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Addition and Subtraction KS1

This collection is one of our Primary Curriculum collections - tasks that are grouped by topic.

addition problem solving ks1

Find all the numbers that can be made by adding the dots on two dice.

addition problem solving ks1

Unit Differences

This challenge is about finding the difference between numbers which have the same tens digit.

addition problem solving ks1

Cuisenaire Counting

Here are some rods that are different colours. How could I make a yellow rod using white and red rods?

addition problem solving ks1

What's in a Name?

What do you notice about these squares of numbers? What is the same? What is different?

addition problem solving ks1

Sort Them Out (1)

Can you each work out the number on your card? What do you notice? How could you sort the cards?

addition problem solving ks1

Number Balance

Can you hang weights in the right place to make the the number balance balanced?

addition problem solving ks1

What Was in the Box?

This big box adds something to any number that goes into it. If you know the numbers that come out, what addition might be going on in the box?

addition problem solving ks1

This project challenges you to work out the number of cubes hidden under a cloth. What questions would you like to ask?

addition problem solving ks1

Arranging Additions and Sorting Subtractions

Order these four calculations from easiest to hardest. How did you decide?

addition problem solving ks1

Domino Sorting

Try grouping the dominoes in the ways described. Are there any left over each time? Can you explain why?

addition problem solving ks1

One Big Triangle

Make one big triangle so the numbers that touch on the small triangles add to 10.

addition problem solving ks1

Subtraction Slip

Can you spot the mistake in this video? How would you work out the answer to this calculation?

addition problem solving ks1

Pairs of Numbers

If you have ten counters numbered 1 to 10, how many can you put into pairs that add to 10? Which ones do you have to leave out? Why?

addition problem solving ks1

Butterfly Flowers

Can you find two butterflies to go on each flower so that the numbers on each pair of butterflies adds to the number on their flower?

addition problem solving ks1

Equivalent Pairs

Can you match pairs of cards which show the same amount?

addition problem solving ks1

Number Lines

A resource to try once children are familiar with number lines, and they have begun to use them for addition. It could be a good way to talk about subtraction. Leah and Tom each have a number line. Can you work out where their counters will land?

addition problem solving ks1

Two Spinners

What two-digit numbers can you make with these two dice? What can't you make?

addition problem solving ks1

The Add and Take-away Path

Two children made up a game as they walked along the garden paths. Can you find out their scores? Can you find some paths of your own?

addition problem solving ks1

What Could It Be?

In this calculation, the box represents a missing digit. What could the digit be? What would the solution be in each case?

addition problem solving ks1

Jumping Squares

In this problem it is not the squares that jump, you do the jumping! The idea is to go round the track in as few jumps as possible.

addition problem solving ks1

Ladybirds in the Garden

In Sam and Jill's garden there are two sorts of ladybirds with 7 spots or 4 spots. What numbers of total spots can you make?

addition problem solving ks1

Secret Number

Annie and Ben are playing a game with a calculator. What was Annie's secret number?

addition problem solving ks1

Eggs in Baskets

There are three baskets, a brown one, a red one and a pink one, holding a total of 10 eggs. How many eggs are in each basket?

addition problem solving ks1

Birthday Cakes

Jack's mum bought some candles to use on his birthday cakes and when his sister was born, she used them on her cakes too. Can you use the information to find out when Kate was born?

addition problem solving ks1

Find the Difference

Place the numbers 1 to 6 in the circles so that each number is the difference between the two numbers just below it.

addition problem solving ks1

Noah saw 12 legs walk by into the Ark. How many creatures did he see?

addition problem solving ks1

Heads and Feet

On a farm there were some hens and sheep. Altogether there were 8 heads and 22 feet. How many hens were there?

addition problem solving ks1

Using the cards 2, 4, 6, 8, +, - and =, what number statements can you make?

