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XML-Enabled Technologies and Crucial Standards

Throughout the years, Extensible Markup Language, or XML, has proven to be a resilient and versatile component. Its value lies in its ability to represent structured data, making it applicable to various technologies and underpinning numerous web standards.

Moving forward, we'll dive into XML's influence across a range of applications, along with the critical standards that build on its capabilities.

XML's Role

XML's primary strength is its simplicity, generality, and usability over the internet. In a way, its role is not to perform computation tasks, but rather to structure data in a universally comprehensible way, making it equally accessible to machines and humans. The versatile nature of XML extends its reach across multiple domains.

Take for example the healthcare sector. It uses XML to facilitate the exchange of patient records and lab reports between systems. Similarly, financial institutions employ XML to ensure consistent transactions and reporting. In addition, the publishing industry leverages XML for its ability to separate data from presentation, simplifying data reuse across different platforms.

While XML is used in many more contexts than represented here, this gives a glimpse into its far-reaching implications.

A Selection of XML Standards and Tools

These are some of the significant standards and tools in XML's ecosystem, but many others also contribute to its flexibility and wide usage.

Simple API for XML (SAX) and Document Object Model (DOM) : SAX and DOM are interfaces that enable interaction with XML data programmatically. While SAX provides a read-only, event-based method ideal for processing large XML documents due to its low memory usage, DOM is more interactive. DOM provides read-write access, allowing modifications to the XML document, like adding, modifying, or deleting nodes.

XML Namespaces : In the early days of XML usage, conflicts between element names became evident. To solve this, W3C introduced XML Namespaces , which associates a URI with element names to guarantee uniqueness across different XML documents. This standardization by W3C was instrumental in XML's wide adoption.

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) and XSLT (XSL Transformations) : These are languages used to style, format, and transform XML documents. They make it possible to present the same XML data in multiple visual formats. XSLT , for instance, can repurpose XML data into HTML for viewing in web browsers, making the data more adaptable to different presentation needs.

XLink and XPointer : These specifications enable the creation of hyperlinks and connections within XML documents. XLink defines how to create hyperlinks in XML, while XPointer allows for pointing to specific parts within XML documents, akin to the hyperlinking mechanism within HTML.

XML Schema (XSD) and DTD (Document Type Definition) : XML Schema and DTD are essential for defining the structure, elements, and data types allowed in XML documents. XML Schema is a more comprehensive and sophisticated method for validation, offering a wider array of data types compared to DTD.

  • XML Query Languages

Data stored in XML is not just statically sitting; it is often required to be queried and manipulated. XML query languages, like XQuery and XPath , allow for this interaction. XQuery is a tool for extracting and manipulating data from XML documents and collections. Suppose a retail company maintains an XML-based product catalog. They could use XQuery to retrieve all products in a particular category priced below a certain amount. XPath, often used within XSLT and XQuery, allows for selecting nodes in an XML document, adding to the versatility of XML data handling.

XML and Metadata

XML has a significant role in encapsulating metadata — data that provides additional information about other data. Libraries, digital collections, and online repositories utilize XML to represent metadata, thereby increasing data's portability and reusability. With XML metadata, these entities can improve the searchability and interoperability of their collections, expanding the value of XML beyond mere data organization.

Web Services and XML

In the early days of Internet communication, there was a need for standardized protocols to allow different systems, potentially written in different programming languages and running on different platforms, to interact effectively over the Internet. Among the solutions developed, three significant ones – SOAP , WSDL , and UDDI – relied heavily on XML.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol that uses XML to encode the information in a web service request and response messages before sending them over a network. SOAP messages are independent of any operating system or protocol and can be used in conjunction with a variety of HTTP or SMTP, for example.

WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is a language based on XML, designed to detail the methods and services offered by a specific web service. Its purpose is to provide a machine-readable description of how the service can be interacted with.

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is a platform-independent, XML-based registry for businesses worldwide to list themselves on the internet. UDDI allows businesses to list their web service applications in a universally recognized registry, making the web service easier to find and use.

These XML-based protocols have been critical in enabling complex applications to communicate over the Internet. However, they are often considered heavyweight and can introduce significant overhead, leading to the rise of alternative approaches like REST.

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems, like the World Wide Web. RESTful APIs typically use HTTP and can work with any data format, including XML and JSON. JSON is often preferred over XML in RESTful services for its simplicity and better compatibility with JavaScript, one of the predominant languages in web development.

Understanding the foundational role of XML in these aspects offers a historical perspective on the evolution of Internet communication and highlights why certain technologies have been adopted or abandoned as needs and capabilities have evolved.

RSS - Really Simple Syndication

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that uses XML for content syndication, allowing users to subscribe to "feeds" from a blog, news site, or other content providers. The idea is to push the same content out in multiple locations, making it accessible for users without them having to manually check each site.

An RSS feed document typically includes a list of items, each representing an individual piece of content. Each item can contain a title, description, link, publication date, and other metadata.

Observe an illustrative example of what an RSS feed document might look like:

In this XML document, <rss> is the root element that encapsulates the entire feed. The <channel> element contains metadata about the feed itself (e.g., title, link, and description). Each <item> element represents an individual piece of content, complete with its title, link, and description. While this example is simplified, real-world RSS feeds may contain more complex structures and additional elements.

Learn more about the syntax in our XML Syntax - A Detailed Overview article

Despite the rise of social media platforms, RSS feeds remain a vital tool for content syndication, particularly for news websites, blogs, and podcasts. They offer a standardized format for applications, such as RSS reader apps, to consume and display content from various sources.

