The rock cycle.

The rock cycle is a series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks in Earth’s crust.

Chemistry, Earth Science, Geology

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There are three main types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Each of these rocks are formed by physical changes—such as melting , cooling , eroding, compacting , or deforming —that are part of the rock cycle . Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rocks are formed from pieces of other existing rock or organic material. There are three different types of sedimentary rocks: clastic , organic (biological), and chemical . Clastic sedimentary rocks, like sandstone, form from clasts, or pieces of other rock. Organic sedimentary rocks, like coal, form from hard, biological materials like plants, shells, and bones that are compressed into rock. The formation of clastic and organic rocks begins with the weathering , or breaking down, of the exposed rock into small fragments. Through the process of erosion , these fragments are removed from their source and transported by wind, water, ice, or biological activity to a new location. Once the sediment settles somewhere, and enough of it collects, the lowest layers become compacted so tightly that they form solid rock. Chemical sedimentary rocks, like limestone, halite, and flint, form from chemical precipitation. A chemical precipitate is a chemical compound—for instance, calcium carbonate, salt, and silica—that forms when the solution it is dissolved in, usually water, evaporates and leaves the compound behind. This occurs as water travels through Earth’s crust, weathering the rock and dissolving some of its minerals, transporting it elsewhere. These dissolved minerals are precipitated when the water evaporates. Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been changed from their original form by immense heat or pressure. Metamorphic rocks have two classes: foliated and nonfoliated. When a rock with flat or elongated minerals is put under immense pressure, the minerals line up in layers, creating foliation . Foliation is the aligning of elongated or platy minerals, like hornblende or mica, perpendicular to the direction of pressure that is applied. An example of this transformation can be seen with granite, an igneous rock . Granite contains long and platy minerals that are not initially aligned, but when enough pressure is added, those minerals shift to all point in the same direction while getting squeezed into flat sheets. When granite undergoes this process, like at a tectonic plate boundary, it turns into gneiss (pronounced “nice”). Nonfoliated rocks are formed the same way, but they do not contain the minerals that tend to line up under pressure and thus do not have the layered appearance of foliated rocks. Sedimentary rocks like bituminous coal, limestone, and sandstone, given enough heat and pressure, can turn into nonfoliated metamorphic rocks like anthracite coal, marble, and quartzite. Nonfoliated rocks can also form by metamorphism, which happens when magma comes in contact with the surrounding rock. Igneous Rocks Igneous rocks (derived from the Latin word for fire) are formed when molten hot material cools and solidifies. Igneous rocks can also be made a couple of different ways. When they are formed inside of the earth, they are called intrusive, or plutonic, igneous rocks. If they are formed outside or on top of Earth’s crust, they are called extrusive, or volcanic, igneous rocks. Granite and diorite are examples of common intrusive rocks. They have a coarse texture with large mineral grains, indicating that they spent thousands or millions of years cooling down inside the earth, a time course that allowed large mineral crystals to grow. Alternatively, rocks like basalt and obsidian have very small grains and a relatively fine texture. This happens because when magma erupts into lava, it cools more quickly than it would if it stayed inside the earth, giving crystals less time to form. Obsidian cools into volcanic glass so quickly when ejected that the grains are impossible to see with the naked eye. Extrusive igneous rocks can also have a vesicular, or “holey” texture. This happens when the ejected magma still has gases inside of it so when it cools, the gas bubbles are trapped and end up giving the rock a bubbly texture. An example of this would be pumice.

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Middle school Earth and space science - NGSS

Course: middle school earth and space science - ngss   >   unit 4, the rock cycle.

  • Understand: the rock cycle

Key points:

  • The rock cycle describes how rocks on Earth form and change over time.
  • When rocks are pushed deep below Earth’s surface, they can melt to form magma . Magma that reaches Earth’s surface through volcanic activity is called lava .
  • Igneous rocks form when magma or lava cools and solidifies.
  • Weathering breaks igneous and other types of rocks into smaller pieces called sediment . Erosion transports sediment from one place to another. Deposition drops sediment in a new location.
  • Sedimentary rocks form when sediment is compacted and cemented. This process is called lithification .
  • Metamorphic rocks form when existing rocks are exposed to intense heat and pressure. Metamorphic rocks can be formed from igneous, sedimentary, or even other metamorphic rocks.

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The Rock Cycle – Diagram and Explanation

Rock Cycle

The rock cycle is the natural, continuous process that forms, breaks down, and reforms rock through geological, chemical, and physical processes. Through the cycle, rocks convert between igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary forms. It is a dynamic system that recycles Earth’s materials in different forms, from molten magma deep below the surface to solid rock formations and sediments. Understanding the rock cycle is not only crucial for geologists but also provides insight into Earth’s history, climate change, and the availability of natural resources.

Importance of the Rock Cycle

The rock cycle is an integral aspect of Earth sciences that sheds light on Earth’s age, history, and the forces that shape it. Understanding the rock cycle is key to discerning how rocks change forms, contributing to soil fertility, and providing resources like minerals and fossil fuels. It also has practical applications in industries like construction, where rock characteristics must be understood for structural integrity.

Types of Rocks

The three types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks:

Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidification of molten magma or lava. They have a crystalline structure.

  • Intrusive Igneous Rocks : These rocks form when magma cools slowly beneath Earth’s crust , allowing for larger crystals to develop. Examples include granite, which is commonly used in countertops and is known for its coarse-grained structure.
  • Extrusive Igneous Rocks : These rocks form when lava erupts from a volcano and cools quickly on Earth’s surface. This rapid cooling results in small or even microscopic crystals. Basalt is a common extrusive rock often found in oceanic crust.