Number Round Up

Arrange the numbers 1 to 6 in each set of circles below. The sum of each side of the triangle should equal the number in its centre.

addition problem solving ks1

The Brown Family

Use the information about Sally and her brother to find out how many children there are in the Brown family.

addition problem solving ks1

The Tall Tower

As you come down the ladders of the Tall Tower you collect useful spells. Which way should you go to collect the most spells?

addition problem solving ks1

Dicey Addition

Who said that adding couldn't be fun?

addition problem solving ks1

This is an adding game for two players. Can you be the first to reach the target?

addition problem solving ks1

Doing and Undoing

An investigation looking at doing and undoing mathematical operations focusing on doubling, halving, adding and subtracting.

addition problem solving ks1

Sitting Round the Party Tables

Sweets are given out to party-goers in a particular way. Investigate the total number of sweets received by people sitting in different positions.

addition problem solving ks1

How Do You See It?

Here are some short problems for you to try. Talk to your friends about how you work them out.

addition problem solving ks1

What could the half time scores have been in these Olympic hockey matches?

addition problem solving ks1

Strike it Out

Use your addition and subtraction skills, combined with some strategic thinking, to beat your partner at this game.

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Addition and Subtraction Word Problems- Year 1- DIFFERENTIATED

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems- Year 1- DIFFERENTIATED

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Sophie's Shop

Last updated

22 February 2018

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What do children learn in KS1 maths?

addition problem solving ks1

In Key Stage 1 (KS1), kids explore a wide breath of content to help develop their knowledge of core concepts and gain an understanding of how maths is used in everyday life. From fractions to shapes, they learn lots of key skills that’ll place them in great stead for KS2!  The main topics they learn about are…    

1. Number and place value: In the KS1 maths curriculum, children learn to count, read, write and represent numbers up to 100. They also learn how to compare numbers and use the place value system.  

2. Addition and subtraction: Children learn various strategies for mental and written addition and subtraction. They also explore number bonds, counting techniques and inverse operations.  

3. Multiplication and division: Kids develop their understanding of multiplication and division and learn how to solve problems using multiplication and division facts, arrays and pictorial representations.  

4. Fractions : Learners discover how to recognise, name, find and write fractions in relation to length, shapes and quantity.

  5. Measurement: In KS1 maths, children learn how to use appropriate units, estimate measurements and read scales, including length, capacity and time.  

6. Properties of shapes: Learners explore the fundamentals of shapes, including how to recognise and name different types of 2D and 3D shapes.  

7. Position and direction: Children  learn how to describe position, direction and movement, as well as how to organise objects into patterns and sequences. 

8. Statistics: In the KS1 curriculum, kids explore how to collect and organise data. They also learn how to create graphs and interpret data using a variety of graphs.

Meet Doodle, the personalised maths app that explores the whole KS1 curriculum!

Created by our team of teachers, DoodleMaths is an award-winning maths app that’s filled with interactive questions and games covering the whole KS1 curriculum.    

Designed to be used for just 10 minutes a day, it creates every child a unique learning experience tailored to their needs, boosting their confidence and ability in maths.  And best of all, you can  try it for free !  

addition problem solving ks1

Frequently asked questions about KS1 maths

DoodleMaths is an award-winning app that’s filled with fantastic maths games for KS1!

From working in a messy bakery to helping a monkey collect coconuts, all of its games are specifically designed to develop instant recall and mental maths skills, transforming learning into a fun adventure.

Best of all, all of its questions feel like a game, with every exercise using interactive activities and explanations to help bring the subject to life!

Create an account today to enjoy a free 7-day trial .

There are lots of ways that you can help your child or pupils to learn KS1 maths:

  • Rather than explaining concepts, use visual representations to explore them, such as number lines and grids.
  • Nothing beats doodling! Encourage your child or pupils to draw pictures to help them understand concepts or have a go at working out the answer to a question. 
  • Use real-life items to explore number, such as Smarties or pebbles. Encourage your child to sort the items into different amounts; doing this will help them understand concepts such as addition and fractions!
  • Boosting their instant recall skills will help them with their mental maths and speed answering questions. Learning times tables in a specific order and using fun activities is a great way to help with this!

