enhancing Knowledge, Sharing, and Collaboration (Garramone, 2019)
  • When machine learning meets healthcare: towards knowledge incorporation in multimodal healthcare analytics (Yuan, 2020)
  • Integrated behavioural healthcare: The future of rural mental health (Fox, 2019)
  • Healthcare service use patterns among autistic adults: A systematic review with narrative synthesis (Gilmore, 2021)
  • Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Combatting Burnout and Compassionate Fatigue among Mental Health Caregivers (Lundquist, 2022)
  • Transgender and gender-diverse people’s perceptions of gender-inclusive healthcare access and associated hope for the future (Wille, 2021)
  • Efficient Neural Network Synthesis and Its Application in Smart Healthcare (Hassantabar, 2022)
  • The Experience of Female Veterans and Health-Seeking Behaviors (Switzer, 2022)
  • Machine learning applications towards risk prediction and cost forecasting in healthcare (Singh, 2022)
  • Does Variation in the Nursing Home Inspection Process Explain Disparity in Regulatory Outcomes? (Fox, 2020)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Need more help?

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your healthcare dissertation or thesis, check out Topic Kickstarter service below.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

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Mabel Allison

I need topics that will match the Msc program am running in healthcare research please

Theophilus Ugochuku

Hello Mabel,

I can help you with a good topic, kindly provide your email let’s have a good discussion on this.

sneha ramu

Can you provide some research topics and ideas on Immunology?


Thank you to create new knowledge on research problem verse research topic

Help on problem statement on teen pregnancy

Derek Jansen

This post might be useful: https://gradcoach.com/research-problem-statement/

vera akinyi akinyi vera

can you provide me with a research topic on healthcare related topics to a qqi level 5 student

Didjatou tao

Please can someone help me with research topics in public health ?

Gurtej singh Dhillon

Hello I have requirement of Health related latest research issue/topics for my social media speeches. If possible pls share health issues , diagnosis, treatment.

Chikalamba Muzyamba

I would like a topic thought around first-line support for Gender-Based Violence for survivors or one related to prevention of Gender-Based Violence

Evans Amihere

Please can I be helped with a master’s research topic in either chemical pathology or hematology or immunology? thanks


Can u please provide me with a research topic on occupational health and safety at the health sector

Biyama Chama Reuben

Good day kindly help provide me with Ph.D. Public health topics on Reproductive and Maternal Health, interventional studies on Health Education

dominic muema

may you assist me with a good easy healthcare administration study topic


May you assist me in finding a research topic on nutrition,physical activity and obesity. On the impact on children

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  • Print Friendly

77 interesting medical research topics for 2024

Last updated

25 November 2023

Reviewed by

Brittany Ferri, PhD, OTR/L

Medical research is the gateway to improved patient care and expanding our available treatment options. However, finding a relevant and compelling research topic can be challenging.

Use this article as a jumping-off point to select an interesting medical research topic for your next paper or clinical study.

  • How to choose a medical research topic

When choosing a research topic , it’s essential to consider a couple of things. What topics interest you? What unanswered questions do you want to address? 

During the decision-making and brainstorming process, here are a few helpful tips to help you pick the right medical research topic:

Focus on a particular field of study

The best medical research is specific to a particular area. Generalized studies are often too broad to produce meaningful results, so we advise picking a specific niche early in the process. 

Maybe a certain topic interests you, or your industry knowledge reveals areas of need.

Look into commonly researched topics

Once you’ve chosen your research field, do some preliminary research. What have other academics done in their papers and projects? 

From this list, you can focus on specific topics that interest you without accidentally creating a copycat project. This groundwork will also help you uncover any literature gaps—those may be beneficial areas for research.

Get curious and ask questions

Now you can get curious. Ask questions that start with why, how, or what. These questions are the starting point of your project design and will act as your guiding light throughout the process. 

For example: 

What impact does pollution have on children’s lung function in inner-city neighborhoods? 

Why is pollution-based asthma on the rise? 

How can we address pollution-induced asthma in young children? 

  • 77 medical research topics worth exploring in 2023

Need some research inspiration for your upcoming paper or clinical study? We’ve compiled a list of 77 topical and in-demand medical research ideas. Let’s take a look. 

  • Exciting new medical research topics

If you want to study cutting-edge topics, here are some exciting options:

COVID-19 and long COVID symptoms

Since 2020, COVID-19 has been a hot-button topic in medicine, along with the long-term symptoms in those with a history of COVID-19. 

Examples of COVID-19-related research topics worth exploring include:

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on cardiac and respiratory health

COVID-19 vaccination rates

The evolution of COVID-19 symptoms over time

New variants and strains of the COVID-19 virus

Changes in social behavior and public health regulations amid COVID-19


Finding ways to cure or reduce the disease burden of chronic infectious diseases is a crucial research area. Vaccination is a powerful option and a great topic to research. 

Examples of vaccination-related research topics include:

mRNA vaccines for viral infections

Biomaterial vaccination capabilities

Vaccination rates based on location, ethnicity, or age

Public opinion about vaccination safety 

Artificial tissues fabrication

With the need for donor organs increasing, finding ways to fabricate artificial bioactive tissues (and possibly organs) is a popular research area. 

Examples of artificial tissue-related research topics you can study include:

The viability of artificially printed tissues

Tissue substrate and building block material studies

The ethics and efficacy of artificial tissue creation

  • Medical research topics for medical students

For many medical students, research is a big driver for entering healthcare. If you’re a medical student looking for a research topic, here are some great ideas to work from:

Sleep disorders

Poor sleep quality is a growing problem, and it can significantly impact a person’s overall health. 

Examples of sleep disorder-related research topics include:

How stress affects sleep quality

The prevalence and impact of insomnia on patients with mental health conditions

Possible triggers for sleep disorder development

The impact of poor sleep quality on psychological and physical health

How melatonin supplements impact sleep quality

Alzheimer’s and dementia 

Cognitive conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise worldwide. They currently have no cure. As a result, research about these topics is in high demand. 

Examples of dementia-related research topics you could explore include:

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in a chosen population

Early onset symptoms of dementia

Possible triggers or causes of cognitive decline with age

Treatment options for dementia-like conditions

The mental and physical burden of caregiving for patients with dementia

  • Lifestyle habits and public health

Modern lifestyles have profoundly impacted the average person’s daily habits, and plenty of interesting topics explore its effects. 

