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12 Top Team Building PowerPoint Topics

Here is our list of the best team building PowerPoint topics .

Team building PowerPoint topics are ideas for presentation slides that teach about and foster team building. Examples include the goals of team building, team building topics, and five-minute team building activities. The purpose of these PowerPoints is to teach audiences about the benefits of team building and have them conduct some team building exercises.

Team building PowerPoint presentations are similar to virtual team meeting ideas , online team huddle ideas , and out-of-the-box team meeting ideas .


This list includes:

  • team building PowerPoint
  • team building presentations
  • team building PowerPoint presentation
  • team building slide ideas

Let’s get to it!

List of team building PowerPoint topics

When writing a PowerPoint on team building, it is important to create engaging slides. This way, audience members will want to focus on your presentation and implement your team building tips. To learn about the top subjects you can cover in your team building presentation, check out these team building slide ideas.

1. What is team building?

To start, some folks may not even be familiar with the idea of team building. Depending on your industry and your employees’ backgrounds, they may have never gotten the chance to bond with their team members. In that case, explaining what team building is creates a strong foundation for future interactions.

Here are some topics your slides can cover:

  • Definition of team building
  • Who can participate in team building
  • Benefits of team building
  • Examples of team building activities

At the end of this session, you can host a team building activity as an example. After sharing this info with your team, be sure to keep hosting regular team building activities. That way, employees can experience the many benefits of these exercises.

Learn more about the history of team building .

2. How to do team building

Staff members may be excited to get the team building experiences rolling, but they may not know where to begin. In that case, hosting a presentation on how to host these exercises may be beneficial.

  • General event planning tips
  • How to focus games and activities on your team’s needs
  • Types of exercises teams can try
  • When to schedule team building activities
  • How to make team building accessible for all members

After this session, consider asking attendees to take what they learned and plan a team outing together. This plan could be hypothetical, or you could implement it at the end of the meeting. As a bonus, planning an activity together counts as a team building experience!

For more information, check out these articles on the team building process and team building elements .

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  • icebreaker games
  • bingo cards


3. Goals of team building

Generally, team building activities are fun and exciting. However, if you set up clear expectations beforehand, then members may get more out of the event than a little relaxation. Thus, consider sharing some slides about the overall goals of building strong teams.

  • Reiterate company missions, goals, and culture statements.
  • Brainstorm what skills your team could improve on.
  • Discuss how games and exercises foster different skills.
  • Outline how chosen events can improve said skills.

Ultimately, team building is a great way to get to know colleagues better. However, depending on your chosen exercises, these sessions can develop techniques that staff can apply to the workplace.

Here is some more information on the goals of team building .

4. Importance of team building

Some organizations may be new to team building, so it may be helpful to share why it is important to integrate it into your routine.

  • Helps coworkers bond
  • Teaches soft skills like communication and problem-solving
  • Prevents stress and burnout
  • Acts as a reward after team successes
  • Promotes workplace diversity and understanding
  • Demonstrates team’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Fosters innovation and employee engagement
  • Increases overall productivity

Team building is one of the most essential aspects of leading a successful organization, and sharing this with your staff may encourage participation.

Read more about the importance of team building .

5. How to build strong teams

Building strong teams does not end after the hiring phase. While selecting the right candidates for the job is important, continuing the professional development process after hiring is equally essential. Sharing information with your leaders on building strong teams can help improve the organization at its core.

  • Diversifying your talent pool
  • Encouraging open communication
  • Offering professional development opportunities
  • Fostering a caring and collaborative environment
  • Cultivating soft skills

Hiring smart employees is a great foundation for a strong team. However, maintaining and improving that strength is where true success lies.

Learn more about how to build a strong team .

6. The power of teamwork

Colleagues will all be familiar with the adage that teamwork makes the dream work. However, knowing motivational phrases and putting them into practice is different. Thus, sharing why teamwork is essential to success is a great idea.

  • Increases productivity and efficiency
  • Encourages innovation and creativity
  • Leads to improved work-life balance

Understanding the importance of teamwork can create excitement about team building and group projects. This excitement can lead to improved efficacy and culture.

To learn more about the power of teamwork, check out these articles on the benefits of team building activities and teamwork books .

7. Team building topics

Team building can cover a wide range of subjects, making it a versatile tool that can fit any team’s size and needs. When discussing team building topics, you can get a read on your staff and see what aspects interest them the most. Thus, you can find new ways to build your team that they will find engaging.

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Training courses
  • Games, icebreakers, and activities
  • Comedy and storytelling
  • Communication skills
  • Company culture
  • Giving and receiving feedback

Team building can take many forms, so presenting several subjects can help you narrow down the best avenues for your staff.

For more team building topic ideas, check out these lists of team building trends and team building examples .

8. Five-minute team building activities

Some folks think team building is a huge time commitment, but even hosting five-minute activities before a meeting is a huge step. Gathering several ideas into a presentation is a great way to have team building ideas prepared at any time. Plus, you can find out what interests your team most.

  • Icebreaker questions
  • Employee-guided pep talks
  • Five-minute trivia
  • Show-and-tell
  • Meditation or yoga

Many five-minute team building exercises require little to no preparation, making these a great addition to any workday.

To learn more about quick team building activities, check out these articles on one minute games , minute to win it games , and 5 minute team building activities .

9. Team building skills

Team building activities can foster a whole host of skills, which is one of the factors that makes them so valuable. If folks regularly participate in these exercises, then their knowledge will improve.

  • Written and verbal communication
  • Active listening
  • Adaptability and resilience
  • Time management
  • Conflict management
  • Organization and planning

Soft skills are just as important to a worker’s success as hard skills, and team building is a great way to boost these techniques.

Here are some more team building skills .

10. Team building activities

Companies can choose from a whole host of team building activities, from minute to win it games to week-long retreats. Presenting some of these ideas will help leaders gain an understanding of their team’s interests in smaller and larger events.

  • Meal ideas, like lunch and learns, potlucks, and barbecues
  • Mindfulness activities, like yoga, meditation, and nature walks
  • Crafty activities, like pottery, painting, and office decorations
  • Party planning, like holiday celebrations, birthday parties, and retirement parties
  • Games, like video game tournaments, puzzles, and cup stacking
  • Recurring activities, like book clubs, movie nights, and happy hours
  • Longer events, like conferences, workshops, and retreats

No matter which activity you choose, your team will appreciate the opportunity to relax, learn, and connect.

Check out these articles on office team building activities , unusual team building activities , and leadership games and activities .

11. Team building workshop

Team building workshops are a great way to facilitate learning. Even within the category of workshops, there are several categories you can choose from depending on your needs. Alternatively, you can craft your own course and present it through PowerPoint.

  • Types of team building workshops
  • Benefits of attending workshops
  • Workshop goals
  • Team building activities and games

Educational courses are an essential part of professional development. Team building workshops range from relaxed fun to serious skill building, so you can find a workshop for any occasion. As a bonus, many premade courses come with a certificate of completion, bolstering your team’s qualifications.

To find the perfect team building workshop, check out this list of team building training courses and workshops .

12. How to be a team player

The ultimate foundation of team building is creating a group of effective team players. Presenting staff with information on collaborating will improve communication and productivity.

  • Proactively helping when needs arise
  • Willingness to step in
  • Communicating clearly
  • Working well with others
  • Leading a team or project
  • Self-awareness and taking feedback

Overall, team players are the backbone of successful enterprises, so educating your workforce on these techniques is crucial.

Check out more information on good team player characteristics .

Presenting a PowerPoint about team building can help facilitate the conversation about why team building is important, how to do it, and what you can learn from it. These team building presentations can act as a first step to introduce the concept of team building to your staff, or they can be a continuing education on activities you already do. No matter why you present about building teams, these ideas should help you foster a strong workforce.

Next up, check out our lists of lunch and learn topics , TED talks for team building , and annual company meeting ideas .

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FAQ: Team building PowerPoint presentations

Here are answers to common questions about team building PowerPoint presentations.

What are team building PowerPoint presentations?

Team building PowerPoint presentations are speeches that leadership can give to staff members about elements of team building.

Why should you use team building PowerPoint presentations?

Using team building PowerPoint presentations is beneficial because it can introduce your team to the concept of team building, share its benefits, and help you learn what your team may be interested in.

What are some good team building PowerPoint presentation topics?

Some of the best team building PowerPoint presentation topics include the importance of team building, the power of teamwork, and how to be a team player.

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Author: Grace He

People & Culture Director at teambuilding.com. Grace is the Director of People & Culture at TeamBuilding. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University.

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18 virtual team building activities and games

This isn’t academic theory or some stuff we just made up. This is how real remote teams have fun and stay connected.