An array is an arrangement of items (such as pictures or numbers) in columns or rows.

They let children visualise what happens when they multiply or divide numbers together, helping them master times tables and division!

Reasoning is basically detective work: it’s when learners use what they already know to work out the answer to a question.

For example, if a child knows what 12 – 5 is, they can use this knowledge to work out what 12 – 6 is.

“I know that 12 – 5 is 7. As 6 is 1 higher than 5, the answer must be 1 higher than 7.”

addition problem solving ks1

KS1 maths resources and activities

Looking for even more ways to support your child or pupils’ learning? We’ve got you covered!

How to improve at mental maths

how to improve at ks1 mental maths

Discover our top tips to help any child master mental maths! 

Outdoor learning activities for KS1

outdoor ks1 maths activities

When the sun is shining, there’s nothing better than taking your learning outside!

How to support your child's home learning

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Practising maths ‘little and often’ is the perfect way to help kids develop their skills

Discover our top tips to help any child master mental maths!

When the sun is shining, there’s nothing better than taking your learning outside!

Practising maths ‘little and often’ is the perfect way to help kids develop their skills

KS1 maths SATs: guides and resources

In Year 2, children complete maths and English SATs papers. Explore what’s covered in the exams and how you can help your child or pupils prepare for them!

KS1 SATs papers 2024: what's included?

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See what’s covered in KS1 SATs and how you can help your child prepare for them

How Doodle can help kids prepare for SATs

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Our apps cover the whole KS1 curriculum, making them perfect study buddies

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SATs may seem worrying, but these tips will help calm your child (and you!)

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25 Addition Word Problems for Year 2 to Year 6 With Tips On Supporting Pupils’ Progress

Emma Johnson

Addition word problems appear throughout KS1 and KS2. Children are introduced to simple addition and subtraction word problems in the early years. This knowledge is then built upon throughout primary school, right up to Year 6, when pupils work with complex multi-step word problems involving large whole numbers and decimal numbers.

In the early stages, in Key Stage one and lower Key Stage two, addition word problems are taught through the use of concrete resources and visual images, using and developing subitising skills. As pupils become more confident with the formal written methods, children progress to use these to help solve more complex addition and subtraction word problems .

All Kinds of Word Problems Addition and Subtraction

All Kinds of Word Problems Addition and Subtraction

Download this free, printable pack of addition word problems worksheets to help your class to develop their addition and problem solving skills.

Addition word problems in Year 1

Addition word problems in year 2, addition word problems in year 3, addition word problems in year 4, addition word problems in year 5, addition word problems in year 6.

  • Why are word problems important for children’s understanding of addition

How to teach addition word problem solving in primary school

Addition word problems for year 2, addition word problems for year 3, addition word problems for year 4, addition word problems for year 5, addition word problems for year 6, looking for more word problems resources.

Children benefit from regular exposure to word problems, alongside any fluency work they are doing. To help you with this, we have put together a collection of 25 addition word problems with answer keys, which can be used with pupils from Year 2 to Year 6.

Addition word problems in the National Curriculum

Pupils in Year 1 are introduced to simple one-step problems involving place value addition and subtraction word problems , through the use of concrete objects, pictorial representations and missing number problems. At this stage, children should be memorising and reasoning with number bonds to 10 and 20. They also need to understand the effect of adding zero.

In Year 2, pupils continue to use concrete objects and pictorial representations to solve addition problems, including those involving numbers, quantities, measures and simple money word problems . They are also expected to apply their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods,  using one and two-digit numbers. Pupils start working on basic written addition and are introduced to the concept of regrouping.

By Year 3, pupils are starting to tackle more complex addition word problems. They begin to use written methods to add 3-digit numbers, using formal column method for addition. Pupils also begin solving addition problems involving fractions, in addition to building on their mental addition skills to add a three-digit number and ones, tens and hundreds. 