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks form through the layering, compression, and cementation of mineral and organic matter. These rocks often have a layered appearance and are softer than most igneous and metamorphic rocks.

  • Clastic Sedimentary Rocks : These rocks, such as sandstone and shale, form from the mechanical breakdown of other rocks and are classified by grain size and composition.
  • Organic Sedimentary Rocks : Limestone and coal are examples of organic sedimentary rocks. Limestone typically comes from shells and skeletal fragments of marine organisms, while coal forms from the accumulation of plant debris.
  • Chemical Sedimentary Rocks : Halite and gypsum are examples of rocks formed through evaporation or chemical reactions. Halite, or rock salt, forms when saltwater evaporates, while gypsum forms in various evaporative contexts including desert ponds and lake beds.

Metamorphic Rocks

Subjecting either igneous or sedimentary rocks to high heat and pressure alters their physical or chemical composition, forming metamorphic rocks .

  • Foliated Metamorphic Rocks : These rocks, like slate and schist, have a layered or banded appearance from exposure to heat and directed pressure.
  • Non-foliated Metamorphic Rocks : These rocks lack layers. Examples of non-foliated metamorphic rocks include marble and quartzite. Marble forms from the metamorphism of limestone, while quartzite forms from the metamorphism of quartz sandstone.

Steps of the Rock Cycle

Molten rock called magma is the source material for rocks. Igneous rocks form both under the surface and above it when magma becomes lava. Heat and pressure changes igneous and sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks. Erosion and weathering break igneous and sedimentary rocks up, which compact into sedimentary rocks. Sediments from organic sources also contribute to sedimentary rocks. Tectonic forces drive some rocks back below the surface, where they can change forms or melt and become magma once again.

Melting : Rocks beneath Earth’s crust melt due to high pressure and temperature, forming magma.

Cooling and Solidification : Magma cools and solidifies either beneath the Earth’s surface (intrusive) or upon reaching the surface as lava through volcanic activity (extrusive). Magma and lava form igneous rocks.

Mechanical and Chemical Weathering : Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks on Earth’s surface undergo mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition.

Erosion : Natural forces like wind, water, and ice erode rocks. Temperature changes also play a role, making rocks expand and contract and sometimes break.

Deposition : Eroded materials from all rock types as well as organic sources settle in basins.

Compaction and Cementation : Layers of sediment are compacted and cemented together, forming sedimentary rocks.

Heat and Pressure : Existing rocks undergo changes in physical or chemical composition due to high heat and pressure, leading to the formation of metamorphic rocks.

Remelting : Metamorphic rocks may melt again, forming magma, and the cycle continues.

Forces Driving the Rock Cycle

Several forces driving the rock cycle, including internal forces within the Earth, surface actions, and even gravity:

Earth’s Internal Heat

  • Radioactive Decay : The decay of radioactive isotopes like uranium provides heat, facilitating the melting of rocks.
  • The Earth’s surface cools magma and lava, forming rocks. Seasonal changes and variations due to latitude cause temperature stresses in rocks and impact the rate at which weathering occurs.

Tectonic Forces

  • Subduction Zones : Subduction zones occur where tectonic plates meet and one gets pushed beneath another, leading to high heat and pressure.
  • Rift Zones : Plates moving apart form spreading rift zones that allow magma to rise, creating new crust.

Surface Processes

  • Weathering Agents : Water, ice, and wind play roles in mechanical weathering.
  • Chemical Agents : Acid rain and oxidization cause chemical weathering. Water dissolves soluble compounds.

Gravitational Forces

  • Gravity : Aids in the settling of sedimentary particles during the deposition phase.
  • Blatt, Harvey; Tracy, Robert J. (1996). Petrology; Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic (2nd ed.). W. H. Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-2438-3.
  • Bucher, Kurt; Grapes, Rodney (2011). Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks . Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-3-540-74169-5.
  • Plummer, Charles; McGeary, David; Carlson, Diane (2005). Physical Geology . Mc Graw Hill. ISBN 0-07-293353-4.
  • Vigneresse, Jean Louis; Barbey, Pierre; Cuney, Michel (1996). “Rheological Transitions During Partial Melting and Crystallization with Application to Felsic Magma Segregation and Transfer”. Journal of Petrology . 37 (6): 1579–1600. doi: 10.1093/petrology/37.6.1579
  • Wyllie, Peter J. (August 1988). “Magma Genesis, Plate Tectonics, and Chemical Differentiation of the Earth”. Reviews of Geophysics . 26 (3): 370–404. doi: 10.1029/RG026i003p00370

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The rock cycle describes the processes through which the three main rock types (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) transform from one type into another. The formation, movement and transformation of rocks results from Earth’s internal heat , pressure from tectonic processes , and the effects of water , wind , gravity, and biological (including human) activities.  The texture, structure, and composition of a rock indicate the conditions under which it formed and tell us about the history of the Earth.

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Global Change Infographic

The rock cycle is an essential part of How the Earth System Works.  Click the image on the left to open the Understanding Global Change Infographic . Locate the rock cycle icon and identify other Earth system processes and phenomena that cause changes to, or are affected by, the rock cycle.

Rocks can be: (1) made of minerals, each of which has a specific crystal structure and chemical composition; (2) made of pieces of other rocks; (3) glassy (like obsidian); or, (4) contain material made by living organisms (for example coal, which contains carbon from plants). Different types of rocks form in Earth’s different environments at or below the Earth’s surface. For example, igneous rocks form when molten rock from the mantle or within the crust (see plate tectonics ) cools and either hardens slowly underground (e.g., granite), or hardens quickly if it erupts from a volcano (e.g., basalt). Rocks that experience sufficient heat and pressure within the Earth, without melting, transform into metamorphic rocks.  Rock exposed by mountain building or even modest uplift weathers and erodes and the resulting sediments can form sedimentary rocks. The formation and transformation of the various rock types can take many paths through the rock cycle depending on environmental conditions, as shown in the diagram below.

