Essay on Artificial Intelligence – a boon or bane

We are living in an era of rapid technological advancement, where artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we live and work. You may have heard of popular AI models like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and others that have made headlines in the year 2023 for their impressive capabilities, such as text-to-speech, text-to-image, and text-to-video.

Indeed, thousands of people have lost their jobs due to the proliferation of chatbots and other AI-powered systems. This has led to a debate over whether AI is a boon or a bane for society. In this essay, we will explore both sides of this issue and examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI.

Students must stay exam-ready by reading these types of essays based on current affairs .

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. AI is a type of technology that is designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions. Some people believe that AI is a boon, while others believe it is a bane. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument.

On the one hand, AI can be seen as a boon. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, education, and transportation. In healthcare, AI can help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly. In education, AI can personalize learning experiences for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses. In transportation, AI can help reduce traffic accidents and congestion by enabling self-driving cars.

AI can also make our lives more convenient. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa can help us manage our schedules, answer questions, and control our home devices with just our voice. AI-powered chatbots can help businesses provide better customer service by answering frequently asked questions and resolving issues more quickly.

On the other hand, AI can also be seen as a bane. One of the main concerns about AI is that it could potentially take over jobs that are currently done by humans. For example, self-driving cars could eliminate the need for taxi drivers and truck drivers. AI-powered robots could replace workers in factories and warehouses. This could lead to job losses and economic instability.

Another concern is that AI could be used for malicious purposes. AI could be used to create fake news and spread disinformation. It could also be used to create autonomous weapons that could make decisions without human intervention.

In conclusion, AI is a complex and multifaceted technology that can be both a boon and a bane. While AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, improve our lives, and make our world a better place, we must also be mindful of the potential risks and challenges associated with this technology. As we continue to develop and integrate AI into our lives, it is important that we carefully consider the ethical implications and strive to create a future where AI serves the common good.

If you were an ex-employee of Google, Meta, Alphabet or Microsoft, you would have surely termed Artificial intelligence a bane. On the other hand, for a graphic designer who has started earning a handsome amount of money with the help of Mid journey, artificial intelligence is no less than a boon or blessing for him.

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Artificial Intelligence: A Boon Or A Curse?

artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

Technology has truly outdone itself. Today, we have so many inventions marking the numbers to millions of projects worldwide. As of the 2021 UNCTAD report, eleven technologies have a market representation of $350- billion. And this number is bound to rise to $3.2 trillion by 2025.

These technologies include:

Artificial Intelligence

Internet of Things

3D printing


Gene editing

And notably, Artificial Intelligence is the number one technology that is revolutionary on this list. Data on this is that AI, according to the Fortune Business insights 2020 , was valued at $27.23 billion in 2019. And this figure is to get to $266.92 billion by 2027. This growth is a 33.2 % increment of Artificial Intelligence services' compound annual growth rate.

So is it a blessing or a curse? Let's find out.

But before we get to the advantages and disadvantages of Al, let us find out what it is.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

As per Wikipedia's definition, Artificial Intelligence is aptitude executed by machines. This intellect lacks any emotional or conscious attachment displayed by humans and animals in general.

artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

Why is Artificial Intelligence a boon or a curse?

Artificial Intelligence has been both a blessing and a curse to humanity, and some of those reasons are to be discussed in this section. For each sub-topic we highlight, we shall share both sides of the story and let you be the judge whether it is a boon or a curse.

The replacement of human labour

Under this category, AI has been of great help to assist human beings to get work faster. Repetitive tasks get accomplished just as quickly. With an AI machine, this task is efficiently carried out without human interference. One great example is the use of AI machines that clean the floors of a building. By using their sensors, they get to the spot that needs cleaning and sorts it out.

On the flip side, how many of these machines do you think we need to get all the cleaning done? And can they do the same on all surfaces as a person can? Indeed not! Despite these machines being helpful, there is still a lot they cannot do; thus, humans remain on top of the food chain.

An Artificial Intelligence machine is just as accurate as the algorithm running it. And believe it or not, a human was the brains behind the formulation of that algorithm. This brings us to first the boon:

The boon here is that if the AI is set on an accurate and correct algorithm, then the results are spot on, which is excellent news for manufacturers and other people using these AI machines.

The curse is If the AI machine is inaccurate, even a few inches off, the results are devastating. Think of it this way: imagine an AI machine is working on the calibration and cutting of car parts, let’s say an engine part if the measurements are off, even an inch out, when the assembly of these car parts comes, these parts will not fit. And this results in massive wastage. And this is an overall wastage of resources, including material, energy, and even time.

Advantages and disadvantages of Artificial intelligence

AI is adaptable by all business ventures

All AI inventions can be employed and integrated into all business sectors globally, making Artificial Intelligence services valuable assets. As a matter of fact, as of 2015, there was a 10% increase of businesses integrating some of AI into their business. And by 2019, that percentage rose to 37%.

This growth marks a 270% growth in a mere four years, showing that AI is a super adaptable concept many companies embrace. Artificial Intelligence has even been named the most disruptive technology. And all intelligence officers and IT gurus all over the world agree on this.

