The world needs to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and reaching that point will take inventing and deploying many more clean-energy products.

20 Years of Growth

In India I saw how aid and spending on health can make a difference.

India’s progress over the past 20 years has been quite phenomenal. It deserves recognition especially now, as rich countries consider whether to continue investing in global development assistance despite all the economic problems they face at home.

India still faces many challenges. More than 400 million Indians live in extreme poverty. The country is home to half of all the world’s malnourished and underweight children and one fourth of the world’s tuberculosis.

But over the past 20 years, India has really emerged as a dynamic, influential country. It’s been one of the world’s fastest growing major economies, and it’s playing an increasingly important role in world affairs, including as a member of the G20 and the BRICS group of newly industrialized nations.

The current situation in India is quite hopeful. The country has a lot of talented people. The universities are improving. Government spending is going up because of the nation’s economic strength. Some reforms are needed, and that’s progressing, gradually. India represents all the challenges you face when you have lots of people living in poverty. And so India can contribute to how we solve problems globally.

A lot of progress has come from the nation’s culture of innovation, which has produced some really original and creative solutions. Yet, aid also has played an important role. Our foundation has invested more than $1 billion USD in programs to fight disease and poverty in India. I’m pleased with the results, and we will invest more in the future.

During my recent visit, I had a chance to see the latest progress on things that matter a lot to us: on eradicating polio and curtailing the spread of infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, for example. And I saw how India is emerging as a model and increasingly a catalyst for improvement in other developing countries. For example, India has become a world leader in the development of high-quality, low-cost vaccines and other bio-pharmaceuticals, which are playing a huge role in improving health not only in south Asia but also in Africa and elsewhere.

Ending Polio

It’s now been more than a year since the last new case of polio was reported in India. In February, India was officially removed from the list of polio-endemic countries.

This is especially great when you look at it in context. Three years ago, India had more polio cases than anywhere else in the world. Its polio problem seemed like the toughest to tackle. Compared with the countries where polio persists, India is bigger by far, with the most kids, and still has regions where sanitation is poor. Within the country there’s lots of movement, which tends to spread infection.

Yet, India really stepped up to the challenge on polio. The government funded its own eradication program. They really educated mothers about why vaccination is good for kids. Twice a year, 2 million volunteers prepare 800,000 vaccination booths around the country—at schools, hospitals, and community centers. They immunize more than 172 million children one by one. Working with partners like  Rotary International ,  WHO , and  UNICEF , they have built an impressive infrastructure for delivering health services to some of the most underprivileged children in the world. And they have been very persistent in following up to find kids, even the kids of migrant workers, to get vaccination levels up above 90 percent. And so the disease stopped.

India is very proud of this achievement, and rightly so. It’s a direct result of political will, dedicated resources, and rigorous management and accountability. The commitment of government leaders has been critically important.

And that commitment is helping with other health problems. By extending vaccination into the poorest and most inaccessible places, the drive against polio has helped establish better public-health delivery systems that can improve the well-being of millions of children and families.

India’s experience carries lessons for developing and newly industrialized countries around the world. It proves that success can be achieved – against polio and other diseases, as well – even in the most challenging circumstances.

Curbing HIV/AIDS & Tuberculosis

Another great example of India’s progress is in its work to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS. Our foundation has been helping with this for a long time. With a number of Indian partners, we started the Avahan program. It’s fighting HIV/AIDS in communities and at the street level, helping local groups deploy peer-to-peer counselors, distribute condoms and provide HIV testing, treatment and care.

Important leadership has been provided by the national government, which has increased funding for HIV/AIDS and established a national strategic plan that includes community-led HIV prevention. The National AIDS Control Organization has done great work. NACO and Avahan have contributed to a 50-percent reduction in the incidence of HIV/AIDS over the past six years. That’s saved India something like $100 million USD in health costs averted because of fewer AIDS cases.

Now, NACO is facilitating a smooth transition of Avahan to management by the state governments. This transition is very important and encouraging because it indicates India’s resolve to sustain the fight against HIV/AIDS for the long haul, which is what it will take to really beat this thing. This is a great example of what collaboration between funders and governments can achieve.

Lessons learned from HIV/AIDS work have helped with other critical health efforts, like the Ananya partnership, which is really scaling up programs to improve maternal and child health. India is also a model for other countries on how to scale up HIV prevention efforts.

The country faces many other health challenges. For example, India has the largest tuberculosis epidemic in the world, with nearly one thousand deaths from TB each day. But there’s a solid basic TB control program and a real commitment to getting TB under control. The government has an ambitious strategic plan to provide universal access to good diagnosis and treatment to all TB patients. This plan can prevent the emergence of multidrug resistant TB thru prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

India has begun to execute this strategy by making TB a nationally notifiable disease, which means cases must be reported to authorities. This will help ensure they get the care they need regardless of whether they are being treated by government or private doctors.

India is also using its leadership in information technology, which could be a big help to government and private health providers in monitoring the spread of the disease, improving the efficiency of the TB control program and in treating patients.

Leading on Low-cost Vaccines

Just a few decades ago in India, many basic vaccines were hard to get. They were almost all imported from overseas. But today, Indian manufacturers play a critical role in driving down prices for vaccines and making them available to not only Indians but also millions of poor people worldwide.

One of the leaders in this transformation is the Serum Institute, in Pune. I visited with Serum’s chairman Cyrus Poonawalla and other executives. Their work is absolutely vital to our foundation’s work around the world, because Serum is extremely good at making high-quality vaccines for many different diseases – and doing it at low cost so that poor countries can afford them.

Serum has gradually evolved from making relatively simple vaccines for things like tetanus to making more advanced ones. In response to a request from African leaders for a better weapon against meningitis epidemics, Serum developed a vaccine for meningitis A, the first vaccine created specifically for poor countries. Serum is developing important new vaccines against rotavirus, which causes diarrhea and vomiting that kills hundreds of thousands of children in poor countries every year.

Serum's the world's highest-volume provider of vaccines – does it at very high quality, very low price. It’s a great example of the potential for innovation in developing and newly industrializing countries – innovation that can benefit poor people everywhere.

Achieving Progress through Collaboration

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently committed to raising government investments in health to 2.5 percent of GDP by 2017, which will really help extend health services to more people and will pay big economic dividends in the long term.

During my recent India trip, I was very glad to see the evolution and strengthening of our partnerships with government.  I spoke with many government leaders including the dynamic chief ministers of two states, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, which are among the poorest in the country. I was very impressed with the forward strides they’re making. The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Akhilesh Yadav, is under 40, the state’s youngest chief minister ever.

In Bihar, chief minister Nitish Kumar has helped drive remarkable improvements in farm productivity and is taking steps toward big improvements in health. Bihar’s maternal mortality rate is among the highest in India. But good things are happening. Last year our foundation launched a five-year, $80-million USD grant made in partnership with the state government and leading Indian and international non-government organizations. Bihar is becoming one of the nation’s biggest success stories.

As in Bihar, one important reason we invest in India is that we’ve found the government can be a very effective partner. Our government partners there are especially good at scaling up the very best ideas and sustaining them over the long term, as they’ve done with polio and now with HIV/AIDS.

This pattern has been repeated across the country over the past several decades. And as a result, aid has steadily become a smaller and smaller portion of the national economy. This is the good that can happen when aid donors and governments work hand in hand.

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Lost crops like fonio could help us fight climate change and malnutrition.

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We already know how to save millions of newborn lives.

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I’m excited to see the latest breakthroughs during my visit this week.

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India’s Economic and Social Progress


India is the second-most populous country in the world. Its population is over 1.3 billion people, which makes the state the biggest democracy in the world. 1 According to the United Nations, India will have the largest population in the world by 2028. 2 Its area is 1.2 million square miles, and major religions are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and Buddhism. 3 As it is a nuclear-powered state, and the economy of the country is rapidly developing, India has become one of the most significant powers in the region. 4 Even though the economic its indicators are still considerably lower than in developed countries, India is a country of the increased interest of economist around the world.

India is a country of controversies since it is the home of the oldest tradition and the most recent innovations. It is home to one of the world’s oldest religions that are based on the Sanskrit scripts. India still has the caste system, which is one of the world’s oldest social stratifications, which was shaped approximately 3,000 years ago. 5 At the same time, Bangalore, one of the largest cities in India, has become a hub for the global software business, and developers from around the globe often choose India as the country in which they want to live. 6 The controversies influence the economic development of the country, making it unstable. The present paper offers an overview of the country’s characteristics and describes factors that facilitate and obstruct economic and social progress during the last three decades.


Population structure.

The population in India is one of the fastest-growing in the world. Figure 1 represents the historical and projected population change in India for the period between 1950 and 2100. According to this graph, the population is expected to reach a peak of 1.6 billion in 2060. However, the growth of the population is attributed to having a historically large population due to the fertility of the lands. Additionally, the population is growing due to child marriages, lack of education in women, the presence of 60% of the younger population, and migration. 7 These characteristics are attributed to the social structure of the country.

As mentioned above, India has preserved a 3,000-year-old caste system that can be both advantageous and dysfunctional for the country. A caste is a hereditary class of Hindu society that determines the occupation of a person in India. There are castes in the Indian culture, which are brahmins (teachers, priests, and scientists), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), vaishyas (farmers, traders, and merchants), and Shudras (laborers). 8 There are also Dalits, or untouchables, which are outcasts of the Indian social system, and they work as street sweepers or latrine cleaners. The social system welcomes arranged marriages and resists the education of women, which facilitates the growth of the population.

Indian Population.

Income Growth

India is one of the world’s most rapidly developing economies in the world. According to the India Times, the country has the second-fastest growing economy at the rate of 6%. 10 GDP is also growing exponentially; in 2018, it was estimated to be $2.726 trillion, while it was $468.395 billion and $1.676 trillion in 2000 and 2010 correspondingly. 11 In 2018, Gross National Income (GNI) per capita was $2,020, meaning that it has more than doubled since 2008. 12 However, despite the optimistic statistics, economic growth is considerably slower than in 2018, which was 8.1%. 13 Therefore, other indexes may also fall in 2019.

Changes in Development Indicators

In recent years, India has shown considerable progress in terms of human development indicators (HDI). According to Shandra and Bera, the country has climbed one rank in HDI in 2018, and now it is ranked 130 with a value of 0.640. 14 HDI is a composite index assessing progress in three basic dimensions of human development: mean years of education, life expectancy, and per capita gross national income. India has demonstrated improvement in all the spheres if compared to numbers 30 years ago. Since 1990, India’s life expectancy has grown by 11 years, and it is now 68.8 years. 15 There are more significant changes in education levels since the expected years of schooling have increased from 7.6 in 1990, to 12.3 in 2018. 16 GNI has also increased by 266% percent in 30 years, demonstrating a steady improvement in the sphere. In short, India’s HDI is steadily growing.

The primary strategy of improving the index is through the unification of a reformation of education and healthcare systems. Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, holds a vision of development for all and the fundamental principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aims at leaving no one behind and providing. 17 However, there are considerable limitations to the growth of the index. In particular, women remain significantly less politically, economically, and socially empowered than men. According to Shandra and Bera, “Female participation in the labour market is 27.2 % compared to 78.8% for men.” 18 Moreover, only 39% of females in India reached at least a secondary level of education in comparison to 64% of males. 19 In other words, inequality remains a major concern for India’s performance measured by HDI.

Social Indicators

Despite the positive changes in HDI, India is still lagging in major social indicators. One of the major concerns is the healthcare system in India. The reports show that maternal mortality rates and infant mortality rates, which are the primary ways to measure the performance of healthcare, are lower than in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Iran, Bhutan, and Nepal. 20 On the one hand, it may be argued that the country does not have enough money to provide universal healthcare. On the other hand, the cost of labor in the country is considerably lower than in the developed countries, and the rapid growth of GDP and GDI shows that the company seems to be able to afford a better healthcare system. Additionally, some Indian states, including Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Himachal Pradesh, are very close to providing universal healthcare. 21 Therefore, the reasons for healthcare issues in India remain debatable.

The education system is also a matter of concern for India. Even though it has improved considerably in the last 30 years, it is still underperforming. For instance, the literacy rate among children under 15 is as low as 62.8%, while Iran has 84.3%, the Maldives have 98.4%, and Sri Lanka has 91.2%. 22 The problem is primarily due to inequality between males and females since girls usually do not receive a formal education.

Inequality can also be considered a major issue for the country. The labor force participation rate in India is 53.8%, which may be regarded as rather low since the majority of the population is of a younger age. 23 The low percentage is connected with the low labor force participation rate among women 27.2% 24 Additionally, India offers low-quality jobs since the majority of them (77.5%) are considered vulnerable employment, and 42.7% of the workforce is employed in agriculture. 25 Moreover, only 24.1% of the older population are pension recipients. In short, it may be stated that social indicators are considerably below the world average.

Poverty and Inequality Trends

The situation with poverty in India has improved considerably in the past 30 years. The number of working poor at purchasing power parity (PPP) of $3.1 a day is twice as low in comparison with 1990. 26 However, the working poor index is still high at 42.9% with more than 364 million people living in multidimensional poverty. 27 At the same time, 19.1% of the Indian population is considered vulnerable to multidimensional poverty. 28 However, despite the poor statistics introduced above, the situation with poverty in India is improving at all levels.

