Essay on Football

Here we have shared the Essay on Football in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Football in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Football in 150-250 words

Essay on football in 300-400 words, essay on football in 500-1000 words.

Football is a popular sport played and cherished by millions of people around the world. It is a game that brings together people of different backgrounds, cultures, and ages, uniting them in their love for the sport. Football is a thrilling and competitive game that requires skill, teamwork, and strategy.

The objective of the game is simple: to score goals by kicking the ball into the opposing team’s net. It is played on a rectangular field, with two teams of eleven players each. The players maneuver the ball with their feet, heads, or other parts of their bodies, except for their hands. The fast-paced nature of the game keeps players and spectators engaged throughout.

Football fosters discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanship among its players. It promotes physical fitness, coordination, and mental agility. It teaches valuable life lessons such as teamwork, communication, and the importance of fair play.

The excitement of football extends beyond the playing field. Fans passionately support their favorite teams, creating an electric atmosphere in stadiums. International tournaments like the FIFA World Cup bring nations together, igniting a sense of national pride and unity.

In conclusion, football is more than just a game; it is a global phenomenon that transcends boundaries and cultures. It brings people together, promotes physical fitness, and instills valuable qualities in its players. The love for football is universal, and its impact on individuals and communities is undeniable.

Football, also known as soccer, is the world’s most popular sport, played and celebrated by millions of people across the globe. It is a game that captures the hearts and minds of players and fans alike, offering excitement, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging.

Football is played between two teams, with each team consisting of eleven players. The objective of the game is to score goals by maneuvering the ball into the opposing team’s net while defending their own goal. The game is played on a rectangular field, and players use their feet, heads, or other parts of their bodies, except for their hands, to control and pass the ball.

What makes football special is its universal appeal. It transcends borders, cultures, and languages, bringing people together in a shared passion. Whether in a neighborhood park, a local stadium, or on the grand stage of international tournaments, football unites people from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Football instills important values and life skills in its players. It promotes teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication. Players learn to trust and rely on their teammates, developing strong bonds that extend beyond the field. The sport also teaches discipline, perseverance, and resilience, as players face challenges, setbacks, and the need for continuous improvement.

Beyond its physical and mental benefits, football has a profound social impact. It has the power to inspire and unite communities. Matches and tournaments bring people together, creating a shared sense of excitement, joy, and pride. Football has the ability to transcend social, cultural, and economic barriers, fostering inclusivity and breaking down stereotypes.

Furthermore, football has the potential to address societal issues and promote positive change. Many football organizations and players use their platforms to advocate for social justice, equality, and peace. Football can be a powerful tool in promoting values of fairness, respect, and diversity.

In conclusion, football is much more than just a game. It is a global phenomenon that has the power to unite people, transcend boundaries, and foster positive change. The sport teaches valuable life lessons, promotes teamwork and discipline, and brings communities together. Football is a universal language that speaks to the hearts of millions, igniting passion, excitement, and a sense of belonging.

Title: The Beautiful Game – Football’s Enduring Impact on Society


Football, also known as soccer, is a sport that has captivated the world for centuries. It is a game that unites people from all walks of life, transcending boundaries of nationality, culture, and language. This essay delves into the rich history, global popularity, and profound impact of football on society, highlighting its ability to inspire, unite, and bring about positive change.

Historical Evolution

Football has a fascinating historical evolution that can be traced back to ancient civilizations. Games involving kicking a ball have been played in various forms throughout history. The modern version of football emerged in England during the 19th century when standardized rules were established, leading to the formation of football clubs and the organization of official matches.

Global Popularity

Football’s popularity has soared over the years, making it the most widely played and watched sport in the world. The FIFA World Cup, held every four years, attracts billions of viewers and creates an atmosphere of excitement and national pride. Club football, with renowned leagues such as the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, and Italian Serie A, generates fierce loyalty and passionate support from fans worldwide.

The Thrill of the Game

Football’s appeal lies in its simplicity and universal accessibility. All that is needed to play is a ball and an open space. The objective is straightforward: to score goals by maneuvering the ball into the opponent’s net while defending one’s own. The combination of physical prowess, skillful footwork, tactical strategy, and teamwork creates a thrilling spectacle for both players and spectators.

Values and Life Lessons

Football is more than just a game; it teaches valuable values and life lessons. Teamwork and cooperation are fundamental to success on the field, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among players. The sport instills discipline, perseverance, and resilience as athletes face challenges, setbacks, and the need for continuous improvement. Fair play, respect for opponents, and adherence to rules are ingrained in the spirit of the game, shaping character and sportsmanship.

Social Impact

Football’s impact extends beyond the boundaries of the field. It has the power to inspire and unite communities, creating a shared sense of identity and belonging. Matches and tournaments bring people together, generating an electric atmosphere of excitement, joy, and collective celebration. Football breaks down social, cultural, and economic barriers, fostering inclusivity and promoting diversity.

Football as a Catalyst for Social Change

Football has emerged as a powerful catalyst for social change, addressing pressing issues and promoting positive transformation. Many football organizations and players use their platform to advocate for social justice, equality, and peace. Initiatives focused on combating racism, gender inequality, poverty, and promoting education have gained momentum, leveraging football’s popularity to create awareness and drive meaningful change.

Economic and Infrastructure Development

Football has a significant economic impact on society, generating revenue through ticket sales, broadcasting rights, sponsorships, and merchandise. It supports job creation, infrastructure development, and tourism. Major sporting events like the FIFA World Cup and UEFA European Championships stimulate economic growth and leave lasting legacies in host countries, improving infrastructure, and boosting the local economy.

Football and Health

Football promotes physical fitness, contributing to a healthier society. Playing football enhances cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, coordination, and agility. It encourages an active lifestyle and helps combat the growing prevalence of sedentary behavior and related health issues. Football’s accessibility and inclusivity make it an ideal sport for people of all ages and backgrounds to engage in regular physical activity.

Conclusion :

Football’s enduring impact on society is undeniable. Its universal appeal, thrilling gameplay, and ability to bring people together have made it the world’s most beloved sport. Football teaches valuable life lessons, fosters unity, and sportsmanship, and serves as a catalyst for positive change. It inspires individuals and communities, transcending borders, cultures, and languages. The sport’s economic, social, and health benefits are substantial, contributing to the overall well-being of society. As we continue to celebrate the beautiful game of football, let us embrace its values, harness its power, and work towards creating a more inclusive, just, and united world.

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Essay On Football

Football comes under the family of sports. Football is known to involve team spirit, unity and sportsmanship. It requires its players to have seamless strength, build and fitness. Football is a 90-minute game. The game of football consists of 2 teams containing 11 members each. The objective of each team in football is to score a goal by kicking the football into the opponent's goalpost. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘football’.

100 Words Essay On Football

200 words essay on football, 500 words essay on football.

Essay On Football

Football is played by 11 players on both sides in order to put the ball into the opposing goal. To play the game, players can use any part of their body except their arms or hands. Only the goalkeeper is permitted to use his hands to touch the ball. The goalkeeper is the last line of defence, and his sole responsibility is to prevent the ball from entering the net.

The team is made up of three parts: attack, midfield, and defence. The game is a test of stamina, skill, and, most importantly, teamwork. The goal is to score as many goals as possible within the duration of 90 minutes. The team with the maximum number of goals at the end of regulation time wins.

Football's first rules and regulations were written down in England in the late 1800s. The game has evolved since then. To keep up with the game, the playing style became much more complex, and more rules were added. Football is now one of the most-watched sports on the planet. The modern game of football is made up of attackers, who lead the entire team, and midfielders, who form the team's core and serve as the link between the forwards and defenders. Defenders defend against opposition attacks and protect the goal. Different formations, strategies, tactics, and techniques emerged over time, making the game more fun and interesting.

It is the coach's or the manager's responsibility to manage the entire squad. The coach may make three substitutions during a 90-minute game divided into two halves. A total of four referees oversee the entire event, including one referee, two linesmen, and a fourth official. It is the responsibility of the referees to ensure that the game runs smoothly, and the referee's decision is the final word in any case. Football is popular all over the world because of the zeal with which its players play the game. It is not an easy task to play football for a total of 90 minutes. It takes a lot of stamina as well as world-class ball control and mastery.

