
How to Make an Eye-catching Video Presentation in Minutes | InVideo

  • video presentation

video message presentation

Video is now the undisputed king of mediums in business communication. HubSpot reports that 85% of companies use videos in their marketing efforts. From webinars to demos, from sales presentations to investor pitches, and from welcome videos to online tutorials, videos are the go-to channel. Clearly, video marketing  is on the surge.

And video presentations are among the most widely used formats for video marketing. But how exactly can you create winning video presentations, to begin with?

Simply by signing up to InVideo for business where you get tailor-made template and video editing services on demand so you can spend your time running your business. Sign up for a free demo here. 

Video Presentations Q&A

Before we get into the meat of our guide, let’s quickly answer a few commonly asked questions.

1. What is a Video Presentation?

A video presentation is a form of communicating with an audience with the aid of a video or completely using a video. The video could be made of PowerPoint slides , still images, animation, or actual video footage.

2. Why Should I use Video Presentations?

Common reasons for using videos as presentation aids include:

- Overcoming space/time limitations - Using video as a visual aide to drive your point home - Video enables you to compress a lot of information into a digestible size

3. How do I make a Video Presentation?

Thanks to the advancements in technology, making video presentations has become very easy. It has also become more affordable than it was a couple of years ago. While different video makers have different steps to take when making a video , here are the basic steps to follow:

- Come up with a concept for your presentation. - Craft an engaging script . - Decide on the visual assets (and format) you’ll use. - Use a professional video editing app to bring it all together. - Promote the video.

Pro tip: To make things even easier, you could sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations made for your brand using the editing-on-demand services.  Sign up for a free demo here . 

4. How do you begin a Presentation?

You can open your presentation in 7 ways:

1. Share an anecdote or short personal story. 2. Kick-off with a provocative statement. 3. Present a startling statistic or data. 4. Tell a good clean joke that suits the audience. 5. Ask a loaded rhetorical question. 6. Show the audience a compelling visual. 7. Hook people with a fascinating quotation.

5. How do you Make a Video Presentation with PowerPoint?

Turning a PowerPoint presentation into a video is easy. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: On the File  menu, select Save  to make sure you have saved all your recent work in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx).

Step 2: On the File  menu, select Save As .

Step 3: Select the folder location where you want to store your PowerPoint Show file.

Step 4: In the Save as type  box, choose PowerPoint Show (*.ppsx) .

PowerPoint Show Save as Options

Step 5: Select Save . That’s it.

Now that we’ve answered a few basic questions, let’s dig deeper into why videos are so powerful.

What Makes Video Presentations so Effective?

Why do they increase the impact of your message?

Well, it’s simple, really – people are visual creatures. This means we take in more information by watching than by reading. Remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”? Besides that, here are 4 other reasons video is so effective:

1. Conveys emotions better

No other communication channel conveys emotions better than video. That’s because video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, helping the viewer pick up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery, and music.

2. Cements information better

According to research , people remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read. However, they remember a staggering 80% of what they experienced. In short, visuals are easier to remember than text or audio because they help your audience “experience” your message. It makes video an essential part of creating presentations your audience will remember for a long time.

3. Makes it easier to digest information

Especially when explaining complicated concepts, video is a great way to present information in an easy-to-understand way. Not only is the format easy to take in, but it also makes breaking down concepts easier.

4. Builds relationships fast

I’m sure you know the marketing mantra: people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Nothing beats video in making prospects or your audience know, like, and trust you…   fast. Video is an instant relationship builder. It’s the next best thing to live face-to-face communication.

A video is a great tool that has made it easier to communicate thoughts and ideas with people – not just in a room, but even across the globe.

6 Types of Video Presentations You Need to Know

Video presentations come in different flavors, depending on their purpose.

types of video presentations

1. Educational Presentations

These are mainly used in teaching and learning sets online or in a classroom setting. These make it easier for the teacher to convey information and the students to grasp the concepts.

Use this template

2. Sales Presentations

The field of sales has evolved tremendously in the past decade. With customers being savvier, sales reps must play the game well if they’re to bag sales. One way they can do that is by creating story-based sales video presentations.

Sell more with pro video presentations

Use 5000+ InVideo templates to get started

Sell more with pro video presentations

3. Investor Pitches

Need to woo an investor? One of the best ways to do that is by using a video pitch. This will help you present your business plan in a visually appealing way so they can easily grasp your business concept.

4. Promotional Videos

Whether you’re promoting an existing product or a new one, video is your best bet for getting eyeballs on your product (or cause). People relate better to what they can see, making video the best medium for presenting your promotions (like product reviews, for example).

5. Employee Training and Onboarding

Video presentations are great for conducting employee training and onboarding. One of the main reasons for this is that video helps reduce the resources spent on these 2 important aspects of employee relationship management.

6. Informational Videos

As the name suggests, the informational/how-to type of presentation serves to pass on important information. Why video in this case? Because it’s more engaging and can pack a lot of information in a short clip.

Pro tip: You can get tailor-made templates to create any kind of presentation for your brand or business using InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

How to create killer Video Presentations – 4 Tips

Now you know why video presentations are important and which scenarios to use them in. Now to the fun part – tips on creating killer video presentations. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Tip #1 - Know your Audience

how to create a killer video presentations - know your audience

The most important aspect of creating a stellar presentation is to know and understand your audience. Even if you use the best video presentation maker , if you don’t target a specific, clearly defined audience, your presentation will flop. Understanding your audience will help you:

A. Communicate effectively

Effective communication involves knowing the language and examples that resonate with your audience.

B. Choose the right visuals

Certain visuals are more impactful when used on a particular audience. Study those that your audience will easily understand and relate to.

C. Connect on an emotional level

No matter the type of presentation, it’s crucial to connect with your audience on an emotional level. And to do that, you need to understand the emotional triggers to push in your video presentation.

Invest in adequate audience research. While it may be time-consuming (and a bit costly), it will pay off in the end.

Idea #2 - Brainstorm video content ideas

Create Killer Video Presentations - Brainstorm Video Content Ideas

Now that you have gathered enough audience data, it’s time to brainstorm some content ideas. Whether you’re creating your talk solo or as a team, 3 crucial questions will lay the foundation of your brainstorming session:

1. What do you want the video to achieve? 2. Which emotions do you want the video to evoke? 3. What will visual elements help your video achieve its goal?

The answers to these questions will help guide your ideas. They are key to creating a killer video that your audience will love.

Tip #3 - Craft engaging scripts

Craft Engaging Scripts

Audience research? Check.

Great idea? Check.

Now we get to another interesting stage of creating great video presentations  – crafting an engaging script. Whether it’s a live presentation, a webinar, or even a product review, you’ll need a great script to ensure you keep your audience engaged.

Even if you love creating impromptu videos, having a script for your video presentations is important. And no, you need not be Quentin Tarantino to produce a great video script (although it won’t hurt to learn how to become a good copywriter). Here are 3 reasons a good video script is a must:

1) Helps structure your video

To ensure your video has a smooth and progressive flow, you’ll need a good script.

2) Eliminates “dead spots”

Dead spots, or moments of inactivity, are a great turn-off in a video. They reek of unprofessionalism and can lead to your audience disengaging. The best way to eliminate dead spots is to craft a solid video script .

3) Keeps you on track

It’s very easy to get sidetracked when creating a video . However, with a script, you minimize the instances of going off-topic.

Creating scripts for your videos is a best practice that shouldn’t be overlooked. If anything, invest more in your script than the visuals as a good script can save a video with poor visuals.

Pro-tip: Once you’re confident about your script, it is time to make things even more clear. A  storyboard will allow you to break down your video visually, scene by scene, describing what is happening in it.

Tip #4 - Invest in the Right Tools

video presentations right tools - InVideo

With video, one thing you should never skimp on is the tools you use, particularly your video editing software. While there is a gazillion free video editing software on the market, it’s highly recommended that you use a professional video editor . And that means going the paid route.

Why should you spend on a video editor when there are countless free options available? Here’s why:

A. Get more (professional) features

Creating professional-looking videos requires a lot of resources and features. Most free video editors lack the features that will enable you to create professional videos.

B. Avoid branding and ads

With video editing software, free is never free. That’s because you pay through being forced to include the video editors brand in your work. In other words, you pay by advertising for them. Besides branding, some free video editors may subject you to irritating in-app ads.

If there’s one thing that’s inevitable when it comes to software, it’s that one time or another you’ll encounter glitches. This is where paid video editors have a great advantage over their free counterparts – you’ll have access to customer support.

From hardware (like cameras) to software (like video editing software), the tools you use will determine the quality of your videos. Invest in professional tools, and your presentations will sweep your audience off their feet because they’ll be more polished.

Pro tip: If you don't have the time or bandwidth to find your way around an editing tool, simply sign up to InVideo for business and get presentations created using tailor-made templates and on-demand editing services. Sign up for a free demo here . 

Tip #5 - Adopt Video Presentation Best Practices

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when creating presentations . Most winning video presentations are based on common fundamental principles that work. Here are some you need to know:

1) Create impactful intros (and outros)

Your intro is the most important part of your presentation as it sets the tone for the rest of the talk. If you can’t engage your audience with your intro, you probably won’t get another chance to engage them.

2) Keep it short, sharp, and sweet

No matter how engaging your video is, always remember it’s not a movie. The point is to keep your audience engaged enough to pass on your information, no more no less.

3) Be professional

Don’t throw out your professional etiquette just because you’re on (or using) video. Maintain professionalism in your video presentations by, for example, using clean language and maintaining a good posture.

4) Use quality sound

Sound plays an integral part in presentations. Whether it’s music or speech, make sure it’s crisp, clear, and audible.

By following these (and other) video presentation best practices, success is inevitable. Remember, the presentation is not about you; it’s about your audience. So, ensure that your presentations provide a good user experience for your audience.

Make video presentations in minutes

With customizable InVideo templates

Make video presentations in minutes

Looking for a great Video Presentation Template? Here’s what you should consider

video presentation templates in InVideo

Templates are lifesavers. They help you create a decent presentation in a snap, even if you are a newbie.

Here are 3 simple questions to help you determine if a template is good:

1) Is it editable? – Are you able to change things like playback speed, effects, or text, so you produce something you like? Stay away from rigid templates that don’t give you the freedom to create with ease.

2) Is it customizable? – Can you design brand-specific clips using your company’s colors, fonts, and styling? Good templates give you wiggle room to include your brand’s specific needs.

3) Is it campaign-specific? – Different videos fit different scenarios. Ideally, you want templates tailored to your current campaign.  That way, you have less tweaking to do because the templates are close to what you want.

Pro Tip: Get more tailor-made templates for your video presentations by signing up to InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5 Awesome Video Presentation ideas to bring The House Down

Presentation is both an art and science. Get the balance right, and you have the audience eating out of the palm of your hand. Here are some ideas to help you do just that.

Idea #1 - Tickle them with humor

Humor is a powerful learning tool.

According to studies by Physiology Org humor leads to learning because of it:

- Attracts and sustains attention. - Relieves tension and produces a relaxed atmosphere. - Enhances participation. - Increases retention and motivation. - Bonds the student and the teacher.

However, to reap all these benefits, the humor must be appropriate and on-topic. So spice up your presentation with a joke or two. The result? Your audience will laugh and learn.

Idea #2 - Use Relevant Examples

Effective presenters use timely, powerful illustrations.

The word illustration comes from the Latin term ‘illustration,’ which means illumination. So practical examples are like windows of your presentation. They let light in. They help people see or understand the material better.

Here are 5 questions to ask about your illustrations:

1. Are they relevant to the topic? 2. Are they suited to the audience? 3. Are they suited to the time limit? 4. Are they enlightening? 5. Are they well told?

Grab compelling examples from books, movies, TV shows, history, children, current events, and captivating real-life incidents. Use good illustrations ram your points home.

Idea #3 - Wield Questions like a Ninja

Questions are an integral part of learning.

Sharp questions aid learning. Plus, they keep listeners highly engaged.

Ask questions:

- At the beginning of your presentation to draw your audience in. - In the middle of the presentation to revive waning audience interest. - At the end of the talk, so the audience reflects on the material.

Also, allow the audience to ask questions. When your audience asks questions, they switch from passive spectators to active participants.

Idea #4 - Be Minimal

Have you ever sat through a presentation and felt:

- Dazed? - Confused? - Strained?

More than likely, the reason is the presenter drowned you in a blaze of inessential stuff. There was too much going on you couldn’t cope with.

Minimalism is removing all unnecessary material, leaving only the bare minimum needed to put your points across. It means using just enough text, visuals, scenes, or slides to make the point and no more. A minimal presentation is clean and uncluttered.

Simple yet intriguing. Plain but profound. Basic but punchy.

Most importantly, it makes learning easy and enjoyable.

Idea #5 - Connect emotionally with a story

Stories are speakers’ most powerful weapons. That’s because stories play a dual purpose –

- Engage intellectually - Connect Emotionally

And an emotional connection is key to bringing the house down with your presentation. Why?

An emotional connection:

- Endears you to your audience - Makes your presentation memorable - Inspires your audience to take action

By using a relevant story in your video presentation, you’ll ensure that your audience walks the entire journey with you from intro to outro.

6 PowerPoint Presentation tips to wow your audience

powerpoint presentation tips

No business video guide is complete without PowerPoint, the staple software for business presentations.

Here are 6 golden rules to help you nail your next PowerPoint presentation and leave your audience crying for more:

1. Keep Things Simple

Legendary artist Leonardo da Vinci once said something profound:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".

With the plethora of apps and templates at your disposal, you will be tempted to complicate things. Don’t. Keep things simple.

Simple design. Simple colors. Simple story.

People get swamped and confused by complicated stuff but easily absorb and appreciate straightforward material.

2. Good visual contrast

What use is your blockbuster presentation if the audience can’t see it?

You want people to enjoy your presentation, not endure it. If you use dark fonts on dark backgrounds or light fonts on light backgrounds, you’ll strain your audience’s eyes. They’ll struggle to see your lovely slides.

Classic black-on-white color contrast does just fine. You can use colors like red, blue, or yellow for headings and images. If you don’t like black and white, you can use other colors you prefer as long as the contrast of your combination is bold and strong.

