Verbal Communication: Main Aspects Essay

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Activity 3: language, emotions and ethics, activity 5: gender and language, works cited.

Superlatively, the communication process is a fundamental aspect in life. Since time immemorial, people have been interacting with one another as they share their ideas and experiences. In the olden days, people mainly communicated through word of mouth. Today however, the communication process has undergone several changes that led to the introduction of other forms of communication. These changes were mainly fueled by the advancement of technology (White 54). As a result of technology, the communication process has greatly been modernized. For instance, technological advances generated new ideologies of communication. Basically there are two forms of communication which consist of written and unwritten communication. Written communication is where people interact through paper work. Written communication is commonly used in organizations and may include memos, reports and in-house magazines. Unlike written communication, the unwritten communication does not entail any paper work. The unwritten communication is usually through word of mouth and is commonly referred to as verbal communication. Nowadays, people no longer live in isolation but instead interact with one another despite their ethnicity (White, p. 81). As a matter of fact, intermarriage has promoted intercultural communication whereby individuals learn other people’s languages. This aims to discuss various aspects of non verbal communication.

Verbal communication is usually effective since it creates room for immediate feedback for the parties involved. Thus, individuals can interact face to face as they get each other’s reaction (White, p. 103). Although verbal communication is an essential tool for delivering messages, it has always been misused by some individuals who utter violent words to their friends, colleagues or even relatives. This is not advisable as it may stir up an unfavorable atmosphere where the communication is taking place. As such, people should always be cautious with the king of words or rather language that they use to communicate with other individuals (White, p. 79). In one particular incident, I was having a verbal communication with two of my friends who decided to use offensive language against me. Actually those friends of mine are from another tribal group which is different from my own ethnic group. Despite our cultural differences, we had always been loyal to one another as we made good use of our interactions. Through our frequent communication, I got to learn about their language though there were some words that I still do not know. Since both of them are from the same tribe, would also teach them some few words in my language.

Our interaction was alright until the day that one of them decided to insult me in their ethnic language. We had been talking for quite sometime when I got into a disagreement with my friend. On that day we went to a restaurant in town where we could have our lunch before going for shopping. We therefore walked into the restaurant as we had general conversations about our country. This however took a different dimension when one of my friends started mocking my culture. At first she thought I did not understand what she said since she used a rather complex word in her language. All she said was clear to me though I still wonder why she used offensive language against me. My other friend was also dismayed by the kind of language that was used by our friend. I could not believe that my friend had referred me to as a naïve person who is not civilized. These were the actual words that she used to describe me in her language. She even said that I was uncivilized like the people from my own community. For sometime, I thought she was joking but I realized that she was serious as she talked with bitterness. I got angry with her and if not for our other friend who separated us, I could have got into a physical confrontation with her. From that day onwards, I did not have any kind of conversation with her. Even after the insult, my friend did not bother to apologize and instead she walked away and left me at the restaurant. That was one of the negative experiences I have ever had in my life. I never imagined that my close friend could insult and turn her back on me. I felt hurt and disturbed because my friend betrayed the trust I had for her. To me, she was a different person but not the usual friend whom I knew for about three years. I was bitter and felt so sad about everything that transpired.

Luckily enough, my other friend was there to console me as she gave me encouraging words. With her around, I felt appreciated after getting an insult from my other friend. Out of the abusive language, I realized that indeed my friend was not a genuine person. I had to terminate my friendship with her because having her around me can only bring more trouble. This is just an example of how some people can use abusive language to those they interact with. Such incidences are usually bound to occur and so it would depend on how individuals handle their conflicts. I must admit that I felt like attacking my friend when she insulted me but later I realized that it was not the right thing to do. Incase of a similar incident, I would prefer to walk away from the person who has used abusive language against me. This is because things may become worse if I do not go away. The moment I am abused, I might be tempted to retaliate and so it would be better to go away and avoid more conflicts. Another way of dealing with the situation is by correcting the person who has used a negative word. When a person is corrected, he/she can be in a position to realize a mistake and work on it. There are however other individuals who would never accept any kind of correction even if they are on the wrong side. They would even create more trouble rather that owe an apology to an offended person. Ethically, it is also proper to correct a person who uses a sexist language because failing to do so might cause more trouble in the future. Thus, they may use the same words while talking to other people who may not tolerate their language. For people who like using stereotyping remarks, it would be wise to make them realize their mistakes. If the person is my boss or my teacher, not hesitate to correct them though I would be very careful with the words to use.

