Short Essay

My Father Essay – 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000+ Words

My Father Essay in English: Delve into the heartfelt narrative of this My Father Essay , as it intricately unfolds the essence of a father’s role in shaping character, instilling values, and providing unwavering support.

Navigate through personal anecdotes, cherished memories, and life lessons that illustrate the profound impact of a father’s influence, creating a poignant tribute to the enduring bond between parent and child. In this article you can get My Father Essay – 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000+ Words.

My Father Short Essay in 100 Words

Table of Contents

My Father Essay in English 10 lines

“Uncover the poignant narrative of ‘My Father ‘ in this heartfelt essay. Through personal anecdotes and cherished memories, explore the profound influence, guidance, and enduring love that shape the unique bond between a parent and a child, creating a moving tribute to the impactful role of fathers in our lives.”

  • My father is my pillar of strength, offering unwavering support and guidance.
  • His wisdom and kindness shape my character, instilling values that guide my journey.
  • In moments of challenge, his steady presence is a source of reassurance and inspiration.
  • A reservoir of love, his laughter echoes in the cherished memories we’ve built together.
  • Through life’s lessons, he imparts valuable insights, becoming a true mentor and friend.
  • His sacrifices and hard work form the bedrock of our family’s resilience and success.
  • Dad’s stories, filled with wisdom, resonate as a source of both nostalgia and enlightenment.
  • His presence is a source of comfort, turning ordinary moments into treasured memories.
  • In his quiet strength, I find a role model, teaching me the importance of humility and perseverance.
  • A hero in the truest sense, my father’s love is a beacon lighting the path of my life’s journey.

Also See – My Father is My Hero Essay – 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000 Words

My Father Short Essay in 100 Words

“Explore the profound influence of a father’s love and guidance in this concise 100-word My Father Essay, celebrating the enduring bond and impactful role he plays in shaping character and instilling values.”

“My father, my guiding light. His wisdom and kindness shape my character. In moments of challenge, his presence is reassuring. A reservoir of love, his laughter echoes in cherished memories. Life’s lessons from him are invaluable, a true mentor. His sacrifices and hard work fuel our family’s success.

Dad’s stories impart wisdom and nostalgia. His quiet strength is a role model, teaching humility and perseverance. In his love, I find a beacon lighting my life’s journey. A hero in every sense, my father’s impact is immeasurable, forming the heart of our family’s resilience and enduring bonds.”

My Father Essay in 500 Words in English

“Discover the multifaceted role and enduring impact of fathers in this comprehensive 500-word My Father Essay, weaving personal anecdotes and life lessons that illuminate the profound influence of paternal guidance, love, and support.”

“A Father’s Legacy: Guiding Light and Pillar of Strength”

In the narrative of my life, my father emerges as the central protagonist, a figure whose influence transcends the ordinary and shapes the very fabric of my character. His impact is profound, his guidance unwavering, and his presence a constant source of strength.

In the cocoon of our shared experiences, my father’s laughter and stories resonate, creating a tapestry of familial warmth and belonging that forms the core of my identity. As a mentor and friend, his sacrifices and tireless work become the cornerstone of our family’s success, instilling in me a deep appreciation for hard work, resilience, and dedication.

My father’s quiet strength is a living testament to the virtues of humility and perseverance. In moments of uncertainty, his calming presence provides clarity, and in moments of celebration, his joy amplifies the shared happiness.

His love is a resilient thread that binds us together, a sanctuary that fosters inspiration and lights the path of my life’s journey. Through his example, I’ve learned the enduring value of familial bonds, the importance of integrity, and the transformative power of unconditional love.

Beyond the walls of our home, my father’s impact extends into the community. He embodies a sense of responsibility and compassion, setting an example for others to follow. His resilience becomes a powerful lesson, teaching me to face adversity with grace and to savor life’s simple joys.

As I reflect on the journey thus far, it becomes evident that my father is not merely a parent; he is a source of wisdom, a pillar of strength, and a beacon of love.

In his actions and words, I find the blueprint for a life well-lived. My father’s legacy is not confined to the familial sphere; it is a testament to the profound influence a parent can have on shaping the character and destiny of their child.

His teachings echo in the values I hold dear, and his love resonates in every decision I make. As I navigate the complexities of life, I carry with me the enduring lessons imparted by my father — lessons that extend far beyond the realms of family and resonate in the broader tapestry of my existence.

My Father Essay in 1000+ Words

“Embark on an emotional journey with this comprehensive 1000-words of My Father Essay, exploring the multifaceted role of fathers, weaving personal anecdotes, life lessons, and the enduring impact of paternal love, guidance, and support.”

“My Father: A Chronicle of Guiding Light and Enduring Love”


A father, a figure of strength and wisdom, plays an indelible role in shaping the life of his children. My father, a man of integrity and compassion, stands as a beacon in my journey through life.

In this essay, I will delve into the various facets of my father’s personality, exploring his influence on my upbringing, the lessons he imparted, and the profound impact he continues to have on my character and values.

Early Memories and Bonding

My earliest memories are woven with the presence of my father, a reassuring figure whose warmth and love formed the foundation of my childhood. From teaching me to ride a bicycle to patiently helping with homework, he made every moment a lesson in both skill and character. His laughter echoed through our home, creating an atmosphere of joy and security.

Mentor and Friend

As I journeyed through adolescence, my father seamlessly transitioned into a mentor and friend. His guidance became more nuanced, reflecting not only paternal wisdom but also a genuine camaraderie.

This phase of our relationship delves into the invaluable life lessons imparted, lessons that transcend the realms of advice and become cornerstones of character.

Sacrifice and Selflessness

The selflessness with which my father dedicated himself to our family’s well-being is a testament to the depth of parental love. His sacrifices, both seen and unseen, spoke volumes about the profound responsibility he felt as a father. Through late nights at work to ensure our financial stability or simple acts of kindness, my father exemplified the essence of unconditional love and commitment.

Quiet Strength and Role Model

In moments of uncertainty, my father’s quiet strength served as a steadfast anchor. His ability to weather storms with grace and resilience became a defining feature of his character.

This phrase reflects on how his quiet strength evolved into a beacon, making him not only a parent but also a role model and source of inspiration for navigating life’s challenges with unwavering determination.

Love as a Resilient Thread

At the heart of our familial bond lies an enduring love, a resilient thread that has weathered the tests of time. This Phase explores the significance of this love—how it binds us together, provides solace in times of hardship, and becomes a source of inspiration as I navigate the complexities of adulthood. It is a testament to the depth of connection that exists between father and child.

Encouragement and Support

In moments of self-doubt or when faced with challenges, my father’s unwavering encouragement served as a source of strength. His belief in my potential, even when I doubted it myself, fueled my confidence and ambition. My father’s supportive presence became a safety net, allowing me to take risks, learn from failures, and ultimately grow into the person I am today.

Shared Passions and Hobbies

Beyond the roles of mentor and guide, my father became a companion in shared passions and hobbies. Whether it was gardening, exploring the outdoors, or engaging in intellectual discussions, these shared experiences strengthened our bond. Through these moments, my father taught me the importance of finding joy in shared interests, creating lasting memories that transcend the mundane.

Life’s Philosophies and Pearls of Wisdom

My father, a repository of life’s philosophies, often shared pearls of wisdom that continue to resonate in my daily life. From aphorisms about the importance of kindness to insights about the transient nature of success and failure, these nuggets of wisdom serve as guiding principles, offering solace and perspective during life’s twists and turns.

