Welcome to Java! Easy Max Score: 3 Success Rate: 97.05%

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Java Coding Practice

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java problem solving programs

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In Java programming, commands are essential instructions that tell the computer what to do. These commands are written in a specific way so the computer can understand and execute them. Every program in Java is a set of commands. At the beginning of your Java programming practice , it’s good to know a few basic principles:

  • In Java, each command ends with a semicolon;
  • A command can't exist on its own: it’s a part of a method, and method is part of a class;
  • Method (procedure, function) is a sequence of commands. Methods define the behavior of an object.

Here is an example of the command:

The command System.out.println("Hello, World!"); tells the computer to display the text inside the quotation marks.

If you want to display a number and not text, then you do not need to put quotation marks. You can simply write the number. Or an arithmetic operation. For example:

Command to display the number 1.

A command in which two numbers are summed and their sum (10) is displayed.

As we discussed in the basic rules, a command cannot exist on its own in Java. It must be within a method, and a method must be within a class. Here is the simplest program that prints the string "Hello, World!".

We have a class called HelloWorld , a method called main() , and the command System.out.println("Hello, World!") . You may not understand everything in the code yet, but that's okay! You'll learn more about it later. The good news is that you can already write your first program with the knowledge you've gained.

Attention! You can add comments in your code. Comments in Java are lines of code that are ignored by the compiler, but you can mark with them your code to make it clear for you and other programmers.

Single-line comments start with two forward slashes (//) and end at the end of the line. In example above we have a comment //here we print the text out

You can read the theory on this topic here , here , and here . But try practicing first!

Explore the Java coding exercises for practicing with commands below. First, read the conditions, scroll down to the Solution box, and type your solution. Then, click Verify (above the Conditions box) to check the correctness of your program.

java problem solving programs

The two main types in Java are String and int. We store strings/text in String, and integers (whole numbers) in int. We have already used strings and integers in previous examples without explicit declaration, by specifying them directly in the System.out.println() operator.

In the first case “I am a string” is a String in the second case 5 is an integer of type int. However, most often, in order to manipulate data, variables must be declared before being used in the program. To do this, you need to specify the type of the variable and its name. You can also set a variable to a specific value, or you can do this later. Example:

Here we declared a variable called a but didn't give it any value, declared a variable b and gave it the value 5 , declared a string called s and gave it the value Hello, World!

Attention! In Java, the = sign is not an equals sign, but an assignment operator. That is, the variable (you can imagine it as an empty box) is assigned the value that is on the right (you can imagine that this value was put in the empty box).

We created an integer variable named a with the first command and assigned it the value 5 with the second command.

Before moving on to practice, let's look at an example program where we will declare variables and assign values to them:

In the program, we first declared an int variable named a but did not immediately assign it a value. Then we declared an int variable named b and "put" the value 5 in it. Then we declared a string named s and assigned it the value "Hello, World!" After that, we assigned the value 2 to the variable a that we declared earlier, and then we printed the variable a, the sum of the variables a and b, and the variable s to the screen

This program will display the following:

We already know how to print to the console, but how do we read from it? For this, we use the Scanner class. To use Scanner, we first need to create an instance of the class. We can do this with the following code:

Once we have created an instance of Scanner, we can use the next() method to read input from the console or nextInt() if we should read an integer.

The following code reads a number from the console and prints it to the console:

Here we first import a library scanner, then ask a user to enter a number. Later we created a scanner to read the user's input and print the input out.

This code will print the following output in case of user’s input is 5:

More information about the topic you could read here , here , and here .

See the exercises on Types and keyboard input to practice Java coding:

Conditions and If statements in Java allow your program to make decisions. For example, you can use them to check if a user has entered a valid password, or to determine whether a number is even or odd. For this purpose, there’s an 'if/else statement' in Java.

The syntax for an if statement is as follows:

Here could be one or more conditions in if and zero or one condition in else.

Here's a simple example:

In this example, we check if the variable "age" is greater than or equal to 18. If it is, we print "You are an adult." If not, we print "You are a minor."

Here are some Java practice exercises to understand Conditions and If statements:

In Java, a "boolean" is a data type that can have one of two values: true or false. Here's a simple example:

The output of this program is here:

In addition to representing true or false values, booleans in Java can be combined using logical operators. Here, we introduce the logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||) operators.

  • && (AND) returns true if both operands are true. In our example, isBothFunAndEasy is true because Java is fun (isJavaFun is true) and coding is not easy (isCodingEasy is false).
  • || (OR) returns true if at least one operand is true. In our example, isEitherFunOrEasy is true because Java is fun (isJavaFun is true), even though coding is not easy (isCodingEasy is false).
  • The NOT operator (!) is unary, meaning it operates on a single boolean value. It negates the value, so !isCodingEasy is true because it reverses the false value of isCodingEasy.

So the output of this program is:

More information about the topic you could read here , and here .

Here are some Java exercises to practice booleans:

With loops, you can execute any command or a block of commands multiple times. The construction of the while loop is:

Loops are essential in programming to execute a block of code repeatedly. Java provides two commonly used loops: while and for.

1. while Loop: The while loop continues executing a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. Firstly, the condition is checked. While it’s true, the body of the loop (commands) is executed. If the condition is always true, the loop will repeat infinitely, and if the condition is false, the commands in a loop will never be executed.

In this example, the code inside the while loop will run repeatedly as long as count is less than or equal to 5.

2. for Loop: The for loop is used for iterating a specific number of times.

In this for loop, we initialize i to 1, specify the condition i <= 5, and increment i by 1 in each iteration. It will print "Count: 1" to "Count: 5."

Here are some Java coding challenges to practice the loops:

An array in Java is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values of the same type under a single variable name. It acts as a container for elements that can be accessed using an index.

What you should know about arrays in Java:

  • Indexing: Elements in an array are indexed, starting from 0. You can access elements by specifying their index in square brackets after the array name, like myArray[0] to access the first element.
  • Initialization: To use an array, you must declare and initialize it. You specify the array's type and its length. For example, to create an integer array that can hold five values: int[] myArray = new int[5];
  • Populating: After initialization, you can populate the array by assigning values to its elements. All elements should be of the same data type. For instance, myArray[0] = 10; myArray[1] = 20;.
  • Default Values: Arrays are initialized with default values. For objects, this is null, and for primitive types (int, double, boolean, etc.), it's typically 0, 0.0, or false.

In this example, we create an integer array, assign values to its elements, and access an element using indexing.

In Java, methods are like mini-programs within your main program. They are used to perform specific tasks, making your code more organized and manageable. Methods take a set of instructions and encapsulate them under a single name for easy reuse. Here's how you declare a method:

  • public is an access modifier that defines who can use the method. In this case, public means the method can be accessed from anywhere in your program.Read more about modifiers here .
  • static means the method belongs to the class itself, rather than an instance of the class. It's used for the main method, allowing it to run without creating an object.
  • void indicates that the method doesn't return any value. If it did, you would replace void with the data type of the returned value.

In this example, we have a main method (the entry point of the program) and a customMethod that we've defined. The main method calls customMethod, which prints a message. This illustrates how methods help organize and reuse code in Java, making it more efficient and readable.

In this example, we have a main method that calls the add method with two numbers (5 and 3). The add method calculates the sum and returns it. The result is then printed in the main method.

All composite types in Java consist of simpler ones, up until we end up with primitive types. An example of a primitive type is int, while String is a composite type that stores its data as a table of characters (primitive type char). Here are some examples of primitive types in Java:

  • int: Used for storing whole numbers (integers). Example: int age = 25;
  • double: Used for storing numbers with a decimal point. Example: double price = 19.99;
  • char: Used for storing single characters. Example: char grade = 'A';
  • boolean: Used for storing true or false values. Example: boolean isJavaFun = true;
  • String: Used for storing text (a sequence of characters). Example: String greeting = "Hello, World!";

Simple types are grouped into composite types, that are called classes. Example:

We declared a composite type Person and stored the data in a String (name) and int variable for an age of a person. Since composite types include many primitive types, they take up more memory than variables of the primitive types.

See the exercises for a coding practice in Java data types:

String is the most popular class in Java programs. Its objects are stored in a memory in a special way. The structure of this class is rather simple: there’s a character array (char array) inside, that stores all the characters of the string.

String class also has many helper classes to simplify working with strings in Java, and a lot of methods. Here’s what you can do while working with strings: compare them, search for substrings, and create new substrings.

Example of comparing strings using the equals() method.

Also you can check if a string contains a substring using the contains() method.

You can create a new substring from an existing string using the substring() method.

More information about the topic you could read here , here , here , here , and here .

Here are some Java programming exercises to practice the strings:

In Java, objects are instances of classes that you can create to represent and work with real-world entities or concepts. Here's how you can create objects:

First, you need to define a class that describes the properties and behaviors of your object. You can then create an object of that class using the new keyword like this:

It invokes the constructor of a class.If the constructor takes arguments, you can pass them within the parentheses. For example, to create an object of class Person with the name "Jane" and age 25, you would write:

Suppose you want to create a simple Person class with a name property and a sayHello method. Here's how you do it:

In this example, we defined a Person class with a name property and a sayHello method. We then created two Person objects (person1 and person2) and used them to represent individuals with different names.

