
Apprenez les langues , bac de français 2023 : corrigé du sujet de dissertation sur colette « peut-on considérer sido et les vrilles de la vigne comme des oeuvres de l’émerveillement ».

Sido et Les vrilles de la vigne de Colette sont des oeuvres classées dans le parcours «  Célébration du monde « , et dans l’objet d’étude « Roman et récit du Moyen Âge au XXIe siècle ». Voici notre proposition de corrigé avec un plan détaillé et des exemples pour le sujet de dissertation proposé au Bac 2023 en Métropole : « Peut-on considérer Sido et Les vrilles de la vigne comme des oeuvres de l’émerveillement? ».

Sujet complet de l’épreuve écrite du Bac 2023

Peut-on considérer Sido et Les vrilles de la vigne comme des oeuvres de l’émerveillement? Vous répondrez à cette question dans un développement organisé en vous appuyant sur  Sido et Les vrilles de la vigne sur les textes que vous avez étudiés dans le cadre du parcours associé, et sur votre culture personnelle.

Phase 1 : analyse du sujet

Analysons tout d’abord les mots clés du sujet : 

  • émerveillement : État de celui qui s’émerveille, est émerveillé
  • Le sujet est volontairement flou sur l’émerveillement. Est-ce que ces oeuvres montrent l’émerveillement de l’auteur elle-même ? Est-ce qu’elles donnent envie au lecteur de s’émerveiller? Les deux ?
  • Sido : oeuvre autobiographique de Colette datant de 1929 et racontant son enfance. Le livre porte le nom de sa mère (Sido pour Sidonie) mais se compose de 3 parties, dont deux qui sont consacrées au père de Colette (le capitaine) et une consacrée à ses frères (les sauvages). L’oeuvre est publiée quand Colette est bien installée dans sa vie.
  • Les vrilles de la vigne : recueil de 20 nouvelles publié par Colette en 1908. La nature y tient une place importante. La publication intervient 2 ans après son divorce de son premier mari, elle entretient alors ouvertement des relations avec des femmes et cherche à établir son indépendance financière.
  • Vers une problématisation de l’intitulé du parcours : https://pedagogie.ac-toulouse.fr/lettres/system/files/2022-06/ressource_colette_problematisation.pdf

Phase 2 : Reformulation de la problématique

Les oeuvres au programme montrent-elles l’émerveillement de l’auteur ou incitent-elles le lecteur à l’émerveillement ? Vont-elles au-delà également ?

Phase 3 : Plan de dissertation possible

Nous allons répondre «  oui  » et justifier en 3 parties pourquoi.

I. Une démonstration de la capacité d’émerveillement de l’auteure

a)une prose poétique où prédomine le lyrisme

–>faire le lien avec «le simple fait d’être en vie est une volupté» citation de Virginia Woolf

« Ô géraniums, ô digitales » ( Sido )

« J’aimais tant l’aube déjà que ma mère me l’accordait en récompense. » ( Sido )

b)une douce retranscription des souvenirs d’enfance

–>correspondances, synesthésies : le début de Sido est foisonnant de couleurs (la ficelle d’or, la mère est rouge, le fauteuil vert…) et synesthésies (« parfum châtain clair » dans Sido, « Un halo de parfum le nimbe. Il embaume, rigide et blanc » dans Les vrilles de la vigne …)

II. Une incitation à l’émerveillement

a)Une invitation à goûter de doux souvenirs

–>foisonnement d’objets parfois désuets dans Sido « j’appelle armes ses deux paires de verres, un couteau de poche, souvent une brosse à habits, un sécateur, de vieux gants, le sceptre d’osier… »

–>une délicieuse plongée dans la vie de province à la fin du XIXe siècle grâce à des « vignettes » qui invitent le lecteur à goûter cette vie passée

« Dans mon quartier natal, on n’eût pas compté vingt maisons privées de jardin.Les plus mal partagées jouissaient d’une cour (…) » = il était habituel là où elle a vécu petite d’avoir un jardin ( Sido )

« De l’autre côté, sur la rue, les enfants insolents musaient, jouaient aux billes, troussaient leurs jupons, au-dessus du ruisseau ; les voisins se dévisageaient et jetaient une petite malédiction, un rire, une épluchure dans le sillage de chaque passant (…) »

–> « goûter » au sens propre : la nourriture fait partie de l’émerveillement (la guêpe qui mange la gelée de groseilles de la tarte dans Les vrilles de la vigne , ou encore dans le même recueil « La chatte grise est ravie que je fasse du théâtre. Théâtre ou music-hall, elle n’indique pas de préférence. L’important est que je disparaisse tous les soirs, la côtelette avalée, pour reparaître vers minuit et demi, et que nous nous attablions derechef devant la cuisse de poulet ou le jambon rose… »

b) Une invitation à croire aux mystères, aux miracles

Colette s’adresse au lecteur :

« Vous croirez sans peine qu’à l’appel de « Sido » le vent de Sud se levait devait les yeux de mon âme (…) Sa tête indistincte et désordonnée s’agitait, secouant l’eau et la pluie de grenouilles tièdes. »

–>la nouvelle « Toby-chien » ou « Dialogue de bêtes » ( Les vrilles de la vigne )

III. Une célébration du monde

a) la célébration du monde intimement liée à la mère dans Sido

–>le discours épidictique, laudatif, sert l’idéalisation des personnages rendus « merveilleux »

–>la mère est en symbiose avec la nature dans Sido :

« Avertie par ses antennes, ma mère s’avançait sur la terrasse, goûtait le temps et me jetait un cri :

-La bourrasque d’Ouest ! Cours ! Ferme les lucarnes du grenier ! (…) »

–> »toute présence végétale agissait sur elle comme un antidote » ( Sido )

ou encore, avec une personnification de l’Est :

A contrecoeur elle faisait pacte avec l’Est : « je m’arrange avec lui », disait-elle. Mais elle demeurait plein de suspicion et surveillait, entre tous les cardinaux et collatéraux, ce point glacé, traître, aux jeux meurtriers ».

b) l’évocation des souvenirs devient célébration : elle rend tangible la réalité passée par une écriture sensorielle et musicale

–> cela se fait notamment à travers une écriture sensorielle (manifestation de l’émergence du corps dans le texte, caractéristique de l’écriture du xx e  siècle)

–>refrain « Ainsi parlait-elle » au début de Sido : musicalité

–>poèmes en prose des Vrilles de la vigne : mélodie des mots

Autre plan possible (source Marie Chauveau, Le Parisien )

1. la contemplation du monde se fait bien émerveillement et le monde est célébré pour sa beauté.

  • L’éloge de la nature, des animaux
  • Un émerveillement du détail
  • Un émerveillement qui sacralise le monde

2. Néanmoins Colette n’en a pas une vision naïve, la contemplation n’annule pas la distance critique

  • La vie parisienne : vision ambiguë
  • Les mauvaises amours
  • La relation à la famille, à Sido : des rapports complexes

3. Ecrire pour recréer le miracle

  • La libération de soi par l’écriture
  • Recréer le monde de l’enfance
  • Sublimer par l’écriture

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Colette, Sido suivi de Les Vrilles de la vigne – La célébration du monde

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The Making and Unmaking of Colette: Myth, Celebrity, Profession

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This dissertation takes the paradoxical role of Colette in the canon of French and women's writing, from her earliest works to present, as an entry into a radically new interpretation of her life and literary oeuvre. This work is distinguished from previous works on Colette both in its approach and in the scope of its research, relying on extensive archival research revealing unpublished and unstudied aspects of Colette's biography and reception, and using a variety of modes of analysis to interpret this research.

This dissertation shows, in its first two chapters, how the myth of Colette as the incarnation of a particularly French brand of femininity, a spontaneous, natural writer, in no way literarily self-conscious, neither contributing to nor influenced by literary innovations, whose writing expresses her instinctive femininity, was constituted, from the earliest reviews of Colette's first novel, Claudine à l'école (1900), through feminist interpretations of Colette from the 1970s to present. Because Colette was understood to be a feminine writer of women by both misogynist conservatives of 1900 and radical feminists of the 1970's, their understanding of this writer remained remarkably homogenous and durable. The third chapter relies on contemporary celebrity theory in order to investigate Colette's own agency in the creation and policing of this durable public image, tracing both ways that Colette maintained her image, and ways that she profited from it, focusing in particular on her eponymous literary collection, the Collection Colette, and her "produits de beauté" cosmetics line and a beauty salon. This understanding of Colette's agential role in her public image inspires a new reading of the 1910 novel La Vagabonde and the relationship Colette depicts between the protagonist, Renée Néré's stage persona and her life when she is not in front of an audience.

The next two chapters suggest new ways of approaching Colette, beyond the durable myth of the spontaneous feminine writer that she worked so hard to maintain: as a consummate professional and as a literary innovator. The fourth chapter focuses on Colette's professionalism: using a Bourdieusian-inspired analysis of Colette's correspondence to uncover her role in the literary field, tracing the full extent of her social, artistic, and professional networks with other writers, journalists, and artists. This chapter then explores concrete examples of her manipulation of these networks, studying in particular her collaboration with Maurice Ravel in L'Enfant et les sortilèges and her management of the literary department at the newspaper Le Matin. The final chapter of this dissertation reads Colette in terms of discourses of modernism, from which she has long been excluded due to her imagined marginality to the literary field, focusing in particular on French conceptions of the harmonious reconciliation of classicism and literary innovation which reached their height in the 1920's, and which I have termed the "classique moderne." This dissertation makes a contribution to trends in French literature, literary history, the sociology of literature, women's studies, women's history, feminist literary criticism, and celebrity theory.


Antonioli, Kathleen Alanna (2011). The Making and Unmaking of Colette: Myth, Celebrity, Profession . Dissertation, Duke University. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10161/5000 .


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> Le commentaire littéraire : pour une notation homogène Document envoyé le 22-03-2024 par Nicolas Tréhel L'idée de ce projet est d'homogénéiser la notation d'un commentaire littéraire, par exemple, en distinguant des niveaux d'acquisition par un profilage des types d'erreurs, ou des types de copies. Les élèves peuvent ainsi mieux comprendre que s'ils ont tant, c'est parce que leur travail rentre plutôt dans telle ou telle catégorie de l'échelle.

> Barème pour le commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 13-01-2023 par Nicolas TREHEL Barème qui évalue la construction et la présentation de tout commentaire, par couleur ou par notation sur 20. Il doit permettre aux élèves d'identifier quelles compétences ils doivent encore améliorer pour accéder au niveau supérieur de maîtrise de l'exercice.

