What is meant by Dialog Control at Session layer?
Dialog Control is the main function of Session layer.
Session layer manages dialogs between two computers and it is responsible for communication or conversation.
There are three forms of dialog.
1. Simplex dialogs : one way transfers, for example.. computer to printer ( computer will send data to printer and printer will receive the data ).
2. Half-Duplex Dialogs - Two-way transfers, Each device must take their turn. Both cannot transfer at the same time. for example..walkies-talkie
3. Full-Duplex Dialogs - Two-way simultaneous data transfers. Each device has it's own channel. for example.. telephone.
It allows the communication between two processes to take place in either half-duplex or full duplex mode.
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What are differences between the Session layer and presentation layer of the OSI model?
The session layer is meant to store states between two connections, like what we use cookies for when working with web programming. The presentation layer is meant to convert between different formats. This was simpler when the only format that was worried about was character encoding, ie ASCII and EBCDIC. When you consider all of the different formats that we have today(Quicktime, Flash, Pdf) centralizing this layer is out of the question. TCP/IP doesn't make any allocation to these layers, since they are really out of the scope of a networking protocol. It's up to the applications that take advantage of the stack to implement these.
What is meant by a session and how much time is this?
A session is just a period of any time where some thing (usually sports) takes place
What is meant by the hole int the ozone layer?
The thinning of ozone layer is ozone hole. It is caused by ODS.
What is meant by speed control electronic governor?
what is meant by speed
What is meant by the term the depletionn of the ozone layer?
Depletion is the thinning of ozone layer. It is due to man made CFC's.
What nis meant by session in php?
A session is a file on the server (sometimes is a database entry) that allows the web application to track the user. Whenever you "login" to something, that's a session. Sessions are most often used to determine a users level of access and privileges.
Organisation discussing the thinning of ozone layer?
The organisation discussing ozone layer is Montreal Protocol. It is meant for ozone only.
What is meant by the hole in the ozone layer what role does CFCs have in it?
The thinning of ozone layer is called as ozone hole. CFC's are the ones that create the ozone hole.
What is meant by 'intrinsic control of the heart beat?
What is meant by colonization in infection control.
the cake is a lie
What is meant by control electronics?
Control electronics are devices like remote controls. Control electronics are used to control other electronic devices
Do you have to be pregnant to take birth control?
No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.