Here are some coding challenges in Java object creation:

Static classes and methods in Java are used to create members that belong to the class itself, rather than to instances of the class. They can be accessed without creating an object of the class.

Static methods and classes are useful when you want to define utility methods or encapsulate related classes within a larger class without requiring an instance of the outer class. They are often used in various Java libraries and frameworks for organizing and providing utility functions.

You declare them with the static modifier.

Static Methods

A static method is a method that belongs to the class rather than any specific instance. You can call a static method using the class name, without creating an object of that class.

In this example, the add method is static. You can directly call it using Calculator.add(5, 3)

Static Classes

In Java, you can also have static nested classes, which are classes defined within another class and marked as static. These static nested classes can be accessed using the outer class's name.

In this example, Student is a static nested class within the School class. You can access it using School.Student.

More information about the topic you could read here , here , here , and here .

See below the exercises on Static classes and methods in our Java coding practice for beginners:

Java Tutorial

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Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving

(4 reviews)

java problem solving programs

Ralph Morelli, Trinity College

Ralph Walde, Trinity College

Copyright Year: 2016

Publisher: Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


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java problem solving programs

Reviewed by Onyeka Emebo, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech on 12/28/21

The text adequately addresses areas under Object Oriented Programming using Java as a Programming Language for Introduction to Computer Science courses. It gently introduces basic concepts in computer, objects and java using problem solving... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The text adequately addresses areas under Object Oriented Programming using Java as a Programming Language for Introduction to Computer Science courses. It gently introduces basic concepts in computer, objects and java using problem solving approaches and gradually builds up to more advanced Java technologies in such a simplified manner that can be easily understood. The text also provides a table of content at the beginning and a summary of points for each chapter with exercises.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The text content is accurate, without errors and unbiased. There is however some links that needs to be updated.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

While the field of computer science with particular emphasis to programming as it relates to this text is constantly evolving, the approach taken by this text to teach the essentials is likely to persist. The code, tested in Java 8, should continue to work with new Java releases. Updates to the text can be done easily by the way it has been written.

Clarity rating: 5

The text is written in a clear and easy to understand manner. The objectives, explanations, examples and exercises are clear and easy to follow. The codes are well commented to aid readability.

Consistency rating: 4

The text is highly consistent in both structure and terminology. It starts each chapter with objectives and outline and concludes with summary, exercises and solutions. However, some codes within the chapters are put in figures while others are not, this could be confusing.

Modularity rating: 5

The text is divided in 17 chapters (0 - 16) and 8 appendices (A – H). Each chapter is further divided into sections and subsections. This breakdown makes it easier for instructors to apportion sections to students at different times within the course.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The text is organized in a manner that is logical and it flows well from section to section. The structure makes navigation from chapter to chapter easier.

Interface rating: 3

I reviewed the PDF version and it looks good to a large extent. The links in the table of contents are working properly. There are clickable links within the text to different figures, sections, such as appendices, and external websites. However, there are some issues with some figure titles, e.g., figure 12, 1.10, 2.7, 2.10, 2.14, etc. are cut off. Some hyperlinks for some figures missing e.g., figure 2.8 and some figures don’t have titles.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

The text contains no grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text is culturally neutral. The examples are unbiased in the way it has been presented.

Reviewed by Ghaith Husari, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University on 4/17/20

This book covers Object-Oriented Programming under JAVA. It introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming and they are used for problem-solving. This book covers all the relevant areas of Object-Oriented Programming under Java. Also, it... read more

This book covers Object-Oriented Programming under JAVA. It introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming and they are used for problem-solving. This book covers all the relevant areas of Object-Oriented Programming under Java. Also, it covers more advanced topics such as socket programming and algorithms.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

The Object-Oriented concepts and implementation example shown in code samples are accurate and easy to learn as the code samples are aligned with the concept being discussed. Some links and URLs are out-dated but they have little to no impact on student learning. However, I would add a note that says "some of the links and URLs might not up-to-date. However, they can be found using search engines if necessary"

Programming languages get updated regularly to include new and easier functions to use. While it is impossible for a textbook to include every function, this textbook provides a great learning opportunity that allows students to build the muscle to be able to learn more about Java online. When it comes to Object-Oriented concepts, the book is extremely relevant and up-to-date

The textbook is very easy to understand and the code sample is both clear (code readability) and relevant.

Consistency rating: 5

The text and the terms it contains are consistent. Also, the textbook follows a consistent theme.

The textbook chapters are divided into sections and subsections that are shown also in the table of contents which can be used to visit each section.

The textbook consists of seventeen chapters that are organized in a logical manner. The more general concepts such as problem-solving and programing are placed at the beginning, then the chapters introduce the discuss Object-Oriented Programming come after the general chapters. The more advanced topics such as socket programming and data structures and algorithms come towards the end. This made a lot of sense to me.

Interface rating: 5

The textbook is easily accessible online and it can be downloaded to open with Edge or Adobe Reader without any problems.

No grammar issues have been noticed.

This textbook is neutral and unbiased.

Reviewed by Guanyu Tian, Assistant Professor, Fontbonne University on 6/19/18

This textbook covers Object-Oriented Programming with Java programming language pretty well. It starts with the concept of Objects and problem solving skills and then dive into Java programming language syntax. Overall, it appropriately covers all... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This textbook covers Object-Oriented Programming with Java programming language pretty well. It starts with the concept of Objects and problem solving skills and then dive into Java programming language syntax. Overall, it appropriately covers all areas of the subject including the main principles of Object-Oriented Programming and Java programming language. In the later chapters, this textbook also introduces advanced topics such as concurrent programming, network/socket programming and data structures. The textbook provides table of contents at the beginning and index of terms at the end. Each chapter also provides a list of key words and a list of important concepts and technique terms.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

The content of the textbook is mostly accurate. Many URLs linked to Java documentations and APIs are not up-to-date.

Many URLs to Java references are not up-to-date and many online samples are not accessible. Nonetheless, the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming and Java programming language syntax are mostly current. Any updates to the contents of the textbook can be implemented with minimal effort.

The text is easy to understand. However, some of the texts are not displayed on adobe reader.

Consistency rating: 3

The text is consistent in terms of framework. Each chapter starts with introduction to a problem, and then discussion and design of the solution with UML diagrams; then Java is used to implement the solution(s). However, there is some level of inconsistency in terms of Java code samples. For example, some Java code examples use appropriate indentations and new lines, but some examples do not. This may confuse students.

Each chapter is divided into different sections and subsections. A student can go to each section of a chapter by clicking it in the Table of Contents.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

The topics in this text book are organized in a reasonable order. It starts with general concepts of computer and program design, then Objects and Java Programming Language, and then advanced topics in computer programming. It would be better if the textbook starts with Java programming language and then principles of Object Oriented programming.

Some of the texts are not displayed in the reviewer's adobe reader. Many diagrams and figures are poorly drawn. Overall, the interface of the book is one area that needs improvement.

No major grammar issues has been noticed.

The text of this textbook is a neutral and unbiased.

Overall, this textbook covers materials of Object-Oriented Programming with Java taught in first or second-year computer science course. However, the contents of Java programming language has not been up-to-date and the interface of the book is very poor compare to similar books the reviewer has used for learning and teaching the same materials. Some sample codes are not well written or inconsistent in terms of the use of indentation and new lines. Many URLs are obsolete and the web pages are not accessible.

Reviewed by Homer Sharafi, Adjunct Faculty Member, Northern Virginia Community College on 6/20/17

The textbook includes the material that is typically covered in a college-level CS1 course. Using an “early objects” approach and Java as the programming language, the authors go over problem-solving techniques based on object-oriented... read more

The textbook includes the material that is typically covered in a college-level CS1 course. Using an “early objects” approach and Java as the programming language, the authors go over problem-solving techniques based on object-oriented programming principles. In addition to an Index of terms towards the end of the text, each chapter summary includes the technical terms used, along with a bulleted-list of important points discussed in that chapter.

The computer science concepts and the accompanying sample code are accurate and error-free; however, the only issue is the fact that the URLs that make references to various aspects of Java, such as API documentation, JDK, and the Java Language Specification, have not been updated to reflect the fact that Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle back in 2010.

Like other software systems, Java is updated on a regular basis; nonetheless, the computer science concepts discussed in the textbook are based on standard undergraduate curriculum taught in a CS1 course. Therefore, any updates to the textbook would need to be with regard to the version of Java with minimal effort.

Clarity rating: 4

The authors deliver clear explanations of the computer science concepts and the accompanying Java language features.

There is a consistent theme throughout much of the text: A topic is introduced and discussed within the context of a problem. Its solution is then designed and explained using UML diagrams; finally, Java is used to illustrate how the solution is implemented on the computer.

Each chapter is divided into sections that can easily be identified within the table of contents. Therefore, it’s fairly easy for a student to pick and choose a section in a chapter and work on the other sections later. Throughout each chapter, there are self-study exercises to incrementally test understanding of the covered material. Solutions to those self-study exercises are then provided towards the end of the chapter. In addition, each chapter includes end-of-chapter exercises that can be used to assess one’s understanding of the computer science concepts as well as the various features of Java.