Pupils in Year 4 progress to solving two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why. They are also beginning to work with larger numbers, adding up to four digits using the formal written method of column addition.

By Year 5, pupils are solving multi-step word problems in contexts. They add whole numbers with more than four digits and decimal numbers, using formal written methods. Children are also adding increasingly larger numbers mentally.

Third Space Learning’s online one-to-one tutoring programmes work with students to fill their learning gaps and build confidence in maths. Tailored to the needs of each student, Third Space Learning’s tutoring programmes offer students more opportunities to practice their maths skills and reach their year group standard.

addition word problem lesson slide

Pupils in Year 6 continue to work with larger numbers and decimals, solving increasingly complex multi-step problems, deciding which operations to use and why. By this stage students should have a solid grasp of the written methods for all four operations.

Why are word problems important for children’s understanding of addition

Word problems help children to make sense of addition. In the Early Years, simple story problems aid understanding of what is being asked, alongside the use of concrete resources and visual images. Real-life word problems are an important element of the maths curriculum for children throughout the school, giving them the opportunity to put the addition skills they have learnt into context, to understand how they can be used in the outside world. 

Pupils need to be taught how to approach word problems, beginning by reading the questions carefully and making sure they fully understand what is being asked. The next step is to determine what calculation is needed and whether there are concrete resources or pictorial representations  they can use to help solve it, or if 

Here is an example:

There were 3,756 people on a cruise ship.

456 people get on after the first week, whilst 623 get off.

How many passengers are on board the ship now after the first week?

How to solve:

What do you already know?

  • There are 3,756 on the cruise ship at the start of the journey.
  • 456 people get on after the first week, therefore we need to add 456 to 3,746. This gives us a total of 4,212 people
  • 623 people get off, so we need to subtract 623 from the total number of passengers now on the boat. When we subtract 623 from 4,212, we get a total of 3,589.

How can this be represented pictorially?

bar model addition

  • We can draw 2 bar models to represent this problem.
  • The number of passengers who got on the ship after the first week is added to the  total number of people on the boat at the start of the trip. 
  • We then draw a second bar model to show how many passengers were left on the ship once the 623 passengers got off after the first week.

Addition word problems in Year 2 require pupils to work with 1 and 2-digit numbers. At this stage it is important children are working with concrete resources to support their understanding. Children also begin to learn how to check their answers by finding the inverse of  calculations.

Year 2 addition question 1

Maise has 14 crayons. Her friend gives her 8 more. 

How many crayons does Maisie have now?

Answer: 22 crayons

14 + 8 = 22

Year 2 addition question 2

Hamza buys a large pack of biscuits, whilst his sister buys a small pack.

The large pack contains 18 biscuits, whilst the small pack contains 8.

How many biscuits does Hamza and his sister have altogether?

Answer: 26 biscuits

18 + 8 = 26

Year 2 addition question 3

13 children sign up for the after school football club and 11 sign up for the netball club.

How many children sign up altogether?

Answer: 24 children

13 + 11 = 24

Year 2 addition question 4

Amal collects 34 conkers. Her brother finds 7 more and adds them to her collection.

How many conkers does Amal have now?

Answer: 41 conkers

34 + 7 = 41

Year 2 addition question 5

38 children were on the bus going to the zoo. 

The bus stopped to pick up 12 children from another school.

How many children were on the bus now?

Answer: 50 children

38 + 12 = 50

Word problems for Year 3 require pupils to work with larger numbers. By this stage, children are becoming more confident with the formal written column  method and are able to use this to solve 2 and 3 digit addition word problems. Addition word problems can be incorporated into other areas of the maths curriculum, for example, through time word problems . 

Year 3 addition question 1

Mason has collected 256 stickers. Rory has collected 352 stickers.

How many stickers have the two boys collected between them?

Answer: 608 stickers

256 + 352 = 608

Year 3 addition question 2

A train driver drove 234 miles on Monday and a further 186 miles on Tuesday.

How many miles did he drive in total over the 2 days?