3. Use a few words and animations

It’s easy to go overboard with fancy animations and a gushing stream of words. Only use as many words as it takes to get your point across and no more.

Too many words cause the audience to read rather than listen. Remember, your slides are there to compliment your talk, not substitute it. Also, a lot of words will fill up many slides that wear your audience down.

Ruthlessly cut out senseless animations that don’t add value to your talk.

4. Use excellent images

Images are to a presentation, what water is to fish. Without them, your presentation becomes bland. It lacks the needed fizz to keep your audience hooked. But only include relevant images.

Not only that. Above all, make sure all pictures are of high quality. Amateur-looking clip art causes the audience not to take you seriously.

Pro-tip: Get access to millions of stock assets and tailor-made templates with InVideo for business . Sign up for a free demo here . 

5. Smooth and fast transitions

While PowerPoint transitions can make your presentation engaging, don’t overdo them, especially the advanced ones. Not only do they quickly drain power on weaker machines, but they also distract the audience. Stick to simpler and faster transitions like wipe or slide.

6. Avoid overloading your slides

In presentations, less is more.

Having a lot going on your screen confuses and overwhelms listeners.

Cramming too much info into your slides is a big no-no. Clutter is your enemy. Strip your slides down to essential words and images. Your audience will love you for it and leave you with many takeaways.

Pro looking Video Presentations – No longer an option

With Industry 4.0 fast coming into its own, going digital is no longer an option for businesses and speakers.

And one of the most important communication mediums in the digital age is video. That’s why you can’t afford to ignore video any more. Whether you’re speaking before a live audience or seeking to disseminate information to a global audience, video presentations are the way to go.

Need a great tool to create stunning video presentations? Then make sure to schedule a demo and see just how much you can do with InVideo for business. 

Let’s create superb videos


15 Video Presentation Ideas: Engaging Your Audience Like Never Before

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video message presentation

Table of contents

In today’s digital age , video presentations have become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you’re delivering a sales pitch, presenting a project, or teaching a class, a well-designed video presentation can make all the difference in engaging your audience and delivering your message effectively. However, coming up with innovative and captivating video presentation ideas can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 15 video presentation ideas to inspire and help you create a memorable video presentation.

What is a Video Presentation?

Information, ideas, or messages can be visually represented in a video presentation. It’s a great tool for communicating difficult concepts in a way that’s interesting and accessible to the audience. There are plenty of uses for video presentations.

  • Marketing and sales
  • Education and training
  • Corporate communication
  • Entertainment

7 Steps H ow to Create a Video Presentation

Creating a video presentation can seem like a daunting task, but it is easier than you think. Here are the steps you need to follow to create a successful video presentation:

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Who is your target audience? What are their interests, needs, and preferences? Understanding your audience will help you create a presentation that is relevant and engaging.

2. Define Your Message

What is the message you want to convey? What do you want your audience to learn or take away from your presentation? Defining your message will help you stay focused and ensure that your presentation is clear and concise.

3. Create an Outline

Once you have identified your audience and defined your message, it’s time to create an outline. Your outline should include the main points you want to cover in your presentation, as well as any supporting information or visuals you plan to use.

4. Write Your Script

With your outline in hand, it’s time to write your script. Your script should be conversational and easy to understand. It should also be engaging and persuasive, with a clear call to action. You can use ChatGPT for this to make it quicker but more effective.

5. Choose Your Visuals

Visuals are an essential part of any video presentation. They help to illustrate your message and keep your audience engaged. Choose visuals that are relevant to your message and that support your key points. Custom visuals are ideal but you can also look for stock footage and images.

6. Record Your Presentation

With your script and visuals in hand, it’s time to record your presentation. Make sure to rehearse your script and practice your delivery before recording.

7. Edit and Finalize

Once you have recorded your presentation, it’s time to edit and finalize it. This is where you can add any additional visuals or effects, adjust the timing and pacing, and make any final tweaks. You can get an idea of what is missing by using computer mockups to visualize your creation.

Benefits of Video Presentations

Video presentations offer several benefits over traditional presentations, including:

Increased Engagement

Unlike traditional presentations, video presentations incorporate visuals, audio, and text to deliver a message in a more dynamic and interactive way. By engaging multiple senses, video presentations are able to captivate and maintain the attention of viewers for longer periods of time, which can help to increase information retention.

Improved Retention

Visual aids like photos, graphs, and charts can help to illustrate crucial points and make them easier to learn and recall. Meanwhile, audio can serve to reinforce knowledge and provide additional context, both of which can help with information retention. With a multitude of sensory cues, video presentations can provide viewers with a more immersive and memorable experience.

Greater Reach

Because video presentations can be quickly shared and distributed online, they can reach a considerably bigger audience than traditional presentations. This is especially beneficial for firms trying to reach out to new clients or market their products or services to a larger audience. Businesses can access new audiences and expand their reach beyond their local area by making video presentations available online. Additionally, video presentations can be included in an online catalogue , making them easily accessible to a broader audience and allowing viewers to browse through a variety of presentations at their convenience, further enhancing the reach and impact of your message

Increased Conversions

Video presentations are more effective than traditional presentations at persuading viewers to take action. This is because videos may make an emotional connection with viewers and convey a message more effectively. Video presentations can drive viewers to take action and make a purchase , join up for a service, or take any other desired action by using storytelling techniques and establishing a sense of urgency. Moreover, you can leverage videos by converting them  into shoppable videos . With the effective use of Call-To-Actions (CTAs), you can thereby increase your chances of making your customers convert even more. A study shows that with the utilization of shoppable videos, you can increase your chances of conversion by  30% .

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Video Presentations

When creating a video presentation, there are a number of common mistakes that you should be aware of and take steps to avoid. Some of the most important mistakes to avoid include:

1. Using too much text on slides

When creating slides for your video presentation, avoid using too much text. This can overwhelm viewers and make it difficult for them to engage with your message. Instead, use images, graphics, and other visual elements to illustrate key points and break up the text.

2. Speaking too quickly or too slowly

Speaking too quickly can make it difficult for viewers to follow along while speaking too slowly can be boring. Practice your delivery ahead of time to find the right pace that allows your audience to easily understand your message.

3. Not practicing enough

Failing to practice your presentation ahead of time can lead to mistakes or stumbles during the actual recording. Take the time to practice your delivery and become familiar with your content, so you feel confident and prepared during the presentation.

4. Not considering the audience’s perspective

When creating your presentation, it’s important to consider your audience’s interests and knowledge level. This allows you to tailor your content to their needs and make it more engaging for them.

5. Using low-quality visuals or audio

Poor audio or video quality can distract from your message and make it difficult for viewers to engage with your presentation. Make sure your visuals and audio are of high quality to keep your audience’s attention.

6. Not ending the presentation on a strong note

A strong ending is key to leaving a lasting impression on your audience. You can end a video presentation on a strong note by summarizing key points, ending with a call to action, or leaving the audience with a memorable quote or visual.

7. Failing to tailor your presentation to your audience

To make your presentation more engaging, you should consider your audience’s interests, needs, and knowledge level. This allows you to create content that is relevant to them and keeps them engaged throughout.

8. Not having a clear structure or message

Your presentation should have a clear structure and message that is easy for viewers to follow and understand. Make sure your content is organized and flows logically, so your audience can easily follow your message.

By being aware of these common mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can create a more effective and engaging video presentation that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your audience.

15 Best Video Presentation Ideas

1. interactive whiteboard presentation.

Create a presentation that engages your audience and invites involvement using an interactive whiteboard. This style of presentation enables you to draw, write, and add images in real time, making it excellent for brainstorming sessions or classroom instruction.

2. Kinetic Typography Presentation

Kinetic typography is a technique that uses animated text to deliver your message. This type of presentation is perfect for showcasing quotes or highlighting key points in your message.

3. Explainer Video

An explainer video is a short video that explains a concept or product in an engaging way. This type of video can be used for marketing purposes, or to teach a concept in a classroom setting.

4. Screen Recording Presentation

A screen recording presentation is ideal for showcasing software or a digital product. This type of presentation allows you to record your screen while demonstrating the product, making it easy for your audience to follow along.

5. Storytelling Presentation

A storytelling presentation uses a narrative to convey your message. This type of presentation is great for capturing your audience’s attention and creating an emotional connection.

6. Motion Graphics Presentation

Motion graphics presentations use animated graphics to deliver your message. This type of presentation is ideal for showcasing complex data or statistics in an engaging and visually appealing way.

7. Live Streaming Presentation

Live streaming presentations allow you to connect with your audience in real-time. This type of presentation is perfect for webinars or Q&A sessions, as it allows for direct interaction with your audience.

8. Testimonial Video

A testimonial video is a great way to showcase the success of your product or service. This type of video features satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your product or service.

9. Virtual Tour Presentation

A virtual tour presentation is a great way to showcase a physical space or location. This type of presentation allows your audience to explore and experience the space from the comfort of their own device.

10. Animated Video Presentation

An animated video presentation uses animated characters or objects to deliver your message. This type of presentation is perfect for conveying complex ideas in a fun and engaging way.

11. Product Demo Video

A product demo video showcases the features and benefits of your product. This type of video is ideal for marketing purposes, as it allows potential customers to see the product in action.

12. Documentary-Style Video Presentation

A documentary-style video presentation tells a story through real-life footage and interviews. This type of presentation is great for showcasing the impact of your product or service on real people.

13. Infographic Video Presentation

An infographic video presentation uses visual representations of data to deliver your message. This type of presentation is perfect for showcasing complex statistics or data in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way.

14. Picture Slideshow Presentation

A picture slideshow presentation uses images to tell a story or convey a message. This type of presentation is great for personal or creative projects, as it allows you to showcase your photography or artwork in a visually appealing way.

15. Collaborative Video Presentation

A collaborative video presentation allows multiple presenters to contribute to the same video. This type of presentation is great for team projects or panel discussions, as it allows for a diverse range of perspectives to be presented.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, video presentations are an excellent way to engage your audience and make a lasting impression. With the right video presentation ideas, you can create a dynamic and memorable experience that will captivate your viewers and leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re looking to promote a product, educate your audience , or deliver a message, video presentations offer a range of benefits that can help you achieve your goals.

From explainer videos and product demos to customer testimonials and event recaps, there are countless video presentation ideas to choose from. By using a mix of visuals, audio, and text, you can create a multi-sensory experience that will help your message resonate with your audience. And with the ability to easily share and distribute videos online, you can reach a wider audience than ever before.

Overall, being innovative, entertaining, and memorable is essential for crafting a great video presentation. By adding these characteristics into your videos, you can leave a lasting impression on your viewers and keep them coming back for more. So, for your next project, why not try some of these video presentation ideas and see how they may help you connect with your audience like never before?

Q: What are some tips for creating an engaging video presentation? A: Some tips for creating an engaging video presentation include: keeping it concise and focused, using visuals to convey your message, using a clear and engaging speaking voice, and using storytelling techniques to capture your audience’s attention.

Q: What software can I use to create a video presentation? A: There are several software options available for creating video presentations, including Ssemble, PowerPoint, Prezi, and Adobe Premiere Pro. Ssemble provides you with free but user-friendly features so that you can make video presentations easily. Why don’t you sign up and try now?

Q: How long should a video presentation be? A: The ideal length of a video presentation can vary depending on the topic and purpose of the presentation. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to keep the presentation as concise as possible while still delivering the necessary information.

Q: What are some creative ways to start a video presentation? A: Some creative ways to start a video presentation include using humor, telling a story, asking a question, or using a dramatic visual.

Q: What are some ways to keep your audience engaged throughout a video presentation? A: Some ways to keep your audience engaged throughout a video presentation include using humor, changing up the pace or tone, using interactive elements, and using visuals to illustrate key points.

Q: How can you tailor a video presentation to a specific audience? A: You can tailor a video presentation to a specific audience by considering their interests, needs, and knowledge level, and by using language and examples that are relevant to them.

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Your Guide to Video Presentations: Ideas, Benefits & How-To

Sep 1, 2023

The remote workforce has reshaped business dynamics, introducing both challenges and opportunities. Surprisingly, one aspect that remains unchanged is the mode of presentation. PowerPoint transitions seamlessly from the office to virtual meetings, yet unfortunately, static presentations fail to excite in this new digital space. Video presentations , on the other hand, offer a dynamic and engaging platform for sharing information effectively. According to Social Media Week , viewers retain 95% of a message conveyed through video.

2022-06 SEO-Blog-Post-Images Q2-Batch1 Video-Presentation-Ideas

What is a video presentation?

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Let’s all agree, presentations have been there for quite a period of time. Infact the first presentation program was launched way back in 1987 and was available only in Mac. Later Microsoft acquired it and rebranded it as Microsoft Powerpoint. Nowadays presentations are everywhere, be it in educational institutions, companies, organizations, and so many other places. As we evolved over the years, the importance of video also started to grow rapidly which has now lead to presentations take a new format which is Video presentations . 

In this blog, we’ll look at everything that you need to know about video presentations right from the definition to examples, presentation templates , and the best presentation video maker to create video presentations.

Here’s what we’ll be covering in this presentation video ultimate guide:

  • Why video presentations are increasingly popular and effective 
  • Video presentations stats 
  • Types of video presentations
  • What is a video presentation maker
  • Video presentation template
  • How to make a video presentation with PowerPoint
  • How to create a personalized video presentation
  • Powerpoint video presentation tips
  • Best video presentation maker/Software 

A video presentation could be defined as a video in which multiple slides are used along with audio, video narration along with animation, images to communicate certain specific information with an audience in an engaging manner. 

Even after putting a lot of effort into static presentations to make them interactive and engaging there was always a problem of static presentations are lengthy and most cases boring failing to capture the audience’s attention. To give you a perspective, 79% of the audience feel most presentations to be boring.

This particular problem is solved with the usage of video presentations as the size of the duration of a video presentation is brought down drastically. Plus video presentations are easy to consume. Viewers can watch it at their pace and it doesn’t mandate all the stakeholders to be present in a physical or virtual place at the same time. 

Presentation video statistics in 2021

  • There are over 35 million PowerPoint presentations created every day and presented to an audience of 500 million people.
  • 89% of people still use PowerPoint to create presentations out of which 43% say they don’t have an alternative.
  • 87% of marketing people use video in their marketing efforts.
  • 78% of people consume videos online in a week with 55% consuming videos every day.
  • 70% of businesses are creating more videos in 2021 compared to 2020.
  • 69% of people prefer to learn about a product through a video.
  • Most people turn out of a PowerPoint presentation after 10 minutes. 

