Top 12 Technology Teacher Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, technology teachers are in high demand, making it essential for candidates to showcase their most marketable skills on their resumes. Highlighting a robust set of technical and pedagogical abilities can significantly enhance your profile, positioning you as a top contender for teaching positions that require integrating technology into the learning environment.

Top 12 Technology Teacher Skills to Put on Your Resume

Technology Teacher Skills

  • Cybersecurity
  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing
  • Raspberry Pi
  • CAD Software

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility, widely used in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

Why It's Important

Python is important because it is a versatile, easy-to-learn programming language that is widely used in various fields such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and education, making it a valuable tool for teaching fundamental programming concepts and real-world applications.

How to Improve Python Skills

Improving your Python skills involves a combination of understanding core concepts, practicing coding, and staying updated with Python developments. Here's a concise guide:

Master the Basics : Ensure a strong grasp of Python syntax, data types, and control structures. Python's official documentation is a great starting point.

Practice Coding Regularly : Implement what you've learned through small projects or coding challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank .

Learn Python Libraries : Familiarize yourself with libraries relevant to your interest area, such as NumPy for scientific computing, Pandas for data analysis, or Django for web development. Awesome Python lists many useful libraries.

Understand Object-Oriented Programming : Python supports OOP, which is crucial for writing clean, reusable code. Practice creating classes and objects. Real Python's OOP guide is a helpful resource.

Follow Python News and Updates : Stay informed about the latest Python developments by following Python Insider or subscribing to Python Weekly .

Contribute to Open Source : Get involved in Python projects on GitHub . Contributing helps you learn from more experienced developers and understand real-world applications of Python.

Seek Feedback and Collaborate : Join Python communities like r/learnpython on Reddit or Stack Overflow to ask questions, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects.

Teach Others : Teaching concepts to others can deepen your understanding and highlight areas that need improvement. Consider creating tutorials, blogging, or mentoring beginners.

By following these steps and leveraging the provided resources, you can significantly improve your Python skills and stay current with best practices and new developments in the language.

How to Display Python Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Python Skills on Your Resume

2. JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile, high-level programming language primarily used for creating interactive and dynamic content on web pages. It enables the implementation of complex features on websites, including animations, form validation, and asynchronous data fetching without needing to reload the page.

JavaScript is essential because it enables interactive and dynamic web experiences, making it a fundamental technology for creating modern, responsive websites and applications.

How to Improve JavaScript Skills

Improving your JavaScript skills involves understanding core concepts, practicing coding, and staying updated with the latest trends. Here are concise strategies aimed at technology teachers:

Grasp the Fundamentals : Ensure a strong grasp of JavaScript basics like variables, loops, functions, and ES6 features. Mozilla Developer Network offers comprehensive resources.

Practice Regularly : Apply concepts by building small projects. Websites like CodePen and JSFiddle provide platforms for testing and sharing code snippets.

Learn from Others : Explore code examples and projects on GitHub to understand different coding styles and best practices.

Stay Updated : JavaScript evolves rapidly. Follow JavaScript Weekly for the latest news, articles, and resources.

Utilize Libraries and Frameworks : Familiarize yourself with popular libraries (like React ) and frameworks (like Angular ) to enhance your development capabilities.

Debugging Skills : Improve your ability to troubleshoot and debug using Chrome DevTools. Google's Chrome Developers portal provides excellent tutorials.

Algorithm Practice : Enhance problem-solving skills by practicing algorithms on platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank .

Join a Community : Engage with other developers through forums and social media. Stack Overflow and Reddit’s JavaScript community are great places to start.

Remember, consistent practice and exploration of new technologies are key to improving your JavaScript skills.

How to Display JavaScript Skills on Your Resume

How to Display JavaScript Skills on Your Resume


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create and structure content on the web. It defines the meaning and structure of web content. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML. CSS controls the layout, colors, and fonts, allowing for the separation of presentation from content. Together, HTML and CSS enable the creation of visually engaging and well-structured web pages.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are fundamental technologies for creating and styling web content. For a Technology Teacher, understanding HTML/CSS is crucial because they form the backbone of web design and development, enabling students to build and customize websites, a vital skill in today's technology-driven world.

How to Improve HTML/CSS Skills

Improving your HTML/CSS skills involves both learning foundational concepts and practicing them through hands-on projects. Here's a concise guide:

Learn the Basics : Ensure you have a solid understanding of HTML tags and CSS properties. Mozilla's MDN Web Docs offer comprehensive tutorials.

Responsive Design : Understand how to make websites look good on all devices. CSS Tricks' guide on Flexbox and Grid Layout are excellent resources.

CSS Preprocessors : Learn about CSS preprocessors like SASS or LESS to write more efficient and maintainable code. Sass Basics can get you started.

Frameworks and Libraries : Familiarize yourself with popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind for rapid development. Start with the Bootstrap documentation or Tailwind CSS documentation .

Practice : Apply what you've learned by building projects. Websites like Frontend Mentor provide real-world challenges.

Stay Updated : Follow web development blogs, podcasts, and forums to stay up-to-date with new technologies and best practices. CSS-Tricks , Smashing Magazine , and by Google are great resources.

Code Review : Share your work with communities like Stack Overflow or GitHub for feedback and suggestions.

Accessibility : Ensure your websites are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) provides guidelines and resources.

Remember, continuous learning and practice are key to improving your HTML/CSS skills.

How to Display HTML/CSS Skills on Your Resume

How to Display HTML/CSS Skills on Your Resume

4. Robotics

Robotics is the branch of technology that encompasses the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, employing computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing.

Robotics is important because it integrates multiple STEM fields, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, while preparing students for future technological advancements and job opportunities in a rapidly evolving global economy.

How to Improve Robotics Skills

Improving robotics, especially from a Technology Teacher's perspective, involves a blend of enhancing technical skills, staying updated with the latest trends, and encouraging practical application. Here are concise strategies to achieve this:

Enhance Programming Skills : Focus on languages pivotal in robotics such as Python, C++, and ROS (Robot Operating System). Codecademy and ROS Tutorials are excellent resources.

Encourage Project-Based Learning : Implement projects that solve real-world problems. Instructables Robotics offers a plethora of project ideas.

Stay Updated : Follow leading robotics research and development. Websites like IEEE Spectrum Robotics provide the latest robotics news and breakthroughs.

Engage with Robotics Communities : Participate in forums and groups like r/robotics on Reddit or RobotShop Community to exchange ideas and solutions.

Incorporate Simulation Tools : Use simulation software like Gazebo for designing and testing robots in a virtual environment before building physical models.

Implement Soft Skills Development : Foster teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity through collaborative projects, which are essential in robotics.

By integrating these strategies, a Technology Teacher can significantly enhance the learning experience and outcomes in robotics education.

How to Display Robotics Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Robotics Skills on Your Resume

5. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computers, networks, programs, and data from digital attacks, unauthorized access, or damage.

Cybersecurity is crucial for protecting sensitive information, ensuring privacy, and maintaining the integrity and availability of data and systems in our increasingly digital world, thereby safeguarding both individuals and organizations from potential cyber threats and attacks.

How to Improve Cybersecurity Skills

Improving cybersecurity involves a combination of education, best practices, and the use of appropriate tools. Here's a concise guide tailored for a Technology Teacher:

Educate Yourself and Your Students: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and trends. Use resources like the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for updates and training materials.

Implement Strong Password Policies: Encourage the use of complex passwords and the use of password managers. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides guidelines for creating strong passwords.

Regularly Update Software: Ensure that all software and systems are kept up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities. Stay Safe Online offers tips on keeping software updated.

Use Antivirus and Anti-Malware Solutions: Install and maintain reputable antivirus software. Resources like AV-Comparatives offer comparisons of available tools.

Secure Your Network: Implement firewall protection and secure Wi-Fi networks with strong encryption. The Wi-Fi Alliance provides information on securing wireless networks.

Promote Awareness of Phishing Scams: Teach how to recognize and avoid phishing attempts. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has resources on identifying phishing.

Encourage Regular Data Backups: Ensure data is backed up regularly to prevent loss from cyber-attacks. World Backup Day highlights the importance of regular data backups.

Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Encourage the use of 2FA where possible to add an extra layer of security. TwoFactorAuth lists services that support 2FA.

By focusing on these areas, technology teachers can significantly enhance cybersecurity for themselves and their students.

How to Display Cybersecurity Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Cybersecurity Skills on Your Resume

6. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves training computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed for specific tasks.

Machine learning is important because it enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed, enhancing decision-making, automating complex processes, and creating personalized experiences in technology and beyond.

How to Improve Machine Learning Skills

Improving machine learning involves enhancing model accuracy, efficiency, and generalizability. Below are concise strategies aimed at technology teachers:

Data Quality : Prioritize collecting high-quality, diverse, and relevant data. Cleaning and preprocessing data to remove noise and inconsistencies can significantly improve model performance. Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning.

Feature Engineering : Select, modify, and create new features from the raw data. Effective feature engineering can provide better input signals for machine learning models. Feature Engineering for Machine Learning .

Model Selection : Experiment with different machine learning algorithms since no one-size-fits-all. Each model has its strengths depending on the task and data. Choosing the Right Machine Learning Algorithm .

Hyperparameter Tuning : Adjust the model's hyperparameters to optimize performance. Techniques like grid search or random search can systematically identify the best configurations. Hyperparameter Tuning in Machine Learning Models.

Cross-Validation : Use cross-validation techniques to evaluate model performance more reliably by using different subsets of the data. It helps in ensuring that the model generalizes well to unseen data. Cross-Validation in Machine Learning.

Regularization Techniques : Implement regularization methods like L1 and L2 to prevent overfitting by penalizing overly complex models. Understanding Regularization for Machine Learning.

Ensemble Methods : Combine multiple models to improve predictions. Techniques like boosting, bagging, and stacking can lead to more robust and accurate models. Ensemble Learning to Improve Machine Learning Results.

Continuous Learning : Incorporate feedback loops allowing the model to learn continuously from new data, improving its accuracy and adaptability over time. Continuous Learning in Machine Learning.

Ethical Considerations : Ensure the model's fairness and avoid bias by using diverse datasets and considering the ethical implications of your model's predictions. Ethical Machine Learning.

By focusing on these areas, technology teachers can guide their students in developing more effective and responsible machine learning solutions.

How to Display Machine Learning Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Machine Learning Skills on Your Resume

7. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a technology that allows users to access and store data, and use computing resources, over the internet, on-demand, without direct active management by the user. It enables scalable, remote access to applications, work processing, and data storage, eliminating the need for local servers or personal devices to handle these tasks.

Cloud computing is important because it enables on-demand access to computing resources, such as servers, storage, and applications, without the need for direct active management by the user. This allows for cost savings, improved efficiency, scalability, and accessibility, facilitating remote learning and collaboration for students and educators in a technology-driven educational environment.

How to Improve Cloud Computing Skills

Improving cloud computing involves enhancing security, optimizing performance, reducing costs, and ensuring scalability. Here are concise strategies tailored for a technology teacher:

Enhance Security : Implement robust encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits. Cloud Security Alliance offers resources and best practices.

Optimize Performance : Use tools like CloudWatch (AWS) for monitoring and adjust resources based on demand to improve efficiency.

Reduce Costs : Adopt a pay-as-you-go model and continuously monitor usage with tools like Google Cloud's Cost Management to eliminate unnecessary expenses.

Ensure Scalability : Design systems with scalability in mind, leveraging services like Azure Scalability to adjust resources automatically.

Stay Updated : Keep abreast of the latest developments in cloud technology through reputable sources like IEEE Cloud Computing .

Educational Resources : Utilize platforms like Coursera and edX for courses on cloud computing to stay informed and impart up-to-date knowledge to students.

Each link provides a starting point for deeper exploration into strategies, tools, and learning resources, ensuring that as a technology teacher, you can offer the most current and effective instruction on cloud computing.

How to Display Cloud Computing Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Cloud Computing Skills on Your Resume

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software, designed for anyone to make interactive projects.

Arduino is important because it offers an accessible, versatile platform for teaching the fundamentals of programming, electronics, and robotics, enabling hands-on learning and creativity in the classroom.

How to Improve Arduino Skills

Improving your skills with Arduino as a Technology Teacher involves several strategies, focusing on enhancing both your understanding and teaching methodology:

Explore Official Resources : Begin with Arduino's official website , which provides tutorials, project ideas, and documentation specifically tailored for educators and students.

Engage with Community Forums : Participate in Arduino Forum , where educators share experiences, solutions, and innovative project ideas.

Incorporate Project-Based Learning : Emphasize hands-on projects that encourage problem-solving and creativity. Websites like Instructables offer numerous Arduino project guides with step-by-step instructions.

Utilize Online Courses : Explore platforms like Coursera or Udemy for structured Arduino courses that range from beginner to advanced levels, enhancing both your and your students' skills.

Stay Updated with Blogs and Magazines : Follow Arduino-focused blogs and digital magazines such as Make: for the latest trends, projects, and innovations in the maker and Arduino community.

Practice Coding : Improve coding skills related to Arduino by using resources like Codecademy for C++, the primary language used in Arduino programming.

Experiment with Advanced Projects : Push the boundaries by integrating advanced sensors, IoT (Internet of Things) projects, and robotics into your curriculum to keep students engaged and challenged.

Attend Workshops and Webinars : Look for Arduino workshops and webinars specifically designed for educators. These can provide new insights and teaching strategies tailored to classroom environments.

By steadily incorporating these resources and strategies, you can significantly enhance both your proficiency and teaching capabilities concerning Arduino and related technologies.

How to Display Arduino Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Arduino Skills on Your Resume

9. Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable, single-board computer designed to promote teaching of basic computer science and programming in schools and developing countries.

Raspberry Pi is important because it provides an affordable, versatile platform for students to learn programming, electronics, and computational thinking, fostering innovation and creativity in technology education.

How to Improve Raspberry Pi Skills

Improving a Raspberry Pi for educational purposes involves enhancing its performance, connectivity, and usability. Here are concise strategies:

Upgrade the Operating System : Ensure the Raspberry Pi is running the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS for optimal performance and security. Raspberry Pi OS Update Guide.

Expand Storage : Use a high-speed SD card with more storage to improve performance and accommodate more projects. Choosing SD Cards.

Enable Overclocking : Carefully increase the CPU and GPU frequencies to boost performance, keeping an eye on temperature. Overclocking Raspberry Pi.

Use Heat Sinks and Cooling Fans : Install heat sinks and/or a cooling fan to prevent thermal throttling especially when overclocking. Cooling Your Pi.

Implement Network Enhancements : For projects requiring stable internet, consider using Ethernet or high-quality Wi-Fi dongles. Also, setting up a static IP can make remote access more reliable. Network Configuration.

External Hardware Acceleration : Utilize external GPUs or USB accelerators like Google Coral for AI projects. USB Accelerators .

Use a Reliable Power Source : Ensure the Raspberry Pi has a stable and sufficient power supply to prevent unexpected shutdowns. Power Supply Requirements.

Explore Alternative Operating Systems : Depending on the project, operating systems like Ubuntu, DietPi, or Kali Linux may offer better performance or features. Operating System Alternatives.

Incorporate Pi HATs : Hardware Attached on Top (HATs) can significantly expand the Raspberry Pi's capabilities, from audio to IoT. Exploring HATs.

Educational Resources : Continuously explore educational resources and project ideas to inspire both teaching and learning. Raspberry Pi Projects .

By integrating these strategies, technology teachers can significantly enhance the learning experience with Raspberry Pi, making it a more powerful tool for education.

How to Display Raspberry Pi Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Raspberry Pi Skills on Your Resume

10. CAD Software

CAD software, short for Computer-Aided Design software, is a tool used for creating, modifying, analyzing, or optimizing a design. It facilitates the drafting and designing process with precision, allowing for the creation of 2D or 3D models across various industries such as architecture, engineering, and manufacturing.

CAD software is important because it allows for precise design and modeling of objects, facilitating the creation, simulation, and analysis of complex structures, mechanisms, and systems, thereby enhancing productivity, accuracy, and innovation in engineering and design fields.

How to Improve CAD Software Skills

Improving CAD software, especially for a Technology Teacher, involves enhancing user experience, providing comprehensive learning resources, and ensuring compatibility and integration with various tools and platforms. Here are concise strategies to achieve these improvements:

User Interface Simplification : Streamline the interface to make it more intuitive for beginners while retaining advanced features for experienced users. Autodesk provides insights on interface design.

Comprehensive Tutorials and Resources : Incorporate a wide range of tutorials directly within the software, catering to different skill levels. SolidWorks Education has an excellent model for this with its curriculum and lessons.

Enhanced Compatibility : Ensure the software seamlessly integrates with popular hardware used in education, and supports standard file formats for easy sharing and collaboration. The Onshape platform demonstrates strong compatibility and cloud-based collaboration.

Customizable Features for Education : Enable customization of toolsets for educational purposes, allowing teachers to tailor the software to the curriculum. SketchUp for Schools is an example of CAD software with educational customization.

Real-time Collaboration Tools : Incorporate features that allow students and teachers to collaborate on projects in real-time, facilitating distance learning and teamwork. Autodesk’s Fusion 360 promotes collaboration across devices.

Feedback and Support System : Establish a direct channel within the software for users to provide feedback or seek help, ensuring continuous improvement and user satisfaction. Consider the support system of Revit, which includes community forums and direct support.

Affordable Licensing for Education : Offer flexible and affordable licensing options for educational institutions to ensure broad access to the software. The AutoCAD education license is a prime example.

By focusing on these areas, CAD software can be significantly improved for educational purposes, enhancing both teaching and learning experiences in technology classes.

How to Display CAD Software Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CAD Software Skills on Your Resume

11. D Printing

3D printing is a manufacturing process that creates three-dimensional objects by layering material according to digital designs, allowing for complex shapes and customized items to be produced efficiently.

3D printing is important because it allows for rapid prototyping, customization, and innovation, enabling educators to bring concepts to life, foster hands-on learning, and inspire creativity in students by making theoretical designs tangible.

How to Improve D Printing Skills

Improving 3D printing involves optimizing print quality, speed, and material usage. Here are concise tips:

  • Calibration : Regularly calibrate your 3D printer for accurate print dimensions. Check the Prusa Printers guide for calibration steps.
  • Layer Height Adjustment : For better surface finish, use lower layer heights. Ultimaker provides insights on choosing the right layer height.
  • Temperature Settings : Optimize your printer's temperature settings for different materials. The Simplify3D print guide can help you adjust the correct temperature.
  • Print Speed : Adjust print speed for different parts of the print. Slower speeds might increase quality. Check out MakerBot's speed settings guide.
  • Use of Supports and Rafts : Proper use of supports and rafts can improve print quality for complex models. The All3DP support guide explains their importance and application.
  • Material Knowledge : Understand the properties of different printing materials. 3D Hubs offers a comprehensive material guide .
  • Post-Processing : Learn techniques for cleaning and finishing prints. The Formlabs post-processing guide covers various methods.
  • Keep the Printer Maintained : Regular maintenance ensures reliable prints. The LulzBot maintenance guide provides maintenance tips.

