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How to Write a Speech for a Nonprofit Fundraiser: Tips & Examples

  • February 2, 2024

These tips for writing fundraising speeches include a real example of a successful inspirational speech for a charity. I share the actual talk my Little Sister and I gave at a Big Sisters Fundraising Gala in Vancouver, BC, Canada. We received a standing ovation and raised more money for our charity than the planning committee hoped for!

Writing a strong, meaningful speech for an inspirational charity or nonprofit organization requires heartfelt emotion and true stories of healing, support, and love. There is a great deal of competition for people’s time, energy and money. Hundreds of excellent, helpful, service-oriented nonprofit charities are trying to raise finances and other forms of support.

I’m a volunteer Big Sister with the nonprofit organization Big Sisters/Big Brothers (which is almost worldwide). My “Little Sister” is now 22 years old. We were officially matched when she was 11. The Big Sisters organization asked us to give an inspirational speech at their annual fundraising gala with Big Sisters at a posh hotel function in Vancouver.

The following three tips will help you learn how to write persuasive stories, write an inspirational speech for your organization, and feel confident that you’re doing the best you can to raise funds and support the people who benefit from your nonprofit. nonprofit organizations.

After these three tips, my true story and example of an inspirational speech will further explain and describe how to write a fundraising speech for a charity event.

3 Tips for Writing Inspirational Speeches

Remember to infuse your speech with passion and optimism. Appeal to the values and aspirations of your audience, and don’t forget to express gratitude for their potential support.

Example of a Fundraising Speech for a Nonprofit Organization

1. Ask one of your nonprofit’s recipients to tell a compelling story

Share a story that connects emotionally with your audience. Share a real-life example or personal experience (such as my story in the sample speech below) that highlights the impact of your organization’s effect on people.

Most importantly, ask someone who has actually been helped by your organization to share their story. First-hand narratives are more interesting and relatable. They are irrefutable proof that your nonprofit’s contributions make a tangible difference in someone’s life. This personal touch creates a stronger emotional connection, encouraging people to get involved, donate money, and support your organization.

2. Hi ghlight your organization’s achievements and goals

Outline your nonprofit’s achievements. Be passionate and excited at how far you’ve come! This won’t be superficial or fake passion if you ask someone who is truly grateful for your nonprofit organization and will share their story during your fundraising speech.

Also, make sure you are emphasizing the positive impact your nonprofit has had on individuals or communities. Paint a vivid picture of what your organization has accomplished and the positive change you aspire to bring going forward. This helps instill confidence in potential donors, showing them that their support will contribute to your nonprofit and the people’s ongoing success and growth.

3. Clearly articulate your nonprofit’s need

Finally clearly communicate why your organization nonprofit needs financial support. What will you do with the money or other resources?

Break down the specific areas where funds are required and explain how these resources will be allocated. Are you hoping to fund a specific project, expand outreach efforts or support ongoing operations that are working? Be transparent. This helps donors understand the concrete impact their contributions will have. Your honesty fosters trust and commitment.

Below is the inspirational speech my Little Sister and I gave at a fundraising gala dinner (not quite a “charity ball”, but close). In the speech I shared what it’s like being a Big Sister. Below, I break the speech down into specific parts so you can use the format as a sample inspirational speech for your own charity event.

If your nonprofit doesn’t blog, read How to Start an Inspirational Self-Help Blog to Inspire and Encourage Others .

Example of a Fundraising Speech for a Nonprofit Organization

Speaking at this charity event taught me that the most inspirational speeches and best fundraising ideas have to involve sharing how your charity or nonprofit organization actually affects people’s lives. Weave true, heartfelt stories, emotions, and touching experiences into your inspirational speech. Include real people who have benefitted from your nonprofit organization or charity – people who are sincerely grateful for your work.

Use the details I highlighted in bold as hints that will make your own inspirational speech and charity event excellent.

We got a standing ovation after we spoke at this fundraising gala dinner, by the way! It was AWESOME. At the end of my inspirational speech, I share a link to an article about public speaking tips. Also, Big Sisters’ goal was to raise $210,000 for the charity, and they succeeded. 🙂

And that’s your first tip for raising funds for a charity:  Know how much money you want to raise. Be bold, and don’t be shy about asking for money for your nonprofit organization.

Speaking at a Big Sister’s Fundraising Dinner for Charity

Word for word, this is the inspirational speech I gave at the Big Sisters Fundraising Gala.

Hi everyone, I’m Laurie, and this is my BIG Little Sister, Sarrah.  (note to reader: this is funny because my Little Sister is physically bigger and taller than I am. Ha ha!).

How this charity changed my life

Without the Big Sisters organization – and all the sponsors, volunteers, staff, and board members – I would never have met my Little Sister Sarrah. And I would’ve missed out on one of the highlights of my whole life: being a Big Sister.

Without Big Sisters, I would have also missed out on being a Little Sister! When I was 11 – about 32 years ago, give or take a few dozen years – I had my own Big Sister. We were matched for about a year, before I moved to a different city. Even though we were only together for a short time, my Big Sister changed my life. I’m not even sure what she did or how she did it. It was just that she made time for me and listened to me.

My Big Sister made me feel good about myself, and I am 100 per cent certain she changed my life in ways I can’t even comprehend. My mom struggles with schizophrenia and I’ve never had a father in my life, and having a Big Sister made me feel happier, more confident, and more loved.

What this inspirational charity does for girls and women

I believe Big Sisters changes girls’ lives by making them feel valuable, special, and unique.

The more confident and loved a girl feels, the more likely she’ll make good decisions that help her succeed. And it’s not just individual and families who benefit from – the whole community is positively affected when girls make smart choices! So, I was wrong when I said I’m not sure how my Big changed my life. It was simply that she changed how I saw myself and how I felt about myself. This in turn changed how I saw and interacted with the world.

The beauty is that a Big Sister doesn’t have to be university educated, or be young, or cool, or trendy, or wealthy – she just has to have an extra couple of hours a week to spend with a girl.

What life would be like without this charity

This is an important part of an inspirational speech at a charity event: what if the organization didn’t exist?) If I didn’t have a Big Sister, I don’t know if I would have become a Big Sister myself. For me, it just seemed like a “no brainer.” But, even though I know firsthand how powerful it is to have a Big Sister, I was a bit worried about committing to a year – or more!- to being a mentor.

Problems or worries faced by the volunteers, charity, or organizers of the fundraiser

My biggest worry was that my Little and I wouldn’t connect. Spending 2 to 4 hours together once a week is a big commitment – what if we didn’t like each other? What if we had nothing in common? I feel so lucky to be paired with Sarrah. Our Big Sisters counselor, Michelle, did a wonderful job matching us.

The first time we ever met was in a park right beside her home. Sarrah’s mom brought homemade cookies and fresh fruit, and I was so touched at her thoughtfulness. I brought my dog Georgie, because I thought she’d help break the ice. I was right; the ice was broken and has stayed broken the whole time!

Successes (every inspirational speech needs hope and joy!)

Sarrah is so smart, curious, interesting, and fun to be with. She’s open to trying anything and everything, and looks on the bright side of everything that happens. She takes after me that way! I’m particularly impressed that Sarrah is so willing to try new things, because she was isolated for the first few years of her life. She didn’t’ go to school until grade two, and now she’s getting A’s in grade seven. I love that she wants to be a doctor or a writer when she grows up – and I’m encouraging her to be both.

Specific examples of how the charity operates

We’ve done lots of fun things together, as you can see from our photos…but my favorite is walking our dogs at Ambleside beach and getting a slurpee. Sarrah’s favourite slurpee flavour is everything all mixed together or when I was growing up it was called“Swamp Water”, and mine is plain old coke and Dr Pepper. So far, slurpee flavours is the only thing we disagree on! We talk a lot, and Sarrah has shared challenges she faces at school with her friends. She’s also talked about the changes she’s experiencing in her life, and I love being a sounding board for her.

One of my best memories is when I gave Sarrah the choice between doing two super fun fantastic activities. She said she didn’t care what we do, she just wants to spend time together. That was one of the most beautiful, kindest things anyone has ever said to me! I feel the same way about her – it really doesn’t matter if we’re walking the dogs, surfing the waves or packing a Christmas Shoebox for Operation Christmas Child . It really is good to just be together.

Why this nonprofit organization is so important

The biggest change I’ve seen in Sarrah is her increased confidence in herself. When we were first matched, our first outing was the Big Sisters picnic in Stanley Park – in the pouring rain! Sarrah was so shy and quiet, and she spoke so softly that people couldn’t hear what she was saying.

Now, I am so proud of how confident she is. When we were at the library last week working on our speeches, she went to the librarian by herself to ask for a guest pass for the computer. Before, she would’ve been too shy to do this alone. She takes the bus by herself now, and even has a job delivering papers. Her first job!

Conclude the inspirational speech with an “ask”

Being a Big Sister is amazing – and I’m so grateful to the Big Sisters organization and all its supporters, volunteers, staff, and sponsors. Because of you all, Sarrah and I have a friendship that neither of us will ever forget. I look forward to many more years walking alongside Sarrah as she enters high school, starts thinking about boys as more than pests (which I hope doesn’t happen for a long long time!), and drives me to the 7-11 for our slurpee breaks.

Thank you! Thank you so much for making such a Big difference in our lives, and for giving me and Sarrah the gift of friendship.

Inspirational Speech for a Nonprofit Organization (Big Sisters!)

Are you stuck for ideas on how to write a fundraising speech? Read Practical Tips and Writing Inspiration for When You Can’t Write .

Summary of an Inspirational Speech

In your charity fundraising speech, describe:

  • How and why your charity is life-changing, both specifically and generally
  • The challenges your charity has overcome, or is overcoming
  • The successes you’ve faced as a charity or an individual
  • End your inspirational speech with an ask for a specific amount of money. Don’t be shy about asking for money – that’s what charity events and fundraising galas are for.

This inspirational speech is from my heart, which is what made it work. If you’re giving a speech at a charity event, write it from the very core of you! The more authentic and sincere you are, the better your fundraising efforts, inspirational speech, and charity event will be.

Why are you searching for charity speeches? Feel free to share your nonprofit organization’s information here — including what you’re raising money for. This is a good and safe place to practice your fundraising efforts 🙂 Feel free to share links to your organization or charity event.

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10 thoughts on “How to Write a Speech for a Nonprofit Fundraiser: Tips & Examples”

Thanks for these tips. I’m trying to convince the manager of our nonprofit to approve a fundraising dinner, but she thinks it’s too expensive. The costs will outweigh the benefits of an organizing a dinner with speeches, she says. I really think we should try it because our charity hasn’t done it before, and I know our clients will be willing to participate. How do I convince my supervisor to approve a fundraiser?

Good question, Jeremy! I understand your manager’s hesitation because sometimes it can look bad for nonprofits to spend alot of money trying to raise funds. It can look like a misuse of the money the organization has, even though it’s money well spent.

Convincing your manager to approve a fundraising dinner requires a strategic approach.

Here are three pieces of advice:

1. Prepare a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis that outlines the potential expenses and the expected returns. Clearly demonstrate how the investment in the fundraising dinner aligns with your nonprofit’s goals and mission. Break down the costs, including venue, catering, and any other expenses, and juxtapose them with the anticipated revenue from the event. Highlight additional benefits beyond financial gains, such as increased community engagement, brand visibility, and the opportunity to connect with potential long-term donors.

2. Be creative! Showcase the uniqueness and innovation behind organizing a fundraising dinner. Since your charity hasn’t done it before, emphasize the novelty and the potential for creating a memorable experience for participants. Highlight how a dinner event can provide a platform for networking, community building, and sharing the organization’s mission in a more personal and interactive way. Emphasize how this approach can set your charity apart from others, attracting attention and support from a broader audience.

3. If you know your clients are willing to participate, use their enthusiasm to your advantage. Collect testimonials or statements from clients expressing their support for the fundraising dinner. These testimonials can serve as powerful evidence of community backing and the potential impact of the event.

Additionally, propose involving clients in the event itself, whether through testimonials, personal stories, or participation in some aspect of the dinner. This not only adds authenticity to the event but also creates a stronger connection between the donors and the cause.

By combining a solid financial argument with a focus on innovation and client engagement, you might be able to convince your manager that a fundraising dinner with an inspirational speech will be profitable for everyone.

Nonprofit Writing – How to Write a Donation Letter to Raise Money

Include a story – tap into the reader’s emotions. The donation letters I’ve written included stories about sick babies, hospitals in need of new medical equipment, and people losing their lives to disease. I interviewed patients, doctors, and nurses, and share their experience from their point of view. Here’s a snippet of a donation letter that asked for money for incubators for the hospital — it’s from a mother’s perspective: “I cried so much that first week. Not only was childbirth stressful, coping with a serious case of jaundice was almost too much! I couldn’t hold my baby unless I was feeding her. I felt scared and helpless.”

Be dramatic, and use powerful “please help us” words. At first, nonprofit writing – especially writing donation letters – may seem false and overly dramatic! But, that’s how nonprofits encourage people to donate. My hospital clients encouraged me to write sentences such as, “Funding for this hospital is literally a matter of ‘life and death’ – and your family could be next,” and “I was one of many new mothers who felt helpless and frustrated. You don’t realize how powerless you are as a parent until your baby has to wait for an incubator.” It felt over the top at first, but I understand the need to impress upon potential donors with strong writing. A weak, timid request doesn’t help nonprofits raise money.

Use italics, bold font, and underlining. Set your most powerful sentences apart by centering them and leaving white space around them. Use italics, bold font, and underlining to specifically ask for money in the donation letter. Here’s a sentence that I bolded, underlined, and set apart: “I ask you to give a gift to this hospital to alleviate the need I saw at the hospital – and keep ensuring the best care is given.”

Tie the donation letter to a holiday or special occasion. The hospital I write for sends their donation letters on Mother’s Day, Christmas, Easter, and hospital anniversaries. It’s more effective to connect your request for money with a heartwarming occasion – especially if a personal story can be naturally woven into the theme of the holiday.

Keep the donation letter short. Two pages should be more than enough to share a story, explain why the nonprofit needs to raise money, and make the request. People don’t have time to read long letters, and they may never get to the end of the letter – where the final appeal for money is made.

Make it easy for readers to donate money. Include a tear-off slip at the end of the donation letter, giving people the option to donate different amounts of money. Include tax credit information, a contact name and number for donors who want more info, and different ways to make a donation.

Great article Laurie! A few other tips for nonprofit fundraising letters and speeches:

– Tie your ‘ask’ to something specific. For example: “Your $35 donation will feed a hungry child for a week.” – Include something in the letter that encourages the reader to respond, even without a gift. For example, several of the hospital clients I write for encourage donors to sign and return a special Holiday Card to display and brighten the hospital for patients at Christmastime. Most people will include a gift with the card, but might not have responded without it. – There is a place for longer letters. As a fundraising account director, I found that longer letters (4 pages) worked well for some clients — usually when prospecting for new donors to their cause. It all depends on the story, the cause and how much information is needed make a compelling case for support.

I’m the founder and CEO of Frankel Foundation For Diabetics, an NGO to serve, support and advocate for children, adolescence and adults living with diabetes and their families in Ghana, West Africa. Its less than a year old. It’s in honor of my mom and my 15 year old son who are both diabetics. And am also diabetic. Ill be launching it in Worcester, Massachusetts and looking for a sample speech for our fundraising event. I love your inspirational speech. Very heart touching.. God bless you.

Hi I have a speech to give tomorrow in a charity dinner in church, we’ve been planing for three months now .We are called Society of St Vincent de Paul at St Denis catholic church Bariga in Lagos . My mission tomorrow is to drive words into their soul and sparkly that nerve of charity i know exists in us all.

Thanks for this write up , though not exactly what i need but it has shown me how i need to work hard to get a convincing speech to touch my audience

How did your speech go, Ifeanyi? Were you nervous giving the speech, or did you find the charity dinner surprising in anyway?

I hope it was great 🙂

Hi. I am glad I found your article because I am just getting into motivational speaking, and I wanted to know how to write my speech. My friend has a nonprofit organization, and she will need me to be her inspirational speaker. Do you have any more tips?

Susan, thanks for your information.

I hadn’t thought about the language and geographic barriers when writing donation letters…this is great to know.

I’ve written email appeals for nonprofits, and with email, it’s even more important to keep things short and have a clear to action (usually a hyperlinked request for donations that takes the reader directly to the donations page). Storytelling is a powerful way to appeal to the reader’s emotions, but unfortunately, some nonprofits have a tough time collecting those stories.

For instance, my main nonprofit client offers programs in developing countries, so there’s a language barrier and also a geographic barrier between the people working in the trenches and the ones in the headquarters writing creative briefs. Sometimes there are confidentiality issues as well. In cases where we can’t get a brand new story, sometimes we’ll use statistics to put things into context and demonstrate the severity of the situation. (For instance, “every XX seconds, a child dies of the preventable, yet deadly disease known as malaria.”)