Inequality is one of the central problems that Indian society faces. As has been described above, women are severely underrepresented in the workforce, and they are less likely to receive an education. Moreover, the United Nations Development Programme reports that women’s share of employment in non-agriculture is 18.6%. 29 The situation is even worse in parliament, where only 11.6% of seats are taken by females. 30 Therefore, it may be stated that India is a country of severe gender inequality.

Economic Progress

The primary factor that drives the economy of the country forward is a fast-growing working-age population. Figure 2 demonstrates that more than 60% of the people are below 35, which is associated with the rise of a flexible workforce that can help to develop the economy of the country. According to Riley, “India is experiencing demographic transition that has increased the share of the working-age population from 58 percent to 64 percent over the last two decades.” 31 However, as the population will become older, it may become a burden to the economy due to the problems with retirement.

Indian Population by Age.

Wage costs are low in India, which has helped to close some of the productivity gaps between India and other countries in later stages of development. A cheap workforce can help to improve the situation in any economic sector without considerable investments in human resources from the government. Additionally, low wages attract in combination with increased numbers of English speakers allowed more investments from companies that wish to outsource some of their functions. For instance, it has become a home for many call centers and IT departments of western countries. 33 Without the prevalence of a younger population who can speak English who can be hired for moderate pay, such investments would be impossible. Due to these factors, India has successfully developed highly advanced and attractive clusters of businesses in the technology space. 34 Bangalore is a vivid example of the situation, as it has become one of the most attractive places for software engineers around the globe. In other words, India has followed the path of development of many other countries, as it went from the agricultural industry to service provision.

There several factors that limit the economic growth of the country. First, the poor performance of the education system leads to low productivity and weak human capital. The problem is that even though the workforce is large, it primarily consists of low-skilled workers. Second, India’s infrastructure is poorly developed, which makes it less attractive to large-scale industries. According to Riley, the cost of energy in India is very high, and supplies are regular, which can lead to power blackouts and loss of productivity. 35 Additionally, poor infrastructure may negatively affect the tourism business in the country.

Third, the majority of the population lives in rural areas, which, in combination with poor infrastructure, interferes with the ability of enterprises to get access to the needed workforce. However, since India has not yet seen the rapid urbanization experienced in other nations, it can become one of the events that may positively affect India’s economy in the future. Despite the substantial prevalence of agriculture, India failed to reach productivity growth in the sector, which prevented people from moving to big cities. 36 According to Financial Times, “India’s failure to adopt enough of the large-scale, labour-intensive manufacturing that has propelled the successful development of China and other east Asian countries is now regarded as one of the greatest weaknesses of the Indian economy.” 37 In short, India needs to invest in the agricultural sector, infrastructure, and manufacturing to stabilize economic growth.

Social Progress

The economic growth has also been slowed by the social structure, which is more than 3000 years old. While the system is not as influential in the cities, rural communities have long been arranged based on castes. Outside the cities, the upper class usually lives in segregated colonies, the water wells are not shared, and everyone could marry only inside one’s caste. 38 Even though the system is considered unjust by many people around the globe, it has remained unchanged, preventing people from getting the position they deserve. In 1950, discrimination based on castes had become illegal, and quotas in governmental and educational jobs for different castes were introduced. 39 However, there is an opinion that the caste system would have disappeared; however, politicians often use it to gather votes. 40 In brief, the caste system is one of the reasons for slow social progress in the country.

Another matter that influences the social processes in India is the strong institution of the family. It can be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, Indian families are a source of emotional and financial support for all the members, including extended family. 41 Therefore, the misfortunes suffered by people living below the poverty line may be diminished by the support of relatives. Families also care for the elderly, and thus the government is not pressured to pay pensions. Even though it is a poor social index, the saved money can be invested in the development of other spheres. Additionally, healthy families usually mean high birth rates, which is considered as one of the advantages of the Indian economy.

On the other hand, patriarchal families usually support gender roles and limit the gender diversification of the workforce. In traditional Indian families, women typically do not work or receive an education. 42 Females are seen as mothers and homemakers, who are to bring up the children, cook, and clean the house. Due to this tradition, India’s progress in fighting inequality has been a failure so far. As a result, women are underrepresented in the workforce and government. Urbanization and globalization influence the traditional views on the institution of the family, and young adults begin to restructure society in accordance with western values. However, it is unclear if the situation will change in the nearest future.

India is a country of controversy in both economic and social structures. It is a home of the oldest tradition and latest innovation at the same time. India has a large young workforce that is of high interest to western investors due to low wages and the knowledge of English. However, this workforce is low-skilled and sometimes cannot get too big cities due to poor infrastructure. Economic growth is the second highest in the world, and GDI has doubled during the previous five years. At the same time, there are hundreds of millions of people living below the poverty line. Due to the reformation of the education system, more people have access to high-quality education. Yet, less than a third of women have an education higher than secondary. The process of urbanization has led to the emergence of young specialists with advanced thought. Still, the caste system and strong family bonds interfere with the progress of society. All these controversies can explain the inconsistency and unsteadiness of Indian economic and social progress.


“India.” The World Bank.

“India Country Profile.” BBC News.

“India Population 2019.” World Population Review. 

“India’s Economy to Be World’s 2nd Fastest Growing at 6%.” The Economic Times. Web.

IndiaSpend. “India Lags Behind Its Neighbours on Social Indicators.” NewsLaundry. 

“India: Family Life and Family Values.” Family Jrank. 

Raj, Gaurav. “Why is India’s population so high and increasing so rapidly?” Quora. 

Riley, Geoff. “India – Economic Growth and Development.” Tutor2u. 

Shandra, Netu Chandra, and Bera, Sayantan. “India Moves One Rank Up in HDI, Inequality Stays a Major Concern.” LiveMint. 

United Nations Development Programme. “India.” Human Development Reports.

“What is India’s Caste System?” BBC News. 

  • “India Country Profile,” BBC News , Web.
  • “India Country Profile.”
  • “What is India’s Caste System?” BBC News, Web.
  • Geoff Riley, “India – Economic Growth and Development,” Tutor2u, Web.
  • Gaurav Raj, “Why is India’s population so high and increasing so rapidly?” Quora , Web.
  • “What is India’s Caste System?”
  • “India Population 2019.” World Population Review , Web.
  • “India’s Economy to Be World’s 2nd Fastest Growing at 6%,” The Economic Times, Web.
  • “India,” The World Bank , Web.
  • “India’s Economy.”
  • Netu Chandra Shandra and Sayantan Bera, “India Moves One Rank Up in HDI, Inequality Stays a Major Concern,” LiveMint, Web.
  • Netu Chandra Shandra and Sayantan Bera, “India Moves One Rank.”
  • IndiaSpend. “India Lags Behind Its Neighbours on Social Indicators,” NewsLaundry, Web.
  • IndiaSpend. “India Lags Behind.”
  • United Nations Development Programme, “India,” Human Development Reports, Web.
  • United Nations Development Programme, “India.”
  • Geoff Riley, “India – Economic Growth.”
  • “India Population 2019.”
  • “India: Family Life and Family Values ,” Family Frank , Web.
  • “India: Family Life.”

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The World Bank In India

With a population of more than 1.4 billion, India is the world’s largest democracy. Over the past decade, the country’s integration into the global economy has been accompanied by economic growth. India has now emerged as a global player.


India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and is poised to continue on this path, with aspirations to reach high middle income status by 2047, the centenary of Indian independence. It is also committed to ensuring that its continued growth path is equipped to deal with the challenges of climate change, and in line with its goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.

The growth of the past two decades has also led to India making remarkable progress in reducing extreme poverty. Between 2011 and 2019, the country is estimated to have halved the share of the population living in extreme poverty - below $2.15 per person per day (2017 PPP) (World Bank Poverty and Inequality Portal and Macro Poverty Outlook, Spring 2023). In recent years, however, the pace of poverty reduction has slowed especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, but has since moderated in 2021-22.

Certain challenges persist. Inequality in consumption continues, with a Gini index of around 35 over the past two decades. Child malnutrition has remained high, with 35.5 percent of children under the age of 5 years being stunted, with the figure rising to 67 percent for children in the 6-59 months age group. Headline employment indicators have improved since 2020 but concerns remain about the quality of jobs created and the real growth in wages, as well as around the low participation of women in the laborforce.

India’s aspiration to achieve high income status by 2047 will need to be realized through a climate-resilient growth process that delivers broad-based gains to the bottom half of the population. Growth-oriented reforms will need to be accompanied by an expansion in good jobs that keeps pace with the number of labor market entrants. At the same time, gaps in economic participation will need to be addressed, including by bringing more women into the workforce.

The World Bank is partnering with the government in this effort by helping strengthen policies, institutions, and investments to create a better future for the country and its people through green, resilient, and inclusive development.

Economic Outlook

After real GDP contracted in FY20/21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, growth bounced back strongly in FY21/22, supported by accommodative monetary and fiscal policies and wide vaccine coverage. Consequently, in 2022, India emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, despite significant challenges in the global environment – including renewed disruptions of supply lines following the rise in geopolitical tensions, the synchronized tightening of global monetary policies, and inflationary pressures.

In FY22/23, India’s real GDP expanded at an estimated 6.9 percent. Growth was underpinned by robust domestic demand, strong investment activity bolstered by the government’s push for investment in infrastructure, and buoyant private consumption, particularly among higher income earners. The composition of domestic demand also changed, with government consumption being lower due to fiscal consolidation.

Since Q3 FY22/23, however, there have been signs of moderation, although the overall growth momentum remains robust. The persisting headwinds – rising borrowing costs, tightening financial conditions and ongoing inflationary pressures – are expected to weigh on India’s growth in FY23/24. Real GDP growth is likely to moderate to 6.3 percent in FY23/24 from the estimated 6.9 percent in FY22/23.

Both the general government fiscal deficit and public debt to GDP ratio increased sharply in FY20/21 and have been declining gradually since then, with the fiscal deficit falling from over 13 percent in FY20/21 to an estimated 9.4 percent in FY22/23. Public debt has fallen from over 87 percent of GDP to around 83 percent over the same period. The consolidation has largely been driven by an increase in revenues and a gradual withdrawal of pandemic-related stimulus measures. At the same time, the government has remained committed to increasing capital spending, particularly on infrastructure, to boost growth and competitiveness.

Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023


The World Bank Group’s (WBG) over seven decade-long partnership with India is strong and enduring. Since the first loan to Indian Railways in 1949, the WBG’s financing, analytical work, and advisory services have contributed to the country’s development. International Development Association – the WBG’s soft-lending arm created for developing countries like India - has supported activities that have had a considerable impact on universalizing primary education; empowering rural communities through a series of rural livelihoods projects; revolutionizing agriculture through support of the Green and White (milk) Revolutions; and helping to combat polio, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.   In FY18, the relationship reached a major milestone when India became a low middle-income country and graduated from International Development Association financing.


The WBG’s present engagement with India is guided by its Country Partnership Framework for FY18-22 (CPF).  The CPF builds on the decades-long partnership and seeks to address the country’s development aspirations and priority needs identified in the Group’s  Systematic Country Diagnostic for India . It aims to work with India so that the country’s rapidly growing economy makes much more efficient use of resources; fosters inclusiveness by investing in human capital and generating more quality jobs; and develops strong public sector institutions that are capable of meeting the demands of a rising middle-class economy. The CPF’s approach combines a focus on ‘what’ the WBG will work on and ‘how’ it will engage India in the process.  What  will   the WBG work on?

  • Promoting resource-efficient growth , including in the rural, urban, and energy sectors as well addressing disaster risk management and air pollution;
  • Enhancing competitiveness and enabling job creation , including improving the business climate, access to finance, connectivity, logistics, skilling, and increasing female labor force participation;
  • Investing in human capital  through early childhood development, education, health, social protection, and rural water supply and sanitation. 

How  will the WBG amplify the impact of its work in India?

  • By leveraging the  private sector
  • By harnessing India’s  federalism
  • By strengthening  public institutions
  • By supporting  Lighthouse India  to foster knowledge exchanges within the country and between India and the rest of the world. 

In all its activities, the WBG will seek to address  climate change, gender gaps,  and the  challenges and opportunities afforded by technology .  


The World Bank’s lending program consists of 98 lending operations. Of the $21.4 billion in commitments, $19.3 billion is from IBRD, $2.0 billion is from IDA – the Bank’s soft lending arm - and $0.1 billion is from other sources, primarily grant funding from the Global Environment Fund. 

Roughly a little more than one third of these operations and around 40% of commitments are either for central or multi-state operations, while the remainder consists of state-specific operations in 26 of India’s 28 states. 

The four largest portfolios are  Agriculture  (15 operations totaling $3.1 billion in commitments),  Energy , (11 projects totaling $4.0 billion in commitments), Health, Nutrition & Population  (11 projects totaling $2.8 billion) and Transport  and Water (11 projects each totaling $2.5 billion respectively).

In FY23, the Bank approved 15 operations amounting to $4.37 billion.  Of this, $ 4.32 billion is lending from IBRD and $0.05 billion from IDA (recommitted from cancelled IDA programs). Around 15-18 projects are expected to be delivered in FY24, with total commitments in the range of $3.5 – 4 billion.

For the IFC, India is the biggest client country, accounting for over 10 percent of its global portfolio with a committed portfolio of US$6.5 billion as of June 30, 2023. IFC has more than 250+ active projects in sectors including infrastructure, health, energy, manufacturing, housing, technology, and finance. Since its first engagement in 1958, IFC has invested more than US$27 billion (including mobilization) in over 500 companies in India. India is the sixth largest shareholder in IFC, owning a 4.01 percent stake.

