What is an Anti-Assignment Clause?

When business owners are negotiating contracts to gear up for the sale of their business, they are rightly concerned with key questions such as the sale price for the business including assets such as how much the sale will cost them and what happens if something goes wrong.  At the end of the contracts, there are usually several pages of type that usually look like boilerplate. Inside those clauses is usually something called an assignment clause, or more accurately, an anti-assignment clause.

It’s one of those clauses that everyone glosses over – after all, it’s just standard legal text, right?

For a business owner hoping to sell their business, an anti-assignment clause can dissuade potential buyers and play a crucial role in the selling price of a business.  If this sounds familiar and you’re in the process of negotiating the merger or acquisition of your business, read on – we’ve put together a practical guide to anti-assignment clauses and what to look out for.

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What is an assignment clause?

The anti-assignment clause states that neither party can transfer or assign the agreement without the consent of the other party. On a basic level, that makes sense – after all, if you sign a contract with a specific party, you don’t expect to be entering into an agreement with a third party you didn’t intend to be.

However, when you sell your business, you will want to transfer ownership of those contracts to the buyer. If your contracts all contain an anti-assignment clause, they effectively restrict you from transferring ownership to the interested party. Now, you’re presented with a new challenge altogether – before you can focus on the sale of your business, you must first renegotiate the terms of your contracts with each party.

Language to look out for in anti-assignment clauses

If you’re thinking about selling your business or even have potential buyers interested, it’s better to know in advance if you’ve got anti-assignment clauses in your contracts. There are generally two types of anti-assignment clause to look out for. The first relates to the complete bar on assignment of rights and responsibilities and is typically worded in this way, or similar:

“Neither Party may assign, delegate, or transfer this agreement or any of its rights or obligations under this agreement.”

The second type prevents the transfer of rights or duties without prior written consent of the other party. This will read along the lines of:

 “Neither this agreement nor any right, interest, or obligation herein may be assigned, transferred, or delegated to a third party without the prior written consent of the other party, and whose consent may be withheld for any reason.”

So, where the first prohibits assignment altogether, the second prohibits assignment unless permission is sought in advance. Some clauses may even explicitly state that a change of control such as a merger or acquisition is an assignment. The last thing you want is to cause a dispute by breaching the contract, but if you’ve already agreed to these terms, you’ll have to open a fresh set of negotiations with the contracting party before you sell the company.

Assignment clauses in M&A: what’s the problem?

Due diligence is the bread and butter of any merger or acquisition. Rather than a leap of faith, due diligence ensures the purchase of a business is a calculated decision with minimal risk to the buyer. Typically carried out by specialist lawyers, the process is designed to lift the hood on the target business to determine the valuation of assets and liabilities and identify any glaring issues that could leave the buyer open to risk.

During the due diligence process, the buyer will look through all of the major contracts the business has open, and specifically keep a close eye out for assignment clauses.

Despite the virtual environment that many businesses have been forced to operate in in 2020, most companies will have commercial leases for the premises from which they typically work. Almost all leases have an anti-assignment clause, and this is a perfect example of an instance that is often overlooked by commercial tenants when selling a business which includes a leasehold property.  This transfer of ownership may well be prohibited under an anti-assignment clause so that prior to the sale of the business, you would be required to ask permission from your landlord. The issue here is that the landlord may well see this as the perfect opportunity to renegotiate and secure a better deal for themselves. What’s worse, if they don’t sign off on the transfer, you’ll have an obstruction on your hands that will stand in the way of the sale.

In any case, an unexpected anti-assignment clause usually winds up being a last-minute hitch in the sale, and it never comes at a good time. Whether it delays the sale or obstructs it altogether, overlooking an anti-assignment clause can cost you considerably in an M&A transaction.

What makes anti-assignment clauses enforceable?

Generally speaking, an anti-assignment clause will be enforced by the courts if it was agreed upon by both parties to the contract. Many contracts exclude or qualify the right to assignment – according to the courts, a clause that states that a party to a contract may not assign the benefit of that contract without the consent of the other party is legally effective and will extend to all rights and benefits arising under the contract.

Courts won’t always enforce assignments to which the counterparty did not give permission, even where there is no anti-assignment clause that specifies this provision.

How to negotiate anti-assignment clauses

The best practice for business owners is to be vigilant when negotiating new contracts and ensure that any anti-assignment clauses still allow for the transfer of ownership when they decide to sell the business.

Remember, even though the buyer is purchasing the assets of the business, this usually means that all of the contracts of the business go with it because the business remains intact. Therefore, the best way forward is to negotiate these clauses upfront from the outset of the relationship, so that when you do decide to sell your business, you automatically have permission to transfer the ownership without having to delay the sale by entering into fresh negotiations.

If your agreement does not permit assignments, it’s worth seeking the advice and support of a specialist lawyer who can help protect your interests through negotiation with your counterparty on this point. You may be able to include a provision that allows for assignment of your rights and obligations upon the prior written consent of the other party. Your lawyer will likely advise you to carve out a specific provision to prohibit the counterparty from unreasonably withholding or delaying consent or making it subject to unreasonable conditions – an issue which, if not provided for within the contract, can cause serious delay and disruption to the sale of your business. Further, it may be beneficial to add an extra element to the contract that makes exceptions to the clause for assignments between affiliates.  If you’re planning to sell your business, this would be the right place to carve out an exception within the clause to the change of control via a merger or acquisition.

It’s important to bear in mind that anti-assignment clauses tend to be viewed narrowly by courts, and that there have been several instances whereby anti-assignment clauses have not been enforced since the clause itself did not explicitly state that the assignment of rights, duties or payment would render the contract void or invalid. So, if you’re in the process of negotiating an agreement and wish to protect your interests through the addition of an anti-assignment clause, it’s critical that you include the consequences of assignment within the clause itself and state that assignments would invalidate or be in breach of the contract.

If you do not wish for the counterparty to be able to transfer the legal obligation to perform their duties as stated in the contract to a third party, this must be explicitly stated in one of three ways:

  • Specify the need for consent

There’s no need to be unreasonable – you can protect your interests while still giving the counterparty the space to re-negotiate should they wish to assign rights by including a clause that asks for consent.

  • Provide an exemption to consent for affiliates, successors or new owners

Ask your lawyer to draft an exception into the clause that permits assignment to affiliates or successors to the counterparty, such as:

“Neither party may assign or delegate this agreement or its rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, except that no consent is required (a) for assignment to an entity in which the transferring party will own greater than 50 per cent of the shares or other interests; or (b) in connection with any sale, transfer, or disposition of all or substantially all of its business or assets; provided that no such assignment will relieve an assigning party of its obligations under this agreement. Any assignment or delegation that violates this provision shall be void.”

  • Require reasonable consent

Just as you would not wish for consent to be held back from you unreasonably in the renegotiation of contract terms prior to a sale, your assignment clause should make clear that you will not unreasonably withhold or delay consent should the third party request permission to assign their legal obligations. This may read something like this:

 “Neither party may assign or delegate this agreement or its rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, whose consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any assignment or delegation that violates this provision shall be void.”

Whatever the circumstances, we strongly recommend calling upon a contract law specialist, whether you’re undergoing due diligence in the run up to an M&A transaction, are considering selling your business or are negotiating new contracts with customers and suppliers. Our lawyers bring in-depth expertise in the area of anti-assignment clauses and will work closely with you to protect your interests and ensure no clauses in your contracts negatively impact the sale of your company.

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Anti-Assignment Clause: Everything You Need To Know

An anti-assignment clause prevents either of the parties to a contract from assigning tasks to a third party without the consent of the non-assigning party. 3 min read updated on February 01, 2023

An anti-assignment clause prevents either of the parties to a contract from assigning tasks to a third party without the consent of the non-assigning party.

Anti-assignment clauses are of two types:

One that prohibits the assignment of work or service pursuant to the contract.

One that prohibits the assignment of payment under the contract.

The clause that prohibits the assignment of work or service is a valid clause, completely enforceable and does not bear much importance. However, the clause that prohibits the assignment of payment is a more complex clause that affects crucial buying and selling decisions.

Are Anti-Assignment Clauses That Prohibit Assigning Payments Enforceable?

As an anti-assignment clause prohibits the assignment of payment, it affects business and thus is unenforceable and ineffective under Section 9-406 of the Uniform Commercial Code. The code clearly states that clauses pertaining to "Discharge of Account Debtor, Notification of Assignment, Identification and Proof of Assignment, Restriction on Assignment of Account, Chattel Paper, Payment Intangibles and Promissory Notes" are ineffective and void.

What Should a Factor Do If a Client's Contract Contains an Anti-Assignment Clause?

Most factors prefer not to enter into an agreement with a client whose contract contains any anti-assignment clause to avoid hassle in the future. However, legal experts suggest that factors should ignore the anti-assignment clauses in the contract and proceed with business as usual along with providing a Notice of Assignment to the account debtor.