Donation Speech

speech on heart donation

In the medical field, organ donation is common among those who are in need of organ transplant. Organ donation is a process of taking out healthy organs of a person for transplantation to another person. This process is already practiced among several countries to save the life of a person who is sick or in a near death situation. In honor of the ones who donated organs, they are given a donation speech specially dedicated to them.

6+ Donation Speech Examples

1. blood donation speech.

blood donation speech

Size: 61 KB

2. Eye Donation Speech

Eye donation speech

Size: 81 KB

3. Organ Donation Speech

speech on heart donation

4. Donation Handover Speech

donation handover speech

Size: 219 KB

5. Donation Acceptance Speech

doantion acceptance speech

Size: 110 KB

6. Donation Ceremony Speech

Donation ceremony speech

Size: 47 KB

7. Donation Speech for Poor

What is a donation speech.

A donation speech is communicated into the public to give credit to those who donated their body organs. This is to make people aware that donating an organ is not just an easy thing to decide. One donation of an organ can help save lives or more than an individual.

What are the Benefits of Organ Donation?

  • Donating an organ helps in the consolation of a grieving family. The families of the donor make feel at ease knowing that a deceased loved one took a chance to help someone who is in great need to save his or her life. Donating an organ can save even up to eight lives. Donating eyes and tissues can help improve fifty (50) lives.
  • Improvement of the quality of life. Donating something may mean giving others the chance to live and enjoy a longer life.
  • It doesn’t cost anything. It is free to donate an organ.
  • It feels good to see that you’ve got to improve someone else’s life by choosing to become their organ donor.
  • Make a difference by imparting a very brave act of making a worthwhile legacy.

How to Write a Donation Speech?

Writing a donation speech is just like writing any other speeches. You need to follow a specific format.

Make a good opening statement . It may be in a form of question, statement or a quote.


Your introduction must be able to grab the attention of your listeners. Tell them what is it that you will talk about.

Body of the speech

This usually has three supporting details inside the body paragraphs about the information.

Your conclusion summarizes all your ideas.

Example of a Donation Speech

Take a look at the below.

Good morning, to our honorable Principal, respected teachers and my friends.

I am _________________, and I have been given the opportunity to deliver a speech on organ donation.

Organ donation is a social act that is looked upon with honor. India follows the opt-in system for organ donation. The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994 controls the organ donation in India. India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government website gives out legal forms for those wishing to donate an organ.

Organs are the vital tissues that make our entire body function, and when a particular organ fails, it requires immediate treatment to replace it with a new and healthy organ of the donor. Common organ transplantations include heart, liver, kidney, bone marrow, pancreas, lungs, and eyes.

Some organs like a kidney, a part of the pancreas or the liver, a part of the intestine can be donated to the ones in need by a living donor. But most of the organ donations take place after the death of the donor.

Organ donation is a kind and helpful act by the donor. It can help to improve the quality of life for many individuals. An eye transplant could help a blind person view the beautiful world again. People can avoid costly routine treatments and opt for transplantations of organs by the donor.

The organs that are donated serve as tools for scientific researches and experiments. A medical student also gets to learn medical science by the aid of donated organs. Biotechnology gains a lot of service from donated organs. Thousands of patients wait for transplantation, and some donors come into their lives as a ray of hope.

Organ donation is a noble deed, but its power is still undervalued. The generous act of organ donation has gradually increased in the last twenty years and has shown excellent results in children and especially in the aged. Improvements of the results have been witnessed due to innovations and up-gradation of peri-operative management.

An organ transplant depends on the availability of human organs. Organs donated by a single person can save up to eight lives. Organ donation can be divided into three categories, which are directed donation, in which the donor gets to choose the person receiving the organ. The second is the non-directed donation; where the donor is not in the know of the person in need of organ transplantation. The third type of organ donation is the paired donation, where only the kidney is donated to the person in need.

Saving an individual’s life by donating a vital organ is not only a courageous act but a respectable one as well. There is no age bar set to become a donor. Young, adults, elderly, all can participate in this charitable process.

Prasanna. (2020). Speech On Organ Donation. Retrieved from https://www.aplustopper.com/speech-on-organ-donation/

Are we allowed to express our own opinion when making a donation speech.

Including your own opinion can make your speech interesting. It is through your opinion that you can persuade your listeners.

What point of view are we going to use when writing a donation speech?

When writing a speech, use the 1st person. Through this, your listeners would be able to know if this is in your own opinion or not.

What are the other uses of organ donation?

Many use organ donations for experiments and research purposes especially in the medical field.

Always state the positive side of organ donation in your speeches because it is indeed a noble deed for someone to decide on something greater. At the end of the day, it is still the decision of a person if he or she would be donating or not.


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Organ donation: Don't let these myths confuse you

Unsure about donating organs for transplant? Don't let wrong ideas keep you from saving lives.

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Answers to common organ donation questions and concerns.

More than 100,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ transplant.

Sadly, many may never get the call saying that a donor organ has been found. Many may not get that second chance at life. Every day in the U.S., about 17 people die because there aren't enough donor organs for all who wait for a transplant.

It can be hard to think about dying. It can be even harder to think about donating organs and tissue. But organ donors save lives.

Here are answers to some common organ donation myths and concerns.

Myth: If I agree to donate my organs, the hospital staff won't work as hard to save my life.

Fact: When you go to the hospital for treatment, the health care team tries to save your life, not someone else's. You get the best care you can get.

Myth: Maybe I won't really be dead when they sign my death certificate.

Fact: This is a popular topic in tabloids. But in reality, people don't start to wiggle their toes after a health care provider says they're dead. In fact, people who have agreed to organ donation are given more tests to make sure they're dead than are those who aren't donating organs. These tests are done at no charge to their families.

Myth: Organ donation is against my faith.

Fact: Most major faiths accept organ donation. These include Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, most branches of Judaism and most Protestant faiths. Some religions believe organ donation to be an act of charity. If you don't know where your faith stands on organ donation, ask a member of your clergy.

Myth: I'm younger than 18. I'm too young to make this decision.

Fact: Many states let people younger than 18 register as organ donors. But if you die before your 18th birthday, your parents or legal guardian will make the decision. If you want to be an organ donor, make sure your family is OK with your wishes. Remember, children, too, need organ transplants. They often need organs smaller than adult size.

Myth: People who donate organs or tissues can't have an open-casket funeral.

Fact: Donors' bodies are treated with care and respect. And they're dressed for burial. No one can see that they donated organs or tissues.

Myth: I'm too old to donate. Nobody wants my organs.

Fact: There's no standard cutoff age for donating organs. The decision to use your organs is based on the health of your organs, not age. Let the health care team decide at the time of your death whether your organs and tissues can be transplanted.

Myth: I'm not in the best health. Nobody wants my organs or tissues.

Fact: Very few medical conditions keep you from donating organs. Maybe you can't donate some organs, but other organs and tissues are fine. Again, let the health care team decide at the time of your death whether your organs and tissues can be transplanted.

Myth: I'd like to donate one of my kidneys now. Can I do that if it's not going to a family member?

Fact: Yes. Most living donations are between family members and friends. But you can choose to donate a kidney to a stranger, so long as you're a match. You also can donate other organs and tissues, such as a lung or part of a lung or liver.

If you decide to become a living donor, the health care team at the transplant center asks a lot of questions. They want to make sure you know the risks.

You'll have tests to make sure you're healthy and that the organ you want to donate is in good shape. The health care team also will want to be as sure as possible that the donation won't damage your health.

Myth: Rich and famous people go to the top of the list when they need a donor organ.

Fact: The rich and famous are treated the same as everyone else when it comes to organ donation. True, famous people might get a lot of press after a transplant. But who they are and how much money they have don't help them get an organ. A computer system and strict standards ensure fairness.

Myth: My family will be charged if I donate my organs.

Fact: The organ donor's family never pays for donation. The donor family pays for all the medical care given to save your life before your organs are donated. Sometimes families think those costs are for the organ donation. But the person who gets the organs for transplant pays the costs for removing the organs.

Why you should think about donating organs

Now that you have the facts, you can see that being an organ donor can have a big impact. And your donation helps not just the person getting the organ. By donating your organs and tissue after you die, you can save up to eight lives and improve 75 more. Many families say that knowing their loved one helped others helped them cope with their loss.

Think about being an organ donor if you belong to an ethnic minority group. These include Black Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and Hispanics. People in these groups are more likely than white people to have certain illnesses that affect the kidneys, heart, lung, pancreas and liver.

Some blood types are more common among minority groups. The blood type of the donor usually needs to match the blood type of the person getting an organ. So the need for minority donor organs is high.

How to donate

Becoming an organ donor is easy. Just do the following:

  • Sign up with your state's donor registry. Most states have ways to sign up. Check the list at organdonor.gov.
  • Mark your choice on your driver's license. Do this when you get or renew your license.
  • Tell your family. Make sure your family knows you want to be an organ donor.

Being on your state's organ donation registry and marking your choice on your driver's license or state ID are the best ways to make sure you become a donor. But telling your family also is important because hospitals ask next of kin before taking organs.

However, hospitals don't need to ask for consent if you are 18 or older and are on your state's donor registry or have marked your driver's license or state ID card for organ donation.

If you have named someone to decide about your health care for you if you are not able to do so, make sure that person knows that you want to be an organ donor. You also can include your wishes in a living will if you have one. But the will might not be read right at the time of your death.

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  • Organ donation statistics. Organdonor.gov. https://www.organdonor.gov/learn/organ-donation-statistics. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.
  • Franklin GF, et al. Evaluation of the potential deceased organ donor (adult). https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.
  • Theological perspective on organ and tissue donation. United Network for Organ Sharing. https://unos.org/transplant/facts/theological-perspective-on-organ-and-tissue-donation/. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.
  • Equity access to transplant. United Network for Organ Sharing. https://insights.unos.org/equity-in-access/. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.
  • Frequently asked questions about organ donation for older adults. National Institute on Aging. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/frequently-asked-questions-about-organ-donation-older-adults. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.
  • Facts about organ donation. United Network for Organ Sharing. https://unos.org/transplant/facts/. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.
  • Donate organs while alive. Organdonor.gov. https://www.organdonor.gov/learn/process/living-donation. Accessed Dec. 29, 2022.

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  • Speech on Organ Donation



Organ donation is a legal process through which the healthy organs and the tissues of one person are transplanted to another person. The person who donates his or her organs is known as a donor and the person who receives the organs is known as the organ receiver. Organ donation takes place by the consent of the donor when he or she was alive or by the consent of the family members of the donors. Organ donation is a noble act that can save millions of lives and sadly many people don't know the impact it has on other people’s lives. Even after death, a donor could bring joy to the life of the receiver. 

Here we have provided a long and short speech on organ donation and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the organ donation speech.

Long Speech on Organ Donation

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I have been given the opportunity to give a speech on organ donation. I will try my best to make sure that everybody understands the importance of organ donation and how it could save millions of lives. 

Organ donation is a process by which a person allows his or her organ to be removed and transplanted to another person in a legal manner either with the permission of the donor while he or she is alive or by the consent of close family members. So why is organ donation so important? and why is it talked about so much?. 

Organ donation is a social act and it’s considered to be an honor. Organ donation can happen from a brain-dead owner or a living donor. A few of the common transplants include kidneys, liver, intestines, heart, bone marrow, and lungs. It is not required that the donor should be dead to donate an organ. In a few cases, the organs and the tissues can be donated by the living donors such as a part of the liver if the blood group of the donor and the recipient match. Similarly, part of the lungs, pancreas, and intestines can also be donated. 

In India, we follow an opt-in system of organ donation. You may be thinking, what is an opt-in system?. In an opt-in system, the person who is on the death bed is presumed to have given consent to be a donor before his or her death unless they had made a specific request not to donate the organs. Organ donation in India is controlled by the Human Organ Act 1994. The legal forms for the people who are willing to donate their organs are given by India’s Ministry of health and family Welfare Government website. 

Every year around 6 lakh people die in India due to the shortage or the unavailability of organs. The organ donation rate in a western country is as high as 36 million in the United States as in India it is 0.3 million which is very low. When it comes to Mumbai, it has the best organ donation rates in the country with almost 48 donations happening in the year 2019 and almost 51 donations happening in the year 2020.

Organ donation is a helpful act by the donor that can help in saving a life of a person and also could help in improving the quality of life for many individuals. Imagine if eye transplantation is done via opt-in organ donation, it could help a blind person to view this beautiful world again. The organs donated to hospitals could be used for scientific research and experiments. The donor organs are also used by medical students to learn about the anatomy of the human body. Thousands of patients wait for organ transplants as many have different organ failures such as a liver, kidney , and even heart and during those harsh times, an organ donor after his or her sad demise could become a ray of hope for the patients. 

Many people believe that a brain-dead person cannot donate any organs, that is not. By brain death, one means permanent loss of brain and brain stem functions. The only activity the body can carry after the brain death is the beating of the heart, not even breathing. As long as the heart is beating the organ transplantation procedure could be carried out. Organ donation is a systematic and legal process and is governed by the government both at the national and the state level. National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) is a national-level organization set up under the government of India that foresees all the organ donation procedures all over the country. A nonprofit organization by the name of Zonal Transplant Coordination Centre (ZTCC) which is set up in Mumbai is working every day to promote organ donation. A brain-dead person can save up to seven lives. Lives that have been suffering for many years due to organ failures. There are many inspirational stories of people who donated their organs when they were near the death door. I request every one of you to read those stories and make a note of how donating organs after death can save the lives of people who are in need. 

To conclude this speech I want to say that death is inevitable and no one has escaped it.The greatest rulers who have lived before us have seen death and a newborn child who hasn’t experienced life has also witnessed death due to some circumstances. Organ donation is a noble act, a deed that could be done to save the lives of people even after the donor is dead. On this day, let us come forward and fulfill one more duty of ours as true Indian Citizens by pledging our organs which can save many lives after we leave this planet. The first step of willingness to donate an organ is to have a donor card. A donor card is an expression of a person’s willingness to be a donor. It is also important to make everyone aware of the importance of organ donation so please spread the word and help in saving lives. Thank you. 

Short Organ Donation Speech

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I have been given an opportunity to give a small speech on organ donation. I hope that this speech will help everyone to spread the word about the importance of organ donation and how it can save lives. 

Organ donation is a process by which a person allows his or her organ to be removed legally depending on his or her will or the consent of his family members to save the life of a person who is in need of that particular organ. 

Every year around 5 lakh people die due to organ failures in India. This could be due to accidents or the failure of specific organs. Organ transplantation can help in saving the life of people who have been fighting to survive. Organ transplantation is one of the greatest achievements that modern science has been able to accomplish. Many lives could be saved and significant deaths could be avoided if organ donation is done at the right time. 

Organ donation is a social act and it can be done by a living donor or a person who is brain dead. A few of the common organ transplantations include the Liver, intestines, kidneys, heart, and bone marrow. Organs are mostly donated after the death of the owner, however, many people are unaware of the noble act.

To conclude this speech I want to say that death is a mystery concept which many people don't understand. Death cannot be avoided and no one can run away from death. Organ donation is a noble act that could give a ray of hope to another person’s life who is suffering through many years because of the failure of a particular organ or organ. Be part of this noble act and have a donor card that shows the willingness of a person to donate an organ after his or her death. I wish you to live a happy life full of joy. A life in which you get a chance to impact many lives and when death knocks on your door I wish you are content with your life but also will make an impact through organ donation you give a chance for another person to live a happy life on this planet. Thank you for listening to everyone. 

10 Lines About the Speech on Organ Donation

Organ donation is a legal transfer of healthy organs from the donor to the receiver.it is considered to be a good deed as a person is saving the life of another. 

A person donating the organs is known as a donor and by the consent of the donor or family members, the process of organ donation takes place. 

The donation of organs can happen before the death of the person or after the death of the person.

In India, we follow an opt-in system for organ donation. In the opt-in system of organ donation, the donor has given his consent for organ donation before his death. 

Various organ transplantation takes place such as kidneys, lungs, liver, and bone marrow.

The transplantation of the kidney is the most common organ transplantation which occurs throughout the world.

Every year almost 5 lakh people die in India due to organ failure. Organ donation can help in saving the life of such people. 

Organ donation requires detailed testing of the donor’s body. The blood group and the compatibility of the donor and the receiver are also matched before the organ is transplanted. 

Organ donation provides a second chance to people who have suffered for years because of the failure of organs such as kidneys etc. 

Some people also donate their entire bodies for research and medical science. 

Different Types of Organ Donation: 

Autograft : Autograft is the process of transplanting a person's tissues from one part of his body to another part of his body. For example, skin from the legs might be removed and used to repair damaged skin on the face or other exposed areas.

Allograft : Allograft refers to the transplantation of an organ between two genetically dissimilar persons. Because of the genetic difference, the receiver will regard the donor's organ as alien and attempt to kill it. This is referred to as s rejection.

