
Ed.D. Career & Salary Guide: What Can You Do With a Doctor of Education Degree?

Wondering whether an Ed.D. is worth the investment? Use this doctoral guide to explore real-world career advice & salary resources. Learn about top Ed.D. job titles . Consider possible Doctor of Education salary benefits . Compare Ed.D. vs. M.Ed. salaries and Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. vs. Ed.S. salaries . And decide whether a doctorate in education justifies the expense .

What Can You Do With a Doctorate in Education?

Consider earning a doctorate in education in order to qualify for educational leadership positions in PreK-12 schools & districts, university administration, and non-academic fields.

  • Purpose: The Ed.D. is a practice-based degree, which means it’s focused on real-world applications of learning & research. You’ll be expected to tackle current educational challenges, explore ways to create change, and implement innovative solutions.
  • Benefits: Some leaders earn the Ed.D. in order to apply for certain job titles ; others are interested in potential salary benefits . But you can also use a doctorate to deepen your knowledge of the field, network with educational peers, and become a more thoughtful leader.

Note: If you want to become a tenured faculty member in academia, a Ph.D. in Education may be a better bet.

State-Specific Ed.D. Career & Salary Advice

Looking for localized advice? In each one of our Ed.D. state guides , you’ll find a comprehensive career section. This contains a discussion of:

  • Employment hotspots for PreK-20 educational leaders in your state
  • State salary reports & resources (e.g. public school salary databases)
  • Local educational leadership job boards (e.g. openings for district-level and school-level administrators)

Top Ed.D. Job Titles

Prek-12 ed.d. careers.

  • Superintendent
  • District-Level Educational Leader
  • Director of Education
  • Teacher-Leader
  • Instructional Coordinator
  • Curriculum Specialist

Higher Education Ed.D. Careers

  • University/College President
  • University Administrator
  • Adjunct Professor

Non-Academic Ed.D. Careers

  • Public Policy Analyst
  • Education Lobbyist
  • Education Consultant
  • Education Researcher
  • Teaching Coach
  • Director of a Research Center
  • C.E.O. of an Educational Organization or Company

Note: This is just a sample of Ed.D. job opportunities! For more ideas, check out the careers section in your chosen Ed.D. specialty/subject (e.g. Educational Technology, Early Childhood Education, Counseling & Psychology, Higher Education, etc.). And if you’re interested in college-level teaching, check out our guide to becoming a professor .

Salary Benefits of Earning a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Degree

Ed.d. salaries: what to know.

Salaries for Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) graduates are heavily reliant on circumstances:

  • Top-level educational leadership positions like Superintendent, Director of Education, or University President will usually require a doctorate. These kinds of jobs tend to pay graduates well.
  • But the Ed.D. is often an “optional” degree in the field of education—many employers are happy to consider candidates with an M.Ed. or Ed.S. and appropriate certification/licensure.

So you’ll need to do some digging to find out whether the doctorate in education will actually lead to a salary bump in your field. Wage numbers will also depend on your location (e.g. city vs. rural), job title, and day-to-day leadership responsibilities.

Ed.D. Salary Data

For Ed.D. salary data, have a look at these resources from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). We particularly love the employment & wage maps—regions with the highest annual mean wages are shaded in dark blue.

  • Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary
  • Education Administrators, Postsecondary
  • Education Administrators, All Other
  • Instructional Coordinators
  • Training & Development Managers

You may wish to compare these educational leadership salary numbers with:

  • Payscale’s cumulative data for Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Degree Salaries . Payscale also allows you to view salary data by job title (e.g. Elementary School Principal vs. School Superintendent vs. Higher Education Administration ).
  • The AASA’s Superintendents Salary and Benefits Survey, which is published with a summary of major findings in the AASA’s Research Papers section.

State-Specific Ed.D. Salary Data

Interested in state-specific data? Use the BLS’s section on State Occupational Employment & Wage Estimates .

  • Choose your state.
  • Select your job category. Educational administrator & specialist jobs (e.g. School Psychologist) can be found under “Management Occupations.”
  • Find your job title. Beside each entry, BLS provides data on mean hourly wages and annual mean wages.

If you’re in PreK-12 realms, you can also explore salary schedules for your district (e.g. Salary Schedules for LACOE Employees ) and possibly your state (e.g. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: Compensation for Public School Employees ). In addition, our Ed.D. state guides have lots of local salary advice.

Ed.D. vs. Master of Education (M.Ed.) Salary

M.ed. salary data.

An M.Ed. or a relevant master’s degree is usually the baseline qualification for educational leadership positions at the school level (e.g. Principal, Instructional Coordinator, Curriculum Developer, etc.). Employers will also be interested in your work experience and any necessary licenses or certifications.

  • Principal Salaries: For ballpark salary figures, take a look at Payscale’s Master of Education (M.Ed.) Salaries . It includes numbers for leadership positions such as Assistant Principal and Elementary School Principal.
  • Teacher Leadership Salaries: If you’re a teacher, check out the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) Teacher Contract Database . It contains salary data on 145+ of the largest school districts in all 50 states. 88% of these districts offer additional pay to teachers who have a master’s degree.

Potential Ed.D. Salary Increases

A doctorate in education may lead to an increase in salary for educational leaders—it depends on the job, choice of degree subject, and your location. For example:

  • A graduate with an Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction and limited work experience may have to compete with seasoned M.Ed. candidates for the same jobs & salaries.
  • But a doctoral graduate with an Executive Ed.D. in Higher Education will be able to demand a hefty salary from hiring committees.

In the PreK-12 realm, salary policies can vary from district to district. However, a number of places will reward you for the Ed.D. For instance, in North Carolina, a doctorate and advanced certification are often required for the highest pay levels for public school employees. Check with your local district.

Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. vs. Ed.S. Salary

Ed.s. salary data.

We explore the ins & outs of the Education Specialist degree in our guide to Ed.S. vs. Ed.D. Programs .

  • The Ed.S. is often set up to help students achieve specific leadership certifications & licenses (e.g. Principal, Superintendent, School Psychologist, etc.).
  • With these qualifications in hand, you’ll often be able to earn similar salary numbers to an Ed.D. graduate.
  • However, name recognition can vary from region to region. In some areas, the Ed.D. may have more “clout” than an Ed.S.

Payscale has a section on Education Specialist Salaries , but it’s pretty broad. You’ll have more luck if you look at district & state salary schedules. For example, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: Compensation for Public School Employees contains a category for Advanced (Sixth Year) candidates.