5-second summary

  • Building bonds between teammates is extra-important when you’re in remote or hybrid mode, as a growing body of research confirms.
  • Whether an activity is just for fun or helps move your work forward, taking time to help your virtual team to get to know each other is an investment that pays dividends in team cohesion and performance.
  • We collected a list of activities used by real teams at Atlassian that can help virtual teams get to know each other as people and colleagues.

The bad news: team building is a lot more challenging when all or some of your people are working remotely. Try as you might, you just can’t do trust falls over Zoom. (Also, no one likes trust falls anyway.)

The good news: we have a trove of the best virtual team building activities to share with you. These are the same super-creative, road-tested, remote-team-approved activities that we use here at Atlassian.

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What is virtual-team building?

Virtual team building means creating human-to-human connections between your remote team members. Forging these bonds not only promotes team harmony, it can also help streamline communication and increase productivity.

Distributed eam bonding is a topic that matters deeply to us. We have a  Team Playbook  of exercises and workshops to help teams work better together (not to mention a guide to hybrid meetings for when it’s time to get down to business). It’s important to take time out to build connections while having fun, too. And, as a company of several thousand people distributed across five continents, we’ve had plenty of chances to act as test subjects for both flavors of virtual team-building activities.

Keep your virtual team connected with these proven rituals

Keep your virtual team connected with these proven rituals

How do you do team building virtually.

The best way to connect remote teams is to help them feel seen and heard, literally, and in ways that directly address the challenges of a dispersed workforce.

In mid-2020, we ran a survey on remote work , which uncovered the real-world complications we’re all facing with distributed work: feeling that our work is “invisible,” navigating new barriers to organic collaboration, and having less access to our managers. When we ran a similar survey in 2021 , we found that, although some of the initial challenges we faced have eased up a bit, teams are still struggling with belonging and cohesion.

The common thread here is that working from home can be lonely. Spending less time in an office environment means fewer built-in opportunities to form social bonds and build trust with colleagues. That can lead to disengagement, which, in turn, can lead to poor performance on the job.

That’s no small deal. In fact, 94 percent of  workers we surveyed  said that mutual respect and connection were critical to their team’s success, and 19 percent said it’s the most important factor in their sense of well-being at work. Understanding each other on a personal level means we can communicate more effectively and have an easier time distributing roles and responsibilities across the team.

So how can teams overcome these hurdles?

Tools of the trade

We use Trello boards as sort-of a virtual whiteboard, Slack as our chat tool, and Zoom for video conferencing. You’ll need at least one of these tools (or their equivalent) for each of the activities shared here.

Fun remote team building activities for any occasion

Choose what’s right for your team based on these categories:

Real-time vs. asynchronous – Do you need to do this simultaneously, or can each person participate at whatever time works best for them?

Practical vs. just for fun – Is the activity intentionally unproductive (which is not necessarily a bad thing), or does it serve the dual purpose of building social bonds and improving the way you work in a more tangible way?

team building games powerpoint presentation

18 ideas for virtual team games and activities

1. don’t overlook the classic: icebreaker questions 🧊.

Type: real-time, just for fun, on the regular

Time: 5 minutes

Tools required: video conferencing

Before you roll your eyes and go “Duh … like I hadn’t already thought of that,” understand that some of our distributed teams (my own included) do an icebreaker at the start of our team meetings every week. Even though we’ve been working together for a couple of years and feel pretty connected already, there are always more interesting tidbits to learn about each other. Some recent favorites include:

  • Who was the last artist you searched for on your music streaming service of choice?
  • What are your parents’ best qualities?
  • Put these morning routine items in order: breakfast, coffee/tea, open up your laptop.
  • What was something that always frightened you as a child?

Small talk at work has big benefits

Small talk at work has big benefits

2. have an online lunch date 🍱.

Time: 60 minutes

This one comes from the engineering team that built the Trello app for Android. Once a month, the team links up via video conferencing over lunchtime. Team members can even expense up to $25 so they can join from their favorite cafe, order delivery, or cook up a little something special at home (because, real talk: heating up leftovers gets old).

Only have 15-30 minutes to spare? No worries. Virtual coffee chats and virtual happy hours are fun variations on this activity.

3. Socialize over group chat 💬

Type: asynchronous, just for fun, on the regular

Time: varies

Tools required: Slack, Teams, or other group chat app

Group chat is an ideal way for distributed teams to stay in touch, but who says you have to keep it strictly business? Pre-pandemic, Atlassian set up a channel in Slack called #social-remote where we remote workers (which is now pretty much all of us), talk about what we had for lunch, compare notes on standing desks, share articles related to remote work, and generally discuss anything but the projects we’re working on.

There are even off-shoot channels for cities or states where clusters of “Remote-lassians” live. Let’s just say that more than a few hot-dish recipes have been swapped in the #minnesota channel.

4. Have a messy-desk photo contest 📸

When you work in an office, you feel compelled to keep your desk at least minimally clean: no used tissues, three-day old cereal bowls, or constellations of coffee rings.

But when you work from home, there’s no such social contract to uphold. So one of our rituals in the #social-remote Slack channel is “messy desk Thursdays” in which we out ourselves for the abysmal state of our workstations while the ROTFL 🤣and 🤦🏽‍♀️ facepalm emojis fly fast and thick.

It’s also a chance for your preternaturally tidy teammates to do some humble bragging about their austere, magazine-worthy office spaces.

Screenshot of a conversation about messy desks in Slack

5. How do you make online meetings fun? Presents 🎁

Type: real-time, just for fun, one-hit wonder

Tools required: video conferencing, Trello board

Whether your team prefers white elephant style or something more thoughtful, you can pull off a gift exchange even if you’re not at an offsite. Start by copying this handy Trello board template and inviting your teammates to join. It has full instructions in the “Rules” column, but here’s the gist. Each team member buys a gift that can be shipped easily. Instead of announcing what the gift is, you’ll add a card to the board with a picture and title that provides a hint.

During the game, you’ll take turns clicking on cards to reveal what the gift is. Once you turn over a card, you’ve claimed that gift. You’ll also get chances to steal a gift someone else has already claimed. After the game is over, mail the gift you contributed to the person who ended up with it.

6. Teach people how to work with you with “My User Manual” 📋

Type: asynchronous, fun but practical, one-hit wonder

Tools required: Keynote or PowerPoint

When you’re just forming as a team, or when a new member joins, it’s worth taking the time to share your personal workstyle. Do you prefer chat or email? What time of day do you do your best heads-down deep work? Are you cool with impromptu video calls? Check out this example from the CEO at CultureAmp:

Inspired? So were we. That’s why we created the My User Manual play, where you’ll find instructions on how to run this exercise in your team. Set up a meeting to review everyone’s “user manuals” in real-time, or share the decks so people can review them asynchronously. Either way, collect the decks in a central repository where future team members can access them.

7. Expand your professional skill sets together with “Learning Circles” 📚

Type: real-time, fun but practical, on the regular

Time: 30-60 minutes

Tools required: video conferencing, study materials as needed

It’s easy to get so caught up in executing on your work that you forget to expand your horizons, especially when working from home with no office banter happening around you. Plus, remote work can be isolating if you don’t make a point to connect with your teammates on a personal level.

Our Learning Circle play can address both issues. Choose a topic related to your work that you want to learn more about – anything from SQL to leadership styles to trends in recruiting practices – and find colleagues who share that interest. Each month, gather over video conference to discuss a book or article, or have someone in the group give a short presentation. The best part about learning circles is that you can extend them beyond your immediate team and connect with people across the entire organization.

8. Take your team’s pulse with “Health Monitor” 🩺

Tools required: video conferencing, Confluence, or Google Docs

Health Monitor is a variation on the classic agile retrospective. It prompts you to examine how you’re working together, instead of what you’re working on.

Through extensive research, we identified eight attributes that healthy, high-performing teams tend to have in common, then developed the Health Monitor as a framework for assessing how your team is doing in each area. Do you have the right balance of skills on the team? Are you making decisions effectively? Do you understand the dependencies around your work? Here’s a one-minute overview, staring yours truly.

Although this activity was not designed specifically for remote teams, it’s amazingly beneficial. When your team doesn’t sit shoulder-to-shoulder, it feels easier to sweep issues under the rug rather than address them head-on.

But little problems have a way of growing larger while you’re not looking, and eventually, you’ve got a crisis on your hands. Health Monitor prevents this by prompting teams to self-assess on a regular basis and keep their weaknesses from becoming full-blown liabilities.

9. You can’t have Nerf wars, but you still have .gif battles 💥

Time: 15-30 min

If you’ve ever been jealous of the Nerf dart wars waged by your co-located colleagues and friends, you’ll love .gif battles. Copy this Trello board template and invite your teammates to join it. (Click on the “How it works” card to see full instructions for the game.)