Isograft : Isograft refers to the transplantation of an organ or tissue from a donor to a genetically identical recipient. There will be no immunological reaction, which means there will be no transplant rejection.

Xenograft : Xenograft refers to the transplantation of organs or tissues from one species to another. The heart valve of a pig, for example, has been successfully transplanted into a person.

Split Transplant : A deceased donor's organ, such as the liver, can be split between two recipients, generally an adult and a youngster.

Domino Transplant : When the lungs are to be transplanted, it is easier to replace them together with the heart surgically. If the original heart of the recipient is in good condition, it can be transplanted into another person who needs one.

ABO-incompatible transplantation : The immune systems of infants and toddlers under the age of 12 months may not have fully formed. They are able to get organs from donors who are incompatible with them.


FAQs on Speech on Organ Donation

1. What is organ donation?

Giving an organ or a portion of an organ to be transplanted into another person is known as organ donation. Organ transplantation is the only way to preserve patients' lives and enhance their quality of life who are suffering from terminal organ failure. However, there is a mismatch between supply and demand for donated organs, resulting in the death of many people. Organ transplantation has steadily expanded during the last two decades, with great success in adolescents and young adults. However, the rising proportion of older transplant patients with associated morbidity poses a challenge. As a result of innovations and advancements in perioperative treatment, the outcomes of organ transplantation continue to improve.

2. Who can be an organ donor?

Anyone, regardless of age, race, or medical history, can be a potential donor. Medical specialists examine your medical history to see whether you are eligible to donate. More people can donate now than ever before thanks to recent advancements in transplantation.

Adults can also make living donations, which means they can choose to donate an organ, such as a kidney, or a portion of an organ, such as a liver, to someone who is in need.

3. Why is there a need for organ donation?

Organ donation is required since only 3000 individuals out of 1.5 lakh people in India who require a kidney obtain one, just 1 out of every 30 people receives a kidney, and 90% of those on the waiting list die without receiving a donor. Around 70% of liver transplants require a living donor, with the remaining 30% relying on cadaver (dead) donors. As a result, there is a pressing need to raise organ donation rates and provide people a second shot at life.

4. What is the situation of organ donation in India?

Organ transplantation is in high demand all across the world. India is likewise experiencing a severe organ scarcity, with little hope of finding a solution. Every year, it is estimated that 1.5 lakh people suffer from renal failure, with just 3000 receiving a transplant. Similarly, over 2 lakh individuals die each year from liver failure or cancer, and organ donors are rarely available to save them. It is the same with heart patients: there are only 15 hearts available for transplant for every 50,000 heart attack sufferers. As a result, massive programs to raise awareness about organ donation and close the gap between supply and demand are urgently needed in India. 

5. Where can I get an essay on organ donation?

Vedantu provides an essay on organ donation.  It goes through the importance of organ donation, different types of organ donation, the current situation of organ donation in India, and more. Professional educators create content that is easy for students to learn and remember. Vedantu also offers study materials and a variety of competitive exams to students in grades 1 through 12. The contents contain notes, important topics and questions, revision notes, and other things. On Vedantu, you may access all of these resources for free. To access any of these resources, students must first register on the Vedantu website. You may also sign up using the Vedantu smartphone app.


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Celebrating the Gift of Life: The Best Quotes about Organ Donation (2024)

Organ transplants transform lives and reshape futures—and these life-saving procedures wouldn’t be possible without a selfless decision from an organ donor.

At Help Hope Live, our nonprofit helps transplant candidates, recipients, and donors to fundraise for the gift of life .

Learn about the impact of transplantation with the organ donation quotes we share below, then take your understanding even further by learning about the cost of an organ transplant and how our nonprofit can help through community-based fundraising.

A graphic reads Touched by Transplant with the Help Hope Live: Trusted Medical Fundraising logo and a decorative image of a flowering vine in green and blue.

Best Quotes About Organ Donation

These quotes are from Help Hope Live clients and community members to celebrate our collective gratitude at the impact of organ donation.

“There is one thing I know about my donor: no matter what they did while they were here on Earth, they died a hero. They saved my life, and that’s a debt I can never repay.” -Help Hope Live client and pancreas transplant recipient John Wilson

“I believe hope is incredibly important, especially in the world of transplants.” -Help Hope Live client Ambassador and heart transplant recipient Pat McEntee

“A lot of what I do is to honor my donor. I still can’t believe I am able to do all of this thanks to my donor. Every day, I think about it in one way or another.” -Help Hope Live client Ambassador and heart transplant recipient Bill Soloway

“I got the lungs of an angel—a hero—lungs that were a perfect match for me. I have a newfound and deep appreciation for organ donors and their families. There is nothing that I can do or say to thank them enough. But what I can do is celebrate my donor and their family for their selfless sacrifice. I can do that by talking about them, advocating for organ donation, and living life to its fullest potential.” -Help Hope Live client and lung transplant recipient Pamela Andersen

“I never used to pay that much attention to organ donation, but I’m tremendously glad for it: it turned out that I was one of the ones in need. I hope my donor’s family will be blessed a thousand times for their sacrifice.” -Help Hope Live client and kidney transplant recipient Karl Black

“We are thanking God for our organ donor. What gave one family utter despair gave us great joy.” -Rach Thurston, wife of Help Hope Live client and kidney transplant recipient Tom Thurston

“To me, transplant represents life and hope. Although none of us know when we may lose our life, my husband’s transplant gave us hope that we may be able to spend many more years together with each other and our families.” -Maxine Billings, wife of Help Hope Live client and liver transplant recipient Tony Billings

When I think back on my life just four years ago, the circumstances were dire. I wasn’t sure if I would still be alive in six months—now, I’m a mommy, all because someone said yes to being an organ donor.” -Help Hope Live client and living donor liver transplant recipient Amanda Washek

“Three other lives were saved that night by my donor, my hero, and I was given a new heart and a new start. My light shines even brighter now.” -Help Hope Live client and heart transplant recipient Renee Houghton

“He feels a duty to honor the gift he has been given, the donor, and the donor’s family. He sees life in a whole new perspective now—he will not take for granted one second of his new beginning.” -Deborah Curry, wife of Help Hope Live client and heart & kidney transplant recipient Mark Curry

“When it comes to understanding the transplant journey and discovering the truth about transplantation, open your heart and open your mind. Oh, and put that special designation on your driver’s license!” – Nelson Omar Freytes , founder of Transplant News

“I was ‘recalled to life’ by this gift from my donor’s family. I recently had the joy of connecting with his mother—her son’s lungs live in me, and I am grateful every day.” -Help Hope Live client and lung transplant recipient Nancy Kyllingstad

“I have not only been touched by transplant; I have been saved by a transplant. I know that I am one of the lucky ones, and I am forever grateful for this. My brother made the greatest sacrifice to give me the greatest gift. There is no greater gift than donating life.” -Help Hope Live client and living donor kidney transplant recipient Jessie Hallowell

Best Organ Donation Quotes from Celebrities

“The decision to become a donor can save up to eight lives and enhance many more—men, women, and children who depend on the generosity and sacrifice of others. I encourage individuals of all ages and backgrounds to consider this unique opportunity to help those in need and to discuss this choice with friends and family.” -Barack Obama, former President of the United States

“You are a piece of the puzzle of someone else’s life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you.” -Bonnie Arbon, writer

“Wherever a man turns, he can find someone who needs him.” -Albert Schweitzer, polymath and theologian

“You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” -John Wooden, basketball coach

“The measure of life is not its duration but its donation.” -Peter Marshall, entertainer

“There will be a time when all of the pieces will fit together.” -Nitya Prakesh, writer

“Act as if what you do will make a difference. It does.” -William James, philosopher and psychologist

“I would donate whatever anybody would take.” -George Clooney, actor

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” -Muhammad Ali, boxer

“Life fractures us all into little pieces. It harms us, but it’s how we glue those fractures back together that make us stronger.” -Carrie Jones, writer

“I’ve learned there’s power deep down inside yourself, and you can find it when you don’t give up on yourself and when you ask for help.” -Selena Gomez, artist

“You know that family is going to be there for you no matter what—my dad gave me a freakin’ kidney! But it’s also [about] the families that you create outside of your family.” -Sarah Hyland, actor

“The only gift is a portion of thyself.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, author and poet

“Have you had a kindness shown?

‘Twas not given for thee alone.

Let it travel down the years,

Let it wipe another’s tears,

Till in Heaven the deed appears,

Pass it on, pass it on.

Did you hear the loving word?

Like the singing of a bird?

Let its music live and grow,

Let it cheer another’s woe,

You have reaped what others sow,

Hold your lighted lamp on high,

Be a star in someone’s sky,

He may live who else would die,

Pass it on, pass it on!”

-Excerpts from “Have you had a kindness shown?” hymn, Reverend Henry Burton

Touched by Transplant: Terri and Bruce

This year, one of our Help Hope Live staff members was personally impacted by the gift of life .

Terri and Bruce Carlson

In February 2020, Terri Carlson from our Finance Department lost her husband, Bruce Carlson , an accomplished professional, dog lover, home DIYer, home chef, golfer, and, above all, exceptionally loving husband and father. “He was a giving person who would always be the first to help anyone in need,” explained Terri. “ Bruce elected to be an organ donor a long time ago. When we learned from his doctors that he had no chance of survival, my kids and I met with a representative from the Gift of Life Donor Program .

That rep was so compassionate as my kids faced their first real-life adult decisions. We made the decision together, and we gained a sense of comfort knowing that we were honoring Bruce’s wishes. We knew that he would live on in others, which gave all of us a sense of purpose within what seemed like a senseless loss.”

Terri learned that her family would receive a letter every time Bruce helped someone—some donor families receive notices up to 15 years after the donation takes place.

On April 22, two months after Bruce passed away, Terri received the first letter.

speech on heart donation

More Organ Donation Quotes and Insights

You can learn more about the life-changing power of organ donation by reaching stories from our Touched by Transplant series, which we update every year for Donate Life Month in April.

Get Help with Transplant Costs

If you or someone you care about is struggling with the out-of-pocket costs of transplant, our nonprofit Help Hope Live can provide support.

We help start community-based fundraising campaigns for transplant patients backed by one-on-one fundraising help, medical verification, tax-deductible donations, and other unique nonprofit benefits.

Donate to a Trusted Transplant Charity

Every month, our nonprofit helps communities to bring the gift of life within reach, making life-changing transplants possible.

No transplant patient should have to face the financial burden of the gift of life alone.

If you want to help bring transplants within reach, donate to our trusted nonprofit Help Hope Live today.

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Living Organ Donation

You can donate a kidney, a piece of your liver, and certain other organs and tissues while alive. About 6,500 living donation transplants take place each year.

Unlike deceased donors, a living donor can decide who to donate their organ to, helping a recipient get an organ transplant faster. Most living donations happen between family members or close friends. Other people choose to donate to someone they don't know. See stories of real people who have donated and received organs.

Living donation is typically safe for the donor. Most living donors go on to live active, healthy lives and can see the positive impact of their donation.

donate one kidney or part of your liver

While alive, you can donate one kidney , part of your liver , and certain other organs and tissues.

85% of people on the organ transplant waiting list need a kidney .

donor and recipient

Benefits of living donation

  • As a living donor, you can choose who receives your organ.
  • You can reduce someone’s waiting time for an organ transplant.
  • Living kidney donation can prevent—or shorten—the need for kidney dialysis.
  • Research has shown that recipients of organs from living donors have better outcomes than those who receive organs from deceased donors.

Organs that can be donated by living donors

Kidneys are the organs most frequently needed, followed by livers. Both of these organs can be donated by living donors to save someone’s life.

You may be able to donate:

  • One kidney 85% of people awaiting a transplant need a kidney. A kidney is the most commonly donated organ. Your remaining kidney removes waste from the body.
  • Segment of the liver Remaining liver cells grow or refresh until your liver is almost its original size. This happens in a short amount of time for both you and the recipient.
  • One lobe of the lung, part of the pancreas, or part of the intestine These donations are rare. While these organs don’t regrow, the portion you donate and the portion that remains can function fully.

Tissue that can be donated by living donors

  • Skin—after surgeries such as a tummy tuck
  • Bone—after knee and hip replacements
  • Healthy cells from  bone marrow and umbilical cord blood
  • Amnion—donated after childbirth
  • Blood—white and red blood cells—and platelets

You can donate blood or bone marrow more than once. The body replaces them after you donate.

Understanding living donation

  • Most living donors go on to live healthy and active lives.
  • Most living donors report living donation as a positive emotional experience.
  • Living donors tend to have similar or better quality of life than before the donation.

Who can be a living donor?

Parents, husbands, wives, friends, co-workers—even total strangers—can be living donor candidates.

To be a living donor, you must:

  • Be at least 18 or older (some transplant hospitals require donors to be at least 21)
  • Have good physical and mental health
  • Know the risks and benefits of living donation
  • Make an informed decision that living donation is right for you

What’s involved in becoming a living donor?

Both you and the transplant hospital staff will need to decide whether living donation is right for you. Hospital staff will gather a lot of information about you to determine if you are healthy enough to donate an organ.

You can expect to:

  • Complete a physical exam, lab tests, and screenings for cancer and other conditions
  • Answer questions about your medical history
  • Receive a mental health evaluation
  • Answer questions about your social support
  • Discuss your financial situation and whether you can take time off from work or any caregiving responsibilities
  • Learn about the risks and benefits of living donation

If tests show that you are not compatible with the person in need of an organ transplant, you may have other options to donate, such as kidney paired donation .

Donation procedure: what to expect

  • Surgery takes place at a transplant hospital.
  • Living kidney donors typically stay two to three days in the hospital; liver donors can expect about a five-day stay.
  • Living donors resume normal activities after donation recovery, which takes about six to twelve weeks when donating a kidney and about eight to twelve weeks when donating part of the liver.

For more information about the living donation process, visit the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network's living donation page .

Potential risks of living donation

Transplant centers follow-up with living donors after the transplant. They report, on average, living donors do well over the long term.

As with most medical procedures, there are possible risks for living organ donation surgery. These risks differ depending on each individual donor as well as the type of organ donated. Short-term effects may include pain or infection from the procedure. Long-term effects can include hypertension for kidney donors, or intestinal problems for liver donors.

As more research emerges on the impact of donation on living donors, the more we can fully understand the risks and benefits to living donors.

What to think about before you donate

  • Recovery from surgery takes time, and donors may have to take off work and stop certain activities for a while.
  • Living donors do not have to pay for medical costs because the recipient’s insurance usually covers expenses.
  • You may experience medical problems that delay your return to work.
  • You may face lost wages from being out of work, or incur additional costs for childcare or other expenses, depending on your situation.
  • Some living donors have had problems keeping insurance coverage at the same level and rate.

Directed donation vs. non-directed donation

It can be very rewarding to help another person. You can donate an organ to someone you know (directed donation) or to someone you don’t know (non-directed donation). If you wish to help someone through directed donation but you are not a match, kidney paired donation may be an option.

Kidney paired donation allows for two or more incompatible donor/recipient pairs to swap donors. The donors are then able to give their kidney to a compatible recipient in a different pair. By exchanging donors, a compatible match can be found for these recipients.

kidney donors paired with recipients

If you need financial help

The National Living Donor Assistance Center (NLDAC) provides financial help to living donors.

They may be able to help you with:

  • Travel, lodging, meals, and extras
  • Childcare and eldercare costs related to your evaluation, surgery, and follow-up visits

Learn more about NLDAC .

Where to find information and support

You can learn more by contacting the patient services department of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) at 1-888-894-6361 or email [email protected] .

Visit the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) site on living donation .

A next step

If you would like to help someone you know through living directed donation , talk to them and contact the transplant program where the person is listed. If you would like to help someone you do not know by being a living non-directed donor , contact a transplant hospital of your choice and ask if they have such a donation program. Go to the OPTN Member Directory for a list of transplant hospitals.

recipient holding donor gift

View or download English and Spanish educational materials on living organ donation, including videos, an infographic, social media graphics, and fact sheets for potential donors and recipients.

Short Donation Message Examples

10 Short Donation Message Examples (For Each Type, With Tips)

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The power of a well-crafted donation message can never be overstated. A short and concise donation message that resonates with potential donors can make the difference between a successful fundraising campaign and one that falls short. As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the need for compelling and persuasive donation messaging has never been greater.

A well-written short donation message can cut through the noise in a crowded and competitive online space and motivate individuals to take action. Whether you are a seasoned non-profit professional or just starting out, understanding the key elements of a successful donation message is critical to your success.

In this article, we will explore some of the most effective short donation request message examples and the key elements that make them effective. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of what it takes to craft a persuasive and thought-provoking short donation message that inspires giving.

Here are 10 Short Donation Message Examples with their context:-

General Short Donation Message Examples

Short donation message examples for schools, short donation message examples for hospitals, short donation message examples for churches, short donation message examples for animal charities, short donation message examples for art charities.

