nursing considerations for critical thinking

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Enhancing Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice

Implications for critical and acute care nurses.

Shoulders, Bridget MS, ACNP-BC, CCRN-CMC; Follett, Corrinne MS, FNP-BC, CCRN, RN-BC, RCIS; Eason, Joyce MS, ANP-BC, RN-BC

Bridget Shoulders, MS, ACNP-BC, CCRN-CMC , is a nurse practitioner in the cardiology department at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

Corrinne Follett, MS, FNP-BC, CCRN, RN-BC, RCIS, is a nurse practitioner in the cardiology department at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

Joyce Eason, MS, ANP-BC, RN-BC, is a nurse practitioner in the cardiology department at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida.

The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationship with, or financial interest in, any commercial companies pertaining to this article.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Bridget Shoulders, MS, ACNP-BC, 31047 Whitlock Dr, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 ( [email protected] ).

The complexity of patients in the critical and acute care settings requires that nurses be skilled in early recognition and management of rapid changes in patient condition. The interpretation and response to these events can greatly impact patient outcomes. Nurses caring for these complex patients are expected to use astute critical thinking in their decision making. The purposes of this article were to explore the concept of critical thinking and provide practical strategies to enhance critical thinking in the critical and acute care environment.

The complexity of patients in the critical and acute care settings requires that nurses be skilled in early recognition and management of rapid changes in patient condition. The interpretation and response to these events can greatly impact patient outcomes. The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of critical thinking and provide practical strategies to enhance critical thinking in the critical and acute care environment.

The complexity of patients in the critical and acute care settings requires that nurses be skilled in early recognition and management of rapid changes in patients’ condition. Caring for patients with complex conditions, decreased length of stay, sophisticated technology, and increasing demands on time challenges new and experienced nurses alike to use astute critical thinking in clinical decision making. The decisions made directly affect patient care outcomes. 1 Bedside nurses, preceptors, and nurse leaders play a pivotal role in the development of critical thinking ability in the clinical setting. The purposes of this article were to explore the concept of critical thinking and to provide nurses with practical strategies to enhance critical thinking in clinical practice.


Critical thinking is a learned process 2 that occurs within and across all domains. There are numerous definitions of critical thinking in the literature, often described in terms of its components, features, and characteristics. Peter Facione, an expert in the field of critical thinking, led a group of experts from various disciplines to establish a consensus definition of critical thinking. The Delphi Report, 3 published in 1990, characterized the ideal critical thinker as “habitually inquisitive, well-informed, trustful of reason…, diligent in seeking relevant information, and persistent in seeking results.” Although this definition was the most comprehensive attempt to define critical thinking 4 at the time, it was not nursing specific.

Scheffer and Rubenfeld 4 used the Delphi technique to define critical thinking in nursing. An international panel of expert nurses in practice, education, and research provided input into what habits of the mind and cognitive skills were at the core of critical thinking. After discussion and analysis, the panel provided the following consensus statement: “Critical thinking in nursing is an essential component of professional accountability and quality nursing care. Critical thinkers in nursing exhibit these habits of the mind: confidence, contextual perspective, creativity, flexibility, inquisitiveness, intellectual integrity, intuition, open-mindedness, perseverance, and reflection. Critical thinkers in nursing practice the cognitive skills of analyzing, applying standards, discriminating, information seeking, logical reasoning, predicting and transforming knowledge.” This definition expanded on the consensus definition in the Delphi Report to include the additional components of creativity and intuition.

Skilled critically thinking nurses respond quickly to changes in patients’ conditions, changing priorities of care based on the urgency of the situation. They accurately interpret data, such as subtle changes in vital signs or laboratory values. 5 They are not just looking at the numbers but also assessing the accuracy and relevancy of the findings. Critical thinking helps the nurse to recognize events as part of the bigger picture and center in on the problem.

Lack of critical thinking is evident when nurses depend heavily on structured approaches, such as protocols, to make clinical decisions. These guidelines should not be viewed as mandates because the practice is always more complex than what can be captured by pathways and protocols. 6 Without critical thinking, nurses are merely performing task-oriented care.

One example of how nurses use critical thinking is with medication administration. This task may appear to be primarily a technical process, but it requires astute critical thinking. Eisenhauer and Hurley 7 interviewed 40 nurses to illustrate their thinking processes during medication administration. The nurses described communicating with providers, sharing their interpretation of patient data to ensure safe administration of medication. They used their judgment about the timing of as-needed medication (eg, timing pain medication before physical therapy). Nurses integrated their knowledge of the patient’s laboratory values or pattern of response to medication to determine the need for a change in the drug dose or time. They assessed whether a medication was achieving the desired effect and took precautionary measures in anticipating potential side effects. It is evident in these examples that safe administration of medication involves critical thinking beyond the 5 rights that nurses are taught in the academic setting .


Nursing research is a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that influences nursing practice. 8 Evidence-based practice integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and patient’s needs and values. Different types of evidence have different strengths and weaknesses in terms of credibility. The typical evidence hierarchy places meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials at the top and expert opinion at the bottom of what counts as good evidence. 6

It is important to recognize that nursing knowledge is not always evidence based. Nurses have historically acquired knowledge through a variety of nonscientific sources such as trial and error, role modeling, tradition, intuition, and personal experiences. 8 Although these sources have been “handed down” over the years and continue to influence nursing practice, nurses are expected to use the best available evidence to guide their decision making. Evidence-based practice redirects nursing from making decisions based on tradition to practicing based on the best research evidence.

Barriers for nurses to implement evidence-based practices include lack of knowledge of research, difficulty interpreting findings and applying to practice, lack of time, and lack of autonomy to implement changes. 9 Universities can overcome these barriers by incorporating nursing research throughout all clinical and nonclinical courses. Joint endeavors between hospitals and universities to educate nurses in the use of research will increase the level of comfort with evidence-based practice. 10 Specialized research departments devoted to promotion and education of staff nurses in research evaluation, utilization, and implementation would allow nursing staff to experience an increased level of support and awareness of the need for research utilization.

Nurse leaders need to create an environment that supports transformation from outdated practices and traditions. Nurses must feel empowered to question nursing practice and have available resources to support the search for evidence. Critical thinking and evidence-based practice must be connected and integrated for nurses, starting in their basic education programs and fostered throughout their lifetime. 11


The nursing process is the nurse’s initial introduction to a thinking process used to collect, analyze, and solve patient care problems. The steps of the nursing process are similar to the scientific method. In both processes, information is gathered, observations are made, problems are identified, plans are developed, actions are taken, and processes are reviewed for effectiveness. 8 The nursing process, used as a framework for making clinical judgments, helps guide nurses to think about what they do in their practice.