Lessons Learned

Reflecting on the journey, this section encapsulates the enduring lessons learned from my father. It touches on the values instilled—integrity, hard work, humility, and the transformative power of unconditional love.

These lessons, drawn from his experiences and shared with love, serve as a compass guiding my decisions and shaping the person I continue to become.

In conclusion, my father is not merely a biological progenitor but a guiding force that has shaped the core of my being. His love, wisdom, and sacrifices have crafted a narrative that extends far beyond the walls of our home. My father, through laughter, guidance, sacrifices, and love, becomes a symbol of the enduring impact parents have on the identity and character of their offspring.

The essay on my father is A Chronicle of Guiding Light and Enduring Love” unveils a tapestry woven with threads of laughter, wisdom, sacrifices, and love. It chronicles the transformative journey of a father’s influence—from the early years of shared warmth and bedtime stories to the profound mentorship and friendship that characterize adolescence.

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Essay on My Father

List of essays on my father, essay on my father – my role model and my friend (essay 1 – 500 words), essay on my father – for kids and children (essay 2 – 750 words), essay on my father – long essay for school students (essay 3 – 800 words).

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Standard).


My father is my hero and guide in my life. He is the one I look upon whenever I find myself in trouble. My father has been my guiding force for all my major decisions in life. In fact, I have never regretted adhering to his advice as it has always worked for me. He is a hardworking and passionate person. My father has a love for movies. Whenever he gets time, he just loves to watch an old movie. In fact, at times we just fight as to who gets control of the television. But at heart, we love to tease each other and play as well.

My father does not like to sit idle. At times, on holidays if he finds me and my sister doing nothing and just idling our time, he gives us some task or the other. He is also much organised and keeps all his documents in a properly organised manner.

My Father – My Role Model:

My father is my role model for many reasons. First and foremost I admire his passion for work. That is why he is so respected in his office as well. He is always there to help his colleagues even if it is not his work. In fact, one can always see him spending weekends helping others out. Moreover, my father is a simple man. He does not like expensive things and lives an easy and peaceful life. Also, he never shouts on anyone of us. I wonder if he ever gets angry on anything as he takes everything so calmly and takes his time to decide upon things.

My Father – My Friend:

My father is my friend as well. I can discuss everything with my father, even those that I dare not speak in front of my mother. I know that he shall keep it a secret and give the advice I need. He is the one whom I can rely upon blindly during any hour of need, and I know that he shall be there for me.

Importance of My Father in My Life:

My father plays an important role in the family. He is in fact considered as the head of the family. However, I feel that both father and mother have a distinctive role to play in bringing up their children. While on hand my mother has s soft heart, it is my father who shows courage and strength which his children will later on imbibe as their qualities. He can be firm at times, but be rest assured it is always for the benefit of the children.


There is no doubt that my father’s role is vital in my life. His presence is vital for maintaining the balance and peace in my family. A father is the one who earns the badge of the stricter parent and whose denial of permission for anything means a lot to the children. I also admire my father and try to imbibe his qualities so that I become like him when I grow up.

My father is a person who takes care of my family and loves each one of us dearly. My father acts as the pillar of support and strength for my family.

My father is the person that I admire the most in my life. I can never forget all the childhood memories that I have with him. It is safe for me to say that my father is largely the reason behind my present joy and happiness. I can say that I am the person who I am today and the person that I am growing to be, is all because of the influence he has had and is having on me. He always makes time to play with me and catch up on all the happenings in my life even after the hard work of the day.

My father is one man who is very unique and different. I always feel lucky anytime I remember that he is my father knowing how he has done the very best for me in life. I always feel grateful that I have the opportunity to be his son and be a part of a wonderful family that has a great father like him. My father has shown himself to be a very peaceful and polite person. He seldom scolds me and he is always easy with me. What he tries to do is that he makes sure that I realise the mistake that I have made in a very polite way and helps me to get better and this has been working like magic for many years now.

My father is the leader and head of our family. He is always there for every member of the family to help us in times when we need his advice and direction in taking decisions. Anytime we have a problem, we take it to him, he tries to help us by sharing some of the problems that he also faced in the past that are quite similar to our problem and how he was able to overcome them. He also shares all of his achievements and drawbacks in life and tells us to learn from them.

My father has his personal online marketing business but he never insists any of his children to pursue a career in that same field so that we can take over after him. He does not even try to attract any of us to his business but he tries to teach how we can discover our own passion and fields of interest in life. He does his best to encourage us in the pursuance of our various dreams. I can boldly say that my dad is a very good dad and this is not as a result of him always helping me and being nice to me but because he shows great strength, knowledge, a good helping and nice nature. He also owns very good human relations skills.

My father’s parents were very poor when he was growing up but with hard work and patience, my father was able to become very rich. He uses this as an example to encourage me to always work hard.

I share all of my happy, sad and bad moments with him and he also does the same. He is always around to share with me all of his life experiences and how I can learn from them. My father also tells me all about his day and every event that occurred during the day. He is doing all his best to ensure that I grow up to become a very successful person that has good character and behaviour.

My father always teaches me ethics, humanity and etiquettes of life that can help me in future. My father is always ready and willing to help the people who are needy around us and he tells us that giving is the most important thing in life. My father also teaches my siblings and me how to be happy, healthy and fit throughout our lives.

My father has shown himself to be very good to all the members of my extended family. If anyone of us is facing a particular problem, my father is usually the first person we go to for advice and help. My father has over the years proven to be a person who has a very kind heart and I can boldly say that he is my best friend and my hero.

About My Father:

Appa was born in Coimbatore, the second son and third child in a family of 11 children. His father, my grandfather was a stern man, a respected civil engineer who worked for the colonial British government.

Appa attended the Rishi Valley School in Yercaud, founded on the learning philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurthy. There he learned the value of discipline, respect for hard work, honesty, responsibility and constant learning. He studied electrical engineering at Banaras Hindu University and went on to join Voltas Limited’s air conditioning division. He worked there the rest of his life, and was regarded as brilliant and a genius.

My childhood memories of him are as a stern, strict and not very communicative man. He’d crack the most unhumorous Dad jokes and we’d all grimace and laugh dutifully.

He felt a deep and abiding sense of responsibility towards his own family of birth as well as his marital family. The modest salary he always earned would be divided between these two families, and since he was terrible at currying favour or promoting himself, he never rose within the ranks of Voltas and his income remained quite pathetic till he died. This officially made us a lower-middle class family and our childhoods were frugal, thrifty and austere. A little money meant a lot.

Despite these constraints, Appa planned our futures successfully. When his provident funds were released after his retirement, he used the entire amount, augmented by a bank loan, to buy a house in his two sons’ names. For the rest of our lives, we had a roof over our heads.

Why I like my father:

One of the most remarkable things about Appa was the number of things he was interested in. In Calcutta, he would spend hours outside a tailor’s shop watching him make clothes. After several months, he bought himself a Singer sewing machine. From then, all our clothes, including winter school uniforms, were stitched by him.

He taught himself carpentry — and constructed the sofa sets we used for decades.

He learned dry cleaning — and from then, we would go to school smelling of kerosene in winter.

He was an outstanding cook, and loved cooking. When my mother was immobilized with lymphatic TB, he’d cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for the family in the morning before leaving for work.

Best of all, he was a brilliant musician, gifted in playing the vichitra veena. He had his own Carnatic ‘band’ with a flutist and a mridangam player.

Things I Learned from My Father:

I have slowly realised how much of who I am was shaped by who he was. Like him, I never get bored, and remain fascinated by everything in life. I’m constantly active doing something constructive or educational. I am today two years younger than he was when he died but have started learning to play piano, understand search engine optimisation, UX design and painting.