The game consists of four rounds, each with its own theme. You’ll use Giphy.com or Google Images to find a .gif that fits with the theme for that round and attach that gif to a card. Once everyone has their .gifs in, you’ll vote on the round’s best submission. At the end, the person who wins the most rounds will be crowned the Ultimate .Gif Battle Champion of All Time™. Just think of the glory! Don’t be afraid to add a tiebreaker round if needed.

Screen capture of a trello board with fun categories ie. "find the best walrus gif" and users have each added a fun gif that matches the category.

10. Uncover your superpowers 🦸🏽

Type: real-time, fun but practical, one-hit wonder

Time: 30 min individual prep, 60 min as a team

If you think “water cooler moments” unlock creativity, you’re focusing on the wrong thing

If you think “water cooler moments” unlock creativity, you’re focusing on the wrong thing

If you’re ready to go beyond surface-level connections with your team, this is the activity for you. Each person will prepare for the session by taking an online strength finder assessment such as Clifton Strengths . During the group session, everyone hops on a video call and takes turns sharing their results.

When my team did this, each person shared top three strengths, lowest-ranked strength, and something in our results that surprised us. Then we’d discuss as a group how that person’s top strengths contribute to the team already, and how we could make even better use of them.

This is an intensely personal activity. You’re going to feel a bit vulnerable and exposed, so it works best if there’s already a sense of psychological safety amongst teammates. But because you’re discussing each other’s strengths, the conversation tends to be very positive and affirming. Chances are, everyone will walk away with a deeper sense of belonging and an understanding of the unique value they bring to the team.

11. “How you doin’?” 👋🏽

Time: 5 min

(This one is so much better if you say the words “How you doin’?” in a low, Jersey mobster voice – think Sal from “The Sopranos.” But I digress… ) The team that looks after the Atlassian Community website and our user groups added this five-minute ritual to the beginning of their weekly team meetings.

The board they use to track agenda items includes a space for each person to add a card representing how they’re feeling that week. Maybe they’re struggling with something in their personal life and are a bit low-energy. Maybe they finally ran that 10k over the weekend and are PUMPED for the week ahead. It’s an easy way for teammates to let each other know when they might need some extra support or patience, or when they’ve got good vibes to spare.

12. Make sweet music together 🎶

Tools required: Spotify or Google Play, Slack or other group chat app

Raise your hand if you and your remote teammates talk about music. (Thought so. Pretty much everyone does.) The content team at Trello is no different… but they’ve gone next-level with it. Using Spotify, they create collaborative playlists that anyone on the team can listen to and help curate.

Try creating an upbeat, “get $#!t done” playlist, a soothing “de-stress” playlist, or any other theme that suits your team.

13. DIY boba tea 🧋

Type:  real-time, just for fun, one-hit wonder

Time:  2 hrs

Tools required:  video conferencing, kitchen

Y’know how boba tea (sometimes called bubble tea) costs like $6 at a retail shop? It sounds overpriced until you realized how labor-intensive it is! About 50 members of our marketing team learned this first-hand when we did a virtual boba-making session. Each participant received a kit containing all the ingredients (we used this one ). Then, an expert guided the whole group through the process – it really does take two hours to make a batch! But that provided plenty of time for icebreakers and general chit-chat while ingredients cooked and/or cooled.

team building games powerpoint presentation

14. The fellowship of the traveling plush toy 📦

Type:  asynchronous, just for fun, on the regular

Time:  varies

Tools required:  Slack or other group chat app

A cross between the gnome prank in Amélie and the Flat Stanley craze, this ongoing activity yields months of fun. Choose a plush toy or doll that will be easy to pack up and mail – we had a custom plush made in the shape of our logo, and named it “Ace” – and set up a rotation so it travels between team members. When it’s your turn, use your chat channels to share photos of the plush hanging out with you, then pack it back up and mail it to the next person after a week or so.

team building games powerpoint presentation

15. Birds of a feather read books together 🤓

Type:  real-time, just for fun, on the regular

Time:  30-60 min for discussion; reading time varies

Tools required: video conferencing, Slack or other group chat app

Calling all bookworms! If you’re like me, then you know that the only thing better than reading a good book is discussing it with friends. Or, in this case, colleagues who also enjoy books (which, really, is pretty close to friends anyway).

Our brand content team runs a casual book club where the only parameter is that the books we choose must have nothing to do with our jobs. We use a Slack app called Polly to vote on book selections and when to meet over Zoom (and drinks) to talk about it.

16. Monday JAMM sessions 📆

Time:  5 min

Tools required: Slack or other group chat app

“So, how was your weekend?” The Atlassian brand and events teams took this time-honored Monday morning question into the virtual world by sharing stories and photos from their weekend over chat – but with a twist. To help put themselves in the best mental space possible for the week ahead, they focus on sharing the most positive and rejuvenating aspects of their weekend that will help them power through the week. Each entry starts with JAMM, which means “just another manageable Monday.” For example, “JAMM because I got to an amazing hike on Saturday!” Think of it as part gratitude practice , part pep-talk. It’s been such a hit that it’s spread to other teams, too!

team building games powerpoint presentation

17. Enneagrams for everybody 🥸

Type:  real-time, fun but practical, one-hit wonder

Time:  2+ hours

How well do you really know each of your teammates? Take time out for a deep dive into your personalities by using the Enneagram system . You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what makes everyone tick, and you’ll probably get some juicy insights into your own personality as well. (I sure did!)

Unlike finding your Myers-Briggs type or your zodiac sign, Enneagram asks you to self-identify your personality type based on the descriptions for each one. From there, you can explore how to best get along and communicate with other types. It’s a self-awareness + team harmony win-win.

18. A lightning round of mini-games 🕹

Time:  1-2 hours

Game apps for tools like Zoom and WebEx can be a ton of fun. (Hot tip for Zoom users: try the Kahoot! trivia app .) It’s a great way to add extra flavor to your virtual team lunches or kill a few minutes while you’re waiting for people to trickle in at the start of a meeting.

Now go forth and bond!

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Blog > The 10 best PowerPoint Games to play in Workshops, Classrooms & Presentations

The 10 best PowerPoint Games to play in Workshops, Classrooms & Presentations

01.01.20   •  #fun #game #powerpoint #presentation.

In our last blog post, we talked about tools and tips on how to boost the audience engagement in your presentation. One of our recommended ways to do so was to play games, as they release tension and function as a fun element that lightens the mood. That’s why today we are going to list the Top 10 best games to play in your presentation.

1. Would you rather

Is it a game that everyone knows already? Probably. But did we have to include it on the list because it is just perfect for playing with your audience? Definitely. The game is pretty much self-explanatory – You give your attendees two (or more) scenarios and they have to choose which one they’d rather experience. Combining the Would you rather – question with your presentation topic is usually very easy, but we also thought of some questions you could use for any topic (e.g. as an icebreaker, to get to know your audience a little better, to ask about their opinion or just as a fun element in between). You can let your audience vote by letting them raise their hands or by using an interactive poll tool such as SlideLizard .

  • Would you rather A. travel back in time OR B. travel to the future OR C. stay in the present
  • Would you rather A. have a long lunch break now OR B. have a short break and finish early
  • Would you rather A. be able to read minds OR B. be able to fly OR C. be able to turn invisible
  • Would you rather A. receive a letter from Hogwarts OR B. join Frodo on his journey OR C. Hog-what?
  • Would you rather A. never be able to go on Social Media again B. never be able to read a book again

team building games powerpoint presentation

2. Charades

The popular game is not only great for your family’s game-night, but also for your presentations and workshops. Prepare a few cards that have words related to your presentation’s topic on them, let some volunteers in your audience draw and act them out. The rest of the audience has to guess the word. You can be sure that these terms and the associated performances will never be forgotten!

team building games powerpoint presentation

Small Trivia quizzes are perfect for checking and manifesting the audience’s knowledge at the end of your presentation. Instead of repeating and summing up what you have already said, you can let your participants test their knowledge right away. However, you can also use a quiz in the beginning to test your audience’s existing knowledge about a topic. But there are not only trivia quizzes: Questions about personality can also be interesting and work well as an ice breaker in the beginning. Again, we recommend a tool for poll creation, as that is the easiest way to conduct quizzes. In a recent article we listed 50 great questions (a mix of personality and trivia) , that you could use for your next presentation! And if you're a fan of quiz game shows, we also got a full Who wants to be a Millionaire PowerPoint template for you to download for free! You'll see how it looks like in the following video (be sure to turn up your sound!):

PowerPoint can be used for way more than most people know. Even we were amazed by people on the internet who created extensive games by animating content using PP. We don’t want to go that big today, but we are going to provide you with a free-to-download template of memory. You only have to add it to your presentation and customize the pictures or terms you want under the cards. Download free PPT Memory Template

5. Two Truths and a Lie

Here is another game that is just perfect when you play it with interactive poll tools. It is great for getting the audience to know you as a presenter better. Think of a fun, interesting or astonishing fact about yourself, and then invent two fake ones. Your attendees have to vote which statement they think is true. Be prepared to see some very surprised faces in your audience!

team building games powerpoint presentation

6. PowerPoint Karaoke

PowerPoint-Karaoke is the perfect improvisation game. Players are confronted with a set of slides they have never seen before and try to give a presentation as convincingly as possible. If you want to know all about this game and get some slides you can use for playing, check out our detailed blog post on PowerPoint-Karaoke .

team building games powerpoint presentation

7. Where do you stand?

For the game “Where do you stand?”, your attendees will actually have to stand up. Therefore, it is only convenient if you have enough space. If you want to get your participant’s opinion about something and get them to move a little, look no further! Create an imaginary line across the room. One end stands for one opinion, the other end for the exact opposite opinion. Your attendees can now place themselves on this line wherever they like (right in the middle, on either end or somewhere in between). You can then even interview people on the line (it is always interesting to choose two from opposite sites) and learn about their views. If you’re a little overwhelmed now, here are some examples you could use for this game:

team building games powerpoint presentation

Attention – you can of course ask about political or more controversial topics, but that may escalate and turn into a fight, which is not the purpose of the game or your presentation.