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A simplified diagram of the rock cycle highlighting some of the UGC concepts related to this process

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Molten lava cooling to form igneous rocks forming in Hawai’i National Park (left) metamorphic rocks in Death Valley National Park (right). Source: NPS Igneous Rocks and NPS Metamorphic Rocks

The rock cycle is affected by various human activities and environmental phenomena, including:

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Sedimentary rocks along the California coast. Source: Explore Sediments Story Map

  • The Earth’s internal heat and pressure, which can cause rock to melt completely or transform it into a metamorphic rock.
  • The uplift of land caused by tectonic processes , which exposes rock that was underground to weathering and erosion .
  • The rate of weathering, which is affected by climatic conditions such as precipitation and temperature . The rate at which the chemical reactions of weathering break down minerals often increases in the presence of water and under warmer temperatures. Plant growth , especially roots can physically break up rocks and also change the environmental chemistry (for example, increase acidity), increasing the rate of chemical weathering. In turn, the kind of rock that is weathered determines soil quality , nutrient levels (especially nitrogen and phosphorus levels), and local biodiversity .
  • Rates of erosion caused by water , wind , ice , or gravity, which are driven by the water cycle, atmospheric and ocean circulation patterns, and regional topography (the structure of the landscape).
  • The size and depth of the bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, or the ocean, where sediment is deposited. Slower rates of water flow lead to the deposition of finer grained sediments and to slower rates of deposition.
  • The extraction of rocks and fossil fuels , which in turn can destabilize soils , increase erosion , and decrease water quality by increasing sediment and pollutants in rivers and streams.
  • Urbanization , which involves paving land with concrete, which can increase water runoff, increasing erosion and decreasing soil quality in the surrounding areas.
  • Hydraulic fracking to remove oil and gas, which uses water, sand, and chemicals to create new or expand existing cracks in rocks that allow oil and gas to flow into drill holes for extraction .
  • Human land and water use , including deforestation and agricultural activities .  Removing trees and other plants, plowing fields, and overgrazing by livestock destabilizes soils and can increase rates of erosion by 10 to 100 times.
  • Damming rivers and extracting water from freshwater ecosystems for human use changes where and how much sedimentation occurs, which affects soil quality and causes changes in habitats .
  • Plants and other organisms, such as those that build coral reefs, can trap sediment that otherwise might be deposited elsewhere.
  • Extreme weather events , which can cause accelerated rates of erosion due to flooding or wave action.

The Earth system model below includes some of the processes and phenomena related to the rock cycle.  These processes operate at various rates and on different spatial and temporal scales. For example, urbanization and industrialization of many agricultural activities has occurred over the last 300 years, and especially over the last 70 years, while tectonic processes and mountain building occur over millions of years. Can you think of additional cause and effect relationships between the parts of the rock cycle and other processes in the Earth system?

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Click the icons and bolded terms (e.g. plate tectonics , Earth’s internal heat, and erosion ) on this page to learn more about these process and phenomena. Alternatively, explore the Understanding Global Change Infographic and find new topics that are of interest and/or locally relevant to you.

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  • National Park Service: Igneous Rocks
  • National Park Service: Sedimentary Rocks
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What is the Rock Cycle

The rock cycle is the process that describes the gradual transformation between the three main types of rocks : sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. It is occurring continuously in nature through geologic time.

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What Causes the Rock Cycle

It occurs due to:

  • Plate tectonic activity
  • Erosional processes

Steps of the Rock Cycle: How does it Work

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1) Formation of Igneous Rock – Melting, Cooling, and Crystallization

Magma, the molten rock present deep inside the earth, solidifies due to cooling and crystallizes to form a type of rock called igneous rocks . Cooling of igneous rocks can occur slowly beneath the surface of the earth or rapidly at its surface.

2) Formation of Sedimentary Rock – Weathering, Erosion, Sedimentation, and Compaction

Due to weathering and erosional activities, the igneous rocks are broken down to form sediments in the form of gravel, sand, silt, and clay, which gets mixed and pressed together for extended periods to form sedimentary rocks .

3) Formation of Metamorphic Rocks – Metamorphism

Over a very long period of time, sedimentary and igneous rocks end up being buried deep underground the soil, usually because of the movement of tectonic plates. Deep below the surface, these rocks are exposed to high heat and pressure, which change them into a different type of rock called metamorphic rock.

4) Weathering

Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks present on the surface of the earth are constantly being broken down by wind and water over a long time.

5) Transportation

Carrying away of broken rocks by rain, streams, rivers, and oceans to a distant place from their origin.

6) Deposition

During the carriage of rocks by rivers, the rock particles (mixed with soil) sink and become a layer of sediment. Often the sediments build up and form small accumulations, which over time and pressure turn into sedimentary rock.

Melting of underground metamorphic rock forms magma, which on crystallization forms igneous rock, thus continuing the cycle.

Why is the Rock Cycle Important

  • Helping in the formation of soil thus sustaining every life forms on earth
  • Forming life-sustaining minerals such as sodium, iron, potassium, and calcium into the biosphere
  • Forming the energy reserves of the earth like fossil fuels and radioactive sources
  • Providing the building materials used to build structures such as iron, limestone, marble, granite, and basalt
  • Providing raw materials for currency, investments, and adornments such as gold, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds

Ans. The two main forces that provide energy for the earth’s rock cycle are the sun and the internal heat of the earth. While the sun provides energy for weathering, erosion, and transportation, the earth’s internal heat helps in the processes like subduction, melting, and metamorphism.