AJAX - XML in Asynchronous Web Applications

AJAX , standing for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, encompasses a group of techniques, concepts, and technologies. It enables web applications to send and retrieve data from a server in the background (asynchronously) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page.

While XML was initially the primary format for data exchange in AJAX, JSON has become more popular due to its compatibility with JavaScript. The XMLHttpRequest object, often used in AJAX, provides a method to exchange data with a server behind the scenes.

Consider this simplified example:

In the above example, an XMLHttpRequest object requests data from a web server. When the server's response is ready ( readyState == 4 and status == 200 ), the XML data is accessed through the responseXML property.

Over time, new methods and libraries have emerged, such as the Fetch API and Axios, simplifying the process of making asynchronous requests. The advent of ES6 Promises and async/await in JavaScript has made asynchronous programming more straightforward and less error-prone.

Though the use of XML in AJAX has declined with the rise of JSON, understanding AJAX and its roots in XML can be beneficial for understanding the evolution of web technologies. These modern approaches have built upon the foundation laid by XMLHttpRequest and AJAX's original techniques.

Legacy Systems, Niche Uses, and XML's Lingering Relevance

In technology, things move fast. However, not every system or protocol keeps up with the newest trends. While XML may not be as commonly used for new developments, its prevalence in legacy systems and specialized applications remains undeniable.

Over the years, XML has found its way into many industries and has been employed by a myriad of technologies. From Android development, which utilizes XML for layout designs, to the publishing world, where XML is leveraged for formats like DITA and DocBook, XML's impact can still be felt. Similarly, XML has been key in the creation of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), a format that has become a mainstay in data visualization libraries such as d3.js.

Enterprise systems, especially those following the WS-* (Web Services) architecture and using SOAP and WSDL, have extensively employed XML for communication. These systems are commonly used by large corporations, and while new projects may opt for more modern protocols, these legacy systems are likely to continue using XML for many years to come.

Additionally, XML's usage in server-side programming shouldn't be underestimated. Despite the rise of JSON, many server-side languages, such as Java, Python, and PHP, provide robust support for XML processing. XML can be utilized server-side and then transformed into JSON for client-side usage. This process leverages XML's robust validation mechanisms through XML schemas, allowing the validation of data before conversion to JSON.

We've covered a lot of ground, but our exploration doesn't exhaust the full extent of XML's capabilities or its applications. To partly aid you in that, you can refer to the articles found below, covering the introductory aspects of XML that provide more depth into the nuts and bolts of working with XML.

  • Additional Resources

XML Introduction and Basics

How to Display XML - The Basics

XML Validation and Document Definition

Parsing and Manipulating XML - A Broad Overview

On this page

Presentation Technologies

Cascading style sheets is an XML-supporting technology for adding style display properties such as fonts, colors, or spacing to Web documents. CSS origins may be traced to the SGML world, which used a style sheet technology called DSSSL to control the display of SGML documents. Style sheet technology is important because it lets developers separate presentation from content, which greatly enhances software's longevity.

As Figure 2.10 shows, a style sheet tells a browser or other display engine how to display content. Each rule is made up of a selector ”typically an element name such as an HTML heading ( H1 ) or paragraph ( P ), or a user -defined XML element ( Book ) ”and the style to be applied to the selector. The CSS specification defines numerous properties ( color , font style, point size , and so on) that may be defined for an element. Each property takes a value which describes how the selector should be presented.

Figure 2.10. HTML or XML may be delivered to a browser with CSS, which controls how data is presented on the screen.

presentation technologies in xml

Style rules have the following syntax.

Multiple style declarations for a single selector are separated by a semicolon. The following code segment shows how a CSS element can be added to an HTML or XML document to define the color and font size properties for TITLE and AUTHOR elements:

This style sheet tells the browser to show the content of TITLE elements in an extra-large red font, and to show the content of AUTHOR elements in a large blue font. Although CSS technology was designed to allow finer control of how HTML is displayed, CSS makes no assumptions about the tags' names , which is why cascading style sheets can be used just as easily with XML as with HTML.

Because style sheet technology is important for the Web design industry, the CSS specification has undergone significant evolution. The CSS1 specification, which defines all properties and values that can be applied to a Web document, received its W3C Recommendation status in December 1996. It describes the CSS language as well as a simple visual formatting model. CSS2, which itself became a W3C Recommendation in May 1998, builds on CSS1 and adds support for style sheets for specific media such as printers and audio devices, as well as downloadable fonts, element positioning, and tables.

However, there are two drawbacks with CSS that should be noted. The first is that CSS describes only those tags that are to be treated in a special way; the browser decides how to display elements that the style sheet says nothing about. While this typically works fine for HTML, with XML, where it may be desirable not to display certain data, CSS does not help. The second drawback is that with CSS technology it is up to the browser to implement CSS correctly, and some implementations may not always be consistent.

XSL 1.0 is a W3C Recommendation that provides users with the ability to describe how XML data and documents are to be formatted. XSL does this by defining "formatting objects," such as footnotes, headers, or columns .