So whether it is agriculture, IT, infrastructure, manufacturing, and processing, Artificial Intelligence services can be incorporated seamlessly and work perfectly.

AI increases business productivity

Every business that has adapted Artificial Intelligence services has attested to a significant improvement of productivity.

In 2018, PWC executives gave the analysis that there was a 54% increment of productivity in enterprises that adopted AI.

AI improves customer service

As of 2018 the Salesforce 2019 reported that 59% of customers worldwide were willing to give their data so that AI can better their customers' experience. And that number went to 62% in just a year.

This is, however, still debated among 39% of clients who have concerns about how their data is utilized.


The risk of Unemployment

One of the many concerns people have is that Artificial Intelligence, especially the advanced kinds, will result in unemployment.

A study orchestrated by the McKinsey Global Institute stated that intelligence agents could replace 30% of the human workforce by 2030. But that is not all; the same study attests that automation itself will result in about 400 to 800 million job loss. And so people have to either switch job categories or remain jobless.

AI is very costly to implement

On expenditure, the International Data Corp reported that the businesses using Artificial Intelligence services in the USA and elsewhere spend about $35.8 billion. And that was as of 2019. That number is estimated to double and get to an estimate of $79.2 billion by 2022.

And these costs are only on the Artificial Narrow Intelligence, which is the most used kind. Apple's renowned voice assistant Siri cost the company a whopping $200 to make it fully functional. And Amazon used $26 million for Alexa in 2013, and this number has since then doubled.

Artificial intelligence has come a long way, but we are not yet there. As seen, we are just beginning, and the advancement of artificial intelligence services is becoming more and more prevalent.

To answer the question of Artificial Intelligence is it a book or a curse depends on your judgment. Especially now that you know what it is, its advantages and disadvantages.

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Artificial Intelligence – Boon or Bane

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of machines that can perform tasks that require human intelligence like speech recognition, language translation, and decision making. Artificial Intelligence is said to be the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and perform tasks like humans. There are various real-life applications of Artificial Intelligence they are as follows:

1. Gaming: In strategic games like Chess the machine is programmed such that it can generate its moves and also study the moves of its opponents and decide which movie to be made next.

2. Speech Recognition: Some systems can recognize the language spoken by humans and respond in the same way by grasping the accent, grammar, etc. These types of speech recognition systems are present in our smartphones and home devices. Some examples of speech recognition systems are Google Now, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa.

3. Handwriting Recognition: Handwriting Text Recognition system in the machine enables it to read handwriting and transform into editable text.

4. Robotics: Robotics is a branch of science and engineering which deals with construction, design, and programming of robots. Robots are the most sophisticated and complex inventions of humans to date. Robots are capable of carrying out a series of a complex tasks. They are efficient in their tasks as they can multitask as well and save time doing so. They have vast memory space and can adjust to their environment.

With the growth in AI, there is a debate that whether AI is a boon or a bane. Some factors support AI to be a boon as well as a bane.

Factors that support AI to be a Boon:

  • Ease in Availability: Machines do not require refreshment like humans and can work for a longer period. They are capable of performing tasks and work continuously and produce quality output.
  • Daily Usage: Currently the most widely used machine in our daily life is a smartphone, which results knowingly and unknowingly using the benefits of AI. A few examples that demonstrate the use of AI in our daily life are speech recognition system used in our search engine on our smartphones, GPS used for navigation and fingerprint recognition and face recognition system in our smartphone for security.
  • Performing Complex Tasks: For a human performing tedious task is time-consuming. AI algorithms are developed to perform complex tasks. Machines are capable of performing multiple tasks at a particular period and function faster than humans.
  • Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants communicate with various users, thus resulting in less use of manpower. As machines do not have emotions they perform more logically and efficiently and thus arrive at the right decision.

AI as a Bane:

  • Incurs High Cost: With the use of AI the productivity enhances and efficient results are obtained but huge costs are incurred in the process as machines are very complex and complicated in their training. And machines require regular maintenance at a particular point of time thus resulting in bigger costs to incur.
  • Lack of Experience: Humans depend upon their experience and perform accordingly in the future whereas do not have experience. Machines act according to the algorithm that is set for its functioning. They do not react with the environment and this what creates the difference between machines and humans.
  • Unemployment: The growing concern in the global economy today is that will AI completely take over human jobs. To enhance the productivity enterprises are adopting AI-based technologies that are now replacing human jobs and making us more dependent on machines. This would lead to a major loss in the ability of thinking and result in creativity and ideas.

AI will grow further in the future and shape our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages. It has the factors that support it be a boon or bane. But still, there is a debate whether it will be a boon or a bane. We’ll come to know in the future whether it proves to be boon or bane.

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artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

Artificial Intelligence: A boon or bane for educators?

February 6, 2023

Dr Armin Alimardani’s prototypes showcase how AI tools can improve learning and teaching experience

ChatGPT has become a hot topic worldwide due to its potential to complete tasks – including university assignments –with minimal human input.

This has sparked global concern for educators, given that the AI tool can be used by students to complete assignments – including lengthy essays.