Answer: 420 miles

(Show as column method; 234 + 186 = 420)

Year 3 addition question 3

Sam spent £1.25 on a bar of chocolate in the shop. He then spent 60p on a packet of sweets. How much did he spend all together

Answer: £1.85

1.25 + 85 = 1.85

Year 3 addition question 4

A climber has climbed 238m up the mountain. He has another 174m to go to reach the top. How high is the mountain?

Answer: 412m

(Show has column method: 238 + 174 = 412)

Year 3 addition question 5

A family was travelling to their holiday home. 

They set off at 9am and travelled for an hour and a half. 

They then had a 20 minute break and travelled for another hour. 

What time did they reach their holiday home?

Answer: 11:50am

1 ½ hours + 20 minutes + 1 hours = 2 hours 50 

Start at 9am, count on an hour, then another 20 minutes, followed by another hour = 11:50am

With word problems for Year 4 , pupils progress onto 4 digit addition word problems. They are also beginning to solve more complex, two-step word problems. Children should be encouraged to estimate and find the inverse, to check the accuracy of their calculations. In Year 4, pupils also solve addition word problems involving  fractions and decimals.

Year 4 addition question 1

A builder is building a wall around the school playing field.

He has used 4865 bricks so far and has another 1135 bricks to finish the wall.

How many bricks will he use to build the wall?

Answer: 6000 bricks

4865 + 1135 = 6000

Year 4 addition question 2

Hot dogs: £1.60

Burgers: £1.40

Pizza: £1.99

Fries: £1.25

Soft drinks: £1.15

Chloe is buying some food from a cafe. 

She buys 2 hot dogs, a pizza, 2 portions of fries and 2 drinks. 

How much does she spend altogether?

Answer: £9.99

Hot dogs: £1.60 + £1.60 = £3.20

Fries: £1.25 + £1.25 = £2.50

Drinks: £1.15 + £1.15 = £2.30

Total= £3.20 + £1.99 + £2.50 + £2.30 = £9.99

Year 4 addition question 3

A runner is completing a 10,000m race. 

He has already run 4560m. How much further does he have to run?

Answer: 5440m

Solved mentally by calculating how many more metres to 5000m – 440m, then adding on a further 5000m = 5440m

This can also be solved as a missing number column addition, or as a subtraction calculation.

Year 4 addition question 4

Ben has £50. He buys a t-shirt for £15.50 and a hoodie for £25.50. 

How much change does he have left?

Answer: £9 change

£15.50 + £25.50 = £41

£50 – £41 = 9

Year 4 addition question 5

A flight from London to Doha is a distance of 6731 miles. It is then another 12,375km to Sydney. 

How far is the journey from London to Sydney, via Doha?

Answer: 19,106 miles

12,375 + 6731 = 19,106

Word problems for Year 5 require pupils to solve addition word problems with larger numbers (more than 4 digits), using formal written methods and  mentally. Word problems become more complex multi-step problems, involving other operations. Pupils at this stage should continue to be encouraged to check their answers by finding the inverse.

Year 5 addition question 1

Three towns have populations of 14,768, 17,956 and 13,858.

What is the total population of the three towns combined?

Answer: 46,582

(Show as column method 14,768 + 17,956 + 13,858 = 46,582)

Year 5 addition question 2

A car can hold 60 litres of fuel when the tank is full.

If 17.98 litres of fuel has been used, how much fuel does the tank hold now?

Answer: 42.02 L

This can be solved mentally, by counting on from 17.98, as a missing number addition question, using column addition, or as a subtraction question.

Year 5 addition question 3

A man weighing 85.23kg gets into a lift. On the next floor, another man gets in, weighing 79.4kg.

If the lift can hold a maximum weight of 500kg, how much more weight can the lift carry?

Answer: 335.37kg

(show as column method)

85.23 + 79.4 = 164.63

500 – 164.63 = 335.37

Count up from 164.63 or solve as a missing number addition.

