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How to end a PowerPoint presentation.

By the time you reach the end of your PowerPoint presentation, it’s tempting to turn the last slide into a standard ‘thank you’ or ‘questions?’ slide. Don’t give into the temptation. Read these five tips, and make the last slide of your presentation as impactful as the first.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “you don’t get a second chance to make a great first impression”, but when it comes to presentations, the first impression is only half the story.

Serial-position effect  is the tendency of the human brain to only remember the first and last items in a series. If you consider your presentation as a series of incredible messages, that whole middle section is going to look a little fuzzy to your audience after just a few short hours. In fact, researchers testing presentation recall found that only 50% of information is remembered immediately following the last slide of the presentation. This number reduces to 25% by the next day and just 10% the following week.

For those of you reading this right before a big presentation, don’t throw your laptop against the wall in despair. There are ways to manipulate your narrative to take advantage of the serial-position effect and end your PowerPoint presentation with impact. 

In this article, we’re going to be focusing on just one aspect of the serial-position effect: the recency effect. This is how to capture your audience’s imagination, up to the very last slide of your presentation.

For storytellers, it’s often beneficial to start from the end and work backwards, making sure every message is pointing towards that end goal. Once you get back to the beginning, take a look at our tips for hooking your audience from the first sentence. 

If you’ve been keeping up with our  storytelling tips and tricks , you’ll already know that you should use the end of your presentation to summarise all your key messages and tie up any loose plot points.  

We’re talking about what happens after that.

We’re talking about levelling up. 

5 ways to end a PowerPoint presentation

1. start a revolution.

You wouldn’t put together a PowerPoint presentation in preparation for a Friday night catch up with your best friend. Presentations are designed to encourage fundamental change. If done correctly, a presentation is just a series of messages that speak to the audience emotionally, backed up by logic and cemented with credibility. And they have to end with a rallying cry. 

The call to action is how you communicate to the audience the first step towards their better future. Whatever it is you want them to think, feel, or do at the end of your PowerPoint presentation, needs to be clear when you reach the last slide. 

Of course, you could just tell them what you want them to do. But, as any parent, manager, or Prime Minister will tell you, people don’t like being told what to do. In fact, they actively revolt against it. It’s much more effective for them to reach that conclusion themselves, with just a little gentle guidance from you.

This all sounds like witchcraft, but there are plenty of ways to manipulate your audience without them catching on, if that’s what you’re worried about.

2. Pull a stunt

You need to do something different to make an impact.

Imagine yours is just one presentation in a whole string of slideshows. By the last slide of the last presentation, they’re all going to have blended into one. If you can’t flirt your way to being placed as the first or last of the day, you’re going to have to go bigger and better for your finale. Bring out the dancers.  

Too many people think of their slides as a box to contain their ideas. We say, think outside the box. I know, we’re probably the first people to ever say that. But seriously, break down that wall between digital and physical. Show your audience what you mean. And use your slides as support. 

Your impactful moment doesn’t have to be acted out or over the top, just something out of the norm, and out of the slide. People are 30% more likely to retain information when there’s a visual aid to accompany the audio. This could be in the form of a statistic, an animation, or an image, or it could be something you do.

For example, say you want to end your presentation with a shocking statistic. Big numbers can become meaningless, as the sheer size is difficult to comprehend. Make your point digestible with context.

Say you want to communicate the number of coffee farmers in Kenya who can’t make a living wage, as a way to illustrate the importance of fair trade. You could just say 150,000, or you could bring out a clear container with 150,000 coffee beans in it. And pour them slowly out on the stage.

Dramatic? Maybe.

Messy? Sure.

Impactful? Definitely.

Gimmicks and tricks can feel forced but, if cohesive with your story and your messaging, they can create a buzz around your presentation, reinforce your message and be impossible to forget.

In 2009, Bill Gates was campaigning for Malaria relief awareness and aid. Mid presentation, he reached for a jar, unscrewed the lid, and released a cloud of mosquitos into the room, saying: “Not only poor people should experience this.”

Jaws dropped, the room was buzzing – in more ways than one – and no one has forgotten that moment. What a way to end a PowerPoint presentation.

I’m not suggesting you give your audience Malaria, but by moving away from traditional presentation practice, you can shake your audience out of their PowerPoint coma, make an impact and coerce them into action.

3. Go full circle

I know we said we were only going to talk about recency effect today, but what can we say? We’re all give.

Primary effect is the other half of the whole. The explanation for why we remember the start of the list. By making both these halves work seamlessly together, we can create a calming effect in the brains of our audience. Let me explain.

Humans like things to be neat. We like a question to have an answer. We like a pen to have a lid. We hate when a mystery key shows up with no sign of a lock. And we need stories to have an end.

Give your audience a sense of completion by starting with a story, and picking it back up on the last slide of the presentation. Not only will this keep them engaged throughout, wondering whether the hero will ever overcome the villain, but they will feel enormous relief and accomplishment when they finally find out. 

The start of your story should set up the challenge. The characters in the story should reflect the people in your audience, they should be able to see themselves in your story and relate to the characters’ struggles.

When you pick the story back up at the close, you should regale your audience with their triumphs. And the reason behind this turnaround? Well, they took your advice, obviously.

This is a more human way to integrate case studies into your presentation. You want to show your audience that your solution has worked for others like them, but case studies can be so cold, so focused on facts and numbers. Stories are emotional, persuasive, and easy for our brains to understand.

4. Turn the tables on your audience

Think about the last five presentations you saw. How many of them ended with a Q&A? Yawn.

We’re not saying you shouldn’t give your audience the chance to ask questions, but by ditching the obligatory ‘questions?’ end to your PowerPoint presentation, you create the opportunity to do something different for your close. 

We believe presentations should be interactive throughout. Regularly checking in with your audience, or encouraging them to get involved with activities, polls, or games, will keep them engaged from start to finish. Breaking down the barrier between presenter and speaker allows you to connect with your audience. They’ll feel valued, part of the process, and are more likely to be persuaded by your message. 

So, that’s what you shouldn’t do for the last slide of a presentation, but I bet very few of you were searching for  how not to end a PowerPoint presentation .

Flip the script. Don’t ask for questions to close, ask a question yourself. By ending on a provocative and rhetorical question, your audience will be thinking about your presentation for hours afterwards. Pitch them a hypothetical situation, where they have the power to control their future. How are they going to make this dream a reality? Coincidentally, the answer happens to be exactly what your product or service is offering.

5. Get handsy

Speaking of breaking down the barrier between speaker and audience, our final tip is to give them something to get their mitts around. 

Since Primary School, we’ve all understood the sentiment ‘show, don’t tell’. It’s unlikely your pet hamster, Scratchy, or the collection of Roman coins your grandma bought you on a trip to a real amphitheatre are going to seal the deal in your business presentation, but the Show and Tell philosophy still stands. 

If your product is as good as you’ve been telling them it is for the last 20 minutes, let them have a go and see for themselves. And if it’s not a physical product you’re selling, this would be the perfect time to slip in some success examples from your  creds deck .

No one likes goodbyes, but by implementing one of these powerful conclusions, you’ll end your PowerPoint presentation with metaphorical fireworks and your audience will be unable to get you out of their heads. 

If you’re struggling with more than just the final slide, our talented team have plenty of tricks up their collective sleeve for banging beginnings and memorable middles too. Why not get in touch to talk about your next presentation project?

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Blog > 10 creative Ideas for your Title- and End-Slides in Presentations

10 creative Ideas for your Title- and End-Slides in Presentations

11.13.19   •  #powerpointtips #presentation.

Of all the slides in a PowerPoint presentation, the ones that are without a doubt the most important ones are the first and the last one. It makes perfect sense – the title slide sets the general tone. Make it boring and you’ll loose your audience’s attention within the first few minutes. If you’re making it exciting and innovative on the other hand, you’re taking a big step towards giving an amazing presentation and having an engaged audience. It is very similar with the final slide. It will be the one that people are going to remember most, the one that is supposed to make people leave the room thinking ‘Wow! What a great presentation!’ A bad ending could even mess up what would otherwise be a good performance overall (just think of a good TV show with a bad ending…).

The most common mistakes for title and final slides

If you asked 100 people what belongs on your PowerPoint’s title slide, the majority would answer ‘The title, maybe a subtitle, the presenter’s name and company, the date’. That kind of title slide is alright, but you usually say all of these things in the beginning of a presentation anyway. Also, it is very likely that most of your attendees know these things – they usually signed up for it after all. So what’s the point in listing all of that information on your title slide, when you could also use it for making a stunning first impression? Not only the title slide is commonly designed in an uncreative and conventional way. Too often, you can see PowerPoint presentations ending with the ‘Any Questions?’ or even worse – the ‘Thank you for your attention’ slide. ‘Thank you for your attention’ is a set phrase that has been said so many times it can’t possibly be delivered in an authentic way anymore. Therefore, it’s better to think of something else for your grand final. Finding an unconventional ending that suits your presentation style makes you seem much more charismatic and authentic than using an empty phrase.

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1. An inspiring quote

An inspiring quote on your slide is a perfect way to both start and finish your presentation. Well, it does not have to be inspiring. It could be any quote that is somehow connected to your presented topic. Just have fun looking through books and the internet to find interesting quotes that you want your audience to hear. Good pages to look at for inspiration are goodreads and brainyquotes.com .

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2. A blank slide

This might seem strange to some people, but a blank slide can be really powerful if you want to have your audience’s full attention. You can use the advantage of blank slides by incorporating them at the beginning, in the end or even in between your regular slides. You can either use a blank slide of your regular template (so there will still be some design elements on it) or go all in and make the slide completely black (or white).

3. A call to action

If the goal of your presentation is to really make your audience act in some kind of way, there is no better way to start – or better yet end your presentation than with a call to action. This can be literally anything from little trivial things like “Drink enough water during the presentation so your brain stays intact!” – which will lighten up the mood – to more serious calls like “Help reducing waste by recycling whenever possible!”.

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4. A question

Usually, it is the audience that asks questions after a presentation. However, you can also turn that around and ask your attendees instead. However, it’s important to ask a question that can be answered easily and individually – the best questions involve previous experiences and personal opinions (asking about facts or questions that are hard to understand can often lead to silence and no one wanting to answer).

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5. An interactive poll

Nothing engages the audience like a live poll. Conduct one right at the beginning to get everybody envolved, and/or wait until the end to get your audience’s opinion on something. Icebreaker polls are the perfect way to start, as they lighten the mood. You can easily create polls for free with interactive software tools such as SlideLizard .

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6. A funny picture, meme, or quote

I’m pretty sure that every student nowadays has that teacher that just tries a little too hard to be cool by throwing in a meme on literally every single slide. That may be a bit too much. But just a little comedy at the beginning or in the end can make you seem very charismatic and entertaining and catch the attention of your listeners. Open (or close) with a joke, a funny picture or a quote – whichever you feel comfortable with. It is usually best if it has something to do with the topic you’re presenting.

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7. An interesting fact

Catch the audience’s attention by putting an interesting fact concerning the topic on one of your slides – ideally at the beginning, but maybe also in the end (to keep up the audience’s interest even after the presentation is done).

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8. The title, but with a twist

If you feel like you need to put the presentations name/topic on the front slide, but still want that little creative twist, just change the title slightly. According to what I’m proposing, rather dull presentation titles like e.g. “Marine Biology – An Introduction to Organisms in the sea” can be transformed to “Marine Biology – Diving Deep” (or something less cheesy if you prefer). Make it either funny or over-the-top spectacular and catch the audience’s attention!

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9. A bold statement, opinion, or piece of information

This is probably the best way to capture your audience from the beginning on. Start with a radical, crazy opinion or statement and then get your attendees hooked by telling them that during the presentation, they will learn why you’re right. It could be anything, really, as long as it goes well with your presented topic – from the statement “Everybody has the time to read 5 books a month” to “Going to college is a waste of time” or “The human species is not the most intelligent on earth” – Take whatever crazy, unpopular theory or opinion you have, throw it out there and (very important!) explain why you’re right. You’ll have your audience’s attention for sure and might even change some of their opinions about certain things.

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10. No title and end slide at all

Yes, that’s a possibility as well. If you absolutely can’t think of any creative or otherwise good way to start and end your presentation – even after reading the tips mentioned above – then simply don’t. That’s right - no title and end slide at all. You can pull that of by simply introducing yourself in the beginning, then getting right into the topic (which makes a good impression, long introductions are usually rather tedious) and when you’re at your last slide just saying a simple ‘Goodbye, thank you and feel free to ask questions’.

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About the author.

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Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

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Classroom communication system (ccs).

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Valedictory Speech

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Internal Summary

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To interview somebody means to ask a person different questions. An interview is often done by journalists.

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How to End a Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Downloadable Creative PowerPoint Conclusion Slides)

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

How to End a Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Downloadable Creative PowerPoint Conclusion Slides)

Ever been in a presentation that started strong but fizzled out at the end? It’s a common frustration. The conclusion is where your message either sticks or fades away.