The XSL initiative began as an effort to develop a styling technology more suited to the needs of XML than CSS. However, in pulling together a Working Group to define XSL, something interesting happened . The Working Group realized that the kind of styling per formed by technologies such as CSS was only one instance of a more general "transformation" process of taking an XML document and turning it into another kind of document. After much deliberation the XSL Working Group split into two subgroups, one focused on trying to build a better display-oriented style sheet technology and a second group trying to define a transformation language that could be used to transform XML into a variety of target languages including HTML, other dialects of XML, or any text document, including a program. The result of this effort was XSLT, which achieved W3C Recommendation status in November 1999 and which we discuss in the next section of this chapter.

An XSL style sheet is basically a series of pattern-action rules and looks like an XML document with a mixture of two kinds of elements: those defined by XSL and those defined by the object language. The patterns are similar to CSS's selectors, but the action part may create an arbitrary number of "objects." The action part of the rule is called the "template" in XSL, and a template and a pattern together are referred to as a "template rule."

The result of applying all matching patterns to a document recursively is a tree of objects, which is then interpreted top-down according to the definition of each object. For example, if they are HTML objects, an HTML document will be generated; if they are XML objects, XML will be the result.

CSS Compared to XSL

The fact that the W3C has started developing XSL in addition to CSS has caused some confusion. Why develop a second style sheet language when implementers haven't even finished the first one? The W3C has answered this question with the information in Table 2.1.

In practice, both CSS and XSL may be used in conjunction with each other. Figure 2.11 illustrates some of the different options for using CSS and XSL to create displays based on HTML or XML. The general principle is that if the document is to be simply rendered and not transformed in any way through the addition or deletion of items, then CSS is the more straightforward approach.

Figure 2.11. Options for using CSS and XSLT with XML and HTML. [2]

presentation technologies in xml

[2] http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS-vs-XSL. Copyright 2001 World Wide Web Consortium (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/. Updated July 1999.

Soon after HTML began to be used to deliver content from Web sites to browsers, it became apparent that it was also necessary to push data from browsers to servers. The result was HTML forms. Since their introduction in 1993, forms have become a critical aspect of Web-based e-commerce. However, existing mechanisms for form data capture are limited, especially when complex data spanning multipart forms must be collected and complex logic is required.

Table 2.1. Comparison of CSS and XSL

XForms is an XML approach that overcomes the limitations of HTML forms. XForms is a GUI toolkit for creating user interfaces and delivering the results in XML. Because XForms separates what the form does from how it looks, XForms can work with a variety of standard or proprietary user interfaces, providing a standard set of visual controls that replaces the primitive forms controls in HTML and XHTML. Included in XForms are a variety of buttons , scrollbars, and menus integrated into a single execution model that generates XML form data as output.

Figure 2.12 illustrates how a single device-independent XML form definition, called the XForms Model, has the capability to work with a variety of standard or proprietary user interfaces. For example, the Voice Browser Working Group is looking at developing voice-based user interface components for XForms.

Figure 2.12. XForms provides a standard way to collect form data through a variety of device interfaces.

presentation technologies in xml

There are currently several XForms implementations:

X-Smiles is a Java-based XML browser from Helsinki University of Technology. It implements a large part of XForms and uses XForms together with XSL-FO on the user interface side. It also supports XSLT, Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language 1.0, and Scalable Vector Graphics.

Mozquito XForms Preview is an XML-based Web development software that implements XForms and gives current Web browsers the ability to send, receive, and process XML data easily and effectively. It reads and writes XML instances without the need for XSL.

XHTML is an effort by the W3C to replace HTML with a more flexible approach to displaying Web content. XHTML differs from HTML in that it is based on XML, not SGML. Thus, XHTML conforms to the XML 1.0 Recommendation. The long- term goal of the XHTML spec is that XHTML will continue to be useful in environments where there are no preconceived notions about how elements should be rendered in a browser. The approach is one in which developers will be able to extend in unanticipated ways as new technologies and display media emerge. Its modular design reflects the realization that a one-size-fits-all approach to the Web no longer works, especially when browsers differ significantly and cell phones have limited memory and screen size for display.

XHTML Modularization

The capability of XHTML to be more flexible than HTML is attributable to the use of XHTML modules for creating XHTML-conforming markup languages. New XHTML-compliant languages must use the basic XHTML framework as well as other XHTML modules. As illustrated in Figure 2.13, modules plug together within the XHTML framework to define a markup language that is task or client specific. Documents developed based on the new markup language will be usable on any XHTML-conforming clients .

Figure 2.13. The structure of XHTML.

presentation technologies in xml

In some instances, people will create complete, proprietary markup languages using XHTML. People may also create new, reusable modules that will find use within their own or other organizations. The architecture and technology behind XHTML are already finding use within the W3C by organizations such as the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and Project Gutenberg, which are using XHTML modularization to create new markup languages for industry-specific applications. XHTML is also finding applicability within the wireless industry that sees it as the next-generation language of choice for NTT DoCoMo's i-mode cell phones and as the WAP Forum's replacement technology for WML.

VoiceXML is an emerging standard for speech-enabled applications. Its XML syntax defines elements to control a sequence of interaction dialogs between a user and an implementation platform. The elements defined as part of VoiceXML control dialogs and rules for presenting information to and extracting information from an end-user using speech. For ZwiftBooks, VoiceXML opens up options for extending its service to voice through cellular networks.

As Figure 2.14 illustrates, VoiceXML documents are stored on Web servers. Translation from text to voice is carried out either on a specialized server that delivers voice directly to a phone or by the device itself using speech processing technology.

