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31 Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Students need extensions on their assignments all the time. There are good excuses for an extension … and there are not so good excuses. I’m a professor, and I’ve heard them all. So has your professor. Here are the best ones I’ve heard.

The Best Assignment Extension Excuses



Reasons to ask for an extension

For the rest of this article, I’m going to explain exactly how to ask your professor for an extension – with a focus on just 9 extension excuses.

Some of these are good excuses for turning in a paper late. Others are ones you’ll want to avoid.

Read on to learn which ones to avoid and which to use!

Professors like myself get a lot of extension requests, so knowing how to ask in a way that will get your teacher to grant the extension is very important.

>>>Related Article: 15+ Tips on Requesting an Extension

1. Your Team Members screwed you Over in a Group Assessment

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This extension excuse gets a lot of sympathies.

A little secret: teachers hate group work assignments , too. We usually set them because we have to embed it into a degree as an ‘employability skill’.

So, when you come to your teacher 3 days before submission and say “Teacher, one of my teammates didn’t pull through!”, your teacher will roll their eyes, but totally understand.

What you need to make this excuse work is a paper trail showing evidence that you pulled your weight. Evidence can be:

  • Email and Facebook chains of conversations;
  • Meeting minutes;
  • Completed drafts of sections that you were assigned

If you can show that you’ve put in the effort and genuinely tried to be a good team member, chances are your teacher will want to help you out.

Just beware: you still might lose points for teamwork. It’s an unfortunate reality that sometimes our team members bring our work down and we can’t do anything about it.

But, if you can show you’re a good student and have worked in good faith, this one might just help you pull through and win you that precious extra few days to work on your piece.

2. You’ve had Writer’s Block

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This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

This reason for asking for an extension on a paper will probably be respected more than most.

Teachers hate when a student comes to them with an obvious lie like:

  • Your dog ate your homework,
  • Your grandma died (again), or
  • your boss is a jerk

These are time-tested lies that we get all the time . It’s rarer for a student to step up and confess: “Look, it’s just a really tough assessment.”

For this excuse to work, it’s best to provide evidence of three things:

  • You’ve tried really hard;
  • You’ve sought help;
  • You’ve come up with a solution so it won’t happen again.

First, show you actually have put hours into the assessment.

Bring to your teacher (either in person or via email) evidence that you’ve read through a lot of readings on the topic.

Bring to the printed readings with highlighting and notes in the margins.

Talk to them about how you thought you might be able to use the information in these pieces for your work.

Second, show that you’ve sought help.

This excuse works best if you’ve primed the teacher already with a few emails spaced out over the previous few weeks asking questions about whether you’re on the right track.

If you’ve already managed to email the teacher a few times about the assignment, send your extension request as your final reply to that email chain of discussion.

Another way of showing that you’ve sought help is showing that you’ve accessed help from the library or another member of the university staff.

Explain to your teacher that you attended a library workshop , talked to your academic advisor, or had ongoing conversations with a Teacher’s Assistant about the assessment.

Third, show how you’ve developed skills to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Explain to your teacher that you’ve thought up some study solutions that you’ll put in place during the week or so in which the extension would take place.

For example, you could note how some study skills you’ve thought might help you out of this situation might be:

  • You’ve found a spot in the library to dig in and do the work;
  • You’ve freed up some time in your calendar over the next 7 days;
  • You’ve found a study tip that you want to put in place

Make sure you not only tell, but show your teacher you’ve tried hard, you’ve sought help, and you’ve identified solutions. If you do this, you’re more likely to have your extension request granted.

3. Work called you in for Extra Shifts

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Here’s another reason to ask your professor for an extension on a paper that gets a lot of sympathies.

We teachers have been there. Poor, living off microwaved noodle. In fact, many of us are still there with you.

When explaining that work has called you in for extra shifts, make sure your teacher knows you needed that money. You don’t need to cry poor or ask for a sympathy card. But let them know:

  • My boss asked me to take on extra shifts; and
  • I pay my own way through life, so the extra money meant a lot to me.

This extension excuse strategy works best when you give advance notice. Let your teacher know as soon as you pick up those extra shifts. Send them an email making them feel like they were a part of the discussion ( Click here to download all my Assignment Extension Request Letter Templates ).

You can say:

Hi [Teacher] ,

My boss has just gotten in touch asking me to cover some extra shifts at work for the rest of this week. I’m pretty short on money at this point of the semester with a few bills coming through, so I’d love to be able to take them.

Obviously this gets in the way of the time I’ve set aside this week for completing the upcoming assignment.

I’m wondering, would you please consider giving me an extra three days to submit my assessment so that I can pick up these shifts? It’d mean a lot to me.

Thank you for considering this request.

Sincerely, [Your name] [Your class]

4. You’re taking a pre-planned Vacation

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This reason for asking for an extension on a paper needs to be flagged very early on.

I’ve granted extensions for this extension excuse, but usually only when students let me know in the first week or two of the semester.

The trick here is to show:

  • That the vacation was booked well in advance and was not intended to interfere with the course;
  • That you really want to complete the course this semester in order to meet a personal goal.

Your personal goal might be to have graduated by a certain date, before your child starts (or finishes) school, or in order to qualify for an internship in a Master’s program that has an application deadline of a specific date.

If you show you’re ambitious and taking your studies seriously, this excuse will go down well.

Teachers don’t always grant this one, so be prepared to be told that your extension is not granted. Your teacher might insist that you submit it before you head off on your vacation, or simply deny the extension.

Something else you need to take into account is that you’re admitting you might miss some classes as well.

It might be worthwhile pointing out that your intention is to complete the weekly readings or tasks in advance of heading off on vacation.

One time when I don’t grant extensions for pre-planned vacations is when the vacation clashes with group work assessments. Your chances are higher if your vacation isn’t putting anyone else out.

Good luck with this one!

5. Computer Issues

This extension excuse gets eye rolls.

Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.

It’s used too often and we expect that more often than not it’s a lie rather than a genuine problem.

If you want to get sympathy for this excuse, provide evidence. Here are some valuable forms of evidence, in order from best to worst:

  • A receipt or quote from a computer repairman that contains the current date;
  • Evidence you’ve been to see the university’s IT department to see if your data can be recovered;
  • A photograph of the broken computer equipment.

Your teacher may even expect you to provide a backup of earlier drafts. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of saving your assignments onto a personal internet cloud like Google OneDrive. Personally, I email drafts to myself to ensure I have regularly saved versions.

You should also expect that your teacher will inform you that the university computers are there, available for you to use.

It’s a good idea to get ahead of this response by letting your teacher know you’ve set aside some time to use the university computers to get back on track.

6. You’re a Carer

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Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children.

Carers are, frankly, inspiring people, and you’ll get sympathy from your teacher.

I’d recommend letting your teacher know in advance about your situation.

The best way to do this is to ask your student advisor or the course leader to give your teacher a heads-up on this one. Most universities these days assign student advisors to each student for support on issues like this.

Most universities also have a course leader who takes care of a specific degree program or major. If you know who this is, get in touch with them asap and let them know your situation.

Ask them to let your teachers know that you’re a carer which may mean you need special consideration.

Contact the teacher personally towards the start of the semester. Talk to them in person after the first class, or if you’re a distance learner, send them an email early on.

These early emails help to prime your teacher for when you ask for an extension.

If you haven’t informed the teacher of the situation, I’d recommend talking to them in person as soon as possible, telling them what your situation is, and asking for some additional time on your assessment.

As always, some form of evidence of your situation is really helpful. Doctors, social workers, or other support networks should be able to write a letter for you that you can pass on to your teacher.

There are two illnesses that I hear about the most. It’s either your child who’s been sick or you who’s been sick. Let’s take them in order:

1. Your Child’s Sick.

The ‘My Child’s been Sick’ excuse is one that I get a lot, but also one that I usually find believable.

One reason it’s so believable is that often five or six of my students who are parents will come to me explaining that an illness is going around the school.

It’s also an excuse that is easy to sympathize with. Children take up a lot of time, and with many of my students being single parents, I understand that children come first.

This is one that crops up late, but as usual, try to ask for an extension at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the submission deadline.

A letter from a doctor goes a long way here but is not always necessary. If you can’t get a letter from a doctor, copy in some evidence that your child has taken the last few days off school. Attach a copy of your sick note to the school when you email your university professor .

2. You’re Sick.

If it’s you who has been sick, a note from a doctor is usually expected. It also requires some advance warning. If you got sick 6 days before the due date, why did you only email your teacher on the day it was due?

If you didn’t give advance warning, it looks pretty bad.

Similarly, if you got sick 3 days before the due date, what have you already done? Shouldn’t you just have finishing touches to do with 3 days to go?

Therefore, when you contact the teacher, you should also attach your most recent draft. You need to say:

  • This is what I’ve done;
  • This is what I had planned to do in the next 7, 6, 5, 4, or 3 days before submission;
  • This is why I’m so sick that I can’t do it.

So remember, if you’ve been sick, the two key things to include are:

  • A doctor’s note to prove it’s true;
  • Your latest draft to show you’ve not left it to the last minute.
  • A List of Late Homework Excuses
  • 27 Pros and Cons of Homework

8. There was a Death in the Family

This is the most common reason for extension requests. Let me be clear: every teacher is bamboozled that there seems to be a spike in the deaths of grandmas whenever assessments are due.

We’re skeptical about this one, to say the least.

If you’re going to use this extension excuse, evidence is a must. Teachers understand that this is a sensitive topic. I’ve accepted a range of evidence for this one, though. This includes:

  • Notice of death in the local newspaper;
  • A scan of the booklet of funeral proceedings;
  • A letter or receipt from a funeral home;
  • A copy of the flight to or from the funeral location.

This is obviously a very sensitive issue, and it’s pretty sad that people abuse this reason. Teachers don’t want to offend you: but they also need to know you’re not pulling the wool over their eyes.

Another worrisome point for this excuse is that often the death occurred a month or more before the assessment is due.

Be prepared for your teacher to say: okay, there was a death a month ago. What have you done in the month since the funeral on your work?

If you’re going to use this reason, explain how it’s caused hardship (failure to focus, busy making funeral arrangements, travel to funerals, etc.). You also must think about how you can provide clear evidence that this death did, in fact, happen.

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9. You have a Learning Disability

If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance. There’s really no other way around this one.

Nearly every university these days has support plans for students with learning disabilities .

The most common one is dyslexia . This is the condition in which students struggle with accurate and speedy reading and spelling. It can make university really tough, but universities try to be accommodating for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.

Other common personal issues that can qualify for extensions include common migraines and issues with concentration.

Talk to a student advisor at the university about how to get a diagnosis if you think you’ve got a learning disability. Once you’ve received the diagnosis you’ll be able to get a support plan set up.

Support plans are usually sent straight to your teachers at the start of the semester. However, you should also make yourself known to your teacher at the start of the semester. There are additional benefits to this, including that your teacher will be careful not to ask you to read content out loud in class.

If you haven’t told your teacher already that you have a learning disability, but you still want an extension, you’ll need to get in touch as soon as possible.

Highlight how:

  • You have made every effort to ensure you got your work done on time;
  • Something has happened (did your migraines flare up recently?) that has prevented you from completing on time.

When you ask for the extension, include the support plan, diagnosis, or doctor’s note to increase your chances of receiving the extension that you requested.

Extensions are commonplace, but you need to state your case. We have provided an outline of exactly how to ask for the extension that you might want to consult if you think you qualify for an extension. This outline explains that you need to take some key steps, including the steps in the infographic below (plus some more!):

How to ask for an extension

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Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Professor shares secrets on getting an extension (w/ template)

About the author

Hi there. I am the prolific professor with 15 years of experience teaching online and in-person. I have a graduate degree. I have a passion for education. But I’ve also worked in the professional world (outside of education) too. Thanks for visiting.