Professional footballers are extremely dedicated athletes who start playing football as a child and are scouted by big clubs that train them in world-class facilities. To perform on the world stage, the players must master the ball and have a brilliant footballing mind. These are not easy skills to master and necessitate years of dedication and practice.

Football Players | Pele, Maradona, Johan Cryuff, and Ronaldinho are some of the greatest footballers of all time. The current football era is dominated by two all-time greats, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. There are many heated debates about who is better, but one thing is certain: both are professional athletes with great desire and discipline.

FIFA World Cup | The FIFA World Cup, which takes place every four years, is the most important international tournament. The final event is attended by 32 countries who qualify for it. Only one team is crowned World Champion at the end of the competition. France won the World Cup in 2018 under the direction of Coach Didier Deschamps. As of 2022, the FIFA world cup was held in Qatar and the final match was won by Argentina. The four qualifying teams for the finals of FIFA 2022 were Argentina, Croatia, France and Morocco.

Popular Teams | Real Madrid, Manchester United, Barcelona, Juventus, Bayern Munich, Liverpool, AC Milan, and many other clubs are among the best in the world. Spain, England, France, Italy, and Germany are the top five footballing nations, as determined by the popularity of their leagues, and their respective leagues are La Liga, Premier League, France Ligue 1, Serie A, and Bundesliga.

Story Of Christiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo who is sometimes also referred to as the greatest of all time revealed that his mother wanted to abort him because of poverty, his father's alcoholism, and having too many children already, but her doctor refused. Ronaldo grew up in a low-income family. He went on to become the club's first player to play for the under-16, under-17, and under-18 teams, and first teams, all in the same season. It takes a lot of stamina as well as world-class ball control and mastery. A good game sense is also required to perform well on the pitch.

Football requires a high level of physical fitness. The players must run and stay active until the end of the game. They must chase the ball and intercept opposing players at all times; they must defend their goals at all times. Head balls, chest passes, rabonas, and scissor kicks are all artistic techniques. To play the game, players can use any part of their body except their arms or hands. Only the goalkeeper is permitted to use his hands to touch the ball. The goalkeeper is the last line of defence, and his sole responsibility is to prevent the ball from entering the net. Professional football requires a great deal of dedication and discipline. Talented players are scouted when they are young, and they are trained in academies for several years before being scouted by bigger clubs based on their performance.

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  • Football Essay


An Introduction

Football is a game that requires strength, loads of fitness and cleverness to be played. It is a game of 90 minutes. There are two teams. Each team can have a maximum of 11 players and a minimum of 7 players. There are two goalposts. The goalkeepers from each of the teams prevent the ball from entering the goal area. The other players try to zigzag their way ahead by kicking the ball. They try to pass the opponents to score a goal. It is a highly intense game with excitement, emotion, blood, and sweat.

The History of Football

In the ancient days, football was not made of leather. In some places, people blew up pigs’ bladders to make footballs. In the Mesoamerican culture, football was played with a rock. It denoted the Sun God. The unfortunate thing was, the losing team’s captain was sacrificed to God. This element of violence and barbarism in football continued even when the early signs of modern football started emerging in England. 

As the world moved in the 19th century, this game got separated into two forms. In one form, there was the provision to carry the ball with hands and in the other, handling the ball was forbidden except for the goalkeeper. During this time, the rules of the game were set and the violence associated with it was largely reduced. 

Why Do So Many People Love Playing Football?

Football, unlike cricket, has no moment of dullness. There is excitement till the last second of the 90-minute game. The joy of passing the ball from the jungle of opponents, and the joy of smashing the ball to the goal is priceless. As the player is moving forward with the ball, there is always that danger of getting the ball snatched away by the opponent. Then there are expert players like Messi or Beckham who magically make the ball take a curve-turn all the while in the air. 

There are also heated exchanges among the players. The players take the competition very seriously. No football fan can ever forget the head-butt of Zidane or the attitude of Ronaldo. At the same time, one can also never forget the moment of the Croatian President hugging the players of the country who sadly lost the World Cup Final in 2018. The emotions run high.

Football in India

India is known for cricket. As a result, football gets less attention here. The Bengalis are the forerunners in the football world in India. The All India Football Federation is doing all it can to promote football in the country. Apart from the traditional Santosh Trophy, in India, there are two football leagues - I-League and the Super League. 

Gradually, football is gaining traction in India. In fact, India is gradually getting recognized in the international football world. The 2017 U-17 Football World cup was held in India. This is the first time that a major FIFA event took place in the country. There are many football players like Sunil Chhetri, Gurpreet Singh Sandhu, Anirudh Thapa, and more who are relevant in the psyche of the Indians.

Football is a game where people have to give their hundred percent. There is no pretension. It is not just a game of tactics and strength, but also a game of emotions. 

Short Essay On Football 

Football is one of the most renowned games in India. It is a widely played game in the world and it consists of a team of around 11 people. It is played both nationally and internationally. The word football has arrived from two words: foot and ball, where the players run and kick the ball with their feet towards the net on either side. It is a fun game that is very amazing to watch and also to play. 

It is also known as soccer in South Africa, Australia, and North America. A very popular football tournament which is played internationally is the FIFA world cup, which is played once every 4 years. Various countries participate in this tournament. 

Football is not only a physical game but also a great mental exercise which not only relieves a lot of stress but also helps improve a lot of skills like concentration, aim, tolerance and also football develops a sense of team spirit. All in all, it is a great game that enhances your skills and also refreshes your mind. 

At first, it was only played in England but now it is played worldwide. It is an outdoor game and is played on big open rectangular grounds. Also, football players are the most highly paid sportsmen. Because of the excitement and thrill included in a football game, it is a famous and worldwide played game.

Lastly , playing football needs serious body fitness. The players have to run and remain active until the last moment of the game. They have to chase the ball and the opponent players to intercept; they have to protect their goals each and every second. The head-balls, the chest-pass, the rabona, the scissor kick - all these techniques are works of art!


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Essay on Football for Students in English – My Favourite Game

January 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Football: It is a popular universal game that millions of people from big and small countries love to play and watch. The game consists of two teams, each consisting of eleven players. Players kick the round football according to rules and regulations and hit goals. Tournaments are held at national and international levels. Football world cup is organized once in four years. A referee from the football association co-ordinates and monitors the game.

Essay on Football 500 Words in English

Below we have provided an Essay on Football in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

There is a long list of outdoor games. However, among all those outdoor games, the most played game is football. This is an extremely famous game played not only in India but all over the world. Playing football is highly beneficial for health. It involves several exercises, which make people healthy, energetic, quick, and active. That is the reason why people love playing football. Being a physical game, it is played using legs and head. The goalkeeper is the only person who is allowed to catch the ball with his hands. As the name suggests, football is played by striking the ball with the foot.

History of Football

Football has a very long and striking history. Football, soccer, and rugby are believed to have originated from the ancient Greek game of harpastum. The most famous story tells that the game was developed in England in the 12th century. There was no distinction between football and rugby for a very long time. It was played in a very rough and brutal manner in which teams have to kick the ball past the goal line to score. In London, a meeting was held in which it was decided to divide the game into two parts: football and rugby. Earlier, only men played it; later, women were also involved.

How to Play Football Game?

It is an exciting game played between two teams. Each team consists of 11 players, out of which one is a goalkeeper. There is a referee to control the game and make sure that everyone plays fair. Two-goal posts are there at each end of the ground. The main focus is to score more goals than the opponent team in 90 minutes. The match is split into two halves, each of 45 minutes. There is half a time of 15 minutes. The sides are changed after the interval.

In the beginning, the ball is kept on the center of the ground. The game begins when the referee whistles. Players of each team try to pass the ball through the opposite goal post without touching the ball with their hands. They can pass the ball by using their legs and heads only. The goalkeeper is the only person who is allowed to catch the ball with his hands. To gain a point, the ball must go into the opponent’s goal. More goals scoring team wins the game.