Examples of lifestyle and public health-related research topics include:

The nutritional intake of college students

The impact of chronic work stress on overall health

The rise of upper back and neck pain from laptop use

Prevalence and cause of repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

  • Controversial medical research paper topics

Medical research is a hotbed of controversial topics, content, and areas of study. 

If you want to explore a more niche (and attention-grabbing) concept, here are some controversial medical research topics worth looking into:

The benefits and risks of medical cannabis

Depending on where you live, the legalization and use of cannabis for medical conditions is controversial for the general public and healthcare providers.

Examples of medical cannabis-related research topics that might grab your attention include:

The legalization process of medical cannabis

The impact of cannabis use on developmental milestones in youth users

Cannabis and mental health diagnoses

CBD’s impact on chronic pain

Prevalence of cannabis use in young people

The impact of maternal cannabis use on fetal development 

Understanding how THC impacts cognitive function

Human genetics

The Human Genome Project identified, mapped, and sequenced all human DNA genes. Its completion in 2003 opened up a world of exciting and controversial studies in human genetics.

Examples of human genetics-related research topics worth delving into include:

Medical genetics and the incidence of genetic-based health disorders

Behavioral genetics differences between identical twins

Genetic risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders

Machine learning technologies for genetic research

Sexual health studies

Human sexuality and sexual health are important (yet often stigmatized) medical topics that need new research and analysis.

As a diverse field ranging from sexual orientation studies to sexual pathophysiology, examples of sexual health-related research topics include:

The incidence of sexually transmitted infections within a chosen population

Mental health conditions within the LGBTQIA+ community

The impact of untreated sexually transmitted infections

Access to safe sex resources (condoms, dental dams, etc.) in rural areas

  • Health and wellness research topics

Human wellness and health are trendy topics in modern medicine as more people are interested in finding natural ways to live healthier lifestyles. 

If this field of study interests you, here are some big topics in the wellness space:

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten allergies and intolerances have risen over the past few decades. If you’re interested in exploring this topic, your options range in severity from mild gastrointestinal symptoms to full-blown anaphylaxis. 

Some examples of gluten sensitivity-related research topics include:

The pathophysiology and incidence of Celiac disease

Early onset symptoms of gluten intolerance

The prevalence of gluten allergies within a set population

Gluten allergies and the incidence of other gastrointestinal health conditions

Pollution and lung health

Living in large urban cities means regular exposure to high levels of pollutants. 

As more people become interested in protecting their lung health, examples of impactful lung health and pollution-related research topics include:

The extent of pollution in densely packed urban areas

The prevalence of pollution-based asthma in a set population

Lung capacity and function in young people

The benefits and risks of steroid therapy for asthma

Pollution risks based on geographical location

Plant-based diets

Plant-based diets like vegan and paleo diets are emerging trends in healthcare due to their limited supporting research. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the potential benefits or risks of holistic, diet-based medicine, examples of plant-based diet research topics to explore include:

Vegan and plant-based diets as part of disease management

Potential risks and benefits of specific plant-based diets

Plant-based diets and their impact on body mass index

The effect of diet and lifestyle on chronic disease management

Health supplements

Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Many health-conscious people take supplements, including vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, and more. 

Examples of health supplement-related research topics worth investigating include:

Omega-3 fish oil safety and efficacy for cardiac patients

The benefits and risks of regular vitamin D supplementation

Health supplementation regulation and product quality

The impact of social influencer marketing on consumer supplement practices

Analyzing added ingredients in protein powders

  • Healthcare research topics

Working within the healthcare industry means you have insider knowledge and opportunity. Maybe you’d like to research the overall system, administration, and inherent biases that disrupt access to quality care. 

While these topics are essential to explore, it is important to note that these studies usually require approval and oversight from an Institutional Review Board (IRB). This ensures the study is ethical and does not harm any subjects. 

For this reason, the IRB sets protocols that require additional planning, so consider this when mapping out your study’s timeline. 

Here are some examples of trending healthcare research areas worth pursuing:

The pros and cons of electronic health records

The rise of electronic healthcare charting and records has forever changed how medical professionals and patients interact with their health data. 

Examples of electronic health record-related research topics include:

The number of medication errors reported during a software switch

Nurse sentiment analysis of electronic charting practices

Ethical and legal studies into encrypting and storing personal health data

Inequities within healthcare access

Many barriers inhibit people from accessing the quality medical care they need. These issues result in health disparities and injustices. 

Examples of research topics about health inequities include:

The impact of social determinants of health in a set population

Early and late-stage cancer stage diagnosis in urban vs. rural populations

Affordability of life-saving medications

Health insurance limitations and their impact on overall health

Diagnostic and treatment rates across ethnicities

People who belong to an ethnic minority are more likely to experience barriers and restrictions when trying to receive quality medical care. This is due to systemic healthcare racism and bias. 

As a result, diagnostic and treatment rates in minority populations are a hot-button field of research. Examples of ethnicity-based research topics include:

Cancer biopsy rates in BIPOC women

The prevalence of diabetes in Indigenous communities

Access inequalities in women’s health preventative screenings

The prevalence of undiagnosed hypertension in Black populations

  • Pharmaceutical research topics

Large pharmaceutical companies are incredibly interested in investing in research to learn more about potential cures and treatments for diseases. 

If you’re interested in building a career in pharmaceutical research, here are a few examples of in-demand research topics:

Cancer treatment options

Clinical research is in high demand as pharmaceutical companies explore novel cancer treatment options outside of chemotherapy and radiation. 

Examples of cancer treatment-related research topics include:

Stem cell therapy for cancer

Oncogenic gene dysregulation and its impact on disease

Cancer-causing viral agents and their risks

Treatment efficacy based on early vs. late-stage cancer diagnosis

Cancer vaccines and targeted therapies

Immunotherapy for cancer

Pain medication alternatives

Historically, opioid medications were the primary treatment for short- and long-term pain. But, with the opioid epidemic getting worse, the need for alternative pain medications has never been more urgent. 