IBRD and IFC work together in several areas, most notably in energy, transport, water and health. The World Bank partnership has been particularly strong in raising financing for renewable energy initiatives, especially in supporting the Government of Madhya Pradesh in setting up the largest solar park project that provides solar power with a total capacity of 2.25 gigawatts at a record low cost, reducing carbon emissions by 3.8 million metric tons per year and powering 60% of the Delhi metro. Similarly, IFC and IBRD collaborated under the Government of India’s flagship Clean Ganga program, ‘ Namami Gange ,’ helping revamp sewage treatment plants using hybrid annuity-based PPP projects, treating 218 million liters of water per day in three cities, and contributing to the steady rejuvenation of the sacred river for millions. IFC led the PPP mandate, while IBRD loan facilitated payment guarantees to boost private sector participation in the sector.

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) does not have exposure in India. MIGA has been working closely with the Ministry of Finance to provide credit enhancement solutions at the state-level and state-owned enterprise (SOE) level. This will enable state governments and SOEs to utilize long-term commercial financing, which can complement concessional lending provided by other multilaterals and development finance institutions.

The WBG has a wide-ranging program of Advisory Services & Analytics. The program informs policy debate, provides analytical underpinnings and learnings for operations and strategy, facilitates the scale up of innovative solutions, and helps to improve state capability. As of October 2021, some 18 analytical studies and 15 advisory activities were ongoing. Key areas of focus include  poverty and macroeconomic analysis ,  financial sector reform ,  enhancing human capital including universal health coverage  and  gender ,  air quality management , as well as  state capability and governance . 

*FY23 means Financial Year from July 2022 - June 2023

WBG financing supported India’s achievement of numerous results over the past five years, highlights of which include:

Education : The World Bank’s approximately $2.7 billion support for education in India covers primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as skills development for its young population.  

The World Bank’s $250 million Skill India Mission Operation (SIMO) is backing Central and State government initiatives to skill young people—including the disadvantaged and vulnerable—to acquire the skills needed for a wide range of jobs that are in demand in the market. The project has trained almost 6 million young people, 34 percent of whom are women. Some 40 percent of the trainees were employed within six months of completing their course.

The World Bank also supports state government programs for reforms in primary and senior secondary education. School education projects in Andhra Pradesh , Chhattisgarh , Gujarat and Nagaland are helping strengthen foundational learning of the students, provide training and resources for the professional development of teachers, and use data-driven programs to  improve learning assessment systems for remedial education.

A new World Bank program - Multidisciplinary Education and Research Improvement in Technical Education Project   to be implemented in 14 States and Union Territories will support research and innovation in climate change and sustainable energy. The program is expected to benefit around 350,000 students. In Madhya Pradesh and Odisha , reforms in tertiary education have helped close to 2 million students from disadvantaged groups get access to quality higher education and skills, making them more employable.

Social Protection :

During the COVID-19 pandemic, World Bank support of $1.65 billion through two projects, Accelerating India’s COVID-19 Social Protection Response Program  and Creating a Coordinated and Responsive Indian Social Protection System  helped protect the poor and vulnerable through transfers in cash and kind. About 320 million vulnerable people received cash transfers into their bank accounts.  About 800 million people received additional food rations.

In Jharkhand , a market-driven skills training and secondary education program has helped set up about 13,000 strong community level clubs that provide skills and education to over one million adolescent girls and young women.

In West Bengal , an ongoing program is providing social protection services to poor and vulnerable groups, with a focus on strengthening institutions for delivering care to elderly persons and those with disabilities. The program is also working to increase female labor force participation. Digital transfers through the Jai Bangla Platform reached 3.1 million beneficiaries in the first half of 2023.  

The World Bank’s current health portfolio in India of around $2.8 billion includes both national and state-level projects:

A $1 billion COVID-19 Emergency Response Project helped the government strengthen health facilities in states, procure essential medical supplies – such as testing-equipment and kits, personal protective equipment, gloves, masks, and oxygen cylinders. It also helped insure 2.2 million frontline health workers. In addition, it helped expand health facilities dedicated to COVID-19, raising their number from 163 in March 2020 to more than 23,000 in June 2022.  Over 926 million COVID-19 tests were supported and 3,362 testing laboratories created.

An additional $1 billion in World Bank support is helping the government strengthen health service delivery . This includes all aspects of pandemic preparedness and response , improving real-time disease surveillance, better One Health coordination and enhancing  capacity for biosecurity.

World Bank is also supporting the National Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination Program to improve success rates of treatment, including of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). It is also scaling up direct transfer of cash benefits into the bank accounts of TB patients.

In Andhra Pradesh , Meghalaya , Mizoram , Nagaland , Tamil Nadu , and Uttarakhand ongoing programs focus on improving the quality of health care services, and strengthening the management of non-communicable diseases. In Uttarakhand, clusters of public health facilities, using a public private partnership (PPP) model, now have specialists available regularly, resulting in improved service delivery.  Digital health strategies for improved service delivery are being implemented in Andhra Pradesh, Nagaland and Tamil Nadu.

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation : Since 2000, World Bank projects have contributed over $2.8 billion in financing for rural water supply and sanitation. About 30 million people from over 30,000 villages—with populations ranging from 150 to 15,000—have gain better access to drinking water. About 167 million rural people have benefitted from improved sanitation. Many of the projects have helped promote women’s participation in discussions around changing age-old sanitation behaviors. Local institutions have been strengthened to improve operations and maintenance of water and sanitation infrastructure and upgrade service delivery.


World Bank-financed projects are promoting climate resilient agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra Odisha and Tamil Nadu. The focus is on introducing climate smart technologies, using water more efficiently, adopting crop diversification for better soil health and using climate resilient seeds.  World Bank is also focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using clean energy in post-harvest activities. Since 2016, World Bank-financed projects have brought around 1.7 million hectares of land under climate resilient agriculture.  Around 2 million farmers are adopting improved agriculture technologies.

Empowering Rural Women

Since 2003, World Bank has provided $2.2 billion in support of the Women’s Self-Help Group (SHG) movement in India through several state and national projects. Around 32 million rural women have been mobilized into 2.9 million SHGs.   Rural women have been trained and now earn their own livelihood as Pashu Sakhis (looking after animals), Bank Sakhis (helping rural people operate Bank accounts), or operating canteens at government hospitals and offices, and as masons building toilets.  These empowered women have also been encouraged to become entrepreneurs, running small businesses like poultry and goat farms, grocery shops, and cottage industries, and provided access to markets.   These entrepreneurial initiatives have helped the SHGs access commercial finance of over $14.5 billion.  These projects were also the genesis of the Government of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), which is world’s largest platform for women’s social and economic empowerment.  As of April 2023, the NRLM supports over 91 million women through 8.4 million SHGs.

households have seen their lives improve as a result of soil and water conservation in 7 drought-prone districts of Karnataka

India: Commitments by Fiscal Year (in millions of dollars)*

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Poverty Eradication – Definition, Debates, etc.

Sustainable development goals (sdgs): india’s progress analysis.

From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: SDG's target and associated developments

Mains level: India's progress on SDG's and challenges

Central Idea

  • India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the first meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors under India’s G20 Presidency, expressed concern about the slowing down of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given India’s large population, the success of achieving these goals is crucial for global progress. While India has made progress towards achieving some SDG targets, there are concerns regarding others.

India’s progress on SDG’s

  • Neonatal and under-five mortality: India is on target to meet the SDG indicators for neonatal and under-five mortality. Both indicators have substantially improved in the last five years.
  • Full vaccination: India is on target to meet the SDG indicator for full vaccination.
  • Improved sanitation : India is on target to meet the SDG indicator for improved sanitation. The country has made significant progress in this area in the last five years.
  • Electricity access: India is on target to meet the SDG indicator for electricity access.
  • Access to banking: The number of women having bank accounts has improved across a vast majority of the districts between the years 2016 and 2021.
  • Adolescent pregnancy: The SDG indicator for eliminating adolescent pregnancy has improved across a vast majority of the districts between the years 2016 and 2021.
  • Multidimensional poverty: The SDG indicator for reducing multidimensional poverty has improved across a vast majority of the districts between the years 2016 and 2021.
  • Women’s well-being and gender equality: India has made progress in increasing mobile phone access, with 93% of households having access to mobile phones. However, only 56% of women report owning a mobile phone.

Facts for prelims

Lessons from COVID-19 Approach

  • Leadership : Strong political leadership and responsive administrative structure are critical to success, and India’s COVID-19 response demonstrated that a mission-oriented ethos that provides adequate support for accomplishing district-level SDGs is urgently needed.
  • Infrastructure and Coordination: India’s success with COVID-19 was largely possible both because of the existing digital infrastructure, as well as new, indigenous initiatives such as the Co-WIN data platform and the Aarogya Setu application. Following these examples, India must put in place a coordinated, public data platform for population health management.
  • Targeted delivery: A targeted SDG strategy delivered at scale must be executed with the same timeliness of India’s COVID-19 relief package. Key to this relief programme was a mix of spending to provide direct in-kind and economic support, as well as measures aimed at revitalising the economy, small businesses, and agriculture.

Concerns regarding India’s progress towards achieving SDGs

  • Unequal progress across districts: While India is on target to meet 14 out of 33 SDG indicators, the progress is not uniform across all districts.
  • For example: neonatal and under-five mortality rates are on target for the country as a whole, but many districts are not on track to meet these indicators.
  • Pace of improvement: The current pace of improvement is not sufficient to meet the SDG targets for 19 out of 33 indicators.
  • For instance: despite a national policy push for clean fuel for cooking, more than two-thirds of districts remain off-target for this indicator.
  • Gender inequality: India is facing significant challenges in achieving gender-related SDG targets.
  • For example: no district in India has yet succeeded in eliminating the practice of girl child marriage before the legal age of 18 years. Also, despite the overall expansion of mobile phone access in India, only 56% of women report owning a mobile phone, with many districts remaining off-target for this indicator.
  • Multidimensional poverty: Although India has made progress in reducing multidimensional poverty, many districts are still off-track to meet this SDG indicator.
  • Environmental sustainability: India has made progress in some areas related to environmental sustainability, such as improved sanitation and access to electricity. However, the country is still off-target for indicators related to clean cooking fuel, water and handwashing facilities, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Implement targeted policies and programs that are aligned with the SDG goals, particularly for areas where progress has been slow or lacking.
  • Improve the digital infrastructure, and create a coordinated public data platform for population health management.
  • Ensure strong and sustained political leadership that is supported by a responsive administrative structure at all levels.
  • Prioritize and accelerate efforts to address gender inequality and women’s well-being.
  • Strengthen implementation and monitoring mechanisms to ensure timely and effective delivery of SDG policies and programs.
  • Foster partnerships between government, civil society, and the private sector to mobilize resources and expertise to achieve SDG targets.
  • Develop a decadal plan that outlines concrete steps and targets for achieving SDG goals in the next ten years.
  • India needs to innovate a new policy path to achieve its SDG targets, especially those related to population health and well-being, basic quality infrastructure, and gender equality. India’s successful COVID-19 response has shown that it is possible to deliver at scale in such an ambitious and comprehensive manner. To achieve SDG targets, India needs a similar concerted, pioneering, and nationwide effort.

Mains Question

Q. India’s progress towards SDGs id often described as mixed progress. While there have been positive improvements, there are still concerns that needs to be addressed. Discuss along with a way ahead.

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india's progress essay


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India's achievements after 75 years of Independence_1.1

India’s achievements after 75 years of Independence

India's achievements after 75 years of Independence: Article talks about the progress India has made in the last 75 years in the field of economic growth, scientific innovations and in other fields.

India's achievements after 75 years of independence

Table of Contents

India’s achievements after 75 Years of India’s Independence:  India’s achivement after August 15th, 1947, has become a prime illustration of a remarkable growth tale. The journey demonstrates India’s development in areas such as agricultural production, nuclear and space technology, world-class educational institutions, Ayurveda, biotechnology, giant steel plants, and becoming a leader in information technology, as well as having the third-largest start-up ecosystem in the world.

India’s achievements after 75 years of Independence: Historic Events, Significant Achievements & Milestones

As India marks its 75th year of independence, let’s examine the historical occurrences, notable accomplishments, and noteworthy milestones that occurred during this time:

15 th  August 1947: India’s Independence Day

India became independent from British rule on August 15, 1947. On August 14, 1947, just before the clock struck twelve, our first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, gave the renowned “Tryst with Destiny” speech to the Indian Constituent Assembly in the Parliament. On August 15 in Delhi’s Red Fort, Pandit Nehru raised the Indian National Flag over the Lahori Gate.

26 th  January 1950: India became a Republic Country

The Indian Constituent Assembly ratified the Constitution on November 26, 1949. Later, on January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution went into effect. The Dominion of India became the Republic of India when the Constitution of India took the place of the Government of India Act 1935 as the primary law governing the nation. The Indian Constitution is the country’s highest law. Every year, India celebrates its Republic Day on January 26.

1951: India’s First Five-year Plan was launched

In 1951, Jawaharlal Nehru, our first prime minister, gave the First Five-Year Plan to the Indian Parliament. The Harrod-Domar model, with a few modifications, served as the foundation for the First Five-Year Plan, which concentrated primarily on the growth of the primary sector. Agricultural growth served as the first five-year plan’s guiding principle. The major goal was to find solutions to the various issues that the nation’s division had created. The objective of this strategy was to rebuild the nation once it gained independence.