Incorporate these practices into your teaching to enhance the 3D printing experience and outcomes for your students.

How to Display D Printing Skills on Your Resume

How to Display D Printing Skills on Your Resume

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases, allowing users to store, retrieve, and manipulate data.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is essential because it enables efficient communication with databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. This fundamental skill supports data analysis, management, and decision-making processes in technology and various industries.

How to Improve SQL Skills

Improving SQL skills involves a combination of understanding core concepts, practicing regularly, and learning from real-world scenarios. Here's a concise guide:

Master the Basics : Begin with SQL fundamentals like SELECT statements, WHERE clauses, JOINs, and GROUP BY clauses. Resources like W3Schools SQL Tutorial offer a great starting point.

Practice Regularly : Hands-on practice is key. Use platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank for diverse problems.

Understand Performance Optimization : Learn about indexing, query optimization, and execution plans. The Use The Index, Luke guide is an excellent resource.

Explore Advanced Topics : Dive into stored procedures, triggers, and transaction management for a deeper understanding. SQLServerTutorial provides guides on advanced topics.

Stay Updated and Join a Community : Follow SQL blogs, forums, and communities to stay updated with best practices. The Stack Overflow community is a great place to ask questions and share knowledge.

Teach What You Learn : Explaining concepts to others can deepen your own understanding. Consider using your insights to contribute to educational platforms like Medium or your own blog.

Remember, consistency in practice and continual learning are key to mastering SQL.

How to Display SQL Skills on Your Resume

How to Display SQL Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Technology Project Manager
  • Technology Analyst
  • Technology Architect
  • Technology Coordinator
  • Technology Director
  • Technology Manager

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19 Skills a Teacher Should List on a Resume (A to Z List)

teaching skills examples and definition, explained below

Examples of teaching skills needed to be successful in today’s classrooms include: leadership, communication, multitasking, patience, and reflectiveness.

When adding these skills to a teacher resume, you can list these in two categories: ‘soft skills’ and ‘hard skills’. We’ve listed which type of skill each is below.

Be sure your teaching resume highlights some of the skills listed below, and discuss how they will benefit the students in your classroom.

For content specifically about soft skills, see soft skills for teachers .

A to Z List of Skills for a Teacher Resume

1. communication.

Type: Soft Skill

Teachers need to be able to communicate in the classroom as well as with colleagues, parents, and administration.

Show prospective employers that you are able to effectively communicate with parents in-person.  Examples of communication skills include your ability to speak professionally and articulately, as well as your ability to be an empathetic listener. 

Teachers will also be required to communicate through different media formats such as Google Classroom, Canvas, Edutopia, or any other required website by your district.

Be sure you are informing prospective employers that you are savvy in communicating your class objectives, standards, and assignments in an easy-to-use media format for parents and administrators.

A teacher who has dynamic communication skills will stand out as a candidate that school districts can trust to effectively reach all members of a learning community.

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2. Computer Skills

Type: Hard Skill

Technology is here to stay in education. Feature how you use technology in your classroom to make yourself stand out on a resume.

If you use a smart board, projector, online classrooms, or technology in general to drive your instruction, make this stand out on your resume.  In the real world your students will be using computer skills in any or all future job opportunities. 

For example, a student might have to access google classroom in order to access a text and assignment for the day. In math, a group might be working on a shared online document to create a graphing presentation. In Science, students could be using project-based learning to demonstrate their understanding of skills or concepts taught in your class.

A resume that doesn’t highlight a teacher’s ability to incorporate and promote computer skills in their classroom will simply be overlooked.  It is no longer a skill you can go without in the classroom.

3. Creativity

Administrators love hearing new ideas for successful lesson planning and teaching. Demonstrating how you provide a creative spin to older teaching practices is a fantastic way to stand out on your resume.

Creativity can be highlighted in many different parts of your teaching style : how you develop unique lessons, how you informally assess students during class to drive your instruction, innovative solutions you have to common behavioral problems in your classroom, how you support students in sharing ideas and communicating, etc. 

Any way you can offer new insights for common practices in the classroom that lead to student success will highlight your ability to be creative.

For example, a teacher who uses a peer learning strategy that allows their students to read multiple examples of their classmates would showcase that you understand that exposure to multiple examples increases student understanding of writing skills. 

Provide specific examples of how your teaching practices go beyond normal expectations in a classroom setting and highlight the benefits of those examples for your students. This will prove your ability to be creative on your resume.

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4. Cultural Competence

Diversity in education cannot be overlooked.  Your resume needs to prove you can connect with and include to a multitude of cultural backgrounds in your classroom.

An English teacher might discuss the multicultural literature they use during their lesson plans to allow their students to see themselves within the stories and topics they are discussing, for example.

Any teacher can include cultural competence by promoting and respecting dynamic cultural differences of their students in the classroom.

Your resume should highlight how you allow your students to share their personal stories and how you, as their teacher, both formally and informally recognize those differences.

One tip would be to outline how you reach out to students at the beginning of the year and allow them to share their cultures and experiences before diving into any given curriculum.

Cultural competence cannot be overlooked on your resume.  You need to prove your ability to be culturally aware, and how you encourage students to be aware and accepting of their peers’ cultural differences. 

5. Goal Setting

Goal setting for teachers involves making sure you have short-term and long-term plans, as well as knowledge of the steps required to get there.

This is required because teachers need to be able to create a coherent unit of work to get students from their prior knowledge to mastery of a topic.

Your resume should outline how you set goals for yourself and your students, the tasks you need to accomplish, how you minimize distractions, and your overall plan for accomplishing your daily activities successfully.

6. Leadership

Teachers are leaders inside the classroom and in the school community. 

In the classroom, teachers lead groups all day long . They need a leader’s negotiating skills with students while also being able to assert their authority in the classroom.

They might also train and mentor younger and less experienced teachers and help parents with child development information that can help them raise their children.

In the school community, teachers participate in school committees where they develop educational programs and school policies. will usually be more sought after than a candidate focused solely on their classroom instruction.

School districts also have many leadership positions that need to be filled outside of the classroom, including:

  • school improvement plans,
  • curriculum planning,
  • policy and procedure development,
  • behavioral programs, etc. 

Market your leadership skills on your resume by showing times when you have been a leader in and outside of the school context. Showcasing these leadership skills are sure to get you closer to securing an interview spot.   

7. Lesson Planning

Lesson planning is a skill specific to our profession. It involves the ability to lay out not just what you will teach but how you will teach it.

Many employers now ask to see samples of lesson plans appended to resumes. If this is required, make sure you list your teaching strategies and be aware of the layout of the classroom. Your lesson plan should answer questions like:

  • Where is the teacher standing?
  • Are the students in groups or working independently?
  • What will be the pacing of the lesson?
  • How will you transition into and out of phases of the lesson?
  • What education theories are you relying on while executing this lesson?

8. Math Skills

Even if you are not a math teacher you can still easily highlight your math skills on a teaching resume.

Data-driven instruction is a major theme in successful classrooms.  Be sure to demonstrate how you collect data from your students in regards to skills they are working on in class. Questions you might get in an interview may include:

  • How do you organize student data?
  • How do you interpret data to drive your instruction for your next lesson plan or unit? 

Outlining these components on your day-to-day data collection and assessment will showcase your math skills, even if you are an English teacher.

You can even provide an example of your data collection on an anonymous student and describe how you might interpret that data to a parent or guardian so they can better understand their child’s progress in your class. 

Even if you aren’t a math or science teacher, math and data collection should still be a driving force in your teaching.  Prove this on your resume and you’ll easily showcase your math skills!

9. Multitasking

Your resume should lay out your ability to facilitate the many roles teachers play in their classroom.

In a single class, a teacher will take attendance, engage students, provide materials, introduce assignments, give directions, document behaviors, informally assess student understanding, reteach, and the list goes on!

There is no end to the amount of tasks a teacher may or may not perform in a single class period, let alone an entire day. 

Your resume needs to display your ability to handle the ever-changing needs of your students on a daily basis.  This includes both instruction and social emotional needs of your students. 

Be sure your employer knows that you understand the complexity of what happens in a classroom on a daily basis by giving examples of your ability to handle and adapt to the ever-changing environment of your classroom.

See More: 25 Examples of Multitasking

10. Patience

Teaching is the most patient of professions. Often times, you need to sit patiently with a student for a long time before they finally have the ‘light bulb’ moment they need.

A patient educator needs to be able to change up their pedagogy to match the needs of the student. For example, they should identify when a student is struggling with your teaching modalities and switch them up to a modality that is more beneficial for the student.

If you can, provide examples of past experiences where you’ve demonstrated patience and the positive outcomes that came from those experiences.  Real examples of how you can be patient in an academic setting will set you apart from other candidates.

11. Problem Solving

Being able to identify a problem, determine the cause of the problem, and initiate possible solutions to a problem are a prominent skills for any teacher and should be showcased on your resume.

Problems will appear throughout a teacher’s day. Problems with technology, problems with parents, problems with student behaviors, and student learning difficulties are all examples of issues teachers will need to face. 

‘Putting out fires’ and finding solutions for both your own problems and the problems of your students are therefore central skills. 

Showcases this to employers as a way to enhance your resume. Make sure you demonstrate you are capable of finding solutions for a variety of situations that could occur in any teacher’s day-to-day encounters.

Be sure your resume discusses your problem-solving skills with simple examples and solutions to ensure your prospective employer understands you fully acknowledge that all competent teachers can problem solve.

12. Punctuality

A classroom full of unsupervised students can lead to catastrophe. So be sure your employer is aware of your ability to be on time.

Being punctual to your classes at the start of the school day is necessary for the wellbeing of the students within the school. Teacher presence is often seen as one of the most important aspects of keeping students’ good behavior.

Beyond student supervision, you should be demonstrating to your employer that you are a candidate that they can count on to show up. Nothing is worse for administration than scrambling to find a last-minute substitute for a teacher who doesn’t show up on time to work.

Furthermore, nothing is worse for one of your colleagues than being called out of their planned period to substitute because you were a no-show! No one wants a colleague like that.

Your resume should prove you are accountable and that you will be present every day for your colleagues and your students. 

13. Reflectiveness

A reflective teacher is one who pauses at the end of the lesson and reflects on how it went. By being reflective, they can continually learn from their experiences and improve.

One way teachers show reflectiveness is to discuss how the use students’ formative assessments to plan future assessments.

Once learning is assessed teachers then need to plan their next lessons based on student mastery and determine whether they require interventions for greater understanding or enrichment opportunities for continued growth within a skill. 

One way you can accomplish this is discussing how you might incorporate reteaching strategies when students are not yet reaching mastery for a task that you previously planned to move on from.

14. Resilience

Teachers need to be able to quickly recover from difficulties in their day-to-day jobs. 

Things aren’t going to go right for you. There will always be issues that you could have solved better, and prickly parents who you need to deal with regularly.

Much like a teacher’s ability to problem solve and find solutions, teachers need to quickly bounce back after handling problems.

For instance, a teacher may receive an email in the middle of day outlining a parent complaint where their practice or skills are put down or diminished. Oftentimes, teachers must quickly adapt and continue meeting the needs of their students after facing such scrutiny.

Your resume could include a glimpse into how you might recover from such situations and your plan for growth and improvement. If you have specific examples of your previous resilience in your teaching experience, be sure to highlight these on your resume.

15. Social and Emotional Intelligence

Demonstrating your ability to be are aware of your own feelings, including your strengths and weaknesses, will prove your social and emotional intelligence.

Incorporating social emotional intelligence on your resume is simple. It can be outlined in your ability to communicate, problem solve, and self-assess your work.  

Be sure that you offer examples of both what you excel at in the classroom and what you need to work on.  When discussing what you need to improve on, be sure to include how you will make those improvements and the benefits they will have in your classroom and for your students.

Another way to include social emotional intelligence is your ability to be responsive to your students’ social emotional status within your classroom.

Provide examples for when you understood a student was struggling and provided them with resources needed to support them.

A student who may have struggled to pay attention might be struggling with hunger.  As a teacher, you were able to find them resources for free breakfast and lunch at school is a dynamite way to highlight your social emotional intelligence.

Highlighting your own social emotional intelligence and your ability to recognize social emotional cues in your students will give you an edge on your resume.

See More: Examples of High Emotional Intelligence

16. Subject-Specific Knowledge

Subject-specific knowledge is the hard skill of knowing not how to teach, but what you’re teaching .

A math teacher needs to have excellent math skills, a physics teacher must be excellent at physics, and a woodworking teacher needs excellent skills with a lathe!

One way to demonstrate excellent subject-specific knowledge is to show how you’ve used your subject-specific knowledge in your work prior to becoming a teacher.

17. Teamwork

Being a skilled team member is one of the most crucial parts of being a stellar educator. 

In order to efficiently meet the needs of diverse learners, teamwork is crucial.

Current trends in teamwork for schools include just that: teams of teachers who teach the same group of students.

One example is a school who has all core teachers (Math, Social Studies, Science, and English) overseeing the education of the same group of students.

These teachers will communicate on a daily or weekly basis on the needs of individual students including:  their success in classes, behavioral issues, social emotional needs, special education needs, etc. 

Teams of teachers should be able to observe and provide interventions for students struggling when they work together to meet student needs.  A greater impact can be made on a students’ success in the classroom when there’s a team of teachers in that student’s corner.

Exemplifying your ability to work on a team in an educational setting is a great way to increase merit on your teaching resume.

18. Time Management

In teaching you will not be seen as a viable potential employee if you cannot demonstrate your ability to organize and plan your time.

We live in a time where the crowded curriculum means we need to leverage every moment of the day. If we don’t, we’ll never get through all the teaching we need to get done by the end of the school year.

19. Writing Skills

There’s nothing worse than a teacher who sends home a newsletter with spelling mistakes all over it. It undermines your credibility as an educator!

Your resume is the first look your potential employer has of your writing skills. Make sure it’s impeccable.

You could also explicitly discuss your writing skills. For example, you could provide examples of how you model writing in your classroom, regardless of your discipline. Writing is, after all, a general academic skill that all students need. 

Remember, your resume itself will showcase your writing skills.  Be sure you have proofread your resume and that your writing is grammatically correct, formatted efficiently, and is easy to navigate for potential employers.

Go Deeper: Writing Skills Examples

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

Soft skills are generalizable skills that are difficult to measure whereas hard skills are specific skills required in a profession, which are generally quantifiably measurable.

1. Soft skills are skills that are general in nature and can be transferrable across different professions. They are usually not quantitatively measurable. Examples include communication and leadership skills.

Soft skills also often require use of emotional intelligence to get them done. In other words, they often involve navigating complex social situations (although not always).

2. Hard skills are skills that are specific for tasks rather than generalist. They’re usually quantifiable and relate directly to your profession. For example, creating lesson plans is a measurable skill (you produce something at the end) and one that is specifically for the teaching profession.

Common Interview Questions for Teachers

  • How would you handle a disruptive student? I would answer this by highlighting the important to stay calm and patient, show concern for the student’s needs, and work together with the student, parents, and support staff to ensure the student is comfortable in the learning environment to minimize disruptive behavior going forward.
  • What is your teaching style? Most teachers would answer this with reference to active learning , placing an emphasis on situated learning , or achieving differentiation (see: examples of differentiated instruction ).
  • How do you plan to contribute to the learning culture at our school? Emphasize your ability to support other teachers, demonstrating high-standards to be a good role model to all students, and your enthusiasm to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

While the skills included in this article can seem overwhelming, remember that many of these skills are layered within each other and can be incorporated together in different aspects of your resume. 

Time management, patience, resilience, and problem solving are all skills that piggyback off of one another.  You likely won’t have one without touching on some of the others.

Work to group or highlight skills included in this article together.

Most importantly, remember to always make the forefront of your resume about the students.  Highlight how your skills enhance their learning.

The focus should always be on how you can increase student success in your classroom both academically and as citizens.  Teaching is really about the skills you have that make your students thrive!


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Excellent Article! Thank you for sharing. Fred

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  • • Spearheaded the development of an integrated math curriculum, resulting in a 15% increase in student state scores.
  • • Implemented innovative teaching strategies that catered to multiple learning styles, facilitating a 20% improvement in classroom engagement.
  • • Pioneered a data-driven approach to identify gaps in student knowledge, optimizing learning outcomes for a diverse classroom of 120 students.
  • • Collaborated with the special education department to tailor lessons for students with different abilities, ensuring compliance with IEP objectives.
  • • Coordinated with technology vendors to secure state-of-the-art educational tools, leading to a 25% uptick in resource efficiency.
  • • Mentored and coached 5 new teachers in best practices, boosting the department's teaching efficacy by 30%.
  • • Enhanced student understanding of complex mathematical concepts through the use of computer-aided instruction, increasing average test scores by 10%.
  • • Organized a 'Mathletes' club, growing membership by 40 students in its first year and improving college math readiness.
  • • Facilitated professional development workshops focused on integrating technology into math instruction for 20 colleagues.
  • • Developed a student mentorship program that paired upperclassmen with underclassmen, improving student social skills and academic performance.
  • • Formulated assessment protocols that streamlined grading processes, reducing administrative time by 25%.
  • • Provided training and support for a portfolio of educational software to 50 schools, improving academic outcomes through enhanced tech integration.
  • • Analyzed school performance data to recommend bespoke software solutions, improving learning engagement by 15% across client schools.
  • • Led a team project to create user-friendly training material for software deployment, resulting in a 50% reduction in onboarding time for educators.
  • • Initiated and managed healthy vendor relationships, leading to a more robust product offering and a 30% increase in customer satisfaction.

5 Technology Teacher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your technology teacher resume must highlight your expertise with current educational technologies. Showcase your proficiency in tools like learning management systems and interactive whiteboards. Demonstrate your ability to integrate digital resources into lesson plans. Emphasize your continuous learning to stay abreast of emerging tech trends.

All resume examples in this guide

teacher resume technology skills


teacher resume technology skills

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Technology Teacher resume example

As a technology teacher, articulating the broad spectrum of your skills and classroom technological integrations on a resume can be a daunting task. Our guide offers tailored strategies to help you effectively showcase these competencies, ensuring your application stands out to potential employers.

  • Sample industry-leading professional resumes for inspiration and technology teacher resume-writing know-how.
  • Focus recruiters' attention on what matters most - your unique experience, achievements, and skills.
  • Write various resume sections to ensure you meet at least 95% of all job requirements.
  • Balance your technology teacher technical expertise with personality to stand out amongst candidates.