You are going to want to read this.

I have some secrets to tell you.

I was a professor for 15 years. And I received countless emails for extensions on assignments.

I have heard every excuse, some real and some completely made-up. And I had to turn lots of students away.

You are going to get the low down on the key to getting an extension. It may not work for everyone because let’s face it, not everyone deserves an extension.

But with these tips and my email template asking your professor for an extension, you’ll be better prepared.

Should you ask your professor for an extension?

It may be appropriate to ask your professor for an extension when you have a valid reason like a hospitalization, severe illness, death of an immediate family member, or something similar. Otherwise your professor is unlikely to give you an extension unless you have some additional documentation to support your need for an extension.

I would not ask for an extension if you could have avoided this dilemma to begin with.

If you could have completed the assignment with adequate planning, don’t ask your professor for an extension.

For example, if you took a vacation and lost track of time, don’t ask. If you decided to work extra hours and have been too busy, don’t ask. You get the point.

If you are asking for an extension at the last minute, you should really have a very good excuse and necessary documentation to support it.

Remember, your professor likely has hundreds of students. And may get dozens of requests for an extension. They can’t give them to everyone that asks so it needs to be something really serious.

But if something serious has happened, that was completely out of your control, it could be helpful to ask for an extension.

So, before you ask for an extension, answer these questions first.

Could I have taken the necessary steps to complete this ahead of time but planned poorly?

Can I still complete the assignment with some expedience?

Am I missing the proper documentation to support my excuse?

If you answered yes to all these questions, you probably shouldn’t ask for an extension.

But you know your professor best, and perhaps they are lenient and will oblige.

Something that I need to mention is that sometimes things can happen that are serious enough to warrant an extension but aren’t talked about often.

If you have a mental illness and have had some recent issues related to your health, you might talk to your professor.

You probably have a lot of questions about this, and I have a complete article dedicated to talking to your professor about your mental health.

An outgoing email message symbol with the words extension please written below

What’s a good excuse to ask for an extension?

I need to tell you something important. When you need an extension, it should be for a REAL reason. You don’t want to make-up lies to get an extension.

And you should follow your professor’s policies and not abuse their discretion.

Read their syllabus and see what their policies are. Maybe they already have a policy that answers your questions. I would abide by their policies, especially if they have a zero-tolerance policy.

So, I would never advise that you make-up an excuse to get an extension or exaggerate your circumstances.

Now, you might be wondering when professors are more likely to give an extension on an assignment.

Here are some situations where I would consider an extension or make-up assignment. This isn’t a complete list but a few of some of the most common situations.

Funeral - If you had a death and a funeral in your immediate family, this would be an acceptable excuse. But if you had a funeral for a third cousin, I am not certain every professor would give you an extension.

Hospitalization - If you were physically hospitalized, this usually warrants an extension on an assignment. Be prepared to have some documentation. This usually includes your own hospitalization, not family members.

Severe illness - We aren’t talking about a little cough and a few sniffles, but a serious illness. And usually something that can be verified with a doctor’s note. If you can’t personally make it to the doctor, see if you can do a virtual visit instead.

Student-related activity - If you are traveling for a sport, student organization, professional conference, etc, usually you’ll get a pass.

Military related duties - In some instances, you might be given orders to travel for the military. I can’t find a time when you wouldn’t immediately get an extension granted.

Natural disaster - Sometimes mother nature can be cruel. I have seen students’ homes be devastated by hurricanes and tornadoes. And they couldn’t travel to the campus, or they didn’t have access to their internet.

Disability - If you have a documented disability, you might be able to get an extension. It is even better if you have accommodations through your college.

Most other situations can be predicted, and you can work on the assignment early.

As you can see, most of these situations aren’t easily predicted and don’t come with advanced warning.

If you could have adequately planned to work ahead, and complete it before the deadline, you probably won’t get an extension.

a college student holding their phone with little fake email messages floating around it

What’s the best way to ask a professor for an extension?

The best way to ask your professor for an extension is in person because this is more personable and I think your professor will have a harder time saying no when they see you face-to-face.

How to ask a professor for an extension through email

Ask as early as possible

Be detailed

Send documentation

Example of how to ask for an extension by email

I have an email template below to help you write an excellent email to your professor asking for an extension. This can also work for makeup exams and assignments too. Just remember to be honest and alter the email to fit your personal circumstances.

Dear Professor Smith. I am in your ENGL 1301 class and I have been enjoying the recent discussion regarding proper grammar usage. I know we have an assignment due soon over this topic, and I am concerned about having the adequate time to complete this assignment. I am committed to this course, and with my current situation, I would be rushed to complete the assignment. I am worried that I wouldn’t do my best on the assignment, and would miss the opportunity to learn and apply the skills I have learned so far. I recently experienced a death in the family of my maternal grandmother. I have the obituary attached to this email to provide you with some documentation. These recent days have been filled with grief and many meetings for funeral plans. With this in mind, I am asking for an extension. I would like a few days to spend time with my family and gather myself emotionally to have the dedicated time to complete this assignment. It is important to me that I learn the material and spend quality time working on this course. Please let me know if you need anything else. I appreciate your time.

I know your email is going to vary based on your circumstances, so I have general information for you below to use as an outline for your email to your professor asking for an extension.

First introduce yourself. Don’t assume your professor knows who you are. Make sure they can place a face with a name. Give them some information so that they can remember who you are.

Then give a polite comment about the course regarding your dedication to the class. Make sure they know that the course material is of the upmost importance to you.

You should make note that you aren’t merely worried about your grade, but want to really understand the material and take the proper time to complete the assignment to submit your best work.

Then explain what happened in your personal life that warrants an extension. And then provide them with as much documentation, or at least offer it.

Finally, thank them for their time and understanding.

Before you send this email, I want you to understand that your professor cannot grant every student who asks an extension.

If they say no, and they are following their course policies, thank them for their time and move on.

Be as polite as possible because your professor has a job to do too.

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I taught college students for about 15 years. I have experience teaching online and in-person. I have a graduate degree. I have a passion for education. But I’ve also worked in the professional world (outside of education) too. And with my teaching and educational experience, I want to help students answer their most pressing questions. I want to give my wealth of knowledge to college students to help make their life easier.

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How To Write an Email For Extension Of Assignment

Navigating the delicate task of requesting an extension for your assignment doesn’t have to be daunting. With this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through each critical step you need to undertake before crafting your email, what essential details to include within it, and offer you customizable email templates to streamline your correspondence.

Table of Contents

What To Do Before Writing the Email

Before you start writing the email, there are a few important steps you should take:

  • Review the assignment guidelines thoroughly to understand the requirements and deadline.
  • Evaluate your current progress on the assignment and determine if an extension is truly necessary.
  • Check if your professor or instructor has specific guidelines or procedures for requesting extensions.
  • Gather any supporting documentation or evidence that may strengthen your case for an extension (e.g., medical certificates, unexpected personal circumstances).

What to Include In the Email

When composing the email, make sure to include the following elements:

  • Subject Line: Clearly state your request for an extension in a concise and professional manner.
  • Greeting: Address the recipient respectfully, using proper salutations such as “Dear Professor [Last Name].”
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and provide context for your email. Explain the assignment you’re seeking an extension for, including the due date.
  • Reason for Extension: Clearly and honestly explain why you need an extension. Be specific about the circumstances and provide supporting evidence if available.
  • New Deadline: Propose a realistic new deadline by which you can complete the assignment. Ensure it allows sufficient time for quality work.
  • Appreciation: Express your gratitude for considering your request and acknowledge the understanding and flexibility of the recipient.
  • Closing: Use a polite closing statement such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” followed by your name and contact information.

Email Template

Subject: Request for Extension of Assignment – [Course Code/Name] Dear Professor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am currently enrolled in your [Course Code/Name]. I am writing to kindly request an extension for the upcoming assignment due on [Due Date]. Due to [explain your circumstances clearly and concisely], I am facing challenges in completing the assignment on time. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an extension of [number of days/weeks]. This additional time would allow me to fully address all requirements and submit a high-quality assignment. I have attached [any supporting documents or evidence if applicable] to provide further context and support my request. Please let me know if this extension is feasible, and if so, the new deadline that you deem appropriate. I understand that you may have other commitments and constraints, so I am willing to be flexible. Thank you for considering my request and for your understanding. I value your guidance and feedback, and I am committed to delivering excellent work. Sincerely, [Your Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

Alternative Email Template

Subject: Extension Request – [Course Code/Name] Dear Professor [Last Name], I trust this email finds you in good health. I am writing to discuss the possibility of an extension for the upcoming assignment in your [Course Code/Name]. With utmost regret, unforeseen circumstances have hindered my ability to complete the assignment within the given timeframe. These challenges include [explain your circumstances briefly]. Considering the importance of comprehensive research and original analysis required for this assignment, I kindly request an extension of [number of days/weeks]. This extension will allow me to meet the assignment’s standards and contribute to the learning objectives of the course. Your understanding and flexibility in accommodating this request would be immensely appreciated. If you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your favorable response. Best regards, [Your Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

Requesting an extension for your assignment can be a nerve-wracking task, but by following these guidelines and utilizing one of the provided email templates, you can confidently communicate your need for more time in a professional and respectful manner.

Remember, it is crucial to outline your reasons clearly, propose a realistic new deadline, and express your gratitude for the recipient’s understanding. Communicating effectively will increase your chances of receiving a positive response.

Good luck with your assignment, and don’t forget to plan your time wisely to avoid such situations in the future!

School of Social and Political Science

Reasons for requesting an extension, suitable reasons for requesting extensions.

Good reasons for coursework extensions are unexpected short-term circumstances which are exceptional for the individual student, beyond that student’s control, and which could reasonably be expected to have had an adverse impact on the student’s ability to complete the assessment on time.

These may include:

  • Recent short-term physical illness or injury;
  • Recent short-term mental ill-health;
  • A long-term or chronic physical health condition, which has recently worsened temporarily or permanently;
  • A long-term or chronic mental health condition, which has recently worsened temporarily or permanently;
  • The recent bereavement or serious illness of a person with whom the student has a close relationship;
  • The recent breakdown in a long-term relationship, such as a marriage;
  • Emergencies involving dependents;
  • Job or internship interview at short notice that requires significant time, e.g. due to travel;
  • Victim of a crime which is likely to have significant emotional impact;
  • Military conflict, natural disaster, or extreme weather conditions.

In addition to these unexpected circumstances, Schools will also consider requests for coursework extensions in relation to:

  • A student’s disability where the student’s Learning Profile includes relevant provisions (please note aLearning Profile will be treated sympathetically as part of the case for an extension. A Learning Profile itself does not guarantee an extension.
  • Representation in performance sport at an international or national championship level, in line with the  University’s Performance Sport Policy.

Unsuitable reasons

The following are examples of circumstances which would not be considered good reasons for coursework extensions:

  • A long-term or chronic health condition (including mental ill-health or similar ill-health) which has not worsened recently or for which the University has already made a reasonable adjustment;
  • A minor short-term illness or injury (e.g. a common cold), which would not reasonably have had a significant adverse impact on the student’s ability to complete the assessment on time;
  • Occasional low mood, stress or anxiety;
  • Circumstances which were foreseeable or preventable;
  • Pressure of academic work (unless this contributes to ill-health);
  • Poor time-management;
  • Proximity to other assessments;
  • Lack of awareness of dates or times of assessment submission;
  • Failure, loss or theft of data, a computer or other equipment;
  • Commitments to paid or voluntary employment.

Where a student has good reason for requiring a coursework extension of more than seven calendar days , the student should submit the coursework when able to do so and apply via the Special Circumstances process for the Board of Examiners.

how to ask for an extension

Communicating with your professor when you need more time.