Presentation videos are now used for various use cases across different fields. Here is a list of seven different types of video presentations.

Different types of video presentations

1. Sales presentation videos 

Sales video presentations or video prospecting involves sales folks giving a quick outline of what the company and product has to offer to their prospects. Another type of sales presentation video also includes sales enablement presentation videos done by Marketing teams to upskill sales folks for better selling. 

2. Educational presentation videos

Educational presentation videos involve lectures and courses taught by teachers in a live in-person or virtual classroom which are then converted into video lessons for anytime access. 

3. Employee training and development presentation videos 

Employee training and development presentation videos are an essential part of a new employee getting trained and used to the system in place. The training presentation being available in video form helps anyone to access them without any dependency enabling better productivity. 

4. Business planning and review presentation videos 

Business presentations are it planning, review, performance analysis could all be boring and time-consuming. Getting them done as a video version helps in getting key information to all the stakeholders involved. 

5. Fund Raising and Company Pitch presentation videos 

CEOs and founders look for VC funding to take their company to the big stage.  A great presentation video selling the core value proposition of the company and project growth in the upcoming years will help catch the eyes of the investors and land the required funding.

6. Product usage explanation and How to presentation videos

New customers generally require onboarding guidance which includes walkthroughs and how-to presentations. Videos for the same enables users to take a look at them and learn to use the product at their own pace without being overwhelmed.

7. Employee onboarding and orientation presentation videos 

Now with employee onboarding happening virtually, employee onboarding presentation videos are of much importance. Employees get to understand company culture, guidelines, roles, and responsibilities better and in a calmer manner through presentation videos. 

8. Promotional and Marketing presentation videos

Product promotion presentations are often used by Marketing teams in various fields and virtual events. A video presentation, especially an animated video presentation, comes in handy for promoting products. 

The common trend across all these different types of presentation videos is that all of them aren’t just one-time recording and usage but also could be used multiple times which brings down the resource requirements for all of the above use-cases. 

A video presentation maker or a video presentation software is an app that lets you create presentation videos by using existing presentation slides or by creating new presentation slides and then converting them into videos.

There are two types of video presentation software . One that lets you screen record existing presentations and the other one that lets you create presentations by using existing templates which users can customize by adding voice, videos, images, characters, animation, etc. 

Powerpoint is one of the presentation software with over 35 million PowerPoint presentations created every day and presented to an audience of 500 million people

Powerpoint being the most used presentation software for creating presentations we are going to look at how to make a video presentation using PowerPoint. There are multiple ways in which you can create a video out of your presentation and we have mentioned the same below. 

Different methods to save a Powerpoint presentation as a video

  • Directly saving Powerpoint file as a video presentation 
  • Using a screen recorder to record the presentation in slideshow mode
  • Using a screen recorder to record the presentation in the slideshow mode with a webcam overlay 

Method one:

How to save powerpoint presentation as a video

Microsoft enables you to directly save your PowerPoint presentation as a video. Once you’re done with your presentation you’ll have to select > File > Export > Video . You can also decide to save it at the video quality of your choice which ranges from 4K HD to 480P. But remember the videos aren’t uploaded to the cloud so the better resolution you choose, the bigger will be the video size. The default video format will be MP4 or WMV.

Few things to know while saving PowerPoint presentations using this method:

  • Users can choose the time spent on each slide. By default, the time spent on each slide will be five seconds. So if your video is 20 slides and you choose the default five seconds per slide the PowerPoint presentation video will be of 100 secs.
  • Alternatively, you can choose manual slide timing if you feel you need to narrate more/less in a few specific slides.
  • You can decide to add narrations, audio, annotate on screen, clear annotations, record webcam as well. The webcam recording is however available only in Office 365.
  • You can also upload it to Microsoft streams for quick access within your organization. 

Method two:

How to save a powerpoint presentation in powerpoint show format

Alternatively, you can save the presentation in PowerPoint Show format(.ppsx) . This directly opens the presentation in a slideshow format for viewers. 

Using a screen recorder to record the presentation in slideshow mode 

Although Powerpoint lets you record presentations with narration and even video in some versions, it’s quite a complex process that takes a lot of time and effort. This is where PowerPoint screen recording tools come in handy. The PowerPoint recorders enable you to quickly and easily record your presentation, customize them based on your expectations, and share it with others. 

Here is a list of the Best PowerPoint screen recorders for you to choose the best tool. 

One of the best PowerPoint screen recorders is Vmaker as it’s completely free to record an unlimited number of recordings, and comes without any watermarks. Let's take a look on how to record PowerPoint presentations using Vmaker.

How to save a powerpoint presentation in powerpoint show format

Here is a step by step guide on how to screen record PowerPoint presentations with audio

Step by step guide on how to screen record powerpoint presentations with audio

  • Step 1: Sign up or Sign in to Vmaker and install the chrome extension .If you’re a Mac or Windows user, you can download and install the Vmaker's Screen Recorder for Mac or Vmaker's Screen Recorder for Windows .
  • Step 2: Open the PowerPoint presentation that you want to record.
  • Step 3: Launch the Vmaker app or chrome extension.
  • Step 4: Choose screen recording mode with audio enabled and click on start recording to begin recording your presentation.
  • Step 5: Add audio through narration, annotate screen, mute/unmute microphone, pause/resume recording as you wish.
  • Step 6: Click on finish recording to complete your PowerPoint screen recording.
  • Step 7: The video gets uploaded to the cloud in a few seconds irrespective of the video size. You can then edit, fine-tune, and then share it.

Adding a live webcam video to a PowerPoint presentation is also easier through Vmaker.

The steps and flow are pretty much the same with only the mode being different.

  • Step 1: Sign up or Sign in to Vmaker and install the Mac application  
  • Step 4: Choose screen plus webcam recording mode with audio enabled and click on start recording to begin recording your presentation.
  • Step 6: Click on finish recording to complete your PowerPoint screen recording. 

Video guide on how to record PowerPoint presentation with audio and video

video message presentation

As mentioned earlier you can also create video presentations from scratch up by using online presentation makers. Online presentation makers enable you to create stunning video presentations by adding a range of things right from the text, audio, video, background, avatars, video screen recording , animations, transitions, effects, and much more. 

Users can decide either to start with a blank presentation or choose an existing template and start personalizing it based on their needs. 

Video presentation template library on Animaker Deck ~ presentation video maker

Video presentation templates come in handy, especially for ones looking to create quick video presentations. You can choose any one of the templates based on your requirement and quickly edit the essential details to produce your video presentation.

Bonus: Screen Recording 101: Ultimate Resource Guide

Now that we have understood the importance of video presentations and learned how to create video presentations let’s take a look at some video presentation ideas and tips to create engaging video presentations.

Video presentations can further be enhanced by implementing certain ideas that will enable them to be engaging, seamless, and smooth for the audience. Here are some ideas that will help you create visually engaging video presentations.

  • Give your first slide a powerful statement that resonates with your entire presentation video 

Use characters, images, and illustrations throughout your video presentation

Ensure all slides tell a story and connect with the powerful first statement , maintain similar font size consistently throughout the presentation videos.

  • Use transitions and motion graphics to make your presentation visually appealing 

Ask Questions, polls, share quotes in between the video to keep viewers engaged

Conclude strongly proving or supporting your first statement, give a powerful statement that resonates with the video.

Give a powerful statement that resonates with the video presentation

Keep the first slide of your presentation video short concise and to the point resonating with what is the key topic being covered in the video. In the example above you could see the video is about avoiding single-use plastics and that is clearly mentioned to set the tone for the video.

Here is a gif of a plastic bag traveling being used perfectly resonating with the text on the video presentation

Using Animations, videos, images, illustrations adds value to the video presentation and helps convey the message clearly to the audience. In the above example, there is a video of a plastic bag flying to support the text given in the slide.

Ensure all slides tell a story and connect with the powerful first statement of your video presentation

Ensure that the messaging in all slides of the video presentation connects with the message in the first slide. Here in this example, you can see that the slide talks about plastic taking a long time to break down which directly connects with the why you should avoid single-use plastics message in the first slide.

Maintain similar font size consistently throughout the presentation videos

To offer a great visual experience for the viewers it is important to use fonts, colors, and text consistently in the video. Here in this sample presentation video, you could see font, text, spacing, amount of content, and color being uniform throughout offering a great visual experience for viewers.

Use transitions and motion graphics to make your presentation visually appealing

Transitions and motion graphics help while presenting the video presentation as the time in between helps the presenter prepare what to convey and also builds curiosity amongst the audience. In the example above you could see a wide range of transitions being available for usage on the video presentation. 

Ask Questions, polls, share quotes in between the video presentation to keep viewers engaged

One of the major factors that differentiate a good and great PowerPoint presentation is how engaged the audience are throughout the presentation. Usage of stats, quotes, polls, questions in a video presentation enables the viewers to be engaged throughout the presentation. For instance, in this presentation video above the creator has used stats along with the right illustration which is a great hook in keeping the audience engaged.

Conclude your video presentation strongly proving or supporting your first statement

The conclusion to a video presentation is as important as the first statement and it is important to finish the video presentation by supporting or proving what was conveyed in the first slide. In this reference, the creator has brilliantly made a powerful statement to support the need to avoid single-use plastic.

Following up on what we offered in the above section here are some tips to keep in mind while creating video presentations.

  • Define the purpose of the video

Identify the target audience for the video

  • Decide on the script, images, and illustrations for the video

Avoid using complex language and tone for the video 

Ensure you have a good video presentation maker for creating the video, avoid trying to convey too much of information in one go , make the intro and conclusion as powerful as possible, define the purpose of the presentation video.

Often ignored but the most important step in presentation video creation is the purpose definition stage. List out the key goals that you want to achieve by creating the presentation video and then pick up the most important goal that resonates with the video creation as your purpose. By defining the purpose of the video the next steps will be simplified. The purpose of the video will also automatically help in identifying the target audience of the video, brainstorming ideas for the video.

The target audience are the group of people who’ll potentially watch your videos once you publish them. Identifying and getting to know your audience enables you to decide on what exactly you’ll convey in the video, how you’ll convey the message, and not just that but also define the length of the presentation video.

Decide on the Script, Images, and Illustrations 

Write the script keeping in mind the purpose of the video and the target audience you are creating the video. Decide on the relevant images, videos, gifs, and illustrations to support the text on the script. By doing so early allows creators the time to make any changes to text based on the creatives and vice versa.

The sole purpose of PowerPoint presentations is to convey information in a simpler and meaningful manner. Using complex language, data and tone defeats the purpose. Keep the language simple, break down, visualize data as much as possible, and use a subtle tone throughout the presentation video.

Earlier presentation videos were being made using multiple tools which included a presentation tool, video editor, video hosting platforms. But now we have all-in-one video presentation makers that lets you do everything right from creating to sharing the video presentation. Ensure that you pick up the right PowerPoint video maker based on your video creation needs.

Here is an elaborate list of the best PowerPoint presentation makers for you to choose from.

Signup for Vmaker presentation video maker and start creating presentation videos

The beauty of presentation videos is that you get to present them. So with that being the case adding too much stuff that you have to talk about as content on each slide doesn’t make any sense. Keep the content less and break down the information to be conveyed based on each slide so that you don’t end up sharing too much information in one particular slide alone.

The opening and closing slides of your video presentation hold the key to making an impact. Make the intro and conclusion as powerful as possible by interconnecting them. By doing so anyone watching the video presentation will have a takeaway from the presentation which creates a lasting impression.

Here are a few tips specifically for creating PowerPoint video presentations. The below tips are tailored to help you improve your PowerPoint video creation. 

  • Decide on the font, color, and text content in each slide 
  • Keep the content in each slide as short as possible 
  • Support your content in each slide with powerful illustrations and data

Use transitions and effects but ensure that they’re not overused

Use high-quality images that are rich .

  • Visualize charts, graphs, tables and add color to them 

Decide on the font, color, and text content in each slide

This presentation has Arial as font throughout the presentation

The minor details like font, sizing, color, and the volume of content in each slide play a key role in video presentations. Define the fonts and the size of the fonts that will be used in the presentation. Ensure that the amount of content on each slide is uniform. Making sure small details like this are looked into aids in the creation of the best PowerPoint video presentations. 

Keep the content as short as possible

Keep the content in the presentation as short as possible

Ensure that there is a lot of empty space in the slide and the content is kept minimum. This ensures a pleasant viewing experience when the presentation is converted into a video. As there will be narration in video presentations the explanation can be done over voice rather than adding texts in the PowerPoint slides.

Support your content with powerful illustrations and data

Support your content in each slide with powerful illustrations and data

Adding illustrations and highlighting key data will help in engaging your audience as they’ll be paying key attention to what is being presented. Illustrations also enable you to offer a visually engaging video presentation keeping your audience engaged and hooked.

Transitions, Motion Graphics in powerpoint video presentations

Using the built-in transitions and animations in Powerpoint is the quickest and easiest way to add an extra dimension to your presentation. Smartly ensure that you use the animations and transitions effectively so that it adds to the quality of your presentation. Also, overusing them by making excessive use of it in every slide will make the presentation look clumsy.

Use high-quality images that are rich in your presentation

It’s important to have images across the presentation and the usage of images adds immense value to the presentation. Also, it is key to use high-quality ones as the usage of not-so-great ones really brings down the quality of video presentations.

Visualize charts, graphs, tables and add color to them

Visualize charts, graphs, tables and add color to them

Using charts, tables and graphs helps the audience visualize data better. The video viewers can easily resonate with the insights shared in the narration with the visuals available on the video. Powerpoint comes with a built-in data visualization feature that enables you to create charts, graphs, tables with ease and convert them into videos.

Here is our list of the five best PowerPoint recorders for creating video presentations mainly using screen recording.  

  • Vmaker 
  • Panapto 
  • Techsmith Camtasia 
  • Ispring 

If you’re looking to create video presentations by using templates, animations, characters, transitions, voiceovers, images, etc then the best option would be Animaker Deck . Animaker deck is a free avatar-powered presentation video maker. 