If the technology teacher resume isn't the right one for you, take a look at other related guides we have:

  • Montessori Teacher Resume Example
  • Tutor Resume Example
  • Theatre Teacher Resume Example
  • First Grade Teacher Resume Example
  • Computer Science Teacher Resume Example
  • Virtual Teacher Resume Example
  • Online Teacher Resume Example
  • Art Teacher Resume Example
  • Social Studies Teacher Resume Example
  • Educational Consultant Resume Example

Best practices for the look and feel of your technology teacher resume

Before you even start writing your technology teacher resume, first you need to consider its layout and format .

What's important to keep in mind is:

  • The reverse-chronological resume is the most widely used format to present your experience, starting with your latest job.
  • Your technology teacher resume header needs to include your correct, professional contact details. If you happen to have a professional portfolio or an updated LinkedIn profile, include a link to it.
  • Ensure your resume is no longer than two pages - you don't have to include irelevant experience on your resume just to make it look longer.
  • Unless specified otherwise, submit your resume in the most popular format, the PDF one, as this will ensure your technology teacher resume isn't altered.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

Essential sections that should make up your technology teacher resume include:

  • The header - with your contact details (e.g. email and telephone number), link to your portfolio, and headline
  • The summary (or objective) - to spotlight the peaks of your professional career, so far
  • The experience section - with up to six bullets per role to detail specific outcomes
  • The skills list - to provide a healthy mix between your personal and professional talents
  • The education and certification - showing your most relevant degrees and certificates to the technology teacher role

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrated knowledge and proficiency in a variety of technology platforms and tools relevant to educational settings (e.g., learning management systems, coding software, educational apps).
  • Experience developing and implementing technology-integrated curriculum and classroom activities that align with state and national educational technology standards.
  • Ability to provide professional development and training for other educators on the use of technology in the classroom, including emerging edtech trends.
  • Experience in managing and maintaining classroom technology infrastructure, such as computer labs, tablets, and smartboards, ensuring they are functional and accessible for students.
  • Strong understanding of digital citizenship, online safety practices, and data privacy laws in education, with the ability to teach and enforce these concepts within the classroom.

Experts' advice on writing your technology teacher resume experience

While the excitement and motivation for writing your technology teacher resume was present in the first hour (or so), you now find yourself staring at the blank page.

The resume experience section is the one that allows you to make a memorable impression by matching job requirement with your past jobs and accomplishments.

To help you write this resume section, here are four mistakes you need to avoid:

  • Listing every job you have had so far, including the irrelevant ones. Before that, consider each of your past roles based on relevancy to the role. It may be the case that the job you had 15 years ago may have taught you invaluable skills that are appropriate for the role;
  • Including irrelevant work experience items . Those are past jobs that aren't linked with the role you're applying for (or so they seem). Consider how your past jobs will serve your professional presentation: will they be filling in a gap in your work history, or just taking up space?
  • Focusing on responsibilities instead of accomplishments. Your technology teacher resume shouldn't just be telling recruiters what you did in the past - as it's most often the case that candidates have had similar responsibilities. But, rather, the experience section should showcase the success you've attained in each past role, thanks to your unique skill set;
  • Consider listing just your professional experience. Any role you've had in the past - e.g. volunteering, internships, etc. - can make it into your technology teacher resume experience section. Make sure to include it alongside numbers and results.

Two more things you need to remember about your resume experience section.

The first are keywords. Or those specific job requirements that are crucial for the role . Ensure you've integrated them across your experience section to get sorted closer to the ideal candidate profile by the Applicant Tracker System (ATS).

The second are action verbs. Each of your experience bullets should start with a strong action verb , followed by your specific skill and your on the job achievements. Follow this formula to hint to recruiters what your unique value as a professional is.

Still with us? In the next section, we will show you how industry-leading professionals have avoided the four most common mistakes, while integrating keywords and action verbs in their experience section.

  • Developed a technology curriculum encompassing emerging software and hardware, increasing students' proficiency with technology by 45%.
  • Led a school-wide initiative to integrate technology into all subject areas, fostering interdisciplinary learning and collaboration among the teaching staff.
  • Initiated a 'Girls Who Code' club, successfully increasing female students' participation in technology-related extracurricular activities by 60%.
  • Pioneered a blended learning approach with a combination of in-person and digital instruction, resulting in a 20% increase in student engagement.
  • Secured a grant worth $30,000 to upgrade the computer lab with cutting-edge technology, enhancing hands-on learning experiences.
  • Coordinated with the STEM department to incorporate coding exercises into the math curriculum, significantly improving problem-solving skills among students.
  • Implemented a one-to-one laptop program, enabling personalized learning and a 35% improvement in technology literacy for students.
  • Organized an annual technology fair that showcased student projects and innovations to the local community, attracting over 500 visitors.
  • Developed partnerships with local tech companies for student mentorship opportunities, providing real-world experience and potential career pathways.
  • Designed an advanced computer science program, doubling the school's offerings and leading to a 30% increase in AP Computer Science pass rates.
  • Partnered with a software company to provide students with internships, yielding a 25% increase in students pursuing technology degrees in college.
  • Organized professional development workshops for teachers, enhancing their ability to integrate tech tools into their curriculum.
  • Led a district initiative to overhaul the technology curricula, aligning it with the latest industry standards, and improving post-graduate employment rates by 40%.
  • Deployed interactive e-learning platforms across the district, reducing costs by 20% while maintaining high-quality instructional standards.
  • Supervised a team of technology instructors, providing guidance on effective teaching strategies that increased student achievement scores by an average of 15%.
  • Launched a school-wide BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy that promoted a personalized learning environment and increased student technology use by 70%.
  • Served as a mentor for a robotics club that won first place in the state competition, showcasing student ability to apply coding skills in a competitive environment.
  • Implemented a flipped classroom model that uses technology for home learning and class time for hands-on activities, boosting student collaboration and critical thinking.
  • Spearheaded the adoption of 3D printing and design in the technology curriculum, which led to a school-wide increase in student-led innovation projects.
  • Collaborated with local businesses to create a weekend tech boot camp for students, culminating in a demo day with prototypes presented to investors.
  • Boosted standardized test scores in technology competency by 25% through targeted instruction and assessment.
  • Successfully integrated artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts into the senior technology program, preparing students for cutting-edge career fields.
  • Co-authored a district-wide digital citizenship program to educate students on internet safety, privacy, and ethical use of information technology.
  • Fostered a partnership with a leading tech company to donate VR equipment for interactive learning, resulting in increased student engagement by 50%.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of students taught per semester to demonstrate class management and scaling ability.
  • List the percentage increase of student pass rates or grades under your instruction as proof of teaching efficacy.
  • Mention the amount of technology-related extracurricular activities you've supervised to show engagement beyond the classroom.
  • Quantify the growth in technology literacy among students through pre and post-assessment metrics.
  • Document specific budget amounts managed for technology projects to illustrate financial responsibility.
  • Specify the number of professional development hours completed to emphasize dedication to continuous learning.
  • State the percentage decrease in equipment repair costs due to proactive maintenance and instruction strategies.
  • Record the number of collaborative projects with businesses or other educational institutions to highlight partnership-building skills.

Action verbs for your technology teacher resume

Target Illustration

Writing your technology teacher experience section without any real-world experience

Professionals, lacking experience, here's how to kick-start your technology teacher career:

  • Substitute experience with relevant knowledge and skills, vital for the technology teacher role
  • Highlight any relevant certifications and education - to showcase that you have the relevant technical training for the job
  • Definitely include a professional portfolio of your work so far that could include university projects or ones you've done in your free time
  • Have a big focus on your transferable skills to answer what further value you'd bring about as a candidate for the technology teacher job
  • Include an objective to highlight how you see your professional growth, as part of the company

Recommended reads:

  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)
  • How To Include Your Relevant Coursework On A Resume

Bold the names of educational institutions and certifying bodies for emphasis.

Technology Teacher resume skills section: writing about your hard skills and soft skills

Recruiters always care about the skill set you'd bring about to the Technology Teacher role. That's why it's a good idea to curate yours wisely, integrating both hard (or technical) and soft skills. Hard skills are the technology and software you're apt at using - these show your suitability for the technical aspect of the role. They are easy to track via your experience, certifications, and various resume sections. Your soft skills are those personality traits you've gained over time that show how you'd perform in the specific team, etc. Soft skills are more difficult to qualify but are definitely worth it - as they make you stand out and show your adaptability to new environments. How do you build the skills section of your resume? Best practices point that you could:

  • Include up to five or six skills in the section as keywords to align with the advert.
  • Create a specific technical skills section to highlight your hard skills aptitude.
  • Align the culture of the company you're applying to with your soft skills to determine which ones should be more prominent in your skills section.
  • Make sure you answer majority of the job requirements that are in the advert within your skills section.

A Technology Teacher's resume requires a specific skill set that balances both industry-specific hard skills with personal, soft skills. Discover the perfect mix for the Technology Teacher role from our list:

Top skills for your technology teacher resume:

Computer Programming

Information Technology Knowledge

Software Development Fundamentals

Networking Concepts

Cybersecurity Principles

Database Management

Hardware Troubleshooting

Multimedia Production

Instructional Design

STEM Education Techniques



Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Classroom Management

Continuous Learning

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order.

Discover the perfect certification and education to list on your technology teacher resume

Value the insights your resume education section offers. It can shed light on various proficiencies and experiences tailored for the job.

  • Add only college or university degrees, stating the institution and duration.
  • If you're nearing the end of your degree, note your graduation date.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of including unrelated degrees - it might not be your best choice with so little space on your resume.
  • Talk about your educational achievements if they amplify your relevant experience.

There are so many certificates you can list on your resume .

Just which ones should make the cut?

  • List your prominent higher education degree in a separate box, alongside the name of the institute you've obtained it from and your graduation dates
  • Curate only relevant certificates that support your expertise, hard skills, and soft skills
  • Certificates that are more niche (and rare) within the industry could be listed closer to the top. Also, this space could be dedicated to more recent certifications you've attained
  • Add a description to your certificates or education, only if you deem this could further enhance your chances of showcasing your unique skill set

When listing your certificates, remember that it isn't a case of "the more, the merrier", but rather "the more applicable they are to the industry, the better".

Recruiters have hinted that these are some of the most in-demand certificates for technology teacher roles across the industry:

The top 5 certifications for your technology teacher resume:

  • National Board Certification for Career and Technical Education (NBCT-CTE) - National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
  • Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) - Microsoft
  • Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) - Adobe
  • Certified Technology Education Teacher (CTET) - International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA)
  • Google for Education Certified Trainer - Google for Education
  • When Should You Include Your High School on Your Resume?

The summary or objective: focusing on the top one-third of your resume

It's a well-known fact that the top one-third of your technology teacher resume is the make-it-or-break-it moment of your application. The resume summary and objective could help you further build up your professional profile.

  • If you have plenty of career highlights behind your back, use the resume summary . The technology teacher summary immediately focuses recruiters' attention on what matters most within your experience.
  • The resume objective is the perfect choice for balancing your career achievements with your vision. Use it to state precisely how you see yourself in a couple of years' time - as part of the company you're applying for.

Both the resume summary and resume objective can be your value pitch to potential employers: answering what makes your application unique and the top choice for the technology teacher role. They both have to be specific and tailored - as there's no one-size-fits-all approach to writing your technology teacher summary or objective. Use the technology teacher examples below as a starting point:

Resume summaries for a technology teacher job

  • With over 8 years of dedicated experience as a Computer Science teacher and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology, I have successfully integrated cutting-edge technology into the curriculum and developed innovative e-learning platforms. My commitment has led to a 40% increase in student engagement in STEM subjects at XYZ High School.
  • A seasoned Software Developer with 15 years at top tech firms including Google and Adobe, seeking to leverage extensive coding expertise and passion for teaching in a new career as a Technology Instructor. Notable achievement includes building a multi-award-winning app utilized by millions of users worldwide.
  • As a former Systems Analyst with 10 years of experience at IBM, I am poised to transition my analytical skills, comprehensive understanding of software development, and a relentless drive for problem-solving into educating and inspiring the next generation of technology students.
  • Bringing two decades of entrepreneurial experience as a Tech Startup Founder, with a proven track record for creating and selling innovative tech solutions, and a newfound desire to empower students by sharing real-world insights and fostering practical skills in technology education.
  • Eager to embark on a teaching career, I aim to apply my recent Master’s degree in Technology Education and enthusiasm for digital literacy to develop stimulating and inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse learning styles and encourage creative problem-solving.
  • Aspiring to meld my fresh educational background in Tech Education with a life-long hobby in computer programming, I am committed to crafting compelling and interactive learning experiences that ignite curiosity and passion for technology among students of all ages.

Miscellaneous technology teacher resume sections for a more personalized approach

Your technology teacher resume can reflect even more upon your personality and best qualities - that is if you decide on including a couple of additional resume sections to support your application.

Some of the best-accepted industry-wide choices include the:

  • Resume projects - getting into the outcomes of your most important work, so far;
  • Languages on your resume - detailing your proficiency level;
  • Special recognitions - dedicated to your most prominent industry awards;
  • Hobbies and interests - defining how you spend your free time.

Key takeaways

Writing your technology teacher resume can be a structured and simple experience, once you better understand the organization's requirements for the role you're applying to. To sum up, we'd like to remind you to:

  • Always select which experiences, skills, and achievements to feature on your resume based on relevancy to the role;
  • In your resume summary, ensure you've cherry-picked your top achievements and matched them with the job ad's skills;
  • Submit your technology teacher resume as a one or two-page long document at the most, in a PDF format;
  • Select industry leading certifications and list your higher education to highlight you have the basis for technical know-how;
  • Quantify your people's skills through various resume sections (e.g. Strengths, Hobbies and interests, etc.) to show recruiters how your profile aligns with the organizational culture.

technology teacher resume example

Looking to build your own Technology Teacher resume?

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Teacher Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Looking to land more job offers as a teacher?

A solid resume is going to be your starting point. This comprehensive guide provides proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples for writing a job-winning Teacher resume based on data from coaching thousands of successful job seekers.

From top to bottom, this guide will give you the tools you need to create an excellent Teacher resume and increase the chances of you landing your dream job.

Here's what we're going to cover:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Teacher Resume
  • The Best Skills To Include On An Teacher Resume

How To Write A Job-Winning Teacher Resume Summary

How to write offer-winning teacher resume bullets.

  • 3 Teacher Resume Examples

The 8 Best Teacher Resume Templates

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Teacher Resume Overview: What To Know To Write A Resume That Wins More Job Offers

Wondering what school districts are looking for when they're hiring a teacher?

Districts want knowledgeable, skilled, and dedicated teachers that are highly qualified. That means they have the proper education, certifications, and experience along with mastery of their subject, strong classroom management, communication, flexibility, and commitment to student learning.  Professionalism, reliability, and punctuality are also key qualities.

Your resume should show the district that the your experience and personality combined encompass all of these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Teacher resume:

  • Highlight your education and certifications:  emphasizing any relevant coursework or specialized training.
  • Emphasize your teaching experience:  providing specific examples of your accomplishments and contributions to student learning.
  • Include keywords from the job description: ensure your resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Showcase your skills and achievements: including examples of your ability to manage a classroom, communicate effectively, and use technology.
  • Quantify your work: Use numbers to showcase the results of your teaching efforts. Some examples include increases in student assessment results, increasing student engagement and decreasing classroom management issues.
  • Proofread: Carefully proofread your resume for errors and typos, as these can give a negative impression to potential employers (I recommend using the Hemingway App ).

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Teacher Skills To Include On Your Resume

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your resume. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan resumes for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for the employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized resume. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Teacher Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for an Teacher resume.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of real Teacher job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Collaborative
  • Development
  • Flexibility
  • Performance
  • Instruction
  • Regulations

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Resume And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific resume and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your resume is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for

Teacher Resume Examples for 2023

  • Open a copy of your updated teacher resume
  • Open a copy of your target teacher job description
  • In the widget below, paste your resume on the left, paste the job description on the right, and hit scan!

teacher resume technology skills

Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Paste the job post's details here:

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.


And if you're a visual learner, here's a video walking through the entire process so you can follow along:

You have a very short window of time to capture an employer's attention–an average of six seconds, to be exact.

To land more interviews an offers, you have to make each one of those seconds count. Start by putting the exact information the reader is looking for at the very top of your resume.

A quick Google search will tell you that a Summary or an Objective should hold this top spot but, unfortunately, that traditional advice simply won't capture your reader's attention. Winning in today's job market means using a more modern approach, what I like to call a “Highlight Reel.”

Here's how it works:

Highlight Reels: A Proven Way To Start Your Resume And Win More Jobs

The Highlight Reel is exactly what it sounds like.

It's a section at the top of your resume that allows you to pick and choose the best and most relevant experience to feature right at the top of your resume.

It's essentially a highlight reel of your career as it relates to this specific role! I like to think about it as the SportsCenter Top 10 of your resume.

The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts:

  • A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role
  • An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high level value
  • A few supporting “Case Study” bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience
  • A closing “Extracurricular” bullet to round out your candidacy

For example, if we were writing a Highlight Reel for a Teacher role, it might look like this:

Teacher Resume Summary Example

You can see how the first bullet includes the Teacher job title, the years of experience this candidate has, and it wraps up with a value-driven pitch for how they've helped students in the past.

The next two bullets are “Case Studies” of specific results they drove at their district. Finally, their last bullet focuses on their proficiency with classroom technology.

This candidate has provided all of the info any employer would want to see right at the very top of their resume! The best part is, they can customize this section for each and every role they apply for to maximize the relevance of their experience.

Here's one more example of a Teacher Highlight Reel:

Teacher Resume Summary Example

While the content in this example is focused on this candidate's previous industry experience, you can see all of the elements of a great Highlight Reel (especially the emphasis on measurable outcomes and results!).

If you want more details on writing a killer Highlight Reel, check out my full guide on Highlight Reels here.

Bullets make up the majority of the content in your resume. If you want to win, you need to know how to write bullets that are compelling and value-driven.

Unfortunately, way too many job seekers aren't good at this. They use fluffy, buzzword-fill language and they only talk about the actions that they took rather than the results and outcomes those actions created.

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

If you apply this framework to each of the bullets on your resume, you're going to make them more compelling and your value is going to be crystal clear to the reader. For example, take a look at these resume bullets:

❌ Responsible for creating a safe learning environment.  

✅ Fostered an encouraging learning environment through communication, collaboration, and compassion that increased student participation by 30% over one academic year.

The second bullet makes the candidate's value  so much more clear, and it's a lot more fun to read! That's what we're going for here.

That said, it's one thing to look at the graphic above and try to apply the abstract concept of “35% hard skills” to your bullet. We wanted to make things easy, so we created a tool called that will actually give your resume bullet a score and show you how to improve it.