Figure 2.14. VoiceXML documents are used to drive voice interactions over conventional or wireless phones.

presentation technologies in xml

Just as a Web browser interprets HTML and displays it on the screen, a VoiceXML browser understands VoiceXML markup and interprets it for presentation over the telephone or directly to an audio channel. As mobile devices such as cell phones acquire additional processing power, it will be possible to deliver VoiceXML documents directly to cell phones for VoiceXML processing.

The VoiceXML document specifies each interaction dialog. User input affects dialog interpretation and is collected into requests that go back to the VoiceXML server. The server may reply with another VoiceXML document to continue the user's session with other dialogs.

A VoiceXML document includes tags defining both audio prompts and logic. For example, the content of a prompt tag is converted by a VoiceXML browser to speech. Other VoiceXML tags include form for building a voice-driven form to collect user information and menu , which leads an end-user through a series of menu selections.

Forms and Menus

There are two kinds of dialogs: forms and menus. Forms define an interaction that collects values for a group of fields. Each field may specify a grammar that controls the allowable inputs for that field. Menus present the user with a choice of options and then transition to another dialog based on that choice.

Forms also contain subdialogs that provide a mechanism for triggering a new interaction and returning to the original form. Subdialogs can be used to create a confirmation sequence that may require a database query, a set of components for sharing among documents in a single application, or a reusable library of dialogs shared across many applications.

XML, Web Services, and the Data Revolution

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  • FileMaker XML and XSLT Namespaces
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Presentation of xml documents.

The visual presentation of a TEI encoded document requires the use of a style sheet or other conversion program. The extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT) was developed to transform XML (Extensible Markup Language) encoded documents into new forms. It is through the transformative capabilities of an XSLT stylesheet that XML documents can achieve their greatest potential.

Presenting XML with XSLT

An XML encoded document by itself is merely a data storage medium that is not intended for direct use. XML describes the document in just as little or much detail as needed, and a document in XML should only need to be encoded one time. Subsequent changes to the document should be accomplished with stylesheets. Simply put, XML tells the document what it is, but not what to do, while stylesheets contain instructions about how the XML document should be organized for display.

Presentation Process Chart


XSLT stylesheets tell the XML document how to function. They permit one to change the structure and appearance of XML data without the need for changing the XML encoding itself. XML documents can be radically altered for different purposes by changing the XSLT stylesheet or stylesheets — many of them can be attached to one XML document at once. They can also add new content to the original XML source document. XSLT stylesheets can complement CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Stylesheets permit the markup language to be suppressed from public view. With a stylesheet it is possible to view formatted text without viewing the XML encoding tags.

XSLT Stylesheets

XSLT rules are similar to XML rules. XSLT stylesheets must themselves be well-formed XML documents, meaning that tags must be closed, case matters, etc.

XSLT Structure

The creation of XSLT stylsheets operates on the principle of "templates". Using a template the designer describes by example, or "matches", the sections of the XML document that are to be displayed and transformed.

XSLT Basic Steps

1. Identify root element

2. Enter the XSLT version number:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

3. Enter the latest XSLT namespace:


XSLT Template Example

This is a simplified example of an XSLT template that is used to convert an XML file into an HTML file.

XSLT documents refer to a "namespace" which specifies the version of the XSLT rules to which the stylesheet conforms. The latest version of the XSLT namespace is:


An older version of the rules, now outdated, is:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl">

XSLT stylesheets use another XML standard, Xpath, to describe the exact location of the source document that is to be displayed. Xpath is based on the idea that XML content is arranged like a "document tree" where there is a single root element off of which exist a few, or many, other "nodes".

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Tom Myer

A Really, Really, Really Good Introduction to XML

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A Really, Really, Really Good Introduction to XML

What is XML?

Xml structure, xml in practice, frequently asked questions (faqs) about xml.

  • Extensible: XML is extensible. It lets you define your own tags, the order in which they occur, and how they should be processed or displayed. Another way to think about extensibility is to consider that XML allows all of us to extend our notion of what a document is: it can be a file that lives on a file server, or it can be a transient piece of data that flows between two computer systems (as in the case of Web Services).
  • Markup: The most recognizable feature of XML is its tags, or elements (to be more accurate). In fact, the elements you’ll create in XML will be very similar to the elements you’ve already been creating in your HTML documents. However, XML allows you to define your own set of tags.
  • Language: XML is a language that’s very similar to HTML. It’s much more flexible than HTML because it allows you to create your own custom tags. However, it’s important to realize that XML is not just a language. XML is a meta-language: a language that allows us to create or define other languages. For example, with XML we can create other languages, such as RSS, MathML (a mathematical markup language), and even tools like XSLT. More on this later.

What is XML used for?

Elements, tags, or nodes.

  • An element consists of an opening tag, its attributes, any content, and a closing tag.
  • A tag – either opening or closing – is used to mark the start or end of an element.
  • A node is a part of the hierarchical structure that makes up an XML document. “Node” is a generic term that applies to any type of XML document object, including elements, attributes, comments, processing instructions, and plain text.
  • The documents are self-describing, as we’ve already discussed.
  • The documents are really a hierarchy of nested objects.


Styling and XML

Well-formedness and validity.

  • Well-formedness
  • An XML document must contain a single root element that contains all other elements.
  • All elements must be properly nested.
  • All elements must be closed either with a closing tag or with a “self-closing” empty-element tag (i.e. <tag/> ).
  • All attribute values must be quoted.

DTD and XML Schema

Xml namespaces, a closer look at xhtml.