1952: India witnessed the first Lok Sabha Election

India held general elections from October 25, 1951, to February 21, 1952. These were the first Lok Sabha elections held following the country’s independence in August 1947. On May 13, 1952, this Lok Sabha’s first session officially opened. There were 489 seats in the Lok Sabha overall, and 17.3 crore people were eligible to vote. 364 seats were won by the Indian National Congress (INC). The first Lok Sabha was dissolved on April 4, 1957, after serving its entire five-year term. Jawaharlal Nehru became India’s first prime minister to be chosen democratically.

1953: Air India was nationalized

Nine airlines—Air India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways, Himalayan Aviation, Indian National Airways, Kalinga Airlines, and Air India International—were nationalised by Nehru under the Air Corporations Act of 1953 and placed under the control of two PSEs, Indian Airlines and Air India International.

1954: India and China signed the Panchsheel

In the Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet region of China and India signed on April 29, 1954, the two governments first formally stated the Panchsheel, or Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, stating in its preamble that they “have resolved to enter into the present Agreement based on the following principles: –

  • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,
  • Mutual non-aggression,
  • Mutual non-interference,
  • Equality and mutual benefit, and
  • Peaceful co-existence.”

1955: State Bank of India (SBI) was founded

The State Bank of India was established on July 1st, 1955. In 1955, the Indian government nationalised the Imperial Bank of India, changing the bank’s name to State Bank of India and giving the Reserve Bank of India a 60% ownership interest.

1957: The decimalization of the rupee

On April 1, 1957, ten years after gaining independence from the British, Indian coins became decimal. In September 1955, the Indian Coinage Act was revised to include the decimal system.  A circular from the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India stated, “Government accounting with effect from April 1, 1957 is to be maintained in terms of rupees and naye paise instead of rupees, annas, and pies,” in April 1956, after the modified Act became law. Therefore, all challans supporting funds submitted for payment of government dues must be represented in the new coinage. All withdrawal bills must be specified in terms of rupees and naye paise as well.

1960: Green Revolution Began

Norman Borlaug started the Green Revolution movement in the 1960s. He is referred to as the “Father of the Green Revolution” globally. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 as a result of his work creating high-yielding wheat varieties (HYVs).

1961: Liberation of Goa

The Republic of India’s process of annexing Estado da India, the former Portuguese Indian territory of Goa, Daman, and Diu, known as the Annexation of Goa, began with an armed intervention by the Indian Armed Forces in December 1961. This event is known as the “Liberation of Goa” in India.

1962: India-China War

In October and November of 1962, China and India fought a war known as the Sino-Indian War. The conflict was mostly sparked by a contested Himalayan border. On November 20, 1962, China announced a cease-fire and its withdrawal to its alleged “Line of Actual Control,” which marked the end of the war”.

1963: India’s first-ever rocket launch

The launch of the first sounding rocket from Thumba near Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 21 November 1963, marked the beginning of the Indian Space Programme. Sounding rockets made it possible to probe the atmosphere in situ using rocket-borne instrumentation. This was the first milestone in modern India’s space odyssey. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai and his then accomplice Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam were the brainchild of this achievement.

1965: Indo-Pakistani War

The Second Kashmir War, also known as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, was the result of clashes between Pakistan and India between April 1965 and September 1965. Operation Gibraltar, a Pakistani operation intended to infiltrate troops into Jammu and Kashmir and spark an uprising against Indian sovereignty, was the direct cause of the conflict and brought it to a head. Indian troops crossed the line of the cease-fire on 15 August. The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved a resolution on September 20 calling for a 48-hour unconditional ceasefire between the two countries. Pakistan accepted the demand on September 23 while India did so right away.

1966: Indira Gandi Became First Female PM of India

Following Shastri’s unexpected passing in January 1966, Indira Gandhi was appointed Congress Party leader and subsequently became prime minister as part of a deal between the party’s right and left wings. However, the right wing of the party, led by the former minister of finance Morarji Desai, consistently opposed her leadership.

1969: Formation of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

In order to advance planetary exploration and space science research while advancing national development, ISRO was established in 1969. The Indian space program’s founding fathers, scientist Vikram Sarabhai and India’s first prime minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, who founded INCOSPAR (Indian National Committee for Space Research) in 1962, are credited with creating ISRO, which succeeded INCOSPAR.

1970: White Revolution Began

Operation Flood, the largest dairy development programme ever initiated on January 13th, 1970, was an important undertaking for India’s National Dairy Development Board.

1971: India-Pakistan War

The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 was a military conflict between India and Pakistan that took place in East Pakistan from 3 December 1971 till Dacca (Dhaka) fell on 16 December 1971 as part of the Bangladesh Liberation War.

1975: The Emergency was imposed

India’s “Emergency” was a 21-month period from 1975 to 1977 during which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed a national state of emergency. The Emergency was formally declared by President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed under Article 352 of the Constitution as a result of the ongoing “internal disturbance” and lasted from June 25, 1975, to March 21, 1977, when it was lifted. The majority of Indira Gandhi’s political rivals were put behind bars, elections were annulled, civil freedoms were suspended, and the press was restricted. During that time, many human rights were broken. One of the most contentious eras in independent India’s history is the Emergency.

1982: Colour television began its journey in India

When it began airing national programming in 1982, DD officially became a national broadcaster. Colour TVs were released in Indian markets the same year. The first colour television broadcast was the Independence Day parade on August 15, 1982, which was followed by the Asian Games in Delhi.

1983: India won the cricket World Cup for the first time

The Indian Cricket Team made history on June 25, 1983, when it defeated the two-time defending champion West Indies to win the World Cup. The turning point in cricket history is widely regarded as being India’s victory in 1983. The 1983 World Cup was held in England’s Lord’s Stadium. India reached the World Cup Final for the first time, and the West Indies were competing in their third straight World Cup final.

1987: Goa became one of the States of India

Goa became a state on May 30, 1987, and was divided into North Goa and South Goa as a result (Daman and Diu got their own union territory). The first Chief Minister of Goa, Daman, and Diu is Dayanand Bandodkar. On May 30, 1987, Goa became the 25th state of India.

1988: The SEBI was established

The Government established the Securities and Exchange Board of India on April 12, 1988, as a non-statutory body to handle all issues pertaining to the growth and regulation of the securities market, investor protection, and to provide guidance to the Government on all of these issues.

1989: Agni Missile was successfully launched

Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation were the three pillars of the new economic strategy of 1991. A severe balance of payments crisis that occurred in the same year served as the immediate catalyst for India’s economic reforms in 1991. India’s balance of payments issue first showed signals in late 1990 when its foreign exchange reserves started to decline.

1995: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited was founded

On May 3, 1995, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) was established in partnership by the governments of Delhi and India under the leadership of Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda[19].

1998: India conducted Pokhran-II tests

Twenty-four years after Pokhran-I, on May 11 and 13, 1998, the Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) carried out five more nuclear tests at the Pokhran range, called “Pokhran-II.” Dr. R. Chidambaram, the Director of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), and Dr. Abdul Kalam, the Chief Scientific Advisor and Director of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), served as the principal coordinators for this test planning.

1999: Kargil War

The Kargil War, commonly referred to as the Kargil conflict, was an armed battle that took place between India and Pakistan in the Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir as well as other locations along the Line of Control from May to July 1999. By proclaiming victory over Pakistan in the Kargil war on July 26, 1999, India celebrated the successful conclusion of “Operation Vijay” and put an end to the three-month conflict along the Line of Control. Since then, the day has been recognised as “Kargil Vijay Diwas.”.

2000: Jharkhand became India’s 26th state

On November 15, 2000, Jharkhand was separated from Bihar’s 18 districts to form its own state. Later, six additional districts were created by rearranging the existing ones.

2007: First Woman President of India

Pratibha Patil, an Indian politician and attorney, presided over India as its first female president from 2007 until 2012.

2008: Chandrayaan-1 launched

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched Chandrayaan-1 on October 22, 2008, the nation’s first lunar probe under the Chandrayaan programme. India’s space programme received a big boost from the expedition as our nation created its own technologies to study the Moon.

2010: Education became a fundamental right of children

On August 4, 2009, the Indian Parliament passed the Right to Education Act (RTE), also known as the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. In accordance with Article 21A of the Indian Constitution, it outlines the specifics of the significance of free and mandatory education for children in India between the ages of 6 and 14. India became one of the nations in the world to declare education to be a fundamental right when the Act went into effect on April 1, 2010.

2015: NITI Aayog was formed

The NITI Aayog, the country’s top public policy think tank and the nodal organisation charged with fostering cooperative federalism and accelerating economic development by involving state governments in the formulation of economic policy, was established on January 1, 2015.

2017: GST was launched by the Indian government

The GST, or Goods and Services Tax, was introduced by the Indian government and President of India at midnight on July 1, 2017. It was commemorated by a historic midnight session of both Houses of Parliament (June 30-July 1), which met in the Central Hall and was attended by prominent figures from the business and entertainment industries.

2020: COVID-19 Pandemic and India’s lockdown

India experienced the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, and as a result of the ensuing lockdown, residents were confined to their houses. The story of lockdown started on the evening of March 24, 2020, when the Indian government imposed a 21-day statewide lockdown, restricting the movement of the whole populace in an effort to stop the pandemic from spreading. It came following a 14-hour voluntary public curfew on March 22 and the implementation of a number of rules in the areas of the nation affected by COVID-19.

2022: India gets its first tribal President

On July 25, 2022, Draupadi Murmu took the oath of office as India’s fifteenth president. She ran against Yashwant Sinha, the candidate for the top constitutional position put up by the unified opposition. Tribal leader Draupadi Murmu hails from Rairangpur in the Odisha district of Mayurbhanj.

Important Facts on India’s Achievement after Independence

Below is a brief list of some of India’s notable post-independence accomplishments:

  • The Indian Railways were founded in the year 1951.
  • With over 7000 stations, India’s rail system is the largest and busiest in the world.
  • India had its first general election in 1951.
  • The Apsara nuclear reactor, which was created in 1956, was Asia’s first nuclear reactor.
  • On the moon, Chandrayaan 1 was established in 2008.
  • Sir M Visvesvaraya, the pioneer of Indian economic planning, contributed to the development of the most effective form of the Indian economy.

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India's achievements after 75 years of Independence FAQs

What did india achieved after 75 years of independence.

In 1974, India conducted “Smiling Buddha”, its first nuclear test, making its place on the list of five nuclear-powered nations. This is one of the biggest achievements of India since 1947. Today, India has the 2nd largest military force and largest voluntary army in the world.

What we achieved in 75 years?

In the last seven-and-a-half decades, India achieved remarkable development in agriculture, heavy industry, irrigation, energy production, nuclear power capability, space technology, biotechnology, telecommunication, oceanography and science education and research.

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A common man’s view of India’s progress

Economists seem to love data-mining and numbers more than they like listening to people.

While the growth of India’s GDP numbers is among the fastest in the world, its human development has been amongst the slowest. Photo: Priyanka Parashar/Mint

How do economists think India is doing? And on the other hand, how does the common man think India’s economy is doing? It depends on the numbers you look at.

In 2004, when India was supposedly shining, I was writing my book, Remaking India: One Country, One Destiny. I turned to R.K. Laxman for help. Laxman, for 50 years, had been posting a cartoon on the front page of India’s largest selling English daily newspaper, giving the common man’s perspective of India’s progress. He gave me some cartoons to use.

One shows some homeless people on a pavement. One of them is reading a newspaper, with the headline, “The economy". He comments, “Terrific progress! In growth rate, in industry, in exports, and in exchange reserves—what a change from the miserable situation we were in!" Another depicts two beggars at the foot of the stairs to the stock exchange, down which five portly and happy men are coming. “Look we are really fortunate—the Sensex must have gone up still further!" one of the beggars exclaims. In 2004, the vast expansion of telephony in India was being celebrated. Another cartoon shows a minister berating a group of villagers who have surrounded him. “All the time you ask for drinking water. Don’t you ever want to progress? I’m telling you I’m giving you telephones."

That was déjà vu. In 2018, India’s stock market is at an all-time high. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth is picking up again. Foreign exchange reserves are good. Smartphones and cheap internet data services are proliferating. Life for common citizens could not be better if these are good indicators of what matters to them. However, what seems to be on their minds is the difficulty of getting good jobs; affordable, good education; and affordable, good healthcare. While they have smartphones, clean water is becoming scarcer so they must buy bottled water. More expenses; not enough income.

India is amongst the most unequal countries in the world. While India’s economy is growing, inequality is growing faster. Since the 1980s, India is the country with the largest gap between growth of incomes for the top 1% and for the population as whole. Thomas Piketty has documented the growth of inequality in the world, and in India, in the last 50 years. Some Indian economists say Piketty has got it all wrong. They give their versions of progress. They point out that poverty has been reducing and give the numbers of people in India who have risen above the poverty line. They say globally inequality has been reducing too (primarily because of the remarkable growth of incomes in China).

These macroeconomists are worried that globalization and liberalization are becoming unpopular ideologies among common people around the world. With their “big picture" analysis, they try to convince the common man that globalization is good, and that liberalization of the economy is good. However, their headline numbers are too abstract. They are no comfort to an Indian farmer contemplating suicide because he cannot make ends meet, or to a young Indian graduate willing to do even a peon’s job because he cannot get any other.