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> Règles de versification et sonnet Document envoyé le 12-04-2022 par ENOLA DUVALLET Les documents sont des supports de cours pour initier (ou réviser) les élèves au vocabulaire poétique.

> Méthode COUACS Document envoyé le 06-11-2021 par Hélène Dadou Petite création du jour, une affiche sur l'oral : la méthode COUACS, pour les éviter justement !

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> Carte mentale des procédés Document envoyé le 02-10-2021 par Anne Dupuy Carte mentale permettant de récapituler les procédés qui permettent d'analyser un texte.

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> La lecture expressive Document envoyé le 10-09-2021 par Delphine Tret Pour accompagner les élèves, je propose pour presque tous les textes étudiés une lecture à voix haute en accès libre sur " A l'écoute des textes". Je leur donne également une fiche pour les aider à s'entraîner à la maison. Elle comporte à la fin deux tableaux avec les critères d'évaluation. Les premiers entraînements, je ne les évalue que de façon "diagnostique" pour constituer des groupes d'AP et aider les élèves à dépasser autant que possible leurs difficultés. Ensuite, j'évalue. Mais souvent, je permets aux élèves d'être évalués deux fois. La deuxième fois, je valorise les progrès. Un élève en difficulté qui s'investit autant qu'il peut et qui progresse, je tiens à l'encourager. Et ce que je souhaite toujours, c'est que les élèves éprouvent le plaisir de la lecture, qu'ils en perçoivent la beauté et qu'ils ressentent la joie du partage.

> Outils pour l'évaluation Document envoyé le 01-09-2021 par Jessika Berthe Voici plusieurs outils, deux sous forme de "marque-ta-page" afin que les élèves puissent appréhender au mieux la méthode du commentaire et de la dissertation, à utiliser lors des premiers devoirs, et une fiche pour évaluer l'oral. Ces outils sont mis à disposition des élèves une fois la méthode vue en classe.

> Ma lecture du moment Document envoyé le 23-08-2021 par Emilie Badstüber Un petit plan pour présenter son livre préféré à ses camarades. Un petit exposé de 3 ou 5 minutes afin d'évaluer les compétences orales de l'élève.

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> Méthode de la dissertation pas à pas Document envoyé le 25-04-2020 par Murielle Taïeb Reprise de la méthode de la dissertation avec une classe de seconde pendant le confinement, huit séances de cours à distance avec les corrigés.

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> Les manuels scolaires de Première Document envoyé le 11-08-2019 par Céline Tétard Chercher un document dans un manuel est souvent une quête fastidieuse, d'autant qu'avec la réforme, nous avons reçu beaucoup de nouveaux manuels. Afin de gagner du temps, ce document présente le sommaire de 6 nouveaux manuels scolaires, proposés par de grandes maisons d'édition.

> Méthodologie synthétique du commentaire Document envoyé le 08-04-2019 par Joaquim Lemasson Ma méthodologie synthétique permet, à partir d'un procédé mnémotechnique "MERCFUZ", de rendre accessible les différentes étapes de l'explication d'un texte au plus grand nombre d'élèves.

> Grille évaluation commentaire Document envoyé le 30-10-2018 par Olivier Lauquin Il s'agit d'aider à l'évaluation d'un commentaire littéraire.

> La curiosité est-elle un vilain défaut? Document envoyé le 30-08-2018 par Françoise Cahen Descriptif détaillé et méthodologie de la séquence (groupement de 5 textes du XVIIème et du XVIIIème siècle qui prépare à l'argumentation et à la dissertation).

> Ecriture d'invention Document envoyé le 21-08-2018 par Annie Scotto d'Apollonia Fiche-méthode permettant de comprendre les enjeux de différents sujets d'invention (fichier élève + enseignant).

> L'entretien lors de l'oral de l'EAF Document envoyé le 02-08-2018 par Céline TETARD Ce fichier propose une typologie des questions auxquelles les candidats doivent se préparer pour bien aborder la partie "entretien" de l'oral de l'EAF.

> Vade-mecum concernant l'oral de l'EAF Document envoyé le 02-08-2018 par Céline TETARD Ce fichier apporte des réponses à de nombreuses questions que nos élèves nous posent tout au long de l'année à propos de l'oral de l'EAF.

> Schéma d'un devoir Document envoyé le 27-09-2016 par Valérie Magueur Schéma pour construire et présenter une dissertation ou un commentaire.

> Apprentissage du commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 13-06-2016 par Anne Lambert Diaporama à utiliser en cours afin d'accompagner l'apprentissage du commentaire littéraire. Chaque étape d'analyse est illustrée avec le poème "L'Auberge" de Verlaine. Le défilement des diapositives se fait manuellement.

> Document d'aide à la rédaction du commentaire Document envoyé le 19-02-2016 par Marie Abiven Un document d'aide à la rédaction sous forme de "check-list" des attendus du commentaire. Cela aide les élèves à acquérir la méthode et leur donne des axes de progression.

> Test de début d'année pour 1ère Document envoyé le 23-08-2015 par Ingrid Lesueur Comment évaluer rapidement les compétences des élèves en début de 1ère, en expression écrite, langue, analyse littéraire et connaissances.

> La lecture analytique à l'oral de l'EAF Document envoyé le 29-03-2015 par Antonin BERTRAND Critères d'évaluation.

> Fiche d'auto évaluation pour les épreuves de l'EAF Document envoyé le 29-01-2015 par Karine Dutheil Critères de réussite de la question de corpus, du commentaire composé, de l'écriture d'invention, de la dissertation, de l'exposé oral et de l'entretien oral. Document que les élèves complètent lors de chaque rendu pour mesurer les progrès et points à retravailler.

> Oral du bac : de la fiche à l'exposé Document envoyé le 03-09-2014 par Genet Hélène Fiche méthode pour la constitution des fiches de révision et la préparation de l'oral du bac de français.

> Réaliser une anthologie poétique Document envoyé le 13-07-2014 par Céline Tétard Une nouvelle version d'un document présentant un atelier d'écriture et permettant de réaliser une anthologie poétique. Les consignes très détaillées sont suivies d'un tableau offrant des critères d'évaluation très précis pour noter ce travail.

> Comment faire une fiche de révision pour l'oral de l'EAF Document envoyé le 01-02-2014 par Isabelle FARIZON Document en 2 pages A4 (à donner aux élèves) : - conseils pour exploiter ses notes, en tirer une fiche de révision, savoir comment la réviser en vue de l'exposé - modèle de présentation de la fiche et récapitulatif de révisions à faire en vue de l'entretien oral

> Méthode d'organisation du classeur de français. Document envoyé le 29-11-2013 par VGP Une fiche méthode adressée aux élèves en début d'année afin de leur permettre d'organiser correctement leur classeur.

> La prise de notes Document envoyé le 13-09-2013 par Manon Varaldi Fiche méthode, liste d'abréviations les plus utilisées et lien vers un site d'abréviations et de sigles.

> Vers le commentaire composé, oeuvres poétiques Document envoyé le 26-02-2013 par Marthe Machorowski Tableau des axes d'exploration d'un texte poétique dans l'étape préalable à l'élaboration d'un plan.

> Vers le commenraire composé, oeuvres dramatiques Document envoyé le 26-02-2013 par Marthe Machorowski Recensement des axes d'exploration d'un texte dans l'étape précédant la recherche du plan

> Vers le commentaire composé, oeuvres narratives Document envoyé le 26-02-2013 par Marthe Machorowski Tableau recensant les diverses approches d'un texte dans l'étape préalable à l'élaboration d'un plan.

> Méthode pour lecture analytique Document envoyé le 01-02-2013 par Ingrid Lesueur Méthode pour conduire une lecture analytique qui prépare les élèves à l'épreuve orale (réponse à une question), différente de la méthode du commentaire littéraire écrit.

> Méthode pour acquérir et conserver une culture littéraire Document envoyé le 14-11-2012 par Marie Bertin Fiche sous forme de tableau à remplir après lecture d'une oeuvre pour en garder trace et disposer de références dans les compositions littéraires.

> Utiliser un dictionnaire Document envoyé le 07-10-2012 par Marie Roland Rappel et exercices pour une séance de début d'année en accompagnement personnalisé. Exercices de rapidité, qui peuvent être complétés à la fin de l'heure par des jeux collectifs (trouver le plus rapidement un mot...)

> Vers une lecture efficace Document envoyé le 14-09-2012 par Coraline Soulier Fichier d'exercices et de pistes d'exercices pour une prise de conscience par les élèves des mécanismes de la lecture et des stratégies de lecture à mettre en oeuvre.

> Collecter des informations sur Internet Document envoyé le 11-07-2012 par Céline Tetard Conseils méthodologiques et liens utiles (pour les cours d'accompagnement personnalisé ou les TPE).

> Le commentaire Document envoyé le 11-06-2012 par Florence LEFEBVRE Trois activités à partir d'un poème de Ronsard permettant de travailler selon les besoins des élèves : comprendre le principe du commentaire, trouver les procédés, faire un plan.

> La dissertation Document envoyé le 07-01-2012 par Bouchra El Mekkaoui Définition de l'épreuve - Le travail préliminaire - Élaborer un plan.

> Initiation à la dissertation Document envoyé le 03-01-2012 par Simone PIFFARETTI La séduction amoureuse en littérature.

> Etudier un texte argumentatif Document envoyé le 03-01-2012 par Simone PIFFARETTI Test pour aborder la séquence sur l'argumentation (Seconde).

> Etudier un texte argumentatif Document envoyé le 03-01-2012 par Simone Piffaretti Test pour aborder une séquence sur l'argumentation (Première).

> Entraînement à l'oral de l'EAF Document envoyé le 19-06-2011 par Isabelle Vignier Reprise écrite d'un entraînement sur un passage de L'Ilusion comique de Corneille : monologue de Clindor (acte IV scène 7). (Question: en quoi ce passage est-il capital pour la caractérisation et l'évolution du personnage?. Avec des conseils pour l'entretien et un document annexe pouvant être utile: les stances du Cid.

> Séance d'introduction à la dissertation Document envoyé le 15-06-2011 par Dominique Moret Séance d'initiation à la dissertation visant à définir l'exercice (ou synthétiser ce que l'on en sait) et à s'entraîner à manier la compétence d'abstraction (hiérarchie des idées).

> Conseils de révision en vue d'un devoir type bac Document envoyé le 03-02-2011 par Anaïs Trahand Réussir un devoir de français n'est pas une affaire d'inspiration : des conseils pour exploiter au mieux le travail fait en classe et aider les élèves à organiser leurs révisions. Public visé : 2ndes et 1ères.