Using ResyBullet To Write Crazy Effective, Job-Winning Teacher Resume Bullets

ResyBullet takes our proprietary “resume bullet formula” and layers it into a tool that's super simple to use. Here's how it works:

  • Head over to
  • Copy a bullet from your teacher resume and paste it into the tool, then hit “Analyze”
  • ResyBullet will score your teacher resume bullet and show you exactly what you need to improve
  • You edit your bullet with the recommended changes and scan it again
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 60+
  • Move on to the next bullet in your teacher resume

Let's take a look at how this works for the two resume bullet examples I shared above:

First, we had, “Responsible for creating a safe learning environment.” 

ResyBullet gave that a score of 25/100.  While it includes an action word, it's too short and is missing relevant skills, compelling language, and measurable outcomes:

Example of a bad teacher resume bullet.

Now, let's take a look at our second bullet,  “Fostered an encouraging learning environment through communication, collaboration, and compassion that increased student participation by 30% over one academic year.” 

ResyBullet gave that a 75 / 100. Much better! This bullet had more content focused on the specific criteria the hiring team is looking for. We can see by exactly how much they increased student participation, the skill and method they applied, and that it all resulted in an overall increase in student success.

Example of a good teacher resume bullet

Now all you have to do is run each of your bullets through ResyBullet, make the suggested updates, and your resume is going to be jam packed with eye-popping, value-driven content!

And if you want to learn more about the underlying strategies behind writing great resume bullets, check out this guide.

If you're ready, grab a bullet from your resume, paste it into the widget below, and hit scan to get your first resume bullet score and analysis:

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results., copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:, 3 teacher resume examples for 2023.

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three resume examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds:

Teacher Resume Example #1: A Traditional Background

Teacher Resume Example #1

Teacher Resume Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

For our second Teacher Resume Example, we have a candidate who has a non-traditional background. In this case, they are coming from the financial services industry but have experience helping customers learn more about financial literacy. Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for Teacher roles:

Teacher Resume Example #2

Teacher Resume Example #3: Experienced Teacher With Masters Degree

For our third Teacher Resume Example, we have a candidate who has 14+ years of experience and a Masters degree. Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for Teacher roles:

Teacher Resume Example #3

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Teacher resume that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with our ResyBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your resume using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

teacher resume technology skills

Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time .

Choose a resume template below to get started:.

teacher resume technology skills

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Teacher Resume

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Teacher resume:

  • Start with a proven resume template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your resume for each Teacher role you apply to
  • Start your resume with a Highlight Reel to immediately grab your target school district's attention
  • Use to craft compelling, value-driven bullets that pop off the page
  • Compare the draft of your Teacher resume to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like HemingwayApp to proofread your resume before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Teacher interviews and job offers.

Now that your resume is all set, check out my guide on writing a job-winning Teacher cover letter (with examples!)

Laura Headshot

Laura Lorta

Laura is an Editor at Cultivated Culture. She transitioned from teaching into the world of content so she's no stranger to career pivots. She also has a bachelors in Entrepreneurship and a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction / Bilingual Education. She currently shares job search advice to help people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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  • ResumeBuild
  • Technology Teacher

5 Amazing technology teacher Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, technology teacher: resume samples & writing guide, brad irving, employment history.

  • Stay current with emerging technologies and trends in the field
  • Create and maintain a safe and productive learning environment
  • Assist in the development of technology-related policies and procedures
  • Develop and maintain relationships with technology vendors and suppliers
  • Prepare and submit technology-related reports
  • Train students and staff in the use of technology
  • Provide instruction and support for students using technology

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

Francis Jones

  • Encourage student use of technology for research, problem-solving, and communication
  • Integrate technology into the curriculum
  • Monitor and assess student progress in technology-based learning activities

Xaviero Foster

  • Participate in professional development activities related to technology
  • Research and recommend new technologies for classroom use
  • Maintain and troubleshoot technology-related hardware and software
  • Collaborate with other teachers to develop technology-based learning activities

Harry Davis

Professional summary.

  • Develop and implement technology-based learning activities and lessons

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

teacher resume technology skills

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

technology teacher Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an technology teacher position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

technology teacher

  • Planning and delivering a variety of entertaining and engaging art, music and play classes.
  • Leading a team of teaching support staff.
  • Building relationships with pupils from a wide range of social backgrounds.
  • Promoting equal opportunities in the classroom.
  • Ensuring that pupils are taught in a happy, safe and stimulating environment.
  • Attending parent evenings and giving guardians feedback on a pupil’s progress.
  • Implementing all of the policies and procedures of the school.
  • Maintain technology and software in a classroom environment.
  • Interact with teachers and students to tailor technology interactions to best suit individual learners.
  • Educating newcomers to Canada and seniors about modern technology. 
  • Answering questions regarding phones, laptops and tablets. 
  • Technology Skills teacher/lesson planning
  • Design Thinking/PBL Planning for Makerspace 
  • Teaching Microsoft Office, Powerpoint and Excel skills.
  • Teaching according to a pupil’s educational needs and ability.
  • Teach students code using programs such as Scratch, CodeSpark, Construct, and 
  • Teaching students how to use Google applications such as Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets.
  • Providing students with guidance on educational and social matters relating to their studies and future careers.
  • Writing up a detailed typed report on each student at the end of every term.
  • Utilized computers, audio-visual aids, and other equipment and materials to supplement presentations.
  • Prepared lesson materials, bulletin board displays and demonstrations.
  • Prepared lesson outlines and plans in assigned subject area and submitted outlines to School Administrators for review.
  • Keep all teaching materials up-to-date. 

technology teacher Job Skills

For an technology teacher position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Science
  • Programming
  • Algorithm Design
  • Operating Systems
  • Network Administration
  • Cybersecurity
  • Web Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Structures
  • Cloud Computing
  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Design
  • Software Testing
  • Database Administration
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • System Administration
  • User Interface Design
  • Computer Architecture

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Computer Literacy
  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Troubleshooting
  • Quality Assurance
  • Supervisory
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Documentation
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your technology teacher Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

  • Pariticpate in professional developement activites related to technolgy
  • Prepare and submitt technolgy-related reportes
  • Maintain and troubleshoot technolgy-related hardware and softwares
  • Collabrate with other teachers to develop technology-based learning activities
  • Train students and staff in the use of technolgy
  • Integrate technolgy into the curiculum
  • Collaborate with other teachers, to develop technology-based learning activities.
  • Participate in professional developement activities, related to technolgy.
  • Provide instruction and support, for students using technolgy.

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

How to Optimize Your technology teacher Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

Pauline Austin

Unexplained year gaps and missing job experiences are a no-no, gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

technology teacher Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an technology teacher position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing to express my interest in the Lead Technology Teacher role at Education Reimagined. As a Technology Teacher with 6 years of experience in Education, I am confident that I have the necessary skills and expertise to succeed in this position.

Throughout my life, I have pursued my passion for Educational Leadership and sought out opportunities to learn and grow. My experience in Education has given me valuable skills such as Adaptability and Time Management that have allowed me to improve professionally and personally. I am excited to bring these skills and my passion as a Technology Teacher to the position and work with a team of like-minded individuals to achieve our common goals.

Thank you for considering my application for the Lead Technology Teacher position. With my skills and the amazing team at this organization, I am assured that I can contribute to your organization's success and make a meaningful impact. Looking forward to a future where we can work together.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






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Check out our other resume of resume examples.

  • Preschool Teacher Resume
  • Teacher Resume
  • Language Teacher Resume
  • Lecturer Resume
  • First Grade Teacher Resume
  • Professor Resume
  • Social Studies Teacher Resume
  • Substitute Teacher Resume



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Build your Resume in 15 minutes

Resume Worded   |  Resume Skills

Skill profile, technology education teacher, improve your resume's success rate by using these technology education teacher skills and keywords ..

  • Hard Skills and Keywords for your Technology Education Teacher Resume
  • ATS Scan : Compare Your Resume To These Skills
  • Sample Resume Templates
  • How To Add Skills
  • Technology Education Teacher More Resume Templates

Browse Skills from Similar Jobs

Frequently asked questions.

  • 3. Effective Action Verbs for your Resume

Get a Free Resume Review

Looking for keywords for a specific job search for your job title here., © 2024 resume worded. all rights reserved., technology education teacher resume keywords and skills (hard skills).

Here are the keywords and skills that appear most frequently on recent Technology Education Teacher job postings. In other words, these are the most sought after skills by recruiters and hiring managers. Go to Sample Templates ↓ below to see how to include them on your resume. Remember that every job is different. Instead of including all keywords on your resume, identify those that are most relevant to the job you're applying to. Use the free Targeted Resume tool to help with this.
  • Educational Technology
  • Curriculum Development
  • Lesson Planning
  • Educational Leadership
  • Classroom Management
  • Technology Education
  • Teacher Training
  •  Find out what your resume's missing
  • Staff Development
  • Instructional Design
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • K-12 Education
  • Woodworking
  • Autodesk Inventor
  • Technology Integration
  • Higher Education
  • 3D Printing
  • Elementary Education
  • Classroom Instruction

Resume Skills: Educational Technology

  • Blackboard LMS
  • Google Classroom
  • VoiceThread
  • Distance Learning
  • Smartboard Proficiency
  •  Match your resume to these skills

Resume Skills: Programming

  • Microsoft Office Suite

Resume Skills: Certifications & Tools

  • Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE)
  • Google Certified Educator Level 1 and 2
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Suite
  • Adobe Creative Cloud

Resume Skills: Cyber-Safety

  • Digital Footprint
  • Online Privacy and Security
  • Social Media Etiquette and Safety
  • Cybersecurity Basics

Resume Skills: Teaching Tools

  • PowerSchool

Resume Skills: Multimedia Production

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Articulate Storyline

Resume Skills: Web Development

Resume skills: data analysis.

  • Google Analytics

Resume Skills: Curriculum Planning

  • Assessment Design
  • Core Standards
  • Individualized Instruction

Resume Skills: Languages

  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Alternatively, you can also include a Skills section where you can list your technical skills in order of your proficiency. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.
   Does your resume contain all the right skills? Paste in your resume in the AI Resume Scan ↓ section below and get an instant score.

Compare Your Resume To These Technology Education Teacher Skills (ATS Scan)

Paste your resume below and our AI will identify which keywords are missing from your resume from the list above (and what you need to include). Including the right keywords will help you get past Applicant Tracking Systems (i.e. resume screeners) which may scan your resume for keywords to see if you're a match for the job.

Sample Technology Education Teacher Resume Examples: How To Include These Skills

Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or skills section , like we've shown in the examples below. use the examples below as inspiration..

  Where on my resume do I add these buzzwords? Add keywords directly into your resume's work experiences , education or projects. Only include these technical skills or keywords into your resume if you actually have experience with them.

How do I add skills to a Technology Education Teacher resume?

Go through the Technology Education Teacher posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Educational Leadership, Classroom Management and Technology Education are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume.

teacher resume technology skills

Add other common skills from your industry - such as Educational Technology, Lesson Planning and Curriculum Development - into your resume if they're relevant.

teacher resume technology skills

Incorporate skills - like Higher Education, STEM and K-12 Education - into your work experience too. This shows hiring managers that you have practical experience with these tools, techniques and skills.

teacher resume technology skills

Try to add the exact job title, Technology Education Teacher, somewhere into your resume to get past resume screeners. See the infographic for how to do this.

teacher resume technology skills

Word Cloud for Technology Education Teacher Skills & Keywords

The following word cloud highlights the most popular keywords that appear on Technology Education Teacher job descriptions. The bigger the word, the more frequently it shows up on employer's job postings. If you have experience with these keywords, include them on your resume.

Top Technology Education Teacher Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

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Upload your resume and we'll spot the issues in it before an actual technology education teacher recruiter sees it. for free., technology education teacher resume templates.

Here are examples of proven resumes in related jobs and industries, approved by experienced hiring managers. Use them as inspiration when you're writing your own resume. You can even download and edit the resume template in Google Docs.

Resume Example Professional

An effective Description of the templates...

Professional Resume Sample

Download this resume template

This resume template is suitable for experienced hires or mid-level hires. The education contains two examples of an education experiences, but only include one (your most recent one) if you're a senior level employee.

Tips on why this template works

   makes great use of space.

It strikes the right balance between white space and content, and doesn't waste space on unnecessary images and icons. Remember, recruiters aren't looking at how creative you are when it comes to your template. Your content is core and should be the focus.

Makes great use of space - Professional Resume

   Strong resume bullet points

This job seeker uses resume bullet points that uses strong action verbs, and most importantly, contain numbers that demonstrate the significance of their accomplishments.

Strong resume bullet points - Professional Resume

Resume Example Highlights (Free)

Highlights (Free) Resume Sample

This template is clean, readable by resume screeners, and is effective at calling out key accomplishments and projects from specific work experiences. This would be useful if you have been at a company for a while, or been in a consulting-type of role, and want to point hiring managers to your most impressive accomplishments.

   Strong action verbs

Action verbs are important on your resume are vital. They evoke strong imagery to your reader, and this resume does an excellent job by using words such as “spearheaded,” “managed,” and “drove.” These words will help you to put your achievements in perspective, in conjunction with measurable results. Use action verbs relating to the skills you want to highlight.

Strong action verbs - Highlights (Free) Resume

   Specific examples of finished projects

Many of your accomplishments will involve your responsibilities in your employer's high-level projects. Recruiters want to see what you’ve completed in previous roles -- such as the Operations Improvement Project and new iPhone app launch highlighted in this resume. The numbers make your experience real, rather than a vague “oversaw several teams for a project.” What did you do specifically? Be specific.

Specific examples of finished projects - Highlights (Free) Resume

Resume Example Modern Two-Column

Modern Two-Column Resume Sample

This two column resume template has been designed and created in Google Docs, and puts an emphasis on a skills section. You can download it in Word, or edit it directly in Google Docs.

   Prioritize work experience, while including other key sections

The two-column in this Google Docs resume template prioritizes the work experience sections, while maximizing the content into the resume. Not all two column templates are ATS-compatible, but this one is when it is saved as PDF and passed through a resume screener.

Prioritize work experience, while including other key sections - Modern Two-Column Resume

   Includes a strong Skills section

Skills sections are a great way to include specific keywords and skills that you have, that haven't been included in other parts of your resume. This helps you get past resume screeners that scan your resume for specific keywords.

Includes a strong Skills section - Modern Two-Column Resume

Resume Example Clean Modern

Clean Modern Resume Sample

If you're a job seeker with a few years of experience under your belt, use a template like this one. It's simple, effective at highlighting our work experience, and minimizes the emphasis on the education section (the dates are omitted which is good to prevent ageism, especially if you graduated more than 10 years ago).

   Professionally-designed template

Minimal templates like this one are exactly what mid-to-senior level recruiters want to see - it shows professionalism, focuses on accomplishments, and makes full use of each page.

Professionally-designed template - Clean Modern Resume

   Resume summary highlights key accomplishments

The first rule about including a resume summary is that it does not repeat accomplishments mentioned elsewhere on the resume. This resume stresses new software engineering and leadership skills right at the top of the resume, and includes an award too. If you include a summary, try to include a mix of both technical accomplishments (e.g. projects you developed or led), as well as career-related accomplishments (e.g. being promoted).

Resume summary highlights key accomplishments - Clean Modern Resume

Resume Example Entry-Level (Free)

Entry-Level (Free) Resume Sample

Use this Google Docs template if you're a student, recent graduate, or a career changer. Right out of college, you may not have much experience in the field. To supplement that, use your experience in clubs and activities, volunteering, projects, and useful coursework to help highlight your knowledge on the subject.

   Emphasis on education

If you're an entry-level job seeker that has recently completed education (or in the process of completing a degree), you should prioritize your education and include it first. This Google Docs template does this.

Emphasis on education - Entry-Level (Free) Resume

   University projects relevant to the job

If you're an entry level job seeker (or a career-changer), you may not have enough work experience to fill up your resume. This is where class projects and university projects come in. This template has a section dedicated to projects, which you can use to talk about volunteering, class projects, or personal projects relevant to the job.

University projects relevant to the job - Entry-Level (Free) Resume

Resume Example Concise

Concise Resume Sample

This is a suitable Google Docs resume template for all kinds of roles, including senior, entry-level and mid-level. Note how the focus is the work experience section only, and the education section is limited. This is what you should do if you graduated a while ago.

   Use a skills section to highlight specific keywords

To get past resume screeners and Applicant Tracking Systems, use a skills section that includes specific skills the job is looking for. This is an easy way to tailor your resume.

Use a skills section to highlight specific keywords - Concise Resume

   Keep you education short, if you're a mid to senior level job seeker

Keep you education short, if you're a mid to senior level job seeker - Concise Resume

What skills should you add to a Technology Education Teacher resume?

Some popular Technology Education Teacher hard skills are Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Lesson Planning, Educational Leadership, Classroom Management, Technology Education, Teacher Training and Staff Development. Depending on the job you apply to, skills like K-12 Education, Higher Education, Elementary Education, STEM and Instructional Design can also be good to include on your resume.

Target your Resume to a Job Description

While the keywords above are a good indication of what skills you need on your resume, you should try to find additional keywords that are specific to the job. To do this, use the free Targeted Resume tool. It analyzes the job you are applying to and finds the most important keywords you need on your resume. It is personalized to your resume, and is the best way to ensure your resume will pass the automated resume filters. Start targeting your resume
Most resumes get auto-rejected because of small, simple errors. These errors are easy to miss but can be costly in your job search. If you want to make sure your resume is error-free, upload it to Score My Resume for a free resume review. You'll get a score so you know where your resume stands, as well as actionable feedback to improve it. Get a free resume review

Scan your skills and keywords.

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Find out what keywords recruiters search for. These keywords will help you beat resume screeners (i.e. the Applicant Tracking System).

   get a resume score., find out how effective your resume really is. you'll get access to our confidential resume review tool which will tell you how recruiters see your resume..

teacher resume technology skills

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

teacher resume technology skills

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Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them

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Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them was originally published on Forage .

Whether you’re a new graduate looking for your first teaching job or someone who wants to make a career change to education, you need to include teaching skills on your resume. But how do you include your teaching skills on your resume without resorting to a laundry list of skills?

While you probably can’t include all of your relevant skills, focusing on the top ones (as in, your strongest ones) will help you focus your application. The next step is describing how you use your teaching skills on the job.

Not sure where to start or which skills to pick? This guide has it all!

The Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume

A majority of the top teaching skills for your resume are soft skills , though there are a few hard skills as well. And what’s great about soft skills is that they aren’t something you necessarily have to take a class for or learn on a specific job.

Soft skills, and by extension, teaching skills, are skills you develop throughout your life, making them highly transferable . Some skills you may have picked up at a summer job or internship and others you may have honed working on group projects. And there are a few skills you may have picked up in your day-to-day life, like staying organized so you don’t forget any of your to-dos.

How to Include Teaching Skills on Your Resume

The easiest way to include the below teaching skills is to list them as part of the skills section of your resume . Alternatively, you could include them as part of your job duties in your work history (e.g., created presentations). However, neither explain how you use these skills as a teacher.