Ph.D. in Education Salary Data

If you’re in any doubt about which degree to pick, check out our guide to Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. in Education Programs . You’ll notice that most Ph.D. graduates end up in academia or high-level research positions. So you can’t really compare Ed.D. and Ph.D. salaries—it’s like comparing apples to oranges.

The BLS provides detailed wage data on Education Teachers, Postsecondary . Mean wages tend to be best in New England, California and nearby states, the DC area, and a few states in the south. Keep in mind that the cost of living in many of those areas can also be high.

Other useful sources of higher education salaries include:

  • Higher Ed: CUPA-HR Salary Data
  • AAUP Faculty Compensation Survey
  • Chronicle of Higher Education Salary Data

Is a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Worth the Investment?

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: The cost of a doctorate in education should be weighed with potential salary increases and opportunities for promotion. If an Ed.D. can help you qualify for your dream position, then it’s an obvious pick. But you may find that a master’s degree will work just fine.
  • Perception in Your Field: For example, a Ph.D. in Education is the standard requirement for academic positions—if you’re applying to be an Assistant Professor of Education, you’ll have to fight pretty hard to prove to a hiring committee that your Ed.D. and work experiences are equal in weight. In contrast, an educational company may prefer Ed.D. candidates.
  • PreK-12 Considerations: If school districts have to compensate doctoral employees at the highest pay scale, an Ed.D. can sometimes be a discouragement to hiring committees. They don’t want to pay you more. This is a tricky topic, so chat to district peers about the possible downsides of a doctorate.
  • Licensure & Certifications: For some jobs, the degree will take a back seat to other qualifications. For instance, if you wish to become a School Psychologist, employers may be more interested in your state license and NCSP credential than whether you chose an Ed.S. or Ed.D.
  • Quality of the Doctorate: The Ed.D. is a bit of an upstart in the doctoral world, so it doesn’t always command the same respect as a Ph.D. When employers look at the Ed.D. listing on your résumé, they’ll also be considering name recognition and the quality of the College of Education. Check out our Rankings section for ideas on the best Ed.D. programs in the country.
  • Job Outlook: Are top-level educational leadership jobs available in your area? What degrees do successful job applicants have? Are big-scale changes taking place (e.g. higher education institutions closing)? Can you pivot from one field into another? Ask yourself the hard questions before applying.
  • Real-World Input: The best advice we can give you is to talk to mentors, peers, and recent Ed.S., Ed.D. & Ph.D. in Education graduates before you make a decision. They will give you honest perspectives about their experiences. They may even be able to help you avoid financial pitfalls.

Northeastern University Graduate Programs

8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

Industry Advice Education

By earning a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree, you’re preparing yourself for a career with lasting impact—on students, on the future of a college or university, on your community, or on the trajectory of a nonprofit trying to improve other communities locally and abroad.

You’re also positioning yourself for advancement. Professionals who earn an EdD are qualified for roles leading and operating schools at the elementary, high school, or college level. They learn to lead in a way that can be transferred to the front of a classroom or at the ground level of an organization.

An EdD signals to employers that you’re a thought leader; that you’re someone who’s demonstrated the capacity to identify a problem, examine issues from multiple perspectives, and offer relevant insights for practical solutions. With your doctorate in hand, you’re prepared to take on a leadership role across a variety of industries.

Here’s a look at the types of positions EdD graduates pursue and eight of the top careers available in the field. 

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Learn how an EdD can give you the skills to enact organizational change in any industry.


What Type of Positions Do EdD Students Pursue?

Northeastern’s EdD students cultivate their leadership skills in the program by integrating practice and insights from experienced faculty and high-achieving peers . They come from diverse fields, including business, criminal justice, healthcare, military, human services, and the nonprofit sector. Their job titles and careers are just as diverse, with students working as policymakers, systems analysts, and administrative leaders within higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies.

Top Careers for Doctor of Education Graduates

1. college president.

Average Annual Salary: $272,203

Presidents are the top leaders of a college or university. They establish and execute on their school’s strategic vision, spearhead fundraising, attend student events, and deliver speeches to a variety of constituents, such as donors, lawmakers, government, and faculty, to raise the profile of the institution both locally and abroad. They also collaborate with senior administrators, faculty, and staff to devise new ways to support students and improve their learning environment while maintaining high academic standards. Depending on the type of public or private institution they lead, college presidents can earn impressive seven-figure salaries . 

2. Chief Learning Officer

Average Annual Salary: $152,225

In education, top executive roles include positions like “chief learning officer”—a senior-level professional who develops and drives strategies that help his or her college or university meet critical business goals. Chief learning officers (CLOs) focus on creating strategies for training, learning, and development, and typically oversee an institute’s latest technologies, such as its online learning platform.

Average Annual Salary: $148,783

A provost—or vice president, depending on the college or university—is a senior-level academic administrator who tends to be second in command after the president. Provosts work closely with deans and department heads, and help determine their institution’s academic goals and priorities, as well as how to allocate the resources necessary to support those initiatives. They often oversee daily operations and work to hire and retain a diverse faculty. 

4. School Superintendent

Average Annual Salary: $116,931

Superintendents are the top executives of a school district. They’re responsible for establishing and overseeing their district’s budget, staffing, infrastructure, and spending. Superintendents collaborate closely with a school board to develop and implement new policies and programs in line with the district’s short- and long-term goals, as well as allocate the financial and human resources necessary to achieve the district’s overarching vision.

5. Elementary, Middle, and High School Principal

Average Annual Salary: $95,310

Principals oversee the daily operations of an elementary, middle, or high school. They hire teachers and staff, manage the budget, and enforce disciplinary rules when necessary. Principals also develop and assess educational programming aimed at achieving student learning outcomes, all while striving to create and maintain a positive learning environment. More than 11,000 principal positions are expected to emerge by 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

A principal’s salary might differ depending on whether he or she works at an elementary, middle, or high school. The mean wages for principals at each level, according to PayScale are:

  • Elementary School : $81,095
  • Middle School : $87,989
  • High School : $92,197

6. Academic Dean

Average Annual Salary: $90,339  

Deans work at the senior administrative level of a college or university. The role varies depending on the institution, but deans often manage faculty and staff, set academic goals, implement strategic planning, oversee their department’s budget, help fundraise, support research initiatives, and foster student development. Some departments you might find them in are:

  • Admissions : Those working in admissions develop and lead recruitment initiatives for a college or university. They evaluate applications, decide the number of students who should be admitted to the school, who those students should be, and communicate with prospects and their families.
  • Research : A dean of research often oversees faculty and collaborates with them to create a strategy for developing short- and long-term research initiatives. They also work to secure research funding, oversee the research budget, and establish key industry partnerships.
  • Student Affairs : The student affairs office typically oversees a variety of different departments, such as residence life, athletics, student support services, and diversity and inclusion. A dean of student affairs typically establishes and evaluates nonacademic programs that foster and enrich the student experience, as well as handle disciplinary issues and communicate with students’ parents or legal guardians.
  • Advancement : The advancement office—also known as “development” or “alumni relations” depending on the school—is responsible for securing funding for the college or university from potential donors, including alumni, government policymakers, corporations, and foundations. They nurture and maintain those relationships, ensuring all gifts received are being used as intended.