> Comment se présenter Document envoyé le 28-01-2011 par Céline Tetard Divers exercices qui permettront aux élèves et au professeur de faire connaissance en début d'année (version allégée).

> TICE : TLFi & Bescherelle Document envoyé le 03-10-2010 par Julien Lefebvre Questionnaire permettant une prise en main du TLFi & des outils proposés par le site du Bescherelle. Objectif : connaître les ressources en ligne, manipuler pour inciter les élèves à les utiliser.

> Quelques consignes pour rédiger un carnet de voyage Document envoyé le 03-08-2010 par Christelle Lambert Il s'agit de six consignes d'écriture brève, pour amener les élèves à rédiger et élaborer un carnet de voyage personnel, évoquant un voyage scolaire de deux jours dans les châteaux de la Loire.

> La prise de notes Document envoyé le 04-02-2010 par Nathalie Ranc Une fiche d'évaluation pour l'entraînement et l'aide à la prise de notes.

> Révisions lexique et syntaxe Document envoyé le 07-10-2009 par lydie Jeanguyot-Togna Ce document destiné aux classes de Seconde contient des exercices pour revoir des notions de vocabulaire et de syntaxe et préparer l'élève au commentaire de texte.

> La rédaction du commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 03-03-2009 par Isabelle Farizon Ce fichier comprend : - une fiche A4 récapitulant les consignes pour la présentation et composition du devoir, les consignes pour le développement, l'introduction, la conclusion - une fiche critériée de suivi individuel pour les devoirs de commentaire

> Fiche-méthode pour la dissertation littéraire Document envoyé le 03-03-2009 par Isabelle Farizon Ce fichier comprend : - une fiche A4 récapitulant la méthode d'analyse du sujet, les différents types de plans, les consignes pour le développement, la façon de situer son opinion dans le devoir, les consignes pour l'introduction et la conclusion - un modèle de présentation (mise en page du devoir d'argumentation) - une fiche critériée de suivi individuel pour les devoirs de dissertation

> Le commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 14-02-2009 par Olivier Lauquin Quelques méthodes et conseils simples pour réaliser l'exercice.

> Méthodologie de la dissertation Document envoyé le 10-01-2009 par Isabelle Thomas Méthodologie appliquée de la dissertation sur le thème du conte philosophique de Voltaire et suivie d'un exercice de réinvestissement des acquis.

> Le commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 03-01-2009 par Romana Mekhalfi Fiche synthèse sur la méthodologie de l'exercice.

> Le commentaire composé Document envoyé le 02-12-2008 par pauline giuliani Quelques conseils pratiques pour aborder le commentaire.

> Présenter un exposé sur un mouvement littéraire Document envoyé le 23-11-2008 par Vanessa Cazelles Fiche indiquant la procédure de présentation d'oeuvres d'art rattachées à un mouvement littéraire et culturel.

> Tableau vierge pour synthétiser une séquence Document envoyé le 28-08-2008 par Bernard Théry Tableau à double entrée permettant à l'élève ou au professeur de récapituler le travail fait durant une séquence, en fonction des impératifs du programme.

> Utiliser le dictionnaire au lycée Document envoyé le 26-08-2008 par Bernard Théry Série d'exercices progressifs, prévus pour une séance de module, pour apprendre à utiliser le dictionnaire afin de mieux comprendre et utiliser les mots difficiles.

> Les rapports logiques Document envoyé le 26-08-2008 par Bernard Théry Tableau à double entrée répertoriant les outils lexicaux, grammaticaux et typographiques permettant d'exprimer les diverses relations logiques entre les idées : explicitation, addition, causalité, similitude, opposition, condition, avec des exemples d'emploi.

> Conseils et exercices pour la prise de notes Document envoyé le 26-08-2008 par Bernard Théry Quatre documents de travail sur la prise de notes : - des conseils pratiques et des outils - le recensement des pré-requis mis en oeuvre dans la prise de notes - des exercices sur les abréviations + corrigé - le descriptif de 3 séances de modules 2nde pour l'apprentissage de la prise de notes.

> La fiche de lecture Document envoyé le 24-07-2008 par Walden Robert Liste de quelques titres de romans suivie d'une rapide série de quetions-types pour préparer une fiche de lecture (document destiné à une Seconde professionnelle).

> Méthodologie pour l'étude d'une oeuvre. Document envoyé le 06-07-2008 par Régine Banse Aide au travail personnel de l'élève : la manière de travailler une oeuvre intégrale.

> Méthode d'apprentissage du commentaire littéraire en 2nde Document envoyé le 30-01-2008 par Isabelle Farizon Document pédagogique destiné aux professeurs, présentant en six étapes une méthode pour enseigner le commentaire littéraire en 2nde, de la préparation à la rédaction ; les principales étapes sont accompagnées d'une application au texte de BALZAC, extrait du Colonel Chabert (portrait du Colonel), qui correspond à un travail effectivement réalisé en classe, en collaboration avec les élèves.

> Conventions d'écriture dans les copies Document envoyé le 03-11-2007 par Delphine Bitton Tableau autoévaluatif des conventions à respecter (couper un mot, souligner un titre etc.).

> Les catégories d'analyse littéraire Document envoyé le 23-09-2007 par Lydia P.Blanc Document synthétique récapitulant les problématiques littéraires en vue du commentaire de texte, pour les 2ndes et les 1ères.

> Méthodologie du sujet d'invention Document envoyé le 15-09-2007 par Isabelle Rolland Les étapes à suivre pour réussir le sujet d'invention : de l'analyse du sujet à la rédaction.

> Le commentaire en série technologique Document envoyé le 15-09-2007 par Isabelle Rolland Compilation de fiches méthodologiques adaptées aux attentes du bac technologique.

> Expressions outils pour expliquer un texte littéraire Document envoyé le 29-08-2007 par Bernard Théry Liste organisée d'expressions possibles à utiliser pour commenter un texte littéraire : des exemples d'emploi sont donnés pour expliquer le poème de Verlaine « Monsieur Prudhomme ».

> Comment choisir le plan d'une dissertation ? Document envoyé le 29-08-2007 par Bernard Théry Ensemble de deux fiches : - une fiche théorique qui présente les différents types de plans possibles selon la formulation du sujet : plans explicatifs, délibératifs, comparatifs, suggérés par le sujet. - la même fiche, illustrée cette fois d'exemples de sujets pris dans les annales de Juin 2002 à Juin 2005.

> Schéma de l'introduction et de la conclusion Document envoyé le 29-08-2007 par Bernard Théry Fiche présentant les composantes respectives de l'introduction et de la conclusion d'un devoir argumentatif, suivies de remarques et conseils techniques.

> Quatre approches des textes littéraires Document envoyé le 27-08-2007 par Bernard Théry Tableau en 4 colonnes répertoriant les notions nécessaires pour aborder les textes littéraires sous l'angle des registres, des genres, des types de discours, des mouvements littéraires. Pour de plus amples développements, se reporter aux documents de Bernard Théry, consacrés à chacune des notions, dans les cours de WebLettres.

> Éléments de narratologie Document envoyé le 26-08-2007 par Évelyne Marotte Récapitulatif rapide des outils essentiels pour l'étude du texte narratif.

> Le commentaire composé Document envoyé le 02-08-2007 par Daniel Ellezam Fiche de méthode à destination des élèves.

> Méthode d'exposé sur un sujet culturel Document envoyé le 20-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Fiche méthodologique expliquant comment élaborer un exposé sur des oeuvres d'art ou sur un mouvement littéraire, et comment le présenter à l'oral.

> Oral du bac ; fiche d'évaluation Document envoyé le 20-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Fiche d'évaluation critériée, présentée dans un tableau distinguant la partie "exposé" de la partie "entretien".

> L'art de réfuter Document envoyé le 11-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Cours théorique en deux parties présentant les points d'appui de la réfutation et les stratégies de réfutation.

> L'organisation du classeur de français Document envoyé le 11-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Exemple de classification ordonnée des documents relatifs au cours de français.

> Valoriser et réfuter des arguments Document envoyé le 10-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Tableau qui présente dans une colonne la façon de valoriser des arguments, et en opposition, dans l'autre colonne, des stratégies de réfutation possible.

> Argumenter et réfuter Document envoyé le 09-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Tableau méthodique présentant dans une colonne différents raisonnements logiques et différents types d'arguments, et, dans une autre colonne, les procédés appropriés pour les réfuter.

> Démontrer et argumenter Document envoyé le 09-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Tableau synoptique permettant de distinguer les deux démarches : démontrer et argumenter. Les citations sont tirées des documents d'accompagnement collège et lycée.

> L'argumentation au lycée dans les textes officiels Document envoyé le 08-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Ce document présente des extraits des documents d'accompagnement, synthétisant pour le professeur, les objectifs de l'apprentissage de l'argumentation en classes de seconde et première.

> Rédiger une synthèse dans le plan dialectique Document envoyé le 08-07-2007 par Bernard Théry Cours théorique exposant trois pistes pour rédiger la troisième partie de la dissertation dialectique.

> L'explication linéaire III Document envoyé le 28-06-2007 par Marie Hélène Ferrari Analyse de l'incipit de Le Roi Cophetua de Julien Gracq, fichiers détaillés pour le professeur et l'élève.

> L'explication linéaire II Document envoyé le 25-06-2007 par Marie-Helene Ferrari Analyse de l'incipit d' Un balcon en forêt de Julien Gracq et texte en lecture complémentaire. Fiches élève et professeur.

> L'explication linéaire Document envoyé le 25-06-2007 par Marie-Hélène Ferrari Incipit de La Presqu'île de Julien Gracq, en explication linéraire problématisée avec questionnaire et leçon préalable.

> Grilles indicatives des passages à l'oral Document envoyé le 20-06-2007 par Sandrine Firon Grilles qui récapitulent des temps d'accueil, de préparation et de passage par 1/2 journée d'oral.

> Faire une fiche de lecture Document envoyé le 10-04-2007 par Annec.chat Méthode à destination des élèves.

> La mise en forme de la dissertation et du commentaire Document envoyé le 12-02-2007 par Lisenn de Carcaradec Schéma synthétique présentant la forme que doivent prendre une dissertation ou un commentaire (alinéas, sauts de lignes, paragraphes, liens logiques, transitions...)

> Schéma pour une présentation orale Document envoyé le 04-12-2006 par Catherine Pot Il s'agit d'aider les élèves à présenter un roman réaliste ou naturaliste dans le cadre d'une séquence intitulée : "Du lecteur au critique littéraire".

> La dissertation Document envoyé le 09-11-2006 par Marie-Cécile Buteau Rappel méthodologique sur la dissertation avec des exemples sur le biographique.