The book consists of seventeen chapters; however, a typical CS1 course would need the material in the first ten chapters only, and those chapters are set up in a logical manner, allowing one to go through the material sequentially. Depending on how fast he first ten chapters are covered during the course of a semester, an instructor may choose from the last seven chapters in the text to introduce more advanced topics in computer science and/or Java.

Interface rating: 1

The textbook can be accessed online or opened using Acrobat Reader with no problem. There are no issues, as long as navigation is done one page after another manually. However, when browsing through the table of contents (TOC) or the Index, the entries are not set up using any live links. That is, you cannot click on a page number associated with an item within the TOC or the Index to go directly to that page.

Grammatical Errors rating: 3

This reviewer did not come across any such issues, while going through the text.

This is a computing textbook, where the contents are presented using technical terms. Culturally, the textbook is completely neutral and unbiased in terms of how the material is presented.

Table of Contents

  • 0 Computers, Objects, and Java
  • 1 Java Program Design and Development
  • 2 Objects: Defining, Creating, and Using
  • 3 Methods: Communicating with Objects
  • 4 Input/Output: Designing the User Interface
  • 5 Java Data and Operators
  • 6 Control Structures
  • 7 Strings and String Processing
  • 8 Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • 9 Arrays and Array Processing
  • 10 Exceptions: When Things Go Wrong
  • 11 Files and Streams
  • 12 Recursive Problem Solving
  • 13 Graphical User Interfaces
  • 14 Threads and Concurrent Programming
  • 15 Sockets and Networking
  • 16 Data Structures: Lists, Stacks, and Queues

Ancillary Material

  • Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde

About the Book

We have designed this third edition of Java, Java, Java to be suitable for a typical Introduction to Computer Science (CS1) course or for a slightly more advanced Java as a Second Language course. This edition retains the “objects first” approach to programming and problem solving that was characteristic of the first two editions. Throughout the text we emphasize careful coverage of Java language features, introductory programming concepts, and object-oriented design principles.

The third edition retains many of the features of the first two editions, including:

  • Early Introduction of Objects
  • Emphasis on Object Oriented Design (OOD)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams
  • Self-study Exercises with Answers
  • Programming, Debugging, and Design Tips.
  • From the Java Library Sections
  • Object-Oriented Design Sections
  • End-of-Chapter Exercises
  • Companion Web Site, with Power Points and other Resources

The In the Laboratory sections from the first two editions have been moved onto the book's Companion Web Site. Table 1 shows the Table of Contents for the third edition.

About the Contributors

Ralph Morelli, Professor of Computer Science Emeritus. Morelli has been teaching at Trinity College since 1985, the same year the computer science major was first offered. More recently, he was one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) for the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project, an NSF-funded effort to get undergraduates engaged in building free and open source software that benefits the public.  In summer 2011 a team of Trinity HFOSS students and faculty traveled to Haiti to build an open source mobile application that helps manage beneficiaries for a humanitarian aid organization. Currently Morelli is the PI of the Mobile CSP project, an NSF-funded effort to train high school teachers in CT and elsewhere to teach the emerging Advanced Placement CS Principles course that is being created by the College Board. The main goal of this NSF initiative is to increase access to computer science among underrepresented groups, including girls, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans.  The Mobile CSP course teaches students to create mobile apps to serve their community.  In summer 2014, a group of 20 Mobile CSP students spent their summer building mobile apps for the city of Hartford. 

Ralph Walde.  Dr. Walde has given Trinity 28 years of distinguished service, first as a Professor of Mathematics and now as a Professor of Computer Science. He was instrumental in helping to establish and nourish computing at Trinity and was one of the founding members of the Computer Science Department.

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50 Java Projects with Source Code for All Skill Levels

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By Faraz - February 26, 2024

50 Java projects with complete source code, suitable for beginners to experts. Dive into practical coding with these hands-on examples.

Explore 50 Java Projects with Source Code for All Skill Levels.jpg

Java, being one of the most popular programming languages globally, offers a vast array of opportunities for enthusiasts to practice and enhance their coding skills. Engaging in practical projects is one of the most effective ways to master Java programming. Here, we'll explore 50 Java projects with source code across different levels of complexity, suitable for beginners, intermediates, and advanced learners.

Table of Contents

Introduction to java projects.

Java projects provide hands-on experience and are instrumental in reinforcing theoretical concepts. They offer a practical understanding of Java's syntax, structure, and functionality. Moreover, working on projects enables developers to tackle real-world problems, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

1. Calculator

50 Java Projects - Calculator

Houari ZEGAI's Calculator project offers a great opportunity for beginners to delve into Java programming. This simple yet effective project helps learners understand fundamental concepts like variables, operators, and basic user input/output. With clear, commented code, ZEGAI's Calculator is a fantastic starting point for those new to Java development. By studying and tinkering with this project, beginners can grasp core principles while gaining confidence in their coding abilities.

2. Guess the Number Game

50 Java Projects - Guess the Number Game

The "Guess the Number" game is a classic Java project suitable for programmers of all skill levels. This interactive game challenges players to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range. With simple yet engaging gameplay, the "Guess the Number" project provides an excellent opportunity for beginners to practice essential Java concepts while having fun.

3. Currency Converter

50 Java Projects - Currency Converter

The Currency Converter project is a practical and useful Java application that allows users to convert between different currencies. This project is suitable for programmers at various skill levels, providing an opportunity to apply Java programming concepts in a real-world scenario.

In the Currency Converter project, users input an amount in one currency and select the currency they wish to convert it to. The application then retrieves the latest exchange rates from a reliable source, such as an API, and performs the conversion calculation. By implementing this functionality, learners can gain valuable experience working with APIs, handling user input, and performing mathematical operations in Java.

4. Digital Clock

50 Java Projects - Digital Clock

The Digital Clock project is a straightforward yet engaging Java application that displays the current time in a digital format. This project is suitable for beginners and intermediate programmers alike, offering an opportunity to practice essential Java concepts while creating a useful utility.

In the Digital Clock project, programmers utilize Java's date and time functionality to retrieve the current system time and display it on the screen. By incorporating graphical user interface (GUI) components such as labels and timers, learners can create an interactive clock display that updates in real-time. This hands-on approach allows beginners to familiarize themselves with GUI programming concepts while practicing core Java skills.

5. ToDo App

50 Java Projects - todo app

The ToDo App project is a practical Java application that helps users organize their tasks and manage their daily activities efficiently. This project is suitable for programmers looking to develop their Java skills while creating a useful productivity tool.

In the ToDo App project, users can add tasks to a list, mark them as completed, and remove them as needed. By implementing features such as user input handling, task manipulation, and list management, learners gain valuable experience in Java programming fundamentals. Additionally, this project provides an opportunity to explore concepts like data structures, file handling, and user interface design.

6. QRCodeFX

50 Java Projects - QRCodeFX

QRCodeFX is an exciting Java project that allows programmers to generate QR codes dynamically. This project leverages JavaFX, a powerful library for building graphical user interfaces, to create an interactive application for generating and displaying QR codes.

7. Weather Forecast App

50 Java Projects - Weather Forecast App

The Weather Forecast App project is an exciting Java application that provides users with up-to-date weather information for their location and other selected areas. This project combines Java programming with APIs to create a dynamic and user-friendly weather forecasting tool.

In the Weather Forecast App, users can input their location or select a specific city to view current weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more. By integrating with a weather API, such as OpenWeatherMap, programmers can retrieve real-time weather data and display it in a clear and visually appealing format.

8. Temperature Converter Tool

50 Java Projects - Temperature Converter Tool

The Temperature Converter Tool is a handy Java application that allows users to convert temperatures between different units, such as Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. This project provides a practical opportunity for programmers to develop their Java skills while creating a useful utility for everyday use.

In the Temperature Converter Tool, users can input a temperature value along with the unit of measurement (e.g., Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin) and select the desired output unit. The application then performs the conversion calculation and displays the result, allowing users to quickly and easily convert temperatures with precision.

9. Word Counter Tool

50 Java Projects - Word Counter Tool

The Word Counter Tool is a versatile Java application designed to analyze text and provide valuable insights into word frequency and usage. This project offers programmers a practical opportunity to hone their Java skills while creating a useful utility for text analysis.

In the Word Counter Tool, users can input a block of text or upload a text file, and the application will analyze the content to determine the frequency of each word. By utilizing Java's string manipulation capabilities and data structures such as maps or arrays, programmers can efficiently process the text and generate a comprehensive word count report.

10. Scientific Calculator

50 Java Projects - Scientific Calculator

The Scientific Calculator project is an advanced Java application that provides users with a wide range of mathematical functions and operations beyond basic arithmetic. This project is ideal for programmers looking to expand their Java skills while creating a powerful utility for scientific calculations.

In the Scientific Calculator, users can input mathematical expressions, including functions such as trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions, and the application will evaluate and display the result accurately. By leveraging Java's math libraries and implementing parsing algorithms, programmers can create a robust calculator capable of handling complex mathematical computations with precision.