Maybe you started out the semester with the best of intentions, planning to stay on top of all of your work. But here you are, a month in, and you've got a week full of projects due and no time to spare. You're worried that you won't be able to finish one of your assignments on time, and the thought crosses your mind to ask your professor for a deadline extension. But is there any chance they'll actually approve your request? 

The good news is that many teachers are willing to do so—if you go about asking for one in the right way. Let's take a look at how to do so.

What Is an Extension?

So what exactly is an extension? In a basic sense, it means asking for more time to complete an assignment, beyond its original due date. An extension requires graciousness from your professor—who will be making an exception to their policies for your sake. It also implies a commitment from you: a promise that you'll use the extra days wisely to deliver a finished, quality assignment by the (new) submission deadline. 

That said, it's important that such a request be reasonable: You need a good reason for asking for one, and the amount of extra time you need shouldn't be excessive.

Why Should You Ask for an Extension?

When you have an assignment due and you are short on time, whether because you're overloaded, something's happened in your personal life, or just poor planning (hey, it happens!), what are your options? You could turn in a late submission and lose points, if it's even accepted. You can turn in unacceptable work and get a grade you aren't happy with. You could try to get everything done with no sleep and turn in sub-quality work (and possibly collapse from exhaustion). 

Because those options aren't great, you usually don't have anything to lose by asking for an extension, as long as your instructor has not explicitly stated that they never permit them. Whatever the valid reason for your request, oftentimes asking for an extension is a reasonable solution to a problem of time.  

How to Ask for an Extension: Step by Step

Step 1: act now.

If you are thinking about asking for additional time, the sooner you do it, the better. Asking for one at the last minute doesn’t speak well to your ability to manage your schedule and might irritate your teacher. 

Step 2: Check Your Course Policies

But first, you should check the course's syllabus or website to see if your professor has any stated policies about extensions. Do they outright say that they never give them? Do they only give them in certain circumstances, like illness or a death in the family? Do they only consider extending deadlines if given a certain notice, like at least 48 hours before the due date? 

If your instructor has policies like this, pay attention to them. If they explicitly state they do not give extensions, then it's probably only worth asking for one in the case of an extreme, unplanned emergency.

Step 3: Write an Email to Your Professor

While it's often preferable to ask for an extension in person, like visiting your professor during their office hours, this isn't always possible. The next best thing is to write a brief email to your instructor as soon as possible. Here are a few things to consider:

Explain why you need the extension. 

  • Is it for a personal reason? For instance, are you behind schedule because of an illness, a personal crisis (like a family issue), or your job's schedule?
  • Is it for an academic reason? For example, do you have multiple major assignments from your classes due on the same day or in the same week? 
  • Is it because you procrastinated? If that's the case, then it's better to be truthful and just say so. Don't be tempted to lie to your teacher and make up an excuse. 

Keep it professional. 

There's no need to go overboard with personal details. Your professor doesn't need to know your exact temperature or how many boxes of Kleenex you've gone through if you're sick, they just need to know you're behind because of an illness. 

Provide a plan and new deadline.  

Will you be able to finish the assignment in one extra day, for instance, or do you need more time? 

It's better to be realistic about your time and not overpromise. If there's no chance you'll be able to finish an assignment in 24 hours, don't promise that. 

Accept responsibility when appropriate. 

You can't help it if you are sick or if there has been an unavoidable personal crisis. But if you're asking for an extension because you managed your time badly or because of something else that was in your control, acknowledge that fact. 

If this applies to you, let your instructor know that you'll take steps to avoid the problem in the future. For instance, you might say that you're going to start visiting your school's writing lab once a week to stay accountable and finish assignments by their deadline.

Thank your professor. 

Make sure to close your email by thanking them for considering your request, and let them know you understand if it is not possible. They will appreciate your humility and recognition that the decision is up to them. 

If your request is approved, make sure to thank your professor right away.

How to Increase the Chances of Approval

  • Ask as far ahead of the original deadline as possible.
  • Give a specific reason for your request, but don't go crazy with details.
  • Admit it if you need the extension because you planned poorly.
  • Provide new due date.
  • Offer a plan for how you will finish your work. 
  • Thank your professor for considering your request.

Sample Emails

Scenario 1 (an overloaded week).

I've been working on my draft for the English 102 essay, but this week has been really difficult for me. In addition to the essay due Thursday, I have a sociology exam on Monday, and my chemistry professor just bumped our midterm from next Tuesday to this Thursday. I'd planned to finish my essay on Tuesday and Wednesday and study for my exam over the weekend, but now I also need to study for my chemistry midterm earlier in the week. Would it be possible to have an extension for my essay to Friday at midnight?

I could really use the extra days to make the essay the best it can be while also balancing studying for my exams. Please let me know if you would like to meet during your office hours to discuss this further. I appreciate your consideration of my request. 

[Your name]

Scenario 2 (Illness)

Dear X, 

My name is [insert your name], and I am a student in your 1 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday Chemistry 110 class. I know that our next exam is this Thursday, and I've been studying regularly, including visiting the Science Learning Center on Mondays and Wednesdays for extra practice. However, I've been sick with the flu since Saturday and have fallen behind. Would it be possible to schedule a make-up exam for next Monday or Tuesday? I should be better by then and will use the extra days to be as prepared as I can be. I understand if this is just not possible, but I appreciate your consideration of my request. 

[Insert your name]

Scenario 3 (A Death in the Family)

I am sorry to say that last night my Aunt Exene passed away suddenly. I am now traveling home to be with my family. I know that my Marketing 202 presentation is scheduled for Friday, but I will not be able to return to campus until Sunday, after the funeral. Is it possible to have an extension to early next week for my presentation? I will be able to give the presentation next Monday or Wednesday. I understand if this is just not possible, but I appreciate your consideration of my request. 


Scenario 4 (Procrastination)

My name is [Insert your name], and I am a student in your Sociology 201 breakout session. I know that our take-home exam is due in two days, but I am wondering if I can have a short extension for the exam. I will be honest and say that I have simply procrastinated and fallen behind in preparing for the exam. However, this class is important to me, as a prospective sociology major, and I want the exam to reflect my best effort. 

Would it be possible for me to have an extra day for the exam? I have just signed up for the optional study group sessions and will be attending those moving forward so that I stay accountable and do not fall behind in the future. I understand if it is not possible, but I truly appreciate your consideration of my request. 

What to Do if Your Request Is Denied

In the best case scenario, your request will be approved right away, you'll thank your professor, you'll get the work done by the new deadline, and all will be right with the world. But there's always a chance that your instructor will deny your request. 

If that happens, the best thing to do is to accept it and respect their decision. Complaining will not help the situation and will probably irritate your teacher. If your request is denied, thank your professor again for considering. Do the best you can with the assignment and focus on the future. It's only one assignment, after all, and life will go on. 

The exception is if you are asking for an extension for a very serious extenuating circumstance, such as a death in your immediate family or a severe injury or illness. These kinds of situations are often handled differently. If you truly need more leeway for a very serious reason and your instructor will not compromise, consider talking to an academic support office.

Depending on your school, this might be a Dean of Students office, your academic advisor, a counseling center, or a similar office. If you are going through a serious personal situation, it's a good idea to be in touch with this office anyway so they can provide support.  

reasons for assignment extension

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13 No-Fail Ways to Get an Extension on a Paper

Procrastinators, rejoice.

Image via Complex Original

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There are a myriad of reasons why you may not be finish your paper on time: sickness, family emergency, a broken heart, a sudden car wreck. While your professor may not find it as a legitimate excuse, there are some possible ways to steer your professor's decision in your favor, giving you some extra time to nail that mid-term paper. 

It can be a scary and intimidating to ask for an extension on your paper. From finding plausible excuses to being the teacher's pet, here are 13 no-fail ways to get an extension on a paper. 

13. Be upfront about it.

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This is the only option when you really can't offer a valid excuse. In some instances it may be better to be upfront about your mistake and take responsibility. If so, try and finish your essay, and turn it in the day after the paper was due. When you turn it in, make sure you take responsibility for your actions and apologize for the inconvenience. If your professor hasn't graded the essays yet, your professor may be willing to let this one slide. But, if your teacher doesn't give you credit, it's important to ask for feedback on the essay anyway.

12. Be emotional about it.

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This one is likely a hit or miss, but in some cases, it does work. Seeing a student cry is uncomfortable for any teacher, which is why we all have a friend that can attest to the effectiveness of this technique. So, if you come in teary-eyed and make up some sob story as to how your mid-term essay completely went off your radar during the last few weeks, your professor may give you a chance. Let him/her know that making up this grade is of the upmost importance to you. You may want to offer a solution of starting off with a B rather than an A. It's not perfect, but it's better than failing.

11. Don't ask for a long extension.

This should be common sense. If you're asking for an extension, don't ask for anything longer than three days. If you do, you're professor will likely think that you procrastinated the whole semester. To prove that you haven't, it may be to your advantage to send in a rough draft to prove that you have at least been working on it.

10. Be specific in your reasoning.

When informing your professor of a situation, it's very important to be specific. If your reasons are "stress" or "an emergency," chances are your professor won't give you the extension. Asking for an extension is already an inconvenience, and if you're not specific you will likely not get a response, just a failing grade. However, if you fully explain the situation and its specifics, you will increase your chances on that extension. The truth will set you free from that looming deadline.

9. Reach to your professor's heart.

If you want to incite your teacher's sympathy and your excuse is less-than tear-inducing, it might be appropriate to tell a creative rendition of the truth. Been spending way too much time on Facebook? Let's say you have had technical problems and your WiFi gave out. Did you just break up with your significant other and haven't had the time to write anything? Let's say it was a family emergency. It may not work, but your chances often depend on how well you can explain the situation.

8. Ask in person whenever possible.

Going to your professor in person is the most professional way to ask for a paper extension. It may actually be to your advantage if you come off with the perfect combination of placating and modesty if you approach your professor in person. However, if you're lying about the situation, it's probably best if you send an email, lest she see right through your B.S.

7. Offer a solution, not an excuse.

The only time to offer a solution is when you know you screwed up, but still don't necessarily feel like it's your fault. For example, someone stole your USB that had your paper, or your computer crashed and your paper was erased. These situations suck, but if you take responsibility and offer a solution rather than excuse, chances are your professor will work with you. For example, if someone stole your USB and you only have the rough draft, aplogize for the inconvenience and that you will submit an earlier draft of the paper. I did this once, and my professor gave me an extra six hours to formulate the final draft to the best of my ability.

6. Something unexpected happened.

There are just some situations that are out of your control: a funeral, car wreck, or jury duty, for example. These are the sorts of events that come up unexpectedly that would make it excruciatingly difficult to turn in a paper right before it's due. It's absolutely important that you inform your professor as soon as you can. However, your professor will likely ask for proof, so don't attempt to use these situations as a last minute excuse.

5. Make a good impression.

The actual first step to getting an extension on your paper starts on the first day of class. It's important that you show your professor that you're a good student who's  attentive and involved. Participate in discussions and go to office hours. Bottom line: professors are always more inclined to give extensions to students they like.

4. Plan ahead.

Planning ahead is probably the most important thing to remember in asking for a paper extension. In most pressing situations, like in the case of having a full-time job or game days (football players would know this), that professors will grant you a paper extension if you ask ahead. If you ask for a paper extension 12 hours before it's due, chances are your professor will think you just procrastinated and came up with an illegitimate excuse. Don't be that person.

3. You are preparing for a standardized test.

This is applicable for nearly every junior or senior in college. If you have post-college plans including law school or medical school that means you have to take some form of standardized test. Any test like the LSAT, MCAT, or GRE requires a lot of preparation. If you know that your taking any standardized test around a paper due date, politely explain the situation to your professor. In situations like these, they often understand that standardized tests require a lot of mental and physical preparation. However, since standardized test dates are often posted nearly a whole three months before, notify your professor as soon as possible.