The end results are not always factually correct – or of HD standard – but the fact that material generated by an AI can often be difficult or impossible to distinguish from that written by a human raises grave academic integrity concerns.

While the uptake of AI tools such as ChatGPT raises many concerns, it also presents novel opportunities for educators to develop and implement new learning and teaching modes.

UOW’s Dr Armin Alimardani , from the School of Law researches the legal, social and ethical impacts of emerging technologies with a particular focus on AI.

For the past year, he and UNSW Associate Professor Emma A. Jane have collaborated to develop a toolkit of AI prototypes aimed at improving the quality of learning for students in forms such as providing instant feedback and engaging in friendly dialogue about key course topics.

Their Safe-to-fail AI site is home to a growing number of customisable AI tools for university teaching and research purposes. Unlike other tools on the market, they are not locked behind closely guarded corporate paywalls but are freely available.

“One of the key motivations behind the project is the need to democratise the development and use of emerging technologies like AI,” Dr Alimardani said.

“We believe it is important for non-experts to have a greater understanding of what AI can and can't do, and to have more control over how it is used and developed, rather than leaving it to commercial companies to shape the future of AI in education.

“Many big technology companies offer easy-to-use AI platforms, but these often come at significant costs, such as large upfront payments or opaque data harvesting. We wanted to create a platform that is accessible to everyone and that doesn't require any knowledge of coding. Our goal is to ensure that our universities, at least, don’t have to rely on such costly and potentially problematic solutions.”

Dr Alimardani and Associate Professor Jane have developed tools such as SmartTest , which is designed to help educators evaluate student understanding and provide instant feedback on answers to open-ended questions. It uses text provided by educators to assess student answers in real-time, giving immediate feedback that helps identify areas for student improvement and promotes critical thinking.

FAQ 2.0 is another tool offered on the Safe-to-fail AI website. It helps students quickly find answers to simple questions by allowing educators to upload their course outlines and queries related to their degrees.

With this tool, students can have fast and easy access to the information they need without having to sift through multiple pages or send repetitive emails to their teachers.

(a)icon is a conversational AI tool where users can chat about anything and receive answers to those queries over the course of a casual and personalised dialogue.

“While there has been much discussion surrounding the potential misuse of ChatGPT by students, our project is a prime example of looking at the flip side of AI – that is, how it can assist educators to save time and improve the quality of learning for students,” Dr Alimardani said.

“Our aim is to offer an interactive and engaging experience for students. It’s not intended to replace human interaction, but rather act as an additional support in students’ learning and development process.”

Safe-to-fail AI prototype can be accessed via this link

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artificial intelligence boon or curse essay


F rom the moment artificial intelligence (AI) took centre stage in the tech world, there have been debates over its possible benefits and downsides. A section of people believe that AI would make lives easier and help us with our day-to-day work, on the other hand there is no dearth of those who are skeptical and who argue that it might eventually learn to manipulate humans, take away human jobs, and even be the reason of our extinction.

While speaking to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on AI’s possible negative side, during the first global AI Safety Summit in November 2023, tech billionaire and founder of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Reeve Musk said, “We are seeing the most destructive force in history here. We will have something that is smarter than the smartest human. There will come a point where no job is needed – you can have a job if you want one for personal satisfaction, but AI will be able to do everything.”

Contrary to the opinion he expressed above, Elon Musk has gone ahead to secure the USFDA approval for clinical trials in humans for an implantable Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) developed by his company Neuralink. The company is developing a surgically AI enabled implantable chip containing several electrodes that essentially allows the brain to convey intent of movement to a device connected via Bluetooth (e.g. a smartphone, laptop or a computer enabled machine) and then the device decodes the neural data and converts intent to action. Some in the science community warn that such a device could eventually lead to human beings’ self-destruction before the ‘AI apocalypse’ even comes along.

Present Form of Artificial Intelligence or AI Around Us:

Before we dwell deeper into possible positive or negative effects of AI, it is crucial to know what exactly is AI or artificial intelligence. In simple terms, AI is the ability of computerised machines to do what typically only humans can. Artificial Intelligence is already a part of day-to-day lives of many people. Digital assistants in homes and offices, such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, are just two examples of AI in every-day life.

There are plenty more digital assistants that are helping people to perform tasks such as keeping a check on their health; managing daily schedules; carrying out web searches; sending commands to other apps; translating content into various languages and now, the AI chat-box ChatGPT can actually create conversational dialogues like a human. Other wide-ranging examples of AI usage include self-driving cars; robots used in manufacturing for industry; virtual assistants for health check-ups or travel bookings; chat-bots used in marketing or social media monitoring; navigation systems (GPS) and mapping for improved travel; smart devices’ text-edit functions such as autocorrect; e-payments through digital platforms; facial recognition technology used by governments and corporate; and even the search and recommendation algorithms used by OTT and digital streaming platforms.

The Positive Potential of AI:

The exhaustive but still limited list of usage of Artificial Intelligence already all around us, is an indication of its huge impact in the present as well as in future. AI has made it possible for machines to source huge amounts of digital data, crunch it and then convert it into practical action, independent of human interference.