Health Benefits of Playing Football

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Football Essay For Students And Children

Football Essay For Students And Children

admin June 14, 2018 Essays in English 6,384 Views

Essay on Football

We have provided below various short and long essay on football game under various words limit in order to help students. Now-a-days, essays or paragraphs writing are common strategy in the schools and colleges followed by the teachers to enhance student’s writing skill and knowledge about any topic. All the football essay provided below are written using easy words and simple sentences. So, students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Football Essay 6 (400 Words)


Football is an extremely famous game which attracts people’s attention worldwide. It helps people to get relief from stress, teaches discipline and teamwork as well as brings fitness to the players and fans. It is the game of much interest, joy and wonder. It is played by kicking a ball with foot, so called as football game.

History of Football

Football is considered as an ancient Greek game called as harpaston. It was played in most similar way by kicking a ball with foot by the two teams. It was a rough and brutal game aimed to score goal by running or kicking the ball past the goal line. It was played without any specific limits filed size, number of players, side boundaries, etc. It is considered that it has its origin in twelfth. Later it became popular in England first and then its rules came into effect when it became a leading sport in schools in 1800s. Later, it was spread to the America. In the mid, it was ban especially in the schools because of the increasing brutality. However, it got legalized by committee in 1905 but still prohibited for rough play like locking arms, etc.

How to Play Football Game

Football is a popular game which keeps players healthy and disciplined. It develops their mind and team spirit and sense of tolerance among them. It is a game played for ninety minutes (in two halves of 45 minutes and 15 minutes break). This game has two teams of eleven players in each. Players have to kick a ball with their foot and take a goal by putting ball into the goalpost of the opponent team. In order to oppose the goal made by players of opponent team, there is a goalkeeper on each side. No one player is allowed to touch the ball with hand except the goal-keeper. A team having more goals got declared as the winner and other as loser. The game is conducted by a referee and two linesmen (one on each side). All the players are warned to strictly follow the rules while playing this game. It has been an international game and played as World Cup tournament every four years in different countries worldwide.

Benefits and Importance of Football

Playing football on regular basis provides numerous advantages to the player such as increases aerobic and anaerobic fitness, psychosocial benefits, enhances concentration level, improves fitness skills, etc. It benefits people of all ages. Following are its important benefits:

  • It makes a person more disciplined, calm and punctual.
  • It improves cardiovascular health as it involves running which engages the cardiovascular system a lot.
  • It motivates players for teamwork.
  • It improves the level of fitness skill. It helps in losing more body fat, gaining lean muscle, muscle strength, and improving the healthy habits throughout life.
  • It improves physical and mental strength.
  • It also provides psychological and social benefits by helping players to deal with disappointment, practice good sportsmanship etc.
  • It improves confidence level and self-esteem by developing adaptability and quick thinking among players.
  • Playing football reduces depression by developing positive attitudes.

Football is a nice game which benefits a player in various aspects like physically, mentally, socially, intellectually and financially. It helps a player to make a unique reputation in the society on national and international level. Kids and children should be promoted to play football at home and schools as well to get fit physically and mentally.

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Essay on Football – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Football For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on football for kids, a paragraph about football for children, short essay on my ‘favourite game: football’ for kids, long essay on football for children, what will your child learn from an essay on football.

Today’s increasing pressure on the children in school is several folds higher than a few years ago. An essay on football for classes 1, 2 and 3 kids captures kids’ interest and helps them gain some writing skills. However, this change has helped get Indian children up to a good ranking globally, and there is a visible improvement in students’ vocabulary and language skills. These essays are mainly targeted toward common interests like an essay about football in English or other interesting topics and famous personalities like Sachin Tendulkar and Chandrashekhar Azad. Here is how you can develop a good write-up on football.

Essay writing plays a major role in this pursuit of better language skills, and children are made to write articles, paragraphs, and essays starting from a young age, class 1 in most cases. Here is a list of points to understand how to write an essay on football.

  • Always start your essay with a short introduction.
  • Be clear with your facts. Since it is a popular sport, do not add things you are unsure about.
  • In the case of short articles for lower classes, it should be fine to stick to general statements.
  • Maintain a good continuity between your paragraphs.

When writing a few lines on football for your children, keep a good balance between personalised content and general facts. Here is how you can write a short essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Everyone in my class has their favourite hobbies, and so do I.
  • My favourite hobby is playing football after school.
  • I play regularly on the ground next to my home with my friends.
  • I also enjoy watching football matches at home with my parents.
  • My favourite player is Lionel Andres Messi, and he is my role model.
  • My favourite part about playing football is when I score goals for our team.
  • We play very friendly and keep a healthy competition between us.
  • I have taken part in many league matches in our school and hometown.
  • I also have a few medals and certificates for my wins.
  • I wish to grow better and improve my football skills with practice.

Since the popularity of football is sure to be maintained through many years to come, it is a very common topic to be asked for an essay or composition. You can write about the game as a small paragraph.

Football is one of the most popular games all over the globe. It is played in many forms in different countries, like soccer, rugby, American football and more. As a thumb rule, a team comprises of 11 players, where one is a goalkeeper. The players run around during the whole game, scoring goals by kicking the ball through the post. It is a fun game that many school-going children enjoy across many countries, including India. The game is also known as soccer in South Africa, Australia, and North America. There are many famous tournaments which are played as well. The most widely known one is the FIFA world cup, which takes place every four years. I enjoy watching football and playing it with my friends every day!

When you write a short essay on football for relatively higher classes, it would be more appropriate to include more facts like the rules and regulations of the game or so. Here is how you can write up a good paragraph.

My favourite game is football. I have been a big fan of Manchester City’s team ever since I started watching football on TV with my father. I watch all their matches without missing even one. Especially the FIFA world cup is something that keeps me excited for many days before it starts. I also play football in school with my friends every day, and I am the goalkeeper of my team. We have participated in a few league matches and tournaments with other schools. I want to improve my skills like my favourite players in the future. The game of football is so much more than just a simple sport. It is a complex exercise for physical and mental health as it involves a lot of concentration and focus. It also helps to build good team spirit while playing in teams. That’s why, it is my favourite sport.

As we progress to higher classes, the write-ups require longer paragraphs with additional subheadings. When such a situation arises, another factor of paragraph continuity should be kept in mind. Here is an example essay for class 3 on the topic of football.

Football is a game which requires combined mastery and skills in different aspects like strength, fitness, cleverness, and teamwork. It is a game played by 11 players in most cases and for 90 minutes. This game is a fun and entertaining one, where you get to witness the players pass around the ball with swift techniques and score goals left and right.

History And Origin Of Football

Folk football has always been part of medieval times. In ancient days, the ball the players used were made with a wide range of materials, many of which were quite weird. Some even used balls made out of the pig’s bladder, obtained after blowing up the animal. Records say Tsu’ Chu, a game played in the Han Dynasty, was closer to football as it involved a ball that players used to push through a 30-40 cm opening.

Benefits Of Playing Football

There are many benefits of playing football every day, and a few of the noteworthy ones include the following.

  • Improved aerobic capacity because of intense activity for 90 minutes.
  • Better cardiovascular health while maintaining good health and burning calories.
  • Lowers body fat
  • Improves muscle tone and strength
  • Promotes teamwork
  • Good exercise for coordination
  • Better self-esteem
  • How Is Football Played?

Being a short game of just 90 minutes, the game’s entirety is filled with excitement. Every time a player tries to take the ball towards the goal post, it is similar to watching a movie. There are many associated factors like what the opponents do to defend and how much effort they put into scoring the goal. It is always interesting to watch pro players like Ronaldo and Messi show off their skills on the field.

The football teams consist of 11 players and are played in several tournaments both nationally and internationally. The game is literally what is stated in its name, where players kick the ball with their feet towards the goalposts on either side to score points for their team. The different techniques and skills used by professional teams from diverse backgrounds are more interesting. These players tend to show variations with every game, and many fans find it very interesting to keep track of such information and details.

By writing essays about how football is an interesting and exciting sport, your child will be motivated to get into good physical activity as a regular hobby. As we discussed before, having a hobby like a football is good in multiple aspects. Your child also learns about the game’s details while framing the composition on football.

Every child must know how to write a proper essay to improve their writing skills. Hence it is essential to start teaching them such skills from a young age.