2. You have other papers due at the same time.

Every college student knows that papers are the worst to write: they're time consuming, and they're all due at around the same time. It's very common to have close to four papers all due within a two-day time span. If you have any other commitments (like sports or a job) and other papers due on the same date, that is the perfect reason to ask for a paper extension. Inform your professor of your prior engagements—preferably with proof—and do this as soon as you can. Since most professors give a syllabus early in the semester, if you have two projects due on the same day for different classes, ask if you could possibly turn it in a day or a couple of hours later.

1. You have a full-time job.

A full-time job is a big commitment. Not only that, but your big mid-term papers are usually due at a time when your job may need you to work a couple more hours. If you realize you're going to have to clock in from nine to five the whole weekend a paper is due, politely ask your professor for an extension. Say something along the lines that your full-time work schedule won't permit you the time to work on a paper that showcases the best of your ability. Professors understand that some students are working their way through college, and will likely offer you a solution.


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Reasons and evidence for requesting a coursework extension or IMC

A guide to help you understand what would normally be considered acceptable reasons and evidence for an imc or coursework extension.

Further information on IMCs can be found on the following pages:

  • IMCs overview page - a guide to IMC procedures including help to understand if this is the correct route for you and how a claim may affect your academic outcome
  • Submitting an Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMC) claim - a guide on how to complete and submit your IMC claim
  • Reasons normally accepted

Whatever your mitigating circumstances are for submitting a coursework extension request or submitting an IMC claim, your reason should fall into at least one of these categories:

  • something unexpected and significant has happened or is happening to you
  • something unexpected and significant has happened or is happening to someone else in your life which is impacting on you
  • a significant event outside of your control
  • Reasons not normally accepted

Coursework extensions and IMC claims will not normally be considered valid if the request relates to the following circumstances:

“Normal life" events

These are circumstances you could be reasonably expected to manage alongside your assessment, perhaps with routine support. Examples include minor illness or normal levels of anxiety about assessment, sometimes known as “exam stress”.

Circumstances which are foreseeable and/or preventable

For example, booking a holiday, or not taking steps to ensure your location has a reliable internet connection with which to write and submit your assessment.

Having a busy assessment schedule, not taking steps to manage your time or prioritise your workload

For example, not being aware of your submission dates, having assessments close together or submitting the wrong documentation.

  • Examples of reasons

Please use this list to consider what reason you will give to explain your circumstances when making your request for a coursework extension or an IMC claim.

If your circumstances aren’t listed, you can use ‘Other Valid Reason’ (please see below for examples, which includes the impact of war). You can also contact your Director of Studies , Student Experience Officer (School of Management) or Personal Tutor for advice.

Something happening to you

Examples of ‘physical ill health’ as a reason.

  • Significant physical accident, injury or illness
  • Unexpected worsening of a physical long-term health condition/disability
  • Unexpected or unforeseen events that were not accommodated by an existing DAP ( Disability Access Plan ) for a physical health condition or disability

Examples of ‘Mental health’ as a reason

  • Significant mental injury or illness
  • Unexpected worsening of a long-term mental health condition/disability
  • Unexpected or unforeseen events that were not accommodated by an existing Disability Access Plan (DAP) for a mental health condition or disability

Examples of ‘Disruption in personal life’ as a reason

  • Unexpected personal accommodation crisis
  • Unexpected personal financial crisis
  • Major, and unexpected crisis related to an immigration issue, such as an unexpected outcome to a visa or asylum application with urgent implications
  • Major unplanned changes in work commitments

Examples of ‘Technical issues’ as a reason

For online exams an IMC claim would normally be accepted for technical problems that:

  • significantly reduce the time available to you to complete the assessment
  • significantly impact your performance
  • prevent submission by the end of late exam submission time (if a remote exam)

Examples may include an unforeseen and prolonged absence of a stable internet connection or issues with software.

Incident of bullying, harassment, assault or crime

Being the person harmed in an incident of bullying, harassment, assault or crime.


Placement-related employment events that cannot be rescheduled, e.g. an assessment day for a potential placement employer. This relates only to placements forming part of a University course of study.

Examples of ‘Other valid reason’

  • The impact of a natural disaster: severe weather that prevents submission, civil disruption or major hazard (including a major breakdown in the transport system).
  • The impact of war: any consequences of an ongoing conflict (such as the war in Ukraine) that have a significant impact on your ability to undertake assessments and do not fall under one of the other general categories.
  • For an IMC claim applying to a remote online exam, impact from the exam being scheduled outside of reasonable study hours because you unavoidably need to access it remotely from a country with a significant time difference with the UK (only applicable for fixed-start exams).

Something happening to someone else in your life but impacting on you

A bereavement.

The recent death of someone important to you (family or friend).

  • Serious accident, injury or illness (physical or mental) involving family or friends
  • Disruption in your personal life caused by something happening to a friend/family member(s), for example a home environment that suddenly became disruptive at the time of your remote exam(s)

Examples of ‘Caring responsibilities’ as a reason

  • Unplanned or unexpected circumstances during pregnancy (self or partner) e.g. premature birth, or for a parent with a baby
  • Unexpected (additional or new) caring responsibilities caused by something happening to a friend/family member(s), for example supporting a parent through serious illness
  • What you can submit as evidence

IMC claims require evidence . Evidence provides confirmation of what happened, when. It also helps to provide clarity about your circumstances and how they affected your assessment performance.

Requests for a coursework extension will normally require evidence to support it. Please confirm with the relevant department if this is the case for your specific request.

The exact nature of what your evidence will be depends on your circumstances. These are some examples of what is normally acceptable.

Correspondence or documents from University support services or staff

You may have already told a member of University staff about your circumstances, and so you can provide evidence of that engagement as evidence of the circumstances you are reporting.

Examples of such evidence would include appointment confirmations, email exchanges (including summary e-mails of advice provided by counselling or wellbeing services) and other types of correspondence from any of the following; a Personal Tutor, a Student Experience Officer, or a Director of Studies, Disability Services, Student Support (which includes counselling and wellbeing teams), the Students’ Union, Security, IT Help Desk, the Library, or the Student Immigration Services. This also includes anything you submit to the Report & Support Tool .

You should not need to ask for a specific statement as evidence. Services and staff may not be able to respond in time for your submission if you do make this kind of request, so you should use evidence you already have.

Disability Access Plans (DAPs)

If you have a Disability Access Plan , it may include guidance that coursework extensions are a reasonable adjustment for you should you request them. If extensions are included in your DAP you can simply reference your DAP (or upload a copy) or as evidence where it is required.

For IMC claims, if you experience unexpected or unforeseen events that are not already accommodated in your DAP, please explain how these have impacted your assessment performance.

Statement, correspondence, or documents from external, third party professionals or support services

Examples include a letter, email or statement from services such as the Police, Victim Support, Social Services, NHS services, charity support agencies, external counselling or mental health advice services, etc.

Copies of official documentation

Examples include a death certificate, medical certificate, screenshot of relevant NHS notifications.

Copies of correspondence with/from family/friends at the time the circumstances occurred

Examples include screenshots of text messages or a conversation via a messaging app (with dates). However, a post-event statement from a family member or friend will not normally be acceptable on its own.

Where possible you should seek permission from anyone else involved in your correspondence before sharing it, especially if the conversation is personal in nature.

  • Submitting your evidence

We recognise that some evidence can be difficult to obtain. Therefore:

  • Your evidence does not have to be an official document or certificate, especially if the circumstances are health related and you do not need to provide multiple pieces of evidence if they all confirm the same thing
  • Your evidence may come later than your submission of an IMC claim form. If you need longer to provide evidence, you should explain this on on your claim form. Your claim form must be submitted by the deadline .
  • You do not need to provide original copies of your evidence. With electronic evidence you can provide a screenshot if you need to. With physical documents you can submit a scanned copy or a digital photograph of the original. If you are not comfortable with electronic submission of your evidence, you should speak with your Director of Studies or Student Experience Officer (School of Management) for advice.
  • If you are concerned about providing evidence or about disclosing a sensitive, personal situation you may wish to speak confidentially with SU Advice & Support or Student Support .
  • If your evidence was not originally produced in English, then an official translation must be provided.
  • How to apply for a coursework extension

Our general guidance on coursework extensions includes information on how to apply.

  • How to submit an IMC claim

Please read our overview of IMCs and follow the guidance to submitting an Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMC) claim .

On this page

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension + Example Emails

May 10, 2023

how to ask a professor for an extension

So, you want to learn how to ask a professor for an extension, but you’re afraid of sounding like a slacker, or of getting on your professor’s bad side. Luckily, we have some dos and don’ts that should cover your questions. The first one is simple: please do not, under any circumstances, use the example below as a template.

This Is Not How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment

Dear Professor S.,

I’m so so sorry but I won’t be able to turn in the final assignment on time. There’s an issue going on in my dorm room and it’s really, truly and utterly gross (I won’t go into the details). I’ll make sure to get the assignment to you soon. Please know that I’m really bummed to be doing this, because your course really was my favorite course this semester.

While Charles wrote his email in earnest, he made multiple gaffes that only added more awkwardness to an already confusing request. (In fact, Charles forgot to phrase his request as a question!) Yet asking for extra time should not become an additional crisis on top of other stress. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to ask for an extension on an assignment.

What’s Your Excuse?

Turning in an assignment late can cause anxiety for students. Many fear getting points docked or a lower final grade. Some view it as doing something “wrong” and end up feeling preemptively guilty or undeserving of the extra time. These anxious feelings can manifest in the request itself. (Just look at Charles’s overly effusive apology.) However, a lot of valid reasons for an extension exist. The first successful step in how to ask a professor for an extension requires clarifying your situation.

Let’s say you have a funeral to attend, you fall sick, or, as was Charles’s case, you discover a bedbug infestation. All of these reasons qualify as unexpected crises you couldn’t plan for. In urgent circumstances like these, professors tend to take an accommodating stance for last-minute requests. They have lives outside of academics too, and know how the real world can intervene.

Less urgent circumstances that require you to know how to ask for an extension might involve a conflict of deadlines in different classes, or a wedding to attend. To increase your chances, make your request as far ahead as possible, as soon as you learn of the conflict.

Professors may not accommodate every request, especially if the student simply procrastinated. But whatever your circumstances, do give your professor the real reason. Honesty always comes across as most genuine and requires fewer justifications. Plus, treating the situation in a mature manner will result in the professor responding in kind, and taking your request more seriously.

How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment to Improve Your Work

A less typical, last-minute, yet non-urgent request can arise when students find they don’t understand how to accomplish the assignment. Similarly, they may find they aren’t satisfied with the quality or direction of their work. Asking for more time to improve your work can sound reasonable to a professor. The trick here involves specifying exactly why you need more time and what you wish to improve. Consider asking for suggestions as well before going forward. Most professors prefer grading a student’s best effort rather than a sloppy, punctual paper, and will be willing to help those who show enthusiasm for their subject.

Act Accordingly

With the various types of impediments and conflicts identified, let’s consider the best approaches for how to ask for an extension. If in doubt, and especially in an emergency, send an email. When emailing, include these three vital pieces of information:

1) Explain the situation you’re facing.

2) Suggest a specific alternative deadline. This date should be reasonable, both in terms of reorganizing your own schedule, and with respect to the teacher’s semester. Avoid an overly-optimistic deadline; you won’t impress your teacher if you’re forced to ask for an extended extension.

