• Integration FAQ
  • Understanding the Activity Project Structure
  • Writing the activity code
  • Configuring the activity metadata
  • Building the solution and creating the NuGet package
  • Using the activity in a Studio project
  • Testing your activity
  • Creating Activities With Code (Legacy)
  • Using The Activity Creator
  • Description
  • Type: Simple
  • Building Activity Packages
  • Release Notes
  • Building Workflow Analyzer Rules
  • Building Activities Project Settings
  • Creating Custom Wizards
  • Prioritize Activities by Scope
  • UiPath.Activities.Api.Base
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Activities
  • IAnalyzerConfigurationService
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Analyzer.Rules
  • UiPath.Studio.Analyzer.Models
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.BusyService
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ExpressionEditor
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Expressions
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Licensing
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Mocking
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ObjectLibrary
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.PackageBindings
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ProjectProperties
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.ScopedActivities
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Settings
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Wizards
  • UiPath.Studio.Activities.Api.Workflow
  • UiPath.Studio.Api.Controls
  • UiPath.Studio.Api.Telemetry
  • UiPath.Studio.Api.Theme
  • About the Robot JavaScript SDK
  • Configuration Steps
  • Settings fields
  • How to Create a Custom Trigger

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Migrating Activities to .NET 6

This page offers an overview of how to migrate your custom .NET Framework activities to .NET 6 for use in projects with the Windows compatibility available starting with Studio 2021.10.6.

We will use the sample MathSquareOfSum .NET Framework activity documented on the Creating Activities With Code (Legacy) page as an example for a migration to .NET 6 that targets Windows while also maintaining compatibility with .NET Framework for Windows - Legacy projects.

Step 1: Migrate the project to the new SDK-style format and add the net6.0-windows target

A project that is using the .NET Framework project format must be migrated to the new SDK-style format. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation . Package references must be declared in the .csproj file as opposed to packages.config .

  • In Solution Explorer, right click the project and select Unload Project .
  • Copy references and clear everything from the .csproj file.
  • Manually update the .csproj file to the new format.
  • Add the target framework net6.0-windows .
  • Mark the original references as net461 only by adding a condition.
  • Add a new reference section with conditions for net6.0-windows . You must declare the following WWF dependencies for .NET: UiPath.Workflow.Runtime, UiPath.Workflow, System.Activities.Core.Presentation, System.Activities.Metadata. Make sure all your dependencies support .NET. You might need to find newer package versions or replacement packages.
  • In Solution Explorer, right click the project and select Reload Project .

The file should look as follows.

docs image

  • Step 2: Build the solution

Make sure you test the project for errors before attempting to build it.

  • Step 3: Create a NuGet package

Create a NuGet package using NuGet Package Explorer, as described in Creating Activities With Code (Legacy) .

  • Launch NuGet Package Explorer and click Create a new package (Ctrl + N) . A split-window is displayed which shows Package metadata and Package contents . We need to add all dependencies in the latter section.
  • Right-click inside the Package contents section. A context menu is displayed.
  • Click Add lib folder . Notice a new lib item is created in the Package contents section.
  • Add .NET Framework folder > v4.6.1
  • Add .NET folder > v6.0-windows
  • net461 - MathSquareOfSum.dll
  • net6.0-windows - MathSquareOfSum.dll
  • Rename the folder net6.0-windows to net6.0-windows7.0 .
  • With the file selected, access the Edit menu and select Edit Metadata . The left panel is now fitted with editable metadata fields.
  • Edit the metadata fields as needed.

docs image

  • Click the green check mark button in the top-left corner save all changes.
  • Select File > Save As to save the new file.

Was this page helpful?

Migrating Activities to .NET 5/6

I’m following the steps described here to migrate to .NET 6:

But none of the mentioned packages are available on the respective versions posted there.

I also face the same issue with .NET 5, none of the versions informed on the documentation did get resolved.