Even if the factor decides to proceed with the business decision with the said client, he should be aware that the account debtor may not want to engage in commercial activities with the factor, and may even create difficulties in dealings and collection. Though an anti-assignment clause does not deter the factor's decision to enter into a business arrangement with an account debtor or his ability to be paid given the issuance of a Notice of Assignment, it is for him to decide if the efforts are worth the business. However, to ensure a fool-proof commercial and business dealing, the factor can obtain a signed Estoppel Letter from the account debtor to avoid all future disputes.

What Are the Anti-assignment Provisions and Their Effect on Transaction Structures?

Most commercial contracts end with a clause, ”Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations under the Agreement shall be assigned, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.” This is the anti-assignment clause that ensures the interest of both the parties and that none of the two parties transfer any rights to any other individual with our prior consent of the other main party.

Often, a contract assignment issue plays an important factor in merger and acquisition prospects as buyers want to acquire all customer and vendor contracts. However, if any of the contracts bound by the anti-assignment clause need the approval of the other party, it could lead to additional costs for the buyer, which may affect the decision. The general notion is that most contracts are assignable unless categorically included anti-assignment clauses .

What Is the Typical Anti-assignment Language to Look Out For?

There are numerous ways of including an anti-assignment provision in the contract. However, the AIA Standard Form of Agreement contains the following anti-assignment provision:

  • The Party 1 and Party 2, respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Party 1 nor Party 2 shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other.

What Are the Recommendations for Parties Entering Into Construction Contracts?

Usually, when commercial agreements are drawn, parties tend to focus on the key business aspects but pay no heed to anti-assignment provisions. It is thus the main responsibility of a corporate lawyer to study, analyze, and dissect agreements to ensure the best for their clients.

  • Check the miscellaneous sections of any agreement to rule out any anti-assignment clause in the contract.
  • Read and understand the finer points of the anti-assignment clause in the contract, if any.
  • Negotiate changes in the anti-assignment clause prior to signing the contract.

If you need help with an anti-assignment clause, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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Contracts, generally, are freely assignable i.e., either party can freely transfer one’s obligations or rights to a third party. This is what an assignment clause signifies. An assignment is a transfer of rights and liabilities that the third party must then discharge to the other party. But sometimes, some contracts include an Anti-assignment clause to obstruct or limit assignment. They prevent either party to contract to transfer contractual obligations and/or rights to a third party.

The early legal system was against assigning contract rights as it considered them highly personal and intelligible. Fear of litigation, fear of maintenance, and champerty are some of the other reasons that many commentators feel led to the development of a non-assignability clause. However, with the passage of time and the development of technology, the work-load increased mani-fold necessitating the assignment of some rights and liabilities to the third party; now assignment of rights has become a general trend and non-assignment has taken a backseat which especially needs to be drafted to forbid assignment.

An anti-assignment clause also referred to as a non-assignment clause is a boilerplate clause that either bar completely or partially either of the party to the contract from transferring their rights and obligations under the contract to a third party without due permission from the non-assigning party.


A non-assignment clause in a contract can be presented to the oblige in varied forms depending on the nature of the contract and its terms and conditions.

It may take the following forms-

  • Assignments of contract rights and liabilities may be completely prohibited, or;
  • Assignments may be limited to entities within the same group as the assignor.
  • The agreement may prohibit any transfers of the obligation without the approval of the obligor, which should not be unreasonably denied.


A non-assignment clause limits the obligor’s contractual obligations to the obligee. The courts construe the clause in favor of the non-assigning party i.e., the obliger. Since the oblige afterward assigns its rights, the obliger then needs to also cooperate with the assignee i.e., a third-party or a stranger to the contract for the performance of the contract; therefore, the courts assume that only the party that can complain about the assignment is the non-assigning party.


Anti-assignment clauses in contracts have become a frequent practice because, without them, contracts are freely assignable. However, there are certain contracts where the assignment is excused by the statutes itself, however, the anti-assignment clause is still drafted into the contract for efficient enforcement. For example, Section 37 of the Indian Contract Act [1] prohibits the practice of “offering to perform” where it is against the lex-terrae. Such contracts could be of IPR where the nature of the contract is personal [2] or could be an employment agreement where an assignment without permission would lead to significant and unfavorable consequences for non-assigning parties. For all other contracts, anti-assignment clauses can be used with ease.

Examples of the use of the Anti-Assignment Clause

  • In Franchise Agreement, this clause clearly outlines the extent of the permissibility of the assignment of the intellectual property of the franchise.
  • In a Purchase and Sale Agreement, the purchaser may need to assign its rights and obligations to be able to obtain financing more easily. Certainly, the seller would need to keep some control over the financing parts of the transaction through a non-assignment clause to be on the safer side and protect himself against dealing with any strange entity.
  • In Asset Acquisition Agreement , a purchaser only obtains those assets and liabilities of a target listed in the agreement. In the case of an asset acquisition. In the case of an asset acquisition, any agreement with an anti-assignment clause will be activated. [3]
  • In the Stockholders’ Agreement, this clause will kick in (if included), the moment stockholder tries to transfer, assign, hypothecate, mortgage, or alienate any or all stocks in a corporation. This is the case where there is a complete ban on assignment, however the same can be assigned if however, there are exemptions to non-assignment by operation by law. [4]
  • Almost in all Commercial Lease Agreements, there is an anti-assignment clause. The transfer of ownership may be forbidden by an anti-assignment clause, so before selling the business, you must seek permission from your proprietor; however, this permission should not be withheld against the interests of the lease.

However, the list is not exhaustive. There are still a lot of businesses where the anti-assignment clause is used including but not limited to joint-venture agreements, partnership agreements, limited liability company operating agreements, real estate contracts, bills of sale, Assignment, and transaction financing agreements, etc.


This restrictive clause’s effect will be triggered the moment there is any breach of this clause. According to the traditional view, a contract is void if this restrictive clause is violated; however, the modern view holds that a breach of it will only result in a claim for damages; the contract is not ipso-facto void unless expressly stated in the contract. Along with this view, the court will consider the relevant law, the jurisdiction that governs the contract, and the language of the contract to enforce this clause.


A contract with an anti-assignment clause thrives with the following advantages-

  • The relationship between the assignor and the obligor is preserved, while the connection between the obligor and the assignee is either limited or eliminated.
  • The obligor is safeguarded by this, as they may not want to be in a situation where they must mention a set-off defence against one party and a counterclaim against the other or become involved in a disagreement between the assignor and assignee under the contract of assignment. [5]


The anti-Assignment clause also suffers from the following disadvantages-

  • In cases where this clause is violated, it is extremely difficult to quantify and measure the damages.
  • It can be a lengthy and exasperating process for businesses that are on the brink of bankruptcy, such as start-ups, to finalize the closure until they get the approval of all the commercial entities with whom they had a contract that included a non-assignment clause.
  • In the event of a change in ownership, such as a merger or acquisition, a business may feel uneasy about the new owner of its partner company. To have a say in the selection of the other party’s owner, the business may include a clause in the agreement that mandates their approval before the change can occur, allowing them to indirectly manage the situation.

In conclusion, an anti-assignment clause is a provision in a contract that prohibits one party from transferring or assigning their rights or obligations under the contract to a third party without the other party’s consent. This clause is commonly used in contracts to protect the interests of the parties involved and to ensure that the original parties to the contract are the ones who will perform the obligations and receive the benefits. Anti-assignment clauses can be beneficial for both parties in a contract. For the party who is providing goods or services, it ensures that they are dealing with the same party throughout the duration of the contract, which can help to maintain consistency and quality. For the party who is receiving the goods or services, it can assure that they are dealing with a party that has the necessary expertise and resources to fulfill the obligations under the contract. However, there are also potential drawbacks to anti-assignment clauses. They can limit a party’s ability to transfer their rights or obligations under the contract, which can be problematic if the party needs to assign the contract due to unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, anti-assignment clauses can make it more difficult for a party to obtain financing or sell their business, as potential buyers or lenders may be hesitant to take on a contract with such a clause. Overall, the use of anti-assignment clauses in contracts should be carefully considered and tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved. It is important to strike a balance between protecting the interests of the parties and allowing for flexibility in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Author(s) Name: Avee Singh Dalal (Dr B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonipat)


[1] The Indian Contract Act, 1872, Sec. 37, No. 9, Acts of Parliament, 1872 (India)

[2] Kapilaben v. Ashok Kumar Jayantilal Sheth, (2020) 20 SCC 648

[3] Aaron R Katz, A Guide to Understanding Anti-Assignment Clauses, GT ISRAEL LAW BLOG (Feb. 18, 2023, 5:15 PM), https://www.gtlaw-israelpractice.com/2016/02/04/a-guide-to-understanding-anti-assignment-clauses/ .