This ability of computers has already led to significant breakthroughs in the field of medicine, genetics, bio-technology and almost all scientific research including space-tech. For example, AI-based microchip brain-implants are helping people with disabilities to regain control over their bodies. A man in the Netherlands, who suffered from paralysis, was able to walk and even climb stairs after one such device implant. An international team of neuroscientists designed that AI driven implant in order to re-connect the brain, the spinal cord and the muscles of that patient who had suffered a spinal injury. Another interesting recent medical-breakthrough has been the use of AI to potentially predict an individual’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease as well as develop effective and personalized treatments for the same.

How AI helps is at various stages, such as with something as mundane as being able to study unlimited number of MRIs of patients simultaneously, which no one human doctor can do.

Therefore, it is clear that AI has the potential to help improve the lives of millions of people who suffer from various health conditions.

Artificial Intelligence can even play a key role in predicting and preventing crises of our planet’s health. It is well documented that we are at present in the throes of a climate emergency.

Whether it is devastating flash-floods in some part of the globe or an unrelenting heat-wave in some other part; unseasonal rains somewhere or forest-fires elsewhere; AI tech can be of immense use in the planet’s fight for survival.

During the recent forest-fires plaguing several counties in the United States of America, a next-generation fire prediction technology was used by harnessing the power of AI for predicting, preventing and managing forest fires. Americans have the experience of developing and using a platform called Firemap which analyzes data quickly, accurately and effectively in order to prevent or contain wild-fires.

Similarly, the Portuguese have developed a new fire-fighting drone using AI tech, which can douse wild-fires with water before a small blaze can turn into a mega-fire.

Thus, AI has the true potential for better management of natural disasters such as forestfires, floods, landslides and earthquakes. There are undeniable advantages of AI such as reducing the risk of human error in a given task and enhancing accuracy and precision. AI arrives at decisions by analysing all previously gathered information and using a set of pre-programmed algorithms.

The precedent is that this reduces errors to null. Going back to an example from health-care, the use of AI in robotic surgery has proven to reduce the risk of human error while increasing the capabilities of performing complex procedures at the same time.

Then there is the huge advantage of ‘zero risk’ in using AI for performing tasks which are either perilous, or monotonous or humungous for humans. For example, defusing a bomb or researching the depths of the ocean or exploring outer-space.

AI-driven innovations such as appbased aggregators like Ola/Uber or Amazon continue to make life easier for humans. Inventions such as Tesla’s self-driving cars can potentially reduce traffic congestion in bustling cities; improve road safety and even increase accessibility for humans with limited mobility.

In a fast-paced world where time is often money, AI enables faster decision-making. AI- based automation and real-time insights not only make organizational processes faster and safer, they have proven to be particularly valuable in situations which have highstakes and may lead to costly errors or risk lives.

For example in financial trading, AI-powered predictive analytics crunches vast amounts of real-time data to enable informed investment decisions.

Thus, in comparison to human traders algorithms reduce risks and result in improved financial returns. Another advantageous application of AI is in pattern identification due to its ability to analyze unlimited data. This quality is useful in better understanding market trends and improving business outcomes. Law enforcement and vigilance departments routinely utilize this AI tech to identify and check fraudulent activity through pattern identification. Obviously, AI and its practical applications is a fastdeveloping field and it is ever-evolving, but the pace at which AI is revolutionizing all aspects of life begs careful consideration. The positive potential is indeed vast and untapped still, but the sheer power of AI-tech demands ethical guidelines to be developed.

The Negative Potential of AI:

A big disadvantage of AI, especially in sectors such as citizen-database, security agencies, healthcare, education and others is the potential theft and misuse of personal data. AI systems governing many such aspects of society raise ethical and privacy concerns. It is critical to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information of both citizens and organizations. All digital information is vulnerable to hacking and misuse.

Therefore AI enabled systems will need to handle data securely, with relevant privacy safeguards in place. For militaries across the world, AI enabled weapons technology has changed the battlefield forever. From the current favourites like weaponized drones to the potential killer-robots of the future, AI is driving military planning the world over.

While each country may feel safer in possessing AI-based weapons that minimize the loss of its own soldiers, the world as a whole will be threatened more. The chances of countries going to war increase manifold, under the false-illusion of safety which AI enabled remote war-fare provides. When there is lesser loss of human life at stake, belligerent nations may potentially turn more easily to war in order to settle disputes. So, while war-mongers find AI based weapons technology exciting, peace-lovers remain worried.

Artificial Intelligence involves high costs since it is only as good as the latest hardware and software to stay relevant. So far, AI has also shown to be limited by the data that is pre-fed and thus lacks creativity.

Unlike humans, AI cannot so far, think outside the box. Another disadvantage of AI is that it can make humans lazy. If repetitive tasks, calculations and data analytics are handed over permanently to robots, humans could potentially use less and less of their brains and develop poorer reflexes. Another concern is AI Singularity. This refers to the school of thought amongst cynics that AI cannot be incorporated with the human features of morality and ethics. The fear is that Artificial Intelligence will evolve uncontrollably and potentially either subjugate or wipe-out humanity.