This guide should have given you a comprehensive idea about presentation videos, the different types of presentation videos, and how to go about it in terms of planning, creation, and sharing. Do check out and start using Vmaker presentation video maker and create stunning presentation videos with ease. 

video message presentation

If you enjoyed reading the above article, then here are a few more cherry-picked articles you might be interested in reading further!

The Ultimate Guide to Create an Instructional Video Without a Script

A Complete Guide On Product Videos ~ Definition, Types and Tips

Ultimate How-to Video Guide with Examples, Tips, and Ideas

Step by Step Guide: How to record Skype calls

How to screen record on Mac with audio

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Home Blog Presentation Ideas Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

Video Presentations: A Guide for Engaging Content

In a time when the Millennials’ attention span can be measured as little as 12 seconds, how can we create genuinely engaging presentations? Is continuously changing slides the answer these days?

A skilled presenter has to master different techniques; therefore, we will examine the potential for video presentations. Join us to discover what video presentations are, the reasons why you should use them amongst your presentation tools, and exciting tips on how to drive engagement from them. 

Table of Contents

What video presentations are

Video presentation stats to consider, different types of video presentations, why should you use video presentations, what are the components of a winning video presentation, the role of accessibility: advanced research on video presentations, 5 tips on how to make your video presentations engaging.

  • How to create a video presentation

Do you need special software to create video presentations?

Closing thoughts.

Presentations are a crucial part of business and academic environments. Thousands of presentations are delivered each day in different environments; still, many are doomed to fail. Although we can blame this on a lack of proper presentation skills , reality tells us there’s a change in how people prefer to see the content.

As a general rule, consider 10 minutes the Goldilocks Zone for traditional presentations in what comes to audience engagement . Inspirational presentations like the ones we see on TEDx don’t follow this rule, as the objective here is to share a compelling story as detailed as possible so the audience can relate. In some cases, academic presentations of the thesis defense style remain loyal to a specific format. Still, trends are also changing, and video presentations have much to offer in terms of exposing complex concepts more plainly.

A video presentation can be represented in multiple formats: as a compendium of animated slides in video format, video files and audio sources packed on a single video file, a video recording made in interview format, a video documentary, etc. Although this definition may sound redundant, the concept behind a video presentation is that they don’t require a presenter to change between slides or windows to browse different assets . Hence, the importance to create a story behind the video presentation, so the various elements don’t feel segregated without logic.

We can say people use the video format to convey information in courses, job training, edutainment, conferences, and any kind of message-sharing purpose that requires connecting with the audience for engagement.

Before dwelling on the specifics of building a video presentation, here we share some video presentation stats that speak about the importance of video presentations these days from a marketing perspective.

  • Online search continues to be the most common way (45%) for users to find instructional and informational video content. ( source )
  • The most commonly-created types of videos are explainer videos (72%) , presentation videos (49%), testimonial videos (48%), sales videos (42%), and video ads (42%). ( source )
  • 57% of consumers said that product videos make them more confident in a purchase and less likely to return an item ( source )
  • Millennials’ attention span can be measured as little as 12 seconds ( source )
  • A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words in terms of information retention ( source )

As you can see, the effort of building a video presentation is well-paid in terms of consumption and content information retention from the audience.

Depending on the requirements of the presentation itself, we can classify video presentations as follows:

In-Company Video Presentations

These video presentations belong to the business and corporate world, but their purpose is to distribute information among coworkers or to coach the personnel for a specific requirement. In-company video presentations are used in workspace training, as part of internal recruitment processes, or other kinds of internal presentations.

In-company video presentations usually carry the company branding; they have restricted access for people outside the organization, so their distribution methods happen in meeting rooms dedicated to these purposes. 

Business Video Presentations

Business video presentations are used for a variety of business purposes: business pitches, workspace training, advertisement, product releases, recruitment, and more. Business video presentations also include the ones dedicated to  B2B or B2C relationships. 

Like In-Company Video Presentations, they carry branding to identify the video presentation’s author quickly. They are shared through official mediums for the company (like a brand’s social media channels and website), during corporate meetings with investors or potential business partners, and through 3rd. party channels.

Example of Product Launch Video Presentation by Xiaomi

Examples of these kinds of videos are product launch sessions, much like what tech giants like Xiaomi do.

Another kind of business video presentation is the explainer video. Explainer videos can be defined as short online marketing videos that are used to explain the company’s product or service. Explainer videos are commonly used for sales, marketing, and training purposes. Here is a real example of a 1-minute video presentation introducing

Another application of business video presentations is when sponsorship deals are involved, as brands can present their value to influencers through short reels.

Resume Video Presentations

This is a relatively recent but incredible turn of resume presentations. In resume video presentations , the candidate offers a detailed introduction of their capabilities, skills, interests, and potential value to the employer in a visually engaging format.

Unlike traditional CV presentations, the video format gives little room for anxiety, answering most of the interviewer’s questions or even driving admiration for the effort and dedication to this job-hunting adventure. 

We recommend the usage of resume presentation templates for this purpose, as they save tons of time in crafting a high-quality resume video presentation. 

Educational Video Presentations

This category can be divided into three different sub-categories:

Academic Video Presentations

Intended for University-level presentations or post-Doctorate work, these presentations follow strict format guidelines. They are mainly designed to distribute data comprehensively, with proper documentation backup. Animations usually don’t take part in these video presentations.

Despite being commonly associated with business events, conferences also belong to the academic video presentations category, as the live sessions are recorded to spread the message about important research discoveries. 

Teaching & Training Video Presentations

Teachers introduce the presentations to their students on various topics to understand abstract issues better. Chemistry, Physics, and Geography are typical examples of subjects that use video presentations. However, subjects like History and Philosophy can save countless hours of whiteboard sessions by using educational video presentations. 

Webinars fall under this category, either being released to the public or in-company webinars, as they share common aspects in their structure. Do keep in mind that educational content recorded as video presentations is not the same as a webinar, as the latter requires the presence of a live audience, a moderator, and usually a Q&A session at the end of it. If we talk about educational content being recorded and released as a course platform, then we can say it is a workshop.

According to recent studies, visualizations through video presentations and video-based learning can enhance understanding. It is demonstrated that students who watched learning videos on Statistics, influenced engagement and motivation positively .

Student Video Presentations

Finally, students also make video presentations as requested by their teachers to present a lesson or project exhibition. These presentations vary as the students grow older, becoming less dependent on animated effects, setting the bases for future work or academic presentation formats.

Informal Video Presentations

If you remember seeing videos in situations like 50th birthday parties, baptisms, wedding anniversaries, etc., then you have already experienced informal video presentations. 

These informal presentations are free from any format restriction. As the term implies, they are used for any kind of meetup, making it simpler to share a story rather than to tell a lengthy story.

Inspirational & Motivational Video Presentations

The final category belongs to the video presentations with a strong emotional component. They are built to connect, to empathize with the audience in specific situations or problems. Examples of this are TEDx , Evan Carmichael, or similar influencing platforms.

In general lines, motivational video presentations are recordings of live events shared with the purpose of getting the message to the biggest audience possible (internet consumers). Another possible format for these presentations is recorded interviews or testimonials intended to speak about a person’s contributions to society. An example of this, from an organization’s point of view, are the videos produced by the UK’s NHS to highlight and thank their medical personnel for their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Inspirational video presentations share common aspects with motivational speeches. A list of requirements for these video presentations would be:

  • Have a clear purpose
  • Make it personal
  • Get the message tailored for the target audience
  • A strong conclusion

Compared with traditional presentation methods, such as presentation slides or speaking in front of an audience, video presentations can offer a series of advantages. 

For starters, as you write the “ story ,” you are also rehearsing the points to be covered. In that way, anxiety or shyness won’t trigger you to forget about essential points or lose track of time. The length of the presentation can be predetermined, depending on the external requirements of the organization party, or how comprehensive or concise you need it to be. 

In the case of people struggling with camera shyness , an animated video presentation with voiceover is the answer to deliver quality work. Since psychologists and doctors agree the common point on fear of public speaking is the delivery of the presentation itself, video presentations shall reduce work-induced anxiety to a great degree. Since psychologists and doctors agree the common point on fear of public speaking is the delivery of the presentation itself, video presentations shall reduce work-induced anxiety to a great degree. You can also convert images to video online using video editor platforms to easily create video from images and voiceover on video.

Video presentations can be persuasive thanks to the usage of graphics and audio. It is far easier to convey emotions through video presentations than to put them in the presentation design. Also, research by Dr. James McQuivey proved that a minute of video is worth 1.8 million words in terms of information retention.

Regarding engagement, the popularity that both TikTok and YouTube gained among the younger generations reflects the behavioral changes in content consumption . It has come to the point that even professionals use TikTok to demystify health hoaxes and help users worldwide. Therefore, using video format for presentations can help to boost your presentation performance, making it attractive for your audience and less effort-demanding. 

The most significant factor in delivering a successful video presentation is keeping the audience engaged. To ensure this, make sure the presentation doesn’t feel robotic-like but that it conveys a personal message. Don’t get this point wrong if we talk strictly about business or academic scenarios; making video presentations to deliver your personal touch can become as simple as selecting the proper color combination to enforce your message . Other solutions come from watching your voice tone not to make it too monotonous. 

Structure your presentation accordingly. In business or academic video presentations is a good idea to introduce a slide in the fashion of a table of contents . It is an extra touch that brings the audience closer to the topics due to be discussed. 

Consider the audience’s perspective as a vital element in video presentations. Check relevant examples of the topic discussed on platforms such as YouTube or DailyMotion. Compare their approach to yours and assert if you would watch your presentation as a spectator or not. This simple test gives insights into which aspects you should work on.

Winning video presentations never miss the usage of CTAs. It’s a good method to direct the audience’s interest to a specific goal.

Video presentations can become an incredible tool for driving engagement, yet there is a problem that not so many presenters address: accessibility. Think about how many times a presenter ends a phrase like “over here,” assuming the audience is watching the item being shown. But what if members of the target audience have visual impairments?

Much like we consider the importance of adding Closed Captioning (CC) to our videos, accessibility in terms of the narrative is a must. On this behalf, we want to introduce an interesting research that led to the production of a tool named Slidecho . Using state-of-the-art technology like video scene detection, AI, and OCR, Slideshow follows these very steps:

  • Step 1: Extract slide frames
  • Step 2: Selecting slide elements
  • Step 3: Detecting described elements from the slide elements
  • Step 4: Aligning slides with the speech

Therefore, Slidecho uses an algorithmic methodology to extract the visual elements from the slides, converting them to an audio reading format whilst aligning it with the original speaker’s narration. Moreover, its interface instantiates new interactions that augment the plain video interface with synchronized slide information and audio notifications to alert users to undescribed elements.

This technological advance helps the audience better understand what is being presented, regardless of the context of the presentation. Imagine an award ceremony where many references apply to visual cues. People with visual impairments get half of the message, with luck, when presenters fall into colloquial language usage, not understanding the context or having to ask for clarification. If instead, the synced narration is available, we then talk about making presentations available for everyone. This is an accurate definition of enriching an event experience.

If we talk about attending to the needs of people with hearing impairments, we have to consider the social factor as a motivator in presentations. It is a common mistake to leave slides filled with text and voiceover narration in the background providing detailed information. A study made by Stanford University speaks about the value of having the presenter’s face available through these slides, as it delivers both social cues plus helps users through lip reading. The human factor also reduces distractions since the audience must check the presenter’s input on written slides.

Example of video instruction with lecture slides in the back - Effects on information retention, visual attention and affect.

Tip #1 – Be mindful of the presentation topic

It’s not the same to create a presentation for a business audience as an inspirational presentation. The category of the presentation shall determine items like

  • Background music
  • Color theme
  • Visual hierarchy
  • Videos to include

Tip #2 – Limit the number of words to include

The whole idea behind the video presentation is to make a dynamic presentation, not having to pause every 5 seconds to allow the spectator to read.

Instead, use words to transmit powerful messages, such as quotes relevant to the presented topic, key information, or CTAs. Use the 7×7 rule: no slide should have more than 7 lines of text, and no sentence should have more than 7 words. 

Tip #3 – Voiceovers can become your best friends

The whole point behind a video presentation is not to create a boring one-person video speaking in front of the camera. Use voiceovers effectively to introduce charts, data feedback, etc., with your voice connecting the points of the entire presentation.

Be mindful of the tone. A monotonous or flat tone can divert attention and induce people to ignore your work. Your voice skills should articulate the importance of the point being discussed as well as your interest in it.

Tip #4 – The power of transitions

Adding suitable transitions and animations makes the presentation more engaging . However, this isn’t equal to adding countless effects. Less is more.

Ask a professional for guidance if you don’t have experience with animation effects. The transition can be part of the conversation, being subtle if the presentation is flowing between data sets or similar topics, or contrasting and powerful to deliver a persuasive message. You may also want to insert a transition when you’ve used a video cutter to remove an unwanted part to smooth out the video flow. Don’t abuse any of the two extremes, or the audience may find it uncomfortable.

Tip #5 – Make video presentations accessible

As we mentioned before, quite often presenters assume the audience can understand every part of a video presentation. Reality tells us to attend to the needs of people with visual and auditory impairments by making audio and video media accessible .

Subtitles or translator screen-over using sign language is a perfect opportunity to help people with auditory impairments feel part of the presentation, making the message available to them as well. 

For people with visual impairments, be mindful about how you create the narrative for your presentation, in particular, avoiding visual cues like: “over here,” “this,” and “there” and gesticulating over an object or person, assuming everyone can get the same reference information. Instead, opt to be descriptive in your speech; software solutions can help a great deal, but you can also use native PowerPoint or Google Slides tools such as voiceovers .

How to create a video presentation & recommended video presentation templates

You can create your own video presentations as easily as using Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynotes, or Google Slides.

Check these links for relevant information on how to create a video presentation:

  • How to Convert a Google Slides Presentation to a Video
  • How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to a Video
  • How to Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPoint

In case you feel stuck about which content to input or how to make your video presentation outstanding, a brainstorming technique can do wonders for interactive presentations and creative thinking. It is known as the SCAMPER technique .