Year 5 addition question 4

The temperature in Toronto was -27 degrees celsius one January evening. On the same day, the temperature in Doha went up to 29 degrees. 

What was the difference between the temperature in Toronto and the temperature in Doha?

Answer: 56 degrees celsius

29 + 27 = 56

Year 5 addition question 5

Large packet of biscuits – £1.75

Small packet of biscuits – 98p

Lucy buys 2 large packets of biscuits and 4 small packets. How much change will she get from a £10 note?

Answer: £2.58

2 large packets = £1.75 + £1.75 = £3.50

4 small packets = 98p x 4 = £3.92

Total = £3.92 + £3.50 = £7.42

£10 – 7.42 = £2.58  or count on from £7.42 to £10 

With word problems for Year 6 , pupils need to be able to solve word problems using larger whole numbers of up to 6 or 7 digits, problems involving fraction word problems and problems involving decimals.  Addition word problems in SATs include one-step, two-step and more complex multi-step problems.

Year 6 addition question 1

Mr Jones spent £24,799 on a new car and £8,750 on a caravan.

He has £15,074 left in his bank account. 

How much did he have to start with?

Answer: £48,623

24,799 + 8,750 = 33,549

33,549 + 15,074 = 48,623

Year 6 addition question 2

17,523 more people visited a theme park this year than last year.

If 315,736 people visited last year. How many visited this year?

Answer: 333,259 people

315,736 + 17,523 = 333,259

Year 6 addition question 3

A zoo buys 53.7kg of animal feed. Each day, 7.34kg is used for the camels, 2356g for the meerkats and 4.49kg for the zebras.

After 2 days, how much will the zoo have left?

Answer: 25.328kg left

7.34 + 2.356 + 4.49 = 14,186

14,186 + 14,186 = 28.372

53.7 – 28.372 = 25.328

Year 6 addition question 4

A company sent out 1,417,806 flyers in April and 931,368 in May.

  • Estimate how many flyers the company sent out in April and May combined.
  • What is the actual number of flyers sent out? 
  • 2,300,000 

1,400,000 + 900,000 = 2,300,00

  • 1,417,806 + 931,368 = 2,349,174

Year 6 addition question 5

The Brown family are going on a road trip. They plan to drive 274.3 miles to a hotel. They then have another 276.9 miles to drive to reach their final destination.

If they have travelled 197.8 miles so far, how much further do they have to travel before they reach their final destination?

Answer: 353.4 miles

274.3 + 276.9 = 551.2

551.2 – 197.8 = 353.4

Take a look at our comprehensive collection of word problems practice questions covering a wide range of topics such as ratio word problems , percentages word problems , multiplication word problems , division word problems and more. 


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I See Reasoning - KS1

The ebook i see reasoning - ks1 gives 281 thought-provoking images and questions linked to all areas of the ks1 maths curriculum. tasks help to build children's conceptual understanding, promoting non-counting calculation and providing opportunities for reasoning and talk. there are rich tasks for deepening learning every day.

I See Reasoning - KS1 Addition  is a free sample section from the resource. Visual prompts help children to see likely mistakes, notice similarities between questions and develop new strategies for calculating. Techniques such as  Read the Pictures, Explain the Mistakes  and  Which Answer?  draw attention to key learning points and help to generate focused talk. For order enquiries, please read the Frequently Asked Questions .

I See Reasoning - KS1

There are prompts that open up mathematical investigations, for example the  Different Ways  tasks.  True or False? questions draw children's attention to key differences between correct and incorrect responses. There are also different question types that are specific to particular areas of the curriculum, like the  Missing Hand questions in the time section. There are answers too!

True or false 2

I See Reasoning - KS1 Addition  gives a free copy of one of the sections from the resource. Please use and share it!

The 281 tasks of  I See Reasoning - KS1  cover all areas of the Year 1&2 mathematics curriculum. There are many other question types that display maths concepts visually, including the use of bar models. All of the tasks encourage meaningful mathematical talk and challenge children to apply their understanding flexibly. This helps pupils to develop mastery in KS1 mathematics.