While having a verbal communication with a close friend, it is usually advisable to use appropriate words while talking to each other. The verbal communication between two people normally tends to follow patterns of a typical gendered speech for women and men. In terms of gendered speech, men normally tend to be more talkative than women. In most cultural backgrounds, men are portrayed as the dominant of households and so they always have a final word while talking to their spouses. On the other hand men can be silent especially when having an emotional conversation with a woman. For instance when a woman is emotionally affected, his husband may not use too many words but instead listen to whatever she says. Similarly, my close friend and I usually follow some patterns of typical gendered speech for women and men. My friend is a male person and so he normally dominates our verbal communication.

On my side, I also have my own views whenever we interact although I do not talk very much like he does. I remember there are several instances when I would disagree with him for not giving me enough time to talk. All he ever wanted to say what feels though have is usually reluctant to listen to my views. It reached a particular time when I disagreed with all that and told him that I had equal rights like him. With this kind of approach, we were able to have a verbal communication that was geared towards improving our relationship. As we interact with each other, we always care about each other’s feelings in order to avoid any hurting word. Since we come from the same ethnic group, our interactions are normally very interesting. Having the same culture has also promoted understanding between us because we can always interpret some words using our ethnic language. Moreover, we often use euphemisms in our conversations. The following is an example of a dialogue that I had with him.

Myself: Hi dear, are you aware that Daniel was thrown out of the basketball team?

My friend: No, I have not heard about that. What exactly happened?

Myself: Well, His team coach claimed that he was vertically challenged hence he could not reach up to the ball.

My friend: That is so unfortunate for him. I hope he will find himself another sporting activity that will keep him busy.

Myself: I also hope he will get something else to keep him busy.

According to our dialogue, we were referring to a short player whose participation was terminated from the basketball team. Instead of referring to him as a short player, we preferred to use the term vertically challenged. Here is another example of another dialogue.

My friend: Do remember that student who was recently awarded for her brilliant performance in school?

Myself: Yes I remember her.

My friend: Can you imagine that she threw in the towel and decided to go to another school?

Myself: Why would she do that when everything seem alright with her?

My friend: She did that because she wanted to be in the same school with her sister.

Myself: Don’t you think that would interfere with her performance.

My friend: I don’t think so because she is a focused young lady who knows what she wants in life.

Myself: I wish her all the best in her studies though.

In relation to the euphemism that we used, the student was giving up her studies from her school and moving on to another institution where she could join her sister. In other words, we used the term throw in the towel which actually means giving up. Our verbal conversations therefore entail a wide variety of issues which may or may not affect us. We not only talk about ourselves but also about other matters that occur around us. Talking about other issues is important since it helps us to understand why people take certain decisions and also why some things happen in life.

Verbal communication is very significant in our daily lives as it helps to strengthen our relationship with other people. Thus when people have face to face communication, they are able to express their feelings as they talk together. Such relationships are also bound to strengthen since individuals can involve themselves in other activities while talking to one another (White, p. 143). Culturally, people should adopt the habit of interacting with one another regardless of their ethnicity. Today, globalization has created room for more socialization and so people should not tie themselves in their own ethnic cocoons. Instead they should spread out and interact with diverse communities as they share ideas and experiences. As people interact, they ought to appreciate one another and avoid offensive language that may stir up a conflict. Offensive languages are very unhealthy for any kind of verbal communication between individuals (White, p. 210).

White, Dawn. Interpersonal Communication: A cultural Approach. US: Cape Breton University Press, 2008.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 26). Verbal Communication: Main Aspects.

"Verbal Communication: Main Aspects." IvyPanda , 26 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Verbal Communication: Main Aspects'. 26 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Verbal Communication: Main Aspects." December 26, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Verbal Communication: Main Aspects." December 26, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Verbal Communication: Main Aspects." December 26, 2021.

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Verbal Communication: Understanding the Power of Words

Categories Social Psychology

As human beings, we rely on communication to express our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Verbal communication, in particular, involves using words to convey a message to another person. It is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and is crucial in our daily lives and relationships.

In this article, we will explore the importance of verbal communication, the different types of verbal communication, and some tips on improving your verbal communication skills.

Table of Contents

Importance of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is essential because it is the primary means of interacting with others. It lets us express our thoughts and feelings, convey information, and build relationships. It is a powerful tool for connecting with others and forming social bonds.

By communicating meaning verbally, others are able to understand your needs, interests, and beliefs.

Effective verbal communication is essential in many contexts, including personal relationships, social interactions, and professional settings. In personal relationships, it can help build trust, foster intimacy, and resolve conflicts. Lack of communication can lead to serious problems, including conflicts and the breakdown of relationships.

Social interactions can help establish common ground, build rapport, and create a sense of community. For example, discussions can help people with different needs understand one another and find ways to ensure each person achieves their goals.

In the workplace, it can help to convey ideas, influence others, and achieve goals.

Types of Verbal Communication

There are two main forms of verbal communication: spoken and written communication.