But how often have you left a presentation wondering, “Was that it?” A lackluster ending can undermine the impact of an entire presentation. In the digital age, a strong conclusion isn’t just a courtesy; it’s your secret weapon to make your message unforgettable.

In this blog, we’re diving into the art of crafting a powerful ending, making sure your audience doesn’t just understand but gets inspired. Let’s explore the key on how to end a presentation in a way that lingers in your audience’s minds.

Table of Contents

Why having a good presentation conclusion matters.

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Understanding why a conclusion is not merely a formality but a critical component is key to elevating your presentation game. Let’s delve into the pivotal reasons why a well-crafted conclusion matters:

🎉 Lasting Impression

The conclusion is the last note your audience hears, leaving a lasting impression. It shapes their overall perception and ensures they vividly remember your key points.

🔄 Message Reinforcement

Think of the conclusion as the reinforcement stage for your central message. It’s the last opportunity to drive home your main ideas, ensuring they are understood and internalized.

📝 Audience Takeaways

Summarizing key points in the conclusion acts as a guide, ensuring your audience remembers the essential elements of your presentation.

💬 Connection and Engagement

A well-crafted conclusion fosters engagement, connecting with your audience on a deeper level through thought-provoking questions, compelling quotes, or visual recaps.

🚀 Motivation for Action

If your presentation includes a call to action, the conclusion plants the seeds for motivation, encouraging your audience to become active participants.

🌟 Professionalism and Polishing

A strong conclusion adds professionalism, showcasing attention to detail and a commitment to delivering a comprehensive and impactful message.

6 Unique Techniques and Components to a Strong Conclusion

As we navigate the art of how to end a presentation, it becomes evident that a powerful and memorable conclusion is not merely the culmination of your words—it’s an experience carefully crafted to resonate with your audience. In this section, we explore key components that transcend the ordinary, turning your conclusion into a compelling finale that lingers in the minds of your listeners.

unique techniques on how to end a presentation

1. Visual Storytelling through Imagery

What it is:  In the digital age, visuals carry immense power. Utilize compelling imagery in your conclusion to create a visual story that reinforces your main points. Whether it’s a metaphorical image, a powerful photograph, or an infographic summarizing key ideas, visuals can enhance the emotional impact of your conclusion.

How to do it:  Select images that align with your presentation theme and evoke the desired emotions. Integrate these visuals into your conclusion, allowing them to speak volumes. Ensure consistency in style and tone with the rest of your presentation, creating a seamless visual narrative that resonates with your audience.

2. Interactive Audience Participation

What it is:  Transform your conclusion into an interactive experience by engaging your audience directly. Pose a thought-provoking question or conduct a quick poll related to your presentation theme. This fosters active participation, making your conclusion more memorable and involving your audience on a deeper level.

How to do it:  Craft a question that encourages reflection and discussion. Use audience response tools, if available, to collect real-time feedback. Alternatively, encourage a show of hands or open the floor for brief comments. This direct engagement not only reinforces your message but also creates a dynamic and memorable conclusion.

3. Musical Closure for Emotional Impact

What it is:  Consider incorporating music into your conclusion to evoke emotions and enhance the overall impact. A carefully selected piece of music can complement your message, creating a powerful and memorable ending that resonates with your audience on a sensory level.

How to do it:  Choose a piece of music that aligns with the tone and message of your presentation. Introduce the music at the right moment in your conclusion, allowing it to play during the final thoughts. Ensure that the volume is appropriate and that the music enhances, rather than distracts from, your message.

4. Intentional and Deliberate Silence

What it is:  Sometimes, the most impactful way to conclude a presentation is through intentional silence. A brief pause after delivering your final words allows your audience to absorb and reflect on your message. This minimalist approach can create a sense of gravity and emphasis.

How to do it:  Plan a deliberate pause after your last sentence or key point. Use this moment to make eye contact with your audience, allowing your message to sink in. The strategic use of silence can be particularly effective when followed by a strong closing statement or visual element.

5. Narrative Bookending

What it is:  Create a sense of completeness by bookending your presentation. Reference a story, quote, or anecdote from the introduction, bringing your presentation full circle. This technique provides a satisfying narrative structure and reinforces your core message.

How to do it:  Identify a story or element from your introduction that aligns with your conclusion. Reintroduce it with a fresh perspective, revealing its relevance to the journey you’ve taken your audience on. This technique not only creates coherence but also leaves a lasting impression.

6. Incorporating Humor for Memorable Impact

What it is:  Humor can be a powerful tool in leaving a positive and memorable impression. Consider injecting a well-timed joke, light-hearted anecdote, or amusing visual element into your conclusion. Humor can create a sense of camaraderie and connection with your audience.

How to do it:  Choose humor that aligns with your audience’s sensibilities and the overall tone of your presentation. Ensure it enhances, rather than detracts from, your message. A genuine and well-placed moment of humor can humanize your presentation and make your conclusion more relatable.

[Bonus] Creative Ways on How to End a Presentation Like a Pro

1. minimalist conclusion table design.

One of the many ways to (aesthetically) end your PowerPoint presentation is by having a straightforward and neat-looking table to sum up all the important points you want your audience to reflect on. Putting closing information in one slide can get heavy, especially if there’s too much text included – as to why it’s important to go minimal on the visual side whenever you want to present a group of text.

PowerPoint conclusion slide table

Here’s how you can easily do it:

  • Insert a table. Depending on the number of points you want to reinforce, feel free to customize the number of rows & columns you might need. Then, proceed to fill the table with your content.
  • Clear the fill for the first column of the table by selecting the entire column. Then, go to the Table Design tab on your PowerPoint ribbon, click on the Shading drop down, and select No Fill.
  • Color the rest of the columns as preferred. Ideally, the heading column must be in a darker shade compared to the cells below.
  • Insert circles at the top left of each heading column. Each circle should be colored the same as the heading. Then, put a weighted outline and make it white, or the same color as the background.
  • Finally, put icons on top each circle that represent the columns. You may find free stock PowerPoint icons by going to Insert, then Icons.

2. Animated Closing Text

Ever considered closing a presentation with what seems to be a blank slide which will then be slowly filled with text in a rather captivating animation? Well, that’s sounds specific, yes! But, it’s time for you take this hack as your next go-to in ending your presentations!

Here’s how simple it is to do it:

  • Go to Pixabay , and set your search for only videos. In this example, I searched for the keyword, ‘yellow ink’.
  • Insert the downloaded video onto a blank PowerPoint slide. Then, go to the Playback tab on the PowerPoint ribbon. Set the video to start automatically, and tick the box for ‘Loop until stopped’. Then, cover it whole with a shape.
  • Place your closing text on top of the shape. It could be a quote, an excerpt, or just a message that you want to end your PowerPoint presentation with.
  • Select the shape, hold Shift, and select the text next. Then, go to Merge Shapes, and select Subtract.
  • Color the shape white with no outline. And, you’re done!

3. Animated 3D Models

What quicker way is there than using PowerPoint’s built-in 3D models? And did you know they have an entire collection of animated 3D models to save you time in setting up countless animations? Use it as part of your presentation conclusion and keep your audience’ eyes hooked onto the screens.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Design a closing slide. In this example, I’m using a simple “Thank You” slide.
  • Go to Insert, then click on the 3D Models dropdown, and select Stock 3D Models. Here, you can browse thru the ‘All Animated Models’ pack and find the right model for you
  • Once your chosen model has been inserted, go to the Animations tab.
  • In this example, I’m setting a Swing animation. Then, set the model to start with previous.
  • For a final touch, go to Animation Pane. From the side panel, click on the Effect Options dropdown and tick the check box for Auto-reverse. Another would be the Timing dropdown, then select Until End of Slide down the Repeat dropdown.

Get a hold of these 3 bonus conclusion slides for free!

Expert Tips on How to End a Presentation With Impact

🔍  Clarity and Conciseness

Tip:  Keep your conclusion clear and concise. Avoid introducing new information, and instead, focus on summarizing key points and reinforcing your main message. A concise conclusion ensures that your audience retains the essential takeaways without feeling overwhelmed.

⏩  Maintain a Strong Pace

Tip:  Control the pacing of your conclusion. Maintain a steady rhythm to sustain audience engagement. Avoid rushing through key points or lingering too long on any single aspect. A well-paced conclusion keeps your audience focused and attentive until the very end.

🚀  Emphasize Key Takeaways

Tip:  Clearly highlight the most critical takeaways from your presentation. Reinforce these key points in your conclusion to emphasize their significance. This ensures that your audience leaves with a firm grasp of the essential messages you aimed to convey.

🔄  Align with Your Introduction

Tip:  Create a sense of cohesion by aligning your conclusion with elements introduced in the beginning. Reference a story, quote, or theme from your introduction, providing a satisfying narrative arc. This connection enhances the overall impact and resonance of your presentation.

🎭  Practice, but Embrace Flexibility

Tip:  Practice your conclusion to ensure a confident delivery. However, be prepared to adapt based on audience reactions or unexpected changes. Embrace flexibility to address any unforeseen circumstances while maintaining the overall integrity of your conclusion.

📢  End with a Strong Call to Action (if applicable)

Tip:  If your presentation includes a call to action, conclude with a compelling and actionable statement. Clearly communicate what you want your audience to do next and why. A strong call to action motivates your audience to take the desired steps.

🙏  Express Gratitude and Closure

Tip:  Express gratitude to your audience for their time and attention. Provide a sense of closure by summarizing the journey you’ve taken together. A gracious and thoughtful conclusion leaves a positive final impression.

Final Thoughts

In wrapping up your presentation, the conclusion serves as the final touch, leaving a strong and lasting impression. Think of it as the last puzzle piece that completes the picture. Ensure your conclusion goes beyond a simple summary, using visuals and engagement to make it memorable. Express gratitude sincerely as you bring your talk to an end, acknowledging the shared experience and setting the stage for what follows.

In these closing moments, aim for more than just a conclusion; create a connection that lingers in the minds of your audience.

About Ausbert Generoso

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Last Slide of Your Presentation: How to Leave a Lasting Impression

Last Slide of Presentation

Most of us have been in the position of having witnessed far too many presentations where the finale was dull or boring and where the audience, who had been attentive up to that point, started to lose interest or even went away. This can be extremely disheartening after hours of hard work on a presentation, and it might even leave you feeling embarrassed. It is therefore very important to always make sure that there is something special to the very end of your presentation to keep the attention focused and to provide a lasting impression. In this blog post, we are going to share some top tips on how to create the perfect last slide for your presentation that will captivate your audience and make a lasting impression. We will look at how to finish off your presentation on a high note, make a memorable closing statement and more, so read on to find out more.

What is the Last Slide of Presentation?

The last slide of a presentation is an incredibly powerful tool. It allows the presenter to summarize their key points, impress the audience with the central theme of their talk, and leave the audience wanting more. Unfortunately, this final slide can also be a missed opportunity if not crafted carefully. The most common type of last slide is a simple summary of the talk’s key points. This helps to reinforce the major themes and provide an easy reference for the audience members to recall what they heard during the presentation. However, this type of slide can be unengaging and potentially lead to confusion since only limited information is being provided. Additionally, if too much text or data is included on this slide, it can overwhelm viewers and distract from the rest of the message. Alternatively, some presenters use their final slide as an opportunity to draw attention to a single powerful image or quotation that encapsulates their message. This approach is often more effective since it captures viewers’ emotions and helps drive home the main point of the presentation even after they have left your session. While this type of slide may be more memorable and engaging than a traditional summary slide, it can also feel incomplete without additional context or explanation provided by the presenter. There are numerous ways to craft an effective last slide for a presentation; however, caution must be taken when developing and designing one’s final impression for viewers. Fortunately, by understanding both sides of this debate, presenters will be better prepared to create an effective last slide that gives their audience something to remember long after they have left the room. With that in mind, let’s move on to explore how to write an effective last slide that truly leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

Writing Your Last Slide

When it comes to writing your last slide, the approach you take can be the difference between an effective and unforgettable presentation or a forgettable one. Depending on your style and the message you want to convey, either using a few words or visuals to create the presentation’s impact can be successful strategies. The first method is to use minimalistic wording for your last slide. This option works best for powerful messages that don’t need any additional explanation. For example, if your presentation was about how important teamwork is in an organization, you could end with “Teamwork makes the dream work”. You may have already discussed this idea in your presentation, so ending it with this-one liner will painlessly summarize this message in the minds of your audience members. On the other hand, some presenters prefer to layer on extra visuals to add weight and memorability to their last slide. Including an eye-catching image that ties into the main theme of your presentation or has personal meaning can leave a lasting impression. If you are discussing employee turnover rates in companies, think about including a photo of people that joined forces and applied a collective effort for success. Even without words, this image may resonate better with certain people and make them think more deeply about your topic after the presentation is over. Finally, no matter what route you take when writing your last slide, make sure that it is consistent with your content and emphasizes the critical points of your presentation goal so that it leaves a lasting impression on those who viewed it. These two approaches are how many presenters choose to cap off their presentations and should not be taken lightly as they offer an opportunity to reinforce key ideas from throughout your speech and keep your message top-of-mind long after you finish speaking. By thoughtfully constructing what will be said and shown on your last slide, you will be able engage and motivate your audience while leaving a memorable impression behind as they walk away. Now that we have looked at how to write an effective final slide, let’s move onto reinforcing our main points so that our audience remembers our presentation long after it has ended.