8. Describe That

Let your audience draw from cards with words on them and then describe it for the other attendees. It is basically like charades, but with words instead of acting. Some may find that too easy. In that case, you can either choose terms that are extremely hard to describe or add some “Taboo-words” to the card that can’t be used for describing.

team building games powerpoint presentation

9. True and False

Have you ever heard a crazy, bizarre fact where you didn’t think that it could be true? Perfect. You can use it in the well-known “True and False”-Game. You pick out a fact (ideally something related to your presentation topic) and then let your audience vote (you know – via an interactive poll tool like SlideLizard ) if they think it’s true or not. A tip for making statements false: Change little things about the them, like numbers, dates or names or use common misconceptions and see how many of your attendees buy into them, e.g. “Bulls are enraged by the color red” (which is false, bulls are simply enraged by movement, not specific colors).

team building games powerpoint presentation

10. The never-ending sentence

The never-ending sentence is a great game that incorporates many of your attendees and awakens their brain cells. It is perfect for keeping up their engagement and interest, especially for long presentations or workshops when you feel like some people are getting a little tired. Simply start by saying a word – it can be related to the presentation’s topic if you want – and ask a person in your audience to repeat that word and add another one – the next person to repeat those two words and add another one as well , and so on, until a sentence forms. As it gets longer the game gets a lot more difficult, because there is a lot more to remember and to repeat. The sentence can’t be ended, it has to be continued until someone makes a mistake (or until the last person in the room has added a new word). We promise that you will be left with a lot of fun, creative, and straight-up weird sentences that will make your audience laugh a lot.

team building games powerpoint presentation

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About the author.

team building games powerpoint presentation

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

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Formal communication.

formal communication should be used for speeches or at work

Computer Based Training (CBT)

Computer Based Traing (CBT) means digital learning programs, which work without internet. Exercises can be downloaded over the internet or can be distributed via storage media like a USB stick or a CD.

Hybrid Audience

A mix between in-person and virtual participants for an event or a lecture is called a hybrid audience. Working with a hybrid audience may be challenging, as it requires the presenter to find ways to engage both the live and the virtual audience.

Vocal distractions

In vocal distractions filler words like um, er, and you know are used during a pause.

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Home / Business / Best Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates – Updated February 2021

Best Free Team Building PowerPoint Templates – Updated February 2021

team building games powerpoint presentation

Does this phrase detract your attention towards effective team building? Team building is an approach to creating a team that works cohesively towards a specific goal. And to build a successful team, each team member needs to establish a bond with each other.

One of the most prime reasons for forming a team is to get results. A series of team-building activities that can be fun, motivational, brainstorming, or educational builds skills like communication, planning, conflict resolution, etc.

According to a survey, when in a group of 1000 team members, communication, mutual respect, and honest feedback were encouraged, it was reported that team members were 80 per cent more emotional well-being.

Team building is the most influential step for organizational success. It turns individual contributing employees into a cohesive team.

Best Team Building PowerPoint Templates

Now educate your colleagues, team about effective team building methods using these team-building PowerPoint templates. So, without further, let’s delve into some of the best free team-building PowerPoint templates straight away.

Free Meet the Team Template 

meet the team template

Every successful organization is a collective of dedicated individuals, each contributing their unique talents and passions. In the spirit of celebrating your team’s accomplishments and fostering a deeper connection with your audience, we proudly present our free Meet the Team Presentation Template .

Alpha Free Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates

alpha free pitch deck PowerPoint templates

Take your presentation to the next level using these alpha free pitch deck PowerPoint templates. The template comes with modern, sophisticated, and highly impressable slides that guarantee you catch the audience’s eyeballs. Get ready to exhibit your points flawlessly with these team-building PowerPoint slides.

TechO Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

TechO free pitch deck PowerPoint Template

Browse our free Techo pitch deck PowerPoint template an ultimate pitch deck presentation template that can be used by CEOs, managers, business professionals for any business presentations, advertisements, fundraising, crowdfunding, or any related presentations.

Free Apex Free PowerPoint Templates

apex free PowerPoint templates

Don’t know how to elaborate on team-building ideas or strategies in a presentation. Then there’s nothing to fret about. Using these apex Free PowerPoint templates by Slidebazaar , you can draft a compelling presentation that engages with your audience.

Free Business Team Building PPT Presentation

team building ppt presentation

Download our business team-building PowerPoint template by Slidehunter , an excellent illustration for teamwork and collaboration-related presentations. The template includes astonishing templates and presentation backgrounds perfect for any presentation.

Free Team Building Plan Template


Free team building plan template by Best PowerPoint Templates is an amazing slide for business presentations. The templates comprise eight high-quality slides that will help you build effective team building and training-related presentations.

Free Team Building Layout

free team building layout

This free team building layout by Slidecarnival is a modern, elegant and polished template that will let you communicate your ideas successfully. With illustrated scenes of professionals at work, you can highlight the concepts like teamwork, collaboration, team efforts, etc. So instantly download these free team building layouts and don’t miss the opportunity to outshine at the next meetings.

Free Leadership Team Building PowerPoint Templates

free leadership team building PowerPoint templates

These leadership team-building PowerPoint templates by Best PowerPoint Templates are the ideal templates for clear and concise demonstration of team-building efforts, management strategies, team guidance, etc. It can be used by any team manager, leader, CEO’s and any executive with the aim to guide or instruct its team.

Free Teamwork Jigsaw Puzzle PowerPoint Diagram

free team building jigshaw puzzle diagram template

This Free Teamwork Jigsaw Puzzle PowerPoint Diagram Template by Slidehunter is an amazing template to showcase concepts like team building, group effort, leadership, etc. Like each piece of the jigsaw completes the puzzle, each team member’s contribution leaders the business to success. Download these jigsaw puzzle diagram templates and create awesome teamwork presentations.

Infographic Organization Chart Templates

Organizational chart PowerPoint template

During a presentation, what captures the attention of the audience. It’s the presentation template that clings to the focus of your audience. Org charts are the best illustration to feature a team of upcoming projects in a presentation. Get ready to draft a remarkable presentation using these infographic organization chart templates by Slideheap . Get access to 1000+ premium PowerPoint templates for just a membership fee of $29.40.

Team Building Analysis PowerPoint Template

team building analysis PowerPoint Template

Encourage or motivate your team to perform better by giving them a detailed overview of the work structure, team, management using these team-building analysis PowerPoint Templates by Slidebazaar. The team building analysis PowerPoint template is a common PowerPoint diagram for information dissemination. Regardless of the topic, you create any PowerPoint presentation using the simple ppt template. You can download this team building template on a monthly membership of $9.99 and get access to 100 premium PowerPoint templates.

Oftentimes in MNC’s team-building efforts are overseen. Such negligence, in the long run, can cost heavy for the business.

Many organizations undertake team-building activities with the aim of enriching communication and trust. While it’s the general goal in every office, you can find several areas focused on.

Successful team-building efforts guarantee a comfortable, successful work environment. With these team building PowerPoint templates, you can precisely reflect the concepts.

Promote team-building ideas, develop an employee-friendly workplace, encourage the team to boost performance with these team-building slides. All templates in the selection can be tweaked accordingly.

Get ready to stun your audience. Also, comment on which templates you liked the most.  

About The Author

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu Bharat

Priyanshu is a copywriter who loves to tune into what makes people tick. He believes in presenting his ideas with flair and wit, which has made him an expert at standing on stage and charming the pants off of any audience he's faced with. Priyanshu lives for learning as much as he can, so if you ever need help understanding something - just ask!