11. Tic Tac Toe

50 Java Projects - Tic Tac Toe

The Tic Tac Toe project is a classic Java game that provides users with an opportunity to engage in a fun and strategic multiplayer experience. This project is perfect for programmers looking to apply their Java skills while creating an interactive game with simple rules and dynamic gameplay.

In the Tic Tac Toe game, two players take turns marking spaces on a 3x3 grid with their respective symbols (typically X and O), aiming to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of their symbols before their opponent. By implementing logic to handle user input, validate moves, and check for win conditions, programmers can create a fully functional and enjoyable game experience.

12. Drag and Drop Application

50 Java Projects - Drag and Drop Application

The Drag and Drop Application is a dynamic Java project that enables users to interact with graphical elements by dragging and dropping them across the application's interface. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to explore Java's graphical user interface (GUI) capabilities while creating an intuitive and interactive user experience.

13. Snake Game

50 Java Projects - Snake Game

The Snake Game project is a classic Java game that provides users with an entertaining and addictive gaming experience. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while creating a dynamic and interactive game with simple yet challenging gameplay mechanics.

In the Snake Game, players control a snake that moves around a grid, consuming food items to grow longer while avoiding collisions with the walls of the grid or the snake's own body. By implementing logic to handle player input, update the snake's position, and detect collisions, programmers can create a compelling and immersive gaming experience.

14. Resume Builder

50 Java Projects - Resume Builder

The Resume Builder project is a practical Java application designed to assist users in creating professional resumes efficiently. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a useful tool for individuals seeking to showcase their qualifications and experiences effectively.

15. Student Management System

50 Java Projects - Student Management System

The Student Management System project is a comprehensive Java application designed to streamline administrative tasks related to student information and academic records. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a robust and efficient system for managing student data.

In the Student Management System, administrators can perform various tasks such as adding new students, updating existing records, managing course enrollments, and generating reports. By implementing features such as database integration, user authentication, and data validation, programmers can create a reliable and user-friendly platform for organizing and accessing student information.

16. Rock Paper Scissors

50 Java Projects - Rock Paper Scissors

The Rock Paper Scissors project is a classic Java game that provides users with a simple yet entertaining gaming experience. This project offers programmers an opportunity to practice their Java skills while creating a fun and interactive game of chance.

In the Rock Paper Scissors game, players compete against the computer by selecting one of three options: rock, paper, or scissors. The winner is determined based on the rules of the game: rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. By implementing logic to handle player input, generate random computer choices, and determine the outcome of each round, programmers can create an engaging gaming experience.

17. Hangman Game

50 Java Projects - Hangman Game

The Hangman Game project is a classic Java game that provides users with a challenging and engaging word-guessing experience. This project offers programmers an opportunity to practice their Java skills while creating a fun and interactive game of wit and strategy.

In the Hangman Game, players attempt to guess a secret word by suggesting letters one at a time. For each incorrect guess, a part of a hangman figure is drawn. The game continues until the player correctly guesses the word or the hangman figure is completed. By implementing logic to handle player input, manage the game state, and select random words, programmers can create an immersive gaming experience.

50 Java Projects - WebCam

The Webcam Application project is a Java application designed to interface with a webcam device and capture video or images. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while creating a versatile tool for webcam usage.

19. Attendance Management System

50 Java Projects - Attendance Management System

The Attendance Management System project is a comprehensive Java application designed to streamline attendance tracking and management processes in educational institutions or workplaces. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a robust and efficient system for managing attendance records.

In the Attendance Management System, administrators can perform various tasks such as recording attendance, generating attendance reports, managing leave requests, and tracking attendance trends over time. By implementing features such as user authentication, data encryption, and access control, programmers can create a secure and reliable platform for monitoring attendance data.

20. Chess Game

50 Java Projects - Chess Game

The Chess Game project is a Java application that offers users a classic and strategic gaming experience. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to apply their Java skills while creating a sophisticated and engaging game of chess.

In the Chess Game, players take turns moving their pieces across an 8x8 grid, aiming to capture their opponent's pieces and ultimately checkmate their opponent's king. By implementing logic to handle player input, validate moves, and simulate game states, programmers can create a challenging and immersive gaming experience.

21. Vehicle Rental Management System

50 Java Projects - Vehicle Rental Management System

The Vehicle Rental Management System is a comprehensive Java application designed to streamline the process of managing vehicle rentals for rental agencies or businesses. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a robust and efficient system for handling rental operations.

In the Vehicle Rental Management System, administrators can perform various tasks such as adding new vehicles to the inventory, managing rental reservations, tracking rental durations and payments, and generating reports. By implementing features such as database integration, user authentication, and data validation, programmers can create a reliable and user-friendly platform for managing vehicle rentals.

22. Quiz App

50 Java Projects - Quiz

The Quiz App project is a Java application designed to provide users with an interactive and educational quiz experience. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while creating a dynamic and engaging platform for quiz-taking.

In the Quiz App, users can choose from a variety of quiz topics or categories, such as science, history, literature, or general knowledge. The application presents users with multiple-choice questions related to the selected topic and provides instant feedback on their answers. By implementing logic to handle user input, track scores, and display quiz results, programmers can create an immersive and rewarding quiz experience.

23. Voting Management System

50 Java Projects - Voting Management System

The Voting Management System is a sophisticated Java application designed to facilitate the management of voting processes in elections or organizational decision-making. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a secure and efficient system for managing voting operations.

In the Voting Management System, administrators can oversee various aspects of the voting process, including voter registration, ballot creation, voter authentication, vote counting, and result reporting. By implementing features such as user authentication, encryption algorithms, and audit trails, programmers can create a robust and tamper-resistant platform for conducting fair and transparent elections.

24. Electricity Billing System

50 Java Projects - Electricity Billing System

The Electricity Billing System is a Java application designed to automate and streamline the process of managing electricity bills for customers. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing an efficient and user-friendly system for billing and invoicing.

In the Electricity Billing System, administrators can perform various tasks such as adding new customers, recording meter readings, calculating electricity consumption, generating bills, and processing payments. By implementing features such as database integration, billing algorithms, and user interfaces, programmers can create a reliable and accurate platform for managing electricity billing operations.

25. Online Shopping Cart (E-Commerce Website)

50 Java Projects - Online Shopping Cart E-Commerce Website

The Online Shopping Cart project is a comprehensive Java application designed to provide users with a seamless and convenient online shopping experience. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a feature-rich and user-friendly e-commerce platform.

In the Online Shopping Cart, users can browse through a catalog of products, add items to their cart, and proceed to checkout to complete their purchase. By implementing features such as user authentication, product search functionality, shopping cart management, and secure payment processing, programmers can create a robust and reliable platform for online shopping.

26. Online BookStore

50 Java Projects - Online BookStore

The Online Bookstore project is a dynamic Java application that provides users with a convenient platform to browse, search, and purchase books online. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a comprehensive and user-friendly e-commerce platform specifically tailored for books.

In the Online Bookstore, users can explore a vast catalog of books across different genres, authors, and topics. They can easily search for specific titles, view book details, read reviews, and add books to their shopping cart for purchase. By implementing features such as user authentication, secure payment processing, and order management, programmers can create a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for book enthusiasts.

27. Connect4

50 Java Projects - Connect4

The Connect4 Game project is a Java application that offers users a classic and engaging gaming experience. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a strategic and entertaining game of Connect 4.

In the Connect4 Game, two players take turns dropping colored discs into a vertical grid with the goal of connecting four discs of their color horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. By implementing logic to handle player input, validate moves, and detect winning conditions, programmers can create an immersive and challenging gaming experience.

28. Event Management System

50 Java Projects - Event Management System

The Event Management System is a comprehensive Java application designed to streamline the planning and organization of events for various purposes, such as conferences, weddings, or corporate gatherings. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a versatile and efficient system for managing event logistics.

In the Event Management System, administrators can perform various tasks such as creating event schedules, managing guest lists, coordinating vendors and suppliers, and tracking expenses and budgets. By implementing features such as user authentication, calendar integration, and communication tools, programmers can create a centralized platform for planning and executing events seamlessly.

29. Puzzle Game

50 Java Projects - Puzzle Game

The Puzzle Game project is an engaging Java application that challenges users with a variety of mind-bending puzzles to solve. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to apply their Java skills while creating an entertaining and intellectually stimulating gaming experience.

In the Puzzle Game, players are presented with a series of puzzles, each requiring a unique solution or strategy to complete. These puzzles may include logic puzzles, pattern recognition challenges, maze navigation tasks, or spatial reasoning exercises. By implementing logic to generate puzzles, validate player inputs, and track progress, programmers can create a dynamic and immersive gaming experience.

30. Pacman Game

50 Java Projects - Pacman Game

The Pacman Game project is a classic Java application that brings to life the iconic arcade game experience. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while recreating the nostalgic and beloved gameplay of Pacman.

In the Pacman Game, players control the iconic character Pacman as they navigate through a maze, eating pellets and avoiding ghosts. The objective is to clear the maze of all pellets while avoiding contact with the ghosts, which will result in losing a life. By implementing logic to handle player input, control Pacman's movement, and manage ghost behavior, programmers can recreate the thrilling and addictive gameplay of Pacman.