I learned from him that generosity is a state of mind, not a state of wallet. The number of nameless, faceless poor people he had helped was long, as we learned only after he died. Never demeaning his beneficiaries with a handout, he invited them to repay at their time and speed, but made sure that they did, thus restoring their self-respect.

Without ever speaking about it, he has shown me what it means to be a father, and the meaning of selfless living.

A single incident sums up my relationship with my dad. He wanted me to join the IIT and become an engineer. I wanted to be a writer, a profession he disdained as having no future. Headstrong, in 1969, I stepped out of the train in which my family was relocating from Delhi to Bombay just as the whistle blew. I was bent on living my life my way.

My father, deeply upset, cut me off without a paisa, saying I could jolly well support myself if I was so confident about writing. And so I did, earning enough through writing for the evening papers to pay my rent, college fees and food. Six months later, my father, passing through Delhi in December, visited me to check how his strong-headed son was doing, and saw for himself that I was surviving well enough without borrowing or begging. He visibly swelled with pride.

He hugged me, in one action forgiving me but also forgiving himself. He used the 400 rupees he had received as a Christmas bonus to buy me utensils, a mattress, and other basics.

From that day, he would proudly say, “My son followed his heart rather than my head — and see what a fine job he has done.”

Father , My Father , Relationship

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Essays About Childhood Memories: Top 5 Examples

Our childhood memories are often some of the most cherished experiences of our lives, so if you are writing essays about childhood memories, you can start by reading our essay examples and writing prompts.  

Childhood is the period in our lives when we learn about our feelings, social skills, and the world around us. When we think of our childhood, we remember the years when we learn the most basic life skills, from being able to talk to the difference between “good” and “bad.”

Many fondly look back on their childhood memories, recalling when life was much more straightforward. They remember their parents, grandparents, favorite foods, friends, and essential experiences, among many other things. It is easy to imagine the idyllic, innocent life most of us had before, especially in our challenging times. 

If you want to write essays about your childhood memories, go over the essay examples, and writing prompts featured below. 

1. Happy childhood memories – and an old mix-tape by Séamas O’Reilly

2. favorite childhood memory by david dziegielewski, 3. a reflection of my childhood by shivani bajaj.

  • 4.  I Would Have Liked Childhood More Without the Pressure to Grow Up by Jane Coaston

5. Lessons from my mother: A reflection on motherhood by GraceAnna Castleberry

1. your favourite childhood memory, 2. the importance of positive memories from childhood, 3. memories of your childhood home, 4. important figures from childhood, 5. the value of childhood memories, 6. childhood vs. adulthood, 7. childhood food memories.

“For the last few years I lived here, I was the same height as I am now, so why am I astonished at the low hang of countertops, or that I can catch my reflection in the mirror that hangs high on the wall? Sometimes peering at that tired, but devilishly handsome, man in the mirror evokes the same, bittersweet feeling of vertigo you get from visiting your old primary school, as you stand 3ft higher than you’re supposed to, like some befuddled Lemuel Gulliver.”

In his essay, O’Reilly reflects on his time visiting his father in his childhood house. He recalls his memories inside the house alongside his son’s experiences today and how they are similar. He also explains how pleasant it is to be in the house again, as it evokes warm, cozy memories of his upbringing. While much has changed about the house, every visit remains as nostalgic as ever.

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“I always smile when I remember fishing with my Father. Many years have now since passed since those Saturday morning fishing trips. Time has taught me that the bond between Father and Son is what made those memories special to me. Now when I close my eyes I can remember those days since passed with joy and with a remembrance of the love I have for my Father.”

In this short essay, Dziegielewski describes memories of fishing with his father. He recalls every detail, from the fresh smell of the lake to the sound of a fishing bobber. Most importantly, however, he remembers how his father taught him the skill of fishing. This made him love his father, even more, allowing him to look back on these memories fondly.  You can also check out these essays about development .

“Water also drives many of our decisions — from the seafood we eat to our most romantic moments, and from where we live, to the sports we enjoy, and the ways we vacation and relax. We know instinctively that being by water makes us healthier, happier, reduces stress, and brings us peace.”

Bajaj recalls a memorable experience in which she dove into a deep pool after her mother had told her not to. She remembers the feelings of curiosity and excitement she felt and how despite her nearly drowning, she remembers that time happily. Reflecting on the memory, she also explains how water has helped her become more satisfied, peaceful, and happy. Our childhood memories shape us and provide us with the basis for the rest of our lives.

4.   I Would Have Liked Childhood More Without the Pressure to Grow Up by Jane Coaston

“I felt like I was given no time for trial and error. My choices were either to make the very selective local club soccer team or never play the sport again, be a genius or give up. Because being bad at anything was the worst possible sin I could imagine committing.”

Coaston writes about a more negative aspect of her childhood: the constant pressure to “not be a kid anymore.” She recalls several things expected of her, including having exceptional grades while being athletically gifted at the same time, with “no time for trial and error.” She feels everything was expected of her, and she did not have time to discover herself by making mistakes. She wishes parents would not rush their children along and let kids be kids for a while.  Check out these essays about growing up .

“I remember calling home once when I was spending the night at a friend’s house. I was homesick and just wanted to come back home. It was near midnight, but my mom drove over and picked me up. It was in these little moments that I especially felt loved. These were moments when I really needed my mom, and she was there for me. As a mother of a one-year-old now, I treasure these moments too.”

In her essay, Castleberry recalls her childhood memories involving her mother, including ones in which her mother entertained her and her friends and picked her up from a late night at a friend’s house. She remembers the small things her mother would do for her and how she was always there when she needed her. In raising her daughter, Castleberry strives to be the same mother that her mother was for her. 

7 Writing Prompts On Essays About Childhood Memories

Think back to one beloved childhood memory and retell the story in your essay. Then, describe all of the details you can recall, such as; who was involved, where the memory took place, what events transpired, and why it is such an important memory. Next, provide context by explaining the circumstances behind the memory, and most important of all, be sure to explain how this memory made you feel. Finally, use descriptive language to convey why this memory is your favorite.

Whether good or bad, people say childhood memories are crucial to who you are today. Why is this the case? In your essay, write about the value of keeping your childhood memories close. Then, write about any lessons you learned from them, and include a mix of supporting details from research and your opinions. 

Essays About Childhood Memories: Memories of your childhood home

Describe the home you lived in as a child- the layout, the neighborhood, the living conditions, and whatever else you can think of. Did you like it? Write about how it compares to your current home, and if you still live in the same place today, describe how it has changed from before and how it is similar. 

You can also write about a childhood figure who impacted you, such as one of your parents, grandparents, uncles, or aunts. Explain why you remember this person so well and the impact they have had on your life. For inspiration, you can look through an old photo album with photos of that person. 

Recall your childhood and think about this: overall, is it a childhood others would enjoy? Did you have a “good” childhood, or If there is anything, you can also include things you would change about your childhood you could. In this essay, delve into the value of your childhood memories and write about any that impacted your life for the better.

Compare yourself now to how you were back then. In most cases, much has changed; however, what similarities do you see between you now and in your childhood memories? If you wish to be more like “childhood you” in some ways, explain these as well. 

For a fun essay, write about your favorite food growing up. Include a brief description of how to prepare it and perhaps some of its history. What significance does this food have to you? You can also write about any memories you associate the dish with, as these might explain why you enjoyed that food so much. 

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If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

Childhood Memories - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

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Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

Students are often asked to write an essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

My first bicycle ride.