Reinforce Your Main Points

Reiterating your key points at the end of your presentation will help to ensure your message resonates with the audience long after they leave. To do this, you need to review and discuss the main points you have laid out earlier in the presentation. This is also a great time to explain why these points are important and how they contribute to the overall objective. One way to reinforce your main points is to revisit key highlights throughout the presentation and reiterate why they should be remembered. Tying back in visuals associated with these critical points is also a great way for your audience to engage with each point one last time. Additionally, using graphics or other visual aids that reinforce your message can help stick that last impression in the minds of those watching. Your slides should be concise enough so as not to overwhelm your audience, yet still give the essence of each point you want them to remember. On the other hand, some people argue that too much summarizing during a presentation can lead to boredom and cause those listening to lose focus. Therefore it is important to ensure that you are reiterating the information in a new way or showing something new so as not to lose their attention. Additionally, it is important not to repeat yourself too much, as no one likes hearing things more than once and it helps to keep the recap brief with just enough detail that your audience can visibly see how all of the pieces fit together. By taking time to properly reinforce your main points before leaving the stage, you are helping to ensure that your presentation ends on an impactful note and leaves a lasting impression with those listening. As we move forward into our next section about including visuals for maximum effectiveness, keep in mind how powerful visuals can be when it comes creating energy and emotion within a presentation.

Include Visuals

Using visuals in your last slide is a great way to make a lasting impression on your audience. Visuals can help provide clarity to the material, help break up the text, and keep the audience engaged. Consider including visual elements such as images, icons, illustrations, charts, videos, and graphs to make your presentation memorable. Including too many visuals may detract from the impact of your message, so you should carefully select only those which are necessary. Images should be relevant to your topic and used appropriately. Graphs should be used to provide clear analysis of key data points, while videos can help edify the main takeaways of your presentation. It’s also important to keep all visuals cohesive by using colors, text size and types that flow together. Whether it’s an infographic or a video summary of your presentation, visuals should be simple and easily understandable for viewers to quickly decipher and remember what you discussed. Wrapping up your presentation with information-rich and visually stimulating materials will ensure that you have made a lasting impression on your audience. Be sure that all slide elements are professional, organized in an easy-to-follow manner and properly integrate them with any verbal commentary you plan use during the conclusion of the presentation .

Key Points to Know

The use of visuals in the last slide of a presentation is highly recommended as they can help to provide clarity, break up text and keep audiences engaged . When selecting visuals, choose those that are relevant and appropriate for the topic and be sure not to overuse them. Graphs should be used to analyse data points; videos should highlight takeaways; and all visual elements should be coordinated and professional. Finally, including information-rich visuals in the conclusion of a presentation will ensure that it has made a lasting impression on the audience.

Wrapping Up Your Presentation

Wrapping up your presentation is a vital step for leaving your audience with a lasting impression. If you want to create an effective last slide, it’s important to end on a strong note, emphasize the main points from throughout the presentation and provide an opportunity for questions. First, determine whether you should use a specific slide or not. When wrapping up a presentation, some prefer to summarize their points without showing an additional slide. Others think having one last slide as part of the conclusion can make a stronger impact on the audience. There’s no right answer – it largely depends on the type of information you need to convey. After deciding if you should present a final slide or not, come up with the content of your closing remarks. Summarize the key messages discussed during your talk and leave the audience with something memorable—like a quote or thought-provoking statement. This provides reinforcement of what you presented and encourages people to reflect on what they learned from your topic thereafter. It’s also important that during this pause , any questions that remained unanswered get clarified. Finally, be sure to thank your audience for attending and inviting you to present. Appreciating the time allotted for your session reinforces the value of both their presence and participation. At this point, if done correctly, you should have created a strong impression in your audience’s mind via an effective last slide or remarks and set the stage for creating a memorable impression afterwards. Now that you know how to wrap up your presentation effectively and leave your audience with something positive in mind, let’s pause here before continuing on to discuss how you can use visuals and content to really create an impactful memorable impression after they walk away from your session.

Create a Memorable Impression

Creating a memorable impression on your audience can be the most important part of a presentation. It’s your opportunity to leave them with something that they will remember and take away from the discussion. With the right approach, you can keep your audience engaged and interested until the very end of the presentation – even long after it’s finished if done correctly. When considering how to create a lasting impression, design and content are both important. Start by thinking about what visuals or images will make the most impact on your audience. Using tools such as graphs or pictures to support your message helps to cement the points you’ve been making throughout the presentation. Additionally, including a short quote or opinion from a well-known figure in the field can help to further convey your message in an interesting and powerful way. However there is also an argument for keeping things simple. For example, rather than overwhelming your audience with a strong image or abstract concept at the end of your presentation, you may find more success in leaving them with something easy to remember such as a performance summary statement – this could be a review of key points that were discussed combined with a few words emphasising why they should care about what they heard. This often works well in leaving a lasting impression while still avoiding overloading viewers with too much complex information at once. Ultimately, creating an effective last slide for your presentation should involve careful consideration of the design and content you use to best summarise the major points you have discussed for maximum impact on your audience. Next, we will discuss why it is important to keep this final slide brief and succinct.

Keep it Brief

When it comes to presenting a lasting impression on your audience with the final slide, brevity is key. An overly long presentation can be distracting and might dampen the desired impact you wish to create. Depending on the length of your presentation, there is usually no need for a lengthy explanation in order to bring the whole event to a strong conclusion. Instead, a concise summary will help summarize all the essential points without dragging out the presentation and overstaying its welcome. By choosing relevant visuals and brief statements which leave a vivid image in the minds of your viewers, you can both amplify any powerful emotions as well as condense an already longer message . The importance of being succinct must be balanced against the limited time available. Even if it means sacrificing some level of detail and allowing some perspective or information to remain unexplained or unsolved, retaining focus on key words or phrases will ensure that your points are not lost in lengthy details. Furthermore, there may be times when detailed conclusions are appropriate due to the nature and duration of your presentation; during such circumstances brevity should be reserved only for questions asked by audience members so that one person’s comment does not expend too much time or block any potential feedback from others in attendance. At the end of it all, it’s important to remember that shorter may be better — but not necessarily always preferable — when crafting an effective last slide for maximum retention. Ultimately, striking a balance between providing enough detail for comprehension and maintaining focus on clear phrases is ideal for creating an impactful conclusion. With this in mind, following directly onto our next topic we explore powerful endings and potential questions that can be posed during closing slides.

Thank You Slide in PPT 

Thank You slides are a popular concluding element to many PowerPoint presentations. They offer the presenter the opportunity to formally thank their audience for their attention, or use the slide as a way to reiterate one’s key points before they end the presentation. Depending on one’s objectives and audience size, Thank You slides can be effective tools or redundant and unnecessary, so it is important to consider both sides of the argument before including them in your presentation. Thanks You slides can help show that the presenter values the time and energy of their audience. A well-crafted Thanks You slide conveys appreciation for both short and long-presentations alike, and reinforces the professionalism of the presentation as a whole. Furthermore, it gives the presenter another chance to drive home any CTA’s (Call To Action) before ending their speech. Including a Thank You slide may appear redundant for short presentations if not done properly. Additionally, for larger crowds, presenting a slide with simple words of gratitude may come off as insincere or lack creativity. In general, if it appears forced or overly-generalized, it may detract from its effectiveness instead of leave a lasting impact on an audience. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and understanding one’s audience when deciding whether or not to include a Thank You slide in PPT presentations. No matter what conclusion is reached, it pays to consider all aspects of using this common tool in order to maximize its effectivity in order deliver a powerful message in every presentation .

Answers to Common Questions

Are there any specific design guidelines to follow when creating a last slide.

When creating a last slide for your presentation, there are some specific design guidelines to follow. Firstly, it should make an impact with the visuals – use bright, vibrant colors and high-quality imagery or iconography. Secondly, ensure that your call to action is clear and succinct – the audience should understand exactly what you want them to do afterward. Thirdly, make sure all necessary text is present and visible – stick to basic typography and avoid overly long sentences or paragraphs. Finally, keep your design simple – too much going on can distract from the message of the presentation. Following these guidelines will help you create an effective last slide that leaves an impressive lasting impression.

What different elements can I include in the last slide my presentation?

When creating the last slide of your presentation, it is important to include a few key elements to ensure that you make a lasting impression. The first element you should include is an attention-grabbing visual. This could be an image, a graph or chart, or a quote that relates to the content of your presentation. In addition, you should also include a succinct and memorable summary of the main points from your presentation. Make sure this summary effectively conveys the main takeaway with just a few sentences or short phrase. Finally, include a call to action for your audience – something thoughtful and meaningful for them to do after hearing your presentation. It could be a request for feedback or questions, or perhaps offering resources for further study on the topic. By carefully selecting these three elements, you will be able to craft an effective last slide of your presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

What tips can I use to create an engaging and impactful last slide?

To create an engaging and impactful last slide, there are a few key tips to take into consideration. First and foremost, try to end with a memorable message – something that will linger with your audience long after you’ve finished speaking. For example, you could include a call-to-action or a strong statement about the values and mission of your organization. This can help solidify the core message of your presentation and draw attention to how attendees should apply the information to their own lives and work. Another tip for creating an effective last slide is to use visual elements such as charts, diagrams, graphs, photos, videos or other multimedia tools. These elements add visual interest and help emphasize key points while still being easy to grasp in a short time. Use colors strategically as well; stick with hues in the same color family but mix in bold shades here and there for emphasis. Finally, make sure your closing slide is concise, organized, and free of any unnecessary text or images. Eliminate filler words like “In conclusion…” or “I hope this has been helpful…” so that nothing distracts from your main message. Leaving just enough room for appreciation gives the right impression that you’ve accomplished what you set out to do. By following these strategies and practicing them before taking your presentation live, you should be able to create an engaging and impactful last slide.

Home Blog Presentation Ideas Key Insights on How To End a Presentation Effectively

Key Insights on How To End a Presentation Effectively

Key Insights on How To End a Presentation Cover

A piece of research by   Ipsos Corporate Firm  titled “Last Impressions Also Count” argues that “our memories can be governed more by  how an experience ends than how it begins .” A lasting final impression can be critical to any presentation, especially as it makes our presentation goals more attainable. We’re covering  how to end a presentation , as it can certainly come through as an earned skill or a craft tailored with years of experience. Yet, we can also argue that performing exceptionally in a presentation is conducting the proper research. So, here’s vital information to help out with the task.

This article goes over popular presentation types; it gives suggestions, defines the benefits and examples of different speech closing approaches, and lines all this information up following each presentation purpose.

We also included references to industry leaders towards the end, hoping a few real-life examples can help you gain valuable insight. Learn from noted speakers and consultants as you resort to SlideModel’s latest presentation templates for your efforts. We’re working together on more successful presentation endings that make a difference!

Table of Content

A presentation’s end is not a recap

The benefits of ending a presentation uniquely, the power of closing in persuasive presentations, informative presentations: the kind set out to convey, call to action presentations: trigger actions or kickoff initiatives, a final word on cta presentations, real-life examples of how to end a presentation, succeeding with an effective presentation’s ending.

We need to debunk a widespread myth to start. That’s why the ending of the presentation calls for an appealing action or content beyond just restating information that the speaker already provided.

A presentation’s end is not a summary of data already given to our audience.  On the contrary, a wrap-up is a perfect time to provide meaningful and valuable facts that trigger the desired response we seek from our audience. Just as important as knowing how to start a presentation , your skills on how to end a PowerPoint presentation will make a difference in the presentation’s performance.

Effective ways to end a presentation stem from truly seeking to accomplish – and excel – at reaching a presentation’s primary objective. And what are the benefits of that?

Considering the benefits of each closing approach, think about the great satisfaction that comes from giving an excellent presentation that ends well. We all intuitively rejoice in that success, regardless of the kind of audience we face. 

That feeling of achievement, when an ending feels right, is not a minor element, and it’s the engine that should drive our best efforts forward. Going for the most recommended way of ending a presentation according to its primary goal and presentation type is one way to ensure we achieve our purpose. 

The main benefit of cleverly unlocking the secret to presentation success is getting the ball rolling on what we set ourselves to achieve . Whether that’s securing a funding round, delivering a final project, presenting a quarterly business review, or other goals; there is no possible way in which handling the best presentation-ending approaches fails to add to making a skilled presenter, improving a brand or business, or positively stirring any academic or commercial context. 