Seeing the Visual Studio logs about the attempt to resolve the System.Activities.Core.Presentation dependency, the nearest version available is an alpha version:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error NU1102 Unable to find package System.Activities.Core.Presentation with version (>= 6.0.0-20220318.2) Found 3 version(s) in MyGet-UiPathDev [ Nearest version: 1.0.0-alpha003 ] Found 1 version(s) in MyGet-Workflow [ Nearest version: 1.0.0-alpha004 ] Found 0 version(s) in Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages Found 0 version(s) in nuget.org Found 0 version(s) in Stride


Am I missing some package source here?

@alexandru @loginerror @Pablito do you guys know something about it?


It is already there:


You can also perform a manual search directly on the official feed and you will notice the version on the documentation simply does not exist.


It seems the version informed on the documentation are not public.

@alexandretperez Did you find any solution for the above System.Activity package issue?

Hi @Venkat_A

Yes, I don’t remember exactly what the source I used are, but definitely they are among these:


I have tried this link . unfortunately , it is not working for me. If someone successfully completed the migration, share your experience will helpful to me and others.

Advance Thank you Balamurugan.S

Related Topics

Jimmy Bogard

Activity Enrichment in ASP.NET Core 6.0

Jimmy Bogard

Jimmy Bogard

Waaaaay back in the ASP.NET Core 3.1 days, I wrote about increasing the cardinality of traces using Tags and Baggage . You could write code in your controllers, filters, or application code to be able to add custom information to traces to help find these traces more effectively:

There is a challenge with this approach in this it uses the Activity.Current property, an AsyncLocal static property on the Activity class. This value might not be the activity you'd actually want to modify. If you have some other filter that creates an Activity :

Then the Activity.Current property isn't the activity of the incoming web request, but something else altogether. If you're intending to add details to the incoming request's span, you're not guaranteed to get the correct Activity .

This got a bit easier with ASP.NET Core 6.0 and the inclusion of a new Request Feature to access the current activity . We can request the IHttpActivityFeature from the current HttpContext to access the Activity associated with the current request:

From the IHttpActivityFeature , we can add tags, baggage, events, or just generally inspect the current span. If we want to start a new activity intentionally parented from this one too, that's possible.

It's only available from anything that has access to HttpContext , which in turn is available in different means depending on what code location you need it at.

This also inspired a similar feature in my NServiceBus.Extensions.Diagnostics package, to be able to modify the exact Activity of the incoming/outgoing message:

And then this tag shows up directly in our traces:

system.activities.presentation .net core

Just like you might add additional log context values for your logs, you would add these custom tags to provide activity/span enrichment for better debugging and searchability.

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Microsoft. Activities. Extensions

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Provides useful extension methods, alternate Task based API and activities.

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Are you ready to get started with .NET Core? This one day workshop covers the basics, then digs into web development (ASP.NET Core), .NET Standard, porting from .NET Framework, and containers.


Folders and files, repository files navigation.

Are you ready to get started with .NET Core? Learn the skills that will make you successful in building .NET applications no matter what operating system you are targeting. We’ll start with an overview of the framework and development tools, dig into ASP.NET Core web development, look at developing desktop and mobile applications, overview code reuse across frameworks, and show you what you need to know to update from the .NET Framework to .NET Core. Bring your laptop and roll up your sleeves for this full day of instructor-led training.

Where to go next

  • http://dot.net - .NET Core overview, tutorials, links
  • http://docs.microsoft.com - All the docs, tutorials, more!
  • ASP.NET Documentation
  • .NET Standard docs

Contributors 9

manifestimages.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .net framework in c#.