Examples of pain medication-related research topics include:

Opioid withdrawal symptoms and risks

Early signs of pain medication misuse

Anti-inflammatory medications for pain control

  • Identify trends in your medical research with Dovetail

Are you interested in contributing life-changing research? Today’s medical research is part of the future of clinical patient care. 

As your go-to resource for speedy and accurate data analysis , we are proud to partner with healthcare researchers to innovate and improve the future of healthcare.

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  • Medical Physics

Medical Physics Research Papers/Topics

Generalized synchronization of regulate seizures dynamics in partial epilepsy with fractional-order derivatives.

Abstract: The dynamical behavior and the synchronization of epileptic seizure dynamics, with fractional-order derivatives, is studied in this paper. Knowing that the dynamical properties of ictal electroencephalogram signal recordings during experiments displays complex nonlinear behaviors, we analyze the system from chaos theory point of view. Based on stability analysis, the system presents three equilibrium points with two of them unstable. Moreover, the system reveals attractor points fr...

Evaluation of CT Brain Protocols, Image Quality and Radiation Dose

Abstract CT scan is one of the most valuable tools used in the centers of modern health care and are accompanied by radiation dose greater than that of the normal radiographic and must be therefore use carefully to protect patients from radiation. The aim of this study to compare between radiation dose and image quality and to compare between CT brain protocols and radiation dose . Random samples consist of 30 patients who underwent CT brain examination. The patients data registered(age, gend...

Sexual Behaviors of People Living with Hiv/Aids, Receiving Treatment at District Hospital Agbani, Enugu State.

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is still of major public health concern. With no vaccine in sight, it is only necessary to take a look at the sexual behaviors and practices of people living with HIV/AIDS. This study was to determine the sexual behaviors of people living with HIV attending ART clinic at District Hospital, Agbani, Nkanu-west local government area, Enugu state. METHODOLOGY: This was a descriptive cross sectional study. A systematic random sampling method was used to select 321 participants. D...

Assessment of medical students’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards medical waste management in KIUTH in Bushenyi Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL: ................................................................................................................................. iiKEY DEFINITIONS; ................................................................................................................... vLIST OF ACRONYM: ....................................................

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Preterm Births in Uganda: A Case Study of Kiryandongo District Referral Hospital.

Table of ContentsDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................................. ivDEDICATION.................................................................

To Assess the Knowledge of Danger Signs in Pregnancy Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in Kampala International University -Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT A cross-sectional study was done on the Topic: Assessment of knowledge of Danger Signs among pregnant women attending ANC in KIU-TH). Pregnancy is a normal process that results in a series of both physiological and psychological changes in expectant mothers. However, normal pregnancy may be accompanied by some problems and complications which is potentially life-threatening to the mother and the fetus. Fraser et al (2003). Danger sign(s) is a term used to refer to a group of symptom...

Refined Sievert Integral for The Calculation of Dose Distribution Around the New Bebig Co-60 High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Source

ABSTRACT A very good reason why calculation of dose distribution is important is that it is essential to plan and replicate the treatment prior to the actual delivery of the radiation dose to the tumour. In modern radiation therapy, computer software is used for performing treatment planning. Different algorithms are employed at every stage of treatment including dose calculation algorithms. The dose calculation used for the HDRplus TPS is the TG43 formalism and just like every other TPS, th...

Comparative Studies on Permanent Prostate Brachytherapy: PrePlan and Real-Time Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Iodine-125 Seed Implants at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Brachytherapy is a term used to describe the short distance treatment of cancer with radiation from small, encapsulated radionuclide sources. This type of treatment is given by placing sources directly into or near the volume to be treated. The dose is then delivered continuously, either over a short period of time (temporary implants) or over the lifetime of the source to a complete decay (permanent implants). Most common brachytherapy sources emit ...

Assessment of Radiation Dose to Patients During Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (Spect) 99mtc-Sestamibi Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (Mpi) In Niamey- Niger.

ABSTRACT Radiation absorbed dose for patients undergoing myocardial perfusion has been calculated for technetium-99m Hexakis-2-methoxy-2-methylpropyl-isonitrile (99mTcSestamibi) at the Nuclear Medicine Department of Abdou Moumouni University. Thirty patients were scanned and image quantification was achieved using MedisoInterViewXP® software. An activity of370 MBq (10 mCi) of 99mTc-Sestamibi was administered for stress and 1110 MBq (30 mCi) for rest. A 256 x 1024 matrix size and a speed of ...

Sub-Chronic Effect of Co-Administration of Methformine and Amilodipine on Some Haematological Indices in Experimental Animal (Wistar Rats)

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Estimation Of Contralateral Breast Dose For Tangential Breast Irradiation Using Gafchromic Film Ebt2

ABSTRACT The dose to the contralateral breast for tangential breast irradiation has been estimated using Gafchromic films EBT2. The data collected consisted of measurements taken with anthropomorphic female Rando phantom. The EBT2 films were scanned and read using ScanMaker 9800XL plus and ImageJ software. A calibration curve was constructed using fourth – order polynomial fit to the data and a calibration equation was obtained from the graph which was used to convert the grey values into ...

Quality Control And Dosimetry Of A Wooden Couch Top For Megavoltage External Beam Radiotherapy.

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to determine an appropriate locally fabricated wood sample that could be used to replace the wire mesh incorporated at the treatment area of EBRT couch top to circumvent dose discrepancies associated with the sagging effect of the wire mesh as a result of prolonged use. Linear attenuation coefficient and transmission factor were determined at three stipulated field sizes (5cm x 5cm, 10cm x 10cm,15cm x 15cm) and two treatment depths of 0.5cm and 5cm fo...

The Effects Of Crystalloid Solutions On The Human Blood Coagulation System

ABSTRACT Crystalloid solutions are used in clinical practice for resuscitation and correction of electrolyte imbalances. However, up to 25% of individuals may develop dysfunctions of haemostasis following fluid infusions, complicating resuscitation and outcome. Studies on the effects of crystalloids solutions on human blood coagulation have produced conflicting results: either suggesting procoagulant effects or impaired coagulation. The mechanisms for these discrepant results remain unclear....