The best part of mastering these skills is the ability to benefit from all of the above time and time again; for any project, idea, or need moving forward.

How to end a PowerPoint Presentation?

PowerPoint Presentations differ by dimensions. They vary not only tied to the diverse reasons people present, but they also separate themselves from one another according to: a- use, b- context, c- industry, and d- purpose. 

How To End a Presentation By Type

We’re focusing on three different types of presentation pillars, which are: 

  • Informative
  • Calls to action

As you can guess, the speaker’s intent varies throughout these types. Yet, there’s much more to each! Let’s go over each type’s diverse options with examples. 

In 2009,   “The New Rules of Persuasion,”  a journal article published by The Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, determined that commercial persuasion was missing “the ability to think clearly about behavior goals and the mindset of starting small and growing what works.” Incorporating these thoughts is still equally valid in persuasive presentations today.

What hasn’t changed since, however, is this society’s good reminder that “the potential to persuade is in the hands of millions.” As they stated in that publication, “ordinary people sitting in dorm rooms and garages can compete against the biggest brands and the richest companies.” The proven reality behind that concept can be pretty inspiring.

According to this source, “ the first critical step in designing for persuasion is to select an appropriate target behavior. ” And, for behavior to occur, in their opinion, “three elements must converge at the same moment […]:  Motivation ,  Ability,  and  Trigger .” This theory signals a person is motivated through sensation, anticipation, or belonging when they can perform a particular action. This concept is at the backbone of setting the correct trigger to allow a group of people to react a certain way.

The above is of utmost importance as we seek to gear persuasive efforts. The more insight we get on the matter, the easier it is to define the precise actions that will effectively trigger a certainly required response – in any scenario.

Here are options on how to deliver a final punch in a persuasive presentation during different types of objectives:

Investment presentations

Whenever you seek funding,  that need  should be expressly clear during a pitch. Investors need to know what’s in it for them on a given investment. Highlight what interests them, and add what the  return for the investor  is. Mention dividends, equity, or the return method selected, for instance. Your final ask slide should show the exact amount you’re looking for during this funding stage.

How To End an Investors Presentation

Throughout, explain what an investor’s return on investment (ROI) will be. And make sure you do so according to provable calculations. Here, the goal is to display current figures and future opportunities in your speech.

You mustn’t make up this data. In this setting, presenters are naturally assessed by their ability to stay within real options fully supported by proven and concise reliable information.

Focus on showing an ability to execute and accomplish expected growth. Also, be precise on how you’re using any trusted funds . For that, mention where they’ll be allocated and how you foresee revenue after investing the funds in your idea, product, or company.

Pitch Presentations

Pitches are also another form of persuasive presentation. Presenters are expected to wow in new ways with them, be engaging in their approach, and deliver valuable, market-impacting data. When someone delivers a pitch, it seeks a particular kind of action in return from the audience. Being fully engaged towards a presentation’s end is crucial.

Make sure you give the presentation’s end a Call to Action slide in sales. You’re certainly looking to maximize conversion rates here. Bluntly invite your audience to purchase the product or service you’re selling, and doing so is fair in this context. For example, you can add a QR code or even include an old-fashioned Contact Us button. To generate the QR code, you can use a QR code generator .

How To End a Pitch Presentation - Example of QR Code generated for a PowerPoint Slide

According to  Sage Publishing , there are “four types of informative speeches[, which] are definition speeches, demonstration speeches, explanatory speeches, and descriptive speeches.” In business, descriptive speeches are the most common. When we transport these more specifically to the art of presenting, we can think of project presentations, quarterly business reviews, and product launches. In education, the definition and demonstration speeches are the norm, we can think in lectures and research presentations respectively.

As their name suggests, these presentations are meant to inform our audiences of specific content. Or, as  SAGE Flex for Public Speaking  puts it in a document about these kinds of speeches, “the speaker’s general goal is always to inform—or teach—the audience by offering interesting information about a topic in a way that helps the audience remember what they’ve heard.” Remember that as much as possible, you’re looking to, in Sage’s words, give out “information about a topic in a way that’s easy to understand and memorable.” Let’s see how we manage that in the most common informative presentation scenarios mentioned above.

Project Presentations

For projects, presentations should end with an action plan . Ensure the project can keep moving forward after the presentation. The best with these conclusion slides is to define who is responsible for which tasks and the expected date of completion. Aim to do so clearly, so that there are no remaining doubts about stakeholders and duties when the presentation ends. In other words, seek commitment from the team, before stepping out of these meetings. It should be clear to your audience what’s expected next of them.

How To End a Project Presentation

As an addition, sum up, your problem, solution, and benefits of this project as part of your final message.

Quarterly Business Review Presentations (QBR)

By the end of the presentation type, you would’ve naturally gone over everything that happened during a specific quarter. Therefore, make sure you end this quarterly review with clear objectives on what’s to come for the following term. Be specific on what’s to come.

In doing so, set figures you hope to reach. Give out numbers and be precise in this practice. Having a clear action plan to address new or continuing goals is crucial in this aspect for a recent quarter’s start out of your QBR. Otherwise, we’re missing out on a true QBR’s purpose. According to  Gainsight , “If you go into a QBR without a concrete set of goals and a pathway to achieve them, you’ll only waste everyone’s time. You won’t improve the value of your product or services for your customers. You won’t bolster your company’s image in the eyes of key stakeholders and decision-makers. You won’t better understand your client’s business objectives.” As they put it, “Lock in solid goals for the next quarter (or until your next QBR)” and secure your way forward as the last step in presenting these kinds of data. Visit our guide on  How to Write an Effective Quarterly Business Review  for further tips on this type of presentation.

How To End A Quarterly Business Review Presentation

Research presentations

Your research has come this far! It’s time to close it off with an executive summary.

Include the hypothesis, thesis, and conclusion towards the presentation’s end.

How do you get the audience to recall the main points of all this work? Let this guiding question answer what to insert in your final slide, but seek to reinforce your main findings, key concepts, or valuable insight as much as possible. Support your statements where necessary.

How To End a Research Presentation

Most commonly, researchers end with credits to the collaborating teams. Consider your main messages for the audience to take home. And tie those with the hypothesis as much as possible.

Product Launch Presentation

Quite simply, please take out the product launch’s roadmap and make it visible for your presentation’s end in this case.

It’s ideal for product launch presentations to stir conversations that get a product moving. Please don’t stick to showcasing the product, but build a narrative around it.

How To End a Product Launch Presentation

Steve Jobs’ example at the bottom might help guide you with ideas on how to go around this. A key factor is how Apple presentations were based on a precise mix of cutting-edge, revolutionary means of working with technology advancements and a simple human touch.

Elon Musk’s principles are similar. People’s ambitions and dreams are a natural part of that final invitation for consumers or viewers to take action. What will get your audience talking? Seek to make them react.

Lecture for specific classes / educational presentation

When it comes to academic settings, it’s helpful to summarize key points of a presentation while leaving room for questions and answers.

If you’re facing a periodic encounter in a class environment, let students know what’s coming for the next term. For instance, you could title that section “What’s coming next class,” or be creative about how you call for your student body’s attention every time you go over pending items.

If you need to leave homework, list what tasks need to be completed by the audience for the next class.

How To End An Educational Presentation

Another option is to jot down the main learnings from this session or inspire students to come back for the following class with a list of exciting topics. There’s more room for play in this setting than in the others we’ve described thus far.

Harvard Business Review  (HBR) concisely describes the need at the end of a call to action presentation. HBR’s direct piece of advice is that you should “use the last few moments of your presentation to clarify what action [an audience] can take to show their support.” And what’s key to HBR is that you “Also mention your timeframe” as, for them, “a deadline can help to urge [the audience] into action.” Having a clear view of specific timelines is always fruitful for a better grasp of action items.

In her book Resonate,  Nancy Duarte  explains that “No matter how engaging your presentation may be, no audience will act unless you describe a reward that makes it worthwhile. You must clearly articulate the ultimate gain for the audience […] If your call to action asks them to sacrifice their time, money, or ideals, you must be very clear about the payoff.”

Business plan presentations

Here, we need to speak of two different presentation types, one is a  traditional approach , and the second is what we call a  lean approach .

For the traditional business plan presentation, display each internal area call to action. Think of Marketing, Operations, HR, and even budgets as you do so. Your PowerPoint end slide should include the rewards for each of the areas. For example, which will benefit each area when achieving the targets, or how will the company reward its employees when attaining specific goals? Communicating the reward will help each of the responsible entities to trigger action.

On the other hand, for your lean business plan, consider a business model canvas to bring your presentation to an end. 

Job interview presentations

You can undoubtedly feel tons of pressure asking for a specific position. For a great chance of getting that new job, consider closing your case with a  30 60 90 day plan  as a particular hiring date. The employer will see its reward in each of the 30-day milestones.

Also, show off what you’ll bring to the role and how you’ll benefit the company in that period, specifically. Again, to a certain extent, we’re seeking to impress by being offered a position. Your differentiator can help as a wrap-up statement in this case.

Business Model Presentation

The pivot business model fits perfectly here for a presentation’s grand finale. The reward is simple; the business validated a hypothesis, and a new approach has been defined.

Though the setting can be stressful around business model presentations, you can see this as simply letting executives know what the following line of steps will need to be for the business model to be scalable and viable. Take some tension off this purpose by focusing on actions needed moving forward.

How To End A Business Model Presentation

Your call to action will center around a clear business model canvas pivot here.

We need to work hard at ending presentations with clear and concise calls to action (CTA) and dare be creative as we’re doing so! Suppose you can manage to give out a specific CTA in a way that’s imaginative, appealing, and even innovative. In that case, you’ll be showing off priceless and unique creative skills that get people talking for years!

Think of  Bill Gates’ releasing mosquitoes  in a TED Talk on malaria, for example. He went that far to get his CTA across. Maybe that’s a bit too bold, but there’s also no limit!

Now that we can rely on a broader understanding of how to conclude a presentation successfully, we’ll top this summary off with real-life examples of great endings to famous speakers’ presentations. These people have done a stellar job at ending their presentations in every case.

We’re also going back to our three main pillars to focus on a practical example for each. You’ll find an excellent example for an informative speech, a persuasive pitch, and a successful investor pitch deck. We’re also expanding on the last item for a guiding idea on ending a pitch directly from Reid Hoffman.

Informational Presentation: A product launch of a phone reinvention

The first is what’s been titled “the best product launch ever.” We’re going back to the  iconic Steve Jobs’ iPhone launch  dated more than a decade ago. You can see how to end a presentation with a quote in this example effectively. The quote resonates with the whole presentation purpose, which was not “selling” the iPhone as a “hardware phone” but as the “hardware” platform for “great software.” Closing with a quote from a famous personality that summarizes the idea was a clever move.

Little words are needed to introduce Steve Jobs as a great speaker who effectively moved the business forward every time he went up on a stage to present a new product. No one has ever been so revolutionary with a calm business spirit that has changed the world! 

Persuasive Presentation: The best pitch deck ever

We’re giving you the perfect example of a great pitch deck for a persuasive kind of presentation. 

Here’s  TechCrunch’s gallery on Uber’s first pitch deck . 

As you can see, the last slide doesn’t just report the status to date on their services; it also accounts for the  following steps moving forward  with a precise date scheduled. 

Check the deck out for a clearer idea of wrapping up a persuasive business presentation. 

Call to Action Presentation: LinkedIn’s Series B pitch deck by Reid Hoffman

As mentioned before,  here’s  an expanded final sendoff! Reid Hoffman is an established entrepreneur. As a venture capitalist and author, he’s earned quite a remarkable record in his career, acting as co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn. 

We’re highlighting LinkedIn’s series B pitch deck to Greylock Partners mainly because these slides managed to raise a $10 M funding round. Yet, moreover, we’re doing so because this deck is known to be well-rounded and overall highly successful. 

LinkedIn may be famous now for what it does, but back in 2004, when this deck made a difference, the company wasn’t a leader in a market with lots of attention. As Reid highlights on his website, they had no substantial organic growth or revenue. Yet, they still managed to raise a considerable amount. 

In Reid’s words for his last slide, “The reason we reused this slide from the beginning of the presentation was to indicate the end of presentation while returning to the high line of conceptualizing the business and reminding investors of the value proposition.” In his vision, “You should end on a slide that you want people to be paying attention to,” which he has tied with the recommendation that you “close with your investment thesis,” as well. A final note from him on this last slide of LinkedIn’s winning pitch is that “the end is when you should return to the most fundamental topic to discuss with your investors.” Quite a wrap-up from a stellar VC! Follow the linked site above to read more on the rest of his ending slides if you haven’t ever done so already.

The suggestions above are practical and proven ways to end a presentation effectively. Yet, remember, the real secret is knowing your audience so well you’ll learn how to grasp their attention for your production in the first place.