I will never forget the day I learned to ride a bike. It was a bright, sunny morning. My dad held the back of the seat, running beside me. Suddenly, he let go, and I was riding on my own. The wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom were incredible. It was a moment of pure joy and achievement.

Building a Treehouse

Another unforgettable memory is building a treehouse with my best friend. We found old wood and borrowed tools from our parents. It took us days, but seeing our finished treehouse was amazing. It was our secret hideout for years.

Family Holidays

Family holidays were always special. Whether it was a trip to the beach or camping in the mountains, these times brought us closer. The excitement of exploring new places, the laughter, and the stories shared around a campfire are cherished memories. These moments made my childhood unforgettable.

250 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

Defining childhood memories.

Childhood memories are those special moments and experiences that shape and stay with us throughout our lives. They are like treasured photographs that help us relive the innocence and joy of being a child. These memories can range from simple everyday moments to extraordinary events that leave a lasting impression on our young minds.

A Tapestry of Moments

Nostalgia and reflection.

As we grow older, the memories of our childhood often take on a nostalgic glow. We may find ourselves reminiscing about the past, longing for the simpler days when the world seemed full of wonder and possibility. Reflecting on these memories can bring a sense of comfort, warmth, and inspiration. They remind us of where we came from and the people who helped shape our lives.

Lessons Learned

Childhood memories are not just about fun and laughter. They also play a crucial role in teaching us valuable lessons about life. Through our experiences, we learn about friendship, empathy, resilience, and the importance of family and community. These lessons help us grow and develop as individuals and guide us as we navigate the challenges and joys of adulthood.

Unforgettable childhood memories are a precious gift that we carry with us throughout our lives. They are the foundation of our identity and the source of our strength and resilience. By cherishing and reflecting on these memories, we can stay connected to our inner child and the joy and wonder that comes with it.

500 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

Childhood: a time of wonder and adventure.

Childhood is a time of wonder and adventure, a time when the world is new and everything is possible. It is a time of laughter and joy, of friendship and exploration. It is a time that we will never forget.

The First Day of School

One of the most unforgettable childhood memories is the first day of school. This is the day when we leave the safety of home and venture out into the big, wide world. We meet new teachers, make new friends, and learn new things. It is a day that is both exciting and scary, but it is also a day that we will never forget.

Summer Vacations

Family vacations.

Family vacations are also unforgettable childhood memories. This is the time when we get to spend time with our loved ones and create memories that will last a lifetime. We can go to the beach, the mountains, or the amusement park. We can play games, go for hikes, or just relax and enjoy each other’s company. These are the moments that we will cherish forever.


Friendships are an important part of childhood. Friends are the people who make us laugh, cry, and everything in between. They are the people who we can always count on, no matter what. They are the people who make childhood so special.

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Essay on My Father for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Father: The father is the head of the family and the one who provides for the family. He is the one who sets the tone for the family and is the one who is responsible for the well-being of the family. The father is the one who provides the love and support that the family needs. Also, he is the one who protects the family and provides the stability that the family needs. Needless to say, he is the role model to all his children.

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Children generally understand their father a real hero and a good friend of the life who always instruct them to go on the right path. Here in this article, we have provided long and short essay on my father in simple and easy words. This will help students give a head start of writing a perfect essay. After going through these essays you will know what is the role of a father in a family, what are his responsibilities, why is his presence much needed in a family, etc. These essays will prove helpful in school essays, debate and speech giving.

Long and Short Essay on My Father in English

Essay on my father 100 words.

My father is an ideal person of my life. He is my real hero and my best friend ever. He always helps me a lot in my any difficulty. He is an internet marketing manager in a limited company in New Delhi. He is very famous person in his office as well as in the society because of his gentleness and politeness.

He is very intelligent man and always helps others in their problems. He is the boss of my family and gives advice and instruction to every family member. He solves problems of the neighbours. He takes me to school on every PTM and discusses my performance with my teacher.

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Essay on My Father 150 words

My father is very kind-hearted person and my real hero and best friend. He always shares with me his all the bad an happy moments. He tells me that he discuss his all life events to me to give me experience and take right steps in the absence of him. He wants to make me a good person in the life and most importantly a successful person by following all the etiquettes, humanity and ethics of the life. He is the person who always helps the needy people in the society or anywhere on the way. He teaches me about how to get fit, healthy, happy and a peaceful person all through the life.

He is the good adviser in my family, every family member takes advice from him whenever they get problem. He is the head of the family and always takes first seat while eating food at dining table.

Essay on My Father 200 words

My father is very loving and dutiful person. I always learn from his life and his experiences. He tells me about his all the struggle of life and his success. He is the person who teaches me about etiquettes, humanity and ethics. He helps me to get out of the bed every morning and helps me in getting prepared for the school at right time. My mom prepares my breakfast and lunch however my father helps me in getting ready.

He comes from office every evening at 6 pm with lots of joy and happiness. He is very active person and starts playing badminton with us just after coming from the office. He brings chocolates curcure, fruits, beautiful toys, picture books, comedy books, clothes, shoes and other required stationeries for study.

He takes us out of the home every Sunday morning in the park or other favourite places to make our holiday a happy holiday. We take delicious breakfast at every Sunday morning and be together whole day with lots of activities. Sometimes we go to the picnic or famous sightseeing for long time with all family members. In my winter and summer vacations, my father takes us (me, my sister, mom and grandparents) to the hill stations, seaside and hotels for some rest or recreations.

Essay on My Father 250 words

My father is very lovely father of the world. He is my real hero, best friend, my inspiration and best person of my life I ever seen. He is the person who helps me a lot in getting prepared for the school, getting rise of the bed and getting my home work done well.

He always cares for me and calls to my mom in the afternoon to know that whether I have come from school at right time or not. He is very healthy, fit, happiest, peaceful and punctual person. He always goes to the office at right time and teaches us too to go to school at right time. He teaches us the value of time in the life and says that if one wastes his/her time, time ruin his/her life.

He is very nice person and helps my neighbours in their difficult time. He loves, cares and respects my mom always and never quarrel her. He always supports her and helps sometime in the kitchen during her illness. He respects and loves my grandparents and teaches us to care for them. He tells us that old people are like God for us, we should care, love and respect them.

We should never avoid old persons in their difficult time as this time comes in everyone’s life once. He tells us that we should always help needy people of any age group all though the life according to our status. He takes 15 mins of us every day to tell us about the ethics and other good habits.

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Essay on My Father 300 words

My father is my best friend and real hero of my life. I generally call him Dad. He is the most special person in my life. He is a very good sports person and artist. He does paintings in his spare time and promotes us also to do paintings. He tells us that we should anything extra like music, singing, sports activity, painting, dancing, cartoon making, etc because such extra activities keeps us busy in our spare time and helps us to be peaceful all through the life. By profession, he is an internet marketing manager (a software Engineer) in a limited company in New Delhi.

He never thinks to be back in helping needy people and always ready to help them especially old people. He is my best friend and discusses my all problems. Whenever I become fed up, he ask me the reason very peacefully and takes me to the top floor, let me sit in his side, keep his hand on my shoulder and discuss his own experiences of life, his faults an drawbacks including his success in order to make me realize that what I am doing wrong or right.

He teaches us about ethics of the life and importance of elders and the life time. He tells us that we should never make any person unhappy in our life and always help needy people especially old people.

He always cares of my grandparents and tells us that old people are like precious assets of the home, without them we are like children without mother and fish without water. He always gives very good examples to make us understand anything very easily. At every weekend means at Sunday, he takes us outside of the home to the park for picnic where we all enjoy a lot by having some outdoor activities and sports. We generally play badminton as an outdoor game and carom board as an indoor game.

