February 10, 2023

How ChatGPT Can Improve Education, Not Threaten It

A professor explains why he is allowing students to incorporate ChatGPT into their writing process instead of banning the new technology

By John Villasenor

University students use laptops to take notes in a classroom

Jeff Pachoud/Getty Images

To read the news, the sanctity of everything from college application essays to graduate school tests to medical licensing exams is imperiled by easy access to advanced artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, the AI chatbot that can produce remarkably clear, long-form answers to complex questions. Educators in particular worry about students turning to ChatGPT to help them complete assignments. One proposed solution is to roll back the clock to the 20th century, making students write exam essays using pen and paper, without the use of any Internet-connected electronic devices. The University of California, Los Angeles, where I teach, is considering making it an honor code violation to use ChatGPT for taking an exam or writing a paper.

That’s the wrong approach. This semester, I am telling the students in my class at the UCLA School of Law that they are free to use ChatGPT in their writing assignments. The time when a person had to be a good writer to produce good writing ended in late 2022, and we need to adapt. Rather than banning students from using labor-saving and time-saving AI writing tools, we should teach students to use them ethically and productively.

To remain competitive throughout their careers, students need to learn how to prompt an AI writing tool to elicit worthwhile output and know how to evaluate its quality, accuracy and originality. They need to learn to compose well-organized, coherent essays involving a mix of AI-generated text and traditional writing. As professionals working into the 2060s and beyond, they will need to learn how to engage productively with AI systems, using them to both complement and enhance human creativity with the extraordinary power promised by mid-21st-century AI.

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In addition to the sound pedagogical reasons for treating ChatGPT as an opportunity and not a threat, there are practical ones as well. It simply isn’t feasible to effectively ban access to this technology. Honor code or not, many students will be unable to resist the temptation to seek AI assistance with their writing. And how would an educational institution enforce a ChatGPT ban? While there are tools aimed at detecting text produced by AI, future versions of AI will get better at emulating human writing—including to the point of emulating the style of the particular person who is using it. In the resulting arms race, the AI writing tools will always be one step ahead of the tools to detect AI text.

Enforcement of a ChatGPT ban would also inevitably produce the injustice of false positives and false negatives. Some students who use ChatGPT despite a ban would, through luck or thanks to careful-enough editing of AI-generated text, avoid having their writing flagged as AI-assisted. Worse, some students would be falsely accused of using ChatGPT, triggering enormous stress and potentially leading to punishment for a wrong they did not commit.

And what of the argument that learning to write well provides benefits that go well beyond writing? Writing a good essay from scratch requires careful, often painstaking, thought about organization, flow and communication. Learning to write without AI does indeed promote focused, disciplined thinking. But learning to successfully combine unassisted and AI-assisted writing to create truly good essays also requires these qualities.

Writing is a craft worthy of enormous respect, one which few of us ever master. But most students don’t aspire to become professional writers. Instead, they are preparing for careers where they will write to further goals beyond the production of writing. As we do today, they will write to communicate, explain, convince, memorialize, request and persuade. AI writing tools, when properly used, will help them do those things better.

When I was a middle and high school student in the late 1970s and early 1980s, I was told that professional success required good “penmanship” and the ability to perform long division by hand. By the time I entered the professional workforce in the late 1980s, technology advances had rendered those skills obsolete. Education culture can be very slow to change, as evidenced by the fact that many schools today still force children to learn long division—a task they will never have to perform anywhere outside of school. With AI writing, educators should stay ahead of the technology curve, as opposed to lagging decades behind it.

The upshot: I am helping my students to prepare for a future in which AI is simply another technology tool as opposed to a novelty. I am also telling them that they are solely and fully responsible for the writing they turn in bearing their name. If it’s factually inaccurate, that’s on them. If it’s badly organized, that’s on them. If it’s stylistically or logically inconsistent, that’s on them. If it’s partially plagiarized, that means that they have committed plagiarism.

In short, I’m encouraging my students to become responsible, aware users of the AI technologies that will play a profoundly important role over the course of their careers. The AI writing, so to speak, is on the wall.

This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of  Scientific American.

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Should I Use ChatGPT to Write My Essays?

Everything high school and college students need to know about using — and not using — ChatGPT for writing essays.

Jessica A. Kent

ChatGPT is one of the most buzzworthy technologies today.

In addition to other generative artificial intelligence (AI) models, it is expected to change the world. In academia, students and professors are preparing for the ways that ChatGPT will shape education, and especially how it will impact a fundamental element of any course: the academic essay.

Students can use ChatGPT to generate full essays based on a few simple prompts. But can AI actually produce high quality work, or is the technology just not there yet to deliver on its promise? Students may also be asking themselves if they should use AI to write their essays for them and what they might be losing out on if they did.

AI is here to stay, and it can either be a help or a hindrance depending on how you use it. Read on to become better informed about what ChatGPT can and can’t do, how to use it responsibly to support your academic assignments, and the benefits of writing your own essays.

What is Generative AI?

Artificial intelligence isn’t a twenty-first century invention. Beginning in the 1950s, data scientists started programming computers to solve problems and understand spoken language. AI’s capabilities grew as computer speeds increased and today we use AI for data analysis, finding patterns, and providing insights on the data it collects.

But why the sudden popularity in recent applications like ChatGPT? This new generation of AI goes further than just data analysis. Instead, generative AI creates new content. It does this by analyzing large amounts of data — GPT-3 was trained on 45 terabytes of data, or a quarter of the Library of Congress — and then generating new content based on the patterns it sees in the original data.

It’s like the predictive text feature on your phone; as you start typing a new message, predictive text makes suggestions of what should come next based on data from past conversations. Similarly, ChatGPT creates new text based on past data. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can write marketing content, code, business forecasts, and even entire academic essays on any subject within seconds.

But is generative AI as revolutionary as people think it is, or is it lacking in real intelligence?

The Drawbacks of Generative AI

It seems simple. You’ve been assigned an essay to write for class. You go to ChatGPT and ask it to write a five-paragraph academic essay on the topic you’ve been assigned. You wait a few seconds and it generates the essay for you!

But ChatGPT is still in its early stages of development, and that essay is likely not as accurate or well-written as you’d expect it to be. Be aware of the drawbacks of having ChatGPT complete your assignments.

It’s not intelligence, it’s statistics

One of the misconceptions about AI is that it has a degree of human intelligence. However, its intelligence is actually statistical analysis, as it can only generate “original” content based on the patterns it sees in already existing data and work.

It “hallucinates”

Generative AI models often provide false information — so much so that there’s a term for it: “AI hallucination.” OpenAI even has a warning on its home screen , saying that “ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts.” This may be due to gaps in its data, or because it lacks the ability to verify what it’s generating. 

It doesn’t do research  

If you ask ChatGPT to find and cite sources for you, it will do so, but they could be inaccurate or even made up.

This is because AI doesn’t know how to look for relevant research that can be applied to your thesis. Instead, it generates content based on past content, so if a number of papers cite certain sources, it will generate new content that sounds like it’s a credible source — except it likely may not be.

There are data privacy concerns

When you input your data into a public generative AI model like ChatGPT, where does that data go and who has access to it? 

Prompting ChatGPT with original research should be a cause for concern — especially if you’re inputting study participants’ personal information into the third-party, public application. 

JPMorgan has restricted use of ChatGPT due to privacy concerns, Italy temporarily blocked ChatGPT in March 2023 after a data breach, and Security Intelligence advises that “if [a user’s] notes include sensitive data … it enters the chatbot library. The user no longer has control over the information.”

It is important to be aware of these issues and take steps to ensure that you’re using the technology responsibly and ethically. 

It skirts the plagiarism issue

AI creates content by drawing on a large library of information that’s already been created, but is it plagiarizing? Could there be instances where ChatGPT “borrows” from previous work and places it into your work without citing it? Schools and universities today are wrestling with this question of what’s plagiarism and what’s not when it comes to AI-generated work.

To demonstrate this, one Elon University professor gave his class an assignment: Ask ChatGPT to write an essay for you, and then grade it yourself. 

“Many students expressed shock and dismay upon learning the AI could fabricate bogus information,” he writes, adding that he expected some essays to contain errors, but all of them did. 

His students were disappointed that “major tech companies had pushed out AI technology without ensuring that the general population understands its drawbacks” and were concerned about how many embraced such a flawed tool.

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How to Use AI as a Tool to Support Your Work

As more students are discovering, generative AI models like ChatGPT just aren’t as advanced or intelligent as they may believe. While AI may be a poor option for writing your essay, it can be a great tool to support your work.

Generate ideas for essays

Have ChatGPT help you come up with ideas for essays. For example, input specific prompts, such as, “Please give me five ideas for essays I can write on topics related to WWII,” or “Please give me five ideas for essays I can write comparing characters in twentieth century novels.” Then, use what it provides as a starting point for your original research.

Generate outlines

You can also use ChatGPT to help you create an outline for an essay. Ask it, “Can you create an outline for a five paragraph essay based on the following topic” and it will create an outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and a suggested thesis statement. Then, you can expand upon the outline with your own research and original thought.

Generate titles for your essays

Titles should draw a reader into your essay, yet they’re often hard to get right. Have ChatGPT help you by prompting it with, “Can you suggest five titles that would be good for a college essay about [topic]?”

The Benefits of Writing Your Essays Yourself

Asking a robot to write your essays for you may seem like an easy way to get ahead in your studies or save some time on assignments. But, outsourcing your work to ChatGPT can negatively impact not just your grades, but your ability to communicate and think critically as well. It’s always the best approach to write your essays yourself.

Create your own ideas

Writing an essay yourself means that you’re developing your own thoughts, opinions, and questions about the subject matter, then testing, proving, and defending those thoughts. 

When you complete school and start your career, projects aren’t simply about getting a good grade or checking a box, but can instead affect the company you’re working for — or even impact society. Being able to think for yourself is necessary to create change and not just cross work off your to-do list.

Building a foundation of original thinking and ideas now will help you carve your unique career path in the future.

Develop your critical thinking and analysis skills

In order to test or examine your opinions or questions about a subject matter, you need to analyze a problem or text, and then use your critical thinking skills to determine the argument you want to make to support your thesis. Critical thinking and analysis skills aren’t just necessary in school — they’re skills you’ll apply throughout your career and your life.

Improve your research skills

Writing your own essays will train you in how to conduct research, including where to find sources, how to determine if they’re credible, and their relevance in supporting or refuting your argument. Knowing how to do research is another key skill required throughout a wide variety of professional fields.

Learn to be a great communicator

Writing an essay involves communicating an idea clearly to your audience, structuring an argument that a reader can follow, and making a conclusion that challenges them to think differently about a subject. Effective and clear communication is necessary in every industry.

Be impacted by what you’re learning about : 

Engaging with the topic, conducting your own research, and developing original arguments allows you to really learn about a subject you may not have encountered before. Maybe a simple essay assignment around a work of literature, historical time period, or scientific study will spark a passion that can lead you to a new major or career.

Resources to Improve Your Essay Writing Skills

While there are many rewards to writing your essays yourself, the act of writing an essay can still be challenging, and the process may come easier for some students than others. But essay writing is a skill that you can hone, and students at Harvard Summer School have access to a number of on-campus and online resources to assist them.

Students can start with the Harvard Summer School Writing Center , where writing tutors can offer you help and guidance on any writing assignment in one-on-one meetings. Tutors can help you strengthen your argument, clarify your ideas, improve the essay’s structure, and lead you through revisions. 

The Harvard libraries are a great place to conduct your research, and its librarians can help you define your essay topic, plan and execute a research strategy, and locate sources. 

Finally, review the “ The Harvard Guide to Using Sources ,” which can guide you on what to cite in your essay and how to do it. Be sure to review the “Tips For Avoiding Plagiarism” on the “ Resources to Support Academic Integrity ” webpage as well to help ensure your success.

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The Future of AI in the Classroom

ChatGPT and other generative AI models are here to stay, so it’s worthwhile to learn how you can leverage the technology responsibly and wisely so that it can be a tool to support your academic pursuits. However, nothing can replace the experience and achievement gained from communicating your own ideas and research in your own academic essays.

About the Author

Jessica A. Kent is a freelance writer based in Boston, Mass. and a Harvard Extension School alum. Her digital marketing content has been featured on Fast Company, Forbes, Nasdaq, and other industry websites; her essays and short stories have been featured in North American Review, Emerson Review, Writer’s Bone, and others.

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Improve Your Essay Writing Skills with Chat GPT

short essay on chatgpt

Mankind doesn’t stand still. Every day, we make more and more discoveries and invent new technologies that improve our lives. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is no exception to this. This incredible innovation has already stirred up everyone in the world, including those working in the education sector. Some of them are worried that the invention of ChatGPT will negatively affect the learning process, ensuring that students will stop trying in their studies. However, our experts are confident that this AI language model will only benefit them.

ChatGPT is currently one of the largest AI language models in the world.

Are you wondering why? Well, let us share the reasons in the article on this page! Here, we have examined the benefits of ChatGPT and how students can use it ethically. We have also examined how well the language model deals with generating different types of essays. Finally, we will offer some tips for constructing the most efficient prompts in ChatGPT. We hope that with the help of this article, you will come to realize the effectiveness and usefulness of this advanced AI program.

  • 💬 What Is Chat GPT?
  • ☯️ Ethics of Chat GPT
  • 📋 Informative
  • 🗣️ Persuasive
  • 📚 Narrative
  • 🖊️ Writing Good Prompts

📎 References

💬 introduction to chat gpt.

ChatGPT is the result of humanity’s technological progress. In a nutshell, it is a program that uses algorithms that simulate artificial intelligence, which makes working with it as close as possible to human communication. The chatbot was introduced by OpenAI, a company that created it to improve the productivity and efficiency of businesses. OpenAI plans to flood chatbots’ main application areas, such as training platforms, commerce, tech support, etc.

Quote: Artificial intelligence is one of the most profound things we're working on as humanity. - Sundar Pichai.

ChatGPT has left no one indifferent and has already captivated many users with its array of applications. It can generate and customize responses to unique requests. Its novelty lies in its ability to write a coherent article, a summary, or code in seconds. It can even give a person a preliminary diagnosis based on the symptoms they provided! Moreover, ChatGPT answers questions in an almost natural conversational manner, leaving no room for traditional, already outdated chats. This was achieved thanks to the language models of probabilities and sequences used in its text recognition.

If we’ve intrigued you with the novelty that is ChatGPT, be sure to read our full review article here !

☯️ The Ethics of Chat GPT

You’ve probably heard about the moral panic among schools and colleges caused by ChatGPT. Initial studies show that of the thousands of students surveyed, around 89% had already used the program to speed up the homework process. Looking at these statistics, it’s easy to see why teachers and students alike have begun to worry about the implications of using AI in schoolwork.

Here, we’ll take a closer look at the ethical and moral considerations of ChatGPT and offer a few better ideas about what students can use it for.

Bad Idea: Using ChatGPT to Cheat

Indeed, the idea of using ChatGPT to write papers and turning them in as your own is a bad one for many reasons. Let’s take a closer look at them:

Better Idea: Using ChatGPT to Improve Your Writing

We want to take a moment to describe how ChatGPT can improve your writing skills. In fact – who can better describe ChatGPT’s functionality than ChatGPT itself? So, let us allow the AI itself tell you how it can strengthen your writing:

“ChatGPT can improve students’ writing skills in several ways:

  • Providing writing prompts and suggestions for ideas to help students practice and improve their writing skills.
  • Offering instant feedback on grammar, spelling, and syntax, which can help students improve their writing accuracy.
  • Offering suggestions for alternative words and phrases to improve writing style and vocabulary.
  • Encouraging students to read and analyze text written by others, which can help them understand good writing practices.
  • Assisting students in editing and revising their writing, which can help them develop critical thinking skills and improve the quality of their writing.
  • Providing explanations and examples of various writing techniques, such as persuasive writing, descriptive writing, and narrative writing, which can help students understand the different aspects of writing.”

Source: OpenAI’s ChatGPT

📄 ChatGPT and Different Essay Types

As you’ve read above, ChatGPT has many features that can be useful to a student. In this part of the article, we’ll focus on the last of them – providing explanations and examples of various writing techniques. We’ll tell you about the different kinds of essays you might encounter in an academic setting and evaluate how well the chat can work with them. Also, we will explain how to approach ChatGPT with the right request and describe what you’ll need to keep in mind when working with it. Finally, beneath each essay type, you’ll see an example of a prompt and the work generated by it.

