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computer science phd in france

Computer Science

Driving future innovations and spurring collaborative partnerships

Our research activities in computer science not only involve articulating the fundamental with the applied, but also the interdisciplinary work between computing as a subject to be conceived and realised (algorithmic, architecture, optimisation, etc.) and calculation as a principle for approaching different subjects (cognition, medicine, robotics, etc.).

Computer science has become, on the one hand, a scientific subject in its own right from which original and specific problems arise, and, on the other hand, a method for dealing scientifically with problems shared with other disciplines. 

Hosting the very first computer science research units founded in France, we are committed players in the digital revolution and in a broad spectrum of research into computer science. Our teams are also involved and invested in research in the field of artificial intelligence through actively supporting the launching of the Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI). The research we carry today combines the most fundamental developments driving future innovations with a transfer activity, in both socio-economic sectors and other scientific disciplines. We contribute, in this sense, to :

>> Finding solutions to the challenges posed by the emergence of quantum technologies, both material and algorithmic, with a particular focus on securing communications; >> Building hardware architectures, whether it is a case of optimising them or coming up with the next generations; >> Conceiving systems and networks and in doing so taking into account the increased reliability and robustness of their major software infrastructures that is becoming a crucial issue in a heterogeneous context characterised by data mobility and the multiplication of communication channels.

The management of uncertainties, the reliability of calculations, and the transition to scale are becoming increasingly vital and require research in algorithms and optimisation. We are committed today to investigating how computer science as a paradigm allows us to revisit or understand learning theories, decision theories, logical models for reasoning and knowledge; multi-agent architectures and models being all complementary approaches aimed at tackling problems relating to cognition, social or economic modelling, etc.

Computer science is one of the research areas at the Faculty of Science & Engineering.

Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics

Research Federations Supporting the Activities of Our Research Units

  • Institut des sciences du calcul et des données (ISCD)
  • Paris Center for Quantum Computing (PCQC)

computer science phd in france


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  • How to enrol in a Doctorate
  • How to finance your Doctorat (PhD)
  • Use the "Research" portal
  • FAQ – Doing my Doctorate in France

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Computer Science and Digital

Computer Science and Digital

Documents of the same collection.



Université Paris Cité

Quantum Technologies

The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies trains students through a solid knowledge base in the fields of quantum information and technology. With the developed skills, students will be offered many opportunities in this rapidly expanding field, from the business world to research via doctoral studies.

computer science phd in france


The research units of the Université Paris Cité working in the field of quantum information are internationally recognised for their activities in computer science, fundamental physics and the development of innovative devices for quantum technologies. Over the years, these units have developed very high-level training courses with an international outlook.

Within the framework of the Quantum Flagship and the French Quantum Technology Programme launched in January 2020, the Graduate School of Quantum Technologies aims to train master and doctoral students by giving them a solid knowledge base in the field of quantum information, with a cross-disciplinary approach combining skills in quantum physics and information theory.

As one of the key objectives of the report on the quantum technologies national strategy, the Graduate School Quantum Technologies combines courses covering both quantum physics and engineering and computing.

In addition to existing courses focusing on quantum communications and computing, the Graduate School of Quantum Technologies introduces:

  • New pedagogical approaches with guest experts to give students a better understanding of current research topics and key aspects of quantum technology; real-time demonstrations of quantum optical phenomena; and programming projects in one of the current open source languages dedicated to quantum algorithms.
  • Thematic seminars with internal and invited guests who are key players in the field, both from an academic and industrial point of view.
  • Outreach seminars to raise awareness and train students in soft skills such as gender equality, business development, start-ups creation, open science and scientific ethics.
  • Joint courses in computer science and physics for PhD students. Notably, the Graduate School of Quantum Technologies runs joint summer schools for them.

The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies Master programmes include four-month internships in research laboratories. Thematic seminars as well as  laboratory tours give students a good understanding of on-going research in the Paris region.

