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Leaving Cert Notes

Notes and anki decks for the leaving cert, opinion question.

An opinion question is where we give our opinion on a subject.

In you leaving certificate Higher level French exam, you will be required to write at least one opinion piece. The first will be based on the comprehensions that you will have read.

You are required to write between 70 and 90 words in french.

It is marked out of 30

  • 15 marks for structures and grammar
  • 15 marks for language

More Details:

  • Written production (100 marks), candidates will be required to answer TWO questions.
  • Question 1 is still compulsory and uses the reading comprehensions as a springboard
  • Candidates will now have three options. Answer (a) or (b) or (c) - 60 marks (90 words approx.)
  • Candidates answer one other question from questions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - 40 marks (75 words approx. For these you will either, write another opinion piece or a journal entry

Structuring an opinion piece

  • Start by giving your opinion
  • Introduce your first point = Tout d’abord (first of all) - 4-5 sentences
  • Use words like ensuite (then) and deuxiemement (secondly) + point no.2 - about 3 or 4 sentences
  • Quant à moi (as for myself) / personellement (personally) + give your personal experience of this topic, if relevant (as for me ….)
  • Give your conclusion which may include a solution, En conclusion (to conclude) / afin de conclure (As to conclude) + conclusion
  • Try to include a relevant idiom or proverb

Making a Plan

Once you have come up with a general idea of what the question is about, you can start by laying out a plan. It’s important that you break up your plan into three different parts.

  • L’introduction (The introduction)
  • Le corps (The body)
  • La conclusion (The conclusion)

You should use the extra pages at the end of your exam paper to plan for this - This will give you space to jot down some ideas and it demonstrates strong exam technique to the examiner.

Below you will find some phrases to use in your opinion piece. They have been divided into the three sections for this piece. Even if you don’t fully understand the question or have an opinion on the topic you’ve selected, the more of these phrases you can use, the better you will do!

L’introduction (The Introduction)

This is the start of your opinion piece - Try to use two of these phrases together. E.g. Je suis tout à fait f’accord avec cet affirmation, on entend souvent parler de ce sujet.

Le Corps (The Body)

Developing your argument.

This is where you look to develop your argument. Use these phrases but also link them to your own thoughts about the argument

Offering a Solution

N.B. - You don’t need to know all of these phrases, however, it’s important to have a few of them that you can use universally in each opinion piece. Pick 5-8 that you think could be useful

La Conclusion (The Conclusion) - Concluding Your Argument

Opinion question structuring phrases, argumentative phrases, opinion question sample answers, le sport dans la vie des ados (sport in the life of teenagers).

Pensez-vous que le sport est important pour les adolescents?

A mon avis, le sport est absolument essentiel pour les adolsecents. Je suis tout à fait pour le sport dans la vie des jeunes. Tout d’abord, le sport est un bon moyen de se décontractrer. De nos jours, les éleves de lycée sont très stresses, surtout pendant la période des examens. Les activitiés sportives aident les éleves a s’échapper de la stresse et de l’inquiet des examens.

De plus, le sport est un bon moyen de recontrer des nouveaux amis, surtout si on pratique un sport d’équipe. D’après plusiers études, il y a un fort lien entre le sport et le bonheur des adolescent et la camaraderie joue un grand role dans ces études.

En bref, les activités sportives sont essentiels dans la vie des jeunes pour qu’ils soient contents.

Interdire les téléphones portables dans les écoles irlandaises (Banning Phones in Irish Schools)

À partir de septembre 2018, par ordre du ministre de l’Éducation nationale, les téléphones portables seront interdits dans toutes les écoles de France.

Faut-il interdire les téléphones portables dans les écoles irlandaises?

Answer (Given By a Student)

Est-ce qu’il faut interdire les téléphones portables dans les écoles irlandaises? A mon avis, Il est essentiel que les téléphones portables soient interdits dans nos écoles. Tout d’abord, les portables sont une grande distraction et les jeunes manquent de la concentration a cause des notifications envoyées par les applis toutes les cinq minutes.