There Are Grey Areas:

There are numerous labour-intensive jobs which humans get paid to do, and which enables them to sustain a livelihood for themselves and their dependents. Examples include jobs like proof-reading and factchecking documents, replying to e-mails, setting itineraries, packaging goods, assembly line production, house-cleaning, public transportation, answering phones and many such. Since AI can perform repetitive tasks faster and better, robots could well replace humans in these jobs.

Even in specialized fields such as art, music, literature and acting, AI is threatening human competitiveness.

A good and recent example is the strike by Hollywood writers and actors, to protest the inadequate compensations being given to them, as they face almost an existential threat due to advanced use of AI in film-production. Further, humans are endowed with a sense of community and team spirit, so a decision can become acceptable if it proves to be right for the greater good.

AI on the other hand, would have no such qualms and could arrive at narrow decisions which may potentially do more harm than good.

Artificial Intelligence is unbiased, unemotional and rational in its outcomes, whereas human intelligence is often informed by emotions.

AI functions on wholesome data, whilst humans rely on wholesome knowledge and life experience. The decisions arrived at by both in any given environment, may or may not differ significantly due to the fundamental difference between an algorithm and a human brain.

So, what happens when an AI decision is at odds with a human decision? Further, with rapid advances in bio-tech, med-tech and chip-tech, the idea of a terminator-style human robot does not look too farfetched in the near future.

Though for now what Elon Musk proposes through his Neuralink device is to treat neurological diseases, such as dementia and motion disorders; But once technology is advanced enough for us to choose how much of the human brain we want to be merged with AI, it will be hard to draw the line on how much is too much.

To understand the future possible dangers of this technology let us consider a few imaginary situations:

1. What if AI overtakes the human brain, which is not possible today, but one day when it gets sufficiently developed, AI could be used as a substitute brain in someone’s body and that human’s body could be in potential danger.

2. A person could be doomed if his/her ‘brain chip’ is hacked because a hacker could extract all the information of the victim and potentially blackmail, control, harass, torture or even kill the victim.

3. What if there is a man or organisation powerful enough to control living beings through the chips in their brain, which are linked to their nerves. The jury is out on whether AI is a boon or curse, but what is unambiguous is that Artificial Intelligence is certainly revolutionary for mankind as a whole, and it has the potential to shape human-history in unimaginable ways.


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Will AI be a bane or boon for global development?

May 18, 2018.

artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

Tatsiana Hulko

Corporate Engagement and Business Development Lead, Business Call to Action, UNDP

From tracking cattle to bespoke weather forecasts, AI technology is helping smallholders across Asia and Africa. But it is by no means clear yet whether it will be a game changer in eliminating global poverty.

Anyone following tech news these days understands that the coexistence of artificial intelligence (AI) and mankind – and the ethical conflicts that may arise from it – is no longer science fiction. There is unease about AI influencing our online shopping and social media habits; about it replacing both menial and high-skilled jobs; enhancing surveillance and policing, and contributing to the development of more sophisticated weapons.

The primary concern for businesses and governments today is how to better understand and harness big data, the  internet of things , exponentially rising computing power and speed, memory capacity and intelligent algorithms. For those working in international development, the motivation is to apply the promise and potential of AI towards solving some of the world’s most challenging economic, social and environmental issues.

Artificial intelligence is not one specific technology, but rather a broad spectrum of computer systems and applications that have the ability to perform tasks associated with human intelligence. With its unparalleled capacity to mine and parse vast amounts of data in record time; precision in identifying and collecting information even from locations and market segments where data is scarcely available; and its predictive and responsive power, AI technology stands to progress development and humanitarian efforts at a rate never witnessed before.

US-based  aWhere  and Swedish  Ignitia , both members of the UN’s Business Call to Action (BCtA) platform, are already using predictive AI, proprietary algorithms and advanced analytics to deliver agricultural intelligence and ultra-accurate weather forecasts to smallholder farmers in Africa and Asia.

Initially a research project to improve accuracy of weather predictions, Ignitia pioneered a tropical weather forecasting model, and the organization say that has proven to be  84 percent accurate, more than twice as accurate as global forecasts . Today, 329,000 small-scale farmers in west Africa rely on it for GPS-specific weather forecasts to make better and quicker decisions regarding sowing and planting, application of fertilizers, and harvesting. All the farmers need is a standard phone – Ignitia takes satellite data, runs it through the AI model and sends out tailored text message forecasts.

Will AI be a bane or boon for global development?

According to Ignitia, an independent study carried out by University of California Berkeley in 2017 found that harvests increased by 65 percent on average after just one season with Iska (Ignitia’s flagship service), and resulted in farmers earning up to US$480 more from their crops. Considering it only comes to 2 percent of total input costs, farmers are already seeing the benefits.

Global predictions for AI in agriculture suggest it will be worth  more than $2.6 billion by 2025 . Increased investments are propelling the development and commercial deployment of technologies, from yield prediction algorithms to drone irrigation and discovery of next-generation proteins in biotechnology.