Chabeli 12 described how critical thinking can be facilitated using the framework of the nursing process. During the assessment phase, the nurse systematically gathers information to identify the chief complaint and other health problems. The nurse uses critical thinking to examine and interpret the data, separating the relevant from the irrelevant and clarifying the meaning when necessary. During the diagnosis phase, nurses use the diagnostic reasoning process to draw conclusions and decide whether nursing intervention is indicated. The planning and implementation of interventions should be mutual, research based, and realistic and have measurable expected outcomes. The evaluation phase addresses the effectiveness of the plan of care and is ongoing as the patient progresses toward goal achievement. The author concludes that when the nursing process is used effectively for the intended purpose, it is a powerful scientific vehicle for facilitating critical thinking.


Nurses initially learn to think critically in the academic environment, using assessments designed to measure critical thinking. It is conceivable that a nurse could pass an examination in the classroom but have difficulty making the transition to think critically in the clinical setting. Improving critical thinking ability should be viewed as a process and, as with the development of any skill, requires practice. 13

Most nurses develop their critical thinking ability as they gain clinical expertise. Patricia Benner 14 described the development of clinical expertise, as nurses transition from novice to expert. The beginning, or novice nurse, has theoretical knowledge as a foundation and minimal practical experiences to draw from. As similar situations are encountered, experience is accrued over time as the nurse evolves toward competency. As proficiency is developed, the nurse is able to perceive situations as a whole and recognize the significant aspects. As the proficient nurse reaches toward expertise, decision making becomes automatic, drawing from the enormous background of experience acquired over the years. Experience is more than the passage of time and is required at each stage before progressing to the next level of clinical expertise. As nurses progress along the novice-to-expert continuum and gain competence, they develop their ability to think critically. 15

Preceptors play a significant role in transitioning nurses into professional practice. It is essential that preceptors have the necessary skills to facilitate the critical thinking development of new nurses. Forneris and Peden-McAlpine 16 investigated the impact of the preceptor’s coaching component of a reflective learning intervention on novice nurses’ critical thinking skills. The following coaching strategies were used to educate preceptors: context (eg, understanding the big picture), dialogue, reflection, and time (eg, the use of past experiences to discern change over time). After completing the educational intervention, the preceptors used these strategies to coach the novice nurses in the development of their critical thinking skills. This study found that these strategies stimulated the novice nurses to engage in an intentional, reflective dialogue. The preceptors acknowledged a change in their preceptor style, moving from describing critical thinking as prioritizing and organizing task to a dialogue to share thinking and understand rationale.

Nurses must have the necessary dispositions (eg, attributes, attitudes, habits of the mind) to be effective critical thinkers. 11 Finn 17 defined thinking dispositions that influence critical thinking. Open mindedness was described as the willingness to seek out and consider new evidence or possibilities. Fair mindedness referred to an unprejudiced examination of evidence that might question beliefs or a viewpoint contrary to the nurse’s own beliefs. Reflectiveness was described as the willingness to gather relevant evidence to carefully evaluate an issue, rather than making hasty judgments. Counterfactual thinking referred to the willingness to ponder what could or would happen if the facts were considered under different conditions or perspectives. The opposite thinking styles directed toward maintaining the status quo included being close minded, biased, and rigid.

Rung-Chaung et al 18 investigated the critical thinking competence and disposition of nurses at different rankings on the clinical ladder. Using Benner’s novice to expert model as their theoretical framework, a stratified random sampling of 2300 nurses working at a medical center were classified according to their position on the clinical ladder. Ten to fifteen percent of this population were randomly selected for each ladder group, with the final sample size totaling 269. Data were collected using a modified version of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal tool, designed to assess critical thinking competence in the categories of inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation. The participants’ cumulative average score for critical thinking competence was 61.8 of a possible score of 100, ranking highest in interpretation and lowest in inference. Participants completed a modified version of the California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory, designed to measure the following characteristics of critical thinking: inquisitiveness, systematic analytical approach, open mindedness, and reflective thinking. Participants scored highest in reflective thinking and lowest in inquisitiveness.

Analysis of the data indicated that older nurses with more years of experience and a more prominent position on the clinical ladder were predictive of a higher critical thinking disposition. Overall, critical thinking was shown to be only partially developed. The authors recommended training programs, such as problem-based learning, group discussion, role-playing, and concept mapping be adopted to enhance nurse critical thinking skills.

Chang el al 19 examined the relationship between critical thinking and nursing competence, using the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and the Nursing Competence Scale. A total of 570 clinical nurses participated in the study. These nurses scored highest in interpretation ability and lowest in inference ability. These findings were consistent with the results reported in the Rung-Chuang study. Analysis of the data indicated that critical thinking ability was significantly higher in older nurses and nurses with more than 5 years of experience. The findings of this study indicated that critical thinking ability, working years, position/title, and education level were the 4 significant predictors of nursing competence. There were significantly positive correlations between critical thinking ability and nursing competence, indicating that the higher the critical thinking ability, the better the nursing competence is.


To improve critical thinking, the learning needs of nurses must first be identified. The Performance Based Development System, a scenario-based tool, was used in a study to identify critical thinking learning needs of 2144 new and experienced nurses. 20 Results were reported as either meeting (identifying the appropriate actions) or not meeting the expectations. Most participants (74.9%) met the expectations by identifying the appropriate actions. Of the approximately 25% who did not meet the expectations, the learning needs identified included initiating appropriate nursing interventions (97.2%), differentiating urgency (67%), reporting essential clinical data (65.4%), anticipating relevant medical orders (62.8%), understanding decision rationale (62.6%), and problem recognition (57.1%). As expected, nurses with the most experience had the highest rate of identifying the appropriate actions on the Performance-Based Development System assessment. These findings were consisted with Benner’s novice to expert framework. These types of assessment tools can be used to identify learning needs and help facilitate individualized orientation. The authors acknowledged that further research is needed to identify areas of critical thinking deficiency and to test objective, educational strategies that enhance critical thinking in the nursing population.

The Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing 21 emphasized the importance of nursing residency programs to provide hands-on experience for new graduates transitioning into practice. According to the report, these programs have been shown to help new nurses develop critical competencies in clinical decision making (eg, critical thinking) and autonomy in providing patient care. Implementing successful methods to expedite the development of critical thinking in new nurses has the potential to improve patient safety, nurse job satisfaction, and recruitment and retention of competent nurse professionals. 22

Although critical thinking skills are developed through clinical practice, there are many experienced nurses who possess less than optimal critical thinking skills. 5 As part of an initiative to elevate the critical thinking of nurses on the frontline, Berkow et al 23 reported the development of the Critical Thinking Diagnostic, a tool designed to assess critical thinking of experienced nurses. The tool includes 25 competencies, identified by nursing leaders as core skills at the heart of critical thinking. These competencies were grouped into 5 components of critical thinking: problem recognition, clinical decision making, prioritization, clinical implementation, and reflection. The potential application of this tool may enable nurse leaders to identify critical thinking strengths and individualize learning activities based on the specific needs of nurses on the frontline.

The critical thinking concepts, identified in the Delphi study of nurse experts, were used to teach critical thinking in a continuing education course. 24 The objective of the course was to help nurses develop the cognitive skills and habits of the mind considered important for practice. The course focused on the who, what, where, when, why, and how of critical thinking, using the case study approach. The authors concluded that critical thinking courses should include specific strategies for application of knowledge and opportunities to use cognitive strategies with clinical simulations.

Journal clubs encourage evidence-based practice and critical thinking by introducing nurses to new developments and broader perspectives of health care. 11 Lehna et al 25 described the virtual journal club (VJC) as an alternative to the traditional journal club meetings. The VJC uses an online blog format to post research-based articles and critiques, for generation of discussion by nurses. Recommendations for practice change derived from the analysis are forwarded to the appropriate decision-making body for consideration. The VJC not only exposes the nursing staff to scientific evidence to support changing their practice but also may lead to institutional policy changes that are based on the best evidence. The VJC overcomes the limitations of the traditional journal clubs by being available to all nurses at all times.

The integration of simulation technology in nursing exposes nursing students and nurses to complex patient care scenarios in a safe environment. Kirkman 26 reported a study to investigate nursing students’ ability to transfer knowledge and skill learned during high-fidelity simulations to the clinical setting, over time. The sample of 42 undergraduate students were rated on their ability to perform a respiratory assessment, using observation and a performance evaluation tool. The findings indicated there was a significant difference in transfer of learning demonstrated by participants over time. These results provide evidence that students were able to transfer knowledge and skills from high-fidelity simulations to the traditional clinical setting.

Jacobson et al 27 reported using simulated clinical scenarios to increase nurses’ perceived confidence and skill in handling emergency situations. During a 7-month period, the scenarios were conducted a total of 97 times with staff nurses. Each scenario presented a patient’s evolving story to challenge nurses to assess and synthesize the clinical information. The scenarios included a critical point at which the nurses needed to recognize and respond to significant deterioration in the patient’s condition. Postproject survey data found that most of the nurses perceived an improvement in their confidence and skill in managing emergency situations. More than half of the nurses reported that their critical thinking skills improved because of participation in this project.

Individual nurses can enhance critical thinking by developing a questioning attitude and habits of inquiry, where there is an appreciation and openness to other ways of doing things. Nurses should routinely reflect on the care provided and the outcomes of their interventions. Using reflection encourages nurses to think critically about what they do in everyday practice and learn from their experiences. 28 This strategy is beneficial for nurses to validate knowledge and examine nursing practice. 5 Nurses must be comfortable with asking and being asked “why” and “why not.” Seeking new knowledge and updating or refining current knowledge encourage critical thinking by practicing based on the evidence. “We’ve always done it that way” is no longer an acceptable answer. A list of other useful strategies for enhancing critical thinking is included in Table 1 .



Case studies provide a means to attain experience in high-risk and complex situations in a safe environment. The purpose of a case study is to apply acquired knowledge to a specific patient situation, using actual or hypothetical scenarios. Waxman and Telles 32 discussed using Benner’s model to develop simple to complex scenarios that match the learning level of the nurse. The case study should ideally provide all the relevant information for analysis, without directing the nurse’s thinking in a particular direction. Participants are encouraged to use thinking processes similar to that used in a real situation.

A well-developed case study defines objectives and expected outcomes. The questions should be geared toward the outcomes to be met. 30 The focus of the questions should be on the underlying thought processes used to arrive at the answer, rather than the answer alone. This helps nurses identify the reasons behind why a decision is made. In some cases, the case study may build on the information shared, instead of presenting all the information at one time. At the very least, case studies should have face validity or represent what they were developed to represent. 33

Case studies can be developed for specific purposes, such as analyzing data or improving the nurse’s skill in responding to specific clinical situations. 30 This strategy can be useful in building nurses’ confidence in managing complex or emergency situations. The case can be tailored to specific patient populations or clinical events. Covering the course of care that a patient receives over time is effective in putting together the whole picture. 31 For the purpose of improving patient outcomes, the case study should represent the overall patient experience. Case studies may be used to review specific actions that led to positive outcomes or the processes that led to negative outcomes. This can help determine if the care was the most appropriate for the situation. 34

The use of case studies with simulation technology provides nurses with the opportunity to critically think through a critical situation in a controlled setting. The latest human patient simulators (HPSs) are programmed to respond to the nurse’s intervention, with outcomes determined as a result of the intervention. Howard et al 35 compared the teaching strategies of HPSs and the traditional interactive case study (ICS) approach, using scenarios with the same subject matter. A sample of 49 senior nursing students were given pretest and posttest designed to measure the students’ knowledge of the content presented and their ability to apply that content to clinical problems. Participants in the HPS group scored significantly higher on the posttest than the ICS group did. Students reported that the HPS assisted them in understanding concepts, was a valuable learning experience, and helped to stimulate their critical thinking. There was no significant difference between the HPS and ICS groups’ responses to the statement that the educational intervention was realistic.

The Figure depicts an example of a heart failure case study with the objective of applying critical thinking to a common problem encountered in practice. Expert clinical nurses would be ideal to serve as facilitators of this learning experience. Their role would be to present the scenario, describe the physiological findings, ask open-ended questions that require thinking and analysis, and guide the discussion and problem-solving process. Discussion and questioning strategies that are helpful in eliciting reflective responses during the learning experience are included in Table 2 . This case study could be tailored to meet the learning needs of the target audience.



The workplace environment can enhance or hinder nurses’ motivation to develop their critical thinking abilities. Cornell and Riordan 36 reported an observational study that assessed workflow barriers to critical thinking in the workplace. A total of 2061 tasks were recorded on an acute care unit during 35.7 hours of observation. The activities found to consume nearly 70% of the nurses’ time included verbal communication, walking, administering medications, treatments, and documentation. Nurse workflow was characterized by frequent task switching, interruptions, and unpredictability. The authors recommended reallocating duties, delegating appropriate task to nonnursing personnel, reducing waste, deploying technology that reduces repetitive task, and continuing education and training to help nurses cope with the complex demands of nursing.