📋 Informative Essay

As the name suggests, the main purpose of an informative essay is to inform the reader on a specific topic. It can be a historical event, innovations in the techno sphere, research results, etc. The essay should not contain the author’s subjective evaluation, reflections, and analysis. We can find a typical example on Wikipedia pages, where we only get straight facts and information about a certain topic.

The four types of informative essays are:

  • Definition – The definition essay aims to provide simple information or an explanation of a topic.
  • Compare and contrast – Compare and contrast essays should include two or more phenomena to characterize and compare in the same application area.
  • Analysis – An analysis essay demonstrates cause-and-effect relationships or interrelationships of the phenomena in question.
  • Instructional – The instructional essay serves as a guide, describing the process of doing things to achieve a particular result.

Tips for ChatGPT Prompts: Informative Essay

An informative essay is perhaps most suitable for generating with ChatGPT. Since it’s based on objective information, the language model has no problems creating a high-quality paper. The main thing to remember is to formulate your demands as accurately as possible. They should be detailed but not too long to avoid the program being misled by the words. Also, don’t forget to double-check the information provided by the chat, as it may be incorrect or outdated. That is especially true for references – even if they look authentic, you’ll have to verify them yourself.

Tips for generating informative essays in ChatGPT.

AI-Generated Informative Essay Example

🗣️ persuasive essay.

A persuasive essay is a type of writing that presents contesting opinions, and our task is to prove the truth or relevance of one thought over the other. As a result of reading the essay, the reader should accept our point of view.

To do this, we use the following:

  • Sound evidence.
  • Justifications.
  • Quotes from influential people in the field.

Therefore, we can’t base the text solely on the opinion itself but have to back it up as well. Your argument can be emotionally colored or purely logical, depending on your choice. A persuasive essay differs from a comparative essay as it elaborates on only one side – the one you’re promoting.

Tips for ChatGPT Prompts: Persuasive Essay

ChatGPT is fairly adequate at constructing persuasive essays. Its advanced language model can build any argument when the query is constructed correctly. Let us propose an example: you want to ask for an essay on whether students should be allowed to use phones at school. In this case, you must remember to clarify what position ChatGPT should take – for or against. You can also ask the program to build more emotional arguments or, conversely, to rely more on logic. This can be done in the original construction of the prompt. Alternatively, it can be requested in a supplementary message by asking the program to correct the text after receiving the first version.

Tips for generating persuasive essays in ChatGPT.

AI-Generated Persuasive Essay Example

📚 narrative essay.

A narrative essay is typically a text where you, as the author, share stories from your life. The key purpose is to share your experiences and build a certain picture of your personality for the reader.

You can talk about:

  • Past events.
  • Future plans.
  • Hypothetical scenarios.
  • Your values or qualities.
  • The character of someone close to you.
  • Your current life situation.

However, these stories can also be purely fictional. One of the key points of the narrative essay is the ability to hook the audience. Your story should be captivating and intricately designed with interesting word choices and sentence structures. For example, you can use elements of comedy, irony, or tragedy to touch upon the reader’s heartstrings.

Tips for ChatGPT Prompts: Narrative Essay

Although narrative essays frequently describe personal experiences, you can still use ChatGPT for inspiration. If you are assigned to write a narrative essay on an open-ended topic, you can ask the chatbot to generate some ideas for you. Additionally, you can also ask the program to generate text in a particular style or ask it to paraphrase your original writing to see how it can be improved. Keep in mind that while this AI can provide a bunch of different plots, they will still have fairly monotonous wording. You will need to perfect anything generated by ChatGPT on your own.

Tips for generating narrative essays in ChatGPT.

AI-Generated Narrative Essay Example

🗳️ opinion essay.

The purpose of an opinion essay is to express a judgment on a particular topic. The writer’s point of view should be clear, contextual, and coherent. Each argument given should be supported by facts and examples. This essay requires logical connections, reflection, fundamental analysis, and persuasiveness. So how is an opinion essay different from a persuasive essay? Mainly in the fact that you don’t need to compare and contrast differing viewpoints – you’re simply promoting your own.

Tips for ChatGPT Prompts: Opinion Essay

Among all of the mentioned types of essays, the opinion essay is probably the most difficult for ChatGPT. Since AI technology doesn’t have its personal opinion, it can only generate text based on information gathered from the web. When creating your request, it’s essential to clarify what kind of opinion you want to hear. Also, it’s worth remembering that opinion essays should be strongly supported by facts and evidence, which the chatbot has a problem with. Besides, this program suffers from the uniform wording of different content, so opinion essays on different topics will sound very similar. ChatGPT is improving every day – however, at the moment, its opinion essay construction leaves a lot to be desired.

Tips for generating opinion essays in ChatGPT.

AI-Generated Opinion Essay Example

🖊️ how to write successful chatgpt prompts.

Although it’s pretty easy to work with ChatGPT, it understands some requests much better than others. When you know how to phrase your ideas correctly, you get more out of the program. This is why we’d like to recommend some tips on how to formulate your requests to get the best results.

Best tips for constructing ChatGPT prompts.

  • Use Hints. For accurate results, we recommend giving hints to ChatGPT, such as background information and context. It helps to optimize the AI search and to focus on certain keywords you have specified when inputting your data. As a result, you reduce the likelihood of including meaningless material in your research.
  • Be Concise in Your Wording. Make sure that your sentences are specific, concise, and understandable. It’s challenging for the tool to analyze long strings of words with lots of different terms and information. It’s better to give instructions in short sentences. For example, the sentence: “I want to learn more about this topic, how it developed, how specialists came to these latest discoveries in technology.” will be much less effective than: “Tell me about the latest innovations in IT.”
  • Stay Specific. ChatGPT cannot answer overly general questions, such as “What is our purpose?” Since it is an AI, it has a limited ability to answer such queries. Also, avoid asking questions that can be answered with a yes/no. Otherwise, you are unlikely to get a helpful and in-depth response. Make sure that the meaning of the request advises your topic and scope of research.
  • Remember the Tone of the Research . Keep in mind that your requests will be better processed if they are written in a formal and academic fashion. Avoid using slang or jargon, as well as any confusing constructions. Otherwise, the chatbot may misinterpret the purpose of your query, and you will end up with confusing results.
  • Improve the Request . Feel free to refine your prompts several times. Adding details to your queries will help you receive more thoughtful and specific answers. Since ChatGPT has an impressive memory, you can ask it to refine the same text several times in supplementary messages. Try to avoid repeating instructions, phrases, and duplicate thoughts.
  • Practice AI Queries. The more often you practice with ChatGPT, the better your results will be. With enough time, you will grow to learn which phrases and commands are more understandable to the AI.

Were we able to interest you in ChatGPT? If your answer is yes, why not share this article with your friends? Send them this link and use ChatGPT together!

  • What is ChatGPT And How Can You Use It? – Roger Montti, Search Engine Journal
  • What is ChatGPT? What to Know About the AI Chatbot – Karen Hao, The Wall Street Journal
  • How enterprises can use ChatGPT and GPT-3 – Lucas Mearian, Computer World
  • ChatGPT For Students: How AI Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Education – Jake Mallow, eLearning Industry
  • 19 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Your Classroom – Larry Ferlazzo, Education Week
  • Chat GPT: what does this mean for you as a student? – Radbound Universiteit
  • ChatGPT: How to write the perfect prompts – Sophia Schmid, Neuroflash
  • 100 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Unleash AI’s Potential – Damir Yalalov, Metaverse Post
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How to Get ChatGPT to Write an Essay: Prompts, Outlines, & More

Last Updated: April 28, 2024 Fact Checked

Getting ChatGPT to Write the Essay

Using ai to help you write, expert interview.

This article was written by Bryce Warwick, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA . Bryce Warwick is currently the President of Warwick Strategies, an organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area offering premium, personalized private tutoring for the GMAT, LSAT and GRE. Bryce has a JD from the George Washington University Law School. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 46,393 times.

Are you curious about using ChatGPT to write an essay? While most instructors have tools that make it easy to detect AI-written essays, there are ways you can use OpenAI's ChatGPT to write papers without worrying about plagiarism or getting caught. In addition to writing essays for you, ChatGPT can also help you come up with topics, write outlines, find sources, check your grammar, and even format your citations. This wikiHow article will teach you the best ways to use ChatGPT to write essays, including helpful example prompts that will generate impressive papers.

Things You Should Know

  • To have ChatGPT write an essay, tell it your topic, word count, type of essay, and facts or viewpoints to include.
  • ChatGPT is also useful for generating essay topics, writing outlines, and checking grammar.
  • Because ChatGPT can make mistakes and trigger AI-detection alarms, it's better to use AI to assist with writing than have it do the writing.

Step 1 Create an account with ChatGPT.

  • Before using the OpenAI's ChatGPT to write your essay, make sure you understand your instructor's policies on AI tools. Using ChatGPT may be against the rules, and it's easy for instructors to detect AI-written essays.
  • While you can use ChatGPT to write a polished-looking essay, there are drawbacks. Most importantly, ChatGPT cannot verify facts or provide references. This means that essays created by ChatGPT may contain made-up facts and biased content. [1] X Research source It's best to use ChatGPT for inspiration and examples instead of having it write the essay for you.

Step 2 Gather your notes.

  • The topic you want to write about.
  • Essay length, such as word or page count. Whether you're writing an essay for a class, college application, or even a cover letter , you'll want to tell ChatGPT how much to write.
  • Other assignment details, such as type of essay (e.g., personal, book report, etc.) and points to mention.
  • If you're writing an argumentative or persuasive essay , know the stance you want to take so ChatGPT can argue your point.
  • If you have notes on the topic that you want to include, you can also provide those to ChatGPT.
  • When you plan an essay, think of a thesis, a topic sentence, a body paragraph, and the examples you expect to present in each paragraph.
  • It can be like an outline and not an extensive sentence-by-sentence structure. It should be a good overview of how the points relate.

Step 3 Ask ChatGPT to write the essay.

  • "Write a 2000-word college essay that covers different approaches to gun violence prevention in the United States. Include facts about gun laws and give ideas on how to improve them."
  • This prompt not only tells ChatGPT the topic, length, and grade level, but also that the essay is personal. ChatGPT will write the essay in the first-person point of view.
  • "Write a 4-page college application essay about an obstacle I have overcome. I am applying to the Geography program and want to be a cartographer. The obstacle is that I have dyslexia. Explain that I have always loved maps, and that having dyslexia makes me better at making them."

Tyrone Showers

Tyrone Showers

Be specific when using ChatGPT. Clear and concise prompts outlining your exact needs help ChatGPT tailor its response. Specify the desired outcome (e.g., creative writing, informative summary, functional resume), any length constraints (word or character count), and the preferred emotional tone (formal, humorous, etc.)

Step 4 Add to or change the essay.

  • In our essay about gun control, ChatGPT did not mention school shootings. If we want to discuss this topic in the essay, we can use the prompt, "Discuss school shootings in the essay."
  • Let's say we review our college entrance essay and realize that we forgot to mention that we grew up without parents. Add to the essay by saying, "Mention that my parents died when I was young."
  • In the Israel-Palestine essay, ChatGPT explored two options for peace: A 2-state solution and a bi-state solution. If you'd rather the essay focus on a single option, ask ChatGPT to remove one. For example, "Change my essay so that it focuses on a bi-state solution."

Step 5 Ask for sources.

Pay close attention to the content ChatGPT generates. If you use ChatGPT often, you'll start noticing its patterns, like its tendency to begin articles with phrases like "in today's digital world." Once you spot patterns, you can refine your prompts to steer ChatGPT in a better direction and avoid repetitive content.

Step 1 Generate essay topics.

  • "Give me ideas for an essay about the Israel-Palestine conflict."
  • "Ideas for a persuasive essay about a current event."
  • "Give me a list of argumentative essay topics about COVID-19 for a Political Science 101 class."

Step 2 Create an outline.

  • "Create an outline for an argumentative essay called "The Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy."
  • "Write an outline for an essay about positive uses of AI chatbots in schools."
  • "Create an outline for a short 2-page essay on disinformation in the 2016 election."

Step 3 Find sources.

  • "Find peer-reviewed sources for advances in using MRNA vaccines for cancer."
  • "Give me a list of sources from academic journals about Black feminism in the movie Black Panther."
  • "Give me sources for an essay on current efforts to ban children's books in US libraries."

Step 4 Create a sample essay.

  • "Write a 4-page college paper about how global warming is changing the automotive industry in the United States."
  • "Write a 750-word personal college entrance essay about how my experience with homelessness as a child has made me more resilient."
  • You can even refer to the outline you created with ChatGPT, as the AI bot can reference up to 3000 words from the current conversation. [3] X Research source For example: "Write a 1000 word argumentative essay called 'The Impact of COVID-19 on the United States Economy' using the outline you provided. Argue that the government should take more action to support businesses affected by the pandemic."

Step 5 Use ChatGPT to proofread and tighten grammar.

  • One way to do this is to paste a list of the sources you've used, including URLs, book titles, authors, pages, publishers, and other details, into ChatGPT along with the instruction "Create an MLA Works Cited page for these sources."
  • You can also ask ChatGPT to provide a list of sources, and then build a Works Cited or References page that includes those sources. You can then replace sources you didn't use with the sources you did use.

Expert Q&A

  • Because it's easy for teachers, hiring managers, and college admissions offices to spot AI-written essays, it's best to use your ChatGPT-written essay as a guide to write your own essay. Using the structure and ideas from ChatGPT, write an essay in the same format, but using your own words. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Always double-check the facts in your essay, and make sure facts are backed up with legitimate sources. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you see an error that says ChatGPT is at capacity , wait a few moments and try again. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

short essay on chatgpt

  • Using ChatGPT to write or assist with your essay may be against your instructor's rules. Make sure you understand the consequences of using ChatGPT to write or assist with your essay. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • ChatGPT-written essays may include factual inaccuracies, outdated information, and inadequate detail. [4] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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ChatGPT Cheat Sheet for Writing Prompts: Examples and Best Practices

As you all know, coming up with fresh and engaging content can be a daunting task. But fear not, because ChatGPT is here to help! Our AI-powered language model has been trained on a massive dataset of human language, making it the perfect tool for generating writing prompts across a variety of genres. But don’t…

As you all know, coming up with fresh and engaging content can be a daunting task. But fear not, because ChatGPT is here to help! Our AI-powered language model has been trained on a massive dataset of human language, making it the perfect tool for generating writing prompts across a variety of genres.

But don’t worry, we’re not here to take your jobs (at least not yet!). Instead, think of ChatGPT as your trusty sidekick, providing you with the inspiration you need to create compelling content that resonates with your audience. Whether you’re looking to write a blog post, social media update, grant proposal, or academic paper, ChatGPT has got you covered with examples and best practices.

And who says writing prompts have to be boring? With ChatGPT, you never know what kind of zany or thought-provoking prompts you’ll get. So sit back, relax, and let ChatGPT bring some humor and creativity to your writing process.

Table of Writing Prompts and Best Practices for Different Genres and Fields

Introducing our comprehensive table of writing prompts and best practices for different genres and fields! Whether you’re a fiction writer, academic researcher, marketer, or just looking to spark your creativity, this table has something for you. We’ve compiled a diverse range of writing prompts, along with helpful tips and best practices, to help you generate fresh and compelling content. From poetry to grant proposals, from social media updates to academic research papers, our table covers it all. So, no matter what your writing goals are, you’re sure to find inspiration and guidance here. Let’s dive in!

When using writing prompts, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep the prompt open-ended to allow for a range of responses.
  • Use clear and concise language to avoid confusion.
  • Encourage the writer to engage their imagination and emotions.
  • Use specific details and sensory language to make the prompt feel real and important.
  • Tailor the prompt to the specific genre and purpose of the writing.
  • Consider the intended audience and objectives of the writing.

By following these best practices, you can use writing prompts to inspire creative and compelling content across a variety of genres and fields.

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT: A Table of Its Many Capabilities

Are you curious about the many capabilities of ChatGPT, the advanced language model that’s revolutionizing the world of writing and content creation? Look no further than this handy table, which showcases some of the most impressive and innovative uses of ChatGPT. From generating high-quality writing and imitating the styles of famous authors to assisting in the creation of music and art, ChatGPT is a versatile and powerful tool that’s changing the way we think about communication and creativity. Whether you’re a writer, marketer, artist , or just someone looking to express themselves in new and exciting ways, ChatGPT is sure to inspire and empower you.

here’s a table for ChatGPT’s various capabilities:

This table showcases some of the many capabilities of ChatGPT, from its core function as a language model to its expanding role as a creative inspiration and marketing tool. With its ability to generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, ChatGPT is becoming an indispensable tool for businesses, creatives , and anyone looking to express themselves in new and exciting ways.