Ans. The concept of the rock cycle was first suggested by James Hutton, the 18th-century founder of modern geology.

Ans. Since the rock cycle is a continuous process, the cycle does not stop after the formation of quartzite. Eventually, the quartzite rock could change into a sedimentary or an igneous rock to continue the cycle.

Ans. Compaction is the process in which sediment is squeezed to reduce the pore space between the grains due to the weight and pressure of overlying layers. Cementation is the process in which sediments are glued together by minerals that are deposited by water. Both compaction and cementation help in the formation of sedimentary rocks.

Article was last reviewed on Monday, November 2, 2020

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its a good website and also helped me to complete my assignment really like this website.

Thanks for the webpage. I am 8th grade Earth Science Teacher in Arizona. This is very helpful for me and for my students.

this is nice :0

Very helpful.

Good explanatory notes

this helps so much

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nice and understandable

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Joint Earth Science Education Initiative: the rock cycle

This describes the rock cycle in terms of ‘products’ and ‘processes’. Products are types of rock, sediment etc, and are presented in boxes. ‘Processes’ are effects that turn one product into another; for example the process of melting turns one product (metamorphic rock) into another product (magma).

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Geotechnical engineers belong to a branch of civil engineering; these engineers study the rocks and minerals in the earth's crust. They understand the rock cycle and the effects that a change in environment, including heat and pressure, might have on different rocks and soils. They use their knowledge to create technologies to help predict natural hazards, such as landslides and earthquakes, as well as assess the impacts and risks to humans associated with the development of housing and industrial areas.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Draw a complete, labeled diagram of the rock cycle.
  • Explain why engineers must know about rocks when developing land or designing new structures.

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Students should be familiar with the different types of stress and weather related to rocks, as presented in the Rock Cycle unit, lesson 1: Rock Solid.

Today we are going to learn more about something that you walk over every day—rocks! To get started, can anyone tell my why engineers need to know about rocks? Engineers must know about rocks, how they are formed, and how strong they are so that they can design safe buildings, tunnels and bridges for us. Engineers also use their knowledge of rocks to help determine and prevent natural disasters to humans from rock falls, landslides and earthquakes. These natural hazards can all be caused by breaking rocks.

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Weathering, erosion, cooling, melting, pressure, compaction, cementation, and heat are all factors that affect the breakdown and formation of rocks. Even though rocks seem so strong to us, they can be forced to change when their environmental conditions change. The three main types of rock can all change—igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock. All three types can be melted into magma under the earth's surface, which then hardens into igneous rock. Extreme heat or pressure can change rocks into metamorphic rocks. Rocks that are exposed to the atmosphere can undergo weathering and erosion to break into smaller pieces (sediment) that can be affected by pressure or cementation to form sedimentary rocks.

The rock cycle is a very slow cycle. Rocks might take a thousand years to change into another type of rock. In the rock cycle, rocks are continuously (although slowly) being changed from one form to another. The rock cycle proceeds in no particular order. For example, igneous rock can change into metamorphic or sedimentary rock over time, and metamorphic rock can become sedimentary or igneous.

Engineers use the rock cycle to help them understand the geology of region. Geotechnical engineers understand the rock cycle, what causes the rocks to break, and how a rock reacts when exposed to different environmental factors. These engineers are the people to contact when you want to develop a new area of houses or stores on land that has never been built upon before. These engineers are able to identify different types of rocks and soils in an area, and determine if the rocks may break if exposed to new forces, such as the pressure from vehicle traffic, structures and people. These engineers also study how changes to the area might cause unwanted side effects and risks to humans and property, such as landslides, unstable ground, and rock falls. In this way, they keep us safe by predicting and preventing natural hazards. Engineers must consider the environmental effects of their interactions with the earth and rocks, and how the addition of a structure or removal of some rocks might impact the stability of the area, increasing the risk of natural disasters and causing damage to structures over time. Following the lesson, students can play the fun game of Rock Jeopardy! through the associated activity to reinforce their understanding of rocks, the rock cycle and geotechnical engineering. 

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

The rock cycle explains the series of changes that rocks go though as they slowly are altered from one form into another. Key concepts for students to understand are that the rock cycle is a slow and continuous process, occurring over thousands of years, and that rocks change from one form to another under heat, weathering, erosion, melting, cooling, pressure, compaction and cementation.

The rock cycle is a continuous series of steps. For example: when igneous rock undergoes weathering and erosion it becomes sediment. Then, when that sediment undergoes compaction and cementation it becomes sedimentary rock. If that sedimentary rock becomes pressed together by heat and pressure, it can turn into metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rock, when it undergoes melting, becomes magma. That magma, when it cools, can become igneous rock—and the cycle continues!

In addition to going around the circle, changes in rocks can also occur across the circle—igneous rock can become metamorphic rock under heat and pressure, and metamorphic rock can become sediment under weathering and erosion.

While these concepts are fairly straightforward, it is worth taking the time to make sure that students can both draw the diagram of the rock cycle and explain the different steps. Additionally, you may need to review with the students the different processes that occur in the cycle: heat, pressure, melting, cooling, weathering, erosion, compaction and cementation. Refer to the Vocabulary/Definitions section and lesson 1 of this unit for explanations of several of these terms.

  • Rock Jeopardy! - Students create their own jeopardy trivia game questios/answers and then compete against each other, all the while reinforcing their understanding of rocks, the rock cycle and geotechnical engineering.

What have we learned today? What factors can affect rocks? What factors cause the breakdown and formation of rocks? (Collect answers from students: Weathering, erosion, cooling, melting, pressure and heat.) So basically, rocks can be forced to change when their environmental conditions change, and these changes can be described using the rock cycle. What is the order of the rock cycle? (Answer: The rock cycle goes in no particular order.) Explain to me how it works. (Answer: Rocks and minerals can go around the rock cycle in a circle, and changes to rocks can also occur across the circle. For example, igneous rock can become metamorphic rock under heat and pressure, and metamorphic rock can become sediment under weathering and erosion.)