Assessment Of Mean Glandular Dose To Patients From Digital Mammography Systems

ABSTRACT Mean glandular dose assessment of patients undergoing digital mammography examination has been done. A total of 297 patient data was used for the study. Basic Quality Control tests were done to ascertain the performance of the equipment used. The results of Quality Control tests indicated that the three Mammography units used for this study were functioning within the internationally acceptable performance criteria. Patients with a breast thickness of 30 mm within the two age groups...

Comparison Of Treatment Indices Between Telecobalt Machine And Linear Accelerator-Based Treatment Plans For Selected Conformal Radiotherapy Cases

ABSTRACT The use of telecobalt machine in radiotherapy is of concern in developing countries where there is a limited resource. As such, the study was to ascertain if telecobalt (cobalt60) machine could be feasible to generate and deliver treatment plans with optimal treatment indices comparable to those of a linear accelerator (Linac). Retrospective DICOM-Radiotherapy images of patients earmarked for treatment of breast, prostate and lung cancer obtained from the European Society for Radiot...

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500+ Physics Research Topics

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Physics Research Topics

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces that govern the universe. It is a broad and fascinating field that has given us many of the greatest scientific discoveries in history , from the theory of relativity to the discovery of the Higgs boson. As a result, physics research is always at the forefront of scientific advancement, and there are countless exciting topics to explore. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most fascinating and cutting-edge physics research topics that are being explored by scientists today. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply someone with a passion for science, there is sure to be something in this list that will pique your interest.

Physics Research Topics

Physics Research Topics are as follows:

Physics Research Topics for Grade 9

  • Investigating the properties of waves: amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and speed.
  • The effect of temperature on the expansion and contraction of materials.
  • The relationship between mass, velocity, and momentum.
  • The behavior of light in different mediums and the concept of refraction.
  • The effect of gravity on objects and the concept of weight.
  • The principles of electricity and magnetism and their applications.
  • The concept of work, energy, and power and their relationship.
  • The study of simple machines and their efficiency.
  • The behavior of sound waves and the concept of resonance.
  • The properties of gases and the concept of pressure.
  • The principles of heat transfer and thermal energy.
  • The study of motion, including speed, velocity, and acceleration.
  • The behavior of fluids and the concept of viscosity.
  • The concept of density and its applications.
  • The study of electric circuits and their components.
  • The principles of nuclear physics and their applications.
  • The behavior of electromagnetic waves and the concept of radiation.
  • The properties of solids and the concept of elasticity.
  • The study of light and the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • The concept of force and its relationship to motion.
  • The behavior of waves in different mediums and the concept of interference.
  • The principles of thermodynamics and their applications.
  • The study of optics and the concept of lenses.
  • The concept of waves and their characteristics.
  • The study of atomic structure and the behavior of subatomic particles.
  • The principles of quantum mechanics and their applications.
  • The behavior of light and the concept of polarization.
  • The study of the properties of matter and the concept of phase transitions.
  • The concept of work done by a force and its relationship to energy.
  • The study of motion in two dimensions, including projectile motion and circular motion.

Physics Research Topics for Grade 10

  • Investigating the motion of objects on inclined planes
  • Analyzing the effect of different variables on pendulum oscillations
  • Understanding the properties of waves through the study of sound
  • Investigating the behavior of light through refraction and reflection experiments
  • Examining the laws of thermodynamics and their applications in real-life situations
  • Analyzing the relationship between electric fields and electric charges
  • Understanding the principles of magnetism and electromagnetism
  • Investigating the properties of different materials and their conductivity
  • Analyzing the concept of work, power, and energy in relation to mechanical systems
  • Investigating the laws of motion and their application in real-life situations
  • Understanding the principles of nuclear physics and radioactivity
  • Analyzing the properties of gases and the behavior of ideal gases
  • Investigating the concept of elasticity and Hooke’s law
  • Understanding the properties of liquids and the concept of buoyancy
  • Analyzing the behavior of simple harmonic motion and its applications
  • Investigating the properties of electromagnetic waves and their applications
  • Understanding the principles of wave-particle duality and quantum mechanics
  • Analyzing the properties of electric circuits and their applications
  • Investigating the concept of capacitance and its application in circuits
  • Understanding the properties of waves in different media and their applications
  • Analyzing the principles of optics and the behavior of lenses
  • Investigating the properties of forces and their application in real-life situations
  • Understanding the principles of energy conservation and its applications
  • Analyzing the concept of momentum and its conservation in collisions
  • Investigating the properties of sound waves and their applications
  • Understanding the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in charged particles
  • Analyzing the principles of thermodynamics and the behavior of gases
  • Investigating the properties of electric generators and motors
  • Understanding the principles of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
  • Analyzing the behavior of waves and their interference patterns.

Physics Research Topics for Grade 11

  • Investigating the effect of temperature on the resistance of a wire
  • Determining the velocity of sound in different mediums
  • Measuring the force required to move a mass on an inclined plane
  • Examining the relationship between wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic waves
  • Analyzing the reflection and refraction of light through various media
  • Investigating the properties of simple harmonic motion
  • Examining the efficiency of different types of motors
  • Measuring the acceleration due to gravity using a pendulum
  • Determining the index of refraction of a material using Snell’s law
  • Investigating the behavior of waves in different mediums
  • Analyzing the effect of temperature on the volume of a gas
  • Examining the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit
  • Investigating the principles of Coulomb’s law and electric fields
  • Analyzing the properties of electromagnetic radiation
  • Investigating the properties of magnetic fields
  • Examining the behavior of light in different types of lenses
  • Measuring the speed of light using different methods
  • Investigating the properties of capacitors and inductors in circuits
  • Analyzing the principles of simple harmonic motion in springs
  • Examining the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration
  • Investigating the behavior of waves in different types of materials
  • Determining the energy output of different types of batteries
  • Analyzing the properties of electric circuits
  • Investigating the properties of electric and magnetic fields
  • Examining the principles of radioactivity
  • Measuring the heat capacity of different materials
  • Investigating the properties of thermal conduction
  • Examining the behavior of light in different types of mirrors
  • Analyzing the principles of electromagnetic induction
  • Investigating the properties of waves in different types of strings.