Factors in the work environment conducive to the development of critical thinking include an atmosphere of team support, staffing patterns that allow continuity of care, and exposure to a variety of patient care situations. Creating an environment where contributions are valued, nurses feel respected, and there is comfort with asking probing questions is very important in enhancing the development of critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking is an essential skill that impacts the entire spectrum of nursing practice. Studies have shown that the higher the critical thinking ability, the better the nursing competence is. It is essential that critical thinking of new and experienced nurses be assessed and learning activities developed based on the specific needs of the nurses. The concept of critical thinking should be included in orientation, ongoing education, and preceptor preparation curriculums. These educational offerings should be designed to help nurses develop the cognitive skills and habits of the mind considered important for practice.

Bedside nurses can integrate a critical thinking approach by developing clinical expertise, making a commitment to lifelong learning, and practicing based on the evidence. Nurses should routinely reflect on the care provided and the outcomes of their interventions.

Further research is needed to identify areas of critical thinking deficiency and evaluate strategies aimed at enhancing critical thinking. These strategies will ultimately lead to improved clinical decision making and patient outcomes. Bedside nurses, preceptors, and nurse leaders are encouraged to work together collaboratively to create a culture where critical thinking is an integral part of nursing practice.

Acute care; Critical thinking; Decision making

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Critical thinking in nursing clinical practice, education and research: From attitudes to virtue


  • 1 Department of Fundamental Care and Medical Surgital Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Consolidated Research Group Quantitative Psychology (2017-SGR-269), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2 Department of Fundamental Care and Medical Surgital Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Consolidated Research Group on Gender, Identity and Diversity (2017-SGR-1091), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 3 Department of Fundamental Care and Medical Surgital Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Nursing, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
  • 4 Multidisciplinary Nursing Research Group, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Vall d'Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain.
  • PMID: 33029860
  • DOI: 10.1111/nup.12332

Critical thinking is a complex, dynamic process formed by attitudes and strategic skills, with the aim of achieving a specific goal or objective. The attitudes, including the critical thinking attitudes, constitute an important part of the idea of good care, of the good professional. It could be said that they become a virtue of the nursing profession. In this context, the ethics of virtue is a theoretical framework that becomes essential for analyse the critical thinking concept in nursing care and nursing science. Because the ethics of virtue consider how cultivating virtues are necessary to understand and justify the decisions and guide the actions. Based on selective analysis of the descriptive and empirical literature that addresses conceptual review of critical thinking, we conducted an analysis of this topic in the settings of clinical practice, training and research from the virtue ethical framework. Following JBI critical appraisal checklist for text and opinion papers, we argue the need for critical thinking as an essential element for true excellence in care and that it should be encouraged among professionals. The importance of developing critical thinking skills in education is well substantiated; however, greater efforts are required to implement educational strategies directed at developing critical thinking in students and professionals undergoing training, along with measures that demonstrate their success. Lastly, we show that critical thinking constitutes a fundamental component in the research process, and can improve research competencies in nursing. We conclude that future research and actions must go further in the search for new evidence and open new horizons, to ensure a positive effect on clinical practice, patient health, student education and the growth of nursing science.

Keywords: critical thinking; critical thinking attitudes; nurse education; nursing care; nursing research.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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Why Critical Thinking in Nursing Is Important

8 examples of critical thinking in nursing, improving the quality of patient care, the importance of critical thinking in nursing.

Jul 24, 2024

critical thinking in nursing

While not every decision is an immediate life-and-death situation, there are hundreds of decisions nurses must make every day that impact patient care in ways small and large.

“Being able to assess situations and make decisions can lead to life-or-death situations,” said nurse anesthetist Aisha Allen . “Critical thinking is a crucial and essential skill for nurses.”

The National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) defines critical thinking in nursing this way: “the deliberate nonlinear process of collecting, interpreting, analyzing, drawing conclusions about, presenting, and evaluating information that is both factually and belief-based. This is demonstrated in nursing by clinical judgment, which includes ethical, diagnostic, and therapeutic dimensions and research.”

An eight-year study by Johns Hopkins reports that 10% of deaths in the U.S. are due to medical error — the third-highest cause of death in the country.

“Diagnostic errors, medical mistakes, and the absence of safety nets could result in someone’s death,” wrote Dr. Martin Makary , professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Everyone makes mistakes — even doctors. Nurses applying critical thinking skills can help reduce errors.

“Question everything,” said pediatric nurse practitioner Ersilia Pompilio RN, MSN, PNP . “Especially doctor’s orders.” Nurses often spend more time with patients than doctors and may notice slight changes in conditions that may not be obvious. Resolving these observations with treatment plans can help lead to better care.

Key Nursing Critical Thinking Skills

Some of the most important critical thinking skills nurses use daily include interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self-regulation.

  • Interpretation: Understanding the meaning of information or events.
  • Analysis: Investigating a course of action based on objective and subjective data.
  • Evaluation: Assessing the value of information and its credibility.
  • Inference: Making logical deductions about the impact of care decisions.
  • Explanation: Translating complicated and often complex medical information to patients and families in a way they can understand to make decisions about patient care.
  • Self-Regulation: Avoiding the impact of unconscious bias with cognitive awareness.

These skills are used in conjunction with clinical reasoning. Based on training and experience, nurses use these skills and then have to make decisions affecting care.

It’s the ultimate test of a nurse’s ability to gather reliable data and solve complex problems. However, critical thinking goes beyond just solving problems. Critical thinking incorporates questioning and critiquing solutions to find the most effective one. For example, treating immediate symptoms may temporarily solve a problem, but determining the underlying cause of the symptoms is the key to effective long-term health.

Here are some real-life examples of how nurses apply critical thinking on the job every day, as told by nurses themselves.

Example #1: Patient Assessments

“Doing a thorough assessment on your patient can help you detect that something is wrong, even if you’re not quite sure what it is,” said Shantay Carter , registered nurse and co-founder of Women of Integrity . “When you notice the change, you have to use your critical thinking skills to decide what’s the next step. Critical thinking allows you to provide the best and safest care possible.”

Example #2: First Line of Defense

Often, nurses are the first line of defense for patients.

“One example would be a patient that had an accelerated heart rate,” said nurse educator and adult critical care nurse Dr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads . “As a nurse, it was my job to investigate the cause of the heart rate and implement nursing actions to help decrease the heart rate prior to calling the primary care provider.”