  • XHTML stands for Extensible HyperText Markup Language.
  • XHTML is designed to replace HTML.
  • XHTML uses the HTML 4.01 tag set, but is written using the XML syntax rules.
  • XHTML is a stricter, cleaner version of HTML.
  • XHTML documents must contain a root element that contains all other elements. (In most cases, the html element!)
  • XHTML elements must be properly nested.
  • All XHTML elements must have closing tags (even empty ones).

Declaring Namespaces

Placing namespace declarations in your xml documents, using default namespaces.

  • Transform XML into HTML or raw ASCII text.
  • Transform XML into other dialects of XML.
  • Pull out all the passages tagged as Spanish, or French, or German to create foreign-language versions of your XML document.

Your First XSLT Exercise


Transforming XML into HTML


Consistency in XML

Fun with terminology, what’s the big deal about consistency.

  • There will be a pop quiz later, so you’d better know your stuff.
  • Your boss told you to learn it.
  • You need to share your XML document with another company/department/organization, and they expect your information in a certain format.
  • Your application requires that the XML documents given to it pass certain tests.
  • The proper order of elements in the XML document.
  • The proper content of elements in the XML document.
  • A single child element
  • A sequence of elements


  • Require at least two instances of an element.< code>ELEMENT chapter (title,para,para+)(at least two paras)
  • Apply element count modifiers to element groups. ELEMENT chapter ((title,para+)+) (one or more titles , each followed by one or more paras )
  • Allow an element to contain an element or plain text. ELEMENT title (subtitle|#PCDATA) ( title contains a subtitle or plain text)
  • Require exactly three instances of an element. ELEMENT instruction (step,step,step) (exactly three steps )
  • ID values must start with a letter or underscore.
  • There can only be one ID attribute assigned to an element.
  • Circular references are not allowed. The following is a no-no: ENTITY entity1 "&entity2; is a real pain to deal with!" ENTITY entity2 "Or so &entity1; would like you to believe!"
  • We can’t reference a general entity anywhere but in the XML document proper. For entities that you can use in a DTD, you need parameter entities.

A 10,000-Foot View of XML Schema

  • DTD notation has little to do with XML syntax, and therefore cannot be parsed or validated the way an XML document can.
  • All DTD declarations are global, so you can’t define two different elements with the same name, even if they appear in different contexts.
  • DTDs cannot strictly control the type of information a given element or attribute can contain.

What is the difference between XML and HTML?

XML and HTML are both markup languages, but they serve different purposes. HTML is used to display data and focuses on how data looks. It has predefined tags that are used to format and display information on a web page. On the other hand, XML is used to store and transport data. It doesn’t do anything on its own, but provides a way to structure data so that it can be read by different types of applications. XML tags are not predefined; you must define your own tags.

How is XML used in web services?

XML is widely used in web services, which are applications that can be published and called over the Internet by client applications. XML provides a way to encode data in a format that can be read by these client applications, regardless of how the application was created or what platform it runs on. This makes it a key technology for enabling interoperability between disparate systems.

What are XML namespaces?

XML namespaces are a mechanism for avoiding name conflicts in XML documents. They work similarly to the file directories on your computer, allowing you to distinguish between elements and attributes that have the same name but belong to different libraries. An XML namespace is declared using the xmlns attribute in the start tag of an element.

What is the purpose of an XML schema?

An XML schema is a description of the structure of an XML document. It defines the elements and attributes that can appear in a document, the types of data that can be stored in elements and attributes, and the order in which elements can appear. XML schemas are used to validate XML documents, ensuring that they meet the requirements specified in the schema.

How does XML handle data types?

Unlike HTML, XML supports data types. This means that you can specify the type of data that an element or attribute can contain, such as integer, string, date, etc. This is done using an XML schema. When an XML document is validated against a schema, the validator checks that the data in the document matches the data types specified in the schema.

What is an XML parser?

An XML parser is a software library or package that provides interfaces for client applications to work with XML documents. It reads XML documents and provides an interface for programs to access their content and structure. Parsers check for well-formedness: whether the XML document follows the basic syntax rules of XML.

What is the difference between a well-formed and a valid XML document?

A well-formed XML document follows the basic syntax rules of XML. For example, it must have one and only one root element, start and end tags must match, tags must be properly nested, etc. A valid XML document, on the other hand, is a well-formed XML document that also conforms to the rules of a specified XML schema.

What is XSLT in XML?

XSLT stands for XSL Transformations. It is a language for transforming XML documents into other formats such as HTML, PDF, or other XML documents. An XSLT processor reads the XML document and the XSLT stylesheet, and produces an output document in the format specified by the stylesheet.

How is XML used in databases?

XML is used in databases to store and transport data. XML provides a flexible way to represent complex data structures, making it a good choice for storing data that doesn’t fit neatly into a table. Many databases support XML as a data type, allowing you to store XML documents in database columns.

What is the future of XML?

XML continues to be a key technology for data interchange, particularly in enterprise and B2B contexts. While newer technologies like JSON have become popular for web APIs, XML is still widely used in many industries. Its future is likely to be as a specialized tool for certain types of data interchange, rather than as a general-purpose markup language.

Tom is the founder of Triple Dog Dare Media, an Austin, TX-based professional services consultancy that specializes in designing, building, and deploying ecommerce, database, and XML systems. He's spent the last 7 years working in various areas of XML development, including XML document analysis, DTD creation and validation, XML-based taxonomies, and XML-powered content and knowledge management systems.