Bien sur que les portable sont très utiles pour garder le contact avec les autres. Pourtant, on a vu dans les années récentes que la technologie est tellement addictive. C’est évident que le gouvernement doit faire quelque chose pour lutter contre ce problème.

Parents Irlandais Stricts (Strict Irish Parents)

Selon la Section 1, Q2, George semble être un père très strict, ce qui était plutôt normal dans les années 60.

A votre avis, est-ce que les parents en Irlande aujourd’hui donnent trop de liberté à leurs enfants?

Je pense partager l’avis de beaucoup en disant que les parents, de nos hours en Irlande, ont tendance à donner probablement trop de liberté à leurs enfants. La question qu’il faut alors se poser est de savoir si c’est un bien ou un mal …

Au siècle dernier, comme le disent si souvent mes parents, un enfant « ça ne s’entendait pas », il obéissait sans poser de questions que ce soit en classe ou à la maison. Les choses ont énormément changé et on pourrait mème dire qu’elles sont passées d’un extrême à un autre!

Certains affirment que les parents, qui la plupart du temps, travaillent en dehors de la maison, n’ont plus le temps de discipliner leurs enfants et recherchent une vie facile en les laissant faire plus ou moins ce qu’ils veulent, Donc, ils sortent, ils ne font pas leurs devoirs, ils passent des heures sur Internet et j’en passe … D’autres prétendent que les parents ont finalement compris que l’interdiction ne marchait pas aussi bien que la discussion et qu’une bonne relation familiale était basée sur la négociation. Soit. Personnellement, je pense que les jeunes, à qui on donne de la liberté, apprennent plus vite à gérer leur indépendance, néanmoins j’estime qu’il est toujours important que les parents leur imposent des limites pourvu qu’elles soient raisonnables et consistantes. Ce qui compte, d’après moi, c’est que les enfants et les aos puissent communiquer avec leurs parents, tout en sachant qu’ils doivent les respecter. Je dirai donc pour conclure qu’il faut avoir un équilibre entre la compréhension et la discipline. Alors, pour répondre à la question posée, oui, je pense que parfois les parents donnent trop de liberté alors que l’enfant a besoin de repères et donc de règles pour apprendre à vivre en communauté.

SimpleStudy® Subject Guides

Leaving certificate french exam & revision.

The Leaving Certificate French Exam is the final test for students studying French as part of their Leaving Cert. French is a very popular Leaving Certificate subject and is available through most schools in Ireland. Ireland's Leaving Cert French Course is comprised of two parts, an Oral examination and Paper Examination. The Leaving Cert French Oral Exam is worth 20% of the overall grade, while the written paper exam carries the remaining 80%. SimpleStudy offers exclusive revision tools and learning resources for Leaving Certificate French. Including Revision Notes, Past Exams, Quizzes, Essays, Timed Questions by Topic, and other unique features usually reserved for private schools or expensive tutors.

SimpleStudy® H1 Revision Notes

Leaving cert french notes.

French Leaving Cert Revision Notes; study beautiful, concise and carefully curated learning materials. SimpleStudy’s LC French Notes are broken down into curriculum focused topics, already highlighted, and structured for easy recall in an exam environment.

SimpleStudy® Past Papers

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French Exams; Easily study years of LC French Past Papers and marking schemes. Build custom French Exams or Tests from previous French exam questions with marking schemes for each answer. Studying French exam papers, marking schemes and building custom exams is effective & easy with SimpleStudy.

SimpleStudy® Questions by topic

Leaving cert french questions.

Leaving Cert French Questions; Explore LC French state exam questions. SimpleStudy’s French questions are divided by topic, timed, and offer a marking scheme for each question. Easily study previous French questions, pick your topic, and simulate the exam environment with our unique timer for each French question.