Nurses with poor critical thinking skills may fail to detect a patient in stress or deteriorating condition. This can result in what’s called a “ failure to rescue ,” or FTR, which can lead to adverse conditions following a complication that leads to mortality.

Example #3: Patient Interactions

Nurses are the ones taking initial reports or discussing care with patients.

“We maintain relationships with patients between office visits,” said registered nurse, care coordinator, and ambulatory case manager Amelia Roberts . “So, when there is a concern, we are the first name that comes to mind (and get the call).”

“Several times, a parent called after the child had a high temperature, and the call came in after hours,” Roberts said. “Doing a nursing assessment over the phone is a special skill, yet based on the information gathered related to the child’s behavior (and) fluid intake, there were several recommendations I could make.”

Deciding whether it was OK to wait until the morning, page the primary care doctor, or go to the emergency room to be evaluated takes critical thinking.

Example #4: Using Detective Skills

Nurses have to use acute listening skills to discern what patients are really telling them (or not telling them) and whether they are getting the whole story.

“I once had a 5-year-old patient who came in for asthma exacerbation on repeated occasions into my clinic,” said Pompilio. “The mother swore she was giving her child all her medications, but the asthma just kept getting worse.”

Pompilio asked the parent to keep a medication diary.

“It turned out that after a day or so of medication and alleviation in some symptoms, the mother thought the child was getting better and stopped all medications,” she said.

Example #5: Prioritizing

“Critical thinking is present in almost all aspects of nursing, even those that are not in direct action with the patient,” said Rhoads. “During report, nurses decide which patient to see first based on the information gathered, and from there they must prioritize their actions when in a patient’s room. Nurses must be able to scrutinize which medications can be taken together, and which modality would be best to help a patient move from the bed to the chair.”

A critical thinking skill in prioritization is cognitive stacking. Cognitive stacking helps create smooth workflow management to set priorities and help nurses manage their time. It helps establish routines for care while leaving room within schedules for the unplanned events that will inevitably occur. Even experienced nurses can struggle with juggling today’s significant workload, prioritizing responsibilities, and delegating appropriately.

Example #6: Medication & Care Coordination

Another aspect that often falls to nurses is care coordination. A nurse may be the first to notice that a patient is having an issue with medications.

“Based on a report of illness in a patient who has autoimmune challenges, we might recommend that a dose of medicine that interferes with immune response be held until we communicate with their specialty provider,” said Roberts.

Nurses applying critical skills can also help ease treatment concerns for patients.

“We might recommend a patient who gets infusions come in earlier in the day to get routine labs drawn before the infusion to minimize needle sticks and trauma,” Robert said.

Example #7: Critical Decisions

During the middle of an operation, the anesthesia breathing machine Allen was using malfunctioned.

“I had to critically think about whether or not I could fix this machine or abandon that mode of delivering nursing anesthesia care safely,” she said. “I chose to disconnect my patient from the malfunctioning machine and retrieve tools and medications to resume medication administration so that the surgery could go on.”

Nurses are also called on to do rapid assessments of patient conditions and make split-second decisions in the operating room.

“When blood pressure drops, it is my responsibility to decide which medication and how much medication will fix the issue,” Allen said. “I must work alongside the surgeons and the operating room team to determine the best plan of care for that patient’s surgery.”

“On some days, it seems like you are in the movie ‘The Matrix,’” said Pompilio. “There’s lots of chaos happening around you. Your patient might be decompensating. You have to literally stop time and take yourself out of the situation and make a decision.”

Example #8: Fast & Flexible Decisions

Allen said she thinks electronics are great, but she can remember a time when technology failed her.

“The hospital monitor that gives us vitals stopped correlating with real-time values,” she said. “So I had to rely on basic nursing skills to make sure my patient was safe. (Pulse check, visual assessments, etc.)”

In such cases, there may not be enough time to think through every possible outcome. Critical thinking combined with experience gives nurses the ability to think quickly and make the right decisions.

Nurses who think critically are in a position to significantly increase the quality of patient care and avoid adverse outcomes.

“Critical thinking allows you to ensure patient safety,” said Carter. “It’s essential to being a good nurse.”

Nurses must be able to recognize a change in a patient’s condition, conduct independent interventions, anticipate patients and provider needs, and prioritize. Such actions require critical thinking ability and advanced problem-solving skills.

“Nurses are the eyes and ears for patients, and critical thinking allows us to be their advocates,” said Allen.

Image courtesy of davidf

Last updated on Jul 24, 2024. Originally published on Aug 25, 2021.

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Paul Dughi is a contributing writer for Berxi, as well as a journalist and freelance writer. He has held executive management positions in the media industry for the past 25 years.

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28.2 Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Analyze the types of thinking used in nursing
  • Recognize when to use the different types of thinking in nursing
  • Explore the application of knowledge to thinking in nursing
  • Appy Critical Thinking Indicators (CTIs) to decision making

Thinking is something we usually do subconsciously, because we are not usually “thinking about thinking.” However, with the ever-increasing autonomy being afforded to nurses, there is also an increased need for nurses to be able to critically think effectively and intentionally. Being able to critically think helps nurses’ problem solve, generate solutions, and make sound clinical judgments that affect the lives of their patients. Keep reading to learn more about how nurses use critical thinking in practice and how you can develop your own critical thinking skills.

Types of Thinking Used in Nursing

Nurses make decisions while providing patient care by using critical thinking and clinical reasoning. In nursing, critical thinking is a broad term that includes reasoning about clinical issues such as teamwork, collaboration, and streamlining workflow.” On the other hand, clinical reasoning is defined as a complex cognitive process that uses formal and informal thinking strategies to gather and analyze patient information, evaluate the significance of this information, and weigh alternative actions. Each of these types of thinking is described in more detail in the following sections.