  • Spoken Communication : Spoken communication is the most common form of verbal communication. It involves using words, tone of voice, and body language to convey a message. Spoken communication can take many different forms, including conversations, speeches, and presentations.
  • Written Communication : Written communication is using written words to convey a message. It includes emails, letters, memos, and reports. Written communication is often used in professional settings to document information and convey messages to others.

There are four main types of verbal communication, each with its own unique characteristics and purposes:

  • Intrapersonal communication : Intrapersonal communication is the process of talking to oneself, either out loud or internally. This type of communication is often used for self-reflection, problem-solving, and decision-making. Intrapersonal communication can help us better understand our own thoughts and feelings, and can be a valuable tool for personal growth and development.
  • Interpersonal communication : Interpersonal communication is the process of communication between two or more people. This type of communication is often used for social interaction, relationship-building, and collaboration. Interpersonal communication can involve a range of verbal communication modes, such as face-to-face communication, telephone communication, and video conferencing.
  • Small group communication : Small group communication involves communication between three to ten people, typically in a group setting such as a meeting or a discussion. This type of communication is often used for decision-making, problem-solving, and brainstorming. Small group communication requires effective listening and speaking skills, as well as the ability to work collaboratively with others.
  • Public communication : Public communication is communicating to a large audience, typically through a speech or a presentation. This type of communication is often used for persuasive purposes, such as advocating for a cause or presenting information to an audience. Public communication requires effective public speaking skills, including the ability to engage and connect with the audience, use effective visual aids, and communicate ideas clearly and persuasively.

Other Types of Communication

In addition to verbal communication, other important forms of communication can convey meaning, including:

Nonverbal communication : Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to convey a message. It can be used to emphasize a point, show emotion, or convey meaning. Nonverbal communication can be just as powerful as spoken communication and can often convey a message more effectively than words alone.

Visual communication : Visual communication is the use of images, charts, and graphs to convey a message. It is often used in professional settings to present data and information in a way that is easy to understand.

Components of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is a complex process that involves not only the words we use, but also how we say them. Tone of voice, inflection, and other vocal cues can greatly impact the meaning of our message. Here are some important aspects of verbal communication and how they convey meaning:

  • Tone of voice : Tone of voice refers to the way we use our voice to convey meaning. It can be described as the emotional quality of our voice. For example, a sarcastic tone of voice can convey that the speaker is not being sincere, while a warm and friendly tone can convey that the speaker is approachable and trustworthy.
  • Inflection : Inflection refers to the rise and fall of our voice as we speak. It can convey emphasis and emotion. For example, a rising inflection at the end of a sentence can indicate a question, while a falling inflection can indicate a statement.
  • Volume : Volume refers to how loudly or softly we speak. It can convey confidence, authority, and assertiveness. For example, speaking loudly can convey confidence and authority, while speaking softly can convey intimacy and vulnerability.
  • Pace : Pace refers to the speed at which we speak. It can convey excitement, urgency, and impatience. For example, speaking quickly can convey excitement and urgency, while speaking slowly can convey thoughtfulness and deliberation.
  • Intensity : Intensity refers to the level of emotional energy that we put into our words. It can convey passion, enthusiasm, and conviction. For example, speaking with intensity can convey a strong belief in something, while speaking with low intensity can convey ambivalence or lack of interest.
  • Pitch : Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of our voice. It can convey age, gender, and emotion. For example, a high-pitched voice can convey youthfulness or excitement, while a low-pitched voice can convey authority or seriousness.

It’s important to note that these aspects of verbal communication can vary greatly depending on context, culture, and personal preference. What may be considered a confident tone of voice in one culture may be perceived as aggressive in another. 

Understanding these nuances is essential for effective verbal communication. By paying attention to these aspects of verbal communication, we can convey our message more effectively and avoid misunderstandings.

Modes of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication can occur through different modes, each with their own unique features and advantages. Here are some of the different ways verbal communication may occur:

Face-to-Face Verbal Communication

Face-to-face communication occurs when two or more people are in the same physical space and communicate verbally. This mode of communication allows for the use of nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, which can help convey meaning and emotion. It also allows for immediate feedback and clarification of misunderstandings.

Telephone Communication

Telephone communication occurs when two or more people communicate verbally over a telephone line. This mode of communication allows for immediate verbal communication over long distances but does not allow for the use of nonverbal cues, which can sometimes make it difficult to convey meaning and emotion.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing occurs when two or more people communicate verbally over a video conferencing platform, such as Zoom or Skype. This mode of communication combines the benefits of face-to-face and telephone communication, allowing for the use of nonverbal cues and immediate verbal communication over long distances.