I See Reasoning - KS1  corresponds to US grade levels K and grade 1, and Australian school years 1&2. The sale price is  £15  When ordered, the PDF file is emailed direct to your inbox for your use. To purchase, click on the link below:


  1. Addition and subtraction word problems

    addition problem solving ks1

  2. Year 1

    addition problem solving ks1

  3. 1st Grade Addition Word Problems

    addition problem solving ks1

  4. Adding by counting (problem solving)

    addition problem solving ks1

  5. Reasoning and Problem Solving Addition and Subtraction KS1

    addition problem solving ks1

  6. Addition Problem Solving

    addition problem solving ks1


  1. Maths for grade 01-Addition

  2. Addition-Problem-Solving

  3. Problem-Solving Tasks, KS1, Within 10

  4. Math Simplified: Solving Addition Problem @ADIGHSD

  5. Addition

  6. Long Addition Problem 417+11120+27800: Step-by-Step Video Solution


  1. KS1 Addition Word Problems Challenge Cards

    Make maths fun with these addition word problem challenge cards for KS1 children! Each page features four different challenge cards with word problems, including our lovely hand-drawn images to help your Year 1 and Year 2 children relate maths problems to real-life scenarios.

  2. Addition and Subtraction KS1

    Number Lines. Age 5 to 7. Challenge Level. A resource to try once children are familiar with number lines, and they have begun to use them for addition. It could be a good way to talk about subtraction. Leah and Tom each have a number line. Can you work out where their counters will land?

  3. Adding and subtracting

    Subtracting two-digit numbers. Learn how to subtract a two-digit number from another. KS1 Maths Adding and subtracting learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers.

  4. Addition Word Problems 0-10

    Allow children to focus on their mathematical skills and see how confident they are with applying their addition to 10 knowledge in real-life contexts. 11 problems are supported with images which will help children accurately interpret the question and work to solve the addition embedded in the text. These could be used with KS1 learners who ...

  5. 100+ KS1 Maths Problem Solving

    Primary Resources on Problem-Solving . Perfect for KS1 students, our maths problem-solving primary resources test a range of skills, from addition and subtraction to remainders and number order! We've included challenging topics like negative numbers, using inverse numbers, and remainders, to ensure these primary resources on problem-solving test your students' maths knowledge.

  6. 100+ KS1 Addition Activities

    Addition Activities. First, Then, Now Activity Mat. 5.0 (6 reviews) Addition Word Problems 0-10. 4.9 (7 reviews) Roll Them, Count Them, Add Them 3 Dice Worksheet. Space Addition and Subtraction Puzzle (0-10) 4.9 (17 reviews) Addition and Subtraction with British Money Maths Challenge Sticky Labels.

  7. 100+ Year 1 and Year 2 Addition Worksheets

    While solving the problems included in these addition worksheets for KS1, children will be working towards meeting key curriculum aims, including: Add one-digit and two-digit numbers to 10, including 0. Use concrete objects and pictorial representations to solve one-step problems that involve addition.

  8. Addition and Subtraction Games

    Addition and Subtraction Games. These free addition and subtraction games can help mental maths skills, particularly improving knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20. Learning games can improve skills in adding and subtracting numbers because children can practise and have fun at the same time.

  9. Addition Word Problems Challenge Cards

    Make maths fun with these challenge cards containing addition word problems! Each page features four different challenge cards with addition word problems, including our lovely hand-drawn images to help your children relate maths problems to real-life scenarios. These challenge cards contain three different ability levels, lower, middle and higher. Some examples of the middle ability addition ...

  10. PDF Task D: Near doubles

    I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING -KS1 Task D: Near doubles Cut out. When you see say the missing number. ... Double is Double is Double is Double is ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. so 6+ = 11 I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING -KS1 Task D Questions: Near doubles Q U E S T I O N S 4+4 = 8

  11. 30 Problem Solving Addition and Subtraction

    Year 1 Numbers to 20 Puzzles. KS1 Making Totals Number Puzzles. Greedy Monster Taking Away Worksheet. 4.9 (7 reviews) Jack and the Beanstalk Subtraction within 5 Activity Sheets. 5.0 (1 review) Christmas Number Shape Addition Problems to 10 Worksheet. 3.5 (2 reviews) Year 1 The Great Fire of London Maths Challenge Cards.