As to the relation with the socio-economic sphere, studying quantum devices leads to a double profile of quantum physicist and nanoscience engineer which opens up many opportunities of PhD thesis in industrial research and development centres. Besides, competences in computer science, adding to their own industrial network, provide students with a multidisciplinary profile, particularly timely in the context of quantum technologies.

The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies also has a high international profile as a majority of students come from abroad each year. It also benefits from alumni networks, such as the Université Paris Cité Alumni network.

[email protected]

Most of the classes in Master 2 are taught in English.

Master in Physics:

  • Fundamental physics and applications
  • Paris Physics Master
  • Quantum Devices

Master in Computer Science:

  • Compulsory course 1 :  Quantum information and applications
  • Compulsory course 2 :  Quantum information and cryptography

While having an international reputation, the laboratories of Université Paris Cité are pioneer in the field of quantum technologies.

Regarding physics research, our focus is on the study of advanced quantum materials and the development of innovative quantum devices. The activities are based on a large spectrum of theoretical and experimental skills combining material physics, transport and optics, but also technological platforms such as: clean room, spectroscopy, and high resolution electron microscopy. The expertise lies in new quantum material, new quantum states of matter at the nanoscale, innovative nanooptical systems, quantum engineering and quantum information.

In the field of computer science research, the focus is on the development of quantum algorithms and cryptography: general framework of quantum walks, first concrete application of quantum machine learning in reordering systems and optimisation techniques.

The highly specialised skills developed by the research teams at the Graduate School make them sought-after partners in national and European programmes, as well as in industrial collaboration with Atos, STMicroelectronics, and Nokia Bell-Labs among others.


The coordinating laboratories:

  • IRIF – The Research Institute on the Foundations of Computer Science (UMR 8243)
  • MPQ – Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (UMR 7162)

Partner laboratories:

  • C2N – Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (UMR 9001)
  • DIENS – Computer Science Department for the École Normale Supérieure (UMR 8548)
  • LIP6 – Computer Science Laboratory of the Sorbonne Université (UMR 7606)
  • LPENS – Laboratoire de Physique de l’École Normale Supérieure (UMR 8023)

Inria project-teams outside the laboratory:

  • COSMIQ – Code-based Cryptology, Symmetric Cryptology and Quantum Information
  • QUANTIC – QUANTum Information Circuits

Doctoral schools

  • Mathematical Sciences of Paris Centre (DS 386)
  • Physics in Île-de-France (DS 564)
  • Prof. Sara DUCCI Director of the Graduate School of Quantum Technologies UFR Physics MPQ Laboratory
  • Frédéric MAGNIEZ Director of the Graduate School of Quantum Technologies Director of Research at the  French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) UFR Computer Science IRIF Laboratory

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14 machine-learning-phd positions in France

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  • machine-learning-phd

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  • Research Job 5
  • Scholarship 5
  • Postdoctoral 6
  • Institut Pasteur 4
  • Nature Careers 1
  • University Paul Sabatier 1
  • Computer Science 10
  • Medical Sciences 2
  • Arts and Literature 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Psychology 1

PhD contract: characterization of volcanic processes using continuous seismic data analysis and machine learning (M/F)

: - Apply unsupervised machine learning concepts to the analysis of continuous seismograms recorded in the vicinity of active volcanoes, in order to extract information about the state of the volcano and the

Postdoc position in Machine Learning for Integrative Genomics

spirit, and an ability to work in autonomy are essential. Fluent English both spoken and written is required The candidat must have a PhD in computer science, machine learning , or computational biology The

PhD (M/F) Study of behaviours predictive of well-being and school persistence

specialized in Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). In particular, SICAL has extensive experience in behavior analysis using multimodal data in different contexts, including

Sufficiency in cloud distributed datacenters

to teach in English or French. Practical details PhD will take place at IRIT, the largest computer science research institute in Toulouse, Our team SEPIA works on resource management on various distributed

Postdoc or PhD position: the biology of microglia in neuroinflammatory disease

controlling these molecular networks in vivo . This will be achieved using scRNAseq, spatial transcriptomics, advanced machine learning approaches, and genetic approaches to manipulate the expression of