General Short Donation Message Examples

“Donate and be the sunshine in someone’s life during the storm. Your kindness can make a world of difference.”

This message stands out because it presents donating as an act of compassion and a way to comfort someone in difficult times. It appeals to donors’ emotional side, doing the act of giving feels personal and impactful.

“Every donation brings us one step closer to a world of peace and equality. Please give generously.”

This message presents the donation as part of a larger mission toward a better future. It appeals to the sense of purpose and positively impacts the world.

“Let’s leave a legacy of love and compassion for future generations. Your donation can help make that a reality.”

This message presents the donation as a way to create a lasting impact, not just for the present, but for future generations. It appeals to the sense of responsibility and making a difference beyond one’s lifetime.

“Imagine a world without suffering and poverty. You can make that vision a reality with your donation today.”

This message tries to change the world positively and turn a vision into reality. It appeals to the imagination and creativity of the donors, and doing the act of giving feel empowering.

“Help make a difference today by donating to our cause. Every little bit helps!”

This message stands out because it emphasizes that even small donations can significantly impact. It encourages people to give what they can and helps to remove the stigma that only large donations can make a difference.

“Join us in creating a better future for all. Your donation can make a world of difference!”

This message presents the donation as part of a larger movement toward positive change. It appeals to community and collaboration and encourages people to join the effort.

“Donate now to support those in need and create a brighter tomorrow for everyone.”

This message stands out because it presents the donation as a way to provide immediate support and make a positive impact in the future. It appeals to the sense of urgency and the desire to make a difference.

“Your generosity can change someone’s life. Please donate now and make a positive impact.”

This message stands out because it presents the donation as a way to directly and personally impact someone’s life. It appeals to the emotional side of donors and encourages them to act with kindness and generosity.

“Together, we can create a world that is full of kindness and compassion. Your donation can help make that happen.”

This message portrays the donation as a way to work towards a common goal of creating a better world. It appeals to the sense of community and collective effort in making a positive impact.

“Make a difference in someone’s life with a simple donation. Your support can bring hope to those in need.”

This donation message stands out because it presents the donation as a simple act that can profoundly impact someone’s life. It encourages people to act with kindness and generosity, emphasizing the power of even a small act of giving.

If you are a Nonprofit looking for fundraising ideas, we have compiled almost 500+ unique, creative, and detailed fundraising ideas in an eBook.

Caters to almost all types of Nonprofits. Useful even if you are a professional looking to enhance your fundraising skills. Check out below.

speech on heart donation

Now that you know some of the general short donation messages, let’s see some of the short donation messages for major nonprofits:

Short Donation Message Examples for Schools

  • “Invest in our future; donate to our school today. Your generosity can help shape the minds of tomorrow.”
  • “Education is the key to a brighter future. Your donation can provide opportunities for students to succeed.”
  • “Help give our students the tools they need to succeed. Your donation can make a lasting impact on their education.”

Short Donation Message Examples for Hospitals

  • “Save a life today with a simple donation. Your generosity can provide vital medical care to those in need.”
  • “Your donation can bring comfort, healing and hope to those in their greatest time of need.”
  • “Invest in the health and well-being of our community. Donate now to support our hospital’s mission.”
  • “Donate to support our mission of spreading love, kindness and hope. Your generosity can make a world of difference.”
  • “Join us in our mission to create a more loving and compassionate world. Your donation can help us make that a reality.”
  • “Your support can help us provide comfort and hope to those in need. Please donate now to our church’s mission.”

Short Donation Message Examples for Animal Charities

  • “Help give a voice to the voiceless. Your donation can support our mission to protect and care for animals.”
  • “Animals can’t speak for themselves, but you can. Donate now to help provide them with the love and care they need.”
  • “Be the change you wish to see in the world. Your donation can help create a better future for all animals.”

Short Donation Message Examples for Art Charities

  • “Art has the power to bring joy and inspiration to our lives. Your donation can help preserve and promote the arts.”
  • “Help support the artists of tomorrow. Your donation can give them the necessary resources to create and inspire.”
  • “Invest in the arts and help bring beauty and creativity to our world. Donate now to support our art charity.”

Text Donation Message Examples

Text Donation Message Examples

Crafting an effective text donation message involves being concise, clear, and compelling. The message should quickly convey the need, the impact of the donation, and how to take action. Here are some examples that can be adapted for various causes or specific needs within a church or charitable organization:

General Text Donation Messages

  • For Immediate Needs: “Your support makes a difference! Text GIVE10 to 70000 to donate $10 to [Church/Charity Name] and help us meet our urgent needs. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!”
  • For Specific Projects: “Join us in making a change! Text BUILD to 80000 to contribute $25 to the [Project Name]. Every penny brings us closer to our goal!”
  • For Recurring Gifts: “Become a beacon of hope! Text MONTHLY to 50555 to set up a recurring gift of $20/month to [Church/Charity Name]. Your ongoing support is a lifeline for our community.”
  • For Disaster Relief: “Help us respond to the [disaster name]! Text RELIEF to 90999 to donate $50 to [Church/Charity Name] for emergency aid. Your swift action can save lives.”
  • For Scholarships or Education Programs: “Invest in the future! Text SCHOLAR to 313131 to donate $30 and support our education programs. Give the gift of knowledge and opportunity!”
  • For Annual Appeals: “It’s that time of year again! We rely on your generosity to keep our doors open. Text ANNUAL to 41444 to contribute to our annual fund. Thank you for your faithful giving!”

Holiday or Event-Specific Messages

  • Christmas Appeal: “This Christmas, bring joy to others! Text MERRY to 20222 to gift $15 to [Church/Charity Name] and share the holiday spirit with those in need.”
  • Easter Campaign: “Celebrate renewal and hope this Easter! Your donation of $20 can change lives. Text RISEN to 501501 and bless someone this season.”
  • Thanksgiving Drive: “Give thanks by giving back! Text THANKS to 707070 to donate $10 and provide a warm meal for a family this Thanksgiving.”

Church-Specific Campaigns

Church-Specific Campaigns

  • For Building Funds: “Help us lay the foundation for generations to come. Text CORNERSTONE to 80888 to contribute $50 to our building fund. Your legacy starts with this stone!”
  • For Mission Trips: “Be a part of our mission without leaving home. Text MISSION to 77977 with your donation and empower our team to serve and spread love abroad.”
  • For Community Outreach: “Serve our community with your generosity. Text NEIGHBOR to 50555 and donate $20 to support local outreach. Together, we can make a difference!”

Encouraging Regular Giving

Encouraging Regular Giving

  • Start of the Year: “New Year, renewed faith! Support our ministry all year. Text FAITHFUL to 45678 to schedule your monthly gift. Your commitment helps us plan boldly!”
  • Mid-Year Boost: “Mid-year is here, and so is the opportunity to make an impact! Text MIDYEAR to 50555 and help us continue our programs with a mid-year gift of $25.”

Remember, when sending text donation messages, it’s important to comply with local regulations regarding text message solicitations and to ensure recipients have opted into receiving such messages from your organization. Always include a way for recipients to opt-out of future messages if they wish.

Here are some tips while crafting a short donation message:

  • Be clear and concise : Keep your message short, simple, and easy to understand. Be clear about what the donation will be used for and how it will make a difference.
  • Appeal to emotions : People are more likely to donate when they feel a connection to the cause. Use emotional language to connect with donors and inspire them to take action.
  • Make it personal : Personalize your message by using stories and examples to illustrate the impact of donations. This will help donors see the real-life impact of their gift.
  • Highlight the urgency : Let donors know their support is needed now and their gift can make a real difference. This can increase the urgency and motivate them to donate.
  • Show gratitude : Show gratitude for their generosity and let them know how much their support means to you and the cause.
  • Use statistics and facts : Facts and statistics can help make your message more persuasive and convincing. It can also help to build trust with your donors.
  • Use inclusive language : Use inclusive and welcoming language to all donors, regardless of their background or beliefs.
  • Be transparent : Be transparent about how the donation will be used and how it will make a difference. This will build trust with donors and increase the likelihood of repeat donations.
  • Make it actionable : Encourage donors to take action by making it easy and straightforward for them to donate. Provide clear instructions on donating and what they can expect in return.
  • Keep it relevant : Ensure your message is relevant to the donor and the cause. Use language and messaging that speaks directly to their interests and values.

Now some elements of a good short donation message

  • Clear language : A good short donation message should use clear and concise language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse potential donors.
  • Emotional appeal : A good short donation message should evoke emotions and connect with the reader personally. This can be achieved by using storytelling, highlighting the impact of donations, or using images and videos.
  • A clear call to action : A good short donation message should always have a clear call to action that motivates the reader to take action and donate. This can be as simple as asking for a donation or providing a link to a donation page.
  • Personalization : A good short donation message should be personalized to the reader and addressed them directly. This can help to build trust and increase engagement.
  • Inclusive language : A good short donation message should use inclusive language that appeals to a diverse range of people and does not exclude or alienate any group.
  • Concise : A good short donation message should be short and to the point. Avoid using long paragraphs or complicated language that overwhelms or discourages the reader.
  • Relevant : A good short donation message should be relevant to the reader and the cause. It should provide specific information about how their donation will make a difference and the impact it will have.
  • Trust-building : A good short donation message should build trust with the reader and provide transparency about how their donation will be used. This can include information about the nonprofit’s track record and mission.
  • Urgency: A good short donation message should create a sense of urgency and motivate the reader to take action quickly. This can be achieved by highlighting the need for support or using limited-time offers or matching gifts.
  • A clear value proposition : A good short donation message should communicate the value of donating and why the reader should support the cause. This can include information about the nonprofit’s impact and mission.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, short donation messages can drive action and support for your cause. By incorporating elements such as a personal introduction, an apparent problem and solution, a strong call to action, personalization, gratitude, and a memorable conclusion, you can create a message that connects with your audience and inspires giving.

Remember, the key to a successful short donation message is clear, concise, and compelling. With the right message and approach, you can build momentum and create a lasting impact for your cause. By crafting a thoughtful and practical short donation message, you will set your organization up for success and make a real difference in the lives of those you serve.

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Nonprofit Strategist & Marketing Maven

With deep expertise in nonprofits, Tejas Rane began his journey at Donorbox, gaining respect for charities’ global impacts. His writings, a fusion of extensive knowledge and marketing acumen, spotlight and celebrate the essential work of nonprofits, inspiring action within the philanthropic realm.

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Inspiring Giving Back To The Community Speech Ideas

Aurora Simon

Giving Back To The Community Speech

As human beings, we have a social responsibility to give back to our community. Whether it’s through volunteerism, community engagement, or philanthropy, every action we take can make a difference in the lives of others. In this article, we will explore the power of giving back to the community and provide inspiring speech ideas that will motivate and encourage individuals to take action towards positive change.

Table of Contents

Throughout the following sections, we will discuss the importance of giving back, effective strategies for encouraging volunteerism, practical tips for getting involved in community outreach programs, and ways to make a difference in your community. We will also share inspiring stories of successful Giving Back To The Community Speeches and provide answers to frequently asked questions on this topic. Let’s begin our journey towards creating a better world!

Examples of Giving Back To The Community Speech

Here are some resources to help you write your giving back to the community speech. As time goes on, I will update this list with new resources below.

Understanding The Importance Of Giving Back To The Community

Giving back to the community is an important aspect of social responsibility . It involves taking action to improve the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. Community outreach, volunteerism, and philanthropy are some of the ways individuals can give back to their communities.

There are numerous benefits to giving back to the community. It helps to create a sense of belonging and pride in one’s community. It also fosters a culture of kindness and generosity, which can inspire others to get involved.

Community outreach is a powerful tool for creating change. By engaging with individuals and groups within the community, it is possible to identify areas that require improvement and develop strategies for addressing them. This can include initiatives such as food drives, fundraising events, and educational programs.

Volunteerism is another key way to give back to the community. By volunteering time and skills, individuals can make a positive impact on the lives of others. This can include activities such as mentoring, tutoring, and providing support to those in need.

Philanthropy is another important aspect of giving back to the community. By donating to charitable organizations, individuals can support initiatives that are focused on improving the well-being of others. This can include initiatives such as healthcare, education, and environmental conservation.

Overall, giving back to the community is an essential part of social responsibility. It helps to create a better society, fosters a culture of kindness and generosity, and can inspire others to get involved. By engaging in community outreach, volunteerism, and philanthropy, individuals can make a positive impact on the lives of others and contribute to creating a better world.

The Power Of Community Involvement And Engagement

The Power Of Community Involvement And Engagement

When it comes to giving back to the community, the power of community involvement and engagement cannot be overstated. By working together and pooling resources, individuals and organizations can achieve greater impact and bring about positive change in their communities.

Community involvement can take many forms, from volunteering time and skills to supporting local initiatives and businesses. Philanthropy also plays an important role in community engagement, as it provides resources to fund programs and projects that benefit the community.

One of the key benefits of community involvement and engagement is that it empowers individuals to take an active role in shaping their communities. By participating in local events and initiatives, individuals can build relationships, develop skills, and make a meaningful contribution to their communities.

The Importance Of Philanthropy In Supporting Community Initiatives

Philanthropy plays a critical role in supporting community initiatives, as it provides resources that enable organizations to carry out their missions and serve the needs of the community. Whether through individual donations, corporate giving, or foundation grants, philanthropy can make a significant difference in the lives of people and communities.

In addition to providing financial support, philanthropy can also help to raise awareness and mobilize support for important causes. By leveraging their networks and resources, philanthropic organizations can bring attention to issues that may otherwise be overlooked, and encourage others to get involved.

The Power Of Collaboration In Achieving Positive Change

Collaboration is essential for achieving positive change in communities. By working together, individuals and organizations can pool their knowledge, skills, and resources to address complex social issues and bring about lasting change.

Effective collaboration requires a shared vision, trust, and a willingness to work towards a common goal . It also requires open communication, active listening, and a commitment to learning from one another.

Ultimately, the power of community involvement, philanthropy, and collaboration lies in their ability to bring people together and create a shared sense of purpose. By working towards a common goal, individuals and organizations can achieve great things and create a better world for all.

Inspiring Stories Of Successful Community Service Speeches

Inspiring Stories Of Successful Community Service Speeches

Community service speeches have the power to inspire and motivate individuals and communities to take action towards positive change. Here are some inspiring stories of successful speeches:

“There are two kinds of people in this world: those who sit on the sidelines and watch things happen, and those who jump in and make a difference. Which one are you?” This powerful quote was part of a speech given by a local community leader at a fundraising event for a new community center. Her words inspired many in attendance to become more involved in community initiatives and volunteer work.

Another successful community service speech was given by a high school student at a school assembly. She talked about the importance of giving back to the community and shared her personal experiences volunteering at a local animal shelter. Her speech inspired many of her classmates to become more involved in volunteer work.

At a city council meeting, a concerned citizen gave a passionate speech about the need for a new community garden in a low-income neighborhood. Her speech convinced the council to allocate funds for the project, and the garden became a thriving hub for community involvement and engagement.

These inspiring stories show the power of community service speeches in bringing about positive change. By sharing personal experiences, using powerful quotes, and making a compelling case for action, individuals can motivate others to get involved in community initiatives and make a difference in the world.

Effective Strategies For Encouraging Volunteerism

Volunteerism is a vital component of social responsibility, and it can have a significant impact on the community. It’s crucial to encourage more people to volunteer and give back to society. Here are some effective strategies for promoting volunteerism:

  • Engage with the community: To promote volunteerism, it’s essential to connect with the community. Reach out to local organizations, schools, and community groups to create partnerships and opportunities for volunteering.
  • Highlight the benefits: Emphasize the benefits of volunteering, both for the individual and society. Some of the benefits include developing new skills, meeting new people, and making a positive impact on society.
  • Provide flexible opportunities: Make volunteering accessible and flexible to accommodate various schedules and skill sets. Offer opportunities for both short-term and long-term commitments, and provide training and support for volunteers.
  • Celebrate successes: Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of volunteers and the impact they have on society. Share success stories and highlight the positive outcomes to inspire more people to get involved.
  • Partner with local businesses: Partnering with local businesses can provide support for volunteer initiatives. Local businesses can offer in-kind donations, sponsor events, or provide volunteers through their employees.

Encouraging volunteerism is essential for creating a stronger and more connected community. By implementing these effective strategies, we can inspire more people to volunteer and make a positive impact on society.

Ways To Get Involved In Community Outreach Programs

Ways To Get Involved In Community Outreach Programs

Community outreach programs are a great way to give back and make a positive impact on your local community. If you’re wondering where to start or how to get involved, here are some tips and strategies:

1. Research local organizations

Start by researching local organizations that focus on community outreach programs. Look for groups that align with your values and interests. Many organizations have websites that outline their mission and volunteer opportunities.

2. Attend community events

Attending community events is a great way to learn about local organizations and connect with like-minded individuals. Look for events such as charity runs, volunteer fairs, and community festivals.