Focus on the bigger picture and add content to your conclusion slide that’s cohesive to your entire presentation. And then aim to make a lasting final impression that will secure what you need. There is a myriad of ways to achieve that and seek the perfect-suiting one.

Also, be bold if the area calls for it. As you see above, there is no shame, but an actual need to state the precise funding amount you need to make it through a specific stage of funding. Exercise whatever tools you have at your disposal to get the required attention.

Also, being sure about whatever decision you make will only make this an easier road to travel. If your head is transparent about what’s needed, you’ll be more confident to make a convincing case that points your audience in the right direction.

Check out our step-by-step guide on how to make a presentation .

ppt presentation last page

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8 Ways to End a Powerpoint Presentation

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When ending a PowerPoint presentation, you need to know that your audience will remember your last statement more than any other part of your presentation. This means that you need to make it count and be sure that it’s memorable. This is why having a strong “call-to-action” at the end is crucial.

Below are some ideas about how to end your PowerPoint presentation in order to leave your audience with something that they will remember. I hope these will be helpful for you to get your point across! Let’s get started.

1. Ask an insightful question.

2. give a memorable analogy., 3. ask for advice/help., 4. summarize the key points., 5. close with a quote from a famous person or an expert., 6. provide a takeaway message., 7. praise and thank the audience., 8. end with a call to action..

An insightful question is a very popular way to end your PowerPoint presentation because it provides the audience with food for thought and will help them remember your speech better than anything else. By asking an insightful question, you will be able to leave them thinking about the issue for a while.

You can also use your questions to get feedback from others on their opinions and ideas. This is especially useful if they do not agree with yours or have different views than you do.

An analogy can help people understand your point of view and leave them thinking about it for a while, even after you end your presentation. When choosing an analogy, keep in mind that two things need to be the same (i.e., both must have something in common or one might go with the other), but they also need to be different in some way.

You can use this as a way to explain your point of view on the subject and show how it relates to theirs. This is also helpful if there is a gap between your ideas and theirs. For example, suppose you’re trying to make them understand the importance of social media for business, and they don’t see this. In that case, you can use an analogy such as – Building a brand on social media is the same as building a house. It would be best if you had a solid foundation for them to work.

You can end your presentation by asking the audience for their input on fixing an issue or what you should do next because it will make them feel like part of your presentation and leave them wanting more. After all, they are involved in your speech. This way, you continue the discussion well after the presentation is over.

It is also helpful because you are trying to solve a problem or deal with an issue that your audience may be having as well. This, in turn, helps them see that you are trying to help them out and will make them more likely to trust you. Asking for help can be especially helpful if you need to gain their trust and validation because it will help you persuade them more easily.

Creating a list of the most important points in your speech and reading it out loud will improve audience retention because you just condensed all of the key parts into one segment. This also works well if you have mentioned things that may be helpful to re-emphasize such information related to safety or instructions. Also, providing the next steps or follow-up suggestions based on what was discussed during the presentation can be an excellent way to end the presentation on time and let your audience know what you plan to do next.

Summing up your presentation can also be helpful because it allows you to make sure that all of the key points and points of discussion are analyzed and considered. This way, your audience will see your presentation as complete and thoughtful, making them more likely to agree with what you’re saying.

Popular quotes from famous people are excellent closing statements because they leave the audience with something memorable, especially if you finish off by saying who the quote is from and how it ties into your presentation. You can also use an expert to end your PowerPoint presentation because it will give people a sense of authority and expertise to the things that you have said.

A quote also works well because it ties everything together and makes sense of all the information that you have given throughout your presentation. It will leave people thinking about what they heard and will make them think about or research what was said more in-depth in their own time.

The best way to end your speech is by giving them something they can take away, such as a checklist for self-improvement, an important life lesson, or information that they can use later on. This will not only help them remember your closing statement but also what you said earlier in your speech.

Checklists are especially practical because it makes your speech more helpful and meaningful. It will make people feel like they have got something out of the presentation, which might make them go away feeling happy with what you said. A checklist also implies that you don’t expect them to remember everything immediately, but they will start to remember the main points over time.

You can also finish with a good compliment for your audience. This will leave them feeling more satisfied, and they will be grateful to you for it. Thanking the audience is vital because it shows that you acknowledge them and respect what they have to say. It also shows the audience that you care about them and their opinions. It can also be an excellent way to end the presentation on a light-hearted note so they will have a better idea of how much you care about what you’re talking about.

Thanking those who helped you prepare also shows the audience how much time and effort was put into making sure that your PowerPoint presentation went as smoothly as possible. It tells them that you care about your topic and the people who have come to listen. It can also be a good way to let them know how much you appreciate their interest in the presentation and what they have come for.

A call to action step is just as important as the beginning, so end on time by telling your audience what they should do next. This will also help them with tasks that need to be completed later on. The last thing that you want to happen is people leaving the presentation and forgetting to act on what they’ve just learned.

Of course, you don’t want to sound presumptuous, so instead of telling them what they should do next, ask a question that leaves the answer up to them. This way, it is their choice whether or not they follow through on your suggestions, and it will help motivate them because you have left the ball in their court.

In conclusion, the key to a successful PowerPoint presentation is to keep your audience engaged. It’s important to take time to prepare your material, use humor, and share what you’ve learned with the world so they can learn too.

As previously stated, people will remember the last statement that you make in your presentation more than any other quote or fact that you provide them with. This means that it is also essential to end on a good note and leave them with a final statement that will help them remember everything.

The main objective when ending your presentation is to give people enough information so that they will remember you and what you talked about, but not so much that it overpowers any other speaking points in the presentation.

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How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

How To End A Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression (9 Techniques)

This blog provides creative ideas on how to end a presentation with a punch. Studies show that when people try recalling information, they usually recall the beginning and the end. Therefore, you must leave an impact on the audience with a strong closing statement. A weak ending can leave the audience unenthused and uninspired, they may even forget your message within a few hours. But a strong ending motivates and empowers. It encourages people to take action.

So how to end a presentation well? Here are a few techniques you can try – 

End your presentation on time

Close with a clear cut ending

Conclude your speech with a story

Come full circle at the end of your presentation

Use the title close technique

…Always a high note, always the high road

A sound bite

A quick presentation recap

End with a strong visual image

Sounds like a no brainer? You will be surprised how many people struggle with this seemingly basic idea. At the root of it lies a tendency to cram too much content and then hurrying through to the end, often straying beyond the allotted time slot.

Being on time communicates to the audience that you respect their time and also leaves an impression about you being organized and well planned.

Some tactical tips

Remember, the ending time of the professional presentation includes any Q&A and discussion time so the audience has the space for interactivity.

You should state at the beginning of the meeting your intention to end on time and ask for audience cooperation. This includes agreeing to put side topics/conversations into a parking lot; recognizing when the deviations from the core topic take place, etc.

In the end, when you do successfully end on time, be sure to remind the audience of the fact that you ended on time and thank them for their cooperation.

It is indeed a weird moment when the audience is unsure whether you have ended the presentation and transitioned into a general drift of conversations or worse, an awkward silence. Be sure to include a definitive statement to let the audience know that your presentation has arrived at its final destination. This can be a clear cut, ‘thank you!’,’ With this, my presentation comes to a close’, a wave, a bow, but let it be a clear-cut indication that this is the end and the audience is free to leave the discussion.

Storytelling is often underutilized as a tool to leave an impact towards the end of PowerPoint presentations . While there is a lot of literature out there on the art of storytelling (See our own post here), clever use of stories to conclude the presentation can powerfully and in emotional ways reinforce your core messages and make these memorable.

Towards the end, you do want the story to be relatively brief and can start with a statement like “Let me end my presentation on a personal note….”

Give the audience a sense of closure by referencing your opening message at the end. It gives the audience a feeling of coherence and consistency.

You will need to plan for this ahead of time though. Some tips and ideas:

  • Pose a question which you answer at the end
  • Tell a story in the beginning but leave it unfinished until the end
  • Repeat the first slide, this work especially well with powerful images or quotes
  • Reference a comment, someone, in the audience made and connect it to the closure

Some presenters bring back the title slide to close their presentation. It is a subtle yet effective technique to keep the audience grounded and connected to the core topic and the content

This creates a sense of bookend to your entire presentation and can be used to bring your audience full circle as referenced above.

Your presentation is a great platform to uplift the spirits of the audience. While some topics easily lend themselves to positive messages, there is always light at the end of the tunnel even if you are delivering bad news

There is almost never a situation when you cannot inspire people. And you must never leave an opportunity to. There are many ways this can be achieved

  • Use vibrant, visual language
  • Appeal to the broader sensibilities of the audience
  • Think long term, not immediate fall outs
  • Most of all stay optimistic, positive, and energetic

A sound bite is like a slogan, a catch-phrase that attracts attention. It challenges you to condense your presentation into a pithy phrase?

If you can find a core message of your business presentation that is catchy and short, you can expect the audience to have a higher recall of your presentation. Some examples, inspired by famous quotes.

  • Stay hungry but stay balanced
  • With this project, we didn’t fail, we just found 35 ways that don’t work
  • 100% of the shots you don’t take don’t succeed

One common approach that never fails to impress is the “tell them” method.

It goes like this:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell them what you just told them

Studies state that people only absorb 30% of what you say. So this seeming repetition helps. But the real reason this method has stayed in vogue is that it plays on our innate need to see the information multiple times to understand patterns and start to believe in it

One pitfall to avoid here is to avoid staleness by saying boring phrases such as “In conclusion” or “To sum up”

Instead, spur the audience with phrases like “Where is this all leading?” or “What does this all mean?”

A picture is worth knowing how many words. This adage is equally true when you are making a presentation.

Find an image that evokes the emotion that characterizes your presentation and the feeling you would like to leave the audience with. This can be a humorous, inspirational, or descriptive image that caps up/sums up your message. For example, in a message to the executives, a brand manager in a pharma company very effectively used the image of a child’s facial expression in vivid detail post receiving the painful therapy that the brand was trying to replace.

Here are a few slides examples of how to end a presentation effectively:

How to End a Presentation

Thank You Slide

View Thank you Slide 

Explore our extensive library of Thank You Slides to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Lessons Learnt Template

Lessons Learnt Template

View Lessons Learnt Template 

How to End a Presentation

Questions Template

View Questions Template 

Explore our Questions Slides to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Quotes template - How to End a Presentation

Quotes Template

View Quotes Template

Quotes template - How to End a Presentation

Explore our Quotes Slides  to get creative ideas on how to end a presentation.

Now you don’t have to scour the web to find out the right templates. Download our PowerPoint Templates from within PowerPoint. See how ?

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Presentation Guru

Presentation Guru

Rethinking final slides.

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All good things must come to an end, but how? As your presentation draws to a close, how should you wrap it all up so that you end with a bang, and not a fizzle?  In John’s earlier post, Rethinking Title Slides , he considered the options available when opening your presentation. Now he turns his attention to the ending.

In a previous post, I offered a few ways to think differently about the title slide in your PowerPoint presentations. Contrary to what many people think, a title slide is not always necessary. And, if you have one, there is no rule that says that it has to be the first slide that you show.

Well, if we have looked at the title slide, it only seems right that we look at final slides as well.

Thanks but No Thanks!

Perhaps the most common final slide that you see is the one that thanks the audience. Here are some of the standard variations:

example of final thank you slide in presentation

You get the idea. And they are all bad options.

Many clients are genuinely surprised when I tell them never to use a “Thank you” slide again. But there are two solid reasons for not doing so.

First, in many cases, you should not thank your audience. Imagine Martin Luther King as he brought his inimitable I Have a Dream speech to close. Imagine if he had added a “Thank you” to the ending:

“And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! Thank you very much!”

Something powerful, something fundamental would have been lost. “Thank God Almighty” that King was smarter than that. He knew that leaving the audience with rousing oratory to inspire them was the only way to end that speech.

In situations where you are presenting your vision to the company, or exhorting your audience to take some kind of action, dispensing with “Thank you” is the best option. Instead, leave them with something that sticks long after they have left the auditorium. Some hypothetical examples are below:

And I know, that if we work together, we will succeed!

You know what you have to do. Now, go out there and do it!

The journey will be long and the journey will be hard, but there is no turning back. I am confident we will reach our destination.

Second, if you would like to thank your audience and it is appropriate to do so, is having a slide that says “Thank you”, which you typed out two days (or two hours) before really the best way? Of course not!

If you want to thank your audience, look them in the eye and thank them from the heart, not the screen. They will appreciate the connection and your thanks will be much more authentic and therefore much more meaningful.

Without Question

Another bad slide on which to end is the following:

Questions slide at end of presentation

Does your audience need a slide to know that you are moving to a Q&A session? Of course not. If you want to have a Q&A session, have a black slide and then open the floor up for questions.