Cognitive Thinking

The term cognitive thinking refers to the mental processes and abilities a nurse uses to interpret, analyze, and evaluate information in their practice. Basically, it encompasses how nurses think about the practice decisions they are making. Cognitive thinking and critical thinking go hand in hand because nurses must be able to use their knowledge and mental processes to devise solutions and actions when caring for patients. Using critical thinking means that nurses take extra steps to maintain patient safety and do not just follow orders. It also means the accuracy of patient information is validated and plans for caring for patients are based on their needs, current clinical practice, and research. Critical thinkers possess certain attitudes that foster rational thinking:

  • confidence: believing in yourself to complete a task or activity
  • curiosity: asking “why” and wanting to know more
  • fair-mindedness: treating every viewpoint in an unbiased, unprejudiced way
  • independence of thought: thinking on your own
  • insight into egocentricity and sociocentricity: thinking of the greater good and not just thinking of yourself. Knowing when you are thinking of yourself (egocentricity) and when you are thinking or acting for the greater good (sociocentricity)
  • integrity: being honest and demonstrating strong moral principles
  • intellectual humility: recognizing your intellectual limitations and abilities
  • interest in exploring thoughts and feelings: wanting to explore different ways of knowing
  • nonjudgmental: using professional ethical standards and not basing your judgments on your own personal or moral standards
  • perseverance: persisting in doing something despite it being difficult

Cognitive thinking is significant to nursing because it provides a foundation on which nurses can make rapid and accurate decisions in clinical practice. Nurses must be able to think quickly and make informed decisions to promote optimal patient outcomes.

Effective Thinking

To make sound judgments about patient care, nurses must generate alternatives, weigh them against the evidence, and choose the best course of action. The ability to clinically reason develops over time and is based on knowledge and experience. Inductive and deductive reasoning are important critical thinking skills. They help the nurse use clinical judgment when implementing the nursing process. Effective thinking in nursing involves the integration of clinical knowledge and critical thinking to make the best decisions for patients. For example, if a nurse was caring for a patient who presents with hypertension and new-onset left-sided weakness, it is important that the nurse be able to quickly consider potential causes for the weakness and implement immediate stroke protocols. Without the ability to critically think, the nurse may overlook the weakness as being unrelated to the hypertension and not consider the possibility of stroke, leading to a poor patient outcome. Thus, it is imperative that nurses develop effective thinking skills.

Inductive Reasoning

The term inductive reasoning involves noticing cues, making generalizations, and creating hypotheses. Cues are data that fall outside of expected findings and give the nurse a hint or indication of a patient’s potential problem or condition. The nurse organizes these cues into patterns and creates a generalization. A generalization is a judgment formed on the basis of a set of facts, cues, and observations and is similar to gathering pieces of a jigsaw puzzle into patterns until the whole picture becomes clearer. On the basis of generalizations created from patterns of data, the nurse creates a hypothesis regarding a patient problem. Remember, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a situation. It attempts to explain the “why” behind the problem that is occurring. If a “why” is identified, then a solution can begin to be explored. No one can draw conclusions without first noticing cues. Paying close attention to a patient, the environment, and interactions with family members is critical for inductive reasoning. As you work to improve your inductive reasoning, begin by first noticing details about the things around you. Be mindful of your five primary senses: the things that you hear, feel, smell, taste, and see. Nurses need strong inductive reasoning patterns and be able to act quickly, especially in emergency situations. They can see how certain objects or events form a pattern (or a generalization) that indicates a common problem.

Consider this example: A nurse assesses a patient who has undergone surgery and finds the surgical incision site is red, warm, and tender to the touch. The nurse recognizes these cues form a pattern of signs of infection and creates a hypothesis that the incision has become infected. The provider is notified of the patient’s change in condition, and a new prescription is received for an antibiotic. This is an example of the use of inductive reasoning in nursing practice.

Deductive Reasoning

Another type of critical thinking is deductive reasoning ; it is referred to as “top-down thinking.” Deductive reasoning relies on using a general standard or rule to create a strategy. Nurses use standards set by their state’s Nurse Practice Act, federal regulations, the American Nursing Association, professional organizations, and their employer to make decisions about patient care and solve problems.

Think about this example: On the basis of research findings, hospital leaders determine patients recover more quickly if they receive adequate rest. The hospital creates a policy for quiet zones at night by initiating no overhead paging, promoting low-speaking voices by staff, and reducing lighting in the hallways. The nurse further implements this policy by organizing care for patients that promotes periods of uninterrupted rest at night. This is an example of deductive thinking, because the intervention is applied to all patients regardless of whether they have difficulty sleeping or not.

Identify the Purpose of Thinking

Rationalizing the purpose of thinking is probably not something you do often, but it is the foundational first step in critical thinking. To effectively use critical thinking in practice, the nurse must first identify the purpose of thinking. For example, the nurse is caring for a patient who presents with fever, tachycardia, and shortness of breath. The patient also has an open, infected wound on the left foot that is not healing. The nurse must recognize that the patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms that may be indicative of an underlying problem. At this point, the nurse must be able to identify that the purpose of thinking with regard to the patient is to consider what might be happening with the patient and formulate a plan of care. This begins the process of critical thinking, which involves several steps: thinking ahead, thinking in action, and reflection on thinking.

Thinking Ahead

Thinking ahead in nursing involves considering what may be going on with the patient to anticipate potential outcomes and complications that may arise. Remember competent nurses are proactive versus reactive. Reactive nursing is letting situations arise and then responding to the change, but proactive nursing is recognizing cues behaviors and patterns that are leading up to a complicated event. Additionally, the nurse will formulate goals of care and must try to anticipate specific needs the patient will have. Considering the patient discussed in the preceding paragraph, the nurse should begin the process of thinking ahead about potential outcomes and complications. The nurse may hypothesize that the patient is starting to develop sepsis from the open wound on the foot so severe sepsis and/or septic shock could be a complication to begin preparing for. The nurse thinks ahead about goals of care for the patient and determines that wound care to prevent infection spread and sepsis is the priority goal at this time.

Thinking in Action

Thinking in action encompasses the thought processes occurring while the nurse is performing interventions. So, if the nurse in our example begins performing wound care, they are thinking about the best dressing to use, how to clean the wound, and if antibiotics should be considered. All of these thoughts are likely occurring as the nurse is providing the care; thus, they are examples of how the nurse is using thinking in action.

Reflection on Thinking

After performing interventions or making decisions, the nurse should reflect on the thinking that occurred. The nurse will use this thinking process to determine if the decision was reactive or responsive. Reactive decision-making involves responding to situations after they have occurred, often in a hurried or unplanned manner. These decisions tend to be impulsive and are driven by immediate needs or crises. Responsive decisions, on the other hand, involve careful deliberation about how to address a situation based on careful consideration of information. In our example, the nurse’s decision appears to have been responsive. The patient was exhibiting some altered vital signs, but nothing indicated that the situation had become emergent yet. The nurse was able to think carefully about the patient’s situation and determine that wound care was the highest priority and begin to implement care in a calm, deliberate manner. In an ideal world, all nursing decisions would be responsive, but in a lot of cases, they must be reactive because of situation severity and medical emergencies.