SimpleStudy® Quiz by topic

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Leaving Cert French Quizzes; Unique LC French quizzes designed for each topic. Practice multiple choice LC French quizzes built to replicate short form exam questions. Pick a French quiz, answer each quiz question, and review your results; check what answers you got, how long the quiz took you, and try to beat your high score.

SimpleStudy® Essays

Leaving cert french essays.

H1 Leaving Cert French Essays; study perfect French sample Essays. Concise and curated for specific LC French Essay questions. SimpleStudy’s LC French essays allows you read full Essays for key exam questions. Review exclusive French essays and get full marks in your Leaving Cert French Exam with Simplestudy’s sample Essays.

Leaving Cert French topics to explore

Opinion piece - education, opinion piece - technology, opinion piece - sport, opinion piece - social issues & politics, opinion - teenagers & family, opinion piece - ireland,travel & culture, diary entry, letter writing, written production, opinion - health, opinion - environment & animals/pets, oral examination, opinion/reaction, algebra topic.

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Leaving Cert Papers, News, Notes, Tips and Resources

Higher Level Exam Papers

2019 2019-aural 2018 2018-aural 2017 2017-aural 2016 2016-aural 2015 2015-aural 2014 2014-aural 2013 2013-aural 2012 2012-aural 2011 2011-aural 2010 2010-aural 2009 2009-aural 2008 2008-aural 2007 2007-aural 2006 2005

Ordinary Level Exam Papers

Higher Level Marking Schemes

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Ordinary Level Marking Schemes

3 thoughts on “French”

Hey have yaz got the 2003 Higher paper?

hi, have you the marking schemes for higher level for 2010 & 2009?

Do you know where I can get past mock papers

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Leaving Cert Notes and Sample Answers

Leaving Cert French opinion pieces: tips and tricks

  • Prepare some answers but be ready to tackle any kind of subject
  • The most important thing to remember when writing opinion pieces is to structure answers well
  • When reading the question, highlight the key words to keep your focus 
  • Make a very quick plan which includes an introduction, three short but strong argumentative points and a conclusion 
  • Express opinions, ideas and arguments using clear and concise vocabulary 
  • Leave some time at the end for spell and grammar checking 

Useful phrases: 

  • Post author: Martina
  • Post published: May 22, 2017
  • Post category: French

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I am currently a repeat Leaving Cert student hoping to go on to college next year. During the past year I have typed up most of my notes and essays on my laptop and thought of sharing them here to the community of people who would like them. I hope that these notes bring you good grades and a sense of optimism and hope for you future studies. Good luck and if any specific notes are need please let me know!

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  • November 1, 2023

Le Journal Intime – Leaving Cert French

Le journal intime - leaving cert french.

Le Journal Intime: The diary entry part of the Leaving Cert French exam is a hugely popular choice with over 75% of students opting to do it.

Fear not, we’re here to guide you through acing “Le Journal Intime.” From expressing elation to weathering disappointment, we’ve got you covered with key phrases and essential grammar tips. So, grab your pen, and let’s embark on this linguistic adventure together!

While students tend to do very well in this question, they must have a good grasp on the French language in order to achieve top marks.  This is an optional question which appears at both Higher and Ordinary Level.  Students tend to enjoy preparing for this question as the style is informal and they can incorporate some interesting vocab and idioms in their answer. Again, try to recycle vocabulary from other aspects of the exam such as the oral. It is important to note the tone and mood in which you will be writing in.

You are asked to write 75 words minimum . Usually, you have to react to something very good or something very bad that happened to you. It is very important that you express your feelings.

leaving cert french sport essay

1. Grammar:

You will required to use most of the usual tenses but especially:

  • Présent: to express how you feel at the time you are writing you entry.
  • Passé composé: to write about events that took place that day or before.
  • Futur: to express any plans for the next day, the coming weekend …
  • What you hope to do: J’espère + infinitive / J’aimerais + infinitive.