Since video presentation templates make our life easier, we also recommend you check the following product categories to access extremely visually appealing designs created by professionals to help you deliver your message in style:

  • Animated PowerPoint Templates
  • Animated Text Banner Templates
  • Academic PowerPoint Templates
  • Business PowerPoint Templates
  • Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Additionally, here you can preview some of our presentation templates that you can use to create a video presentation in PowerPoint.

1. Animated PowerPoint Charts Collection Template

Business Charts Template Slide

Present data in a visually appealing format by using this collection of animated charts in PowerPoint. Fully customizable, this template brings ease to speak about data-driven presentations; hence becoming a vital asset for any presenter in the corporate world.

Use This Template

2. Animated Network Diagram PowerPoint Template

video message presentation

Simplify the different streams that take part in your project or product release with the help of this animated template design. This Animated Network Diagram template can help you expose the processes that, with integrated effort, evolve into a successful outcome. It has animations applied to the objects, plus transitions to make the presentation more fluid.

Fully editable with any version of PowerPoint.

3. Free Animated Editable Professional Infographics PowerPoint Template

video message presentation

Infographics are a powerful tool that every presenter must consider for their work. This Free Animated Infographics template allows presenters to communicate complex data pieces, build marketing strategies, or prepare professional-looking reports. 

You can find a broad variety of charts and graphs. These are fully editable by using the chart filter option to edit on a spreadsheet.

4. Free Animated Editable Infographic PowerPoint Slides

3D Circular Stack Diagram PPT

If you intend to present financial data or KPIs for your marketing projects, look no further: this Free Animated Editable Infographic Template for PowerPoint has it all. 

Arranged in an 8-slide deck, we find a compendium of graphic elements to represent complex data in a visually compelling manner. Fully editable in all versions of PowerPoint

5. Free Animated Business PowerPoint Template

video message presentation

This versatile free presentation template for PowerPoint makes the perfect tool for more than business presentations: it works perfectly for educational video presentations and even inspirational video presentations.

With 9 fully editable slides, you can build your video presentation by using a unique combination of graphic elements, animations, and transitions. The graphics elements on this template are oriented to highlight leadership concepts.

6. Free Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

video message presentation

Use this free template to create powerful statements backed by data in your video presentations. With a broad selection of graphs, diagrams, and charts, this fully editable template can help presenters to discuss topics ranging from demographics, economy, marketing indicators, or other relevant research results in an easy-to-understand format.

Compatible with all versions of PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote.

You also need to consider the output format of your video presentations. For maximum compatibility, you can use  MP4 or MOV. Other alternatives include:

  • MKV : The native format of most 4K videos due to being able to store multiple audio tracks. Ideal for presentations with different voiceover languages that presenters can pick from.
  • WMV : It’s a quality format for rendering videos to be shared via e-mail, although not compatible with some devices. Installing codecs is advised. 
  • WebM : This format is one of the preferred choices for online video libraries or live streaming services, but it can present compatibility issues. 

The answer to this question entirely depends on your aim for creating video presentations. For most presenters, PowerPoint and Google Slides will do a good job, allowing them to use features such as voiceovers, transitions, animations, and high-quality graphics.

If instead, you desire to make advanced effects, screen recordings, or toon-like animations with voiceovers, then you should check the following list of solutions:

  • Camtasia (Techsmith) : It is a professional video editing software, much lighter and easier to use than Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas. You can create professional transition or animation effects, work with layers to add multiple sounds or video sources and create screen recordings.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro : The industry-leading software in video editing. This often intimidating software by Adobe has all the requirements for professional video editing, plus full integration with third-party plugins or other software from the Adobe suite to enhance the video result.
  • Sony Vegas Pro : It is considered a direct competitor to Adobe Premiere Pro, less demanding in hardware requirements, and somewhat more user-friendly.
  • Final Cut Pro : For Mac users, this is the option to consider if we talk about video editing. Powerful and tailored for the hardware the Mac device has.

As we have seen in this article, video presentations are far from obsolete. It is a truly engaging method to divulge our ideas, especially if we target a younger audience. 

Take your time to write a compelling story to tell rather than spilling animations and transitions along the way. Professional-made video presentations always care about details and the takeaway message for the spectator. 

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Video Presentation Maker

Create memorable video presentations that drive your message home. Start making a video presentation with your own content or generate one with AI. 

Video Presentation Maker Screenshot

Everything you need to make a presentation you’re proud of

Start creating a video presentation without having to set up any equipment. With a screen recorder and a microphone, you can record video presentations online yourself. Or, browse the stock footage library to craft the perfect presentation video. 

Visualize your presentation with Video Generator

Easily experiment with different visual elements using the AI video generator . Spark inspiration from each generated video or choose one to edit directly.

Perfect for slideshows, reviews, video presentations

Make a video presentation your audience will remember. This video presentation maker is perfect for creating any kind of presentation from slideshows to talking head videos. 

Everything you need to make a presentation you’re proud of Screenshot

How to Make a Video Presentation

How to Make a Video Presentation

Open a new project with a blank canvas. Choose the size you want your video presentation to be; apply preset aspect ratios 9:16, 4:5, 1:1, and vice versa.

Open the “Record” tab in the left-hand side and choose your recording settings to start recording. Or, browse the stock footage library to create a presentation without recording. 

(Optional): Use the AI video generator to create a video presentation for you with subtitles, background music, and an AI voiceover. 

Trim, crop, or add subtitles to your video presentation. Apply subtle background music to fill in silences, or remove silences automatically with Smart Cut.

Export your video presentation, download a video file, and share its unique video link. Have others leave comments at specific points in your video—all in real time.

The best way to create video presentations without feeling overwhelmed

Unless your racing against the clock and coming up on a deadline (we've all been there), create video presentations online without feeling overwhelmed by a complex-looking video editor.

Kapwing's video presentation maker offers you a full creative suite of video editing tools with a user-friendly interface. Start creating video presentations without a learning curve.

Professionalize your video with AI-powered features

Use the AI voiceover generator to add an AI voice so you don't have to record narration yourself. (TIP): Apply text-to-speech for both subtitles and a voice over.

Store brand colors and logos in a shared Brand Kit

Easily access brand assets to have consistent branding across different social media platforms. Create video presentation templates and save them for your team to create the next video presentation in a breeze.

Make a video presentation in under 10 minutes

Jump directly into the editor and generate a video presentation using the slideshow generator. Edit the generated subtitles accordingly and make any additional changes to your video. Create and edit a video presentation all on one platform—no download or software installation required.

Collaborate with your team in real-time

Leave feedback at key points directly on the playback timeline. Share your video presentation with just a link. Never see a "file upload limit" notification on your screen again.

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What's different about Kapwing?


Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.

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How to make a show-stopping video presentation in 5 simple steps

Learn how to make a show-stopping video presentation to engage your audience, using Dropbox Capture to record your screen, voice, and camera simultaneously.

Whether you’re a teacher, student, business professional, or even a YouTube content creator—for many of us, delivering presentations quickly becomes a standard part of everyday life.

But what happens if you can’t be there to deliver your presentation in person, need a key point to land perfectly, or you need your audience to watch it asynchronously in their own time? Have no fear, video presentations can be a great solution to all these challenges.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything there is to know about creating your own high quality video presentations, so your audience can benefit from your content whenever they need it.

Jump to section

  • What is a video presentation

What makes a good presentation video?

What tools do you need to make a video presentation, how to make a video presentation.

  • Making a video presentation in PowerPoint
  • Making a video presentation in Keynote

Starting from the top: What is a video presentation?

A video presentation is a method of communication through which information is delivered partially or entirely through video. In other words, it’s the process of using video to deliver a message or presentation.

Common formats for video presentations might include pre-recorded slide presentations, instructional videos, sales material, inspirational talks, entertainment, or anything you can think of.

While the reaction to a video presentation will be subjective, there are a few general qualities that can be beneficial to keep in mind:

  • Make your video valuable —have a clear intended outcome for the viewer and be sure to reach it
  • Make sure your audio and video are clear —you want your audience to focus on your message, not your video quality
  • Bring your key points to life —use stories, questions, and examples to illustrate key concepts and engage viewers
  • Establish expectations —use your introduction to set clear expectations, either with an agenda or teasing where the session is heading
  • Don’t rely on slides —if the slides added all the value, you could just send your audience a PDF. Ask yourself: what are you adding to the content by presenting it?
  • Keep an eye on time —don’t make your video presentation longer than it needs to be.
  • Mix it up —break the monotony and change pace at appropriate intervals
  • Don’t start over for the sake of perfection —if you make a mistake during recording, you can always edit it out later

Before you can start creating your own video presentations, you’ll first need a few basic tools.

Hardware for a video presentation

Let’s start with the basics, your tech. In most cases, you’ll have everything you need if you have a standard laptop or desktop computer.

Here’s what you’ll need to start making video presentations:

  • A laptop or PC —you’ll need something to make the presentation recording on
  • A microphone —to record your voice-over, either built-in or USB
  • A camera —if you want to include video of yourself, either as a built-in webcam or a USB camera

Video recording software

With your tech set up, you’ll need software to record your presentation. Depending on your needs, this might be something to record your screen, record your voice, or record yourself with your camera.

With Dropbox Capture , you can do all three at the same time .

Dropbox Capture is video and screen recording technology, designed to make it easy to quickly capture whatever you need. All without needing advanced editing skills or specialist equipment.

With Capture, it’s easy to:

  • Record your screen, webcam, and microphone simultaneously
  • Create GIFs
  • Draw on or annotate recordings
  • Automatically generate closed captions
  • Share in just a few clicks

While presentation applications like PowerPoint and Keynote have some built-in screen and presentation recording capabilities, they only allow you to record the presentation.

Whereas with Dropbox Capture, you’re free to jump between windows and applications throughout your presentation recording—giving you greater freedom on what you present. 

File storage and sharing tools

Ultimately, you’re going to want to make your video presentation available for viewers somewhere.

With Dropbox cloud storage , this is as easy as copying a link , with full control over access and permissions for your files.

We’ll now cover all the steps to create an impactful video presentation, starting from the very beginning—your plan.

1. Plan your topic, examples, and intended audience

You likely already have an idea of what you’ll want to cover in your video presentation, but it can help to formally get this down on paper:

  • Presentation aim —what do you want your audience to understand by the end of the video?
  • Approach —broadly, what will you cover to help them understand this concept?
  • Resources —what examples will you be able to share to illustrate the key concepts?

To help with the planning process, Dropbox Paper has a number of pre-built templates to get your creative juices flowing, like the brainstorming template .

2. Create your presentation slides and your video presentation storyboard

If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to create your slides.

While doing this, you should also think about the overall storyboard of your video presentation—what are the key beats, how will you present them, and what slides do you need?

A storyboard is a visual tool, used by video producers to map out the narrative flow of a video and the visuals that will accompany it. In many cases, your presentation will almost act as a storyboard, but it might help to get this down on paper first.

You can learn more about the storyboarding process in our in-depth guide to storyboards .

3. Record your video presentation

With your storyboard and presentation ready, it’s time to go about creating your recording.

You can record your screen first, then later record a voice-over or video narration and edit the two together. Or with Dropbox Capture , you can record your screen, webcam, and microphone simultaneously. Using Dropbox Capture makes it easy to create your pre-recorded video lesson in one take. Perfect, if you don’t have access to advanced video editing software.

To record with Dropbox Capture , it’s a simple as the following steps:

  • Open Dropbox Capture
  • Click Screen recording & camera
  • Choose which part of your screen you’d like to capture
  • Click the Record icon to start recording, click it again to stop recording
  • Click the Pause icon in the side panel while recording to pause or resume recording
  • Click the Draw icon in the side panel while recording to draw on your recording

4. Edit your video presentation

If you’re already happy with your recording, there is no further editing required.

In any other cases, you can use video editing software to apply finishing touches to your video as you see fit. These edits might include:

  • Editing your screen recording and voice-over together (if you have separate files)—with Dropbox Capture you can record your microphone and camera simultaneously, without the need to use editing software
  • Cut and delete unwanted sections of video—like an awkward pause or a dog barking, with Dropbox Capture you can do this directly within the app, no editing software required!
  • Remove awkward filler words—clean up those pesky “ums” and “ahs”, with Dropbox Capture you can do this automatically, directly in the app
  • Adding text overlays to emphasize key points of video sections
  • Additional flair and visual elements
  • Adding background music to create an atmosphere

5. Share your video presentation

With your video presentation finished, you’ll need a way for your viewers to access it.

If you're using Dropbox Capture, sharing your presentation couldn’t be easier, simply click the Share button and the sharing link will automatically copy to your clipboard.

If you’re not using Capture, Dropbox cloud storage makes it easy to share your video files with anyone and see who’s viewed your video presentation. All you need to do is copy a link to the file.

If you want to send a copy of the full video, complete with its cumbersome file size, Dropbox Transfer makes it easy to send large files securely. 

How to record a video presentation in PowerPoint

It’s worth keeping in mind that, when recording directly within PowerPoint, you can only record your slides and your editing options will be limited. The best way to give yourself complete control over what you record—and how you edit it afterwards—is with a purpose-built screen recording app like Dropbox Capture .

If you’d still prefer to record directly in PowerPoint, you can do this by following these steps:

  • Open PowerPoint and open your presentation file
  • Navigate to the slide you’d like to start recording from
  • Select Record in the top-right corner of the PowerPoint window
  • Click the red Record button, wait for the countdown, then start your presentation

With your presentation recorded, you can then save it to your Dropbox cloud storage , making it easy to share your video files with anyone and see who’s viewed your video presentation.

How to record a video presentation in Keynote

If you’re a Mac user and would prefer to record directly in Keynote, here’s how to do it:

  • Open Keynote and open your presentation file
  • Select Record Slideshow from the Play menu at the top of the screen

With your Keynote presentation recorded, you can then save it to your Dropbox cloud storage and share it simply by copying the link.

Again, your control over what you record and how the final edit turns out will be limited when recording directly within the Keynote app. To give yourself complete control over how your video presentation turns out, a purpose-built screen recording app like Dropbox Capture will be more suitable.

Elevate your video presentations with Dropbox Capture

It’s never been so simple to create an engaging and memorable video presentation, with Dropbox.

With Dropbox Capture , it’s never been easier to get your message across with video recordings of your presentations. So you can clearly say what you mean and nail the delivery, every single time.

Capture your audience’s attention.