> Grille pour le commentaire composé Document envoyé le 27-10-2006 par Anne Simon Cette grille vise à aider les élèves à améliorer leur production écrite, et à comprendre la structure d'un commentaire composé.

> Fiche contrat pour le commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 07-10-2006 par Dominique Ragot Tableau récapitulatif des critères d'évaluation du commentaire littéraire.

> La lecture analytique Document envoyé le 28-09-2006 par Sandrine Hotelier Il s'agit d'une fiche méthodologique rapide qui rappelle les objectifs et la mise en oeuvre de la lecture analytique.

> Conseils d'organisation en seconde Document envoyé le 08-09-2006 par Valérie Magueur Un tableau pour le suivi trimestriel de l'élève et une fiche-conseils pour l'aider à s'organiser en début d'année.

> Fiche méthode pour mieux apprendre ses leçons Document envoyé le 31-07-2006 par Caroline Fouquet Exercice ludique à réaliser en soutien par exemple. Cette fiche permet aux élèves d'acquérir une méthode pour mieux apprendre les cours.

> Une méthode pour le commentaire oral Document envoyé le 13-06-2006 par Corinne Durand Degranges Une méthode pour entraîner les élèves à la préparation de la lecture analytique telle qu’elle est attendue à l’oral des épreuves anticipées de français au baccalauréat. Elle prend appui sur un extrait des premières pages de la Vie de Henry Brulard , autobiographie posthume et sans « pacte » de Stendhal.

> Fiche d'évaluation d'un oral de bac. Document envoyé le 10-06-2006 par Sophie Millerat Bordereau d'évaluation d'un oral de bac (explication et entretien) utilisable en classe de 1ère.

> EAF : l'épreuve écrite Document envoyé le 02-05-2006 par Brigitte Fressy Fiche destinée aux élèves rappelant les exigences de l'épreuve, son déroulement. Conseils d'organisation et de gestion du temps.

> EAF : l'épreuve orale Document envoyé le 02-05-2006 par Brigitte Fressy Fiche destinée aux élèves rappelant les exigences de l'épreuve orale et son déroulement. Conseils d'organisation et de présentation.

> L'esprit de l'analyse littéraire Document envoyé le 28-03-2006 par Thomas Parisot Les cinq écueils et les trois composantes du commentaire littéraire.

> Analyser un poème Document envoyé le 08-02-2006 par Marion Blanchet Analyse d'un poème de Milosz destinée à faire sentir par des moyens autres que ceux utilisés à l’école ce qui distingue un poème d’un texte "ordinaire".

> Le commentaire Document envoyé le 29-12-2005 par Catherine Alvarez Corrigé de commentaire sur « La Peste » de Robert Desnos, avec éléments de méthode.

> Lectures analytiques Document envoyé le 29-12-2005 par Catherine Alvarez Éléments de lecture analytique pour : la tirade du "Non, merci !" ( Cyrano de Bergerac ), les scènes 1 et 2 de La Colonie de Marivaux, L'intersigne de Villiers de L'Isle Adam.

> Pour lire un texte narratif Document envoyé le 18-12-2005 par Gemma Riba Fiche méthode sur les notions de narrateur, point de vue et temporalité pour l'analyse de textes narratifs. Celle-ci est accompagné d'une fiche sur les valeurs des temps à compléter par les élèves.

> Intiation à la dissertation Document envoyé le 18-12-2005 par Gemma Riba Travail d'initiation à la dissertation qui prend appui sur le sujet suivant : "Une bonne histoire propose-t-elle forcément une fin inattendue?". Analyse du sujet puis élaboration du plan. Ce travail s'attache plus à la méthode du plan qu'au contenu lui-même.

> Les registres littéraires Document envoyé le 06-10-2005 par Françoise Cahen Exercice d'identification de tous les registres à partir d'extraits des Aventures d'Oliver Twist de Charles Dickens.

> Exercices sur la focalisation Document envoyé le 02-10-2005 par Françoise Cahen Identification des points de vue à partir d'extraits de l'oeuvre de Dickens, Les Aventures d'Oliver Twist : relevé des indices permettant l'identification et justification de ces choix romanesques.

> Descriptif séquence type Document envoyé le 15-11-2004 par Sandrine Hotelier Descriptif vierge de séquence à remplir pour élaborer les objectifs et le déroulement de la séquence.

> Le projet pédagogique annuel Document envoyé le 15-11-2004 par Sandrine Hotelier Tableau vierge permettant la réalisation du projet pédagogique annuel au lycée.

> La question de synthèse à l'EAF Document envoyé le 15-11-2004 par Sandrine Hotelier Il s'agit d'une fiche méthodologique qui indique la démarche à suivre pour les questions de l'EAF communes aux trois sujets de l'écrit.

> L'écriture d'invention Document envoyé le 15-11-2004 par Sandrine Hotelier Fiche méthodologique : définition de l'épreuve, différents types de sujets et démarche à suivre pour l'écriture d'invention à l'EAF.

> Concevoir et planifier une dissertation Document envoyé le 25-10-2004 par Jean-Paul Mahe Cette fiche méthodologique expose les divers types de sujet qui peuvent être proposés et les plans qui correspondent.

> Méthode pour le sujet d'invention Document envoyé le 21-09-2004 par Caroline Amédée En deux pages, on trouve ici des consignes pour aider les élèves à composer un sujet d'invention.

> Méthode pour la dissertation littéraire (Fichier ZIP) Document envoyé le 28-08-2004 par Stéphane Derbékian - Une fiche de méthode : "la dissertation littéraire" définissant toutes les étapes du travail, accompagnée, d'un sujet portant sur une comparaison entre Tristan et Iseult et Le diable au corps . - Une fiche de rappel accompagnée d'un sujet sur le héros naturaliste, à partir d'une citation de Zola.

> Comment répondre aux questions de lecture Document envoyé le 01-04-2004 par Françoise Cahen Une fiche méthodologique qui donne des conseils aux élèves de seconde afin qu'ils sachent comment répondre à leurs questions de lecture suivie ou aux questions préparatoires sur les groupements de textes.

> Méthode du commentaire de texte Document envoyé le 29-03-2004 par Caroline Amédée Fiche méthodologique pour le commentaire composé (pas d'application).

> E.A.F. : Aide-mémoire pour la lecture analytique d'un texte Document envoyé le 15-02-2004 par Serge Archimbaud Aide-mémoire méthodologique pour permettre aux élèves de proposer une lecture analytique organisée lors de leur exposé de 10 minutes à l'oral de l'E.A.F. Il comporte 21 critères d'évaluation, répartis en 5 rubriques ainsi qu'un barème.

> Le commentaire littéraire Document envoyé le 30-01-2004 par Pascale Brouillet Conseils pour l'élaboration du plan et la rédaction du commentaire littéraire.

> La lecture analytique Document envoyé le 03-01-2004 par Bertrand Lepetit Fiche méthodologique : travail de recherche des idées directrices, construction et mise en œuvre de la lecture analytique, aide mémoire pour la définition d'un texte.

> Code de correction de la dissertation Document envoyé le 31-12-2003 par Bertrand Lepetit Description des erreurs les plus fréquentes rencontrées dans les dissertations, avec codes pratiques pour les désigner. Notes pour gérer son temps lors d'un devoir de 4 heures.

> Code de correction du commentaire Document envoyé le 31-12-2003 par Bertrand Lepetit Description des erreurs les plus fréquentes rencontrées dans les commentaires littéraires, avec codes pratiques pour les désigner. Notes pour gérer son temps lors d'un devoir de 4 heures.

> Grille d'évaluation de l'écriture d'invention Document envoyé le 31-12-2003 par Bertrand Lepetit Critères pour l'évaluation et l'autoévaluation.

> Typologie des sujets d'écriture d'invention Document envoyé le 31-12-2003 par Bertrand Lepetit Typologie détaillée des genres et des types de discours susceptibles de donner lieu à un travail d'écriture d'invention, et pistes méthodologiques.

> Méthodologie de la dissertation Document envoyé le 31-12-2003 par Bertrand Lepetit Analyse du sujet, élaboration d'une problématique et étapes du développement : explications détaillées.

> Méthodologie du commentaire Document envoyé le 31-12-2003 par Bertrand Lepetit Description détaillée des méthodes et étapes du commentaire littéraire, définition du commentaire comparé en vue de l'épreuve anticipée de français au bac.

> Travail préparatoire de commentaire Document envoyé le 08-12-2003 par Annelyse Mandon Autour d'un texte de Hugo ( Les Misérables , portrait de la Thénardier), une série de questions, organisées en deux axes, doit permettre à l'élève, s'il rédige et enchaîne ses réponses de composer un commentaire.

> Aide à la rédaction du commentaire : exemples de formules utilisables Document envoyé le 12-11-2003 par Stéphane Martin Des exemples de formules utilisables dans un commentaire de texte pour l'introduction, le développement (énoncer l’idée directrice d’une partie ou d'une sous-partie, analyser des procédés littéraires etc.) et la conclusion. NB : ce document est également disponible en ligne

> Questionnaire sur la communication et l'énonciation (et corrigé) Document envoyé le 08-10-2003 par Arnaud Ziegelmeyer Un questionnaire avec corrigé, comprenant 14 questions à choix multiple et 6 questions ouvertes sur le vocabulaire de la communication et de l'énonciation.

> Barème de notation du classeur Document envoyé le 19-04-2003 par Delphine Hoarau Tableau avec des critères de notation et un barème pour le classeur en classe de 2de.

> Grille pour l'oral du bac version 2003 Document envoyé le 12-03-2003 par Corinne Durand Degranges Grille d'évaluation avec une seule question préalable pour l'étude de texte.

> Les focalisations Document envoyé le 19-11-2002 par Bertrand Lepetit Cours récapitulatif.

> Les 6 fonctions du langage Document envoyé le 18-11-2002 par Bertrand Lepetit Fiche récapitulative.

> Comment étudier la versification Document envoyé le 18-11-2002 par Bertrand Lepetit Récapitulation approfondie de tout ce que l'on peut aborder dans l'étude d'un texte poétique : la forme, l'organisation strophique, le mètre, la rime, le rythme.

> Grille pour l'oral du bac Document envoyé le 02-11-2002 par Corinne Durand Degranges Grille d'évaluation pour l'oral du bac.

> Faire une fiche de lecture Document envoyé le 07-10-2002 par Florence Foulon Consignes pour réaliser la fiche de lecture.

> La lecture analytique des textes littéraires Document envoyé le 14-09-2002 par Ghislaine Zaneboni Méthode permettant la lecture linéaire, les commentaires composés ou comparés.