My Father Essay 400 words

The person I admire ever in my life is only my lovely father. I still remember all my childhood memories with my father. He was the real reason of my happiness and joy. What I am is because of him as my mother was always busy in the kitchen and other household activities and it was my father who has joy with me and my sister. I understand he is very unique Dad in the world. I am feeling of being so lucky to have such father in my life. I always praise to god to give me such opportunity to take birth in the family with good father.

He is very polite and peaceful person. He never scolded me and takes my all mistakes very easily and makes me realize my all mistakes very politely. He is the boss of my family and helps each and every family member to take good decision in the bad time. He always shares his life drawbacks and achievements with me to let us know. He has his own business of online marketing but never force me to do go in the same field or attract me towards his own business instead he always promote to do what I want in my life. He is really a good dad not because he helps me but because of his knowledge, strength, helping nature and most importantly his way of handling people.

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He always respects his parents means my grandparents and cares for them all time. I still remember that when I was little, my grandparents were generally talked to me about my father naughtiness in his childhood but they told me that your father is very good person in his life, be like him. It is my father who wants to see everyone happy in the family and always asks whenever anyone becomes sad and solves his/her problems. He loves and cares my mom and suggests her to take rest when she gets tired of doing all the household chores. My dad is my inspiration, he always becomes ready to help me in my school tasks and even go to every PTM to discuss my behaviour and performance in the class.

My father was born in very poor family however currently he is one of the richest people in the city because of his patience, hard works and helping nature. My friends generally tell me so lucky of being the son of such father. I usually laugh on such type of comments and tell my father, he also laughs and says that what they are telling is not true but the truth is that I am so lucky to have son like you. He tells me that, my son always be what you want and always believe in you.

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My Father FAQs

How to write an essay about my dad as my hero.

To write about my dad as my hero, think about his qualities and actions that inspire you.

Can you provide 10 lines about my father as my hero in English?

Certainly! Here are 10 lines that highlight why my father is my hero.

Why is my dad my superhero?

My dad is my superhero because he's always there for me, protecting and guiding.

How do I start an essay on My Father is My Hero?

Begin by expressing your admiration for your dad and his heroic qualities.

Could you give me 10 easy lines about a father?

Of course! Here are 10 simple lines describing the importance of a father.

In what way is a father a hero?

A father is a hero through his love, support, and the sacrifices he makes for h

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Essay on My Father for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my father.

Essay on My Father: Usually, people talk about a mother’s love and affection, in which a father’s love often gets ignored. A mother’s love is talked about repeatedly everywhere, in movies, in shows and more. Yet, what we fail to acknowledge is the strength of a father which often goes unnoticed. Father’s a blessing which not many people have in their lives. It would also be wrong to say that every father is the ideal hero for their kids because that is not the case. However, I can vouch for my father without any second thoughts when it comes to being an ideal person.

essay on my father

My Father is Different!

As everyone likes to believe that their father is different, so do I. Nonetheless, this conviction is not merely based on the love I have for him, but also because of his personality. My father owns a business and is quite disciplined in all aspects of life. He is the one who taught me to always practice discipline no matter what work I do.

Most importantly, he has a jovial nature and always makes my mother laugh with his silly antics even after 27 years of marriage. I completely adore this silly side of him when he is with his loved ones. He tries his best to fulfill all our wishes but also maintains the strictness when the need arises.

childhood memories with my father essay

One of the best things I love about my father is that he has always kept a very safe and open home environment. For instance, my siblings and I can talk about anything with him without the fear of being scolded or judged. This has helped us not to lie, which I have often noticed with my friends.

In addition, my father has an undying love for animals which makes him very sympathetic towards them. He practices his religion devotedly and is very charitable too. I have never seen my father misbehave with his elders in my entire life which makes me want to be like him even more.

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My Father is My Source of Inspiration

I can proudly say that it is my father who has been my source of inspiration from day one. In other words, his perspective and personality together have shaped me as a person. Similarly, he has a great impact on the world as well in his own little ways. He devotes his free time in taking care of stray animals which inspires me to do the same.

My father has taught me the meaning of love in the form of a rose he gifts to my mother daily without fail. This consistency and affection encourage all of us to treat them the same way. All my knowledge of sports and cars, I have derived from my father. It is one of the sole reasons why I aspire to be a cricket player in the future.

To sum it up, I believe that my father has it all what it takes to be called a real-life superhero. The way he manages things professionally and personally leaves me mesmerized every time. No matter how tough the times got, I watched my father become tougher. I certainly aspire to become like my father. If I could just inherit ten percent of what he is, I believe my life will be sorted.

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My Earliest Childhood Memories, Essay Example

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One of my earliest childhood memories is when my father and I found a baby bird lying on the ground underneath a tree. Though I have never actually determined if this is true, the conventional wisdom at the time (and according to everyone I’ve ever discussed it with) was that if we returned the bird to the nest, the mother bird would reject the baby bird because it now carried the scent of a human being. In the internet age of instant access to information, that is the kind of thing we might have looked up online before proceeding. At the time, however, the closest thing we had to the internet was my set of Encyclopedias, and we were unable to determine from those whether the “human scent” issue was a genuine concern or a mere wives’ tale. Choosing to err on the side of caution –and with the only other option being a potentially dangerous excursion into a fairly tall, and not easily-accessible tree, we chose to take the bird in and do what we could to nurse it back to health.

My father, using what little information he had at his disposal, purchased some earthworms from a local bait shop and conjured up a home-made “bird food” of mashed-up earth-worm and a small amount of milk. He created a makeshift birds’ nest from an old cigar box and some shredded newspaper, keeping it warm with a small desk lamp. Several times a day, we fed this baby bird with an eyedropper, squirting small amounts of this “worm juice” concoction into its eager gullet. My mother got in on the act as well, taking responsibility for the daytime feedings while I was at school and my father was at work.

Surprisingly, and to my great joy, the bird survived the ordeal, and was soon doing its best to leave its new nest. We moved the box to the back porch, a screened-in area with plenty of room for the fledgling bird to practice its new-found flight skills in relative safety. Before long, the half-blind, squawking little creature had blossomed into a fully-feathered avian, ready to fly away and take its rightful place in the sky. Though it was many years ago, and was only a matter of a few days out of my life, it was an experience I never forgot. The compassion my father demonstrated for this tiny, defenseless creature was a life lesson that stayed with me to this day, and in some way, helped to shape the person I’ve become.

Several decades later, with my father now gone, my uncle (my father’s brother) came to stay with me. He was suffering from some rather serious diseases, including AIDS and Hepatitis C. Complications from AIDS had set in, including several bouts of pneumonia. I will admit that when the prospect of my uncle moving in with me first arose, I wasn’t exactly thrilled about the prospect of being responsible for his care. I had very limited understanding of AIDS and Hepatitis, nor of what the ramifications of caring for an AIDS patient would mean in practical terms. I had a lot of soul-searching to do; not only was I fearful of the disease, I will admit that I was also selfishly concerned with what the impact of my uncle’s illnesses would be on my personal life.

As I pondered the situation, and tried to determine what would be the best course of action not just for me, but also for my uncle, I suddenly remembered that tiny little bird that my father had rescued so many years ago. Some men would have simply ignored the helpless creature, and left it there for nature to take its course. Others may have chosen to climb the tree and place it back in the nest, knowing that it would likely be rejected by its mother, but severing personal responsibility to the baby bird, and ending any concern for its fate. But my father did neither; he took the most difficult choice, but the only right choice; he took the defenseless and scared little creature into his home, and he showed me what real compassion was, by nursing that bird until it was ready to fly away.