Desired size (may not be met) // Null (if no image was found), Image instance (for non-Xaml images), // or object instance (for Xaml-instantiated structures) // if type is null public static object GetImage(Type type, Size desiredSize) { if (type == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("type"); } Assembly assembly = type.Assembly; string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); if (resourceNames == null || resourceNames.Length == 0) { return null; } string fullTypeName = type.FullName; string typeName = type.Name; // Do a full namespace match first ImageInfo bestMatch = FindBestMatch(type, assembly, resourceNames, desiredSize, delegate(string extensionlessResourceName) { return fullTypeName.Equals(extensionlessResourceName); }); // Do a partial name match second, if full name didn't give us anything bestMatch = bestMatch ?? FindBestMatch(type, assembly, resourceNames, desiredSize, delegate(string extensionlessResourceName) { return extensionlessResourceName != null && extensionlessResourceName.EndsWith(typeName,StringComparison.Ordinal); }); if (bestMatch != null) { return bestMatch.Image; } return null; } private static ImageInfo FindBestMatch( Type type, Assembly assembly, string[] resourceNames, Size desiredSize, MatchNameDelegate matchName) { Fx.Assert(type != null, "FindBestMatch - type parameter should not be null"); Fx.Assert(resourceNames != null && resourceNames.Length > 0, "resourceNames parameter should not be null"); Fx.Assert(matchName != null, "matchName parameter should not be null"); ImageInfo bestMatch = null; for (int i = 0; i sizeMatch) { bestMatch = info; } } return bestMatch; } // Tries to load up an image private static ImageInfo ProcessResource(Assembly assembly, string resourceName) { Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName); if (stream == null) { return null; } if (IsXamlContent(resourceName)) { return new XamlImageInfo(stream); } else { return new BitmapImageInfo(stream); } } // Checks to see whether the given extension is supported private static bool IsExtensionSupported(string extension) { for (int i = 0; i 0) { return resourceName.Substring(0, dotIconIndex); } return null; } private delegate bool MatchNameDelegate(string extensionlessResourceName); // Helper class that has information about an image private abstract class ImageInfo { private float _lastMatch = 1; protected ImageInfo() { } public float LastMatch { get { return _lastMatch; } } public abstract object Image { get; } protected abstract Size Size { get; } protected abstract bool HasFixedSize { get; } // gets value range from 0 to 1: 0 == perfect match, 1 == complete opposite public float Match(Size desiredSize) { if (!this.HasFixedSize) { _lastMatch = 0; } else { Size actualSize = this.Size; float desiredAspectRatio = Math.Max(float.Epsilon, GetAspectRatio(desiredSize)); float actualAspectRatio = Math.Max(float.Epsilon, GetAspectRatio(actualSize)); float desiredArea = Math.Max(float.Epsilon, GetArea(desiredSize)); float actualArea = Math.Max(float.Epsilon, GetArea(actualSize)); // these values range from 0 to 1, 1 being perfect match, 0 being not so perfect match float ratioDiff = desiredAspectRatio

Network programming in C#, Network Programming in VB.NET, Network Programming in .NET

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System. Activities. Core. Presentation 命名空间

一些信息与预发行产品相关,相应产品在发行之前可能会进行重大修改。 对于此处提供的信息,Microsoft 不作任何明示或暗示的担保。


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    system.activities.presentation .net core

  2. ASP.NET Core 1.0. Part 1: Introduction, general description and the

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  4. .NET Core ou .NET Framework ? Quelle implémentation adopter pour son

    system.activities.presentation .net core

  5. C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 High Performance

    system.activities.presentation .net core

  6. Microsoft .net Technologies : Introduction To Asp.net Core (Theory

    system.activities.presentation .net core


  1. Project Presentation .NET

  2. ASP.NET avec .NET 6

  3. WPF Development with Oxygene for .NET

  4. Logging with Serilog in .NET

  5. Windows Presentation Foundation Mashup

  6. .NET


  1. System.Activities.Presentation not supported in .net 5

    .NET 5 is .NET Core 5, and WF was never migrated to .NET Core. WF never really caught on outside Microsoft apps, and the lack of web support was a huge reason. The quirky XML file format was another reason. BTW .NET 5 goes out of support in a couple of months. The current long term support version is .NET. -

  2. System.Activities.Core.Presentation Namespace

    Contains metadata for the designer. A final state is a state that terminates the state machine instance and cannot have a Transitions collection. Used by Visual Studio to raise flowchart designer commands. Enables the retrieval of type arguments of generic types. Contains the arguments for the LocationChanged event.

  3. System.Activity for dotNET 6

    As we are a few days away from releasing the Stable & Enterprise for 2022.4 Release that brings .NET 6.0 runtime support please find the list of dependencies if you want to create a .NET 6.0 activity package: UiPath.Workflow.Runtime <= 6..-20220401-03. UiPath.Workflow <= 6..-20220401-03.