3) Ask about the teacher’s late policy, if you don’t know it already. If this information is included in the course syllabus, acknowledge the late policy in writing. Perhaps your teacher docks points regardless, in which case, you’ll want to know how many for each day the assignment is late. You may need to weigh your priorities, and decide which to sacrifice, promptness or quality.

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension During Office Hours

If you’re trying to juggle multiple courses’ assignments, or want an extension with more guidance, send a preliminary email asking to meet with your professor. Do email first, because waylaying your professor after class can stress everyone out. Once a meeting is scheduled, the face-to-face chat may prove more successful, simply because it’s harder to say no in person. This meeting also gives your professor a chance to put a face to a name, and will give you a chance to say something about what you’re working on. Extra guidance like new leads and library references may also speed up your progress.

Putting the How in How to Ask a Professor for an Extension

Let’s return to Charles’ email, and imagine how his professor might react. Reading about a “really, truly and utterly gross,” mystery situation doesn’t give the professor any idea of the student’s trouble, nor of how severe it is, or how long it will last. The professor has no incentive to act leniently, and no opportunity to sympathize. If anything, the vague description evokes confusion, pity, and doubt.

Imagine instead that Charles wrote, “I just discovered a bedbug infestation in my dorm room. According to pest control, I’ll need to spend the weekend bagging up my possessions before an exterminator arrives. Then I’ll have to find a different place to sleep and study for the coming week.” Here Charles goes into enough detail to delineate the situation. It becomes clear that a bedbug infestation is time consuming, as well as psychologically and physically taxing. Though unusual, Charles’ reason for wanting an extension now sounds perfectly legitimate.

You can avoid Charles’s main mistake by articulating your situation clearly and concisely. With a big emphasis on concisely. If you’re going to a funeral, you don’t need to convince your teacher that you loved your grandmother. If you’re sick, you don’t need to list your symptoms. A brief email saves your harried professor some time, and gives students practice in establishing their own personal boundaries. Overall, a brief email will sound professional and sincere.

Another must when learning how to ask a professor for an extension involves tone. The right register will come across as respectful and somewhat formal. Change phrases like “I’m really bummed” to “I regret.” Apologize, but don’t overdo it. One apology appropriately recognizes the inconvenience the professor may experience.

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension, Example 1

Now let’s take a look at Charles’ improved urgent request.

Dear Professor Sassin,

I’m Charles Yu, from your Modern Architecture seminar. I’m writing to let you know about a situation that’s come up. I just discovered a bedbug infestation in my dorm room. According to pest control, I’ll need to spend the weekend bagging up my possessions before an exterminator arrives. Then I’ll have to find a different place to sleep and study for the coming week.

Because of this, I’m afraid I won’t have time to work on the final assignment until next week. Would you consider a one-week extension, with a new deadline on May 25? If so, please let me know how this extension might affect my grade.

I apologize in advance for the inconvenience, and am open to other suggestions you may have.

Best regards,  

In his amended version, Charles makes it clear why his particular situation requires more time. He asks for (rather than dictates) an extension, and shows that he’s both concerned about his grade and happy to consider an alternative plan. The writing sounds polite, clear, and formal—a complete reversal from the previous chaotic and informal tone. Charles’s chances look good.

How to Ask a Professor for an Extension, Example 2

In the following example represents a less typical situation. Time is of the essence, but the situation itself cannot be called urgent.

Dear Professor Napier,

I’ve been hard at work on my research essay for your class, the English Romantic Novel. Initially, my plan involved comparing early Gothic novels, analyzing recurring motifs, and rooting them in British culture of the time. However, the more I’ve read, the more I’ve realized that my interest lies in the parodies of Gothic novels, particularly in the works of Wilde and Austen, and in the significance we might pull from the distortions they make.

I believe I could write a more compelling paper on this subject, but the deadline is fast approaching. I won’t have enough time to refocus the research and finish writing by Friday. Would you mind if I turned the paper in next Tuesday, October 3, instead? I understand that your late policy is strict. However, I think this new theme may inform my senior thesis, so I wonder if an exception can be made.

I’m happy to meet and discuss during your office hours tomorrow. Please let me know at your earliest convenience.

Tatiana Gorns

Here, Tatiana takes a risk. She knows her situation won’t seem urgent, but she appeals to her professor’s academic side. To do so, Tatiana must expand. The email is not concise, nor is it fluffy. Her investment in the assignment appears genuine. Furthermore, she explains the stakes, that this extension could positively affect her future course of study. This appeal will be hard for most professors to turn down.

How to ask for an extension – Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more advice on how to navigate the college work-life balance, how to better communicate, and other college know-how, you may find the following links to be of interest:

  • Communicating with Professors: Ten Practical Suggestions
  • What Does it Mean to Audit a Class in College?
  • Best Gap Year Programs – 2023
  • The College Transitions Dataverse
  • College Success

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Kaylen Baker

With a BA in Literary Studies from Middlebury College, an MFA in Fiction from Columbia University, and a Master’s in Translation from Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Kaylen has been working with students on their writing for over five years. Previously, Kaylen taught a fiction course for high school students as part of Columbia Artists/Teachers, and served as an English Language Assistant for the French National Department of Education. Kaylen is an experienced writer/translator whose work has been featured in Los Angeles Review, Hybrid, San Francisco Bay Guardian, France Today, and Honolulu Weekly, among others.

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How to Write a Letter Asking for an Extension

Last Updated: March 24, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 3,068,170 times.

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

Sample Letters

reasons for assignment extension

Sample Emails

reasons for assignment extension

Following Formal Letter Writing Conventions

Step 1 Prepare a header section.

  • If you are sending your request via email, you can omit the date and address portions and start with your salutation. However, make sure to use an effective and clear subject line. For example, if you are emailing a professor, your subject line might read, "Mike Smith HIST 359 Paper Extension Request."

Step 2 Employ a formal and full salutation.

  • Even if you know them informally, this is an official request so keep the tone and content formal. Do not write “Hi, Jim,” for example.
  • Try to find some specific person that you can address your letter to. Otherwise, it can appear like a form letter. For example, “Dear Senator Smith,” is preferable to, “To Whom It May Concern.” [2] X Research source

Step 3 Use a concise paragraph format.

  • To open your letter you might state, “I am John Smith a student in your HIST 456 MWF morning class.” This will jog your professor’s memory and save them time looking you up.

Step 4 Pay attention to your concluding remarks.

  • It is best to close with an official “sign off” before your name. Some of the better options are: “Sincerely” “Best” “All the Best” “Best Regards.” [3] X Research source
  • If you need a reply by a certain time, you should include that information at this point as well. You can always pair it with your thanks. For example, “Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you next week.” Just be careful not to appear overly pushy. [4] X Research source

Step 5 Include your full name and signature.

Crafting the Content of the Letter

Step 1 Write the letter as soon as you can.

  • Depending on the situation, you might need to consider your letter as part of an ongoing negotiation. In that sense, it is better to ask for a longer amount of time so that you can compromise and meet in the middle. [7] X Research source
  • Gauge your pace based upon your current progress and what parts of the project have yet to be completed. For example, if you have worked on a consulting project for three months you should have a pretty good sense of how much is left to do.
  • Be aware of the time constraints facing the recipient as well. They may be under their own deadlines that will now need to be pushed back. For example, college professors are often required to submit midterm grades and schedule their paper deadlines accordingly.

Step 3 Be aware of the existing rules.

  • A good reason might be the desire to be thorough or cautious in your work. For instance, if you are completing a project that could potentially impact the safety of others, pointing this fact out when asking for extra time could work in your favor.
  • If you have multiple reasons for your request, choose the best one and focus on it. For example, if you are delaying a job offer you might want to tell them that you would like to conduct additional research into the transfer costs (if this is indeed true) instead of letting them know that you are also waiting on another offer. [9] X Research source

Step 5 Provide a few carefully chosen details as part of your request.

  • For example, if your grandfather dies two days before your college essay is due, it is best to describe the incident as a “family emergency” as opposed to a general “emergency.” You may also want to mention his passing and some information about your travel arrangements. [11] X Research source
  • Have your paperwork in order before submitting any request. You may need to lay out a timeline of prior actions and applications, especially if dealing with the government or another official entity. Showing that you have followed all steps of the process up until this point can only work in your favor. [12] X Research source

Step 6 Stay positive in tone and content.

Sending the Letter to the Recipient

Step 1 Make or save a copy of your letter.

  • If you are going to mail off a hard copy of your letter, make sure to print it out using a high quality printer with a good ink cartridge. A handwritten extension request is generally not acceptable. [14] X Research source

Step 3 Email your extension request.

  • Your recipient may be able to see the exact time that you sent the email. Be aware of this if you like to send off emails very late at night.
  • Keep your email formal and that includes the address that you use as well. Send this email from a professional-sounding account. For example, sending a work email from “[email protected]” is appropriate.
  • If you send your letter via fax, make sure to hold on to the confirmation page showing that your transmission was successfully sent and received.

Step 4 Make a phone call instead of writing.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • Try to keep your letter at one page of length or less. This makes it appear complete, yet easy to skim through. [15] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be aware if your recipient will send you something in return, such as a confirmation letter. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

reasons for assignment extension

  • Be realistic in the promises that you make. You do not want to get an extension only to spend the extra time completing additional work. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Check to make sure that you’ve included all necessary forms with your request. And, some groups will require that you use their form letter as a template. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
  • Make this one-time extension request count. You do not want to try for another one. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

To write a letter asking for an extension, start with a formal salutation, like "Dear Professor Montgomery." Then, in the body of your letter, state that you'd like an extension and explain why you need one. You should also include a new, realistic deadline that you think you can meet. Remember to keep the tone of your letter positive so it doesn't seem like you're whining or complaining. Also, try to limit your letter to 1-3 paragraphs so that it's short and straightforward. To learn how to end your letter, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Assignment Extensions

Main navigation, understanding assignment extensions, page contents, what is this accommodation used for, who receives this accommodation.

  • How to Evaluate The Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

Considerations When Implementing Assignment Extensions

Oae responsibilities in supporting assignment extensions, faculty responsibilities when facilitating assignment extensions, student responsibilities when eligible for assignment extensions.

  • Student Email Templates to Notify Use of Accommodation

For students with conditions that are episodic in nature or that impact their ability to devote sufficient time to the assignment, strict assignment deadlines and punitive grading on late assignments can prevent them from demonstrating their full mastery of class content. The purpose of reasonable accommodations is to ensure access, and this extends to providing flexibility within class policies to ensure students with disabilities are not disproportionately penalized for exacerbations in their condition, as they may be unpredictable and inevitable despite ongoing health and time management practices. 

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Students with disabilities who navigate with a wide variety of disability-related experiences are approved for this accommodation. Granting extensions on assignments ensures that the student is not unfairly penalized for having to use alternate means or methods to access written materials and complete their work. Examples of when a student may benefit or be approved for this accommodation:

  • Students with compromised reading abilities arising from a learning disability who need more time to process and complete the volume of reading/work
  • Students dealing with fluctuating and unpredictable periods of exacerbations of their condition associated with chronic illnesses or mental health disabilities
  • Students with executive function impairments who find it difficult to focus and concentrate for sustained periods of time and need to break their work into shorter bursts of time
  • Students who need frequent rest periods or who are able to work only for short periods of time, such as those with recent concussions, brain injuries, or chronic illnesses
  • Students with reduced or limited stamina who have difficulty sitting, reading, writing/typing for extended periods due to chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or injuries
  • Students who rely on adaptive technology (e.g., screen readers or speech-to-text software) to read and/or write as this process may be slower than reading with normal eyesight

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How to Evaluate the Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

The accommodation for Assignment Extensions should always be considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning objectives and pedagogical components. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the grading scheme and syllabus, this accommodation is intended to modify any stated policies to allow some flexibility to account for the student’s disability-related need. 