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Sep 20, 2022

5 Free Powerpoint Presentations for Team Building with Activities and How To Build Your Own Team-Building Template

team building games powerpoint presentation

Heather Harper

Company Culture Writer

Team building PowerPoint presentations allow us to build a strong team , where teamwork is at the forefront of all operations and everyone is working together to reach the same common goal. 37% of workers consider teamwork, team building, and team collaboration to be incredibly important. In fact, if workers feel that these things aren’t happening within their team, they are more likely to leave. 

As we all know, high employee turnover costs money that most companies just can’t afford to lose. So, to prevent this from happening all teams need to make connections, foster communication, build trust, and promote problem-solving. One way to integrate these things is to include PowerPoint presentations, with complementing activities, in your team building program. 

These PowerPoints need to be inspiring, not boring, and in this article, we will give you PowerPoint presentation ideas for team building. To start, you’ll discover free PowerPoint presentations for team building and complementing activities, before learning how to make your own engaging team building presentation that WOWs.  

cartoon woman giving powerpoint presentation

5 Free Powerpoint Presentations for Team Building with Activities

Free team-building powerpoint presentation: communication.

Effective communication in the workplace generates 4.5 times higher talent retention . As a result, it is crucial that all workplaces that don’t want to pour money down the drain on constant talent acquisition invest time and effort into enhancing communication within their teams. Along with plenty of team building activities, the best place to start building strong communication is with an effective and purposeful PowerPoint presentation. 

The best communication PowerPoint template 

This team building PowerPoint presentation free download is offered on Slideshare and consists of 29 slides that break down the important aspects of communication into manageable, bite-sized chunks. 

Targeted to improve communication between co-workers and clients, this free team building PowerPoint presentation begins with a brief overview of what communication is, its history, and why you should care about it. After, you will take a look at the goal of the PowerPoint, which is to maximize client communication, improve satisfaction and enhance personal productivity. 

You’ll then go over different ways groups communicate, organizational communication, the various principles of conflict, the effects of conflict, and so much more. By the end of all 29 slides, your team should have the information and knowledge they need to meet and understand these goals. 

Activities that support communication within teams

  • Team sports day

Working as part of a team during a sporting activity is an excellent way to build trust and positivity within a team, which in turn promotes healthy and effective communication. Plus, if you want to make your team more productive at work , improve mood , and prevent chronic health conditions , there’s no better way than some good old fashioned exercise! 

team members playing tug of war at team sports day

  • Build a tent blind

By finding a few old tents from your garage, you can throw your team into an activity that promotes communication, as well as encourages listening, leadership and teamwork. 

To play, organize your team into pairs and ask one player to be blindfolded. They must listen to instructions from the other player in their pair on how to put up a tent and will race the other teams to be the first to put their tent up. 

  • Take part in an Escape Room

Escape rooms are great ways to allow your team to escape regular workplace tasks and relax and unwind. The fact that they have to work together, as opposed to separately, means that this activity is perfect for supporting your communication PowerPoint presentation. 

Prison Break The Escape Game

At the Team Building Hub , your team can immerse themselves in a prison break-out, explore the dark depths of the ocean, or participate in a thrilling gold rush… all without even having to leave the office. Together, they can work through clues and puzzles to beat the clock and escape the room. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Conflict Management

Employees in the United States spend approximately a tremendous 2.8 hours each week involved in workplace conflict. This equates to around $359 billion in hours paid that are focused on conflict, rather than completing productive workplace tasks. To make this worse, 60% of employees have never received basic conflict management training, meaning that millions of organizations are unnecessarily losing money every year. 

Fear not, however, as there are plenty of free conflict management team building PowerPoint presentation templates that can help you to overcome any conflict issues within your team. Below is our favorite of them all. 

conflict management with seesaw

The best conflict management PowerPoint template

Slideshare’s conflict management in teams PowerPoint Presentation is free to download and includes 18 slides on how to manage and resolve all types of various workplace conflicts. 

To start, your team will learn exactly what conflict is and how it applies to the workplace. They’ll look at various types of workplace conflict, such as interpersonal conflict and intragroup conflict, before exploring when workplace conflict might be constructive, and when it might be destructive. Afterwards, the presentation offers some useful ways to prevent and manage conflict in your workplace. The Slideshare PowerPoint even makes its conflict management and prevention section engaging and entertaining by including clips from the sitcom The Office . 

Activities that aid conflict management team building 

  • Take a personality test

Getting your team to take a personality test will allow them to explore themselves so that they can understand their personality and, in turn, their trigger points for conflict and how they can work to resolve it. Tests such as the Myers-Briggs or Disc allow team members to rate their agreement with certain statements and can then make a conclusion on that person’s personality. Team Building Hub even has a package with Maxwell Leadership that adds a DISC assessment before any game, to help increase the learning and connection during the experience.

  • Play the compliment circle game

Everyone loves to feel that someone appreciates them and thinks something nice about them. It promotes strong bonds within a team, creates trust, builds a sense of psychological safety, and, as a result, is likely to limit the amount of conflict that occurs. To play, simply sit in a circle and get each team member to go around the room and pay a compliment to the person sitting to their right. 

Designed to allow team members to understand how to work through conflict and understand differing opinions, four words is the perfect activity to complement your conflict management PowerPoint presentation. 

To play, give each team member a piece of paper and ask them to write 4 words that they associate with conflict. Pair them up and between the two of them, they must decide on the best four words out of the combined eight they have. During this, each pair will have to negotiate in a considerate and efficient manner. At the end of the game, you can bring the team back together to discuss how the process went and whether there was any conflict. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Virtual Teams

Virtual teams are more common than ever before and, as a result, it is important to have the correct tools in place to build strong virtual teams. The benefits of virtual team building are priceless: it connects remote workers, enhances collaboration and co-working, increases productivity, boosts morale, encourages healthy communication, and prevents burnout and loneliness. 


The best virtual team PowerPoint template 

Geared toward virtual team leaders, this PowerShow.com template covers all the challenges of having a virtual team and gives expert solutions to each challenge. Offering 14 slides of content, this team building PowerPoint presentation starts with a bold quote to instantly grab your team’s attention and engage them. After, the presentation then moves on to cover the top three common challenges within a virtual team, before summarizing how to solve these challenges. 

Activities that aid virtual team building 

  • Ice breakers games

Virtual icebreaker games provide a remarkable way for people scattered across the world to introduce themselves in a fun and charming way. They are designed to create a relaxed atmosphere, which in return can build trust, enhance communication, and improve productivity. Some of our favorite icebreaker games include repeat performances, guess the acronym, and rank your favorites. 

  • Play some zoom games

Zoom games for large virtual groups are designed to allow teams to stay connected, be sociable, and keep happy. Games such as Jeopardy, Trivia, and Scavenger hunt are perfect for involving your whole team and promoting virtual problem-solving and communication. 

  • Team online games show

Online game shows are exciting and upbeat ways to encourage your virtual team members to improve morale and communication! With five fast-paced rounds, your team members can practice their communication skills and problem-solving ability, and they can create trusting bonds with each other.

online game show example

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Problem-Solving

Problem-solving in the workplace is important for everyone, from entry-level employees to senior staff. Those with fantastic problem-solving skills are better equipped to solve all sorts of unexpected challenges that might be thrown at them. As a result, they are the type of employees that help a business run smoothly, and, therefore, all teams should be investing in developing these skills in their members. 

The best problem-solving PowerPoint templates

Offered for free by WorkshopBank , this PowerPoint is a 30-45 minute presentation where your team will cover everything from brainstorming and issue analysis, to action planning and solution finding. It is designed to allow your team to make breakthrough progress with their problem-solving and have the skill set to tackle any problems that may arise at work. 

All you need to do is download the PowerPoint template and work through the activities given. It’s an excellent interactive and fun way to get your team to understand problem-solving and how they can apply it to their jobs. 

Activities that support problem-solving 

  • The Art Thief 

The Art Thief is an in-person game designed specifically to help your team unlock a new level of problem-solving. Designed by industry experts, your team will tear into a box filled with clues. They will use their teamwork and problem-solving skills to work together to connect the dots and solve the mystery of the art thief. 

art thief

  • Quick team building activities 

Learning a new skill can be frustrating and daunting to many, so a fantastic way to help promote problem-solving is to include quick team building activities to ensure everyone remains inspired and engaged. Activities such as word association and ‘what’s my name?’ are designed to be simple and quick, but to encourage your team members to solve complicated problems and, as a result, learn new problem-solving skills.

  • Paper tower challenge 

The paper tower challenge is a creative way to promote trust, communication, and, most importantly, problem-solving in a workplace team of any size. To play, split your team into small groups and give them three minutes to build the largest freestanding tower possible. The only catch – they can’t use anything but paper! Award a prize to the team whose tower is the tallest and still standing at the end of the game. 