31. Space Invaders Game

50 Java Projects - Space Invaders Game

The Space Invaders Game project is a thrilling Java application that immerses players in an epic battle against invading alien forces. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to apply their Java skills while recreating the classic arcade gaming experience of Space Invaders.

In the Space Invaders Game, players control a spaceship at the bottom of the screen, tasked with defending Earth from waves of descending alien invaders. The player can move the spaceship horizontally to dodge enemy fire and shoot projectiles to eliminate the invading aliens. By implementing logic to handle player input, manage alien movement patterns, and detect collisions, programmers can recreate the fast-paced and addictive gameplay of Space Invaders.

32. Breakout Game

50 Java Projects - Breakout Game

The Breakout Game project is an exhilarating Java application that challenges players to smash through rows of bricks using a bouncing ball and a paddle. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while recreating the timeless and addictive gameplay of Breakout.

In the Breakout Game, players control a paddle at the bottom of the screen, tasked with bouncing a ball to break through a wall of bricks at the top. The player must maneuver the paddle to keep the ball in play and prevent it from falling off the bottom of the screen. By implementing logic to handle player input, simulate ball movement and collision detection, and manage brick destruction, programmers can recreate the fast-paced and exciting gameplay of Breakout.

33. Tetris Game

50 Java Projects - Tetris Game

The Tetris Game project is an exciting Java application that challenges players to manipulate falling tetrominoes to create complete lines and clear the playing field. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to apply their Java skills while recreating the iconic and addictive gameplay of Tetris.

In the Tetris Game, players control the descent of tetrominoes—geometric shapes composed of four square blocks— as they fall from the top of the screen to the bottom. The player can rotate and maneuver the tetrominoes to fit them into gaps and create solid lines across the playing field. By implementing logic to handle player input, simulate tetromino movement and rotation, and detect line completions, programmers can recreate the fast-paced and challenging gameplay of Tetris.

34. Minesweeper Game

50 Java Projects - Minesweeper Game

The Minesweeper Game project is a captivating Java application that challenges players to uncover hidden mines on a grid-based playing field while avoiding detonating any of them. This project provides programmers with an opportunity to apply their Java skills while recreating the engaging and strategic gameplay of Minesweeper.

In the Minesweeper Game, players are presented with a grid of squares, some of which conceal hidden mines. The objective is to uncover all the non-mine squares without triggering any mines. Players can reveal the contents of a square by clicking on it, and clues provided by adjacent squares indicate the number of mines in proximity. By implementing logic to handle player input, reveal squares, and detect game-ending conditions, programmers can recreate the challenging and thought-provoking gameplay of Minesweeper.

50 Java Projects - ChatFx

ChatFx is a Java-based chat application that provides users with a platform to engage in real-time text-based conversations. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while developing a dynamic and interactive chat system.

36. Chrome Dino Game

50 Java Projects - Chrome Dino Game

The Chrome Dino Game Clone project is a Java application inspired by the classic side-scrolling endless runner game found in Google Chrome's offline page. This project offers programmers an opportunity to apply their Java skills while recreating the simple yet addictive gameplay of the Chrome Dino Game.

In the Chrome Dino Game Clone, players control a dinosaur character that automatically runs forward on a desert landscape. The objective is to jump over obstacles such as cacti and birds while avoiding collisions. By implementing logic to handle player input for jumping, detect collisions with obstacles, and generate random obstacle patterns, programmers can recreate the fast-paced and challenging gameplay of the Chrome Dino Game.

37. Web Scraping

50 Java Projects - Web Scrapping

Web scraping refers to the process of extracting data from websites. It's a valuable technique for gathering information from the web for various purposes, such as data analysis, market research, or content aggregation. In Java, developers can leverage libraries like Jsoup to perform web scraping efficiently and effectively.

Jsoup is a Java library that provides a convenient API for working with HTML documents. With Jsoup, developers can easily parse HTML, navigate the document structure, and extract relevant data using CSS selectors or DOM traversal methods.

38. Text Editor

50 Java Projects - Text Editor

A Text Editor is a fundamental tool used for creating, editing, and managing text-based documents. Building a Text Editor application in Java provides an excellent opportunity for programmers to apply their skills while creating a versatile and user-friendly tool for text manipulation.

In Java, developers can leverage libraries like JavaFX to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for their applications. JavaFX offers a rich set of features for building interactive and visually appealing desktop applications, making it well-suited for developing a Text Editor.

39. Tender Management System

50 Java Projects - Tender Management System

A Tender Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline the process of tendering, from initial announcement to final contract award. This system facilitates the entire tender lifecycle, including tender creation, submission, evaluation, and contract management. Building a Tender Management System in Java presents an opportunity for developers to create a powerful tool that enhances efficiency and transparency in the tendering process.

40. Hotel Reservation System

50 Java Projects - Hotel Reservation System

A Hotel Reservation System is a software application designed to streamline the process of booking accommodations and managing reservations for hotels, resorts, or other lodging establishments. Building a Hotel Reservation System in Java provides developers with an opportunity to create a comprehensive solution that enhances the efficiency and customer experience of hotel management.

41. Train Ticket Reservation System

50 Java Projects - Train Ticket Reservation System

A Train Ticket Reservation System is a software application designed to facilitate the booking of train tickets and management of reservations for railway passengers. Building a Train Ticket Reservation System in Java provides developers with an opportunity to create a comprehensive solution that enhances the efficiency and convenience of train travel.

42. School Management System

50 Java Projects - School Management System

A School Management System is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline various administrative tasks within educational institutions. This system helps manage student information, class schedules, attendance records, grading, and communication between teachers, students, and parents. Building a School Management System in Java provides an efficient way to organize and automate processes, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of school administration.

43. Banking System

50 Java Projects - Banking System

A Banking System is a software application used by financial institutions to manage customer accounts, transactions, and other banking operations. This system facilitates activities such as account management, fund transfers, loan processing, and online banking services. Building a Banking System in Java involves implementing secure and efficient algorithms for managing financial transactions, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality, and providing a seamless user experience for customers.

44. Restaurant Management System

50 Java Projects - Restaurant Management System

A Restaurant Management System is a software platform used by restaurants and food service establishments to manage various aspects of their operations, including order management, inventory control, table reservations, and billing. This system helps streamline restaurant workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance the dining experience for customers. Building a Restaurant Management System in Java involves designing user-friendly interfaces, integrating with point-of-sale devices, and implementing features such as menu customization, order tracking, and kitchen management.

45. Library Management System

50 Java Projects - Library Management System

A Library Management System is a software application used by libraries to manage their collections, circulation, and patron services. This system helps librarians track books, manage borrower information, automate check-in and check-out processes, and generate reports on library usage. Building a Library Management System in Java involves designing a database schema to store book and patron information, implementing search and retrieval functionalities, and providing a user-friendly interface for library staff and patrons to interact with the system.

46. Mail Sender

50 Java Projects - Mail Sender

A Mail Sender is a software application used to compose, send, and manage emails. This tool facilitates communication by allowing users to send messages to one or more recipients over email. Building a Mail Sender in Java involves integrating with email protocols such as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) or using third-party email APIs to handle email delivery and management.

47. 2048 Game

50 Java Projects - 2048

The 2048 Game is a popular single-player puzzle game where players slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them and create a tile with the number 2048. Building a 2048 Game in Java involves implementing game mechanics such as tile movement, tile merging, scoring, and game over conditions. Developers can use graphical libraries like JavaFX or Swing to create a user interface for the game.

48. Table Generator

50 Java Projects - Table Generator

A Table Generator is a tool used to create tables or grids with specified dimensions and content. This tool is often used in document preparation, web development, or data analysis to generate structured data displays. Building a Table Generator in Java involves designing a user interface for users to input table parameters such as rows, columns, and content, and then generating the table output dynamically.

49. Health Care Management System

50 Java Projects - Health Care Management System

A Health Care Management System is a software application used by healthcare providers to manage patient records, appointments, medical history, and other administrative tasks. This system helps streamline healthcare workflows, improve patient care, and enhance operational efficiency. Building a Health Care Management System in Java involves integrating with healthcare standards such as HL7 (Health Level Seven) for data exchange and implementing features such as patient registration, appointment scheduling, and electronic health record (EHR) management.

50. Energy Saving System

50 Java Projects - Energy Saving System

An Energy Saving System is a software application used to monitor, analyze, and optimize energy usage in buildings, facilities, or industrial processes. This system helps identify energy inefficiencies, track energy consumption patterns, and implement strategies to reduce energy consumption and costs. Building an Energy Saving System in Java involves integrating with sensors, meters, and building management systems to collect energy data, performing data analysis to identify energy-saving opportunities, and implementing control algorithms to optimize energy usage in real-time.

Engaging in Java projects with source code is an invaluable aspect of learning and mastering the language. Whether you're a novice aiming to solidify your foundation or an experienced developer seeking to enhance your skills, embarking on practical projects offers a rewarding learning experience. By exploring projects across different levels of complexity, developers can broaden their understanding, tackle challenges, and unleash their creativity in the world of Java programming.