These economists talk about people as if they are numbers. And they present a picture of progress in numbers which people do not understand and that do not relate to the realities of their lives. They seem to love data-mining and numbers more than they like listening to people. There is plenty of evidence today of the unhappiness, and even anger, among young Indians about inadequate employment opportunities. Their frustrations are spilling out into political movements. In spite of this evidence on the ground, some economists have recently reported with delight that, by mining data-bases, they can prove that the Indian economy is actually generating a large number of jobs! This information is unlikely to pacify the youth, and jobs will remain a hot political issue.

Politicians have to listen to the people, and economists should too. The government should not even try to convince the people with these numbers that enough jobs are being generated. It should recall the great anger against the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government when it had tried to pacify people with numbers about millions of people having crossed the poverty line along with economic growth. The people reacted. They accused the economists in the Planning Commission who produced the numbers of being out of touch with reality.

Another cartoon by Laxman shows a minister surrounded by villagers in a rural area. One explains to the minister, “No, sir, this is neither a flood-hit nor a drought-hit area. We are only hit by bad government."

While the growth of India’s GDP numbers is among the fastest in the world, its human development has been amongst the slowest. The government must work for the people to provide them public health services, public education, and public civic services. In countries in the West and East, which have the best human development indicators, these services are provided by governments, and not by for-profit private companies.

Some economists pooh-pooh the bally-hoo about inequality of wealth. They say poor people do not resent the wealth of the rich. It inspires the poor to become richer themselves. Poor people may not mind inequality of wealth, but they do resent inequality of opportunities compared to the rich, due to their poorer education, poorer health, and poorer access to the policy-makers who fix the rules of the game.

An Indian economist said the country’s economy works at night when the government sleeps. Many economists have been carried away with the international tide of pro-market and anti-government rhetoric. The truth is governments are required to make markets work, by protecting property rights, enforcing contracts, and creating healthy competition by preventing monopolies. The question is not whether there should be maximum or minimum government. But whether there is good or bad government.

Arun Maira was a member of the erstwhile Planning Commission.

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Key facts as India surpasses China as the world’s most populous country

india's progress essay

India is poised to become the world’s most populous country this year – surpassing China, which has held the distinction since at least 1950 , when the United Nations population records begin. The UN expects that India will overtake China in April , though it may have already reached this milestone since the UN estimates are projections.

Here are key facts about India’s population and its projected changes in the coming decades, based on Pew Research Center analyses of data from the UN and other sources.

This Pew Research Center analysis is primarily based on the World Population Prospects 2022 report by the United Nations. The estimates produced by the UN are based on “all available sources of data on population size and levels of fertility, mortality and international migration.”

Population sizes over time come from India’s decennial census. The census has collected detailed information on India’s inhabitants, including on religion, since 1881. Data on fertility and how it is related to factors like education levels and place of residence is from India’s National Family Health Survey (NFHS) . The NFHS is a large, nationally representative household survey with more extensive information about childbearing than the census. Data on migration is primarily from the United Nations Population Division .

Because future levels of fertility and mortality are inherently uncertain, the UN uses probabilistic methods to account for both the past experiences of a given country and the past experiences of other countries under similar conditions. The “medium scenario” projection is the median of many thousands of simulations. The “low” and “high” scenarios make different assumptions about fertility: In the high scenario, total fertility is 0.5 births above the total fertility in the medium scenario; in the low scenario, it is 0.5 births below the medium scenario.

Other sources of information for this analysis are available through the links included in the text.

A chart showing that India’s population has more than doubled since 1950

India’s population has grown by more than 1 billion people since 1950, the year the UN population data begins. The exact size of the country’s population is not easily known, given that India has not conducted a census since 2011 , but it is estimated to have more than 1.4 billion people – greater than the entire population of Europe (744 million) or the Americas (1.04 billion). China, too, has more than 1.4 billion people, but while China’s population is declining , India’s continues to grow. Under the UN’s “ medium variant ” projection, a middle-of-the-road estimate, India’s population will surpass 1.5 billion people by the end of this decade and will continue to slowly increase until 2064, when it will peak at 1.7 billion people. In the UN’s “high variant” scenario – in which the total fertility rate in India is projected to be 0.5 births per woman above that of the medium variant scenario – the country’s population would surpass 2 billion people by 2068. The UN’s “low variant” scenario – in which the total fertility rate is projected to be 0.5 births below that of the medium variant scenario – forecasts that India’s population will decline beginning in 2047 and fall to 1 billion people by 2100.

People under the age of 25 account for more than 40% of India’s population. In fact, there are so many Indians in this age group that roughly one-in-five people globally who are under the age of 25 live in India. Looking at India’s age distribution another way, the country’s median age is 28. By comparison, the median age is 38 in the United States and 39 in China.

A chart showing that more than four-in-ten people in India are under 25 years old

The other two most populous countries in the world, China and the U.S. , have rapidly aging populations – unlike India. Adults ages 65 and older comprise only 7% of India’s population as of this year, compared with 14% in China and 18% in the U.S., according to the UN. The share of Indians who are 65 and older is likely to remain under 20% until 2063 and will not approach 30% until 2100, under the UN’s medium variant projections.

A chart showing in India, people under 25 are projected to outnumber those ages 65 and older at least until 2078

The fertility rate in India is higher than in China and the U.S., but it has declined rapidly in recent decades . Today, the average Indian woman is expected to have 2.0 children in her lifetime, a fertility rate that is higher than China’s (1.2) or the United States’ (1.6), but much lower than India’s in 1992 (3.4) or 1950 (5.9). Every religious group in the country has seen its fertility rate fall, including the majority Hindu population and the Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain minority groups. Among Indian Muslims, for example, the total fertility rate has declined dramatically from 4.4 children per woman in 1992 to 2.4 children in 2019, the most recent year for which data is available from India’s National Family Health Survey (NFHS). Muslims still have the highest fertility rate among India’s major religious groups, but the gaps in childbearing among India’s religious groups are generally much smaller than they used to be.

A chart showing in India, fertility rates have fallen and religious gaps of fertility have shrunk

Fertility rates vary widely by community type and state in India. On average, women in rural areas have 2.1 children in their lifetimes, while women in urban areas have 1.6 children, according to the 2019-21 NFHS . Both numbers are lower than they were 20 years ago, when rural and urban women had an average of 3.7 and 2.7 children, respectively.

Total fertility rates also vary greatly by state in India , from as high as 2.98 in Bihar and 2.91 in Meghalaya to as low as 1.05 in Sikkim and 1.3 in Goa. Likewise, population growth varies across states. The populations of Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh both increased by 25% or more between 2001 and 2011, when the last Indian census was conducted. By comparison, the populations of Goa and Kerala increased by less than 10% during that span, while the population in Nagaland shrank by 0.6%. These differences may be linked to uneven economic opportunities and quality of life .

A map showing that populations grew unevenly across India between 2001 and 2011

On average, Indian women in urban areas have their first child 1.5 years later than women in rural areas. Among Indian women ages 25 to 49 who live in urban areas, the median age at first birth is 22.3. Among similarly aged women in rural areas, it is 20.8, according to the 2019 NFHS.

Women with more education and more wealth also generally have children at later ages. The median age at first birth is 24.9 among Indian women with 12 or more years of schooling, compared with 19.9 among women with no schooling. Similarly, the median age at first birth is 23.2 for Indian women in the highest wealth quintile, compared with 20.3 among women in the lowest quintile.

Among India’s major religious groups, the median age of first birth is highest among Jains at 24.9 and lowest among Muslims at 20.8.

A chart showing that India’s sex ratio at birth has been moving toward balance in recent years

India’s artificially wide ratio of baby boys to baby girls – which arose in the 1970s from the use of prenatal diagnostic technology to facilitate sex-selective abortions – is narrowing. From a large imbalance of about 111 boys per 100 girls in India’s 2011 census, the sex ratio at birth appears to have normalized slightly over the last decade. It narrowed to about 109 boys per 100 girls in the 2015-16 NFHS and to 108 boys per 100 girls in the 2019-21 NFHS.

To put this recent decline into perspective, the average annual number of baby girls “missing” in India fell from about 480,000 in 2010 to 410,000 in 2019, according to a Pew Research Center study published in 2022 . (Read more about how this “missing” population share is defined and calculated in the “How did we count ‘missing’ girls?” box of the report.) And while India’s major religious groups once varied widely in their sex ratios at birth, today there are indications that these differences are shrinking.

Infant mortality in India has decreased 70% in the past three decades but remains high by regional and international standards. There were 89 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990, a figure that fell to 27 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2020. Since 1960, when the UN Interagency Group for Child Mortality Estimation began compiling this data, the rate of infant deaths in India has dropped between 0.1% and 0.5% each year.

Still, India’s infant mortality rate is higher than those of neighboring Bangladesh (24 deaths per 1,000 live births), Nepal (24), Bhutan (23) and Sri Lanka (6) – and much higher than those of its closest peers in population size, China (6) and the U.S. (5).

A chart showing that out-migration typically exceeds in-migration in India

Typically, more people migrate out of India each year than into it, resulting in negative net migration. India lost about 300,000 people due to migration in 2021, according to the UN Population Division . The UN’s medium variant projections suggest India will continue to experience net negative migration through at least 2100.

But India’s net migration has not always been negative. As recently as 2016, India gained an estimated 68,000 people due to migration (likely to be a result of an increase in asylum-seeking Rohingya fleeing Myanmar). India also recorded increases in net migration on several occasions in the second half of the 20th century.

  • Birth Rate & Fertility

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Few East Asian adults believe women have an obligation to society to have children

A growing share of americans say they’ve had fertility treatments or know someone who has, key facts about china’s declining population, global population skews male, but un projects parity between sexes by 2050, india’s sex ratio at birth begins to normalize, most popular.

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Chandrayaan An Essay on India’s Progress Paragraph for Class 10, 9, 8, 7 & 6 in 200, 250, 300, 350 & 400 Words

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Chandrayaan An Essay on India’s Progress Paragraph for Class 10

250 words chandrayaan an essay on india’s progress essay for class 10.

India’s space program has made remarkable strides over the years, and one of the crowning achievements is the Chandrayaan mission. Chandrayaan, which translates to “moon vehicle” in Sanskrit, is a testament to India’s scientific prowess and determination to conquer the final frontier. This ambitious project has not only elevated India’s status in the global space community but has also paved the way for significant progress in various fields.

Chandrayaan is a testament to India’s technological advancement and scientific capabilities. The launch of Chandrayaan, India’s first lunar mission, in 2008 showcased the nation’s ability to undertake complex space missions. The mission included the successful placement of the Moon Impact Probe, which impacted the lunar surface and provided crucial data about the moon’s composition. This feat put India in an elite group of countries to have achieved such a milestone.

Furthermore, Chandrayaan has played a significant role in expanding our knowledge of the moon and its resources. The detection of water molecules on the lunar surface by Chandrayaan-1 revolutionized our understanding of the moon’s geology and potential for future exploration. This discovery opened up possibilities for the utilization of lunar resources, such as water, for future space missions.

In addition to scientific advancements, Chandrayaan has also contributed to India’s economic progress. The mission has created numerous opportunities for collaboration with international space agencies, resulting in technology transfers and joint research projects. Moreover, the successful launch and execution of Chandrayaan missions have boosted India’s reputation as a reliable and capable player in the global space sector, attracting foreign investments and boosting the domestic space industry.

Chandrayaan stands as a shining example of India’s progress in the field of space exploration. It is a symbol of India’s increasing presence on the global stage and its commitment to pioneering scientific research and technological innovation. With each successful mission, India continues to inspire not only its citizens but also the world, proving that no dream is too big to achieve.

Chandrayaan An Essay on India’s Progress Paragraph for Class 9

300 words chandrayaan an essay on india’s progress essay for class 9.

Chandrayaan, India’s first lunar exploration mission, marked a significant step in the country’s progress in the field of space technology. Launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on October 22, 2008, Chandrayaan aimed to explore the moon and advance our understanding of its geology, mineralogy, and lunar atmosphere. This ambitious mission put India in a select group of nations capable of undertaking space exploration.

The Chandrayaan mission involved the deployment of several scientific instruments, including a high-energy X-ray Spectrometer, an Imaging X-ray Spectrometer, a Moon Mineralogy Mapper, and more. Each of these instruments had a specific role in acquiring valuable data about the moon’s topography, mineral composition, and water presence.

One of the highlights of the Chandrayaan mission was the discovery of water molecules on the moon’s surface. This groundbreaking finding not only fascinated the scientific community but also showed India’s capabilities in space exploration. It demonstrated the nation’s commitment to advancing scientific research and contributing to the global astronomical knowledge base.

Moreover, the Chandrayaan mission served as a testament to India’s self-reliance in space technology. Being the first country to successfully conduct a mission to the moon’s south pole, India showcased its technical prowess and propelled its space program to international acclaim.

Beyond scientific achievements, Chandrayaan has also contributed to India’s progress in other areas. The mission has inspired the younger generation to pursue careers in STEM fields, fostering a scientific temperament and nurturing budding talents. It has also boosted national pride and confidence, showcasing India’s ability to take on complex and challenging missions.

In conclusion, Chandrayaan’s successful mission to the moon has not only expanded our understanding of lunar science but has also placed India prominently on the global stage of space exploration. It is a testament to India’s progress in space technology and has catalyzed scientific curiosity and national pride. The Chandrayaan mission has undoubtedly paved the path for even greater achievements in the future, propelling India’s progress into new frontiers.

Chandrayaan An Essay on India’s Progress Paragraph for Class 8

400 words chandrayaan an essay on india’s progress essay for class 8.