Post-doctoral position (M/F) spatio-temporal data analysis

machine learning have transformed our approach to inverse problems in various fields, notably in medical imaging, enabling a deeper understanding of complex data structures. However, although sophisticated

PhD in Molecular Modeling of Gas Hydrates (M/F)

friendly refrigeration [1]. To do so, this PhD aims to develop original modeling methods, based on the development of Machine Learning tools, allowing for the description of complex molecular systems

Junior Professor Chair: PRESAGER: System Pharmacology Augmented by Artificial Intelligence

/Qualifications Required Skills and Qualifications: - PhD or doctorate in pharmacology, bioinformatics, statistics, or a related field with specialization in machine learning acquired during initial or subsequent

Postdoctoral researcher position at CRIL Lab - Artois University, Lens, France - M/F

of the following topics will be appreciated: · SAT solving, · Problem encodings and reformulation, · Cryptography, · Pattern mining and machine learning . Website for additional job details

Stratigraphic signature of the 3D evolution of rift systems (Suez Rift) following the Neogene climate change (M/F)

capable of linking large data sets, machine learning and deterministic models in Earth Sciences. The integration of entrepreneurial skills into the curriculum will also prepare the 13 doctoral candidates

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How is France for doing a Phd in Computer Science/AI ?

bonjour a tous et comment ca va?

I am an international student non EU, who would consider doing Phd in computer science from France. Can anyone tell how is France for doing Phd in computer science compared to countries like UK or Germany? Also how much phd students/ researchers can expect to get stipend during their course?

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Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
  • Faculty member
  • Entrepreneur

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of École Polytechnique, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSTA Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Ecole des Ponts

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Ecole des Ponts, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.


By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of ENSAE Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom Paris

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom Paris, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Télécom SudParis

By clicking on continue , you will visit the website of Télécom SudParis, one of the founding schools of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Computer Science Program

Computer Science Program

Master Year 1

  • Computer Science for Networks
  • Cyber Physical System
  • Data and Artificial Intelligence
  • Foundations of Computer Science
  • Interaction, Graphics and Design
  • Operations Research (description in French only)
  • Parallel and distributed-systems
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health) (description en anglais uniquement)

Master Year 2

  • Computer Science
  • Data & Artificial Intelligence

Master Year 1 Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health)

Master Year 1 Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health)

Master Year 2 Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health)

Master Year 2 Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health)