Engineers use the relationships described in the rock cycle to help them understand the geology of an area of land. What do they want to find out? (Answer: Geotechnical engineers study the rock cycle, what causes rocks to break, and what reaction might occur when a rock is exposed to different environmental conditions, including heat and pressure.) Engineers use their knowledge of rocks and the rock cycle to create technologies to help predict and avoid causing natural hazards, such as ____________ and _______________ (Answers: landslides and earthquakes). They also evaluate the impacts and risks to humans and the environment that might be caused by our development of housing and industrial areas.

cementation: The act or process of cementing. Another part of how sedimentary rocks are formed is by sediment being glued together by natural glues such as calcite and silica. Compaction and cementation work together to create sedimentary rocks from sediment.

compaction: The act of pressing something together. Part of the way sedimentary rocks are formed is by sediment being compacted together.

erosion: The process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.

magma: Molten rock inside of the earth.

sediment: Material deposited by wind, water or glaciers.

weathering: In geology, the various mechanical and chemical processes that cause exposed rock to decompose.

Pre-Lesson Assessment

Warm up Question : Write the following question on the classroom board and have each student take a moment to write down their own answer. Walk around, looking at what students wrote, marking their answers if correct, and gauging the class' understanding of the subject. Consider making the "correct" mark by using a rubber stamp and a colorful ink pad.

  • Why do engineers need to know about rocks? (Possible answer: Because engineers must design strong foundations, structures, bridges and tunnels to keep us safe.)

Post-Introduction Assessment

Drawing : Ask students to draw the complete rock cycle, starting with blank paper. Remind them to include all the steps, and label all the arrows between the different parts of the cycle. Hint : Note the five main "stops" along the cycle, and nine arrows (as shown in the Rock Cycle Handout-Overhead ). Next, review the entire diagram as a class to make sure that everyone has all the parts drawn in and correctly labeled. Help students fill in any missing parts of their rock cycle diagrams and review the entire cycle with the class.

Class Voting: Ask a true/false question and have students vote by holding thumbs up for true and thumbs down for false. Tally the votes and write the total on the board. Give the right answer.

  • True or False: Geotechnical engineers study the rock cycle. (Answer: True)
  • True or False: The rock cycle can help engineers predict natural hazards. (Answer: True)
  • True or False: All engineers use the rock cycle in their work. (Answer: False. Many engineers use the rock cycle, especially civil and geotechnical engineers. However, many other types of engineers do not use the rock cycle in their work.)
  • True or False: Engineers use the properties of rocks to determine the best place to build a structure. (Answer: True)
  • True or False: Geotechnical engineers determine the risks to humans, property and the environment from natural hazards. (Answer: True)

Lesson Summary Assessment

Where to Build It? Engage students in a discussion about how engineers use their understanding of the properties of rocks and the rock cycle when designing a structure, such as a house, a dam, or even a wind turbine. Have students look at the Rock Cycle Handout-Overhead . At what place on the rock cycle would provide the best conditions to build a structure? On sedimentary rock in an area that gets lot of rain? All rocks can change over time. As an engineer, what factors should you consider when choosing the best place to build a house? (Possible answers: Weather conditions, range of temperatures, types of rocks, etc.)

Lesson Extension Activities

Rock Cycle Race : As a timed race, ask two students at a time to volunteer to draw the rock cycle (appropriately labeled) on the board. The first student to correctly draw the entire cycle wins.

Research Project : Have students identify an engineering design (such as a specific bridge, tunnel or building) and research the particular issues its engineers would have needed to know about the rocks underlying the structure. Have students write a one-page report describing the structure, the rock formations under it, and the associated risks to the environment from the development of the structure (if any).

essay about rock cycle

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Barker, Rachel M. Collecting Rocks: Rocks Tell the Story of the Earth . Last modified June 24, 21997. U.S. Geological Survey. Accessed August 6, 2008.http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/collect1/collectgip.html

Colorado Geology . Colorado Geological Survey. Accessed August 6, 2008. http://geosurvey.state.co.us/Pages/CGSHome.aspx

Dictionary.com. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. Accessed August 6, 2008. (Source of some vocabulary definitions, with some adaptation)http://www.dictionary.com

Earthquake Hazards Program, Southern California, Pasadena, CA Field Office. Last Modified: July 30, 2008. National Earthquake Hazards Program. Accessed August 6, 2008. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/sca/

Merriam-Webster Online. 2005-2006. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Accessed July 23, 2007. (Source of some vocabulary definitions, with some adaptation)http://www.m-w.com

The Rock Cycle Web Site: Cementation and Compaction . Last updated December 4, 2000. The Rock Cycle Web Site. Accessed August 6, 2008. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/c/l/cll161/insys%20441/cementation.htm

The Rock Cycle Web Site for Teachers: The Toughest Sandcastle . Last updated December 4, 2000. The Rock Cycle Web Site. Accessed August 6, 2008. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/c/l/cll161/insys%20441/sedimentation_act2.htm


Supporting program.

Last modified: October 9, 2022

The Importance of Rock Cycle

Importance of rocks: introduction, why is the rock cycle important: rock formation, importance of rock cycle: rock formation experiment, importance of rocks: conclusion.

One of the most important substances found on earth is rocks. There are different types of rocks and each one can be used to serve different kinds of purposes. Rocks can be used as a building material, to build tools, to enhance the beauty and utility of homes, and even to clean surfaces. Humans must always have a steady supply of rocks. It is therefore a good thing that the rock cycle ensures that the people on this planet will always have access to rocks. The following pages will explain the rock cycle as well as the experiment conducted to prove that there is a scientific basis to the rock cycle thesis.