Uruguayan agtech startup  Chipsafer produces wearable technology that tracks livestock activity in near real-time, detects anomalies in cattle behaviour and helps isolate disease outbreaks. Individual animals are fitted with solar powered collars or tags that collect, process, and transmit data to Chipsafer’s analytical centres, allowing ranchers from Brazil to Australia to improve herd production, prevent cattle theft and contain the outbreak of diseases before they spread.

The company is currently offering technological solutions around livestock insurance too. “Our technology provides accurate and timely data on livestock herds, soil conditions, pasture quality and water sources – the data that is currently missing for determining risk and insurance profiles for rural livestock,” says founder and chief executive Victoria Alonsoperez. “Chipsafer stands ready to develop new index based livestock insurance offerings, which will bring transformational benefits for the farmers.”

These solutions are already available for many large-scale commercial farmers, and companies such as BCtA members in the agricultural sector are working to make them accessible for the world’s 2.5 billion smallholder growers and their families. It is the owners of the smallest plots who stand to benefit the most from the democratization and broad uptake of AI solutions as their first line of defence against challenges such as climate change, a growing population and food security. Ultimately, AI could be a game changer in eliminating hunger, reducing poverty and achieving responsible consumption and production.

Some experts might say it could still be decades before machine intelligence becomes ubiquitous or is hailed as either boon or bane of human existence. It is up to the current generation to shape the commercial, ethical and regulatory context in which the technology develops, to serve rather than harm humankind. One thing is clear – the old systems are falling short in the face of the daunting challenges of today, and we only have the future to look to for solutions.  

About Business Call to Action (BCtA):  Launched at the  United Nations  in 2008, BCtA aims to accelerate progress towards the  s ustainable development goals (SDGs)  by challenging companies to develop inclusive business models that offer the potential for both commercial success and development impact. Find out more at  

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Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on AI Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Introduction to ai.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a modern technology that makes machines think like humans. It allows computers to learn, understand, and do tasks that usually need human intelligence. This includes things like recognizing speech, learning, planning, and problem-solving.

AI as a Boon

AI is a boon because it makes our life easier. It can do tasks quickly and accurately. For instance, AI in medical science can help doctors diagnose diseases. AI in education can help students learn better. It can even help in managing traffic and predicting weather.

AI as a Bane

On the other hand, AI can also be a bane. It can lead to job loss as machines replace humans. It might also lead to privacy issues as AI can collect and use personal data. There’s also a risk of machines becoming too powerful.

In conclusion, AI can be both a boon and a bane. It depends on how we use it. If used responsibly, AI can be a great tool for progress. But if misused, it can also cause problems. So, it’s important to use AI wisely.

250 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic these days. It is the science of making machines that can think and learn like humans. Some people see it as a blessing, while others see it as a curse. Let’s look at both sides of the coin.

AI – A Boon

AI is a boon because it can do many things faster and better than humans. It can help doctors diagnose diseases, help farmers grow better crops, and even help us find information on the internet. It can also do jobs that are too dangerous for humans, like defusing bombs or exploring space.

AI – A Bane

On the other side, AI can also be a bane. It can take away jobs from people because machines can work 24/7 without getting tired. It can also be used for bad things, like spying on people or creating fake news. Plus, if AI machines become too smart, they might start making decisions without human input, which could be dangerous.

In the end, whether AI is a boon or a bane depends on how we use it. If we use it to help people and make the world a better place, it can be a boon. But if we use it to harm others or to replace humans, it can be a bane. So, it’s up to us to make sure we use AI in the right way.

500 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a term you might have heard often. It is a type of computer science that allows machines to act and think like humans. AI can do many things, like recognizing speech, learning, planning, and problem-solving. It is an exciting field, but it also brings up many questions. Is AI a boon or a bane? Let’s explore this.

AI is a boon in many ways. Firstly, it can help us do tasks faster and more accurately. For example, AI can process and analyze large amounts of data in seconds. This helps businesses make better decisions and improve their services.

Secondly, AI can do jobs that are dangerous or difficult for humans. Robots can work in harsh environments, like deep-sea exploration or space missions. They can also do repetitive tasks without getting bored or tired.

Thirdly, AI can help in areas like healthcare and education. AI-powered systems can diagnose diseases, suggest treatments, and even help with surgeries. In education, AI can provide personalized learning experiences based on a student’s needs.

Despite the benefits, AI also has potential downsides. One issue is job losses. As machines become smarter, they might replace humans in many jobs. This could lead to unemployment and social problems.

Another worry is about privacy and security. AI systems can collect and analyze a lot of personal data. This could be misused and lead to privacy breaches.

Lastly, there is a fear that AI might become too powerful. If machines become smarter than humans, they might start making decisions on their own. This could lead to unpredictable and possibly dangerous situations.

So, is AI a boon or a bane? It’s not a simple answer. AI has the potential to bring many benefits. It can help us do tasks better, faster, and safer. But it also has potential risks, like job losses, privacy issues, and the fear of machines becoming too powerful.

We need to find a balance. We should embrace the benefits of AI, but also be aware of the risks. We need to create rules and safeguards to ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits everyone. Only then can we make sure that AI is more of a boon than a bane.