> Préparer un commentaire composé Document envoyé le 27-12-2002 par Ghislaine Zaneboni Méthodologie du commentaire composé appliquée au poème de Marbeuf : "Et la mer et l'amour... " étudié dans le cadre du baroque.

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Colette Peters, director of Ore.'s prison system, to run federal prisons

Peters vowed to put the wellness of federal correctional officers at the top of her priority list.

Colette Peters.jpg

The Justice Department named Peters, a reform-minded outsider, to lead the federal Bureau of Prisons

Thomas Boyd/The Oregonian via AP

By Michael Balsamo and Michael R. Sisak Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department on Tuesday named Colette Peters, the director of Oregon’s prison system, to run the federal Bureau of Prisons, turning to a reform-minded outsider as it seeks to rebuild the beleaguered agency.

Peters, who championed steeply reducing the state’s inmate population in the last decade, will inherit a federal agency plagued by myriad scandals. Her hiring comes about seven months after Bureau of Prisons Director Michael Carvajal submitted his resignation amid mounting pressure from Congress after investigations by The Associated Press exposed widespread corruption and misconduct in the agency.

In an interview with the AP, Peters stressed the importance of working to “create an environment where people can feel comfortable coming forward and talking about misconduct.”

When she officially begins her role on Aug. 2, Peters will become only the second director in the agency’s history with no prior experience in the federal prisons system. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, who led the search for the new director, had been looking for someone who was focused on reforming an agency that has had cultural issues for decades.

Monaco, in a recent interview with the AP, said she sought “somebody who’s got executive experience managing a corrections operation, but someone who’s got real experience and credibility, quite frankly, as a reformer.”

“And I think we have achieved that,” Monaco said. “I know we’ve achieved that with Colette Peters.”

Peters was selected from about 60 candidates, and Monaco had been directly involved in the hiring process, personally interviewing some of the prospects. The Justice Department had also reached out to a variety of organizations before posting the job, asking advocates and others what they wanted to see in a new director in an effort to solicit feedback in the application process.

Peters praised the values and mission of the Bureau of Prisons, pointing to the need for correctional systems to prioritize “the principles of normalcy and humanity” and vowed to put the wellness of officers at the forefront of her priority list.

Peters, though, didn’t directly address whether she has a plan to fix the slew of problems at the Bureau of Prisons — an agency that employs more than 30,000 people and has an annual budget of about $8 billion — including sexual abuse by correctional officers, rampant criminal conduct by staff, dozens of escapes, deaths and critically low staffing levels that have hampered responses to emergencies. Peters said she would be remiss if she addressed the allegations before she was in place and fully briefed on the agency’s operations.

“What I can tell you is that corrections is a complex environment,” she said. “It is an environment filled with humans. We have humans overseeing humans. And with that comes opportunity for error. And that comes with opportunity for accountability.”

At the Justice Department, Monaco has been focused on reforming the Bureau of Prisons and addressing allegations of serious staff misconduct. She has assigned senior officials to work on Bureau of Prisons issues full time and has pushed to prioritize the agency’s mission.

“It’s got a dual mission, and it’s equal parts, fully equal parts: safe, secure, humane detention and a focus on and responsibility to prepare people to reenter,” Monaco said.

She has focused on ensuring prosecutors and investigators examine staff members accused of misconduct or criminal activity to ensure accountability and has met with the Justice Department’s inspector general and FBI Director Christopher Wray to ensure the cases are being appropriately investigated. And the Justice Department has also been incorporating the need for accountability at the Bureau of Prisons in training materials for new U.S. attorneys, encouraging them to be sure their offices are taking the cases when they are presented by investigators.

Monaco said she sees leadership as a main crux of reforming the Bureau of Prisons as the agency moves forward.

“I think it’s leadership, seeing that leadership isn’t one person but it’s a management team,” she said. “It’s a culture that says we need more centralized oversight and accountability and policy management.”

In addressing the need for accountability, Peters also pointed to her work in trying to create a culture that encourages reporting of misconduct and abuse. The Bureau of Prisons has increased scrutiny in the last few months over allegations of retaliation against staff members and inmates who have reported corruption, abuse and criminal conduct.

Peters said throughout her career she has taken “very seriously the safety and security of our institutions, obviously for the adults in custody but also for those corrections professionals who come to work every day doing the right thing.”

“They want the individual standing next to them to be making good choices as well,” Peters said of correctional officers. “And so, I’ve always wanted to create an environment where people can feel comfortable coming forward and talking about misconduct, talking about safety and security concerns, and then doing everything we can to address those sooner rather than later.”

Peters said she realized there were “pros and cons” to an outsider taking over as Bureau of Prisons director. But she said it is “a great honor and a great opportunity” to run one of the largest correction systems in the country and declared, “Corrections is in my DNA.”

“I think that it’s always great to have a set of eyes come from the outside and take a look in,” she said. “But that will also come with concerns for the employees at the Bureau of Prisons, wondering how I’m going to get to know the agency and get to know their operations, and so I think it’s pros and cons.”

Peters had faced some scrutiny in Oregon and was accused in a lawsuit of placing underqualified friends in high-ranking positions within the state’s Department of Corrections and creating openings for them by firing other employees or creating a hostile environment causing other employees to quit.

Peters said it was important to build a leadership team “that supports your values and the mission and vision of the agency.” She said the allegations in the lawsuit were without merit and “not founded.”

“That is not how I operate,” she said. “I believe very strongly in recruitment processes and really finding the right person for the right job.” ___

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Rabelais, Gargantua  : dissertation

Introduction, le rire comme déguisement, un « livre-silène », un livre qui développe de sérieuses critiques, un rire de pur divertissement, amuser par le récit de « bons tours », le « bon mot » ou le plaisir de jongler avec les mots, un rire de subversion, tourner en dérision et réhabiliter, l'abbaye de thélème : l'utopie comme pied de nez final .

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The trains and stations of the Moscow Metro

2 Comments · Posted by Alex Smirnov in Cities , Travel , Video

The Moscow Metro is the third most intensive subway system in the world after Tokyo and Seoul subways. The first line was opened on May 15, 1935. Since 1955, the metro has the name of V.I. Lenin.

The system consists of 12 lines with a total length of 305.7 km. Forty four stations are recognized cultural heritage. The largest passenger traffic is in rush hours from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 18:00 to 19:00.

Cellular communication is available on most of the stations of the Moscow Metro. In March 2012, a free Wi-Fi appeared in the Circle Line train. The Moscow Metro is open to passengers from 5:20 to 01:00. The average interval between trains is 2.5 minutes.

The fare is paid by using contactless tickets and contactless smart cards, the passes to the stations are controlled by automatic turnstiles. Ticket offices and ticket vending machines can be found in station vestibules.

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Tags:  Moscow city

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' src=

Tomás · August 27, 2012 at 11:34 pm

The Moscow metro stations are the best That I know, cars do not.

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Alberto Calvo · September 25, 2016 at 8:57 pm

Great videos! Moscow Metro is just spectacular. I actually visited Moscow myself quite recently and wrote a post about my top 7 stations, please check it out and let me know what you think! :)


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Cecilia Bobrovskaya Twenty Years in Underground Russia: Memoirs of a Rank-and-File Bolshevik

VIII. Moscow

FROM Baku I went to recuperate a little at the estate in Zhiroslavka near Kostroma which I have already mentioned, whose mistress, Elizaveta Kolodeznikova, considered it her mission in life to provide a haven for all tired and homeless Party workers. About midsummer 1905, after I had had a short rest, I left for Moscow. According to the decision of the Moscow Committee I was to start work as district organizer. I was to take up my new duties after the city conference, at which I hoped to gain a better knowledge of Moscow Party work. The conference was to be held on a Sunday in the woods near Obiralovka on the Nizhnenovgorod line.

When our group of comrades alighted at the suburban terminus of Obiralovka, the station was crowded with gendarmes, detectives, spies, and other police department officials. The "splendour" of the scene petrified us for a moment. Then we began to pretend that we were all strangers to each other. But the police only laughed at us. One of the delegates to our conference had betrayed us, so that the police knew everything to a detail. Notwithstanding all the information they had, however, they arrested only fifteen comrades. The others, who had come by an earlier train, managed to escape the trap laid for us at the station. I was arrested with several workers employed at the Guzhon Works in Moscow. I particularly recollect one dark-haired young worker with squinting eyes, who kept us merry all the way from Obiralovka to Moscow whither the police were taking us. At every stop the holiday crowd tried to get into our car. The police zealously attempted to drive the crowd away, while the dark-haired Guzhon worker cried to the newcomers:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is strictly forbidden to come into this carriage. The ambassadors from Portsmouth are here!" (This happened at the time of the peace negotiations with Japan.)

At the police headquarters we were closely crossexamined. But I could not say anything for myself. I had just recently arrived in Moscow and had had no time to obtain a passport. I lived without being registered, at the home of my husband's mother, Sophia Bobrovskaya, and avoided the janitor. This apartment was very convenient for secret work because the house had two exits, one of which was particularly useful because it led into a yard in which there was a postoffice. If anything happened one could always pretend to be going to the postoffice. These features were taken into consideration when Sophia and her younger daughter, Nina, rented the apartment. It often happened that mother and daughter, not having had time to consult each other, both offered the apartment for meeting purposes on the same day. Once, for example, a secret meeting of soldiers--representatives of the army--was held in one room, which Sophia had lent for the purpose, while in another room the girl cashiers of the Chichkin dairies met to discuss the forthcoming strike of the employees of that firm. Nina had consented to let them have the room without consulting her mother. The house was always used as a temporary hiding place for illegal literature and weapons. Furthermore, workers frequently made appointments at the house without telling the Bobrovskys beforehand because they knew that the latter would acquiesce.

Hence, when I was arrested I could not possibly give the Bobrovsky address. The only thing I could do was to refuse point blank to give any information about myself. I was immediately charged under Article 102 of the Criminal Code and sent to the Watch Tower in the Butirsky prison. Before me was the prospect of a quiet life (as a rest from my roving one) for a lengthy period, and I planned to take advantage of this to improve my theoretical knowledge. My deficiencies in this respect hindered me in my Party work. But this dream was not realized, owing to the breathless events that occurred on the other side of the prison bars. These events freed me from the Watch Tower--a freedom gained under strikingly happy circumstances. Each day the rumours which reached us in the Watch Tower as to the growing revolutionary spirit among the broad proletarian masses were more and more confirmed, particularly after we heard the singing of revolutionary songs in the main yard (the Watch Tower looked out into the hospital yard). They were sung by the arrested Philipov bakers. The crowds of workers in the neighbouring yard which we could see from our tower, and the snatches of speeches that were carried to us also helped confirm the fact. Besides these joyously disturbing signs, during the first days of October a group of Poles were imprisoned in the Watch Tower (because there was no room in the deportation prison) in the next flight above my cell. I learned from these comrades that they had been exiled from Warsaw to the Vyatka province and had been on their way there, but, owing to the strikes on the railroads, they had had to stop for an indefinite time in Moscow. Any day now, they predicted, Russia would be in the threes of a general strike; then we would not be in prison very much longer.