Public Speaking

Public speaking occurs when one person communicates verbally to a large audience. This mode of communication requires careful planning and preparation, as well as the ability to engage and connect with the audience through the use of tone of voice, inflection, and other vocal cues.

Group Discussion

Group discussion occurs when a group of people communicate verbally to exchange ideas, solve problems, or make decisions. This mode of communication requires active listening skills and the ability to work collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal.

Written Communication

Written communication occurs when ideas, thoughts, and information are conveyed through written words, such as emails, letters, or memos. This mode of communication allows for careful consideration and editing of the message, but can sometimes lack the immediacy and personal connection of verbal communication.

It’s important to note that each mode of verbal communication has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some modes may be more appropriate for certain contexts than others. 

For example, face-to-face communication may be more effective for resolving conflicts, while written communication may be more appropriate for conveying complex information or instructions.

Tips for Improving Verbal Communication Skills

Effective verbal communication requires more than just speaking clearly and articulately. It involves listening actively, empathizing with others, and adapting your communication style to different situations. Here are some tips for improving your verbal communication skills:

  • Listen actively : Effective communication requires active listening. This means paying attention to what the other person is saying, asking questions, and clarifying misunderstandings.
  • Use appropriate body language : Your body language can convey as much meaning as your words. Use appropriate gestures and facial expressions to emphasize your message and convey your emotions.
  • Speak clearly and confidently : Speak clearly and confidently to ensure that your message is understood.
  • Empathize with others : Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is an important communication skill because it helps build trust and understanding.
  • Be adaptable : Adapt your communication style to different situations and audiences. Use appropriate language for the context and audience, and be mindful of cultural differences.

Essay on Importance of Communication for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of communication:.

Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well. The skills of communication essential to be developed so that you are able to interact with people. And able to share your thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance and self-analysis as well.

essay on importance of communication

Meaning of Communication

The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment . Through such type of interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other.

Such interactions happen through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions. In organizations, communication is an endless process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships.

Importance of Communication

Communication is not merely essential but the need of the hour. It allows you to get the trust of the people and at the same time carry better opportunities before you. Some important points are as follows –

Help to Build Relationships 

No matter either you are studying or working, communication can aid you to build a relationship with the people. If you are studying you communicate with classmates and teachers to build a relationship with them. Likewise in offices and organizations too, you make relationships with the staff, your boss and other people around.

Improve the Working Environment 

There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

Foster strong team

Communication helps to build a strong team environment in the office and other places. Any work which requires to be done in a team. It is only possible if the head communicates everything well and in the right direction.

Find the right solutions

Through communication, anyone can find solutions to even serious problems. When we talk, we get ideas from people that aid us to solve the issues. This is where communication comes into play. Powerful communication is the strength of any organization and can help it in many ways.

Earns more respect

If your communication skills are admirable, people will love and give you respect. If there is any problem, you will be the first person to be contacted. Thus it will increase your importance. Hence you can say that communications skills can make a big change to your reputation in society.

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Don’t Go Overboard With Your Point

The conversation is about to express your thoughts. And to let the other person know what you feel. It is not mean to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Don’t Overboard other With Your Point.

Watch Your Words

Before you say something to Watch Your Words. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say somethings that we must not say. Whenever you are in a professional meeting or in some formal place, where there is a necessity of communicating about your product or work then it is advised to practice the same beforehand

Communication is the greatest importance. It is important to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.

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verbal communication essay in english

What Is Verbal Communication?

“Man is by nature a social animal,” the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote more than 2,000 years ago. And communication…

What Is Verbal Communication?

“Man is by nature a social animal,” the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote more than 2,000 years ago.

And communication lies at the heart of all social relationships.

From the time you enter this world, you start communicating. Your first cry is your first attempt at verbal communication. And as you start growing, you find newer ways of communication. You learn to form words and sentences to communicate.

This is the beginning of verbal communication.

What Is Verbal Communication? 

Characteristics of verbal communication, types of verbal communication, advantages of verbal communication.

Verbal communication means effectively presenting your thoughts in verbal format i.e., by talking. Verbal communication skills are essential in the world of business. Be it a weekly meeting or presentation to stakeholders, the importance of verbal communication is unparalleled. People always remember a person who speaks clearly, effectively, confidently, and charismatically.

For instance, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs’s speech launching the iPhone is a classic example of brilliant verbal communication that people remember even today. Similarly, many speeches made by former US President Barack Obama are also unforgettable.

A powerful speaker is also able to connect with their audience easily. Like Oprah Winfrey says, “Great communication begins with a connection.”

You too can be a great speaker with practice. Most of us possess the means of verbal communication, what’s important is to recognize how to maximize them. Read on to learn more about its distinct characteristics.