[4] The Law of Offices of STIMMEL, STIMMEL & ROESER, https://www.stimmel-law.com/en/articles/assignments-basic-law (last visited Feb. 18, 2023).

[5] Michael Bridge, The nature of assignment and non-assignment clauses, LSE RESEARCH ONLINE (2015), https://eprints.lse.ac.uk/61892/1/The_Nature.pdf .

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Can You Assign Your Insurance Benefits to Someone Else?

Monashee Frantz / Getty Images

Most business insurance policies contain a so-called anti-assignment clause. This clause prohibits policyholders from transferring any of their rights under the policy to someone else. This means that the insured business cannot cede its right to collect claim payments to another party. However, laws in most states permit policyholders to transfer their rights to another party under certain circumstances.

Anti-Assignment Clause

In the standard ISO policies , the anti-assignment clause is located in a separate form called the Common Policy Conditions. These conditions apply to all coverages that are included in the policy. For instance, if a policy includes business auto , general liability , and commercial property coverages, the anti-assignment clause applies to all three coverages.

The clause is entitled Transfer of Your Rights and Duties Under This Policy. It includes the following provision:

Your rights and duties under this policy may not be transferred without our written consent except in the case of death of an individual named insured.

The anti-assignment clause prohibits the  named insured from transferring any of its rights or obligations under the policy to someone else without the insurer's permission. The only exception is if the named insured is an individual (sole proprietor) and he or she dies. An assignment is permitted in this case because a sole proprietorship and the individual owner are one and the same. If the individual dies, the business cannot survive unless it is sold to someone else.

An anti-assignment clause is intended to prevent the insurer from unwittingly assuming risks it never intended to take on. Commercial insurers review business insurance applicants carefully. Before they issue policies, underwriters consider the knowledge and experience of a company's owners and managerial staff. If a business is sold to someone else, the new owners may not be as skilled or attentive as the previous ones. From the insurer's perspective, the new owners are an unknown risk.

Post-Loss Assignments Permitted

The anti-assignment clause doesn't distinguish between assignments made before a loss and those made afterward. Even so, courts in most states have allowed policyholders to assign their rights to another party after a loss has occurred. Pre-loss assignments are still prohibited. Here is an example of a post-loss assignment of insurance benefits.

Victor operates a restaurant called Vital Vittles out of a building he owns. Late one January night two water pipes in the building freeze. The pipes subsequently burst, causing considerable water damage to Victor's building. Victor is forced to close his restaurant until the repairs are completed.

Victor hires a water damage contractor called Rapid Restoration to repair the damage to his building. He tells the contractor that he needs the repairs done quickly as he is anxious to reopen his restaurant. The contractor says that the repairs can be expedited if Victor signs over his rights under the policy to Rapid Restoration. The contractor will then proceed with the repairs and negotiate a claim settlement with Vital Vittles' commercial property insurer. Victor agrees to the assignment and the contractor begins the repair work.

While Vital Vittles' commercial property policy contains an anti-assignment clause, Victor has assigned his rights to Rapid Restoration after a loss has occurred. Thus, in most states, Victor's insurer cannot reject the assignment (assuming post-loss assignments are permitted in Victor's state).

Problems With Assignments of Benefits

In recent years, assignment of benefits (AOB) agreements have been problematic in some states, particularly Florida. Unscrupulous contractors have preyed on unsuspecting homeowners and business owners who have suffered water damage . Some contractors work alone while others operate in cahoots with crooked lawyers. In either event, the contractor convinces the policyholder to assign his or her rights under the policy over to the contractor. The contractor then exaggerates the cost of the repairs and collects the inflated amount from the insurer. The policyholder is left with a large claim on his or her loss history. When the policy expires, the insurer may refuse to renew it.

In the previous example, Victor has assigned his rights under the policy to Rapid Restoration. Suppose that Rapid Restoration completes only half of the repair work on Victor's building. The actual cost is $15,000 but the contractor submits a bill to the insurer for $30,000. Alternatively, the contractor never submits a bill but sues the insurer for $30,000. In either case, the insurer may refuse to pay on the basis that the contractor has committed insurance fraud. Victor cannot intervene because he has signed his rights over to the contractor. If the contractor is unsuccessful in its lawsuit against the insurer, it may demand payment from Victor's company.

Avoiding Problems With AOBs

As a business owner, you can avoid problems associated with AOBs and unscrupulous contractors by taking the following steps:

  • Report any loss or accident directly to your insurer (or your agent or broker ). Notify your insurer immediately. Don't allow a contractor to do the notification on your behalf.
  • Take photos of the damage.
  • Don't allow any contractor to begin work until an insurance adjuster has documented the damage
  • Vet contractors thoroughly before hiring them. Make sure they are properly licensed. If your area has suffered a natural disaster, watch out for construction scams.
  • Don't sign an AOB unless you have reviewed it carefully. If you don't understand it, ask your agent, insurer, or attorney for assistance.
  • If your contractor won't do any work until you've signed an AOB, find another contractor.

AOBs in Health Insurance

Assignment of benefit agreements are common in health insurance. Patients are often asked to agree to such clauses before they receive treatment from a physician, hospital, or another healthcare provider. The assignment of benefits clause transfers a patient's right to collect benefits under his or her health policy to the provider. By signing the document, the patent agrees that payments will be made directly to the provider for the services rendered. The clause states that the patient is ultimately responsible for the charges if the insurer fails to pay.

Once the treatment has been performed, the provider submits the AOB along with a claim to the patient's health insurer. The insurer pays the provider for services rendered to the patient.

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Delaware Court holds anti-assignment clause prevents enforcement of contract after merger

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On September 16, 2020, the Superior Court of Delaware issued an order with potential implications for companies contemplating acquisitions of businesses or assets.  In MTA Can. Royalty Corp. v. Compania Minera Pangea , S.A. De C.V. , No. N19C-11-228 AML CCLD, 2020 Del. Super. LEXIS 2780 (Sept. 16, 2020), Judge Abigail M. LeGrow held that, following a merger,[1] the surviving company lacked standing to enforce a contract entered into by its predecessor (the non-surviving company in the merger) because the contract’s anti-assignment clause prohibited assignment “by operation of law”. 

Companies considering acquisitions should carefully review their target’s contracts for anti-assignment clauses that prohibit assignment “by operation of law”, which Delaware courts interpret to include certain mergers.  In addition, where a target’s key contracts contain anti-assignment clauses with such language, companies should carefully consider the preferred transaction structure.  In a reverse triangular merger, the acquirer’s newly formed subsidiary is merged into the target, with the result being that the target survives and becomes the acquirer’s subsidiary.  By contrast, in a forward triangular merger, the target does not “survive” and its rights are transferred to the existing subsidiary, which may implicate anti-assignment clauses.  Reverse triangular mergers do not face the same issue because the target continues its corporate existence as a subsidiary of the acquirer.

Background of the contract and subsequent merger

In 2016, Compania Minera Pangea, S.A. de C.V. (“CMP”) purchased mineral rights in the El Gallo Mine from 1570926 Alberta Ltd. (“Alberta”).  In exchange, CMP paid Alberta $5.25m in cash at closing and agreed to pay Alberta an additional $1m in 2018 subject to certain conditions.  Of note, the agreement contained the following anti-assignment clause (the “Anti-Assignment Clause”):

Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations under this Agreement may be assigned or delegated, in whole or in part, by operation of law or otherwise, by [Alberta] without the prior written consent of each other party, and any such assignment without such prior written consent shall be null and void. . . . [T]his Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

In July 2017, Alberta merged with Global Royalty Corp. (“Global”), a subsidiary of Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd., and Global was the surviving entity.  Following that transaction, Global changed its name to MTA Canada Royalty Corp. (“MTA”).  In November 2019, MTA brought a breach of contract claim against CMP based on CMP’s alleged failure to pay the $1m in consideration due in 2018.

Superior Court holds that anti-assignment clause extends to certain mergers

CMP argued that MTA lacked standing to enforce Alberta’s contract with CMP because, per the Anti-Assignment Clause, Alberta was required to obtain CMP’s written consent before assigning its rights to MTA.  MTA argued that the Anti-Assignment Clause was meant to prevent third-party assignments, not “successor assignments” like Alberta’s merger.   Id. at *11-12.  To make this argument, it relied on a 1993 Chancery decision, in which then-Vice Chancellor Jacobs had held that, subject to certain conditions, anti-assignment clauses do not apply to mergers unless mergers are explicitly prohibited.   Star Cellular Tel. Co. v. Baton Rouge CGSA ., 1993 Del. Ch. LEXIS 158, at *25 (July 30, 1993).  According to MTA, because the last sentence of the Anti-Assignment Clause referred to “successors”, it was clearly not intended to extend to mergers.