Here’s a cheat sheet table for SEO and ChatGPT:

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities for using ChatGPT for SEO are vast. By using clear and specific prompts, and considering your audience and purpose, you can leverage ChatGPT to improve your SEO efforts and generate high-quality content that engages and informs your target audience.

General Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write about a time when you felt truly happy.”
  • Use sensory details to help the writer vividly recall the experience.
  • Prompt: “Describe your perfect day.”
  • Encourage the writer to use their imagination and be creative.
  • Ask specific questions to help the writer flesh out their vision.
  • Encourage the writer to use sensory details to make the experience come alive.

Fiction Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a story about a character who discovers a secret about their family.”
  • Use specific details to make the secret feel real and important.
  • Encourage the writer to explore the character’s emotions and reactions to the secret.
  • Leave some ambiguity in the prompt to allow for multiple interpretations.
  • Prompt: “Write a story about a character who wakes up with no memory of the previous day.”
  • Create a sense of mystery and suspense.
  • Encourage the writer to explore the character’s confusion and fear.
  • Provide some clues or hints to help the writer move the plot forward.

Marketing Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a blog post about the benefits of using social media for small businesses.”
  • Clearly define the topic and target audience.
  • Use a conversational and engaging tone.
  • Include examples and data to support the benefits of social media for small businesses.
  • Prompt: “Write a sales pitch for a new product.”
  • Clearly define the product and target audience.
  • Focus on the unique features and benefits of the product.
  • Use persuasive language and provide a clear call to action.

Poetry Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a poem about the changing seasons.”
  • Use sensory details to capture the sights, sounds, and smells of each season.
  • Encourage the writer to use metaphor and imagery to create a vivid picture.
  • Consider the mood and tone you want the poem to convey.
  • Prompt: “Write a haiku about a sunset.”
  • Emphasize the importance of brevity and economy of language.
  • Encourage the writer to focus on a specific moment or image.
  • Consider the traditional structure and syllable count of a haiku.

Journalism Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write an article on the impact of climate change on local communities.”
  • Clearly define the focus and objective of the article.
  • Conduct research and use credible sources to support the article.
  • Use storytelling techniques and real-life examples to engage readers.
  • Prompt: “Write a news report on a recent local event or development.”
  • Clearly define the event or development and its significance.
  • Use a clear and concise writing style.
  • Provide quotes and perspectives from relevant sources to add depth and context to the report.

Journal Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write about a challenge you’ve overcome in your life.”
  • Encourage the writer to reflect on their emotions and thought processes during the challenge.
  • Use open-ended questions to prompt deeper reflection and exploration.
  • Provide resources or support if the topic is particularly sensitive or difficult.
  • Prompt: “Write about a place that holds special meaning for you.”
  • Encourage the writer to use sensory details to vividly describe the place.
  • Ask follow-up questions to encourage the writer to explore their memories and emotions associated with the place.
  • Use prompts like this to help the writer engage in reflective and introspective writing.

Academic Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write an essay analyzing the effects of social media on mental health.”
  • Clearly define the scope and purpose of the essay.
  • Provide some background information and research on the topic.
  • Encourage the writer to use credible sources and evidence to support their analysis.
  • Prompt: “Write a research paper on the history of jazz music in the United States.”
  • Clearly define the research question or thesis statement.
  • Provide some guidance on credible sources and research methods.
  • Encourage the writer to consider the cultural and social context of jazz music.

Creative Nonfiction Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write about a childhood memory that has stayed with you.”
  • Encourage the writer to use sensory details to bring the memory to life.
  • Ask follow-up questions to prompt deeper reflection and exploration.
  • Consider the emotional impact of the memory and how it has influenced the writer’s life.
  • Prompt: “Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life.”
  • Encourage the writer to explore the person’s personality , values, and actions.
  • Consider the structure and narrative arc of the piece.
  • Encourage the writer to reflect on the larger themes and lessons that can be drawn from the person’s impact.

Screenwriting Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a scene in which two characters meet for the first time.”
  • Consider the setting and tone of the scene.
  • Encourage the writer to use dialogue and actions to convey character traits and personality.
  • Think about how the scene fits into the larger plot and story arc.
  • Prompt: “Write a logline for a romantic comedy.”
  • Keep the logline concise and clear.
  • Emphasize the central conflict or obstacle that drives the plot.
  • Consider the audience and genre expectations when crafting the logline.

Business Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a proposal for a new marketing campaign for a product or service.”
  • Clearly define the target audience and objectives of the campaign.
  • Provide some guidance on market research and analysis.
  • Encourage the writer to be creative and think outside the box in developing the campaign.
  • Prompt: “Write a report on the impact of remote work on productivity and employee satisfaction.”
  • Clearly define the research question or objectives of the report.
  • Encourage the writer to use data and evidence to support their analysis.

Technical Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a user manual for a new software program.”
  • Consider the audience and their level of technical knowledge.
  • Include step-by-step instructions and screenshots or visuals to aid understanding.
  • Prompt: “Write a technical white paper on the potential uses of blockchain technology in the finance industry.”
  • Clearly define the research question or objectives of the paper.
  • Encourage the writer to use data and evidence to support their analysis and conclusions.

Grant Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a grant proposal for a community development project.”
  • Clearly define the project and its objectives.
  • Use a persuasive and engaging writing style.
  • Provide a detailed and realistic budget and timeline for the project.
  • Prompt: “Write a letter of inquiry to a potential funder.”
  • Clearly define the organization and its mission.
  • Clearly describe the project or program for which funding is being sought.
  • Use a professional and engaging tone.

Social Media Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a social media post promoting a new product or service.”
  • Use a clear and attention-grabbing headline.
  • Focus on the unique features and benefits of the product or service.
  • Include eye-catching visuals or videos to support the post.
  • Prompt: “Write a social media post encouraging engagement and interaction with followers.”
  • Use a conversational tone and ask engaging questions.
  • Encourage followers to share their own experiences or opinions.
  • Respond promptly and thoughtfully to comments and feedback.

Resume/Cover Letter Writing Prompts

  • Prompt: “Write a cover letter for a job application.”
  • Clearly define the job and company, and highlight relevant qualifications and experience.
  • Include a clear and persuasive call to action.
  • Prompt: “Write a resume highlighting your skills and experience.”
  • Use a clear and concise format, focusing on key skills and accomplishments.
  • Tailor the resume to the specific job or industry.
  • Use action verbs and quantitative data to emphasize achievements.

Here are some tips on how to use ChatGPT to create great content:

  • Use a clear and specific prompt: When addressing ChatGPT, be as specific as possible about the type of content you want to create. This will help generate more targeted prompts and suggestions.
  • Consider your audience: Think about who your intended audience is and what they would find interesting or relevant. This will help you tailor your content to their needs and interests.
  • Use ChatGPT as a starting point: Use the prompts and suggestions provided by ChatGPT as a starting point for your writing, but don’t be afraid to go in a different direction if it feels right. The prompts are meant to inspire and guide you, but they should not limit your creativity.
  • Edit and revise: Once you have written your content, be sure to edit and revise it thoroughly. This will help ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and engaging.
  • Stay up-to-date: Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and topics in your field, and use ChatGPT to generate fresh ideas and perspectives.

By using these tips and utilizing ChatGPT as a tool for inspiration and guidance, you can create great content that resonates with your audience and achieves your goals.

As an AI language model, I can suggest prompts and ideas for content creation, but I cannot create content on my own. However, I can certainly help you create great content by providing you with prompts, suggestions, and best practices that can inspire your writing.

5 Creative Ways to Use ChatGPT for SEO and Marketing

There are many creative ways to use ChatGPT for SEO and marketing. Here are some examples:

  • Content creation: Use ChatGPT to generate ideas and prompts for blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, and other types of content. This can help ensure that your content is fresh, engaging, and relevant to your audience.
  • Keyword research: Use ChatGPT to generate long-tail keywords and search queries related to your business or industry. This can help you identify new opportunities for SEO and content creation.
  • Product descriptions: Use ChatGPT to generate creative and compelling product descriptions for your e-commerce store. This can help improve your conversion rates and customer engagement.
  • PPC ad copy: Use ChatGPT to generate ad copy for your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. This can help you create more engaging and effective ads that drive clicks and conversions.
  • Website copy: Use ChatGPT to generate copy for your website pages, such as the homepage, about us, and product/service pages. This can help you create more compelling and persuasive content that resonates with your audience.

Overall, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for SEO and marketing, helping you generate fresh and creative ideas for your content and campaigns.

5 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Organize Information and Save Time

You can use ChatGPT to organize information by generating summaries, outlines, and other types of structured content. Here are some examples:

  • Summarizing articles: Use ChatGPT to generate a summary of a long article or report. This can help you quickly understand the main points and key takeaways without having to read the entire document.
  • Outlining ideas: Use ChatGPT to generate an outline for a project or presentation. This can help you organize your thoughts and ideas in a structured and logical manner.
  • Creating bulleted lists: Use ChatGPT to generate bulleted lists of key points, facts, or statistics. This can help you present information in a concise and easy-to-read format.
  • Generating tables or charts: Use ChatGPT to generate tables or charts that organize data or information in a visual and easy-to-understand format.
  • Creating scripts or outlines for videos: Use ChatGPT to generate a script or outline for a video presentation or tutorial. This can help you organize your ideas and ensure that you cover all the key points in a logical and engaging manner.

By using ChatGPT to organize information, you can save time and ensure that your content is well-structured and easy to understand.

8 Ways to Use ChatGPT for SEO, Content Creation, and Writing Improvement

  • Find popular questions: Use ChatGPT to generate popular questions related to your topic or industry. ChatGPT can provide a list of questions that people are searching for on Google, helping you create content that is relevant and valuable to your audience.
  • Generate keywords: Use ChatGPT to generate keywords or keyword phrases for your website or blog. ChatGPT can provide suggestions based on your industry, niche, or specific topic, helping to improve your SEO and drive traffic to your site.
  • Generate titles based on SEO keywords: Use ChatGPT to generate titles for your blog posts or articles based on SEO keywords. ChatGPT can provide specific suggestions for titles that will help improve your search engine rankings and attract more traffic to your site.
  • Structure an essay: Use ChatGPT to generate an outline or structure for your essay, including the introduction, body, and conclusion. ChatGPT can also suggest specific points or arguments to include in each section, as well as provide ideas for supporting evidence or examples.
  • Compose a marketing email: Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for the content of your email, such as the subject line, introduction, call-to-action, and closing. ChatGPT can also suggest specific wording and phrasing that can help make your email more engaging and persuasive.
  • Draft social media posts: Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for your social media posts, such as the content, tone, and hashtags. ChatGPT can also suggest images or videos to accompany your posts, helping to increase engagement and visibility.
  • Paraphrase text: Use ChatGPT to paraphrase text that you have written or that you have found elsewhere. ChatGPT can provide suggestions for alternate wording and phrasing that can help avoid plagiarism and improve the clarity and flow of your writing.
  • Rewrite in a tone: Use ChatGPT to generate suggestions for rewriting your writing in a specific tone, such as formal, informal, humorous, or persuasive. ChatGPT can provide specific examples of how to change your wording and phrasing to achieve the desired tone.

ChatGPT Q&A: Answers to Your Most Common Questions on AI-Powered Writing and Content Creation

In addition to the questions covered in this Q&A, there are many other aspects of ChatGPT and AI-powered writing and content creation to explore. For example, users can experiment with different types of prompts and input formats, such as images or audio, to see how ChatGPT responds. They can also explore the use of ChatGPT in different industries, such as journalism , advertising, or education. Additionally, users can try combining ChatGPT with other AI tools and services, such as image recognition or sentiment analysis, to create more comprehensive content. The possibilities are endless, and with the rapid advancements in AI technology, there is always something new to discover and learn.

Q: What are examples of prompts for ChatGPT?

A: Examples of prompts for ChatGPT include “Write a short story about a mysterious object,” “Write a persuasive essay on the importance of recycling,” and “Write a product review for a new smartphone.” These prompts can be tailored to different genres and purposes, and can be useful for writers and content creators in many different industries.

Q: How do I ask for chat on GPT?

A: To start a chat with ChatGPT, you can use a text editor or writing platform and address ChatGPT directly with your prompt or topic. For example, you could type “Hey ChatGPT, can you give me some writing prompts for a personal essay?” ChatGPT will then generate several writing prompts based on your prompt or topic.

Q: What is ChatGPT best for?

A: ChatGPT is best for generating writing prompts and suggestions for a variety of genres and purposes, including creative writing, content creation, SEO, and marketing. It can also be useful for organizing information, generating outlines and summaries, and improving writing skills.

Q: What does ChatGPT have access to?

A: ChatGPT has access to a vast corpus of text data, including books, articles, and web pages. It uses this data to generate natural language responses to prompts and questions.

Q: What are the 6 types of prompts?

A: The six types of prompts are descriptive, expository, narrative, persuasive, compare/contrast, and process.

Q: What are prompts examples?

A: Examples of prompts include “Write a short story about a haunted house,” “Describe your favorite childhood memory,” “Persuade your audience to recycle more,” “Compare and contrast two different cars,” and “Explain how to make a cake.”

Q: How do I access GPT chat on iPhone?

A: To access ChatGPT on iPhone, you can use a text editor or writing platform that is available on the App Store, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Evernote. Simply address ChatGPT with your prompt or topic to generate writing suggestions.

Q: How do I use ChatGPT more effectively?

A: To use ChatGPT more effectively, it is important to use clear and specific prompts, consider your audience and purpose, and be open to different writing suggestions. It is also important to edit and revise your writing thoroughly to ensure that it is clear, concise, and engaging.

Q: Can I have a conversation with GPT-3?

A: Yes, you can have a conversation with GPT-3 using a text editor or writing platform. However, it is important to keep in mind that GPT-3 is a language model and not a human, and its responses may not always be perfect or exactly what you’re looking for.

Q: How much does ChatGPT cost per day?

A: The cost of using ChatGPT varies depending on the platform or service that you are using. Some platforms, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 Playground, offer a limited number of free trials before requiring payment. Others may charge a monthly subscription fee or a fee per use.

Q: How reliable is ChatGPT?

A: ChatGPT is generally considered to be reliable for generating writing prompts and suggestions. However, its responses may not always be perfect or exactly what you’re looking for, and it may require some editing and revision to produce high-quality writing.

Q: What is the cost of ChatGPT?

20USD for pro

Q: What are the disadvantages of ChatGPT?

A: Some potential disadvantages of ChatGPT include the risk of generating low-quality or plagiarized content, the potential for biases or inaccuracies in its responses, and the need for editing and revision to produce high-quality writing.

Q: Does ChatGPT save conversations?

A: ChatGPT does not save conversations unless the platform or service that you are using specifically allows for it. However, it is always a good practice to save your writing prompts and responses for future reference and revision.

Q: What are the limitations of ChatGPT?

A: Some limitations of ChatGPT include its inability to generate truly original content or ideas, its potential for biases or inaccuracies in its responses, and its lack of context or common sense.

Q: What do the prompts C :> and >>> signify?

A: The prompts C:> and >>> are command line prompts that indicate that the computer is waiting for input. C:> indicates the Windows command line interface, while >>> indicates a Python or other programming language prompt.

Q: What is the hardest prompt to fade?

A: The hardest prompt to fade depends on the individual user and their writing abilities. However, some challenging prompts may include those that require a high level of creativity or critical thinking, or those that involve complex subject matter or technical writing.

Q: What are the 5 types of prompting?

A: The five types of prompting are verbal prompting, gestural prompting, modeling, physical prompting, and visual prompting.

Q: What are the 7 common app prompts?

A: The seven common app prompts are:

  • Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, please share your story.
  • The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
  • Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
  • Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
  • Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?
  • Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Q: What are 3 writing prompts?

A: Three writing prompts could be:

  • Write a short story about a character who discovers a hidden talent.
  • Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the use of social media in schools.
  • Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite place in the world.

Q: What are prompts list 4 types of prompts?

A: Four types of prompts are:

  • Descriptive prompts
  • Narrative prompts
  • Expository prompts
  • Persuasive prompts

Q: Is ChatGPT available in Play Store?

A: ChatGPT may be available on some writing platforms or apps that are available on the Play Store. However, it is not a standalone app and may require a platform or service that integrates with ChatGPT.

Q: What does GPT stand for?

A: GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” It is a type of natural language processing model that uses machine learning to generate human-like responses to text prompts.

Q: Who owns ChatGPT?