Before we explore the various defining features of verbal communication, let’s look at its primary form. Verbal communication is oral in nature. Oral communication encompasses various activities such as talking, laughing or listening. We often navigate different emotional situations through oral forms of communication.

We also have written communication that includes script, alphabets, acronyms, logos and graphics. To interpret written messages, everyone involved must understand the code (e.g., the language). This is different from verbal or spoken communication.

There are several characteristics that are specific to verbal communication, namely:

The message being communicated is directly or indirectly related to an object

We use concepts to communicate messages

The content should be understood by both the sender and receiver

Cultural factors influence the content of messages

While communicating emotions and feelings, a sender’s state of mind influences the content of messages

Even though we talk to our friends, family and coworkers on a regular basis, we may not always be aware of how we’re communicating. Mastering the art of verbal communication will help you in more ways than one. Let’s explore different types of verbal communication and how your audience factors into it.

Verbal communication goes beyond words, sounds and languages. You need to know your audience to talk to them better. Remember that you can follow the Pyramid Principle and start with your main argument and then follow up with supporting statements. You can classify verbal communication into four types based on your audience.

Intrapersonal Communication

This is your private verbal communication channel. You talk to yourself and articulate your thoughts. Communicating with yourself will give you more confidence and clarity in your thoughts. It’ll help you make up your mind, form your sentences, find suitable words and effective ways to connect with other people. This will help you gain your colleagues’ trust in the workplace.

Interpersonal Communication

You can also call this one-to-one verbal communication. This type of communication happens between two individuals. It helps you understand if you’re getting your thoughts across clearly. Reactions, responses and verbal and nonverbal cues from the other person will help you understand whether you’re being understood or not. Make sure that you listen to the other person intently. Communication doesn’t just mean to talk to someone. It’s also about listening. So, listen, think and then respond. Take time to think and make sure you don’t offend people with your response.

Small Group Communication 

The number of people increases in small group communication. You move from communicating with a single participant to a few more. These small groups could be team meetings, board meetings or sales meetings. The number of participants is small enough for everyone to communicate with each other. When you attend small group meetings, be prepared with a topic to make sure you stay on track. Stay on topic and allow enough time for everyone to present their thoughts.

Public Communication 

You may also know this type as ‘ public speaking ’. Here, an individual addresses a large number of people at once. Speeches, election campaigns and presentations are a few examples of public communication. Since the number of people in the audience is larger in this type of communication, be sure to use words and phrases they’ll understand easily and structure your thoughts before addressing the audience. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel like a public speaker.

Verbal communication is a broad topic. There are various elements that help us organize our thoughts around it. They are:

When you express yourself your tone determines the message to be interpreted. For example, you can be saying something nice but if your tone is a sarcastic tone, the message will be conveyed differently. Your tone makes a huge difference to your speech.

The pace at which you speak is important as it determines the reaction of your audience. You may have attended lectures or webinars where people speaking slowly and softly can get boring. Similarly, it may be difficult to understand someone speaking at a rapid pace.

Volume ranges from a whisper to a scream. The volume at which you talk can convey various meanings. For example, if you whisper into someone’s ears in the presence of multiple people, it can be misconstrued as something negative. On the other hand, screaming while someone is talking is rude. Always monitor your volume depending on the social context you’re in.

Additionally, language, grammar and vocabulary are critical aspects of verbal communication. An erroneous message to a hiring manager, for example, can make or break your career opportunity. This is why verbal communication is a critical skill for success in professional settings as well. Effective communication helps with decision-making and increases collaboration in teams. Let’s look at the benefits of different types of verbal communication.

Verbal communication is one of the most important mediums of communication. The stronger your communication skills are, the easier it is for you to establish trust and build lasting relationships with others. Here are some benefits of strong verbal communication skills:

It provides complete understanding and there’s room to clarify any messages that may have been misunderstood

It’s one of the fastest modes of communication and is time-efficient

There is space for providing feedback, which allows two or more people to engage in a conversation at the same time

It allows speakers to exercise influence and persuade listeners to agree with ideas, thoughts and opinions

It’s flexible, that is, you can change your language and tone depending on the situation you’re in or the relationship you share with an individual

In short, verbal communication is one of the most reliable methods of communication. Its benefits apply to the world of work as well. Let’s look at the various ways in which strong verbal communication skills can be beneficial for professionals:

Building Relationships

Verbal communication allows you to build strong interpersonal relationships. It’s easier when you find like-minded people who share similar interests, ideas and outlooks. This further encourages you to cooperate, collaborate and engage in teamwork.

Persuading Someone

In professional settings, you need to exert a certain amount of influence to get things going. For example, if you want your coworkers to join your project, you need to be able to convince them first. Even in brainstorming sessions, you need to be able to convince others of your ideas and perspectives.