As an aside, I believe that, when speakers have control over the situation, they should not end with a Q&A. Why not? Because you never know whether the questions are going to be on point or interest only to a few people. There is a risk that many people in the audience will reach for their smartphones and that is how your presentation will end: with a fizzle, not a bang.

So I always recommend that speakers cover everything they want to cover and then announce that they will take questions for however many minutes they like before they conclude. That way, the speaker controls the conclusion.

6 Good Closing Slides

So, if slides like “Thank you” and “Questions?” and, worst of all, “Thank you! Questions?” are out, what should you have for a final slide?

There is no hard and fast rule, and the final slide that you choose will depend on things like the audience and your message. But here are some good options:

1) A powerful image

Use an image that relates to your talk and that captures the feeling or message that you are trying to convey.

2) A summary of your key points

You can use a subtle animation such as “Fade” (PowerPoint) or “Dissolve” (Keynote) to bring your points in one by one, emphasizing each as you go.

3) A call to action

Inspire your audience and move them to action.

For example, let’s imagine that a company has been having trouble invoicing its customers on time. The problem has been traced to a lack of communication between the sales team and the accounting department. A final slide for such a presentation could list what is expected from Sales, what is expected from Accounting and what is expected from both.

Use a quote that relates to your message, perhaps with an image of the person who first said it. This slide could be doubly powerful if you opened the presentation with the quote (not using a slide) and then returned to it at the end of the presentation to reinforce the idea.

5) Your contact details

This is especially useful when speaking to large audiences whom you do not know. But keep the information simple and easy to write down. An email, a phone number and a website address are good options, individually or in combination.

6) A black slide

Yes, a black slide can be a good option, for example if you want to end your presentation with a powerful story. By turning the screen black, you refocus the audience’s attention on you. Never forget that the slides are not the presentation; the speaker is the presentation and the slides are there to support the speaker.

As I mentioned in my previous post, psychologists frequently talk about the learning principles of primacy and recency . People tend to remember the first thing they hear or see and the last thing they hear or see.

So don’t waste your final slide on something as banal as “Thank you” or “Questions?”. You can do much better than that. Your presentation will have a polished ending and your audience will appreciate it.

If you have any thoughts on this subject or think I’ve missed any good final slide ideas, please feel free to share them with us in the Comment section below.

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rohit aggarwal

15th April 2019 at 8:42 am

thanks for the information

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23rd April 2019 at 10:42 am

Thank you, Rohit. Glad you found it helpful.

' data-src=

10th November 2023 at 8:54 am

Such an insightful read! The final slide often lingers the longest in our audience’s memory—it’s where we leave a lasting impression. Rethinking this crucial part of the presentation might just be the key to leaving a more impactful message.

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What goes on the last slide?

November 21, 2009 by Ellen Finkelstein 7 Comments

A subscriber wrote me, “I have a question to which I have received as many answers as people I have asked: What content goes on the last slide? Do I end with ‘Thank You!,’ ‘Questions/Comments?,’ or “The End?’  No one can say for sure.”

It’s a good question, and I realize that I’ve also been guilty of lame last slides. For example, I recently did a webinar and put, “Thanks!” on the last slide. Of course, I summed up the webinar at that time, but I could have done better. For my webinars, I often have a special offer and link to a page on my site where attendees can get the special offer. I put that on the last slide. Not such a great last impression, either.

Here’s my answer: The last slide should contain your key takeaway and should be uplifting and motivating. Here’s one last slide I once used for a presentation on backgrounds for non-designers. It’s uplifting, but doesn’t have much content. Nevertheless, it’s better than “Questions?” or “Thanks!”

Here’s another, and I think it’s a little bit better. It was a session I gave to a university accounting class.

It really sums up the takeaway I wanted the students to have. You can easily gather the entire topic of the presentation from this one statement.

I almost always use a Questions slide. Usually, I just put a big question mark on the slide. But that’s never the last slide. I recommend always summarizing your talk after the Q&A period, to focus the audience again on your message. This will help them remember what you said and let you end on an up note. It’s fine to put your logo on the last slide, especially if you’re selling something. But you still want that takeaway message. Perhaps something like, “We’re here to help you achieve great customer service.”

So, I would suggest the follow order for ending slides:

  • Last content slide
  • Q&A slide
  • Special offers, if any, or other necessary details
  • Uplifting takeaway

What last slides have worked for you?

Related posts:

  • Create slides from audience input
  • Choose titles for a summary slide
  • Using a Summary Slide for a Question & Answer Session
  • Base content on your audience

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You’ve discussed an important question here. I subscribe to your idea of putting the gist of what you have covered in the presentation on the last slide. However, it need not be just typing out the same stuff again. While giving a talk to motivate a group of sales guys to change their point of view, I had put a nice image of a glass half full. And I ended my presentation by asking what it was. I know its a cliche but it worked. Because it was relevant. Some said ‘half full’ and some said ‘half empty’. I then …  Read more »


Vivek, I agree that the last slide will depend on your content, and the idea of bringing to a full circle a concept you used at the beginning is very valuable. I’ve never heard of someone doing a presentation with slides to one’s boos for an annual review!

Judie Knoerle

I believe in the concept of tying the opening to the close. If you opened with a challenge, close with something connected to the challenge on the last slide. If the opening was an applicable quote, close with another quote that speaks to the content. Audiences feel a sense of closure and recognize that you put extra thought into the presentation.


I recommend using the first slide, as this will remind the audience of the topic of the presentation, your name and hopefully help them stay relevant with their questions.


[…] my earlier post, “What goes on the last slide?” for a related […]

Natalie Consuela

Thanks! I put the last title of our slide as “Questions/Comments” and then listed our contact information.


I have always found my audience doesn’t realise that I have finished and there is an awkward few seconds before the Applause starts, found a fantastic ending now thank you for your help.


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What is the best last slide for a presentation

What should be the last slide of your presentation depends on your motivation for making the presentation. A good last slide of any ppt will give the reader the next step they can take to act on what they have learned.

This can be to read further material, try a product, connect on social media, or sign up for an event. You should avoid using a simple thank you slide that expresses your sentiment rather than capitulating on that of the readers’.

What to say on the last page of a presentation?

Your PowerPoint last slide should express a clear call to action (CTA). This is a statement that answers the question “what’s in it for the readers?” and explains exactly what they should do to reap the benefits.

A good CTA should be easy to understand and easy to act on. The time span from action to getting the benefit should be as short as possible (preferably immediate), and this should be clear from the way you word your CTA.

How to make your last presentation slide funny?

Making your last slide of the presentation funny is no easy task. First, you have to know your audience intimately and know what they would consider funny and what they would consider offensive. Then you would have to make sure you are making a joke that your entire audience will understand. The best and safest funny endings are a wink at your own short comings.

What is the last slide of the presentation?

The last and final slide of a presentation is commonly used for saying thank you to express gratitude for the reader or listener (having given their precious time). But this is a common mistake. The last slide of your presentation serves you and your audience best as a launching pad for action . The final slide should explicitly tell your audience how they can make use of what they’ve learned. This, of course, depends on the goal and content of your presentation.

Types of final slides of presentation

  • Thank you slide (don't just say thank you)
  • Quotes slide (finish with an inspiring quote)
  • Contact slide (email, website, social media)
  • Next step slide (lead the reader to the next step down the buyer journey)
  • Calendar slide (for scheduling a meeting)
  • Call to action slide (an immediate action the reader can take to build a relationship with you or your business)
  • Further reading slide (Good for white papers and case studies )
  • Signup slide (good for any sales presentation and product one-pagers )
  • Sign document slide (good for proposals and RFPs)
  • Subscribe slide (newsletter, e-magazine, or e-learning)
  • Donate slide (good for NGOs and political campaigns)
  • Pricing slide (good for proposals, RFPs, SaaS decks , and big-ticket items)
  • Benefits slide (reiterate the main benefits of what the presentation described)
  • FAQ slide (the equivalent of a Q&A in a speech presentation for text presentatio ns)

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How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

August 3, 2018 - Dom Barnard

For many people the thought of delivering a presentation is a daunting task and brings about a  great deal of nerves . However, if you take some time to understand how effective presentations are structured and then apply this structure to your own presentation, you’ll appear much more confident and relaxed.

Here is our complete guide for structuring your presentation, with examples at the end of the article to demonstrate these points.

Why is structuring a presentation so important?

If you’ve ever sat through a great presentation, you’ll have left feeling either inspired or informed on a given topic. This isn’t because the speaker was the most knowledgeable or motivating person in the world. Instead, it’s because they know how to structure presentations – they have crafted their message in a logical and simple way that has allowed the audience can keep up with them and take away key messages.

Research has supported this, with studies showing that audiences retain structured information  40% more accurately  than unstructured information.

In fact, not only is structuring a presentation important for the benefit of the audience’s understanding, it’s also important for you as the speaker. A good structure helps you remain calm, stay on topic, and avoid any awkward silences.

What will affect your presentation structure?

Generally speaking, there is a natural flow that any decent presentation will follow which we will go into shortly. However, you should be aware that all presentation structures will be different in their own unique way and this will be due to a number of factors, including:

  • Whether you need to deliver any demonstrations
  • How  knowledgeable the audience  already is on the given subject
  • How much interaction you want from the audience
  • Any time constraints there are for your talk
  • What setting you are in
  • Your ability to use any kinds of visual assistance

Before choosing the presentation’s structure answer these questions first:

  • What is your presentation’s aim?
  • Who are the audience?
  • What are the main points your audience should remember afterwards?

When reading the points below, think critically about what things may cause your presentation structure to be slightly different. You can add in certain elements and add more focus to certain moments if that works better for your speech.

Good presentation structure is important for a presentation

What is the typical presentation structure?

This is the usual flow of a presentation, which covers all the vital sections and is a good starting point for yours. It allows your audience to easily follow along and sets out a solid structure you can add your content to.

1. Greet the audience and introduce yourself

Before you start delivering your talk, introduce yourself to the audience and clarify who you are and your relevant expertise. This does not need to be long or incredibly detailed, but will help build an immediate relationship between you and the audience. It gives you the chance to briefly clarify your expertise and why you are worth listening to. This will help establish your ethos so the audience will trust you more and think you’re credible.

Read our tips on  How to Start a Presentation Effectively

2. Introduction

In the introduction you need to explain the subject and purpose of your presentation whilst gaining the audience’s interest and confidence. It’s sometimes helpful to think of your introduction as funnel-shaped to help filter down your topic:

  • Introduce your general topic
  • Explain your topic area
  • State the issues/challenges in this area you will be exploring
  • State your presentation’s purpose – this is the basis of your presentation so ensure that you provide a statement explaining how the topic will be treated, for example, “I will argue that…” or maybe you will “compare”, “analyse”, “evaluate”, “describe” etc.
  • Provide a statement of what you’re hoping the outcome of the presentation will be, for example, “I’m hoping this will be provide you with…”
  • Show a preview of the organisation of your presentation

In this section also explain:

  • The length of the talk.
  • Signal whether you want audience interaction – some presenters prefer the audience to ask questions throughout whereas others allocate a specific section for this.
  • If it applies, inform the audience whether to take notes or whether you will be providing handouts.

The way you structure your introduction can depend on the amount of time you have been given to present: a  sales pitch  may consist of a quick presentation so you may begin with your conclusion and then provide the evidence. Conversely, a speaker presenting their idea for change in the world would be better suited to start with the evidence and then conclude what this means for the audience.

Keep in mind that the main aim of the introduction is to grab the audience’s attention and connect with them.

3. The main body of your talk

The main body of your talk needs to meet the promises you made in the introduction. Depending on the nature of your presentation, clearly segment the different topics you will be discussing, and then work your way through them one at a time – it’s important for everything to be organised logically for the audience to fully understand. There are many different ways to organise your main points, such as, by priority, theme, chronologically etc.

  • Main points should be addressed one by one with supporting evidence and examples.
  • Before moving on to the next point you should provide a mini-summary.
  • Links should be clearly stated between ideas and you must make it clear when you’re moving onto the next point.
  • Allow time for people to take relevant notes and stick to the topics you have prepared beforehand rather than straying too far off topic.

When planning your presentation write a list of main points you want to make and ask yourself “What I am telling the audience? What should they understand from this?” refining your answers this way will help you produce clear messages.

4. Conclusion

In presentations the conclusion is frequently underdeveloped and lacks purpose which is a shame as it’s the best place to reinforce your messages. Typically, your presentation has a specific goal – that could be to convert a number of the audience members into customers, lead to a certain number of enquiries to make people knowledgeable on specific key points, or to motivate them towards a shared goal.

Regardless of what that goal is, be sure to summarise your main points and their implications. This clarifies the overall purpose of your talk and reinforces your reason for being there.