Chandrayaan, India’s lunar exploration program, symbolizes the nation’s progress in the field of space research and technology. Launched by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Chandrayaan has not only showcased India’s scientific capabilities but also contributed to the overall progress of the country.

Chandrayaan, the first lunar mission of India, was a remarkable achievement that marked a significant milestone in the nation’s space program. The primary objective of Chandrayaan was to explore the moon’s surface and gather vital information about its composition, origin, and evolution. This scientific endeavor propelled India into the distinguished league of nations capable of lunar exploration.

The mission consisted of an Orbiter and a Lander module, known as Vikram, which housed a rover called Pragyan. Chandrayaan’s Orbiter not only successfully conducted high-resolution remote sensing experiments but also demonstrated India’s advanced satellite technology. The Lander module aimed to make a soft landing near the lunar South Pole, but unfortunately, it encountered some challenges during this phase.

However, despite the challenges faced, Chandrayaan’s Orbiter has continued to provide valuable data, enhancing our understanding of the moon’s surface and atmosphere.

India’s progress in space research and technology, as exemplified by Chandrayaan, has far-reaching consequences. Firstly, it has boosted the nation’s scientific community, fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration. The success of Chandrayaan has inspired many young minds, igniting their interest in space exploration and propelling them towards scientific careers.

Secondly, the achievements of Chandrayaan have increased India’s global standing in the field of space research. It has garnered international recognition, elevating India’s reputation as a nation at the forefront of technological advancements.

Furthermore, Chandrayaan has opened up new avenues for collaboration with other nations, paving the way for mutual learning and progress. The data gathered by Chandrayaan has been shared with other space agencies, solidifying India’s role as a responsible global player committed to scientific cooperation.


Chandrayaan stands as a testament to India’s progress in space research and technology. Beyond the scientific achievements, this lunar mission has had a profound impact on India’s overall development. It has fuelled scientific curiosity, inspired the younger generation, elevated India’s global standing, and strengthened international collaborations. Chandrayaan is a shining example of India’s commitment to progress and innovation, a stepping stone towards even greater achievements in the future.

Chandrayaan An Essay on India’s Progress Paragraph for Class 7

350 words chandrayaan an essay on india’s progress essay for class 7.

India’s remarkable progress in the field of space exploration and technology can be seen through its ambitious project, Chandrayaan. Chandrayaan, which means “Moon vehicle” in Hindi, is India’s first lunar probe mission. This mission successfully placed an orbiter around the Moon and even included a soft landing module.

The Chandrayaan mission is a testament to India’s scientific and technological capabilities. The project was initiated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and the aim was to conduct various experiments and gather valuable data about the lunar surface. India’s progress in space exploration is commendable considering the complex nature of such missions.

The success of Chandrayaan has significant implications for India’s progress as a nation. It showcases India’s advancements in space technology, research, and development. It also reinforces India’s position as a global player in the field of science and innovation. This mission has not only enhanced India’s reputation but has also instilled a sense of pride among its citizens.

Moreover, Chandrayaan has contributed immensely to our understanding of the Moon’s surface, its mineralogy, and the presence of water molecules. This data has opened up new possibilities for scientific research and future space missions. India’s progress in space exploration offers immense opportunities for collaboration with other nations and fosters scientific and technological advancements on a global scale.

In conclusion, Chandrayaan symbolizes India’s remarkable progress in the field of space exploration. It demonstrates India’s scientific and technological capabilities and places the country among the elite set of nations involved in lunar exploration. The success of Chandrayaan has not only propelled India’s scientific reputation but has also paved the way for further advancements and collaborations in the future. India’s progress in space exploration is a testament to its commitment to national development and scientific excellence.

Chandrayaan An Essay on India’s Progress Paragraph for Class 6

300 words chandrayaan an essay on india’s progress essay for class 6.

Chandrayaan, which translates to “moon vehicle” in Sanskrit, is a testament to India’s remarkable progress in space exploration. Launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in October 2008, Chandrayaan-1 was India’s first lunar probe. It aimed to study the moon’s surface composition and search for signs of water, making India the fourth country to accomplish such a mission.

The success of Chandrayaan-1 reflected India’s significant strides in science and technology. The mission showcased India’s growing capabilities in space exploration and highlighted the nation’s commitment to scientific progress. It also marked a significant milestone in India’s space program, solidifying its place among space-faring nations.

Chandrayaan-1 carried several scientific payloads, including instruments from international collaborations. The mission provided valuable data that enhanced our understanding of the moon’s geology and its evolution over time. The discovery of water molecules on the moon’s surface was a groundbreaking revelation, opening up new possibilities for future lunar missions.

Another crucial aspect of Chandrayaan-1 was its cost-effectiveness. With a budget of approximately $80 million, the mission offered an affordable approach to lunar exploration. This cost-efficient approach highlighted India’s ability to achieve remarkable scientific accomplishments with limited resources.

Furthermore, Chandrayaan-1 paved the way for subsequent lunar missions, including the successful Chandrayaan-2 mission in 2019. This second mission featured a lunar lander and rover, showcasing India’s progress in developing advanced technologies for space exploration.

In conclusion, Chandrayaan stands as a remarkable symbol of India’s progress in space exploration. It not only solidified India’s position among space-faring nations but also showcased the nation’s commitment to scientific advancement. Through cost-effective missions like Chandrayaan-1, India has demonstrated its ability to achieve remarkable feats in science and technology. As India continues to push the boundaries in space exploration, we can anticipate even greater achievements in the years to come.

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Development of India After Independence Essay

india's progress essay

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Development of India After Independence Essay: India’s journey after gaining independence in 1947 has been nothing short of remarkable. The nation has made significant strides in various sectors, propelling itself towards economic growth, technological advancement, and social development. India’s development journey after independence has been a saga of growth, progress, and change. The nation, once struggling with poverty and colonial legacy, embarked on a path of economic and social transformation. Over the decades, India has achieved remarkable milestones, including technological advancements, improved healthcare, and increased literacy rates. While challenges persist, India’s journey reflects its resilience, diversity, and determination to build a prosperous and inclusive future. In this article, we’ll provide sample essays of varying lengths to illustrate its progress.

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Whether you need a 100-word overview or a more detailed 500-word essay on the topic “Development of India After Independence”, we’ve got your back. Refer to the sample essays given below.

Development of India After Independence Essay 1: 100 Words

India gained independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, and since then, there has been a noteworthy development in various sectors. The country witnessed massive advancements in science and technology, education, infrastructure, and healthcare. The establishment of prestigious institutes like the Indian Institutes of Technology and the Indian Space Research Organisation propelled India into becoming a global hub for technological innovation. Additionally, initiatives such as the Green Revolution brought about a paradigm shift in agriculture, leading to increased food production. Despite economic and social challenges, India’s progress after independence demonstrates the immense potential and resilience of its people.

Development of India After Independence Essay 2: 250 Words

The development of India after gaining independence in 1947 has been marked by significant achievements and transformative changes. At the time of independence, India faced numerous challenges, including widespread poverty, illiteracy, and inadequate infrastructure. However, the nation embarked on a journey of progress and development that has since witnessed remarkable milestones.

One of the key pillars of India’s development has been economic growth. The country implemented economic reforms in the 1990s, liberalizing various sectors and fostering entrepreneurship. This led to a surge in economic activity, attracting foreign investments, and propelling India into the ranks of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

India’s technological advancement has been another noteworthy achievement. The country’s IT industry has gained global recognition, and India has become a hub for software services and innovation. This technological prowess has not only boosted the economy but also enhanced India’s global standing.

Furthermore, India has made strides in improving healthcare and education. Initiatives like the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have expanded healthcare access and increased literacy rates across the country. These efforts have had a positive impact on the overall quality of life for millions of Indians.

In conclusion, India’s development journey after independence is a testament to its resilience, diversity, and commitment to progress. While challenges remain, the nation has achieved significant growth in various sectors, positioning itself as a global economic and technological powerhouse.

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Development of India After Independence Essay 3: 300 Words

India’s post-independence development has been a story of remarkable progress and transformation. After gaining independence in 1947, India faced numerous challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, and a fragile economy. However, the nation embarked on a journey of development that has witnessed significant milestones.

Economic growth has been a cornerstone of India’s progress. The nation adopted economic reforms in the 1990s, opening up its markets and attracting foreign investments. This led to robust economic expansion, making India one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. The IT and services sector, in particular, flourished, earning India a reputation as a global technology hub.

India’s technological advancements have also been a notable achievement. The country’s IT industry has grown exponentially, with Indian professionals contributing to innovation and software development on a global scale. This technological prowess has not only boosted the economy but has also strengthened India’s position in the global arena.

Improvements in healthcare and education have played a pivotal role in India’s development. Initiatives such as the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have expanded access to healthcare and education in rural and remote areas. These efforts have resulted in increased literacy rates and improved healthcare outcomes, enhancing the quality of life for millions of Indians.

Additionally, India has made strides in infrastructure development, urbanization, and social inclusion. The nation has launched ambitious projects like “Make in India” and “Digital India,” aiming to boost manufacturing, innovation, and connectivity.

In conclusion, India’s journey of development after independence reflects its resilience, diversity, and commitment to progress. While challenges persist, the nation has made significant strides in various sectors, positioning itself as a global economic and technological powerhouse with a focus on inclusive growth and development.

Development of India After Independence Essay 4: 500 Words

India gained its independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, after a long and arduous struggle. With newfound freedom, the country faced numerous challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, and social inequality. However, over the years, India has made significant strides in its development and has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. This essay will discuss the development of India after independence in various aspects such as the economy, education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, and technology.

One of the greatest achievements of post-independence India has been its economic growth. The country adopted a mixed economy model, combining elements of socialism and capitalism, and implemented several reforms to promote industrialization and foreign investment. As a result, India’s GDP has increased significantly, and poverty rates have declined.

The establishment of the Green Revolution in the 1960s revolutionized agriculture, making India self-sufficient in food production. Moreover, the liberalization policies of the 1990s opened up the economy to the global market, attracting foreign investments and boosting exports. Today, India is one of the largest economies in the world and continues to experience rapid growth.

Education has also been a priority for post-independence India. The government has implemented various initiatives to increase literacy rates and improve the quality of education. The Right to Education Act, passed in 2009, made education a fundamental right for all children between the ages of six and fourteen.

The expansion of the education system has resulted in a significant increase in literacy rates, which have more than doubled since independence. Moreover, India has established numerous prestigious educational institutions such as the Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Management, which are globally recognized for their excellence in education.

Healthcare has also witnessed remarkable progress in post-independence India. The government has implemented several schemes and programs to improve access to healthcare services, particularly for marginalized communities. The introduction of the National Rural Health Mission in 2005 aimed to provide quality healthcare services in rural areas, which have historically lacked adequate medical facilities.

Additionally, the government has launched initiatives such as Ayushman Bharat, a national health protection scheme that provides health insurance to over 500 million people, further widening access to healthcare services. These efforts have resulted in improved healthcare outcomes, including a decline in infant mortality rates and an increase in life expectancy.

The development of agriculture has played a crucial role in India’s progress after independence. The Green Revolution, as mentioned earlier, helped the country achieve self-sufficiency in food production and ensure food security for its population.

The government has continued to implement various policies and schemes to support farmers, such as providing subsidies, promoting organic farming, and investing in irrigation facilities. These measures have led to increased agricultural productivity and income levels, contributing to rural development and poverty reduction.

Infrastructure development has been another focus of post-independence India. The government has invested heavily in the construction of roads, railways, airports, and ports, in both urban and rural areas. This has not only facilitated connectivity and transportation but has also attracted investments and boosted economic growth.

Additionally, initiatives like the Smart Cities Mission and the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana have aimed to improve the quality of life in urban areas by providing better housing, sanitation facilities, and utilities.

Lastly, the rapid advancements in technology have played a crucial role in India’s development after independence. The country has emerged as a global leader in the information technology and software services sector.

The establishment of technology parks and the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation have fostered a thriving startup ecosystem. This has not only boosted economic growth but has also created employment opportunities for millions of Indians.

In conclusion, India has made significant strides in various aspects of development after gaining independence. The country has witnessed economic growth, increased access to education and healthcare, enhanced agricultural productivity, improved infrastructure, and advancements in technology. While challenges remain, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental issues, the progress made so far indicates a promising future for India’s continued development.

FAQs on Development of India After Independence Essay

How has india developed after gaining independence.

India has made significant progress in economic growth, technological advancement, healthcare, education, and infrastructure development since gaining independence in 1947.

What are the key milestones in India's development journey post-independence?

Key milestones include economic reforms, IT sector growth, improved healthcare and education, and infrastructure development.

How did economic reforms impact India's development after independence?

Economic reforms in the 1990s opened up India's markets, attracting foreign investments and propelling the nation into one of the world's fastest-growing economies.

What role did the IT industry play in India's development?

India's IT industry achieved global recognition, contributing to technological advancements and bolstering the nation's economy.

How has healthcare and education improved in India post-independence?

Initiatives like the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan have expanded access to healthcare and education, leading to increased literacy rates and improved healthcare outcomes.

What are some recent development initiatives in India?

Recent initiatives include Make in India and Digital India, which focus on boosting manufacturing, innovation, and connectivity.

What challenges does India still face in its development journey?

Challenges include poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, environmental sustainability, and addressing social inequalities.

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Why Do Elections in India Take So Long?

The election is a giant undertaking that requires millions of poll workers, voting machines and security forces to cover deserts, mountains, forests and megacities.