3. Volunteer with your company or organization

If you work for a company or organization, look for ways to get involved in their community outreach initiatives. Many companies have formal volunteer programs that allow employees to volunteer during work hours.

4. Start your own project

If you have a particular cause or issue that you’re passionate about, consider starting your own community outreach project. This could be as simple as organizing a community cleanup or as complex as starting a nonprofit organization.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

5. Participate in online communities

There are many online communities and social media groups that focus on community outreach and volunteering. Joining these groups can be a great way to network with other volunteers and learn about new opportunities.

6. Attend training and workshops

Many organizations offer training and workshops for volunteers. These sessions can provide valuable information on community outreach best practices, leadership skills, and other topics relevant to volunteering.

Getting involved in community outreach programs can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. By taking action and making a positive impact, you can help create a stronger, more vibrant community for everyone.

How To Make A Difference In Your Community

Communities thrive when individuals actively engage and work together towards a common goal. Making a difference in your community can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. Here are some practical steps you can take to get started:

  • Identify a community need: Take some time to assess the needs of your community. This could be anything from improving education to supporting local businesses.
  • Get informed: Research existing community programs and initiatives in your area. This can give you insight into what has already been done and what areas still need attention.
  • Join or start a group: Look for groups or organizations that align with your interests and values. If there is no existing group, consider starting one yourself.
  • Volunteer your time: Many community organizations and programs rely on volunteers to function effectively. Consider volunteering your time to help out with events, programs, or initiatives.
  • Donate resources: If you are unable to volunteer your time, consider making a donation to support a cause or program that aligns with your values.
  • Engage with others: Building relationships and connections within your community is key to creating meaningful and lasting change. Attend community events, volunteer opportunities, and connect with organizations and individuals working towards similar goals.

Remember that making a difference in your community is an ongoing process. It requires dedication, persistence, and collaboration. But the rewards of positively impacting the lives of those around you are priceless.

Social Responsibility and Philanthropy: Creating a Better World

Social Responsibility and Philanthropy: Creating a Better World

Social responsibility and philanthropy are crucial pillars in creating a better world. These concepts focus on helping those in need and bringing about positive change in society. Here are some examples of successful initiatives that have made a significant impact:

Individuals can also make a difference through acts of philanthropy. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Donate to a charity or organization that aligns with your values
  • Volunteer your time and skills to a cause you care about
  • Support local businesses that prioritize social responsibility

Philanthropy is not just about giving money, but also about making a positive impact in the world. By choosing to support causes that align with your values, you can contribute to creating a better world for all.

If you’re looking to give a speech on giving back to the community, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your audience and their needs. Whether you’re speaking to a group of volunteers, community leaders, or a general audience, the focus of your speech should be on inspiring action towards positive change. Here are some frequently asked questions that can help you prepare for your Giving Back To The Community Speech.

What Should I Include In My Giving Back To The Community Speech?

Your Giving Back To The Community Speech should convey the importance of social responsibility, volunteerism, and community engagement. Share your own experiences of giving back to the community, and how it has impacted your life. Highlight the benefits of volunteering and community involvement, and provide examples of successful community service initiatives. Above all, encourage your audience to take action towards positive change.

How Can I Engage My Audience?

Engage your audience by sharing inspiring stories of successful community service and volunteerism initiatives. Use visuals such as images or videos to convey the impact of community involvement. Encourage participation and interaction by asking questions and providing opportunities for discussion. Finally, provide practical advice and strategies for getting involved in community outreach programs.

What Are Some Tips For Delivering An Effective Speech?

Start by preparing thoroughly and practicing your speech multiple times. Speak clearly and confidently, and use gestures and body language to convey your message. Make eye contact with your audience, and vary your tone and pace to keep them engaged. Use humor and personal anecdotes to connect with your audience, and end your speech with a clear call to action.

How Can I Measure The Impact Of My Speech?

One way to measure the impact of your speech is by soliciting feedback from your audience. Consider providing a survey or questionnaire that asks for feedback on the content, delivery, and effectiveness of your speech. Another way to measure impact is by tracking engagement in community service initiatives following your speech. If you can demonstrate that your speech inspired action towards positive change, you can be confident that it had a meaningful impact on your audience.

About the author

Aurora Simon profile picture

With an enduring passion for human potential, I have dedicated my life to learning, growing, and most importantly, empowering others to discover their own unique paths to self-improvement. As a personal development blogger, I distill the wisdom gathered from various life experiences, books, seminars, and thought leaders to provide you with actionable insights and tools for your own growth. I believe that each one of us is capable of extraordinary things, and my mission is to help you unlock that potential. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, and together let’s cultivate a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. You can contact us here.

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Example Fundraising Scripts to Use When Asking for Donations

Use these fundraising scripts to boost your confidence when speaking with donors.

  • Fundraising

speech on heart donation

Easily Manage Your Donor & Fundraising Needs in Bloomerang!

Making fundraising calls can be nerve-wracking, but it helps to have a plan in the form of a fundraising script. In this guide, we’ll offer some tips and sample scripts you can use when calling donors to request a face-to-face meeting or directly request donations. Let’s dive in!

Why and when to use a script for fundraising

When thinking about how to ask for donations, it’s natural to wonder:

  • What should I say?
  • How should I ask?
  • What if I flub the whole thing?
  • What if they say no?

Creating a fundraising call script gives you a few handy talking points to guide the conversation in a positive, productive direction and to help you prepare for the different ways the person you’re calling might react to your request.

A script can also help you calm your nerves and make the ask with confidence and poise. Plus, scripts are a must when you are training people who have never asked for gifts before. You can use these scripts in a variety of scenarios, including offering them to:

  • Volunteers during a fundraising call bank event
  • Board members who may be making fundraising calls on your behalf
  • Staff members who feel they need more guidance when reaching out to potential donors

How to write and use your own fundraising call script

What makes a good script.

  • It’s conversational. It’s important to have a script that sounds like what you would say in a normal conversation. The donor shouldn’t feel like you are delivering a speech or monologue. You can do this by coming to the meeting prepared by researching the donor and their interests and having a simple ask prepared.
  • It encourages the recipient to chat. Your prospective or current donor should talk at least as much as, but ideally more than, you do. Your script sets you up for a two-way dialogue that includes you asking the donor questions, natural pauses for your donors to reply, heartfelt appreciation and affirmation for the donor’s prior support and willingness to talk, and the ask.

Raise more through personalized communications and marketing campaigns with Bloomerang.

Perfecting your fundraising script opening line.

One of the most common mistakes I hear fundraisers make is asking for a donation by saying “I have some exciting updates for you.” Let’s face it: Listening to “exciting updates” sounds about as enticing as watching paint dry. Instead, try any of these:

  • “I want your input on a project we’re planning.”
  • “We want to get your take on something.”
  • “We’re trying to figure out a way to do XYZ. I’d love your input!”
  • “Every donor has a story to tell about their connection to _____ (name the organization, institution, or mission). I’d love to hear yours.”
  • “I want to personally thank you for your previous support and share something new that I think you’ll be interested in hearing!”
  • “My job is to get to know our loyal supporters so I can share the impact you’re making. I’d love to share that impact with you and learn more about your interests.”

Example fundraising ask script for your nonprofit’s staff members

Introduce yourself:.

“Hi, [their name]. I’m [your name], and I’m the [title] at [your nonprofit].

First off, I want to thank you. Your generous support has [impact they’ve had]. It’s because of you that [another impact they’ve had]. We’re so grateful to you!

Reflect on their kindness:

“[Their name], you have such a compassionate heart for [your cause] and we’re so thankful.

“[Their name], the reason I’m calling today is to ask for your help [accomplishing your campaign’s goal]. It’s the fastest way to [example of how the goal will serve your mission].  Many of our supporters are helping us out today with a [monthly] contribution of [donation amount]. By making this [monthly] gift, you’ll be [an example of what you’ll be able to do with their donation]. Can we count on you to help with a [one-time or monthly] gift of [donation amount]?”

Express your gratitude again:

“We’re so grateful for your continued support, [their name].Thanks to you, [insert impact their gift will have].”

Leave a message:

If you don’t get the person on the phone, leave a message with your callback number and send a follow-up email inviting them to give.

If your goal is to get a visit from or meet with a prospective donor, keep in mind that you might have to talk with them multiple times to convince them to meet with you! You can use alternate channels by calling them, emailing them, texting them, sending them a video message via email, or sending a message on LinkedIn.

And remember: Donors may not give over the phone—but that doesn’t mean they won’t give at all. Some donations will result from your follow-up efforts. Prepare your next steps ahead of time, including sending an appeal, asking for a face-to-face visit, sharing a testimonial from a client you’ve helped, or inviting them to an event.

Example fundraising ask script for a board member

“Hi, [their name]. I’m [your name], and I’m a board member of [your nonprofit]. First off, I want to thank you. Your generous support has [impact they’ve had]. It’s because of you that [another impact they’ve had]. On behalf of the board of directors of [your nonprofit], I want to thank you!”

“[Their name], we are so thankful for your compassionate heart for [your cause].”

“[Their name], the reason I’m calling today is to ask for your help [accomplishing your campaign’s goal]. It’s the fastest way to [example of how the goal will serve your mission].  Many of our supporters are helping us out today with a gift of [donation amount]. Your gift will be put to immediate work [short example of what you’ll be able to do with their donation]. Can we count on you to give a [donation amount] today?”

“We’re so grateful for your continued support, [their name]. It’s so great that you’re doing this.  Thanks to you, [insert impact their gift will have].”

Leave a message if necessary:

If the recipient doesn’t pick up, board members should leave a message for the person with their callback number.

They can leave a message like: “Hi [their name]. My name is [your name], and I’m a board member for [nonprofit]. I’m calling to thank you for your previous support and to invite you to be part of a new special campaign. If you’re interested in helping us [short description of the campaign’s goal], please call me back at [ phone number]. That’s [phone number]. Thank you and have a great day! ”

After leaving a voicemail, they should send a follow-up email inviting the supporter to give.

If your board members don’t have time to follow up, it’s fine for staff to pick up where they left off and call those supporters. They can say: “A couple of weeks ago, our board member [the board member’s name]  left you a message about something exciting we’re doing at [nonprofit]. I wanted to follow up…”

How to handle donor objections to your ask

Your supporter may not make a donation when you call. Below is a list of sample objections you might hear and a few ways you can handle them.

OBJECTION: “I can’t afford the amount you want.”

RESPONSE: “I completely understand. Any amount would help us [short reminder of the goal]. The amount is completely up to you.”

OBJECTION: “I gave because of your work on _____, but I don’t like the position you’ve taken on ________.” 

RESPONSE: “I appreciate your honesty. If you have time, I’d love to hear more about your concerns.”

OBJECTION: “We’re in a tight situation financially, and we don’t have the money.”

RESPONSE: “I completely understand. There are other ways to get involved in our mission that don’t involve making a financial contribution. Would you like to hear about those?

Wrapping up

Your fundraising calls are a critical part of your overall donor stewardship strategy . When you take a strategic, personalized approach to setting up meetings and asking for donations, you can meet donors where they are using an appeal that resonates with them. This helps lay the groundwork for better donor relationships for years to come.

Have a favorite strategy to secure a visit or respond to an objection? Drop it in the comments!

Want more help making the ask? Download my Get the Visit, Nail the Ask guide. You can also check out these other free resources from Bloomerang for guidance:

  • Major Gifts: The Ultimate Guide to Kickstart Your Program . Major gift fundraising requires carefully-planned fundraising scripts and strategies to maximize major gift potential. Use this guide to build your major gift program.
  • Donor Management Software: Buyer’s Guide + 16 Top Solutions . Personalizing your fundraising scripts requires knowing details about your donors, including their giving history. This article rounds up 16 top donor management solutions to help improve your donor data-gathering process.
  • How to Upgrade Nonprofit Donors Using Suggested Donations . You can maximize donor gifts by incorporating suggested donation amounts into your fundraising script. Learn how to choose the right donation suggestions using this guide.

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speech on heart donation

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Organ Donation Speech for Students and Children

Organ donation speech.

Organ donation is something that is more important than people realize. It is important for society as a whole as well as for an individual. There are thousands of patients waiting every day for an organ transplant but they only keep waiting because of the lack of donors. In fact, for people suffering from end-stage organ failure, it is a matter of life and death. Organ donation is something that helps people get healthier and more productive lives, free from pain and struggles. Read Organ Donation Speech here.

Organ Donation Speech

Power of Organ Donation

The power of organ donation is definitely underrated. It does not merely affect the donor and the recipients, in fact, it impacts the families and friends as well. It is extremely important for those who are in need of an organ transplant so they can benefit from it.

Further, it renews their life and enhances their health once their transplant is done. In fact, it is a surreal feeling to experience how organ donation impacts the lives of individuals.

For instance, a woman died in a severe car accident which came as a shock for her whole family. Devastated, the family did not understand what to make of the tragic death of the woman. Then, the hospital offered them the chance to donate her organs and tissues for the purpose of transplantation.

At first, they were not ready to part with any part of her. But soon they realized that nothing will lessen the pain of losing her. So they decided to donate her organs. They received great comfort in knowing that some good is coming out of such a tragedy.

Organ donation is a life-giving opportunity for those who are at the end of the line for hope. It carries the power to enhance the lives of people and change them forever. As the need for organ donors is growing by the day, it has become necessary to increase awareness about organ donation. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding this subject, and we must do our best to clear them.

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Organ Donation Awareness

Organ donation is a sacred service any human being can do. Many people want to do this good deed but due to lack of awareness, they either back out or get deceived by illegal organ traders. Thus, it is more than important that the correct information is given out regarding the same.

Did you know that a single donor’s body can save up to 50 lives? Imagine the amount of good you will do by donating your organ. Thus, better measures must be taken to spread awareness about it.

The central and state government must telecast informative advertisements about it in movie theatres, malls, railway stations, and more public places. They can also include a chapter on the same in schools that teaches students about its importance.

The government must also make schemes which support the family of organ donors so more people come out in support.

Some essential information regarding organ donation must be known to all. Firstly, a person can state on their driver’s license whether they are a donor or not. It is counted as legal consent. Further, there is no age limit for organ donation as only suitability matters for organ donation.

A donor can donate organs like heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, ligaments, tissues, tendons and skin as well. In fact, HIV positive patients can also donate their organs to HIV patients only. Thus, it is not only help but also a great asset in medical research.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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Blood Donation Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Blood is the most important fluid that circulates throughout our body . It is responsible for conducting various functions. There are incidents of excessive blood loss when a person needs blood from an external source for the body to function properly and remain healthy. During these situations, blood donation plays an important role. June 14 is recognised as World Blood Donor Day .

10 lines on Blood Donation

Short speech on blood donation, long speech on blood donation.

Blood Donation Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Blood donation is an act of saving someone's life through selfless service by a donor.

Healthy individuals between the age of 16 and 60 can donate blood in the blood camps.

A maximum quantity of 350 millilitres of blood is allowed to be donated by a donor at a time.

Blood donation takes only 15 minutes and it is a painless act.

The person is advised to keep a gap of 3 months to donate blood consecutively.

It is essential to maintain the supply of fresh blood in blood banks.

The sterile equipment is used by doctors for the process and they are disposed of post-donation.

It is advised to consume maximum fluid for the next 24-48 hours.

World blood donor’s day is celebrated on June 14 every year.

In India, National voluntary blood donation day is marked on October 1.

The need for blood is more than the blood banks can provide in the present scenario. The blood in blood banks comes from healthy individuals who are willing to do a selfless act of service to save someone's life. There are 4 blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. People with the O+ blood group are called universal donors while people with the AB+ blood group are universal acceptors . People with O+ blood can donate their blood to anyone to save a life. One needs to remember that every donation counts and it is an act of charity.

One blood donation can save the lives of 3 people at a time. Blood donation takes about 15-20 minutes and is a pain-free process. Any healthy individual between the age of 17 to 65 can donate blood and it never causes a problem for the donor . Blood donation eventually reduces the risk of heart disease and helps the donor to rejuvenate their body. June 14 is celebrated as World Blood Donors Day and various blood donation camps are organised around the globe. Various campaigns are run to make people aware of blood donation. It is the moral duty of each healthy human being to help someone and save their life.

Blood donation refers to the process of transfusing blood from a healthy donor to a recipient in need. This process is carried out under the supervision of medical experts. Blood is an essential fluid that flows in our body and keeps our body properly functioning. Blood is transfused to people who lost excessive blood in accidents or due to severe health issues. It is usually collected from a family member or a healthy donor who is willing to donate. There are four blood groups in humans which are A, B, O, and AB . The people with blood group AB are called universal recipients and with O are referred to as universal donors.

Blood Banks

The blood is collected by the blood bank of hospitals, government, and non-government organisations. It is stored and preserved for a week in the blood bank and later it is preserved in the form of plasma. The government of India has taken responsibility for blood banks and to make sure that blood is provided to every individual in need irrespective of their financial conditions. Donating blood is a form of charity and a sign of humanity because it is done irrespective of family, caste, religion, and creed. Several human beings fighting for their lives have benefitted from this act of kindness. It is also a way to show one's love toward another person.