The Superior Court disagreed.  It explained that, as a result of the merger, Alberta had ceased to exist, so MTA could only enforce the contract if it showed that the Anti-Assignment Clause did not apply.   MTA , at *6.  It then held that the Anti-Assignment Clause clearly barred Alberta’s transfer of rights through a merger because the clause prevented assignment “by operation of law”, which Delaware case law had interpreted as referring to forward triangular mergers.   Id.  at *7-14.  In light of what it regarded as a straightforward application of the Anti-Assignment Clause, the Superior Court did not engage in the  Star Cellular analysis.  The Superior Court found that the reference to “successors” in the Anti-Assignment Clause meant only that “valid successors” had the right to enforce the contract.   Id. at *13.

Potentially at odds with Chancery precedent?

Of special relevance is the Superior Court’s treatment of existing Delaware case law on anti-assignment clauses and forward triangular mergers.  Existing precedent from the Court of Chancery held that anti-assignment clauses containing both a prohibition on assignment “by operation of law” and a reference to “successors” were ambiguous.  Under the Star Cellular test, this ambiguity was construed against the application of the anti-assignment clause. 

Specifically, MTA  appears at odds with the Chancery ruling in Tenneco Auto. Inc. v. El Paso Corp. , which also involved the impact of an anti-assignment clause following a forward triangular merger.  C.A. No. 18810-NC, 2002 Del. Ch. LEXIS 26 (Mar. 20, 2002).  The language of the anti-assignment clause in Tenneco  was similar to that in MTA :  both clauses prohibited assignment “by operation of law” while also referencing “successors”.  In Tenneco , Vice Chancellor Noble found that those conflicting references made the anti-assignment clause ambiguous, meaning that, under the Star Cellular test, the successor company could enforce the contract.   Id. at *7-10.  The MTA Court did not explain why it reached the opposite result.

Similarly, in ClubCorp, Inc. v. Pinehurst, LLC , Vice Chancellor Parsons held that, following a forward triangular merger, an anti-assignment clause with language like that in Tenneco was ambiguous because the agreement both referenced “successors” and prohibited assignment “by operation of law”.  No. 5120-VCP, 2011 Del. Ch. LEXIS 176, at *26-29 (Nov. 15, 2011).  Again, the ambiguity militated in favor of finding that the anti-assignment clauses did not apply to the merger.   MTA did not address Pinehurst.

Insights from MTA

MTA has several significant implications for practitioners.  The first is a reminder to carefully review a target’s contracts for anti-assignment clauses.  Such clauses in important contracts should be flagged and thoughtfully evaluated. 

In addition, practitioners should remain aware that Delaware courts interpret the phrase “by operation of law” in assignment clauses to refer to mergers in which the target company does not survive.  The presence of this language in anti-assignment clauses in a target’s important contracts (if those contracts are governed by Delaware law) should prompt a discussion about the appropriate transaction structure.  For example, in MTA , the Court suggested that MTA would have had standing to enforce the contract with CMP if it had been merged through a reverse triangular merger rather than a forward triangular merger.  The Superior Court cited a 2013 Chancery decision, Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC v. Roche Diagnostics GmbH , in which Vice Chancellor Parsons found that “a reverse triangular merger does not constitute an assignment by operation of law”.  62 A.3d 62, 83 (Del. Ch. 2013). 

If dealing with similar language in anti-assignment clauses in important agreements, practitioners should consider alternative transaction structures that would allow the target to retain its corporate existence.  According to MTA , such alternatives should allow successor companies to enforce agreements without running afoul of anti-assignment clauses prohibiting “assignment by operation of law”.[2]

[1] The transaction was an amalgamation under Canadian law, which the parties and the Court agreed was the equivalent of a merger under Delaware law.  The transaction structure was equivalent to a forward triangular merger. 

[2] This may not be true in other jurisdictions.  For example, under California law, a reverse triangular merger has been found to be a transfer of rights by operation of law .  See SQL Sols. v. Oracle Corp. , 1991 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 21097, at *8-12 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 18, 1991). 

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what is anti assignment clause


With the increasing trend of globalization in the business world, Israeli companies and investors are commonly entering into agreements with U.S.-based entities. One of the most frequently found clauses in U.S. commercial agreements is an anti-assignment provision that prevents either or both of the parties from assigning the agreement to a third party prior to receiving the consent of the non-assigning party. Many transactions will also require the due diligence review of a large number of U.S. commercial agreements that the target has entered into. The following post will provide an overview and general guidance on the proper analysis of anti-assignment clauses.

Silent Provision and Change of Control Provision

In the event that an agreement does not contain an anti-assignment provision, a contract is generally assignable without the consent of the non-assigning party. See Peterson v. District of Columbia Lottery and Charitable Games Control Board , 673 A.2d 664 (D.C. 1996) (“The right to assign is presumed, based upon principles of unhampered transferability of property rights and of business convenience.”) Exceptions include where the assignment affects the duties of the other party to the contract, where the contract is considered to be a personal contract and when the assignment violates public policy (i.e. tort liability).

On the other hand, many contracts contain provisions that not only prevent the assignment of the contract, but also state that a change of control of the target is deemed an assignment or the contract contains a separate clause requiring consent in the event of a change of control. This type of provision will often be triggered in transactions in which a buyer is acquiring the target company. A careful review of change of control clauses is thus especially imperative and often very fact specific to the deal at hand.

Deal Structures

One of the commonly used anti-assignment provisions reads as follows: “No party may assign any of its rights under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, to a third party without the prior written consent of the non-assigning party.” In the situation where the target has entered into agreements that contain this clause, whether or not an assignment is considered to have taken place in the event of the acquisition of the target will largely depend on the specific deal structure of the transaction.

The commonly used deal structures are an asset acquisition, a stock acquisition and a merger.

Asset Acquisition : In an asset acquisition the buyer only acquires those assets and liabilities of a target that are specifically listed in the Asset Purchase Agreement. Any agreement that has an anti-assignment clause will be triggered in the event of an asset acquisition. Indeed, one of the disadvantages of structuring a corporate acquisition as an asset acquisition is that contracts that will be transferred must be assigned

Stock Acquisition : In a stock acquisition, a buyer acquires a target’s stock directly from the selling shareholders. After the closing of the Stock Purchase Agreement, the target will continue as it existed prior to the acquisition with respect to its ownership of asset and liabilities. Thus, in essence, the anti-assignment clause was never triggered in the first place. See Baxter Pharm. v. ESI Lederle , 1999 WL 160148 (Del. Ch. 1999).

Mergers : Mergers differ from both asset acquisitions and stock acquisitions in that a merger is considered a creature of law, and the specific type of merger that is used will have a direct impact on whether the anti-assignment clause is triggered

A direct merger occurs when the target merges with and into the buyer, and the buyer continues as the surviving entity. In a similar fashion to an asset acquisition, this type of merger will trigger the anti-assignment clause

A forward triangular merger occurs when the target merges with and into the buyer’s merger subsidiary, with the merger subsidiary surviving the merger. This type of merger will trigger the anti-assignment clause. See Tenneco Automotive Inc. v. El Paso Corporation , 2002 WL 45930 (Del. Ch. 2002) and Star Cellular Telephone Company, Inc. v. Baton Rouge CGSA, Inc., 19 Del.  J.  Corp. L. 875 (Del. Ch. 1993).

A reverse triangular merger occurs when the buyer’s subsidiary merges with and into the target, with the target surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of the buyer. In effect, the target continues to exist after the closing. The Delaware Chancery Court in Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC v. Roche Diagnostics GmbH, 2013 WL 655021 (Del. Ch. Feb. 22, 2013) held that the acquisition of a target in a reverse triangular merger did not violate an existing agreement of the target that prohibited assignments by operation of law. The court noted that generally, mergers do not result in an assignment by operation of law of assets that began as property of the surviving entity and continued to be such after the merger. Thus there is a significant difference between a reverse triangular merger and both a direct merger and forward triangular merger, as in those cases the target was not the surviving company of the merger. Note, however, that the matter is not uniformly resolved. In SQL Solutions, Inc. v. Oracle Corp. (N.D. Cal. 1991), a United States District Court in the Northern District of California applied California law and federal IP principles to hold that a reverse triangular merger constitutes an assignment by operation of law.

Additional Considerations

Damages and Termination : Some courts have held that a contractual provision prohibiting assignment operates only to limit the parties’ right to assign the contract (for which the remedy would be damages for breach of a covenant not to assign) but the provision does not limit the power to actually assign the contract (which would invalidate the assignment), unless the contract explicitly states that a non-conforming assignment shall be “void” or “invalid.” See, e.g., Bel-Ray Co v. Chemrite (Pty.) Ltd ., 181 F. 3d 435 (3d Cir. 1999).  It is also imperative to review the termination section of an agreement, as certain agreements contain a provision by which the non-assigning party has the right to terminate the agreement in the event of an assignment.