Q1. Where can I find Java projects with source code for beginners?

Beginners can find Java projects on platforms like GitHub, CodeProject, and tutorial websites catering specifically to novice programmers.

Q2. How do Java projects help in learning programming?

Java projects provide hands-on experience, reinforce theoretical concepts, and promote problem-solving skills crucial for mastering programming.

Q3. Are Java projects suitable for advanced developers?

Yes, advanced developers can benefit from Java projects by tackling complex problems, exploring new technologies, and contributing to open-source projects.

Q4. Can I modify existing Java projects to suit my requirements?

Absolutely! Modifying existing Java projects allows developers to customize functionality, experiment with different approaches, and enhance their coding skills.

Q5. Are there online communities for discussing Java projects and seeking help?

Yes, numerous online forums and programming communities exist where developers can share ideas, seek assistance, and collaborate on Java projects.


That’s a wrap!

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Java Examples

The best way to learn Java programming is by practicing examples. The page contains examples on basic concepts of Java. You are advised to take the references from these examples and try them on your own.

All the programs on this page are tested and should work on all platforms.

Want to learn Java by writing code yourself? Enroll in our Interactive Java Course for FREE.

  • Java Program to Check Prime Number
  • Java Program to Display Fibonacci Series
  • Java Program to Create Pyramids and Patterns
  • Java Program to Reverse a Number
  • Java Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User)
  • Java Program to Add Two Integers
  • Java Program to Multiply two Floating Point Numbers
  • Java Program to Find ASCII Value of a character
  • Java Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder
  • Java Program to Swap Two Numbers
  • Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Even or Odd
  • Java Program to Check Whether an Alphabet is Vowel or Consonant
  • Java Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers
  • Java Program to Find all Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  • Java Program to Check Leap Year
  • Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
  • Java Program to Check Whether a Character is Alphabet or Not
  • Java Program to Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers
  • Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number
  • Java Program to Generate Multiplication Table
  • Java Program to Find GCD of two Numbers
  • Java Program to Find LCM of two Numbers
  • Java Program to Display Alphabets (A to Z) using loop
  • Java Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer
  • Java Program to Calculate the Power of a Number
  • Java Program to Check Palindrome
  • Java Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
  • Java Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals
  • Java Program to Check Armstrong Number
  • Java Program to Display Armstrong Number Between Two Intervals
  • Java Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals Using Function
  • Java Program to Display Armstrong Numbers Between Intervals Using Function
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  • Java Program to Make a Simple Calculator Using switch...case
  • Java Program to Check Whether a Number can be Expressed as Sum of Two Prime Numbers
  • Java Program to Find the Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion
  • Java Program to Find Factorial of a Number Using Recursion
  • Java Program to Find G.C.D Using Recursion
  • Java Program to Convert Binary Number to Decimal and vice-versa
  • Java Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal and vice-versa
  • Java Program to Convert Binary Number to Octal and vice-versa
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  • Java Program to calculate the power using recursion
  • Java Program to Calculate Average Using Arrays
  • Java Program to Find Largest Element of an Array
  • Java Program to Calculate Standard Deviation
  • Java Program to Add Two Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • Java Program to Multiply Two Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • Java Program to Multiply two Matrices by Passing Matrix to a Function
  • Java Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix
  • Java Program to Find the Frequency of Character in a String
  • Java Program to Count the Number of Vowels and Consonants in a Sentence
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  • Java Program to Convert Array to Set (HashSet) and Vice-Versa
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  • Java Program to Create String from Contents of a File
  • Java Program to Append Text to an Existing File
  • Java Program to Convert a Stack Trace to a String
  • Java Program to Convert File to byte array and Vice-Versa
  • Java Program to Convert InputStream to String
  • Java Program to Convert OutputStream to String
  • Java Program to Lookup enum by String value
  • Java Program to Compare Strings
  • Java Program to Sort a Map By Values
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  • Java Program to convert int type variables to char
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  • Java Program to convert string type variables into boolean
  • Java Program to convert string type variables into int
  • Java Program to convert int type variables to String
  • Java Program to convert int type variables to double
  • Java Program to convert double type variables to int
  • Java Program to convert string variables to double
  • Java Program to convert double type variables to string
  • Java Program to convert primitive types to objects and vice versa
  • Java Program to Implement Bubble Sort algorithm
  • Java Program to Implement Quick Sort Algorithm
  • Java Program to Implement Merge Sort Algorithm
  • Java Program to Implement Binary Search Algorithm
  • Java Program to Call One Constructor from another
  • Java Program to implement private constructors
  • Java Program to pass lambda expression as a method argument
  • Java Program to pass method call as arguments to another method
  • Java Program to Calculate the Execution Time of Methods
  • Java Program to Convert a String into the InputStream
  • Java Program to Convert the InputStream into Byte Array
  • Java Program to Load File as InputStream
  • Java Program to Create File and Write to the File
  • Java Program to Read the Content of a File Line by Line
  • Java Program to Delete File in Java
  • Java Program to Delete Empty and Non-empty Directory
  • Java Program to Get the File Extension
  • Java Program to Get the name of the file from the absolute path
  • Java Program to Get the relative path from two absolute paths
  • Java Program to Count number of lines present in the file
  • Java Program to Determine the class of an object
  • Java Program to Create an enum class
  • Java Program to Print object of a class
  • Java Program to Create custom exception
  • Java Program to Create an Immutable Class
  • Java Program to Check if two strings are anagram
  • Java Program to Compute all the permutations of the string
  • Java Program to Create random strings
  • Java Program to Clear the StringBuffer
  • Java Program to Capitalize the first character of each word in a String
  • Java Program to Iterate through each characters of the string.
  • Java Program to Differentiate String == operator and equals() method
  • Java Program to Implement switch statement on strings
  • Java Program to Calculate simple interest and compound interest
  • Java Program to Implement multiple inheritance
  • Java Program to Determine the name and version of the operating system
  • Java Program to Check if two of three boolean variables are true
  • Java Program to Iterate over enum
  • Java Program to Check the birthday and print Happy Birthday message
  • Java Program to Implement LinkedList
  • Java Program to Implement stack data structure
  • Java Program to Implement the queue data structure
  • Java Program to Get the middle element of LinkedList in a single iteration
  • Java Program to Convert the LinkedList into an Array and vice versa
  • Java Program to Convert the ArrayList into a string and vice versa
  • Java Program to Iterate over an ArrayList
  • Java Program to Iterate over a HashMap
  • Java Program to Iterate over a Set
  • Java Program to Merge two lists
  • Java Program to Update value of HashMap using key
  • Java Program to Remove duplicate elements from ArrayList
  • Java Program to Get key from HashMap using the value
  • Java Program to Detect loop in a LinkedList
  • Java Program to Calculate union of two sets
  • Java Program to Calculate the intersection of two sets
  • Java Program to Calculate the difference between two sets
  • Java Program to Check if a set is the subset of another set
  • Java Program to Sort map by keys
  • Java Program to Pass ArrayList as the function argument
  • Java Program to Iterate over ArrayList using Lambda Expression
  • Java Program to Implement Binary Tree Data Structure
  • Java Program to Perform the preorder tree traversal
  • Java Program to Perform the postorder tree traversal
  • Java Program to Perform the inorder tree traversal
  • Java Program to Count number of leaf nodes in a tree
  • Java Program to Check if a string contains a substring
  • Java Program to Access private members of a class
  • Java Program to Check if a string is a valid shuffle of two distinct strings
  • Java Program to Implement the graph data structure
  • Java Program to Remove elements from the LinkedList.
  • Java Program to Add elements to a LinkedList
  • Java Program to Access elements from a LinkedList.

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Dialectical behavior therapy skills training for emotional problem solving for adolescents.

Mental Health

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A) is an adaptation of DBT® designed for adolescents in middle and high school. DBT STEPS-A aims to help adolescents “build a life worth living” by developing skills such as emotion management, relationship building, and decision-making to help them navigate challenging situations and stressors that can arise during adolescence. DBT STEPS-A’s approach is grounded in the idea that two seemingly opposing facts can both be true, most notably that the curriculum’s goals include both acceptance and change. DBT STEPS-A instructors strive to help adolescents both accept themselves and make changes in their behavior.

DBT STEPS-A can be delivered school-wide as a general education intervention with just classroom-based group skills training, or in a tiered approach with additional components for adolescents who need more support. The tiered approach can be applied in schools that use a response to intervention model where adolescents are designated into three academic support tiers: (1) general education, (2) needing additional academic or social emotional support, or (3) receiving intensive support through the special education system. All three tiers receive the classroom-based group skills training. Adolescents in Tier 2 and Tier 3 also receive individual coaching focused on practicing the skills learned in group skills training. Adolescents in Tier 3 participate in multi-family group skills training sessions with their parents, and their instructors participate in consultation team meetings where they discuss any implementation challenges and receive support designed to improve their capacity to deliver the curriculum.