Awareness on Blood Donation

Awareness on blood donation refers to educating people about the importance of donating blood and the benefits it provides. Here are some ways to raise awareness about blood donation:

Community events: Organise blood donation drives or events in schools, colleges, and local communities to encourage people to donate blood.

Collaborate with organisations: Partner with local hospitals, blood banks, and non-profit organisations to educate the public about blood donation.

Health fairs and exhibitions: Participate in health fairs and exhibitions to educate people about blood donation and the impact it can have on lives.

Workshops and seminars: Organise workshops and seminars to educate people about the process of blood donation, eligibility criteria, and the benefits it provides.

Encourage repeat donations: Encourage repeat donations by educating people about the need for a constant supply of blood and the impact it can have on those in need.

Benefits of Blood Donation

Blood donation helps the donor in various ways. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart strokes. Donating blood reduces the risk of cancer and also burns calories. It is recommended by doctors that a person should donate blood every three months.

Saving lives: Blood donations are critical for saving lives, especially for individuals who need blood transfusions due to various medical conditions.

Improved health: Donating blood can also have health benefits for the donor. It can help boost the production of red blood cells, and also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Building a sense of community: Donating blood is a selfless act that helps to build a sense of community and a shared commitment to improving health and saving lives.

Access to own blood: By donating blood regularly, individuals can store their own blood for future use in case they need a transfusion.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

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Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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How To Ask For Donations By Text & Email: Wording & Examples [Updated April 2024]

speech on heart donation

When it comes to fundraising, a good place to start is at the very beginning—and that means knowing how to ask for donations. Donations are what makes the nonprofit world go round, raising awareness and funds for your cause and letting you make a bigger impact. Maybe you’re a fundraising expert who’s planned swoon-worthy black-tie galas start to finish, or perhaps you have grand fundraising aspirations but have only dabbled in the fine art of Kickstarter campaigns. Either way, we can help you take things up a notch as we dive into the nitty-gritty details of asking for a donation. Buckle up; it’s gonna be a wild (and highly effective) ride.

The basics of how to ask for donations

There are many ways to ask for donations, depending on which channel you’re using, who you’re asking, when you’re asking, and whether Mercury is in retrograde. But there are also some basic steps to keep in mind to ease the asking for donations journey. If you want to get on the donation bandwagon but don’t know where to begin, here’s a high-level, step-by-step overview of how to ask for a donation.

  • Decide who to ask
  • Decide how to ask
  • Decide when to ask
  • Tell your story
  • Tailor your message
  • Make the ask
  • Make it easy
  • Say Thank You
  • Stay in touch

Decide who to ask.

There are current donors and prospective donors. There are first-time donors and one-time donors and major donors and minor donors. Before you do anything else, figure out who you want to ask. For a new nonprofit, that will be “everyone we’ve ever blinked at.” For an established one, it will be an audience segment. (And if you haven’t segmented out your donors yet, now’s a good time to get on that.)

Decide how to ask.

Multi-channel fundraising is the best, so as a jumping-off point, decide how you’re going to coordinate your asks across channels and where you’re going to focus your efforts. Keeping your audience in mind, choose your channel(s)—whether it’s email, phone, text, social media, or carrier pigeon.

Decide when to ask.

Timing is everything! As we always say, an imperfect ask sent at the right time will always out-raise a perfect ask sent too late. Don’t let the moment pass you by.

Tell your story.

The most successful donation requests are authentic. Ground every request in your nonprofit’s unique story, letting would-be donors know how they can play a vital role in it. If you can include real-life photos, or a heart-tugging video clip, it’ll up the impact.

Tailor your message.

Connect with your donors by customizing and personalizing your message. Nothing makes folks click “delete” faster than an email that starts with, “Hey, you!” or asks them to give when they gave one week ago. And with machine learning, personalizing the donation experience is a cinch. In fact, with Funraise’s AppealAI feature, your ask amounts are tailored to each existing donor’s preferences using signals like time of day, device type, giving history, and more. The result? Increased donation form conversion .

Make the ask.

Don’t bury your donation ask. People are short on time; they skim and get distracted. Be specific, be gracious, and highlight why you’re asking and what it will accomplish.

Make it easy.

You’ve made the ask—don’t make people search for a “donate” button. Ensure your donation process takes as little time, and as few clicks, as possible. Send them straight to your donation page, which should be informative, intuitive, and branded.

Say thank you.

You did it! But the work’s not over. Assuming your donation request was impossible to resist, you've now got some donations on your hands. Be sure to say “thank you” within 48 hours (24 is even better, but hey, we’ve all got things to do) so your new friends feel appreciated right away. It can be a thank-you email or a thank-you phone call—the important part is the thanks.

Stay in touch.

Now that you have some donors, keep the relationships going and the donations coming. Follow up by updating them on your nonprofit’s work, offering other ways to get involved, and, of course, saying thank you a few more times.

8 examples of asking for donations wording: what language to use

Nonprofit fundraising is an art, and if you want to keep the funds flowing, your words matter. Here’s what to say when asking for donations: Be clear, succinct, and authentic. Use “you,” say “thanks,” and be specific. Keep in mind who you’re asking and how you’re asking.

While we can’t write your fundraising email for you, we can provide some additional guidance on how to work some fundraising magic. The fact is that your words have an impact on your outcomes. Read on for our tips on the right wording to ask for donations. Then, it’s off to the typographical races!

  • Urgent tone
  • Clear and direct language
  • Great subject lines
  • Optimistic spirit
  • Big Thank You
  • Focus on the “You”
  • Action verbs
  • Data and numbers

1. Make it urgent.

Giving now is better than giving later, so make sure your language reflects that. By creating a sense of urgency, potential donors won’t put off their donations. Use words like “now” and “today,” and then explain why giving immediately is so important.

2. Be clear and direct.

No, we’re not suggesting that you send an email with the subject line, “Money, please!” But it’s important to be clear about why you’re asking donors to open their hearts and wallets as well as how they can help. Have a CTA right smack in the middle of that fundraising email; include a pre-stamped envelope with that direct mail appeal.

3. Craft a great subject line.

How many emails do you get each day? Yeah, us, too. To stand out from the crowd and ensure folks actually read your perfectly crafted missive, your subject line needs to sparkle. Keep it short, direct, and clear. If you can be creative, go for it. If you’re stuck, ask an AI colleague for some assistance. And please, for the love of all that is English class, don’t use all caps or more than one exclamation point. Thank youuuuu!!

4. Keep it optimistic.

You’re doing hard work, but if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, no one will want to pitch in. Donors need to know that there’s hope, so even in the darkest of times, highlight your organization's mission and be that shining light.

5. Say thank you in advance.

Gratitude is where it’s at when it comes to asking for a donation. Even if someone hasn’t given, be grateful that they’re reading your email and considering a gift. No one wants to feel that they’re being taken for granted.

6. Use "you" in your asking for a donation wording.

If you’re telling a story about your nonprofit, then you want your donors to be the heroes. Put them at the center of the action by using “you” a lot. One note: We love community-centric fundraising, so be sure to balance the “you” with some “we.” When people give back, we all benefit.

7. Use action verbs.

Just like using “you,” using action verbs lets your donors be more than bystanders tossing change at the problem. Sure, they can “donate,” but they can also “fight for the cause,” “solve the problem,” and “make an impact.”

8. Follow the numbers.

Every fundraising strategy worth its salt (what a weird expression) knows that numbers equal impact, so incorporate some data into your donation requests. How many baby chinchillas will that $100 donation help? Whoa, that’s a lot. I know where my tax return’s going.

Asking for donations wording sample

Dear [Donor Name], Today, I’m writing to ask you to support [cause]. By donating just [amount], you can [specific impact]. To donate, [specific action]. Thank you for joining [cause’s] efforts during this [adjective] time—It's supporters like you that help us change the world every day.

Okay, we probably could have supplied that last adjective for you, but it’s a bit more fun when you think of it like Mad Libs, right? Now that we’ve provided a bare-bones template for asking for donations, here’s an example with a bit more tofu on the bones. (Some of us are vegetarians here.) We’ve included more generic wording to spark inspiration; remember to dig into the details and craft donation requests that speak to your donor base.

Dear [Name],

Every week, [creative fact about your cause]. But you can change that. At [nonprofit], we [what you do]. And today, I’m writing to ask you to be a part of that.

A gift of only [amount] will [specific impact and time period]. Just click the button below to make a difference in minutes.

When you partner with [nonprofit], you effect change in our community and ensure our success in the future. [Personalize the ask as much as possible.] Thank you for caring; thank you for supporting [clients]!

Once you’ve written a categorically compelling request for donations, personalization is the name of the game. You can ask your favorite AI content generator for some help with this, taking your carefully crafted human words and tweaking them for different audience segments.

At Funraise, we encourage you to get creative and have fun with your communications, so don’t be scared to step outside the box. After all, you want to keep things to the point but make a big impression. Of course, a donation request email will be different from a text will be different from a social media post, and asking an individual is very different from asking a business. Now, we’ll get into those details.

Asking for donations by text guide

We’re going to be straight with you: Soliciting donations by text is a great idea. With a 95% open rate and a 160-character limit, text-to-give is super effective and requires less of your time. Get creative with your text engagement with our text-cellent tips and tricks below.

1. Have a reason to write.

Because texts are so short, make sure your donation ask is specific (and also compelling and witty, of course). Show donors that you have a rock-solid reason for making them take their precious mobile device out of their pocket. Maybe it’s your annual appeal or maybe it’s a very special project.

2. Not too much, not too little.

No one likes getting out of a movie to find 20 increasingly frantic texts in a row from the same person. (“Joel, were you kidnapped? Pls write back.”) Strike a balance between over- and under-asking by communicating regularly and balancing urgency and information.

3. Do more than ask.

Yes, you’re looking for donations, but all donations are built on donor relationships. Don’t only write to ask for money or your texts will soon be blocked. Send success stories to give supporters warm-and-fuzzy feelings. Let them know if you’re holding a fun event. And, of course, pipe up if their credit card is expiring.

4. Know your voice.

Just because a text is short doesn’t mean your words matter less. In fact, each word matters more when you have to be brief. Keep your audience in mind and don’t be overly pushy or overly casual. You know your nonprofit organization and you know your donors, so you do you.

5. Make it personal.

Brevity isn’t an excuse to be rude, so make sure your texts have the same personal touch as your emails and direct mailings. If that sounds time-consuming, fear not: Because Funraise’s text engagement features connect with your donor CRM, personalized and branded texts are par for the mobile course.

6. Keep it short.

Don’t let your text asks spill into five different messages, popping up one after the other. If you write 160 characters or less, it’s way more likely your donation ask will actually be read. And that means it’s fine to send details separately. Feel free to follow up with an email donation appeal that provides additional information.

7. Get the timing right.

In addition to not sending a text message every day, show respect for people’s sleep patterns, vacation schedules, and time zones. Not everyone remembers to turn on “do not disturb,” and no one wants to be woken up at 5:00 am with a text message asking for money.

8. Keep the conversation going.

Someone’s responded to your text solicitation with a generous donation—huzzah, hurray! The best way to stay connected and keep the gifts coming is an immediate reply, so get back to your donors ASAP. If you use a platform like Funraise, you can set customized, automated replies to ensure no gift goes unnoticed and no message unanswered.

But remember: the donation request experience doesn’t end with a text. You want the entire mobile donation experience to be quick, seamless, easy-breezy. As such, you’ll want to spend some quality time with your mobile donation form, too. You want a form that’s branded, intuitive, powerful, and, most of all, highly converting. And you can bet Funraise’s mobile donation forms check all those boxes—no matter how small the screen.

How to ask for donations on social media

To get donations on social media, post regularly, use real images, and add relevant hashtags. For direct asks, link to your campaign site and add a donation button. Birthday fundraisers are popular. And don’t just ask for money—use social media to update, inform, and engage your supporters.

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with social media. We love the kittens in tutus and the renovated kitchens; we hate the FOMO and the constant barrage of information (and misinformation). But the siren call of social media platforms always lures us back, and that’s why you need to know how to ask for donations online. Next, we’ll cover how to write social media donation posts for all your favorite channels.

Wanna get a head start? Try Funraise's free social post generator, AppealAI . Much like a five-finger discount, this feature just requires five fields and is free. Unlike a five-finger discount, though, AppealAI won't land you in jail.

How to ask for donations on Facebook

If you’re asking for donations on Facebook, you can link to your donation page through a post, ask your supporters to hold Facebook Fundraisers, or encourage direct donations on your nonprofit’s Facebook page. All of these options make it easy for donors to give to your cause in one click.

Because Facebook offers options aplenty when it comes to online fundraising, you can pick and choose based on your specific needs. Below, we’ll show you how to Facebook fundraise your face off.

1. Ask for donations on your page.

Facebook lets registered nonprofits add a direct donation link to their page. A shiny donate button appears right in your header, so that supporters can click to donate any time the urge strikes.

2. Try some peer-to-peer fundraising.

Social media is all about community (and ads for same-day cookie delivery. Wait, is that just us?), so tap into said community by having supporters collect donations on your behalf. They can post birthday or anniversary fundraisers to their profiles, share it with friends and family members, and even pledge to match every dollar raised.

3. Link to individual campaign pages in posts.

You can also add a donate button to any post as a subtle (or not-so-subtle) nudge. For example, if you’re running a big campaign and providing periodic updates on progress toward your fundraising goal, a donate button on each post just might put you over the edge.

4. Do a live video.

Facebook Live lets you connect with your supporters by showing them your beautiful face in real time—with or without filters. You can ask for a donation, add a donate button, and/or link to your fundraiser page!

5. Make a stand-alone fundraising page.

In addition to your nonprofit organization's Facebook page, you can create a dedicated fundraising page to meet a specific fundraising goal.

How to ask for donations on Instagram

If you’re asking for donations on Instagram, you can add a button to your profile, post on Instagram stories, or go live with your donation request. You can also get your community involved by having them start an Instagram fundraiser for your cause as a post or 24-hour story.

Instagram is Facebook’s sleeker, cooler cousin, and more and more users are switching their social media allegiance these days. (Yeah, we know they’re all Meta now). If you want to make some Insta-solicitations, try the fundraising tools below.

1. Get support on your profile.

Get insta(nt) support by adding a “Support” button to your Instagram profile. With one click, supporters can send you a direct online donation or create a fundraiser on your behalf.

2. Encourage your followers to fundraise for you.

Instagram makes it super easy to create fundraisers in support of a good cause. Users can start a fundraiser from their own profile or from any nonprofit’s verified Instagram page. But a lot of folks don’t know these easy options exist! Your mission, should you choose to accept it: spread the word.

3. Ask for donations with Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories last 24 hours, providing a perfect opportunity to run a 24-hour campaign. Your super-generous supporters can also post stories in support of your organization by adding a donation sticker.

4. Make a live donation request.

Take your fundraising show on the road with a live donation drive. Be sure to build momentum through regular Stories and posts, then start a live video for some face-to-face fundraising (or selfie-to-selfie fundraising) fun.

5. Broaden your reach with Instagram Reels.

While your Stories are only visible to your committed followers, Instagram Reels—which last a mere 60 seconds or less—are open to the public. Start or share a fundraiser in your next short and snappy video to reel in some new supporters.

How to ask for donations on the metaverse

If you’re a nonprofit plugged into the metaverse, you’re ahead of the fundraising curve. In the future, you’ll be able to hold virtual events and advertise on virtual billboards. For now, stay on top of new developments, form relationships, and help shape a more inclusive and altruistic cyber-world.

And if you’re not so sure about this whole metaverse thing (and wondering if it’s actually the matrix)? We get it, and we’re definitely not the experts. But a lot of folks think it’s the next frontier of cyberspace—and that means nonprofits should get in early. The metaverse is made up of multiple digital worlds and is an amalgamation of all sorts of techy treats, from VR and AR to NFTs and crypto. It’s kinda an amorphous blob right now, but in a way, that’s exciting. The future is now, fundraisers, so get those avatars ready and make it great.

1. Start learning.

When you research nonprofits and the metaverse, there’s not a heck of a lot there. But these are the earliest of days, friend. If you’re wondering how to ask for a donation in the metaverse, start by getting to know it. If you can’t afford the hardware, don’t sweat it. Read some articles and watch some YouTube videos.

2. Keep learning.

Once you’ve grasped the meta-basics, keep going. Stay on top of new developments so you can jump on any opportunities that present themselves.

3. Make the metaverse better.

We all know that the internet can be kinda-sorta toxic, and there are already hints of sexism, racism, xenophobia, and all that incredibly unpleasant jazz on the metaverse. But it’s still in its nascency, so you have the chance to actually have an impact and change it! Advocate, infiltrate, and fight the good fight so that this next iteration of the internet is more equitable, kinder, and better.