Sadly, my uncle was not in the same situation as that baby bird. He was not going to fly away someday; the ravages of his illnesses were taking their toll, and he slipped a little further away every day. Like my father on the day we came across that baby bird, I had choices to make. I could let my uncle’s illnesses be someone else’s problem, or I could do my best to help ease his burden. And as I recalled the lessons of love and compassion I learned from my father, I realized I really had no choice; my uncle needed someone to pick him up and make him comfortable, and there was no question that I was the one to do that.

Those were trying times in the last few months of my uncle’s life. As he slowly lost control of his bodily functions, and as he slipped further and further into the fog of pain and medication, I sometimes thought that the challenges were too much to bear. Yet every day I found just a little bit more strength, another small reserve of energy and willpower, and I carried on for another day. And when the day finally came that he was gone, I realized that I hadn’t used up all my strength, but in fact I had received a wonderful gift from my uncle. For in his passing, I learned something about myself: I learned that the greatest part of my father, the part of him that I loved and admired, had in some small way been passed on to me.

For the lessons I learned from these two men, the one who cared so much and the one who needed so much care, I will always be grateful. Truly, the best way I can honor them, and thank them for the gifts they gave me, is to continue on in the nursing profession so I can share with others the gifts they shared with me.

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Returning to my childhood home, and memories of my late father

childhood memories with my father essay

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They say you can never go home again. Well, I disagree.

Thirty-seven years ago, my father died from pancreatic cancer. It was the day after my seventeenth birthday.

The six-week nightmare, from diagnosis to death, plunged my life into a state I no longer recognized. Although it was summer, it seemed the sunlight refused to shine through the tall windows facing our grassy backyard. Regardless of the L.A. heat outside, inside was bleak and shadowy.

The walls, once witness to boisterous family dinners, barbecues, birthday, pool and slumber parties, became painted in grief. We tiptoed through the hallways and my parents’ bedroom without making a sound so my dad could rest. Sometimes his reflexive hiccups were the only sound.

A year after my father passed, we sold the home that my parents built in the hills while my mother was pregnant with me. Packing up my childhood home and all the memories it contained was painful, not to mention daunting.

I had saved everything: crumpled notes passed in class, fading fortune cookie fortunes, a plethora of Barbies replete with flashy wardrobe, board games with missing pieces. And then there was my precious record collection: a smorgasbord of disparate musical tastes ranging from Kool & the Gang to The Partridge Family.

For a long time afterward, I struggled to remember the good times we had in our home — family game nights where someone always cheated at Monopoly (usually me), late-night summer swims and Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass wafting through the house — since the memories were so tainted with our loss.

For the past 30 years, once a year, I’ve made the drive up the long steep road to our old home. I’ve parked my car outside the black iron gate and peeked through the slats, so I could see the blacktop of our wide front yard where we’d spend hours doing relay races and playing tag until our mom summoned us for dinner.

I always fought my desire to ring the doorbell, greet the new owners and walk through the house one last time, fearful that the memories would overpower me and tear at the wound again.

Filled with fear, I stopped short at the driveway pushing away my longing, as if I was brushing crumbs off my sweater. And each time I resigned myself to the fact that I probably would never step inside my childhood home ever again.

Then, one night, we agreed to go out to dinner with new friends — a lovely couple we kept running into from our neighborhood. The conversation was effortless and drifted to a discussion about our kids.

I shared that both of my kids are in their 20s, my daughter was working in advertising, my son was attending graduate school. They told me they have a son in his 30s who is married and remodels houses in the area. He had just completed a home in the hills, they said, and the wife mentioned the street. I felt a rush through my body. “That’s the name of the street I grew up on. What is the address?”

A quick text to her son and seconds later, she showed me his answer. I felt my heart catch in my chest. It was my home.

The following Sunday was a broker’s open house and we were welcome to come by, her son told us. I was beside myself that I would finally be able to see my old home, but I was also torn by mixed feelings. Would it be painful? What would my old bedroom look like? Would I cry?

The sun was shining brightly that Sunday, but I still felt a darkness hovering in my soul. I knew it would look different since it had just been remodeled. What I didn’t know was how I would feel seeing it for the first time in decades..

To my awe and delight, the bones of my old home were intact, but the inside was modernized. White, airy, the rooms were flooded with light, and vibrant jewel-toned artwork canvassed the walls. It was beautiful and breezy, the complete opposite of the 1970s home that had the shag carpeting and bold geometric prints of my parents’ generation.

I stood in the den where my father used to love to read and smoke his pipe in his leather easy chair. It was the room we all piled in to watch the “Movie of the Week” and football games. The very same place where my sister and I held our dance-a-thons with our neighborhood friends.

But it had gone through a makeover. The dark wood paneling and shiny silver and blue metallic wallpaper of its day were gone. Bright white walls that reflected warm beams of sunlight stood in their place.

They had removed the wall between the den and our kitchen creating a great big open space perfect for seating, dining and cooking. Glossy white cabinets had replaced the dark brown cabinets my mother had meticulously stained herself. In the place where our oval white Formica kitchen table used to stand — dominating our world — there now sat a sleek rectangular wooden table with modern white leather chairs.

My bedroom, where I used to spend hours playing school with my imaginary students or giving my army of Barbies my untrained version of a makeover, looked smaller. The uber-feminine bubblegum pink tiled bathroom I shared with my sister had gone through a transformation: It was now slick and ultramodern, all white and gray and chrome.

The house — my house — was so beautiful, so tastefully decorated that it was as if someone sprinkled fairy dust over it. There was no room for sadness or darkness in this magnificent space.

It made me want to celebrate, to throw a party. I left feeling a lightness in me that I hadn’t felt in years.

On the drive back to my current home, I released the memory of my former home that was loaded with despair and gave myself permission to let go of the grief and accept the wonderful gift that I’d been given.

What was always a lovely home had become truly majestic.

My dad would have loved seeing it. In my mind, I imagine him relaxing among the splendor in his easy chair — letting in the light, once again.

The author is a writer in Los Angeles. Her website is . Find her on Twitter and Instagram @carpoolgoddess.

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My Happiest Childhood Memories: Playing Golf with My Father

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childhood memories with my father essay

Childhood Memories Essay

As we grow up and look back on our childhood days, some memories come back to our minds. Although we were so young, these memories are so powerful and vivid that we relive them from time to time. Whatever childhood memory is, it is these memories that guide us and help us enjoy our lives.

Since childhood is the most significant part of our lives, here is a short essay on childhood memories to help you understand their importance. Through this childhood memories essay introduction, we hope to encourage you to write down your unique memories.

Childhood Memories Essay

Experience of Childhood Memories

My most precious childhood memory is that of my parents preparing delightful snacks at home when I returned from school. Even though school is a great place to learn and play, sometimes I had bad days at school when I got into a disagreement with my friends. But good days also followed when I won art competitions and helped my classmates with their homework. Regardless of my good and bad days at school, the one thing that remained unchanged was my parents waiting patiently for me with a bowl of delicious snacks or cakes.

Then there were those moments I spent with my friends playing cricket or football in the playground. Those are among my most cherished moments because those times were really fun and enjoyable. I made so many friends and learned many lessons about patience and discipline by playing the games.

When I returned home after school, the smell of freshly baked cookies and fried snacks always enlivened me. I would look forward to eating all these delicious treats even as I would hear the last bell in the school. As soon as I reached home, I would race towards the kitchen where snacks were being prepared. But before I could see what was being made, they would make me play a small round of the ‘Guess the Snack’ game. I would have to guess what was made by the smell. I loved this little game, and I believe this is why I have a special interest in cooking and baking.