Free Team-Building Powerpoint Presentation: Trust

Trust within teams promotes the highest levels of productivity and effectiveness because it allows every single team member to feel valued, and appreciated and that they are safe to share opinions, problems, and ideas. Therefore, it is of no surprise that workplace teams who trust each other have 50% higher employee productivity, 106% more energy at work, and 13% fewer sick days. 

team members swinging trust fall

The best trust PowerPoint Presentation template

Comprised of 48 engaging and eye-catching slides, you can download Slideshare’s trust building PowerPoint for free. 

Created to help co-workers build healthy relationships, the PowerPoint presentation begins by explaining to your team why they are here and enlightening them about the importance of trust within teams. Looking at a model of trust, you and your team will explore what happens in the absence of trust and will take a look at examples of teams that have no trust. Next, you will explore the various types of trust, the essential ingredients of trust, and how it can be created in your workplace team. Your team will then partake in a reflection activity, whereby they will discuss what they’ve learned and how they can help develop and enhance trust within the team. 

Activities that support trust building

  • Constantly incorporating trust building activities 

Trust is something that, once built, needs to be constantly reinforced and worked on. As a result, to ensure optimal workplace trust it is crucial to keep using plenty of team building tools throughout the year. Introducing virtual meeting platforms, having a joint calendar, constantly using icebreakers and team building activities, and sending out Google forms are all fantastic ways of ensuring that trust is constantly worked on within a team. 

  •  Team skydive 

If your budget can be stretched to allow this, a team skydive is a fantastic way to get your team members bonding at 10,000 feet in the air. To make this a trust building exercise, you can pair your team members up and get them to do a skydive at the same time (whilst being attached to a professional, obviously). Team members will learn how each other behaves when scared and pumped full of adrenaline, and will learn to trust the other person as a result.  

team skydiving trip

  • Trust fall 

Quick, simple, and easy to coordinate, a trust fall is a fantastic activity to chuck in at the end of your team building PowerPoint presentation. To play, get your team to work in pairs and one person must turn to face away from their partner and allow themselves to fall back into their partner’s arms. The partner must then catch them, proving to the other person that they are trustworthy. 

How to Build Your Own Team Building Powerpoint Presentation Template

Building your own PowerPoint presentation is something that can be time consuming, but worth it for a presentation that will wow your team. In order to engage and inspire, you need your presentation to be insightful, unique, interesting, and tailored to the needs of your team. That’s why it’s never a bad idea to create your own. 

If you’d like to give creating your own PowerPoint presentation a shot, here is everything to include: 

  • Make sure you have PowerPoint. This is a no-brainer. In order to create a Powerpoint presentation, you must have access to PowerPoint. You can buy the whole Microsoft Office package for as little as $69.99 a year. If you don’t have the budget for Powerpoint, Google Slides is a great free alternative!
  • Decide precisely what you want to talk about. The best presentations are concise and straight to the point. You don’t want to bore your team by talking aimlessly about every team building topic under the sun. So think about what it is your team needs to work on. Conflict management? Problem-solving? Training? Onboarding? Morale in the workplace? It can be anything that will make your team stronger. 
  • Get your facts right. One fantastic way to show facts is to include accurate and up-to-date statistics to reinforce what you’ve said. Using bold statistics, especially in the first section of your presentation, will grab your team’s focus and encourage them to pay attention. 
  • Make your presentation visually appealing . Getting your facts straight is all well and good, but if your presentation is dull and boring, you’re never going to inspire a group of people. Utilize visuals and animations to help bring your slides alive and allow information to be digestible. 
  • Find a way to get everyone involved. Sitting in a meeting room with information being relayed off a screen will take most of your team back to school, leaving them feeling bored, frustrated, and uninspired. To avoid this, find a way to involve your team in your presentation. You can use a variety of techniques to do this, such as quizzes, polls, questions, and answers. It will make your team feel seen and valued, which will inspire them in return.
  • Include meaningful takeaways. The whole purpose of this team building presentation is to teach your team something important about team building and the team they are in. To make sure your presentation has been worth the time, include an essential takeaway from the meeting. For example, it could be about steps your team can take to improve performance, communication, and/or trust. 

powerpoint presentation


That’s a wrap on the best team building activities and PowerPoint presentations. Whether your team is in-person or virtual, they are likely to need to work on their trust, problem-solving, communication, or conflict management. Offering exciting PowerPoint presentations, backed up with fun team building activities, is a fantastic way to teach them new and relevant skills. 

Get Your Free Game

The 3-minute non-cringey ice breaker for your next meeting.

A ready-set-go game to run at your next fully remote or hybrid meeting without the hassle or added pressure of developing a team-building exercise yourself. Get it here →

team building games powerpoint presentation

Heather Harper has a Masters in Occupational Psychological from the University of Manchester. She currently works as an editorial writer specializing in organizational psychology – helping teams work better together.

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Hey team leaders, HR pros, and everyone steering the virtual ship! Team-building doesn’t have to be a logistical nightmare. Here’s a list of 26 plug-and-play activities perfect for remote teams. Each one comes with a quick guide and handy tools so you can get the ball rolling without breaking a sweat.

1. Play "Zoom Together", a video call game

Play this interactive group game designed to happen over Zoom. It's a slide deck with three rounds of activities that are made for Zoom: Live polling, a trivia competition, and one on one breakout room conversation prompts.

How to play: Grab this deck by copying it into a free account on Slides With Friends , and launch it like a slide deck presentation. You share your screen over Zoom and everyone in your team joins in on their phones to interact and play along.

2. Virtual Escape Room

Use Puzzle Break or Trapped in the Web to play a virtual escape room over a video call! Bring your team together on a video call, share your screen with the escape room option you picked, and let the problem-solving begin! Escape rooms stimulate critical thinking and promote team collaboration. Dive into immersive challenges together.

3. Pictionary with Jamboard

Rediscover the joys of Pictionary with a digital twist. Grab a Google Jamboard , share the link, share your screen, and start doodling. You can play classic Pictionary by dividing your group into teams, giving the drawer private prompts through the Zoom chat, and then having their team guess as they draw on their screen and your screen showing the Jamboard is shared with the group through zoom's screen share. Or you know, you can all just doodle together. This activity is not just fun but also helps showcase your team's creative side.

4. 20 Questions, Professional Edition

One person thinks of an object, person, or concept related to your industry. The rest of the group has 20 chances to ask yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is. The thinker responds with only "yes", "no", or "sometimes". If the group can't guess in 20 questions, the thinker wins and reveals the answer. For larger groups, definitely use breakout rooms . This classic game is an excellent exercise for probing and deductive reasoning. A brain teaser that encourages thoughtful questions.

5. Group Trivia Competition

Get your group together to compete in a trivia battle! Here's a collection of great ready-to-play trivia games that you can present (like a PPT) to your group.

How to play: Create a Slides With Friends account, pick a trivia game, and launch it like a slide deck presentation. You all join in on your phones, and then you advance the game like a slideshow, answering questions as you go. The game auto tallies score and shows winners!

6. Would You Rather, Career Edition

Present participants with intriguing work-related scenarios where they must choose between two distinct options. Some good "would you rather"s  include:

  • Would you rather have a job where you work 4 days a week for 10 hours each or 5 days a week for 8 hours each?
  • Would you rather be excellent at one specific task or be good at multiple tasks but not exceptional at any?
  • Would you rather work on a project with a tight deadline but have all the resources you need or have a relaxed deadline but limited resources?
  • Would you rather always have to lead team meetings or never get to voice your opinion in them?
  • Would you rather work on a groundbreaking project that's high risk-high reward or a routine project with guaranteed success?

This game helps to understand team values, priorities, and decision-making processes, all while fostering insightful discussions on work preferences and styles.

7. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Play this built-for-remote/virtual scavenger hunt that brings teams together to chat about their finds. You launch this deck like a PPT presentation and advance through slides one by one. Each one has your group get up and find somethign (interesting) in their house, then send in pictures. Then you get to show pics one by one and let your team discuss all together. Scavenger hunts inspire creativity and a playful break from routine. Plus discover quirky corners of your colleagues' spaces.

8. Future Predictions

Discuss where your industry or company might be in the next 5, 10, or 20 years. Use tools like to collect and display predictions. This sparks insightful discussions about industry trends and directions.

9. Flash Talks

In this activity, participants have 2 minutes to speak about a work-related topic without preparation. Use Zoom's 'Spotlight' feature to highlight the speaker. This activity improves public speaking skills and allows participants to share knowledge in a concise manner. Use Zoom and an online stopwatch . It’s an amazing platform for team members to share their passions and interests. Learn something new from your colleagues in minutes.

10. Sales Pitch Improv

Drop a list of random products in Zoom. Provide participants with a random object or abstract concept. They have a set time (e.g., 3 minutes) to come up with a sales pitch for it. This can be done individually or in small teams. The pitches are then presented live on the call.Great for honing pitching skills and thinking on the feet. Get creative and sell that "air guitar" or "pet rock."