Application of Knowledge

During the outset of the critical thinking process, nurses must judge whether their knowledge is accurate, complete, factual, timely, and relevant. This can be done by applying knowledge to nursing practice in a multitude of ways, including drawing from past education and experience in nursing and using professional resources and standards. Each of these is discussed in more detail in the following sections.

Knowledge Base

Becoming a nurse requires years of schooling, which contributes to the development of a robust knowledge base. Nurses receive formal education and training that provides them foundational knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and patient care techniques, among many others. Additionally, nurses are required to complete continuing education courses specific to their chosen practice setting, further developing their knowledge base. When applying knowledge in practice, nurses can draw from their knowledge base and make informed decisions about patient care.

Experience in Nursing

Nursing is considered a practice. Nursing practice means we learn from our mistakes and our past experiences and apply this knowledge to our next patient or to the next population we serve. As nurses gain more experience, they can use what they have learned in practice and apply it to new patient situations. Each new encounter with a patient presents unique challenge and learning opportunities that contribute to the development of clinical expertise. Reflecting on these experiences allows nurses to recognize patterns, anticipate patient outcomes, and refine their decision-making processes. Whether they are identifying effective nursing interventions for common conditions, adapting care plans to individual patient needs, or navigating complex situations with compassion, nurses draw upon their accumulated knowledge base from clinical experience to provide high-quality, patient-centered care. Through reflection and continuous learning from past experiences, nurses enhance their clinical skills, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

Professional Resources and Standards

In addition to foundational knowledge bases and experience, nurses can also use professional resources and standards to gain and apply knowledge in practice. Nurses can refer to clinical practice guidelines that have been established by professional organizations and healthcare institutions to help provide a framework for implementing nursing interventions based on the best evidence. By following the guidelines, nurses are ensuring that their care aligns with established standards and promotes optimal patient outcomes. Additionally, nurses should remain up to date about new and emerging research in their practice area, which can be obtained by reading professional journals and publications and attending conferences, workshops, and other trainings. Nurses can use the information learned from these resources to influence practice and ensure the highest standards of care are being performed in their practice setting. By staying informed about the latest developments in nursing and health care, nurses enhance their knowledge base and can adapt their practice to incorporate new evidence and innovations. Along with professional development and staying current with professional practices, nursing students should actively seek and join professional organizations such as critical care nursing or oncology nursing societies because this will lead the student to become expert in that subject and stay relevant with current evidence and practice guidelines.

Clinical Safety and Procedures (QSEN)

Qsen competency: evidence-based practice.

Definition: Providing quality patient care based on up-to-date, theory-derived research and knowledge, rather than personal beliefs, advice, or traditional methods.

Knowledge: The nurse will describe how the strength and relevance of available evidence influences the choice of intervention in provision of patient-centered care.

Skill: The nurse will:

  • subscribe to professional journals that produce original research and evidence-based reports related to their specific area of practice
  • become familiar with current evidence-based clinical practice topics and guidelines
  • assist in creating a work environment that welcomes new evidence into standards of practice
  • question the rational for traditional methods of care that result in sub-par outcomes or adverse events

Attitude: The nurse will appreciate the importance of regularly reading relevant professional journals.

Critique of Decision

After determining the best course of action based on the application of knowledge, the nurse can critique the decisions that were made. Specifically, the nurse will use self-reflection to review their actions and thoughts that led them to the decision. The nurse will consider the outcomes of their chosen interventions, reflect on the effectiveness of their approach, and identify areas of improvement. Additionally, the nurse may seek feedback from colleagues to obtain different perspectives about decisions made. Soliciting input from others helps the nurse gain insight and learn from their peers to further inform their future practice. Reflection questions that the nurse may ask themselves to critique their decision include the following:

  • Was the patient goal or outcome met?
  • Could the intervention have been done differently? Could it have been done better?
  • What are alternative decisions that could have been made? What are the merits of each?

Critical Thinking Indicators

Certain behaviors that demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote critical thinking are called critical thinking indicators (CTIs) . Critical thinking indicators are tangible actions that are performed to assess and improve your thinking skills.

4-Circle CT Model

There are many models and frameworks within nursing and other disciplines that attempt to explain the process of critical thinking. One of the most popular is Alfaro-LeFevre’s 4-Circle CT Model (Alfaro-LeFevre, 2016). This model breaks critical thinking into four components: personal characteristics, intellectual and cognitive abilities, interpersonal abilities and self-management, and technical skills. These four components overlap, forming interconnections in critical thinking.

Link to Learning

Learn more here about the 4-Circle CT Model and see an illustration of it.

Personal Critical Thinking Indicators

Personal CTIs are behaviors that are indicative of critical thinkers. Some of these behaviors that are most relevant to nursing include:

  • confidence and resilience: showing ability to reason and learn and overcoming problems
  • curiosity and inquisitiveness: asking questions and looking for the “why” behind things
  • effective communication: listening well, showing understanding for others thoughts and feelings, and speaking and writing with clarity
  • flexibility: changing approaches as needed to obtain the best results
  • honesty: looking for the truth and demonstrating integrity while adhering to moral and ethical standards
  • self-awareness: being able to identify one’s own knowledge gaps and acknowledge when thinking may be negatively influenced by emotions or self-interests.

Personal Knowledge and Intellectual Skills

Personal knowledge and intellectual skills encompass the knowledge gained from nursing school and clinical experiences. Examples of each of these kinds of skills are listed in Table 28.3 .

Personal Knowledge Intellectual Skills

Interpersonal and Self-Management Skills

Interpersonal and self-management skills encompass the knowledge and skills needed for effective collaboration. These include:

  • addressing conflicts fairly
  • advocating for patients, self, and others
  • dealing with complaints constructively
  • establishing empowered partnerships
  • facilitating and navigating change
  • fostering positive interpersonal relationships and promoting teamwork
  • giving and taking constructive criticism
  • leading, motivating, and managing others
  • managing stress, time, and energy
  • promoting a learning and safety culture
  • upholding healthy workplace standards
  • using skilled communication in high-stake situations

Technical Skills

Technical skills in nursing refer to the practical abilities and competencies that nurses use in the delivery of patient care. These skills are typically learned through education, training, and hands-on experience. Some common technical skills in nursing include:

  • administering medications
  • assisting with personal hygiene and activities of daily living
  • documentation and charting
  • inserting intravenous catheters
  • inserting urinary catheters and nasogastric tubes
  • performing tracheostomy care
  • performing wound care
  • taking vital signs