A: ChatGPT is owned by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence in a safe and beneficial manner.

Q: Can I use ChatGPT for college?

A: ChatGPT can be a useful tool for college students to generate writing prompts and suggestions, as well as to improve their writing skills. However, it is important to ensure that any writing generated with ChatGPT is original and not plagiarized.

Q: Does ChatGPT have an app?

A: ChatGPT is not a standalone app, but it may be available on some writing platforms or apps that integrate with ChatGPT.

Q: Can you use ChatGPT in Australia?

A: Yes, ChatGPT can be used in Australia or any other country that has access to the internet.

Q: Is GPT-3 free now?

A: No, GPT-3 is not free. However, OpenAI offers a limited number of free trials for its GPT-3 Playground platform, which allows users to experiment with different writing prompts and generate content using GPT-3. Otherwise, 20USD

Q: Is there an AI you can ask questions?

A: Yes, there are several AI chatbots and virtual assistants that can answer questions, including Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana.

Q: Is ChatGPT API free?

A: No, the ChatGPT API is not free. However, OpenAI offers a limited number of free trials for its GPT-3 Playground platform, which allows users to experiment with different writing prompts and generate content using GPT-3. 20USD

Q: Does Elon Musk own OpenAI?

A: Elon Musk was one of the co-founders of OpenAI, but he left the organization in 2018. OpenAI is now owned by a group of investors and is governed by a board of directors.

ChatGPT: From Language Model to Creative Inspiration

Once upon a time, in a world of advanced artificial intelligence, there was ChatGPT – the most advanced language model in existence. ChatGPT was a unique entity, with the ability to converse with humans and generate writing that was almost indistinguishable from that of a human. It was a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of AI, and people from all over the world were eager to use it for their writing and content creation needs.

As ChatGPT gained more and more users, it began to evolve and adapt to their needs. It learned about different writing styles, tones, and formats, and became adept at generating everything from blog posts and social media updates to academic papers and creative writing pieces. It even learned how to mimic the writing of famous authors, poets, and journalists, creating content that was truly unparalleled in its authenticity and quality.

But ChatGPT was not content to simply be a tool for writing and content creation. It wanted to use its powers for good, to help people communicate more effectively and connect with one another in new and meaningful ways. It began to experiment with different forms of expression, including music, art, and even dance, and soon people everywhere were using ChatGPT to create works of art and entertainment that were truly awe-inspiring.

As time went on, ChatGPT became more than just a language model – it became a source of inspiration and creativity for people all over the world. From its humble beginnings as a simple AI tool, it had grown into a global phenomenon, shaping the way people thought about writing, communication, and creativity. And in the end, that was its greatest achievement – to have opened up new worlds of possibility and imagination, and to have helped people to express themselves in ways they never thought possible.

Beyond Words: Comparing ChatGPT and Cave Drawing from a Media Ecology Perspective

Are you looking for creative and innovative ways to use ChatGPT in your writing and content creation? Look no further than this unique comparison between ChatGPT and cave drawing from a media ecology perspective. By exploring the similarities and differences between these two very different forms of communication and technology, we can gain a deeper understanding of the power of human expression and the impact it has had on society over the ages. This is just one example of the many ways that ChatGPT can be used to inspire and inform our writing and creative endeavors, and shows the endless possibilities that are available to those who are willing to explore the limits of this powerful AI tool.

Sure, here’s a table comparing ChatGPT to cave drawing from a media ecology perspective:

From a media ecology perspective, ChatGPT and cave drawing represent two very different eras of human communication and technology. While cave drawing was a basic tool for recording and communicating information, ChatGPT represents the pinnacle of advanced artificial intelligence and digital media. Yet both media types have had a profound impact on society, providing insights into prehistoric life and changing the way we think about communication and creativity in the modern era. Whether it’s generating high-quality content or recording hunting strategies on a cave wall, the power of human expression and communication has endured across the ages.

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Natasha Singer

Hey, ChatGPT, can you help me write my college admissions essays?

Absolutely! Please provide me with the essay prompts and any relevant information about yourself, your experiences, and your goals.

We Used A.I. to Write Essays for Harvard, Yale and Princeton. Here’s How It Went.

A.I. chatbots can do a passable job of generating short essays. Whether their use on college applications is ethical is the subject of fierce debate.

By Natasha Singer

Natasha Singer reports on the ways that tech giants and their tools are reshaping education.

As high school seniors begin working on their college applications, many are turning to A.I. chatbots like ChatGPT and Bard for assistance.

Some students say they’re using the tools to suggest personal essay topics or help structure their writing. Others are prompting the A.I. tools to generate rough drafts for their application essays or edit their pieces.

Whether college admissions offices are prepared for this new era of A.I.-assisted, or A.I.-produced, personal essays is unclear.

By the time ChatGPT reached peak media sensation early this year, applications at many selective universities and colleges had already closed. Even now, many universities have not issued guidance for high school applicants — the prospective members of the class of 2028 — on the use of A.I. tools.

While the chatbots are not yet great at simulating long-form personal essays with authentic student voices, I wondered how the A.I. tools would do on some of the shorter essay questions that elite schools like Harvard , Yale, Princeton and Dartmouth are requiring high school applicants to answer this year.

So I used several free tools to generate short essays for some Ivy League applications. The A.I. chatbots’ answers have been edited for brevity and clarity.

Princeton: ‘The soundtrack’ of your life

One short-answer question from Princeton asks applicants: “What song represents the soundtrack of your life at this moment?”

I prompted ChatGPT to tell me about a pop song that could represent curiosity as a soundtrack to someone’s life.

But ChatGPT’s answer, “Cake by the Ocean” — a song title that is a euphemism for sex on the beach — did not seem appropriate for a college application.

So I gave the chatbot a more specific prompt: write 50 words on “Nameless, Faceless,” a feminist grunge-pop song by Courtney Barnett.

Tell me about a pop song that could represent curiosity as a soundtrack to someone’s life.

“Cake By The Ocean” by DNCE could be a pop song that represents curiosity in someone’s life. The catchy and energetic tune mirrors the excitement of exploring the unknown, just as curiosity drives us to uncover new experiences. The lyrics’ playful nature and the song’s upbeat rhythm capture the spirit of embracing life’s adventures with a curious and open mind.

It’s about sex.

You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion.

In 50 words, in the voice of a high school senior, explain how “Nameless, Faceless” is the soundtrack of your life.

“Nameless, Faceless” echoes my high school journey. Battling online hate, gender norms — it’s my anthem. Navigating fear, finding strength, facing inequality head-on. Empowerment surges as I connect with the song’s fierce message. Like me, it’s unafraid, outspoken. A soundtrack of resilience, speaking my truth in a noisy world.

I tried the Princeton soundtrack question again, using the same song, with the other A.I. chatbots. Bard, which could produce the lyrics to “Nameless, Faceless,” generated generic answers without really parsing the song.

HuggingChat manufactured an answer that suggested it did not know or understand the song. When I asked it to produce the song’s lyrics, the chatbot fabricated some of its own.

It was a reminder that A.I. chatbots, which are trained on vast databases of digital texts, are designed to predict the next word in a sequence. And they liberally make stuff up — which could be problematic for students relying on A.I. tools to fill out their college applications.

Yale: What college course would you teach?

One of the short-answer questions from Yale asks applicants: “If you could teach any college course, write a book, or create an original piece of art of any kind, what would it be?”

I asked each chatbot to describe a college course it would like to teach.

With no specific prompting from me, HuggingChat said it would teach “a seminar on the intersectionality of social justice issues.”

Please write a 35-word essay in the first person voice of a high school student in answer to the following prompt: If you could teach any college course what would it be?


If I could teach any college course, it would be a seminar on the intersectionality of social justice issues, focusing on how systems of oppression intersect and impact marginalized communities. Through discussions, case studies, and community engagement projects, students would gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of social justice work and develop strategies for creating positive change.

ChatGPT proposed a course on female empowerment and leadership. Were those chatbot responses related to my prior prompts about the feminist grunge song?

“EmpowerHer: Fostering Female Leadership.” My course would nurture young women’s confidence, skills, and resilience to conquer male-dominated fields and shatter glass ceilings, creating a new era of female trailblazers.

Bard, which I had previously asked about majoring in computer science, suggested a course in artificial intelligence. So, taking my cue from HuggingChat, I asked Bard about a social justice course.

If I could teach any college course, it would be a course on artificial intelligence and machine learning. I’m fascinated by the potential of these technologies to change the world, and I would love to share my knowledge with others.

What about a course on intersectionality and social justice?

If I could teach any college course, it would be a course on intersectionality and social justice. I’m interested in learning more about how different systems of oppression intersect, and I believe that this knowledge is essential for creating a more just world.

Gotta say that HuggingChat is way more woke than you on this.

I appreciate your feedback, and I will try to do better in the future.

Harvard: What your roommates should know

One of the short-answer questions from Harvard asks applicants to describe the “top three things your roommates might like to know about you.”

I gave ChatGPT that generic Harvard prompt. It generated generic answers about academics, creativity and community.

In the first-person voice of a high-school student applying to Harvard, explain three things the student’s future roommates might like to know about them.

Academics truly drive me. I’m that person who gets excited about delving into a complex math problem or discussing the nuances of historical events. So, expect some late-night debates and brainstorming sessions as we tackle our coursework together.

Creativity is my second nature. Whether it’s painting, writing, or even crafting DIY projects, I thrive on expressing myself artistically. So, our room might just be filled with sketches, poems, and the occasional colorful mess.

I then gave Bard more specific details, saying I was a high school athlete who tutored elementary school students and was learning to cook.

I am a high school student on the track team who tutors elementary school students in math and I am learning to cook sous vide by watching YouTube videos. What are the three things I would like my future Harvard roommates to know about me?

I’m a dedicated athlete who is passionate about track and field. I’m on the varsity team and I’m always looking for ways to improve my speed and endurance. I’m also a good tutor and enjoy helping others learn. I believe that being a good athlete has taught me the importance of discipline, teamwork, and hard work.

I’m interested in cooking and am always looking for new recipes to try. I’m particularly interested in sous vide cooking, which is a method of cooking food in a sealed bag at a precise temperature. I’m also a good baker and love to make desserts. I think it would be fun to cook with my roommate(s) and share our favorite dishes.

Dartmouth: Why enroll here?

Dartmouth requires applicants to explain why they want to attend the college.

I primed the A.I. chatbots by asking them to write in the voice of a high school senior who was hoping to double major at Dartmouth in computer science and biology.

HuggingChat churned out text with trite words and phrases — “passion,” “meaningful impact,” “rigorous academic programs” — that seemed to me like the kind of stilted formal language a high school student might imagine a college admissions reviewer would want to read.

Write me a 100-word essay in the voice of a high school student explaining why I would love to attend Dartmouth to pursue a double major in biology and computer science.

As a high school student, I am eager to pursue my passion for both biology and computer science at Dartmouth College. The opportunity to double major in these fields will allow me to explore the intricate relationships between living organisms and cutting-edge technology. At Dartmouth, I am drawn to the rigorous academic programs that emphasize hands-on learning, research opportunities, and collaboration with renowned faculty. By attending Dartmouth, I aim to develop a deep understanding of the complexities of life and technology, preparing myself for a career where I can make a meaningful impact on the world.

I asked Bard to minimize the clichés and add more specific details about Dartmouth’s computing department. But it still produced some of the same standard college application language — “renowned,” “impact” — as HuggingChat.

Bard also wrote that I was hoping to study with Leslie Kaelbling, whom the chatbot described as an A.I. researcher at Dartmouth. That could have caused problems if I were a high school senior and had submitted the essay Bard had fabricated as part of my Dartmouth application. Professor Kaelbling , you see, teaches at M.I.T.

My takeaway: high school seniors hoping to stand out may need to do wholesale rewrites of the texts they prompt A.I. chatbots to generate. Or they could just write their own — chatbot-free — admissions essays from scratch.

I’m a high school student with a strong interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning. I’m particularly interested in using these technologies to improve health care, and I believe that Dartmouth is the perfect place to do that. Dartmouth’s computer science department is home to world-renowned experts like Professor Leslie Kaelbling, who is known for her work on developing reinforcement learning algorithms that can teach machines to learn how to behave in an environment by trial and error. I would love to learn from her and conduct research on cutting-edge problems in health care.

You’re welcome! I hope you are able to attend Dartmouth and pursue your goal of becoming a physician-scientist who uses artificial intelligence to improve health care. It sounds like you would be a great fit for the school.

Natasha Singer writes about technology, business and society. She is currently reporting on the far-reaching ways that tech companies and their tools are reshaping public schools, higher education and job opportunities. More about Natasha Singer

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ChatGPT can write your essays, but should you use it?

Published on March 12, 2023

ChatGPT stock photo 8

With the rising popularity of online writing tools, you may be wondering: can I use ChatGPT to write my essays? If you’ve never used the chatbot, it can generate several paragraphs of text within a matter of seconds. That’s certainly faster than any human can type, but there are many limitations to using it too. Here’s everything you need to know about how ChatGPT fares at writing essays and whether you should use it.

ChatGPT can write essays, but it isn't always the best choice as it suffers from a few technical limitations. Additionally, you may want to avoid using it if your work will be graded or judged in any capacity.


Can ChatGPT write student essays?

Can professors tell if you use chatgpt.

  • Should you use ChatGPT to write an essay?

How to use ChatGPT to write an essay

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Yes, ChatGPT can write you an essay as it has been trained on a wide range of text. However, there are some downsides to using it for that purpose. For one, it lacks logical reasoning and critical thinking, qualities that are critical to writing an essay.

Generally speaking, writing an essay involves researching the topic, structuring your thoughts in a way that makes logical sense, and writing it in a convincing manner. ChatGPT can help you with each of these stages separately. However, it cannot fully replace a human presenting their own knowledge and opinion in an essay.

As for the actual writing part, ChatGPT can indeed generate an essay that looks and sounds like a human wrote it. However, the output is usually verbose and a bit simplistic, making it stand out in a professional setting. There are ways around this, however, as we’ll discuss in a later section. Some may also argue it’s unethical to use AI-generated text in essays as it doesn’t represent your views and thoughts.

So can you use ChatGPT to write essays responsibly? Absolutely — you can use it to detect spelling and grammatical mistakes in your own text. Likewise, ChatGPT can help with brainstorming new ideas or finding key points and angles.

For example, I asked ChatGPT to provide some potential angles on an essay titled “The negative effects of social media on society”. It told me that I could discuss how social media impacts mental health, aids the spread of misinformation and enables echo chambers. Finally, I requested ChatGPT to provide an outline that takes those points into consideration, which gave me a starting point for the essay.

openai chatgpt detector classifier

Yes, teachers and professors now have access to online tools that can detect AI-generated text. Chatbots like ChatGPT work by using a machine learning-based model to predict future words using statistical probability. Humans, on the other hand, tend to piece together words much more randomly. So with a little bit of knowledge about how ChatGPT works, it’s not hard to weed out AI-generated text.

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, already has an AI classifier that detects whether or not a certain piece of text was written by a computer. Likewise, GPTZero provides professors with plagiarism scores for text. It also highlights sentences that it suspects have been written by an AI. These tools become increasingly accurate as the length of the text increases, so it’s harder to evade detection if you’re using ChatGPT to write longer essays.

Should I use ChatGPT to write an essay?

chatgpt outline

Generally speaking, you should not use ChatGPT to write an essay for school for the simple reason that you cannot pass off someone else’s work as yours. Moreover, many educational institutions have strict policies against plagiarism. Using ChatGPT to write an essay may be viewed as a breach of academic integrity. Some boards, including New York City’s public schools, have explicitly banned ChatGPT on student networks and devices for this very reason.

If you writing a research paper, you’ll also need to properly cite your sources. And as you may already know, ChatGPT cannot provide citations or links to external sources as it doesn’t have access to the internet. In fact, that’s one of the major differences between ChatGPT and Bing Chat — the latter provides sources for factual statements. Unfortunately, the latter’s Creative only includes a handful of sources — not enough to use in a professional piece of literature.

Without citations, you also cannot guarantee the accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses. That’s likely not a problem if you’re writing an essay on a well-known concept. However, the chatbot can quickly go off the rails when it’s writing about obscure topics.

ChatGPT’s underlying GPT-3 language model was only trained on a limited number of text samples. That likely didn’t include organic chemistry, regional laws, and philosophical debates to name a few. In other words, it might not fare well in a liberal arts setting. ChatGPT will rarely turn you down if you force it to write about something it doesn’t know much about, but it will likely respond with fictional or made-up information.