Physics Research Topics for Grade 12

  • Investigating the efficiency of solar panels in converting light energy to electrical energy.
  • Studying the behavior of waves in different mediums.
  • Analyzing the relationship between temperature and pressure in ideal gases.
  • Investigating the properties of electromagnetic waves and their applications.
  • Analyzing the behavior of light and its interaction with matter.
  • Examining the principles of quantum mechanics and their applications.
  • Investigating the properties of superconductors and their potential uses.
  • Studying the properties of semiconductors and their applications in electronics.
  • Analyzing the properties of magnetism and its applications.
  • Investigating the properties of nuclear energy and its applications.
  • Studying the principles of thermodynamics and their applications.
  • Analyzing the properties of fluids and their behavior in different conditions.
  • Investigating the principles of optics and their applications.
  • Studying the properties of sound waves and their behavior in different mediums.
  • Analyzing the properties of electricity and its applications in different devices.
  • Investigating the principles of relativity and their applications.
  • Studying the properties of black holes and their effect on the universe.
  • Analyzing the properties of dark matter and its impact on the universe.
  • Investigating the principles of particle physics and their applications.
  • Studying the properties of antimatter and its potential uses.
  • Analyzing the principles of astrophysics and their applications.
  • Investigating the properties of gravity and its impact on the universe.
  • Studying the properties of dark energy and its effect on the universe.
  • Analyzing the principles of cosmology and their applications.
  • Investigating the properties of time and its effect on the universe.
  • Studying the properties of space and its relationship with time.
  • Analyzing the principles of the Big Bang Theory and its implications.
  • Investigating the properties of the Higgs boson and its impact on particle physics.
  • Studying the properties of string theory and its implications.
  • Analyzing the principles of chaos theory and its applications in physics.

Physics Research Topics for UnderGraduate

  • Investigating the effects of temperature on the conductivity of different materials.
  • Studying the behavior of light in different mediums.
  • Analyzing the properties of superconductors and their potential applications.
  • Examining the principles of thermodynamics and their practical applications.
  • Investigating the behavior of sound waves in different environments.
  • Studying the characteristics of magnetic fields and their applications.
  • Analyzing the principles of optics and their role in modern technology.
  • Examining the principles of quantum mechanics and their implications.
  • Investigating the properties of semiconductors and their use in electronics.
  • Studying the properties of gases and their behavior under different conditions.
  • Analyzing the principles of nuclear physics and their practical applications.
  • Examining the properties of waves and their applications in communication.
  • Investigating the principles of relativity and their implications for the nature of space and time.
  • Studying the behavior of particles in different environments, including accelerators and colliders.
  • Analyzing the principles of chaos theory and their implications for complex systems.
  • Examining the principles of fluid mechanics and their applications in engineering and science.
  • Investigating the principles of solid-state physics and their applications in materials science.
  • Studying the properties of electromagnetic waves and their use in modern technology.
  • Analyzing the principles of gravitation and their role in the structure of the universe.
  • Examining the principles of quantum field theory and their implications for the nature of particles and fields.
  • Investigating the properties of black holes and their role in astrophysics.
  • Studying the principles of string theory and their implications for the nature of matter and energy.
  • Analyzing the properties of dark matter and its role in cosmology.
  • Examining the principles of condensed matter physics and their applications in materials science.
  • Investigating the principles of statistical mechanics and their implications for the behavior of large systems.
  • Studying the properties of plasma and its applications in fusion energy research.
  • Analyzing the principles of general relativity and their implications for the nature of space-time.
  • Examining the principles of quantum computing and its potential applications.
  • Investigating the principles of high energy physics and their role in understanding the fundamental laws of nature.
  • Studying the principles of astrobiology and their implications for the search for life beyond Earth.

Physics Research Topics for Masters

  • Investigating the principles and applications of quantum cryptography.
  • Analyzing the behavior of Bose-Einstein condensates and their potential applications.
  • Studying the principles of photonics and their role in modern technology.
  • Examining the properties of topological materials and their potential applications.
  • Investigating the principles and applications of graphene and other 2D materials.
  • Studying the principles of quantum entanglement and their implications for information processing.
  • Analyzing the principles of quantum field theory and their implications for particle physics.
  • Examining the properties of quantum dots and their use in nanotechnology.
  • Investigating the principles of quantum sensing and their potential applications.
  • Studying the behavior of quantum many-body systems and their potential applications.
  • Analyzing the principles of cosmology and their implications for the early universe.
  • Examining the principles of dark energy and dark matter and their role in cosmology.
  • Investigating the properties of gravitational waves and their detection.
  • Studying the principles of quantum computing and their potential applications in solving complex problems.
  • Analyzing the properties of topological insulators and their potential applications in quantum computing and electronics.
  • Examining the principles of quantum simulations and their potential applications in studying complex systems.
  • Investigating the principles of quantum error correction and their implications for quantum computing.
  • Studying the behavior of quarks and gluons in high energy collisions.
  • Analyzing the principles of quantum phase transitions and their implications for condensed matter physics.
  • Examining the principles of quantum annealing and their potential applications in optimization problems.
  • Investigating the properties of spintronics and their potential applications in electronics.
  • Studying the behavior of non-linear systems and their applications in physics and engineering.
  • Analyzing the principles of quantum metrology and their potential applications in precision measurement.
  • Examining the principles of quantum teleportation and their implications for information processing.
  • Investigating the properties of topological superconductors and their potential applications.
  • Studying the principles of quantum chaos and their implications for complex systems.
  • Analyzing the properties of magnetars and their role in astrophysics.
  • Examining the principles of quantum thermodynamics and their implications for the behavior of small systems.
  • Investigating the principles of quantum gravity and their implications for the structure of the universe.
  • Studying the behavior of strongly correlated systems and their applications in condensed matter physics.