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My Favourite Game Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my favourite game.

My Favourite game essay-Playing games are very important for a human being. It keeps a man fit. Moreover, it keeps him away from diseases. Having some physical hobby is essential for a person. Most importantly many nutritionist and doctor recommend it. Children play many games. Some of them are cricket , basketball, football. Tennis , badminton, etc. Since in India the famous game is cricket many children are having it as a hobby. But my favorite is football.

My Favourite Game Essay

My Favorite Game – Football

When I was a child I liked cricket too but was never good at it. So I changed my hobby to football . Football was new to me in class 3. I did not play well in the beginning. But I liked the game very much. So I started practicing it. As a result, I began to play it well.

In class 5 I became the captain of my class football team. At that time I was so much excited to become the captain. With time a learned a lot about football.

In Football total 22 players play. Division of players is in two teams. Each team has 11 players. These players have to play with the ball only with legs. They have to kick the ball in the other teams’ goal post. Football is not like cricket. Weather is not an issue in football. Due to which players can play it the whole year.

In addition to football is a game of stamina. The players have to run on the field for the whole game. Also for 90 minutes too. Since 90 minutes is a lot there is a division in time. There are two halves. The first is of 45 minutes. Likewise, the second half is of 45 minutes too.

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Rules in the Game

Like all the other games there are some rules and regulations too. First of all, the ball should not touch the ball by hand. If the ball gets touched by hand the other team gets a free-kick. There is a small area near the goal post. ‘D’ is the name of that area. The boundary of the ‘D’ is at least 10 yards from the goal post. If the player touches the ball there the opposite team gets a penalty.

Moreover, there are other rules. The second important rule is the ‘Off-Side Rule’. In this rule, if the player crosses the defender line it becomes an offside. If you are a true fan of football you must know what are defenders.

In the game, the players are into three subcategories. The first category is Forward. Forward are players who put the ball in the net of the goal post. The second category is a Midfielder. Midfielders are players who pass the ball to the forward player. The third category is the defenders. Defenders stop the other team players to put the ball in the goal post.

In addition to all the players playing on the field, there are other players too. These are substitute players. Football is a harsh game. Because of which many players get injured. When players get injured the substitutes take their place for the rest of the game.

Furthermore, there is a referee on the field. Whenever any place does a foul the referee whistles and stops the game. The referee then gives the penalty or a free-kick to the team foul against.

Moreover, if a player injures and fouls the other team player the referee gives him a Yellow or Red Card. The yellow card is a warning card. The red card is a suspension card. This card suspends the player for the rest of the game.

Questions on My Favorite Game

Q.1 Which is the best team in the world? A.1 The team that wins the FIFA CUP held every 4 years.

Q.2 How many players play on the field? A.2 11 from each team.

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Essay on Football for Children and Students

football essay for class 7

Table of Contents

Essay on Football: Imagine the feeling of the ball hitting the back of the net and the sound of the crowd cheering! That’s how Football game builds up the energy in those playing and watching, and is fun. Football is an exciting game and people never feel bored while watching or playing it. Football is a game that requires split-second decisions and quick thinking.

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Target Exam ---

Football is a game played between two teams having eleven players each. It is played by hitting a football by foot and passing it on from one team member to another, until the goal in opposite team is scored. The other team tries to take the ball in its command, so that it can also score a goal. The game of football is an advance version of an ancient Chinese game Cuju played during 2 nd and 3 rd century BC. There are scientific evidences to prove ancient game of Cuju and it is also mentioned military manual. Ancient Romans and Greeks also are known to have played several ball games, some of them using feet like in football.

Long and Short Essay on Football in English

We have provided below various short and long essay on football game under various words limit in order to help students.

Now-a-days, essays or paragraphs writing are common strategy in the schools and colleges followed by the teachers to enhance student’s writing skill and knowledge about any topic.

All the football essay provided below are written using easy words and simple sentences.

So, students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Football Essay 100 words

Football is a game played outdoor by the two teams. Each of the football team contains eleven players means total players in football match become 22. This game aims to make maximum goals by each team. The team with maximum goals is called as the winner team the one with less goals become loser. It is a game which played by kicking a ball with foot. This game is also called as soccer in some countries. There are various forms of the football such as association football (in UK), gridiron football, American football or Canadian football (in US and Canada), Australian rules football or rugby league (in Australia), Gaelic football (in Ireland), rugby football (in New Zealand), etc. Various forms of football are known as football codes.

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Football Essay 150 words

Football is an outdoor game played by two teams having eleven players in each. This game is also known as soccer and played with a spherical ball. It has been estimated that it is played by around 250 million players over 150 countries which makes it a most popular game of the world. It is played on a rectangular field having a goal-post at each end. It is a competitive game generally played to win the game by any team or for entertainment and enjoyment. It provides physical benefits to the players in many ways as it is a best exercise. It is a most exciting and challenging game generally liked by everyone especially kids and children.

It is a team sport played between two teams aiming to score more goals by each team than other team by putting the ball in opposite goal-post. A team becomes the winner which scores maximum goals at the end of match.

Football Essay 200 words

Football is a most popular game of the world even in the modern time. It is a most exciting and challenging game generally played by two teams for the entertainment and enjoyment of the youths. It is also played on competition basis to win the prize in front of judges.

Originally, it was played by the villagers (called as Rugby in Italy). According to some experts, it is said that it has its origin in China. It is played by two teams (eleven members in each) aiming to get maximum goals by each other. International contests of this game are played in the duration of 90 minutes (divided in two parts of 45 minutes each. Players take some break (not more than 15 minutes) between two halves of the game. This game is assisted by a referee and two linesmen (conducting the game).

Benefits of Playing Football

Playing football sport is a good physical exercise. It also provides various other benefits to the kids, children and youths including other age group people. It is generally played in the schools and colleges for the health benefits of the students. It helps in improving the student’s skill, concentration level and memory power. This is a game which makes a person physically, mentally and socially healthy and well being. It is a great source of entertainment which refreshes mind and body. It helps a person to tackle all the common problems of daily life.

Football Essay 250 words

Football is one of the most entertaining games of the world. It is played by the youths in various countries with full interest. It has two big aspects, one is health and other is financial. It makes a person physically, mentally and financially strong as this game has lots of health benefits with a nice career. Earlier, it was played in the western countries however, later it spread to all over the world. Football is a round shape rubber bladder (made inside with leather) tightly filled with air.

It is played by two teams having eleven players in each. It is played in a rectangular field of 110 meter long and 75 meter broad, properly marked with lines. Each team aims to make maximum goals by putting the ball in the opposite goal-post at the back end of each team. There is a goal-keeper, two half-backs, four backs, one left out, one right out, and two Centre-forwards in the field for each team. It has some important rules which must be followed by each player while playing the game. It is started to be played from the Centre and no one player is allowed to touch the ball with hands except the goal-keeper.

Importance of Football Game in India

Football is an outdoor game considered to be beneficial for both, players and spectators. It is a game of much importance in the India especially in Bengal. Crazy football players do all the efforts to win the football match. Strong will of the watchers and players of this game motivate them a lot to achieve the success in life. It makes people more enthusiastic and interested to play and watch the game. A football match attracts a huge crowd of eager and curious spectators from the nearby regions. It is a team game which teaches team spirit to all the players.

It is 90 minutes long game played with a little break in two parts of 45 minutes. It is a game which makes players physically, mentally, socially, intellectually and financially healthy and strong. This game has nice financial career so any student (much interested) can make his/her bright career in this field. Playing this game regularly keeps one healthy and fit all time.

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Football Essay 300 words

Football game is very useful to all of us if played regularly. It benefits us in many ways. It is an interesting outdoor game played by two teams having 11 players in each. It is a game of good physical exercise which teaches players about harmony, discipline and sportsmanship. It is a popular game all over the world and played for years in various cities and towns of many countries.

Origin of Football Game

Historically, the football game has been 700-800 years old however became the world’s favorite game for more than 100 years. It was brought to the Britain by the Romans. It was first started playing in England in 1863. Football Association was formed in England as the first governing body to govern this sport. Earlier, people were playing it simply by kicking the ball with their foot which later became an interesting game.