The accommodation should be provided unless the accommodation  significantly  compromises the integrity of the course as offered. If you believe assignment extensions are not possible, then instructors should consult with a Disability Adviser to determine the reasonability of the request within the specific context of your class. The OAE will consult with instructors using the following questions to determine the reasonability:

  • What does the class description and syllabus say about assignment deadlines or late work?
  • How is the final class grade calculated? To what extent are assignments factored into the final grade? Are there any alternative grading schemes for assignments (i.e. one assignment grade may be dropped, etc)?
  • Are assignment deadline policies consistently applied? (i.e.., Have any exceptions made to the policy for non-disabled students, such as for athletic travel or religious observances? If so, then these exceptions must also be granted to students with disabilities.)
  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a discussion?
  • Is the material being learned in the class sequentially? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)? (This may shorten the window of time in which an extension can reasonably be granted.)
  • Are assignments used as class content when they are due? Are students required to actively participate in class discussions/activities based off of the assignment? (e.g. problem sets reviewed as the first lecture on that content)
  • Are answer sets released that would impact a student’s ability to request an extension? If so, how important is the timeliness of providing the answer sets to student learning and course sequencing?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • Does the assignment involve teamwork? Would failure to complete the assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in this class?

Limits are reasonable; provide clear limits to the number of extensions allowed and the length of such extensions. This is not a “free pass” for students to turn in late work. Agreed upon extensions should be specific and limited to a specific amount of time.

  • The instructor’s class policy on late work (e.g., 10 points off a grade for each day late) will remain applicable even to students with Assignment Extensions accommodation if they fail to meet the agreed upon disability-related extension, or if they miss deadlines for other non-disability related reasons.
  • Students are never required to provide doctor’s notes to justify use of this accommodation.
  • Accommodations are not retroactive; instructors are not obligated to adjust previous penalties for late work if accommodation letter is provided after-the-fact.

Reviews documentation and meet with students to better understand their disability-related experiences. Through this interactive process, a Disability Adviser will determine if a student is eligible for Assignment Extensions to mitigate disability-related impacts throughout the quarter. If so, Assignment Extensions will be listed as an eligible accommodation on the student’s accommodation letter.

  • Consults and supports faculty in determining reasonableness of accommodation or how to implement this accommodation in light of essential class elements.
  • Provides support to students and faculty when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.

Once instructors have been notified of eligibility for accommodations, instructors should determine the extent to which they can reasonably grant assignment extensions without fundamentally altering the learning objectives. The OAE is available for consultation if you have questions regarding how the accommodation interacts with essential elements of the class and determining if or what adjustments are reasonable.

If you believe the accommodation is not reasonable in light of your class objectives or pedagogical methods, contact the student’s Disability Adviser immediately as instructors should never unilaterally deny an accommodation. Instructors are expected to clearly articulate why flexibility is not reasonable.

  • The instructor should engage in dialogue with the student or the OAE regarding assignment extension expectations: delineate the preferred communication process for when the student needs to notify you of a disability-related extension, typical grace period for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot be extended.

It is highly recommended that any limitations to reasonability for assignment extensions is summarized in writing through email. The email summary helps ensure everyone is operating from the same point of view and that any confusion of the agreement can be clarified. Students and instructors are welcome to include the student's assigned Disability Adviser on these email exchanges for documentation purposes.

  • Instructor will request consultation with OAE if they believe that extending the deadlines for assignments would fundamentally alter an essential element of their class or if they have questions about what a reasonable amount of time extensions is within the context of their class.
  • If extensions are pedagogically possible, the instructor will work with the student in good faith to determine a reasonable amount of time and set a new deadline for each eligible assignment.
  • Instructor will verify the specific plan for the new assignment due date in writing (by email) with the student.
  • The OAE is always available to mediate any concerns about Assignment Extensions, including concerns about academic integrity and logistics of this accommodation. The OAE remains a neutral party in evaluating what is reasonable as an accommodation and is here to support you.

Students approved for Assignment Extensions must request their accommodation letters on  OAE | CONNECT  and distribute their accommodation letters to instructors at the beginning of the quarter, or as soon as they are made eligible for the accommodation.

  • Initiating contact with your instructor to discuss the boundaries of the accommodation and developing protocols for how it will be used  OR
  • Requesting guidance from OAE Disability Adviser. The Disability Adviser will contact the instructor to determine the boundaries of the accommodation and any necessary protocols. 
  • Student should clearly understand if or how assignment extensions will be granted in light of the class learning objectives and structure. This entails knowing the finite number of extensions that can be allowed, how to communicate with the professor when they need to request an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot receive an extension.
  • At no time are students required to present documentation to instructors in order to justify a disability-related need for an extension.
  • Students should not plan on the extension being automatically provided and should always use this accommodation, if available, with care.
  • If a student receives a paper or assignment extension and is unable to meet the deadline, a new extension request must be made.
  • The OAE is always available to mediate any concerns about navigating Assignment Extensions in a specific class.

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A Guide to Writing a Deadline Extension Email to Your Professor

Stefani H.

Table of contents

We’ve all been in that tough spot – the one where a deadline is creeping up, and you find yourself racing against time. You desperately need an extension to complete your assignment, but you find yourself at crossroads.

On the one hand, you understand the importance of timely submission, but on the other, you realize that getting that extra time will positively impact the quality of your assignment.

In such a situation, it is a good idea to write a professional email to your professor , asking for an extension. You need to effectively communicate your situation and make a sincere request for additional time.

What are the reasons to ask for an extension on an assignment?

There can be various reasons for requesting extra time for your assignment. While some reasons may be viewed as mere excuses, there are genuine and acceptable circumstances that may warrant asking for an extension. Let's explore some reasons for requesting additional time to work on your assignment.

  • Sudden injury or illness (physical and mental).
  • Sudden decline in long-term health condition.
  • Significant and unexpected personal challenges such as the death of a loved one or family obligations.
  • Natural disaster.
  • Technical difficulties hinder the assignment.
  • Additional research is required.
  • Overlapping deadlines or class schedules.

While the last three reasons may not be universally acceptable across all colleges, the key lies in how you communicate and present these reasons to your professor. Proper positioning and articulation can make a difference in how your request is perceived and considered.

That said, if your “reason” is not a legitimate one and you fear that your request will be turned down, why not hire an urgent writing service like Writers Per Hour to write your essay? Our last minute essay writers are trained to research, write and proofread within quick turnarounds ranging from 24 hours and 16 hours to 8 hours and even 5 hours – without compromising the quality.

9 tips for writing an email requesting an assignment deadline extension

While you’re drowning in deadlines, writing a respectful, clear, and concise email to your professor asking for an extension is no joke. Let's explore tips for writing an email that could potentially secure that much-needed additional time.

1. Don’t wait till the last day

It's common to procrastinate when faced with tasks that are challenging or evoke negative emotions. Writing a deadline extension email is one such task, but students don’t realize that waiting till the last minute to write this email can undermine their chances of getting an extension.

Moreover, sending this request a day prior to the deadline (or, worse, on the day of submission) puts unnecessary pressure on the professor. Reaching out early shows that you are proactive in managing your workload and respecting their time.

2. Write a professional subject line

The email subject line is your opportunity to make a strong first impression and ensure your email is noticed promptly. The subject line needs to be concise, clear, and professional. Be sure to keep it simple and stay within the 60-character limit so it appears entirely in the inbox.

Here are examples of some good subject lines for your deadline extension email:

  • Request for extension: [Assignment name]
  • Seeking extension for [Assignment name]
  • Deadline extension request: [Assignment name]
  • Request for deadline extension: [Assignment name]

Notice how these subject lines are informative and to the point. One look at it, and the professor will know what you’re getting at.

Here are some examples of subject lines you must avoid:

  • Please give me more time!
  • Urgent help required
  • Extension needed urgently
  • Need an extension ASAP

Not only do these subject lines lack clarity, but they also sound demanding, impolite, and entitled.

3. Introduce yourself in brief

Your professor is likely to receive emails from several students, which is why it’s important to start with a brief introduction of yourself. It should include the following:

  • Course and section details;
  • Assignment details.

Here’s an example of the introduction:

Dear Mr/Ms [first name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [your name], and I am a student in your [course name, section number] class. I am writing to kindly request a deadline extension for the [assignment name] that is due on [deadline].

4. Address your commitment to deadlines

Now that you’ve introduced yourself before you move on to the reason for the extension, it’s a good idea to emphasize your commitment to deadlines.

It shows you take academic responsibilities seriously and understand the importance of deadlines. Don’t spend more than a sentence or two on this part.

You can mention that you typically prioritize meeting deadlines and explain that the circumstances leading to the request for an extension are exceptional. For instance, you can write:

Throughout the course, I have consistently strived to submit assignments promptly, recognizing the importance of timely completion in my own learning process. However, unforeseen circumstances have arisen recently that have made it challenging for me to meet the original deadline for this particular assignment.

5. State the reason for the extension

Coming to the meat of the email – the reason for the extension. This is the section that will get maximum attention.

Make sure you clearly state the reasons without beating about the bush. Provide a brief explanation of the circumstances that made it challenging for you to meet the deadline. Remember: stick to the important details instead of getting into unnecessary personal information.

Here’s an example of an appropriate explanation:

The recent unexpected family emergency I experienced required my immediate attention and has significantly disrupted my ability to meet the original deadline.

As opposed to the below that delves into unnecessary, irrelevant details:

Unfortunately, a recent unexpected family emergency occurred, resulting in a series of events that demanded my immediate attention and made it extremely challenging for me to focus on my coursework. The emergency involved a medical situation that required hospitalization and ongoing care for a family member, which caused immense emotional distress and affected my ability to allocate sufficient time to the assignment. I have been juggling multiple responsibilities and attending to various family matters, leaving me unable to give the assignment the attention it deserves.

6. Mention the progress made in the assignment

Many students make the mistake of leaving out the progress they’ve made while writing the deadline extension email.

It’s important to be transparent about the work you’ve done so far because it lets them assess the level of effort you have put in. It shows your willingness and dedication to complete the task to the best of your abilities.

Here’s an example of what you can write to demonstrate the progress made:

I have made significant progress on the assignment. I have conducted thorough research, gathered relevant sources, and started outlining my ideas for the content. I have also completed the introduction and have made substantial headway in developing the main body of the assignment. However, I believe that the remaining sections require more time to refine and polish to meet the desired quality standards.

7. Propose a new deadline

Your deadline extension email is incomplete without a proposed new deadline. It is essential to include a specific timeline as a proposal in your email, demonstrating your commitment to completing the assignment within a reasonable timeframe.

While the ultimate decision lies with your professor, suggesting a new deadline shows your proactive approach and respect for their schedule and course requirements.

Make sure the revised deadline is feasible and gives you time to finish it to the best of your ability. It’s also a good idea to briefly explain the rationale behind why you believe the proposed deadline is reasonable.

8. End the email with gratitude

While ending the deadline extension email, show your appreciation by thanking the professor for their understanding and consideration. Keep it short and simple without introducing any new information.

You must also use this space to show your willingness to discuss this matter or provide further information if needed.

Here’s an example:

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. I truly appreciate your guidance and support in this matter. Should you require any further information or have any suggestions, please let me know. I look forward to your response.

[Your name]

Assignment extension request email sample

Here’s an example of a deadline extension email you can send your professor:

Throughout the course, I have consistently strived to submit assignments promptly, recognizing the importance of timely completion in my own learning process.

However, the recent unexpected family emergency I experienced required my immediate attention and significantly disrupted my ability to meet the original deadline.

I have made significant progress on the assignment. I have conducted thorough research, gathered relevant sources, and started outlining my ideas for the content. I have also completed the introduction and have made substantial headway in developing the main body of the assignment.