The Poles were in very high spirits and from the moment they arrived, our isolated yard in the Watch Tower changed as if by magic. For example, a few days before October 17 a very curious thing happened. It had snowed the previous night, and one of the Poles who was a sculptor made an excellent snow figure of Nicholas II. When the figure began to melt, another of the Poles approached my window and said audibly:

"Look, comrade, the autocracy is melting, let's give a cheer!"

The guard in the yard informed the governor of this. The assistant governor came, spoke briefly to the Poles and to me, then, apparently feeling the insecurity of the autocracy, limited himself to a mild lecture about our "disgraceful conduct" and returned to the office scratching his head. But not all the warders were so pessimistically inclined. The governor of the Butirsky prison still held aloft the banner of autocracy. My husband had been exiled to Siberia and I expected that he would stop at the Butirsky prison on his way there from the Caucasus. I asked the governor to permit me to see my husband if he came. The governor replied haughtily: "Prisoners are forbidden to talk to each other." A week later, after this haughty refusal, I met my husband in Moscow--both of us were free. He had been released on the road by the rebellious Rostov workers.

The last few days before October 17, the cream of the Moscow proletariat gathered about our Butirsky prison. There was not a workshop nor a trade that was not represented there. Prison life became unusually intense. The senior prison officials went about looking cross and gloomy. The middle ranks looked frightened and apologetic while the lower officials, warders and the rest went about gloatingly. They would forget to lock our cells (the corridors, of course, were locked), and we became so bold, that we not only carried on conversation with the Poles, but two of them even came to my cell for a few minutes. The prison officials visited us several times a day. Representatives of the public prosecutor often came to ask if we had "any complaints to make". At night our guardians had no rest. Lights flickered in the yard and in the corridors all night. It was apparent that they were profoundly disturbed. This filled us with fierce joy and, we were curious to know how it would all end. I was not very clear as to what was happening outside and things were still very vague to me even when a vast revolutionary Moscow crowd moved toward the Butirsky prison and demanded our release. The day before rumours had reached us that a royal manifesto would be issued granting us freedom. But we were indignant at the very suggestion of such a mark of the tsar's favour and would hear nothing of it.

On the morning of October 18 everything in the prison seemed as usual. Keys rattled in the corridor. The "hot water" was brought at the usual hour, but I could not think of drinking it--there was no time for such trifles. I made my morning survey from the window sill--endangering my ribs, because the sill was very high above the ground and there was nothing to grasp but the bars--and looked out into the yard; but I scarcely recognized it. It had changed into a military camp. Machine-guns, cannon and other death dealing instruments filled the yard. Gallant officers, ready for battle, shouted orders. They all looked as though they expected the enemy at any minute. It was not difficult to conjecture what enemy. Anyway, I was not kept guessing long, for very soon I saw a huge crowd moving down Dolgorukovskaya and Lesnaya streets towards our prison. But what agitated me most was the sea of red banners. A red banner meant a great deal to an underground professional. At that moment the sight of so many red banners seemed strange to me.

The exulting revolutionary crowd approached so near that I could actually see expressions on individual faces. In front of the crowd, threading his way toward my window, was my friend Makar. He was saying something to me that I could not quite understand. He was saying that he was afraid I might be kept in prison till the evening because no telegrams had yet been received from the Minister Witte, or something to that effect. His tone implied that it was the hardest thing in the world for me to have to stay in prison until the evening--I, who had been planning a bare week ago to stay in prison for more than a year!

The most inexplicable and surprising thing about Makar and all the others was their utter disregard for any consequences their conduct might entail--a disregard that was not the least shaken by my mentioning the cannon and machine-guns which awaited them on the other side of the prison. They simply laughed in reply, exclaiming, "They won't dare!"

When the crowd demanded the release of all political prisoners, the first to be freed were the Philipov strikers. These had been thrown into the prison in whole groups. A barrel was placed at the gates of the prison to serve as a platform for speakers. One of the released bakers mounted this barrel and delivered the following "speech": "Comrades, I am a Philipov baker! That is all I have to say!" This avowal was greeted with tremendous enthusiasm. After the baker, a few railroad workers spoke. No one tried to understand what they were saying. The speeches were not important in themselves--it was the circumstances in which they were delivered that were important.

I must admit that at that triumphant moment I was afraid of being released. I was afraid that I should have to make a speech from that barrel in my thin high-pitched voice. But the god of revolution preserved me--a voiceless underground worker--from this ordeal. I was released in the evening, when the crowd had dispersed, without being forced to deliver an agitational speech--a thing I never could, nor can do. I was permitted to leave the prison quietly. Although we had been freed by the revolutionary masses, we still had to pass through all the prison formalities at the prison office. That office had an unusual appearance. It was filled with tables at which officials sat who, apparently, had been hastily appointed. They rapidly checked us off the prisoners' list. The released comrades introduced themselves to each other, congratulated one another, laughed, and tied red ribbons on their arms. At the office I had a short but very characteristic talk with the prison officials. It seemed somewhat strange to go out of prison with a valise. The first thing I wanted to do in leaving the prison was to rush to a meeting, to be out in the street; a valise would only be a hindrance. So I asked permission to leave it in the office. The warder looked at me in surprise at my request and said: "Do you still have faith in us? To which I answered, "Of course, for most probably I will have to return to you very soon".

To tell the truth, I was not at all certain that this freedom would last very long. When I found myself at the University that evening, I became still more confused by the atmosphere. Going through the University corridors. I met many comrades, but none of them could explain to me what waS actually taking place. At last I saw Martin Lyadov (Mandelstamm), a member of the Moscow Committee. I showered questions upon him about the Moscow Committee and what I was to do with myself, but he merely answered:

"Tomorrow we are burying Bauman. You must come to the funeral; go to a meeting now and make a speech. All the comrades who were released today are doing that."

The news of our Comrade Bauman's death communicated to me in such a calm tone, was a great blow to me. I recalled his cheerful disposition in Geneva and was deeply distressed at the thought hat this brave, energetic revolutionary was no longer among the living. I met Zemlyachka, another member of the Moscow Committee, and began to question her. She also replied, "Tomorrow is Bauman's funeral," and then pushed me into a meeting saying, "You go and speak after that comrade. You're just out of prison, you know," whereupon she hurried off.

"That's a fine way for the Moscow Committee to get me to understand the situation," I thought, to myself. "To speak at a big meeting without the faintest gift of oratory and with my head still in a muddle." I pondered a while and decided not to become an "object of the celebrations," but instead to mingle with the crowd.

Next day, however, during Bauman's funeral, which was far more stirring and demonstrative than I had expected, I realized that Lyadov and Zemlyachka had been right. The organization of this funeral was a big Party task with which the Moscow Committee of our Party had coped admirably. I also understood that ones own individual sorrow at the loss of even such a dear comrade as Nikolai Bauman had to give precedence to the historical significance of the funeral.

I was unable to begin my work in the Moscow district for some time after the funeral. I was dreadfully unstrung by all that had happened and became ill and suffered from insomnia. In the moments of forgetfulness I still seemed to be walking from the Technical School to the Vagankovsky Cemetery with that solid mass of workers united by a single revolutionary aim. I could still see the coffin under its velvet pall sway on the shoulders of the men who carried it and the words of the funeral march still rang in my ears:

"Dying like soldiers, fighting for labour so did you fall ..."

My illness prevented me from working for three weeks--a very long time for that period.

On November 8, 1905, Lenin wrote in the paper Novaya Zhizn:

"The state that Russia is in at present is often expressed with the word 'anarchy'. This wrong and false term in reality expresses the fact that there is no established order in the country. The war of the new, free Russia against the old serf-autocratic Russia is being waged along the whole line; the autocracy is no longer capable of conquering the revolution, but the revolution is not yet capable of conquering tsarism. The old order is shattered, but it is not yet destroyed, and the new, free order is existing unrecognized, half hiding, often persecuted on all sides by the henchmen of the autocratic system."

Towards the end of November the scales definitely swung in favour of the revolution; deep in one's heart one felt that the great struggle between the working class and the tsarist autocracy would at any moment break out in open armed conflict on the Moscow streets.

In all save the most backward districts the atmosphere reached white heat. Proletarian Moscow was impregnated with the spirit of revolt.

Our Bolshevik organizations carried on feverish preparatory work, mustering the working masses, agitating the troops, and getting the workers' armed units which had been organizing since October into military shape.

The leading figure on the Moscow Committee at that time was Comrade Shantser, or "Marat," as we called him, but all the information I have is the meagre data found in the documents of the Moscow Secret Police obtained by Comrade Minitsky for a biographical dictionary of Moscow Committee members who had fallen in the revolution. From this data we learn that Comrade Shantser was born in 1867, that his father was a German and his mother a Frenchwoman, who had become Russian citizens and had settled in Odessa. He began doing cultural work among the workers while he was still a gymnasium student and, after finishing school, was arrested in 1887 for participating in the organization of a workers' library in Nikolayev. In 1895 he was arrested again, this time for conducting propaganda in workers' circles in Odessa and for making collections for political prisoners. Later, when he was a junior barrister, in Moscow, he maintained constant touch with workers who used to come to his home and among whom he distributed illegal literature. In September 1901 he was arrested at the home of Comrade Nikiforov, another old comrade now dead, for taking part in the preparations for a demonstration in Moscow; and he was exiled to Fast Siberia for three years where he was kept under the strict surveillance of the police. From there he returned to Moscow in November 1902 and worked with even greater energy in the Party, playing a leading role in the Moscow organization whose leader he was in the November-December days of 1905.

During the uprising he was arrested for the fourth and last time at his home where a meeting of the Federative Committee--a body organized to co-ordinate the activities of all the revolutionary organizations and on which Comrade Shantser represented the Bolsheviks--was to have been held. Since all evidence about this case was lost during the days of the rebellion, he got off with administrative exile to the Turukhansk region.