7. Professor

Average Annual Salary: $78,470

Postsecondary teachers, or professors, work at the college or university level, developing course curricula, instructing students in a specific area of study, and assessing their progress. When they’re not teaching, professors are often conducting research, writing scholarly papers, or attending conferences.

Professors’ salaries vary based on where they are on the tenure track and their area of expertise. The median salary for a professor based on rank, according to PayScale, is:

  • Instructor : $49,510
  • Lecturer: $51,101
  • Assistant Professor : $67,021
  • Associate Professor : $76,250
  • Professor : $87,018

Salaries range further depending on the professor’s focus. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the top 10 highest-paying subjects—and what those subjects offer in terms of average annual wage—are:

  • Law : $111,140
  • Engineering : $101,720
  • Economics : $101,720
  • Health Specialties : $97,370
  • Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Science : $90,860
  • Physics : $90,800
  • Architecture : $86,980
  • Forestry and Conservation Science : $86,900
  • Agricultural Sciences : $84,640
  • Business : $83,960

8. Executive Director of Education

Average Annual Salary: $73,640

Executive directors are often the senior leaders of a nonprofit organization or business. They work closely with a board of directors but are the ones who make the daily operational decisions. Executive directors hire and manage staff, handle external relations, engage volunteers, oversee the budget—including all fundraising initiatives—and develop policies, programs, and strategies that guide the organization’s mission and purpose. 

What Can You Do with a Doctorate in Education from Northeastern?

When you earn your EdD from Northeastern , you’re not only advancing your own work, you’re joining a top-tier university and pursuing a rigorous education with an entrepreneurial orientation toward making our world a better place. You’re joining a vast network of students and alumni in the EdD, which spans more than 2,000 professionals across many domains of education. You’re gaining access to engaging faculty who understand the importance of professional experiences in a growing leadership capacity, and who are prepared to offer you personal attention to support your professional development.

With your EdD, you can make a difference in the lives of children, communities, and organizations, as you transform your problem of practice into a plan for change and action.

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in September of 2017. It has since been updated for accuracy and relevance. 

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The median annual salary for professional degree holders is $97,000. (BLS, 2020)

Doctor of Education

The degree that connects advanced research to real-world problem solving.

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University of Bridgeport News

how much can I make with a doctorate in education

Doctorate in Education Salary Guide

Are you an educator looking to advance your knowledge, skills, career title, and earning potential?

If so, you’ve likely considered earning an advanced degree, such as a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D). A Doctorate in Education is a terminal degree designed to prepare candidates for various leadership roles in academia and administration.

Individuals with this degree secure positions in school administration, instructional development, and even outside of academia in corporate training and human resources positions.

Let’s look at the various career outcomes upon obtaining a Doctorate in Education and a projected Doctorate in Education salary.

What is a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D)?

A Doctorate in Education (Ed.D) is a terminal doctoral degree for individuals looking to assume the highest leadership roles in educational settings inside and outside the classroom.

By focusing on professional leadership and applied research, candidates take courses geared toward higher education leadership, pre-K and kindergarten through twelfth-grade educational administration, early childhood education, curriculum development and instruction, and special education.

Common courses found in Doctorate of Education programs include:

  • Introduction to Education Leadership
  • Evaluation of School Effectiveness
  • Curricula Theory
  • Comparative Education
  • Program Evaluation

These advanced education programs typically consist of about 60 post-master’s credit hours and involve dissertations. Every college, university, and program will differ, so candidates should conduct research to understand their desired program’s requirements and curriculum.

For example, at University of Bridgeport, our hybrid (in-person and online) Doctorate in Education degree consists of sixty-two credits, which can be completed in as little as three and a half years if taken full-time.

No matter where you are in your academic career and journey, University of Bridgeport ensures you can fast-track your career advancement and pursue various educational leadership positions and roles.

What Career Outcomes and Salary Potential Can I Expect from a Doctorate in Education?

Graduates of Doctorate in Education programs can obtain professional, academic, administrative, research, and clinical positions in pre-K-twelve, higher education, private institutions, civil service settings, and more. Here are some examples, along with their Ed.D. salary potential.

1. Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals

As the overseers of school operations and daily activities, elementary, middle, and high school principals coordinate curriculums, manage staff, and provide a safe and productive learning environment for students and teachers.

They also set academic goals and ensure teachers have the equipment and resources needed to meet those goals. Principals can expect to have regular work weeks with more than forty hours on the job as they meet with parents and other community members and attend school functions like concerts and athletic events.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , the median annual wage for elementary, middle, and high school principals is $101,320 , with the highest ten percent earning more than $158,770 per year.

Looking to jump into the field of education but not sure where to start? Explore UB’s Teacher Certification programs and start changing lives in as few as 15 months!

2. instructional coordinators.

Instructional coordinators work behind the scenes to help develop and assess curricula and teaching standards for schools or entire districts.

Individuals in this position perform the following roles and duties:

  • Plan, organize, and conduct teacher training, conferences, or workshops
  • Analyze students’ test data
  • Recommend teaching techniques and the use of different technologies and teaching methods.
  • Develop, implement, and teach new content, programs, or curriculum.

Instructional coordinators make a median annual salary of $66,490 , with the highest ten percent earning more than $105,210 , as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported. While many find work in schools, instructional coordinators also find well-paying positions in government and educational support services.

3. Academic Deans

Academic deans are senior college or university administrators generally responsible for managing faculty and administrative staff, setting educational goals, managing departmental budgets, and working with admissions offices to attract new students to their school.

Deans are found in specific academic departments or specific offices, such as the admissions or alums outreach offices, fulfilling a wide range of tasks and responsibilities and spending on the institution.

While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics does not explicitly report on academic deans, they note that the median wage for postsecondary education administrators is $99,940 annually . The top industries where postsecondary education administrators worked were colleges, universities, and professional schools at the state, local, and private levels.