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XML introduction

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language similar to HTML , but without predefined tags to use. Instead, you define your own tags designed specifically for your needs. This is a powerful way to store data in a format that can be stored, searched, and shared. Most importantly, since the fundamental format of XML is standardized, if you share or transmit XML across systems or platforms, either locally or over the internet, the recipient can still parse the data due to the standardized XML syntax.

There are many languages based on XML, including XHTML , MathML , SVG , RSS , and RDF . You can also define your own.

Structure of an XML document

The whole structure of XML and XML-based languages is built on tag s.

XML declaration

XML - declaration is not a tag. It is used for the transmission of the meta-data of a document.

Used version XML in this document.

Used encoding in this document.

"Correct" XML (valid and well-formed)

Correct design rules.

For an XML document to be correct, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • Document must be well-formed.
  • Document must conform to all XML syntax rules.
  • Document must conform to semantic rules, which are usually set in an XML schema or a DTD ( Document Type Definition ) .

Now let's look at a corrected version of that same document:

A document that contains an undefined tag is invalid. For example, if we never defined the <warning> tag, the document above wouldn't be valid.

Most browsers offer a debugger that can identify poorly-formed XML documents.

Like HTML, XML offers methods (called entities) for referring to some special reserved characters (such as a greater than sign which is used for tags). There are five of these characters that you should know:

Even though there are only 5 declared entities, more can be added using the document's Document Type Definition . For example, to create a new &warning; entity, you can do this:

You can also use numeric character references to specify special characters; for example, &#xA9; is the "©" symbol.

Displaying XML

XML is usually used for descriptive purposes, but there are ways to display XML data. If you don't define a specific way for the XML to be rendered, the raw XML is displayed in the browser.

One way to style XML output is to specify CSS to apply to the document using the xml-stylesheet processing instruction.

There is also another more powerful way to display XML: the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations ( XSLT ) which can be used to transform XML into other languages such as HTML. This makes XML incredibly versatile.


This article is obviously only a very brief introduction to what XML is, with a few small examples and references to get you started. For more details about XML, you should look around on the Web for more in-depth articles.

Learning the HyperText Markup Language ( HTML ) will help you better understand XML.

  • Extensible Markup Language (XML) @ W3.org
  • Using XML: A List Apart

XML Tutorial

Xpath tutorial, xslt tutorial, xquery tutorial, xsd data types, web services.

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language.

XML was designed to store and transport data.

XML was designed to be both human- and machine-readable.

XML Example 1

Display the XML File » Display the XML File as a Note »

XML Example 2

Display the XML File » Display with XSLT »


Why Study XML?

XML plays an important role in many different IT systems.

XML is often used for distributing data over the Internet.

It is important (for all types of software developers!) to have a good understanding of XML.

What You Will Learn

This tutorial will give you a solid understanding of:

  • What is XML?
  • How does XML work?
  • How can I use XML?
  • What can I use XML for?

Important XML Standards

This tutorial will also dig deep into the following important XML standards:

  • XML Services

We recommend reading this tutorial, in the sequence listed in the left menu.

Learn by Examples

Examples are better than 1000 words. Examples are often easier to understand than text explanations.

This tutorial supplements all explanations with clarifying "Try it Yourself" examples.

  • XML Examples
  • AJAX Examples
  • DOM Examples
  • XPath Examples
  • XSLT Examples

XML Quiz Test

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This section provides how-to topics for working with presentation documents using the Open XML SDK.

In this section

Structure of a PresentationML document

Add a comment to a slide in a presentation

Apply a theme to a presentation

Change the fill color of a shape in a presentation

Create a presentation document by providing a file name

Delete all the comments by an author from all the slides in a presentation

Delete a slide from a presentation

Get all the external hyperlinks in a presentation

Get all the text in a slide in a presentation

Get all the text in all slides in a presentation

Get the titles of all the slides in a presentation

Insert a new slide into a presentation

Move a slide to a new position in a presentation

Move a paragraph from one presentation to another

Open a presentation document for read-only access

Retrieve the number of slides in a presentation document

Working with animation

Working with comments

Working with handout master slides

Working with notes slides

Working with presentations

Working with presentation slides

Working with slide layouts

Working with slide masters

Related sections

  • Getting started with the Open XML SDK for Office

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Chapter 7 An Introduction to XML.

Published by Paige Douglas Modified over 10 years ago

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Innovative Technologies in a Systems Integration Curriculum: XML and Microsoft Visual Studio 'NET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Innovative Technologies in a Systems Integration Curriculum: XML and Microsoft Visual Studio 'NET