Bringing Clarity

As verbal communication enables feedback, you can provide clarity to your message by repeating yourself. For example, in conflicts or arguments, you can repeat your message so that there’s no room for ambiguity.

Improving Productivity

With proper communication in place, you can communicate effectively with team members and people across the organization. Well-established relationships enhance the process, allowing you to cooperate and collaborate quickly. Group discussions and teamwork maximize output, therefore increasing productivity.

Increasing Motivation

Verbal communication plays a crucial role in providing feedback and recognizing individual effort. Whether it’s a congratulatory speech or email, words of support and appreciation boosts confidence levels. If you’re a manager, don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate your team’s success and efforts. Not only will they get encouraged to do better, but it also cements your relationship with them.

Therefore, effective verbal communication opens up a two-way street that allows individuals to interact, engage and collaborate with each other, improving organizational efficiency and productivity. On an individual level, it helps you become more confident and a well-rounded professional.

Harappa offers two courses to build your communication skills— Writing Proficiently and Speaking Effectively . They’ll help you break the barriers and connect with your colleagues and the people around you. With key frameworks like the Pyramid Principle and PAM (Purpose-Audience-Message), you’ll learn how to communicate with impact.

Explore blogs on topics such as effective communication , the 7 barriers of communication ,  types of nonverbal communication , the different types of communication , and verbal and nonverbal communication on Harappa Diaries to make your world of work better.


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  • Essay on Importance of Communication


Importance of Communication Essay

Communication can be defined as sending and receiving information through face-to-face conversation or via email and phone about anything. When one is good at communicating information the receiver can perceive it very clearly and there is no scope for misunderstandings. Being a good communicator comes in handy in every aspect of life whether one is a student, in professional as well as personal life. If one is not able to convey well it leads to miscommunication.

Here in the importance of communication essays in English, we will explore different ways to write them. We have provided a long and short essay on the importance of communication.

Long Essay on Importance of Communication

In this long importance of communication essay, we will go through the meaning, types, and importance to give a proper idea in simple words to the reader.

Communication meaning has changed drastically throughout only a couple of years since the advent of technology. Earlier communication meant having to converse about feelings, emotions, views, and ideas all while sitting before one another or in a group. With technology, one can communicate via email where one can send a message to an entire group.

The influx of smartphones has brought about an entirely different culture of communication. Smartphones have cameras that make it easier to communicate via video calls and conference calls between a group of people are also possible today. This generation of millennials is also adapting to social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for business and personal communication as well.

However, with the rapid changes in technology the fact that only good communication will get the job done remains unchanged. Before understanding the ways to better communicate with others we should understand the parts and types of communication.

Parts of communication include the sender who forms the message, then the message itself which should be very clear and understandable, and the receiver whose job is to decode the message. There is a high probability that the same message can be perceived poles apart by two different people. This problem can be avoided when the sender understands the mode of communication.

Types of Communication

There are many different types and modes of communication, like verbal, non-verbal, written, visual and formal, and informal communication.

The most common one is Verbal Communication which involves the use of speech and language by both the sender and receiver. The message here is conveyed through the usage of words.

In non-verbal communication, the body language of the parties involved in communication or discussion is important. It is not an overly loud way of conversing, so the signs can likely be missed or misinterpreted in this type of communication. One should be a shrewd observer to understand the subtle ways of non-verbal communication. It is in the movement of limbs, eyes, the direction of tilted shoulders, or whether one is fidgeting and flinching, etc.

The written form of communication is a crucial one and at the same time, it is very tricky. One must very carefully construct the words in a written form as this can be documented for years to come. The use of written communication is in professional terms like circulars, memos, letters, and bank statements. Only experts get involved in drafting written statements when legalities are concerned.

Visual communication means conveying information through graphical representation like statistical data, pie charts, and bar graphs. All of this should also be based on facts and not mere assumptions.

The formal way of communicating is obeyed with colleagues and seniors wherein the sender needs to be controlled and measured in words as everything is for official purpose.

Informal communication is with peers and friends groups where there is a camaraderie between such groups and it can be casual with no rules and obligations and formalities.

When one is not a good communicator the repercussions can be of varying degrees to different people. In an official environment if miscommunication occurs one might even be suspended or lose their job. So one must learn the ways and importance of good communication.

Ways to Be a Good Communicator:

Knowing the audience one is addressing is the primary and most important step. If there is a younger audience the language must be simple and targeted specifically to them. Using difficult language and big words to show off one’s ability in such a case is futile.

Usage of a non-verbal mode of communication can be very effective. Like making eye contact when speaking can give a better understanding of the extent of grasping information of the audience.

Preparation before speaking is very important. One must be fully aware of the importance and objective of the message to be conveyed.