2. The lay out:

Write the day and the time at the top. Start with “Cher journal”. End with one of these expressions: bonne nuit ! or à demain. 

Vous avez gagné deux billets pour un concert. Malheureusement, vos examens sont proches et vos parents ne veulent pas vous laisser y aller. Qu’est-ce que vous notez à ce sujet dans votre journal intime ? (75 mots environ).

Sentences to help

So there you have it! Your “Journal Intime” section in the LC exam is a great place to secure good points if you prepare for it correctly. We hope these tips come in handy for your exams! And if you’re looking for even more guidance and preparation for the Leaving Cert, our French courses are an excellent resource. And remember, practice makes perfect! 

Happy studying from the ELC Team!

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Leaving Cert French: Plenty of challenges for students targeting a top grade

‘some of the comprehensions had trickier elements’.

leaving cert french sport essay

The higher level Leaving Cert French exam was a “fair” paper which may have posed challenges for students hoping for a top grade. File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

The higher level Leaving Cert French exam was a “fair” paper which posed challenges for students hoping for a top grade, according to teachers.

Corinne Gavenda, a French teacher at the Institute of Education said students had plenty of opportunities to secure marks with lots of relevant topics that reflect the lives and unique experiences of this year’s group.

However, the comprehensions had trickier elements, but this was paired with “manageable and productive” writing prompts.

“In general, I believe this was a fair paper which gave every student a chance to represent their ability on the page. Those aiming for top marks will have found interesting topics and non-standard vocabulary, while others will have found accessible questions. Those that took the time and did not rush will have been able to find questions that best suited them,” she said.

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Corinne Gavenda from the Institute of Education in Dublin walks students through the French higher paper.

Richard Britton, a teacher at Castlerea Community School, Co Roscommon and ASTI subject representative, said that overall it was “very accessible”,

“Most students would have been very happy with it. It was a doable, manageable and accessible,” he said,

The written production section contained topical subject material which would have pleased many students, he said.

“Some of the topics that came up included the impact of social networks and social media on young people, dealing with university life and online education being a success or a failure. They were all very relevant and students would have been very happy,” he said.

“Some might have hoped for other topics to come up. It’s the same every year. You look at what is in the news and hope it comes up. They might have hoped for homelessness, migrants/war and diesel cars.”

Elizabeth Lyne of F renchnotes.ie and a teacher at CBS Colaiste Mhichil, Limerick City, said the reaction from students overall was that the paper was “okay”.

“The first reading comprehension was ‘lovely’ but the second was a ‘bit difficult’,” she said. “Some students maintained that the written pieces were not varied enough or broad enough to allow for creativity in writing.”

Ms Gavenda said the first comprehension text – holidaying at home – was a very approachable topic which allowed them the use of context clues when answering the trickier vocabulary questions.

In the second text, some specific vocabulary choices might have caused students to miss a vital aspect of the piece.

The verb “pique”, for example, means “to steal/take without permission” but many students, unfamiliar with the French root, will likely confuse it with the English word meaning “to cause interest/reaction”, she said.

“As such, many will miss the element of secrecy that runs through the text, and thus find the question on Nina as a complex character challenging,” she said.

The prompts in section B, question 1, were “clear if not uninspiring”.

“Previous years had questions on topics like the impact of young people in society, while this year had them weighing up staying home or going on holiday. This was rather simplistic, and while offering many a chance to reuse material learned for the oral, stronger students would have had to creatively seek out opportunities to show off and distinguish themselves,” she said.

“The question on friendship was equally welcoming but did require students to talk about friendship abstractly, so those who relied only on anecdotes will find themselves missing a central aspect of the question.”

The final section of the paper was really relevant to the lives of the students, she said.

“They had the chance to write a diary about the debs – something no doubt creeping into the minds the closer they get to finishing their exams,” she said.