Slowly, this game got much popularity and started to be played with rules on a rectangular field which marked by the boundary lines and a centre line. It is not an expensive and also called as soccer. The Laws of this game were originally arranged in a systematic code by the Football Association, England in 1863 which is governed internationally by the FIFA. It organizes the FIFA World Cup after every four years.

Rules of Playing Football

Rules of playing the football game are officially called as Laws of the Game. There are almost 17 rules of playing this game under two teams:

  • It is played in a rectangular field with two long sides (touch lines) and two shorter sides (goal lines). It is played in a field divided by halfway line.
  • Football must be round in shape (made of leather) with 68-70 cm in circumference and filled with air.
  • It has two teams of 11 players in each. Once cannot start this game if any team has less than 7 players.
  • There should be a referee and 2 assistant referees to ensure the Laws of game. Assistant Referees.
  • This game is of 90 minutes duration with 2 halves of 45 minutes each. Interval should not exceed more than 15 minutes.
  • A ball becomes in play all time however becomes out of play whenever a team has scored a goal or referee has stopped the game.
  • There is a goal kick to restart the play after a goal is scored.

Football is a most popular game all over the world. It is an inexpensive game, played in almost all the countries with much interest. Players, who practice it regularly, get benefited in many ways. It provides lots of benefits to the physical and mental health.

Football Essay 400 words

Football is an extremely famous game which attracts people’s attention worldwide. It helps people to get relief from stress, teaches discipline and teamwork as well as brings fitness to the players and fans. It is the game of much interest, joy and wonder. It is played by kicking a ball with foot, so called as football game.

History of Football

Football is considered as an ancient Greek game called as harpaston. It was played in most similar way by kicking a ball with foot by the two teams. It was a rough and brutal game aimed to score goal by running or kicking the ball past the goal line. It was played without any specific limits filed size, number of players, side boundaries, etc. It is considered that it has its origin in twelfth. Later it became popular in England first and then its rules came into effect when it became a leading sport in schools in 1800s. Later, it was spread to the America. In the mid, it was ban especially in the schools because of the increasing brutality. However, it got legalized by committee in 1905 but still prohibited for rough play like locking arms, etc.

How to Play Football Game

Football is a popular game which keeps players healthy and disciplined. It develops their mind and team spirit and sense of tolerance among them. It is a game played for ninety minutes (in two halves of 45 minutes and 15 minutes break). This game has two teams of eleven players in each. Players have to kick a ball with their foot and take a goal by putting ball into the goalpost of the opponent team. In order to oppose the goal made by players of opponent team, there is a goalkeeper on each side. No one player is allowed to touch the ball with hand except the goal-keeper. A team having more goals got declared as the winner and other as loser. The game is conducted by a referee and two linesmen (one on each side). All the players are warned to strictly follow the rules while playing this game. It has been an international game and played as World Cup tournament every four years in different countries worldwide.

Benefits and Importance of Football

Playing football on regular basis provides numerous advantages to the player such as increases aerobic and anaerobic fitness, psychosocial benefits, enhances concentration level, improves fitness skills, etc. It benefits people of all ages. Following are its important benefits:

  • It makes a person more disciplined, calm and punctual.
  • It improves cardiovascular health as it involves running which engages the cardiovascular system a lot.
  • It motivates players for teamwork.
  • It improves the level of fitness skill. It helps in losing more body fat, gaining lean muscle, muscle strength, and improving the healthy habits throughout life.
  • It improves physical and mental strength.
  • It also provides psychological and social benefits by helping players to deal with disappointment, practice good sportsmanship, etc.
  • It improves confidence level and self-esteem by developing adaptability and quick thinking among players.
  • Playing football reduces depression by developing positive attitudes.

Football is a nice game which benefits a player in various aspects like physically, mentally, socially, intellectually and financially. It helps a player to make a unique reputation in the society on national and international level. Kids and children should be promoted to play football at home and schools as well to get fit physically and mentally.

Essay on Football on FAQs

What is football short essay.

A short essay on football explains the game, its rules, and its popularity in a concise manner.

What is football in 100 words?

Football is a team sport played with a round ball, where two teams compete to score goals by getting the ball into the opposing team's net. It involves passing, dribbling, and teamwork, making it a beloved sport worldwide.

What is football class 12?

In class 12, football could refer to a sports topic or curriculum related to the game, including its history, techniques, and strategies.

How do you write a football essay?

To write a football essay, start with an introduction, describe the game, discuss its rules, share your insights, and conclude with a summary of its significance.

How do you describe a football match?

Describing a football match involves narrating the game's key moments, goals, player actions, and the atmosphere in the stadium, making it exciting for readers.

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Paragraph on Football

Football is one of the most popular games played around the world. Several football tournaments are held each year and various teams belonging to different nations take part in it enthusiastically. The level of enthusiasm of the spectators is as high.

You will find below a number of short and long paragraphs on Football. We hope these Football paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs with simple words and small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Football according to their particular requirement.

Long and Short Paragraphs on Football

Paragraph on football 1 (100 words).

Football is one of the most exciting games played world over. It also happens to be one of the oldest games. People have loved playing as well as watching this game since centuries. Many similar ball games were played in the earlier times. These were known by different names in different parts of the world however the rules of the game were almost the same everywhere.

Football, the game that we know today, is played between two teams with 11 players in each team. It is played with a big circular ball which is kicked by the players with the aim to hit the goal. It takes a lot of energy and enthusiasm to win the game.

 Paragraph on Football 2 (150 words)

Football has been recognized as one of the most popular games across the globe. Almost every country in the world has its set of football teams and enthusiastic football fans. Several football tournaments are held each year at national and international level. The popularity of this game can very well be judged by the excitement that builds among the general public during these matches.

It is said that the game of football was invented by England in the mid 19 th century. However, the Chinese claim that it was invented by them. The International Football Association Board has set the rule of the football game to maintain uniformity and carry out the international tournaments smoothly.

Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) organizes Football World Cup every four years. Football teams from various countries participate in the world cup. This is one of the biggest sports events worldwide and is awaited eagerly by football fans.

Paragraph on Football 3 (200 words)

Football, also known as soccer in certain parts of the world, was invented more than a century ago. However, even before the invention of the modern football many versions of this game were played in different parts of the world. Modern football is said to have evolved gradually from these different versions of the game.

Indian National Football Team

Many people may not be aware that India also has a national football team that participates in various international football events. The team forms a part of the South Asian Football Federation. It has participated and emerged winner several times in SAFF Championship which is the top regional football tournament held in South Asia.

However, it has never participated in the FIFA World Cup and hence is not as popular as the teams that compete against each other in this international tournament.

The Indian National Football team performed very well under the coaching of Syed Abdul Rahim during 1950s and 1960s. During this time, it also qualified for the World Cup. It was in the 1950 FIFA World Cup that India got a chance to play. However, it withdrew before the commencement of the tournament.

Football fans in India support football teams belonging to different countries but at heart are waiting for India to participate in the FIFA World Cup and give them a tough competition.

Paragraph on Football 4 (250 words)

Football is a game that involves kicking of ball with the feet to make a goal. Two teams comprising of eleven players each compete against each other to emerge winner in this game. It is played at international level by teams belonging to various countries. Unlike other sports, the football teams of various counties have been given unique names by which they are popular among the football fans.

Football: Enthusiasm among Fans

Football is one of the most loved games worldwide. There are numerous football fans who spend thousands of bucks to watch the game live in the stadium. The booking for the football tournament tickets begins months before the game. People are ready to shell huge money just to see their favourite players playing live on the field.

It is a site to see these football fans cheering their teams during the matches. They serve as a great support and motivation for the football players. The enthusiasm level among the fans matches that of the players on the field and it indeed is a site to behold. Only those who have had the experience of watching the game in the stadium know the actual excitement and thrill that builds during the game.

The craze for football is increasing by the day. The young generation seems to enjoy this interesting game which does not take the entire day to finish. It is short and crisp just the way this generation likes things to be. Football fans are spread across the globe, even in countries that do not participate in international football tournaments.