Usage of images and drawings, if need be one must explain using pictures as they can give a different perspective to the audience you are passing on the information to.

Be clear and precise and there is no need to add extra pieces of information when not required.

Listening more attentively before jumping to conclusions is very important.

Need and Importance of Good Communication:

Promotes cooperation and improves the working environment. When everyone is on the same page about what is expected, then people work in teams to complete the task.

Enhances working relationships and fosters a strong team. When there is good communication practice there are no misunderstandings and people find it easier to trust others.

Effective communication increases managerial efficiency. As higher management can trust their subordinates to do the work in less time than allotted.

Decision-making becomes easier as everyone can contribute their ideas and brainstorming also can be fun and creative.

Healthy relationships can be formed be it professional or personal. When one can communicate themselves well enough then they earn the respect of others and this only forms lasting bonds.

Short Essay on Importance of Communication

In this short importance of communication essay, a brief account of the communication methods and importance is discussed. 

Communication and the need for it to be good has become increasingly important in all fields of life. Communication is a way to pass on information about a certain belief, emotions, feelings, and ideas from one person to another or from one person to a group of people. In today’s world English is the most important language to communicate with others and socialize.

The formal way of communication is usually in an official setup and people use more formal language and controlled ways of conveying information. Whereas informal communication is the opposite, there are no set rules and only casual language in such a form of communication.

However, the importance of good communication is as important in any form of communication as it improves the work environment, there is no communication gap, all jump on the same bandwagon, one can easily find solutions when they communicate their issues and problems with clarity.

Good communication also helps create healthy boundaries in both personal and professional life so it is important to be a good communicator for a stress-free life with no misunderstandings.

Why Communication Skills are Evergreen!

There are so many skills in the present context but communication skills are always useful in every aspect of life. They are useful not only in day-to-day life but also to express our views at the time of interview or at your workplace.

Communication skills are needed for an hour. Though you  have hard skills, if you don't have communication skills, nothing is going to work for you.

Learning new skills are always  essential to progressing your career. It gives you various  job options and helps you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. But there are other benefits, too. Here are some benefits of learning new skills—no matter your age or profession, or type of skill you learn.

1. It keeps you healthy and strong and active.You feel motivated always.

2. It unlocks doors of success.

3. It improves your adaptability to new things and allows you to sustain in any type of environment.

4.It keeps you relevant with the growing pace of life.

Examples of Human Skills

Communication skills 

Understanding body language.


Growth mindset.

Critical thinking.

What are Communication Skills?

When we are communicating with others the following aspects should be considered.

Communication should be clear enough so the person can understand and relate your idea of communication.

You should talk about facts to build confidence among others. If you just make false predictions, no one will be interested in communicating with you. Always talk slowly with courtesy and humbleness.

Communication Skills for Workplace Success:

(Image will be Uploaded soon)

Listening: Always listen to what the person is saying and then try to reply.

Clarity: You should be clear in your thoughts and pronunciation while speaking.

Treat people friendly but follow work rules.

Always talk and walk with confidence so you can create a decent impression in front of your colleagues.

Always have love and compassion for others and try to help others .Dont bully or put down others.

Always be open minded and don't judge people by their appearance.

Respect each other in the staff.

Skills to be used while Interview:

By  following a few important interview skills you can have a good interview. Skills  can support the interview process and help set you apart from other candidates:

Always research about the company before going for an interview.

Prepare some expected and surprise questions that may be asked during the process.

Be punctual and reach before the interview starts.By reaching late you might create a false impression in front of selectors.

Be professional and act decent.Don't talk in a non-professional manner or crack jokes during the interview.

Show you communication skills in an appropriate manner.

First listen properly and then try to answer the question.Be on point. Give short and crisp answers.

Ask questions to the recruiters

If they ask to do so.You can ask regarding the company which will create an impression that you are interested in the job process.

Have Confidence and don't lose hope even if you get rejected.

Hard skills vs. Soft skills

What is the difference between hard skills and soft skills? Hard skills are used in jobs by employees to perform their work at work place.. Soft skills, on the other hand, are the personal qualities that help employees really throw in the workplace.

How to Improve Communication Skills?

The things to be considered to improve skills

Listen a lot. It will make you a better speaker.

Improve your Body language , the way you carry yourself, your walk.

Watching News and listening to podcasts or interviews of famous people can help you a lot.

Write  down things and work on them.Accept your flaws and try to work on them.

Think before you speak.Avoid ego problems and stay down to earth to learn new things.

Write a few lines daily which will improve your writing skills also.

Good communication can help one save time and energy and be productive in the workplace and otherwise. Listening to the speaker is also an important part of being a good communicator. It helps one understand better and there is an easy flow of communication and exchange of information. When one speaks their mind their hearts become lighter and then one only can lead a happy and peaceful life.