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  • Authors: Christy Bowen
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Clinical Nursing Skills
  • Publication date: Jun 26, 2024
  • Location: Houston, Texas
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Nurses are critical thinkers

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The characteristic that distinguishes a professional nurse is cognitive rather than psychomotor ability. Nursing practice demands that practitioners display sound judgement and decision-making skills as critical thinking and clinical decision making is an essential component of nursing practice. Nurses’ ability to recognize and respond to signs of patient deterioration in a timely manner plays a pivotal role in patient outcomes (Purling & King 2012). Errors in clinical judgement and decision making are said to account for more than half of adverse clinical events (Tomlinson, 2015). The focus of the nurse clinical judgement has to be on quality evidence based care delivery, therefore, observational and reasoning skills will result in sound, reliable, clinical judgements. Clinical judgement, a concept which is critical to the nursing can be complex, because the nurse is required to use observation skills, identify relevant information, to identify the relationships among given elements through reasoning and judgement. Clinical reasoning is the process by which nurses observe patients status, process the information, come to an understanding of the patient problem, plan and implement interventions, evaluate outcomes, with reflection and learning from the process (Levett-Jones et al, 2010). At all times, nurses are responsible for their actions and are accountable for nursing judgment and action or inaction.

The speed and ability by which the nurses make sound clinical judgement is affected by their experience. Novice nurses may find this process difficult, whereas the experienced nurse should rely on her intuition, followed by fast action. Therefore education must begin at the undergraduate level to develop students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills. Clinical reasoning is a learnt skill requiring determination and active engagement in deliberate practice design to improve performance. In order to acquire such skills, students need to develop critical thinking ability, as well as an understanding of how judgements and decisions are reached in complex healthcare environments.

As lifelong learners, nurses are constantly accumulating more knowledge, expertise, and experience, and it’s a rare nurse indeed who chooses to not apply his or her mind towards the goal of constant learning and professional growth. Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the Future of Nursing, stated, that nurses must continue their education and engage in lifelong learning to gain the needed competencies for practice. American Nurses Association (ANA), Scope and Standards of Practice requires a nurse to remain involved in continuous learning and strengthening individual practice (p.26)

Alfaro-LeFevre, R. (2009). Critical thinking and clinical judgement: A practical approach to outcome-focused thinking. (4th ed.). St Louis: Elsevier

The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health, (2010).

Levett-Jones, T., Hoffman, K. Dempsey, Y. Jeong, S., Noble, D., Norton, C., Roche, J., & Hickey, N. (2010). The ‘five rights’ of clinical reasoning: an educational model to enhance nursing students’ ability to identify and manage clinically ‘at risk’ patients. Nurse Education Today. 30(6), 515-520.

NMC (2010) New Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Purling A. & King L. (2012). A literature review: graduate nurses’ preparedness for recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(23–24), 3451–3465

Thompson, C., Aitken, l., Doran, D., Dowing, D. (2013). An agenda for clinical decision making and judgement in nursing research and education. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 (12), 1720 - 1726 Tomlinson, J. (2015). Using clinical supervision to improve the quality and safety of patient care: a response to Berwick and Francis. BMC Medical Education, 15(103)

Competing interests: No competing interests

nursing considerations for critical thinking

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How to Apply Critical Thinking in Nursing

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Harnessing the power of critical thinking can be the key to becoming a successful and competent nurse. 

Developing and refining your critical thinking skills is crucial as you embark on your nursing journey. By doing so, you’ll enhance your ability to provide high-quality care, advance your professional growth, and contribute to the ever-evolving nursing field.

What is critical thinking in nursing?

Critical thinking is an essential cognitive process that enables nurses to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to make informed decisions. In the context of nursing, it involves observing, interpreting, and responding to patient needs effectively. 

Critical thinking allows nurses to go beyond memorized facts and apply logical reasoning to address patient problems holistically.

As a nurse, you’ll encounter multifaceted healthcare scenarios, each presenting its unique challenges. Critical thinking enables you to approach these situations systematically, evaluate the available data, identify relevant factors, and understand the patient’s condition comprehensively.

By employing critical thinking skills, you can differentiate between urgent and non-urgent issues, prioritize care, anticipate potential complications, and adapt your interventions accordingly. This analytical approach helps minimize errors, promote patient safety, and achieve positive patient outcomes.

Why is critical thinking important in nursing?

Critical thinking serves as the backbone of nursing practice. You’ll encounter various uncertainties, changing conditions, and ethical dilemmas as a nurse. Developing critical thinking abilities empowers you to navigate these challenges confidently and provide optimal patient care.

In nursing, critical thinking is crucial for the following reasons:

  • Enhanced Clinical Judgment: Critical thinking enables assessing complex situations, analyzing available information, and drawing logical conclusions. It enhances your clinical judgment, allowing you to make informed decisions based on the best available evidence and expert consensus.
  • Effective Problem Solving: Nursing involves encountering problems and finding effective solutions. Critical thinking equips you with the tools to identify underlying issues, explore alternative options, and implement interventions that address the root cause of the problem.
  • Patient Advocacy: Critical thinking empowers you to advocate for your patients’ needs. By actively engaging in critical inquiry, you can challenge assumptions, question policies, and promote patient-centered care.
  • Adapting to Changing Environments: Healthcare is constantly evolving, with new research findings, technologies, and treatments emerging regularly. Developing critical thinking skills helps you adapt to these changes, ensuring you stay updated and deliver evidence-based care.

Examples of Critical Thinking in Nursing

Let’s dive into some real-life examples that highlight how critical thinking plays a crucial role in nursing practice:

  • Prioritization: Imagine working in an emergency department where multiple patients arrive simultaneously with varying degrees of severity. Utilizing critical thinking, you can assess each patient’s condition, prioritize care based on the urgency of their needs, and allocate resources effectively.
  • Medication Administration: When administering medication, critical thinking prompts you to cross-check the prescribed dose, assess potential drug interactions or allergies, and evaluate the patient’s response to the medication. This proactive approach ensures patient safety and minimizes medication errors.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Critical thinking helps you navigate complex ethical dilemmas by analyzing the values at stake, considering legal and ethical principles, and collaborating with the healthcare team to make decisions that align with the patient’s best interests.

Supplement Your Nursing Studies and Boost Your Grades

At SimpleNursing , we understand the significance of critical thinking in nursing education. Our comprehensive digital study tools are designed to enhance your critical thinking abilities, providing you with interactive case studies, practice questions, and simulated patient scenarios. 

Boost your confidence and excel in your nursing studies with SimpleNursing’s innovative study resources.

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