Master Year 1 Computer Science for Networks

Master Year 1 Computer Science for Networks

Master Year 1 Cyber-Physical Systems

Master Year 1 Cyber-Physical Systems

Master Year 1 Cybersecurity

Master Year 1 Cybersecurity

Master Year 1 Data and Artificial Intelligence

Master Year 1 Data and Artificial Intelligence

Master Year 1 Foundations of Computer Science

Master Year 1 Foundations of Computer Science

Master Year 1 Interaction, Graphics & Design

Master Year 1 Interaction, Graphics & Design

Master Year 1 in Parallel and Distributed Systems

Master Year 1 in Parallel and Distributed Systems

Master 1 Recherche Opérationnelle

Master 1 Recherche Opérationnelle

Master Year 2 Computer Science for Networks

Master Year 2 Computer Science for Networks

Master Year 2 Cyber-Physical Systems

Master Year 2 Cyber-Physical Systems

Master Year 2 Data and Artificial Intelligence

Master Year 2 Data and Artificial Intelligence

Master Year 2 in Cybersecurity

Master Year 2 in Cybersecurity

Master Year 2 Foundations of Computer Science

Master Year 2 Foundations of Computer Science

Master Year 2 Interaction, Graphics & Design

Master Year 2 Interaction, Graphics & Design

Master Year 2 in Parallel and Distributed Systems

Master Year 2 in Parallel and Distributed Systems

Master 2 Recherche Opérationnelle

Master 2 Recherche Opérationnelle


  1. Best Universities in France for PhD Computer Science 2022

    computer science phd in france

  2. PhD Position in Computer Science at University of Strasbourg in France

    computer science phd in france

  3. Top 5 Universities for Studying Computer Science in France

    computer science phd in france

  4. PhD Position in Computer Science at University of Strasbourg in France

    computer science phd in france

  5. 32 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Inria, France

    computer science phd in france

  6. PhD Position in Computer Science at University of Upper Alsace in

    computer science phd in france


  1. PhD track in Computer Science

    The PhD track in Computer Science brings together numerous research teams in computer science, each of which is internationally renowned in its field. These teams have very close links with the industrial and institutional players in this discipline in France, in Europe, and in the world (United States, China, Brazil, etc.).

  2. PhD track in Computer science

    The PSL PhD track in Computer science is a fully-funded 5-year program structured around two phases. During the first phase, students draw on courses from Université PSL's research master in computer science and start working towards their research project. The research master is a stepping-stone towards the second phase of the PhD track ...

  3. Computer Science & IT in France: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Computer Science & IT in France. Studying Computer Science & IT in France is a great choice, as there are 20 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 252,000 international students choose France for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from ...

  4. PhD in Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence

    The PhD theses conducted within the domain Computer science, data & AI of the Doctoral School of Institut Polytechnique de Paris aim at advancing the state of the art in the whole domain, starting from the most fundamental questions of computer science, related to the efficient storage and the fast processing of massive data, up to the most complex systems, like cyber-physical systems or sets ...

  5. Best Global Universities for Computer Science in France

    See the U.S. News rankings for Computer Science among the top universities in France. Compare the academic programs at the world's best universities.

  6. Computer Science

    Computer science has become, on the one hand, a scientific subject in its own right from which original and specific problems arise, and, on the other hand, a method for dealing scientifically with problems shared with other disciplines. Hosting the very first computer science research units founded in France, we are committed players in the ...

  7. PSL Graduate Program in Computer Science

    The Computer Science Graduate Program offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced studies and research, from Master (M1) to Doctoral degree. Two departments of PSL are particularly involved in computer science research: the DI ENS located at École Normale Supérieure (ENS), and the LAMSADE laboratory located at Université Paris-Dauphine.

  8. Computer Science

    The Graduate Program offers a comprehensive curriculum of advanced study and research, from the Master's to the Doctorate degree, in computer science. Through its association with the ENS - PSL Computer Science Department, the LAMSADE at Dauphine - PSL and the PRAIRIE program, the graduate program offers a Master's degree in which research ...

  9. PSL Graduate Program in Computer Science

    The PSL PhD Track in Computer science is a fully-funded 5-year program structured around two phases. During the first phase, students draw on courses from PSL's research-oriented Master's in computer science and start working towards their research project. The research-oriented Master's is a stepping-stone towards the second phase of the PhD ...

  10. PSL PhD Tracks

    PSL is renewing its call for applications for its PhD track programs of excellence. These are 5-year programs, fully funded and intended for high-potential students hoping to become top level researchers in the public or private sector, in France or abroad. The PSL PhD Track grant is €10,000 / year for one or two years at Master's level ...

  11. PhD in France

    Doctoral Schools directory. Grand-Est Nouvelle-Aquitaine Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Normandie Bourgogne- Franche-Comté Bretagne Centre Val-de-Loire Corse Île-de- France Occitanie Hauts-de- France Pays-de la-Loire Provence-Alpes Côte-d'Azur Réunion Guadeloupe Guyane Martinique Polynésie- Française Nouvelle- Calédonie 22 20 368 613 5 199 269 ...

  12. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

    Director of the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Professor of Computer Science at Université Paris Cité. Academic Vice-President of Valconum. Co-responsible for the Master's degree in BioMedical Engineering - BioImaging (BIM) Benoît CRABBÉ. Representative of the Faculty of Societies and Humanities.