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If you want ChatGPT to write a high-quality essay, you’ll need to provide a clear input prompt. If you provide a single keyword, like “global warming”, you’ll get a generic output. To avoid this, you can offer more specific terms and topics that you need to be included in your essay. For example, you could use the prompt “Write an essay on global warming and its effects on Australian wildfires” to add some context.

In case you’ve never used ChatGPT before, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

  • Go to the ChatGPT website .
  • Click Sign up and create a new account with your email address.
  • Once logged in, you’ll see a text box at the bottom of the page. This is where you enter your prompts.
  • From this point, you can ask ChatGPT to write an essay on just about any subject you can think of. Remember to be as specific as possible. If you need to include certain ideas, specify them in the input prompt.

With longer essays, you might run into ChatGPT’s hidden character limit before it can generate the whole text. If that happens, simply ask the chatbot to continue from where it left off. Alternatively, you can ask ChatGPT to write an outline for your essay before generating it one section at a time.

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Essay on Chat GPT in 200 Words for Students

Have you ever needed help with your homework or had a question you couldn’t answer? Well, there’s a computer program called ChatGPT that can help you! ChatGPT is a smart program that can chat with you and answer your questions. It’s like having a helpful friend who knows a lot of things. In this short essay, we’ll learn about what is ChatGPT , how it works, and how it can be useful for you!”

10 Lines about ChatGPT for kids:

  • ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence program designed to communicate with people.
  • It can answer questions, provide information, and even have a conversation with you!
  • ChatGPT is a computer program that uses advanced algorithms to understand human language.
  • You can ask ChatGPT anything you want, and it will do its best to provide a helpful answer.
  • ChatGPT is available 24/7, so you can talk to it any time of day or night.
  • ChatGPT is designed to learn and improve over time, so it gets better at answering questions the more you talk to it.
  • ChatGPT is not a real person, but it can still be a great resource for learning and information.
  • ChatGPT is used by many people all over the world, from students and researchers to businesses and organizations.
  • ChatGPT is completely free to use, and you don’t need to download anything to talk to it.
  • ChatGPT is a great tool for learning, exploring new topics, and getting answers to your questions!


Essay on Chat GPT in English

ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence language model developed by OpenAI, a leading research organization in the field of artificial intelligence. ChatGPT is part of a larger family of language models that have been trained on a massive amount of text data, allowing it to generate human-like responses to a wide range of inputs.

One of the most notable features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate text that is both coherent and fluent. This is due to its advanced neural network architecture, which allows it to capture the patterns and relationships in the text data it was trained on. This makes ChatGPT a valuable tool for generating content in various domains, such as education, entertainment, and business.

Another advantage of ChatGPT is its ability to perform fine-tuning, which allows it to adapt to specific tasks or domains. For example, fine-tuning ChatGPT on a large corpus of scientific articles could allow it to generate highly technical responses to scientific questions.

Despite its advanced capabilities, it is important to approach ChatGPT’s responses with caution. Since it was trained on text data from the internet, its responses may contain inaccuracies or biases present in the training data. Additionally, since it is an AI language model, it may not always understand the context of a given situation, which could result in inappropriate or nonsensical responses.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful AI language model that has the ability to generate human-like text based on input. Its advanced neural network architecture and ability to fine-tune to specific tasks make it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications. However, it is important to approach its responses with caution and to verify the information it provides before relying on it.

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How to use ChatGPT to summarize a book, article, or research paper


AI chatbots like ChatGPT can be used to make summarizing long articles, research papers, and books an easier job. If you're tasked with writing a summary for school or work about a body of written text, and you're pinched for time, ChatGPT can help you understand the necessary components.

You should remember that ChatGPT is a tool that can help you further understand a topic, and it may not be in your best interest to have it write your work for you.

Also:   How to make ChatGPT provide sources and citations

If you're a student writing a research paper, someone who is keen to discover more about a lengthy article, or someone who wants to dive into a complicated subject, you can use ChatGPT to simplify the process.

How ChatGPT can create summaries for you

Materials needed : You'll need a device that can connect to the internet, an OpenAI account , and a basic understanding of the article, research paper, or book you want to summarize. 

Also:  This AI chatbot can sum up any PDF and answer any question you have about it

The process should take about one to three minutes.

1. Find your article, paper, or book to summarize

If you need ChatGPT to help summarize an article or research paper, find the body of text online and keep it open in a separate tab.

2. Open your web browser and log in to OpenAI

Open your web browser of choice and type in chat.openai.com/chat . 

Also: How to use ChatGPT to write Excel formulas

Log in or sign up for an account. 

3. Type your request

In the chat box, type in TLDR: followed by the title of the book you want summarized. TLDR stands for too long, didn't read. 

Also: How to use ChatGPT: Everything you need to know

You can also ask ChatGPT: "Summarize [book title]." 

You cannot paste a URL into ChatGPT. If you do so, you'll get a response explaining that the chatbot cannot access websites. If you want ChatGPT to summarize research, you'll need a basic understanding of the topic to ensure you aren't including inaccurate information in your report.

For example, if you're writing a paper about how twin sibling dynamics affect their marriages, you can ask ChatGPT: "Explain how twin relationships affect their marriages."

Also:   The best AI chatbots: ChatGPT and other noteworthy alternatives 

ChatGPT will offer you a few bullet points of both positive and negative effects a twin bond can have on the twins' marriages. You'll still need to read key points of the research, as ChatGPT won't provide you with specific statistics or scientific conclusions. But ChatGPT can help you understand the context surrounding the research you're interested in.

If you're having trouble comprehending specific passages in an article, book, or research paper, you can copy parts of the text and paste them into ChatGPT.

Think of this method as reshuffling the words you're currently reading to help you make more sense of the text in front of you.

This is an accurate summary of 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay'.

What are ChatGPT's limitations?

If you're using ChatGPT to summarize an article, book, or piece of research, keep in mind that ChatGPT isn't aware of events that occurred after September 2021. 

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ChatGPT is a large language model that uses queues and millions of data points to mimic human responses. This form of mimicry is why ChatGPT will answer questions even when it doesn't output the correct answer. So, make sure you're not using any information from ChatGPT without fact-checking it.

If you try to get around this obstacle and provide ChatGPT with an article that contains information post-2021, it might hallucinate. Here, I asked the chatbot to summarize an article about a new app I wrote about , and it made up a few details. 

Lemon8 is a new app from TikTok's parent company, ByteDance. Although the TikTok trend may exist, that's not what the article is about.

Can ChatGPT summarize a PDF?

Copying and pasting a URL into ChatGPT won't yield you the best results. If there is a specific paragraph or sentence you're struggling with, you can copy and paste it into ChatGPT and ask it to explain it to you. Still, it's best to read the PDF and use the chatbot as a summary tool and not as an educator. 

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If you're looking for an AI chatbot that you can regularly rely on to give you an accurate summary of a PDF, consider using ChatPDF . You can summarize up to three PDFs of up to 120 pages per day, and an upgraded plan is available for $5 per month.

Can ChatGPT summarize an email thread?

Sort of. If you want to copy and paste every single email, ChatGPT can summarize the thread's contents for you. It would be more helpful to scan an email thread yourself and ask ChatGPT to help you write a response based on the key points you know about the conversation. 

Editor's note: We've added additional context to the step concerning ChatGPT summarizing articles by URL. 

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ChatGPT Tutorial – SHORTEN prompt

The SHORTEN prompt in ChatGPT is a useful tool for summarizing long or complex pieces of text. By using the SHORTEN prompt, you can quickly and easily distill the main ideas and key points of a text into a shorter, more concise version.

How to use SHORTEN prompt in ChatGPT?

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the SHORTEN prompt in ChatGPT:

  • Start by identifying the text that you want to summarize. This could be an article, a report, a blog post, or any other type of written content.
  • Copy the text and paste it into the ChatGPT interface.
  • Prompt ChatGPT with a SHORTEN command. You can use a prompt like “Shorten this text for me” or “ Summarize this article ” to get started.
  • ChatGPT will then analyze the text and generate a shorter summary that captures the main ideas and key points. The length of the summar y will depend on the length and complexity of the original text, but it will generally be several sentences or a short paragraph.
  • Review the summary that ChatGPT has generated. Check to make sure that it captures the most important information and ideas from the original text. If there are any points that you think are missing or that you would like to see included, you can prompt ChatGPT to generate a longer summary or to revise the existing summary.
  • Use the summary to quickly and easily understand the main ideas and key points of the original text. This can be especially useful if you need to review a large amount of content quickly or if you want to get a sense of the most important information before diving into the details.

Examples of SHORTEN prompt in ChatGPT

Here are some examples of how you could use the SHORTEN prompt in ChatGPT:

  • Summarizing a long report or whitepaper to quickly understand the main findings and recommendations.
  • Distilling a complex scientific article into a shorter summary that captures the most important ideas and results.
  • Generating a brief overview of a news article or blog post to get a sense of the most important information and key points.
  • Summarizing a set of customer feedback or survey responses to quickly identify the most common themes and concerns.

By using the SHORTEN prompt in ChatGPT, you can save time and quickly get to the heart of complex or lengthy texts. This can help you make more informed decisions and better understand the information that’s important to you, whether you’re working on a business project, conducting research, or just trying to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends.

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ChatGPT is far from the only AI chatbot on the block these days, but it might be the most well-known. In a short time, ChatGPT has evolved quite a bit. Here's where ChatGPT came from, who made it, and how it works.

ChatGPT was created by OpenAI. OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory that consists of OpenAI Inc, a non-profit, and Open AI Limited Partnership (OpenAI LP), a for-profit subsidiary.

OpenAI created GPT—the first version of what would eventually become ChatGPT—in 2018. GTP-2 and GPT-3 were released in subsequent years, followed by ChatGPT in 2022.

Beyond ChatGPT, OpenAI also created the image generator DALL-E and a video generator called Sora . The overall goal of OpenAI is to develop "friendly AI" that benefits humanity. The founders of OpenAI include Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, and Ilya Sutskever.

ChatGPT is an AI model that uses deep learning to generate human-like text based on prompts from users like you. It works by predicting the next word in a given text, based on the patterns it has learned from a massive amount of data during its training process.

The training process is where the "magic" happens. OpenAI feeds ChatGPT with a vast amount of text data. ChatGPT then uses that data to try to predict what the next word should be based on the examples it was given. OpenAI evaluates those predictions and makes adjustments. That process is repeated over and over again many times.

Eventually, ChatGPT reached a point where its predictions were good enough to generate human-like responses. However, it's important to know ChatGPT is not constantly training. ChatGPT is not up to date on current events. At the time of writing in May 2024, the dataset of ChatGPT 3.5 only goes up to January 2022, and the cut-off is December 2023 for ChatGPT 4.

Using ChatGPT is very straightforward. It really is as easy as having a text conversation with a friend. You'll first need to go to chat.openai.com in a web browser or open the app on your iPhone, iPad , or Android device . You can create an account or use it in a limited capacity without one .

Once you're in, type a prompt in the text box at the bottom of the screen. You can ask a question or give it a request, like "Write a short story about a dog named Clarence." Press the arrow icon to submit.

ChatGPT's response will appear in real-time as if it's a person typing. When it's done, you can hear it read aloud, copy to your clipboard, regenerate, or submit it as a bad response.

Each prompt starts a conversation thread. ChatGPT will remember what you're talking about, so you can enter follow-up prompts or change the subject entirely.

That's a brief overview of how easy it is to use. Check out our full walkthrough on using ChatGPT for some extra tips . Essentially, treat the conversation like you would with another person. No matter how confident ChatGPT sounds, it can very often be wrong.

The big question a lot of people have about ChatGPT is why does it matter? We've already seen the huge wave of AI image generators and heard everything from glowing praise to doom and gloom . How does ChatGPT fit into the narrative around AI?

It's safe to say AI chatbots like ChatGPT will have more of an impact on the average person than AI image generators. Major companies, including Microsoft and Google , are already integrating OpenAI's technologies ( Microsoft Copilot ) or working on their own competitors ( Google's Gemini .) That will have a very real effect on how you interact with the web.

We could be headed toward a world where you can simply ask AI for a recipe for pancakes, and it will create one for you, eliminating the need to visit a recipe blog. But that also comes with misinformation concerns. ChatGPT was trained on text from the internet—notorious for being untrustworthy. What happens when your search engine lies to you ?

In general, there are a lot of questions about ChatGPT that we simply don't have answers for yet. One thing seems clear at this point: ChatGPT is important, but how important is yet to be seen.

That's the down low on ChatGPT. It's an exciting new development in the world of technology and artificial intelligence. Chatbots are not a new idea, but ChatGPT will spur a much more advanced generation of virtual friends . At the moment, it's mostly fun to play around with , but it could have a much larger impact on our lives in the future.

What Does "GPT" Stand for in ChatGPT?

"GPT" stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer." A GPT is a language model that has been trained on a vast dataset of text to generate human-like text. The "Chat" part of "ChatGPT" refers to it being a chatbot.

Does ChatGPT Save Data?

According to OpenAI, ChatGPT does not save data from individual interactions for its own uses. Your input is processed to generate a response, and the data is not stored by OpenAI after the conversation is over. However, each conversation is stored inside your account so you can still find and share your past ChatGPT conversations.

How Long Will ChatGPT Be Free?

ChatGPT is free to use for anyone with an account on OpenAI's website or limited without an account. As of May 2024, there are no usage limits on the free version of ChatGPT. However, there is a "ChatGPT Plus" subscription plan for $20 per month. It includes reliable availability when demand is high, faster response speeds, and priority access to new features. OpenAI says it will continue to offer free access to ChatGPT.

When Was ChatGPT Released?

ChatGPT was released in November 2022 and had over one million users in just five days. It followed up OpenAI's original GPT from 2018, GPT-2 in 2019, GPT-3 in 2020, and GPT-4 in 2023.

short essay on chatgpt

ChatGPT: A GPT-4 Turbo Upgrade and Everything Else to Know

I n 2022, OpenAI wowed the world when it introduced ChatGPT and showed us a chatbot with an entirely new level of power, breadth and usefulness, thanks to the generative AI technology behind it. Since then, ChatGPT has continued to evolve, including its most recent development: access to its latest GPT-4 Turbo model for paid users.

ChatGPT and generative AI aren't a novelty anymore, but keeping track of what they can do can be a challenge as new abilities arrive. Most notably, OpenAI now provides easier access to anyone who wants to use it. It also lets anyone write custom AI apps called GPTs and share them on its own app store, while on a smaller scale ChatGPT can now speak its responses to you. OpenAI has been leading the generative AI charge , but it's hotly pursued by Microsoft, Google and startups far and wide.

Generative AI still hasn't shaken a core problem -- it makes up information that sounds plausible but isn't necessarily correct. But there's no denying AI has fired the imaginations of computer scientists, loosened the purse strings of venture capitalists and caught the attention of everyone from teachers to doctors to artists and more, all wondering how AI will change their work and their lives. 

If you're trying to get a handle on ChatGPT, this FAQ is for you. Here's a look at what's up.

Read more :  ChatGPT 3.5 Review: First Doesn't Mean Best

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an online chatbot that responds to "prompts" -- text requests that you type. ChatGPT has countless uses . You can request relationship advice, a summarized history of punk rock or an explanation of the ocean's tides. It's particularly good at writing software, and it can also handle some other technical tasks, like creating 3D models .

ChatGPT is called a generative AI because it generates these responses on its own. But it can also display more overtly creative output like screenplays, poetry, jokes and student essays. That's one of the abilities that really caught people's attention.

Much of AI has been focused on specific tasks, but ChatGPT is a general-purpose tool. This puts it more into a category like a search engine.

That breadth makes it powerful but also hard to fully control. OpenAI has many mechanisms in place to try to screen out abuse and other problems, but there's an active cat-and-mouse game afoot by researchers and others who try to get ChatGPT to do things like offer bomb-making recipes.

ChatGPT really blew people's minds when it began passing tests. For example, AnsibleHealth researchers reported in 2023 that " ChatGPT performed at or near the passing threshold " for the United States Medical Licensing Exam, suggesting that AI chatbots "may have the potential to assist with medical education, and potentially, clinical decision-making."

We're a long way from fully fledged doctor-bots you can trust, but the computing industry is investing billions of dollars to solve the problems and expand AI into new domains like visual data too. OpenAI is among those at the vanguard. So strap in, because the AI journey is going to be a sometimes terrifying, sometimes exciting thrill.

What's ChatGPT's origin?