During the times I was not studying or playing, I would be in the kitchen, either helping my mother prepare food or experimenting with new recipes myself. I remember making a lemonade where I had to squeeze the juice of 3 lemons to finally make a glass. Even though my mother scolded me for creating a mess in the kitchen, this act of making something myself deeply satisfied me and made me happy. This is my fondest childhood memory, where I learned to make lemon juice, and it still brings me joy when I think about it.

Moral of the Essay

Writing a childhood memories essay in English would enable you to recall the best moments of your childhood once again. You will not know how much a particular memory remains so close to your heart until you start thinking or speaking about it. And by recollecting those memories, you will see yourself smiling and getting nostalgic about your childhood memory. Surely, it will help you forget your worries. So, try writing a short essay on childhood memories.

For an exciting range of kid-friendly learning resources, including essays, worksheets, puzzles, poems, etc., visit BYJU’s website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Childhood Memories Essay

How do you know which childhood memory is your favourite.

Whatever memory makes you the happiest and the one you wish to relive must be your favourite childhood memory.

What are the common childhood memories one has?

Usually, people remember things which they have done for the first time. For example, the first day at school, the first journey on a train/plane or the first swimming lesson.

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childhood memories with my father essay

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Essay on Childhood Memories in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words

Here are some beautiful essays on Childhood Memories in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 words for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. We have added an essay on 10 lines too. I hope you will love these essays. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on Childhood Memories in 200 Words

Childhood memories are memories that we can’t forget ever. Some incidents are so bright in our minds that we recall it again and again. We all have tons of memories in childhood. These memories help us to build our character and personality, that’s why childhood memories are hugely important in our life. 

When people think or discuss these memories, then they feel very happy and delighted. That’s why we need to think and write about these memories. I have some really good memories from my childhood. I spent a long time in rural areas. 

I’ve completed my school from a village primary school. That was a very good experience for me. I can remember lots of incidents from there. I went to visit a village fair with my father and we bought lots of toys for me and my siblings. 

I still can feel the ‘Nagordola’, lots of people, colorful shops, and songs playing on loudspeakers when I close my eyes. These feelings and memories are priceless. I wish if I could go back to my past and see childhood again, that would be amazing. But I know it’s not possible. I miss my childhood a lot. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 300 Words


Memories are some special visualization on our brain that helps us to recall some past incidents that happened to our life. It shapes our personality for the future. Sometimes we remember our long-ago past memories and it makes us happy. 

Childhood memories are the best example of that. We all have lots of childhood memories and these are golden. These memories are vivid in our minds always. I know some memories could be hard to remember but most of them are vivid in our brain.

My Childhood Memories:

I have so many memories that I can remember now. Most of them are related to my family , parents, and siblings. Because I have spent most of my childhood times with them. My father was a government worker then and he had very little time to spend with his family.

But still, he managed to spend a huge time with us. I loved his activities. He took us to different places for a picnic. My mom used to cook very delicious meals for us. I can remember, we were staying at a village in Bihar and it was the house of an uncle. We went for a long drive from there. 

There was an amazing side view on the road. I loved the villages of Bihar. The people were friendly. I spent an amazing time with my cousins there. These memories are very bright on my mind and I love to think about all those days. 


I know your childhood memories are also amazing and you love to think about these memories a lot. These memories make us happy. I love to think about these amazing days. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 400 Words

Childhood is that time when we had nothing to worry about. We were free and only spent time with our fellow childhood friends. We could do anything. We had no limitation to do anything. 

I had an awesome childhood that I love to recall again and again. I wish I could get back to my childhood. That is a mind-blowing part of my life. 

When I think about my childhood, it reminds a few of my friends, such as Satish, Jay, and Ganesh. We lived in a rural area in Bihar. That area was very beautiful nature. I loved spending time with nature. When we were students of class 1 or 2, we used to leave school and go to the river. 

I caught lots of fish in the river. It was a very beautiful hilly river. I wish I could go back to that amazing place. It makes me very happy when I recall these memories. I loved to jump into the water and swim there. I promise I was an excellent swimmer back then. 

We also went to different places to catch birds and do different types of naughty stuff. Though I had to follow some strict rules at home, still I was super naughty. My father was strict but he loves us very much. 

My siblings were very good with me. I used to spend lots of time with them at home. We had different types of games to play together. I loved playing cricket and football mostly. 

First Day at School: 

The first day at school is the best childhood memory that I can recall. That was a tough day for me. I was not a good boy who wanted to go to school with his own wish. I did different things to not go to school. 

But finally, my father bought me some books, a school bag, and a school uniform and I agreed to go to school. The first day was full of scariness for me. We went to the headmaster’s room and he asked me some easy questions. I knew the answers but I was unable to answer due to lots of pressure going on in my head. 

I love to think about all of my childhood memories, these memories are my own and that’s what pushed me to create my personality and character. We all need to appreciate our memories in childhood. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 500 Words

Essay on Childhood Memories in 500 Words

We all have lots of past memories in our lives. But I think childhood memories are the best memories that make us happy and delighted. You can’t deny that we all have some memories that are very special to us. 

I have some childhood memories too that I never can forget. Today I will talk about some of these memories here. 

Importance of Childhood Memories: 

Do some people think that childhood memories are really important? I think it is. Because these memories make a huge impact on our personality and lifestyle. It helps us to be that person that we want to be. 

We should never ignore our past memories. These are big lessons in our life. That’s why I think it has huge importance in our life. 

My Childhood Memories: 

I have some amazing memories. Most of them are with my family, my parents, my siblings, and my grandmother . I have three siblings and they are very close to my heart. We always had a great time together. I spent my entire childhood in a neighborhood in Delhi. 

I had lots of friends there. I am still connected with a few of them. We spent really good times together. I loved playing cricket in the afternoon. I have lots of good memories playing with them. I can remember the first day of school. 

It was very exciting for me. I always was an attentive student and I used to make good results in the class. My teachers loved me a lot for that. These memories are very sweet and I wish I could go back there and experience the same thing again. 

I used to visit my native village sometimes. That was another exciting journey for me. I spent an amazing time with my cousins there. We went for a picnic and did lots of crazy things. 

A Horrible Experience of Childhood:

Along with lots of good experiences I have some horrible childhood experiences too. When I was five years old, I didn’t know how to swim. And that time I was in the village. We were playing football and there was a pond near the field. 

When the ball went to the pond, someone went and picked it. A boy thought I might know how to swim and he pushed me to the pond. When I was trying to come out of the water but couldn’t he was laughing and thinking that I was making fun. 

But when he realized he jumped and took me off the water. That was a very shocking memory that I can’t forget. It could be worse. 

I love to think about my old childhood memories. These memories bring a broad smile to my face. I know it’s the same for everyone. These memories are very much cute and loving. It could be a topic of gossip too. People love sharing things about their childhood, I do. 

Essay on Childhood Memories in 600 Words

Essay on Childhood Memories in 600 Words

Childhood is the best stage of human life where they can spend time without any worry and pressure. We all have had that amazing time. The best part of childhood is spending time with fellow kids. We all have some good and some bad memories that we can recall from childhood. 

There are lots of memories that we have forgotten and some we can remember slightly. I am going to share some memories from my childhood that I still can’t forget. I think these are the golden memories and the time was priceless. 