Try Dropbox Capture

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The Great Speech Consultancy

19 Video Presentation Tips to help you give a great presentation (even if you hate the way you look on camera)

by Kolarele Sonaike

Video Preentations

I know you don’t want to hear it, but video is eating the world!

Video is everywhere. it’s taking over everything. video even killed the radio star.

Vlogging; sales promo videos; skype; online video workshops; Facebook feeds; Youtube; Instagram; Facetime; webinars; Periscope; video conferencing. There’s no getting away from the video presentation (or the video presentation tips you’ll get from friends and family).

At some point, you’re going to have to get comfortable giving a video presentation – even if you hate the way you look on camera and you cringe listening to the sound of your voice played back to you.

Fortunately, like most things public speaking, you can go a long way with some careful techniques, eliminating silly mistakes, and good old fashioned practice.

To warm things up, how about a short clip in how not to do video. Take a minute to watch ‘Little’ Marco Rubio’s painful delivery of the official Republican response to Obama’s State of the Union address in 2013. It’ll make you feel better about your own struggles.

(Keep the FREE CHECKLIST – 19 Video Presentation Tips to hand for the next time you’re on camera)

(or And you’ll definitely want to take my Free Video Workshop Series: Why most speeches suck and how to make sure yours wont’.

So, now that you’ve had your own sip of water, let’s begin with my own video presentation tips:

There’s basically three key aspects to giving a great video presentation:

  • The Technicalities.
  • What you say.
  • How you say it.

The Technicalities

So, you’re going to speak on video. Just pull out your camera or smartphone and start recording, right? Wrong!

Before you even think about hitting the record button, there are a whole load of technicalities you should sort out first.

1) AUDIO – Get a damn good microphone

As counterintuitive as it may sound, the single most important factor in a good video, is the audio quality. People will readily watch a shaky, grainy, amateur video with good sound, but force them to struggle to hear what’s being said and they’ll switch off in seconds.

A good mic is a great investment.

For video, a lavalier lapel mic is excellent as it sits close to your mouth so picks everything up strongly. I personally use the Rode Smartlav+ Lavalier Mic as it’s pretty cheap, plugs into my iPhone, but still gives good sound. For a USB mic to record straight to computer, I love the Blue Yeti USB Mic , which has great sound and a cool old school look.

2) ELIMINATE AMBIENT NOISE – Close the windows

Still on sound, you want to find a quiet spot to do your recording. Close all the windows, and ask your neighbour to turn the music down or suspend the lawn mowing whilst you record. You’d be surprised how much environmental noise gets picked up.


Despite the fact that people often get consumed by the type of camera to be used, this is actually one of the least problems you will have. Nowadays cameras are just so damn good you are almost always guaranteed to get decent HD footage.

I do all my recordings with my iPhone 6 and it’s sufficient for my needs. Any half-decent smartphone, or camera, now records nearly as well as the highest spec video recorders of yesteryear. So, unless you need to shoot at Hollywood blockbuster levels, just find a camera that isn’t too old and consider that box ticked off.

4) LIGHTING – not overhead!

Do think about lighting.

Next to good audio, it’s another one of those big technicalities that can have a big impact on the quality of your video. (Amazon have some good options like this one )

Don’t put any lights or windows behind you. They’ll mess with the light levels on your video. Don’t stand under your room spotlights – especially if the top of your head gets really shiny like mine!

Go for bright, soft lighting coming from behind the camera to light up your beautiful face.

5) BACKGROUND – not just a white wall, please!

White walls are boring. Have something innocuous but discernible in the background. Don’t be afraid to show your natural environment e.g. bookcases, plants, painting – as long as they are not too distracting.

video presentation tips

I love my podcasts and video blogs, especially anything done by Pat Flynn of the Smart Passive Income .

He does his videos in his office with books, pictures and files in the background.

6) FRAMING – don’t put yourself dead centre.

You may want to be the centre of attention, but don’t put yourself bang in the centre of your video. It’s a neuroscientific thing, but basically, you want to be slightly off centre to the left or right, rather than directly in the middle of the frame – again check out my man Pat above. He’s ever so slightly to the left of centre. It also leaves a nice space for any text overlay you want to do.

7) CAMERA HEIGHT – don’t show us the inside of your nostrils

Your frame should be slightly off centre, but the camera height can be dead centre.

video presentation tips

Be careful of the angle though. The lens should either be directly level or be pointing ever so slightly downwards towards your face.

Try to avoid the Blair Witch Project ‘up the nostrils’ approach.

It’s just not a great look.

So, those are the technicalities. Now for the sexier stuff.

(Did I mention the video presentation tips checklist that goes with this article?)


8) preparation – yes, you’ve heard it before but i’m saying it again.

What can I say? If you take one thing from all my articles combined (though I hope there are other things of value that I’ve said), it will be this: PREPARATION. PREPARATION. PREPARATION IS EVERYTHING. Fortunately, I’ve got you covered with this handy checklist called the Ultimate Speech Preparation Checklist

Don’t start speaking til you know exactly what it is you want to say.


If people are watching you on video, chances are they have many other distractions competing for their time and attention – that YouTube clip of the baby biting his brother’s finger; facebook notifications popping up every 30 seconds; that email from their boss that has to be answered.

Keep it short. Keep it engaging. If it’s going online, remember that anything longer than 3 minutes will experience a sharp drop off in audience viewing.

10) HAVE A POINT – the video will be around for eternity

Most speeches last minutes. Unless someone erases it, your video presentation will last a lifetime, so be sure to have a point to what you’re going to say or people will be watching your pointless video for generations to come.

Don’t ramble. Don’t waffle. Get to the point.


However compelling the content of your speech, it will fall flat if it is not set within a strong structure that carries your audience towards a strong climactic conclusion.

And, you guessed it, here’s a Speech Structure Checklist to help you work out a great structure for your presentation.


Video is no place for tongue twisters so use short simple words.

Don’t forget to sign up for my Free Video Series Workshop on how not to give a speech that sucks  and download the free checklist on my video presentation tips to help with your next video presentation


In the iconic scene of one of my favourite films, Broadcast News, journalist Aaron, finally gets the chance he has been angling for his entire career, to present as a news anchor. What follows is movie gold, as he nervously sweats his way through the news segment to learn that there is a vast difference between writing and presenting.

Here are the things to consider about how you present on video.


No need to over-worry about what you wear as long as you avoid some basic mistakes. Don’t wear stripes or overly bold patterns (they look odd on camera). Don’t wear clunky jewellery. Do try to match your appearance to the impression you want to project about yourself i.e. dress formally if trying to convey a sense of professionalism; dress down if trying to look casual.

I don’t know enough about makeup to say what you should or shouldn’t do about it. If you suffer from shiny head and shiny face syndrome like me, then some powder apparently will dampen that down – never tried it personally despite my wife’s urging – so this is just what the internet suggests!


video presentation tips

How do you remember what you’re going to say? There are techniques you can use ( as I’ve talked about before ) but the great thing about video is that you can have an entire script in front of you, if you so wish.

I tend to forget my words when in front of a camera, so if recording at home, I love the Teleprompter app on my iPad , which just eliminates that particular worry.

Another trick I’ve used is to stick talking points up on a wall behind the camera in the right order to help keep me on track. And of course, there’s always editing if you are in charge of the video.

15) BE YOURSELF – only more

The camera is a microscope. It reveals authenticity and exposes fakeness. So be yourself, and no one else. But, be even more of yourself than you are in real life (if that makes sense). Dial it up a few notches so your true personality fills the screen.

Keep your energy levels up.


If memory serves me right (it’s been a very long time) you are on best behaviour on a first date, and you make every effort to look into the eyes of your date. Your own eyes are lively and smiley and you speak with an earnest intensity, as you try to interest and impress your date. (Ah, the fun of youth.)

You basically want to do that!

17) GOOD POSTURE – Sit up straight (like your mama told you)

What feels odd in person, looks good on camera.

Think about the way people pose for red carpet shots (like the ladies of the wonderfully uplifting Hidden Figures movie). No one stands like that in real life, but on camera it looks great.

video presentation tips

Sit or stand straight, even if it’s uncomfortable. Don’t hunch over, don’t use odd angles.

I have sloping shoulders (again according to Mrs S) so when recording on camera I actually lift my shoulders up ever so slightly. It feels odd, even fake, but it works.

We are psychologically wired to be more accepting and attracted to symmetry. So aim for clear, straight lines where you can.

18) USE YOUR HANDS – but not too much

Movement is fine, but too much is distracting.

Don’t be afraid to use hand gestures (studies show that complex thinkers use more hand gestures). Just don’t over do it. The camera is a microscope remember. It amplifies everything.


The other half of Preparation is Practice. There is no substitute for it. If you asked for my personal #1 of all the video presentation tips, it would be this one.

Record yourself on camera and force yourself to watch it back (but leave a week between recording and reviewing it as you can’t be objective immediately afterwards).

Send it to a trusted friend and get their feedback. If you really want to go for it, give them a questionnaire to complete to get some dispassionate commentary e.g.

On a scale of 1 – 10:

How engaging was I?

How clear was my message?

How good was the sound?

How sharp was the video image?

How naturally do I come across on camera?

There you go! 19 Video Presentation Tips (and one Checklist)

Now, in case you are wondering whether I really do practise what I preach (and I seem to do a whole load of preaching), the answer is: I don’t! Got to be honest. No one gets everything right, however much we try. So here’s a video I recorded for a crowdfunding campaign I worked on for the charity The 100 Black Men of London.

Can you spot how many of the 19 steps I didn’t apply?

If you’ve got this far, why not keep going with “How to make an audience love you. Give them a car”

Kolarele sonaike, the great speech consultancy, p.s. i’m running some free 1-2-1 coaching sessions on communication skills. this is a deep coaching session so grab your spot now, pin it on pinterest.

video message presentation

video message presentation


video message presentation



video message presentation

Go hybrid with Prezi

It’s a new world. Are you ready? Here’s how Prezi helps your team thrive in today’s hybrid workplace.

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Prezi Video explained

We’ve compiled these quick, easy-to-follow tutorials to make you a Prezi Video master in no time.

video message presentation

The science

Learn to grab their attention and keep it with presentation advice from the pros.

Create moving, zooming presentations that grab attention and keep it.

Appear right alongside your content while presenting to your audience.

Make stunning interactive charts, reports, maps, infographics, and more.

Quick and effective video messaging

Make any email more engaging by including a video message. Instantly record yourself and your content together on the screen – perfect for when you want to use visual aids to land your point. Easy to make, and a heck-of-a-lot more interesting than an ordinary email, Prezi’s video messages are great at keeping teams engaged in hybrid and remote settings.

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video message

Trusted by business both large and small

video message presentation

Writing can make it difficult to get to your point quickly – that’s why there are so many long, wordy emails. Recording a video message on Prezi Video allows you to express your thoughts more naturally, while using visual aids such as your screen, images, and data for support. Video messages are a great alternative to written emails for remote teams who can’t simply pull each other aside for a quick sync.

Share your video message with a link or embedded on a web page, or download it as an MP4 file and share it on any platform or social media channel.

Your competitors are sending long, drawn-out emails to their prospects. Set yourself apart by recording a personalized video message with Prezi Video. Customize the video with your prospect’s branding – your video will stand out in their inboxes and it’ll make them feel special knowing you recorded something just for them.

  • Sign up for Prezi and open Prezi Video in your dashboard.
  • To create a Prezi video , click "quick record," import an existing slide deck, or choose from our library of professionally-designed video templates .
  • Upload your own images, GIFs, and videos, or select visuals from Unsplash and Giphy directly within Prezi Video.
  • Practice as many times as you need, then record your video message. You can pause the recording at any time.
  • Share your video with a link, embed it on a webpage, or download and share the video file.

Create a video message with Prezi

Find the perfect template for your video message

The most eye-catching video messages start with the right templates. Discover ready-made templates that make it easy for you to create and record quickly.

KPI video presentation template

Check out more video templates

More reasons Prezi is great for your team

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You’re in the driver’s seat

License management Add or remove team members, and transfer licenses with ease.

Content ownership Keep control of your team’s content, even when someone leaves.

Privacy control Publishing settings and overviews let you manage who sees what.

MSI Installation Remote software deployment gets everyone the latest versions fast.

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We’re your biggest supporters

Phone and chat support Our customer support experts are standing by to help.

Dedicated success manager Let your personal guide get your team up and running.

Branded templates Get your own template with your fonts, logo, and colors.

Advanced training* Get personalized trainings and webinars, plus the option to get Prezi-certified. *Available with software commitment minimum

video message presentation

Your security is our priority

SOC2 compliance We stay compliant and constantly up-to-date with SOC2 requirements.

Continuous monitoring We constantly scan and test our infrastructure and application.

Cross-team integration Our security, engineering, and product teams partner with each other closely. Learn more about our security measures

Frequently asked questions

What is a video message.

A video message is a short video recording used to share your thoughts visually and verbally. They’re great for brief updates, explaining complex projects, and for reaching out to remote coworkers and customers.

How should I use video messaging at work?

It might seem easier to explain something like a complicated request or creative feedback while face-to-face, but if you’re working remotely or have a day full of meetings, you might not get that opportunity. This is where video messaging comes in. A video message is a nice alternative to a written one as it allows the expressiveness of video, without the difficulties of scheduling a meeting. Plus, you can usually explain something out loud a lot more quickly than you could by writing it out. The next time you find yourself writing a long email full of screenshots and links, try sending a video message instead.

How long should my video message be?

If you’re sending a video message instead of an email, a short video up to a few minutes long will likely suffice. If you’re sending a video message in place of a meeting, you might want to record a little longer. In either case, your content comes first. As long as you’re able to articulate your message clearly, your video won’t feel "too long" to your audience.

How do I send a video message with Prezi?

With Prezi Video, you have the option to share your video message with a link, and can choose your privacy settings. You can also embed your video message on a webpage, or download and share natively.

Can I send a video message externally to someone outside my company?

Yes. You can share your video message with whomever you want.

How do I brand my video message?

First, set up a brand kit . You’ll be able to quickly apply your brand’s colors, fonts, and logos to create a professional-looking video with a few clicks of a button. Note: you need a Team’s license in order to use Prezi’s brand kits.