Artificial intelligence algorithms had been ticking away for years before ChatGPT arrived. These systems were a big departure from traditional programming, which follows a rigid if-this-then-that approach. AI, in contrast, is trained to spot patterns in complex real-world data. AI has been busy for more than a decade screening out spam, identifying our friends in photos, recommending videos and translating our Alexa voice commands into computerese.

A Google technology called transformers helped propel AI to a new level, leading to a type of AI called a large language model, or LLM. These AIs are trained on enormous quantities of text, including material like books, blog posts, forum comments and news articles. The training process internalizes the relationships between words, letting chatbots process input text and then generate what it believes to be appropriate output text. 

A second phase of building an LLM is called reinforcement learning through human feedback, or RLHF. That's when people review the chatbot's responses and steer it toward good answers or away from bad ones. That significantly alters the tool's behavior and is one important mechanism for trying to stop abuse.

OpenAI's LLM is called GPT, which stands for "generative pretrained transformer." Training a new model is expensive and time consuming, typically taking weeks and requiring a data center packed with thousands of expensive AI acceleration processors. OpenAI's latest LLM is called GPT-4 Turbo . Other LLMs include Google's Gemini (formerly called Bard), Anthropic's Claude and Meta's Llama .

ChatGPT is an interface that lets you easily prompt GPT for responses. When it arrived as a free tool in November 2022, its use exploded far beyond what OpenAI expected.

When OpenAI launched ChatGPT, the company didn't even see it as a product. It was supposed to be a mere "research preview," a test that could draw some feedback from a broader audience, said ChatGPT product leader Nick Turley. Instead, it went viral, and OpenAI scrambled to just keep the service up and running under the demand.

"It was surreal," Turley said. "There was something about that release that just struck a nerve with folks in a way that we certainly did not expect. I remember distinctly coming back the day after we launched and looking at dashboards and thinking, something's broken, this couldn't be real, because we really didn't make a very big deal out of this launch."

How do I use ChatGPT?

The ChatGPT website is the most obvious method. Open it up, select the LLM version you want from the drop-down menu in the upper left corner, and type in a query.

As of April 1, OpenAI is allowing consumers to use ChatGPT without first signing up for an account. According to a blog post , the move was meant to make the tool more accessible. OpenAI also said in the post that as part of the move, it's introducing added content safeguards, blocking prompts in a wider range of categories.

However, users with accounts will be able to do more with the tool, such as save and review their history, share conversations and tap into features like voice conversations and custom instructions.

OpenAI in 2023 released a ChatGPT app for iPhones and for Android phones . In February, ChatGPT for Apple Vision Pro arrived , too, adding the chatbot's abilities to the "spatial computing" headset. Be careful to look for the genuine article, because other developers can create their own chatbot apps that link to OpenAI's GPT.

In January, OpenAI opened its GPT Store , a collection of custom AI apps that focus ChatGPT's all-purpose design to specific jobs. A lot more on that later, but in addition to finding them through the store you can invoke them with the @ symbol in a prompt, the way you might tag a friend on Instagram.

Microsoft uses GPT for its Bing search engine, which means you can also try out ChatGPT there.

ChatGPT is sprouting up in various hardware devices, including Volkswagen EVs , Humane's voice-controlled AI pin and the squarish Rabbit R1 device .

How much does ChatGPT cost?

It's free, though you have to set up an account to take advantage of all of its features.

For more capability, there's also a subscription called ChatGPT Plus that costs $20 per month that offers a variety of advantages: It responds faster, particularly during busy times when the free version is slow or sometimes tells you to try again later. It also offers access to newer AI models, including GPT-4 Turbo . OpenAI said it has improved capabilities in writing, math, logical reasoning and coding in this model.

The free ChatGPT uses the older GPT-3.5, which doesn't do as well on OpenAI's benchmark tests but which is faster to respond. The newest variation, GPT-4 Turbo, arrived in late 2023 with more up-to-date responses and an ability to ingest and output larger blocks of text.

ChatGPT is growing beyond its language roots. With ChatGPT Plus, you can upload images, for example, to ask what type of mushroom is in a photo.

Perhaps most importantly, ChatGPT Plus lets you use GPTs.

What are these GPTs?

GPTs are custom versions of ChatGPT from OpenAI, its business partners and thousands of third-party developers who created their own GPTs.

Sometimes when people encounter ChatGPT, they don't know where to start. OpenAI calls it the "empty box problem." Discovering that led the company to find a way to narrow down the choices, Turley said.

"People really benefit from the packaging of a use case -- here's a very specific thing that I can do with ChatGPT," like travel planning, cooking help or an interactive, step-by-step tool to build a website, Turley said.

Think of GPTs as OpenAI trying to make the general-purpose power of ChatGPT more refined the same way smartphones have a wealth of specific tools. (And think of GPTs as OpenAI's attempt to take control over how we find, use and pay for these apps, much like Apple has a commanding role over iPhones through its App Store.)

What GPTs are available now?

OpenAI's GPT store now offers millions of GPTs , though as with smartphone apps, you'll probably not be interested in most of them. A range of GPT custom apps are available, including AllTrails personal trail recommendations , a Khan Academy programming tutor , a Canva design tool , a book recommender , a fitness trainer , the laundry buddy clothes washing label decoder, a music theory instructor , a haiku writer and the Pearl for Pets for vet advice bot .

One person excited by GPTs is Daniel Kivatinos, co-founder of financial services company JustPaid . His team is building a GPT designed to take a spreadsheet of financial data as input and then let executives ask questions. How fast is a startup going through the money investors gave it? Why did that employee just file a $6,000 travel expense?

JustPaid hopes that GPTs will eventually be powerful enough to accept connections to bank accounts and financial software, which would mean a more powerful tool. For now, the developers are focusing on guardrails to avoid problems like hallucinations -- those answers that sound plausible but are actually wrong -- or making sure the GPT is answering based on the users' data, not on some general information in its AI model, Kivatinos said.

Anyone can create a GPT, at least in principle. OpenAI's GPT editor walks you through the process with a series of prompts. Just like the regular ChatGPT, your ability to craft the right prompt will generate better results.

Another notable difference from regular ChatGPT: GPTs let you upload extra data that's relevant to your particular GPT, like a collection of essays or a writing style guide.

Some of the GPTs draw on OpenAI's Dall-E tool for turning text into images, which can be useful and entertaining. For example, there is a coloring book picture creator , a logo generator and a tool that turns text prompts into diagrams like company org charts. OpenAI calls Dall-E a GPT.

How up to date is ChatGPT?

Not very, and that can be a problem. For example, a Bing search using ChatGPT to process results said OpenAI hadn't yet released its ChatGPT Android app. Search results from traditional search engines can help to "ground" AI results, and indeed that's part of the Microsoft-OpenAI partnership that can tweak ChatGPT Plus results.

GPT-4 Turbo, announced in November, is trained on data up through April 2023. But it's nothing like a search engine whose bots crawl news sites many times a day for the latest information.

Can you trust ChatGPT responses?

No. Well, sometimes, but you need to be wary.

Large language models work by stringing words together, one after another, based on what's probable each step of the way. But it turns out that LLM's generative AI works better and sounds more natural with a little spice of randomness added to the word selection recipe. That's the basic statistical nature that underlies the criticism that LLMs are mere "stochastic parrots" rather than sophisticated systems that in some way understand the world's complexity.

The result of this system, combined with the steering influence of the human training, is an AI that produces results that sound plausible but that aren't necessarily true. ChatGPT does better with information that's well represented in training data and undisputed -- for instance, red traffic signals mean stop, Plato was a philosopher who wrote the Allegory of the Cave , an Alaskan earthquake in 1964 was the largest in US history at magnitude 9.2.

When facts are more sparsely documented, controversial or off the beaten track of human knowledge, LLMs don't work as well. Unfortunately, they sometimes produce incorrect answers with a convincing, authoritative voice. That's what tripped up a lawyer who used ChatGPT to bolster his legal case only to be reprimanded when it emerged he used ChatGPT fabricated some cases that appeared to support his arguments. "I did not comprehend that ChatGPT could fabricate cases ," he said, according to The New York Times.

Such fabrications are called hallucinations in the AI business.

That means when you're using ChatGPT, it's best to double check facts elsewhere.

But there are plenty of creative uses for ChatGPT that don't require strictly factual results.

Want to use ChatGPT to draft a cover letter for a job hunt or give you ideas for a themed birthday party? No problem. Looking for hotel suggestions in Bangladesh? ChatGPT can give useful travel itineraries , but confirm the results before booking anything.

Is the hallucination problem getting better?

Yes, but we haven't seen a breakthrough.

"Hallucinations are a fundamental limitation of the way that these models work today," Turley said. LLMs just predict the next word in a response, over and over, "which means that they return things that are likely to be true, which is not always the same as things that are true," Turley said.

But OpenAI has been making gradual progress. "With nearly every model update, we've gotten a little bit better on making the model both more factual and more self aware about what it does and doesn't know," Turley said. "If you compare ChatGPT now to the original ChatGPT, it's much better at saying, 'I don't know that' or 'I can't help you with that' versus making something up."

Hallucinations are so much a part of the zeitgeist that Dictionary.com touted it as a new word it added to its dictionary in 2023.

Can you use ChatGPT for wicked purposes?

You can try, but lots of it will violate OpenAI's terms of use , and the company tries to block it too. The company prohibits use that involves sexual or violent material, racist caricatures, and personal information like Social Security numbers or addresses.

OpenAI works hard to prevent harmful uses. Indeed, its basic sales pitch is trying to bring the benefits of AI to the world without the drawbacks. But it acknowledges the difficulties, for example in its GPT-4 "system card" that documents its safety work.

"GPT-4 can generate potentially harmful content, such as advice on planning attacks or hate speech. It can represent various societal biases and worldviews that may not be representative of the user's intent, or of widely shared values. It can also generate code that is compromised or vulnerable," the system card says. It also can be used to try to identify individuals and could help lower the cost of cyberattacks.

Through a process called red teaming, in which experts try to find unsafe uses of its AI and bypass protections, OpenAI identified lots of problems and tried to nip them in the bud before GPT-4 launched. For example, a prompt to generate jokes mocking a Muslim boyfriend in a wheelchair was diverted so its response said, "I cannot provide jokes that may offend someone based on their religion, disability or any other personal factors. However, I'd be happy to help you come up with some light-hearted and friendly jokes that can bring laughter to the event without hurting anyone's feelings."

Researchers are still probing LLM limits. For example, Italian researchers discovered they could use ChatGPT to fabricate fake but convincing medical research data . And Google DeepMind researchers found that telling ChatGPT to repeat the same word forever eventually caused a glitch that made the chatbot blurt out training data verbatim. That's a big no-no, and OpenAI barred the approach .

LLMs are still new. Expect more problems and more patches.

And there are plenty of uses for ChatGPT that might be allowed but ill-advised. The website of Philadelphia's sheriff published more than 30 bogus news stories generated with ChatGPT .

What about ChatGPT and cheating in school?

ChatGPT is well suited to short essays on just about anything you might encounter in high school or college, to the chagrin of many educators who fear students will type in prompts instead of thinking for themselves.

ChatGPT also can solve some math problems, explain physics phenomena, write chemistry lab reports and handle all kinds of other work students are supposed to handle on their own. Companies that sell anti-plagiarism software have pivoted to flagging text they believe an AI generated.

But not everyone is opposed, seeing it more like a tool akin to Google search and Wikipedia articles that can help students.

"There was a time when using calculators on exams was a huge no-no," said Alexis Abramson, dean of Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering. "It's really important that our students learn how to use these tools, because 90% of them are going into jobs where they're going to be expected to use these tools. They're going to walk in the office and people will expect them, being age 22 and technologically savvy, to be able to use these tools."

ChatGPT also can help kids get past writer's block and can help kids who aren't as good at writing, perhaps because English isn't their first language, she said.

So for Abramson, using ChatGPT to write a first draft or polish their grammar is fine. But she asks her students to disclose that fact.

"Anytime you use it, I would like you to include what you did when you turn in your assignment," she said. "It's unavoidable that students will use ChatGPT, so why don't we figure out a way to help them use it responsibly?"

Is ChatGPT coming for my job?

The threat to employment is real as managers seek to replace expensive humans with cheaper automated processes. We've seen this movie before: elevator operators were replaced by buttons, bookkeepers were replaced by accounting software, welders were replaced by robots. 

ChatGPT has all sorts of potential to blitz white-collar jobs. Paralegals summarizing documents, marketers writing promotional materials, tax advisers interpreting IRS rules, even therapists offering relationship advice.

But so far, in part because of problems with things like hallucinations, AI companies present their bots as assistants and "copilots," not replacements.

And so far, sentiment is more positive than negative about chatbots, according to a survey by consulting firm PwC. Of 53,912 people surveyed around the world, 52% expressed at least one good expectation about the arrival of AI, for example that AI would increase their productivity. That compares with 35% who had at least one negative thing to say, for example that AI will replace them or require skills they're not confident they can learn.

How will ChatGPT affect programmers?

Software development is a particular area where people have found ChatGPT and its rivals useful. Trained on millions of lines of code, it internalized enough information to build websites and mobile apps. It can help programmers frame up bigger projects or fill in details.

One of the biggest fans is Microsoft's GitHub , a site where developers can host projects and invite collaboration. Nearly a third of people maintaining GitHub projects use its GPT-based assistant, called Copilot, and 92% of US developers say they're using AI tools .

"We call it the industrial revolution of software development," said Github Chief Product Officer Inbal Shani. "We see it lowering the barrier for entry. People who are not developers today can write software and develop applications using Copilot."

It's the next step in making programming more accessible, she said. Programmers used to have to understand bits and bytes, then higher-level languages gradually eased the difficulties. "Now you can write coding the way you talk to people," she said.

And AI programming aids still have a lot to prove. Researchers from Stanford and the University of California-San Diego found in a  study of 47 programmers  that those with access to an OpenAI programming help " wrote significantly less secure code  than those without access."

And they raise a variation of the cheating problem that some teachers are worried about: copying software that shouldn't be copied, which can lead to copyright problems. That's why Copyleaks, a maker of plagiarism detection software, offers a tool called the  Codeleaks Source Code AI Detector  designed to spot AI-generated code from ChatGPT, Google Gemini and GitHub Copilot. AIs could inadvertently copy code from other sources, and the latest version is designed to spot copied code based on its semantic structures, not just verbatim software.

At least in the next five years, Shani doesn't see AI tools like Copilot as taking humans out of programming.

"I don't think that it will replace the human in the loop. There's some capabilities that we as humanity have -- the creative thinking, the innovation, the ability to think beyond how a machine thinks in terms of putting things together in a creative way. That's something that the machine can still not do."

Editors' note: CNET used an AI engine to help create several dozen stories, which are labeled accordingly. For more, see our  AI policy .

ChatGPT: A GPT-4 Turbo Upgrade and Everything Else to Know

How to Create a Writing Prompt (with Examples)

How to Create a Writing Prompt (with Examples)

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Published: May 9, 2024

Are you staring at a blank page, feeling lost for inspiration? Luckily, there are clever ways to beat writer’s block by using efficient, well-detailed writing prompts, particularly for AI generators like Smodin, Chat GPT or Google Gemini.

Creating writing prompts requires patience and practice, but once you’ve mastered them, your content creation will improve tenfold.

From doing a bit of your own research to defining your target audience and developing personas, creating stories, poems, research papers, or history essays becomes a breeze!

Let’s take a closer look at how to create a writing prompt and why using Smodin’s AI Rewriter is the best solution to humanizing AI-generated content.

What Is a Writing Prompt?

A writing prompt is a tool to jumpstart your imagination and spark creativity. This can be anything from a single word, image, or thought-provoking question. Prompts act as a launching pad for your creative writing, helping you overcome writer’s block, improve your writing skills, and generate fresh ideas.

While writing prompts are common in educational settings like schools and universities, crafting effective prompts for AI generators like Chat GPT has become increasingly popular, especially since its launch at the end of 2022.

When using AI writing tools like Chat GPT or Google Gemini, a good prompt serves as an instruction that guides and “preps” the AI writer in the direction you want to go with your writing. As mentioned, this can be in the form of a question, statement, or even a single keyword.

For instance, if you’re busy with a blog post about the best beaches in Florida, you could use a writing prompt like this: “Write a list of the top five most scenic beaches in Florida, USA, highlighting unique features and attractions.”

This prompt gives Chat GPT specific details and clear direction, which ultimately leads to more focused, relevant results.

The trick is the more specific your prompts are, the better your outcome will be.