During the group skills training, instructors guide adolescents in identifying target behaviors to increase or decrease (e.g., increasing studying and going to school and decreasing substance use). Instructors also teach behavioral skills to groups of adolescents over four modules: (1) mindfulness, (2) distress tolerance, (3) emotion regulation, and (4) interpersonal effectiveness. The mindfulness and distress tolerance modules focus on building acceptance-oriented skills while the emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness modules focus on building change-oriented skills. In the mindfulness module, instructors emphasize accepting current circumstances and being present. In the distress tolerance module, instructors instruct adolescents on how to accept and tolerate painful situations without engaging in harmful behaviors. In the emotion regulation module, instructors strive to help participants become less susceptible to painful emotions. Finally, in the interpersonal effectiveness module, instructors teach adolescents to ask for what they want, to say no when necessary, and to maintain respectful relationships with themselves and others. 

DBT STEPS-A does not currently meet criteria to receive a rating because no studies of the program achieved a rating of moderate or high on design and execution.

Date Research Evidence Last Reviewed: May 2024

The following sources informed the program or service description, target population, and program or service delivery and implementation information: the program or service manual, and the program or service developer’s website.

This information does not necessarily represent the views of the program or service developers. For more information on how this program or service was reviewed, visit the Review Process page or download the Handbook .

Target Population

DBT STEPS-A is designed for adolescents ages 12–19 in middle and high school. DBT STEPS-A is designed to be delivered school-wide to adolescents in general education settings. In schools with a response to intervention model, instructors can deliver DBT STEPS-A with additional components for students in the special education system or who need more support.

Program or Service Delivery and Implementation

Instructors typically deliver DBT STEPS-A to groups of adolescents over 30 sessions. Sessions can be delivered weekly or over 20–40 weeks depending on the school schedule. Instructors start with an orientation session followed by a session introducing the concept of dialectics. Next, instructors provide three sessions on mindfulness followed by 5-7 sessions on each of the other three skills modules. Instructors also provide an additional two sessions of mindfulness between each module.

When implemented as a school-wide intervention or for adolescents receiving Tier 1 support, instructors typically deliver the classroom-based skills training in 50-minute sessions. Instructors generally deliver the four skills modules once per week over two semesters or twice per week over one semester. 

For teens receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 support, instructors deliver DBT STEPS-A skills training in a smaller classroom setting to groups of 10–15 students. Instructors may complete two cycles of the four skills modules, or split each session over two class periods, to give adolescents more opportunities to learn and practice the skills in each module. 

For teens receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 support, instructors provide individual coaching as needed to adolescents. For adolescents receiving Tier 3 support, instructors typically offer additional monitoring and mentoring for 15–45 minutes weekly. Finally, instructors can offer evening multi-family group skills training sessions once or twice a month for adolescents in Tier 3 and their parents. 

Schools may have multiple instructors delivering DBT STEPS-A to adolescents receiving Tier 3 support. In this case, instructor consultation teams meet weekly for 45–90 minutes throughout the program period.

Location/Delivery Setting

Recommended locations/delivery settings.

Instructors deliver DBT STEPS-A in school settings. DBT STEPS-A can be delivered as a standalone mandatory course, as part of an existing course, such as a health course, or as an elective course. 

Education, Certifications and Training

Instructors are typically general education teachers or school personnel, such as health teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, or social workers. Instructors delivering DBT STEPS-A to adolescents receiving Tier 2 and Tier 3 support should have adolescent mental health expertise. 

DBT STEPS-A training is recommended for instructors. The three-day DBT STEPS-A training provides a comprehensive overview of DBT STEPS-A sessions, describes implementation strategies, identifies potential challenges and solutions for delivering the curriculum and supporting students, and provides instructors with opportunities to practice delivering the curriculum with other training participants.

Program or Service Documentation

Book/manual/available documentation used for review.

Mazza, J. J., Dexter-Mazza, E. T., Miller, A. L., Rathus, J. H., & Murphy, H. E. (2016). DBT skills in schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A). Guilford Press.

Available languages

The DBT STEPS-A manual is available in English.

Other supporting materials

Overview of DBT STEPS-A

DBT STEPS-A Training Information

For More Information

Website: https://www.dbtinschools.com/  

Email:  [email protected]  

Note: The details on Dosage; Location; Education, Certifications, and Training; Other Supporting Materials; and For More Information sections above are provided to website users for informational purposes only. This information is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.

Extent of Evidence

Studies reviewed, studies rated low.

Flynn, D., Joyce, M., Weihrauch, M., & Corcoran, P. (2018). Innovations in Practice: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy — Skills training for emotional problem solving for adolescents (DBT STEPS-A): Evaluation of a pilot implementation in Irish post‐primary schools. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 23(4), 376-380. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12284

Martinez, R. R., Jr., Marraccini, M., Knotek, S. E., Neshkes, R. A., & Vanderburg, J. (2021). Effects of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A) program of rural ninth-grade students. School Mental Health, 14, 165-178. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-021-09463-5

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CSC 347 - Concepts of Programming Languages

Instructor: Stefan Mitsch

Learning Objectives

How to bundle data and functions?

  • Understand closures
  • Understand classes vs. closures

What Problem do Closures Solve?

How to create a "container" for data and functions?

Object-oriented programming: classes

  • public class Incrementor {
  • private int i;
  • public Incrementor ( int i) {
  • this .i = i;
  • public int increment ( int x) {
  • return x+i;
  • // use object
  • Incrementor inc = new Incrementor ( 2 );
  • inc.increment( 4 ); // returns 6
  • inc.increment( 5 ); // returns 7

Functional programming

  • def incrementor (i: Int ) : Int => Int = {
  • def increment (x: Int ) = x+i
  • return increment;
  • // use closure
  • val inc = incrementor( 2 )
  • inc( 4 ) // returns 6
  • inc( 5 ) // returns 7
  • What are the challenges of making closures work?
  • particularly when lifetimes do not nest
  • Only applies to static / lexical scope

Top-Level Functions

  • Function declarations made at top level
  • Not hidden by scope
  • int loop ( int n, int result) {
  • if (n <= 1 ) {
  • return result;
  • return loop (n - 1 , n * result);
  • int fact ( int n) {
  • return loop (n, 1 );

Nested Functions: GCC

  • Nested functions allow for reuse of inner function name
  • Allowed by GCC, but not C standard
  • $ gcc -c nested-fact.c
  • $ gcc -pedantic -c nested-fact.c
  • function.c: In function ‘fact’:
  • function.c:2:3: warning: ISO C forbids nested functions [-pedantic]
  • Access variables from enclosing context: requires some runtime support
  • int loop ( int i, int result) {
  • if (i > n) {
  • return loop (i+ 1 , i * result);
  • return loop ( 1 , 1 );

Nested functions: Scoping

  • Access variable x from which context?
  • requires some runtime support
  • typedef int (*funcptr) ( int ) ;
  • int x = 4 ;
  • int f ( int y) { return x*y; }
  • int g (funcptr h) {
  • int x = 7 ;
  • return h( 3 ) + x;

Nested Functions in Scala

With nested function

  • def mapDebug [ A , B ] (xs: List [ A ], f: A => B ) : List [ B ] =
  • def printElt (x: A ) : B =
  • println (x)
  • f (x) // use f from enclosing context
  • xs.map (printElt)

With lambda expression

  • xs.map ((x: A ) => { println (x); f (x) })

Nested Functions: Scope vs Lifetime

  • Limit scope of inner function
  • Lifetime of inner function vs. lifetime of outer function?
  • Potentially unsafe, and requires more runtime support than accessing variables from enclosing function
  • Lifetime problems!
  • Lexical Closures for C++
  • Lifetime problems caused by nested functions
  • typedef void (*funcptr) ( int ) ;
  • funcptr f ( int x) {
  • void g ( int y) {
  • printf ( "x = %d, y = %d\n" , x, y);
  • return &g;
  • int main ( void ) {
  • funcptr h = f ( 10 );
  • (*h) ( 2 );
  • (*h) ( 3 );

Unsafe calls may or may not work

  • $ gcc -std=c99 nested-gcc.c
  • x = 10, y = 1 <- g(1): safe to call g, with x=10
  • x = 10, y = 2 <- (*h)(2): unsafe to call h, created with x=10
  • x = 20, y = 1 <- g(1): safe to call g
  • x = 20, y = 3 <- (*h)(3): unsafe to call h, created with x=10

Nested Function: Clang

  • Clang and LLVM
  • Apple's Blocks extension to C = nested functions
  • Ars Technica - Snow Leopard review (2009)
  • Apple Developer Library: Introduction to Blocks
  • Graphical user interface callbacks
  • Collections processing
  • Concurrent tasks
  • # include <Block.h>
  • // ^funcptr for blocks; *funcptr for function pointers
  • typedef void (^funcptr) ( int ) ;
  • g = ^( int y) {
  • // use x from enclosing defn
  • g = Block_copy (g);
  • g ( 1 ); // OK, f's activation record still allocated
  • h ( 2 ); // OK, because of Block_copy
  • h ( 3 ); // OK, because of Block_copy
  • Block_release (h);