Now, normally, you would use the STAR method to describe how you use your skills at work, and for most jobs, results (the “R” of STAR) are relatively simple to include. You can talk about how many deals you closed, how much business you managed, or how you improved a process that saved the company money.

When it comes to including teaching skills — and soft skills in general — on your resume,  there isn’t always a concrete way to quantify your outcomes. But there are ways you can explain how you use those skills at work.

Each of these skills has a STAR-method example of how you can include your teaching skills on your resume.

1. Patience

Patience, as they say, is a virtue, and it’s a skill teachers need plenty of — no matter which grade or subject you teach. From helping younger students learn their ABCs and how to tie a shoelace to working with older students who would rather watch TikTok instead of participate, teachers have to have patience.

Resume Example: Talk about a time you had to be patient on the job or in school. This could include having to follow up with a coworker multiple times or waiting for someone to finish their part of the project.

Tracked and followed up with team members on progress toward group goal to ensure project was completed on time

2. Conflict Resolution

Another critical teaching skill to include on your resume is conflict resolution. You’ll likely have to help students navigate tricky situations, whether personal or academic. At those times, it’s possible your student lacks self-control or awareness, which may make them less receptive to what you’re saying and possibly act out.

And beyond the classroom, you’ll probably use your conflict resolution skills when you speak with parents, other teachers, the administration, or school board.

Resume Example: You can talk about dealing with parents or students during your student teaching or about a group project you worked on where you de-escalated a conflict.

Mediated disagreements between students to ensure classroom remained a safe place to learn

3. Time Management

While you know what happens at 9:55 a.m. and may even have a bell that cues you throughout the school day, you can’t be halfway through your lesson by the end of class.

Teachers need top-tier time management skills to ensure they stay on time so students get the information they need, no one is late to the next class, and your class doesn’t miss the bus!

Resume Example: Talking up your time management skills is very similar to project management , so you can talk about a project you managed from start to finish. Likewise, you can mention how you use your time management skills to ensure you don’t fall behind on due dates.

Created calendar with milestone due dates to ensure group completed project tasks on time

4. Technology and Computer Literacy

In today’s digital world, technological and computer literacy is a must. Even if you’re not teaching a STEM class, there’s a high probability you will use some kind of technology in the classroom. Textbooks may be online, as well as the gradebook and attendance reporting.

While you don’t have to be a software engineer to be a teacher, you should demonstrate that you have some digital know-how.

Resume Example: Among teaching skills for your resume, this one is more of a hard skill and a bit easier to demonstrate. You can talk about how you’re a wiz with spreadsheets (like Excel ), run a hobby website, or design illustrations for lessons.

Use Canva to create interactive elements for lessons and worksheets

5. Attention to Detail

Teachers are responsible for tons of details. You don’t want to misrecord something in the gradebook or mark the wrong person absent. What’s more, sometimes a substitute may take your place, so your lesson plans need to be thorough and detailed so the substitute can teach your students and ensure they don’t fall behind.

Resume Example: Mention a time you had to use your attention to detail skills. Maybe you were the editor of the student newspaper, or you had to balance the cash register at night. Both tasks demonstrate that you pay attention to and notice the little things.

Edited student newspaper to ensure the final copy was error-free and reduce the probability of having to retract the article or issue a correction

6. Problem-Solving

Though most days at school are fairly routine, there will be times you have to engage your problem-solving skills . The power might be out, and you have to teach everything analog. Or the supplies you need for an experiment haven’t shown up yet. Even though you have a lesson plan, you’ll still have to improvise, and that means solving problems and engaging your creative thinking .

Resume Example: Talk about a time you had to think on your feet and be creative. That could be anything from devising a lesson plan from scratch to giving a presentation on the fly.

Discovered data inconsistency with reporting and created a new filter to ensure more accurate results

7. Leadership

When people think of leadership in relation to teaching and teachers, they probably think of the head of a department or the principal. While those are leadership positions, being the teacher in a classroom of 20 six-year-olds requires leadership skills .

For example, if you’re trying to line the class up and move them quietly through the hall, accomplishing this task requires you to persuade, convince, and motivate a bunch of kids who may be hungry, tired, or need to run around outside. Your ability to make this happen uses a mix of soft skills, but they all come together to make you the leader of the class!

Resume Example: Leadership doesn’t have to equate to “in charge.” Think about a time you motivated and inspired others to get something done, especially if it was a task no one was interested in.

Ensured safety and well-being of 20 campers, including daily head counts, taking campers to the nurse, and teaching basic swim lessons.

8. Communication

Teachers use their verbal and written communication skills a lot . Whether it’s writing a syllabus, explaining the water cycle, filling out report cards, or telling the class that recess is over, teachers spend most of their time communicating .

And teachers communicate with multiple groups, so the ability to vary your communication style for the particular audience is necessary. For example, how you present something to the board of education is very different from explaining it to seventh graders.

Resume Example: While your resume (and cover letter ) are examples of your written skills , don’t stop there. Talk about papers you’ve written or blog posts you’ve contributed. And for verbal communication skills, talk about the presentations you’ve given.

Presented senior thesis to Humanities department about improving reading skills in fourth-grade classes

9. Organization

Planning the lessons, scheduling the quizzes and tests, and making sure everyone is where they need to be requires stellar organization skills, but that’s only one part of the puzzle. Teachers also make sure to teach students the information the school or state mandates at the right time, so students are prepared for required benchmark tests.

Resume Example: Describe how you stay organized, whether that’s in school or on the job.

10. Advocacy

Finally, you’ll often need to advocate for your students, classroom, school, and even your community. But advocacy in this context generally requires a gentle touch and awareness.

Resume Example: Talk about a time you stood up for something, but ensure it’s not “over the top.” For example, mentioning how you spoke to the school board while you were in high school about adjusting lunch time, so people didn’t have to eat at 10:00 a.m. is advocacy. Protesting outside a school is activism. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with activism, but it may not have a place on your teaching resume.

Requested for and received 17% additional funding for reading support program in school library

What Is the Job Outlook for Teachers?

The job outlook as reported by the Bureaus of Labor Statistics (BLS) is projected to remain stable between 2022 and 2032 for almost all teachers at 1%. Below is the median pay for teachers and estimated number of jobs that will be open between 2022 and 2032 from the BLS:

Median PayJob OpeningsKindergarten and elementary school $61,620 10,700Middle school $61,810 5,100High school $62,360 11,100

Which Teaching Skills Belong on Your Resume?

While these are some of the top teaching skills for your resume, they’re not the only ones you can include. If you think adaptability , teamwork , empathy, or lesson planning are better fits for you, use those instead. Just remember to describe them using the STAR method so the hiring manager better understands how you’ll use your teaching skills in the classroom.

And if you’re not 100% sure that teaching is the right career for you, take our What Career Is Right for Me ? quiz and discover career paths you may not have thought about.

Image credit: Canva

The post Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them appeared first on Forage .

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10 Essential Teacher Resume Skills to Include for 2024

A teacher smiles at her class as they eagerly raise their hands to answer a question of the day.

Written by Victoria Hegwood

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As the demand for quality education continues to rise, so does the competition among teachers on the job search. Finding the right position is one thing but landing your ideal job can be another task entirely. 

So having a well-crafted resume can set you apart from the competition and help you secure your dream teaching position.

As you put together your resume, you may be asking yourself 'What skills should I highlight to make sure my resume catches the eye of potential employers? ' 

Never fear; we've got the answers for you! 

In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential teacher resume skills to include in your resume. And we have some great suggestions for high-quality resume templates to bolster your teacher job application in 2024. 

Whether you're an experienced teacher looking for a new opportunity or a fresh graduate ready to tackle your first classroom, you'll find tips and tricks for landing your dream job. Let's dive in! 

What are teacher skills?

So, what exactly are 'teacher skills'? This is the first place to start when deciding what to list on your resume. 

Teacher skills are the specific competencies and abilities that enable educators to perform their duties effectively in the classroom.

These skills are often split into two types: hard skills and soft skills.  

Hard skills include specific technical abilities and knowledge required for teaching. These skills set teachers apart from all the rest. Some examples may be:

  • Subject matter expertise
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management

Soft skills, on the other hand, are more general skills that are used in teaching as well as many other professions and areas of life. Soft skills include: 

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • The ability to build positive relationships with students and colleagues

Both types of skills are vital to a teacher's success in the classroom. And you will want to list a mixture of both on your resume. 

10 Teacher skills to improve your resume

You worked hard earning your degree, learning inside of the classroom and outside of it. And maybe you even have years of experience under your belt. 

You have so many skills to choose from when putting together a resume. So how do you know which ones to pick? 

Here are ten of the best skills to include to impress your potential employer without your resume seeming wordy or too long. 

1. Stay organized with attention to detail

Being organized and paying close attention to detail is essential for every teacher. Without the right preparation, it can be incredibly difficult to manage a classroom and keep students on track. 

There are many tasks that need to be done in a classroom simultaneously like:

  • Managing communication with parents and colleagues 
  • Keeping track of deadlines 
  • Maintaining accurate records of your students' progress
  • Accurately taking attendance
  • Tracking behavior goals and management 
  • Identifying areas of concern for specific students
  • Providing additional support when needed
  • Creating a positive learning environment that minimizes distractions

Without good systems and great organizational skills, this list may quickly feel overwhelming. But your attention to detail will allow you to tackle it all! Highlight in your resume how you have tackled this challenge in the past and how you will do it again in this new position. 

2. Tech savvy

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, both inside of the classroom and out. 

Students are growing up in an increasingly tech-oriented world, and you'd be hard-pressed to find any classroom without some form of tech in it. 

Every learner absolutely needs digital literacy skills to succeed in the modern workforce. By having advanced computer skills, you will be able to help them get there. 

Integrating technology into your teaching strategies and lesson plans can increase student engagement, motivation and achievement , making it an essential skill for any modern teacher.

Mentioning what technological tools you are proficient with is a great talking point with a recruiter. Highlight how you've created engaging and interactive learning experiences for students using the latest technology.  

If you’re having trouble thinking of what all tools you may have used, some common ones to mention include interactive whiteboards, online learning platforms, and educational software.

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3. Imaginative

Being imaginative is a valuable skill when it comes to making creative and engaging lesson plans that can capture your students' attention and help them retain information. 

Incorporating imaginative teaching methods can also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students explore new ideas. 

The variety and fun you can add to your teaching with a bit of imagination will foster a love of learning in your students. And it may even encourage them on their path to becoming lifelong learners. 

4. Time management

Good time management skills enable you to stay organized and complete tasks efficiently. And you already know that there is always plenty to do in the classroom!  

On any given day, you will likely be balancing various responsibilities, such as planning lessons, grading assignments, and meeting with students and parents. 

Proper time management skills allow you to complete these tasks promptly and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

Effective time management skills also allow you to create a healthy work-life balance, which is absolutely essential if you want to stay in the field for a long time. Teaching can be a stressful job at times, so you’ll need to make sure you prioritize time for self-care.

5. Critical thinking

Critical thinking skills include the ability to analyze information, identify patterns and relationships and make sound decisions based on evidence and reasoning .

Practically speaking, critical thinking skills as a teacher look like:

  • Creating effective lesson plans
  • Assessing student performance
  • Solving problems that arise in the classroom
  • Ensuring your teaching methods are up-to-date and effective 
  • Tweaking your teaching methods based on evidence and feedback  

It's also important to model critical thinking skills for your students so that they develop this essential skill as well. 

You want to teach your students to think more deeply and effectively about the information they encounter. You want them to ask questions and find answers that deepen their understanding of teaching materials.

6. Teamwork

Teaching is not a solo sport. 

To effectively navigate the struggles and triumphs of teaching, you need to work in tandem with your colleagues and administration. 

'Teamwork makes the dream work' as they say. 

Having strong teamwork skills means that you can communicate effectively with others, build positive relationships, and contribute to a collaborative environment. 

Teachers who work well with a team can share ideas, develop new approaches to teaching, improve student outcomes and create a positive school culture .

7. Communication skills

As a teacher, the main task you are doing is communicating information and lessons with your students. So effective communication skills are a must.

But that isn't the only way that you will use your communication skills.

You will also have both verbal and written communication with parents, colleagues and administrators. Great communication skills will foster positive relationships, build trust and improve student performance.

An important part of high-quality communication skills is active listening , or being able to provide clear and concise feedback to students and their parents. This skill can help to create a supportive learning environment and make sure students feel heard and understood.

8. Problem-solving skills

Classroom challenges and problems are bound to arise. These problems may range from student behavior issues to curriculum design problems. But they won't be too much to tackle with the strong problem-solving skills that you possess! 

Problem-solving skills show your adaptability and creativity as an educator, which can make you more valuable to your school or district. So, make sure you highlight problem-solving skills on your teacher resume by using specific action verbs from the job description like brainstormed , analyzed , and evaluated.  

Have some examples of when you used problem-solving skills ready when you head into your interview and you'll be sure to impress! 

9. Conflict resolution

Conflict of some sort is inevitable in any profession. 

In a teaching job, the conflict is often between students or between students and yourself. Having the conflict resolution skills to solve these issues quickly is essential for creating a positive learning environment and fostering healthy relationships among students.

You may also run into some conflict issues with your colleagues or students' parents. In these cases, it is important to know how to maintain professionalism in the workplace. These situations need to be handled with tact and diplomacy in order to maintain positive working relationships.

10. Flexible to diverse learning needs

Not every student is the same. They each learn and grow in their own unique way. You know this. 

So being able to be flexible, capable of adapting your teaching methods and approach, is a necessary teacher skill. 

You will need to understand and address individual learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and other factors that impact how students engage with and learn from the material.

Mentoring is one of the ways to support students in their individual learning journey. A mentor will guide students to reach their potential, provide constructive feedback and encourage them to develop critical thinking skills.

Other teacher skills to keep in mind

Technology isn't just changing the way teachers teach in the classroom, it's also changing how teachers are hired. 

For many schools, gone are the days when a person looks over each and every resume. To speed up the process, many districts use applicant tracking systems (ATS). This tool screens professional resumes and filters out candidates for review. 

Now, this isn't something you should allow to deter you. Understanding this tool can give you a leg up over your competitors. 

You should be strategic in your resume writing, choosing certain action verbs and words over others. Some of these include:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Curriculum development
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Technology integration
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Data analysis
  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Special needs education

It’s also best practice to look through the job description and use the same language and verbs in your resume. 

These simple steps will help you bypass the ATS and get noticed by hiring managers.

Where to put skills with teacher resume examples

Now that you know what all pieces and skills that you want to include, how do you bring it all together?

You want to craft a resume that highlights your skills but is still clear and concise. You don’t want a hiring manager to have to wade through any unnecessary information to get to the good stuff.  

The best resume format typically reflects this by utilizing bullet points, action verbs, and a skills section to make it easy for employers to quickly identify your relevant qualifications. 

And don’t forget to proofread! The last thing you want on a teacher resume is the wrong punctuation or a misspelled word.  

Sometimes it’s easiest to learn by seeing exactly what you should do. So, the next section has some resume samples that show how and where to showcase your skills for a teaching resume that stands out from the rest.

Examples of teacher skills in a resume summary

Starting at the top, you should include a resume objective .

A resume objective or summary is a brief section that highlights a candidate's relevant skills and experience for the job they are applying for.

Here are some high-quality examples of resume objectives for teachers: 

  • Innovative secondary educator with expertise in differentiated instruction and project-based learning. Experienced in teaching a wide range of subjects, including English language arts, social studies, and digital media. Skilled in incorporating real-world scenarios and experiences to create dynamic and relevant lesson plans.
  • Dedicated high school English teacher with a passion for fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students. Proficient in project-based learning and assessment, as well as using technology to enhance classroom instruction. Looking for an opportunity to bring my expertise to a school that values innovation and collaboration.
  • Dedicated and motivated middle school educator with a passion for inspiring students to reach their full potential. Skilled in developing engaging lesson plans that cater to diverse learning needs and promoting a positive classroom environment. Proficient in utilizing technology to enhance the learning experience.

These resume objectives are packed full of action words, focusing less on the tasks and more on the impact that those actions had.

Your resume objective should do the same. Make it as concise and powerful as possible to wow the hiring manager and make them want to read more. 

Examples of a teacher resume skills section

Now onto the resume skills section!

A resume skills section is the part of a teacher's resume where they list their relevant skills and qualifications.

This section is typically placed after the professional summary or objective statement and before the work experience section.

Some technical skills you may want to include are:

  • Experience with learning management systems (LMS) like Blackboard or Canvas
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite or Google Suite
  • Familiarity with educational software or apps, such as Quizlet or Kahoot
  • Classroom management strategies and discipline techniques
  • Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Knowledge of curriculum development and lesson planning
  • Multitasking and time management skills to handle multiple responsibilities and tasks

These are just a few of the skills you may possess. Spend some time brainstorming a complete list of your skills and then pick the ones that are the most relevant to the job listing to include in your resume. 

Examples of teacher skills in a work experience section

The work experience section is a detailed account of your past job titles, responsibilities and accomplishments as an educator.

Here is one example that you might shape your work experience section after:

ABC Elementary School | August 2018 - Present

  • Developed a positive classroom environment that fosters student learning and engagement
  • Utilized effective classroom management techniques, including behavior contracts and positive reinforcement strategies
  • Created and implemented daily lesson plans that align with state standards and met the needs of diverse learners

Focus on the action in this section. Start each bullet point with a strong verb that highlights your skills. 

If you need more ideas on how to phase certain tasks that you’ve done in specific jobs, there are tools online to help you get the right wording.

More resume tips to snag a teacher job

Great work! You've made some great progress on building a stellar resume! 

Here are just a few more tips to help you craft a winning teacher resume that catches the attention of potential employers.

Highlight your educational background

Here is the section of your resume where you put those hard skills that we talked about earlier. 

Some options to include may be any teaching and educational certifications sponsored by your state, city, or school district. Or you may hold special education or ESL endorsements that you want to list. 

If you’re applying for a public school position, it’s a good idea to check out the requirements on the job listing. These requirements may include relevant skills and experience and/or a bachelor’s degree in a field related to the target subject or teaching area. 

To highlight how you are a good fit for the position, be sure to include how your qualifications match their requirements in this section.

Highlight your professional experience

Your work history should focus on highlighting any relevant teaching experience including:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer work as a student teacher
  • Substitute teacher work
  • Time as a support teacher
  • Tutoring in a school
  • Teaching or working in children’s educational or recreational programs, such as after-school initiatives or summer camps

Numbers can be quite convincing. So if possible, try to include metrics or data that demonstrate the impact you have had on student learning and success.

You will likely also highlight your professional experience in your teacher cover letter. In this section, try to focus less on the technical details of your previous positions and instead showcase your personality, passion for teaching, and enthusiasm for the position.

Teacher salaries and future outlook

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of 2021, the median salary for high school teachers was $61,820 annually. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers earned a median salary of $61,350 per year. Teacher assistants , who often support full-time teachers in schools or universities, earned a median salary of $29,360 per year.