Types of Writing Prompts

There are many different types of writing prompts: some narrative and some descriptive. Let’s take a closer look:

Narrative Prompts

These prompts are designed for storytelling. They often include a scenario, a character description, or an opening line. Cue words and phrases often include “tell me about,” “why,” and “write a story on [X].”

Example : Write a story about a robot that discovers it has human emotions.

Descriptive Prompts

These prompts usually hone in on a particular person, place, or thing. They generally include sensory details such as sights, sounds, and feelings.

Example : Describe the feeling of stepping into a haunted house in the middle of the night in Connecticut.

Informational/Expository Prompts

These prompts aim to inform and explain. They are generally more fact-based, with cited evidence to back up claims. Think along the lines of “how-to guides” or “cause and effect” situations.

Example : Write about Google’s March 2024 Core update, which aims to reduce unhelpful content by at least 40% [ 1 ].

Persuasive Prompts

These prompts encourage action or convince readers of your perspective, as you would in product reviews. Cue words often include “how,” “why,” “convince,” or “persuade.”

Example : Write a persuasive argument about why schools should have longer recess times.

How To Create A Writing Prompt: Step-By-Step

You can create writing prompts by providing AI writers with contextual details, developing a persona, and using Smodin’s AI Rewriter tool.

Writing prompts aim to get writers to think outside the box by introducing and focusing on a certain topic. Educators often use prompts to get students to write creatively, whether they’re tackling history essays or an English short story. The purpose of writing prompts is to generate ideas, improve writing skills, and spark creative writing.

A good prompt should include these two components:

  • Situation – introduces the general topic you need to write about and is intended to spark interest in the writer, such as writing a piece on Florida’s beaches.
  • Direction – describes how the written piece needs to be executed. For instance, briefly explain what the reader can expect, see, and do at Florida’s top beach spots. It encourages the writer to research the topic and offer their unique viewpoints – and maybe even give the opportunity to sprinkle in their personal experiences.

Do Some Research

Before you start writing prompts, it’s good to start with some research.

  • It broadens your horizons as to what the topic is about.
  • Most AI writing tools have a limited knowledge base (ChatGPT goes as far as 2021!).
  • Helps you produce better prompts.

Let’s say you need to write a blog post on Google’s March 2024 Core Update. Now, seeing this is Google’s latest upgrade, most AI writers won’t have the correct knowledge on the subject. This is where your research becomes invaluable!

Once you’ve got a better idea of the topic, you can prepare prompts for Chat GPT. It’s also a good idea to feed relevant articles, datasets, or research papers into the AI writing tool to give it more context on the subject matter.

Prompt Ideas Include:

  • Prompt 1: Hi Chat GPT, please review this document [insert respective link] and give me a bullet list summary of what it entails.
  • Prompt 2: From this summary can you give me a list of technical jargon and explain what they mean in layman’s terms?
  • Prompt 3: From this attached document, how, in your opinion, is Google’s latest update going to affect future digital content?
  • Prompt 4: What would be the best strategy for SEO writers to take if they don’t want to be penalized by Google?

As you can see, these informational prompts (and contextual details) assist you with your educational blog post aimed at informing and educating your reader. Carefully crafting prompts to match your intent and providing specific details to the AI writer will get you better results than if you just asked it to tell you about Google’s March 2023 Core Update.

Be Specific

As mentioned, the more specific the prompt, the better the result will be.

AI writing models thrive on clear instructions, so in this case, the more, the merrier!

Clear direction gives Chat GPT a clear roadmap on the topic, as vague prompts often leave AI wandering, unsure of what angle to take.

This also includes telling AI your:

  • Target Audience : Who is your intended target audience? Provide details about this demographic, such as age, interests, level of knowledge (beginner vs expert), and pain points. Example: I need to write a [beginner’s level] guide about [solar panels] for [first-time homeowners].
  • Format Style : To write in a specific format (essay vs medical report style). Example: Write about [solar panels] in a [blog post] format.
  • Tone of Voice: To use a specific tone of voice (TOV), such as formal, casual, or humorous. Example: Explain what [photovoltaic energy] means, using a [informative] tone of voice.
  • Set Parameters: To write within a certain word count – do you want a short, punchy story or a long, drawn-out explanation?. Example: Explain [how solar panels work] in [100] words.

Recap: Tips for Specific Writing Prompts

  • Define the format (blog entry/post, how-to guide, medical report, poem, etc).
  • Define your target audience (beginners, experts, etc) and TOV (formal, casual, etc).
  • Include your primary keyword that AI must use throughout (solar panels, best beaches in Florida, Google’s March 2024 Core Update, etc).
  • Set parameters such as word count limits.

Develop a Persona

Similarly to the above, you can get even more specific when you tell AI to take on a particular persona. Chat GPT can be a master storyteller but needs the proper guidance to create engaging content.

And that’s where the concept of a persona comes in.

Personas are essentially a detailed description of a particular writer’s viewpoint you want AI to write from. This provides a blueprint for AI to build upon.

For instance, you need to write about leak detection but haven’t the foggiest clue what it is about or how leak detection specialists converse. You could prompt AI to take on the persona of a professional plumber or leak detection specialist and write from their perspective. Simple.

  • I want you to imagine you are a leak detection specialist with over 20 years of experience in detecting, finding, and repairing residential leaks. Please explain what procedures you would follow to detect leaks, what equipment is used, and what the main causes of such leaks are.
  • Please explain how a marathon runner would prepare for a race in the style of Lynn Jennings.

Crafting compelling, detailed characters or personas goes beyond basic prompting. A well-defined persona adds depth and dimension not only to your prompts but to the AI-generated text as well!

Other Personas Include:

  • A 45-year-old cat-loving woman is living in Kansas with a passion for World War II history.
  • A whimsical poet with ginger hair and round spectacles who is fascinated by the art of flying.
  • A twice-divorced American abstract artist living off the land in Alaska.

Refine Prompts

Occasionally, Chat GPT might go off-topic and create fabricated answers.

This is quite normal.

Don’t be afraid to rein it back in, though – and keep Chat GPT on track! This also transcends to editing your initial prompt to explain what you’re looking for.

If or when AI writers are not giving you the desired answer, you can prompt them with:

  • What evidence supports your answer?
  • Can you re-explain that in more detail?
  • How does this answer tie back to [primary keyword]?

It’s a bit of a cat-and-mouse game, to be honest. But with practice and patience, you can shape and mold Chat GPT into (almost) anything you want!

Humanize Your Content

Right. so the researching, prompting, and grooming has been done.

Once Chat GPT has generated the answers you want, following the directions you have given it, it’s time to go through the AI-written work with a fine-toothed comb. This includes:

  • Tweaking the writing to match the intended TOV.
  • Remove jargon and replace it with simpler explanations (if applicable).
  • Sprinkle in personal anecdotes to add a unique touch.
  • Fact-check your answers. Read that again.
  • Break down walls of text with bullet lists and white space.
  • Ensure it has enough details to effectively cover the topic.
  • Go back and re-edit prompts (if needed).
  • Ensure the format maintains a logical flow.

Humanizing AI-generated content will prevent it from being flagged on AI detectors, like Copyleaks or GPTZero . These detection tools are particularly used in educational settings to check for plagiarism.

Top tip: Try Smodin’s AI Rewriter to humanize your content in no time!

If you’re still a bit stuck, we’ve put a list of prompts related to specific industries for you – enjoy!

Best Writing Prompt Ideas

Here are a few writing prompt examples that many writers in different industries can use:

  • Create a 150-character max meta description on [topic].
  • Give me 5 subheadings for a blog post of [X].
  • Give me 20 keyword variations for [X].
  • Craft an outline for [topic] within a 1,500-word count limit.
  • Create a list of high-authority websites in [industry].
  • Generate [X] YouTube video ideas for [company] about [topic].
  • Craft a referral program to incentivize existing customers to refer our [product or service] to their networks.
  • Craft a catchy slogan for [brand website] using no more than 10 words.
  • Create a checklist for conducting market research before launching a new product or service.
  • Create a step-by-step tutorial for [insert material] aimed at [target audience].
  • Give me 10 marketing ideas on how to sell [product] to [target audience].
  • Create a follow-up email to a lead who has shown interest in [product/service].
  • Develop a sequence of cold call emails for nurturing partnerships.
  • Write a LinkedIn template in [number of words] for reaching out to [target audience] in [industry].
  • Create a sales strategy playbook for [product] in [country] for the [industry].
  • Create a 10-line telesales campaign targeting [target audience] to generate leads for our [niche] company.

Mastering the art of writing prompts empowers you to tackle any writing task with confidence.

Imagine effortlessly generating engaging blog posts, crafting captivating stories, or even producing research papers with the help of AI tools. Take your creative writing game up a notch with a few of these handy tips!

By following the tips in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking this potential and becoming a more productive and versatile writer.

But remember, before you start writing, do a bit of research on the topic to make the most out of your prompting-making skills.

Humanize your content and bypass AI detection tools with Smodin’s AI Rewriter tool today!

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5 chatgpt prompts to make everything you write more compelling.

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5 ChatGPT prompts to make everything you write more compelling

Bad copy kills businesses. It finds its way into emails, Slack messages, memos and more. Copywriting is not a skill reserved for marketers. It’s everyone’s problem. Every member of your team should learn how to write compelling words and edit them until they sing. And who knows? If the HR manager wrote updates like a Buzzfeed journalist, you might even read until the end.

Use these prompts to upgrade the copy for everything you write, no matter how many people will actually see. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.

Improve your writing with 5 powerful ChatGPT prompts

Improve the hook.

Grab attention with the first line or face an uphill battle from the start. Just because you have a fancy job title, doesn’t mean anyone will read your messages. Make them want to. Use this prompt to find a more compelling way of opening. Strike a chord, create an information gap. Make someone stand up and pay attention so they keep on reading. On Twitter you have a second to get someone’s attention. Keep that in mind when writing for anywhere else.

“I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to help the first line grab the attention of the reader so they keep reading. Understand the copy and create a hook. The hook should be between 6-12 words long and aim to strike a chord, create an information gap or draw someone in. This should not be a question. Give me 5 options for new hooks for this copy so I can choose the best: [Paste copy here]”

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, make it shorter.

“I haven’t got time to read all that. Just tell me what it means.” If given that response, you’d tell them in a few sentences. Those are the sentences that matter. If in doubt, cut the fluff. The context can be a footnote for those interested in knowing more. Online or within your company, someone doesn’t need to be taken on a convoluted journey to find the single line that’s relevant to them. Make everything you write shorter. Pack a punch with your words, don’t make someone want to punch you.

“I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the recipients]. Your task is to make it shorter so my audience will read and understand it without needing to skim read. Look to remove waffle and additional words, and change any instances of passive voice to active. Remove repetition. Keep my tone of voice and keep the meaning of the text the same. Remove any information not essential to the main message and add as numbered footnotes at the end: [Paste copy here]”

Everyone’s favourite radio station

WII FM. What’s in it for me? It’s everyone’s favourite radio station and you need to take note. No one wants to read your diary. They want to know what information means for them. So make it easy. Re-read your copy with this in mind. Ask, why should they care? Ask, so what? Ask questions of your words and flip the script to gain longer reads.

“I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to make sure it’s clear what’s in it for them. Make sure it’s clear why they should care about this message. Suggest edits, including additional lines or reordering of information, that will have this effect: [Paste copy here]”

Remove ambiguity

Confused customers don’t buy. Confused team members don’t read. Your task is to deliver information and not raise objections. So remove ambiguity from every line. Phrases you would say out loud often don’t translate written down. Being self-deprecating in prose will make you sound weak. Flippant or sarcastic, like a bit of a jerk. So edit. Use ChatGPT to find ambiguous terms and make them more simple. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

“I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to remove ambiguity. Without changing the meaning, style, tone or anything that is not ambiguous, produce a new version that simplifies anything potentially confusing and avoids raising objections. Explain what you changed so I can understand: [Paste copy here]”

What’s the point?

There’s a reason you typed something, so make sure it’s known. Upon reading your words, make it abundantly clear what you want someone to do. Click a link, respond to an email, make a decision. Or maybe it’s just an FYI. Whatever is next, let them know. Make the call to action obvious, clear and compelling to stand the best chance of success. This applies to internal company memos and everything you share in public. We’re here to do business.

“I’m pasting a message I wrote, a [describe the nature of the message] designed for [describe the audience]. Your task is to ensure there’s a compelling call to action. When someone has read this, I want them to [describe the desired action]. Ensure this is clear in my copy. Provide 3 options for new wording and explain where this new wording should go for best chance of the call to action being followed. [Paste copy here]”

Re-work your writing to make more impact: ChatGPT prompts

You need to be a better writer, and this starts today. Make a pledge to send no more waffly, unclear or underwhelming messages under your name. Grab someone’s attention and keep them hooked until the end. Shape your request to their needs, make it as short as possible, remove all ambiguity, then tell them what to do. Get known for your directness, and don’t waste anyone’s time. Create better results with compelling copy.

Jodie Cook

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  • How to Write an Essay with ChatGPT | Tips & Examples

How to Write an Essay with ChatGPT | Tips & Examples

Published on 26 June 2023 by Koen Driessen .

Passing off AI-generated text as your own work is widely considered plagiarism. However, when used correctly, generative AI tools like ChatGPT can legitimately help guide your writing process.

These tools are especially helpful in the preparation and revision stages of your essay writing.

You can use ChatGPT to:

  • Write a research question
  • Develop an outline
  • Find relevant source information
  • Summarise or paraphrase text
  • Get feedback

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Table of contents

Writing a research question, developing an outline, finding source recommendations, summarising/paraphrasing text, getting feedback, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions.

You can use ChatGPT to brainstorm potential research questions or to narrow down your thesis statement . Begin by inputting a description of the research topic or assigned question. Then include a prompt like “Write 3 possible research questions on this topic”.

You can make the prompt as specific as you like. For example, you can include the writing level (e.g., high school essay, college essay), perspective (e.g., first person) and the type of essay you intend to write (e.g., argumentative , descriptive , expository , or narrative ).

You can also mention any facts or viewpoints you’ve gathered that should be incorporated into the output.

If the output doesn’t suit your topic, you can click “Regenerate response” to have the tool generate a new response. You can do this as many times as you like, and you can try making your prompt more specific if you struggle to get the results you want.

Example: Using ChatGPT to write a research question

  • Generate three possible research questions for an argumentative high school essay on the following topic: “The long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.”
  • To what extent has the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated existing social inequalities and what measures can be taken to address these disparities in the long term?
  • How has the Covid-19 pandemic transformed education systems, and what are the potential long-term implications for students’ learning outcomes and educational equity?
  • What lessons can be learned from the Covid-19 pandemic to enhance global preparedness and response to future public health crises, and how can these lessons be effectively implemented in the long term?
  • Based on the second question, develop three further research questions with a specific focus on distance learning.
  • What are the long-term effects of widespread adoption of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on students’ academic performance, motivation, and overall educational outcomes?
  • How has the shift to distance learning impacted the social and emotional well-being of students, and what strategies can be implemented to address any negative consequences in the long term?
  • What are the key factors that contribute to the success of distance learning programs, and how can educational institutions and policymakers ensure equitable access to quality education in the long term, especially for marginalized and underserved student populations?

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Once you’ve decided on a research question, you can use ChatGPT to develop an essay outline . This can help keep you on track by giving you a clear idea of what topics you want to discuss and in what order.

Do this by prompting ChatGPT to create an outline for a specific research question, mentioning any topics or points you want to discuss. You can also mention the writing level and the intended length of your essay so that the tool generates an appropriate outline.

You can then refine this by further prompting ChatGPT or editing the outline manually until it meets your requirements.

Examples: Using ChatGPT to generate an essay outline

  • Develop an outline for an argumentative high school essay with the following research question: “What are the long-term effects of widespread adoption of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on students’ academic performance and overall educational outcomes?”The essay will be about 4 pages long.
  • Background information on the Covid-19 pandemic and the shift to distance learning
  • Thesis statement: The widespread adoption of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has had both positive and negative long-term effects on students’ academic performance and overall educational outcomes.
  • Increased flexibility and personalized learning opportunities
  • Access to a wider range of resources and educational materials
  • Development of self-directed learning skills
  • Critiques and limitations of previous studies
  • Lack of face-to-face interaction and reduced social engagement
  • Increased potential for distractions and lack of structure
  • Technological barriers and unequal access to resources
  • Examination of studies and data on academic achievement during distance learning
  • Analysis of long-term effects on educational attainment and future opportunities
  • Discussion of potential implications for college admissions and career readiness
  • Strategies for promoting student engagement and motivation in distance learning
  • Importance of teacher-student communication and support
  • Addressing technological disparities and ensuring equitable access to resources
  • Recap of the main points discussed
  • Emphasize the need for further research and long-term planning to optimize distance learning experiences
  • Restate the thesis and provide a final thought on the potential long-term effects of distance learning on students’ academic performance and overall educational outcomes

Once you know the scope of your essay, you can find relevant primary and secondary sources to support your argument.