Paragraph on Football 5 (300 words)

Just as everything else in this world, the game that we call football today has also been evolved over the centuries. Several similar games were being played since centuries ago in different countries and were known by different names. The rules of these games and the number of players varied from place to place however these were more or less similar to football and eventually led to the creation of this game that is loved world over.

History of the Modern Football

The game of football is said to be invented in the mid-19 th century. In the year 1863 rugby football and association football branched off and Football Association in England was established. However, China claims to have played the first version of football centuries ago.

Both rugby football and association football were widely loved and played across the Atlantic. As rugby football came to be known as rugger and association football came to be known by the name, soccer, the Americans came up with their own version of the game and called it football.

Charles Goodyear designed and crafted the very first vulcanized rubber football in the year 1855. Most of the footballs are now being made with rubber bladders.

The first international association football match was played between Scotland and England in the year 1872. The match played by the national teams of England and Scotland was held at Scotland Cricket Club’s ground located at Hamilton Crescent in Partick Scotland.

Why was it named Football?

Contrary to the popular belief, football is not named so because it is played with the feet. It is named football because it is played on the foot and not on the horseback like other royal games in England. A number of other reasons have also been given for naming it so.

Thus, football is one of the few games that is being played since centuries and its popularity is only growing by the day.

Paragraph on Football 6 (350 words)

Football is an interesting game played between two teams consisting of 11 players each. It is played with a circular ball having a circumference of 58-61 cm. It is exciting to see the way the players take on each other to bring the game to their stride.

Football: The Rules of the Game

Just like every other game, football also has certain set of rules that define the way it should be played and determine as to which team emerges winner.

A football match is played for a total of 1 hour 45 minutes. This includes a 15 minutes break in between the match. So, the total playing time is 90 minutes. The match is played in two halves comprising of 45 minutes each.

Each team consists of a total of 11 players that include 10 outfield players and one goal keeper. Players wear football boots and shin pads during the match. The goalkeepers wear padded gloves in addition to it. The football field must either have natural or artificial grass. The pitch size may vary however it should necessarily be within 100-130 yards long and 50-100 yards wide.

To score points, the football must go into the opponent’s goal. The goal comprises of a frame which is 8 feet high and 8 yards wide. Goal can be scored using any part of the body apart from the hand, arms or shoulder. Players are not allowed to use their hands to handle to ball at any point in time during the match. Goal keeper is the only player who is allowed to handle the ball with any part of the body including hands.

It goes without saying that the team with the maximum goals wins the game. In case scores are equal by the end of the 90 minutes stint then the match will end as a draw. However, there are certain football matches where in a penalty shoot is given to determine the winner.

The game of football is super exciting and the level of excitement increases manifolds during the last 45 minutes. It is great to see the fans cheering, cheer leaders dancing and the players giving their best shot during this time.

Paragraph on Football 7 (400 words)

Football is one of the oldest and most popular games played around the world. The history of this game dates back several centuries. Many similar games were played in different parts of the world and were known by various names. For instance, in China a similar game was known by the name Cuju, in Japan it is known by the name, Kemari and in Greece it was known as Episkyros.

Top Football Teams

Several countries have their football teams that play at international level to compete with each other. A number of football tournaments are held each year and based on these the football teams are ranked. The ranking keeps changing based on the performance of the teams. However, there are certain teams that continue to hold top ranks year after year. France, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Netherland, Chile, Belgium, Portugal and England are among the countries that have the best football teams in the world.

What is FIFA?

FIFA that was established in the year 1904 stands for Federation Internationale de Football Association which is French for International Federation of Association Football. It is headquartered in Zurich.

The initiative for the formation of FIFA was taken to monitor international football matches among the teams from Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherland and Spain. Its arena expanded and over the time it has become the international governing body of association football, beach soccer and futsal. Today, it organizes some of the major international football tournaments including the Football World Cup. As many as 211 national associations have its membership.

Contrary to the popular notion, FIFA does not define or control the rules of the game. It is only responsible for organizing tournaments and promoting them for revenue generation. The rules and laws of the game are set by International Football Association Board.

FIFA conducts a grand awards ceremony every year. This is held to recognize the achievements of the best team and player during that year. FIFA Ballon d’Or is awarded to the best male player and FIFA World Player of the Year is awarded to the best female player.

Football is a game of international acclaim. No other sport or game is as popular among the masses as football. Football tournaments are known to be grand events and football fans across the globe eagerly await these events. Football players have huge fan following. Their fans shower immense love on them and they return the same by showing gratitude.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Football


The only thing that our children do without any compulsion is to play their favourite game in their free time. Immediately after they return home from school, without even changing their uniforms, they will run off to play cricket or football with their friends. In this essay on my favourite game football, we will see how children can write an essay on the topic.

If you have two children in your house, it is most likely that one likes cricket and the other is a fan of football. Likewise, different children have different tastes, but in this short essay on my favourite game football, we will be focusing on football. Some love to watch football on television, while others jump at any situation where they get to play and kick a goal. We can understand the rules of the game through this essay on my favourite game football.

Essay on My Favourite Game Football

My Favourite Game – Football

I was only 6 years old when I saw some people playing football on a nearby field. I eagerly looked at the way the players passed the ball with their feet. I was too immersed in the game that I unknowingly let out a huge shout of joy when one of them struck a goal. This excitement was in me even when I reached home, and I knew that learning to play football was my goal.

Due to my persistence, my father bought me a football, and we began playing with it in the evenings. Although I was not an expert in the beginning, I slowly mastered the game through my dedication and hard work . Since I began playing well, I joined the school football team. This further helped me refine my playing tactics as I learnt how to navigate the ball in a team of 11 players and kick the ball into the goal post. Moreover, football improved my stamina and leadership skills. Hence, I can confidently say that football is my preferred game, and this short essay on my favourite game football will validate it.

Rules of Football

In this part of the essay on my favourite game football, we will learn how football is played and what are the rules to follow. In a football game, there will be two teams of 11 players each. The most important thing to remember while playing football is that the ball should be passed from one player to another only by foot. And in case the player touches the ball with his hand, the other team will get a free kick.

The three types of players are also discussed in this short essay on my favourite game football. They are the forward players who put the ball in the goal post, midfielders who pass the ball to the forward player, and defenders who prevent the players from the other team from scoring a goal. There is also a goalkeeper who defends the goal post of the team. Since football is a rough and tough game, injuries may happen, and the referee ensures the game is played fairly.

With an understanding of how football is played, children will be able to write a simple and short essay on my favourite game football. You can learn about more such games and sports by going through our collection of essays on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on My Favourite Game Football

How can children write an essay about my favourite game football.

Children can refer to the sample essay given above and can write a few sentences about their favourite game, football. Since it has explained the rules and benefits of playing football, it would be easy for children to follow.

What is the role of a referee in football?

A referee detects any foul play during the game. If a player gets injured by the other team member, the referee gives the offender a yellow card, which is a warning, and then a red card, which suspends the player from playing the game.

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Football Essay

Essay on Football | Football Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Football: Football is a famous team sport where the aim is to score a goal by putting the ball inside the opposition net. The game is played in two halves of 45 minutes each. The game is filled with thrill and nerves. The players have to be in top shape on the matchday and have exquisite control over the ball. Mastering the control of the ball requires years of hard work and training, and many professional players began early in their childhood and then have gone on to become masters of their craft.

The A total of 22 players, 11 on each side play football without the sue of hands or arms. Only the goalkeeper whose responsibility is to protect the goal is allowed to handle the ball using his hands. The game of the football due to its simplicity and minimal requirements is the most popular game around the world.

The modern game of football is believed to be invented in England, and therefore all the basic rules and regulations of the game came from there. Today football is the most-watched and followed sport on the planet. Almost every country plays the game of football at an international level. The regulatory authority for football is FIFA. The FIFA World Cup is the most coveted international tournament which takes place every four years. Apart from international matches, football is more commonly played and followed at the club level. Each country has its own domestic league where numerous clubs compete for the domestic league title. The most-awaited event is the UEFA Champions League where the top clubs from Europe compete against each other.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Short Essay on Football 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Football is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Football is the most popular sport on the planet with almost every country playing it. The total viewership of the 2018 FIFA world cup worldwide was at 3.57 billion. The popularity of football is owing to its simplicity and the requirements of nothing more than a football. It can be played at almost any street, road, park, playground or stadium.