Now it’s important to note that the amount a teacher earns may differ based on various factors such as:

  • Years of experience in the role
  • The type of school or school district they work at
  • The city, state or district where they teach
  • Educational qualifications 
  • Skill level
  • Additional certifications

If you’re teaching in a bigger city, you may be able to look around and compare the salaries and benefits at various schools. Some schools may offer additional benefits like professional development or various incentives.

By doing a number of interviews, you may be able to get multiple offers and then compare them. 

There are lots of factors that will make a school and a teaching position the right fit for you. It’s important to get all the information that you can and make the best decision for you. 

There will always be a need for great teachers to shape the great, young minds of tomorrow. You can make an incredible difference in your students’ lives as their teacher. 

You can rest assured that there will always be teaching positions available and open if you decide to pursue a new direction. 

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IT Teacher Resume Examples

Writing a resume for a teaching job can be a daunting task. With so many applicants vying for the same post, it is essential to make sure your resume is as competitive as possible. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide to writing a teacher resume, with example resumes to help you get started. We will discuss the necessary skills and qualifications for a teaching position, the importance of a professional summary, and how to format your resume. Additionally, you will find tips on the best way to present your teaching experience and any other applicable qualifications.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced IT teacher with many years of experience teaching students of all ages. I have a strong background in computer languages, development and systems management. I have an excellent track record of helping students to develop their skills and understanding of IT- related topics. I am an adept communicator and always strive to ensure that my students have a positive learning experience.

Core Skills :

  • In- depth knowledge of computer languages and systems
  • Proficient in development, troubleshooting and maintenance
  • Excellent communication and teaching skills
  • Ability to effectively manage and motivate students
  • Strong problem- solving and organizational skills
  • Knowledge of various software systems

Professional Experience : IT Teacher, XYZ School, 2013- Present

  • Deliver comprehensive instruction in various computer languages to students of all ages
  • Develop curriculum and lesson plans to meet learning objectives
  • Assist students in understanding how to use a variety of computer applications and tools
  • Provide support and guidance to help students successfully complete projects
  • Monitor student progress and assess levels of comprehension
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues to ensure the effective delivery of instruction

Education : B.S. in Computer Science, ABC University, 2010- 2013

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IT Teacher Resume with No Experience

Recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and a passionate interest in teaching. Possess strong communication and problem solving skills in addition to a strong knowledge of IT topics. Demonstrated ability to work well with people of all ages and backgrounds.

  • Excellent communication and problem solving skills
  • Strong understanding of IT topics
  • Ability to work well with people of all ages and backgrounds
  • Knowledge of software applications, operating systems and hardware
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office and Google Suite
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Strong organizational skills

Responsibilities :

  • Design lesson plans to teach IT topics
  • Present information to students in an engaging and understandable manner
  • Help students understand concepts by answering questions and providing personalized feedback
  • Provide group and individual instruction
  • Help students apply their knowledge to real- world situations
  • Organize and facilitate laboratory activities
  • Assess student understanding and progress
  • Keep informed about the latest IT trends and technologies
  • Maintain a safe, inclusive and productive learning environment

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

IT Teacher Resume with 2 Years of Experience

A highly motivated and experienced IT Teacher with two years of teaching experience in diverse educational settings. I have extensive knowledge of IT systems and networks, and experience in using a variety of teaching methods, such as interactive whiteboard technology, multimedia and simulations. I am able to create an engaging learning environment and motivate learners to reach their full potential. I am committed to helping learners develop the IT skills they need to succeed in the 21st century.

  • IT systems and networks
  • Teaching methods
  • Interactive whiteboard technology
  • Multimedia and simulations
  • Learning environments
  • Develop lesson plans and teaching materials for IT classes.
  • Teach IT classes, including basic coding and programming, computer hardware and software, IT security, and web development.
  • Supervise students while they work on IT projects.
  • Monitor students’ progress and assess their work.
  • Answer students’ questions and provide assistance with their IT- related issues.
  • Demonstrate and explain the use of IT equipment and software.
  • Integrate technology into the classroom.
  • Create a virtual learning environment.
  • Create and manage student portfolios.
  • Design and develop course content, quizzes, and activities for the IT classes.

Experience 2+ Years

IT Teacher Resume with 5 Years of Experience

An experienced IT teacher with 5 years of experience, I possess a strong background in developing and delivering educational curriculum to students of all levels of IT understanding. I am highly knowledgeable in various IT software and hardware, and am able to clearly explain complex concepts in an understandable manner. I strive to provide my students with a comprehensive understanding of IT concepts and am able to adapt my lessons to different learning styles. My ability to integrate technology into the classroom has proven to be an invaluable tool for student success.

  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Detail- oriented and organized
  • Proficient in various IT software and hardware
  • Ability to develop and deliver lesson plans
  • Proven track record of successfully integrating technology into the classroom
  • Experienced in student management and assessment
  • Knowledgeable in curriculum development
  • Develop and deliver comprehensive educational curriculum
  • Monitor and assess student progress
  • Integrate technology into the classroom
  • Create effective lesson plans and learning materials
  • Assist students on a one- on- one basis
  • Develop and implement relevant assessments
  • Develop and implement effective writing and problem- solving exercises

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

IT Teacher Resume with 7 Years of Experience

I am an experienced Information Technology Teacher, with 7 years of experience teaching IT topics such as programming, web design, network security, and data structures. I am passionate about helping students develop a strong foundation in technology, with the goal of inspiring creativity and helping students reach their full potential in the IT field. I have a proven track record of successfully motivating and guiding students to become successful IT professionals.

  • Knowledge of IT topics such as programming, web design, network security and data structures
  • Ability to teach and explain complex technical concepts
  • Ability to design effective instruction plans and course content
  • Ability to use computers and technology- based teaching tools
  • Excellent problem solving and troubleshooting skills
  • Design instruction plans for IT courses
  • Develop and implement course content for IT courses
  • Teach courses in a variety of IT topics
  • Evaluate student performance and provide feedback
  • Monitor student progress and provide guidance to ensure successful completion of courses
  • Provide technical support and troubleshooting assistance to students
  • Establish and maintain relationships with IT industry partners

Experience 7+ Years

IT Teacher Resume with 10 Years of Experience

A highly motivated and experienced IT teacher with 10 years of experience in teaching IT related subjects. Possesses excellent communication, technical, and problem- solving skills. Have a good record of creating course materials and developing students’ IT skills. Committed to imparting knowledge and creating an environment conducive to learning.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of IT technologies and tools
  • Ability to create course materials
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills
  • Ability to motivate students and ensure a positive learning environment
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision
  • Planning, delivering, and evaluating classroom instruction
  • Creating and implementing lesson plans
  • Assessing student performance and providing feedback
  • Promoting students’ independent learning
  • Developing and implementing teaching strategies
  • Collaborating with other faculty members to develop curricula
  • Monitoring student progress and providing appropriate support
  • Providing feedback on student performance
  • Engaging students in meaningful learning activities
  • Maintaining accurate records of student progress and performance

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

IT Teacher Resume with 15 Years of Experience

A highly motivated and experienced IT Teacher with 15 years of experience in delivering online and in- person IT training to a range of students. Proven success in creating and managing IT learning programs that meet and exceed educational goals, ensuring student growth and development. A strong communicator with an ability to engage students and capture their interests. Possesses excellent organizational, problem- solving, and time- management skills.

  • Instruction and curriculum design
  • Student Assessment
  • Classroom Management
  • Computer Programming Languages
  • Team Collaboration
  • Project Management
  • Knowledge of Hardware and Software
  • Computer Networking
  • Data Analysis
  • Develop comprehensive lesson plans, providing students with the necessary knowledge and resources to succeed within the IT field.
  • Train students in a range of technological skills, including computer programming languages, hardware, and software.
  • Evaluate student performance and offer feedback on their progress.
  • Collaborate with faculty and staff to ensure the successful implementation of IT programs.
  • Create and maintain an interactive and engaging learning environment.
  • Design and implement innovative teaching methods to keep students engaged.
  • Provide guidance to students on their individual IT projects.
  • Keep abreast of the latest technological advancements in the IT field.

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a IT Teacher resume?

When crafting a resume for an IT Teacher role, it is important to highlight your relevant qualifications, technical knowledge, and teaching/training experience. An effective IT Teacher resume should include the following:

  • Contact information: Your name, email, phone number, and address should be prominently displayed.
  • Professional summary: This should be a short synopsis of your experience, qualifications, and major accomplishments.
  • Education: Include any degrees or certifications you have related to the IT field.
  • Work experience: List any jobs you have held related to IT, including any teaching or training you have done.
  • Skills: Include any key IT skills you possess such as networking, programming, or database management.
  • Technical knowledge: List any knowledge you possess in IT topics such as software, hardware, and operating systems.
  • Teaching certifications/experience: If you have any teaching certifications or experience related to IT, include them here.
  • Awards/publications: If you have any awards or publications related to IT, include them here.
  • Professional associations: Include any professional associations you are a part of related to IT.

By including the above components on your resume, you will be able to effectively demonstrate your qualifications for an IT Teacher role.

What is a good summary for a IT Teacher resume?

A good summary for an IT Teacher resume should highlight the candidate’s experience in teaching students of different ages and skill levels, as well as their experience in the IT field. The summary should also highlight the candidate’s ability to implement innovative teaching methods, create and implement lesson plans, and provide technical support to students. The summary should also emphasize the candidate’s track record of success in teaching and working with technology. Additionally, the summary should also include any certifications or qualifications that the candidate has attained in the IT field, such as a degree or certification in a specific programming language or software platform.

What is a good objective for a IT Teacher resume?

A good objective for an IT Teacher resume should make clear the applicant’s experience and qualifications in teaching information technology courses. It should also include the applicant’s goals and desired position. Here are some examples of objectives for an IT Teacher resume:

  • To obtain a position as an IT Teacher in a top-ranked school, utilizing my experience in teaching IT courses and strong technical skills.
  • Seeking a position as an IT Teacher at an innovative educational institution, leveraging my experience in teaching IT and a passion for helping students succeed.
  • To utilize my knowledge of teaching IT and my experience in creating course material to an IT Teaching position in a progressive school.
  • To obtain a position as an IT Teacher in a cutting-edge school, leveraging my experience in teaching IT and developing course materials.
  • To gain a position as an IT Teacher in a competitive school, utilizing my background in teaching IT and my strong communication skills.
  • Seeking a position as an IT Teacher in an inspiring learning environment, leveraging my expertise in teaching IT courses and my experience in designing course content.

By including a well-crafted objective on an IT Teacher resume, applicants will show potential employers that they have the right skills and experience to teach IT and that they are passionate about helping students succeed.

How do you list IT Teacher skills on a resume?

When creating a resume for an IT teacher, it is important to make sure that you not only list your experiences, but also highlight the skills you possess that make you a great candidate for the role. Demonstrating your specialized knowledge in the area of IT is essential for a successful job search. It is important to highlight your IT skills as well as your teaching skills to ensure that you stand out from the competition.

When listing your IT Teacher skills on a resume, here are a few things to include:

  • An in-depth knowledge of computer hardware, software and networking technologies
  • Proficiency in programming languages such as C++, Java, HTML and Python
  • An understanding of computer security concepts and protocols
  • The ability to communicate technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand
  • Experience teaching IT topics to various age groups
  • The ability to troubleshoot computer issues and find solutions quickly
  • Knowledge of basic database structures and query languages
  • Ability to stay up to date with the latest IT trends and technologies
  • Excellent problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Strong written and oral communication skills
  • An understanding of copyright and intellectual property laws
  • Ability to create learning materials and classroom activities
  • Proficiency in using eLearning platforms and online teaching tools

What skills should I put on my resume for IT Teacher?

When applying for a position as an IT teacher, the skills that you include on your resume should be tailored to the job posting. There are a few essential skills that all IT teachers should consider including on their resumes.

  • Technical Knowledge: IT teachers should have a strong foundation in various types of technology, such as software, hardware, and networking. They should also have experience in teaching a variety of programming languages.
  • Teaching Experience: IT teachers should have prior teaching experience, either in a traditional school setting or an online environment. This experience should include curriculum development, lesson planning, and student engagement.
  • Communication Skills: IT teachers must be able to communicate technical concepts to students in a way that is easy to understand. They should be able to explain complex topics in a simple manner and be able to answer any questions that their students may have.
  • Organization Skills: IT teachers must be organized and have strong attention to detail. They should be able to manage their time efficiently and have the ability to multitask.
  • Problem-Solving: IT teachers should be able to think critically and problem-solve in order to help their students. They should have the ability to troubleshoot technical issues quickly and effectively.

By incorporating these essential skills into your IT teacher resume, you will be able to demonstrate to potential employers that you are an ideal candidate for the job.

Key takeaways for an IT Teacher resume

When creating an IT Teacher resume, it’s important to highlight your experience as an educator and technical expertise. A great IT Teacher resume should emphasize your knowledge of teaching IT courses, programming, networking, and troubleshooting. It is also important to showcase strong communication and problem-solving skills. Here are some key takeaways for an IT Teacher resume:

  • Highlight your experience. Be sure to include any teaching experience, such as IT courses, programming, and networking, as well as any related training or certifications.
  • Demonstrate your technical expertise. Showcase your knowledge of IT software and hardware, coding languages, and other technical skills.
  • Showcase your problem-solving skills. Describe how you have used your technical expertise to solve IT problems for your students.
  • Mention communication skills. Show that you have the ability to get along with students and explain complex technical concepts in a simple, understandable way.
  • Include additional skills. Let employers know about any additional skills you have, such as project management and leadership.

These key takeaways can help you create an effective IT Teacher resume that will help you stand out from the competition. Good luck with your job search!

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Resume template

Technology Teacher Resume Samples

Technology Teachers basically prepare and support the students for careers into a various range of professions – from healthcare workers to retail managers and more. Here are some of the common and specific tasks that are listed on a successful Technology Teacher Resume – introducing students to basic computer , mobiles, and internet skills; teaching how to use design applications to develop technological solutions , enabling students to unravel technological issues, assigning students challenging projects to be solved, and encouraging creative thinking amongst students.

To become capable of this role, Technology Teachers have to power up with sufficient training and formal education. Technology Teachers should be comfortable with hardware, software, information delivery system and networking systems; they should be proficient in various programming languages and have a good grasp of mathematics, physical science, and engineering technology. A Master’s degree program in Technology Education Studies is commonplace among Technology Teachers.

Technology Teacher Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Technology Teacher

Technology Teacher Resume

Headline : 5+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher is seeking a challenging career with a progressive organization which will utilize my skills and to obtains a responsible position where my education and work experience will have valuable application.

Skills : Leadership, Word-Excel-PowerPoint-Outlook, Curriculum Development, Oral-Written-Graphic Presentation, Customer Service, Training & Development Professional, Self Development Classroom Instruction, Business Writing/Reports Human Resources Management, Technology Integrated, Problem Solving, And Bilingual.

Technology Teacher Resume Sample

Description :

  • Planning a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interests, and abilities of the students.
  • Creating a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of the students.
  • Preparing lessons that reflect accommodations for individual differences.
  • Preparing for classes assigned and show written evidence of preparation upon request of immediate supervisor.
  • Encouraging students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.
  • Guiding the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals and, in harmony with the goals, establish clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects, and the like to communicate these objectives to the students.
  • Employing a variety of instructional techniques and instructional media consistent with the physical limitations of the location provided, and the needs and capabilities of the individuals or student groups involved.
  • Striving to implement, by instruction and action the district's philosophy of education and instructional goals and objectives.

Technology Teacher II Resume

Summary : 18+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher. Apply my knowledge and experience of written and oral communication, teamwork, technical support, self-motivation and thorough attention to detail, gained through years of auditing and technology support, to a new level of service.

Skills : Networking, Training & Development, Microsoft Office, Communication, Troubleshooting IT Issues, Curriculum Development, Microsoft Office, Lectora Inspire, And Adult Learning Theory.

Technology Teacher II Resume Template

  • Instructing students in grades 3-8 on use of computer skills and computer theory.
  • Educating students on software such as Microsoft word, excel and powerpoint through instruction, hands-on projects, and worksheets.
  • Demonstrating and teaching proper keyboarding skills. Reinforce skills through the use of the online software.
  • Educating students on proper use and search techniques on the internet.
  • Developing daily curriculum, exercises, projects and tests for varying skill levels and topics in technology.
  • Using paint to instruct students on "photoshopping" and editing graphics.
  • Co-teaching with classroom teachers to produce multimedia presentations for specific curriculum-based projects.
  • Very proficient in Microsoft word, excel, powerpoint, as well as windows movie maker.
  • Producing eighth-grade yearbook, while moderating students in its completion.
  • Using the movie maker, produce a graduation video with pictures, videos, student interviews, and music.

Technology Teacher I Resume

Summary : 11+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher is seeking to obtain employment utilizing my education and work experience.

Skills : Curriculum Development, Microsoft Office, Lectora Inspire, Adult Learning Theory, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Captivate 5.5, Script Writing, Dreamweaver, And Blackboard.

Technology Teacher I Resume Model

  • Responsible for program development and/or management.
  • Provided leadership and carried out the teacher to necessary managerial functions. 
  • Helping staff acquire new skills, knowledge, and attitudes through designing and delivering training. 
  • Custom designed training, planned on­side implementation assistance, focused on measuring the training impact and influenced the necessary systematic changes.
  • Helping guide, assisting, and support the staff as a whole by providing.
  • Guidance, resources, expertise and a fresh perspective on instructional technology.
  • Executing tasks to achieve county/staff desired goals of a project or activity including the teaching of orientation and introductory lessons to students.
  • Providing staff with resources that helped them reach their desired outcomes.
  • Disseminating resources through a newsletter, research update, and other means.

Summary : 10+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher is seeking to utilize communication, and leadership skills for a career in training, business development, and project management. Strong ability to work in a fast paced, and dynamic environment.

Skills : Autocad, Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator, Solidworks, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Apple, Typing, Speaking, And Writing.

Technology Teacher I Resume Example

  • Directly responsible for training and coaching 160+ technology students at Animo westside charter middle.
  • Developed and implemented 3 cost-effective technology courses available to 400+ students.
  • Provided effective supervision and communication to 300+ technology students enrolled in the technology.
  • Program to achieve the goals of the technology department. Maintained appropriate department records and inventories in order to ensure the needs of students were met.
  • Worked with 20+ staff members to resolve technical issues. Partnered with staff to ensure that each department.
  • Partnered with the chairman and key stakeholders at animal westside charter middle school to establish a high.
  • Quality, and effective school site based on the needs of 400+students. Monitored data to ensure that the.
  • $9,000,000 budget supported the individual needs and learning of students. Recommended modifications to the budget to reflect the changing needs of students.
  • Ensured that technology courses for 120+ students were current, and in compliance with the California common.
  • Core standards to ensure that students receive an effective technology experience at Valiente college preparatory.