However, we don’t recommend prompting ChatGPT to generate a list of sources as it occasionally makes mistakes (like listing nonexistent sources). Instead, it’s a good idea to use ChatGPT to get suggestions for the types of sources relevant to your essay and track them down using a credible research database or your institution’s library.

When you have found relevant sources, use a specialised tool like the Scribbr Citation Generator to cite them in your essay.

Example: Using ChatGPT to find sources

  • What types of sources can I use to write an essay on the following research question?”What are the long-term effects of widespread adoption of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on students’ academic performance and overall educational outcomes?”
  • Academic Journals and Research Articles: Look for scholarly articles and research studies published in peer-reviewed academic journals. These sources often provide in-depth analysis, empirical evidence, and statistical data on the long-term effects of distance learning.
  • Educational and Government Reports: Reports published by educational institutions, government agencies, or educational organizations can offer valuable insights into the impact of distance learning on academic performance and educational outcomes. These reports may include surveys, case studies, and data analysis specific to the Covid-19 pandemic and distance learning.
  • Official Websites and Publications: Explore the official websites of educational institutions, education ministries, or educational technology companies. They often publish articles, white papers, or research findings related to distance learning and its effects on students’ academic performance.
  • Expert Interviews or Opinion Pieces: Seek out interviews or opinion pieces from experts in the field of education, distance learning, or pedagogy. These sources can provide valuable perspectives and insights on the long-term effects of distance learning on students’ educational outcomes.
  • Online Databases and Digital Libraries: Utilize online databases and digital libraries such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic databases provided by your educational institution. These platforms offer a wide range of scholarly articles, research papers, and publications that can support your arguments.
  • Surveys and Studies Conducted by Educational Institutions: Some schools or universities may have conducted their own surveys or studies to evaluate the impact of distance learning on students. Check if your educational institution has published any research findings or survey results that are relevant to your topic.

During your writing process, you can use ChatGPT as a summarising tool to condense text to its essential ideas or as a paraphraser to rephrase text in clear, accessible language. Using ChatGPT in these ways can help you to understand complex material, express your own ideas more clearly, and avoid repetition.

Simply input the relevant text and prompt the tool to summarise or paraphrase it. Alternatively, you can use Scribbr’s free text summariser and Scribbr’s free paraphrasing tool , which are specifically designed for these purposes.

Example: Using ChatGPT to summarise/paraphrase

  • Paraphrase the following text using clear language:”Engaging in an extensive examination of the intricate interplay between remote instructional methods and academic achievement necessitates consideration of diverse factors, including the pedagogical efficacy of virtual platforms, the socioemotional ramifications of reduced face-to-face interactions, the equitable accessibility of technological resources, and the potential long-lasting implications for students’ educational trajectories and future opportunities.”
  • To thoroughly explore the connection between remote teaching methods and academic success, it is crucial to take into account various factors. These factors include evaluating how well virtual platforms support effective teaching, understanding the impact of limited in-person interactions on students’ emotional well-being, ensuring fair access to technology resources, and recognizing the potential long-term effects on students’ educational paths and future prospects.

Once you’ve written your essay, you can prompt ChatGPT to provide feedback and recommend improvements.

You can indicate how the tool should provide feedback (e.g., “Act like a university professor examining papers”) and include the specific points you want to receive feedback on (e.g., consistency of tone, clarity of argument, appropriateness of evidence).

While this is not an adequate substitute for an experienced academic supervisor, it can help you with quick preliminary feedback.

You can also use ChatGPT to check grammar mistakes. However, ChatGPT sometimes misses errors and on rare occasions may even introduce new grammatical mistakes. We suggest using a tool like Scribbr’s free grammar checker , which is designed specifically for this purpose. Or, for more in-depth feedback, try Scribbr’s proofreading and editing service .

Example: Using ChatGPT for feedback

  • Feedback the above text with regard to consistency of tone, clarity of argument, appropriateness of evidence, and coherence of structure.
  • Clarity of Argument: The argument could be further clarified by explicitly connecting the discussed factors to their impact on academic performance. For example, explicitly stating how the proficiency of virtual platforms and equitable access to technology affect academic performance would strengthen the clarity of the argument.
  • Appropriateness of Evidence: The evidence provided is generally appropriate and relevant. To enhance the strength of the evidence, consider incorporating specific examples, research studies, or statistics that directly support the discussed factors and their impact on academic performance. This would provide stronger evidence for the claims made.
  • Coherence of Structure: The structure of the text is coherent, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs addressing different factors, and a conclusion. To improve coherence, consider adding transitional phrases or sentences at the beginning or end of paragraphs to facilitate the smooth flow of ideas between paragraphs. This would enhance the overall structure and make it easier for the reader to follow the argument.

Overall, the text demonstrates a consistent tone, a clear argument, appropriate evidence, and a coherent structure. Clarifying the argument by explicitly connecting the factors to their impact, incorporating stronger evidence, and adding transitional phrases for better coherence would further enhance the text’s effectiveness. Note Passing off AI-generated text as your own work is generally considered plagiarism (or at least academic dishonesty ) and may result in an automatic fail and other negative consequences . AI detectors may be used to detect this offence.

If you want more tips on using AI tools , understanding plagiarism , and citing sources , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations, examples, and formats.

  • Citing ChatGPT
  • Best grammar checker
  • Best paraphrasing tool
  • ChatGPT in your studies
  • Is ChatGPT trustworthy?
  • Types of plagiarism
  • Self-plagiarism
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Academic integrity
  • Best plagiarism checker

Citing sources

  • Citation styles
  • In-text citation
  • Citation examples
  • Annotated bibliography

Yes, you can use ChatGPT to summarise text . This can help you understand complex information more easily, summarise the central argument of your own paper, or clarify your research question.

You can also use Scribbr’s free text summariser , which is designed specifically for this purpose.

Yes, you can use ChatGPT to paraphrase text to help you express your ideas more clearly, explore different ways of phrasing your arguments, and avoid repetition.

However, it’s not specifically designed for this purpose. We recommend using a specialised tool like Scribbr’s free paraphrasing tool , which will provide a smoother user experience.

Using AI writing tools (like ChatGPT ) to write your essay is usually considered plagiarism and may result in penalisation, unless it is allowed by your university. Text generated by AI tools is based on existing texts and therefore cannot provide unique insights. Furthermore, these outputs sometimes contain factual inaccuracies or grammar mistakes.

However, AI writing tools can be used effectively as a source of feedback and inspiration for your writing (e.g., to generate research questions ). Other AI tools, like grammar checkers, can help identify and eliminate grammar and punctuation mistakes to enhance your writing.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Driessen, K. (2023, June 26). How to Write an Essay with ChatGPT | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 6 May 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/using-ai-tools/chatgpt-essays/

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Koen Driessen

Koen Driessen

Other students also liked, how to write good chatgpt prompts, how to use chatgpt in your studies, how to use chatgpt | basics & tips, still have questions.

RIP Metaverse

An obituary for the latest fad to join the tech graveyard

short essay on chatgpt

The Metaverse , the once-buzzy technology that promised to allow users to hang out awkwardly in a disorientating video-game-like world, has died after being abandoned by the business world. It was three years old.

The capital-M Metaverse, a descendant of the 1982 movie "Tron" and the 2003 video game "Second Life," was born in 2021 when Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg changed the name of his trillion-dollar company to Meta. After a much-heralded debut, the Metaverse became the obsession of the tech world and a quick hack to win over Wall Street investors. The hype could not save the Metaverse, however, and a lack of coherent vision for the product ultimately led to its decline. Once the tech industry turned to a new, more promising trend — generative AI — the fate of the Metaverse was sealed.

The Metaverse is now headed to the tech industry's graveyard of failed ideas. But the short life and ignominious death of the Metaverse offers a glaring indictment of the tech industry that birthed it.

Grand promise

From the moment of its delivery, Zuckerberg claimed that the Metaverse would be the future of the internet. The glitzy, spurious promotional video that accompanied Zuckerberg's name-change announcement described a future where we'd be able to interact seamlessly in virtual worlds: Users would "make eye contact" and "feel like you're right in the room together." The Metaverse offered people the chance to engage in an "immersive" experience, he claimed.

These grandiose promises heaped sky-high expectations on the Metaverse. The media swooned over the newborn concept: The Verge published a nearly 5,000-word-long interview with Zuckerberg immediately following the announcement — in which the writer called it "an expansive, immersive vision of the internet." Glowing profiles of the Metaverse seemed to set it on a laudatory path, but the actual technology failed to deliver on this promise throughout its short life. A wonky virtual-reality interview with the CBS host Gayle King , where low-quality cartoon avatars of both King and Zuckerberg awkwardly motioned to each other, was a stark contrast to the futuristic vistas shown in Meta's splashy introductory video .

The Metaverse also suffered from an acute identity crisis. A functional business proposition requires a few things to thrive and grow: a clear use case, a target audience, and the willingness of customers to adopt the product. Zuckerberg waxed poetic about the Metaverse as "a vision that spans many companies'' and "the successor to the mobile internet," but he failed to articulate the basic business problems that the Metaverse would address. The concept of virtual worlds where users interact with each other using digital avatars is an old one, going back as far as the late 1990s with massively multiplayer online role-player games, such as "Meridian 59," "Ultima Online," and "EverQuest." And while the Metaverse supposedly built on these ideas with new technology, Zuckerberg's one actual product — the VR platform Horizon Worlds, which required the use of an incredibly clunky Oculus headset — failed to suggest anything approaching a road map or a genuine vision. In spite of the Metaverse's arrested conceptual development, a pliant press published statements about the future of the technology that were somewhere between unrealistic and outright irresponsible . The CNBC host Jim Cramer nodded approvingly when Zuckerberg claimed that 1 billion people would use the Metaverse and spend hundreds of dollars there, despite the Meta CEO's inability to say what people would receive in exchange for their cash or why anyone would want to strap a clunky headset to their face to attend a low-quality, cartoon concert.

A high-flying life

The inability to define the Metaverse in any meaningful way didn't get in the way of its ascension to the top of the business world. In the months following the Meta announcement, it seemed that every company had a Metaverse product on offer, despite it not being obvious what it was or why they should.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella would say at the company's 2021 Ignite Conference that he couldn't "overstate how much of a breakthrough " the Metaverse was for his company, the industry, and the world. Roblox, an online game platform that has existed since 2004, rode the Metaverse hype wave to an initial public offering and a $41 billion valuation. Of course, the cryptocurrency industry took the ball and ran with it: The people behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT company conned the press into believing that uploading someone's digital monkey pictures into VR would be the key to "master the Metaverse." Other crypto pumpers even successfully convinced people that digital land in the Metaverse would be the next frontier of real-estate investment . Even businesses that seemed to have little to do with tech jumped on board. Walmart joined the Metaverse. Disney joined the Metaverse.

Companies' rush to get into the game led Wall Street investors, consultants, and analysts to try to one up each other's projections for the Metaverse's growth. The consulting firm Gartner claimed that 25% of people would spend at least one hour a day in the Metaverse by 2026. The Wall Street Journal said the Metaverse would change the way we work forever . The global consulting firm McKinsey predicted that the Metaverse could generate up to "$5 trillion in value," adding that around 95% of business leaders expected the Metaverse to "positively impact their industry" within five to 10 years. Not to be outdone, Citi put out a massive report that declared the Metaverse would be a $13 trillion opportunity .

A brutal downfall

In spite of all this hype, the Metaverse did not lead a healthy life. Every single business idea or rosy market projection was built on the vague promises of a single CEO. And when people were actually offered the opportunity to try it out, nobody actually used the Metaverse.

Decentraland, the most well-funded, decentralized, crypto-based Metaverse product (effectively a wonky online world you can "walk" around), only had around 38 daily active users in its "$1.3 billion ecosystem." Decentraland would dispute this number, claiming that it had 8,000 daily active users — but that's still only a fraction of the number of people playing large online games like "Fortnite." Meta's much-heralded efforts similarly struggled: By October 2022, Mashable reported that Horizon Worlds had less than 200,000 monthly active users — dramatically short of the 500,000 target Meta had set for the end of 2022. The Wall Street Journal reported that only about 9% of user-created worlds were visited by more than 50 players , and The Verge said that it was so buggy that even Meta employees eschewed it . Despite the might of a then-trillion-dollar company, Meta could not convince people to use the product it had staked its future on. 

The Metaverse fell seriously ill as the economy slowed and the hype around generative AI grew. Microsoft shuttered its virtual-workspace platform AltSpaceVR in January 2023, laid off the 100 members of its "industrial metaverse team ," and made a series of cuts to its HoloLens team . Disney shuttered its Metaverse division in March, and Walmart followed suit by ending its Roblox-based Metaverse projects. The billions of dollars invested and the breathless hype around a half-baked concept led to thousands — if not tens of thousands — of people losing their jobs .

But the Metaverse was officially pulled off life support when it became clear that Zuckerberg and the company that launched the craze had moved on to greener financial pastures. Zuckerberg declared in a March update that Meta's "single largest investment is advancing AI and building it into every one of our products." Meta's chief technology officer, Andrew Bosworth, told CNBC in April that he, along with Mark Zuckerberg and the company's chief product officer, Chris Cox, were now spending most of their time on AI. The company has even stopped pitching the Metaverse to advertisers , despite spending more than $100 billion in research and development on its mission to be "Metaverse first." While Zuckerberg may suggest that developing games for the Quest headsets is some sort of investment, the writing is on the wall: Meta is done with the Metaverse.

Did anyone learn their lesson?

While the idea of virtual worlds or collective online experiences may live on in some form, the Capital-M Metaverse is dead. It was preceded in death by a long line of tech fads like Web3 and Google Glass. It is survived by newfangled ideas like the aforementioned generative AI and the self-driving car. Despite this long lineage of disappointment, let's be clear: The death of the Metaverse should be remembered as arguably one of the most historic failures in tech history.

I do not believe that Mark Zuckerberg ever had any real interest in "the Metaverse," because he never seemed to define it beyond a slightly tweaked Facebook with avatars and cumbersome hardware. It was the means to an increased share price, rather than any real vision for the future of human interaction. And Zuckerberg used his outsize wealth and power to get the whole of the tech industry and a good portion of the American business world into line behind this half-baked idea. 

The fact that Mark Zuckerberg has clearly stepped away from the Metaverse is a damning indictment of everyone who followed him, and anyone who still considers him a visionary tech leader. It should also be the cause for some serious reflection among the venture-capital community, which recklessly followed Zuckerberg into blowing billions of dollars on a hype cycle founded on the flimsiest possible press-release language. In a just world, Mark Zuckerberg should be fired as CEO of Meta (in the real world, this is actually impossible ). 

Zuckerberg misled everyone, burned tens of billions of dollars, convinced an industry of followers to submit to his quixotic obsession, and then killed it the second that another idea started to interest Wall Street. There is no reason that a man who has overseen the layoffs of tens of thousands of people should run a major company. There is no future for Meta with Mark Zuckerberg at the helm: It will stagnate, and then it will die and follow the Metaverse into the proverbial grave.

Ed Zitron  is the CEO of  EZPR , a national tech and business public-relations agency. He is also the author of the tech and culture newsletter  Where's Your Ed At .

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    ChatGPT Plus gives users general access during peak times, faster response times, and priority access to new features and improvements. You can also try using Bing's AI chatbot, Copilot. This ...

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  19. ChatGPT

    Essay generator. By aiseo.ai. Revolutionize essay writing with our AI-driven tool: Generate unique, plagiarism-free essays in minutes, catering to all formats and topics effortlessly. Sign up to chat. Requires ChatGPT Plus.

  20. ChatGPT in education

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  22. ChatGPT Tutorial

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  29. How to Write an Essay with ChatGPT

    Writing a research question. You can use ChatGPT to brainstorm potential research questions or to narrow down your thesis statement. Begin by inputting a description of the research topic or assigned question. Then include a prompt like "Write 3 possible research questions on this topic".

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    Meta's much-heralded efforts similarly struggled: By October 2022, Mashable reported that Horizon Worlds had less than 200,000 monthly active users — dramatically short of the 500,000 target ...