“Indeed, question 5 on the college life ahead gave them loads to say and reflected this moment in their lives. Those who had prepared material on the cost of living would have been able to adapt and really make the most of that work.”

She said question 6 was the most appealing and relevant as it asked them to reflect on their experiences of online school.

“This year’s experiences of secondary school were shaped by online school and the integration of that into this exam is a thoughtful touch by the examiner,” she said.

In the listening section, Elizabeth Lyne said the some vocabulary may have caught students out while some of the accents were harder to understand than others.

“Some students maintained that it was hard to hear. In the listening component, sections A, B and C were okay but D and E were tricky,” she said.

Similarly, Ms Gavenda said aural was accessible, particularly parts A, B, and C. The vocabulary was basic and familiar – chores, homework, computer etc.

“Things were more complicated in section D, as questions hinged on less common words (allowance, shutters). What will really differentiate students is the fine details of expression. The ability to hear the quickly expressed negative in section D and ‘without’ in Section E really tested how finely tuned the students’ ears are,” she said.

Ordinary level

In the ordinary level paper, Richard Britton said it was “predictable and straightforward”.

“Students that did a bit of work should have found it an accessible paper. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Students who would have done solid work during the year would have been rewarded. All of the material would have been covered by teachers,” he said.

Elizabeth Lyne of Frenchnotes.ie said that, as with other years, a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary would have helped French students achieve a decent result in this year’s.

The feedback from students generally was “very happy” with “no curveballs”, she said,

Try this one at home:

– Leaving Cert French (ordinary level)

Leave the following message in French for Claude/Nicole with whom you are on holidays in La Rochelle.

In the message include three of the following five points: The sun is shining and it’s very hot; You have gone to the swimming pool in the sports centre; You met his/her cousin Anna this afternoon; You will go to the supermarket to buy food; You will cook dinner in the apartment tonight.

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.


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French Notes

€ 5.00

In this sample opinion question on ‘ Staycation ’  you will also find the grammatical constructions used, and a list of vocabulary to help you in creating your own masterpiece. This opinion question is written in both French and English.

  • Firstly, we cover, the structure of an opinion piece.
  • Secondly, we go through, what to put into each section of your opinion piece.

And much more…


Could this topic make an appearance in the Leaving Cert French Exam? Well yes is the answer to that. The topics which appear on the leaving cert French exam are very broad. If you think that it would be impossible to write about this, let us here at French Notes take the problem and give you the solution. You will receive a sample opinion question, written in both French and English, with a key to the grammatical constructions used, and a list of vocabulary to help you in creating your own masterpiece.

  • Secondly, we go through what to put into each section of your opinion piece.
  • For example, we give you examples of how to use the vocabulary and grammatical constructions throughout the piece.
  • In short, all our opinion pieces act as guides for your own writing.
  • To clarify, all our opinion pieces are written by experienced teachers and/or examiners.
  • 25 key words to learn on the topic.
  • Phonetics to learn how to pronounce key vocabulary.
  • Grammatical constructions written in both English & French.

Staycation is one of many different titles available on our website. We cover all the topics that are relevant to the Leaving Cert French exam. If you think that it would be impossible to write an opinion question, at French Notes we give you the solution and help you in creating your own masterpiece.

For More  French Opinion Questions

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  9. Watch: Leaving Cert Higher Level French expert tips

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    2011. 2010. 2009. 2008. 2007. 2006. 2005. Leaving Cert French exam papers and marking schemes from 2005 to present day. View and download both Higher and Ordinary level papers.

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  16. Le Journal Intime

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  18. Leaving Cert French: Plenty of challenges for students targeting a top

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  21. Staycation

    Staycation. € 5.00. In this sample opinion question on ' Staycation' you will also find the grammatical constructions used, and a list of vocabulary to help you in creating your own masterpiece. This opinion question is written in both French and English. Firstly, we cover, the structure of an opinion piece. Secondly, we go through, what ...