11. Positive Feedback Session

Dedicate a segment of the meeting where team members can offer positive feedback or praise for their colleagues. It’s a morale booster and strengthens team bonds. You could even give out awards using a " award ceremony" presentation.

team building games powerpoint presentation

12. Professional Development Webinar

Invite an industry expert or use internal talent to host a short webinar on a topical subject. Ensure there's a Q&A session at the end. This not only educates but provides a platform for dialogue and discussion. It integrates learning into team meetings and promotes a culture of continuous development.

13. Language Learning Blast

Pick modules on Duolingo . An excellent way for the team to bond over new phrases and cultural insights. Explore languages together and share your learning experiences.

14. Recipe Swap

Members share a favorite recipe via screen share or in the chat. Optionally, you can even have members prepare the dish and present it. This could be a fun weekly segment, with a different team member presenting each time. It taps into personal tastes and can lead to delightful culinary discoveries, adding a personal touch to virtual meetups.

15. Ask Controversial Questions

Play an interactive game of "which is better?" where all the questions are quite inflammatory (but still SFW). Controversial Questions is an office-friendly game to ruin friendships) asks your team the important questions like, "Does Pineapple belong on Pizza". Controversial Questions 2 picks up where the first icebreaker game left off, with friendship-ruining queries like "How do you pronounce Gif"? You can copy and try this interactive game for yourself.

16. Mapped Day Off

This is a good way to end a zoom meeting — announce a day off (maybe different days for different team members) for a bonding excercise — and to get folks out of their chairs. Create a Proxi map for your group and send them on a point-to-point excursion. You can add coffee shops, museums, bookstores, and tons of interesting locations for them to travel to in small groups with coworkers who live nearby.

17. Design the Next Product

Break out into teams and challenge each to design a mock product relevant to your company or a chosen theme (the sillier or wackier the more outlandish and fun this process can be). Group your folks into teams in breakout rooms, to spend 10-15 minutes brainstorming a completely fictional product, coming up with its name, unique features, target audience, and even a catchy slogan. Once done, everyone regroups in the main room to pitch their invention in 2-3 minute presentations. Encourage feedback and questions after each pitch, fostering interaction and deeper thinking about the viability or hilarity of each product. Wrap up by voting on the most intriguing or entertaining concept.

18. Book Club Insights

Pick a book, read it. A chance for team members to dive deep into storytelling and share unique insights. Discuss and explore different perspectives on the chosen book.

19. Have an Awards Ceremony

Use this simple "who did X thing best" live wordcloud creator to run a simple DIY award ceremony with your team. Just launch the deck like a presentation, share your screen on Zoom, and let your group send in their votes!

20. Remote Wine or Beer Tasting

Spice up the usual happy hour with a drink. You can host a tasting that's hired out with an expert for best results (and so they do the work of shiping the drinks to your crew for you). There are a ton of options to choose from: check out a list of great beer tastings and this list of excellent wine tastings .

21. Virtual Debate

Set topics and stances in advance. A platform to sharpen argumentative skills and promote healthy discussions. Delve deep into topics and respect diverse viewpoints.

22. Historical Reenactment

Assign historical scenes. A fun way to delve into history and showcase acting skills. Relive and enact significant historical moments together.

23. Excel Pixel Art

Play color by numbers in a shared google sheet or Excel doc! Start by choosing an image or pattern for teams to replicate in gSheets or Excel, where each cell represents a pixel. Share the sheet with participants and set a color coding system (e.g., 'A' for blue). Participants color the cells accordingly to create the image. After a set timeframe, everyone showcases their digital artwork via Zoom screen share. This activity allows teams to flex their creative muscles using an everyday tool, turning spreadsheets into a canvas for art. A relaxed way to combine creativity with familiar software. Combine artistry with spreadsheet skills.

24. Photography Contest

Share a theme. A chance for team members to capture and share their perspectives on a shared theme. Snap, share, and appreciate the beauty around you.

25. Whodunit? Mystery Game

Emulate a 'Clue'-like game where participants get roles and clues. Over the course of the meeting, they ask each other questions and try to figure out the mystery. Platforms like Mystery Party have templates for such activities. It encourages problem-solving in a fun environment, requiring everyone to think critically and collaborate.

26. Play Two Truths and a Lie

You can have everyone some with these on the fly on a zoom call, then Spotlight individuals and have them announce their three options. Have the rest of the group vote on which they think is the lie by show of hands, or if you want to actually tally results, you can use a live poll tool that allows you to prep this in advance.

There you have it, 26 no-fuss activities tailored for virtual teams. Pick what aligns with your team's goals, and you’ll have a fun, engaging virtual session in no time. Enjoy!

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12 Superb Team-Building Games and Activities You Won’t be Ashamed of

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How many times have you faked an illness before team building games? Calm down, I won’t force you to reveal this horrible truth. Let’s just admit that the majority of team-building activities suck. Those egg-dropping and hot dog eating contests… Yuck.

On the other hand, team building activities are essential for the company’s success. In fact, the personal bonds between teammates give businesses a competitive edge. A team that can collaborate and communicate effectively is more productive, happier, and pleasant to work with. How does this work? It’s all about engagement.

Studies show that close work friendships boost employee satisfaction by 50 percent. At the same time, people are seven times more likely to be fully engaged if they have a best friend at work. Another report claims that engaged teams outperform competitors in terms of performance and profits.

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Team-building games and activities your team should try

It’s recommended not to stay in front of your screen the whole working day—you will be surprised to know that spending 7 hours per day looking at the screen equals 3 months per year!

Here come team-building games and activities to keep teams engaged and connected . They help colleagues learn more about each other—how the person sitting right next to you thinks, performs tasks, solves issues, and has fun.

Do your coworkers roll their eyes when you mention team games? The good news is that team-building activities don’t have to be embarrassing and dull. We’ve put together a list of fantastic team games and activities for you to enjoy. And none of them involve eggs being dropped into the stream.

“The floor is lava!” Remember that? Lava Flow, also called River Crossing, is a game where teams should cross the river of lava using a limited number of objects to move safely. If anyone touches the floor, they will get “burned,” and they should start from the very beginning. The first team to cross the lava river with all members on the board is the winner.

Murder mystery dinner

Murder Mystery Dinner


The Murder Mystery Dinner is an interactive team game that usually repeats the most famous detective stories. Your colleagues will team up around the key goal—solving the mystery and finding the murderer. I bet there are some companies in your city that will design a murder mystery for your team. You can also host your own mystery party to achieve a more intimate atmosphere. Either way, this team game is ideal for building problem-solving and critical-thinking skills within your squad. And for posting cool pics to Instagram afterward, for sure.

PowerPoint karaoke

PowerPoint karaoke

This is a famous one when it comes to virtual team building games.

If you want to check your employees for how they react in high-pressure situations, test out PowerPoint Karaoke, also called PowerPoint roulette. The rules are simple: each player gets a set of slides they haven’t seen before. Based on those slides, a player should give a presentation to an audience. This team building game also improves the skill of shrinking from rotten vegetables. *Joking*

There is a team version of PowerPoint Karaoke. Allow a few minutes before the presentation for a group of colleagues to review the slides and prepare. Under the circumstances, they will be forced to think quickly and collaborate closely to perform a difficult task. To make it easier to get started, you can grab  free PowerPoint templates  that are available, which will help you save time instead of preparing the presentation from scratch.

12 Superb Team-Building Games and Activities You Won’t be Ashamed of Click To Tweet

Slideshow for team building

Slideshow is a PowerPoint Karaoke alternative. This is also one of the virtual team building games. In this game, one player presents a story that describes an adventure or process in detail, anything from traveling to building a birdhouse (or traveling in a birdhouse). Other teammates should act as the slide show for the presentation, repeating the story in motion. The Slideshow game boosts creativity and motivates participants to think on the go. It also demonstrates how teammates can support each other during difficult tasks.

Truth and lie

Truth and lie


This activity fits into the “get to know each other” category. Each player comes up with three true facts and one lie about themselves. The lie should be believable (for instance, not something like “Chris Hemsworth followed me on Instagram”). After a teammate tells their facts, the players should discuss which one is a lie.

The Truth and Lie game gives both introverts and extraverts equal opportunities to reveal some information about themselves and get to know each other better.

GPS adventure

GPS adventure


The GPS Adventure game relies on following clues to find a hidden item with the help of GPS coordinates. Each group of teammates needs to have a GPS device that will help in searches. A moderator sets a period of time in which all participating groups must return to “base.” The clues hidden in specific geographic locations can be part of a larger puzzle that the teams should solve. As an alternative to GPS coordinates, you can also use QR codes placed around the office or neighborhood.

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This team building activity motivates teammates to collaborate for the achievement of a shared goal using a specific process where “close enough” is not good enough. GPS Adventure and its QR code variation also boost problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way.