The duration of one football match is 90 minutes divided into two halves of 45 minutes each. A total of 11 players on both sides play the game to put the football into the opposition’s net. The basic rule is not to handle the ball using arms or hands. Players can use any part of the body except arms or hands to play the game. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to touch the ball using hands. The goalkeeper is the last line of defence whose sole responsibility is to not let the ball into his net. The modern game of football is governed by formations and strategies to gain an advantage over the opposition. Basically, the team is made up of attack, midfield and defence.

The game is a test of stamina, skill and above all teamwork. The aim is to score as many goals as possible. The team who scored the most goals at the end of regulation time is the winner. The game is fun to watch and keeps the viewers at the end of their seats as the game is filled with emotion and passion.

Football is a team sport played on a rectangular field with goalposts on each end. The aim is to put the ball inside the opposition net. The team with the maximum goals wins the game. The first rules and regulation of football were chalked in England during the late 19th century. Since then the game has evolved. The playing style became much more complex, and more rules were added to keep pace with the game. Today, football is the most-watched sport on the planet.

A total of 11 players on each side play the match. Each team has a goalkeeper who is allowed to touch the ball using hands or arms. The goalkeeper is the last line of defence, and his responsibility is to protect the goal and help in building attacks. The modern game of football consists of attackers, who spearhead the entire team, the midfielders, who are the core of the team and act as the link between the forwards and defenders. The defenders, protect the goal and defend against opposition attacks. With time, different formation, strategies, tactics, and techniques came up, that have made the game more fun and interesting.

It is the responsibility of the coach/manager to manage the entire squad. During a game of 90 minutes, played in two halves each, the coach is allowed to make three substitutions. A total of four referees look over the entire proceeding, which includes one referee, two linesmen and a fourth official. It is the responsibility of the referees to ensure a smooth flow of the game and the decision of the referee is the final verdict in any case.

Football is loved all the globe because of the passion and grit with which the players play the game. It is not an easy task to play the game of football for a total of 90 minutes. It requires a lot of stamina and world-class ball control and mastery. It also requires a good game sense to be able to perform well on the pitch.

Long Essay on Football 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Football is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Football is a game of passion, perseverance, skill, stamina and teamwork. The aim is to score most goals by putting the ball into the opposition net. Since the beginning of the game in the late 19th century in England, there have been significant improvements in the game. The level at which football is played professionally is very high, and only a few select make it to that level. Only the cream of the cream gets the opportunity to represent their country at the international level.

A total of 22 players, 11 on each side play the game for 90 minutes, divided into two halves of 45 minutes each. Players get a short break after the first half to replenish their energies and review strategies. A total of 3 substitutions are allowed to each team, and it is the decision of Coach or Manager to make this substitution or not. The modern game football consists of a lot of strategies, formations and tactics. The coach uses these to put their team in control of the game. The squad consists of attackers, midfielders and defenders.

Professional footballers are extremely dedicated athletes who begin playing football in their early childhood and are scouted by big clubs who train them at their world-class facilities. The players require mastery of the ball and a brilliant footballing mind to be able to perform at the world stage. These are no easy skill and require years of constant dedication and practice. Some of the footballing greats of the past are Pele, Maradona, Johan Cryuff and Ronaldinho. The present footballing era is controlled by two greats of the game, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. There are often many heated debates as to who is better, but the one thing that is certain is that both of them are professional athletes with great desire and discipline.

The biggest international tournament is the FIFA World Cup, which is held every four years. A total of 32 countries take part in the final event who qualify for it. At the end of the competition, only one team is crowned the World Champion. The 2018 edition of the World Cup saw France lift the world cup under Coach Didier Deschamps. With the likes of Antoine Griezmann, Paul Pogba, Kylian Mbappe, Hugo Lloris, Raphael Varane, Olivier Giroud and Ngolo Kante, France was being termed as the favourites to win the competition.

Other than the World Cup, football fans all over the world are crazy for one more tournament, The UEFA Champions League which features top clubs across Europe, one of the most famous footballing continent. The winners of this competition are crowned the Champions of Europe.

The game of football is played over a period of 90 minutes divided into two halves. It is filled with passion and grit and is a test of concentration, skill, teamwork and heart. It is the most followed and watched sport on the planet. The game is people’s sport which is a fun outdoor activity as well. Football requires no special equipment but just a ball and a couple of people to enjoy it with. The simplicity of the game is the sole reason why the game is so popular. You don’t need dedicated fields or world-class stadiums to enjoy the game of football.

Football traces its historical presence during the time of Greeks, but the modern game of football was invented in England in the late 19th century. Since then the game has evolved into a sport with most viewership. The 2018 FIFA world cup alone had 3.572 billion viewership worldwide. FIFA world cup is the most coveted international tournament held every four years in which almost every country in the entire globe participates. Only 32 countries qualify to the final stage of the tournament, where they compete with the best teams from each continent.

Other than the FIFA world cup, each continent has its own tournament. Asia has the Asian Cup, Africa has African Cup of Nations, South America hosts Copa America, North America organises Gold Cup, and Europe hosts UEFA Champions League. The Oceania region hosts the Nation Cup. UEFA Champions League is one of the most-watched footballing league in which top clubs from Europe participate to be crowned the champions of Europe. The current champions are Bayern Munich who won the tournament by beating Paris-Saint Germain the 2020 finals. Real Madrid, which is a Spanish club, is the most successful in the UEFA Champions League winning it 13 times.

Playing football professionally requires a lot of dedication and discipline. Talented players are scouted in their childhood, and they are trained in academies where they receive proper training for several years before they are scouted by bigger clubs depending upon the performance. The top clubs in the World are Real Madrid, Manchester United, Barcelona, Juventus, Bayern Munich, Liverpool, AC Milan and many others. The top 5 footballing nations as they are so-called because of the popularity of their leagues are- Spain, England, France, Italy and Germany, and their respective leagues are LaLiga, Premier League, France Ligue 1, Serie A and Bundesliga.

Football is a team sport, and the players require a lot of skill and talent combined with hard work and a true passion for the game. The players in the team have to know each other really well to be able to perform at the highest level. Top players are great at adapting because of the superiority in skill and mindset. It is the dream of every young footballer to be able to play in front of a big crowd in a big stadium and to represent their country at international level. Football teaches us that the name on the front of the T-Shirt is more important than one at the back. To be able to play together really well, each and every player has to have a lot of trust and faith in his teammates.

Essay on Football Conclusion

Football is a game played with a lot of spirit. Mastery over the ball comes with a lot of regular practice. The game is not just about your skill with the ball; it is also about how you perform without the ball. It is a true team sport where you put your team before yourself. The essays given in this article will help you know more about the ins and outs of the game and will provide you with the footballing knowledge you require.

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Essay on My Favourite Sport: Samples in 100 Words and 200 Words

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  • Apr 23, 2024

Essay on My Favourite Sport

Sports is a physical activity which is considered good for both mental and physical health. It has the unique ability to attract the attention of the audience. In sports, people display their strength and skills by competing with the other person either for serious competition or for entertainment. The personality of a sportsperson can be understood by the type of sport he/she plays. All the sports are categorised into two types; indoor and outdoor. In this blog, we will provide you with some sample essay on my favourite sports, so that you can get an idea about how you can frame your essay for school or essay writing competition. Stay tuned and continue reading this article!

Table of Contents

  • 1 My Favourite Sport Essay 100 words
  • 2 Essay on My Favourite Sport 250 words
  • 3 Essay on My Favourite Sport Badminton
  • 4 Essay on My Favourite Sport Cricket

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My Favourite Sport Essay 100 words

I am a great fan of basketball. I used to practice this game since I was in class 5th. My parents and my coach encouraged me a lot to perform well in my favourite sport. I believe that it is a game that combines strategy, athleticism, and teamwork . The best thing I like about this sport is the dribbling of the basketball. I love playing basketball with my friends at the society’s basketball court.