  4. System.Activities.Core.Presentation.csproj

    Source from the Microsoft .NET Reference Source that represent a subset of the .NET Framework - microsoft/referencesource

  5. System.Activities.Presentation Namespace

    Used to configure how a Windows Workflow Designer initializes type-resolver and type-browser dialogs to enable a user to select a type for arguments, variables, and generic type activities. Undo Engine. Provides undo and redo operation implementations for designers. Undo Unit. Represents a single unit of undoable work.

  6. System.Activities.Core.Presentation.Factories Namespace

    Creates Pick activities that contain two branches each. Creates a state machine activity that contains an initial state. The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. For more information, see our contributor guide . Provides classes related to presentation factories.

  7. SDK

    Step 1: Migrate the project to the new SDK-style format and add the net6.0-windows target. A project that is using the .NET Framework project format must be migrated to the new SDK-style format. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation. Package references must be declared in the .csproj file as opposed to packages.config .

  8. Migrating Activities to .NET 5/6

    I also face the same issue with .NET 5, none of the versions informed on the documentation did get resolved. Seeing the Visual Studio logs about the attempt to resolve the System.Activities.Core.Presentation dependency, the nearest version available is an alpha version: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Erro...

  9. Activity Enrichment in ASP.NET Core 6.0

    This got a bit easier with ASP.NET Core 6.0 and the inclusion of a new Request Feature to access the current activity. We can request the IHttpActivityFeature from the current HttpContext to access the Activity associated with the current request: [HttpGet] public async Task<ActionResult<Guid>> Get(string message) {.

  10. GitHub: Let's build from here · GitHub

    {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"System.Activities.Presentation/System.Activities.Presentation/System/Activities/Presentation":{"items":[{"name ...

  11. Porting Workflow Designer to .NET Core 3 #58

    As .NET Core 3 supports WPF, so I want to make experiments to port the Workflow Designer. Where can I find the source code and unit tests of these dlls: System.Activities.Presentation System.Activities.Core.Presentation Thank you.

  12. NuGet Gallery

    NuGet\Install-Package Microsoft.Activities.Extensions -Version This command is intended to be used within the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio, as it uses the NuGet module's version of Install-Package .

  13. System.Activities Namespace

    Activity<TResult>. An abstract base class used to create composite activities from pre-existing Activity objects, which specifies a result type using the activity's type specifier. Activity Action. Defines an activity delegate that has no in arguments and does not return a value. Activity Action<T>.

  14. System.Activities.Core.Presentation.Themes Namespace

    System. Activities. Core. Presentation. Themes Namespace. Reference; Feedback. Important Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it's released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. ... .NET. Open a documentation issue Provide product ...

  15. Are you ready to get started with .NET Core? This one day workshop

    We'll start with an overview of the framework and development tools, dig into ASP.NET Core web development, look at developing desktop and mobile applications, overview code reuse across frameworks, and show you what you need to know to update from the .NET Framework to .NET Core.

  16. manifestimages.cs source code in C# .NET

    Source code for the .NET framework in C#. Code: / 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / NetFx40 / Tools / System.Activities.Presentation / System / Activities / Presentation / Base / Core / Internal / manifestimages.cs / 1305376 / manifestimages.cs

  17. Activity Class (System.Activities)

    Creates and validates a description of the activity's arguments, variables, child activities, and activity delegates. Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) GetType() Gets the Type of the current ...

  18. .net

    The System.Activities namespace belongs to the Windows Workflow Foundation.Activity classes in this namespace are used to build workflows, like SharePoint workflows for example.. The StateMachine class is a container for several child activities that together form a State Machine Workflow.. Once you have defined a workflow you can run it using the Workflow Engine using a WorkflowInvoker or a ...

  19. System.Activities.Core.Presentation 命名空间

    Designer Metadata. 包含设计器的元数据。. Final State. 最终状态是终止状态机实例的状态,并且不能有转换集合。. Flowchart Designer Commands. 由 Visual Studio 用于引发流程图设计器命令。. Generic Type Argument Converter. 允许检索泛型类型的类型参数。. Location Changed Event Args.