Blocks need additional runtime support

  • $ sudo apt-get install libblocksruntime-dev
  • $ clang -fblocks nested-clang.c -lBlocksRuntime
  • x = 10, y = 1 <- g(1)
  • x = 10, y = 2 <- h(2): safe to call h, created with x=10, GOOD!
  • x = 20, y = 1 <- g(1)
  • x = 10, y = 3 <- h(3): safe to call h, created with x=10, GOOD!
  • Missing Block_copy and Block_release is like missing malloc and free

Nested Function: Java and Scala

  • Nested functions work correctly in Java and Scala
  • def f (x: Int ) : Int => Unit =
  • def g (y: Int ) : Unit =
  • println ( "x = %d, y = %d" .format (x, y))
  • def main () =
  • val h = f ( 10 )
  • import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
  • public static IntConsumer f ( int x) {
  • IntConsumer g =
  • y -> System.out.format ( "x = %d, y = %d%n" , x, y);
  • g.accept ( 1 );
  • public static void main (String[] args) {
  • IntConsumer h = f ( 10 );
  • h.accept ( 2 );
  • h.accept ( 3 );
  • x = 10, y = 1 <- g(1) / g.accept(1)
  • x = 10, y = 2 <- h(2) / h.accept(2)
  • x = 20, y = 1 <- g(1) / g.accept(1)
  • x = 10, y = 3 <- h(3) / h.accept(3)

Nested Function: Java

  • With explicit types
  • import java.util.function.Function;
  • static Function<Integer,Void> f ( int x) {
  • Function<Integer,Void> g = y -> {
  • System.out.format ( "x = %d, y = %d%n" , x, y);
  • return null ;
  • g.apply ( 1 );
  • Function<Integer,Void> h = f ( 10 );
  • h.apply ( 2 );
  • h.apply ( 3 );

With explicit object instantiation

  • Function<Integer,Void> g = new Function <Integer,Void>() {
  • public Void apply (Integer y) {

Nested Function: Problem Summary

  • def outer (x: A ) : B => C =
  • def inner (y: B ) : C =
  • //...use x and y...
  • Enclosing function outer is called
  • AR contains data x
  • Function outer returns nested function inner
  • Function inner references x from outer 's AR
  • Lifetime of outer 's AR and x ends
  • Nested function inner is called
  • Function inner needs x from outer 's AR

Nested Function: Closures

  • Closures store inner function and environment
  • Environment contains variables from enclosing scope
  • Lifetime of environment = lifetime of inner function
  • Environment is allocated on the heap
  • Different implementations in different PLs
  • Recurring implementation choice: copy or share?

Closures: Copy or Share

  • ...use x and y...
  • pointer/reference to code for inner
  • a copy of x
  • var u: A = x
  • //...use u and y...
  • copies of x and u
  • inner sees updated u ?
  • require u to be immutable?
  • Alternatively, share u
  • reference to shared u (on heap)

Closures: Scala

Scala function closure

  • object Demo :
  • def outer (x: Int ) : Boolean => Int =
  • def inner (y: Boolean ) : Int =
  • x + ( if y then 0 else 1 )

Java object-oriented implementation

  • public final class Demo {
  • public static Function1<Boolean, Integer> outer ( int x) {
  • return new Closure (x);
  • public final class Closure extends AbstractFunction1 <Boolean, Integer> {
  • private final int x;
  • public final Integer apply (Boolean y) {
  • return x + (y ? 0 : 1 );
  • public Closure ( int x) { this .x = x; }
  • var u: Int = x
  • x + u + ( if y then 0 else 1 )
  • import scala.runtime.*;
  • IntRef u = new IntRef (x);
  • var c = new Closure (x, u);
  • u.elem = u.elem+ 1 ;
  • private final IntRef u;
  • return x + u.elem + (y ? 0 : 1 );
  • public Closure ( int x, IntRef u) {
  • this .x = x;
  • this .u = u;
  • u is a var declaration, so is mutable: shared on heap

Closures: Example

  • val f:()=> Int =
  • () => { x = x + 1 ; x }
  • Initializes x to -1 when initializing variable f
  • scala> f()
  • res0: Int = 0
  • res1: Int = 1
  • val g: Int =>()=> Int =
  • (y) => {
  • () => { z = z + 1 ; z }
  • scala> val h1=g(10)
  • h1: () => Int = $$Lambda $1098 /39661414@54d8c20d
  • scala> val h2=g(20)
  • h2: () => Int = $$Lambda $1098 /39661414@5bc7e78e
  • scala> h1()
  • res3: Int = 11
  • res4: Int = 12
  • scala> h2()
  • res5: Int = 21
  • res6: Int = 22
  • res7: Int = 13
  • Closures combine functions with data from the context
  • Align lifetime of functions and accessed context
  • Closures in Javascript
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java problem solving programs

A Philadelphia coalition gets $5.5 million from NIH to promote problem solving for chronic disease management

A n initiative to help Philadelphia residents manage their chronic illnesses has received a $5.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Carmen Alvarez, a nursing professor at the University of Pennsylvania, helps lead the program, which is a partnership between Penn Nursing, Philadelphia’s Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity, and grassroots organizations.

Alvarez has facilitated group sessions to help Latina immigrants with anxiety and depression overcome barriers to treating their conditions. The new project utilizes the same model but focuses on Philadelphia residents with cardiovascular disease.

The four-year NIH grant will go towards training community health workers to lead group sessions in their neighborhoods, and the evaluation of the project.

The Philadelphia Community Engagement Alliance , or Philly CEAL, was formed during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to assist city residents to access testing, and as part of a national CEAL program of the NIH . The new project, focused on chronic conditions such as hypertension, aims to build on the relationships that organizations developed over the past year.

The Inquirer spoke to Alvarez in an interview lightly edited for clarity and length.

What is the goal of the program?

We focus on overcoming barriers: things that get in the way of practicing what we know is good for us. For example, a lot of people with hypertension or diabetes know that they need to take medicine, if they’re on medication; do some sort of physical activity; or follow the recommended diet for their condition. But for many people, life gets in the way of doing that.

This is a program where we workshop those barriers. What is it that gets in the way, and what are all the different strategies we can implement to overcome those challenges?

What happens in the group sessions?

This program is designed to be nine sessions. People can meet in person, every other week, for approximately an hour and a half. They start with the knowledge base they’ll need: what is high blood pressure and cholesterol? Why do we care about those numbers? And then they move through the different steps of problem solving and critically thinking through what their barriers are.

What is the benefit of doing the sessions in a group?

One of the best parts, people have told me, is that it’s a group program.

A lot of times when you’re dealing with a chronic condition that other people in your immediate surrounding may not be dealing with, it can feel very isolating and frustrating. And when you’re in a space with people who are experiencing the same barriers, that helps to deal with the stigma and it’s also validating or encouraging. “Oh, I’m not the only one that’s struggling.”

You’re going to listen to differently than perhaps a provider. When it’s someone who you connect with because of shared experiences, I think their voice can be a bit more influential. That’s one of the powers of group support.

How does this program come out of Philly CEAL?

Philly CEAL was intended to address the unequal impacts of COVID-19 on communities of color. And part of that work involved building a community ambassador program, and engaging community health workers in promoting testing, vaccination, and treatments for COVID.

So for this new project, we’ll be training community health workers who have already been embedded in the community. Now they go out and lead their own groups, so that individuals in their communities who are dealing with a cardiovascular health condition can learn the skill that they’re going to need to best manage their condition.

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AI gets scientists one step closer to mapping the organized chaos in our cells

Headshot of Berly McCoy

Berly McCoy

Emily Kwong, photographed for NPR, 6 June 2022, in Washington DC. Photo by Farrah Skeiky for NPR.

Emily Kwong

Rachel Carlson

Rebecca Ramirez, photographed for NPR, 6 June 2022, in Washington DC. Photo by Farrah Skeiky for NPR.

Rebecca Ramirez

java problem solving programs

The inside of a cell is a complicated orchestration of interactions between molecules. Keith Chambers/Science Photo Library hide caption

The inside of a cell is a complicated orchestration of interactions between molecules.

As artificial intelligence seeps into various areas of our society, it's rushing into others. One area it's making a big difference is protein science. We're talking the molecules that make our cells work. AI has hurtled the field forward by predicting what these molecular machines look like, which tells scientists how they do what they do — from processing our food to turning light into sugar.

Now, scientists at Google DeepMind have taken their protein prediction model to the next level with the release of AlphaFold3. It's an AI program that can predict the unique shape of proteins, as well as almost any other type of molecule a protein attaches to in order to function.

Producer Berly McCoy talks to host Emily Kwong about the potential impact and the limitations of this new technology. Plus, they talk about the wider field of AI protein science and why researchers hope it will solve a range of problems, from disease to the climate.

Have other aspects of AI you want us to cover? Email us at [email protected] .

Listen to Short Wave on Spotify , Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts .

Listen to every episode of Short Wave sponsor-free and support our work at NPR by signing up for Short Wave+ at plus.npr.org/shortwave .

Today's episode was produced by Rachel Carlson. It was edited by Rebecca Ramirez. Berly McCoy checked the facts. Ko Takasugi-Czernowin was the audio engineer.

  • artificial intelligence
  • synthetic proteins


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