A. calendar control that results in display of current tournament based on date selected ... will need to find out pga rules for handicaps. these are available ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Alan Peslak
  • Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University
  • Dunmore, PA 18512, USA
  • arp14_at_psu.edu
  • As a part of an upper-level systems integration course, the author incorporated instruction and projects in current integrative programming technologies, XML and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. This paper provides an overall background on XML and IDEs and a review of the literature concerning their instructional implementations. A program of basic instruction is then reviewed and illustrated to provide a framework for the inclusion of these technologies in an information systems and sciences curriculum. Included is an active approach for learning server side programming in MS Visual Studio. The author includes exercises and evaluations of his implementation.
  • The importance of integrative technologies has risen to a level of prominence in recent years. Extensible markup language (XML) is suggested by Kay (2002) to have become the primary means of defining, storing and formatting data in a multitude of areas, including documents, forms and databases.
  • And the use of integrated development environments for programming and web development has become the standard method of operation for educators and professionals alike. Integrated development environments such as Microsoft Visual Studio offer significant productivity advantages in a production environment saving many hours of tedious and unproductive coding.
  • Chaytor and Leung (2003).
  • Frank (2002)
  • Abuhejleh (2004)
  • Ziegler and Crews (1999)
  • Reis and Cartwright (2004)
  • Beginning in 2003, XML and Microsoft IDE Visual Studio .NET were included as a part of the authors Information Technology and Systems Integration courses. This paper focuses on the first of these courses, IST 420, Information Technology and Systems Integration I as it was presented in the Spring of 2004. Both XML and Visual Studio were significant portions of an overall introductory course on integrative technologies. The Official Course Description of IST 420 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS INTEGRATION I (3 credits) is Introductory course on integration of information technology into different systems including the planning, development, and implementation of the integration.
  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • What is systems integration?
  • Integrated business solutions that access a common database, cross functional processes, and provide seamless operation. (example, ERP systems)
  • Integration of distributed components across multiple servers and/or geographic locations via various middleware solutions. (example, CORBA, service oriented architecture/web services, ACID issues)
  • Integration of complex business problems into comprehensive solutions (example, systems analysis and design, agile methods)
  • Use of integrated environments for agile software development (example, Visual Studio .Net)
  • Why systems integration?
  • Provide high quality, low cost, efficient and effective business solutions.
  • IT personnel are business people first. (Reich and Nelson, 2003)
  • Kalata, K. (2002) Introduction to ASP.NET. Course Technology. ISBN 0-619-06321-1
  • A Ronin International White Paper, Scott W. Ambler (2001). Freely Available at http//www.ronin-intl.com/publications/objectPrime rAgileModeling.pdf
  • Spiderpro, Kickstart XML Tutorial (Kampherbeek, 2001).
  • Please prepare an xml file and xsl style sheet to display the xsl. Please create a new 2 dimensional multi-row table with minimum 3 columns and 5 rows.  Use new colors and a different table format. Sources for some of the html needed are http//www.davesite.com and http//www.w3schools.com
  • Q.What is your overall rating of this exercise?
  • 0- (1) 1very poor
  • 0- (2) 2poor
  • 3- (3) 3average
  • 6- (4) 4good
  • 4- (5) 5very good Average
  • Response 4.1 (4good)Responses 13-Valid, 0-Blank, 13-Total
  • Console Applications
  • Visual Basic .NET
  • WebForm controls
  • HTML Controls
  • Solution Explorer
  • Server Explorer
  • Calendar Control
  • Validation Controls
  • XML and XSLT
  • Data Binding
  • Code Behind
  • For the use of XML within the Visual Studio environment, a simple XML program and an XSL transformation file were required. The requirement was to develop an XML file, and a XSL format file and use the XML control within VS to relate the two. This is accomplished through the DocumentSource and TransformSource properties of the XML control. This is illustrated in Figure 3. and the displayed XML file as transformed by XSL is Figure 2. The actual XSL code prepared as well as the XML code are shown in Code Sample 3 in the Appendix.
  • As a final programming assignment in the IST 420 course, the author developed a problem which incorporated may of the concepts reviewed a golf handicap program.
  • Requirements of The Golf program 1. ASP.NET web application 2. Main web page 3. Links to at least three options a. Calendar control that results in display of current tournament based on date selected b. Calculation of handicap differential based on course, score, slope rating c. Calculation of handicap index based on number of valid scores 4. Use any of the application languages, VB.NET, C, J, C 5. Use an array for valid scores
  • To gather information about how to accomplish this, you may discuss with class members but all programs must be your work. You will need to find out PGA rules for handicaps.  These are available on the Internet. A word document with screen prints of input and output as well as copied and pasted application code is due April 19 prior to class in ANGEL drop box.  Code on the server is frozen at this time as well.
  • Q.What is your overall rating of this exercise?0- (1) 1very poor 3- (2) 2poor 5- (3) 3average 3- (4) 4good 2- (5) 5very good
  • Average Response 3.3 (3average)Responses 13-Valid, 0-Blank, 13-Total
  • Get the technology right early.
  • Keep initial concept lessons simple
  • Build slowly to complexity.
  • Illustrate and work together initially
  • Incorporate problem solving and analytical research.
  • Expect creativity.
  • You can never overemphasize the importance of syntax in XML.
  • Make sure you display all possible error messages in Visual Studio.
  • Emphasize the importance of IDEs.
  • More time on Visual Basic .NET is required.
  • Dim score As Single
  • Dim course As Single
  • Dim slope As Single
  • Dim hcap As Single
  • score (TextBox1.Text())
  • course (TextBox2.Text())
  • slope (TextBox3.Text())
  • hcap ((score - course) 113) / slope
  • TextBox4.Text() hcap
  • Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
  • Dim CS As String "ProviderMicrosoft.Jet .OLEDB.4.0Data Sourcec\arp14\My Documents\db5.mdb"
  • Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO hitable (course, hi)VALUES('" TextBox5.Text "','" TextBox4.Text "')", New OleDbConnection(CS))
  • cmd.Connection.Open()
  • cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
  • cmd.Connection.Close()
  • Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
  • Dim objCN As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(CS)
  • objCN.Open()
  • Dim mySQL As String "select hi from hitable"
  • Dim objCM As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(mySQL, objCN)
  • Dim objDR As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
  • objDR objCM.ExecuteReader()
  • Dim MyCat(50) As String
  • Dim MyDoub(50) As Double
  • Dim i As Integer
  • While objDR.Read()
  • MyCat(i) objDR("hi")
  • MyDoub(i) CDbl(MyCat(i))
  • Array.Sort(MyDoub)
  • Select Case i
  • Case 0 To 4
  • TextBox1.Text "Not enough scores"
  • Case 5 To 6
  • Case 7 To 8
  • Case 9 To 10
  • Case 11 To 12
  • Case 13 To 14
  • Case 15 To 16
  • Dim trunc As Integer
  • total total 10 - 0.5
  • trunc CInt(total)
  • total CDbl(trunc)
  • total total / 10
  • TextBox1.Text total