What’s my name

What’s my name


This has to be one of my favorite team building games.

Write down the name of a famous person or people of that type (nerd, football fan, rock star, etc.) on sticker paper. Then, place these tags on a team member so that they cannot see who they are. For a set amount of time, this person should ask the group leading questions to figure out what is written on the tag. What’s My Name is a great ice-breaker game for those companies where team members don’t know each other well yet.

This is also a great one for virtual team building games.

Blind wine waiter

Blind wine waiter


Not without reason, numerous scientific studies show that nothing bonds people like sharing a bottle of red. The Blind Wine Waiter is a real treat for teams that face communication issues at the workplace and want to loosen up with each other.

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In this game, a team of six should find, uncork, and pour a bottle of wine into a glass, with one person acting as the leader and the rest as waiters. The team gets one wine bottle, one glass and one corkscrew. Each waiter carries out no more than one element of the challenge and all of them are blindfolded. All elements are hidden in the room and should be discovered by the waiters. The challenge is that each team member can perform only one task with just one hand. For instance, if someone has found the bottle, they can’t go and find the glass too. The game is over when the leader drinks the served wine from the glass.

Let us guess

Let us guess

This game is a version of the classic game of charades and one of the best for virtual team building games. All participants are divided into small teams of 5–7 people. One person should demonstrate a random object to their group that doesn’t know what this object is, without speaking. The group guesses the name of the object and gets a point for each right answer. The team with the highest score wins.

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“turn over” for a fun team building.

Place a large sheet on the floor and have everyone stand on it. The goal is to flip the sheet without stepping off and dragging other participants.

Circle of questions

Circle of questions


All participants form two circles, one inside the other. As the circles rotate in opposite directions, teammates face each other, responding to different questions. The questions should be open and introduced by a moderator. The questions become more difficult with each round. The ultimate role of the Circle of Questions activity is to connect employers on a personal level and bring together colleagues from different departments. And keep in mind that there is no wrong answer (forget about an electric exam atmosphere).


Do you like role-playing? No, you won’t have to repeat the Fifty Shades of Grey scenario at the workplace because this is one of the “team building games.” Just imagine that you are Arctic explorers who got caught in a storm. The team’s leader is suffering from frostbite in both hands and is unable to help the team physically. At the same time, the rest of the team is suffering from snow blindness.

The challenge is to build the tent within the allotted time. Speaking of equipment, at this game you will need a tent and blindfolds for each team. The motionless leader should assist the rest of the team verbally. Make sure to give each participant the ability to play the leader’s role.

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To sum up, team building games are a good way to get your team to connect, stay productive, and work better together. The best part is that the majority of these games can be played anywhere with little or no equipment, making them ideal for on-the-go virtual team building games.

Now you’re ready to engage your team in fun team building games without being hated. Below are some no-brainer team games that can boost teamwork, enhance problem-solving skills, and keep your teammates connected:

  • Murder Mystery Dinner
  • PowerPoint Karaoke
  • Truth and Lie
  • GPS Adventure
  • What’s My Name
  • Outdoor activities (paintballing, sumo wrestling, etc.)
  • Blind Wine Waiter
  • Let Us Guess
  • Circle of Questions

team building games powerpoint presentation

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Try experimenting to find the activity that works best for you. Which one to choose depends on your goal, the number of participants, and your preparation time. Feel free to combine serious team-building games with fun activities for the best results.

What about you? What other team games have we missed from our list?

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Thanks for sharing the amazing ideas!! Everyone Get out of that video game truck, get into Lasertag sports bubbleball, nerf, and lasertag. Challenging, fun , physically active team building experience. Corporate, school, organizations or private.

Glad you enjoyed it:) We are with you – let’s have less screen time and more time having fun and getting to know people we are working with. Human relationships is the most important thing in life, this is what makes people happy, not money or fame. Let’s take care of it!


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Team Building Workshops

All activities on this page work well in Team Building Workshops. Each helps you build a strong cohesive team while simultaneously achieving valuable learning objectives.

We believe the best kind of team building is when people work on real professional challenges together. Solving issues, coming up with creative solutions, building action plans together are all platforms for creating a supportive and productive team.

[…] Team Building Ideas […]

Its an excellent contribution to knowledge…….A generous and philanthropic initiative of the author!

Thank you for such great ideas of team building games! I especially like the “Build a Bridge” activity you listed. I think this type of activity can really demonstrate how well people work together and share ideas and leadership. I will keep this in mind for the future!

Thank you for sharing these great informations. All methodologies are very helpful!

Pleasure Flavio 🙂

Much appreciate to share all useful workshop guidance! Very helpful for me to organize internal workshop within my team! Great ideas!

Very useful information has been provided here. Thanks for sharing such a good information with us! Keep updating

Thank you for making these workshops open to all. Some great inspiration for me to work with my team – in a charity where funds are not as available as they might be in other organisations.

It’s a pleasure Kathy!

wonderful set of topics

Great work guys. Very consolidated info, very high quality of content. A big thank you for sharing.

Can you please provide me this item’s complete free pdf user manual copy

Thank you for this list of activities!! Excellent job!!!

Thank you very much for this initiative, Nick. I have been asked to run a 2 hour workshop on partnership working with a group of individual creatives who do not necessarily know each other, may consider each other as competitors, and will have significantly different levels of experience. Oh, and for good measure some will be listening via translation! Some stimulating ideas in your collection which will be very helpful.

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Fun at Work Day Games & Activities

Fun at work day games & activities presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Having a fun day with your coworkers is a great idea if you want them to have closer, deeper relationships, or if you have a new team and want them all to get to know each other. What do you have in mind? Maybe sports championships? Or E-sports? A family day? This template allows you to explore all options and prepare a day that will make your workers be proud of the company they are in!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 41 different slides to impress your audience
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  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
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  2. 14 Fun & Interactive Presentation Games for Teams and Students

    This activity is also free for up to 10 people and is easy to personalize. ‍. 6. The Get to Know You Game. This activity is one of the best presentation games if you have a small group that doesn't really know each other. The Get to Know You Game is a creative way to do introductions, and it's really simple.

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  6. Team Building Workshop

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. It has been fully demonstrated that team building activities reinforce the quality of work. Teamwork makes the dream work... That is why we have prepared this template, so that you can organize a team building workshop in your company. Start by giving some technical notions and then dive ...

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  15. Team Building Activities PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Create a futuristic slideshow with our contemporary Team Building Activities presentation template, designed for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Download it to explain the fun, creative, and educational activities that improve interaction and develop a sense of team in employees. Moreover, you can also discuss other advantages of these activities ...

  16. Team Building Activities

    Team Building Activities. Oct 20, 2012 •. 208 likes • 100,187 views. Angelin R. This presentation explains how to play some team building activities that are important to the effective management and growth of teams and their objectives. Read more. Entertainment & Humor. 1 of 19. Team Building Activities - Download as a PDF or view online ...

  17. 12 Superb Team-Building Games and Activities

    PowerPoint karaoke. This is a famous one when it comes to virtual team building games. If you want to check your employees for how they react in high-pressure situations, test out PowerPoint Karaoke, also called PowerPoint roulette. The rules are simple: each player gets a set of slides they haven't seen before.

  18. 36 Team Building Workshops (Free PPT and PDF Downloads)

    The World Cafe. The World Cafe is a 20 year old workshop activity that draws on 7 design principles to create a simple, effective, and flexible format for hosting large group discussions for between 12 to 200 participants. The format is flexible and adapts to many different circumstances limited only by your imagination.


    TEAM BUILDING POWERPOINT. Aug 8, 2007 •. 285 likes • 412,235 views. Andrew Schwartz. Team Building PowerPoint Slides include topics such as: why teams work, building a team, reasons to create teams, structuring your team, developing effective teams, five intrinsic elements of teams, four stages of team development, team behaviors, team ...

  20. Team Building Center

    A team that is able to collaborate and work in unison is a strong team able to achieve the highest goals. Promote your center specialized in team building activities with this Google Slides and PowerPoint template. This time, we've used a design that is becoming a trend in this field: the use of backgrounds that look like pages of a notebook ...

  21. Team Building Game

    4.5/5.0 - 2300 ratings. Team Building Game found in: Team building powerpoint ppt template bundles, Building And Maintaining Effective Team Relationships In Organization Complete Deck, Organizational team building program powerpoint presentation slides,..

  22. Team Building Class for Elementary

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template ... The template has a few games that you can use in your team building lesson. They are very original and you little ones will love them. Features of this template. 100% editable and easy to modify;

  23. Fun at Work Day Games & Activities

    Professional Creative Multi-purpose Blue Funny Modern Business Company Cool Corporate Dark Game Sticker Happy Global Event Activities. Prepare a fun day in your company that your coworkers will never forget with this fun template for Google Slides and PowerPoint.