4. Training and Development Managers

Candidates with Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) degrees can also pursue positions outside academia, such as training and development managers, in businesses, corporations, non-profits, government, military, and other public and private organizations.

Training and development managers plan, coordinate, and direct skills- and knowledge-enhancement programs for an organization and its employees.

With a six percent employment growth rate and a median annual salary of $120,000 per year , as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported, this is a worthwhile career path for graduates of Doctorate of Education programs.

5. Human Resources Managers

Human resources managers oversee all staff-related business functions for their employers. This includes overseeing the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new staff, consulting with top executives on strategic planning, and serving as the link between an organization’s management and its employees.

Human resources managers can expect to earn a median annual salary of $130,000 , with the highest ten percent earning more than $224,360 annually.

The Doctorate in Education Salary Potential is High

As you can see, earning a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D) can lead to career and personal success and advancement, open the door to high salaries, and make a broad impact in many different fields and industries.

If you are ready to take this next step in your educational and academic career, consider our Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) in Educational Leadership program at University of Bridgeport.

Our classes are taught by experts in their fields with a strong emphasis on international education, providing you with a more profound and diverse understanding needed to enhance and improve the effectiveness of public and private educational institutions.

Contact us today to learn more, and let’s crush your career goals – together!


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6 Career Paths for a Doctorate in Educational Leadership

Opportunities made possible with a doctorate in educational leadership.

Every person deserves a quality education. While professional educators are the leaders of this charge, one question still stands—who is teaching the teachers? Moreso, who decides the proper educator preparation needed, including the right methodologies, theories, and systems used for teaching?

That’s where a Doctorate in Educational Leadership steps in. 

If you are passionate about helping others reach their greatest potential, a Doctorate in Educational Leadership (EdD) may be your grad school calling. This educational leadership degree offers numerous opportunities to advance your career, creating a meaningful impact in the education sector by improving leadership in schools . 

First—What is a Doctorate in Educational Leadership?

So, what exactly is a Doctorate in Educational Leadership? In short, it’s the final step towards being the top of your class in the education field.  

An EdD prepares students to pursue leadership roles in any education setting from school principals and higher education instructors to policymakers. However, an EdD is a terminal degree—i.e., the highest degree possible to earn in its field. 1 This means most EdD programs will require you to hold a graduate school degree to enroll. Additionally, you’ll likely need some educational background or experience to earn this degree.

Most EdD programs take about three to five years to complete, requiring extensive coursework, research, and usually a dissertation. 2 While education leadership programs differ in curriculum, they will typically cover the same educational leadership areas and skills, which include:

  • Educational administration
  • Educational policy & analysis
  • Educational philosophy
  • Leadership theory
  • Organizational management
  • Research methods

What Career Opportunities Does a Doctorate in Educational Leadership Provide?

Achieving a terminal degree in any field can appeal to many employers. But, what is educational leadership and what can you do with a Doctorate in Educational Leadership? Essentially, an EdD allows you to pursue high-power positions in education with more oversight, authority, and expertise. Here are a few career paths and roles to consider once you earn this degree.

#1 Educational Administrative Leader

Every school and school system needs its leaders—and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership can help you become a qualified one. 

Educational administration leadership roles, such as principals or deans, are very common career choices for those with an EdD. By leading educational facilities, these positions take on a wide array of management and leadership tasks, including: 3

  • Establishing school missions and goals
  • Creating a safe learning environment
  • Overseeing curriculum quality
  • Monitoring school finances
  • Evaluating teacher and student performance
  • Enforcing disciplinary actions
  • Facilitating school public relations
  • Ensuring school-government compliance

Depending on the school or school system, the roles of an educational administrator may vary. With a doctoral degree, you could pursue these high-level administrator roles:

  • Principal – A principal is the leader of a primary or secondary school. This leadership role will typically manage the school’s daily operations, supervise teachers and staff, and ensure students receive a high quality education. While some principals only have master’s degrees, those with an EdD could bring more advanced knowledge in curriculum development, teacher supervision, and educational policy.  
  • Superintendent – A superintendent is the top administrator of a school district. Typically, they are responsible for managing the district's budget, programs, and personnel—essentially all moving parts. Superintendents typically have a doctoral degree in educational leadership or a related field, as well as extensive experience in education. 4  
  • Dean – A dean oversees a college or university’s academic programming and faculty. This role is usually responsible for pursuing institutional missions by setting academic policies, managing budgets, and overseeing staff members. In particular, those with an EdD can bring skills like strategic planning, organizational development, and personnel management to a dean position.  

#2 Education Public Policy Analyst

If your work in education is mission-driven, then you may have an eye for public policy. Fortunately, an EdD can be your pathway toward shaping the structures and goals within educational systems.

An educational public policy analyst is the “big-picture” role of the education field. This job analyzes and advocates for policies that they believe will improve the education of others. Typically, policy analysts work for learning institutions or governments to directly influence how educational facilities work. To shape the future of education, analysts may: 5

  • Conduct research on education-related topics
  • Collect data on school and student performance
  • Present findings to private or public parties
  • Create new policies for educational facilities
  • Monitor educational initiatives or trends

#3 Educational Consultant

Consulting isn’t just for finance and management. If you hold an EdD, you can help improve the outcomes of educational facilities by consulting them on their policies, missions, and work. 

Put simply, an educational consultation provides feedback and solutions to other educators. Some may serve on the boards of educational facilities, while others may be contracted to handle certain issues. For example, an educational consultant could reorganize a university’s faculty hierarchy for more efficient communication.

Most consultants have a specialty, such as college preparation, but they all should offer a high level of expertise. Some other educational consultant specialties include: 6

  • Curriculum design
  • Financial aid
  • School testing
  • Teacher training
  • Program augmentation

#4 Education Researcher

Yes, it’s true—you can study how people study. Education research is an exciting and dynamic field for those with a great passion for learning, particularly those with an EdD. 

Educational researchers study, analyze, and report data on anything to do with learning, all in hopes of improving educational quality. Since this endeavor requires rigorous scientific work, many education researchers hold an EdD to demonstrate their expertise. Through their data, researchers can help shape the policies that imbue educational systems. Some common research topics may include: 7

  • Teaching methodologies (lecture-based instruction, problem-based learning, etc.)
  • Student evaluation (testing, portfolio assessments, etc.)
  • Classroom management
  • Educational psychology
  • Educational reform (political forces, social trends, etc.)

#5 Social and Community Service Managers

Not all learning happens within schools. Local programs can offer incredible educational opportunities to the public—and they need intelligent managers to lead the way.