As described above, any review of U.S. commercial agreements is highly dependent on the structure of the deal and at times, the specific jurisdiction governing the agreement. With offices across the United States, and specifically in Delaware, New York, and California, all states with highly sophisticated and oft-invoked commercial laws, Greenberg Traurig is uniquely situated in a position to offer high value legal services to Israeli clients.

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Contract Clauses

  • Acceleration Clause
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  • Consideration Clause
  • Definitions Clause
  • Dispute Resolution Clause
  • Entire Agreement Clause
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Assignment clause defined.

Assignment clauses are legally binding provisions in contracts that give a party the chance to engage in a transfer of ownership or assign their contractual obligations and rights to a different contracting party.

In other words, an assignment clause can reassign contracts to another party. They can commonly be seen in contracts related to business purchases.

Here’s an article about assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Explained

Assignment contracts are helpful when you need to maintain an ongoing obligation regardless of ownership. Some agreements have limitations or prohibitions on assignments, while other parties can freely enter into them.

Here’s another article about assignment clauses.

Purpose of Assignment Clause

The purpose of assignment clauses is to establish the terms around transferring contractual obligations. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) permits the enforceability of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Examples

Examples of assignment clauses include:

  • Example 1 . A business closing or a change of control occurs
  • Example 2 . New services providers taking over existing customer contracts
  • Example 3 . Unique real estate obligations transferring to a new property owner as a condition of sale
  • Example 4 . Many mergers and acquisitions transactions, such as insurance companies taking over customer policies during a merger

Here’s an article about the different types of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Samples

Sample 1 – sales contract.

Assignment; Survival .  Neither party shall assign all or any portion of the Contract without the other party’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that either party may, without such consent, assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, in connection with the transfer or sale of all or substantially all of the assets or business of such Party relating to the product(s) to which this Agreement relates. The Contract shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the respective parties. Any assignment or transfer not in accordance with this Contract shall be void. In order that the parties may fully exercise their rights and perform their obligations arising under the Contract, any provisions of the Contract that are required to ensure such exercise or performance (including any obligation accrued as of the termination date) shall survive the termination of the Contract.

Reference :

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.29 3 dex1029.htm SALES CONTRACT , Viewed May 10, 2021, <  https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1492426/000119312510226984/dex1029.htm >.

Sample 2 – Purchase and Sale Agreement

Assignment . Purchaser shall not assign this Agreement or any interest therein to any Person, without the prior written consent of Seller, which consent may be withheld in Seller’s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon prior written notice to Seller, Purchaser may designate any Affiliate as its nominee to receive title to the Property, or assign all of its right, title and interest in this Agreement to any Affiliate of Purchaser by providing written notice to Seller no later than five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing; provided, however, that (a) such Affiliate remains an Affiliate of Purchaser, (b) Purchaser shall not be released from any of its liabilities and obligations under this Agreement by reason of such designation or assignment, (c) such designation or assignment shall not be effective until Purchaser has provided Seller with a fully executed copy of such designation or assignment and assumption instrument, which shall (i) provide that Purchaser and such designee or assignee shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities and obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement, (ii) provide that Purchaser and its designee or assignee agree to pay any additional transfer tax as a result of such designation or assignment, (iii) include a representation and warranty in favor of Seller that all representations and warranties made by Purchaser in this Agreement are true and correct with respect to such designee or assignee as of the date of such designation or assignment, and will be true and correct as of the Closing, and (iv) otherwise be in form and substance satisfactory to Seller and (d) such Assignee is approved by Manager as an assignee of the Management Agreement under Article X of the Management Agreement. For purposes of this Section 16.4, “Affiliate” shall include any direct or indirect member or shareholder of the Person in question, in addition to any Person that would be deemed an Affiliate pursuant to the definition of “Affiliate” under Section 1.1 hereof and not by way of limitation of such definition.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.8 3 dex108.htm PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1490985/000119312510160407/dex108.htm >.

Sample 3 – Share Purchase Agreement

Assignment . Neither this Agreement nor any right or obligation hereunder may be assigned by any Party without the prior written consent of the other Parties, and any attempted assignment without the required consents shall be void.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-4.12 3 dex412.htm SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1329394/000119312507148404/dex412.htm >.

Sample 4 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment . This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, at any time after the Closing, are freely assignable by Buyer. This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, are assignable by Seller only upon the prior written consent of Buyer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.1 2 dex21.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1428669/000119312510013625/dex21.htm >.

Sample 5 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment; Binding Effect; Severability

This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto without the other party’s written consent; provided, that Buyer may transfer or assign in whole or in part to one or more Buyer Designee its right to purchase all or a portion of the Purchased Assets, but no such transfer or assignment will relieve Buyer of its obligations hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns of each party hereto. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and in the event that any one or more provisions are deemed illegal or unenforceable the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect unless the deletion of such provision shall cause this Agreement to become materially adverse to either party, in which event the parties shall use reasonable commercial efforts to arrive at an accommodation that best preserves for the parties the benefits and obligations of the offending provision.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.4 2 dex24.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1002047/000119312511171858/dex24.htm >.

Common Contracts with Assignment Clauses

Common contracts with assignment clauses include:

  • Real estate contracts
  • Sales contract
  • Asset purchase agreement
  • Purchase and sale agreement
  • Bill of sale
  • Assignment and transaction financing agreement

Assignment Clause FAQs

Assignment clauses are powerful when used correctly. Check out the assignment clause FAQs below to learn more:

What is an assignment clause in real estate?

Assignment clauses in real estate transfer legal obligations from one owner to another party. They also allow house flippers to engage in a contract negotiation with a seller and then assign the real estate to the buyer while collecting a fee for their services. Real estate lawyers assist in the drafting of assignment clauses in real estate transactions.

What does no assignment clause mean?

No assignment clauses prohibit the transfer or assignment of contract obligations from one part to another.

What’s the purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement?

The purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement is to protect all involved parties’ rights and ensure that assignments are not to be unreasonably withheld. Contract lawyers can help you avoid legal mistakes when drafting your business contracts’ transfer and assignment clauses.

what is anti assignment clause

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An assignment clause (AC) is an important part of many contracts, especially for real estate. In this article we discuss:

  • What is an Assignment Clause? (with Example)
  • Anti-Assignment Clauses (with Example)
  • Non-Assignment Clauses
  • Important Considerations
  • How Assets America ® Can Help

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an assignment clause.

An AC is part of a contract governing the sale of a property and other transactions. It deals with questions regarding the assignment of the property in the purchase agreement. The thrust of the assignment clause is that the buyer can rent, lease, repair, sell, or assign the property.

To “assign” simply means to hand off the benefits and obligations of a contract from one party to another. In short, it’s the transfer of contractual rights.

In-Depth Definition

Explicitly, an AC expresses the liabilities surrounding the assignment from the assignor to the assignee. The real estate contract assignment clause can take on two different forms, depending on the contract author:

  • The AC states that the assignor makes no representations or warranties about the property or the agreement. This makes the assignment “AS IS.”
  • The assignee won’t hold the assignor at fault. It protects the assignor from damages, liabilities, costs, claims, or other expenses stemming from the agreement.

The contract’s assignment clause states the “buyer and/or assigns.” In this clause, “assigns” is a noun that means assignees. It refers to anyone you choose to receive your property rights.

The assignment provision establishes the fact that the buyer (who is the assignor) can assign the property to an assignee. Upon assignment, the assignee becomes the new buyer.

The AC conveys to the assignee both the AC’s property rights and the AC’s contract obligations. After an assignment, the assignor is out of the picture.

What is a Lease Assignment?

Assignment Clause Example

This is an example of a real estate contract assignment clause :

“The Buyer reserves the right to assign this contract in whole or in part to any third party without further notice to the Seller; said assignment not to relieve the Buyer from his or her obligation to complete the terms and conditions of this contract should be assigning default.”

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Assignment provision.

An assignment provision is a separate clause that states the assignee’s acceptance of the contract assignment.

Assignment Provision Example

Here is an example of an assignment provision :

“Investor, as Assignee, hereby accepts the above and foregoing Assignment of Contract dated XXXX, XX, 20XX by and between Assignor and ____________________ (seller) and agrees to assume all of the obligations and perform all of the duties of Assignor under the Contract.”

Anti-Assignment Clauses & Non-Assignment Clauses

An anti-assignment clause prevents either party from assigning a contract without the permission of the other party. It typically does so by prohibiting payment for the assignment. A non-assignment clause is another name for an anti-assignment clause.

Anti-Assignment Clause Example

This is an anti-assignment clause example from the AIA Standard Form of Agreement:

” The Party 1 and Party 2, respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Party 1 nor Party 2 shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other.”

Important Considerations for Assignment Contracts

The presence of an AC triggers several important considerations.

Assignment Fee

In essence, the assignor is a broker that brings together a buyer and seller. As such, the assignor collects a fee for this service. Naturally, the assignor doesn’t incur the normal expenses of a buyer.