The main argument behind the rock cycle is the assertion that rocks are not destroyed but undergo a transformation that after a long process will result in the creation of new rocks. Thus, if one can see broken rocks and rocks pulverized by erosion and the effects of wind, water, and human activity one should not be worried because these rock particles – after undergoing a process – will return to their previous rock-solid shape.

The following information will help explain the importance of rocks in general and the rock cycle in particular. The following is a list of rocks with their corresponding uses:

  • Basalt (Igneous rocks) – can be sued in building roads.
  • Granite (Igneous rocks) – can be used to build beautiful tombstones and monuments.
  • Marble (Metamorphic rocks) – Floors made of marble, and counters made of marble are not only about utility but also for aesthetics purposes.
  • Pumice (Igneous rocks) – this can be used as a scrubbing material or as a cleaning agent.
  • Slate (Metamorphic rocks) – these durable rocks can be used as roofing material for roofs.

Underneath the earth’s surface are superheated rocks that are called magma. It is common knowledge that heat, especially high temperatures causes substances to move. Rock matter subjected to this level of heat can be transformed into a liquid state and therefore can be moved with ease. The very hot magma will move up from below. If magma finds its way underneath a volcano, the pressure builds up, and finally, at a critical point, the volcano will erupt, spewing magma. When magma cools down it will form igneous rocks.

Since magma contains rock matter and minerals that was mixed by the high temperatures when magma cools down and form igneous rocks one can also discover the different kinds of minerals contained in the said igneous rocks. When igneous rocks are exposed to the elements they will undergo a process called “weathering” and if it breaks down it will experience erosion. Rainwater as well as wind and earthquakes can speed up the weathering process as well as erosion.

Igneous rocks broken down by natural forces can then be transported and deposited by streams, wind, glacier water, or ocean currents. If sedimentary rocks are deposited in rivers and in places where it is exposed to wind and water a different type of sedimentary rocks are formed – clastic sedimentary rocks. But when sedimentary rocks are deposited deep in the ocean non clastic sedimentary rocks are formed and characterized by the minerals found in them. Examples of nonclastic sedimentary rocks are limestone, rock salt, rock gypsum, and Chert.

Sedimentary rocks can be broken down even further and then hundreds of years of the “weathering” and erosion process will result in the piling up of rocks. The weight of the rock and the heat coming from the earth’s molten core will cause heat and pressure to change the composition of the rocks, specifically the mineral content of the rocks. The result is a new type of rock called metamorphic which comes from the term metamorphosis or transformation. If metamorphic rocks are exposed to greater pressure and more heat then the rocks can melt and transform into magma. And the cycle goes on and on.

To fully understand the rock cycle an experiment was conducted using white and black chocolate chips to resemble rock matter. The proponent of the experiment began to cut the chocolate chips into pieces and then pulverize them using hands and fingers. This action mimics the “weathering” process experienced by exposed igneous rocks. The process of cutting and breaking down the chocolate chips continues until the chips are simplified further.

There are two kinds of chocolate chips one is white and the other is black. This represents the different mineral compositions found in rocks. The white and black chocolate chips also help in visualizing a feature of the rock cycle process where minerals are mixed or moved from one place to the next. Going back to the experiment the constant cutting and breaking of the chocolate chips will reduce it into something that is of finer consistency.

At the beginning of the experiment, the chocolate chips are more stable and solid that it requires a knife to cut through and break it into pieces. But in the latter part, the chips are reduced to an almost fine powder. Then the black and white chocolate powder – it could no longer be called chocolate chips because of the fine consistency of the chocolate – are mixed. One could easily see the effect of the mixture. Part of the mixture is colored black or dark brown and the other is colored white.

Then the result of the process is layered on top of a tin foil. The layering process mimics mother nature’s erosion where rock particles are moved from the mountains down into river beds, streams, oceans, etc. The tinfoil is then folded to mash the chocolate together. Then a burner is used to heat the tin foil. The burner mimics the heat coming from the earth’s molten core while folding the tin foil mimics the pressure exerted by tons of rocks piled on top of each other.

The heat and the pressure allowed the white and dark chocolate substances to melt and mix. The result is dark brown chocolate with white color presumably coming from the milky substance of the white chocolate. If more heat and more pressure are added the chocolate will melt and this mimics the transformation of metamorphic rocks into magma and the cycle goes on and on.

Rocks are an integral part of human existence. Without rocks, mankind would have no building materials to create sturdy and beautiful homes, buildings, monuments, and even tombstones. But aside from constructing materials rocks are also part of the earth’s geography. Soil comes from weathered rocks and therefore without it there would be no vegetation on earth and no living things either.

Concern over the sustainability of rocks and continuous access to them is a legitimate concern. But there is no reason to worry because rocks do not disappear they merely change from one form to another. Although this process takes years to complete the rock cycle will ensure the sustainable supply of rocks on the planet. The rock cycle is a helpful way of understanding why there are igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. This also helps explains why there are minerals embedded in rocks. Some of the minerals are the reason why there are precious stones buried underneath the earth while other minerals are the source of beneficial materials that are needed in various industries.

But the rock cycle can be a highly theoretical proposition. An experiment is required to help understand the rock cycle process. The experiment described in the preceding pages is a simple demonstration of how rocks transform from one form to another and ensures how future generations will always have their steady supply of rock material. The use of chocolate chips is a wise choice because it can easily be broken down and the shape can be further simplified. The availability of white and dark chocolate is also very helpful because it can help demonstrate that different rocks have different mineral compositions.