A social and community service manager coordinates programs that enrich the lives of community members, from neighborhood revitalization projects to after-school programs. While often hired by governments, these roles can also work under nonprofit organizations or social service agencies. Typically, a social and community service manager will be responsible for: 8

  • Program design
  • Budget management
  • Staff supervision
  • Program data & analysis
  • Collaboration with community members
  • Government advocacy

An EdD degree equips you with the skills to handle complex systems, social climates, and economic issues – useful across many environments. Your educational expertise can improve the lives of those even outside of traditional schools. 

#6 Education Writer or Journalist

They always say to write what you know. If you earn an EdD, you’ll definitely know a thing or two about education—thus, welcome to the world of education writing .

Like any other topic, education requires savvy and expert writers to share its intricacies. An EdD program offers an incredible breadth of knowledge on education, as well as requiring extensive writing. It’s safe to say this degree can prepare students for a future as an education writer or journalist, covering any of the following topics:

  • Teaching trends
  • School violence
  • University rankings
  • Government educational policies
  • Student behavior or performance

How Does an EdD Differ from Other Graduate Degrees in Education?

PhD, master’s, EdD—what’s the difference? When pursuing a graduate-level degree in education, your options can get a little confusing. To help you decide, let’s break down these different options.

A master’s, PhD, and EdD are all considered graduate degrees you can pursue after college. However, the focus and intensity of each degree vary. Consider which post-grad options would best suit your needs in the educational field: 9

  • Master’s degree in education – Usually taking just two years to complete, a master’s in education offers training in a more specific area like curriculum development or educational leadership. Usually, higher-level educational positions (principals, community service managers, etc.) will require this degree.  
  • PhD in education – Standing for Doctor of Philosophy, a PhD in education takes about 4 to 6 years to complete. PhD programs are very academic, usually requiring students to conduct original research on education. This program may suit students pursuing educational research, high academic positions, or policy. Depending on the facility, a PhD program may require you to hold a Master’s degree.  
  • EdD in education – Similar to a PhD, an EdD in education is a more intensive graduate degree typically lasting 3 to 5 years. However, an EdD focuses on leadership roles in education rather than research and academic roles. Students usually apply research to the “real world” for practical or administrative use, opening the door to careers that combine both of these areas. Most EdD programs require you to hold a master’s degree.

Find Your Educational Path with Alliant International University

In education, the learning never stops. If you wish to reach your full potential and new career heights in this field, then pursuing an EdD could be the first step in your path—and we can help get you started.

At Alliant International University , our Doctorate in Educational Leadership program gives you the wide knowledge, real-life applications, and confidence you need to become a leader in education. No matter the role you wish to pursue, our faculty can help you feel prepared to make positive and lasting changes as a student, a teacher, and a leader in education. 

Learn more about our online Education Programs today.

  • “What Is a Terminal Degree and Do You Need One?.” Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/articles/terminal-degree . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  • “Online Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership” US News. https://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/educational-leadershi… . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  • “School Administrator Job Description, Career and Salary: Resilient Educator.” ResilientEducator.com, September 1, 2020. https://resilienteducator.com/teaching-careers/educational-supervisor/ . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  •  “Educational Leadership: Master’s vs. Doctorate Degree”. Graduateprogram.org, December 23, 2021. https://www.graduateprogram.org/2021/12/masters-vs-doctorate-educationa… . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  •  “Jobs in Education Policy: Career and Salary Information: Resilient Educator.” ResilientEducator.com, January 25, 2023. https://resilienteducator.com/teaching-careers/education-policy-analyst/ . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  • “How to Become an Educational Consultant (plus Salary Info).” Indeed. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-become-an-edu… . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  •  “Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development.” Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.   https://ies.ed.gov/pdf/CommonGuidelines.pdf . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  •  “Social and Community Service Managers : Occupational Outlook Handbook.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, September 8, 2022. https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/social-and-community-service-manager… . Accessed April 19, 2023.
  •  “Ed.D. vs. Ph.d. vs. Ed.S.: What's the Difference?: BestColleges.” BestColleges.com, April 6, 2023. https://www.bestcolleges.com/education/doctorate/edd-phd-eds-difference/ . Accessed April 19, 2023.

Kristy Pruitt

Kristy Pruitt

Dean, California School of Education

Dean of the California School of Education for Alliant International University in San Diego, California. In addition to her leadership...

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Which Will Better Serve Your Needs: An Ed.D. in Leadership or Ph.D. in Educational Leadership?

EdD vs PhD in Leadership and Educational Leadership

Effective leadership in the classroom and the boardroom requires the right mindset along with advanced knowledge. Deloitte found trust, collaboration and performance management were the largest leadership gaps in a survey of business leaders. Terminal degrees in leadership focus on the skills necessary to fill these gaps in a variety of settings.

Prospective doctoral candidates should consider if the Ed.D. in leadership vs. Ph.D. in educational leadership is best for their career. These degrees take different approaches to similar disciplines. Let’s look at the goals and requirements for each doctorate degree before exploring potential career paths.

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Choosing Between Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. in Leadership/Educational Leadership

The main distinction between an Ed.D. and Ph.D. program is the primary focus of their curricula. U.S. News & World Report suggests, ‟an Ed.D. is designed for practitioners, while a Ph.D. is designed for researchers and scholars.” Ed.D. candidates focus on applied leadership, while Ph.D. candidates concentrate more on educational theory.

Another difference between Ed.D. in leadership vs. Ph.D. in educational leadership is applicant prerequisites for applicants. Doctorate of Education programs look for academic prowess and potential through the following criteria:

  • Master’s degree from a four-year university
  • Transcripts meeting minimum GPA level
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Writing samples and/or interviews with department staff

Ph.D. programs overlap with these requirements but emphasize graduate-level research in educational theory. Applicants need to demonstrate graduate theses or research projects that are the building blocks for Ph.D. dissertations. Alternative qualifications like teaching experiences, GRE scores and academic publications confirm an applicant’s commitment to educational theory.

PhD Career Paths

Career Paths for a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership

Professional opportunities for Ph.D. holders in educational leadership are concentrated in academic settings. Leadership experts who are familiar with how to best teach students find work in a variety of educational settings. Here are some examples of potential jobs for Ph.D. graduates.

University Professor

The natural progression from a Ph.D. program is into university teaching positions. Ph.D. candidates often teach courses during their studies either as K-12 teachers or university lecturers. Professors combine their own research with the tutelage of undergraduate and graduate students to advance the field.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( BLS ) listed an $80,560 median salary for postsecondary teachers in 2020. A projected 12% growth in jobs by 2030 shows a favorable market for doctoral candidates.