In conclusion, AI is like a tool. It’s how we use it that determines whether it’s a boon or a bane. We have the power to shape the future of AI, and we should use it wisely.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Is Artificial Intelligence a boon or bane?

artificial intelligence

Strong And Weak AI

AI can be classified into two types:

artificial general intelligence

  • Strong AI , also known as  Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)  is capable of finding solutions to unfamiliar tasks and it can replicate the cognitive ability of the human brain.
  • Weak AI , also known as Narrow AI is designed to complete a specific task.  Chatbots , Voice assistants like  Siri , and Industrial Robots all belong to this weak AI.

ai chatbot

Different Types Of AI

According to Arena Hintze, Assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science and engineering at Michigan state university, AI can be divided into 4 types:

  • Reactive Machines : These AI systems are task-oriented and are not able to memorize, which makes them incapable of informing future ones about past experiences.
  • Limited Memory : self-driving cars are examples of this AI system. here it can memorize and can inform about the future.
  • Theory of mind : The theory of mind is so much related to human emotions. When it applies to AI the system will be able to understand emotions.
  • Self-awareness : In this type of AI system they have a sense of self, which makes the machine find out their state and this system does not yet exist.

How is AI Applied today?

Ai has its demand in today’s market w hether it’s in Education, Healthcare, Business,  Finance, and so on. 

AI can automate a variety of time-consuming and repetitive processes, freeing up human labor or higher-order, more creative tasks.


AI may be used to customize goods and services, giving customers a better experience and raising customer happiness.

Improved Safety

In sectors like transportation, manufacturing, and construction, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help increase safety by identifying possible risks and averting accidents.

Precision And Accuracy

AI can thoroughly and accurately evaluate and process massive volumes of data, which can result in better-informed decisions in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and education.

AI Domination Over Human

As Stephen Hawking once said, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”, this i s still circling as a current issue in everyone’s conversation. As we know, AI is the future , and especially in this digital age, its multitasking ability makes it a boon. It reduces the time for data-heavy tasks, and consistent results all make it one of the best inventions of the 21st century.

ai domination

At the same time, the reason that AI can give better results in less time than humans makes it a bane to the entire human society. As it completely replaces human beings and can interrupt human presence in every field.

Consequences of AI

  • Job displacement : The automation of certain jobs through AI could lead to job displacement for some workers, particularly those in low-skill or repetitive jobs.
  • Discrimination and Bias : AI algorithms have the potential to reinforce and even exacerbate pre-existing bias and discrimination in society if they are not carefully designed and tested.
  • Privacy and security issues : If AI systems that gather and analyze vast volumes of personal data are not properly safeguarded, they could constitute a threat to privacy and security.

AI’s potential for weaponization, including the creation of autonomous weapons, could have negative and potentially harmful effects.

Ultimately, it’s critical to guarantee that AI is created and applied responsibly and ethically to maximize its positive effects while minimizing any potential bad ones.

Does AI Need It?

According to history, individuals are continually looking for ways to do the activities they are working on that are quicker, easier, and more efficient, and easy.

As a result, people always look for new and better ways to complete tasks due to the need for growth.

AI enables computers to reason, learn, and use logic. When scientists, medical researchers, doctors, mathematicians, and engineers work together, they can develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is specifically geared toward medical diagnosis and treatments, offering dependable and secure ways to deliver healthcare.

Machines are good at long, boring tasks like risk monitoring, information gathering to make decisions, data analysis for patterns and trends, arranging for us to use scarce or polluting resources more effectively, reacting quicker than humans, operating other machines, and don’t get tired or afraid. They can even be used to take care of their human owners, as in the form of smartphones with applications. But, the more we rely on technology, the less creative, productive, and self-sufficient we become.

Artificial Intelligence can be good or bad depending on how we use it. The purpose of the knife is to cut it. A cook may produce delectable food, whereas a murderer can cause harm to others. The use of AI is therefore entirely dependent upon how we educate it and how we use it.

We at Fegno believe that by using machine learning to develop consumer profiles based on datasets, marketers who wish to better understand their potential customers can do so. Marketers can quickly create customer personas or divide their consumer base into demographic segments thanks to Fegno’s Automated Sales. The greatest promise for AI in this field is enhancing creative human labor rather than taking its place.

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artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

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Artificial Intelligence - Boon Or Bane? Everything You Need to Know

artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

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artificial intelligence boon or curse essay

Table of Contents

What is artificial intelligence, how is artificial intelligence a part of our life, how is artificial intelligence a boon, is artificial intelligence a threat.

Artificial intelligence is a technology that deals with the computer system; with the combination of science and technology, the advancement has developed unique techniques that have benefited the human race. With time, technology is showing tremendous growth and improvement, and new algorithms are defining new methods to ease productivity and enhance the business.

AI has transformed every aspect of our lives, including business, jobs, economy, security, communication, technology, war, healthcare, entertainment, and sports. Every section of society has been affected and is controlled by artificial intelligence.