Business Technology Teacher II Resume

Summary : 18+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher. I am looking for an opportunity where I can utilize my interpersonal skills to contribute positively to operations within the organization.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Wordpress, Databases, Written Communication, Public Speaking, Quickbooks, Mac OS X, Filemaker Pro, Website Design, Mentoring, And Training.

Business Technology Teacher II Resume Example

  • Developed, planned, organized and implemented technology-based lessons encompassing current.
  • Created and designed school web page, online tutorials, learning resources for students and teachers and established technology clubs within the school community, including robotics.
  • Guided and maintained the development of the school technology system including regularly.
  • Performing maintenance of existing equipment, purchasing new technology and requisition.
  • Directed summer technology camps to expose students to various uses of technology including.
  • Robotics, coding, videography, website development, flight simulation and game design.
  • Managed and maintained a positive safe learning environment for over 700 students ranging in ages from 4-12 years old with differentiated instruction for each grade level.
  • Attended annual conferences and professional development courses to stay current with the trends.
  • Of classroom technology by continually researching new programs relevant to district policies and objectives.

Summary : Technology Teacher is responsible for teaching a course on the topic of technology in an online environment. This may be in person, or remote through a technology platform such as an online forum, a wiki, or a digital classroom.

Skills : Very Proficient In All Microsoft Applications, Type 50-55 Wpm, Very Organized, Prompt, Self-motivated And Independent, I Am Able To Work In A Fast Past Environment And Can Easily Multi-task.

Technology Teacher Resume Model

  • Taught computer applications and typing to fourth, fifth and sixth-grade students at both schools every day.
  • Used the mavis beacon typing program as well as Microsoft word to teach the students proper hand placement and memorizing keys in order to increase their words per minute (wpm) and accuracy percentage.
  • Chose two outstanding typists of the month from each class of each grade based on their mavis beacon typing reports of the wpm and accuracy percentage.
  • Led a response to intervention (RTI) small group of tier ii fourth graders to increase their reading speed, level, comprehension, and vocabulary.
  • Sixth graders created their own web pages which were linked through my school website.
  • Demonstrated how to use the internet and properly by conducting various web quests on Johnny Appleseed, extreme sports, volcanoes, 13 colonies and European countries.
  • Showed an internet safety power point presentation with video clips on online predators, online bullying as well as password/codes security on cell phones, gaming devices, and computers.

Summary : 10+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher. An Introspective and creative leader seeking to utilize complex problem-solving skills in Learning and Development. Strong ability to work in a fast paced, and dynamic environment.

Skills : Office Applications, Adobe Applications, Curriculum Design, Web Design, Editing, Written Communication, Keyboarding, Premiere, After Effects, Python, CSS, And Content Management.

Technology Teacher I Resume Format

  • Developing and implementing 3 cost-effective technology courses available to 400+ students.
  • Provided effective supervision and communication to 300+ technology students enrolled in the technology program to achieve the goals of the technology department. Maintained appropriate department records and invent.
  • $9,000,000 budget supported the individual needs and learning of students. Recommended modifications to the budget to reflect the dynamic needs of students.

Headline : 6+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher is seeking to obtain an elementary teaching position that requires additional strengths gained from mathematics and social studies certifications as well as graduate courses and professional experience.

Skills : Java, HTML, Adobe, Microsoft, Video Editing, Video Production, Web Design, Editing, Written Communication, Keyboarding, Premiere, After Effects, Python, CSS, And Content Management.

Technology Teacher Resume Template

  • Responsible for technology instruction for four eighths and two sixth grade classes.
  • Fostered a positive learning environment as per the domains of the Danielson framework for teaching.
  • Developed lessons for sixth-grade students to build skills in using digital tools and resources to appropriately collaborate, design, create and publish work in a digital environment.
  • Collaborated with coworkers to build a maker space where eighth-grade students are encouraged to use available materials to design and create products that solve a problem.
  • Aligned lessons to NJ technology standards and ISTE standards for students and teachers.
  • Developed student growth objectives to meet student needs using state and district assessment data.
  • Differentiated lessons by a varying whole group and small group instruction per knowledge of individual student achievement, learning style, and IEPs.
  • Actively participated in professional development workshops, district tutoring programs, parent-teacher conferences, faculty meetings, and content area meetings.

Objective : One year of experience as a Technology Teacher is looking to obtain a position that utilizes my degrees in education and demonstrated an ability to plan and implement activities that promote the social, physical, and intellectual growth of children.

Skills : Office Applications, Adobe Applications, Curriculum Design, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, And Keycreator.

Technology Teacher Resume Template

  • Implementing a technology curriculum with sixth-ninth grade students struggling on a star.
  • Maintaining accurate and complete records of students progress and development.
  • Imparting subject-specific instruction intended to bring student progress to present educational goals.
  • Providing one-on-one attention to students, while maintaining an overall focus on the entire group.
  • Identifying and selecting different instructional resources and methods to meet students varying needs.
  • Developing and implement student discipline policies inside and outside the classrooms.
  • Communicating necessary information regularly to students, colleagues, and parents regarding student progress and student needs.
  • Developing lesson plans, unit plans and educational projects to ensure students academic development.

Summary : 15+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher is looking to join an organization that allows growth and experience while contributing a professional and detail- oriented attitude towards a wide array of tasks.

Skills : Robotics, Python, SQL, PHP, Public Speaking, Autodesk Revit, Navisworks, AutoCAD, And Microsoft Office.

Technology Teacher II Resume Example

  • Overseeing all aspects of the school computer lab which includes hardware and software; student account set-up for sites like IXL and transparent language, manage e-rate and California telecommunications foundation discount process from start to finish, manage student and teacher passwords and updates, as well as manage, maintain, and update.
  • School speaks web-based communication between teachers, administration, and parents.
  • Independently creating a curriculum for the computer lab which includes language, math, and writing tutorials using.
  • Administration approved websites in conjunction with teacher lesson plans, teaching grades 2 through 8 basic words.
  • Powerpoint skills, and implement and teach the 7 habits of the highly effective teens for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
  • Assisting school administration and office manager by helping with student data, entrance exams, test reports and trimester report cards; assume office manager duties during the summer break which include phone service, receive.
  • Payments, and general office duties in preparation for a new school year.
  • Substitute grades 1 through 8 as needed; substituted 4th grade for an entire semester: created lesson plans using.

Table of Contents

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Best Teacher Resume Skills to List

When it comes to creating an impressive teacher resume, it’s important to highlight the skills that make you stand out. Did you know that including specific, job-related skills on your resume can substantially increase your chances of getting noticed?

So, it’s crucial to list the best teacher resume skills that match the requirements of the job. This way, you can show off your strengths and demonstrate how you can make a valuable contribution in the field of education.

Best Teacher Resume Skills to List

Table of Contents

What Are Teacher Skills

Teacher skills are the abilities that make educators great at what they do. These skills include things like being a good communicator, which helps them connect with students and make learning fun. They’re also really organized and manage their time well, so they can plan lessons and keep things running smoothly in the classroom.

Teachers are adaptable too, meaning they can adjust their teaching style to fit different students’ needs. They’re experts in their subject matter and know how to give helpful feedback to help students grow. Plus, they’re masters at managing the classroom, solving problems, and coming up with creative ways to teach.

Teacher Skills on Resume Example

Jobs That Require Teacher Skills

Did you know that teacher skills are in demand beyond the traditional classroom? Many jobs recognize the value of teaching expertise and seek individuals with strong communication, adaptability, and instructional abilities. Plus, according to BLS , 123,000 new openings are projected for teachers every year over the next decade.

  • Classroom teacher (elementary, middle school, high school)
  • Special education teacher
  • ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher
  • Tutor or private instructor
  • Online instructor or e-learning facilitator
  • College or university professor
  • Education consultant or trainer
  • Curriculum developer
  • School administrator or principal
  • Education program coordinator
  • Instructional coach or mentor
  • Childcare provider or early childhood educator
  • Adult education instructor
  • Education policy analyst or researcher
  • Textbook author or editor
  • Educational content creator or curriculum writer

1. Classroom Management

A teacher should be able to create a positive and well-structured learning environment to promote student engagement and maintain discipline.

Example: Implemented effective behavior management strategies resulting in improved classroom dynamics and increased student participation.

2. Differentiated Instruction

Skill in adapting teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs and learning styles of individual students is highly valued in the education industry. 

Example: Developed and implemented customized lesson plans to accommodate various learning abilities, resulting in improved academic performance among students with different learning styles.

3. Communication

Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential to effectively convey information and make meaningful interactions with students, parents, and colleagues smoother. 

Example: Established open lines of communication with parents through regular newsletters and parent-teacher conferences, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

4. Curriculum Development

Teachers should also possess expertise in designing and developing curriculum materials and instructional resources aligned with educational standards and learning objectives.

Example: Created engaging lesson plans integrating multimedia resources, hands-on activities, and assessments to enhance student comprehension and achievement.

5. Assessment and Feedback

Teachers should be capable of assessing student progress, providing constructive feedback, and utilizing various assessment tools to evaluate learning outcomes.

Example: Implemented formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress, providing timely feedback to guide students’ academic growth.

6. Technology Integration

Mention your ability to effectively integrate technology tools and resources into teaching practices to enhance student learning and engagement 

Example: Utilized educational software, interactive whiteboards, and online platforms to deliver engaging lessons and facilitate interactive learning experiences.

7. Collaboration

Teachers need to collaborate with colleagues, administrators, and parents to foster a supportive and collaborative educational community.

Example: Participated in grade-level team meetings, collaborating with fellow teachers to develop cross-curricular projects and share best practices.

8. Cultural Competence

Teachers should be able to create an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment that values and respects the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of students.

Example: Developed culturally diverse instructional materials and incorporated multicultural perspectives into lessons, fostering an inclusive classroom environment that celebrated student diversity.

9. Parental Involvement

Building positive relationships with parents and guardians, involving them in their child’s education, and effectively communicating student progress and achievements is an important skill to showcase on your resume. 

Example: Implemented regular parent communication initiatives, including weekly progress reports and parent workshops, resulting in increased parental engagement and support for students’ academic success.

10. Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

Another highly valued skill for teachers today is the familiarity with developing and implementing IEPs for students with special needs, including setting specific goals, designing accommodations, and collaborating with parents and support services.

Example: Collaborated with special education team members to develop and implement personalized IEPs, ensuring individualized support and accommodations for students with diverse learning needs.

Where to Add Teacher Skills in Your Resume

When creating your resume, it’s important to strategically include your teacher skills in relevant sections to highlight your qualifications. Here are a few key areas where you can add your teacher skills.

  • Skills Section: Create a dedicated section near the top of your resume specifically for listing your teacher skills. Use bullet points to highlight each skill, making it easy for hiring managers to identify your areas of expertise at a glance.
  • Summary/Objective Statement: Incorporate some of your key teacher skills within your summary or objective statement. This provides a brief overview of your qualifications and immediately showcases your relevant strengths to potential employers.
  • Experience Section: As you describe your teaching experience in the professional experience section, include specific teacher skills that were instrumental in your success. For each role or position, highlight the skills utilized and their impact on student learning, classroom management, or other relevant aspects of teaching.
  • Certifications and Training: If you have obtained any teaching certifications, include them in a separate section of your resume. This demonstrates your commitment to professional development and validates your expertise in specific areas.

Example of a Teacher Resume

Jane Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 (555) 123-4567 [email protected] Objective: Dedicated and enthusiastic professional seeking a position as a Teacher to utilize my passion for education and create a positive learning environment for students. Skills: – Elementary curriculum and instructional methodologies – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills – Proficient in using educational technology tools and platforms  – Ability to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment  – Experience with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) Experience: Elementary School Teacher, XYZ Elementary School, Anytown, USA 2019 – Present – Plan and deliver engaging lessons based on the curriculum, ensuring effective learning outcomes for students. – Employ a variety of instructional strategies to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs. – Foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes student engagement and collaboration. – Utilize formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress and provide timely feedback. – Collaborate with colleagues to develop and implement school-wide initiatives and activities. – Communicate regularly with parents to discuss student performance and address any concerns. Student Teacher, ABC Elementary School, Anytown, USA 2017-2019 – Assisted in developing lesson plans and materials for various subjects and grade levels. – Conducted small-group instruction and provided individualized support to students. – Assessed student performance and provided feedback to the supervising teacher. – Participated in parent-teacher conferences and contributed to student progress reports. Education: Bachelor of Education, ABC University, Anytown, USA Major: Elementary Education Graduation Year: 2016 Certifications: Teaching Certification, State of Anytown, USA, 2016 CPR and First Aid Certification, 2017

How to Improve Teacher Skills

Here are several effective strategies for how to improve your teaching skills:

  • Engage in professional development opportunities, such as attending workshops, conferences, and seminars, to stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies, strategies, and research.
  • Regularly reflect on your teaching practices, lesson plans, and classroom management techniques. Analyze what worked well and areas for improvement. Consider seeking feedback from colleagues, mentors, or administrators.
  • Collaborate with fellow teachers to share ideas, resources, and best practices. Participate in team teaching, co-planning, or professional learning communities to gain insights from others and enhance your own teaching skills.
  • Explore and incorporate educational technology tools and platforms into your teaching practices. Learn how to effectively use technology to enhance instruction, engage students, and facilitate learning.
  • Engage in regular self-reflection to evaluate your teaching practices, set goals for improvement, and track your progress. Identify areas where you can grow and seek opportunities for self-improvement.

The best teacher resume skills to list should showcase your abilities and strengths as an educator. These skills should demonstrate your expertise in instructional methods, classroom management, communication, and adaptability. Including skills such as technology integration, differentiation, assessment, and cultural competence will highlight your commitment to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for students.

Additionally, emphasizing your commitment to professional development and reflective practice will showcase your willingness to continuously improve and stay up-to-date with the latest teaching practices.

What Skills Are Important for a Teacher Resume?

Some of the most important skills for a teacher resume include classroom management, differentiated instruction, curriculum development, communication, and technology integration.

How to List Art Skills on Resume for an Art Teacher Job?

When listing art skills on a resume for an art teacher job, consider including the following:

  • Proficiency in various art mediums (e.g., drawing, painting, sculpture)
  • Knowledge of art history and art appreciation
  • Ability to teach different art techniques and styles
  • Experience with art materials and tools
  • Understanding of color theory and composition
  • Familiarity with digital art software and technology
  • Strong creativity and artistic expression

What Should I Put on My Resume for a Teaching Job?

When creating a resume for a teaching job, consider including the following:

  • Contact Information: include your full name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Objective Statement: Write a concise statement that highlights your career goals and your passion for education.
  • Relevant Skills: Highlight key skills such as instructional methods, classroom management, communication, technology integration, assessment, differentiation, and cultural competence.
  • Teaching Experience: Detail your teaching experience, including the names of schools, positions held, and dates of employment. Describe your responsibilities, achievements, and any notable projects or initiatives.
  • Education: List your educational background, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and graduation dates.
  • Certifications: Include any teaching certifications or licenses you hold, along with the issuing authority and expiration dates.

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The Most Important Teacher Resume Skills

  • November 3, 2023

Michele Snoke and Dr. Benjamin Washington

Home Educators Blog

Any resume is a first impression for an employer, and this goes for teachers as well. Many times, first-year teachers send out a resume to various schools hoping a well penned resume will lead to a face-to-face interview. The interested teacher candidate must create a resume that includes skills with descriptions that set the candidate apart from other candidates and ultimately lands the candidate a teaching position.

Aside from an engaging and interesting introduction through a cover letter , a resume must include accurate and current contact information, along with education and/or state teaching licensure requirements. Once those two key facts are recorded on the resume, a teacher candidate should include as many of the following skills that are relevant to the job the candidate is applying for.

Problem Solving

A teacher can expound upon times in other jobs when initiation was used to solve problems while working with students. Examples of this could be when working with students of different academic levels or students who speak various languages, and how these differences relied on the teacher to create a plan to meet students’ needs that may be different than traditional methods.

Another example could include how a teacher solved conflicts while working with other teachers. When describing solid problem-solving skills , the teacher must include the presence of the characteristics involving initiative, positive thinking, and confidence.

Instructing and Presenting

These skills are paramount for a teacher’s resume because these are the core to a successful educator . How the candidate describes an instructing style can be one area of the resume to set the candidate apart from other candidates. The teacher wants to include which of the five instruction styles the candidate relies upon: lecturer, demonstrator, hybrid, facilitator, or delegator.

A first-year teacher candidate needs to consider carefully which of the teaching styles will fit the needs for the job being applied for. The skill of presenting should support the instruction style. When describing presenting skills, the candidate can involve technology skills and communication skills. An important consideration when describing presentation skills should be how to reach the four different types of learners, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reading and writing learners.

Curriculum and Instruction

School administrators  are looking for teachers who have skills in delivering effective curriculum and engaging and impactful instruction. The skills you list regarding curriculum and instruction should include how your teaching meets students’ needs, engages students, encourages  higher-order thinking , and aligns with the school, school district, and Department of Education’s core values and expectations.

Management Skills

One of the top interview questions for a teacher candidate is to explain classroom management techniques. Now this question is a challenge for a first-year teacher, so it is important for the resume to include strength in setting routines early in the school year and determining how the class will create class norms to follow all school year and develop a classroom family environment. Veteran teachers ’ resumes should be more specific with management skills for the class but should also indicate an ability to be flexible if students do not respond to a classroom management technique.

Communication Skills

A potential employer wants to know if the candidate can communicate with parents and how does the candidate communicate with parents. A resume can reflect communication style, frequency, and method. If a teacher uses a specific newsletter style or makes phone calls for positive behavior through the school year, both examples would be good to include in a resume.

Technology Skills

In today’s world of teaching and learning, another important skill that will help you land a teaching job is  technology skills . Students today have had face-to-face learning, online learning, and a hybrid model. Knowing how to effectively use a  Learning Management System (LMS)  shows the person hiring you that you have skills that will impact students today. Students today have had technology in their environment for their whole life. This is why it is important to show how you can deliver instructional content both in the classroom and in a virtual setting. Learning how to use LMS such as Google Classroom, CANVAS, Moodle, and Schoology are a great way to stand out when a person is reviewing your resume. It is crucial that you show that you are up to date with today’s best practices when using learning management systems and engaging students.

Emotional Intelligence

This skill involves a candidate sharing hobbies, involvement in social groups, and volunteer experience in the resume. Emotional Intelligence is a skill observed in the interview more than by reading a resume. However, a resume can provide an employer the ability to determine the possibility of a candidate’s empathy skills and social skills based on the descriptions of activity involvement outside of the classroom.

Time Management

Describing this skill can include leadership opportunities such as a grade level or subject area chairperson. The potential employer can presume the candidate’s ability to manage time if a candidate has been given several opportunities that not only involve leading a classroom but as a leader among other colleagues. Once again, a first-year teacher will need to describe strength with time management by sharing a desire to be a leader or include examples of leadership while a college student.