School Administrator

Ph.D. programs in educational leadership also provide pipelines to executive positions in school districts and universities. Teachers combine their classroom experiences with doctoral research to qualify for district superintendent positions. Postsecondary administrative roles like academic deans and registrars are ideal for Ph.D. holders with extensive experience on university campuses.

The BLS found the average school principal earned $98,490 per year in 2020. University administrators earned $97,500 per year on average based on BLS data. Both administrative roles are projected to grow by 8% from 2020 to 2030.

Professional Options for Ed.D. in Leadership Graduates

The aforementioned opportunities are often available to those who complete Ed.D. in leadership programs. This degree option also creates more attractive credentials for non-academic positions than a Ph.D. So is an Ed.D. worth it ? Professionals choosing between an Ed.D. vs. Ph.D select the Ed.D. in leadership if interested in the following careers .

Training and Development Manager

Businesses, government agencies and nonprofits need education experts to lead ongoing training efforts. Training and development managers create onboarding programs for new employees as well as growth opportunities for experienced staff. This profession is a good fit for Ed.D. in leadership graduates because it requires an understanding of systemic thinking and innovation.

Training and development managers earned an average of $115,640 per year in 2020, according to BLS data. Above-average salaries are available for managers in the finance ($122,400) and professional services ($135,780) sectors. The BLS projects an 11% growth in jobs by 2030, providing opportunities for Ed.D. graduates.

Business Executive

Startups and international corporations need strategic thinkers and innovators in their C-suites. The leadership skills learned in a Doctorate of Education program are useful in traditional executive positions like chief executive officers (CEO) and chief operating officers (COO). An innovative Ed.D. in leadership program can prepare graduates for newer leadership roles like chief learning officers (CLO) and chief people officers (CPO).

The median salary for an executive was $107,680 in 2020, according to the BLS . CEOs earned $185,950 on average based on the same data with the top 10% of earners exceeding $208,000 in annual salary.

EdD Nonprofit Executive

Nonprofit Executive

Ethical and service-minded leadership skills learned in Ed.D. programs translate well to nonprofit executive roles. Nonprofit presidents and CEOs need to stay focused on their missions while achieving growth. They also need to communicate effectively with donors, staff members and project partners about the importance of their work.

Excellence in Giving concluded that the average nonprofit CEO earned $150,420 in its study of 430 nonprofits. Doctorate of Education graduates who enter the nonprofit leadership world find above-average salaries in organizations with annual expenses of $5 million or more.

Pursue an Ed.D. in Leadership at Spalding University

Spalding University’s Online Ed.D. in Leadership opens doors to a wide variety of leadership positions. The school’s top 300 placement in U.S. News & World Report’s National Universities ranking boosts the value of this degree. The program is also accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

If you see an online Ed.D. in leadership degree in your future, here are a few reasons to choose Spalding:

  • An emphasis on ethical and innovative leadership;
  • 100% online with the flexibility needed for busy professionals;
  • Full-time faculty members with leadership experience.

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To proceed with either the BSN to MSN FNP or the BSN to DNP FNP, you are required to have a bachelor’s degree and hold your RN license.

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To proceed with the EdD in Educational Leadership and Organizational Leadership, you are required to have a master’s degree.

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Question: How much can you make with a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree? What is the typical salary for an EdD graduate? (2024 Update)

Answer: There are many different careers one can pursue with a Doctor of Education (EdD), each with its own average salary or earning potential. Many graduates work in educational leadership, taking high-level positions in school administration or instructional development, while others might find jobs outside academia, in corporate training, human resources, organizational leadership, or more. According to Payscale.com, the average salary of an EdD holder is approximately $78,500 nationwide. However, students’ actual salary after earning their degree will depend largely on the career path they choose, where they decide to work, and their previous professional experience.

The article below examines a number of common careers for EdD graduates along with their current salary estimates according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov), Glassdoor.com, or Payscale.com. Keep in mind, these sites only offer salary data based on job titles, not the degree level of those in these positions. Therefore, the following information is intended for example purposes only, to help students research possible career paths and estimate potential earnings post-graduation. While many jobs featured below may not explicitly require a doctorate, earning an EdD can prepare professionals for top-level positions in these fields and help them qualify for salaries on the higher end of the pay scale. Ultimately, the actual wages one makes will vary by location, employer, job duties, experience, and title.

Careers in Educational Leadership

As mentioned above, many students pursue an EdD to move into or advance a career in education administration. This field encompasses a wide range of positions involved in managing schools or school districts, with opportunities at every educational level, from PreK to postsecondary. Two examples of potential career paths for EdD graduates include primary or secondary school principal or school district superintendent.

According to the latest data from bls.gov, Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals earned a median annual wage of $101,320 (May 2022 survey data access in February 2024). As the head of an entire school district, Superintendents can expect to make more, with Payscale showing these professionals earning an average salary of $144,547 nationwide. Students should note that both of these positions typically require additional licensing or certification, which varies by state. While some EdD programs may help prepare students for licensure, in most cases, those interested in either career path will need to acquire these credentials separately from earning their degree.

There are also a variety of administrative roles at the college level available to professionals with an EdD. In general, bls.gov reports that Postsecondary Education Administrators earned a median annual wage of $99,940 (May 2022). However, there is a wide range of earning potential, depending on one’s particular position and the type of institution they work for. According to bls.gov, the lowest 10 percent of earners in this field had a median salary of $61,000 or less, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $196,420 a year. Educational administrators working in Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools tend to fall on the higher end of this pay scale, with a median annual wage of $118,680, as opposed to those working at Junior Colleges , who earned $99,630. Meanwhile, bls.gov data shows that administrators at Technical and Trade Schools took home a median salary of around $85,840 in 2022.

Finally, looking at individual careers in this category further illustrates the scope of possible salaries available in college administration. For example, Academic Deans , who oversee an individual school or collection of departments within a college or university, currently earn an average salary of $102,725, according to Payscale. College or University Presidents , on the other hand, tend to earn significantly more, as they essentially serve as CEOs of their entire institutions. Payscale lists the average salary for these top-level administrators at $155,616 nationwide. At the same time, a role such as Vocational Program Director , which involves supervising job-specific training programs at technical schools or other locations, currently comes with an average base pay of $75,048 a year, based on Glassdoor data.