Discover more on our blog

Asynchronous meetings: How one team connects remotely

Video messages are better with Prezi

Prezi helps you create engaging, stunning video messages that are perfect for virtual and hybrid work environments. See for yourself – discover other cool features when you get a demo or sign up for a free trial.

Video Presentation Maker

Make your ideas stick with Descript as your free video presentation maker. Get everything you need to record, edit, and share great video presentations, whether you're presenting a pitch, project feedback, course content, or a quick async video message.

video message presentation

How to create a captivating video presentation

Write your script or paste in an existing draft directly into Descript where you can Ask AI to help you with brainstorming and rewriting. Descript's text-based editor makes it easy to edit and organize your script by adding a '/' to create new scenes and mark transitions between slides.

Highlight your script and hit  Record  to capture your camera, mic, screen or slides while you read your script. Select  Replace selection  to replace your script with a fresh transcript synced to your recording. Don't worry about memorizing your lines since Descript lets you fix eye contact, remove filler words, and delete bad takes in a couple of clicks.

Edit the transcript to make cuts, apply transitions, add visual elements or stock media to make your presentation stand out. When you're ready, go to Publish to download your presentation as an MP4 file, or generate a web link you can share or embed anywhere.

Download the app for free

More articles and resources.

The best AI tools for podcasters: From scriptwriting to audio editing to marketing your show

The best AI tools for podcasters: From scriptwriting to audio editing to marketing your show

video message presentation

How to optimize your podcast for YouTube

video message presentation

New in Descript: Transcript Correction Wizard and more

Other tools from descript, marketing video maker, promo video maker, collaborative video editing, silence remover, video compilation maker, business video maker, video brightness editor, youtube transcript generator.

video message presentation

  • 3 Create a new project Drag your file into the box above, or click Select file and import it from your computer or wherever it lives.

video message presentation

Sound like you recorded in a studio mic using the Studio Sound effect. Don't worry about rehearsing either—with eye contact correction and filler word removal, you can read your script while your record and make it look like you weren't, while removing filler words like "um" or "like"—all in a few clicks.

video message presentation

Design video presentations from scratch in Descript scene by scene. Or record as you present your slides in presentation tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, and Canva, directly into Descript where you can edit and polish.

video message presentation

Draw from Descript's extensive library of stock media and templates to enhance your video presentations. Incorporate stock footage, images, GIFs, AI voice overs, music, and sound effects with impeccable timing.

video message presentation

A good video presentation combines a strong host with a visually appealing design that uses examples and infographics to simplify complex information, and concise copy to ensure ideas are clear and easy to follow. Each slide should focus on one idea at a time and ensure reasonable pacing from slide to slide.

You can screen record directly in PowerPoint as you narrate along. Or you can use Descript's built-in screen recorder to  record your PowerPoint presentation , then edit, polish, and publish in one seamless workflow.

To record a Google Slides presentation with audio and video using Descript, open your Google Slides presentation and set it up for presenting. Then, open Descript and select Record from the toolbar. Choose to record your entire screen or just the presentation window, and make sure to enable both microphone and camera if you want to include audio commentary and a video of yourself. Start recording, switch to your presentation, and begin. Once done, stop the recording in Descript, and you can edit or share your video as needed.

You can deliver better video presentations using AI features like Eye Contact and Filler Word Removal in Descript. Eye Contact adjusts your gaze to ensure you're always looking directly at the camera, creating a more engaging and personal connection with your audience. Meanwhile, Filler Word Removal automatically detects and eliminates unnecessary words and pauses ("um," "uh," "you know," etc.), making your presentation smoother and more professional.

video message presentation

Ready to get started?

Create video presentations that demand attention.

Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies

Create video presentations that demand attention with the Biteable video presentation maker. Deliver critical information with pitch-perfect video templates, one-click branding, and a seamless video creation experience for your best presentation yet.

How to make animated videos in minutes, start a free 7-day trial of biteable., pick an animated video template or build your own with pre-made animated scenes., customize your video: add or remove scenes , include animated text, upload your own pictures and video clips. you can even add a voice over, download your masterpiece or share it far and wide with a single,  trackable link ., a video presentation maker that rises above the rest, on-point templates.

Get started with brandable templates, ready-made scenes, and best-in-class animations.

Smart editing

A done-for-you editing experience takes the hard work out of the equation.

Branding made easy

Automatically apply your company colors and logo to your entire presentation.

Getting started

Mark video presentation off your to-do list with biteable.

If you can make a PowerPoint, you can make a video presentation with Biteable.

Choose from a full library of brandable templates and scenes, all designed with a professional audience in mind. Build out your video presentation with animated text, characters, and icons — all with the click of a button. Polish it off with a premium music track.

Need to add your own media? No problem. Seamlessly add video clips and pictures for a polished look in minutes. Better yet, record new footage, add a voice-over, or capture your screen without leaving the app.

Biteable’s all-in-one video presentation maker does the hard work for you. All you have to do is go be the star of the meeting.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Make a video presentation for

Asynchronous meetings.

Create video presentations and send them to your team with a single link.

Live meetings

Whether you meet on Zoom or in person, a video presentation beats a PowerPoint any day.

Video reports

A performance report is boring, but a video presentation report is bold and memorable.

Making a video presentation: FAQs

Your answers to the most frequently asked questions about making a video presentation.

How do I make a video presentation for free?

It’s hard to make a video presentation for free, because free video makers have limited features that usually aren’t geared toward professional presentations. Your best bet is making a presentation during a free trial with a leading video presentation maker. Most people quickly realize purchasing a subscription is worth the money.

How do I make a video out of a presentation?

Not all online video makers are geared toward making a video out of a presentation, so it’s important to use one that focuses on making videos for a professional setting. Look for features like: templates and scenes geared toward the business world; video branding capabilities; an easy-to-use workflow.

How do I make a narration video presentation?

There are three ways to make a narration video presentation.

  • Record narration separately and sync it to your presentation.
  • Upload first-person video footage. Merge it with your presentation.
  • Use a video presentation maker with in-app voice-over and recording features. (This is the easiest way to make a narration video presentation.)

How do I make an animated presentation?

Making an animated presentation from scratch is difficult unless you have advanced skills. Your best bet is to find a video presentation maker with a library of animations you can add to your presentation. Look for an online video maker that offers unique animations geared toward a professional setting.


“Biteable gives us the speed and quality to create videos that allows our 3-person team to play at the level of a 60-person team.”

  • Tara Aiken, Regis Corporation

4 must-have tips for making video presentations

Creating a video presentation is easy with Biteable. And it’s even easier if you follow these best practices.

Have a goal in mind

Every great video presentation starts with a goal. What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe you want to share a new idea with your colleagues. Maybe you want to report on important company metrics. Or maybe you want to do something else entirely.

It’s incredibly difficult to make a video presentation that moves the needle until you define exactly what your presentation aims to achieve. Figure that part out and the rest becomes much easier.

Choose a proven template

Now that you know what your presentation aims to achieve you can pick a template that fits. You can create your video presentation from scratch, but using a template as a starting point gives you guide rails for tempo and pacing, plus a proven structure designed by pros.

Biteable video presentation maker has plenty of template options geared toward a professional setting, plus hundreds of extra video scenes and animations to build out your video presentation as much or as little as you like.

Use animations that underscore your message

One of the biggest advantages of video presentations over something static like a PowerPoint is the presence of motion. Without even realizing it, your audience will remember the information better simply because video is a multimedia experience that combines movement, sound, and visuals. To make the most impact, choose your animations wisely and use movement in a way that underscores your key points.

Are you presenting on the massive growth your marketing team achieved? Use a graph showing upward movement to drive the point home. Do you have one key point you’re trying to make? Use animation to circle your text or arrows that point at your most important information.

(All of this is easy to do with the video scenes available in Biteable.)

Keep it short and sweet

The length of your video presentation matters. Too short and you won’t be able to convey enough information. Too long and your audience will tune out.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to video presentation length. But in general, 1-2 minutes is the sweet spot for making a video presentation that holds attention while still getting all the important information across.

You’d be surprised how many details you can share in this amount of time. A 15-minute live presentation can easily be condensed into one or two minutes if you hone your message to focus on the key details.

Brand your video

This is probably one of the most important — and most overlooked — parts of creating a successful video presentation. You’d never create a PowerPoint with erratic, off-brand colors. Making a video presentation is no different.

It’s a subtle change, but it gives off a big signal that you are polished and professional, and that you and your video presentation mean business.

Take advantage of the unique branding feature in the Biteable video presentation maker to easily apply your colors and logo to your entire presentation.

"> "> Make a presentation video today

One video is worth a thousand words

Easily record and share AI-powered video messages with your teammates and customers to supercharge productivity

More than 25 million people across 400,000 companies choose Loom


Sales Features

From prospecting to deal close and onboarding, Loom video messages help sellers better connect with key stakeholders, generate more pipeline, and close more deals.

The easiest screen recorder you’ll ever use

Record in a few clicks. Share anywhere. Collaborate better.

Lightning fast screen recording

Easily record your screen and camera. Record on any device using Loom’s Chrome extension , desktop app or mobile app .

So much more than a screen recorder

Record once.
edit effortlessly. .

Outsmart the undo button. Instead of restarting, rewind while you’re still recording to get the perfect take. After recording, dial in your video by trimming words from its transcript. With Loom, editing video is as easy as editing a text.

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Share or embed video anywhere you work

From Google Workspace to Slack, Loom videos seamlessly integrate with hundreds of tools you use every day.

Background code in Visual Studio code editor

Interactive video to improve async collaboration

Achieve your goals faster when you add tasks, CTAs, comments and emojis to your video. Transcripts and captions in 50+ languages enable remote teams to connect on their own time.

Keep your content safe

Enterprise-grade security to keep your data and your customer’s data private and secure. We offer SSO, SCIM as well as custom data retention policies and privacy settings.

Video messaging for all use cases

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Personalize your pitch with video outreach to close more deals.

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Add visual context to your code to accelerate your sprints.

video message presentation

Customer support

Troubleshoot over video to reach resolutions faster.

video message presentation

Share ideas and provide feedback over video to enhance designs.

Powerful features for easy, custom recordings

Screen and camera recording

Easy sharing and embedding

Trim and stitch video clips

Download and upload

Transcriptions and closed captions

Video privacy controls

Custom background

Video and viewer insights

From our blog

How to use async video messaging to improve communication

When to choose synchronous vs. asynchronous communication.

This guide explores the intricacies of sync vs. async communication, helps you decide which is the best for your workflow, and introduces how screen recording like Loom bridges the gap between these communication styles.

7 Tips for Overcoming Camera Anxiety

It can feel vulnerable to record a video message — almost like public speaking — especially if you’re not getting feedback from another person in real life. Here are 7 tips for overcoming camera anxiety, so you can communicate with greater clarity, and build stronger relationships at work.

Loom for Enterprise

Loom for Enterprise helps teams securely manage and organize async video communication at scale

video message presentation

Loom enables us to maximize our impact as a distributed company by helping us collaborate and share ideas more easily.

Andrew Reynolds

Andrew Reynolds Design Lead , MetaLab

‘Loom has been the light of my life since you showed me it.’ – I never tire of hearing this from folks. Not even an investor... yet.

Alexis Ohanian as a isometric illustration

Alexis Ohanian Founder , SevenSevenSix

Loom allows me to connect more personally with people without having to do 75 different one-on-one calls, which is just impossible at scale.

Katie Burke

Katie Burke Chief People Officer , HubSpot

My teammates and I love using Loom! It has saved us hundreds of hours by creating informative video tutorials instead of long emails or 1-on-1 trainings with customers.

Erica Goodell

Erica Goodell Customer Success , Pearson

Loom amplifies my communication with the team like nothing else has. It's a communication tool that should be in every executive's toolbox.

David Okuinev

David Okuinev Co-CEO , Typeform

My new daily email habit. Begin writing an email. Get to the second paragraph and think 'what a time suck.' Record a Loom instead. Feel like 😎.

Kieran Flanagan

Kieran Flanagan VP of Marketing , HubSpot

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Which presentation format should you choose for your UC Tech 2024 proposal?

  • by Kayla Lee
  • May 03, 2024

The format of your presentation can greatly influence its effectiveness, affecting the level of audience engagement and message memorability. To help you select the best format to enhance your presentation, we have listed key characteristics of each one.  

As you review the list below, you should also consider:  

  • Desired outcome : What is your purpose? Is it to spread knowledge or collaborate with others to form new ideas?  
  • Engagement strategy : How do you want to engage attendees? Are the interactions hands-on? Are they collaborative or individual?  

Presentation Formats  

Active learning/experiential activities (variable length, maximum 30-45 minutes)   .

These guided, participatory activities afford facilitators and attendees the opportunity to share ideas with each other and learn by doing. They include:  

  • Multiple forms of active engagement to connect new concepts with prior knowledge (e.g. hands-on activities, writing, discussion, problem solving, question generation, reflection, etc.).  
  • Low bar for participation by inviting all attendees to engage in the activities and with each other.  
  • Opportunities for spontaneous discussion to bounce ideas off each other.  
  • Timely feedback and opportunity for reflection from presenter(s) and attendees.  
  • Relationship development and nurturing from learner to self, learner to others, and learner to the world at large.  

Birds of a Feather Meetings (45 minutes)   

These meetings allow attendees with common interests to gather and discuss issues. They include:  

  • Casual, informal atmosphere for attendees to come together.  
  • Flexibility and adaptability to short and long discussions about issues that may not fit within other presentation formats.  
  • Conversational engagement between presenter(s) and attendees to share diverse perspectives and ask questions.  
  • Networking opportunities to engage, collaborate, and build relationships with like-minded individuals.  

Interactive Presentations (45 minutes)  

These sessions are opportunities to share topics of interest through an innovative, thought-provoking format that fosters belonging. They include:  

  • Nonlinear format , allowing presenter(s) to jump around to content that attendees find interesting.  
  • Interactive content (e.g. videos, animations, polls, games), adding fun, novelty, and a personalized touch to the presentation.  
  • Real-time participation and interaction between presenter(s) and attendees throughout the entire presentation, adding spontaneity and increasing attention to the material.  

Panel Discussions (45 minutes)   

These sessions feature two to four dynamic presenters coming together to explore a shared topic. They include:  

  • Multiple perspectives by presenters, offering different approaches to a topic.  
  • Structured conversations led by a moderator for an organized, respectful, and productive exchange of ideas.  
  • Audience engagement , often at the end of the panel for attendees to seek clarification or deeper discussion.  