  12. KS1

    KS1 - Addition Word Problems 1. Addition word problems. Children can practise their calculation skills with this addition word problem resource. To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.

  13. PDF Puzzles and Problems for Year 1 and Year 2

    Put the plates in a cross. Use all 15 counters. Put a different number on each plate. Make each line add up to 10. Do it again. This time make each line add up to 8. Solve mathematical problems or puzzles. Know addition and subtraction facts up to 10. Add three small numbers mentally.

  14. Addition and Subtraction Word Problems- Year 1- DIFFERENTIATED

    Addition and Subtraction word problems for Year 1/2. Differentiated into 4 abilities. Children can cut and stick each question into their books and work it out underneath! NC Guidance: "They discuss and solve problems in familiar practical contexts, including using quantities. Problems should include the terms: put together, add, altogether ...

  15. PDF I See Reasoning KS1 Addition

    INTRODUCTION I SEE REASONING -KS1 I SEE REASONING -KS1 Sample materials - addition This is a free copy of the addition section and the addition and subtraction section from I See Reasoning -KS1. There are 15 sections and a total of 281 questions in the full resource. It is delivered via Etsy as a PDF digital download.

  16. Solve one-step problems addition and subtraction

    An award-winning maths scheme that has been written to address the aims of the 2014 curriculum and ready-to-progress criteria. Explore our FREE planning overviews by clicking here. Year 1 Number - Addition and Subtraction Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and ...

  17. KS1 maths

    Explore strategies for mental and written problem solving. Find out more. Multiplication and division. Discover key multiplication and division facts. ... In Key Stage 1 (KS1), kids explore a wide breath of content to help develop their knowledge of core concepts and gain an understanding of how maths is used in everyday life. ... Addition and ...

  18. 25 Addition Word Problems for Year 2 to Year 6

    Emma Johnson. Addition word problems appear throughout KS1 and KS2. Children are introduced to simple addition and subtraction word problems in the early years. This knowledge is then built upon throughout primary school, right up to Year 6, when pupils work with complex multi-step word problems involving large whole numbers and decimal numbers.

  19. Solve one-step problems addition and subtraction

    An award-winning maths scheme that has been written to address the aims of the 2014 curriculum and ready-to-progress criteria. Explore our FREE planning overviews by clicking here. Year 1 Number - Addition and Subtraction Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and ...

  20. I See Reasoning

    I See Reasoning - KS1 corresponds to US grade levels K and grade 1, and Australian school years 1&2. The sale price is £15 When ordered, the PDF file is emailed direct to your inbox for your use. To purchase, click on the link below: I See Reasoning - KS1 is a compilation of 281 visual, thought-provoking tasks that support mathematical ...

  21. Addition Practice Questions

    Next: Changing the Subject (advanced) Practice Questions GCSE Revision Cards. 5-a-day Workbooks

  22. 100+ KS1 Maths

    KS1 Addition Word Problem Challenge Cards. 4.7 (108 reviews) 2-Digit Addition on Squared Paper Worksheet. 4.9 (69 reviews) Butterfly Doubles to 10 Worksheet. 4.9 (7 reviews) Addition to 20 with a Number Line Worksheet. 4.8 (55 reviews) Year 3 Adding Two 3-Digit Numbers - No Regrouping Worksheet.

  23. 26 Addition and Subtraction Year 1 Primary Resources

    All of our worksheets, activities and games have been created to help your children master topics like number bond games, number bonds to 20 powerpoint and maths. Tailored to the academic needs of KS1 children, these Mastery - Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving - Addition and Subtraction games and activities are sure to become class favourites.