Other Careers in Education

Outside of administration, there are many other roles in education for graduates of EdD programs, depending on their area of interest or degree focus. Some work behind the scenes, helping to develop and assess curricula and teaching standards for schools or entire districts. These Instructional Coordinators earned a median salary of $66,490 in 2022, as reported by bls.gov. EdD students who choose to specialize in education technology or e-learning might put their expertise to work overseeing tech initiatives or online programs at the K-12 or collegiate level. Glassdoor data shows that Education Technology Specialists currently earn an average annual salary of $80,965, with Payscale citing a nationwide average of around $60,000.

Of course, earning a doctorate also qualifies EdD graduates to teach, with many going on to become professors at public or private colleges or universities. According to bls.gov, Postsecondary Teachers in the U.S. earned a median annual wage of $80,840 in 2022. However, professor salaries can vary quite significantly based on where they work, what they teach, and how long they have been teaching. Bls.gov data shows that, in 2022, the lowest 10 percent in this occupation earned less than $47,370, while the top 10 percent earned more than $173,730.

Graduates who want to work in education, but not necessarily be tied to a single institution or district, may want to consider a consulting role. Educational Consultants help schools, companies, and individuals with all sorts of different projects, from professional or curriculum development to building relations in the community. Payscale reports the national average salary for these professionals is currently $72,819 a year. Another option for students is working in local, state, or national government to influence and help formulate the laws that govern education systems and instructional practices. Based on Payscale data, Education Policy Analysts earn an average yearly wage of $64,000 nationwide.

Non-Academic Career Paths

Earning a Doctor of Education can also help prepare students for a variety of careers outside academia. Some end up working for businesses, corporations, nonprofits, the government, military, or other organizations in the public or private sector, either in managerial positions or as educational experts, supporting workforce training initiatives. The latest data from bls.gov shows that Training and Development Specialists earned a national median wage of $63,080 in 2022. Depending on their background and degree focus, those with an EdD, however, typically qualify to lead employee training programs and development efforts at most organizations. According to bls.gov, Training and Development Managers tend to earn significantly more, with a median annual salary of $120,000.

Some EdD programs even offer specialization options intended to prepare students for specific roles in business or organizational management. Students can earn their degree in a field like human resource development, then go on to become Human Resources Managers , overseeing all staff-related business functions for their employers. These senior HR professionals earned a median wage of $130,000 in 2022, as reported by bls.gov. There are also EdD programs with more broad concentrations in areas such as organizational leadership or entrepreneurship. With a doctorate in one of these fields, graduates could pursue high ranking executive positions in nearly any industry, or perhaps even start a company of their own. Bls.gov data indicates that Top Executives saw an overall median pay of $100,090 in 2022, with Chief Executives (CEOs) taking home a median salary of $246,440.

Sources of Data:

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment Statistics, https://www.bls.gov/oes/
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, https://www.bls.gov/ooh/
  • Glassdoor, https://www.glassdoor.com
  • Payscale, https://www.payscale.com

EdD Career FAQs

  • Can you become a college professor with an EdD?
  • What can I do with a Doctor of Education (EdD)?

PhD in Educational Leadership Future Faculty Founders: Shape Tomorrow

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Grow Your Teaching and Researching Skills with Liberty’s PhD in Educational Leadership

A successful education system requires outstanding leadership and guidance from the top of the organization. With advanced training in educational leadership and research, Liberty University’s 100% online PhD in Educational Leadership degree program will help you gain valuable communication and problem-solving skills based on empirical research to lead your students, faculty, and staff to success.

Our PhD in Educational Leadership online can provide you with the tools and skills you need to lead an educational administration as well as develop research materials and publications to contribute to the body of knowledge in your field. Through this educational leadership doctorate, you can develop the research-based critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to lead at any level of an educational organization.

Military Friendly School

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  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Why Choose Liberty’s PhD in Educational Leadership?

Liberty’s online PhD in Educational Leadership can help you build upon your teaching experience and graduate education by developing an in-depth dissertation research topic. You can learn to thoroughly examine literature, design and conduct research, and disseminate said research to other researchers in educational leadership, practitioners, and policymakers.

Furthermore, your educational leadership doctorate is 100% online, which means you are not required to attend courses on campus throughout your degree. We are committed to helping you obtain your degree in a way that is most convenient for you. You will also receive training and instruction from professors who are grounded in their Christian faith and ready to equip you to be a Champion for Christ in the education field.

What Will You Study in Liberty’s PhD in Educational Leadership?

Liberty University’s educational leadership courses integrate theoretical knowledge with the practical skills necessary for effective educational leadership. As you begin our PhD in Educational Leadership degree online, you can learn how to apply organizational theories and models to create and lead higher education organizations and implement best practices. You will also cover issues of effective communication and how to develop productive relationships both inside and outside the school.

Our educational leadership courses teach you how to analyze and evaluate rational and irrational decision-making as it relates to educational leadership and policy formulation. It is important to understand the current issues and trends in educational leadership so you can learn to handle conflict efficiently and effectively.

In addition, you will conduct research and develop your dissertation to contribute to the field of educational leadership. These courses are intense so that you can effectively design and conduct research for your dissertation. This will allow you to take what you’ve gained in your professional degree and apply it to a more focused research doctorate.

Potential Career Opportunities

  • College or university administrator
  • College or university professor and/or researcher
  • District administrator
  • Educational change agent
  • Educational consultant for an education organization or government agency
  • Leadership researcher
  • Performance improvement officer
  • Principal or assistant principal*

*This will require outside licensure

Featured Courses

  • EDUC 701 – Advanced Learning Theory and Research
  • EDUC 741 – Theories of Educational Leadership
  • EDUC 745 – Organizational Analysis and Problem Solving
  • EDUC 840 – Issues and Trends in Educational Leadership

Degree Information

  • This program falls under our School of Education .
  • View the Graduate Education Course Guides (login required) .
  • This is a non-licensure program.

Degree Completion Plan (PDF)

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Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

Eligible current and former military service members and their spouses may qualify for a special rate of $300/credit hour ( learn more ) .