Moreover, the use of the chocolate chips enables the proponents of the experiment to heat it while retaining consistency and mimics the behavior of rocks when under tremendous heat and pressure. The mixture of white and dark chocolate is a good visual aid when it comes to understanding how rocks are melted to become magma before they can be spewed out from the mouth of a volcano. And the cycle goes on and on.

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  • Metamorphic Rocks - Metamorphic rocks are formed by great heat and pressure. They are generally found inside the Earth's crust where there is enough heat and pressure to form the rocks. Metamorphic rocks are often made from other types of rock. For example, shale, a sedimentary rock, can be changed, or metamorphosed, into a metamorphic rock such as slate or gneiss. Other examples of metamorphic rocks include marble, anthracite, soapstone, and schist.
  • Igneous Rocks - Igneous rocks are formed by volcanoes. When a volcano erupts, it spews out hot molten rock called magma or lava. Eventually the magma will cool down and harden, either when it reaches the Earth's surface or somewhere within the crust. This hardened magma or lava is called igneous rock. Examples of igneous rocks include basalt and granite.
  • Sedimentary Rocks - Sedimentary rocks are formed by years and years of sediment compacting together and becoming hard. Generally, something like a stream or river will carry lots of small pieces of rocks and minerals to a larger body of water. These pieces will settle at the bottom and over a really long time (perhaps millions of years), they will form into solid rock. Some examples of sedimentary rocks are shale, limestone, and sandstone.
  • The word "igneous" comes from the Latin word "ignis" which means "of fire."
  • Ores are rocks that include minerals that have important elements such as metals like gold and silver.
  • Sedimentary rocks form layers at the bottoms of oceans and lakes.
  • Marble is a metamorphic rock formed when limestone is exposed to high heat and pressure within the Earth.
  • Layers of sedimentary rocks are called strata.
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Describing the Rock Cycle, Essay Example

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The rock cycle describes the transition of rock materials through several stages over periods of geologic time (Lutgens, Tarbuck, and Tasa, 2010). This progression is part of the system of Earth. Defined as a single unit, study of the rock cycle helps to understand the many interactions and influences throughout the various pieces of Earth’s system. As an isolated series of events, the sequence helps to describe the relationships between the three main categories of rock (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic), as well as the forces that result in changes between these forms.

The basic rock cycle begins at the magma stage. At this point, the molten material cools and crystallizes to form igneous rock. Crystallization can occur at the surface following a volcanic eruption, but it is most commonly found beneath the ground. Igneous rock then undergoes the weathering process (atmospheric forces), which breaks down the material into sediment. Due to erosion, sediment commonly falls to the ocean floors, but can end up in other areas of deposit as well. The settled material is compacted under pressure (or cemented) in a process known as lithification, which describes the formation of sedimentary rocks. Finally, if the newly formed sedimentary rock is exposed to the pressure and temperatures found deep in the crust of the Earth, it will be converted to another type; metamorphic rock. If this material experiences even higher temperatures, it will be melted into magma to begin the cycle anew.

While the process described above is the basic rock cycle, there are alternative paths that exist. For example, igneous rock can be converted directly to metamorphic rock if it is exposed to enough heat and pressure. Similarly, exposed metamorphic and/or sedimentary rock can be reduced to sediment due to atmospheric and aquatic influences. These processes clearly demonstrate that rock is far from a stationary and static material.

Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J., and Tasa, D. (2010). Foundations of earth science (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.

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Rock Cycle Questions

Rocks are mineral aggregates with a combination of properties of all the mineral traces.

There are three types of rocks:

  • Igneous Rocks
  • Sedimentary Rocks
  • Metamorphic Rocks

The rock cycle defines the time-consuming transitions through the geologic time of rocks.

Read more: Rock cycle .

Important Rock Cycle Questions with Answers

1. State true or false: In the rock cycle, old rocks are converted into new ones.

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: The rock cycle involves many stages, and in this process, old rocks are converted into new rocks.

2. List the type of igneous rock.

Types of igneous rock are:

  • Intrusive igneous rock
  • Extrusive igneous rock

3. Limestone is a type of ______

  • Igneous Rock
  • Sedimentary Rock
  • Metamorphic Rock
  • None of the options

Answer: b) Sedimentary Rock

Explanation: Limestone is a type of sedimentary rock.

4. What are the main processes of the rock cycle?

The main processes of the rock cycle are:

  • Crystallization
  • Erosion and sedimentation
  • Metamorphism

5. Choose YES or NO: Water is one of the forces that drive the rock cycle.

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Water is one of the important forces that drive the rock cycle.

6. In which stage of the rock cycle rock is pushed deep under the Earth’s surface, they may melt into magma.

  • Transition to Igneous
  • Transition to Metamorphic
  • Transition to Sedimentary

Answer: a) Transition to Igneous

Explanation: In the transition to the igneous rock state, rocks melt into magma.

7. What are the various factors responsible for the rock cycle?

Various factors responsible for the rock cycle are:

  • Accelerated erosion
  • Plate tectonics
  • Continental collision
  • Subduction zones
  • Spreading ridges

8. In the transition to a metamorphic state, what happens?

  • Rocks change physically
  • Rocks change chemically
  • It is exposed to high temperatures and pressures
  • All the above options

Answer: d) All the above options.

Explanation: The rock exposed to high pressure and temperature changes it chemically or physically to form a different rock known as metamorphic rock.

9. Choose YES or NO: Do rocks undergo transformation?

Explanation: Rocks undergo a transformation and do not remain for a long period in their original form.

10. Define subduction.

A tectonic process at convergent margins by which slabs of oceanic lithosphere descend into the mantle is known as subduction.