Follow these steps:

  • Signal that it’s nearly the end of your presentation, for example, “As we wrap up/as we wind down the talk…”
  • Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation – “In this speech I wanted to compare…”
  • Summarise the main points, including their implications and conclusions
  • Indicate what is next/a call to action/a thought-provoking takeaway
  • Move on to the last section

5. Thank the audience and invite questions

Conclude your talk by thanking the audience for their time and invite them to  ask any questions  they may have. As mentioned earlier, personal circumstances will affect the structure of your presentation.

Many presenters prefer to make the Q&A session the key part of their talk and try to speed through the main body of the presentation. This is totally fine, but it is still best to focus on delivering some sort of initial presentation to set the tone and topics for discussion in the Q&A.

Questions being asked after a presentation

Other common presentation structures

The above was a description of a basic presentation, here are some more specific presentation layouts:


Use the demonstration structure when you have something useful to show. This is usually used when you want to show how a product works. Steve Jobs frequently used this technique in his presentations.

  • Explain why the product is valuable.
  • Describe why the product is necessary.
  • Explain what problems it can solve for the audience.
  • Demonstrate the product  to support what you’ve been saying.
  • Make suggestions of other things it can do to make the audience curious.


This structure is particularly useful in persuading the audience.

  • Briefly frame the issue.
  • Go into the issue in detail showing why it ‘s such a problem. Use logos and pathos for this – the logical and emotional appeals.
  • Provide the solution and explain why this would also help the audience.
  • Call to action – something you want the audience to do which is straightforward and pertinent to the solution.


As well as incorporating  stories in your presentation , you can organise your whole presentation as a story. There are lots of different type of story structures you can use – a popular choice is the monomyth – the hero’s journey. In a monomyth, a hero goes on a difficult journey or takes on a challenge – they move from the familiar into the unknown. After facing obstacles and ultimately succeeding the hero returns home, transformed and with newfound wisdom.

Storytelling for Business Success  webinar , where well-know storyteller Javier Bernad shares strategies for crafting compelling narratives.

Another popular choice for using a story to structure your presentation is in media ras (in the middle of thing). In this type of story you launch right into the action by providing a snippet/teaser of what’s happening and then you start explaining the events that led to that event. This is engaging because you’re starting your story at the most exciting part which will make the audience curious – they’ll want to know how you got there.

  • Great storytelling: Examples from Alibaba Founder, Jack Ma

Remaining method

The remaining method structure is good for situations where you’re presenting your perspective on a controversial topic which has split people’s opinions.

  • Go into the issue in detail showing why it’s such a problem – use logos and pathos.
  • Rebut your opponents’ solutions  – explain why their solutions could be useful because the audience will see this as fair and will therefore think you’re trustworthy, and then explain why you think these solutions are not valid.
  • After you’ve presented all the alternatives provide your solution, the remaining solution. This is very persuasive because it looks like the winning idea, especially with the audience believing that you’re fair and trustworthy.


When delivering presentations it’s important for your words and ideas to flow so your audience can understand how everything links together and why it’s all relevant. This can be done  using speech transitions  which are words and phrases that allow you to smoothly move from one point to another so that your speech flows and your presentation is unified.

Transitions can be one word, a phrase or a full sentence – there are many different forms, here are some examples:

Moving from the introduction to the first point

Signify to the audience that you will now begin discussing the first main point:

  • Now that you’re aware of the overview, let’s begin with…
  • First, let’s begin with…
  • I will first cover…
  • My first point covers…
  • To get started, let’s look at…

Shifting between similar points

Move from one point to a similar one:

  • In the same way…
  • Likewise…
  • Equally…
  • This is similar to…
  • Similarly…

Internal summaries

Internal summarising consists of summarising before moving on to the next point. You must inform the audience:

  • What part of the presentation you covered – “In the first part of this speech we’ve covered…”
  • What the key points were – “Precisely how…”
  • How this links in with the overall presentation – “So that’s the context…”
  • What you’re moving on to – “Now I’d like to move on to the second part of presentation which looks at…”

Physical movement

You can move your body and your standing location when you transition to another point. The audience find it easier to follow your presentation and movement will increase their interest.

A common technique for incorporating movement into your presentation is to:

  • Start your introduction by standing in the centre of the stage.
  • For your first point you stand on the left side of the stage.
  • You discuss your second point from the centre again.
  • You stand on the right side of the stage for your third point.
  • The conclusion occurs in the centre.

Key slides for your presentation

Slides are a useful tool for most presentations: they can greatly assist in the delivery of your message and help the audience follow along with what you are saying. Key slides include:

  • An intro slide outlining your ideas
  • A  summary slide  with core points to remember
  • High quality image slides to supplement what you are saying

There are some presenters who choose not to use slides at all, though this is more of a rarity. Slides can be a powerful tool if used properly, but the problem is that many fail to do just that. Here are some golden rules to follow when using slides in a presentation:

  • Don’t over fill them  – your slides are there to assist your speech, rather than be the focal point. They should have as little information as possible, to avoid distracting people from your talk.
  • A picture says a thousand words  – instead of filling a slide with text, instead, focus on one or two images or diagrams to help support and explain the point you are discussing at that time.
  • Make them readable  – depending on the size of your audience, some may not be able to see small text or images, so make everything large enough to fill the space.
  • Don’t rush through slides  – give the audience enough time to digest each slide.

Guy Kawasaki, an entrepreneur and author, suggests that slideshows should follow a  10-20-30 rule :

  • There should be a maximum of 10 slides – people rarely remember more than one concept afterwards so there’s no point overwhelming them with unnecessary information.
  • The presentation should last no longer than 20 minutes as this will leave time for questions and discussion.
  • The font size should be a minimum of 30pt because the audience reads faster than you talk so less information on the slides means that there is less chance of the audience being distracted.

Here are some additional resources for slide design:

  • 7 design tips for effective, beautiful PowerPoint presentations
  • 11 design tips for beautiful presentations
  • 10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea

Group Presentations

Group presentations are structured in the same way as presentations with one speaker but usually require more rehearsal and practices.  Clean transitioning between speakers  is very important in producing a presentation that flows well. One way of doing this consists of:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what health anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Elnaz will talk about the prevalence of health anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Elnaz”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Joe.”

From this example you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

Example of great presentation structure and delivery

Having examples of great presentations will help inspire your own structures, here are a few such examples, each unique and inspiring in their own way.

How Google Works – by Eric Schmidt

This presentation by ex-Google CEO  Eric Schmidt  demonstrates some of the most important lessons he and his team have learnt with regards to working with some of the most talented individuals they hired. The simplistic yet cohesive style of all of the slides is something to be appreciated. They are relatively straightforward, yet add power and clarity to the narrative of the presentation.

Start with why – by Simon Sinek

Since being released in 2009, this presentation has been viewed almost four million times all around the world. The message itself is very powerful, however, it’s not an idea that hasn’t been heard before. What makes this presentation so powerful is the simple message he is getting across, and the straightforward and understandable manner in which he delivers it. Also note that he doesn’t use any slides, just a whiteboard where he creates a simple diagram of his opinion.

The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout – by Rick Rigsby

Here’s an example of a presentation given by a relatively unknown individual looking to inspire the next generation of graduates. Rick’s presentation is unique in many ways compared to the two above. Notably, he uses no visual prompts and includes a great deal of humour.

However, what is similar is the structure he uses. He first introduces his message that the wisest man he knew was a third-grade dropout. He then proceeds to deliver his main body of argument, and in the end, concludes with his message. This powerful speech keeps the viewer engaged throughout, through a mixture of heart-warming sentiment, powerful life advice and engaging humour.

As you can see from the examples above, and as it has been expressed throughout, a great presentation structure means analysing the core message of your presentation. Decide on a key message you want to impart the audience with, and then craft an engaging way of delivering it.

By preparing a solid structure, and  practising your talk  beforehand, you can walk into the presentation with confidence and deliver a meaningful message to an interested audience.

It’s important for a presentation to be well-structured so it can have the most impact on your audience. An unstructured presentation can be difficult to follow and even frustrating to listen to. The heart of your speech are your main points supported by evidence and your transitions should assist the movement between points and clarify how everything is linked.

Research suggests that the audience remember the first and last things you say so your introduction and conclusion are vital for reinforcing your points. Essentially, ensure you spend the time structuring your presentation and addressing all of the sections.

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Caroline Forsey

Published: January 06, 2021

When you're focused on creating a meaningful, persuasive presentation, it's easy to overlook the cover page. But giving that first page of your deck a little more love can actually go a long way towards grabbing your audience's attention early on and setting the tone for the rest of your presentation.

example of a presentation cover page

A stunning presentation cover page can intrigue your audience into wanting to know more and increase engagement with the information you’re presenting. On the other hand, a lackluster slide, or even the lack of one, can dampen audience enthusiasm for your presentation, and maybe even your own.

You've put so much work into your presentation -- why waste that valuable real estate on the first slide of your deck?

In this post, we'll cover the basics of creating a presentation cover page that's informative and attention-grabbing. Let's dive in.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

What's included in a presentation cover page?

A good presentation cover page accomplishes three simple things:

  • It introduces the topic with a straightforward title.
  • It introduces you (and your organization, if applicable)
  • It sets the tone of your presentation.

We probably don't need to tell you this one, but your presentation cover page should be centered around a title. And ideally, a title that's straightforward, descriptive, and simple. If you're finding it hard to keep your title short, add a subtitle (in smaller print) to clarify what you'll be speaking about.

Presentation Cover Page: title

Next, identify the person (or group) who will be giving the presentation. In some cases, this will be as simple as including your own name, and in others, you'll want to include your company name, logo, department, or other identifying information. As a general guideline, you'll need less identifying information if you're giving an internal presentation.

If your audience is mainly folks outside of your company (or there are plans to distribute your deck externally) you'll typically want to include more information to identify your company clearly.

Presentation Cover Page: speaker

A successful cover page sets the "tone" of your deck -- but what does that really mean? The colors, imagery, fonts, and placements of different elements on your cover page all create a specific visual style that the rest of your deck should follow.

A well-designed page conveys a sense of professionalism and preparedness that a simple monochrome text slide simply cannot. Even if you're not a design expert, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of your cover page. Fortunately, it's easier than ever to find free, professional-looking presentation templates without needing a degree in graphic design. Whatever you choose, it's important to remain relevant to your presentation (and, if applicable, your company's branding).

We'll explore a few examples of cover pages below so you can see how different elements converge to set the tone for a variety of different presentations.

Presentation Cover Page Examples

Below, we've compiled a number of presentation cover pages that succeed in different areas. Remember: there's no single perfect format for a presentation cover page, but hopefully, you get some inspiration from this list.

Setting An Emotional Tone

The right presentation page can set an emotional tone as well as a visual one. This presentation cover page for a nonprofit conveys a mission-driven approach to protecting nature, with a well-selected, relevant image, and a call-to-action directly in the subtitle. (Photo by Andy Køgl on Unsplash )

Presentation Cover Page Example 1

Focusing on a Photo

You don't need to overcomplicate the format of your cover page, especially if you have a great photo to use as a full background image. A simple stock photo here provides a clean backdrop for this presentation on remote work. Just make sure your title text is legible over any background photo you decide to use. (Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash )

Presentation Cover Page Example 2

Leading With Your Brand

Even if you're the central speaker for a presentation, it might make more sense to highlight your team or brand on your cover page, instead of including your own personal information (you can always include your own contact info at the end of your deck for follow-up questions). Context (if you're speaking at a particular event or annual meeting) can be important to highlight as well on your cover page.

Presentation Cover Page Example 3

There's a big difference between a cover slide you didn't put much thought into and a slide that makes good use of whitespace and leans on strong copy. Sometimes, the best way to lead an audience into your presentation is to create space for a little mystery.

If you're giving a more casual presentation or a pitch that doesn't need to follow a particular format, consider going the minimal route and opening with a simple cover page slide that asks your audience a question (one that you of course plan to answer).

Presentation Cover Page Example 4

Set a Purpose

Many presentations include an agenda slide directly after your cover slide, but that doesn't mean you can use your cover slide to set a clear purpose upfront. Consider using your subtitle to explain a more robust (but still simple!) description of what you'll cover.

Presentation Cover Page Example 5

Presentation Cover Page Templates

Instead of creating your presentation cover page from scratch, using a template can take much of the work out of the process. Check out these websites for templates that you can use for your presentation or for inspiration to create your own designs.

A tried-and-true favorite of many marketing teams, Canva offers up a wide selection of modern, drag-and-drop presentation templates with truly unique cover pages. If you're on the hunt for a cover page that looks like you hired a graphic designer to create it just for you, Canva is a good place to start your search. Canva offers both free and paid options.

Presentation Cover Page Example 6


Beautiful.ai has an intuitive, highly-customizable presentation builder that allows you to import your own visual elements directly from your computer or a Dropbox folder. Like Canva, they offer a number of free and paid template options (with great cover pages). Their biggest differentiating feature is their (frankly, very cool) adaptive AI technology, which intuits how you're trying to design a slide and makes changes automatically to suit the direction of your project.