Physics Research Topics for PhD

  • Quantum computing: theory and applications.
  • Topological phases of matter and their applications in quantum information science.
  • Quantum field theory and its applications to high-energy physics.
  • Experimental investigations of the Higgs boson and other particles in the Standard Model.
  • Theoretical and experimental study of dark matter and dark energy.
  • Applications of quantum optics in quantum information science and quantum computing.
  • Nanophotonics and nanomaterials for quantum technologies.
  • Development of advanced laser sources for fundamental physics and engineering applications.
  • Study of exotic states of matter and their properties using high energy physics techniques.
  • Quantum information processing and communication using optical fibers and integrated waveguides.
  • Advanced computational methods for modeling complex systems in physics.
  • Development of novel materials with unique properties for energy applications.
  • Magnetic and spintronic materials and their applications in computing and data storage.
  • Quantum simulations and quantum annealing for solving complex optimization problems.
  • Gravitational waves and their detection using interferometry techniques.
  • Study of quantum coherence and entanglement in complex quantum systems.
  • Development of novel imaging techniques for medical and biological applications.
  • Nanoelectronics and quantum electronics for computing and communication.
  • High-temperature superconductivity and its applications in power generation and storage.
  • Quantum mechanics and its applications in condensed matter physics.
  • Development of new methods for detecting and analyzing subatomic particles.
  • Atomic, molecular, and optical physics for precision measurements and quantum technologies.
  • Neutrino physics and its role in astrophysics and cosmology.
  • Quantum information theory and its applications in cryptography and secure communication.
  • Study of topological defects and their role in phase transitions and cosmology.
  • Experimental study of strong and weak interactions in nuclear physics.
  • Study of the properties of ultra-cold atomic gases and Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • Theoretical and experimental study of non-equilibrium quantum systems and their dynamics.
  • Development of new methods for ultrafast spectroscopy and imaging.
  • Study of the properties of materials under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature.

Random Physics Research Topics

  • Quantum entanglement and its applications
  • Gravitational waves and their detection
  • Dark matter and dark energy
  • High-energy particle collisions and their outcomes
  • Atomic and molecular physics
  • Theoretical and experimental study of superconductivity
  • Plasma physics and its applications
  • Neutrino oscillations and their detection
  • Quantum computing and information
  • The physics of black holes and their properties
  • Study of subatomic particles like quarks and gluons
  • Investigation of the nature of time and space
  • Topological phases in condensed matter systems
  • Magnetic fields and their applications
  • Nanotechnology and its impact on physics research
  • Theory and observation of cosmic microwave background radiation
  • Investigation of the origin and evolution of the universe
  • Study of high-temperature superconductivity
  • Quantum field theory and its applications
  • Study of the properties of superfluids
  • The physics of plasmonics and its applications
  • Experimental and theoretical study of semiconductor materials
  • Investigation of the quantum Hall effect
  • The physics of superstring theory and its applications
  • Theoretical study of the nature of dark matter
  • Study of quantum chaos and its applications
  • Investigation of the Casimir effect
  • The physics of spintronics and its applications
  • Study of the properties of topological insulators
  • Investigation of the nature of the Higgs boson
  • The physics of quantum dots and its applications
  • Study of quantum many-body systems
  • Investigation of the nature of the strong force
  • Theoretical and experimental study of photonics
  • Study of topological defects in condensed matter systems
  • Investigation of the nature of the weak force
  • The physics of plasmas in space
  • Study of the properties of graphene
  • Investigation of the nature of antimatter
  • The physics of optical trapping and manipulation
  • Study of the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates
  • Investigation of the nature of the neutrino
  • The physics of quantum thermodynamics
  • Study of the properties of quantum dots
  • Investigation of the nature of dark energy
  • The physics of magnetic confinement fusion
  • Study of the properties of topological quantum field theories
  • Investigation of the nature of gravitational lensing
  • The physics of laser cooling and trapping
  • Study of the properties of quantum Hall states.
  • The effects of dark energy on the expansion of the universe
  • Quantum entanglement and its applications in cryptography
  • The study of black holes and their event horizons
  • The potential existence of parallel universes
  • The relationship between dark matter and the formation of galaxies
  • The impact of solar flares on the Earth’s magnetic field
  • The effects of cosmic rays on human biology
  • The development of quantum computing technology
  • The properties of superconductors at high temperatures
  • The search for a theory of everything
  • The study of gravitational waves and their detection
  • The behavior of particles in extreme environments such as neutron stars
  • The relationship between relativity and quantum mechanics
  • The development of new materials for solar cells
  • The study of the early universe and cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The physics of the human voice and speech production
  • The behavior of matter in extreme conditions such as high pressure and temperature
  • The properties of dark matter and its interactions with ordinary matter
  • The potential for harnessing nuclear fusion as a clean energy source
  • The study of high-energy particle collisions and the discovery of new particles
  • The physics of biological systems such as the brain and DNA
  • The behavior of fluids in microgravity environments
  • The properties of graphene and its potential applications in electronics
  • The physics of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis
  • The development of new technologies for space exploration and travel
  • The study of atmospheric physics and climate change
  • The physics of sound and musical instruments
  • The behavior of electrons in quantum dots
  • The properties of superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates
  • The physics of animal locomotion and movement
  • The development of new imaging techniques for medical applications
  • The physics of renewable energy sources such as wind and hydroelectric power
  • The properties of quantum materials and their potential for quantum computing
  • The physics of sports and athletic performance
  • The study of magnetism and magnetic materials
  • The physics of earthquakes and the prediction of seismic activity
  • The behavior of plasma in fusion reactors
  • The properties of exotic states of matter such as quark-gluon plasma
  • The development of new technologies for energy storage
  • The physics of fluids in porous media
  • The properties of quantum dots and their potential for new technologies
  • The study of materials under extreme conditions such as extreme temperatures and pressures
  • The physics of the human body and medical imaging
  • The development of new materials for energy conversion and storage
  • The study of cosmic rays and their effects on the atmosphere and human health
  • The physics of friction and wear in materials
  • The properties of topological materials and their potential for new technologies
  • The physics of ocean waves and tides
  • The behavior of particles in magnetic fields
  • The properties of complex networks and their application in various fields

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Premium Content

Can scientists ‘solve’ stress? They’re trying.

From cardiovascular disease and obesity to a weakened immune system, the side effects of stress can be life-altering. But there may be a way to prevent those outcomes.

Three young girls eat bowls of cereal at the dining table as their mother and father stand distracted in the back of a cluttered kitchen.

As modern-day stress ratchets up to what feels like unbearable levels, researchers are striving to learn more about the precise mechanisms through which it affects our body and mind. The hope is that by unlocking more about how stress works physiologically, we can find ways to prevent it from permanently harming people.