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    XML presentation technologies provide a modular way to deliver and display content to a variety of devices. Here we examine some technologies for display, including CSS, XSL, Xforms, and VoiceXML. CSS is used to control document display. Cascading style sheets is an XML-supporting technology for adding style display properties such as fonts ...

  3. Structure of a PresentationML document

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  5. A Really, Really, Really Good Introduction to XML

    Language: XML is a language that's very similar to HTML. It's much more flexible than HTML because it allows you to create your own custom tags. However, it's important to realize that XML ...


    PRESENTATION TECHNOLOGIES . 1) XSL . 2) XFORMS 3) XHTML . XSL & XSLT: XSL stands for EXtensible Stylesheet Language. What is XSLT? XSLT stands for XSL Transformations. XSLT is the most important part of XSL. XSLT transforms an XML document into another XML document. XSLT uses XPath to navigate in XML documents. XSLT is a W3C Recommendation.

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    XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language similar to HTML, but without predefined tags to use. Instead, you define your own tags designed specifically for your needs. This is a powerful way to store data in a format that can be stored, searched, and shared. Most importantly, since the fundamental format of XML is standardized, if you share or transmit XML across systems or ...

  8. Create a presentation document by providing a file name

    This topic shows how to use the classes in the Open XML SDK to create a presentation document programmatically. Create a Presentation. A presentation file, like all files defined by the Open XML standard, consists of a package file container. This is the file that users see in their file explorer; it usually has a .pptx extension.

  9. XML Tutorial

    XML Tutorial - W3Schools XML Tutorial is a comprehensive guide to learn XML, a powerful and flexible markup language for data exchange and web development. You will learn the syntax, structure, and features of XML, as well as how to use XML with other technologies like XSLT, XPath, XQuery, and XML Schema. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, you will find useful examples and ...

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  12. Working with presentations

    The Open XML SDK Presentation class represents the <presentation> element defined in the Open XML File Format schema for PresentationML documents. Use the Presentation class to manipulate an individual <presentation> element in a PresentationML document. Classes commonly associated with the Presentation class are shown in the following sections.

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    eXtensible Markup Language. XML is a simplified subset of SGML. Can also be used to define document markup vocabularies (e.g. XHTML) These can have a strictly defined structure (DTD) Retains the powerful features of SGML (extensibility, structure, validation) Ignores the complex features of SGML and is therefore easier to use and implement.

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    This pdf contains introduction to xml technology , What is xml ? Difference between XML and HTML, Need of XML, Components of an XML Document. Read more. Engineering. 1 of 14. Download Now. Download to read offline. Introduction to XML Technology - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

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    2. What is XML? a family of technologies: - XML 1.0 - Xlink - Xpointer & Xfragments - CSS, XSL, XSLT - DOM - XML Namespaces - XML Schemas. 3. XML Facts officially recommended by W3C since 1998 a simplified form of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) primarily created by Jon Bosak of Sun Microsystems. 4.

  19. Presentations

    Structure of a PresentationML document. Add a comment to a slide in a presentation. Apply a theme to a presentation. Change the fill color of a shape in a presentation. Create a presentation document by providing a file name. Delete all the comments by an author from all the slides in a presentation. Delete a slide from a presentation.

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  21. Chapter 7 An Introduction to XML.

    Presentation transcript: 1 Chapter 7 An Introduction to XML. 2 7.1 Introduction XML stand for: eXtensible Markup Language. Developed from SGML XML was designed to transport and store data. XML is a meta-language. A meta-language is a language that's used to define other languages. You can use XML for instance to define a language like WML.

  22. XML Related Technologies

    There are following XML related technologies: It is a clearer and stricter version of XML. It belongs to the family of XML markup languages. It was developed to make html more extensible and increase inter-operability with other data. It is a standard document model that is used to access and manipulate XML.

  23. PPT

    technologies, XML and Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. This paper provides an overall background on XML and IDEs and a review of the literature concerning their instructional ... The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Innovative Technologies in a Systems Integration Curriculum: XML and Microsoft Visual Studio 'NET" is the property of its rightful owner. ...

  24. Wells Fargo & Company 2024 Q1

    The following slide deck was published by Wells Fargo & Company in conjunction with their 2024 Q1 earnings call.

  25. JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2024 Q1

    JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2024 Q1 - Results - Earnings Call Presentation. Apr. 12, 2024 8:24 AM ET JPMorgan Chase & Co. ... Don't Touch Trump Media & Technology Group Stock With A 10-Foot Pole.

  26. PDF Final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation

    10 𝑝𝑝𝑡 + 𝐹 𝑆 ... •Water treatment technologies exist to remove PFAS chemicals from drinking water, including granular activated carbon, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange systems. •In some cases, systems can close contaminated wells or obtain new uncontaminated source of drinking water. 19