Poster Sessions (20 minutes)   

These sessions demonstrate the use of an emerging technology or innovative practice for teaching and learning. They include:   

  • Visibility for your research in its early stage of development.  
  • Short, insightful discussion and critique from peers to improve your work or discuss new ideas.  
  • Networking opportunities to engage, collaborate, and build relationships with other attendees who are interested in your research.  

Standard Presentations (45 minutes)  

These sessions are opportunities to present in-depth on a project. They include:  

  • Detailed presentation about a project to provide a comprehensive overview of your work.  
  • Structured, focused delivery through clear sections, key points, and a logical flow.  
  • Audience engagement at the end of the presentation through a Q&A.  

MIT Office of the President

  • Writing & Speeches

Video transcript: MIT Community Message from President Kornbluth

View the video.

Hello, everyone.

As you surely know, campus communities across the country are struggling to cope with strongly contending views on the war in the Middle East – and MIT is too. 

So I want to let you know what I see here, and what I believe is at a stake.

Last Sunday night, 30 or so students set up around 15 tents on the Kresge lawn. They also put up signs – some deeply critical of Israel, some expressing their support for the Palestinian people and their demands that MIT cut research ties with Israel. They have repeatedly stated their commitment to these views. 

From the start, this encampment has been a clear violation of our procedures for registering and reserving space for campus demonstrations – rules that are independent of content – rules that help make sure that everyone can have freedom of speech.

Over the course of the week, several more tents have been added. The students have sometimes been noisy – but the situation has so far been peaceful. For instance, after the first day, the demonstrators agreed not make noise after 7:30 pm, as students across campus are focused on end-of-semester assignments. 

That said, there have been rallies that include bullhorns and loud chanting. Some of these chants are heard by members of our community as calling for the elimination of the state of Israel. More pointed chants have been added that I find quite disturbing.

I believe these chants are protected speech, under our principles of free expression.   But as I’ve said many times, there’s a distinction between what we can say ­– what we have a right to say – and what we should say as members of one community. 

But this is what makes this situation different from past protest movements, and uniquely difficult: the fact of two opposing groups on campus, both grieving, – and both painfully at odds with each another. These opposing allegiances extend to faculty and staff as well.

As you’d expect, to avoid any further escalation, we’re working closely and constantly with our Student Life team, the faculty members who are advising the students, and our own campus police. Out of an abundance of caution, at my direction, the MITPD is on the scene 24 hours a day. 

The situation is not static, of course, but that’s the current picture.

I and other senior leaders have also spent hours in intense meetings with people across a broad range of views. We’ve received scores of messages from students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff. 

We are being pressed to take sides – and we’re being accused of taking sides. We’ve been told that the encampment must be torn down immediately, and that it must be allowed to stay; that discipline is not the answer, and that it is the only answer. 

I can only describe the range of views as irreconcilable. 

Under the circumstances, what I must continue to do, here on our campus, is to take every step in my power to protect the physical safety of our community – and to strive to make sure everyone at MIT feels free to do the work they came here for.

In support of that goal, I want to be clear about certain aspects of how we operate at MIT, and about guardrails that will allow us to live together.

  • First: I appreciate very much that the situation has so far been peaceful. But this has not been the case at several schools across the country where different groups have clashed.  To be clear to everyone concerned: violence and threats of violence on our campus are utterly unacceptable. Anyone who breaks that trust should expect serious consequences.
  • Second: Rules have already been broken. Those who break our rules – including rules around the time, place and manner of protest – will face disciplinary action.
  • Third: I am not going to compromise the academic freedom of our faculty, in any field of study. Our faculty represent a wide range of viewpoints that are appropriately expressed in a university dedicated to broadening our students’ minds.   And faculty routinely work with colleagues around the world, including in Israel – and all sponsored research on our campus is openly shared, publishable, and freely available to investigators everywhere. 

MIT relies on rigorous processes to ensure that all funded research complies with MIT policies and with US law. Within those standards, MIT faculty have the fundamental academic freedom to pursue funding for research of interest in their fields.  In an open academic community, it is certainly acceptable to ask questions about someone’s research and funding sources. But that should never rise to the level of intimidation or harassment.

  • Fourth and finally, I want to speak directly about the encampment. 

We have heard the views of our protesting students. The grief and pain over the terrible loss of life and suffering in Gaza are palpable.

Out of respect for the principles of free expression, we have not interfered with the encampment. 

But it is creating a potential magnet for disruptive outside protestors. 

It is commandeering space that was properly reserved by other members of our community. 

And keeping the encampment safe and secure for this set of students is diverting hundreds of staff hours, around the clock, away from other essential duties. 

We have a responsibility to the entire MIT community – and it is not possible to safely sustain this level of effort.

We are open to further discussion about the means of ending the encampment.   

But this particular form of expression needs to end soon.


Fed Says Progress on Inflation Has Stalled, Keeps Rates Steady

Follow live coverage of the fomc meeting and the jerome powell's speech today..

Last Updated: 

The Decision

The Federal Reserve acknowledged stalling progress in bringing down inflation to its 2% goal and opted to hold its benchmark interest rate at current levels.

Furthermore, Fed officials are “prepared to maintain the current target range for the federal funds rate for as long as appropriate,” Chairman Jerome Powell told reporters at the post-meeting press conference.

The central bank also said that it would slow the pace of reducing its balance sheet starting in June. That decision ensures money markets don’t experience an episode of volatility and stress as seen in September 2019, Powell noted.

19 hours ago

Powell Doubles Down on Central Bank’s Political Neutrality

Powell says rate cuts forecast is cloudy, strong employment, wages aren’t a deterrent to rate cuts, stagflation isn’t in the fed’s forecast.

20 hours ago

Interest-Rate Increase Is Still Unlikely

Powell says fed will hold rates higher 'as long as appropriate', fed acknowledges stalling progress in inflation fight, central bank to slow balance-sheet reduction in june, fed holds rates steady, latest updates.

18 hours ago

Markets Continue to Price In Rate Cuts in Fall

Megan Leonhardt

Expectations around when the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates this year shifted only slightly following Chair Jerome Powell’s press conference on Wednesday, indicating that investors’ views had been in line with the bank’s thinking.

The odds of September and November rate cuts improved slightly following the conclusion of the Fed’s policy meeting, prices of interest-rate futures indicate. There is currently a 42.4% probability of the first rate cut coming during the September meeting, according to the CME FedWatch Tool.

The CME FedWatch Tool also showed that there are now thin odds of a rate increase at some point during the year.

There was a “collective sigh of relief in the financial markets” after the Fed refrained from increasing its hawkishness dramatically at the May meeting, wrote Jack McIntyre, portfolio manager at Brandywine Global.

“In interpreting the statement in the context of recent macro releases, it is clear that the future path of Fed policy has become more uncertain,” wrote Daniel Murray, deputy chief investment officer and global head of research at EFG Asset Management.

“Futures are now pricing only slightly more than one rate cut this year. While it is not the central view, there is clearly also an increased probability that the Fed has to hike again,” Murray said. That scenario would likely play out if the labor market continues to show strength and inflation remains stubbornly above the bank’s 2% target.

U.S. Economy, Monetary Policy Is Diverging from Other Developed Markets, Powell Says

Nicholas Jasinski

A new phase could be on the way in terms of global monetary policy.

While economies and central banks in developed markets have been on generally the same path for most of the past four years—policymakers sought to boost growth during the pandemic and then took a more restrictive stance to fight inflation afterward—that is likely to change this year. Economic and inflation data for early 2024, plus statements by the European Central Bank, the Bank of Japan, and others, now suggest more divergent central bank policies.

“The difference between the United States and other countries that are now considering rate cuts is that they're just not having the kind of growth we're having,” Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell said on Wednesday, while inflation rates abroad may be similar to those in the U.S. or lower.

Strong growth and low unemployment in the U.S. means the Fed has the “luxury,” Powell said, of holding interest rates steady for longer to continue to put downward pressure on inflation. Other central banks may be able to declare victory over inflation sooner than the Fed, but may also have to respond to weakening economic growth sooner.

“We will be careful and cautious as we approach the decision to cut rates, whereas I think other jurisdictions may go before that,” Powell said.

Higher interest rates for longer in the U.S., relative to abroad, are a recipe for a strong dollar. The U.S. Dollar Index, which measures the dollar against a basket of other currencies, is up 4.5% so far this year.

As for emerging markets, Powell said that he sees less turmoil than in previous periods of higher Fed interest rates. “I think partly that’s because emerging market countries, many of them have much better monetary policy frameworks, much more credibility on inflation, and they're navigating this pretty well this time,” Powell said.

Unemployment Ticking Above 4% Likely Won’t Trigger Cuts

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday policymakers are ready to spring into action if the U.S. economy, particularly the labor market, experiences a sudden downturn.

But the key words are “unexpected weakening,” and the Fed would likely need to see more than simply the unemployment rate climbing above 4% from its current level of 3.8%.

“It would have to be meaningful and get our attention—and lead us to think that the labor market was really significantly weakening for us to want to react to it,” Powell said.

He added that unemployment increasing by a “a couple of tenths” of a percentage point would probably not do that.

“It would be a broader thing that would suggest that it would be appropriate to consider cutting” interest rates, Powell said. He added that the decision by Fed officials to lower rates depends on all the facts and circumstances, not just that one.

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2024 Kentucky Derby results, winner: Mystik Dan takes 150th Run for the Roses by a nose in epic photo finish

Trainer kenny mcpeek and jockey brian hernandez jr. also won the kentucky oaks on friday at churchill downs.

Mystik Dan has won the 150th Kentucky Derby in a photo finish. Mystik Dan just barely beat out Sierra Leone and Forever Young by a nose in a photo finish as all three reached the finish line.

This is now the 26th time that the Kentucky Derby has been decided by the length of a neck or less, and Mystik Dan reached the winner's circle in one of the most thrilling finishes in recent memory at Churchill Downs. 

Mystik Dan took the lead down the backstretch and it looked like no horse would be able to catch him, but that's when both Sierra Leone and Forever Young made their move. As Mystik Dan began to slow a bit nearing the finish line, the two horses -- seemingly pinned to one another -- made the hard sprint to the finish line and nearly stole the victory away.

Trainer Kenny McPeek and jockey Brian Hernandez Jr. also won the Kentucky Oaks on Friday at Churchill Downs, making them just the second tandem to accomplish the feat.

In the immediate aftermath of the race, McPeek gave all the credit to Hernandez. McPeek said Hernandez has flown under the radar for a while, but those days are gone now.

"Brian just did an amazing job," McPeek told NBC in a on-track interview. "Just a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant jockey and ride. I mean, the draw helped us from the beginning. We talked about that. ... Brian is amazing. Probably one of the most underrated riders in racing, but not anymore."

Because of the razor-thin margin of victory, everyone had to wait several minutes for an official winner to be declared. Hernandez described that anticipation as "the longest few minutes I've ever felt in my life." Hernandez also said winning the Kentucky Derby fulfills a childhood dream for him.

"This is a lifetime achievement," Hernandez said. "This goes to our whole family. We've worked all our lives for this. It's hard to describe what kind of feeling this is. I told myself I was never going to step into the Derby winner's circle until I could do it on the back of a horse. To be able to live that dream from when I was a six-year-old kid riding my bike around my grandparents' farm telling them I was going to win the Kentucky Derby one day. Here we are."

Race favorite Fierceness started out strong, running with the leaders early. But down the stretch, he faded quickly to back and finished a disappointing 15th. 

Check out the full results below.  CBS Sports was with you the entire way on Saturday bringing you all the results and highlights from the Kentucky Derby. Thanks for stopping by.

2024 Kentucky Derby payouts

3 - Mystik Dan  WIN:  $39.22  PLACE:  $16.32  SHOW:  $10.00 2 - Sierra Leone  PLACE:  $6.54  SHOW:  $4.64 11 - Forever Young  SHOW:  $5.58

$2.00 Exacta (3-2) $258.56 $1.00 Trifecta (3-2-11) $1,113.84 $1.00 Superfecta (3-2-11-4) $8,254.00

Complete results

1. Mystik Dan 2. Sierra Leone 3. Forever Young 4. Catching Freedom 5. TO Password 6. Resilience 7. Stronghold 8. Honor Marie 9. Endlessly 10. Dornoch 11. Track Phantom 12. West Saratoga 13. Domestic Product 14. Epic Ride 15. Fierceness 16. Society Man 17. Just Steel 18. Grand Mo the First 19. Catalytic 20. Just a Touch

The horses are making their way to the starting gate now. After all the pageantry, big hats, betting and mint juleps, there's nothing left to do but race and crown a new Kentucky Derby winner.

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Apr 23, 2024; Los Angeles, California, USA; Los Angeles Clippers forward Kawhi Leonard (2) warms up

© Kiyoshi Mio-USA TODAY Sports

Kawhi Leonard’s Official Injury Status for Clippers vs. Mavericks Game 6

The LA Clippers are facing elimination vs. the Dallas Mavericks in Game 6

  • Author: Joey Linn

In this story:

The LA Clippers are facing elimination vs. the Dallas Mavericks in Game 6, and they will again be without Kawhi Leonard. Again ruled out with right knee inflammation, Leonard will be missing his fourth game of this series.

The Clippers were blown out on their home floor in Game 5, and will need to be a completely different team in Game 6 in order to send this series back to Los Angeles for Game 7. The Clippers have shown an ability to compete at a high level without Leonard at times in this series, but their Game 5 performance was as concerning as it gets.

A rested Oklahoma City Thunder team awaits the winner of this Clippers vs. Mavericks series, as OKC was able to quickly wrap their series up with the New Orleans Pelicans. On the other side of the Western Conference bracket, the Denver Nuggets and Minnesota Timberwolves are set to begin a very highly anticipated series on Saturday.

For the Clippers to get a win without Leonard in Game 6, they will need much closer to the version of Paul George and James Harden that they got in Game 4. Anything resembling Game 5 will likely end LA’s season. Both George and Harden have proven their ability to step up in the absence of Leonard at times, and the Clippers will need all those two stars can bring in this elimination game.

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