Over the last five decades, scientists have established beyond doubt that persistent stress really can poison our overall health. In addition to increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease , stress plays a role in obesity and diabetes and can weaken the immune system , leaving us more vulnerable to infectious diseases. You can recover swiftly from an episode of acute stress—for example, the alarm one might feel when caught unprepared for a presentation. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is more toxic as it is an unrelenting circumstance that offers little chance for a return to normalcy. Financial strain, having a bully for a boss, and social isolation are all examples.

A man wearing a harness walks on a treadmill apparatus towards an old photograph of himself as a war soldier projected on the screen in front of him. A woman stands on his left for support.

Today chronic stress seems to be increasing worldwide, as people grapple with rapid socioeconomic and environmental change.   A 2023 national survey by the American Psychological Association found that stress has taken a serious toll since the start of the pandemic , with the incidence of chronic illnesses and mental health problems going up significantly, especially among those ages 35 to 44.

( Do you have chronic stress? Look for these signs. )

So far, one of the major realizations among scientists is that stress harms all of us in different and powerful ways. But is there any way to avoid it—or at least recover more quickly? Some promising avenues of research offer hope for the future.

A teen girl wearing a white hijab and blue scrubs sits on an MRI table.

Preventing chronic stress from harming you in the first place

Groundbreaking studies in orphans showed how stress in early life can leave an indelible mark on the brain.

For Hungry Minds

“Chronic stress in early life has more serious and lasting effects, because that’s when a lot of connections are being laid down in the brain,” says Aniko Korosi, a researcher at the University of Amsterdam who has been conducting experiments on mice to elucidate that link between early-life stress and brain development.

Korosi may have found a surprising link between stress and the resulting nutrient composition in the brain . She and her colleagues noticed that mouse pups that had been exposed to stress in the first week of their lives—having been moved from their mother’s care to a cage—had lower levels of certain fatty acids and amino acids in their brains compared with pups being raised in a stress-free environment.

She wondered if it was possible to normalize a stressed pup’s development by feeding it a diet rich in the specific nutrients its brain would be lacking. To find out, the researchers first fed a supplemented diet to the mothers so it would pass through their milk, then continued to provide it in the pups’ feed for two weeks after they were weaned. A few months later, the researchers tested the now adult mice in learning and memory. Unlike stressed mice that had never received an enriched diet, these mice did not display cognitive impairments.

( How wild animals cope with stress—from overeating to sleepless nights. )

A black mouse on a silver table looks down over the edge.

“I was surprised that changing the nutrition could have such a powerful effect, because it’s such an easy intervention,” Korosi says.

If further studies provide more evidence of the nutritional pathway, she says, there would be a strong basis for supplementing the diets of infants born to mothers living in stressful conditions.

Developing an early warning system for stress

Katie McLaughlin, a psychologist at the University of Oregon, is investigating how mental health problems arise in adolescents as they’re going through a particularly vulnerable time in their lives, transitioning to adulthood.

She and her colleagues are still collecting data , but a smaller, precursor study tracking 30 teenagers offers clues about what the researchers might learn—and how it might help them identify stress before it goes too far.  

Monochromatic brain scan of a young girl highlights two sections in bright orange where emotional stimuli indicates signs of child maltreatment.

In that study, McLaughlin found that the extent of stress experienced by a subject in the month before their lab visit changed how their brain responded to emotionally impactful information such as when they were shown a picture of a threatening face. The brain’s prefrontal cortex, which helps regulate emotions, showed less activation when the subject had experienced higher levels of stress.

McLaughlin is optimistic that data from the ongoing study will help pinpoint changes in behavior as well as brain activity that predict the emergence of mental health problems like anxiety and depression. This could enable the development of targeted interventions delivered to teenagers at just the right time, she says. If the identified marker of stress were a sudden decrease in sleep duration or a sharp decline in social interactions, for example, it would be possible to push the intervention out to the individual on their smartphone.

“Like, here’s a reminder about good sleep hygiene, or this might be a good time to check in with your counselor at school about what’s been going on in your life,” McLaughlin explains.

( ‘Hysterical strength’? Fight or flight? This is how your body reacts to extreme stress. )

Learn more about stress and how to manage it

Preventing inflammation caused by chronic stress.

Gaining a deeper understanding of how stress affects the immune system may also help find a way to reverse those effects.

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20 stress-relief gifts for the frazzled friend in your life

In the 1980s, psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and her virologist husband, Ronald Glaser, began exploring the physiological impact of stress on two notably stressed segments of society: medical students and older caregivers. The researchers found the students’ immune systems were less robust when they were taking exams than during non-exam times—and that stress altered the body’s response to vaccines.

A man lies in bed covered with a dusty blue sheet and a red plaid quilt as his wife leans close by his side.

Researchers then administered the flu and pneumonia vaccines to individuals responsible for a spouse with dementia. Unlike medical students taking exams, who were likely stressed only in the short term, these people were experiencing unrelenting stress. When tested at set periods after inoculation, they had fewer antibodies compared with a control group —they couldn’t maintain their protective response. “That gave us good evidence that the changes brought on by stress were biologically meaningful,” says Kiecolt-Glaser, now an emeritus professor at the Ohio State University.

Around the same time, researchers led by Sheldon Cohen, now emeritus professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, delivered cold-causing viruses into the nostrils of about 400 adult volunteers in the U.K. “The more stress they reported prior to our exposing them to a virus, the higher the risk was for them to develop a cold,” says Cohen. The duration and type of stress mattered: Chronic economic or interpersonal stress were what really put people at high risk—and the longer it went on, the greater the susceptibility to falling sick.

Two men in a classroom wearing safety helmets and protective gear hold out their guns as a another man lays on the ground facing the ceiling.

Cohen and his colleagues also learned that when exposed to viruses, chronically stressed people tended to produce an excess of cytokines—proteins that serve as messengers of the immune system, traveling to sites of infection and injury and activating inflammation and other cellular processes to protect the body. Too many cytokines cause an excess of inflammation.

Researchers still don’t know enough about how stress alters the immune system’s ability to regulate cytokines to devise an intervention to reduce the inflammation, but in one way, these findings signal some hope: There are clear targets for more work to be done.  