How does the candidate work with others, has the candidate worked well with other colleagues? In a resume the teacher can describe opportunities in student teaching when working with others was a valuable and positive experience.

Classroom Management 

School principals especially want to know your skills with classroom management.  don’t have proper lessons planned out, a teacher who knows how to monitor student learning, and effectively use transitional times in the classroom this can lead to distracting behaviors with students and a loss of instructional time. Showcasing your skills with delivering instruction and leading students in their learning is a stand out that is very important to have on your resume.

School administrators have specific things they look for when they interview you.  What school administrators look  for include your classroom management experience, ability to work well with others, and how well you communicate and collaborate with others. Along with curriculum, instruction, and classroom management, technology skills are important to securing your teaching job.For 21st century teachers and students, this is a sill you must have.

Ability to Work Under Pressure

This skill involves successfully meeting deadlines. Another way to illustrate a candidate’s ability to work under pressure is by describing all the many tasks handled while student teaching. When student teaching, a first-year teacher can include the many daily demands accomplished to provide a quality classroom experience for the students.

Teachers should describe the unique touches the candidate has offered in student teaching or previous teaching jobs. In a resume this is the area when a teacher candidate can highlight special accomplishments, creations of new activities in a grade level that turned into traditions, or programs initiated by the candidate to improve the students’ experience in a grade level or special area.

There are so many skills for a teacher to include in a resume leading to a consideration for a face-to-face interview and a potential teaching offer.

Education and Certifications

One essential skill to put on your resume is education and certification. When administrators and human resource directors look at a resume it is important to show your education experience and certifications. The education degree can range from Bachelors from undergraduate school or at the graduate level a Masters or Doctorate. Certifications in the K-12 educational world range from Elementary, Middle Level, and Secondary Certification. For elementary teachers, the elementary certification usually is grades K-5.

Middle level certification is from grades six through eighth, and secondary is from grades ninth through twelfth. Elementary certifications is more general and gives the teacher to teach a wide range of subjects to students in the elementary school setting. Middle and secondary certifications are more specialized and focus on specific content areas such as Math, History, English, Business Education, and Physical Education (P.E.).

However, in many states, Physical Education and Special Education certifications often bring a K-12 certification. Obtaining a certification in school counseling or education administration is an option for teachers who want to eventually move outside the classroom. Regardless, having the proper up to date educational experience and certifications is a must on any professional teacher or educator resume.

The references you should include should be ones that will reflect your ability to teach and showcase your network of colleagues. If you are a new graduate from college, you should include your professors or teachers whom you completed your clinical experience with. As your teaching career grows, you will have even more relevant references such as school principals, department heads, and school district directors. Your references will change over time, but it is important to use the most recent ones and references that can give an accurate assessment of your skills to your potential employer.

Whether you are new to education or a veteran, it is important to continue to make yourself marketable in the education field. Finding ways to stand out compared to other candidates is an effective way to land the first or next teaching job. By detailing your education experience, skills in curriculum and instruction, classroom management, and technology, you will be one step closer to finding the school that is the right fit for you.

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Information Technology Teacher skills for your resume and career

Information technology teachers need a range of hard skills to effectively teach their students. These include web design, computer programming, and proficiency in software like Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, and learning management systems. According to a teacher, "I have developed and implemented successful word processing curriculum for entire freshman class." They also developed and maintained private Google Apps for Education sites for students.

In addition to technical skills, information technology teachers need strong soft skills. They must be able to create a positive learning environment and effectively communicate with their students. They also need strong instructional techniques and the ability to monitor progress to ensure student learning objectives are met. One teacher states, "Supervised the usage of computer laboratories."

15 information technology teacher skills for your resume and career

1. web design.

Web design is the process of creating websites. Information technology teachers use web design to teach students how to create websites. They might introduce them to programming languages, help them design their own web pages, or teach them how to use software to create websites.

  • Teach business computer applications, web design, multimedia and programming courses.
  • Volunteer Position Treasurer, IT-Tech, Web Design, Substitute Teacher

2. Computer Lab

A computer lab is a dedicated space that provides access to computer systems, software, and other technologies for educational or research purposes. Information technology teachers use computer labs to instruct students on how to use various software programs, troubleshoot technical issues, and work on projects. They also manage and maintain the lab's equipment, ensure proper usage, and install new systems when needed.

  • Supervised the usage of computer laboratories.
  • Assisted students in computer laboratory works

3. Mathematics

Mathematics is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes. Information technology teachers use mathematics in various ways. They assign and assist with IT and mathematics projects based on class syllabus and develop innovative curriculum focused on enhancing retention of computer science, engineering, and mathematics objectives. They also provide meaningful instruction to students specifically in mathematics and computer programming utilizing their content knowledge and classroom management skills.

  • Assigned and assisted with IT and mathematics projects based on class syllabus.
  • Implement multiple curricula including mathematics, science and literacy, incorporating the Florida State Standards into lesson planning.

Windows is a computer operating system developed by Microsoft. Information technology teachers use Windows to learn to develop applications in C# language and configure automatic backups. They also teach students to use Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Office 2013.

  • Maintain LAN servers running Windows NT.
  • Course titles: Microsoft Word Module 1, Excel Module 1, Intro to Windows XP

CTE stands for Career and Technical Education. Information technology teachers use CTE to develop lesson plans, train students, and help them learn about business education. They also use CTE to secure donations for their programs.

  • Followed the NCDPI CTE Blueprints for Business Education/ developed test using Moodle online learning platform.
  • Hold monthly meetings with teachers and meet monthly at MNPS for CTE Lead teacher mtg.

6. Learning Environment

A learning environment refers to the physical, psychological, and social factors that influence learning. Information technology teachers use this environment to provide a stimulating and engaging experience for students. They establish and maintain standards of student behavior to ensure an orderly and productive learning environment, counsel students for behavioral problems, and generate individualized evaluative student progress reports. They also provide reports, update, and research new technologies and strategies to adapt to an ever-changing learning environment.

  • Instituted classroom management strategies in order to promote a positive learning environment.
  • Provide a stimulating and engaging learning environment.

Choose from 10+ customizable information technology teacher resume templates

7. powerpoint.

PowerPoint is a presentation software that allows users to create slides with text, images, audio, and other multimedia elements. Information technology teachers use PowerPoint to create presentations and web pages, conduct educational conferences, and initiate special projects. They also use it to engage student attention and participation, for example, by creating presentations on various topics, role-playing, and using music and videos.

  • Created PowerPoint presentations and web pages, scheduled and conducted educational conferences, and initiated special projects.
  • Supported computer center and classroom based technologies using Smart Board and PowerPoint application.

8. Instructional Techniques

Instructional techniques are strategies and methods used by educators to teach students effectively. Information technology teachers use these techniques in various ways, such as direct instruction, group-based learning, and project-based learning. They modify the general education curriculum for special-needs students based on various instructional techniques and technologies. Information technology teachers also employ a range of techniques to retain students' interests and maximize learning.

  • Promoted positive learning through varied instructional techniques, such as direct instruction, group-based learning and project-based learning.
  • Modified the general education curriculum for special-needs students based upon a variety of instructional techniques and technologies.

A+ is a professional certification program for computer technicians. Information technology teachers use A+ in various ways, such as teaching the curriculum, utilizing software for education, and developing course content. They also instruct students throughout certification courses like CCNA, MCSE, Network+, and A+.

  • Teach students the A+ curriculum.
  • Utilized LabSim software for A+, Network+, Linux, and Windows 7 education of students.

10. Professional Development

Professional development is training or education that helps workers improve their skills and advance in their careers. Information technology teachers use professional development to stay up-to-date on new technologies and teaching methods. They design and implement training sessions, attend workshops, and participate in orientation sessions to enhance their professional growth. They also use professional development to learn how to integrate technology into their classrooms and help their students develop the skills they need for successful careers.

  • Designed and implemented high-quality professional development and training sessions, CBT.
  • Attended various professional development workshops/training.

11. Office Suite

Office Suite is a collection of productivity software. Information technology teachers use Office Suite to teach students various computer subjects, such as Microsoft Office Suite and G-Suite. They also use Office Suite to teach high school students accounting and transcripted credit courses.

  • Teach students various computer subjects such as Microsoft Office suite, and G-Suite (Google Apps for Education).
  • Teach Chippewa Valley Technical College Accounting and Microsoft Office Suite transcripted credit courses to high school students.

12. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program used by professionals to create and edit images. Information technology teachers use Adobe Photoshop to train students in basic computer skills, and demonstrate how to use programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. They also use it to teach grades k-9 in basic computer skills as well as Microsoft Office.

  • Trained teachers and students in using software such as Microsoft Office, E-Chalk, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
  • Demonstrated and taught programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and Microsoft Office Programs.

13. Course Content

Course content refers to the material used to teach a subject or a course. Information technology teachers use course content to develop dynamic instructional training materials, create interactive simulations, and plan, evaluate, and revise curricula. They also employ synchronous and asynchronous tools to supplement course content.

  • Maintain course content and grading system using Skyward and Eduvance 360 software.
  • Develop dynamic instructional training materials using interactions and simulations to create interactive, engaging course content.

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a programming language used for creating content on the web. Information technology teachers use HTML to assist students with coding and debugging projects, design web-based user interfaces, and develop and customize web forms. They also use it to teach HTML programming languages to students, grades 2 through 8.

  • Assist students on coding and debugging projects using Visual Basic, HTML, CSS, SQL, and PL/SQL programming languages.
  • Created domains using Active Directory and designed web pages using HTML and FrontPage in accordance with Department of Defense standards.

CCNA stands for Cisco Certified Network Associate, a certification in computer networking. Information technology teachers use CCNA to help their students prepare for certification exams and develop their networking skills. They provide classroom instruction on CCNA, assist students in preparing for certification exams, and even re-instate CCNA programs.

  • Performed classroom instructions for the CCAI, CCNA, Win2000, Win2000 Server, Active Directory, Cat.
  • Prepare students for both real world environments and for certifications to A+, Network+, and CCNA.

5 Information Technology Teacher Resume Examples

Build a professional information technology teacher resume in minutes. Browse through our resume examples to identify the best way to word your resume. Then choose from 5 + resume templates to create your information technology teacher resume.

What skills help Information Technology Teachers find jobs?

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List of information technology teacher skills to add to your resume

Information Technology Teacher Skills

The most important skills for an information technology teacher resume and required skills for an information technology teacher to have include:

  • Computer Lab
  • Mathematics
  • Learning Environment
  • Instructional Techniques
  • Professional Development
  • Office Suite
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Course Content
  • Learning Management System
  • Learning Objectives
  • Computer Applications
  • Computer Software
  • Word Processing
  • Social Studies
  • Business Education
  • Course Materials
  • Business Courses
  • Computer System
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Computer Equipment

Updated February 16, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Information Technology Teacher Related Skills

  • Biology Teacher Skills
  • Chemistry Teacher Skills
  • French Teacher Skills
  • Health Teacher Skills
  • High School English Teacher Skills
  • High School Science Teacher Skills
  • High School Teacher Skills
  • History Teacher Skills
  • Information Technology Instructor Skills
  • Information Technology Technician Skills
  • Math And Science Teacher Skills
  • Math Teacher Skills
  • Peer Teacher Skills
  • Physics Teacher Skills
  • Science Instructor Skills

Information Technology Teacher Related Careers

  • Biology Teacher
  • Chemistry Teacher
  • French Teacher
  • Health Teacher
  • High School English Teacher
  • High School Science Teacher
  • High School Teacher
  • History Teacher
  • Information Technology Instructor
  • Information Technology Technician
  • Math And Science Teacher
  • Math Teacher
  • Peer Teacher
  • Physics Teacher
  • Science Instructor

Information Technology Teacher Related Jobs

  • Biology Teacher Jobs
  • Chemistry Teacher Jobs
  • French Teacher Jobs
  • Health Teacher Jobs
  • High School English Teacher Jobs
  • High School Science Teacher Jobs
  • High School Teacher Jobs
  • History Teacher Jobs
  • Information Technology Instructor Jobs
  • Information Technology Technician Jobs
  • Math And Science Teacher Jobs
  • Math Teacher Jobs
  • Peer Teacher Jobs
  • Physics Teacher Jobs
  • Science Instructor Jobs

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  • What Does a High School Teacher Do
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  • What Does an Information Technology Technician Do
  • What Does a Math And Science Teacher Do
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  • What Does a Peer Teacher Do
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  1. Technology Teacher Resume Samples

    teacher resume technology skills

  2. How to List Technical Skills on a Resume

    teacher resume technology skills

  3. Computer teacher resume, example, 2024, IT, teaching skills

    teacher resume technology skills

  4. Teacher Resume Samples & Writing Guide

    teacher resume technology skills

  5. Technology Teacher Resume Samples

    teacher resume technology skills

  6. Technology Teacher Resume Samples

    teacher resume technology skills


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  5. Teacher Resume Video

  6. Teaching Resume and Teaching Portfolio Templates


  1. Top 12 Technology Teacher Skills to Put on Your Resume

    Technology Teacher Skills. 1. Python. Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility, widely used in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

  2. 70+ Top Teacher Resume Skills

    Here are the top 10 skills for teachers, plus specific examples for your resume: 1. Computer skills. Technology has crept into every aspect of our lives, and the classroom is no different. Teachers use computers and other digital media devices to: create study guides, tests, and other teaching materials. give presentations.

  3. Top 10 Skills To Include on Your Teacher Resume

    10 teacher skills to add to your resume. Here is a list of the ten most common and relevant professional skills for teachers to add to their resumes: 1. Critical thinking. With strong critical thinking skills, teachers are able to consider the best interests of the students while also working within their institution's goals and standards.

  4. 19 Skills a Teacher Should List on a Resume (A to Z List)

    Examples of teaching skills needed to be successful in today's classrooms include: leadership, communication, multitasking, patience, and reflectiveness.. When adding these skills to a teacher resume, you can list these in two categories: 'soft skills' and 'hard skills'. We've listed which type of skill each is below.. Be sure your teaching resume highlights some of the skills ...

  5. 7 Best Technology Teacher Resume Examples for 2024

    Technology Teacher Resume Examples. John Doe. Technology Teacher. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. Highly qualified and experienced Technology teacher with over 10 years of experience in teaching and guiding students to learn basic computer and technical skills.

  6. 5 Technology Teacher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Technology Teacher resume skills section: writing about your hard skills and soft skills . Recruiters always care about the skill set you'd bring about to the Technology Teacher role. That's why it's a good idea to curate yours wisely, integrating both hard (or technical) and soft skills. Hard skills are the technology and software you're apt ...

  7. 15 Technology Teacher Skills For Your Resume

    We ranked the top skills for technology teachers based on the percentage of resumes they appeared on. For example, 14.0% of technology teacher resumes contained classroom management as a skill. Continue reading to find out what skills a technology teacher needs to be successful in the workplace.

  8. Professional Technology Teacher Resume Examples

    Technology Teacher. 7/1/2008 - 4/1/2011. Company Name. City, State. Developed Computer Science lesson plans encompassing current technologies equipment softwares and web-based applications. Created learning resources for Teachers and students including Power Point tutorials websites and interactive learning modules.

  9. Teacher Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

    3 Include keywords from the job description: ensure your resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS). 4 Showcase your skills and achievements: including examples of your ability to manage a classroom, communicate effectively, and use technology. 5 Quantify your work: Use numbers to showcase the results of your teaching efforts.

  10. Technology Teacher Resume Sample & Tips

    technology teacher Job Skills. For an technology teacher position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired.

  11. Resume Skills for Technology Education Teacher (+ Templates)

    Go through the Technology Education Teacher posting you're applying to, and identify hard skills the company is looking for. For example, skills like Educational Leadership, Classroom Management and Technology Education are possible skills. These are skills you should try to include on your resume. Expand. 2.

  12. Technology Teacher Resume Example

    For a Technology Teacher, a well-crafted skills profile is not just impressive; it's indicative of your capability to navigate both educational challenges and technological advancements. Tailoring this section with precision and clarity is crucial in making your resume ATS-friendly and immensely appealing to your future employers.

  13. 10 Technology Teacher Resume Examples For 2024

    Technology Teacher Resume Relevant Education Example # 1. Master's Degree In Information Technology 2013 - 2014. George Mason University Fairfax, VA. Technology Teacher Resume Relevant Education Example # 2. Master's Degree In Elementary Education 2006 - 2007. Pennsylvania State University Main, PA.

  14. Top 10 Teaching Skills for Your Resume and How to Highlight Them

    Technology and Computer Literacy. In today's digital world, technological and computer literacy is a must. Even if you're not teaching a STEM class, there's a high probability you will use some kind of technology in the classroom. ... But how do you include your teaching skills on your resume without resorting to a laundry list of skills ...

  15. 10 Essential Teacher Resume Skills to Include for 2024

    In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential teacher resume skills to include in your resume. And we have some great suggestions for high-quality resume templates to bolster your teacher job application in 2024. ... Integrating technology into your teaching strategies and lesson plans can increase student engagement, motivation and ...

  16. 7 Best IT Teacher Resume Examples for 2024

    When listing your IT Teacher skills on a resume, here are a few things to include: An in-depth knowledge of computer hardware, software and networking technologies. Proficiency in programming languages such as C++, Java, HTML and Python. An understanding of computer security concepts and protocols.

  17. Technology Teacher Resume Samples

    Technology Teacher Resume. Headline : 5+ years of experience as a Technology Teacher is seeking a challenging career with a progressive organization which will utilize my skills and to obtains a responsible position where my education and work experience will have valuable application. Skills : Leadership, Word-Excel-PowerPoint-Outlook, Curriculum Development, Oral-Written-Graphic Presentation ...

  18. Best Teacher Resume Skills to List

    The best teacher resume skills to list should showcase your abilities and strengths as an educator. These skills should demonstrate your expertise in instructional methods, classroom management, communication, and adaptability. Including skills such as technology integration, differentiation, assessment, and cultural competence will highlight ...

  19. 10 best skills to include on your teaching resume

    Here are the 10 best skills to include on a teaching resume according to Resume Mansion's career experts: 1. Classroom management. Classroom management is a crucial skill that every teacher ...

  20. The Most Important Teacher Resume Skills

    If a teacher uses a specific newsletter style or makes phone calls for positive behavior through the school year, both examples would be good to include in a resume. Technology Skills. In today's world of teaching and learning, another important skill that will help you land a teaching job is technology skills. Students today have had face-to ...

  21. 15 Information Technology Teacher Skills For Your Resume

    Continue reading to find out what skills an information technology teacher needs to be successful in the workplace. The eight most common skills for information technology teachers in 2024 based on resume usage. Web Design, 10.9%. Computer Lab, 7.2%. Mathematics, 6.5%. Windows, 5.7%.