4. Consider the possibilities.

With augmented reality (AR), you can give supporters around the world a live tour of the school they’ve helped fund. Would-be fur-parents can “hold” their new dog. You can get cryptocurrency donations and hold an NFT auction as a fundraising event. The metaverse holds a myriad of possibilities—for now, keep your eyes open, and explore this new space.

How to ask for donations for a fundraiser

Spoiler alert: At Funraise, we’re all about fundraisers. A fundraiser is the perfect way to tap into your devoted donor base and raise money for your cause. If you're wondering how to ask for donations for a fundraiser, here's the answer: there’s no one way to ask for donations! So peruse some fundraising ideas and fundraising events (Funraise has got plenty!) and choose a few that click with your cause, availability, and budget. Let’s review the basics.

  • Ask across channels
  • Have a clear “Why”
  • Create urgency
  • Make giving easy

Ask across channels.

Maximize your reach by asking for donations across multiple channels, including social media platforms, fundraising letters, fundraising emails, text engagement, and phone calls. When it comes to fundraisers, the more, the merrier.

Be clear on the why.

Your fundraiser messaging needs to highlight why you’re holding this fundraising campaign. Why now? Who are the beneficiaries? What will be the impact of donors’ dollars? Tell a compelling story, clearly and authentically.

Create some urgency.

No fundraiser lasts forever, so let your supporters know why they need to donate to your fundraising campaign stat. Everyone has a lot on their plate these days, so a little procrastination can lead to a lot of lost revenue.

Make it easy to give.

Giving to a fundraiser should be as easy as possible. Your donate button should be prominently displayed, and your donation form should take less than a minute to fill out. It should be a snap to sign up for a recurring gift. And if you’re having a fundraising event, you should have mobile readers to take credit cards—and IT support in case something’s not working.

Follow up after.

Your fundraiser is over, but your work isn’t. Once a fundraiser ends, you have the opportunity to turn new donors into recurring donors and dedicated supporters. Send an update, say thank you, and stay in touch. That fundraiser could be just the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

How to ask for donations from businesses

Asking for donations from businesses is different from approaching individual donors. First, decide if you’re asking local businesses or larger corporations. Find a point of contact, fill out any necessary forms, and make your case. Then, let your appreciation be known, and remember to follow up.

Here’s the thing: Whether they’re shining their image or genuinely generous, a lot of companies have a lot of moolah to give to nonprofit organizations. So, if you can partner with a business or five on your fundraising initiatives, you can develop a delightfully symbiotic relationship that can last for many years.

But as we said, companies are not people, so it stands to reason that your nonprofit needs a different approach when it comes to asking businesses for donations. Every business has its own processes, so you’ll need to do your own research beforehand. In the meantime, here’s our HR-approved advice on how to ask for donations from businesses. (Disclaimer: we didn’t actually talk to HR.)

1. Determine which companies you're asking.

Big businesses have big dollars—and that means you’ll be facing big competition. Instead of asking Tesla for a donation, try connecting with local businesses. You’re all a part of the same community, so you already share a common goal: making it better. That being said, times have been tough lately. Be open to volunteering instead of direct donations, and if you do decide to turn to the big guys, get ready to fill out a lot of forms. Which brings us to our next point …

2. Go through the proper channels.

It would be great if asking for donations from businesses was like trick-or-treating, where you knock on every door, say, “Cash or check?” and walk away with a donation. Alas, it’s not that easy. Instead, you’re going to need a contact, and that means doing your research and cultivating relationships with folks in leadership. And until that relationship is rock-solid, remember that your communications should be a bit more formal (note to self: stop talking about llama fashion so much).

3. Reciprocate.

With most donations, the donor receives a warm-fuzzy feeling and a thank you in exchange for supporting a good cause. But businesses expect a bit more, often in the form of positive press. They might run a crowdfunding campaign for you and expect a feature in your newsletter, or they might sponsor a fundraising event in exchange for seeing their logo in the program. The key takeaway here is to establish expectations early on so no one is disappointed.

4. Tailor your donation request.

A small local business owner might appreciate an in-person meeting, while a big corporation might prefer a letter and properly filled-out online forms. Tailor your request and your tone to the business, just like you would with individual donors.

5. Stay in touch.

Lapsed donors are a minor tragedy, and lapsed corporate donors for nonprofits are a slightly-more-major one. Cultivate that relationship by staying in touch and letting your business buddy know about upcoming sponsorships, matching-gift opportunities, volunteer days, and more.

How to ask for a donation in an email

Here goes: Write a killer subject line or nothing else matters. Personalize the opening, ask for the donation early, and make the donation experience intuitive and quick. Weave a great story, say thank you in advance, and add some real-life images to bring it all home.

If email is your enemy, and no amount of checklists or ideas are gonna make you the email expert extraordinaire that you've always strove (strived?) to be, try Funraise's free  AppealAI  feature. It writes emails and social posts and is always expanding what it delivers. Just pop in a few fields and boom! Email excellence!

And there you have it! How to ask for a donation via email. Email is an excellent medium for fundraising. You have space, you have time, it’s cost-effective (AKA free), you can include images, and there’s no postage. (But P.S., we love the USPS, so send mail!). If you’re still wondering how to ask for a donation in an email, let us break it down for you.

  • Start with the subject line
  • Personalize the email
  • Keep it concise
  • Use words and images

1. It all starts with the subject line.

We mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: your subject line is your first impression, and you want to make it good. You can write the most exquisitely crafted email ever, but if the subject line is “hi i’m a charity and need $$$$. THX!!!!” it will go forever unread. You better work that subject line, nonprofiteer. And remember, you have an extra resource in AI, which can help you brainstorm, mix, and match titles until you achieve verbal perfection.

2. Personalize it.

The sharks in Finding Nemo knew that fish are friends, not food; you know that donors are people, not numbers. Personalize your donation emails as much as possible, using names and past donation information (psst, this is where segmenting your donor data makes a difference). BTW, with Funraise you can automate your emails AND personalize them PLUS use personalized ask strings (donation button amounts) with machine learning—check and mate and … another check? We need to play more chess.

3. Get right to the point.

Your email ask should be clear, genuine, and succinct, which means you want to ask for that donation early on. Don’t make your readers wade through paragraphs of text, wondering aloud what the heck this email is all about. Let them know exactly why you’re writing and how they can take action to make a difference.

4. Make the giving easy.

Make sure that gorgeous donate button is front and center so that no one has to search for a way to donate. You can also link to your donation page as well as provide a number and address for offline donations—and every one of these giving options should take a mere two seconds to find.

5. Use words and images.

Unlike texts, emails give you the space to tell a story. So, tell a really good one. Highlight your mission, include real photos, and emphasize how your reader can be a part of this meticulously crafted tale—giving it a very happy ending indeed.

Donation messages examples

Now that you’re an expert on how to ask for donations, you’re probably wondering what it actually looks like IRL. As you can imagine, it depends on who you’re asking, how you’re asking, and your nonprofit’s special sauce. When it comes to crafting donation messages, we encourage you to do some finger stretches, have a triple caramel macchiato, and unleash your inner Hemingway. (Scratch that; he’d probably write a terrible donation request.) If you’re still feeling stuck, here are some donation messages examples for inspiration.

Examples of how to ask for donations on social media

When it comes to asking for donations on social media, cover your bases by covering all the major channels. For example, if you craft a great donation ask for Facebook, you can tweak it to work with Instagram (focus on the image) and Twitter (160 characters for the win).

And this is where AI really finds its stride (in a totally non-sentient way). Not in writing novellas or painting pictures (leave that to the artists, please and thank you), but in repurposing content you’ve written for different channels. Just take that post, pop it into your AI content creator of choice, and ask it to work its (deeply technical) magic. It can also put a different spin on your social posts so that you have plenty o’ content for the weeks ahead. Thanks, robots!

Beyond the big three, use YouTube if you have compelling videos and LinkedIn if your donation request is also kind of a think piece? It could happen. For now, we’ll review the basics with these examples of how to ask for donations on social media.

Example of how to ask for donations on Facebook

[Include a relevant image—in this case, a desk with a very snazzy orchid on it].

Sean’s desk was looking a little drab during his daily Zoom meetings, so we bought him this brassavola orchid. Isn’t it gorgeous? You can help struggling home-office workers like Sean spiff up their workspaces. If you give today, $10 can buy an orchid for a desk in need. #anorchidaday

Example of how to ask for donations on Instagram

[Include a relevant video—in this case, a kangaroo named Carla, wearing a hat and jumping up and down].

This is Carla. As you can tell, she is SO excited. If you want all kangaroos to be as happy as Carla, you can give to our annual #jumpbuddies campaign, which provides fashionable hats for kangaroos that need a little more pep in their step.

Example of how to ask for donations on Twitter

Bagels are more than lumps of gluten—and you can give them a voice. Join Bagel Allies for just $5 a month and fight for #glutenjustice.

Example of how to ask for donations on TikTok

[It’s a baby and a koala dancing to synth-pop, and they both yell, “Please give!” in Taylor Swift’s voice at the end. Wait, are we doing this right?]

How to ask for donations online examples

Here are the essentials for asking for donations online: Personalize wherever possible. Tailor your ask to the platform and person. Use images and video. Tell an important story. Connect with the user. Take your donors on a journey beyond giving. And make it simple to donate.

If you’ve got all that, you’re well on your way to successfully asking for donations online. Whether it’s asking on social media, via email blasts, or over a Slack happy hour, the internet is your online oyster, so you should feel free to experiment and explore. To get you started, here’s a basic template with suggested donation wording for returning donors. You can tailor it to your needs.

Thanks to donors like you, we’ve made remarkable progress this year—but we also have a long way to go. [Describe the progress as well as the roadblocks.]

We’ll need your voice and your generosity to continue the fight. By clicking here and giving [donation amount] today, you take action to [donor impact].

We are so grateful for your continued partnership, advocacy, and commitment as we [nonprofit mission]. Thank for all that you do for [client, cause, etc.].

“Please donate” message example

At the heart of every donation request is a “please donate” message. If you want to get right down to it, here’s your starter kit for a genuine, no-frills message.

Right now, we’re facing [current challenge]. We need just [donation amount] more to meet our goal and [impact].

Please donate to [cause] today to ensure we have the strength to [impact]. Just click below and select an amount. Only $5 lets us [small impact].

Thank you for everything you do. We couldn’t do this without you.

All the best,

Donation email example

Once you’ve written an incredibly compelling, convincing, and successful donation request email, you’ll need to write a great thank you email (and send it off quickly). Here’s a donation email example for following up with donors. Remember that personalization is particularly important here!

Thank you so much for your recent donation to [cause’s] vital work. Your generous gift of [donation amount] will be put to use right away, [description of impact of gift].

Each and every day, we work to [description of nonprofit’s work]. You’re a part of all of this, and with your donation, you’re already making a difference.

Thank you for everything you do. If you have an questions or concerns, please reach out at any time at [contact information]. We look forward to partnering in the months, and years, ahead.

More donation message ideas

If you don’t already have inspiration overload, we have a few more donation message ideas up our digital sleeve.

Donation message with a quote

Try opening your message with a relevant quote. You can keep it lighthearted with something silly, or you can choose one that really resonates emotionally. For example, LA Family Housing paired real client portraits with quotes for max impact.

A smiling woman sits to the left of a quote on a background of trees.

Giving Tuesday donation message

If you opt in to Giving Tuesday, you’ll want to craft your donation messages carefully and well in advance. For example, The People Concern’s donation messaging for Giving Tuesday included a week-long countdown with supporter stories and a #5ReasonstoGive hashtag.

A quote about homelessness sits on a picture of a person living in a tent.

Interactive donation message 

Get donors involved and invested in your cause by creating an interactive donation experience. For example, charity: water created a quiz for their donation campaign to demonstrate the urgency of their cause.

A donation ask in the form of a quiz on a blue background: "Which item does one-third of the world's population live without?"

Tips for Personalizing Donation Request Letters

By now, you've probably picked up on some key themes when it comes to optimizing your fundraising efforts through a donation request letter. Whether you're writing fundraising appeals or follow-up emails, you need to Personalize. Those. Asks! Can I get an "amen" up in here?

You see, everyone has their own wants, needs, motivations, and starburst flavor preferences (pink and red FTW!). If you want to make a personal connection with each and every donor, you need to meet them where they are with personal emails and tailored messaging. In fact, tailoring your communications to your target audience is so important that we wrote a comprehensive guide to personalization and nonprofits . 

If you don't feel like leaving the warm, comforting embrace of this URL, we're here for you. Here are our top tips for personalizing your donation letters to individual supporters.

1. Identify the variables.

At its most basic, personalization requires you to identify a few key elements and ensure they're accurate for each donor. We're talking name and location—that's it! Once you've gotten those core elements taken care of, you can up-level your personalization game. That means you need to ...

2. Talk about your history.

With the basics taken care of, you want to give a nod to your donor's incredible history with your organization. That means striking an emotional connection by highlighting the positive impact of that last major gift or including a quick note about the special event they attended last June. 

3. Consider method of outreach.

Your donor CRM should be chock full of helpful personalization info, including how each donor prefers to receive a donation request letter. (If not, it's time to send some donor surveys to that email list!) Some folks love opening a physical letter, while others are all about that e-blast. Whether your donation request letter is going to a mailing list or an email address, what matters is that you're paying attention.

4. Do your research when it comes to prospective donors.

While you know all the things about your current audience of supporters, what about attracting new donors? For potential donors and one-time gift givers, you'll need to do a little research. Check the spelling of their name, their job/workplace, the other charitable organizations they currently support, and whether they have a history of charity work. Now, you have a jumping-off point that should keep your donation request letter out of the recycling bin.

More Sample Donation Request Letters

"Hold up!" you exclaim. "After those tips, I know that my donation request letters need to make a personal connection. I need a sample donation request letter that's tailored to my unique situation." You've got us there, nonprofiteer. Here are some example emails to reach any member of your donor base for those special fundraising moments.

Sample Corporate Donation Request Letter

Subject: Be a Catalyst for [Impact]

Dear [Corporate Contact],

Businesses like [business name] are a vital part of our community, and we rely on you to make our work possible. While we’ve made remarkable progress this year, we still have a long way to go. [Describe the progress as well as the roadblocks.]

We’ll need your voice and your generosity to continue the fight. By donating [amount] today, you take action to make a lasting impact on [cause] while also benefiting your company through [specific benefit].

We are so grateful for your continued partnership as we [mission]. Thank for all that you do for [client, cause, etc.].

Event Sponsorship Request Letter to a Business

Subject: Join the Celebration: Support [Event Name] as a Sponsor!

[Fundraising event] is just around the corner, and we would love to include your organization as an event sponsor. Nearly [number of guests] are expected to join us for a festive and fulfilling [event type], highlighting [your organization's mission and impact].

Businesses like yours are a vital part of our community, and we rely on you to make our work possible. Our sponsors move us closer to [your vision].

This year, we're offering several sponsorship packages, each with its own benefits. You can learn more about our event at [hyperlink to event page], and you can review sponsorship options in the attached sponsorship packet.

We are so grateful for your partnership, advocacy, and commitment as we [nonprofit mission]. We look forward to seeing you on [event date]!

Matching Gift Request Letter to a Major Donor

Subject: Double Your Impact, Inspire Your Community

Since [year], you've been an essential member of our community, allowing us to [impact]. But while we’ve made remarkable progress this year, we still have a long way to go. [Describe the progress as well as the roadblocks.]

Today, I'm reaching out to share an exciting opportunity for you to amplify your impact and inspire our community through a matching gift. By participating, you can double the impact of our supporters' generous contributions, ensuring [impact on your cause].

Your voice and your generosity have long been integral to our work. By pledging [amount] to a matching gift program today, you take action to make a lasting impact on [cause]. If you're interested in discussing this opportunity further, please call me at [contact].

Gift Request Letter to a Company

Subject: Double Your Impact, Inspire Your People

Businesses like yours are a vital part of our community, and we rely on you to make our work possible. While we’ve made remarkable progress this year, we still have a long way to go. [Describe the progress as well as the roadblocks.]

Today, I'm reaching out to share an exciting opportunity for your company to amplify your impact and inspire your employees through a matching gift program. By participating, you can double the impact of your employees' generous contributions, ensuring [impact on your cause].This program also enhances [company's] corporate social responsibility efforts and showcases your dedication to making a real difference in our community.

By pledging [amount] to a matching gift program today, you take action to make a lasting impact on [cause] while establishing [company] as a leader in corporate philanthropy. If you're interested in discussing this opportunity further, please call me at [contact].

Advanced ask pointers for every nonprofit

That was pretty helpful, but what about those situations that are specific to your nonprofit and only your nonprofit? After all, there's a huge difference between asking for a donation for a zombat (zebra wombat) animal shelter and asking for one for your time-travel pre-enactment museum. Here, we're sharing advanced tips for your nonprofit, in full recognition of your uncommon spirit.