I have been raised in a big family with lots of loving members. I have all the sweet memories with them. I especially want to mention my grandmother. She was an extraordinary lady. I have two siblings and we used to play in the garden in front of my home . 

My father bought us different types of toys and playing equipment. I loved playing cricket from childhood and still play that often. My little sister was like my assistant. She was always with me whatever I do and wherever I go. 

We used to steal pickles from the refrigerator that my grandma made. I still can feel the smell and taste of that pickle when I look back at the memories. My dad was a super busy person, but still, he spent enough time with us. I can remember a picnic at a zoo where the entire family went. 

My mom took some delicious food items there. I can’t remember what exactly the dishes were, but they were amazing in taste. That was an incredible day. We sometimes visited our native village and that was the best moment for me and my cousins. 

We got enough space to run, play football, and do all the stuff that we can’t do in the city. When I think about my childhood, that takes a large part there. Because I have so many amazing memories related to village life. 

My First Day at School: 

The first day at school is a beautiful memory that I can remember clearly. That was a very special event for me. I was very excited. I have been preparing for school and worked very hard for three months. My mother was also working very hard to teach me all the basic things such as alphabets and a few rhymes. 

I was pretty confident. I got my new uniform, school bag, some books, and new shoes. And the day came and they took me to school. That is quite a popular school in the city. My parents took me to the headmaster’s room. 

He was a gentleman and he greeted us properly. I can remember he asked me some basic questions and I answered them confidently. He called an assistant teacher and sent me to my classroom . A class was going on there already and I joined it. I found tons of boys and girls my age. 

I made some friends on the first day. I went back and found my parents waiting for me. That was a pleasant experience for me. I will never forget that day. My parents were very supportive and that’s why everything was easy for me. 


Childhood memories are very important in our life. We should remind ourselves of all the beautiful moments. When we think about our childhood it makes us laugh and we feel very genuine. 

That’s very important in our life. These little memories can shape our personality in the future. These are good times and they teach us how to overcome some problems in real life. 

10 Lines Essay on Childhood Memories

1. We all have lots of beautiful memories from our childhood that make us extremely happy.

2. This memory recalls are priceless and everyone loves to talk about them. 

3. I have some exciting memories of my own childhood. 

4. We were living in a village when I was a kid. I spent my entire childhood there. 

5. It was possible for me to experience lots of exciting things that a city kid can’t.

6. I learned swimming at the age of 5 and I used to swim in the nearest river with my fellow childhood friends. 

7. My parents had some rules to follow and of course, they were extremely strict. But still, we managed to find time for doing lots of naughty activities. 

8. I have most of my memories with my siblings and my cousins. 

9. These memories are priceless and I keep smiling when I think about these golden days. 

10. I love all these childhood memories and these are my base of personality. 

How do you write a childhood memories essay? 

To write a childhood memory, you need to look back to your childhood. It’s a very important topic for school and college students. By writing on this topic, you will get an opportunity to look back at your past memories. It is not hard to write about childhood memories. You need to think a bit and you will come with tons of beautiful memories. 

How would you describe your childhood memories? 

To describe your childhood memories, you need to write them first and then you can do some edits to make it look good. Here are some described essays on childhood memories, you can use them for your study purpose. 

Why is Childhood Memories important?

Childhood memories are very important for us because our memories help us to build our personality and make us the perfect human. It’s a huge lesson in our life. 

What can be a common childhood memory for all?

‘The first day at school’ could be a common memory for all. There are some memories that are related to our parents and siblings, they could be common for all too. 

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    17 essay samples found. A reflective essay on childhood memories can be a heartwarming journey down memory lane, recounting significant events, people, or experiences that have shaped one's early life. This essay can focus on the importance of nostalgia, its impact on one's identity, and how childhood memories influence our adult lives and ...

  10. Life-changing Memories of My Early Childhood

    Life-changing Memories of My Early Childhood. The first six years of my life were the best. I lived with my dad, my mom, and my younger brother in an apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City. Every season of every year is worth remembering. In the fall, Mom and I would go across the street to Central Park, stand among the ...

  11. Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories

    The excitement of exploring new places, the laughter, and the stories shared around a campfire are cherished memories. These moments made my childhood unforgettable. 250 Words Essay on Unforgettable Childhood Memories Defining Childhood Memories. Childhood memories are those special moments and experiences that shape and stay with us throughout ...

  12. Childhood Memories of My Father

    Childhood Memories of My Father. As I prayed in the dimly lit church, the swirling smoke arising from incense took my mind back to my childhood years. The golden rays from the sun during the sunset hour did not seem as resplendent, bright, and cheerful as they usually were. The warm late afternoon air got cooler with the soft winds.

  13. Essay on My Father for Children and Students

    My Father Essay 400 words. The person I admire ever in my life is only my lovely father. I still remember all my childhood memories with my father. He was the real reason of my happiness and joy. What I am is because of him as my mother was always busy in the kitchen and other household activities and it was my father who has joy with me and my ...

  14. My Childhood Memories Essay

    500 Words Essay on My Childhood Memory. Childhood memories are an essential part of our life. The happiest, most incredibly unforgettable childhood memories are the ones that are hard to forget. The best part of childhood is spending it with other children. Childhood memories are the sweetest of all memories; they are a collection of happy ...

  15. What are Some of Your Best or Memorable Moments with Your Dad?

    1. He supports what I do with his pouted lips. 2. He feeds me with what is necessary---which is a mouthful. 3. He's more of the strong animal behind me, but is the thoughtful Tatay beside me. 4. I mean the world to him--- his looks would tell. 5.

  16. Essay on My Father for Students and Children

    Essay on My Father: Usually, people talk about a mother's love and affection, in which a father's love often gets ignored. A mother's love is talked about repeatedly everywhere, in movies, in shows and more. Yet, what we fail to acknowledge is the strength of a father which often goes unnoticed. Father's a blessing which not many people ...

  17. My Earliest Childhood Memories, Essay Example

    One of my earliest childhood memories is when my father and I found a baby bird lying on the ground underneath a tree. Though I have never actually determined if this is true, the conventional wisdom at the time (and according to everyone I've ever discussed it with) was that if we returned the bird to the nest, the mother bird would reject the baby bird because it now carried the scent of a ...

  18. Returning to my childhood home, and memories of my late father

    The author is a writer in Los Angeles. Her website is Find her on Twitter and Instagram @carpoolgoddess. [email protected]. Archives. For a long time after her father died, the ...

  19. Childhood Memories Essay

    Childhood Memories Essay. Recalling childhood memories lead us to experience the feelings of our old days. These childhood memories are such that they last forever. Some memories help us to recall the pleasant moments of our life. But, some of the memories scare us because we have both good and bad experiences in our childhood.

  20. My Happiest Childhood Memories: Playing Golf with My Father

    The essay "My Happiest Childhood Memories: Playing Golf with My Father" is a well-structured account of the writer's cherished memories of spending time with their father on the golf course. While the essay is enjoyable to read, it could be improved with more varied vocabulary, more complex sentence structures, and a few corrections in grammar ...

  21. Childhood Memories Essay

    Childhood Memories Essay. As we grow up and look back on our childhood days, some memories come back to our minds. Although we were so young, these memories are so powerful and vivid that we relive them from time to time. Whatever childhood memory is, it is these memories that guide us and help us enjoy our lives.

  22. Essay on Childhood Memories in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words

    Essay on Childhood Memories in 200 Words. Childhood memories are memories that we can't forget ever. Some incidents are so bright in our minds that we recall it again and again. We all have tons of memories in childhood. These memories help us to build our character and personality, that's why childhood memories are hugely important in our ...