Watch The Below Video to Know about Igneous Rocks and Its Types

essay about rock cycle

Practice Questions

  • What is a rock?
  • What are the types of sedimentary rocks?
  • Granite is which type of rock?
  • Give three examples of sedimentary rocks.
  • What are the stages of the rock cycle?

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    Rocks never remain the same, and they are always changing with time. The Rock cycle is a basic concept in geology that describes the time-consuming transitions through geologic time. Rocks are constantly being recycled and going through several processes of chemical and physical changes. There are three main rock types: Sedimentary. Metamorphic.

  7. Rock Cycle

    Steps of the Rock Cycle: How does it Work. 1) Formation of Igneous Rock - Melting, Cooling, and Crystallization. Magma, the molten rock present deep inside the earth, solidifies due to cooling and crystallizes to form a type of rock called igneous rocks. Cooling of igneous rocks can occur slowly beneath the surface of the earth or rapidly at ...


    THE ROCK CYCLE. WHAT ARE ROCKS? Rocks on the Earth's surface are gradually broken down into smaller pieces by water, ice, wind, plants and animals (known as weathering). These broken up pieces are called sedimentand are transported away, or eroded, by rivers, glaciers and wind.

  9. The rock cycle

    This recycling of rocks is a process called the rock cycle. Arthur's Seat overlooks Edinburgh and is the remains of an extinct volcano made from igneous rock. The three rock types are: igneous ...

  10. The Rock Cycle

    Joint Earth Science Education Initiative: the rock cycle. Bookmark. This describes the rock cycle in terms of 'products' and 'processes'. Products are types of rock, sediment etc, and are presented in boxes. 'Processes' are effects that turn one product into another; for example the process of melting turns one product (metamorphic ...

  11. the rock cycle essay

    The rock cycle is the cycle of the Earth's minerals changing to three main types of rock: Metamorphic, Sedimentary, and Igneous. Metamorphic rocks are caused from heat and pressure underground. Sedimentary rocks are made from different types of rocks layering on top of each other. Igneous rocks are often mad from cooled magma.

  12. Rock

    rock, in geology, naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of one or more minerals. Such aggregates constitute the basic unit of which the solid Earth is composed and typically form recognizable and mappable volumes. Rocks are commonly divided into three major classes according to the processes that resulted in their formation. These classes are (1) igneous rocks, which have solidified from ...

  13. Making & Breaking: The Rock Cycle

    Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers. The rock cycle explains the series of changes that rocks go though as they slowly are altered from one form into another. Key concepts for students to understand are that the rock cycle is a slow and continuous process, occurring over thousands of years, and that rocks change from one form to another ...

  14. The Importance of Rock Cycle

    Why Is the Rock Cycle Important: Rock Formation. Underneath the earth's surface are superheated rocks that are called magma. It is common knowledge that heat, especially high temperatures causes substances to move. Rock matter subjected to this level of heat can be transformed into a liquid state and therefore can be moved with ease.

  15. Earth Science for Kids: Rocks, Rock Cycle, and Formation

    The Rock Cycle Rocks are constantly changing in what is called the rock cycle. It takes millions of years for rocks to change. Here is an example of the rock cycle describing how a rock can change from igneous to sedimentary to metamorphic over time. 1. Melted rock or magma is sent to the earth's surface by a volcano.

  16. The Rock Cycle: The Process Of Rock Changes Over Time

    The rock cycle is the process where rock changes over time. It doesn't have a beginning or end. There are three types of rocks, sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks form when water, like rivers and oceans, carry away broken down rocks. When the rock fragments settle down on the bottom, they compact and cement ...

  17. The Rock Cycle: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks

    The Rock Cycle. The rock cycle describes the formation of rocks over a period of time. Unlike the water cycle, it is difficult to see the rock cycle steps happening. The process occurs very slowly hence taking years to complete. However, factors such as volcanic eruptions and floods speed up the process of rock formation. There are three types ...

  18. Describing the Rock Cycle, Essay Example

    The rock cycle describes the transition of rock materials through several stages over periods of geologic time (Lutgens, Tarbuck, and Tasa, 2010). This progression is part of the system of Earth. Defined as a single unit, study of the rock cycle helps to understand the many interactions and influences throughout the various pieces of Earth's ...

  19. Rock Cycle Essay

    Rock Cycle Essay. The Rock Cycle The rock cycle is a concept used to explain how the three basic rock types are related and how they help processes Earth and how rocks change from one type of rock into another type of rock. Rocks change shape, form and type by a few different causes. One of the causes is by plate tectonic activity, movement of ...

  20. Free Essay: The Rock Cycle

    The rock cycle is the formation, breakdown and reformation of a rock as a result of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic processes. The rock cycle is an illustration that is used to describe how the three rock types are related and how Earth processes change a rock from one type to another over time. Each group contains a collection of rock ...

  21. Rock Cycle Questions

    Important Rock Cycle Questions with Answers. 1. State true or false: In the rock cycle, old rocks are converted into new ones. Answer: a) TRUE. Explanation: The rock cycle involves many stages, and in this process, old rocks are converted into new rocks. 2. List the type of igneous rock. Types of igneous rock are: 3.

  22. PDF The Rock Cycle Narrative

    Instructions: You will write a narrative story about what life is like in the rock cycle. You will be provided with a pre-written introduction and conclusion. You must complete the pre-write outline and include all rubric material. The personification of the rock consistently makes the reader feel as if the rock is a living object. The 'voice ...

  23. Rock Cycle Essay Sample

    Rock Cycle. Nature is the most wondrous and enigmatic thing in the whole world. All the processes, cycles and elements being well-justified form a strong mechanism that does not need to be controlled or run by anything or anybody else but the nature itself. However, a person does not always notice all the changes that take place in nature ...