Understanding stress on a cellular level

The future of understanding and combating stress may lie in our DNA.

In 2023, Ursula Beattie, then a doctoral student at Tufts University, and her colleagues found possible evidence that stress can overwhelm DNA’s repair mechanisms . In their study, researchers repeatedly tapped on sparrow cages with pens, played the radio loudly, and other actions designed to cause distress but no physical harm. Blood and tissue samples from the sparrows after three weeks of this unpleasant treatment revealed damage to the DNA. “It’s like if you had two pieces of string coiled up, just like DNA, and you took a pair of scissors and cut them,” Beattie says.

A woman's hand firmly holds a sparrow. Below on a marble table sit five vials in an organized tray.

While these kinds of double-strand breaks in DNA occur all the time in sparrows and other species, including humans, the damage is typically reversed through self-repair mechanisms. In a chronic-stress setting, “those repair mechanisms get overwhelmed, which is how we see a buildup of DNA damage,” Beattie explains. The damage in the birds appears to be the most severe in cells of the liver, she adds, suggesting that for humans, too, the extent and type of damage inflicted by stress might be different for different tissues of the body.

Separately, Kiecolt-Glaser and psychologist Lisa Christian at OSU are conducting a longitudinal study to determine whether chronic stress ages you more quickly. If results support a smaller, earlier study, it appears that chronically stressed caregivers not only are more likely to get sick and heal more slowly but they also show signs of accelerated aging.

We’re still learning how deep stress goes into our bodies. But these exploratory findings mean we’re getting closer to solving the puzzle that is stress, which promises a future where we can better meet the ongoing demand for change.

( 20 stress-relief gifts for the frazzled friend in your life. )

A women wearing glasses and a blazer stands next to a woman in a red top holding her baby to her chest as they stand over a baby's crib.

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Research Topics

Five research topics exploring the science of mental health.

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Mental wellbeing is increasingly recognized as an essential aspect of our overall health. It supports our ability to handle challenges, build strong relationships, and live more fulfilling lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of mental health by acknowledging it as a fundamental human right.

This Mental Health Awareness Week, we highlight the remarkable work of scientists driving open research that helps everyone achieve better mental health.

Here are five Research Topics that study themes including how we adapt to a changing world, the impact of loneliness on our wellbeing, and the connection between our diet and mental health.

All articles are openly available to view and download.

1 | Community Series in Mental Health Promotion and Protection, volume II

40.300 views | 16 articles

There is no health without mental health. Thus, this Research Topic collects ideas and research related to strategies that promote mental health across all disciplines. The goal is to raise awareness about mental health promotion and protection to ensure its incorporation in national mental health policies.

This topic is of relevance given the mental health crisis being experienced across the world right now. A reality that has prompted the WHO to declare that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

View Research Topic

2 | Dietary and Metabolic Approaches for Mental Health Conditions

176.800 views | 11 articles

There is increased recognition that mental health disorders are, at least in part, a form of diet-related disease. For this reason, we focus attention on a Research Topic that examines the mechanistic interplay between dietary patterns and mental health conditions.

There is a clear consensus that the quality, quantity, and even timing of our human feeding patterns directly impact how brains function. But despite the epidemiological and mechanistic links between mental health and diet-related diseases, these two are often perceived as separate medical issues.

Even more urgent, public health messaging and clinical treatments for mental health conditions place relatively little emphasis on formulating nutrition to ease the underlying drivers of mental health conditions.

3 | Comparing Mental Health Cross-Culturally

94.000 views | 15 articles

Although mental health has been widely discussed in later years, how mental health is perceived across different cultures remains to be examined. This Research Topic addresses this gap and deepens our knowledge of mental health by comparing positive and negative psychological constructs cross-culturally.

The definition and understanding of mental health remain to be refined, partially because of a lack of cross-cultural perspectives on mental health. Also, due to the rapid internationalization taking place in the world today, a culturally aware understanding of, and interventions for mental health problems are essential.

4 | Adaption to Change and Coping Strategies: New Resources for Mental Health

85.000 views | 29 articles

In this Research Topic, scientists study a wider range of variables involved in change and adaptation. They examine changes of any type or magnitude whenever the lack of adaptive response diminishes our development and well-being.

Today’s society is characterized by change, and sometimes, the constant changes are difficult to assimilate. This may be why feelings of frustration and defenselessness appear in the face of the impossibility of responding adequately to the requirements of a changing society.

Therefore, society must develop an updated notion of the processes inherent to changing developmental environments, personal skills, resources, and strategies. This know-how is crucial for achieving and maintaining balanced mental health.

5 | Mental Health Equity

29.900 views | 10 articles

The goal of this Research Topic is to move beyond a synthesis of what is already known about mental health in the context of health equity. Rather, the focus here is on transformative solutions, recommendations, and applied research that have real world implications on policy, practice, and future scholarship.

Attention in the field to upstream factors and the role of social and structural determinants of health in influencing health outcomes, combined with an influx of innovation –particularly the digitalization of healthcare—presents a unique opportunity to solve pressing issues in mental health through a health equity lens.

The topic is opportune because factors such as structural racism and climate change have disproportionately negatively impacted marginalized communities across the world, including Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and transition-age youth and young adults. As a result, existing disparities in mental health have exacerbated.

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  25. 500+ Physics Research Topics

    Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces that govern the universe. It is a broad and fascinating field that has given us many of the greatest scientific discoveries in history, from the theory of relativity to the discovery of the Higgs boson.As a result, physics research is always at the forefront of scientific advancement, and there are countless exciting topics to ...

  26. About the Journal : Health Physics

    Mission: Health Physics publishes impactful and high-quality research related to radiation safety and protection of workers, the public, and the environment. The Journal is committed to publishing on innovative topics and research that influence the future practice, science, and technological advances in the field of radiation safety.

  27. Can scientists 'solve' stress? They're trying.

    Caregivers of chronically ill children face health difficulties themselves: Telomeres—protective caps at the ends of chromosomes—are shorter than expected, a possible sign of stress-related aging.

  28. Five Research Topics exploring the science of mental health

    This Mental Health Awareness Week, we highlight five Research Topics that help everyone achieve better mental health.