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A seated woman inspects a series of electronic voting tablets arrayed on a table in front of her.

By John Yoon and Hari Kumar

When Indians start heading to the polls on Friday, it will be just the beginning of a colossal democratic process. Not until June 4, after six weeks of voting, will India know whether its powerful prime minister, Narendra Modi, will remain in office for a third term.

Why does it all take so long? The short answer: India is the world’s most populous nation , with 969 million eligible voters. That’s more than one-tenth of the world’s population, or about four times the number of eligible voters in the next largest democracy, the United States.

The longer answer involves India’s geography, election rules, security apparatus, holidays and electronic voting machines — a complicated choreography for a big, complicated nation.

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India is mind-bogglingly large.

India’s first national parliamentary elections, from 1951 to 1952, lasted over 120 days. In 1977, they took five days. But, generally, they have taken weeks or months, even without primary elections, because of their sheer scale.

The country has a land area of more than a million square miles, with people in megacities , scattered throughout the Himalayas , in the Thar Desert , inside forests and along the Ganges .

India’s laws also state that voters can’t be required to travel more than 2 kilometers, or 1.2 miles, from their home to get to a polling station. To make that possible, 12 million election workers will traverse the country to set up polling stations this year, sometimes by foot, bicycle, helicopter or boat — or even by horse, camel or elephant.

Some of those trips can take days. In 2019, the country’s highest polling station was more than 15,000 feet above sea level in the Spiti Valley of the Himalayas. In 2009, a team of five trekked deep into the Gir Forest in Gujarat, in India’s west, to reach the lone inhabitant of a remote Hindu temple.

“It is an honor, it really is,” the priest, Bharatdas Darshandas, told reporters after the election that year. “It proves how India values its democracy.”

Security forces preserve order.

In the early years of India’s democracy, clashes between supporters of rival parties turned deadly. Candidates were kidnapped. Local police officers, failing to maintain order, were accused of taking sides under pressure from the ruling politicians. So, starting in the 1990s, national paramilitary forces began to be deployed on a large scale in elections.

India is deploying over 300,000 members of its federal security forces to help transport voting machines and maintain peace at voting booths this year. Because they can’t cover the entire nation at once, elections are split into multiple stages. In each stage, the soldiers shift from one region to another.

These safety precautions prolong elections that would otherwise take a few days, said Vikram Singh, the former police chief of India’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh, who had supervised security forces in past elections. But he said voters were safer because of them.

Violence is infrequent at polling stations today. The presence of soldiers there also instills confidence in the election results.

While having multiple stages has prevented violent outbreaks, it has also prompted criticism that it makes the election process take too long. S. Y. Quraishi , a former chief election commissioner, said in an interview that the gaps between the phases had given more time for rumors and disinformation to spread.

Voting is scheduled around holidays and festivals.

When the Election Commission of India schedules votes, it tries to avoid India’s various public holidays and religious festivals. Harvest season, the academic calendar, exam schedules and the weather are also considered.

The careful planning has helped achieve high voter turnout. In 2019, 67 percent of the electorate voted in the national election, the highest participation rate in the country’s history.

One holiday during this election is Mahavir Jayanti, on April 21, one of the most important festivals in Jainism, a religion of some six million people in India. Another is Buddha’s birthday, May 23, when monks will carry sacred relics of Buddha on chariots, and people will decorate their homes with flowers and donate to those in need.

With nearly a billion voters, India needs millions of machines.

Electronic voting machines became a standard in all of India’s national elections in 2004. They have made voting simpler for millions of people, particularly in India’s teeming cities, where the busiest polling stations can serve up to 12,000 people on the voting day.

The machines were built to be more portable and lighter than traditional ballot boxes. But they must be transported to wherever the polling stations are set up. Each machine consists of a “control unit” that tallies and stores votes; “balloting units” with buttons that voters press; and a printer that creates a paper trail.

They also come with special carrying cases that make them easy to pack. Workers follow elaborate safeguards to transport them around the country.

Thanks to these machines, once the voting is over, the counting goes fast.

John Yoon is a Times reporter based in Seoul who covers breaking and trending news. More about John Yoon

Hari Kumar covers India, based out of New Delhi. He has been a journalist for more than two decades. More about Hari Kumar

How India Has Changed Since Independence

How India Has Changed Since Independence

How India Has Changed Since Independence – In this blog article, the author discusses the progress India has made since independence , including things like economic development and social progress .

Write an article on “India’s Progress Since Independence”

Ans. India’s Progress Since Independence

 India has paced with the times. It has made herculean efforts to change its old and discredited image. Till the 1970s, India was considered to be a land of famines, droughts, beggars and snake charmers. But in the last three or four decades, it has made tremendous progress. India’s economic and industrial might has been universally recognised. Now India is being counted as one of the fastest emerging economies of the world. In the 1960s, we had to depend on the mercy of the Western countries to survive. But now we are self-sufficient in food. India has emerged as the second-largest paddy producer in the world. It is the second-largest sugar producer as well. Mechanization of agriculture and the Green Revolution has led to the self-sufficiency despite the rapid increase in population. With an emphasis on Horticulture, India has emerged as the largest producer of fruits and the second-largest producer of vegetables. The White Revolution has made India the largest producer of milk. The Indian pharma industry ranks 4th in the world. India has made rapid strides in defence preparedness. India’s progress in the industry is really breathtaking. India’s progress in space technology only matches with the advanced nations of the world. India is on the move. It will attain new heights in future.  Disaster management programmes have not proved up to the mark and up to the task. The Government and the concerned agencies should provide comprehensive aids and help to the survivors, particularly the children. They must provide nutritious food, clothes, shelters and medical aids to them. All efforts should be made to wipe out the scars left by these disasters.

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Progress of india essay       .

Progress of India Essay

Since independence in 1947, India has made significant progress in terms of economic development, social welfare, and international stature. The country has emerged as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, with an annual growth rate of 7.5% in 2016. This remarkable progress is the result of a concerted effort by the Indian government and people to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, expand education and healthcare services, build infrastructure, and strengthen relations with regional and global partners. The years since independence have seen dramatic changes in India’s economy, society, and politics. In the early years after Independence, the country faced immense challenges in rebuilding its shattered infrastructure and restoring economic stability. However, through hard work and determination, the Indian government was able to achieve rapid growth and transform India into one of the world’s leading economies. Since 1991, India has been a member of the United Nations (UN), serving on numerous committees and expert bodies. The country has also played a leading role in several international organizations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). India has also been a vocal advocate for democracy and human rights around the world, playing a crucial role in promoting dialogues between different cultures and civil societies. Overall, India has made significant progress in terms of both economic development and social welfare since independence. The country’s impressive growth rate shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, which is testament to the hard work and determination

India’s Progress since Independence Article

India's Progress since Independence Article

Since independence, India has made tremendous progress in terms of economic development and social welfare. The country has made great strides in the areas of education, healthcare, agriculture, industry, and infrastructure. Despite various challenges faced by the country, India has remained one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The country’s GDP grew at an annual rate of 7.5% between FY 2006 and FY 2012 and is expected to grow at a rate of 7.8% in FY 2013. The country’s growth is driven by strong domestic consumption and investment as well as exports. In 2012, India became the world’s second-largest economy after the United States. In terms of social welfare, India has made significant progress in providing healthcare to its citizens. As of 2010, 93% of the population had access to sanitation facilities and 68% had access to safe drinking water. The country also has a robust social safety net that aids low-income families. In 2013, India ranked first in the world in terms of health spending as a percentage of GDP (5.3%). In terms of education, India has made significant progress since independence. As of 2011, there were more than 1.2 billion students enrolled in schools across the country. This is an increase from 854 million students enrolled in school in 1951. In terms of literacy rates, Indian children have surpassed their peers from other countries in terms of reading skills and are now ranked fourth globally behind China, Brazil      

Short Essay on India after Independence 

After India gained its independence from the British Empire in 1947, the country was faced with an immense task of rebuilding itself. While there were many challenges, such as poverty, illiteracy and a lack of infrastructure, the country ultimately managed to overcome these difficulties and become a thriving democracy. Today, India is one of the world’s most populous countries and is a major player in both the economic and political arenas. It has also achieved notable successes in fields such as science and technology, education and health care. In spite of these successes, there are still some areas of concern for India, such as poverty and inequality. Additionally, there are concerns about the country’s increasingly fragile environment. However, despite these challenges, India is continuing to make progress and is poised for even greater achievements in the future.

India after Independence Essay     

India is one of the world’s largest and most diverse countries. It has a longstanding history and culture, as well as a rich tradition of art, literature, and music. The country is home to a variety of languages and religions. Independence from Britain was achieved in 1947. At the time, India was divided into two parts: the Muslim-dominated East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and the Hindu-dominated West Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan became independent as Bangladesh, while West Pakistan became part of present-day Pakistan. Since independence, India has undergone numerous changes. The economy has grown rapidly, and the country has become a major player on the global stage. India is also considered to be a rising power in the world economy. Despite these successes, there are also areas of concern in India today. Poverty remains widespread, and life for many people is still difficult. There are also concerns about the country’s growing religious intolerance and violence against minorities. Overall, however, India is an exciting place to live and visit. Its culture is rich and varied, its people are friendly and welcoming, and its economy is expanding rapidly.

Short Essay on India

India is a country with a rich history, culture, and heritage. It has a population of over 1.3 billion people and is the world’s second most populous country. India has been through many phases of development, from the traditional rural society to the modern industrialized economy. The development of India is due to its unique geographical location as well as its cultural heritage and traditions. India’s location on the subcontinent provides it with natural resources such as coal, oil, and gas, which have helped fuel its growth. The country’s early development was also aided by British colonialism, which promoted education and infrastructure development. Despite these successes, India still faces many challenges in terms of development. Some of the major issues include poverty, inequality, and corruption. However, there are also signs that India is making progress towards achieving greater economic stability and social justice.

Development of India Essay

Development of India Essay

After India gained independence from the British Empire in 1947, the country experienced a period of rapid economic and social growth. This development was due in part to the efforts of the Indian National Congress, which led the struggle for independence. The Congress was a coalition of numerous political parties and organizations that had emerged in the late 19th century to fight for Indian independence. The party was able to achieve its goals after years of negotiations with the British government. After independence, India faced many challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, and social disparities. However, the country also experienced significant progress in many areas, such as education, health care, agriculture, and industrialization. Despite these successes, there are still many challenges facing India today. One of the most pressing is the issue of poverty and inequality. Despite high rates of economic growth and increased access to education and healthcare, large portions of India remain impoverished. This is primarily due to socio-economic factors such as poor job opportunities and lack of social security. Another major challenge is environmental degradation. India has been struggling with increasing levels of pollution and climate change since the early 2000s. This problem is exacerbated by a lack of infrastructure and insufficient government policies to address environmental issues. Despite these challenges, India continues to make significant progress in many areas. The country has achieved impressive rates of economic growth, increased literacy rates, and reduced poverty levels over the past few decades.

1.How India is progressing? Answers: India is progressing rapidly and has a lot to offer in terms of growth, stability, and opportunities. The country is undergoing many changes that are both positive and negative, but overall, the trend is positive. There are many challenges that India faces, but with the right leadership and concerted effort these can be overcome.

2. How has India progressed after Independence? Answers: India has made tremendous progress since independence in 1947. Economic growth, social progress and political stability have all been impressive. The country now has a strong democracy and is a key global player. However, there is still much to be done and many challenges remain. India is now a land of opportunity for everyone who wants to make the most of their potential.

3. In what way do you think India has developed since Independence essay? Answers: Since Independence, India has undergone a lot of changes. The country has seen rapid growth in terms of its economy, as well as its social and political landscape. There has been a gradual shift from a centrally planned economy to a market-driven one, which has had a considerable impact on the way Indians live and work. Overall, I believe that India has developed significantly since Independence, and I think its future looks bright too.

4. How can India be a developed country? Answers: India is a developing country because it is not developed. Development means that a country moves from a state in which most people are poor to one in which most people are middle class or above. India has not yet reached that stage, and as a result, it is a developing country.

5. How does a nation progress? Answers: A nation progresses by trying to understand and learn from its past. By doing so, it can build a better future for itself. Historical events are important to learn from, as they provide lessons that can be used in the present. Examining the rise and fall of different nations can also help people understand how to succeed or fail in their own lives.

6. How India Got progress compared to other countries? Answers: When we compare India’s progress to other countries, it is evident that India has made the most progress in terms of the economic and social spheres. There have been remarkable advancements in education, health care, women’s empowerment, and other fields.

7. What is the status of India in the world? Answers: India is a country in the world. It is the 7th largest country in the world with a population of over 1.3 billion people. India has a diverse culture, and its economy is growing rapidly. India is important because it is a major player in the world, and it can  make a difference in the world.

8. What is the future of India? Answers: The future of India is very bright. With a population of over 1.3 billion people and the fastest growing economy in the world, India has a lot to offer. The country is still young and has a lot of opportunities for growth. If you are interested in learning more about the future of India, be sure to check out our blog!

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Essay on India’s Achievements in Space

Students are often asked to write an essay on India’s Achievements in Space in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on India’s Achievements in Space


India has made great strides in space exploration. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) leads these efforts, launching numerous satellites and missions.

Chandrayaan Missions

ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1 in 2008, marking India’s first lunar probe. Chandrayaan-2, launched in 2019, aimed to land on the moon, showcasing India’s ambitions.

Mars Orbiter Mission

The Mars Orbiter Mission, or Mangalyaan, launched in 2013, made India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit and the first globally to do so in its maiden attempt.