Rather, the new buyer assumes those expenses. In reality, the assignment fee replaces the fee the realtor or broker would charge in a normal transaction. Frequently, the assignment fee is less than a regular brokerage fee.

For example, compare a 2% assignment fee compared to a 6% brokerage fee. That’s a savings of $200,000 on a $5 million purchase price. Wholesalers are professionals who earn a living through assignments.

Frequently, the assignor will require that the assignee deposit the fee into escrow. Typically, the fee is not refundable, even if the assignee backs out of the deal after signing the assignment provision. In some cases, the assignee will fork over the fee directly to the assignor.

Assignor Intent

Just because the contract contains an AC does not obligate the buyer to assign the contract. The buyer remains the buyer unless it chooses to exercise the AC, at which point it becomes the assignor. It is up to the buyer to decide whether to go through with the purchase or assign the contract.

Nonetheless, the AC signals the seller of your possible intent to assign the purchase contract to someone else. For one thing, the seller might object if you try to assign the property without an AC.

You can have serious problems at closing if you show up with a surprise assignee. In fact, you could jeopardize the entire deal.

Another thing to consider is whether the buyer’s desire for an AC in the contract will frighten the seller. Perhaps the seller is very picky about the type of buyer to whom it will sell.

Or perhaps the seller has heard horror stories, real or fake, about assignments. Whatever the reason, the real estate contract assignment clause might put a possible deal in jeopardy.

Chain of Title

If you assign a property before the closing, you will not be in the chain of title. Obviously, this differs from the case in which you sell the property five minutes after buying it.

In the latter case, your name will appear in the chain of title twice, once as the buyer and again as the seller. In addition, the latter case would involve two sets of closing costs, whereas there would only one be for the assignment case. This includes back-to-back (or double) closings.


Assignment might not be enforceable in all situations, such as when:

  • State law or public policy prohibits it.
  • The contract prohibits it.
  • The assignment significantly changes the expectations of the seller. Those expectations can include decreasing the value of the property or increasing the risk of default.

Also note that REO (real estate owned) properties, HUD properties, and listed properties usually don’t permit assignment contracts. An REO property is real estate owned by a bank after foreclosure. Typically, these require a 90-day period before a property can be resold.

How Assets America Can Help

The AC is a portion of a purchase agreement. When a purchase involves a commercial property requiring a loan of $10 million or greater, Assets America ® can arrange your financing.

We can finance wholesalers who decide to go through with a purchase. Alternatively, we can finance assignees as well. In either case, we offer expedient, professional financing and many supporting services. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.

What rights can you assign despite a contract clause expressly prohibiting assignment?

Normally, a prohibition against assignment does not curb the right to receive payments due. However, circumstances may cause the opposite outcome. Additionally, prohibition doesn’t prevent the right to money that the contract specifies is due.

What is the purpose of an assignment of rents clause in a deed of trust and who benefits?

The assignment of rents clause is a provision in a mortgage or deed of trust. It gives the lender the right to collect rents from mortgaged properties if the borrower defaults. All incomes and rents from a secured property flow to the lender and offset the outstanding debt. Clearly, this benefits the lender.

What is in assignment clause in a health insurance contract?

Commonly, health insurance policies contain assignment of benefits (AOB) clauses. These clauses allow the insurer to pay benefits directly to health care providers instead of the patient. In some cases, the provider has the patient sign an assignment agreement that accomplishes the same outcome. The provider submits the AOB agreement along with the insurance claim.

What does “assignment clause” mean for liability insurance?

The clause would allow the assignment of proceeds from a liability award payable to a third party. However, the insured must consent to the clause or else it isn’t binding. This restriction applies only before a loss. After a first party loss, the insurer’s consent no longer matters.

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what is anti assignment clause

Spotting issues with assignment clauses in M&A Due Diligence

Written by: Kira Systems

January 19, 2016

6 minute read

Although not nearly as complex as change of control provisions , assignment provisions may still present a challenge in due diligence projects. We hope this blog post will help you navigate the ambiguities of assignment clauses with greater ease by explaining some of the common variations. (And, if you like it, please check out our full guide on Reviewing Change of Control and Assignment Provisions in Due Diligence. )

What is an Assignment Clause?

First, the basics:

Anti-assignment clauses are common because without them, generally, contracts are freely assignable. (The exceptions are (i) contracts that are subject to statutes or public policies prohibiting their assignment, such as intellectual property contracts, or (ii) contracts where an assignment without consent would cause material and adverse consequences to non-assigning counterparties, such as employment agreements and consulting agreements.) For all other contracts, parties may want an anti-assignment clause that allows them the opportunity to review and understand the impact of an assignment (or change of control) before deciding whether to continue or terminate the relationship.

In the mergers and acquisitions context, an assignment of a contract from a target company entity to the relevant acquirer entity is needed whenever a contract has to be placed in the name of an entity other than the existing target company entity after consummation of a transaction. This is why reviewing contracts for assignment clauses is so critical.

A simple anti-assignment provision provides that a party may not assign the agreement without the consent of the other party. Assignment provisions may also provide specific exclusions or inclusions to a counterparty’s right to consent to the assignment of a contract. Below are five common occurrences in which assignment provisions may provide exclusions or inclusions.

Common Exclusions and Inclusions

Exclusion for change of control transactions.

In negotiating an anti-assignment clause, a company would typically seek the exclusion of assignments undertaken in connection with change of control transactions, including mergers and sales of all or substantially all of the assets of the company. This allows a company to undertake a strategic transaction without worry. If an anti-assignment clause doesn’t exclude change of control transactions, a counterparty might materially affect a strategic transaction through delay and/or refusal of consent. Because there are many types of change of control transactions, there is no standard language for these. An example might be:

In the event of the sale or transfer by [Party B] of all or substantially all of its assets related to this Agreement to an Affiliate or to a third party, whether by sale, merger, or change of control, [Party B] would have the right to assign any or all rights and obligations contained herein and the Agreement to such Affiliate or third party without the consent of [Party A] and the Agreement shall be binding upon such acquirer and would remain in full force and effect, at least until the expiration of the then current Term.

Exclusion for Affiliate Transactions

A typical exclusion is one that allows a target company to assign a contract to an affiliate without needing the consent of the contract counterparty. This is much like an exclusion with respect to change of control, since in affiliate transfers or assignments, the ultimate actors and responsible parties under the contract remain essentially the same even though the nominal parties may change. For example:

Either party may assign its rights under this Agreement, including its right to receive payments hereunder, to a subsidiary, affiliate or any financial institution, but in such case the assigning party shall remain liable to the other party for the assigning party’s obligations hereunder. All or any portion of the rights and obligations of [Party A] under this Agreement may be transferred by [Party A] to any of its Affiliates without the consent of [Party B].

Assignment by Operation of Law

Assignments by operation of law typically occur in the context of transfers of rights and obligations in accordance with merger statutes and can be specifically included in or excluded from assignment provisions. An inclusion could be negotiated by the parties to broaden the anti-assignment clause and to ensure that an assignment occurring by operation of law requires counterparty approval:

[Party A] agrees that it will not assign, sublet or otherwise transfer its rights hereunder, either voluntarily or by operations of law, without the prior written consent of [Party B].

while an exclusion could be negotiated by a target company to make it clear that it has the right to assign the contract even though it might otherwise have that right as a matter of law:

This Guaranty shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of [Party A]; provided, that no transfer, assignment or delegation by [Party A], other than a transfer, assignment or delegation by operation of law, without the consent of [Party B], shall release [Party A] from its liabilities hereunder.

This helps settle any ambiguity regarding assignments and their effects under mergers statutes (particularly in forward triangular mergers and forward mergers since the target company ceases to exist upon consummation of the merger).

Direct or Indirect Assignment

More ambiguity can arise regarding which actions or transactions require a counterparty’s consent when assignment clauses prohibit both direct and indirect assignments without the consent of a counterparty. Transaction parties will typically choose to err on the side of over-inclusiveness in determining which contracts will require consent when dealing with material contracts. An example clause prohibiting direct or indirect assignment might be:

Except as provided hereunder or under the Merger Agreement, such Shareholder shall not, directly or indirectly, (i) transfer (which term shall include any sale, assignment, gift, pledge, hypothecation or other disposition), or consent to or permit any such transfer of, any or all of its Subject Shares, or any interest therein.