I believe that an extension of [proposed deadline] would allow me to complete the assignment to the best of my abilities and ensure a submission that aligns with the quality standards expected.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. If there are any adjustments or alternative deadlines that better align with your schedule, I am open to discussing them. Thank you for your guidance and support.

Key takeaway

A part of you might shy away from writing a deadline extension email and wonder, “Do I really need to?”. The answer is yes because it shows that you take responsibility and respect your college’s policies.

The next time you find yourself in need of a deadline extension, approach it with confidence, professionalism, and courtesy. With these tips in mind, you can effectively communicate your request and navigate the process with grace.

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Home > myGriffith > Student Review and Appeals > Information sheets and resources > Assignment extensions

What this information sheet covers:

  • assignment extension
  • when you can and can’t apply
  • the application process
  • options for review and appeal of an unsuccessful assignment extension application.

What is an assignment extension?

Where you are unable to attempt an assessment item which is not an exam, you may apply for an extension of time to submit the assessment item. This includes case studies, essays and reports.

When can I apply for an assignment extension?

You can apply for an assignment extension if you are unable to complete an assignment by the due date on medical or other grounds (e.g. disability, family or personal circumstances, employment-related circumstances, unavoidable commitments).

When can’t I apply for an assignment extension?

An extension of time is not available for an assessment item for which the opportunity to resubmit has been given.

What is the difference between an assignment extension and special consideration?

Essentially if you are unable to complete an assessment on medical or other grounds, you may apply for an assignment extension. If; however, you have attempted an assessment item, and your performance was seriously affected or you were seriously disadvantaged when the assessment item was attempted, you may apply for special consideration. Please refer to the Assessment Procedure for Students for more information on special consideration.

What is the difference between an assignment extension and deferred assessment?

An assignment extension provides additional time for you to complete an assessment item (e.g. case study, essay or report) if you are unable to submit the assessment item by the due date and time. Deferred assessment is awarded where you are prevented from completing the assessment task, such as an exam, on the scheduled date. Please refer to the Assessment Procedure for Students for more information.

How do I apply for an assessment extension?

Submit an assignment extension form online.

For individual assessment items, supporting documentation is not required for extensions up to and including three calendar days, unless you are enrolled in a course through Open Universities Australia (OUA) *. For group assessment, all OUA assessment and extensions greater than three calendar days your application must include appropriate documentation to support the grounds on which you are requesting an extension.

Students registered with Student Disability and Accessibility can apply for assignment extensions on disability grounds for up to and including 10 calendar days without the requirement to provide supporting documentation.

* Note: For students not registered with Student Disability and Accessibility, accumulation of more than three approved extensions for individual assignments of three or less calendar days will trigger the supporting documentation requirement for the remainder of the trimester, after which the count will be reset.

Supporting documentation may include a medical certificate (issued in-person or online), bereavement notice, copy of accident report etc. You can find other forms of appropriate supporting documentation at Assessment Applications . Please note that when applying on medical grounds, the medical certificate must outline the period for which your performance was impacted.

How long do I have to submit my application?

Applications for an assignment extension must be submitted online before the assignment due date.

What is the maximum period of extension I can apply for?

The maximum period an extension will be granted on medical grounds is 14 calendar days.

The maximum period an extension will be granted on disability grounds is 14 calendar days.

The maximum period an extension will be granted for bereavement is 14 calendar days.

The maximum period an extension will be granted for personal safety reasons is 14 calendar days.

The maximum period an extension will be granted for other personal, professional or exceptional circumstances is three calendar days.

What happens after I submit my application?

The application will then either be approved or declined and you will be notified by email of the decision. For applications exceeding three calendar days, you will receive an interim approval of three calendar days before your application undergoes further review by your Course Convenor for the full extension days requested*.

* Note: For students registered with Student Disability and Accessibility this is extended to 10 calendar days.

What if my application for an assignment extension is declined?

Decisions made regarding assignment extensions do not constitute an academic decision under the University’s Student Review and Appeals Policy and Procedures . Therefore, you are not able to seek a review of decision if you are unhappy with the outcome of your application. If you believe your application has been declined in error, contact your Course Convenor or Student Connect .

What if I need to apply for a further extension on an already approved applications?

If you require a further extension on an already approved application, you can now do this via the online application. Documentation will be required to support an additional extension and you cannot exceed the maximum allowable extension period for the reason selected.

Let us know if you have any further enquiries.

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How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment – Calltutors

Do you want to know how to ask for an extension on an assignment? if yes, then don’t worry! In this blog, I have provided some samples and tips to ask for an extension on an assignment.

An extension on an assignment could be essential for a variety of reasons. To finish a paper or project, a student must request additional time. A polite way to seek an extension is via a formal email written with sincerity and tact. It should take into account the recipient’s conditions for granting the extension, as well as any institution-specific extension regulations.

If you’re having trouble following instructions or don’t have enough time to finish a task, it’s also worth asking for an extension. And this would have an impact on the whole class, talking to your professor about your issues could be the best course of action.

And if you are prepared to ask for a renewal, you can always lose your opinion.

Your safest choice is to send an email to your professor.

Explain why you’re seeking an extension and suggest a new deadline in a respectful manner.

In this post, you’ll learn how to request an extension and why you should do so. And also if you need assignment help online from experts, then you can contact our experts to get top-notch assignment service within the given deadline.

For your convenience, we’ve included a sample letter requesting an extension of an assignment.

Are you ever stumped for words? Check it out.

  • Wherever possible, meet with your mentor in person
  • Avoid asking questions at the last minute
  • Inform them that you have other papers due at the same time
  • Only a brief extension is requested
  • Exhibit feelings
  • Describe how the circumstances have changed

Creating Your Justification

  • Review the policies of your course
  • If you claim to be ill, provide evidence
  • If you have a personal emergency, be forthright about it
  • If you are overburdened with jobs, notify your professor
  • Take the “numbers” approach
  • Maintain a straightforward approach

Politely inquiring

  • As soon as possible, inquire
  • Make an in-person approach to your professor
  • Send an email to your instructor to inquire about an extension
  • Determine the length of the extension

Why Do Students Ask For An Extension On An Assignment?

Table of Contents

There are a lot of reasons why students ask for an extension on an assignment some of which are below:

Personal illness or emergency

The first reason is personal illness or emergency. Many students have been ill or have had a personal emergency that has impacted completing the assignment on time. That’s why they ask for an extension. 

Technical Difficulties With Equipment Or Internet Access

Many students can’t complete their assignments on time because they have been experiencing technical difficulties such as a broken computer or poor internet connection. So, that’s why this can impact completing an assignment on time. If you are one of them, and you provide documents of proof of these issues can help you to support your request for an extension. 

Lack Of Understanding Or Difficulty With The Material

Many students are struggling with their assignments because of a lack of knowledge or difficulty with the material. This can be reasonable to ask for an extension to get more time to study or seek additional help from assignment help tutors . 

Work Or Other Time-Consuming Activities

Many students can’t complete their assignments on time because they have work or other activities that are taking a lot of their time. 

Unexpected Events

Many students get unexpected events because of that they can’t complete their assignments on time. So, they can ask for an extension on an assignment. 

Sample Of Writing Email For An Extension On Assignment

Since emails for extensions request a favor, several people are humiliated, and it’s hard to articulate oneself..

For people in challenging or unforeseen situations however, extension e-mails are common.

And, if the emails are written in the right format and respectful and straightforward, There’s nothing inconvenient to experience.

Sample 1: How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

Sample 2: how to ask for an extension on an assignment, sample 3: how to ask for an extension on an assignment, how to ask for extra time on an assignment with justifications / excuses.

  • I have a holiday scheduled that I can’t alter.
  • I’m having a panic attack/depression episode. I’ve scheduled an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.
  • I’m planning a wedding that will take a lot of time.
  • I’ve caught a cold and am confined to my bunk.
  • I was called in for long shifts at work, and I desperately need the money.
  • I’m having problems with my device. This is a screenshot of the issue.
  • I was under the impression that the assignment was due the following week. It wasn’t until this morning that I realised!

Tips To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

  • Give a clear reason – When asking for an extension, it’s important to give a clear reason for why you need an extension for an assignment. Because it can help the professor understand your situation and make a decision. 
  • Use A Polite And Professional Tone – You should use a polite and professional tone when you ask for an extension because it can help your professor feel comfortable and more likely to grant your request. 
  • Explain The Situation – Clearly explain the reason why you need an extension for an assignment. And also you should tell your professor the truth don’t say lie to his/her.
  • Provide a plan and new deadline – provide a plan for completing the assignment, including a new deadline and any steps you will take to ensure that you meet the new deadline. 
  • Show appreciation: you should express appreciation for the professor’s understanding and help in granting the extension. 

Since emails for extensions request a favor, several people are humiliated, And it’s hard to articulate oneself. For people in challenging or unforeseen situationes however, extension e-mails are common.

Likewise, if you want to apply an impressive assignment that needs more investigation,

A formal letter can then be sent. This gives you more time to improve and to make your job even more attractive.

Even if you think that there are not enough resources to complete the project, Via an application, you can share your concerns.

Here it is necessary to question and explain the delay early. Make an effort to prepare accordingly with the deadlines.

to stay away from those situations If you’re very short on time, though,Our team of writers, all of whom have at least 7 years of academic writing experience, will guide you through the process. Calltutors will help you with last-minute assignment help .

What is a good reason for an assignment extension?

A good reason for an assignment extension would be an unforeseen and unavoidable circumstance that prevents the student from completing the assignment on time, such as a serious illness or family emergency.

What is the best way to get an extension?

The best way to request an extension is to reach out to the instructor or professor in a timely manner, prior to the original due date. The student should provide a clear and specific explanation of the reason for the extension request and provide any relevant documentation to support the request. It is also important to be respectful and professional in the request and to be willing to discuss any potential alternatives or accommodations that may be available.

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Assignment Extension

Who receives this accommodation.

Students with disabilities who navigate with a wide variety of disability-related experiences are approved for this accommodation. Granting extensions on assignments makes sure the student is not unfairly penalized for having to use alternate means or methods to access written materials and complete their work. Examples of when a student may benefit or be approved for this accommodation:

  • Students dealing with fluctuating and unpredictable periods of exacerbations of their condition associated with chronic illnesses or mental health disabilities
  • Students who need frequent rest periods or who can work only for short periods of time, such as those with recent concussions, brain injuries, or chronic illnesses
  • Students with reduced or limited stamina with difficulty sitting, reading, writing/typing for extended periods due to chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or injuries
  • Students who rely on adaptive technology (e.g., screen readers or speech-to-text software) to read and/or write as this process may be slower than reading with normal eyesight

NEW – CHANGES:  For students approved for Assignment Extensions

For students approved for Assignment Extension(s) – This accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments , and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will consider the request and will discuss with the student and instructor to determine the appropriateness given the specifics of the course. Different classes call for different agreements (e.g., lab classes may call for less flexibility than lecture classes). If granted, an agreement outlining which assignments (e.g., presentations, group work, discussion boards, etc.) may be potentially affected, and how much more time will be granted for each assignment, will be created.

How to Evaluate the Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

The accommodation for Assignment Extensions should always be considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning goals and pedagogical parts. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the grading scheme and syllabus, this accommodation is intended to change any stated policies to let some flexibility account for the student’s disability-related need.