We used to gather every evening at 6:30 and play a match regularly to maintain the stamina and the pace of precision shooting. The winning situation in this game is completely dependent on teamwork, the result could be truly magical. Basketball is the sport that keeps me captivated with its adrenaline-pumping excitement. 

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Essay on My Favourite Sport 250 words

My favourite sport is everyone’s favourite. Yes, Cricket it is. Cricket is often known as the ‘ Gentleman’s Game .’ Almost every Indian loves cricket for us this sport is not just a game it is an emotion. The entire Nation keeps a keen eye on the World Cup match when our country is performing. 

My idol is Hon’ble Sachin Tendulkar and MS Dhoni. In my childhood, I tried to copy their style and always wished to be a good cricket player. As it is rightly said ‘Practice makes a Man Perfect.’ I also believed in it and practised with my school cricket team to become a good cricket player. My endurance and dedication helped me to secure the position of opening batsman for the school cricket team and we are presenting our school at the district-level cricket competition.

The main reason cricket resonates with me is its rich history and traditions. It’s a sport that has been played for centuries, and it carries with it a sense of timelessness. The iconic venues, the legends of the game, and the celebrated rivalries all contribute to the sport’s allure. Whether it’s the Ashes battles between England and Australia or the fervent India-Pakistan contests, cricket has a way of gripping the hearts and minds of fans around the world.

Cricket not only teaches sportsmanship but also helps us learn about teamwork, patience, dedication, etc. My dream is to build a successful cricket career. To accomplish my goals I am planning to take admission in the cricket academy and learn from experts.

In conclusion, cricket is more than a sport to me; it’s a culture, a passion, and a source of endless joy in my life. Its rich heritage, technical intricacies, and life lessons will forever held close to my heart. 

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Essay on My Favourite Sport Badminton

Among all the indoor and outdoor activities, I love to play badminton the most. Badminton is played as an indoor and outdoor game but traditionally it was an indoor game. It is one of the most admired sports among children and adults. Badminton is my favourite sport because it requires speed, practice, precision, stamina, and accuracy all at the same time.

A player needs to be very attentive while playing badminton. When each stroke of the shuttle makes a ‘whoosh’ sound, it infuses a feeling of competitiveness and enthusiasm to perform extraordinarily against the opponent.

I am a huge admirer of Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu. Watching them perform makes me feel so proud and more inclined towards the sport. It’s my dream to play a badminton tournament at the National level and win for the country.

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Essay on My Favourite Sport Cricket

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My favourite sport is cricket. It is the most popular sport of all. Every person loves to watch cricket matches, especially the T20 and the World Cup. My favourite players are Virat Kohli and AB de Villiers.

Badminton is a dynamic racket sport which is popular worldwide. This sport is categorized as an indoor sport owing to its sensitivity to weather. It involves hitting the shuttlecock with quick reflexes using a racket. This game is played between two players and is known for its agility, precision, practice, and attentiveness. 

The most popular sports are cricket, football, badminton, table tennis, and hockey.

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Essay on Football for Class 3

Football is an outdoor game played by two teams. Each team has 11 players. In total, the number of players playing together is 22. The team that has the highest number of goals, in the end, wins the match. Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In America, football is known as soccer.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 1 on the topic ‘Football’ for reference.

Short Essay on Football of 100 Words

Football is a very famous sport. Everyone calls the game football, but USA calls it soccer because the USA has a different game that they call football.

Football is a game that is always played between two teams. The total number of players is 22 as each team has 11 players. There is a referee who observes the whole match and makes sure everyone follows the rules. At the end of the time of the game, the team that has the highest goals wins the game.

Sometimes there is a draw, so the time allotted for the match has to be increased to play the tiebreaker round.

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Long Essay on Football of 150 Words

There are many games all over the world that everyone loves, but football is a very famous sport. Everyone knows what football is and how the game takes place.

Football is a sport that is played outside between two teams. Each team will have eleven players. That is why the total number of players on the football field is twenty-two.

There is also a referee watching the whole match, just like an umpire in cricket to make sure no one cheats and all the rules are followed. Sometimes the umpire shows some coloured cards, called penalty cards to warn the players.

Each team has to goal against the other. The team that has the highest number of goals at the end of the match wins the match. The other team loses. Sometimes both the teams have the same number of goals, which is known as a draw match. A tiebreaker round takes place only when a game result is draw.

10 Lines on Football in English

  • Football is a trendy sport.
  • Football is played outside, on the football field.
  • A football match takes place between two teams.
  • Each football team has eleven players.
  • The total number of players on the football field are twenty-two.
  • There is a referee who makes sure the game goes on without any problems.
  • The referee shows penalty cards to players, with different colours to warn them.
  • The cards are used because a player might not know the language.
  • The team that gets the highest number of goals wins the match.
  • When there is a tie, a tiebreaker round also takes place.

Frequently Asked Questions on Football Essay

Question: What is football?

Answer:  Football is a sport that is played outside on the field between two teams. Each team has eleven players, and they have to make goals against the other. The team that ends with the highest number of goals wins the match at the end.

Question: Who is a referee?

Answer:  In football, a referee is the one who looks over the match. He makes sure that no problems take place. The referee is like an umpire and makes sure the players follow all the rules. The referee also sees that no one cheats when playing. He cannot support any team.

Question: What are penalty cards?

Answer:  the referees use penalty cards to keep the players in order. If he sees that a player is not following the rules, he can show the card to him. The cards are like a warning and each colour shows how strict the alarm is.

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  1. Essay On Football for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Football. Essay On Football- Football is a game that millions of people around the world play and love. It can be called a universal game because every small and big nation plays it. Moreover, it's a great relaxer, stress reliever, teacher of discipline and teamwork. Apart from that, it keeps the body and mind fit and healthy.

  2. Essay on Football For Students In English

    The game is played for two 45-minute halves, and the team which makes the most goals wins. Football is a team sport. The player's brilliance to score the goal helps their team to win. Tackle, attack, shoot, and score past the goalpost are collective skill sets of champion players. The sport has seen some of the best players over decades.

  3. Essay on Football: 150-250, 300, 500-1000 words for Students

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  4. Football Essay for Students and Children in English

    ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10; ISC Previous Year Question Papers; ICSE Specimen Paper 2021-2022 Class 10 Solved; ICSE Specimen Papers 2020 for Class 9; ... Long Essay on Football is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Football is a game of passion, perseverance, skill, stamina and teamwork. The aim is to score most goals by ...

  5. Essay On Football

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  7. Football Essay for Students in English

    An Introduction. Football is a game that requires strength, loads of fitness and cleverness to be played. It is a game of 90 minutes. There are two teams. Each team can have a maximum of 11 players and a minimum of 7 players. There are two goalposts. The goalkeepers from each of the teams prevent the ball from entering the goal area.

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    Also Read - Essay on Yoga Essay on Football in 100 Words. Football or Soccer can be traced back to ancient times when different types of games were played. The modern version of football emerged in 19th-century England, and later on, the Football Association (FA) was founded in 1863 which played a pivotal role in shaping the game into its current form and setting its rules and regulations.

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  12. Football Essay For Students And Children

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  16. Essay on Football for Children and Students

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  17. Paragraph on Football

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  19. Football Essay for Students and Children in English

    It requires a lot of stamina and world-class ball control and mastery. It also requires a good game sense to be able to perform well on the pitch. Long Essay on Football 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Football is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Football is a game of passion, perseverance, skill, stamina and teamwork.

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    Football is a game that encourages physical and mental strength and also motivates the players with the skills of leadership and sportsmanship. A Football team consists of a total of twelve players- eleven key players and a goalkeeper. If a person touches the Football by their hand, he/she gets a penalty. The game is set for 90 minutes.

  22. Essay Writing Class 7 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Essay Writing Class 7 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises. Format: Essays Writing should be written in the following format: There are seven steps to writing a successful essay: ... Football is a most popular game of the world even in the modern time. It is a most exciting and challenging game generally played by two teams for the entertainment ...

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    Essay on Football for Class 3. Football is an outdoor game played by two teams. Each team has 11 players. In total, the number of players playing together is 22. The team that has the highest number of goals, in the end, wins the match. Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In America, football is known as soccer.