Here he suffered a nervous breakdown but, ill as he was, he nevertheless managed to escape abroad where the nervous disease developed into an incurable mental disorder. Due to his hopeless condition Shantsers wife, Natalia, managed to get permission to return to Russia with her sick husband in 1910. But the tsarist officials loved to spite their disarmed foes. When he returned to his native land, this hopelessly sick and emaciated comrade was not allowed to be placed in a private hospital, but was sent to the central police lunatic asylum. Comrade Shantser, whose memory should be preserved by the Moscow workers, died on January 29, 1911.

I personally worked as the organizer of the Lefortovo district where I met many comrades, some of whom, like myself, had been sent by the Moscow Committee, while others were local workers--representatives from the mills and factories.

The Moscow Committee regarded the Lefortovo district as one of the backward ones. And in truth, as the December days drew nearer, one could witness in Lefortovo more than in any other district the heartbreaking sight of individual workers, and even whole groups of them, with bundles on their backs--turning their faces towards the village--and their backs upon the revolution.

To make the Lefortovo workers fall into step with the more militant districts (Presnya, Zamoskvorechye) we had to carry on intensive agitational work. We organized meetings from morn till night at the Vedensky People's Palace to which the workers came in crowds. Before we could clear the hall of one group, another group would pour in, while crowds of workers would be waiting their turn on the Vedensky Square.

We organizers found it very difficult to provide agitators for all these meetings. In 1905 the Party in general, and the Moscow organization in particular, had an extremely limited number of agitators at their disposal. Not every underground Party worker who was accustomed to speaking at small workers' meetings held in the woods or on a boat, or in some out of way barn, could get up before a mass meeting of several thousand and speak from a high platform in a brilliantly lit hall.

We had to resort to all sorts of ruses to get an extra agitator from the centre. Thus, for example, early in the morning I would go to Fidler's house, the headquarters of the Central Board of Agitators of the Moscow Committee led by Comrade Stanislav. There I would catch one of the agitators and earnestly plead that today was the decisive day, that the Lefortovo district was not stable, that if we managed to carry off one or two successful meetings the Lefortovites would be roused, etc.

Having played upon the feelings of my agitator in this fashion, I would obtain his promise to come to Lefortovo, knowing all the while that he could only go where the centre sent him, and not where each district organizer wanted him to go. But such is the mentality of a district worker that it always seems to him that his district is more important than any other. These difficulties were eased somewhat in the days that followed, when, besides the official agitators, speakers appeared from among the masses themselves. At our meetings in the Vedensky People's Palace, workers would get up from the audience to address the meeting. I remember a worker from the Rontaller factory who once came over to me and said timidly that he would like to speak. He wound up his long and fairly able speech with the following words: "We button makers are a big power. If we choose we can leave all Moscow without a button."

A middle-aged working woman agitator in the audience spoke about the low wages paid to women, and to illustrate the point she said: "When I, a woman, am hungry and go to buy a cucumber, do I pay half a kopek, or do they charge me a kopek the same as they charge a man?" Her speech created a tremendous impression upon the audience. It was a rare thing for a woman worker, and an old one at that, to get up on a platform and speak before a big audience.

Our Party headquarters were located in the Vedensky People's Palace and we members of the District Committee were in the office day and night: from early morning till late at night we received delegations from factories and mills who came to us with all kinds of problems.

I vividly recall a group of workers from the Dufurmantel factory, five of them, led by a middle-aged, red-bearded worker. They were sent by the illiterate workers who had organized themselves and demanded that we immediately teach them to read and to write. "It's a crime not to be able to read at such times," they declared to us. This "illiterate" delegation made a deep impression upon us. We explained to them that we could not possibly teach them to read and write in so short a time as they desired, but that we would organize a school for this purpose without delay. And indeed we organized such a school for the workers in our district, using the nearest public school for this purpose and mobilizing teachers--our own people--to help. Despite the disturbed time, regardless of the fact that towards the end of November we had reached the verge of an armed uprising, our Party organization continued, as it had done in times of peace, to organize schools, lectures, clubs, in short, all sorts of cultural work. This work was carried on "under fire," so to speak, and was often intermingled with purely military work.

For example, during the barricade fighting in the Zamoskvorechye District, furniture which was being delivered to the club was seized and used for building barricades. The club organizers began to protest against the misuse of club property, but later, realizing the urgent necessity, they not only helped to pile up the furniture on the barricade but even removed the gate of the house where the club was situated and piled that on also.

Our Lefortovo unit of armed workers, with Comrade Rublevkin at its head, was a small, poorly equipped, but extremely militant group, which together with the District Committee members was very keen on getting the backward Lefortovo district to catch up with the other districts. Later, during the uprising, when fighting was taking place in the centre in the Presnya District, and in Zamoskvoretsky District, and when we Lefortovites were still holding meetings, our armed workers went off to help the other districts.

Towards the end of November the first Moscow Soviet of Workers' Deputies, uniting 134 industries with about 100,000 workers, was organized. On December 14 this Soviet passed a resolution to the effect that: "Moscow workers must hold themselves ready at any moment for a general political strike and for an armed uprising."

In accordance with the decision of the Soviet on the morning of the fifth, meetings were held in all the factories and mills where the question of the strike and the uprising were discussed and put to a vote; and in the evening of the same day the Lefortovites went to the Bolshevik Moscow City Conference where the question was to be decided.

At this time even the Lefortovo district had become aroused and the referendum we took in all the factories on the question of the strike and uprising gave positive results. But we all realized that when the forces were counted up at the Conference, the Lefortovo district would be found to be the weakest. This knowledge filled our hearts with bitterness.

Those who were present at the conference on the night of December 5, 1905, will remember what a militant spirit reigned there, with what eagerness the factory delegates were listened to, and how they all in one voice declared that the workers were ready to revolt. The deep conviction of the inevitability of the uprising was not shaken even when the military organizer, Comrade Andrey, in his report on the conditions of the Moscow garrison announced that though the soldiers would not go against us, he was not certain that they would go with us. A few comrades urged restraint on the grounds that the workers were almost unarmed, but all their arguments were unavailing, for everybody was convinced that the uprising was inevitable.

On December 7, the first issue of the Izvestia of the Moscow Soviet of Workers' Deputies was published containing a manifesto signed by all the revolutionary organizations in Moscow calling for "a general political strike on Thursday, December 7, at It o'clock noon" and for every effort to be made to "convert it into an armed uprising".

The Moscow Committee of our Party elected an Executive Committee which was entrusted with all authority; the rest of the committee members had to go back to work in their districts. From the very first days of the uprising reliable means of communication were established between the centre and the districts through the medium of comrades who were called couriers. At first the couriers were able to penetrate into the districts despite the difficulties, but later on they were unable to do so. Thus all communication between the centre and the districts was cut off and the latter were left to their own devices. At Presnya, fighting was going on under the leadership of Comrade Sedoy (Litvin), the Zamoskvoretsky District lived its own revolutionary life....

Our first Lefortovo courier was an old comrade, Alexander Blagonravov, who later worked in the Vladimir organization and died of typhus in 1919. I can clearly recall Blagonravov with his sad smile reporting about the affairs in other districts and delivering the instructions of the centre for the coming day. The proletariat must not forget its couriers who selflessly devoted their lives to maintaining communication between the various sections of the city during the memorable days of struggle.

But soon even Comrade Blagonravov was unable to reach us, and our district was completely isolated. We, however, continued to hold meetings and to organize demonstrations. Once we marched by the Spassky barracks from which some disarmed and imprisoned soldiers cheered us. Our armed workers' units had several clashes with the Black Hundreds who were numerous in Lefortovo, but the latter were not remarkable for their bravery even though they were armed as well as, if not better, than the police.

One morning, while the insurrection was still in progress, we were waiting for the workers to come to a meeting in the People's Palace. There were only about five or six of us District Committee members in the hall. Suddenly we saw a crowd of the Black Hundreds approaching and it looked as if we were going to be lynched. Fortunately, one of our comrades had a revolver. He fired one shot over the heads of the mob and this was enough to set the whole gang running.

We began to feel that we were really taking part in the insurrection only when barricades were put up in our district, but this was very belated, when the beginning of the end had set in the rest of the city.

That day, we commenced the usual round of meetings, but we all felt that there was nothing more to be said. I remember that I was particularly irritated by the "rational" appeals of the Menshevik Semyon who continued to shout, "comrades, build up the trade unions!" The answer to this trivial appeal came from someone in the audience. It was an appeal to us all to go out into the streets and build barricades. The whole audience responded to a man and the whole mass hurried out into the street. On the square it was joined by those who had been awaiting their turn to come into the hall, and all of us moved in close ranks to the Pokrovskaya Zastava where we overturned the tram cars that were standing as they had been left in the street when the general strike was declared. We erected a huge barricade--our own Lefortovo barricade. Our armed workers' units remained to guard it, although no one threatened to attack it that night, while the rest of the workers dispersed to their homes.

That evening, a comrade from the committee, who went by the name of Alexey, and I planned to make our way to the city without fail; it was a long time since our courier had visited us and we were completely cut off from the centre. We did not know what was happening there and had no means of keeping the centre informed of events in our district-we wanted to boast about our tardy barricade. Such a trip at night was risky, it being particularly dangerous to pass the posts of the so-called Committees of Residents set up by the Black Hundreds ostensibly for the purpose of protecting property, but in reality to catch, insult and beat up every passerby who had the least resemblance to a revolutionary.

We passed several streets in comparative safety, although we frequently got entangled in the telegraph wires which had been torn down and were scattered everywhere. Not far from Basmannaya we encountered a group of civilians who stopped us. They declared themselves members of the Residents' Committee, and demanded to know who we were and where we were going. I invented a story on the spur of the moment about my husband and myself trying to go from Cherkozovo into the city to Zhivoderka to visit our daughter-in-law who was seriously ill and needed immediate help. Because of the wires and the darkness we could not find our way to Krasnye Vorota. Alexey, "my husband," beside me also muttered something about a daughter-in-law and Zhivoderka. They believed us. It was our outward appearance that saved us. I was dressed like an old woman in a wide blouse and with a shawl over my head, while Alexey was also very poorly clad.

The Black Hundreds had so little suspicion of who we were that they even warned us not to fall into the hands of the workers' units who would be sure to shoot us at the first sight. We proceeded on our journey until we had almost reached Krasnye Vorota, where we saw a group of soldiers sitting around a bonfire and were obliged to turn aside and step into the Olkhov school where we were sure to find our own people.

The school resembled a dosshouse that night--on all the desks, tables, chairs and floors sprawled comrades who had been unable to get home and were obliged to remain at the school. We too decided that it would be wiser to stop at the school. I cannot refrain from mentioning a little incident in that night's adventure. One of the teachers, whom I had never seen before, called me into the kitchen, took a pot of broth from the stove, placed me on a stool, and, without even asking my name, declared: "You have eaten nothing all day; eat this broth!" And indeed, I had had absolutely no time for eating or drinking and was feeling very weak until the broth revived me.