FAQs on Essay on Importance of Communication

1. How can one be a Good Communicator?

One must be fluent in their language. Fluency in any language, Hindi, English, Marathi, Malayalam, etc will first give you confidence and belief to speak up. It helps in forming words that one can understand without much struggle. One must always remember to pause and listen to others when they are speaking; this will make them a good communicator.

2. Is English Important in Communication?

Nowadays English has become a requirement in every area whether one wishes to pursue higher studies or for securing a job. It is an integral part of international communication. So if one is inclined to become a world citizen, English is certainly important. It is a means of communication in every aspect now like, media, art, science, and politics.

3. How to use communications skills in your resume and cover letter?

Your communication skills are not only important in everyday life but they play a very vital role in the interview process as well as your resume skills  will support you in every step of your career.  You can demonstrate your communication skills in your resume by ensuring that your resume is well-formatted and free of grammatical errors. Ensure to specify your communication skills in a separate skill section. By mentioning separately, you can also mention how proficient you are in verbal and written communication.

4. What are good communication skills for writing essays?

Good communication is something which you can understand easily  and  from one person to another. For communication to be effective, the meaning must be easily understood. The success of an individual lies in one's knowledge apart from the  factors that include speaking, reading, listening, and reasoning skills.

5. Why should communication skills be taught to children from childhood?

Communication skills are important in child development for the following reasons: 

Teaching effective communication skills to children from a young age is crucial as they can become expressive and can convey their ideas easily.

Communication skills can enable learning and meaningful exchange of information with others.

They can express their ideas more clearly and efficiently.

6. How helpful are communication skills for effective speaking?

Effective communication is the backbone of public speaking. Effective communication guarantees the message reaches the audience in its correct and desired form. Conveying your ideas to the audience is important so it is very much essential that you speak in the language they understand. Speaking in other languages or not using good vocabulary will not help you to reach your target audience. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Sample Essay On Verbal Communication

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Communication , Context , Culture , Face , Body Language , United States , America , Cultures

Published: 07/14/2021


Verbal communication refers to spoken or speech communication for exchange of information between individuals and groups. The different forms of verbal communication are face-to-face encounters, live radio and television conversations and audio discussions on telephone, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and other media. I would like to specifically talk about face-to-face communication style in USA. However, it should be emphasized that face-to-face spoken communication could not be isolated with non-verbal communication such as eye contact, greeting, dress appearance, body language, clothing, distance, postures and gestures. For instance, the aspect of reinforcement is also evaluated through words of encouragement and motivation during a spoken communication session.

Spoken communication in USA should be more direct and open because it is a low-context culture where people expect clarity of opinions, information and meeting purpose instead of assuming the other person to infer. Secondly, there is no discrimination among genders; therefore, it is expected that males and females could openly interact as compared to several high context cultures where spoken communication between opposite sexes is not acceptable such as in Asia, Middle East and other conservative cultures. Third, the spoken communication moves ahead positively when both parties exchange information in a calm voice tone while maintaining direct eye contact simultaneously in USA. The non-verbal cues such as body language, dress, gestures and postures also create an impression on other people during the verbal communication especially negotiations because they indicate credibility, maturity level, preparedness, interest and reliability. For instance, the American verbal style is expressive even in public places as compared to high-context societies where public remains humble and modest. Next, the art of listening is extremely important during verbal communication because a good speaker is also expected to showcase oneself a good listener. Intolerance for other person’s speech and discussion badly affect oral communication in both low and high-context cultures.

Undoubtedly, I would prefer and embrace the primary cultural aspects that shape etiquettes for verbal communication in USA because it fosters freedom of speech and expression to both sexes. For example, the negotiation team in USA allows participation of both sexes because of low-context culture as compared to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan and other high-context cultures where female representation is zero. Next, the male members avoid face-to-face speech and eye contact with female members of society because it is considered as a social taboo in high-context environments. The support for U.S. verbal communication style is absolutely permissible; however, the researcher also truly respects the cultural differences and communication patterns of other regions as true obligation in a globalized socio-economic environment.

For instance, the Americans regard “Time is Money” that also impacts spoken communication and makes it more direct and objective-related irrespective of any relationship between two individuals. In contrast, the high-context cultures are more relationship and people-oriented; therefore, the individuals also dedicate most of their time on discussions about country, economy, politics, arts, literature, family, education, personal life experiences, customs and traditions. The focused objective-based verbal communication takes place only after the two parties have developed reasonable personal understanding and ascertained that they have mutual respect so could trust each other for further interactions and business relationship. Finally, the global communication patterns have been changing because of greater cross-cultural training that has created a reasonable mid-point between high-context and low-context individuals in verbal communication.


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