Presentation Cover Page Example 7

For a completely free option with cover page starter template to suit a wide range of different projects across different formats, check out EDIT. Their online tool is specifically designed to create cover pages in a simple, easy-to-use interface.

Presentation Cover Page Example 8

Another highly-customizable template source is Visme, which gives users the ability to select a starting template from their (expansive) library and customize elements in a simple web editor.

Presentation Cover Page Example 9

VectorStock ®

VectorStock® has a massive selection of PowerPoint presentation cover page templates for purchase if you're looking for something that's ready to plug and go without the need for customization (beyond adding your own name and title, of course).

Presentation Cover Page Example 10

First Impressions Matter

For better or worse, audiences will judge a presentation by its cover page. Because of this, it’s vital that you give your cover page the care and attention that it deserves. Ultimately, a cover page isn't simply a placeholder, it’s a vital component that can drum up interest for your presentation. The best part is that with the tools available online, you don’t have to be an artist to create a stunning presentation cover page.

The featured image on this post was created using a Canva template.

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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0314 thank you end slide design

We present to you 0314 Thank You End Slide Design which supports the art graphic of a black board image and chalk, through which message is being conveyed. The thank you slide can not only be used when the meeting or conference ends however it can be used in the very beginning to greet the audience for their presence. This presentation graphic thus makes a good presenter-audience relationship and keeps away the awkwardness, because then audience prove to be really very supportive. Besides just beginning or ending the meeting with thank you note custom, this message can be conveyed at any moment in the meeting, so this PowerPoint presentation adds that professional touch. Because the audience also play an important role in making the presentation work with their own gestures like contributing ideas, laughing, clapping, participating and giving value, hence it becomes all the more important to reciprocate the same gesture in the same way and avoid throwing any negative impression using the presentation visual.Conquer the moment with our 0314 Thank You End Slide Design. Herald the victory of your ideas.

We present to you 0314 Thank You End Slide Design which supports the art graphic of a black board image and chalk, through ..


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Stir it up with our 0314 Thank You End Slide Design. Keep your audience in an ebullient mood.

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Dubai’s Extraordinary Flooding: Here’s What to Know

Images of a saturated desert metropolis startled the world, prompting talk of cloud seeding, climate change and designing cities for intensified weather.

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A dozen or so cars, buses and trucks sit in axle-deep water on a wide, flooded highway.

By Raymond Zhong

Scenes of flood-ravaged neighborhoods in one of the planet’s driest regions have stunned the world this week. Heavy rains in the United Arab Emirates and Oman submerged cars, clogged highways and killed at least 21 people. Flights out of Dubai’s airport, a major global hub, were severely disrupted.

The downpours weren’t a freak event — forecasters anticipated the storms several days out and issued warnings. But they were certainly unusual. Here’s what to know.

Heavy rain there is rare, but not unheard-of.

On average, the Arabian Peninsula receives a scant few inches of rain a year, although scientists have found that a sizable chunk of that precipitation falls in infrequent but severe bursts, not as periodic showers.

U.A.E. officials said the 24-hour rain total on Tuesday was the country’s largest since records there began in 1949 . But parts of the nation had experienced an earlier round of thunderstorms just last month.

Oman, with its coastline on the Arabian Sea, is also vulnerable to tropical cyclones. Past storms there have brought torrential rain, powerful winds and mudslides, causing extensive damage.

Global warming is projected to intensify downpours.

Stronger storms are a key consequence of human-caused global warming. As the atmosphere gets hotter, it can hold more moisture, which can eventually make its way down to the earth as rain or snow.

But that doesn’t mean rainfall patterns are changing in precisely the same way across every corner of the globe.

In their latest assessment of climate research , scientists convened by the United Nations found there wasn’t enough data to have firm conclusions about rainfall trends in the Arabian Peninsula and how climate change was affecting them. The researchers said, however, that if global warming were to be allowed to continue worsening in the coming decades, extreme downpours in the region would quite likely become more intense and more frequent.

The role of cloud seeding isn’t clear.

The U.A.E. has for decades worked to increase rainfall and boost water supplies by seeding clouds. Essentially, this involves shooting particles into clouds to encourage the moisture to gather into larger, heavier droplets, ones that are more likely to fall as rain or snow.

Cloud seeding and other rain-enhancement methods have been tried across the world, including in Australia, China, India, Israel, South Africa and the United States. Studies have found that these operations can, at best, affect precipitation modestly — enough to turn a downpour into a bigger downpour, but probably not a drizzle into a deluge.

Still, experts said pinning down how much seeding might have contributed to this week’s storms would require detailed study.

“In general, it is quite a challenge to assess the impact of seeding,” said Luca Delle Monache, a climate scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif. Dr. Delle Monache has been leading efforts to use artificial intelligence to improve the U.A.E.’s rain-enhancement program.

An official with the U.A.E.’s National Center of Meteorology, Omar Al Yazeedi, told news outlets this week that the agency didn’t conduct any seeding during the latest storms. His statements didn’t make clear, however, whether that was also true in the hours or days before.

Mr. Al Yazeedi didn’t respond to emailed questions from The New York Times on Thursday, and Adel Kamal, a spokesman for the center, didn’t immediately have further comment.

Cities in dry places just aren’t designed for floods.

Wherever it happens, flooding isn’t just a matter of how much rain comes down. It’s also about what happens to all that water once it’s on the ground — most critically, in the places people live.

Cities in arid regions often aren’t designed to drain very effectively. In these areas, paved surfaces block rain from seeping into the earth below, forcing it into drainage systems that can easily become overwhelmed.

One recent study of Sharjah , the capital of the third-largest emirate in the U.A.E., found that the city’s rapid growth over the past half century had made it vulnerable to flooding at far lower levels of rain than before.

Omnia Al Desoukie contributed reporting.

Raymond Zhong reports on climate and environmental issues for The Times. More about Raymond Zhong


  1. Flat Design Templates for PowerPoint Closing Slides

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  2. Flat Design Templates for PowerPoint Closing Slides

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  3. 121+ Editable End Slides For PowerPoint

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  4. PPT End Images for Presentation Template and Google Slides

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  5. How To End a Presentation

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  6. Learn how to end a presentation powerfully

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  1. 01. Navigating PowerPoint

  2. Mastering PowerPoint: From Basic to Advanced Presentation Skills

  3. PowerPoint Tutorial

  4. How to Goto First and Last Slide In PowerPoint

  5. Learn How to Close Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 & 365: A Training Tutorial

  6. In Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote how to pause your presentation & show a black or white screen


  1. How to end a PowerPoint presentation

    What a way to end a PowerPoint presentation. I'm not suggesting you give your audience Malaria, but by moving away from traditional presentation practice, you can shake your audience out of their PowerPoint coma, make an impact and coerce them into action. 3. Go full circle.

  2. 10 creative Title & End slide Design Ideas for PowerPoint

    7. An interesting fact. Catch the audience's attention by putting an interesting fact concerning the topic on one of your slides - ideally at the beginning, but maybe also in the end (to keep up the audience's interest even after the presentation is done). 8. The title, but with a twist.

  3. The Full Guide To Ending Your Presentation With Impact

    3. Don't forget your call to action. Your presentation won't be complete without a call to action. Of course, your entire presentation is basically a prelude to your call to action. This means the meat of your slides should be persuasive enough to get people to follow you by the time you end your presentation.

  4. How To End A Presentation The Right Way (+ 3 Bonus Slide Templates

    For a final touch, go to Animation Pane. From the side panel, click on the Effect Options dropdown and tick the check box for Auto-reverse. Another would be the Timing dropdown, then select Until End of Slide down the Repeat dropdown. Get a hold of these 3 bonus conclusion slides for free! Download Here.

  5. 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

    But how you end it can make all the difference in your presentation's overall impact. Here are some ways to ensure you end powerfully: Way #1: Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA) Way #2: Don't End With a Q&A. Way #3: End With a Memorable Quote. Way #4: Close With a Story. Way #5: Drive Your Main Points Home.

  6. How to End Your PowerPoint Presentation With a Strong Close

    In this screencast, we'll teach you how to end a PowerPoint presentation effectively. With a strong finish, your presentation is likely to inspire action. Th...

  7. How to Make a Great "Any Questions" Final PowerPoint Slide (PPT)

    5. Library PowerPoint Template. The Library template has several great slide designs that can be used to make impactful Any Questions final slides. The template comes with image placeholders and three premade color schemes. It was designed in widescreen resolution and is easy to edit.

  8. Last Slide of Your Presentation: How to Leave a Lasting Impression

    Include Visuals. Using visuals in your last slide is a great way to make a lasting impression on your audience. Visuals can help provide clarity to the material, help break up the text, and keep the audience engaged. Consider including visual elements such as images, icons, illustrations, charts, videos, and graphs to make your presentation ...

  9. How To End a Presentation

    HBR's direct piece of advice is that you should "use the last few moments of your presentation to clarify what action [an audience] can take to show their support.". And what's key to HBR is that you "Also mention your timeframe" as, for them, "a deadline can help to urge [the audience] into action.".

  10. 8 Ways to End a Powerpoint Presentation

    1. Ask an insightful question. An insightful question is a very popular way to end your PowerPoint presentation because it provides the audience with food for thought and will help them remember your speech better than anything else. By asking an insightful question, you will be able to leave them thinking about the issue for a while.

  11. Delete the "Thank you!" slide

    1. Repeat something from the opening. When you begin your closing section (your summary or conclusions), it's a good idea to repeat or link to an idea from the opening of your talk. One great ...

  12. How To End a Presentation To Make A Lasting Impression

    End your presentation on time. Close with a clear cut ending. Conclude your speech with a story. Come full circle at the end of your presentation. Use the title close technique. …Always a high note, always the high road. A sound bite. A quick presentation recap. End with a strong visual image.

  13. How To End A Presentation

    Imagine ending your presentation with these quotes. Your entire presentation will surely leave a lasting impression on your audience. Give thanks and acknowledgment. Thanking the audience is another great way to end a presentation. You can also acknowledge your whole team, who helped you complete the presentation.

  14. Rethinking final slides

    6) A black slide. Yes, a black slide can be a good option, for example if you want to end your presentation with a powerful story. By turning the screen black, you refocus the audience's attention on you. Never forget that the slides are not the presentation; the speaker is the presentation and the slides are there to support the speaker.

  15. What goes on the last slide?

    Here's my answer: The last slide should contain your key takeaway and should be uplifting and motivating. Here's one last slide I once used for a presentation on backgrounds for non-designers. It's uplifting, but doesn't have much content. Nevertheless, it's better than "Questions?" or "Thanks!".

  16. 18 impactful ways to create an end slide in a presentation

    It can be the abiding image of your presentation. Marketing of property, food and travel relies heavily on attractive and persuasive images of the products, while symbolic use of images, as using a dog to signify loyalty, can also be effective. 7. Evoke emotion. An intellectual argument can be very engaging.

  17. Last slide of presentation templates that make a difference

    Making your last slide of the presentation funny is no easy task. First, you have to know your audience intimately and know what they would consider funny and what they would consider offensive. Then you would have to make sure you are making a joke that your entire audience will understand. The best and safest funny endings are a wink at your ...

  18. How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

    This clarifies the overall purpose of your talk and reinforces your reason for being there. Follow these steps: Signal that it's nearly the end of your presentation, for example, "As we wrap up/as we wind down the talk…". Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation - "In this speech I wanted to compare…". 5.

  19. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  20. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide's text. Layout: Don't overcrowd your slides with too much information.

  21. What is the best "last slide" in a thesis presentation?

    There are some possible options as the last slide of a typical thesis presentation. I've heard of some possibilities: A question-mark image (as the time to be slaughtered by the referees!), A Thank You declaration (There are some negative viewpoints about these two options.), A slide including summary of the presented ideas,

  22. How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

    Title. We probably don't need to tell you this one, but your presentation cover page should be centered around a title. And ideally, a title that's straightforward, descriptive, and simple. If you're finding it hard to keep your title short, add a subtitle (in smaller print) to clarify what you'll be speaking about.

  23. Last slide in PPT slideshow ends too quickly

    Answer. JE. John E Fredricks. Replied on December 7, 2011. Report abuse. You may select the last slide > Slide Show menu > Slide Transition> Advance Slide Section> check 'Automatically After' and enter desired time > Apply.

  24. 0314 Thank You End Slide Design

    PowerPoint presentation slides: Easy editing and proofing, Offers modification in font, color and orientation. Compatible with Microsoft 2010 and 2013 versions. PPT visual offers high color resolution. Technology friendly diagram with amendable font size. Beneficial for organizers, educationist, teachers, students and businessmen.

  25. Dubai's Extraordinary Flooding: Here's What to Know

    April 18, 2024. Leer en español. Scenes of flood-ravaged neighborhoods in one of the planet's driest regions have stunned the world this week. Heavy rains in the United Arab Emirates and Oman ...