Sports teams

  • Offer exclusive experiences. Appeal to fans' love for the team (or parents' love for their children) by offering unique experiences or merchandise as donation incentives. 
  • Highlight community impact. Share personal stories about how the team positively impacts the community and emphasize how donations support these efforts.

Food donations

  • Partner with local businesses. Don't forget to reach out to local restaurants, grocery stores, and businesses that may be willing to donate excess food or sponsor food drives.
  • Volunteers need request letters, too! Ask volunteers to help at an upcoming event or pitch in with a monetary donation. Always emphasize that volunteering is just as important (maybe more so!) than donating money.

Theaters (or theatres!)

  • Make an emotional appeal. The theater is all about storytelling, so remind people of the transformative nature of theater. Share anecdotes or testimonials from those whose lives you've touched, and convey how theater entertains, educates, and fosters a sense of community.
  • It's all about those perks. Encourage theater donations by offering donors special benefits, such as VIP access to rehearsals or opportunities to meet the cast and crew. 
  • History and culture are crucial. In our troubled times, we have a lot to learn from the past, so highlight that point. Museums preserve artifacts, promote education, and foster a sense of cultural identity, helping us learn from history.
  • Again, it's perks for the win. Encourage donations by offering donors free or discounted museum memberships, exclusive invitations to exhibition openings, or VIP behind-the-scenes tours. 

Animal shelters

  • Use those photos. Your animals are adorable, so share those photos far and wide so everyone can see those pleading eyes. Who can resist?!
  • Share heartwarming stories. The world is tough, but happy-ending stories of rescued and rehabilitated animals are a ray of sunshine. Appeal to potential donors' compassion and turn those happy tears into impactful funds.
  • Connect with the community. Emphasize the church's role in providing spiritual guidance, support, and a sense of belonging. Share personal stories of how donations have enabled the church to positively impact people's lives.
  • Lean into the gratitude. Remind donors that their contributions are essential to carrying out your mission and serving the congregation. Highlight the importance of collective giving and the power of generosity. 
  • Make it personal. Most people give to schools because they attended or they have a loved one who's attending. Personalize your asks to reference the reason behind their gift.
  • Harken back to the good ol' days. Nostalgia is a great incentive to give, so remind donors about how education impacted their life, highlighting how their contributions help shape young minds and give others the wonderful experiences they had.

Youth organizations

  • The children are our future. Highlight personal growth and development by sharing how donations positively impact young people's lives. That means lots of success stories and hopeful anecdotes.
  • Offer involvement opportunities. Don't stop at asking for donations. Encourage potential donors to actively engage with your youth organization by offering mentorship programs, guest speaking opportunities, or volunteer options. 

Additional Email Advice for Nonprofits from Nonprofit Email Experts

We've got three of the industry's best email consultants, marketers, and donor whisperers with advice to make sure you're successful before you even start. 

Speaking of starting, let's dive in with Karen Hopper, a data strategist and nonprofit consultant-turned-performance strategist and marketer. Back in 2021, on the Nonstop Nonprofit podcast , Karen reminded us that communication doesn't happen in a bubble:

...the same people who are receiving your email, who are going to your website, who are checking out through your donation form, they're also using websites like Amazon. They're shopping for their stuff on Etsy. ...they have certain expectations for how easy the online shopping and online browsing experience should be.

In taking-action-terms, what this means is that nonprofits need to take a hard look at how easy or difficult it is to navigate their website and donate, especially from our phones. Being able to donate with a swipe or a fingerprint is going to become more important as our economy goes digital.

John Walsh, Director of Annual Giving at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, calls email "the complete package." On an episode of the Nonstop Nonprofit podcast , John boils it down:

We found that people give more if they receive multichannel communication, even if they only give through one channel. So even if you're not using it as a fundraiser, you need to be emailing because it's a complete package.

John's point is that we're a noisy society. And the more touchpoints you can create for people, the more they'll reach out.

Finally, Katelyn Whitaker, nonprofit email marketing expert, and consultant to Trevor Project, UNHCR, and Amnesty International, spoke about email fundraising campaigns on the Nonstop Nonprofit podcast . Here are her top three reasons nonprofit fundraisers should be using email:

People are giving you their email address and saying, "I want to hear from you via email." And there's actually studies out there that prove that people prefer to be communicated with via email. So it doesn't feel very intrusive, like social media or digital advertising can.
On top of that, it has the highest ROI, so you can send out a message to a mass email, one to many, and reach a lot of people at one time. And especially with organizations who are addressing emergencies, you don't have to get a letter printed out and sent via snail mail. You can actually reach out to people right away for support and to update them.
And then the third thing is you own your list, so your email list is very valuable. These are people that you can connect with, and the email list grows over time. And you always have those email addresses, whereas on social media, if Meta had some huge emergency and closed down tomorrow...

These are some of the most knowledgeable email experts in the nonprofit industry. They understand donor behavior and activity inside and out—so listen and act and email with confidence!

Final points on how to ask people to donate

While your nonprofit’s main job is fighting hard for your cause, you need to know how to ask people to donate if you’re going to have the funds to make a difference. We encourage you to get out there and ask for donations in as many ways as possible to find what works best for you.

  • No matter how great a job your nonprofit is doing, it means nothing without the ability to tell your story. Use words and images to convey your mission, history, and goals to would be donors, and let that story ground all your donation requests.
  • When asking for donations, keep your audience in mind at all times. Your audience decides how you ask and when you ask.
  • Developing brand voice guidelines is a great way to improve your donation requests. A strong brand presence and voice ensures consistency and authenticity.
  • Don’t make every communication a request for funding. You should cultivate relationships by also sending regular updates, event information, volunteer opportunities, and success stories.
  • Data and real-life examples will bolster your case. Share the numbers and share your successes to make your requests more relatable.
  • Technology is your friend, so don’t shy away from ML and AI and any other helpful acronyms to personalize your asks, streamline your workflows, and ease your stress.
  • Finally, don't take yourself too seriously! No one ask strategy is going to work on everyone, so try 'em all and keep an open mind.

speech on heart donation

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Speech on Eye Donation

Eye donation is a noble act of giving your eyes after death. It offers a ray of light to those living in the darkness of blindness.

You too can be a beacon of hope. By donating your eyes, you gift someone the precious ability to see the world anew.

1-minute Speech on Eye Donation

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Eye donation is a noble act of giving someone a gift of sight. It’s like planting a seed of hope in the garden of life. It’s about sharing the beauty of the world with someone who can’t see it.

Imagine a world without sight, where colors, faces, and landscapes are just words. This is the world for millions of people who are blind. But we can change this. We can help them see the world as we do. This is the magic of eye donation.

Eye donation is simple. After a person passes away, their eyes can be donated. These eyes can give sight to two blind people. It’s a simple act, but it can change lives.

Many people worry about eye donation. They think it might hurt their loved ones or their religious beliefs might not allow it. But it’s not true. Eye donation happens after death and it doesn’t cause any pain. And most religions support this act of kindness.

Yet, despite this, many people who need sight, can’t get it. The reason is, not enough people donate their eyes. We need more eye donors. We need more heroes who can bring light into someone’s life.

So, let’s take a pledge today. Let’s promise to donate our eyes. Let’s become a beacon of hope for someone in darkness. Let’s give someone the gift of sight. Because in the end, the most beautiful thing we can do, is to help someone see the beauty of this world.

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  • Essay on Eye Donation

2-minute Speech on Eye Donation

Today, I stand before you to talk about a topic that is close to my heart – eye donation. It’s a simple act of kindness that can light up someone else’s life. Imagine giving someone the gift of sight, a chance to see this beautiful world with their own eyes. That’s exactly what eye donation is all about.

Eye donation is a noble act where a person pledges to donate their eyes after their life ends. It’s a way to help someone see the world, even after we’re gone. It’s like leaving behind a legacy of light. And the best part is, anyone can donate their eyes – young or old, male or female, everyone can be a part of this noble cause.

Now, let’s talk about why eye donation is important. There are millions of people in the world who are suffering from corneal blindness. This means they can’t see because the front part of their eye, the cornea, is damaged. But the good news is, corneal blindness can be cured through a simple surgery where the damaged cornea is replaced with a healthy one from a donor.

So, by donating our eyes, we can give these people a chance to see again. Just think about it – a single eye donation can give sight to two people. That’s two lives changed forever, all because of a simple act of kindness.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “I want to donate my eyes, but I don’t know how.” Well, it’s really simple. All you have to do is fill out a form and pledge to donate your eyes. You can also tell your family and friends about your decision so they can ensure your wish is fulfilled.

You might also be wondering, “Does eye donation affect the look of the body?” The answer is no. After the eyes are donated, artificial eyes are put in place, and there is no visible change in the appearance of the deceased.

Lastly, I want to address a common myth about eye donation. Some people believe that if they donate their eyes, they will be born blind in their next life. This is not true. Our actions in this life do not affect our physical attributes in the next life.

In conclusion, eye donation is a simple act that can make a big difference. It’s a way to give the gift of sight, to change someone’s life for the better. So, let’s pledge to donate our eyes and light up someone’s world. After all, what could be a better gift than the gift of sight?

Thank you and remember, your eyes can live on, even after you’re gone.

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Theft by deception: Group in Cincinnati potentially committing crime by lying for money

by Christian Hauser, WKRC

(Tulsa Police Department)

CINCINNATI (WKRC)- You've probably seen someone asking for money when you pull off the interstate or at a busy intersection.

Panhandling as it's known is considered protected first amendment speech. Cities and towns throughout the years have tried to ban or regulate it, but the Supreme Court has time and time again said they cannot.

After a group was spotted across the Tri-State asking for money to cover the cost of a funeral, a local attorney said they may be committing a crime.

The group we're talking about travels the country holding up signs claiming they're collecting money to cover the cost of a funeral for a child who died in a car accident.

Defense attorney Joe Suhre said he thinks there's a crime taking place if the panhandlers are lying about collecting money for a funeral.

Suhre said it could fall under the charge of theft by deception.

"So, I think the argument could be made that if an individual is soliciting donations, say for a funeral of a child, when that child either never existed or it happened somewhere else, and the person is just keeping the money to enrich themselves, it could be considered theft by deception," Suhre said.

Suhre said it would be similar to other situations where people are collecting money in the name of a cause or organization.

"I kind of liken it to the individual standing outside Kroger in the winter raising money for the Salvation Army, when in fact they're not part of the Salvation Army, and they're keeping the money for themselves," Suhre said.

In several Facebook posts about the group in the Tri-State, a few of you said you've asked them about the child and funeral, but they didn't give you any information. In other areas, when confronted by police, the panhandlers couldn't prove they were collecting money for a funeral.

If you do spot these people, you should call the police and not give them any money.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost passed along these tips to avoid being scammed.

speech on heart donation

The Heart of Stark: Goodwill makes donating easier with expanded mobile center program

Heart of Stark

In partnership with The Repository, every Monday, Stark Community Foundation highlights positive happenings in our community. Here’s to Good News Mondays!

Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio recently expanded its pilot mobile donation center program from six units to 10, offering a convenient solution for individuals who would otherwise need to make multiple trips to a Goodwill store.

Through this program, Goodwill parks a 7-by-16 trailer at an individual's home or business for up to seven days at no cost. The trailer can be filled with clothing, furniture, electronics and other household goods, and later picked up by Goodwill for delivery to a local store.

More: Ripple effect of generosity: Material donations fuel Goodwill's mission programs

These trailers have become essential for community members during neighborhood sales, downsizing efforts and estate cleaning. Instead of making several trips to drop off items, they can utilize these trailers to streamline the donation process and free up valuable time. 

Businesses have also embraced mobile donation centers, with many implementing employee donation drives to foster a sense of philanthropy within the workplace and support a worthy cause practically and efficiently.

“Goodwill offers 30 programs spanning from job training, emergency vouchers and adult literacy programs to rape crisis intervention and advocacy support, hot meals and family strengthening programs,” shared Goodwill Chief Operating Officer Mark Trew. “Material donations are the lifeblood of Goodwill as they are sold through our retail store social enterprise to fund these vital programs in our community. Last year, more than 17,000 local people were helped through Goodwill's programs, thanks to the generosity of donors.”

Since its launch in April 2023, the mobile donation center program has collected more than 92,000 pounds of donations.

Goodwill's team believes the widespread adoption of these trailers underscores their effectiveness in meeting the community's diverse donation needs, reflecting Goodwill's commitment to making the donation process accessible and fostering a culture of giving back.

With 10 trailer units now available, Goodwill can serve all 10 counties of its territory, including Stark, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Harrison and Jefferson counties in Ohio as well as Brooke and Hancock counties in West Virginia.

To reserve a mobile donation center, visit  www.goodwillgoodskills.org . For questions, contact  [email protected] .

Stark Community Foundation helps individuals, families, businesses and nonprofits achieve their philanthropic goals. Learn more at  www.starkcf.org .

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Police raid Columbia U building occupied by anti-Israel protesters, arresting dozens

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( New York Jewish Week ) — Police stormed the Columbia University building occupied by pro-Palestinian students on Tuesday night, arresting dozens, as the school’s Jewish center was placed on lockdown with students inside.

The scenes at Hamilton Hall saw protesters lying prone as they were cuffed and loaded onto NYPD vans. The arrests took place after the students broke into the building on Monday night and barricaded it with couches, chairs and vending machines, draping a banner reading “Intifada” from one of the windows.

Police in riot gear entered Columbia en masse on Tuesday evening at the university’s invitation, encircling the area around the Morningside Heights campus and ordering students to shelter in place. Police vans blocked off intersections, officers told students to remain in their dorms and the subway stop at the campus gates was closed as the NYPD attempted to curb protests in support of the activists in Hamilton Hall.

Some students shouted, “Free Palestine” as they were escorted from the building, according to the student newspaper , the Columbia Spectator, whose journalists were among the only ones permitted to view the raid from inside the campus.

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It was an escalation of the pro-Palestinian protests rocking Columbia, which began as an encampment nearly two weeks ago and have since spread to campuses nationwide. Students at those universities have set up their own encampments, leading to hundreds of arrests across the country and, in two cases, agreements with university administrators to discuss divestment from Israel along with other measures.

This was the second time in the past two weeks that the NYPD had arrested protesters on Columbia’s campus. On April 18, police entered the encampment and detained more than 100 students. Since then, the protesters have maintained a constant presence on the school grounds while engaging in negotiations with the administration.

speech on heart donation

New York Police Department officers enter Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall and detain pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had barricaded themselves inside, April 30, 2024. (Selcuk Acar/Anadolu via Getty Images)

In a statement on Tuesday, Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, said those talks had reached an “impasse” and that students who had not cleared out of the encampment by Monday afternoon were suspended. She asked the NYPD to come onto campus and maintain a presence there until May 17, after commencement ceremonies.

“The events on campus last night have left us no choice,” she wrote. “With the support of the University’s Trustees, I have determined that the building occupation, the encampments, and related disruptions pose a clear and present danger to persons, property, and the substantial functioning of the University and require the use of emergency authority to protect persons and property.”

The crackdown took place on the anniversary of a previous university decision to evict students who had taken over Hamilton Hall, against those protesting Columbia’s ties to the Vietnam War in 1968. Then, more than 700 students were arrested.

Despite the NYPD’s attempts at crowd control on Tuesday, hundreds gathered to protest at an intersection adjacent to Columbia, chanting “Students hold your ground, NYPD will back down” and “Resistance is glorious, we will be victorious.” Others gathered at other points near the campus, and some students joined in the chanting from their dorm room windows.

Less than a block away from the main protest, the Kraft Center for Jewish Life instructed students who were present to remain in place while the university’s security advisory was in effect. At 11 p.m., the building was still closed off, but the NYPD had declared the campus clear.

Yakira Galler, a first-year student at Barnard, Columbia’s affiliated women’s college, was headed back to campus on Tuesday night after spending the Passover holiday with her family. As they were pulling out of the driveway, she received a text alert from Barnard notifying her of the shelter-in-place order.

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Instead of returning to campus, she decided to stay with cousins nearby because she said she does not feel safe returning to her dorm.

Galler said the final exam for a class she had been taking in Hamilton Hall — Yiddish — had been canceled. She said she had been watching updates about the police crackdown with mixed feelings.

“I’ve seen pictures of how many officers are there and I can understand how that’s frightening,” she said. “But it baffles me that people aren’t able to understand why that would be necessary, why this is a safety issue and why there’s a threat.”

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    Dear [Donor Name], Today, I'm writing to ask you to support [cause]. By donating just [amount], you can [specific impact]. To donate, [specific action]. Thank you for joining [cause's] efforts during this [adjective] time—It's supporters like you that help us change the world every day.

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    Panhandling as it's known is considered protected first amendment speech. Cities and towns throughout the years have tried to ban or regulate it, but the Supreme Court has time and time again said ...

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