Early next morning the bonfire at Krasnye Vorota burned out, the soldiers were withdrawn, probably for some strategic purposes, and we began cautiously to creep out one by one from our school dosshouse. I wanted to change my clothes and wash myself before going into the city. I went to my sister Rose who lived nearby on Kalanchovsky Street, but whose house I had been unable to reach the night before. She had rented a room among our own people, at the home of the worker Polumordvinov. When I reached her room I found her table, bed and bookshelves loaded with weapons. These had been taken from Torbek, the gunsmith, whose shop our unit had raided. A group of our men were lovingly handling these revolvers, parts of guns, sabres and cartridges and they were so merry that despite my weariness, I was cheered by the mere sight of them.

On the other hand, when at last I got to the Moscow committee, the mood prevailing was anything but cheerful. I learned that our affairs were in a very precarious condition, that St. Petersburg, exhausted by the November strike, was not in a position to support us. I also learned that the promises of the railroad union leaders had proved to be empty phrases, that the Nikolayev railway was in the hands of the government, that hostile troops from Tver and the Semyonovsky regiment from St. Petersburg had either already arrived or were on their way, I cannot recall which.

I hated to return to my district with such news--a district which had only just risen to the level of insurrection and whose active workers had been exulting over their "own" barricade the evening before. I decided to spend the night at my sister's as I needed a good night's rest; but I was not destined to get any sleep. When I returned to her apartment, the weapons were no longer there, the workers having cleared them away during the day. But the police had now got wind of the fact that the weapons seized at Torbek's had been taken to this apartment. So we were subjected to a raid which was carried off with great pomp--a squad of armed policemen with a police officer at their head broke into the room. The police were obviously afraid, thinking that we were armed to the teeth. They were extremely nervous and threatened to shoot us on the spot if we did not surrender our weapons. They bullied my sister and me because we were women, but they were unmistakably afraid of the worker, Glotov, who rented the corner of the room near the stove, especially when they stumbled over a pile of coal in his dark corner. With extreme caution the officer flashed his searchlight on Glotov's "dwelling place." To the officer's tremulous "What's there?" Comrade Glotov rolled out sonorously: "This is the study of his proletarian highness!"

Finding no weapons, the police left the place without arresting any of us, even though we were all in some way connected with the insurrection.

When on the morrow I reached our district headquarters--the People's Palace--I found Alexey had been there since the previous night. He had already communicated the bad news to the other comrades; but they were surprisingly little depressed by it. Indeed, it was difficult, after yesterday's enthusiasm, to take that sharp psychological jump and become immediately conscious of the fact that our struggle was weakening, that a temporary defeat was inevitable. But we, the backward Lefortovites, were not long comforted by our illusions. The defeat of the uprising approached, and when our last stronghold fell, when our heroic Presnya--the pride of the Moscow uprising of 1905--was wrecked and burned by the Semyonovsky regiment, the Soviet of Workers' Deputies had to declare an end to the strike and uprising, and temporarily haul down the scarlet banner which, after twelve more years of stubborn struggle, was again unfurled to blaze victoriously over Red Moscow in 1917.

When the revolt had been crushed, an orgy of the Black Hundred reaction broke loose, the Moscow prisons and police headquarters were overcrowded with arrested revolutionaries. Hideous rumours were abroad that the police headquarters had been turned into torture chambers by the brutalized victors and that our comrades were being subjected to unheard of torments; and along the Moscow suburban railroads the brutal gangs of the tsarist hangman, Riman, ran riot. The spirits of the workers in the district were extremely low, and it was under these unfavourable circumstances that the Moscow comrades who had survived the defeat were obliged to renew their Party work. Once more began the painful process of returning underground. At the first meeting of the Moscow Committee held in the early days of January 1906, it was decided to send the more "notorious" comrades to other cities, while the less prominent ones were to be transferred from one district to another. Thus it happened that I was sent from the Lefortovo District to the Zamoskvoretsky District where I had many comrades even before the uprising, both among the professionals and the factory workers.

During my first days in the Zamoskvoretsky District I set myself a very concrete though modest organizational task, namely, to re-establish at least in the larger factories our former illegal factory committees. But this proved to be an incredibly difficult task. I still remember the endless visits to individual workers' homes, the arrangement of a few small meetings with the representatives of the various factories, meetings which hardly ever took place, either because our meeting place was being watched, or because the landlady who had promised us the use of her room had funked it and refused to let us in when we arrived, or because only one or two of half a dozen who were expected, arrived. It is difficult to imagine anything more trying than the knowledge that the work was constantly slipping out of our hands, that the eyes of our comrades which had burned with such revolutionary courage, with such faith in the imminent victory of their cause not so very long ago, were now utterly weary and hopeless.

However, not all our efforts were in vain. The Moscow Bolshevik organization continued to work intensively, adapting itself to the new methods of struggle even though it often had to deal with extremely dejected and morbid moods among the district comrades. I recall several of the more poignant moments which I personally had to undergo, as characteristic of these moods.

I went to visit the family of a worker in the Danilov factory, with whom I had been formerly acquainted, hoping to renew connections with the Danilov factory through them. Both husband and wife greeted me joyously and promised to assist me, but as the attempts to resuscitate the organization grew more and more futile, the worker (I cannot remember his name) became gloomier and less frank with me. Once I arrived at dinner time when their little ten-year old daughter was bustling about prettily and setting the table for her parents who were due any minute. She placed four wooden spoons on the table--one for "auntie". When my hosts returned from the factory, both the mother and the daughter insisted that I stay for dinner.

We sat around the table eating cabbage soup out of a common bowl, fishing up bits of meat from the bottom of the dish with our spoons and conversing peacefully at first about the necessity of starting Party work in the district. But towards the end of the meal, the worker became agitated, suddenly banged on the table with his clenched fist and, raising his voice, exclaimed:

"Why in the world do you come here to disturb us? I am tired, do you understand--tired, and I can't do any more!"

The little girl became frightened and started to cry. Her mother begged me not to take offence, while I in the most unexpected and ignominious fashion burst into tears and left the place.

Some time later a similar incident occurred in the tiny room, or rather the cubicle, of a young worker who was employed in the Jako factory. He had displayed a splendid fighting spirit before the uprising, had participated in many battles during the barricade days and, did not appear to be particularly depressed after the defeat. I called on him towards the end of February, or in the early days of March, I don't quite remember which. It was about ten o'clock in the evening, I believe. The apartment was used as a sort of lodging house, the lodgers living in tiny cubicles. The stairs were indescribably filthy and from the rooms emerged a veritable Sodom of drunken voices, smoke and stench. But the cubicle to which I went was very neatly kept, almost pretentiously--the bed was covered with a pink cotton blanket, the walls were decorated with pictures and embroidered towels, and there was a canary in a cage suspended from the ceiling. Near the bed hung a guitar tied with a pink bow. I surprised my acquaintance while he sat on a bench holding a pocket mirror to his face; on the table before him stood a jar of cream for sunburn and freckles with which he was diligently smearing his face. He did not cease his occupation as I entered, but motioning me to a seat, continued to rub his cheeks with greater vigour than ever, casually remarking, "My respects, Olga Petrovna, what news have you? I bet you're here about what I have already long forgotten because I've lost all my faith in it". When I suggested that he stop playing the fool, wipe his face, and talk sensibly, the fellow answered: "You shouldn't talk that way about the cream because it's wonderful for getting rid of freckles. It is called 'metamorphosis' and costs a ruble and a half. I strongly recommend it to you, Olga Petrovna, for you, too, have a lot of freckles. Now's the time to think about yourself a little. You're still harping on old days that will never return; and if they do, we won't be there to see them." I wonder whether this comrade lived to see the great October Revolution and, if he did, whether he recalled the words he uttered in 1906?

The metamorphosis of this Jako worker, who so recently had been a brave comrade in our ranks, had a most depressing effect on me. I left his room at about eleven o'clock with such a crushed feeling that it mattered little to me where I went. There were moments when I felt that there was no place for me to go and I wandered aimlessly about the streets in the Zamoskvoretsky District.

These difficulties were not merely characteristic of Moscow. The disillusionment not only spread among the working masses, but was communicated to many of our individual active comrades, both workers and intellectuals.

As for the Mensheviks, who during the heroic October-December days of 1905 were forced to go against their Menshevism and temporarily join us, the defeat immediately restored them to their natural shape and gave them many opportunities to expiate their short-lived iniquity by bitter criticism of our revolutionary Bolshevik tactics.

At the beginning of 1906 the conditions in the Party organization were complicated. The split in the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, which took definite shape at the Third Bolshevik Congress in May 1905 and the Conference of the Mensheviks, that was held concurrentiy with the latter, did not hinder but helped the formation of a united proletarian front during the heroic last months of 1905. To co-ordinate activities, the Mensheviks were forced to join the Federative Committees.

What was happening in the districts was beginning to take place in the centre. Preparations for a Unity Congress of the Party were being made, but these preparations coincided with the defeat of the uprising and with the weariness of the proletariat who had been pressing for a united front before the uprising. Thus, a twofold process could be observed at the beginning of 1906--preparations for a Unity Congress were continued by inertia, while at the same time new disagreements with the Mensheviks on the cardinal questions of party tactics were constantly cropping up and becoming more sharply defined (estimation of the uprising, attitude towards the State Duma, etc).

In March we Muscovites were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Lenin who was to acquaint us with the resolutions he had drafted for the forthcoming Unity Congress of the Party, which was to be held in April.

Besides the natural interest in Lenin's report, the prospect of meeting Lenin in Moscow, on Russian soil, was particularly alluring. Imagine my distress when, a few days before his arrival, while walking about in the sleet and mud, I caught a severe cold, and was not in a condition to go to the meeting of the Moscow active workers at which Lenin was to speak. I was lying in bed grieving over my disappointment when a comrade burst into the room and told me for reasons of secrecy the meeting had to be transferred to other premises and that Lenin had expressed a desire to see me during the enforced intermission.

My joy knew no bounds when in half an hour Ilyich himself appeared, filling the room with his jests and laughter and with that comradely simplicity so characteristic of him when talking with the most insignificant Party workers if he felt that the latter were connected with the actual life of the Party.

The joy I felt that Lenin was sitting in my room prevented me from studying his mood, the more so that as I was ill he spoke to me only about pleasant trifles. But I clearly recall that he was very cheerful "as if nothing had happened," although what had happened was nothing more nor less than the defeat of the 1905 uprising!

Table of Contents: Twenty Years in Underground Russia


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