“Transfer” of Agreement vs. “Assignment” of Agreement

In some instances, assignment provisions prohibit “transfers” of agreements in addition to, or instead of, explicitly prohibiting “assignments”. Often, the word “transfer” is not defined in the agreement, in which case the governing law of the contract will determine the meaning of the term and whether prohibition on transfers are meant to prohibit a broader or narrower range of transactions than prohibitions on assignments. Note that the current jurisprudence on the meaning of an assignment is broader and deeper than it is on the meaning of a transfer. In the rarer case where “transfer” is defined, it might look like this:

As used in this Agreement, the term “transfer” includes the Franchisee’s voluntary, involuntary, direct or indirect assignment, sale, gift or other disposition of any interest in…

The examples listed above are only of five common occurrences in which an assignment provision may provide exclusions or inclusions. As you continue with due diligence review, you may find that assignment provisions offer greater variety beyond the factors discussed in this blog post. However, you now have a basic understand of the possible variations of assignment clauses. For a more in-depth discussion of reviewing change of control and assignment provisions in due diligence, please download our full guide on Reviewing Change of Control and Assignment Provisions in Due Diligence.

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what is anti assignment clause

What is an Assignment Clause?

Jennifer Tsai • January 12, 2023 • 8 minute read

Anti-assignment clauses are common because without them, generally, contracts are freely assignable. (The exceptions are (i) contracts that are subject to statutes or public policies prohibiting their assignment, such as intellectual property contracts, or (ii) contracts where an assignment without consent would cause material and adverse consequences to non-assigning counterparties, such as employment agreements and consulting agreements.) For all other contracts, parties may want an anti-assignment clause that allows them the opportunity to review and understand the impact of an assignment (or change of control) before deciding whether to continue or terminate the relationship.

In the mergers and acquisitions context, an assignment of a contract from a target company entity to the relevant acquirer entity is needed whenever a contract has to be placed in the name of an entity other than the existing target company entity after consummation of a transaction. This is why reviewing contracts for assignment clauses is so critical.

Why Do Assignment Clauses Matter?

How do you review assignment clauses in contracts.

After locating all the assignment language in each agreement, the following variables should be noted as part of the review: (1) Scope of assignment provision, (2) Consequences of failure to obtain consent, (3) Standard for refusing consent, and (4) Differences among counterparties in rights to assign.

1. Scope. Assignment provisions may provide exclusions or inclusions to a counterparty’s right to approve an assignment of a contract. See the examples in the following section below.

2. Consequences of Failure to Obtain Consent. Assignment provisions may specify that, if one party attempts to assign the agreement without the required consent of the counterparty:

  • The purported assignment is null and void; and/or
  • The applicable contract is void and terminated.

Contracts should be carefully reviewed to determine which of the foregoing scenarios may apply.

3. Standard for Refusing Consent. Assignment provisions frequently include limitations stating that any counterparty’s consent that is required shall not be “unreasonably withheld,” although the reasonableness standard is rarely defined more specifically in the contract.

In an M&A context, the effect of this language is that it provides a target company with some opportunity to challenge a counterparty that withholds its consent to an assignment. Winning this challenge is far from guaranteed, and this opportunity generally comes at a cost of time and expense since it usually involves a legal challenge to the counterparty’s refusal to grant a consent. Consequently, a target company is incentivized to undertake this challenge only when the applicable contract is material to its post-acquisition business or to the consummation of its proposed transaction. Still, undertaking such a challenge may buy the target company time and provide it with some negotiating leverage in seeking a reversal of a counterparty’s refusal to consent to an assignment.

Determining whether consent has been unreasonably withheld is specific to the facts and circumstances underlying each request for consent. For example, in Athar v. Hudson Serv. Mgmt., Inc., 853 N.Y.S.2d 170 (N.Y. App. Div. 2008), a New York appellate court held that this standard requires the non-consenting party to show some reasonable and objective basis for withholding consent. The withholding of consent cannot be arbitrary or based on unique and personal preferences of the non-consenting party. Generally, the burden of proof to show an unreasonable withholding of consent is on the party requesting consent. Also, the party requesting consent is responsible for providing all information required or necessary to determine whether consent should be granted.

4. Differences Among Counterparties in Rights to Assign. It is important to note any differences in assignment rights between and among contracting parties and the consequences of those differences, as parties with greater negotiating power often have broader assignment rights. These differences can become important if there is a lag of time between signing and closing an M&A transaction. If a target company is required to obtain consent in order to assign an agreement, but the counterparty has rights to freely assign, care should be taken to ensure that any consent granted to a target company to assign a contract does not become subject to review or alteration by any parties to whom the counterparty may freely assign its rights after it has granted its consent to assignment. This is particularly relevant to consents that may lapse or lose their effectiveness if transactions do not close within a certain period of time. For example, if (i) a landlord or licensor subsequently transfers the contract after granting its initial consent, and (ii) such consent lapses pursuant to its terms, the target company might have to re-submit consent requests to completely different parties.

Software that uses AI to identify and extract Assignment clauses can accelerate the work of finding these clauses, and enables a more comprehensive review than can otherwise be done manually.

Examples of Common Exclusions and Inclusions in Assignment Clauses

A simple anti-assignment provision provides that a party may not assign the agreement without the consent of the other party. Assignment provisions may also provide specific exclusions or inclusions to a counterparty’s right to consent to the assignment of a contract. Below are five common occurrences in which assignment provisions may provide exclusions or inclusions.

Exclusion for Change of Control Transactions

In negotiating an anti-assignment clause, a company would typically seek the exclusion of assignments undertaken in connection with change of control transactions, including mergers and sales of all or substantially all of the assets of the company. This allows a company to undertake a strategic transaction without worry. If an anti-assignment clause doesn’t exclude change of control transactions, a counterparty might materially affect a strategic transaction through delay and/or refusal of consent. Because there are many types of change of control transactions, there is no standard language for these. An example might be:

In the event of the sale or transfer by [Party B] of all or substantially all of its assets related to this Agreement to an Affiliate or to a third party, whether by sale, merger, or change of control, [Party B] would have the right to assign any or all rights and obligations contained herein and the Agreement to such Affiliate or third party without the consent of [Party A] and the Agreement shall be binding upon such acquirer and would remain in full force and effect, at least until the expiration of the then current Term.

Exclusion for Affiliate Transactions

A typical exclusion is one that allows a target company to assign a contract to an affiliate without needing the consent of the contract counterparty. This is much like an exclusion with respect to change of control, since in affiliate transfers or assignments, the ultimate actors and responsible parties under the contract remain essentially the same even though the nominal parties may change. For example:

Either party may assign its rights under this Agreement, including its right to receive payments hereunder, to a subsidiary, affiliate or any financial institution, but in such case the assigning party shall remain liable to the other party for the assigning party’s obligations hereunder. All or any portion of the rights and obligations of [Party A] under this Agreement may be transferred by [Party A] to any of its Affiliates without the consent of [Party B].

Assignment by Operation of Law

Assignments by operation of law typically occur in the context of transfers of rights and obligations in accordance with merger statutes and can be specifically included in or excluded from assignment provisions. An inclusion could be negotiated by the parties to broaden the anti-assignment clause and to ensure that an assignment occurring by operation of law requires counterparty approval:

[Party A] agrees that it will not assign, sublet or otherwise transfer its rights hereunder, either voluntarily or by operations of law, without the prior written consent of [Party B].

while an exclusion could be negotiated by a target company to make it clear that it has the right to assign the contract even though it might otherwise have that right as a matter of law:

This Guaranty shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of [Party A]; provided, that no transfer, assignment or delegation by [Party A], other than a transfer, assignment or delegation by operation of law, without the consent of [Party B], shall release [Party A] from its liabilities hereunder.

This helps settle any ambiguity regarding assignments and their effects under mergers statutes (particularly in forward triangular mergers and forward mergers since the target company ceases to exist upon consummation of the merger).

Direct or Indirect Assignment

More ambiguity can arise regarding which actions or transactions require a counterparty’s consent when assignment clauses prohibit both direct and indirect assignments without the consent of a counterparty. Transaction parties will typically choose to err on the side of over-inclusiveness in determining which contracts will require consent when dealing with material contracts. An example clause prohibiting direct or indirect assignment might be:

Except as provided hereunder or under the Merger Agreement, such Shareholder shall not, directly or indirectly, (i) transfer (which term shall include any sale, assignment, gift, pledge, hypothecation or other disposition), or consent to or permit any such transfer of, any or all of its Subject Shares, or any interest therein.

“Transfer” of Agreement vs. “Assignment” of Agreement

In some instances, assignment provisions prohibit “transfers” of agreements in addition to, or instead of, explicitly prohibiting “assignments”. Often, the word “transfer” is not defined in the agreement, in which case the governing law of the contract will determine the meaning of the term and whether prohibition on transfers are meant to prohibit a broader or narrower range of transactions than prohibitions on assignments. Note that the current jurisprudence on the meaning of an assignment is broader and deeper than it is on the meaning of a transfer. In the rarer case where “transfer” is defined, it might look like this:

As used in this Agreement, the term “transfer” includes the Franchisee’s voluntary, involuntary, direct or indirect assignment, sale, gift or other disposition of any interest in …

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An automatic renewal clause is a contractual provision that automatically extends the term for a specified period of time.

What is an Amendment Clause?