Satellite Launches

India has launched over 100 satellites, serving various purposes like communication, weather monitoring, and navigation.

Future Plans

ISRO plans to launch Gaganyaan, its first manned mission, and continue exploring the moon, Mars, Venus, and the Sun.

250 Words Essay on India’s Achievements in Space

India’s journey into space began with the establishment of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 1969. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, the nation embarked on an ambitious journey to explore the cosmos.

Launching Satellites

India’s first significant achievement in space was the launch of Aryabhata, its first satellite, in 1975. This was followed by the launch of Bhaskara, Rohini, and INSAT series, affirming India’s growing capabilities in satellite technology. The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also known as Mangalyaan, marked a landmark achievement, making India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit and the first globally to do so in its maiden attempt.

Indigenous Developments

India’s space program stands out for its emphasis on indigenous technology. The development of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) are noteworthy achievements. The successful testing of the GSLV Mark III, capable of carrying heavier payloads, further underscores India’s self-reliance in space technology.

India’s lunar missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, have significantly contributed to lunar science. Chandrayaan-1 discovered traces of water on the moon, a groundbreaking discovery that has reshaped our understanding of Earth’s satellite.

India’s accomplishments in space are a testament to the nation’s scientific prowess and determination. The upcoming Gaganyaan mission, aiming to send humans into space, signifies the next leap forward. Despite budget constraints, India’s space program has achieved remarkable feats, inspiring a new generation of scientists and positioning the country as a global space power.

500 Words Essay on India’s Achievements in Space

India’s journey into space exploration began with small steps in the late 1960s and has since evolved into a fully-fledged space program that is recognized globally. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has been the pioneer and driving force behind this success.

Early Achievements

India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1975. However, the real breakthrough came in 1980 when ISRO successfully launched Rohini, its first indigenously developed satellite, into orbit using the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). This was a significant achievement, marking India’s entry into the select group of nations capable of launching their own satellites.

Progress in Satellite Technology

Over the years, India has developed a range of satellites serving different purposes. The Indian National Satellite (INSAT) system, launched in the 1980s, revolutionized communications, meteorology, and broadcasting in India. The Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites have been instrumental in managing natural resources and monitoring environmental factors.

ISRO’s Chandrayaan-1 mission in 2008 was a major milestone. The mission discovered water molecules on the moon, contributing significantly to lunar science. This was followed by the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), or Mangalyaan, in 2013, making India the first Asian country to reach Mars orbit and the only one to do so on its first attempt.

Development of Launch Vehicles

Parallel to satellite development, ISRO has also made significant strides in launch vehicle technology. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has been ISRO’s workhorse, with a remarkable track record of successful launches. The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) and its variants have enabled India to launch heavier satellites into geostationary orbits.

The successful testing of the GSLV Mark III, India’s heaviest rocket, and the development of reusable launch vehicle technology demonstrate ISRO’s commitment to innovation and cost-effectiveness.

Human Spaceflight and Future Endeavors

India’s ambitions are not limited to unmanned missions. The Gaganyaan mission, scheduled for 2022, aims to send Indian astronauts into space, further cementing India’s place in space exploration.

ISRO also has plans for missions to study the sun (Aditya-L1), Venus (Shukrayaan-1), and a second mission to Mars (Mangalyaan-2). The proposed Chandrayaan-3 mission aims to land an Indian rover on the moon.

India’s achievements in space have been remarkable, especially considering the resource constraints. These achievements have not only advanced scientific understanding but also have practical applications for everyday life, from weather forecasting to communication and disaster management. As India continues its journey into the cosmos, one can expect further groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in technology. This journey is a testament to India’s spirit of exploration and its capacity for technological innovation.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on India in Space
  • Essay on Space Shuttle
  • Essay on Space

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

One Comment

Tqsm sir…. From this essay I knew very much about the achievements of india in the field of space…….🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The Role of The Caste System in India’s Progress

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Published: Dec 12, 2018

Words: 1465 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

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Essay on “India's Progress in Science

 essay on “india's progress in science.

Progress in science has no limits. It is always on going process. If we look back thousands of years back human only needed food. shelter and clothing. His knowledge about every- thing around was very primitive. 

But man has a very intelligent brain. It kept man always curious to know more and more. And this resulted in an unending chain of scientists all over the world including India. Since ancient time India has been showcasing progress in science. 

The concept of zero was introduced by Bhaskaracharya. It is an honour for India to have scientists of international repute like, Mr. C. Raman, Mr. Chandrashekar, Mr. Vishweshwar Ayya, Mr. Homi Bhaba and many others. 

India also took advantage of scientific progress around the world and changed itself accordingly in many fields. Right from weaving machines to superfine cloth, there is a revolution. Even writing pens have changed. 

Roads, vehicles, communication devices have shown amazing progress. Railways, buses, aeroplane and total transport system present unbelievable progress. India has sometimes taken help from other scientifically progressed nations to maintain pace with the progress. 

Dams, roads, bridges , everything show massive changes during the recent past. We have even launched satellites in the space and astronaut Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian to go in space. This proves beyond doubt that India is not lagging much behind. Even in space science, which is supposed to be the cream of progress we are much ahead. 

Computer, mobiles, Internet and all such facilities common Indian can handle with confidence. We have also progressed in generating new energy sources. We have discovered many diesel, petrol and crude oil sources. 

It requires skilled technique which we have adopted. India is also equipped with atomic power and we rank fifth in the list. Eight years earlier we carried out successful explosion of atom bomb. Our army is well equipped with all modern weapons. 

We have developed the t echnique of missiles. All modern aeroplanes, submarines, radar, rockets, etc. are manufactured in India. Many day to day activities we carry out with the help of different types of machines.

Similar progress we have achieved in medical field also. On the international horizon India has name in medical field. Many new inventions and equipments are available for the treatment of patients. Finer medical investigations and treatment can be offered in India at a comparatively lower price. All major and complicated surgeries are handled successfully in India. 

We have a veteran team of medical personnels. This shows the progressive India in medical field. Thus, science has made our life easy, convenient and comfortable. However, its misuse and abuse are bound to make life a nightmare. So, man must set priorities, programmes and policies in the light of this bare fact.


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  1. India's progress

    By Bill Gates. |. June 19, 2012 6 minute read. 0. India's progress over the past 20 years has been quite phenomenal. It deserves recognition especially now, as rich countries consider whether to continue investing in global development assistance despite all the economic problems they face at home. India still faces many challenges.

  2. Measuring Success: Evaluating India's Progress towards SDG

    Oct 11, 2023. 3. India's Progress towards SDG 2030 Goals. In the ever-evolving landscape of global development, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have emerged as a beacon of hope and a ...

  3. 75 Years of Independence: The Changing Landscape of India

    The Landscape of Education and Health. In 1947, India had a population of 340 million with a literacy rate of just 12%, today it has a population of nearly 1.4 billion and a literacy rate of 74.04%. The average life expectancy has also risen from 32 years to 70 years in 2022. Though India has shown remarkable progress In terms of literacy rate ...

  4. India at 75 years: progress, challenges, and opportunities

    On Aug 15, 2022, India will commemorate its 75th year of independence from British rule. In this week's issue, a Comment by Vikram Patel and commissioners of The Lancet's Citizens' Commission on Reimagining India's Health System reflects on the country's journey to achieving universal health coverage. The authors outline that although India has seen substantial improvements in many health ...

  5. For its next phase of growth, India needs a new reform agenda

    Since 2021 India has been the world's fastest-growing large economy, and 6.5% growth would be more than twice the global average. If that average stays around 3%, India would account for 15% or ...

  6. India's Economic and Social Progress

    Introduction. India is the second-most populous country in the world. Its population is over 1.3 billion people, which makes the state the biggest democracy in the world. 1 According to the United Nations, India will have the largest population in the world by 2028. 2 Its area is 1.2 million square miles, and major religions are Hinduism, Islam ...

  7. India Overview: Development news, research, data

    The growth of the past two decades has also led to India making remarkable progress in reducing extreme poverty. Between 2011 and 2019, the country is estimated to have halved the share of the population living in extreme poverty - below $2.15 per person per day (2017 PPP) (World Bank Poverty and Inequality Portal and Macro Poverty Outlook ...

  8. Full article: Introduction: India at 75

    This Special Issue on 'India at Seventy-Five' aims to explore India's major accomplishments and continued challenges. Each essay will analyse a specific aspect of national development, including politics, the judiciary, the media, human and minority rights, economic development, education, foreign policy, and defence.

  9. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): India's Progress Analysis

    India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the first meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors under India's G20 Presidency, expressed concern about the slowing down of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Given India's large population, the success of achieving these goals is crucial for global progress. While India has made progress towards achieving some SDG ...

  10. In Depth- India's Sustainable Development Goals

    It tracks the progress of all the States and Union Territories (UTs) on a set of 62 National Indicators, measuring their progress on the outcomes of interventions and schemes of the Government of India. The SDG Index Score for Sustainable Development Goals 2030 ranges between 42 and 69 for States and between 57 and 68 for UTs. Performance of States

  11. Essay on Development of India

    India's development is a story of resilience and potential. The country has made significant strides in economic and technological domains, but social development remains a challenge. The future of India's development lies in inclusive growth, sustainability, and leveraging technology for social good. 500 Words Essay on Development of India

  12. India's Progress Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    This essay will critically reflect on the progress or lack of progress in achieving the SDGs using goal 3.1 as a key performance index. India is my choice of country for this analysis. ... This progress could be attributed to India's heavy involvement in global development since the era of the Millennium development goals (MDGs). The year ...

  13. India's Green-Energy Transition

    For a better future, green energy is the key solution through which India's net zero emission target by 2070 can also be accomplished. Karol Bagh ... Essay. Essay Strategy; Fodder For Essay; Model Essays; Previous Years Papers ... (SDGs)".Comment on the progress made in India in this regard. (2018) Print PDF Print This Article. Prev Next ...

  14. Essay on India In 21st Century

    250 Words Essay on India In 21st Century The Dawn of a New Era. India, in the 21st century, is a land of diversity, brimming with potential and teeming with challenges. ... Educational Progress. India's education sector has also seen significant growth. The Right to Education Act, 2009, has made education accessible to all, regardless of ...

  15. India's achievements after 75 years of Independence

    India's achievements after 75 years of Independence. India's achievements after 75 Years of India's Independence: India's achivement after August 15th, 1947, has become a prime illustration of a remarkable growth tale.The journey demonstrates India's development in areas such as agricultural production, nuclear and space technology, world-class educational institutions, Ayurveda ...

  16. A common man's view of India's progress

    A common man's view of India's progress. 4 min read 05 Feb 2018, 12:44 AM IST. Arun Maira. Economists seem to love data-mining and numbers more than they like listening to people. While the ...

  17. Key facts about India's growing population as it surpasses China's

    China, too, has more than 1.4 billion people, but while China's population is declining, India's continues to grow. Under the UN's " medium variant " projection, a middle-of-the-road estimate, India's population will surpass 1.5 billion people by the end of this decade and will continue to slowly increase until 2064, when it will ...

  18. Chandrayaan An Essay on India's Progress Paragraph for Class 10

    250 Words Chandrayaan An Essay on India's Progress Essay for Class 10. India's space program has made remarkable strides over the years, and one of the crowning achievements is the Chandrayaan mission. Chandrayaan, which translates to "moon vehicle" in Sanskrit, is a testament to India's scientific prowess and determination to conquer ...

  19. Essay on 75 Years of Indian Independence

    India, a land of rich cultural heritage and diverse traditions, celebrated its 75th year of independence in 2021. This independence, achieved after a prolonged struggle against British rule, marked the beginning of a new era of self-governance, democracy, and socio-economic development. The journey from 1947 to the present day has been a saga ...

  20. Development of India After Independence Essay

    Development of India After Independence Essay 3: 300 Words. India's post-independence development has been a story of remarkable progress and transformation. After gaining independence in 1947, India faced numerous challenges, including poverty, illiteracy, and a fragile economy. However, the nation embarked on a journey of development that ...

  21. Why Elections Take So Long in India

    By John Yoon and Hari Kumar. Published April 17, 2024 Updated April 19, 2024. When Indians start heading to the polls on Friday, it will be just the beginning of a colossal democratic process. Not ...

  22. How India Has Changed Since Independence

    Progress of India Essay. Since independence in 1947, India has made significant progress in terms of economic development, social welfare, and international stature. The country has emerged as one of the world's fastest-growing economies, with an annual growth rate of 7.5% in 2016.

  23. essay india's progress

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  24. Essay on India's Achievements in Space

    250 Words Essay on India's Achievements in Space Introduction. India's journey into space began with the establishment of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 1969. ... Progress in Satellite Technology. Over the years, India has developed a range of satellites serving different purposes. The Indian National Satellite (INSAT ...

  25. The Role of The Caste System in India's Progress

    This caste system has prevented true progress in India due to its narrow-minded beliefs. The caste system has been present in multiple cultures, but the caste system in India has been the one to leave the biggest impact on modern society or even remain in place. The Indian caste system is unique to their culture in that it is called the "Jati ...

  26. Essay on "India's Progress in Science

    It is an honour for India to have scientists of international repute like, Mr. C. Raman, Mr. Chandrashekar, Mr. Vishweshwar Ayya, Mr. Homi Bhaba and many others. India also took advantage of scientific progress around the world and changed itself accordingly in many fields. Right from weaving machines to superfine cloth, there is a revolution.