  13. Computer Science PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

    INSEAD, one of the world's leading and largest business schools, is looking for 16-18 bright potentials to join its premier PhD in Management programme in the following areas. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Business Research Programme. 1. Find a PhD is a comprehensive guide to PhD studentships and postgraduate research ...

  14. Data & Artificial Intelligence

    Completion of a Bachelor in computer science or mathematics, at Institut Polytechnique de Paris or equivalent in France or abroad. Students who have completed the first year of an equivalent program may exceptionally be directly admitted to the second year (4-year PhD program).

  15. Computer Science and Digital

    Choose France. An unforgettable adventure Discover; ... (PhD) Use the "Research" portal; FAQ - Doing my Doctorate in France; After your Doctorate. Post-Doctorate Discover; ... Computer Science and Digital. Flag this item. Updated. March 2019. Pure science Computer Science. Programs in English.

  16. 43 Computer-Science PhD positions in France

    5 Jun 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company CNRS Department Laboratoire Lasers, Plasmas et Procédés Photoniques Research Field Engineering Chemistry Physics Researcher Profile First Stage. Prev. 1. 2. 3. …. Next. 43 scholarship, research, uni job positions available Computer-Science positions available on scholarshipdb.net, France.

  17. Quantum Technologies

    Joint courses in computer science and physics for PhD students. Notably, the Graduate School of Quantum Technologies runs joint summer schools for them. The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies Master programmes include four-month internships in research laboratories. Thematic seminars as well as laboratory tours give students a good ...

  18. Department of Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence

    Computer science, data and artificial intelligence is one of ten disciplinary research fields bringing together top researchers and PhD students at state-of the art laboratories and infrastructures. The development of information technology has profoundly changed our society and given rise to new disciplines such as the processing of big ...

  19. 868 Computer-Science positions in France

    Post doctoral in Computer Science - 24 months contract. TSP - Telecom SudParis | Evry, le de France | France | 3 months ago. 29 Aug 2023 Job Information Organisation/Company TSP - Telecom SudParis Department Inf department Research Field Computer science Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Country France.

  20. 14 machine-learning-phd positions in France

    Postdoctoral researcher position at CRIL Lab - Artois University, Lens, France - M/F. of the following topics will be appreciated: · SAT solving, · Problem encodings and reformulation, · Cryptography, · Pattern mining and machine learning . Website for additional job details.

  21. Computer Sciences in France: 2024 Master's Guide

    Explore your Computer Sciences degree. Computer Sciences is the study of computers, focusing on algorithms, data analysis, automation, and computing theory. Specialisations include Software Engineering, Data Science, AI, Cybersecurity, and Computer Systems and Networks. The program teaches you in depth about computer systems, programming ...

  22. How is France for doing a Phd in Computer Science/AI

    Best French universities in my subject are paris-saclay, poytechnique, mines Paris, inria, and ENS. As for salary, you can expect 1.5k after taxes (even in Paris) but you can rise it up to 1.8k by giving courses. It's really not that much, compared to other European countries, but eh you're not starving. Pursuing a job in academia in France is ...

  23. Graduate programs

    Major: Computer Science. College of Engineering and Computer Science. Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Concentration: Data Science and Analytics Research Areas: Wireless and Sensor Networks, Image, Video, and Multimedia Systems, Machine Learning and Data Mining, Mobile Computing, and Secure Systems. Important information about applying to Graduate School:

  24. Computer Science Program

    Computer Science for Networks; Cyber Physical System; Data and Artificial Intelligence; Foundations of Computer Science; Interaction, Graphics and Design; Operations Research (description in French only) Parallel and distributed-systems; Cybersecurity; Digital Skills for Health Transformation (DS4Health) (description en anglais uniquement) PhD ...

  25. 24-25 Computer Science and Chemistry Teacher at Technology ...

    Technology High School is a science, technology, engineering, and math focused college preparatory magnet school. The school was founded in 1999 as part of the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District.Our vision is to develop critical and creative thinking skills within students in a small learning community environment. Key program components include: project-based and applied learning ...