With the blend of science and technology, artificial intelligence deals with machines that can perform tasks that require human involvement and intelligence, such as language translation, decision-making, voice recognition, etc. Artificial intelligence is known to stimulate human intelligence in machines and train them to perform the various tasks otherwise designed to do by humans.

The research predicts that by 2028 there will be tremendous growth in automated systems and robotic implementation in the techniques which will take over human jobs. Apart from this, there are many advantages and disadvantages of AI . But the main question that arises is as artificial intelligence helps us become more productive, will it eventually replace us? For any technology to flourish in the cutthroat market and competitive business, its advantages must uphold and exceed rather than its disadvantages.

This article will cover the exciting prospect of artificial intelligence. Let us see if AI is a boon or bane and how its monetization will affect the human system.

Artificial Intelligence is a constitutive part of our lives. It has helped in many sectors including AI in education , AI chatbots in enhancing customer experience , and other sectors. The following examples will give you a good idea of how artificial intelligence has influenced our work life and various factors of our daily life.

Speech Recognition

Systems are designed to recognize the human language and voice and respond in programmed language by grasping the accent. The speech recognition system is installed in our smartphones and home devices, and we all use these home devices like Google Home, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa.

Ai-designed games are so impressive that they replace the opponent with the system. The moves are well-planned and well-thought-out with applied intelligence. The gaming industry is flourishing and has excellent prospects. The combination of machine learning algorithms and programming languages invent various intelligent games. S ome prevalent examples are computer chess, Google quick draw, Grand theft auto, halo combat, etc.

The system is well programmed with artificial memory, which generates the moves and analyzes the opponent's actions, and machine thinking algorithms make smart moves as per the situation.

Handwriting Recognition

Machine connectionist temporal classification(CTC) is an algorithm for tasks like handwriting recognition. The Handwriting Recognition system in the machine enables the system to read handwriting and convert it into text.

Robotics is a technology part of science and engineering that deals with robot design and programming. Robots are the most sophisticated, intelligent, and complex discovery of humans. Robots are efficient in dealing with the chain of complex activities and actions. They have immense memory space and are multitaskers; they can efficiently perform various tasks. Thus a lot of time is saved in the process.

With the tremendous innovations, growth, and career opportunities in the AI sector , there are several discussions about whether AI is a boon or a bane. Some factors do support AI being a boon, and some do put up the point that how AI is showing up as a bane.

Readily available : Machines do not require breaks or change like humans and can work efficiently for a long time without hassle or break. They are designed to perform multiple tasks, work continuously, and produce quality output.

Daily Usage: The future of AI is here; the intelligent devices we use daily are our smartphones. Smartphones are embedded with innovative features like a voice recognition system in the search option, GPS is installed, which navigates and gives perfect map and location recognition, and location tracking service, fingerprint, and facial recognition systems for security purposes are inbuilt functions in our phones. 

Performing Tedious Tasks: It can be quite a time-consuming activity for us to perform tedious tasks. A well-designed AI algorithm is capable of performing multiple tasks loaded with complexities. It functions with excellent efficiency and speed.

Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants interact with the users, making many users' jobs very easy and accessible. With complete logic and programmed tasks, virtual assistants provide many services and save many users' time and energy.

Artificial Intelligence has increased the productivity and quality of work in several industries, including the health, sports, and entertainment sectors. The quality of life has risen with automation. Along with ease and comfort, some factors have high-cost issues that prove very expensive, thus making AI a bane. The machines that perform advanced tech functions take work to maintain, requiring regular maintenance, which is very cost-effective. At a certain point in time, machine maintenance proves a high-cost affair.

Fake Influence

Artificial intelligence has taken over online platforms like social media in its sway. Technology has a high impact on the lives of people. The AI, which is capable of generating news, advertisements, making movies, etc., such influencing tasks are responsible tasks and can be very sensitive from a content point of view. Thus if not supervised or guided by the proper authorities, fake social messages can be circulated, and inappropriate content can affect the young generation. It can lead to mistrust and influence public knowledge.

Excess Data Feed

AI generates massive surveys, reports, and company insights from the data captured. The data feed is a responsible task and must be carefully performed. Any wrong information, when fed, can lead to inaccurate reports or results. AI extracts the data from multiple social platforms, and in case of any technical hitch, there is the possibility of feeding incorrect data, which may prove fatal. Thus AI can be confirmed as a bane in the automated self-designed world.

It is entirely upon us to decide what Artificial Intelligence is and, whether AI is a boon or a bane. Humans are solely responsible for determining how much control we have on AI and how much AI can control us. Technology should be wisely used for the betterment of the world.  AI can enhance life quality in many ways; we must ensure it does not influence the world incorrectly.  AI augmentation is the best blend of humans and technology; it will prove that AI in the future holds a tremendous share of our lives and advanced technology will be the most significant benefit that AI has ever provided. If you want to make your career in this exciting field, enroll in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Program to master data science and artificial intelligence together!

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Fingertips is one of India's leading learning platforms, enabling aspirants - working professionals, and students to enhance competitive skills and thrive in their careers. We offer intensive training in areas such as Digital Marketing, Data Science, Business Intelligence, Artificial intelligence, and Machine Learning, among others.

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