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what is anti assignment clause

Email McLane Middleton, Professional Association

United States: When Is An "Assignment" Clause Worth Fighting For?

View Megan M. Coneeny Biography on their website

Q. My small business is negotiating with a vendor who has asked to remove our contract’s “assignment” clause entirely. Is it worth the time to argue over whether to include an assignment clause?

A.  First, it’s important to understand the purpose of the assignment clause. “Assignment” occurs when a party transfers its rights and obligations under a contract to another party. Generally, unless the parties have agreed otherwise, each can assign its rights and obligations freely.

Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, a set of laws governing the sale of goods that has been adopted by 49 states, including New Hampshire, provides that a party can freely assign its rights and obligations to another unless such assignment would materially change the duties of the other party, burden the other party, or decrease the other party’s chances of receiving performance under the contract.

If your vendor eliminates the assignment clause and no agreement on the topic is provided in the contract, your vendor will be free to transfer its obligations to another person or company without giving you notice or obtaining your approval.

Parties do have the ability, however, to mutually decide against the free assignability of a contract and this is often accomplished through an assignment clause. An assignment clause spells out which, if any, of a party’s obligations and rights under a contract are able to be assigned, or transferred, to another party. Free assignability and no assignability are not the only options, and you and your vendor can negotiate terms for assignment that are amenable to both of you.

For example, some clauses allow for assignment with the other party’s consent, meaning, the vendor would have to obtain your approval of the assignee prior to assigning any of its rights or obligations under the contract. Other times, assignment clauses allow for free assignment only to certain persons or entities, such as the vendor’s subsidiaries and affiliates, provided that the vendor gives you notice of such permitted assignment. Another option is to allow for assignment by the vendor provided that it guaranties the assignee’s performance.

Consider potential situations in which the vendor may want to assign the contract and determine whether it’s important to you to have control over assignment in each instance.

Consider discussing situations in which it may be important for the vendor to have freedom of assignment and, instead of removing the provision all together, specify those situations in which assignment is permitted, list those rights or obligations that are assignable, and consider whether, when assignment is permitted, notice, consent or a guaranty will be required.

Published in the Union Leader (2/25/2019)

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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ACLU Urges House of Representatives to Oppose Anti-semitism Awareness Act

The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter urging Congress to oppose H.R. 6090, the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. As the letter notes, federal law already prohibits antisemitic discrimination and harassment by federally funded entities. H.R. 6090 is therefore not needed to protect against antisemitic discrimination; instead, it would likely chill free speech of students on college campuses by incorrectly equating criticism of the Israeli government with antisemitism.

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  2. Anti-Assignment Clause: Everything You Need To Know

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  4. Are Anti-Assignment Clauses Enforceable?

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  6. A Guide to Understanding Anti-Assignment Clauses

    One of the most frequently found clauses in U.S. commercial agreements is an anti-assignment provision that prevents either or both of the parties from assigning the agreement to a third party ...

  7. Understanding the Anti-assignment Clause in Contracts

    In conclusion, an anti-assignment clause is a provision in a contract that prohibits one party from transferring or assigning their rights or obligations under the contract to a third party without the other party's consent. This clause is commonly used in contracts to protect the interests of the parties involved and to ensure that the ...

  8. Can You Assign Your Insurance Benefits to Someone Else?

    Anti-Assignment Clause . In the standard ISO policies, the anti-assignment clause is located in a separate form called the Common Policy Conditions.These conditions apply to all coverages that are included in the policy. For instance, if a policy includes business auto, general liability, and commercial property coverages, the anti-assignment clause applies to all three coverages.


    Anti-Assignment Clauses that restrict the Client's right to assign payment obligations are unenforceable. Pursuant to Section 9-406 of the Uniform Commercial Code, contract terms that restrict ...

  10. anti-assignment clauses

    Anti-assignment clauses are insurance policy provisions that require the insurance company's consent to any assignment or transfer of rights of the policy and are generally enforceable before a loss occurs. Additional Information. The assignment of rights before a loss occurs basically becomes a transfer of a contractual relationship, which is ...

  11. A Guide to Understanding Anti-Assignment Clauses

    A Guide to Understanding Anti-Assignment Clauses. Introduction. With the increasing trend of globalization in the business world, Israeli companies and investors are commonly entering into agreements with U.S.-based entities. One of the most frequently found clauses in U.S. commercial agreements is an anti-assignment provision that prevents ...

  12. Anti-Assignment Sample Clauses

    Anti-Assignment. No right or benefit under this Plan shall be subject to anticipation, alienation, sale, assignment, pledge, encumbrance or charge; and any attempt to anticipate, alienate, sell, assign, pledge, encumber or charge the same shall be void. No right or benefit shall be liable for or subject to the debts, contracts, liabilities, or torts of the person entitled to such benefits.

  13. Delaware Court holds anti-assignment clause prevents ...

    Of special relevance is the Superior Court's treatment of existing Delaware case law on anti-assignment clauses and forward triangular mergers. Existing precedent from the Court of Chancery held that anti-assignment clauses containing both a prohibition on assignment "by operation of law" and a reference to "successors" were ambiguous.

  14. Powers of Attorney: The Anti-Anti-Assignment

    Anti-assignment clauses create a defined and relatively well understood set of opportunities and issues for participants, beneficiaries, health care providers, insurers, and plans. Powers of attorney offer a mechanism for healthcare providers to pursue their patients' claims for benefits even where a valid anti-assignment clause in a plan ...

  15. PDF Anti-Assignment Provisions in Leases

    anti-assignment clause. The court found that a tenant violated an anti-assignment clause in transferring its lease to a sub - sidiary and then selling that subsidiary to another company. The clause in question clearly grant - ed the tenant the right to transfer its lease to a subsidiary, but prohibited the lease from being assigned to unre -

  16. Guide to Understanding Anti-Assignment Clauses

    One of the most frequently found clauses in U.S. commercial agreements is an anti-assignment provision that prevents either or both of the parties from assigning the agreement to a third party ...

  17. Assignment Clause: Meaning & Samples (2022)

    Assignment Clause Examples. Examples of assignment clauses include: Example 1. A business closing or a change of control occurs. Example 2. New services providers taking over existing customer contracts. Example 3. Unique real estate obligations transferring to a new property owner as a condition of sale. Example 4.

  18. Assignment Clause

    An anti-assignment clause prevents either party from assigning a contract without the permission of the other party. It typically does so by prohibiting payment for the assignment. A non-assignment clause is another name for an anti-assignment clause. Anti-Assignment Clause Example. This is an anti-assignment clause example from the AIA ...

  19. Spotting issues with assignment clauses in M&A Due Diligence

    Anti-assignment clauses are common because without them, generally, contracts are freely assignable. (The exceptions are (i) contracts that are subject to statutes or public policies prohibiting their assignment, such as intellectual property contracts, or (ii) contracts where an assignment without consent would cause material and adverse ...

  20. What is an Assignment Clause?

    What is an Assignment Clause? Anti-assignment clauses are common because without them, generally, contracts are freely assignable. (The exceptions are (i) contracts that are subject to statutes or public policies prohibiting their assignment, such as intellectual property contracts, or (ii) contracts where an assignment without consent would cause material and adverse consequences to non ...

  21. United States: When Is An "Assignment" Clause Worth Fighting For?

    A. First, it's important to understand the purpose of the assignment clause. "Assignment" occurs when a party transfers its rights and obligations under a contract to another party. Generally, unless the parties have agreed otherwise, each can assign its rights and obligations freely. Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, a set of ...

  22. Stuff You Might Need to Know: What Assignments Do Broad Anti ...

    An anti-assignment clause declaring void an assignment made in violation of that clause is categorized as a clause restricting the power to assign, while those that do not are typically viewed as ...

  23. Near Unanimity Among the Circuits: Anti-Assignment Provisions are

    Accordingly, the Third Circuit joined the consensus opinion among several Circuits to hold that an anti-assignment clause in an ERISA health plan should, as a general matter, be enforceable. The Court also rejected the provider's argument that the insurers had waived their right to enforce the anti-assignment provision by failing to raise it as ...

  24. Anti-Coercion Requirement and Spending Clause

    Footnotes Jump to essay-1 See ArtI.S8.C1.2.5 Clear Notice Requirement and Spending Clause. Jump to essay-2 See Nat'l Fed'n of Indep. Bus. v. Sebelius, 567 U.S. 519, 577 (2012) (plurality opinion of Roberts, C.J., joined by Breyer and Kagan, JJ.) (stating that Congress may use its spending power to create incentives for States to act in accordance with federal policies (internal quotation ...

  25. ACLU Urges House of Representatives to Oppose Anti-semitism Awareness

    The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter urging Congress to oppose H.R. 6090, the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act. As the letter notes, federal law already prohibits antisemitic discrimination and harassment by federally funded entities. H.R. 6090 is therefore not needed to protect against antisemitic discrimination; instead, it would ...