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Admission Information for Our Online PhD in Educational Leadership

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Send official college transcripts (mailed as sealed, unopened copies or sent via a direct electronic transcript system). A regionally or nationally accredited master’s degree with at least a 3.0 GPA is required for admission in good standing.
  • An acceptable official college transcript must be issued directly from the institution in a sealed envelope with a signature across the back. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. You may also complete the Transcript Request Form to allow Liberty to attempt to request your transcripts on your behalf.
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Preliminary Acceptance

If you are sending in a preliminary transcript for acceptance, you must:

  • Be in your final term and planning to start your doctoral degree after the last day of class for your master’s degree.
  • Complete a Master’s Self-Certification Form confirming your completion date. You may download the form from the Forms and Downloads page or contact an admissions counselor to submit the form on your behalf.
  • Submit an official transcript to confirm that you are in your final term. The preliminary transcript must show that you are within 6 credit hours of completion for a 30-48 credit hour master’s degree or within 9 credit hours of completion for a 49+ credit hour master’s degree.
  • Send in an additional, final official transcript with a conferral date on it by the end of your first semester of enrollment in the new doctoral degree.

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

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Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees

Military Tuition Discount

We want to help you find the doctoral degree you want – at a price you’ve earned. As a thank-you for your military service, Liberty University offers eligible current and former service members like you or your spouse multiple pathways to earn a doctoral degree for only $300/credit hour . Find out how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity as you work toward your goal of reaching the pinnacle of your profession – for less.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many educational research courses are required in the online phd program.

Our online PhD program requires 18 hours in educational research courses. Completing your PhD gives you a terminal educational credential that shows employers you have reached the academic pinnacle of your field’s achievement.

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  1. Earning A Doctorate In Educational Leadership: What To Know

    Learn about the requirements, concentrations and courses for a doctorate in educational leadership, a degree that prepares you for advanced roles in education. Find out the median salary for postsecondary teachers and other careers you can pursue with this degree.

  2. Ed.D. Career & Salary Guide

    Ed.D. Salaries: What to Know. Salaries for Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) graduates are heavily reliant on circumstances: Top-level educational leadership positions like Superintendent, Director of Education, or University President will usually require a doctorate. These kinds of jobs tend to pay graduates well.

  3. 8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

    Learn about eight careers you can pursue with a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree, such as college president, chief learning officer, and school superintendent. See the average annual salaries for each role and how an EdD can help you advance your leadership skills.

  4. FAQ: How Much Can You Earn With a Doctorate in Education?

    Learn how much you can earn with a doctorate in education and explore some potential career options in teaching, academia and administration. Find out the factors that influence your salary, the funding opportunities and the skills you can develop with this degree.

  5. Doctorate (PhD), Educational Leadership Salary

    Degrees in the same industry as Doctorate (PhD), Educational Leadership, ranked by salary Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), General Education (Teaching) Avg. Salary $47k — $74k

  6. Doctor of Education (EdD), Educational Leadership Salary

    Gender Breakdown for Doctor of Education (EdD), Educational Leadership. Female. 69.2 %. Avg. Salary: $60k - $151k. Male. 30.8 %. Avg. Salary: $57k - $172k. This data is based on 104 survey ...

  7. Doctorate in Education Salary and Career Outlook

    The BLS reports that the median salary for medical and health services managers in 2021 was $101,340. Job growth for these positions is projected to increase by 28%—much faster than the national average. The median salary for postsecondary education administrators is $96,910, with job growth of 7% projected.

  8. Doctorate in Education Salary Guide| University of Bridgeport

    Learn how a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D) can prepare you for various leadership roles in education and other fields and increase your earning potential. See the median and top salaries for different Ed.D. career outcomes, such as principals, instructional coordinators, and human resources managers.

  9. 20 of the Highest Paying PhD Degrees (Plus Salaries)

    5. Educational leadership National average salary: $52,209 per year A Ph.D. in educational leadership involves the study of academic theory. This type of Ph.D. may be beneficial for individuals interested in researching instructional practices and determining how to best improve classroom instruction.

  10. What Can You Do With an Education Doctorate? (With 10 Jobs)

    5. Education professor. National average salary: $61,014 per year Primary duties: An education professor works in a higher education institution teaching education theory to students at the college or university level. They create semester-long lesson plans, assign projects, design exams and assign and grade papers.

  11. 6 Career Paths for a Doctorate in Educational Leadership

    That's where a Doctorate in Educational Leadership steps in. If you are passionate about helping others reach their greatest potential, a Doctorate in Educational Leadership (EdD) may be your grad school calling. ... "Jobs in Education Policy: Career and Salary Information: Resilient Educator." ResilientEducator.com, January 25, 2023.

  12. EdD vs. PhD in Educational Leadership

    EdD vs PhD in Leadership and Educational Leadership. February 4, 2022. ... The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed an $80,560 median salary for postsecondary teachers in 2020. A projected 12% growth in jobs by 2030 shows a favorable market for doctoral candidates. ...

  13. EdD & PhD Careers: Salaries & Career Opportunities

    For a number of reasons, an education administrator is one of the best PhD in educational leadership jobs. Someone in this position is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a school. ... According to Glassdoor, university researchers earn an average salary of $57,000, although some can command an annual salary of up to $89,000. PhD ...

  14. EdD Salary

    Learn how much you can make with a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree in various fields, such as school administration, instructional development, or higher education. See salary data from different sources and factors that affect your earning potential.

  15. The Online Ed.D. in Organizational Learning and Leadership

    A complex world calls for flexible learning designed to meet the needs of a global workplace. In the online Ed.D. in Organizational Learning and Leadership program, students will find an intuitive platform, comprehensive support, and top-notch education designed for real people with real lives. Attend weekly face-to-face classes, held on Zoom ...

  16. Salary: Phd Leadership in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a PhD Leadership Development Program is $170,321 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $106,592 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

  17. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Educational Leadership Salary

    Doctor of Education (EdD), Educational Leadership. Avg. Salary $59k — $145k Master of Education (MEd), Language & Literacy. Avg. Salary $61k — $103k Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School Counseling

  18. PhD in Educational Leadership

    Develop New Theories In Teaching And Researching With A PhD In Educational Leadership At Liberty University. May 06, 2024. Chat Live (800) 424-9595 Request Info ...

  19. New PhD Educational Leadership Jobs (Apply Today)

    Doctoral Faculty, Sustainability Leadership (SL) Fielding Graduate University. Remote in United States. $74,000 - $76,000 a year. Full-time. Human and Organizational Development PhD Programs (HOD) Doctoral Faculty Position: Sustainability Leadership Reports to: Program Director, Human and…. Posted 30+ days ago ·.

  20. Negotiate Your Worth in Educational Leadership

    Learn key strategies for negotiating salary and benefits as a new Educational Leadership graduate starting your career.

  21. Doctorate (PhD), Organizational Leadership Salary

    Doctorate (PhD), Organizational Leadership - Salary - Get a free salary comparison based on job title, skills, experience and education. Accurate, reliable salary and compensation comparisons for ...