The accommodation should be provided unless the accommodation significantly compromises the integrity of the course as offered. If you believe assignment extensions are impossible, then instructors should consult with an Accessibility Specialist to determine the reasonability of the request within the specific context of your class. SAS will consult with instructors using these questions to determine the reasonability:

  • What does the class description and syllabus say about assignment deadlines or late work?
  • How is the final class grade calculated? To what extent are assignments factored into the final grade? Are there any alternative grading schemes for assignments (i.e. one assignment grade may be dropped, etc)?
  • Are assignment deadline policies consistently applied? (i.e.., Have any exceptions made to the policy for non-disabled students, such as for athletic travel or religious observances? If so, then these exceptions must also be granted to students with disabilities.)
  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a discussion?
  • Is the material being learned in the class sequentially? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)? (This may shorten the window of time in which an extension can reasonably be granted.)
  • Are assignments used as class content when they are due? Are students required to actively participate in class discussions/activities based off of the assignment? (e.g. problem sets reviewed as the first lecture on that content)
  • Are answer sets released that would affect a student’s ability to ask for an extension? If so, how important is the timeliness of providing the answer sets to student learning and course sequencing?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • Does the assignment involve teamwork? Would failure to complete the assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in this class?

SAS Responsibilities in Supporting Assignment Extensions

  • Reviews documentation and meet with students to better understand their disability-related experiences. Through this interactive process, a Accessibility Specialist will determine if a student is eligible for Assignment Extensions to mitigate disability-related impacts throughout the quarter. If so, Assignment Extensions will be listed as an eligible accommodation on the student’s accommodation letter.
  • Consults and supports faculty in determining reasonableness of accommodation or how to start this accommodation, given essential class elements.
  • Provides support to students and faculty when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.

Faculty Responsibilities When Facilitating Assignment Extensions

  • Once instructors have been notified of eligibility for accommodations, instructors should note that the accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments, and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation.
  • If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will consider the request and will discuss with the student and instructor to determine the appropriateness given the specifics of the course. Different classes call for different agreements (e.g., lab classes may call for less flexibility than lecture classes). If granted, an agreement outlining which assignments (e.g., presentations, group work, discussion boards, etc.) may be potentially affected, and how much more time will be granted for each assignment, will be created.

If you believe the accommodation is unreasonable in light of your class goals or pedagogical methods, contact the student’s Accessibility Specialist right away as instructors should never unilaterally deny an accommodation. Instructors are expected to clearly articulate why flexibility is unreasonable.

  • The instructor should engage in dialogue with the student or SAS regarding assignment extension expectations: delineate the preferred communication process for when the student needs to tell you about a disability-related extension, typical grace period for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot be extended.
  • Instructor will ask for consultation with SAS if they believe that extending the deadlines for assignments would change an essential element of their class or if they have questions about what a reasonable amount of time extensions is within the context of their class.
  • If extensions are pedagogically possible, the instructor will work with the student in good faith to determine a reasonable amount of time and set a new deadline for each eligible assignment.
  • Instructor will verify the specific plan for the new assignment due date in writing (by email) with the student.
  • SAS is always available to mediate any concerns about Assignment Extensions, including concerns about academic integrity and logistics of this accommodation. SAS remains a neutral party in evaluating what is reasonable as an accommodation and is here to support you..

Student Responsibilities When Eligible for Assignment Extensions

  • Students approved for Assignment Extensions must ask for their accommodation letters on myACCESS student portal and distribute their accommodation letters to instructors at the beginning of the semester, or as soon as they are made eligible for the accommodation.

Students should clearly understand if or how assignment extensions will be granted, given the class learning goals and structure. This entails knowing the finite number of extensions that can be allowed, how to communicate with the professor when they need to ask for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot receive an extension.

When a student needs to use this accommodation for an upcoming assignment, they are responsible for contacting the instructor through email early to ask for the extension and clarify a new due date.

  • Never are students required to present documentation to instructors to justify a disability-related need for an extension.
  • Students should not plan on the extension being automatically provided and should always use this accommodation, if available, with care.
  • If a student receives a paper or assignment extension and cannot meet the deadline, a new extension request must be made.

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How To Ask For Assignment Extension With Request Letter Sample?

Time management is what every student wants to get better within their academic life especially when it comes to assignments.  No matter how much you plan your time or try to stay organized there are times when things go out of order. Adhering to the deadlines is crucial as it keeps you involved in studies at a consistent rate and gives you a sense of progression. But when situations become a little stressful it might be difficult for you to manage everything together. At that time, taking an extension on your assignment can be the most righteous choice for you. In this article, you will find how and why you should ask for an extension. We have also provided a sample letter asking for an assignment help extension for your reference.

When Should I Ask For An Extension?

There might be times when you get bored of doing homework writing and wonder can anybody do my assignment for me? If you anytime feel that studies are difficult to handle, you can always seek guidance from the assignment experts . But if you are looking for an extension you must have a better reason than this. The most straightforward sign that you should ask for an extension is when you think you need some more time to prepare a captivating assignment. Sometimes you may feel that if you get some more time you can add up a few interesting things to your project.

Another situation can be when you lack clarity and have no idea how to proceed with your assignment. You might not want to submit an incomplete assignment because it can affect your grades a lot. There may also be some external factors that are beyond your control such as your ill-health, inescapable personal circumstances or family issues which do not let you focus on your studies well. Instead of feeling embarrassed and just blaming things you can ask for an extension so that you can keep up with your grades.

Also Read: How to Write an Application for Late Submission of Assignment?

How to Ask For An Extension?

  • Do not wait until last Before you ask for an assignment extension you should consider other options such as taking help from your friends or tutors to complete the assignment on time. You can also buy assignment online from an assignment writing service . Taking additional online assignment help will save you time as well as make it easier for you to handle multiple things. But if you are sure that you want an assignment extension then you should do it as early as possible. Waiting until the last moment may not put a good impression on your professor as they might think that you were just procrastinating.
  • Have a genuine reason Another thing that you should make sure is that you put across a genuine reason for getting the extension. You can simply explain everything to your professor in an email and if your reason is legitimate enough then you will surely get the extension.  Sometimes if you have a good impression already on your professor because you are hardworking and punctual all the time, it becomes quite easier for you to get the extension.
  • Plan your time beforehand Students should also have a clear idea of how much extra time do they need for completing the assignment writing task.  If you ask for a little extra time only, there are chances that you will miss the new deadline as well. If you ask for too much extra time, there are chances that your professor may deny because they also have to adhere to their deadlines to keep things going in order. Hence, you should always plan how much exact time will you require and convey the same to your professor.

Sample Letter Asking For An Assignment Extension

Also Read: Assignment Cover Sheet Sample and Templates

Getting out of your comfort zone is a good ideology to follow. Many times students exhaust themselves to make their assignments the best. Asking for an extension may seem a little daunting to you in the first place. But it is a wise decision rather than beating yourself up to make things happen. Your health and wellness, whether it is physical or mental should be your utmost priority.

Need Help with Assignment Extension Letter?

Everyone can face situations that prevent them from completing tasks on time, no matter how committed and active you are. That, of course, can be done in a way that minimizes the chance of low marks or failure. Professional Assignment Extension Experts near you are ready to write it for you!

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    Extensions: What They Mean and When to Ask for Them; Extensions: What They Mean and When to Ask for Them. Requesting an extension from your instructor or professor can be intimidating. You might worry it will make you look irresponsible or that they will doubt your reasons. Before you ask for an extension on an assignment, check this article out.

  6. How To Write an Email For Extension Of Assignment

    Explain the assignment you're seeking an extension for, including the due date. Reason for Extension: Clearly and honestly explain why you need an extension. Be specific about the circumstances and provide supporting evidence if available. New Deadline: Propose a realistic new deadline by which you can complete the assignment. Ensure it ...

  7. How to Ask a Professor for a Paper Extension: 10 Steps

    2. Approach your professor in-person. Talking one-on-one with your professor will help show them you are being honest in saying you need an extension. When you think you need an extension, visit the professor during office hours or at least ask to talk to them for a minute after class. [5]

  8. Reasons for requesting an extension

    Body Suitable reasons for requesting extensions. Good reasons for coursework extensions are unexpected short-term circumstances which are exceptional for the individual student, beyond that student's control, and which could reasonably be expected to have had an adverse impact on the student's ability to complete the assessment on time.

  9. How to Ask for an Extension

    Ask as far ahead of the original deadline as possible. Give a specific reason for your request, but don't go crazy with details. Admit it if you need the extension because you planned poorly. Provide new due date. Offer a plan for how you will finish your work. Thank your professor for considering your request.

  10. Extensions: What They Mean and When to Ask for Them

    Alongside the more obvious reasons to ask for an extension, you might have forgotten about the assignment or procrastinated too long to the point where getting the assignment done is not at all possible. Whatever the reason is, you will want to send an email that is kind, understanding, and possibly a little beg-worthy.

  11. How to Ask for an Assignment Extension

    As far as your reason for the extension, Ostergard Jr. said you rarely need to give many details or get super personal — unless you need the extension for a bigger assignment or exam.

  12. 13 No-Fail Ways to Get an Extension on a Paper

    8. Ask in person whenever possible. Image via Complex Original. Going to your professor in person is the most professional way to ask for a paper extension. It may actually be to your advantage if ...

  13. Reasons and evidence for requesting a coursework extension or IMC

    Reasons normally accepted. Whatever your mitigating circumstances are for submitting a coursework extension request or submitting an IMC claim, your reason should fall into at least one of these categories: something unexpected and significant has happened or is happening to you. something unexpected and significant has happened or is happening ...

  14. How to Ask a Professor for an Extension + Example Emails

    How to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment to Improve Your Work. A less typical, last-minute, yet non-urgent request can arise when students find they don't understand how to accomplish the assignment. ... Though unusual, Charles' reason for wanting an extension now sounds perfectly legitimate. You can avoid Charles's main mistake by ...

  15. The Best Way To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

    Even if you're ready to request an extension, you may still be at a loss as to what to say. An email to your professor is probably your best bet. Be polite, explain that you're requesting an extension, give your reason why, and offer your proposed new deadline. Short and sweet is perfect; no need to try to embellish!

  16. 5 Ways to Write a Letter Asking for an Extension

    3. Use a concise paragraph format. The body of your letter should be somewhere between 1-3 paragraphs. In many cases, you can open with 1-2 lines, explain your request in 2-4 lines, and conclude in 1-2 lines. If you need to expand to a full three paragraphs, simply separate the introduction, body, and conclusion.

  17. Assignment Extensions

    The instructor's class policy on late work (e.g., 10 points off a grade for each day late) will remain applicable even to students with Assignment Extensions accommodation if they fail to meet the agreed upon disability-related extension, or if they miss deadlines for other non-disability related reasons.

  18. Seeking Deadline Extension: Polite Email to Professor [EXAMPLE]

    However, unforeseen circumstances have arisen recently that have made it challenging for me to meet the original deadline for this particular assignment. 5. State the reason for the extension. Coming to the meat of the email - the reason for the extension. This is the section that will get maximum attention.

  19. Assignment extensions

    An assignment extension provides additional time for you to complete an assessment item (e.g. case study, essay or report) if you are unable to submit the assessment item by the due date and time. ... The maximum period an extension will be granted for personal safety reasons is 14 calendar days. The maximum period an extension will be granted ...

  20. How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment

    Sample 2: How To Ask For An Extension On An Assignment. Subject: Request for Extension on Assignment. Dear [Professor's Name], I am writing to request an extension on the [Assignment Name] that is currently due on [Due Date]. I have been facing some personal challenges that have made it difficult for me to complete the assignment on time.

  21. Assignment Extension

    NEW - CHANGES: For students approved for Assignment Extensions. For students approved for Assignment Extension (s) - This accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible ...

  22. How To Ask For Assignment Extension With Request Letter Sample?

    Sample Letter Asking For An Assignment Extension. I am writing to request an extension of time to complete an assignment due in P1S001. For the past few weeks, I have been dealing with an ongoing illness. I was not in a condition to work or study. Â Hence, I was unable to do any work on my assignment these days.